AHQ Adventure Book Print
AHQ Adventure Book Print
AHQ Adventure Book Print
This book is a remake for all the official Advanced Heroquest adventures. It features the two core
campaigns from the rulebook and the Terror in the Dark expansion, alongside every adventure
published in the White Dwarf magazine. With this collection, players have access to a wealth of
content, ensuring endless grim and perilous adventures in The Old World.
WORLD TRAVEL................................................1 Special Characters................................................90
Using the world map...............................................1 Hemler’s Spellbook................................................91
World Travel Map...................................................2
Grassland Events.....................................................4 THE PRIESTS OF PLEASURE ........................93
Forest Events.............................................................6 Introduction...........................................................95
Mountain Events......................................................8 Gamemaster’s information.................................96
The dungeon.............................................................97
THE SHATTERED AMULET............................11 The Sanctuary.........................................................98
Introduction...........................................................13 Monster Matrices............................................... 104
Gamemaster’s information.................................14 Special Characters............................................. 105
The Warlord’s Lair................................................18
The Magic Maze......................................................20 THE DARK BENEATH THE WORLD ...........107
The Plague Temple.................................................22 Introduction........................................................ 110
The Amber Room.....................................................24 Players’ information.......................................... 109
The Prison of Ice.....................................................26 Gamemaster’s information.............................. 111
Monster Matrices..................................................29 Special Locations................................................ 114
Special Characters................................................30 The Halls of The Ancestors............................ 117
Pregenerated Heroes......................................... 120
THE QUEST FOR THE LICHEMASTER ........33 Monster Matrices............................................... 122
Introduction...........................................................35 Special Characters............................................. 120
Gamemaster’s information.................................37
The Sword of the Flaming Heart.....................40 THE EYES OF CHAOS ...............................125
The Wand of Conflagration..............................45 Introduction........................................................ 127
The Power Bow of Loren......................................50 Players’ information.......................................... 128
The World’s Edge Hammer..................................56 Gamemaster’s information.............................. 129
The Final Battle.....................................................63 Upper level: The Catacombs............................ 131
The Lichemaster, Upper level............................64 The Lower Dungeon levels.............................. 132
The Lichemaster, Lower level...........................68 Dungeon, Lower level 1.................................... 134
The Battle with The Lichemaster....................71 Dungeon, Lower level 2.................................... 138
Orc Matrices...........................................................74 Rewards................................................................... 144
Chaos Matrices.......................................................75 Special Characters............................................. 145
Skaven Matrices......................................................76
Mixed Matrices.......................................................77 THE TROLLSLAYER’S OATH .......................147
Introduction........................................................ 149
THE QUEST FOR SONNEKLINGE ...............79 Players’ information.......................................... 150
Arrival at Carroburg...........................................81 Gamemaster’s information.............................. 151
Gamemaster’s information.................................82 Hazards of Durrag-Dol................................... 154
The Ogre Chieftain’s Stronghold....................83 Pre-Generated levels........................................ 158
Prince Karad’s tomb..............................................86 The Main Shaft.................................................... 160
Monster Matrices..................................................86 The Gauntlet........................................................ 162
The Kinhearth...................................................... 164 TOBARO’S BANE ..........................................201
Leaving Durrag-Dol.......................................... 167 Arrival at Tobaro............................................... 203
Monster Matrices............................................... 168 Special Rules......................................................... 204
Special Characters............................................. 169 Special Characters............................................. 204
Monster Matrices............................................... 205
THE CHANGING FACES OF TZEENTCH ..171 Special Characters............................................. 181
Introduction........................................................ 173
Gamemaster’s information.............................. 174 BESTIARY ......................................................207
The First Dungeon.............................................. 175 Introduction........................................................ 208
The Second Dungeon.......................................... 177 Monster Abilities................................................ 208
The Third Dungeon............................................. 178 Skaven...................................................................... 210
Monster Matrices............................................... 180 Skaven Special Rules.......................................... 213
Special Characters............................................. 181 Skaven Dark Magic............................................. 214
Orcs and Goblins................................................. 215
RIVERS OF BLOOD .....................................183 Power of The Waagh.......................................... 216
Introduction........................................................ 185 Undead.................................................................... 217
Gamemaster’s information.............................. 186 Undead Special Rules......................................... 218
New Hazards and Traps.................................... 188 Undead Spells and Abilities............................ 218
Cellars Upper level........................................... 190 Chaos....................................................................... 219
Cellars Lower level.......................................... 195 Chaos Spells.......................................................... 220
The Tomb and the Treasure............................. 198 Beastmen................................................................. 221
Special Characters............................................. 199 Various Monsters................................................ 221
Travelling in the Old World comes with its own Roll on the table below when at least 80 percent of
hazards. The longer the journey, the greater the the hexagon space is empty. Rivers count as empty.
