Assessment of Water Quality of Selected Rivers in Bangladesh Using Fews Software
Assessment of Water Quality of Selected Rivers in Bangladesh Using Fews Software
Assessment of Water Quality of Selected Rivers in Bangladesh Using Fews Software
Sifat Azad Papry
My Husband
All praise is due to the Almighty Allah, the most merciful and the most beneficent, for
blessing me with potency and merit, to lead this thesis work towards completion.
I would also like to show my sincere appreciation and gratitude to Rakib Uddin
Ahmed, Senior Information and Documentation Officer, ITN-BUET and Sheila Ball,
Water specialist, Deltares, Nedarlands for their considerate guidance in learning the
operation of FEWS software and last but not the least I am thankful to Department of
Environment(DoE), Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change and
Mohammad Ariffuzaman Bhuyan, Executive Engineer, Bangladesh Water
Development Board (BWDB) for their consistent support in providing water quality
Finally, and most importantly, I am grateful to my parents and in-laws for their
unconditional love, concern, care and faith without which this study would have been
River water quality is a key concern for Bangladesh as river water is essential for
drinking and domestic purpose, survival of aquatic life and also for the development
of industries and agriculture. Unfortunately, due to rapid urban expansion and
industrialization along with the absence of proper water management practices, the
water quality of rivers in Bangladesh, particularly around Dhaka city, is deteriorating
rapidly. Therefore, it is very important to improve the water quality of the rivers
surrounding Dhaka and protect them from further pollution. Currently, the
development of effective pollution prevention strategies is impeded by a number of
factors, including inadequate monitoring of water quality and poor analysis of
collected water quality data by the concerned government authorities. This study
endeavors to assess the current pollution status of the major rivers around Dhaka City
by using a new monitoring technology, Delft-FEWS software developed by Deltares.
In this study, water quality data of the rivers Buriganga, Balu,Turag, Shitalakhya, and
Meghna were collected from the Department of Environment (DoE) and Bangladesh
Water Development Board (BWDB). Available data of the parameters pH, EC, DO,
TS, TDS, TSS, Cl, BOD5 and COD, recorded during the period 2002-2017 from
several monitoring stations of DoE and BWDB, were imported to FEWS Bangladesh
System, a customized version of Delft-FEWS software. Temporal and spatial variation
of the water quality of the rivers under the study were analyzed using the time series
graphs and spatial maps displayed by the system based on the imported data. The study
has found that FEWS system is an effective water quality monitoring tool which made
it easy to identify the spatial and temporal nature of pollution. The time series and
spatial data presented in the study indicate that, the water quality status of the rivers
surrounding Dhaka (Buriganga, Turag, Shihitalakkhya and Balu) has deteriorated
more in recent years than during the last decade. For all the rivers around Dhaka, high
fluctuation of the BOD5, COD, Chloride, EC, TDS and TSS value was observed
between dry and wet season. During dry season, the rivers were found extremely
polluted with significantly lower DO level and higher BOD5 and COD value than the
acceptable level. However, the other parameters e.g., Chloride, EC, TDS, TSS and pH
were found within acceptable limits. The pollution level was found relatively higher
at Kamrangirchar, Dholaikhal and Sadarghat stations of Buriganga river whereas a
similar pollution trend was observed at all stations of Tuarg and Balu river. However,
in case of Shitalakhya river, the stations at the lower reach were found more polluted
than the upper reach. In contrast to the peripheral rivers of Dhaka, the water quality of
Meghna river has been found suitable for all types of uses with acceptable level of DO
and BOD5 in the river water.
This research has investigated the recent pollution conditions of the major rivers
around Dhaka and insight into the effectiveness of FEWS system as an innovative
monitoring tool. Hence, the research may be used as a good reference for the
concerned authorities in upgrading the existing water quality monitoring system and
developing strategy for pollution prevention and protecting the rivers.
Table of Contents
Acknowledgement v
Abstract vi
1.1 Background 1
2.1 Introduction 6
2.7 Overview 20
Chapter 3 METHODOLOGY 21
3.1 Introduction 21
3.7 Summary 33
4.1 Introduction 34
4.7 Summary 58
5.1 Conclusions 59
5.4 Recommendation 62
References 63
Appendix A 67
Appendix B 111
Appendix C 118
List of Figures
Figure 2.1 Depth to groundwater level in and around Dhaka city (Ahmed,2010) 7
Figure 3.1 The peripheral river system around Dhaka city (Islam et al., 2015) 22
Figure 3.2 Locations of monitoring stations along 32
Figure 3.3 Flow chart for analyzing data using FEWS Bangladesh system 33
Figure 4.1 Time series of monthly DO concentration (mg/L) at two stations of
Buriganga River 35
Figure 4.2 Spatial and seasonal variation of DO along Buriganga River in 2016. 36
Figure 4.3 Spatial variation of yearly average DO level along Buriganga River in
2016 and 2017 37
Figure 4.4 Spatial variation of DO level along Buriganga River in the month of
October 2015 and October, 2016 38
Figure 4.5 Spatial and seasonal variation of BOD5 along Buriganga River in 2016.
Figure 4.6 Spatial and seasonal variation of COD along Buriganga River in 2016. 40
Figure 4.7 Spatial and seasonal variation of EC along Buriganga River in 2015. 41
Figure 4.8 Spatial and seasonal variation of Chloride along Buriganga River in 2016.
Figure 4.9 Spatial and seasonal variation of TDS along Buriganga River in 2015. 43
Figure 4.10 Spatial and seasonal variation of DO level along Shitalakhya River in
the year 2016 44
Figure 4.11 Spatial variation of DO level along Shitalakhya River in October 2015
and October 2016 45
Figure 4.12 Spatial and seasonal variation of BOD5 level along Shitalakhya River in
the year 2016 46
Figure 4.13 Spatial and seasonal variation of COD level along Shitalakhya River in
the year 2016 47
Figure 4.14 Spatial and seasonal variation of along Turag River in the year 2016. 49
Figure 4.15 Spatial and seasonal variation of BOD5 level along Turag River in 2016
Figure 4.16 Spatial and seasonal variation of COD level along Turag River in 2016
Figure 4.17 Time series of monthly DO concentration (mg/L) at station BL-100 of
Balu river from the year 2006 to 2012 52
Figure 4.18 Spatial variation of BOD5 level along peripheral rivers of Dhaka and
Meghna river in March and September,2016 54
Figure 4.19 Spatial variation of BOD5 level along peripheral rivers of Dhaka and
Meghna river in May and September 2016 55
Figure 4.20 Spatial variation of EC (µS/cm) along peripheral rivers of Dhaka and
Meghna river 56
Figure 4.21 Spatial variation of Cl- (mg/l) level along peripheral rivers of Dhaka and
Meghna river 57
Figure 4.22 Spatial variation of TDS (mg/l) along peripheral rivers of Dhaka and
Meghna river 57
List of Tables
Table 2.1 Seasonal Variation of water quality of the peripheral rivers of Dhaka
(Sohel, 1999), 9
Table 2.2 Major Sources of pollution of the rivers surrounding Dhaka (Matin,2005)
Table 3.1 Monitoring stations along the rivers under study. 30
Cl Chloride
DO Dissolved Oxygen
EC Electrical Conductivity
TS Total Solids
Chapter 1
The quality of water, from both surface and groundwater sources, has been one of the
main environmental issues all over the world as water is a pivotal substance for life on
earth and also an essential commodity for the development of industries and
agriculture (Khan, 2010; Razo et al., 2004). The ecological balance maintained by the
quantity and quality of water highly influences the environment, economic growth and
development (Uddin, 2014). But unfortunately, with increasing industrialization,
urbanization and technological advance in all fields, sources of water are getting more
and more polluted posing serious threat to the well-being of both the earth and its
population. Today the problem is not only of water availability but also of
environmental quality and ecological balance.
Bangladesh is a deltaic land created and crisscrossed by numerous rivers; the land is
also consistently nourished by their water flows. River water is one of the vital natural
resources of this country being used for drinking and domestic purpose, irrigation,
survival of aquatic life and development of industries. The major industrial
establishments and urban centers in Bangladesh are located along the bank of rivers.
These rivers receive considerable amount of untreated or partially treated domestic and
industrial effluents causing pollution of water (Alam, 2012). Agricultural runoff and
indiscriminate disposal of solid wastes along the banks of rivers also contribute to river
water pollution. Other sources/causes of water pollution include activities such as
operation of power plants, shrimp culture, jute retting, discharge of human waste from
water vessels and hanging latrines, ship breaking, etc. Consequently, declining quality
of river water has become a major problem and will further become critical because of
the rapid urban expansion and industrialization, the absence of proper management
practices and inadequacy or non-existence of surface water quality protection
measures and sanitation. Reversing the declining trend of the rivers in Bangladesh has
become a national priority to ensure the multifaceted use of river water as a resource.
