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Master of


master of management analytics 1

The field of management
analytics is evolving at an
extraordinary pace. If you are
looking to make your mark in
this exciting area, consider the
Rotman Master of Management
Analytics (MMA).

The MMA is a theoretically

rigorous and highly
experiential degree. It helps
you gain the advanced skills
required to shape future
business decisions. In this
comprehensive 11-month
% Take a Virtual Tour program, you will learn the
of the Rotman School newest analytics tools in
machine learning and artificial
intelligence used in today’s
tech-driven economy.

University of Toronto ranks:

1 18
in Canada
of the Top Universities
in the World
— Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2023

University of Toronto
Enjoy a full-campus experience at the historic St. George
campus of the University of Toronto. Established in 1827,
U of T is recognized as Canada's leading university, and a
global centre for research and academic excellence. This
reputation adds tremendous value to your Rotman MMA

Toronto: Part of a Growing Tech North

Toronto is part of Tech North, an industry region that is
rapidly growing into the largest concentration of artificial
intelligence, machine learning, fintech and quantum
computing start-ups in the world. The School takes
full advantage of its strategic location by drawing on a
rich pool of business and industry leaders as teachers,
mentors and speakers.

master of management analytics 3


The Master of Management
Analytics is a practical degree
designed for quantitatively

the best
strong students who have
recently completed their
undergraduate studies.

class of 2023 profile

academic backgrounds

34% Engineering

24% Mathematics/Statistics

Average age

Women in class
17% Computer Science

10% Accounting/Finance

7% Economics
5% Business/Commerce
3% Science

undergrad GPA nationalities represented in our last three cohorts

Average GMAT*

of class with
work experience
average 26 months

*Not required for admission. Average based on scores from 36% of admitted class.
Sydney Kalyn
mma ‘22

Senior Analyst, Enterprise

Strategy, Manulife

Previous education:
Bachelor of Commerce,
McGill University

"The practicum project

was the highlight of
my MMA experience.
It’s an opportunity to
work on a live project
in your own industry,
and to apply the skills
you gain in class to real-
world challenges."
Q&A with Sydney ,

master of management analytics 5


The Rotman
Master of

Management analytics is the We have structured our program to provide you with a
multitude of opportunities to test and master your skills.
development of a precise On completion, you will:
understanding of the factors , Understand the root cause of managerial problems
influencing managerial , Know how to identify data sources
decisions, and designing , Create analytical data sets

data and analytical solutions ,

Design, validate and implement analytical solutions
Confidently and effectively tell a story with your data to
to support them. influence business decisions
2 13 3
QS World University Rankings:
Masters in Business Analytics Rankings 2023

# # top
In Canada In the World INFORMS UPS
George D. Smith
Prize, '22 and '23

Located in the heart of Canada's technology

corridor, Rotman offers you wide-ranging
opportunities to hone your expertise in AI
and predictive analytics.

