History of Medicine

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DATE: O6.12.2023


Prehistoric Era:
The most difficult task in writing history of any topic is the history of medicine. It is
very diificult to begin. The reality of that the history of medicine is related with the
beginning of mankind. Nothing documentary writing and evidence in respect of the
medical thought can be produced from the storages of man, except certain drawings
and specimens that have survived from the stone age. In those ages medical
professional persons were known as ‘Magicians’.
The problem of death was thought as a punishment for man’s disobedience. The
existence of diseases was considered differently. Diseases are viewed as punishments
exercised by God (or) supernatural being.
They have a peculiar custom of using a ‘bone’ which is made up of long slender stick
and was used to bring illness to a person by some ritual performance and songs, if the
man becomes sick by any other influences he used to go to a so called ‘magician
medicine man’ or a ‘priest’ to get the evil influences sucked out and to take some
indigenous folk medicine which was full of superstitious beliefs.
History does not supply the exact date of evolution of man on this earth & its
appearance of diseases. He thought whatever happened around him was nothing but
the result of an evil power or the anger of god upon them. Even the disease that
attacked few people in his group was because of the same cause.
Treatments of the diseases depended entirely upon the notions and beliefs of the
community. So in the period of super-natural conception of disease, "Magic" came as
the medicine, and the medicine man was relied on to communicate with supernatural
powers to fight suffering of all kinds. Even today we can find people believe in this
spiritual concept of disease. As "Curse of God" is the cause of disease and the
"Magic" as the medicine, the priest became the first doctor in the history. The
knowledge of priests on human structure and functioning was limited. Moreover,
dissecting the bodies and studying anatomy in those days was not allowed. Dissecting
bodies was a social taboo and was considered a sin.

History provides evidence to the various system of medicines that prevailed over
various parts of the world. All such systems were based on the religious and
mythological theories of their regions. Some important ones are considered below in
order to understanding the philosophical views of ancient physicians.

Evolution of Medical Sciences:

Ancient Medical systems:
Egyptian system of Medicine – 2900B.C
Chinese system of Medicine – 2700B.C
Indian system of Medicine – 1500B.C
Greek system of Medicine – 1200B.C
Roman system of Medicine – 100B.C
Arabian system of Medicine – 800A.D


The Egyptian system of medicine is the oldest known medical system in the history of
humanity. Egyptians developed an organized method of medical education for
physicians and a systematic method of treatment. They identified many relevant
factors associated with disease. IMHOTEP, was the God of medicine for Egyptians.
HORUS was the God of health. Physicians were trained in the temple of 'Imhotep'
and they were considered as public servants, and were paid by the state.
The story goes like that the Horus lost his eye during the fight with demon "Set", but
the eye was restored by a miracle. After the healing process was over a scar remained
on the injured eye of Horus. This scar resembled the English alphabet "R". This is
considered as the origin for the symbol "Rx" in medical prescriptions written by
doctors all over the world. Today the meaning of the sign "Rx" is "to give or to
"Hammurabi" (1848-105 B.C.) of the kingdom of Babylon developed a code of
medical ethics, which is considered as the oldest document on medical ethics.
The credit of identifying mosquitoes and the rats as the vectors of diseases like
malaria and plague that spread along trade routes goes to the Egyptians. The ancient
Egyptians ranked high in hygiene and prophylaxis than rest of the civilizations.
Egyptians also believed the importance of diet partially. The root cause of most
ailments was over feeding and it was recognized that prevention better than cure.
Two of the most famous writings about ancient Egyptian medicine are EDWIN
SMITH PAPYRUS AND EBERS PAPYRUS ,connected with surgery and medicine
partially .
In order to live after death, so they wished to preserve their physical bodies. They
developed the technique of mummifying the dead bodies. Hence the custom of
building the pyramids developed to preserve their dead bodies.
They found the method of vaccination against small pox. They discovered that
mosquitoes, could produce many diseases. They could associate plague with rats.
They had a unique system of public hygiene and well planned underground drainage
systems in all cities. They also had public bath facilities for the people.


It is also called as traditional system of Medicine. It has been coming from one
generation to another generation as a tradition.
Chinese people believe that the energy is flowing inside the body and the disease is
caused due to the obstructing (or) blocking the energy channels. The path in which
energy is flowing is called ‘MEREDIANS’.

