7th Sec Term

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Thakur Educational Trust’s (Regd)


I Terminal Exam. 2016- 2017
Subject: English.
Name: _______________________________STD: VII Div: _____ Roll No:
Marks: 80 Date: 28 /01/2017
Time:2hrs 45mins.

SECTION I- PROSE - (Reading Skills, Vocabulary and Grammar)

Q1 A. Read the following passage and do the activities: - (10)

A1. State whether the following statements are right or wrong :-


1. Mr. Behrman was ill with jaundice.

2. Joanna hoped to paint the Bay of Naples.

3. Mr. Behrman died in a hospital.

4. The last ivy leaf on the wall was Behrman's masterpiece.

After that she was ready to take the broth and milk that Sue brought her. She wanted to sit up
in bed. "Some day, I hope to paint the Bay of Naples."

Mr. Behrman downstairs was now ill with pneumonia. The sweeper had found him lying helpless
in his room in very wet clothes and shoes. He also found some scattered brushes and a palette with
green and yellow colours mixed on it. Two days later, Mr. Behrman died in a hospital.

The last ivy leaf was still there on the wall. It never fluttered or moved when the wind blew. It
was Behrman's masterpiece. He had painted it there that night when the last leaf had fallen.

A2. Choose the correct meaning and rewrite the sentences:


1. a thin soup, often with vegetables : ____________

a) bottle b) broth c) milk.

2. Last journey that man makes alone :___________

a) a dangerous journey b) death c) journey at night

3. an artist's greatest work : _______________.

a) masterpiece b) an artist c) paint.

4. thin board that artists use for mixing colours : _____________

a) small ball b) plate c) palette.

A3. Match the column: (2)


i) take a) found

ii) bring b) blew

iii) find c) took

iv) blow d) brought

A4. i) The sweeper had found him lying helpless in his room in very wet clothes and shoes

(Underline the pronouns)


ii) The last ivy leaf was still there on the wall (Add a question tag)

A5. Using your imagination, write about the feelings of Sue and Joanna when they learn about what

had done.

Q1. B. Read the following passage and do the activities: (10)

B1 Fill in the blanks:


i) Chandra had to handle the situation ____________

ii) People in the crowd found this claim ___________
iii) Mani knew his __________ instantly and began to low.
iv) The bull knows me. His name is __________.

Chandra realised that he was all alone against a bull thief and his friends in an unfamiliar place.
He had to handle the situation tactfully. He quietly addressed the people in the crowd.

"I'm speaking the truth. It's my bull. I can prove it. This man is trying to make money by selling a stolen
animal." People in the crowd found this claim interesting. Chandra did not look like a madman, and he
spoke with quiet confidence.
"Let him speak," the people told the seller. Chandra went forward and patted Mani on the back, on his
head and on the neck. Mani knew his master instantly and began to low.

"See? The bull knows me. His name is Mani," said Chandra.


B2 i) Who was the true owner of the bull?


ii) Why were the people in the crowd willing to listen to Chandra?

B3. i) Give the noun forms of :


a) confident b) realise -

ii) Pick out the synonyms for the following words from the passage:

a) calmly b) immediately.

B4.i) I 'm speaking the truth .(Pick out the subject and predict)

ii) Let him speak the people told the seller (Punctuate the sentence correctly)

B5. One should not take away things that belongs to others. Do you agree with the statement. Explain
it. (2)

Q2A. Read the following Passage and do the activities: (10)

A1. Match the words with the given meanings and rewrite it.


1. captivity a. the power to do something.

2. ability b. the state of being free.

3. freedom c. unable to speak.

4. dump d. a place from where one is not allowed to leave.

Man enjoys the gift of speech and the ability to think. But certain actions shows that he is
thoughtless and lack imagination. He causes much suffering to dumb creatures without meaning to be
cruel. Birds fly freely and enjoy the open sky, living in the dense forest tree. Man catches a bird and
imprisons it in a beautiful cage. He thinks that the bird will be happy if it gets a lot of food and fruits and
a clean cage to live in. Man fails to understand the bird's feelings. If it could speak, it would tell man how
sad it is, living in that small cage. How can man be so thoughtless. We should understand the feelings of
the dumb animals and birds and treat them with kindness and sympathy. Most children amuse
themselves by teasing and torturing dumb creatures in captivity. It is the duty of parents and adults to
teach children to have the right attitude towards them. Thus we can hope to establish a friendly
atmosphere between man and the other animals.