There are several reasons why the rivers surrounding Dhaka city are currently failing
to reach their fullest potential as a resource.
Dhaka city, the capital of Bangladesh is one of the most populated metropolises in the
world with a population of over 18 million. The ever-growing population of the city
resulting from unlimited migration of rural people needs a lot of water for domestic,
commercial and industrial activities. However, the existing groundwater-based water
supply system is not adequate to fulfil the water demand of the mega-city Dhaka. To
alleviate the city's present severe water crisis, it has become a pressing issue to use the
rivers around Dhaka as a source of water.
Dhaka city is closely surrounded by a circular river system, which includes the Turag
river, the Buriganga river, the Dhaleswari river, the Balu river, the Lakhya river and
the Tongi Khal. However, due to the lack of proper water resources management plan
and policies, both the quality and quantity of water of the rivers surrounding Dhaka
have reached a very critical situation that does not allow its instant use. Previous
studies on river water quality (Kamal, 1999; Karim, 2000; Magumder, 2005; Ahmed
and Badruzzaman, 2007) show that water quality of the rivers Buriganga, Shitalakhya,
Turag, and Balu has so extremely deteriorated that these rivers have turned into the
rivers of poison. The poisonous water of these rivers have not only been killing all its
aquatic life but also been posing health hazards to the dwellers of the city.
The impact of pollution on the water quality of rivers is heavily dependent on the types,
sources, quantity of pollution discharged and quantity of water in those rivers varying
over space and time. Successful improvement of in-stream water quality relies on the
development of effective and feasible pollution control strategies which require a good
understanding of the extent of pollution. In this regard, designing a good monitoring
network to regularly observe the temporal and spatial variation of the important water
quality parameters is an effective approach towards investigating the pollution status
of the rivers. Significant advances in technologies for monitoring river water quality
(and therefore drinking water quality) are urgently needed to safeguard freshwater
resources. Existing water quality monitoring data is complex and tends to be
complicated by uncertainties resulting from weather conditions, air pollution and
watershed characteristics (Luo et al. 2011). In order to decrease these uncertainties and
maximize public health protection in real time, there exists a need for real-time water
quality monitoring systems (Grayman, 2001). Early warning systems (EWS) are
generally integrated systems consisting of monitoring instruments with an ability to
analyze and interpret results in real time. On this backdrop, this study incorporates the
use of a monitoring technology, Flood Early Warning System (FEWS) software,
developed by Deltares, in analyzing the temporal and spatial trend of water quality
data to generate useful water quality information giving insight to the extent of
pollution of the major rivers around Dhaka City.
The overall objective of the study is to assess water quality of some of the major rivers
surrounding Dhaka. The specific objectives of the study area as follows:
This research is aimed at providing a clear picture of present water quality and water
quality trends of the major rivers around Dhaka. This will eventually assist policy
makers in developing strategy for pollution prevention and cleaning up of the rivers.
The scope of the present studies are given below:
i. This study analyses temporal variation of the water quality data of the rivers
Buriganga, Balu, Turag, Sitalakhya collected by Bangladesh Water
Development Board (BWDB) from the year 2002 to 2012 using Delft-FEWS
software. The selected water quality parameters for the study are pH, EC, DO,
ii. This study analyses temporal and spatial variation of the water quality data
collected by Department of environment (DoE) from a number of monitoring
stations of Buriganga, Turag, Sitalakhya, and Meghna river from the year
2015 to 2017 using Delft -FEWS software.
iii. The study also gives an insight to the extent of pollution of the rivers around
Dhaka city with respect to Meghna river which is comparatively less polluted
and potential safe water source for surface water treatment plant.
Thesis Outline
to visualize time series and spatial analysis of the water quality data of the selected
rivers using this software. Chapter 4 presents and discusses the results of time series
and spatial analysis of the available water quality data of the selected rivers under this
study. Finally, Chapter 5 summarizes the main conclusions of this research and
discusses recommendations for future research works related to monitoring river water
quality as an integral part of pollution mitigation process using innovative technology.
Chapter 2
The surface and subsurface geologic formations under Dhaka city are not favorable
for replenishment and storage of groundwater against heavy withdrawal
(Magumdar,2005).The records of the groundwater level observed by Bangladesh
Water Development Board (BWDB) for the year 1995 to 1999 indicate that the rate of
annual declinations of groundwater level in Green road area were 2.70 m, 2.41 m and
2.52 m, respectively in the year 1997, 1998 and 1999 (SWMC, 2000). The depth of
groundwater table from ground surface was 38.12 m in 1999. At Shewrapara, the
annual declinations of groundwater level were 2.86 m, 2.06 m and 1.01 m during 1997,
1998 and 1999, respectively. Up to 1998,the average yearly declination of groundwater
table within the city varied from 1.00 m to 2.50 m and that outside the city varied 0.30
m to 0.50 m (SWMC, 2000).Ground water depths in Mohammedpur, Cantonment,
Lalbagh and Dhanmondi were 20.76m, 22.95 m, 26.92 m, 33.17 m, respectively in
1980 while at the end of 2002 it went down to 28.95 m, 36.44 m, 38.73 m and 41.38
m, respectively (IWM, 2004).
A study conducted on changes in the groundwater Regime of Dhaka City refers that,
the natural pattern of groundwater flow at the southern end of the Madhupur Tract
has been much disturbed by intensive groundwater development for the water supply
of Dhaka since the early 1970s (Ahmed,2010). Large-scale groundwater abstraction
has resulted in an extensive cone of depression centered on the city, over large parts
of which the aquifer has become unconfined. Drawdown has increased by
approximately 0.75 m per year since the late 1970s at the Motijheel observation well,
and over the last 30 years the cone of depression in the aquifer has developed to such
stage that it now extends to the major river courses that delineate the southern portion
of the Tract(Ahmed et al 1999). Rate of decline has increased substantially over
the recent years and a decline rate of more than 2m/y ear has been recorded in
Mirpur observation well . Figure 2.1 presents the depth distribution of groundwater
in and around the Dhaka city based on monitoring data from BWDB. It is evident
from the map that depth to water level reached to more than 60m in some locations
inside the city (Figure 2.1).
Figure 2.1 Depth to groundwater level in and around Dhaka city (Ahmed,2010)
The study suggests that, as Dhaka continues to expand, the aquifers beneath the city
will eventually be unable to meet the rising demand for water (Haq 2006). As demand
for water would continue to grow, alternative sources must be explored.
In order to meet the ever increasing demand of drinking water, Dhaka Water Supply
Authority (DWASA) of Bangladesh has installed a number of deep tube wells that tap
the upper aquifers. However, in most parts of the city, the current groundwater
abstraction exceeds the recharge rate, causing the groundwater to be mined
systematically and be depleted of its reserve. Thus, there is an urgent need to alleviate
the demand on the upper aquifers and explore more sustainable sources to augment the
present water supply. This implies a conjunctive use of groundwater and surface water
in order to maintain the balance between anthropogenic demand and water’s natural
availability. (Sayma,2007)
A brief review of some studies on water quality of peripheral rivers around Dhaka city
and spatiotemporal trend analysis techniques applied in various studies has been
discussed in this section.
