Baptism in The Holy Spirit
Baptism in The Holy Spirit
Baptism in The Holy Spirit
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{ Baptism in the
Holy Spirit }
Randy Clark
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Baptism in the Holy Spirit © Copyright 2006 Randy Clark. Third Edition,
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Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are taken from HOLY BIBLE,
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ISBN: 978-1-937467-62-3
1451 Clark Street
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
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Global Awakening
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{ Introduction }
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{ Chapter 1 }
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At Conversion
The Evangelical, Reformed, Baptist, and Modern Methodist
group believes one is baptized in the Holy Spirit at the time
of conversion and there can be many subsequent fillings of
the Holy Spirit.
Subsequent to Conversion
The fourth group (i.e., Pentecostals) has two subgroups.
Both, however, see the baptism in the Holy Spirit as
subsequent to conversion. They believe conversion is when
one is born again, indwelt and sealed by the Holy Spirit. The
baptism in the Holy Spirit must be sought and is subsequent
to conversion. According to this fourth group it is not a
simultaneous experience.
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Varying Views of the Baptism
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{ Chapter 2 }
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An Evangelical Definition
My former professor at The Southern Baptist Theological
Seminary, Dr. Lewis Drummond, gives the following
definition of the baptism in the Holy Spirit. This definition
is an extremely good representation of the Evangelical
position, especially that of the Southern Baptists:
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{ Chapter 3 }
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Evidence of the Baptism
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Acts 2:1-13
These verses describe the disciples’ experience in the upper
room. They were saints of God who were saved by faith, just
as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, and other justified believers
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Evidence of the Baptism
Acts 8:12‑17
Acts 8:12 tells us that when the Samaritans “believed Philip
as he preached the good news of the Kingdom of God and
the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and
women.” I want you to note they believed and were baptized.
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Michael Green has noted that the word Luke used for
“believe” is used for the saving kind of belief in other biblical
passages and thus finds Dunn’s argument weak. I, too,
believe this is the weakest point in Dunn’s book. Here, the
Pentecostal perspective of subsequence is the most natural
meaning of the text in its context.
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Evidence of the Baptism
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Cornelius himself, told Peter that the angel had told him
to “send to Joppa and bring Simon called Peter, he will
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Evidence of the Baptism
Acts 19:1‑7
Finally, let us consider the case of the disciples at the city
of Ephesus. Again the Pentecostals find here a classic
text that seems to teach the baptism in the Holy Spirit as
an experience subsequent to conversion. They see these
disciples as Christians, but do not believe they received the
“baptism in the Holy Spirit.” This is based upon the King
James Version of Acts 19:2. It reads, “Have ye received the
Holy Ghost since ye believed?” Dunn emphasizes that this
is an inaccurate translation, which has been corrected in the
modern translations. The proper translation reads, “Did you
receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?” When I first
read Dunn’s book, this argument convinced me, not being a
Greek scholar myself. Since that time, the New International
Version has been printed. In its footnote to Acts 19:2 it has
“after” as a possibility rather than “when.” I realize now
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Evidence of the Baptism
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He states again,
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Evidence of the Baptism
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Evidence of the Baptism
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Fee points out that the problem is that point 4, the dynamic
reality of the Spirit became lost in the subsequent history of
the church. A condition arose which was very different from
the experiences of the New Testament believers.
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Evidence of the Baptism
There not
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is that the New Testament was written to first generation
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Christians who were baptized as adults, thus the issue
of second and third generations wasn’t addressed. The
conversions for the succeeding generations of those who
grew up in Christian homes would not be so dramatic or life
changing. The dynamic experiential nature of the conversion
experience would be the first to go. (Fee 1991, 118)
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Evidence of the Baptism
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{ Chapter 4 }
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Appropriating the Baptism
But, about the other things that often occur -- the shaking,
the falling, the crying, the laughing -- all of these things
occurred in the Shantung Revival. These things seem to
occur everywhere people have been seeking the fullness of
the Holy Spirit. I have found evidence of this in Protestant
revivals from all over the world, from Roman Catholic
histories of revival, and from the Bible.
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{ Chapter 5 }
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Let me state that I believe the Bible does not fit either the
Pentecostal or the Evangelical systems regarding the baptism
in the Holy Spirit, both are too narrow. I believe the same
God that did not make two fingerprints or two snowflakes
alike did not intend to make our experience of his Spirit
to be the same for everyone. When we look back at the
passages in Acts we find that the people were baptized in
the Holy Spirit at a prayer meeting with tongues (Acts 2)
and at another prayer meeting without tongues (Acts 4:31).