A2. Answer in one word :


i) What is nature's gift to man?

ii) What is more valuable to the bird?

A3.1.Pick out the adjective that describes the following:


a. _________ cage b. ____________ atmosphere

2. Give adverb forms of- a. free b. happy


A4. i) It's the duty of parents and adults to teach children.

(Rewrite the sentences using the full forms of the words that have apostrophe)

ii) Man catches ____bird and imprisons it in ___ beautiful cage (Rewrite using articles)

A5. If you had a pet, which animal/bird would it be and why?


Q2 B. Read the following passage and do the activities. (10)

B1. Choose the correct answer from the passage and rewrite the sentence:

i) Artificial /Medicinal plants also come from the forests.

ii) 1/5th / 3/4th of the land area in our country is covered with forest.
iii) 'Vana Mahautsav is observed for a week in June/July every year.
iv) Deserts/Forests are disappearing, so we must protect it.

Our forests are important sources of natural wealth covering 1/5th of the country's land area. They
supply the timber for the railways, house buildings and furniture making. They also supply the fuel for
cooking and bamboo for paper making. Medicinal plants also come from the forests.

In the olden days our wise men and philosopher had their ashrams in the forests. These ashrams
were centre's of knowledge and learning. Unfortunately, forests were ruthlessly cut down in the past few
years. While forests were disappearing, the demand for timber is growing. We must therefore, protect
and develop our forests. 'Vana Mahautsav is an important step in this direction. It is observed for a week
in July every year. During this week lakhs of saplings are planted throughout the country. This is been
done to restore our fast disappearing forests.

B2. Name the following:


a) Used for making furniture, paper.

b) Centre's of knowledge and learning


B3.a) Give the opposite words for the following from the passage:

i)artificial ii) unimportant

b) Underline the preposition in the following sentences:


i) They supply the timber for the railways and furniture making.

ii) Saplings are planted throughout the country.

B4.i) They also supply the fuel for cooking .(Change the voice) (1)

ii) While forests were disappearing, the demand for timber is growing.

(Underline the conjunction)

B5. Write what you can do as an individual to save trees .



Q3 A. Read the following extact of the poem and do the activities: (5)

A1. Write the lines in which white things are mentioned in the poem:

Oh, once I walked a garden

In dreams. 'Twas yellow grass.

And many orange-trees grew there

In sand as white as glass.

The curving, wide wall-border

Was marble, like the snow.

I walked that wall a fairy-prince

And, pacing quaint and slow,

A2.i) Which fruit trees grew in the garden? (1)

ii) Write the rhyming scheme for the given extract.


A3. Name and explain the figure of speech: (1)

In sand as white as glass-

The figure of speech is ___________ because ____________________ (Complete the given sentence)

Q3B Read the following extract of the poem and do the activities: - (5)

B1. Pick out pairs of words that go together. (2)

Kiddies and grown-ups too-oo-oo,

If we haven't enough to do-oo-oo,

We get the hump-

Cameelious hump-

The hump that is black and blue!

We climb out of bed with a frouzly head,

And a snarly-yarly voice.

We shiver and scowl and we grunt and we growl

At our bath and our boots and our toys;

B2. i) When do we human beings develop a hump?


ii) Write the rhyming words from the extract.


B3. Name and explain the figure of speech: (1)

--- and we grunt and we growl-

The figure of speech is __________ because __________ (complete the given sentence)


Q4. Do as directed: (5)

i) The ox __________ heavy bundle on his back.(carry)

(Fill in the blanks with the correct past tense forms of the verb in bracket)
ii) It will happen only after millions of years .
(Frame a Wh-question to get the underlined part as the answer)
iii) That's a very good idea. ( rewrite as Exclamatory sentence.)

iv) You can hardly move. (Name the part of speech for the underlined words)

v) Efin was the __________ walker of the two .(good)

(Fill in the blank with the correct degree of comparison)


SECTION- IV: Writing Skills

Q5 A Letter Writing:

A1. Write a letter to your father thanking him for the gift of a new bicycle.