Sohel (1999) studied the physical and chemical water quality parameters of the rivers
around Dhaka to find effective river water treatment method for water supply in Dhaka
city. In the study the variation of pH in the Buriganga river water, was found between
7.6 to 7.9., between 7.4 to 7.8 in Sitalakhya river, between 7.5 to 7.8 in Balu river and
between 7.7 to 7.9 in Turag river. The concentration of total solids in the Buriganga,
the Sitalakhya, the Balu, the Tongi, the Turag river were 347 mg/L, 244 mg/L, 237
mg/L, 398 mg/L and 380 mg/L respectively in dry season. In wet season these values
were 364 mg/L, 326 mg/L, 304 mg/L, 138 mg/L and 297 mg/L respectively. The
concentration of dissolved solids in Buriganga, Sitalakhya, Balu, Tongi, Turag river
were 220 mg/L, 173 mg/L, 206 mg/L, 302 mg/L and 319 mg/L respectively in dry
season and 197 mg/L, 169 mg/L, 194 mg/L, 95 mg/L and 125 mg/L respectively in
wet season. The concentration of suspended solids in Buriganga, SitaJakhya, Balu and
Turag river were 127 mg/L, 72 mg/L, 31 mg/L, 96 mg/L and 62 mg/L respectively in
dry season and 167 mg/L, 157 mg/L, 110 mg/L, 43 mg/L and 174 mg/L respectively
in the wet season. The higher value of total solids contents in the wet season is due to
presence of large amount of silt and clay particles in the river water. The BOD5s in
Buriganga, Sitalakhya, Balu, and Turag river in dry season were 28 mg/L, 12 mg/L,
62 mg/L, 42 mg/L and 35.5 mg/L respectively. In wet season these values are 6.4
mg/L, 2.1 mg/L, 5.7 mg/L, 5.2 mg/L and 5.3 mg/L respectively. The study refers that,
in dry season flow of river is very slow, so concentration of organic matter becomes
higher than wet season. Islam (I 977) observed that the BOD5s value was between 0.7-
1.60 mg/I in Buriganga river, 0.6 - 1.5 mg/l in Sitalakhya river and 0.80 - 1.80 mg/l in
Balu river in the year 1973-74. Comparing with these results, it can be said that river
waters quality around Dhaka City is deteriorating day by day. Table 2.1 presents the
water quality of the major rivers surrounding Dhaka obtained from the study of Sohel,
Table 2.1 Seasonal Variation of water quality of the peripheral rivers of Dhaka
(Sohel, 1999),
Name of Rivers
Buriganga Shitalakhya Turag Balu
pH No Seasonal
Variation 7.6-7.9 7.4-7.8 7.7-7.9 7.5-7.8
Name of Rivers
Buriganga Shitalakhya Turag Balu
Another study conducted by Magumdar, 2005 observed the historical trend of DO,
BOD5 and COD concentration of peripheral rivers of Dhaka city. The study found
that, minimum DO level reached to almost zero in the Turag river,Buriganga river and
Balu river. Random variation of DO was observed in the Lakhya river. DO level of the
former three rivers was strongly influenced by BOD5 load where as both BOD5 and
tidal fluctuation control DO in the latter two river reaches.
From historical trend analysis of BOD5 the study observed a gradual increase of BOD5
along the entire river system. A sudden high BOD5 was observed in 1998 possibly due
to extreme cold weather (temperature around 19 °C). Very low BOD5 at Pagla on the
Buriganga river during April'2004 was observed due to dilution resulting from early
pre-monsoon rainfall. Measured chemical oxygen demand (COD, dichromate value)
throughout the entire river system is available of Apr'03, Dec'03, Mar'04 and Apr'04.
The study also found that, Chemical oxygen demand (COD) in the Turag river and
upper reaches of the Buriganga river remains high varying from 50 mg/l to 60 mg/l
except Hazaribag having COD of around of 90 mg/l. Along the Lakhya river, COD
varies from 20 to 45 mg/l. The ratio of BOD5 and COD ranges from 0.40 to 0.6 in the
Turag river, Buriganga river and Lakhya river.
Testing water quality data for trend over a period of time has received considerable
attention recently. Trend analysis determines whether the measured values of a water
quality variable increase or decrease during a time period. In statistical terms, has the
probability distribution from which they arise changed over time? It would be useful
to describe the amount or rate of that change, in terms of changes in some central value
of the distribution such as mean or median (Hirsch et al., 1982; Hirsch and Slack, 1984;
Hirsch et al. (1982)) suggested an adaptation of the Kendall non-parametric test to
detect trends in seasonally varying water quality time series; this is often referred to as
the seasonal Kendall’s test. This test can accommodate time series with missing data.
data. The null hypothesis in the Mann-Kendall test is that the data are independent and
randomly ordered, i.e. there is no trend or serial correlation structure in the time-series.
For independent and randomly ordered data in a time-series Xi {Xi, i = 1, 2, . . . , n},
the null hypothesis H0 is tested on the observations Xi against the alternative
hypothesis H1, where there is an increasing or decreasing monotonic trend.
According to the condition of n ≥ 10, the S
Where, e is the number of tied groups and ti is the number of data values in the ith
𝑆 = ∑𝑛−1 𝑛
𝑒=1 ∑𝑒+1 𝑠𝑔𝑛(𝑥𝑖 − 𝑥𝑒 ) (2)
1 φ>0
sgn φ = 0 φ=0
−1 φ<0
The normal approximation Z test by using the statistical value S and the variance value
Var(S) is written in the following form:
𝒊𝒇 𝒔 > 𝟎
Z= 𝟎 𝒊𝒇 𝒔 = 𝟎
𝒊𝒇 𝒔 < 𝟎
The Z value shows the statistical trend. If Z < 0, it indicates a decreasing trend and if
Z > 0 it indicates an increasing trend.
Geographic Information System (GIS) was employed for visual demonstration of the
spatial distribution of MKT results. There are many widely used GIS software,
including the ESRI series, GRASS, HuMap, OpenGIS, and SuperMap Viewer. A
free GIS tool developed by Tani Kenji called MANDARA was employed in the study.
River pollution has become a major problem in Bangladesh. This section discusses
categories and causes of river pollution in Bangladesh.
Categories of pollution
Water quality is important because it decides for what purpose it should and it should
not be used for (Khan, 2010). There are three systems used for assessing the
quality of river water (i) chemical analysis, where samples of the water are
tested in a laboratory for a range of parameters. Chemical analysis can identify
specific pollutants and they show conditions in the river at the time the same is
taken. (ii) The physical assessment that involves measure the changes of
physical properties in water. (iii) Biological assessment however, shows the
effects of pollutants on the aquatic organisms at the time of sampling and it also
reveals the longer-term effects of changing water quality ( Waste Water Engineering,
Generally chemical properties of water involve pH , chloride, alkalinity or T-
alkalinity, hardness, N-nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, gases, ammonia, nitrate and
nitrite, DO, BOD5, COD, metallic constituents ( Waste Water Engineering, 2003).
Among all type of chemical properties DoE measure PH , chloride, alkalinity
or T-alkalinity, hardness, DO, BOD5, COD.
The most important physical properties of water are color, odor, temperature,
turbidity, conductivity or electric conductivty, suspended solid, total dissolved solid,
total solid (Waste Water Engineering, 2003). Among all physical properties, DoE
measure temperature, turbidity, conductivity or electric conductivity, suspended
solid, total dissolved solid, total solid.
Biological properties of water involve all type micro organisms including bacteria,
fungi, algae, protozoa, plants, animals, fungi, algae (Metcalf and Eddy, 2003).
Causes of pollution
Pollution of the rivers in the Dhaka Ecologically Critical Area (ECA) has been
attributed to two principal sources: industry (60%) and domestic waste (40%) . In this
classic Tragedy of the Commons situation, noBOD5y ‘owns’ the rivers
administratively and the regulatory framework is not effective in protecting the
environment or the sustainability of water resources (UNDP, 2016). Pollutants that
enter the surface water are mostly in the form of runoff from municipal, industrial and
agricultural wastes.
Industrial effluent
In Bangladesh, industrial units are mostly located along the banks of the rivers. There
are obvious reasons for this location such as provision of transportation of incoming
raw materials and outgoing finished products. Unfortunately, as a consequence,
industrial units drain effluents directly into the rivers without any consideration of the
environmental degradation which is not permitted based on environmental concern.
The most problematic industries for the water sector are textiles, tanneries, pulp and
paper mills, fertilizer, industrial chemical production and refineries. A complex
mixture of hazardous chemicals, both organic and inorganic, are discharged into the
water BOD5ies from all these industries usually without treatment. organic
components degrade water quality during decomposition by depleting dissolved
oxygen. The non-biodegradable organic components persist in the water system for a
long time and pass into the food chain (Kamal, 2007). Inorganic pollutants are mostly
metallic salts, and basic and acidic compounds. These inorganic components undergo
different chemical and biochemical interactions in the river system, and deteriorate
water quality.
The main suspected sources of agricultural runoff pollution are from the use of
fertilizers and agrochemicals, including herbicides and pesticides. Urea, Triple Super
Phosphate (TSP), Muriate of Potash (MP) and Gypsum are the major chemical
fertilizers used in Bangladesh. The total amount of fertilizers used annually is about 2
million tons (BBS, 1998). With the increase of irrigated areas and cultivation of HYV
rice, there was an increase of about 20 per cent fertilizer use in 1995. But the present
growth in use has increased and fluctuates from plus minus5 to 10 per cent. In 1995,
the use of nitrogenous fertilizer accounted for about 88 per cent of the total fertilizer
use, which was about 67 per cent in 1991 (BBS, 1994). The share of the market held
by domestic production of Urea, TSP and Gypsum is currently about 90 per cent (BBS,
1985, 1990, 1994, 1998). Pesticide use was introduced in Bangladesh in around late
fifties (BBS, 1979). Since 1981, the area covered by plant protection measures has
actually decreased, though the trends have been erratic. Insecticide is commonly used
for pest control, which accounts for about 90 per cent of the total consumed pesticide
(BBS, 1985, 1998).
Fecal Pollution
The main water related problem is the lack of sanitation facilities in the rural areas and
inadequate facilities for urban wastewater treatment. There is one sewage treatment
plant in the whole country serving only a part of Dhaka. A major program for provision
of sewerage is needed to arrest the increasing fecal pollution of open watercourses
around all urban areas in Bangladesh.