The Chinese Emperor who lived about 300 BC is called as father of Chinese
medicine. He wrote PENT’SAOS recording of 365 drugs. He tested the efficacy
of these drugs by experimenting on himself. He analyzed the toxicity of various
plans by sampling himself for analyzing the individual effects. He is a founder
of herbal medicine.
Chang ching chung(195 A.D.) was known as the Hippocrates of china and Huatu"
(115-205 A.D.) are notable medical personalities of this system. They wrote books
focusing on nutrition, internal medicine surgery and veterinary medicine
The Chinese medicine revolves around the "Yin and Yang" theory.
According to this theory, health is a balanced stage between natural "Yin" and "Yang"
forces. "Yin" is a negative force and "Yang" is a positive force The life force called
“Qi” or (pronounced as "chi”) will be circulating in the healthy body in a harmonious
and uninterrupted manner in some imaginary channels in our body. These channels
are called "meridians". Any disturbance to the of these Yin and Yang forces will result
in the blockage of meridians. This obstructs the circulation of the life force called
“Qi” leading to various diseases.
To remove obstruction and to correct the flow of "Qi" in the meridians the
"Acupuncture" procedure has been recommended by the Chinese physicians. By
inserting medicinal needles in to these channels the physician tries to correct this
Examination of pulse and observations on the colour of skin and eye and tongue were
given importance.
Chinese has realized the importance of hygiene, regulation of food habits,
hydrotherapy, massage treatment, acupuncture and immunization of small pox.


Ayurvedic system" is considered as the most ancient (Sanatana) method of treatment

by the Indians. The proof of written documents collected dated back to 700 B.C. The
"Rig-Veda" is believed to be founded in 1500 B.C. "Ayurveda" is respected as the
fifth Veda (Panchama Veda) by the Indians. The meaning of the word "Ayur" means
"life" and "Veda" means "science". Indian mythology explains that God "Dhanvantri"
invented this system with the blessings of the almighty. He then taught this sacred
practice to divine twins "Ashwini brothers", his ardent followers. Ashwini brothers
passed on the skill of practice to the sacred sages of India, and this became the popular
Indian medical system "Ayurveda". The Ayurvedic philosophy revolves around the
theory of three humours (tridoshas)- vaata, pitta and kapha. The imbalance of these
three humors results in to disease.
Ayurvedic physicians employ 2 methods to treat diseases. Depending upon the nature
of the disease the Ayurvedic physician employs the appropriate method.

1. Vipareeta Chikitsa: "Vipareeta" means "opposite", "chikitsa" means "treatment". In

this method to treat one set of symptoms, a medicine is employed which produces
exactly opposite set of symptoms. Example: to treat a case of diarrhea, a medicine is
given which is capable of producing constipation. The treatment can be considered
like that of the "Antipathic" method. This method is just opposite to homeopathy.

2. Thadrthakri Chikitsa: "Thadrthakri" means "same meaning" "chikitsa" means

"treatment". In this method to treat one set of symptoms, a medicine is employed
which produces exactly same set of symptoms. Example: to treat a case of diarrhea, a
medicine is given which is capable of producing diarrhoea. This might be considered
close to homeopathic treatment.

The Ayurveda has upper hand in Surgery. "Hindus" may be called as the pioneers of
plastic surgery. The great physician surgeon "Sushruta" is considered as the father of
Ayurvedic surgery. His treatise "Sushruta samhita" contains the medicinal and
surgical techniques of this system. He did plastic surgery for nose - Rhinoplasty.
Sushruta identified mosquitoes as the cause of malaria and explained that the plague
spreads from the dead rats. Agnivera, Charaka, Athreya, Vaghbhatta, are some of the
important physicians of those days. Females were given equal importance in the
ancient Indian medical world. Lopamudra, Arundhathi etc are important female
personalities who contributed to the Ayurvedic literature abundantly. The Sanskrit text
"Saaktheya" contained the inoculation technique for small- pox. History says that the
technique of inoculating the cowpox to protect a person from small pox had originated
first in India and Tibet. Saint "Patanjali" introduced the "Asthanga yoga" into
Ayurvedic system. Today "Yoga" is regaining its fame all over the world as the best
method of preventing diseases.


Important Greek physician worth mentioning is "Aesculapius".