A2. Write a letter to the municipal officer complaining about the heap of garbage in front of your


Q5 B Dialogue Writing:

B1. Write a dialogue between your mother and you about how to keep your room tidy.


B2. Imagine you got a chance to interview a flood victim . Frame 10questions that you would like to


Q6 A Report writing: (5)

A1. Write a newspaper report on a traffic jam on the express highway.


A2. Write a speech to be delivered in the class on the topic' My responsibility toward my country.

6B Information Transfer:

B1. Read the following information given and prepare a flow chart.

Raja Ram Mohan Roy was born in 1772, in a prosperous and orthodox Brahmin family at Hooghly in
West Bengal. He stood firmly against all sorts of social prejudices and superstitions. Raja Ram Mohan
Roy was a great scholar too. He was honoured with the title 'Raja' by the Moghul Emperor. In 1814, he
founded the 'Atmiya samaj'. He abolished the evil practice of 'Sati', child marriage and 'Pardha'. He has
been rightly called the Father of Indian Nationalism. He died on 27th September, 1833 in England.


B2. Write a paragraph on Duties towards parents and elders with the help of do's and don'ts given:

Do´s Don'ts

i) Respect i) make fun of them or mimic them.

ii) Be obedient ii) argue and back answer them

iii) Greet them politely iii) ignore them

iv) Raise your hand when asked to speak iv) Speak in a loud tone to them

v) Help them when they are in need v) harass them and trouble them.

Q7 A Expand the following :(Any one) (5)

1) Prevention is better than cure.

2) Honesty is the best policy .

3) The value of rising early.

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Thakur Educational Trust’s (Regd)
III Terminal Exam. 2016- 2017
Subject: Geography.
Name: _________________________________ STD: VII Div: _____ Roll No:
Marks: 40 Date: 11/04/2017 Time:2hr.

QI. A) Fill in the blanks (4)

1) The galaxy to which our solar system belongs is called the ____________
2) Extensive fishing grounds of the world are found on _____________
3) Oceans have provided a _____________option for transportation.
4) In terms of area, the United states of America (USA) ranks _______________ in the world.

QI. B) Match the following (3)


Primary a) Production of iron and steel

Secondary b) Thinning utensils

Tertiary c) Animal husbandry

d) Teaching
QI. C) Answer in Short (any 4) (8)

1) What is meant by a thematic map?

2) How is water transport related to ocean currents?
3) Which is the popular festival of Brazil?
4) What is meant by administrative institutions?
5) What are the characteristics of tertiary occupations?
Q II) A) Give Reasons (any 3) (6)

1) Lunar eclipse occurs only on full moon days, but not on every full moon day.
2) The salinity of ocean water is moderate near the equator.
3) The USA is the home of industries.
4) Mineral oil has contributed to the economic development of Egypt.
QII) B) Write short notes on :- (any-3) (6)

1) Special features of South America.

2) Conifer trees.
3) Brasilia.
4) Washington DC.

QIII.A)Answerinbrief (any3) (9)

1) Which industries have flourished in South Africa?
1) ive an account of the issues related to deforestation and soil degradation in Africa.
2) Write the characteristics of primary occupations.
4) List the factors influencing the quality of population

QIII. B) Draw the diagram showing spring tide.


QIII. C) Show the following on the map of North America. (2)

1) Rocky Mountains 3) Grand Canyon

2) Appalachian Mountain 4) Pacific Ocean


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Thakur Educational Trust’s (Regd)
II Terminal Exam. 2016- 2017
Subject: History/Civics.
Name: _________________________________ STD: VII Div: _____ Roll No:
Marks: 40 Date: 02/02/2017

QI.A) Fill in the blanks choosing the correct alternative from the given brackets. (3)

1) Surdasa composed the poetical work ___________ (Granthsahib, Sursagar

Ramcharita -manasa).