The major sources of pollution of the peripheral rivers of Dhaka identified in a study
of Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon (BAPA) are presented in Table 2.2 with related
information like pollutant chemicals and their discharge rates.
Table 2.2 Major Sources of pollution of the rivers surrounding Dhaka (Matin,2005)
To improve in stream water quality and prevent pollution there is a need for regular
monitoring of pollution trend of the water quality and effective environmental
quality could provide a fast and accurate means to distinguish between normal
variations in water quality, contamination events, radioactive material, as well as
nature disasters (Luo et al. 2011).
Findings in this study conducted by Luo et al. (2011) show that the improvements seen
in recent decades in Japanese river water quality are highly dependent on improved
wastewater treatment and other water quality improvement efforts promoted under
government initiative. In Japan, the Law concerning Special Measures for
Preservation of Lake Water Quality was amended to strengthen non-point source
control measures and is one of the major drivers of water quality improvement. The
average BOD5 and COD concentration in river water of Japan has dropped from 3
mg/l in 1979 to 1.6 mg/l in 2003. Compliance rates with Environmental Quality
Standards (EQS) for BOD5 and COD in overall public water areas have gradually risen
over time (except for 1994 and 2005 when compliance rates for rivers fell due to the
effects of drought), reaching 86.3% in 2006 (the highest record ever).The main causes
are considered to be improvements in water treatment in major factories and
dissemination of sewage systems and “Joukasou” (a Japanese system for household
wastewater treatment). According to the study, environmental management must focus
on reducing key pollution sources, including emissions from point sources through
discharge limits or other approaches. However, this requires careful analysis based on
land use change, urban population density, urbanization rates, etc. Lessons learned
from the water quality improvement in Japan inform the need to couple land use
change and domestic waste management with appropriate legal measures as well as
cooperation between citizens and policy-makers to commit to those decisions.
Delft-FEWS is an open data handling platform which has been developed by Deltares,
an independent institute for applied research in the field of water and subsurface in the
Netherlands. Essentially, Delft-FEWS consists of configurable modules for building a
hydrological forecasting system customized to the specific requirements of an
The important features of Delft-FEWS regarding data management are stated below:
Delft-FEWS provides import modules that allow data to be imported from a variety of
external sources such as web services, external databases and many different file
formats. These data include for example time series obtained from telemetry systems
such as water levels and precipitation, but also water quality data, meteorological
forecast data, radar data and numerical weather predictions. Data are imported using
standard interchange formats, such as CSV, XML, GRIB, Hdf5, NetCDF as well as
some 150+ propriety data formats. The efficient data storage in the Delft-FEWS
database offers extensive performance optimizations to handle all of these
heterogeneous datasets fast and effectively.
Delft-FEWS supports quality checking and pre-processing of the imported data using
extensive data validation and transformation libraries. Data validation includes checks
on extreme values, rate of change, spatial homogeneity and trend detection.
Delft-FEWS provides structured, concise, and highly configurable displays to help the
user carry out the required tasks in a structured way and enjoy the comprehensive
navigation and visualization on the various customized windows that can be spread
over available desktops. The interactive map display allows geographic navigation and
situational awareness, while icons give the user rapid insight in warning levels being
reached. Data can be displayed using bars, points or lines, as longitudinal profiles,
grids and polygons, or even with user defined graphics using Scalable Vector
Graphics. In terms of capabilities, the interface can be configured to support additional
functionality, such as on-the-fly statistics of time series, or manual editing. Displays
can be pre-configured based on templates relevant to a particular work process, so the
users have easy and structured access to the data of interest.
coastal areas in for example the Netherlands and Brasil. Furthermore, Delft-FEWS has
proven to be an effective tool for supporting the operational management of
hydropower facilities in Austria, Uruguay and the United States of America.
In addition to its role as a flood forecasting tool, Delft-FEWS has also been extended
for use as a water quality forecasting tool in Netherlands, Singapore and South-Korea;
as a groundwater scenario management tool in the National Groundwater Modelling
System in England and Wales; as a drought forecasting system in River Po, Italy; and
Taiwan and as a Water Information System for a number of Water Boards in The
Netherlands. Deltares supports interested parties in the implementation of their
operational water management system with a team of water experts, software
developers and ICT experts (
This type of research using FEWS system in presenting water quality data has not been
carried out yet, which has led me to conduct the research. The following chapter
focuses on the methodology followed in conducting the research.
Chapter 3
This chapter provides a description of the research methods followed in the study. This
chapter includes: (i) geographical information of the study area (ii) rationale for
selection of rivers (iii) water quality parameters considered (iv) data collection sources
(iv) location and description of water quality monitoring stations along the selected
rivers, and (v) information about Delft-FEWS software and FEWS Bangladesh
system. Finally, this chapter provides an outline of the methods followed to analyze
the available data using FEWS Bangladesh system.
Dhaka is the capital and largest city of Bangladesh. It is one of the world's most
populous cities, with a population of 18.89 million in the Greater Dhaka Area. Dhaka
is located in central Bangladesh at 23°42′N 90°22′E, on the eastern banks of the
Buriganga River. The city lies on the lower reaches of the Ganges Delta and covers a
total area of 306.38 square kilometres (118.29 sq mi). As part of the Bengal plain, the
city is bounded by the Buriganga River, Turag River, Dhaleshwari River, and
Shitalakhya River. Figure 3.1 shows the peripheral river system around Dhaka City.
The Buriganga River is one of the most important rivers for Dhaka City. It originates
from the Dhaleshwari River and is a tide-influenced river flowing west and then south
of Dhaka City. It is only 27 km long and its average width and depth are 400m and 10
m, respectively. Its catchment area is 253 km2. Most of the industries in Dhaka City
are located around the Buriganga, and they release their wastewater into this river and
hence it is becoming one of the most polluted rivers in Bangladesh.
Dhaleshwari at Madanganj near Narayanganj. The river joins the river Balu at Demra,
a small tributary flowing from the north of greater Dhaka. About 20 km downstream
of Demra, the Sitalakhya joins the river Dhaleshwari.
Figure 3.1 The peripheral river system around Dhaka city (Islam et al., 2015)
The Turag River is an upper tributary of the Buriganga River and originates from the
Bangshi River that flows through Gazipur and joins with the Buriganga River at
Mirpur, Dhaka. Turag river has a total length of 75 km and flows near the north-
western boundary of Dhaka city. The catchment area of the Turag is 999.74 km2. In
September 2009, the DoE declared the Turag River to be in an ecologically critical
condition based on the heavy pollution discharged by the industries in the area
(Hossain, 2017).
The Balu River is a tributary of the Shitalakhya River. It passes through the wetlands
of Beel Belai and Dhaka before its confluence with the Shitalakhya at Demra. Balu
River is one of the important water resources in Dhaka district especially for Tongi
area. But Balu river is being polluted through a number of point and non-point sources
including untreated sewage inputs from Dhaka and Tongi, and wastewater from
numerous other contamination sources, such as small-manufacturing facilities (e.g.,
tannery and battery factory) and significant non-point agricultural sources (Hasan,
The Meghna River is one of the most important rivers in Bangladesh, one of the three
that forms the Ganges Delta, the largest delta on earth, which fans out to the Bay of
Bengal. A part of the Surma-Meghna River System, Meghna is formed inside
Bangladesh in Kishoreganj District above the town of Bhairab Bazar by the joining of
the Surma and the Kushiyara, both of which originate in the hilly regions of eastern
India as the Barak River. The Meghna meets its major tributary, the Padma, in
Chandpur District. Other major tributaries of the Meghna include the Dhaleshwari, the
Gumti, and the Feni. The Meghna empties into the Bay of Bengal in Bhola District via
four principal mouths, named Tetulia (Ilsha), Shahbazpur, Hatia, and Bamni. Down to
Chandpur, Meghna is hydrographically referred to as the Upper Meghna. After the
Padma joins, it is referred to as the Lower Meghna. A survey shows that the water of
Meghna River is still free from serious pollution. During the dry season, the level of
dissolved oxygen (DO) in the Meghna water is comparatively higher.
The major rivers around Dhaka city (Buriganga, Balu, Shitalakhya andTurag) have
been an important feature in the life of the people of Dhaka city for many years due to
the multifunctional uses of the river water i.e. domestic, agricultural, industrial,
navigation etc.
The indiscriminate disposal of domestic and industrial wastes, combined with the
failure of authorities to enforce existing regulations to protect the ecological health of
the rivers, has worsened the state of the rivers around Dhaka city both biologically and
hydrologically (Islam et al., 2015). Poor water quality seriously undermines domestic
and industrial uses of these rivers and also aquatic environment of the rivers.