Practicum project Showcases, case competitions

Gain real-world experience. Running and datathons
through the duration of the program, the Highlight your talent to top industry
practicum is a key strength of the MMA. experts and impress potential
Working in teams, students are faced with employers. Each year, Rotman students
a real business challenge, and develop participate in a range of competitions
an analytical approach to solving it. across Canada, applying their skills and
Alongside counterparts in the sponsoring knowledge to real-world challenges.
organization, students present a design
for the analytical data set and model Events and speaker series
development to faculty and the project Learn from the best. Each year, Rotman
sponsor before executing and presenting hosts over 100 public talks by best-selling
the results. authors, analytics professionals and other
thought leaders. The insights shared by
At the end of the program, Rotman hosts these speakers have an extraordinary
a combined showcase and networking impact on students. Learn more ,
event where students present their
project outcomes to industry partners. Rotman clubs
The event is the culmination of the Led and organized by Rotman students, "My experience at
industry experience, and the program as clubs offer a rich calendar of social, Rotman was truly
a whole. Learn more , cultural and career-related events remarkable, as it
and activities. Clubs offer diverse provided me with
TD Management Data and Analytics Lab opportunities to meet and network with the opportunity to
Collect and analyze big data. The like-minded individuals from different establish meaningful
team of lab staff and data scientists in programs. The Rotman Business Analytics connections with
residence provide technical support Club is of particular interest to MMA industry leaders and
and advice, while hosting regular events students. Learn more , mentors, and with
and competitions to give you additional the capabilities
perspectives on the world of data analytics. Vector Institute recognition needed to excel in
The lab provides online access to both The program is recognized by the Vector the field of AI
private and public data sources needed for Institute for developing the skills and consulting."
the MMA program. Learn more , competencies demanded by the artificial
intelligence industry in Canada. Yining (Johnny) Wang
Industry connections mma '22
Meet experts in their field. Connect with Rotman MMA Valedictorian
senior practitioners through networking
Consultant, Deloitte Omnia AI
events and the practicum, and through
interactions with the advisory board and Previous education:
our in-house data scientists. Learn about Bachelor of Applied Science,
analytics in different industries to shape University of Toronto
your future career opportunities.
Q&A with Johnny ,

master of management analytics 7



"The Rotman MMA

program is unique in
that is provides students
with both sophisticated
technical skills and
with a managerial and
business toolkit. Unlike
other programs, we do
not have an AI track
within our MMA. AI
tools and mastery of
coding languages such
as Python, R and SQL
are among the core
skills all our students are
expected to develop."

Dmitry Krass
PhD, john hopkins university
Sydney C. Cooper Chair in Business and Technology;
Professor of Operations Management and Statistics
Academic Co-Director, MMA Program
Rotman is the largest Canadian Among our professors are seasoned professionals who
tap into their real-world experience to guide students and
business school and is ranked bring classroom discussions to life. They give you access
among the top twenty globally to the latest research before it filters into consulting firms
and major corporations. Faculty teaching in the program
for management research. include:

Our faculty have built a stellar Gerhard Trippen

phd, the hong kong university of science and technology
reputation for their leading
Associate Professor, Teaching Stream, OM and Statistics Area;
scholarship, teaching Academic Co-Director, MMA program
excellence and insights into a
wide range of management Opher Baron
phd, massachusetts institute of technology (mit)
issues. Distinguised Professor of Operations Management

Gillian Hadfield
Data Scientists in Residence phd, stanford university
A key connection between students and industry, the Professor, Strategic Management Area and Professor of Law
data scientists in residence provide a wealth of insight.
They include:
Sridhar Moorthy
phd, stanford university
Meghan Chayka
Co-Founder, Stathletes Manny Rotman Chair in Marketing and Professor of
Meghan is an entrepreneur and the co-founder of
Stathletes, a sports analytics and insights business that
Kanchana Padmanabhan
provides industry-leading data precision within the sport
phd, north carolina state university
of hockey.
VP of Engineering & Product at Secure AI Labs
Brian Keng and Industry Instructor
Research Director at Borealis AI
Brian leads the incubator and proof of concept stream Maria Rotundo
at RBC's AI research lab to develop new and innovative phd, university of minnesota
solutions for the bank's business lines. Professor of Organization Behaviour and HR Management

Arik Senderovich Mikhail (Mike) Simutin

TD-MDAL Fellow, Rotman School of Management phd, university of british columbia
Arik provides research and data analytics insights to Associate Professor of Finance
process mining and optimization. His work focuses on
congested service and manufacturing systems.

master of management analytics 9


your potential

The Master of Management

Analytics Program is designed
for talented individuals
seeking a transformative
learning experience. The
program will challenge you
to push your limits, expand
your creativity, and focus your
critical thinking and decision-
making skills to advance your
leadership potential.
of MMA students were employed
Average starting salary, with bonuses
within 6 months of graduation (Class of 2022)
(Class of 2022)