2) The Chola dynasty was founded in _________ ( Karnataka, Andra, Tamilnadu)

3) Shahajahan built the ___________ at Agra. ( Tajmahal, Qutubminar, Sun temple)

QIB) Match the column: - (3)


1) Brihadishwar temple 1) Renowned philosopher

2) Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti 2) Mughal Emperor

3) Faroukhsier 3) Konark

4) Thanjavur

QII Answer in 25- 30 words (any2) (4)

1) Why did feudalism emerge in Europe?

2) Which two powers accepted the overlordship of Shahajahan?

3) Which principal cities were connected to Agra by the highways?

QIII) Give Reason (any 2) (4)

1) Muhammad Tughlaq had to take back his scheme of minting new copper coins.
2) Sambhaji Mahahraj decided to teach a lesson to the Portuguese

3) Shivaji Maharaj opened talks with Siddi Jauhar.

QIV) Answer in 40-50 words - (any -2) (6)

1) Write about the reforms of Shershah Sur.

2) Write in brief about Shivaji's Campaign in the south.

3) What has Pandit Nehru said about Shivaji Maharaj?

QV) Answer in 60-80 words (any -2) (8)

1) Write about the Varkari movement.

2) Write about the military organisation of Shivaji Maharaj.

3) Write in brief about Maharani Tarabai.


QVI) Fill in the blanks choosing the correct alternative from the given brackets. (3)

1) Running a country according to the __________ strengthens democracy.

(constitution, laws , rules)
2) Abolition of titles and practice of untouchabitilty is right to __________.
(freedom, equality, expression)
3) Citizens have been given the right to _________.
(education, information, secularism)

QVIII) Answer in one sentence (any 3) (3)

1) What is a Preamble?

2) When can the citizens approach the courts for justice?

3) Who elects the Speaker of the Lok Sabha?

4) In which fields do the people's organizations work?

5) What do Directive Principles expect from India's foreign policy?

QVIII) State True Or False with reason (any -2) (4)

1) There are no challenges before Indian Democracy.

2) The Loksabha is a permanent house.

3) There should be a balance between Rights and duties.

IX) Answer in 25-30 words (Any -1) (2)

1) Write in brief about terrorism.

2) Write about the functions of the Loksabha (any-2)

****ALL THE BEST****

Thakur Educational Trust’s (Regd)

II-Terminal Exam 2016- 2017
Subject: I.T.
Name: _________________________________ STD: VII Div: _____ Roll No:
Marks: 50 Date: 03/02/2017 Time:

QI) Fill in the blanks:-

1) The keyboard shortcut for cut is __________.
2) To change horizontal alignment, select _________ option of the format
3) A __________ is a systematic display of information.
4) Functions in MS-Excel consist of a function name and _________.
5) A _________ is a pointing device.
6) _________ are signs and letters that cannot be typed from the
7) To turn the EXT function off, press __________.
8) ___________ languages are machine independent.

QII) State which of the following statement is true or false:-

1) An operating system is an application software.
2) Text is always right-aligned.
3) Ms-Excel does not make an exact copy of a formula.
4) An interpreter is faster than a compiler.
5) You cannot merge cells in Ms-Excel.
6)All formulas in Ms-Excel starts with the '=' sign.
7) You can apply vertical alignment to the cells.
8) The SUM function has more than one argument.

QIII) Define the following:-

1) Function
2) Placeholders

QIV) Answer the following :

1) What is alignment?
2) Explain the AutoSum feature of Ms-Excel.
3) What do you mean by a presentation?
4) Differentiate between the Undo and the Redo commands.
5) What are the rules for naming a file in Ms-Powerpoint?
6) What is Concatenation?

QV) Answer in brief: -

1)What is a Slide?
2) Why is formatting of data necessary?

QVI) Write the steps of the following:-

1) The class teacher has assigned Priya to use the worksheet prepared by
Kamran and change its font color, font style, font size, border style,
background colour and pattern. Help her in the task by recalling the

2) Shreya has just learnt in school how to make an MS- Powerpoint slide.
She wants to practice creating slides at home. Can you help her
remember the steps?

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Thakur Educational Trust’s (Regd.)