The Meghna River, on the other hand, is relatively less affected by pollution, and is
considered a safer water source for surface water treatment plants. Dhaka Water
Supply and Sewerage Authority (DWASA) is working on establishing three intake
points to use the upper stream Meghna water as sources of drinking water for the
inhabitants of Dhaka mega city.
Hence, in this study the rivers Buriganga, Turag, Balu and Shitalakhya have been
selected to assess the present water quality as well as the water quality trend of these
rivers. In addition, Meghna river has been selected for the study so that comparison
between the water quality of Meghna river with that of the heavily polluted rivers
selected for the study (Buriganga, Turag, Balu, Shitalakhya) can give an insight to the
pollution status of the rivers around Dhaka.
This study has considered pH, EC, DO, TS, TDS,TSS, Cl, BOD5 & COD parameters
to assess the state of water quality of the selected rivers. These parameters have been
selected primarily on the basis of availability of data at Bangladesh Water
Development Board (BWDB) and the Department of Environment (DoE).
Physical Parameters
Physical parameters define those characteristics of water that respond to the senses of
touch, taste, or smell. Electric conductivity, total suspended solid, total dissolved solid,
total solid are physical parameters of interest in this study.
water, to monitor several treatment processes, and to measure the quality of the water
used for daily household use (Environmental Engineering, 1985; Davis, 1991)
Chemical Parameters
Water has been called the universal solvent. pH, chloride, DO, BOD5, COD, are
chemical parameters considered in this study.
27 pH
pH is the term used universally to express the intensity of the acid or alkaline condition
of a solution. It is a measure of the concentration of free hydrogen ions (H+) in water
and expressed as pH = - log {H+}. The pH of an aqueous system is a measure of the
acid-base equilibrium achieved by various dissolved compounds and, in most natural
waters, is controlled by the CO2-HCO3-CO3 equilibrium system. In most raw water
sources pH lies within the range 6.5 - 8.5. The pH scale is usually represented as
ranging from 0 to 14, with pH 7 representing absolute neutrality. Acid condition
increase as pH values decrease and alkaline conditions increases as the pH values
increase (Environmental Engineering, 1985; Davis, 1991). Although pH usually has
no direct impact on consumers, it is one of the most important operational water quality
parameters. Careful attention to pH control is necessary at all stages of water treatment
to ensure satisfactory water clarification and disinfection.
and bacteria the least. For instance, for diversified warm water biota, including fish,
the DO concentration should be at least 5 mg/1. Chloride
Chloride is widely distributed in nature, generally in the form of sodium (NaCl),
potassium (KCl) and calcium chloride (CaCl2). Chlorides occur in natural waters in
widely varying concentrations. Upland and mountain supplies are quite low in
chlorides, whereas rivers and groundwater usually have a considerable amount.
Chlorides gain access to natural waters in many ways. The solvent power of water
dissolves chlorides from topsoil and deeper formations. In addition, ocean and
seawater invasion of rivers, and intrusion of seawater into fresh groundwater aquifers
also contribute chloride to natural waters. Wastewater influents and many industrial
wastes also add considerable chlorides to receiving streams (Environmental
Engineering, 1985; Davis, 1991). High concentrations of chloride give an undesirable
taste to water and beverages. Taste thresholds for the chloride depend on the associated
cation and are in the range of 200–300 mg/l for sodium, potassium, and calcium
chloride. Excess chloride is corrosive to metals in the water distribution system,
particularly in water of low alkalinity. Higher chloride content in inland water usually
indicates sewage pollution. Consumers can become accustomed to concentrations in
excess of 250 mg/l. No health-based guideline value is proposed for chloride in
This study has used secondary data for water quality assessment of the selected rivers.
The data collection sources and site locations have been briefly discussed in this
The water quality data of the selected rivers under the study (Buriganga, Turag, Balu,
Shitalakhya and Meghna) were collected from two sources:
(i) Department of Environment (DoE)
(ii) Bangladesh water Development Board (BWDB)
This study analyses water quality data of the rivers Buriganga, Turag, Balu,
Shitalakhya and Meghna collected from a number of monitoring Stations of DoE and
BWDB along these rivers. This section identifies the locations of the monitoring
stations along with duration and source of data collection for each of the selected
rivers. The water quality monitoring stations along the selected rivers for which water
quality data were collected are presented in Table 3.1
Table 3.1 Monitoring stations along the rivers under study.
Site ID Site Description Latitude Longitude Source
Near Dhaka Mill
BG-100 23.67 90.44 2001-2012 BWDB
Near Kamrangir
BG-103 23.71 90.35 2015-2017 DoE
Buriganga River
Near Ghorashal
SL-102 23.98 90.63 2015-2017 DoE
Fertilizer Factory
Near ACI
SL-103 23.63 90.51 2015-2017 DoE
Site ID Site Description Latitude Longitude Source
Near Fulpukuria
TRR -101 23.89 90.43 2015-2017 DoE
Dyeing Ltd, Tongi
Near Hossain
Turag River
Near Jabar&Jubair
BL-101 23.89 90.43 2015-2017 DoE
Fabrics Ltd.
Near Hossain
Balu River
The locations of the water quality monitoring stations in aforementioned rivers are
shown in Figure 3.2.
After collecting the required data from DoE and BWDB, a monitoring tool “FEWS
Bangladesh System” has been used to analyse the results and generate important water
quality information about the rivers selected in this study.
The fundamental steps followed in analyzing data using FEWS Bangladesh system are
presented in a flow chart below:
Figure 3.3 Flow chart for analyzing data using FEWS Bangladesh system
The flow chart in Figure 3.3 shows that, a three steps procedure was followed to apply
the system in data analysis. Firstly, the information of the monitoring locations
considered in the study were loaded in the system. Secondly, the collected data of all
the added stations were organized in specified format of the system. Thirdly, the
formatted data files were imported to the system. Finally, the imported data of all the
concerned stations were visualized in the display of the system as time series and
spatial data. All The steps followed to format, import and visualize the dataset in
FEWS system are described in Appendix B.
This chapter presented the relevant information and methodology followed in this
study to get desired outcome of this research as mentioned earlier. The following
chapter focuses on presenting the results of time series and spatial visualization of
water quality data using FEWS Bangladesh System and analysis of the collected water
quality data.
Chapter 4
The overall objective of the study was to assess water quality of some of the major
rivers surrounding Dhaka. As discussed in chapter 3, secondary water quality data of
the rivers selected for this study were collected from DoE and BWDB, which were
later imported into FEWS Bangladesh System for time series and spatial analysis. This
chapter presents the results obtained from analysis performed by FEWS Bangladesh
system focusing on the status and trend of pollution.
This section looks into the water quality status of Buriganga river by presenting and
analyzing the time series and spatial data of important parameters (i.e. DO, EC),
BOD5, COD, Chloride, Total Solids and pH) of this river obtained from FEWS
Bangladesh System.
From figure 4.1(a) it is seen that, over the period 2002 to 2012, the concentration of
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) at the BG-100 station of Buriganga river remained
significantly low during pre-monsoon season (January to April) and post monsoon
(October-December) season fluctuating within a range 0.06-3.00 mg/L, whereas,
during the monsoon season (May-September) the DO concentration was found
relatively higher with a range 4.00-9.00 mg/L. However, the time series of DO
Concentration at BG-104 station as shown in Figure 4.1(b) indicates that, during the
recent years 2015-2017, most of the time DO level at this station remained below
5 mg/L (sometimes slightly above 5 mg/L) and minimum DO level reached nearly
zero during dry seasons which remained within the range 2.18-5.20 mg/L in the wet
seasons. The similar trend of DO concentration over the years 2015 to 2017 was found
in seven other stations of Buriganga river under this study (time series graphs
presented in Appendix A.1). In addition to time series graphs of individual locations,
the scenario could be observed for all the locations from the spatial demonstration of
the imported data in a single map by the FEWS System. For instance, Figures 4.2(a)
and 4.2(b) presents the spatial variation of DO concentration at eight different
monitoring locations along river Buriganga in the month of February and August 2016,
respectively. As discussed earlier, at each of the station the DO level was found
relatively low in dry season in comparison to wet season.
Figure 4.2 Spatial and seasonal variation of DO along Buriganga River in 2016.
In Figure 4.2 (a), the stations are marked with dark red color indicating a DO level
between 0-2.0 mg/L in February, 2016 (pre-monsoon) whereas in Figure 4.2 (b), the
stations are marked with red or orange color indicating a rise of DO level between 3.0-
6.0 mg/L in October, 2016 (monsoon). However, Figure 4.2(a) and 4.2(b) indicate that
stations at the middle reach of the river are more contaminated with DO level below
5.00 mg/L in both pre-monsoon and monsoon season with respect to the stations at the
upstream and downstream ends of the river.
