BIS HCMC Schedule of Fees 2024-25
BIS HCMC Schedule of Fees 2024-25
BIS HCMC Schedule of Fees 2024-25
The School reserves the right to amend the Schedule of Fees from time to time
01/09/21 - 31/08/22
F1 Half Day 238,100,000 129,140,000 91,880,000 59,100,000
F2 Full Day 338,700,000 183,690,000 130,700,000 84,080,000
01/09/20 - 31/08/21
F2 Half Day 298,800,000 136,660,000 Not Applicable Not Applicable
01/09/19 - 31/08/20 F3 Full Day 479,400,000 260,000,000 184,990,000 119,010,000
01/09/18 - 31/08/19 Year 1 617,200,000 334,740,000 238,170,000 153,210,000
01/09/17 - 31/08/18 Year 2 671,600,000 364,250,000 259,160,000 166,710,000
* Additional Fees: Please note that the tuition fees are exclusive of school residential trips and visits, instrumental lessons
and school buses for all year groups, and lunch/snack for Secondary students.
A non-refundable Application Fee of 4,700,000 VND is payable upon submission of an Application Form to the school.
This fee is to cover the administrative costs of each application.
A non-refundable Registration Fee of 73,300,000 VND is payable when the offer of a school place is accepted by parents.
The Registration Fee is paid only once and guarantees the place for the student. The acceptance of a school place is not
confirmed until the Registration Fee has been paid. The Registration Fee for the Foundation Stage is 24,500,000 VND.
When a child moves from the Foundation Stage to the Primary school the difference in Registration Fee at the time of
enrolment will be payable.
A payment of 24,500,000 VND per child is required as a Security Deposit when the child joins the school. This deposit will
be refunded when the child leaves the school provided 90 calendar days’ notice is given in writing to the school. If
parents do not submit the Withdrawal Notification Form to the school 90 days before the student’s last school day then
the school has no obligation to return the deposit. This deposit is only applied for Primary & Secondary students. When a
child moves from the Foundation Stage to the Primary school the Security Deposit will be payable.
If a child is enrolled into the school after the start of Term 1 the Tuition Fees for the remainder of the school year have to
be paid in advance according to the table below:
Child starts in First half of Term 1 Second half of Term 1 Term 2 Term 3
Late Enrolment Tuition Fee Annual Fee 90% of Annual Fee Term 2 + Term 3 Fees Term 3 Fee
A family discount of 10% is applicable on Tuition Fees of the third and subsequent child/children of a family with three or
more children enrolled in the school. Family discount does not apply to children enrolled in Fundinotots.