Thakur Vidya Mandir High School & Junior College
(ISO 9001:2008 CERTIFIED)
II Terminal Exam 2016-2017
Std. : VII Sub. : Mathematics Marks : 80
Date :30/1/2017 Name_________________________________________ Time : 2 hrs.
45 mins.
Q.1. Solve the following. (Any 10)
1) Explain Perpendicular bisectors of the sides of a triangle.
2) Find the square root of 2
510 5 4
3) Write Proper numbers in the boxes. a) [(3 )]3 = (3)
4) If 6.42= 40.96, write the values of the following. a) 642 b) (0.64)2
5) Write formula for Pythagoras theorem.
6) Simplify : (2y3 - 5y2 +9y) + (y2 -3y +8)
7) Explain quadrilateral region with the help of figure.
8) Solve. y - 2 = 9
9) State the formula for finding the simple Interest.
10) Write the smallest natural number.
11) Write the rational number in decimal form.

Q.2. Solve the following. (Any 7) [ 14 ]

1) 4 shirts of the same type cost 500. What is the cost of 3 such shirts?
2) Write the following in the Product form and also write the term in words.
1 2
a) (2 3) b) (-4)6
3) The rainfall recorded in a city from June to September is given in the following
table. Find the average monthly rainfall.
Month June July August September
Rainfall (in cm) 10 15 14 11

4) In ∆ KLM, l(KL) = 9 cm, l(LM) = 12 cm, l(KM) = 15 cm. Is ∆ KLM a right angled
triangle ? If it is, name the angle which measures 90°.
5) Multiply (in vertical) ( 4 - P) (5 +P2)
6) The measure of one angle of a quadrilateral is 100°. What is the sum of the
measures of the remaining angles?
7) Find the interest on 700 for 6years at the rate of 5% per annum.
8) Using each of the integers 6, 0 , -5, 4 only once. Write four rational

Q.3. Solve the following. (Any 5)

1) Draw ∆DEF Such that 𝑙(𝐷𝐸) = 2.5𝑐𝑚, 𝑙(𝐸𝐹) = 3𝑐𝑚 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑚 ∠ E = 55°.
2) The length of a rectangle is 5cm more than its width. If the perimeter of a
rectangle is 40cm. Find its length and breadth.
3) If Principal = 15,000 , Rate = 9 p.c.p.a. Simple Interest = 10,800. Find
the period.
4) If 4 labourers build a wall in 8 days, how many days will 16 labourers take to
build the same wall?
5) ∆ TDS and ∆ BPL are congruent in the correspondence STD↔ BPL between
their vertices. Write the pairs of congruent components of the two triangles.
6) Observe the figure and answer the following questions. Y
a) Which is the minor segment formed by chord PQ? D C
b) Which is the major segment formed by chord PQ?
c) Which angle is congruent to ∠ PCQ? O


Q.4. Solve the following. (Any 4)

1) Damuseth bought a washing machine for 10,000. When he sold it to a
customer, he incurred a loss of 12%. How much did he sell it for?
2) Define Rectangle and write three Properties of a rectangle.

3) A piece of plastic required to make one bag is 40cm long and 24 cm broad.
How many such bags can be made from a piece of plastic whose length is
20m and breadth 8m.
4) Using the formula, find the value of a) 103×97 b) 38×42

5) Factorise:
a) a2-ab+ac-bc b) 𝑥𝑦 + 𝑦 − 𝑥 − 1

Q.5. Solve the following. (Any 5)

1) Simplify
2 5 9 1 2 3
a) × (4 + 8) b) × (3 + 4)
3 2
2) Babanrao bought a radio for 800 and sold it at a loss of 20%. What was
the selling price of the radio?
3) The length and breadth of a Play ground are 48m and 36m respectively. 6m
broad space along the inside of the Playground, is left for spectators, Find
the area of the space left for spectators.
4) Identify the identities from the following by replacing the variables with the
values 0,1,2,3,4
𝑛 + 5 = 2(𝑛 + 2) − 𝑛 + 1
5) Write the following monomials as products and find their common factors.
a) 15𝑥 3 𝑦 3 , 39𝑥 2 z2, 48𝑥𝑦 2 z3
36𝑚𝑛2 , 18 𝑚2 𝑛, 54𝑚2 𝑛2
6) use the formula to find the factors.
81𝑚2 121 25
a) − 81𝑛2 𝑏) 16𝑚2 −
121 36

All the Best

Thakur Educational Trust’s (Regd)

II Terminal Examination. 2016- 2017
Subject: Science
Name: _________________________________ STD: VII Div: _____ Roll No:
Marks: 80 Date: 01/02/2017 Time:
2Hrs 45mins.