In addition to monthly average values, the FEWS system also presents the spatial
distribution of the yearly average values of a particular parameter. For example,
Figures 4.3(a) and 4.3(b) presents the spatial variation of yearly average DO
Figure 4.3 Spatial variation of yearly average DO level along Buriganga River in
2016 and 2017
concentration at the selected locations along river Buriganga in the year 2016 and
2017, respectively. The Figures 4.3(a) and 4.3(b) show that, in both the years, the
yearly average DO level remained within 0-2.00 mg/L at all the locations indicating
poor water quality. However, while assessing average data of the same month of 2015
and the following year, 2016 as shown in Figure 4.4, the amount of DO concentration
improved in some stations over the years. Therefore, it can be said that, the monthly
average data obtained from FEWS system has more significance than yearly average
However, the overall scenario indicates that, the DO level of Buriganga river water is
unsuitable for all types of uses including drinking and supporting aquatic life as
according to Standards for Inland Surface Water [ECR 1997, Schedule 3(A)]
(Appendix C) a minimum DO level of 6 mg/L is required for drinking and 5 mg/L is
required for most of the fish population as well as other surface water uses.
Figure 4.4 Spatial variation of DO level along Buriganga River in the month of
October 2015 and October, 2016
3(A)] (Appendix C) the river water is not recommended for any kind of surface water
uses in the pre-monsoon and post- monsoon period.
Figure 4.5(c) Spatial variation of BOD5 level (mg/l) along Buriganga River in
November 2016
Figure 4.5 Spatial and seasonal variation of BOD5 along Buriganga River in 2016.
Figures 4.6(a) and 4.6(b) demonestrate that, like BOD5, COD level of Buriganga river
at all the stations was found considerably high in pre-monsoon period fluctuating
within a range 40-80 mg/L (stations marked with red color in figure 4.6(a)) and then
decreased to a range between 10-20 mg/L during monsoon season (stations marked
with yellow color in figure 4.6(b)). Significantly higher COD level (above 70 mg/L)
was observed at stations located in the middle part of the river indicating the presence
of high percentage of inorganic compounds at these locations. However, the overall
range of COD level of Buriganga river in both pre-monsoon and post monsoon period
is much higher than Bangladesh Potable Water Quality Standard (ECR 1997)
(Appendix C) value of COD (4 mg/L).
Figure 4.6(a) Spatial variation of COD Figure 4.6(b) Spatial variation of COD
level (mg/l) along Buriganga River in level (mg/l) along Buriganga River in
May 2016 November 2016
Figure 4.6 Spatial and seasonal variation of COD along Buriganga River in 2016.
Figures 4.7(a) and 4.7(b) presents the spatial variation of monthly measured EC value
along the selected stations of Buriganga river in the month of March and September,
2015. From the two figures, it is seen that at all the stations EC value varied within a
range 1000-1200 µs/cm (stations marked with light green in figure 4.7(a)) and then
Figure 4.7 Spatial and seasonal variation of EC along Buriganga River in 2015.
Chloride (Cl-)
Figures 4.8(a) and 4.8(b) demonstrate the spatial variation of monthly measured Cl
concentration along the selected stations of Buriganga river in the month of January,
2016 (pre-monsoon) and August, 2016 (monsoon). From the two figures, it is seen that
at all the stations chloride level varied within a range 65-70 mg/L (stations marked
with light green in figure 4.8(a)) and then considerably decreased to a range between
7-10 mg/L during monsoon season (stations marked with light green color in figure
4.8(b)). This signifies that chloride level in both monsoon and post monsoon period
remained below Bangladesh standard (ECR-1997) (Appendix C) range of chloride
level (150-600 mg/L).Like EC level, no signifacant spatial variation of chloride level
is observed along the river.
Figure 4.9(a) Spatial variation of TDS Figure 4.9(b) Spatial variation of TDS
level (mg/l) along Buriganga River in level (mg/l) along Buriganga River in
March 2015 September 2015
Figure 4.9 Spatial and seasonal variation of TDS along Buriganga River in 2015.
This section analyses the water quality status of Shitalakhya river by presenting and
analyzing the time series and spatial data of important parameters i.e. Dissolved
oxygen (DO), Electrical Conductivity (EC), BOD5, COD, Chloride and TDS of this
river obtained from FEWS Bangladesh System.
Figures 4.10 (a) and 4.10 (b) illustrate the spatial variation of DO concentration
observed at three monitoring locations of Shitalakhya river in May 2016 and October
2016, respectively. It is seen from the figures that the DO level fluctuated within 2.0-
4.0 mg/L at the outset of monsoon, which raised to a level between 5.0-6.0 mg/l after
the monsoon in the year 2016. However, while comparing the DO level between two
consecutive years (shown in figure 4.11), it was observed that unlike October, 2016,
the DO level was found below 5 mg/L in October 2015 even after the arrival of
monsoon. Furthermore, from the spatial variation in Figures 4.10 and 4.11 and time
series figures added in Appendix A.2, it is seen that, over the years 2015-2017, DO
level at the lower reach of Shitalakhya river most often remained below 5 mg/L
(sometimes slightly above 5 mg/L) which fluctuated within a range 3.2-7.0 mg/L at
the upper reach of the river. The average DO level of Shitalakhya river is, therefore,
an indicator of poor water quality of the river as discussed in the case of Buriganga
river in section 4.2.
From the spatial variation of BOD5 level at three monitoring locations of Shitalakhya
river in the months of February and September, 2016 presented in Figuires 4.12 (a)
and 4.12 (b) time series figures (presented in Appendix A.2), it is seen that the BOD5
level varied over a range 15-30 mg/L in the pre-monsoon season which decreased to a
level 0.8-1.10 mg/L in the monsoon period. However, as found in the case of
Buriganga river, the BOD5 level of Shitalakhya river is too high in the dry season (>>
10 mg/L) to be used for any surface water uses as per the Standards for Inland Surface
Water [ECR 1997, Schedule 3(A)] .
Figures 4.13(a) and 4.13(b) show that like BOD5, COD level of Shitalakhya river at
all the stations was found considerably high in pre-monsoon period fluctuating within
a range 30-60 mg/L (stations marked with red color in figure 4.13(a)) and then
decreased to a range between 16-30 mg/L during monsoon season (stations marked
with orrange and red color in Figure 4.13(b)).
From the time series graphs of monthly measured EC value of Shitalakhya river
presented in Appendix A.2, it has been found that, EC level of Shitalakhya river varied
over a range 500-1200µS/cm during pre-monsoon season, which subsequently
decreased to a level between 100-200 µs/cm in monsoon and post monsoon period.
Chloride (Cl-)
From the time series graphs of monthly measured Cl- value of Shitalakhya river
presented in Appendix A.2, it has been found that Cl- concentration of Shitalakhya
river varied over a range 20-70 mg/L during pre-monsoon season which decreased to
a level between 7-11 mg/L in monsoon and post monsoon period.
From the time series graphs of monthly measured TDS value of Shitalakhya river
presented in Appendix A.2, it has been found that TDS level of Shitalakhya river
varied over a range 200-500 mg/L during pre-monsoon season, which subsequently
decreased to a level between 70-150 mg/L in monsoon and post monsoon period.
However, from time series figures (Appendix A.2) TSS level was found much higher
than drinking water upper limit (10 mg/L).
This section discusses the temporal and spatial variation of Dissolved oxygen (DO),
Electrical Conductivity (EC), BOD5, COD, Chloride and TDS of Turag river
displayed by FEWS Bangladesh System and thus looks into the water quality status of
this river.
Figures 4.14(a) and 4.14(b) show the spatial variation of monthly measured DO
concentrationat the selected stations of Turag river in the month of April 2016 (pre-
monsoon) and September 2016 (monsoon), respectively. From the two figures, it is
seen that at all the stations DO level reached nearly zero (stations marked with brown
color in figure 4.14(a)) in the pre-monsson season which as expected increased to a
range between 5-6 mg/L during monsoon season (stations marked with yellow and
orange color in figure 4.14(b)). However, the DO level again dropped to a range 1-3
mg/L in the post monsoon season (Shown in figure 4.14(c)). This signifies that the DO
level of Turag river remained below the minimum DO level (5-6 mg/L) required for
drinking, supporting aquatic life and other uses in the pre and post monsoon period
indicating highly polluted water quality of the river like Buriganga and Shitalakhya
discussed in section 4.2 and 4.3.
Figure 4.14 Spatial and seasonal variation of along Turag River in the year 2016.