chance of something awful happening to the Heroes.
Each hexagon space on the World map counts as 1 1 Brigands 7 Fire
week of travel time. Count on the map from your
current position to your destination to determine 2 Goblin Ambush 8 Waylaid
how many weeks the journey is going to take. If your 3 Chapel 9 Cottage
quest location and settlement is in the same hexagon, 4 Traveling Minstrel 10 Glorious Weather
you still have to roll once. 5 Stranger 11 Prisoner
Roll a D12 for each hexagon traveled. If the result is 6 Pedlar 12 Guests
3 or lower, consult one of the corresponding tables
below. If the result is higher, or if you've already FOREST TABLE
resolved an event from that specific table during this Roll on the table below when at least 20 percent of
expedition, no significant event occurs during that the hexagon space is covered with trees.
Keep track of all the hexagons that have been
explored. When traveling over an already explored 1 Wolf Pack 7 Giant Nest
hexagon, you still roll a D12, but only an event 2 Ogre Campsite 8 Unicorn
occurs if the result is 1. 3 Witch's Cave 9 Massacre
If an event occurs, inspect the hexagon to determine 4 Forest Fire 10 Shrine
which table on this page to roll from: Grassland, 5 Militia 11 Which Road?
Forest, or Mountain. The corresponding rules for 6 Lightning 12 Treefolk
this determination can be found above each table.
When the Heroes encounter enemies that lead to MOUNTAIN TABLE
combat on a Hazard Encounter tile, and when using Roll on the table below when at least 20 percent of
the Terror in the Dark dungeon generation tables, the hexagon space is covered with mountains.
this event may be counted as an explored room for
the forthcoming dungeon. MOUNTAIN TABLE
1 Cave Troll 7 Pool of Dreams
The Gamemaster may decide where new starting
Heroes start their adventure, but most of the time 2 Giant Bats 8 Hidden Treasure
this would be in the main capital of the Empire: 3 Double Back 9 Quake
Altdorf. When playing multiple adventures with the 4 Rockfall 10 Fall
same Heroes, It is assumed that the Heroes bring 5 Wagon Train 11 Tornado
along their belongings (Moneylender, lodgings..) to
6 Blizzard 12 Storm
the location they are traveling to.
1 The Quest for the Shattered Amulet
2 The Quest for the Lichemaster
3 The Quest for the Sonneklinge
4 The Priests of Pleasure
5 The Dark Beneath the World
6 The Eyes of Chaos
7 The Trollslayer's Oath
8 The Changing Faces of Tzeentch
9 Rivers of Blood
10 Tobaro's bane
1 7
As the Heroes reach the outskirts of an abandoned The Heroes meet a stranger who asks where they are
Settlement, they are set upon by brigands demanding heading. After being told, he says that he too is going
gold. The Heroes have a choice: they can either pay that way, knows a shortcut, and will pay each Hero
the brigands or fight them. 20 gold to let him join them. After all. he explains,
If the Heroes decide to pay the brigands, each Hero there Is safety in numbers.
must give up 50GCs or 1 item from their inventory. The Heroes must let him join them. Roll ID12 on the
If the Heroes fight the brigands, place the Hazards following table:
Encounter tile (or a Large Room tile). Place 6 Chaos 1-4 The stranger does not know the way and the
Thugs and the Party as far as possible from each party is soon lost - add 2 weeks to the length of
other. The Heroes have a chance to roll for surprise. the journey. He is apologetic, however, and when
If there are any brigands left alive after the second the Heroes finally arrive, he pays each of them 20
gold as promised.
round, then they overpower the Heroes, steal 50
5-8 The stranger's short cut turns out to be no
gold or 1 belonging and disappear into the shadows. quicker. Upon reaching your destination, he pays
the Heroes 20 gold each.