According to the legends, he was the son of Apollo and cronis. Apollo
gave him the powers to treat people and Aesculapius later became a
great physician, Chiron taught Asclepius the art of healing.
One of Asclepius healing talents was treatment through touch. His
healing power was so strong that he started to raise people from the
dead. Aesculapius believed that the health and disease are due to the
changing patterns of tension and relaxation. His theory is called
Aesculapius carried a staff with a snake wrapped around it. The staff
symbolizes the physicians journey to high destiny, the serpents
believed to have wisdom to detect the medicinal plants. That to this
day, it is used as the symbol for the modern medical profession.
He had two daughters hygieia, goddess of health (preventive
medicine) and panacea –ability to cure anything.
Unhappy about losing the privilege of immortality God Zeus killed
Aesculapius with a thunder bolt. Realizing the good Aesculapius had
brought to men, the Great Zeus converted him into a god, placing him
among the stars, transforming Aesculapius into the constellation
Ophiuchus(serpent- bearer). The cult of Aesculapius became very
popular during 300 B.C. The cult centers by name as Aesclepieion
were used by priests to cure the Sick.
It is also said that Hippocrates was a descendant of Aesculapius. The
father of Medicine, (460 BC-370BC) belongs to Greek system of
Hippocratic era:
Ancient Greek civilization was at its peak during the 400 B.C. During
this, sick people went to the temple dedicated Aesculapius, the Greek
god of healing. At this time, a man named Hippocrates began teaching
that every disease had only natural causes. He was born and trained at
the Dream Temple of Island of Coas and was a pupil of herodicus.
Hippocrates was the first person to state that diseases can be treated
with medicines. Hippocrates rejected the superstition and magic of
primitive medicine and laid the foundations of medicine as a branch
of science and not a religion. He did not encourage the fanciful
theories to explain diseases hence Hippocrates is considered as the
“Father of Medicine” by the western group. In order to administer
medicines he recommended both dissimilar and similar laws. He
advised to use law of similar incurable diseases and law of dissimilar
in incurable and palliative diseases. Hippocrates enjoyed a great honor
and respect by the then medical persons. Even today doctors all over
the world take their professional Hippocratic oath which is believed to
be advocated by Hippocrates. The Hippocratic oath is an oath
traditionally taken by physicians in which certain ethical guidelines to
physicians are laid out. It is disputed to be written by either
Hippocrates or by some other scholars under the name of Hippocrates.
The arrival of Hippocrates marked the departure of archaic medicine
and the beginning of scientific era in medicine.
The basic principle of homoeopathy as a system of medicine was
recognized in ancient Greece by the physician Hippocrates. He wrote
“by similar things a disease is produced and through the application of
the like, it is cured.”

Contributions of Hippocrates
He founded the concept of individualization of treating the patient and
not the disease. Established the logical method of clinical
observation. Emphasized the importance of external environment on
the well being of man
"On Sacred diseases" a book written by him is considered as his
original writing on epilepsy. The entire collections of Hippocrates are
compiled into a book called "Corpus Hippocraticum".
The "Hippocratic face" is so called because it was first described by
Hippocrates. The Hippocratic face is the change produced in the
countenance by death, or long sickness, excessive evacuations,
excessive hunger. The nose is pinched, the eyes are sunken, the
temples hollow, the ears cold and retracted the skin of the forehead
tense and dry, the complexion livid, the lips dry, relaxed and cold.
Hippocrates was probably the first to document clubbing as a sign of
disease of heart and lungs, and the phenomenon is therefore
occasionally called Hippocratic fingers.
The Hippocratic bench or Scamnum was a device invented by
Hippocrates (460 B.C.=380 B.C.) which used tension to aid in setting
bones. Hippocrates recommended that physicians should record their
findings and their medicinal methods, so that these records may be
passed down and employed by other physicians (Pythagoreans). He
advocated the fundamental theory of doctrine of humors– blood,
phlegm, yellow bile and black bile. Believed that the imbalance in the
blood flam allowed by and black by is the causeway for diseases. His
works and therapeutic recommendations were purely based on his
own observation he advocated diet remedial management and regimen
as curative process.

The Greek physicians hcrophilus, Pedanius and Paulus, Aegineta

were pioneers in the study of anatomy. “Dioscorides” is also one of
the pioneers worth mentioning in Greek medical system.

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