The time series graphs of BOD5 along Turag river (presented in Appendix A.3) and
Figures 4.15(a) and 4.15 (b) show that BOD5 level of Turag river varied over a range
66-72 mg/L in pre-monsoon, which dropped to a level 1.8-3.2 mg/L in the post-
monsoon season. Similarly, COD level was considerably high in pre-monsoon varying
over a range 60-90 mg/L (shown in Figure 4.16(a)) which decreased to a level between
10-16 mg/L in the post monsoon period (shown in Figure 4.16(b)). However, like
Buriganga and Shitalakhya rivers, both the BOD5 and COD level of Turag river is
remarkably high indicating the presence of large amount of organic materials in the
From the time series graphs of monthly measured EC value of Turag river presented
in Appendix A.3, it has been found that EC level of Turag river varied over a range
900-1400µs/cm during pre-monsoon season which subsequently decreased to a level
between 150-180µs/cm in monsoon and post monsoon period.
Chloride (Cl-)
From the time series graphs of monthly measured Cl- value of Turag river presented
in Appendix A.3, it has been found that Cl concentration of Turag river varied over a
range 48-50 mg/L during pre-monsoon season, which decreased to a level between 8-
9 mg/L in monsoon and post monsoon period.
From the time series graphs of monthly measured TDS value of Turag river presented
in Appendix A.3, it has been found that, TDS level of Turag river varied over a range
400-1000 mg/L during pre-monsoon season, which subsequently decreased to a level
between 74-78mg/L in monsoon and post monsoon period. However, from time series
figures (Appendix A.3) TSS level was found much higher than drinking water upper
limit (10 mg/L).
This section illustrates the water quality status of Balu river by assessing temporal and
spatial variation of Dissolved oxygen (DO), Electrical Conductivity (EC), BOD5,
COD, Chloride and TDS of Balu river displayed by FEWS Bangladesh System.
Dissolved Oxygen
Figure 4.17 demonstrates the time series of monthly measured values of DO level ata
monitoring station (BL-100) of Balu river over a six-year time period between 2006
to 2012.
From Figure 4.17 it is found that, DO level at BL-100 station varied within a range 0.7
to 8.17 mg/L over the years 2006 to 2012. Considerably low DO level (below 1 mg/L)
was observed in the year 2008 and the highest DO level was observed in the year 2009.
After 2009, DO level fluctuated within 0.75-4.5 mg/L in the dry season and 6-8 mg/L
in the wet season.
From the time series graph of monthly EC value of Balu river at BL-100 station
(Appendix A.4) it is found that over the years 2006-2012, EC value varied over a range
500-1030 µS/cm in the dry season and 150-350µS/cm in the wet season.
Chloride (CL-)
From the time series graph of monthly Cl- value of Balu river at BL-100 station
(Appendix A.4), it is found that over the years 2006-2012, chloried concentration
varied over a range 70-130 mg/L in the dry season and 10-45 mg/L in the wet season.
From the time series graph of monthly TDS value of Balu river at BL-100 station
(Appendix A.4) it is found that over the years 2006-2012, TDS varied over a range
240-600 mg/L in the dry season and 25-180 mg/L in the wet season.
This section states a comparative analysis of the water quality status of Meghna river
with that of the heavily polluted river system of Dhaka city previously discussed in
section 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 and 4.5.
From the time series graphs of monthly measured DO level observed at three
monitoring locations of Meghna river over the years 2015 to 2017 (presented in
Appendix A.5), it is seen that over the study period DO level of Meghna river varied
within 3.70-8.10 mg/L. However, unlike the polluted rivers discussed earlier, DO
level below 5 mg/L was rarely observed in case of Meghna river as most often both in
dry and wet season the DO concentration along the river remained above 5 mg/L. For
instance, Figure 4.18 (a) shows that in March, 2016 (pre-monsoon season) while all
the monitoring stations along the peripheral rivers of Dhaka had DO level below 5
mg/L (stations marked with red color), the stations of Meghna had a DO level above
6 mg/L (stations marked with yellow color). In addition, Figure 4.20 (b) shows that in
Figure 4.18(a) Spatial variation of DO level (mg/l) along Figure 4.18(b) Spatial variation of DO level (mg/l) along
peripheral rivers of Dhaka and Meghna river in March peripheral rivers of Dhaka and Meghna river in
2016. September 2016
Figure 4.18 Spatial variation of BOD5 level along peripheral rivers of Dhaka and Meghna river in March and
Figure 4.19(a) Spatial variation of BOD5 level (mg/l) along Figure 4.19(b) Spatial variation of BOD5 level (mg/l)
peripheral rivers of Dhaka and Meghna river in May 2016 along peripheral rivers of Dhaka and Meghna river in
September 2016
Figure 4.19 Spatial variation of BOD5 level along peripheral rivers of Dhaka and Meghna river in May and September 2016
the monsoon season (September, 2016) while there was a general increase in DO level
at most of the locations along the surrounding rivers of Dhaka, DO level of Meghna
river still remained within 5-7 mg/L. This scenario indicates that, the water quality of
Meghna river is still good and suitable for all surface water uses as per Standards for
Inland Surface Water [ECR 1997, Schedule 3(A)].
From the time series graphs presented in Appendix A.5 and Figures 4.19 (a) and 4.19
(b), it is seen that in comparison to the monitoring stations of the rivers surrounding
Dhaka, BOD5 value at the stations of Megnhna river was considerably low (below 4
mg/L) in both dry and wet season (stations along Meghna river are marked with green
color in both Figures 4.19 (a) and (b)) . This scenario indicates that the water of Mehna
river is less polluted with the presence of orgnic matter and moderatly safe for all
types of surface water uses including drinking and fish living. Also, in terms of COD,
the water quality of Meghna river was found good (Appendix A.5).
Figure 4.20 Spatial variation of EC (µS/cm) along peripheral rivers of Dhaka and
Meghna river
Electrical Conductivity (EC), Chloride (CL-) and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS)
From Figures 4.20, 4.21 and 4.22 , it is seen that there is no significant variation of
EC, Cl- and TDS levels observed at the staions of Meghna, which is in contrast to the
observations made for the peripheral rivers of Dhaka city.
This chapter presented the water quality status of the river system around Dhaka city
using FEWS Bangladesh system and analyzed the suitability of the river water as an
acceptable source of water supply. It is clear that the FEWS system is very convenient
for analyzing large data sets; it is also very convenient for assessing trends of water
quality over a range of options, both spatial and temporal.
Chapter 5
This research has focused on assessment of water quality of peripheral rivers of Dhaka
using Delft-FEWS system. To investigate the current pollution status and trends of
water quality of the peripheral rivers of Dhaka city, important water quality parameters
of the rivers have been analyzed and compared with standards for inland surface water
and the water quality of Meghna river. Furthermore, this study gives an idea about the
quality of data recorded by government agencies such as DoE and BWDB as well as
the effectiveness of FEWS Bangladesh System as an innovative technique to handle
and interpret the collected data to generate useful water quality information about the
rivers of Bangladesh. The outcomes, limitations of this research and recommendation
for further study are discussed in this chapter.
(i) It has been found that, FEWS system is an effective water quality
monitoring tool that could present daily, quarterly, monthly and yearly
average water quality data in time series and spatial display. The system
could be configured to display the data in a wide range of formats, as
needed. It is thus possible to easily identify during which season and at
which location the pollution level is higher from the color variation
displayed in the spatial map of the system.
(ii) The water quality status of the peripheral river system of Dhaka (Buriganga
,turag, Shihitalakkhya and Balu) has deteriorated more in recent years than
the last decade. For all the rivers surrounding Dhaka, high fluctuation of
the BOD5, COD, Chloride, EC, TDS and TSS value was observed between
dry and wet season.
(iii) Buriganga river, flowing west and south of Dhaka has been found highly
polluted throughout the current years (2015-2017) with significantly lower
DO level and higher BOD5 and COD value than the acceptable level of a
good source for water supply. However, the pollution is severe at the
middle portion of the river (Kamrangirchar, Sadarghat, Dholaikhal area)
with respect to upstream and downstream portion. In terms of other
parameters considered in this study such as Chloride, EC, TDS, TSS and
pH the river water quality was found moderately good and remained within
or lower than the acceptable range.
(iv) Turag river, like Buriganga is being increasingly polluted. During the years
2015-2017, DO level of this river became nearly zero while BOD5 and
COD level became considerably higher than standard limit in the dry
season. During the wet season, the water quality improved but was not up
to standard level. A similar trend was observed at all stations of Tuarg river
selected for this study. However, the other parameters of the river under the
study (Chloride, EC, TDS, TSS and pH) were found within acceptable
(v) In case of Shitalakhya river, the water quality of the stations in the upper
reach of the river was found moderately suitable for use with DO, BOD5
and COD level within the acceptable limit in the wet season but not in the
dry season. However, at the stations in the lower reach the BOD5 and COD
level was found within the limit in the wet season but the DO level was
found below the standard limit both in dry season and wet season. Similar
to Buriganga and Turag, other parameters (Chloride, EC, TDS, TSS and
pH) were found within acceptable limits throughout the study period.