2. GOBLIN AMBUSH The stranger does know the way well, knocking a
9 - 12
The Heroes are ambushed in the middle of the night week off the Heroes' journey time. Upon arrival
by a pack of Goblins. Place the Heroes in the centre at their destination, he gratefully pays each Hero
the 20 gold as promised.
of the Encounter tile (or a Large Room tile). Place
4 Goblins and 2 Goblin Archers, in two opposite 6. PEDLAR
corners of the board section. The Goblins have the
The Heroes are stopped by a pedlar - a strange-
advantage and may attack first.
looking Individual wearing brightly coloured rags
and carrying a number of wicker baskets in which he
3. CHAPEL keeps his wares. He capers from side to side, playing
The Heroes see a small chapel. Your Hero may a piping tune on a reedy flute. The Heroes may buy
spend some time In prayer to his gods. After your things from him:
Hero spends 20 gold or donate one of their items in
Bronze Wristband - 30 GCs
offerings you may roll 1D12 on the following table:
A Hero wearing these may Ignore 1 Wound during
1-6 The gods aren't listening, and ignore you Hero. any single combat. One use. then they are broken.
7 - 12 Your Hero has +1 Wound added to his Starting 5 Arrows / Bolts of Sure Striking - 20GCs
Wounds. This is a permanent addition The bow user can add +2 to his Bow Skill when using
these arrows.
Each Hero may only roll once on this table. Cleargem - 60GCs
This large gem is held before one eye when a Hero
4. TRAVELLING MINSTREL is searching for traps. It shows the detail of rooms,
A travelling minstrel joins the Heroes for a part floors and chests, and if used during an exploration
of their journey. When they pass by the gates of a turn it adds 1 to D12 rolls for spotting traps.
Settlement, he begins to play and sing. Roll 1D12 on Each Hero may buy a maximum of one of each item.
the following table:
The Heroes are ambushed in the middle of the night An enormous forest fire is raging out of control in
by a pack of Wolves. Place the Heroes in the centre this area. The Heroes must add another week to their
of the Hazard Encounter tile. Place one Wolf in the 4 journey as they circumvent the blaze.
corners of the board section. (4 Wolves in total). The
Wolves attack first since the Heroes were sleeping 5. POOL OF DREAMS
and were attacked by surprise.
The Heroes see smoke curling above the trees,
and within a few minutes reach the crest of a hill
2. OGRE CAMPSITE overlooking a small Settlement. As they get closer,
The Heroes see smoke curling above the trees. a group of armed men on horseback approach. They
Within a few minutes they reach the crest of a hill are the town militia and are very wary of strangers.
that overlooks three Ogres sitting by a camp fire. The They refuse to let the Heroes pass through their lands,
Heroes may choose to engage the Ogres, or continue but for a payment of 15 gold each will allow them to
their journey. If the Heroes choose to fight, they pass through It. If the Heroes refuse or cannot pay.
may be placed on any square around the edge of the they must go around the village and the surrounding
Hazard Encounter tile. The Ogres will be placed in fields, adding one week to their journey.
the centre near their campfire.
3. WITCH'S CAVE As the Heroes are setting up camp on the top of a
Deep in a gloomy ravine the Heroes come across the hill, a storm gathers above them. The sky blackens
entrance to a dark cave. Inside it dwells a twisted, and grows dim. and thunder rolls. The next instant a
ugly hag who claims to be a witch. Each Hero must lightning bolt streaks from the sky. hitting one of the
pay 1D12 x 5 gold to get a single potion (roll the Heroes on the head. Roll 1D12 for each Hero. The
amount needed to buy each potion separately), and Hero with the lowest score Is hit by lightning, melting
must drink it immediately. If the Heroes don't have his armour. He loses 1 piece of armour (a shield or a
any money on them, this event may be ignored but helmet, for instance).