Q1 A) a)Fill in the blanks:- (3)

1) _________ is the unit to denote one cycle per second.

2) The speed of the light is _________ times that of sound.

3) Friction causes the transfer of _________ particles.

b) State whether the following statements are True or False. Correct the false statement:

1) When an glass rod is rubbed on silk cloth, a negative charge develops.

2) The smallest particles of an elements is called atom.

B) Rewrite the following statements by selecting the correct option:

1) The molecular formula for sugar is ___________.

a) C12H24O11 b) C12H22O11 c) C12H22O10

2) The chemical symbol of Mercury is __________.

a) Mg b) Hg c) Me

3) The unit for period of oscillation is ___________.

a) Metre b)Minutes c) Seconds

4) The minute particles with negative charge are called ___________.

a) Electrons b) Protons c) Neutrons

5) The transfer of heat from one end of a substance to another end is called __________.

a) Radiation b) Convection c) Conduction

QII) Attempt any 5 of the following: - (10)

1) What is the function of chlorophyll?

2) Why water is an ideal medium for chemical reactions?

3) What is one calorie of heat and where is calorimeter used?

4) Write the symbols of the following elements .

a) Gold b) Copper c) Tungsten d) Lead.

5) How is sound produced from a flute?

6) Why a surface is necessary for an echo to be heard?

QIII) Attempt any 5 of the following; - (15)

1) What causes a crackling sound we hear as we wear a cardigan?

2) What are the characteristics of propagation of sound?

3) Why bimetallic strip bends upon heating?

4) Distinguish between Compounds and Mixtures.

5) Why it is easier to swim in sea water than in ordinary water?

6) What are the factors on which conduction of heat is dependent while passing through the medium.
QIV) Attempt any one of the following (5)

1. a) Describe. the construction of electroscope with the help of neat and labelled diagram.

b) Why do leaves of gold leaf electroscope fly a part when charge body touches its disc.

2) Write an experiment to study the reflection of sound (Diagram)


QV A) a)Fill in the blanks:- (3)

1) An amoeba moves with the help of its __________.

2) All carbohydrates are reduced to _________ for generating energy.

3) The fine hair like blood vessels are called _________.

b) State whether the following statements are True or False. Correct the false statement:

1) The fluid in the cells of roots hairs is dilute.

2) Growth of micro-organisms depends on temperature.

B) Rewrite the following statements by selecting the correct option:

1) The vessels carrying blood from the heart to different parts of the body are called

a)Arteries b) Veins c) Tube

2) The Carbon dioxide in the jar is absorbed by

a) Starch b) Iodine c) Potassium Hydroxide

3) Deficiency of vitamin _________ causes Scurvy.

a) A b) B c) C

4) __________ are the organic compounds containing nitrogen.

a) Carbohydrates b) Proteins c) Fats

5) Yeast shows reproduction by ___________

a) Cell-division b) Sporogenesis c) Budding

QVI) Answer any 5 of the following: - (10)

1) Why has formation of ice become more difficult?

2) Give any two ways to reduce evaporation of water?

3) What is a tissue? Which organism show tissue level organisation?

4) When is blood given to a patient?

5) What is assimilation?

6) What is meant by pasteurization?

QVII) Attempt any 5 of the following; - (15)

1) Doctors diagnosed the following disorders during school medical examination what did they tell
children to


a) Ramesh cannot see clearly at night.

b) The bones in Rosie's legs are bent.

2) Why raisins soaked in water swell up after some time?

3) Write short note on Blood Groups.

4) What do you mean by Biotechnology?

5) Distinguish between Androecium and Gynoecium

6) Define the following terms:

a) Habitat b) Biosphere c) Chlorination

QVIII ) Attempt any one of the following (5)

1. a) Write short note on Adulteration of food.

b) What are the various methods of preserving food?

2. a) Write down the function of small intestine of the human digestive system.

b) What factors are required by plants for making food?

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