(vi) The Balu river was also found to have significantly low DO and high BOD5
and COD level in the dry season whereas during the wet season the values
were within standard level. However, other parameters (Chloride, EC,
TDS, TSS and pH) were found within acceptable limits throughout the
study period.
(vii) In contrast to the peripheral rivers of Dhaka, the water quality of Meghna
river has been found suitable for all types of uses; DO and BOD5 level of
the river were found to be well within acceptable limits.
While conducting the study, some shortcomings were faced which are as follows,
(i) The water quality data collected from DoE were not in well-organized
format and were manually recorded. However, computer-based data were
available only for the years from 2015 to 2017. On the other hand, data
collected from BWDB were well organized in Microsoft Excel format but
no recent data (after 2012) were available. In addition, the available data
from BWDB were from a single station of a particular river rather than a
number of stations like DoE.
(ii) Although water quality data were recorded by DoE only once in a month,
FEWS presented the data as monthly average data which is misleading.
(iii) Since the collected data from DoE and BWDB were not in the format
specified in FEWS Bangladesh system, sorting and arranging data in the
correct format before importing to the system was time consuming. In
addition, there were about one hundred numbers of anomalous data which
were discarded from the study.
(iv) Once data had been loaded in FEWS system, it was not possible to change
or delete any data. For that, data had to be loaded again opening a new
FEWS system. Besides, water quality trend slope calculation function of
the system is still under development and was not possible to include in
this study.
Although several research works on river water quality have been done, no study using
FEWS Bangladesh system to present the water quality data has been done till date in
our country. This study paves way for further research on this topic in the following
(i) In this study, only the peripheral rivers of Dhaka city were considered. The
water quality of the rivers surrounding the major cities of the country (i.e.,
Chittagong, Rajshahi, Khulna) which are also at risk of pollution are
required to be brought under study.
(ii) The study used secondary water quality data, primary data generated in lab
can be used for analysis and the accuracy of the data generated can be
checked using FEWS Bangladesh System.
(iii) The trend slope calculation function of FEWS Bangladesh system is
necessary for trend analysis in future research work.
(iv) Further advancement in the FEWS Bangladesh System configuration is
necessary so that it becomes possible to predict/estimate the future water
quality status of rivers based on trend and other related parameters.
The government agencies of our country that collect river water quality data should
adopt innovative technology like the FEWS system for systematic data management
and regular monitoring of the water quality trend of the rivers, which will eventually
help the policy makers to undertake pollution control and prevention strategies to
protect the rivers of Bangladesh.
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B.1 Formatting data and importing data set for new locations
The “FEWS Bangladesh System” is currently configured to import data for a number
of pre-existing locations in the system. However, it is also possible to create a new
monitoring location and import data for that location. In order to complete this, two
new steps were required prior to importing the data:
The steps followed to format data and import the dataset into FEWS system are
discussed below:
I. The monitoring locations selected for this study were added to the “locations.csv”
file located in the “\Config\MapLayerFiles\Locations” folder in the “FEWS
Bangladesh system”. For that, it was necessary to check that the desired locations
were not already existing in the “locations.csv” file which stored all of the
monitoring locations for which data was imported into the FEWS system.
II. In order to create a new location, the following information were added to the
system: Site ID, Site Name, Site Description (optional), Site Longitude, Site
Latitude, Site Water Body. A short description of each field is provided below.
a. Site ID: Lab. Code No or other unique sampling ID.
b.Site Name: Includes Site ID and name of nearby landmark. This is the
name that appeared in the FEWS system.
c. Site Description: Additional description of the sampling site (optional).
d.Site Longitude: Longitude using the datum WGS 1984.
e. Site Latitude: Latitude using the datum WGS 1984.
f. Site Water Body: Code that indicated the water body of the site. It was
important that the ID entered for the Site Water Body corresponded to a
pre-determined ID to make sure that the location was imported correctly
into the FEWS system. The IDs included in the system for the rivers under
this study are provided below in Table B.1.
BG Buriganga River
BL Balu River
SL Shitalakkhya River
III. Once all of the new locations were added to the “location.csv” file, it was saved
and closed. All the newly added locations were displayed in a map by the FEWS
system as shown in Figure B.1.
IV. Next, going to the FEWS system ‘F5’ was pressed. This loaded the new
location(s)into FEWS.
V. After creating new locations, the next step was to prepare data for that monitoring
location in the correct format so that it could be imported. In this regard, a copy
of “example_WaterQualityRawData_withoutBlanks.csv” was made in the
“.\FEWS-Bangladesh\ImportBackup\CSV_raw” folder and renamed.
VI. Then the file was opened, and the data was separated into columns, selecting
column A, clicking on ‘Data’ at the top of the window, and selecting ‘Text to
VII. All of the previous data were deleted, except for the top line (also referred to as the
header line).
VIII. Before importing data, it was mandatory to save the data in the format shown in
square brackets in the Table B.3.
Figure B.1 Location Map of the added stations displayed by FEWS System
Table B.3 Sample format of water quality data to be imported into FEWS System
Table B.4 Parameters available in the system and selected for the study
pH pH
DO Dissolved Oxygen
EC Electrical Conductivity
TS Total Solids
Cl Chloride
XII. Going to the FEWS system, “Import water quality data” action was selected from
the “Actions” panel located on the left of the FEWS display and the run button was
XIII. When the action completed, a message “Workflow Import. WQ Completed” was
received which indicated the desired set of data was successfully imported to the
FEWS Bangladesh System.
The step by step procedures followed to visualize the time series of the imported water
quality data are described below:
I. In the “Data Viewer” panelthe option “Water Quality” was chosen from the first
box located on the top of the display.
II. Then, from the second box, a location, e.g. “Meghna River” was clicked on, and
the options were unfolded by clicking on the “+” in front of the preferred location
set (e.g. to reachMEG-102).
III. The parameter to be displayed was selected from the third box (e.g. Dissolved
IV. Next step was to click on the “Time Series Data” tab or on the button in the upper
left corner of the window. Then, a time series was plotted and visualized in a
table next to the plot. The data could be observed moving or scrolling the period
with the tools available in the toolbar.
V. It was possible to play with the different options in the fourth box of the “Data
Viewer” panel (lower right corner of your screen) and view the effect on the time
series plotted.
VI. Selecting a different set of locations and a different variable, steps 4 & 5 were
repeated to visualise the time series of the variables of the selected locations in
the study.
The step by step procedures followed to visualize the spatial variation of the imported
water quality data are described below:
I. Firstly, the “Spatial Data” tab was clicked on. Thena map was shown, similar to
the “Map” viewer tab, except for an additional list that was shown on the left-
hand sideof the map and a scale bar was shown on the right-hand side of the map.
II. The “Monthly data” set in this list was unfolded.
III. Then, a variable e.g: “Dissolved oxygen monthly averages (mg/L)” was clicked
IV. At the top of the screen, a timeline is visible. The spatial variation of the selected
variable was viewed by moving the slider back and forth over the timeline and
seeing the effects on the map and also by zooming in and out on the map or on a
specific location of concern.
V. The previous steps were repeated for a different set of time averages, e.g. “Yearly
data”, and for all the variables under this study.
Sl. Total
Best Practice Based Classification BOD5 DO
No. pH Coliform
(mg/l) (mg/l)
(#/100 ml)
Source of drinking water for supply
a 6.5-8.5 ≤2 ≥6 ≤ 50
only after disinfection
b Water usable for recreational activity 6.5-8.5 ≤3 ≥5 ≤ 200
Source of drinking water for supply
c 6.5-8.5 ≤6 ≥6 ≤ 5000
after conventional treatment
d Water usable by fisheries 6.5-8.5 ≤6 ≥5 --
Water usable for by various process
e 6.5-8.5 ≤ 10 ≥5 ≤ 5000
and cooling industries
f Water usable for irrigation 6.5-8.5 ≤ 10 ≥5 ≤ 1000
(1) In water used for pisciculture, maximum limit of presence of ammonia as nitrogen is 1.2
(2) Electrical conductivity for irrigation water 2250 S/cm (at a temperature at 25 C); Sodium
less than 26%; Boron less than 0.2%
11 Chlorinated Alkenes
12 Chlorinated Phenols
38 pH - 6.5-8.5 -- 6.5-8.5
39 Phenolic Compounds mg/l 0.002 --
40 (total orthophosphate as mg/l 6 --
41 Phosphorous (as P) mg/l 0 --
42 Potassium (K) mg/l 12 --
Radioactive materials
43 Bq/l 0.01
(Gross alpha activity)
Radioactive materials
44 Bq/l 0.1
(Gross beta activity)
45 Selenium (Se) mg/l 0.01 0.01
46 Silver (Ag) mg/l 0.02 --
54 Turbidity NTU 10 -- 5c