7th Sec Term
7th Sec Term
7th Sec Term
After that she was ready to take the broth and milk that Sue brought her. She wanted to sit up
in bed. "Some day, I hope to paint the Bay of Naples."
Mr. Behrman downstairs was now ill with pneumonia. The sweeper had found him lying helpless
in his room in very wet clothes and shoes. He also found some scattered brushes and a palette with
green and yellow colours mixed on it. Two days later, Mr. Behrman died in a hospital.
The last ivy leaf was still there on the wall. It never fluttered or moved when the wind blew. It
was Behrman's masterpiece. He had painted it there that night when the last leaf had fallen.
i) take a) found
A4. i) The sweeper had found him lying helpless in his room in very wet clothes and shoes
ii) The last ivy leaf was still there on the wall (Add a question tag)
A5. Using your imagination, write about the feelings of Sue and Joanna when they learn about what
had done.
Chandra realised that he was all alone against a bull thief and his friends in an unfamiliar place.
He had to handle the situation tactfully. He quietly addressed the people in the crowd.
"I'm speaking the truth. It's my bull. I can prove it. This man is trying to make money by selling a stolen
animal." People in the crowd found this claim interesting. Chandra did not look like a madman, and he
spoke with quiet confidence.
"Let him speak," the people told the seller. Chandra went forward and patted Mani on the back, on his
head and on the neck. Mani knew his master instantly and began to low.
"See? The bull knows me. His name is Mani," said Chandra.
ii) Why were the people in the crowd willing to listen to Chandra?
a) confident b) realise -
ii) Pick out the synonyms for the following words from the passage:
a) calmly b) immediately.
B4.i) I 'm speaking the truth .(Pick out the subject and predict)
ii) Let him speak the people told the seller (Punctuate the sentence correctly)
B5. One should not take away things that belongs to others. Do you agree with the statement. Explain
it. (2)
A1. Match the words with the given meanings and rewrite it.
(Rewrite the sentences using the full forms of the words that have apostrophe)
ii) Man catches ____bird and imprisons it in ___ beautiful cage (Rewrite using articles)
B1. Choose the correct answer from the passage and rewrite the sentence:
Our forests are important sources of natural wealth covering 1/5th of the country's land area. They
supply the timber for the railways, house buildings and furniture making. They also supply the fuel for
cooking and bamboo for paper making. Medicinal plants also come from the forests.
In the olden days our wise men and philosopher had their ashrams in the forests. These ashrams
were centre's of knowledge and learning. Unfortunately, forests were ruthlessly cut down in the past few
years. While forests were disappearing, the demand for timber is growing. We must therefore, protect
and develop our forests. 'Vana Mahautsav is an important step in this direction. It is observed for a week
in July every year. During this week lakhs of saplings are planted throughout the country. This is been
done to restore our fast disappearing forests.
B3.a) Give the opposite words for the following from the passage:
i) They supply the timber for the railways and furniture making.
B4.i) They also supply the fuel for cooking .(Change the voice) (1)
ii) While forests were disappearing, the demand for timber is growing.
A1. Write the lines in which white things are mentioned in the poem:
The figure of speech is ___________ because ____________________ (Complete the given sentence)
Q3B Read the following extract of the poem and do the activities: - (5)
Cameelious hump-
The figure of speech is __________ because __________ (complete the given sentence)
iv) You can hardly move. (Name the part of speech for the underlined words)
SECTION- IV: Writing Skills
Q5 A Letter Writing:
A1. Write a letter to your father thanking him for the gift of a new bicycle.
A2. Write a letter to the municipal officer complaining about the heap of garbage in front of your
Q5 B Dialogue Writing:
B1. Write a dialogue between your mother and you about how to keep your room tidy.
B2. Imagine you got a chance to interview a flood victim . Frame 10questions that you would like to
A2. Write a speech to be delivered in the class on the topic' My responsibility toward my country.
6B Information Transfer:
B1. Read the following information given and prepare a flow chart.
Raja Ram Mohan Roy was born in 1772, in a prosperous and orthodox Brahmin family at Hooghly in
West Bengal. He stood firmly against all sorts of social prejudices and superstitions. Raja Ram Mohan
Roy was a great scholar too. He was honoured with the title 'Raja' by the Moghul Emperor. In 1814, he
founded the 'Atmiya samaj'. He abolished the evil practice of 'Sati', child marriage and 'Pardha'. He has
been rightly called the Father of Indian Nationalism. He died on 27th September, 1833 in England.
B2. Write a paragraph on Duties towards parents and elders with the help of do's and don'ts given:
Do´s Don'ts
iv) Raise your hand when asked to speak iv) Speak in a loud tone to them
v) Help them when they are in need v) harass them and trouble them.
1) The galaxy to which our solar system belongs is called the ____________
2) Extensive fishing grounds of the world are found on _____________
3) Oceans have provided a _____________option for transportation.
4) In terms of area, the United states of America (USA) ranks _______________ in the world.
d) Teaching
QI. C) Answer in Short (any 4) (8)
1) Lunar eclipse occurs only on full moon days, but not on every full moon day.
2) The salinity of ocean water is moderate near the equator.
3) The USA is the home of industries.
4) Mineral oil has contributed to the economic development of Egypt.
QII) B) Write short notes on :- (any-3) (6)
QI.A) Fill in the blanks choosing the correct alternative from the given brackets. (3)
Ramcharita -manasa).
3) Faroukhsier 3) Konark
4) Thanjavur
1) Muhammad Tughlaq had to take back his scheme of minting new copper coins.
2) Sambhaji Mahahraj decided to teach a lesson to the Portuguese
QVI) Fill in the blanks choosing the correct alternative from the given brackets. (3)
1) What is a Preamble?
2) Shreya has just learnt in school how to make an MS- Powerpoint slide.
She wants to practice creating slides at home. Can you help her
remember the steps?
4) In ∆ KLM, l(KL) = 9 cm, l(LM) = 12 cm, l(KM) = 15 cm. Is ∆ KLM a right angled
triangle ? If it is, name the angle which measures 90°.
5) Multiply (in vertical) ( 4 - P) (5 +P2)
6) The measure of one angle of a quadrilateral is 100°. What is the sum of the
measures of the remaining angles?
7) Find the interest on 700 for 6years at the rate of 5% per annum.
8) Using each of the integers 6, 0 , -5, 4 only once. Write four rational
3) A piece of plastic required to make one bag is 40cm long and 24 cm broad.
How many such bags can be made from a piece of plastic whose length is
20m and breadth 8m.
4) Using the formula, find the value of a) 103×97 b) 38×42
5) Factorise:
a) a2-ab+ac-bc b) 𝑥𝑦 + 𝑦 − 𝑥 − 1
b) State whether the following statements are True or False. Correct the false statement:
a) Mg b) Hg c) Me
5) The transfer of heat from one end of a substance to another end is called __________.
6) What are the factors on which conduction of heat is dependent while passing through the medium.
QIV) Attempt any one of the following (5)
1. a) Describe. the construction of electroscope with the help of neat and labelled diagram.
b) Why do leaves of gold leaf electroscope fly a part when charge body touches its disc.
b) State whether the following statements are True or False. Correct the false statement:
1) The vessels carrying blood from the heart to different parts of the body are called
a) A b) B c) C
5) What is assimilation?
1) Doctors diagnosed the following disorders during school medical examination what did they tell
children to
2. a) Write down the function of small intestine of the human digestive system.