Sometimes the Spirit came after baptism with the laying on
of hands, with no tongues occurring (Acts 8). At other times,
we are not told the particulars of how or when someone was
baptized with the Spirit (Acts 9). Baptism in the Spirit can
occur at the time of conversion, before water baptism, with
tongues and prophecy accompanying it (Acts 10). Or it can
also occur after water baptism with the laying on of hands
accompanied by tongues and prophecy. There does appear
to be at work here a God who likes diversity, and I suggest
we need to learn to like diversity. I believe if we could learn
to appreciate this biblical diversity, it would enable us to
appreciate the diversity within the body of Christ, which
Satan has used to divide us.
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Billy Graham concludes his book, The Holy Spirit with this
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{ Chapter 6 }
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Case Studies of Baptisms
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A very brief period of time passed when Ron Allen, the Area
Pastoral Coordinator in Indiana came up to me. He asked
where DeAnne was and how my son was doing. I answered
Josh was fine. Then he said, “The enemy has tried to take
your son, but he did not succeed. Joshua and you will stand
hand in hand before the nations.” I was still so dazed that I
made what I now know was an inadequate response. I just
smiled and said, “That’s good.”
Ron left and I sat down to write what he had just told me.
When I did, the reality of what he said hit me and I began
to weep. I knew Ron was especially gifted in evangelism.
I thought, “I’ll tell him what I believed God had impressed
upon me about being for evangelism.” I was thinking that,
like Timothy, I would be connected with a local church as a
pastor and primarily be engaged as an evangelist within the
pastoral role.
I went up to Ron and told him all of this. He did the Bob
Jones “thing” of hand to hand, and said he felt the witness
of the middle finger‑-representing evangelism. He felt that
what I was sensing was true. I did not put much confidence
in the hand to hand “thing” of Bob Jones, so this did not
convince me. Ron then asked me if he could pray for me.
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Case Studies of Baptisms
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Case Studies of Baptisms
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Case Studies of Baptisms
John 15:26 and 1 John 5:7 both state that the Holy Spirit
testifies to Jesus Christ. I would say that one of the most
significant results of this move of God has been that we
have experienced the common testimony of many that the
presence and person of Jesus Christ have become so much
more real. We certainly have seen more people come
to Christ in the last six weeks than at any other six-week
period in our history. This renewal has touched our small
groups, children’s ministry, Junior High teens and young
adults’ ministry. As a church we find ourselves crying out
simultaneously, “Thank you Lord” and “Give us more God,
for we are not satisfied.”
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Case Studies of Baptisms
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I had heard stories of people like D.L. Moody who had been
powerfully touched by the Holy Spirit and they told the Lord
to stay his hand because the experience was too intense. I
had thought that if anything like that ever happened to me I
would just say enlarge the vessel and I would tell the Lord
to keep pouring it on. But after twenty seconds of this
experience, I couldn’t take any more. In fact, Randy started
to pray for the Lord to send another wave and I started
saying, “No, no, no.” Some time later, I got up and I felt
physically sick. (Somewhat like Daniel in Daniel 8:27 when
he said he lay ill for several days after his encounter with the
angel.) I walked about 100 feet and was so weak and felt so
overwhelmed that I just lay down on the floor. I believe that
this whole experience was God giving me a little glimpse of
how awesome and powerful he really is.
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Case Studies of Baptisms
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Words of Knowledge
Evangelism Unleashed
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atu ra
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To release followers of Christ into their specific desinty and calling, in order to live
out the Great Commission.
Global School of Supernatural Ministry is a one ot three year ministry school with
an emphasis on impartation and equipping students for a life of walking in the
supernatural. Classes start each September and end the following May. Courses
are offered on-site at the Apostolic Resource Center in Mechanicsburg, Pennsyl-
vania, as well as on-line. You also have the option of attending a 3 week intensive
in June.
The GSSM student body is diverse in age, culture, ministry experience, and edu-
cational accomplishments. From high school graduates, to professionals, to
retirees - the students come together seeking more of God. Supernatural power,
passion and honor are key values of GSSM and are reflected in our worship,
outreach and personal relationships.
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