Career Services
We equip you with the skills and strategies you need to
succeed by offering a suite of services designed for young

Our career services team works with you to navigate the

analytics job market across diverse industries. You will work
with a career coach and corporate team who will help you
plan and achieve your professional goals through:

, One-on-one career coaching

, Exclusive employer networking opportunities
, Industry-specific and alumni speaker events
, Professional skills workshops designed to
set you up for success
, Technical interview and case interview preparation
, Mock interviews with industry professionals
, Curated job board for Canadian and global opportunities
, Global job search resources and supports
, 24/7 online resources

Learn more ,

"Rotman is an internationally recognized

business school, and the skills you learn in
the MMA program are exactly the ones
that companies are searching for."
Cole Shulman, mma '22
a selection of advisory board member companies
Healthcare Consultant, Eastwood & Cleef
Vector Institute Scholarship in AI recipient
Previous education:
Bachelor of Health Sciences (BHSc.) Majoring in
Biomedical Discovery and Commercialization
with a Statistics Minor, McMaster University
Q&A with Cole ,

Master of Management Analytics Advisory Board

The MMA program advisory board consists of senior
professionals working in data and analytics across a
range of sectors. For students, the board provides a
key link to the industry. Board members have frequent
interactions with students, hosting coffee chats,
discussing the role of analytics in their organization,
and providing feedback on mock technical interviews.
They also advise on industry and career trends in
analytics, and the skills that will continue to differentiate
Rotman MMA graduates.

master of management analytics 11


Your MMA
Learn today how to tackle the business challenges
of tomorrow. Master the skills required to succeed in
the field of management analytics, with cutting-edge
coursework that exposes you to the newest techniques
in machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Real-world results “Rotman is an amazing

This full-time, 11-month program is designed with input from industry environment to learn, connect,
partners to reflect the shifting landscape of data analytics, machine and prosper in your career.
learning and artificial intelligence. The full-time program starts at the The MMA program helped me
beginning of August, with one intake per year. discover how advanced
technologies translate into
Software tools business strategies and impact.”
The MMA program is designed to refine your mastery and application of
important tools including Python, R, SQL, Excel and Tableau. Stella Moon, mma ‘21
Analytical Lead, Google
Professional certification Vector Institute Scholarship in AI recipient
Certifications are an opportunity for you to demonstrate your knowledge in Previous education:
a specific area. The optional certification program is designed to facilitate
B.MATH (Statistics Major), University of
opportunities for students to complete certifications while in the program.
BBA (Finance Concentration), Wilfrid Laurier
Beginning of August September End of June

Note: Course order and

timing for each academic
session are subject to
Management Analytics Practicum
September to June
The practicum provides an opportunity Working with your counterparts in the organization,
MMA Convocation takes for student teams to engage with a you will:
place in November, real-world business challenge.
following June deliverables.
The courses within the program, topics , Devise an analytical approach to solving
covered in the colloquium and various a managerial issue
resources at Rotman will guide you in , Present a design for the analytical data set and
producing the best possible solutions
model development
to the managerial issues addressed in
the practicum. , Execute and present the results

Introduction Analytical Tools Managerial Uses

August to September
and Techniques of Analytics
October to December February to May

Familiarize yourself with Learn about a wide range of This term looks at the typical challenges organizations
Rotman and gain an analytic tools, from simple face, and how data can be used to solve them. It
overview of the topics you predictive models to complex considers the types of data available in different sectors
will be covering during the statistical models of learning and and departments, and how they can be applied to meet
program. simulation-based tools. organizational objectives. Students will study 1 core
course, as well as 3 electives.

, Analytics in Management , Structuring and Visualizing core

Data for Analytics
, Improving Customer Value with Analytics to Leveraging AI
, Data-based Management
, Modeling Tools for Predictive and Deep Learning Tools in Marketing
electives (Not all electives may be offered every year)
, Bootcamps
, Big Data Analytics , Analytics for Marketing Strategy
(Stats, JMP, Python, SQL, R)
, Tools for Probabilistic Models , Analytics Insight Using Accounting and Financial Data
and Prescriptive Analytics , Analytic Methods in Finance
, Optimizing Supply Chain Management and Logistics
, Service Analytics for Management Analytics

Colloquia A series of mini-courses Previous topics included:

August to June throughout the program exposes
, Ethical and Legal Issues in AI , Customer Relationship
you to current trends and topics.
, The Basics of API Usage and Management (CRM)
The areas explored are reviewed
annually to ensure the most Design , Healthcare Analytics
important issues are covered. , Cloud Computing and MLOps , Process Mining
Certain topics such as ethics will
, Product Management Analytics
be covered each year.
, Social Networks Representation

, Analytics for Fraud Detection and

Money Laundering

Self-Development Led by the Self-Development Topics include:

August to June Lab (SDL), and running
, Making Effective Presentations
throughout the duration of the
program, this course helps you , Making Teams Work and Working as a Team
develop your communication , Doing Things with Words
and interpersonal skills.
, Difficult Conversations

master of management analytics 13


Sukanya Mahata, mma ‘21

Senior Manager, Marketing Analytics,
Previous education:
Post Graduate Diploma in
Management - Indian Institute
of Management, Ahmedabad
Bachelor of Technology, Electrical
Engineering, Indian Institute of

Q&A with Sukanya ,

"The Rotman School is

renowned for creating an
atmosphere of excellence,
bringing together bright
students with accomplished
professors in the heart of
a bustling city. Choosing
Rotman meant being in
a class where I would be
consistently challenged
by my peers to approach
problems in a new way and
develop a new set of skills. It
also offered an unparalleled
network of alumni and
companies, right at our
doorstep in Toronto, as
well as around the world."
& next steps
Admission criteria
The following are some of the elements required for admission. Quantitative proficiency
Refer to our website for full admissions criteria. , University-level quantitative courses with a B or higher
, Strong performance in courses related to Calculus,
, Four-year undergraduate degree, minimum B average Linear Algebra, Statistics and Probability
across final year
, Quantitative proficiency Computational proficiency
, Computational proficiency , Proficiency in one or more programming language
, English language proficiency , Demonstrated through academic studies, work,
, Prerequisite assessments* internships or personal projects
, Standardized test results (GMAT/GRE) encouraged
Interpersonal skills
Following the submission of an online application, selected
candidates will be invited to interview. , Strong verbal and written communication skills
, Professionalism and collaboration
Application deadlines
First round: November 8, 2023 Passion for analytics
Second round: February 7, 2024 , Why you want to study and have a future in analytics
, Shown through academic courses, work, internships,
*If you have not completed courses in these areas as part of your
undergraduate degree, you can obtain conditional acceptance or relevant projects
to the program by completing our pre-qualifying exams. Visit our
website for further details.

Financing and awards Tuition fees

We invest in our students by providing over $500,000 CAD Fees applicable to students entering the program in 2023:
in award funding.
Domestic International
Applicants are automatically considered for entrance awards. students students
Additional applications are not required.
$ 41,400 $ 72,630
For a full list of our awards and eligibility criteria, please visit
our website www.rotman.utoronto.ca/MMA Please note that all fees and awards are set annually and
are subject to change. Costs do not include university
The earlier you apply, the greater your chance for an entrance incidental fees or compulsory ancillary fees.

Meet the team

If you want to learn more about MMA, please contact us for a one- Web: www.rotman.utoronto.ca/MMA
on-one conversation with someone from our admissions team. Email: MMA@rotman.utoronto.ca
Rotman School of Management
University of Toronto
105 St. George Street
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3E6

master of management analytics 15


Rotman School of Management

University of Toronto
105 St. George Street
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3E6

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