can still be rerolled on a later time. When drinking
the potion roll 1D12 on the following table: 7. GIANT NEST
1 Your Hero falls unconscious, writhing in agony The Heroes catch sight of colourful birds of
as fire burns through him. When he awakes he
enormous size taking flight from a nearby crag.
feels strangely weak. He Is at -1 Toughness for
the duration or the next adventure. Reckoning that the eggs of such birds might fetch a
The potion warms your Hero to the core. He
pretty price, the Heroes wonder about finding their
2 - 10
gains 1 Wound to be added permanently to his nests. Each Hero who wishes to try and find a nest
Starting Wounds score. before the giant birds return may roll 1D12, and add
11 - 12 A powerful heat surges through your Hero, and their Strength. If the total is 14 or more the Hero
he feels energy coursing through his muscles and has successfully navigated the crag and found some
sinews. He is at +1 Toughness for the duration of eggs! The Hero finds 1D12 giant eggs which may be
the next adventure.
sold at a Settlement for 10 gold pieces each.
As the heroes lay down their gear to rest and relax
in a beautiful meadow, a beautiful unicorn runs
past in the distance. Roll 1D12 for each Hero and if
the score is equal to 10 or more, the Hero catches a
glimpse of this rare and extraordinary event. Each
Hero who sees the Unicorn is +1 Fate for the next
The Heroes come across a burning wagon in a forest The road splits into two before the Heroes. One road
clearing. Roll 1D12 for each Hero. The Hero with the leads to their chosen destination, but from their map
highest score recognises the dying travellers as his it is impossible to tell which. Do they take the left
blood kin. One of them is able to tell the Heroes who fork or the right fork?
perpetrated the massacre. Roll 1D12:
1-6 The Heroes chose the correct path and may
Goblins Skeletons continue on their journey.
1-2 7-8
7 - 12 The Heroes took the wrong route and have to add
3-4 Skaven 9 - 10 Chaos Warriors
1 extra week to their journey.
5-6 Orcs 11 - 12 Beastmen
From now on. the Hero whose kin have been 12. TREEFOLK
slaughtered Hates this type of Monster. Note this
The Heroes journey takes them past a set of
down on his Character sheet. Every time he kills one
enormous trees, stretching into the sky. The shelter
of these Monsters, this Hero gains an extra 5GCs on
makes a perfect place to stay, and the Heroes set
top of the Monster’s Gold Value.
camp underneath the hulking branches. If an Elf is
in the party he may awaken the Trees by attempting
10. SHRINE to speak to them. On a Roll of 7+ (or automatically, if
The Heroes make their way through a thicket and
a War Dancer is among the henchmen) the Treefolk
stumble across an old shrine. A stone well sits in the
awaken and offer to carry the Heroes. Do not roll
middle of the shrine with a cracked ornate tablet
again on the Hazard Table for the remainder of this
hanging above it. A plaque reads: “ Part with your
wealth and gain enlightenment.” A Hero may throw
50GCs or something valuable into the well one time,
where upon it mysteriously vanishes and the Hero
may make roll on the following table:
1-4 The Hero gains no knowledge.
5 - 10 The Hero understands the relationship between
a Hero and their weapon. They gain +1 Weapon
Skill or Bow Skill for the next Expedition.
11 - 12 The Hero sees a glimpse of enlightenment in the
waters of the well. They gain 1 extra Fate Point
for the next Expedition.
The Heroes come across the entrance to a large A blizzard howls across the land, swathing all in
cave. They notice a trail of massive troll footprints white. Unprepared, the Heroes are trapped in a
imprinted deeply into the earth nearby. The Heroes bitterly cold landscape where visibility is reduced
may choose to lure out the troll and hope on finding to a few yards and movement is almost impossible
any valuables on him. or they can avoid the encounter through the banked drifts of snow. Each Hero loses
and continue their journey. If the Heroes choose to 1 item from their inventory.
fight, they may be placed on any square around the
edge of the Hazard Encounter tile. The Troll will be 7. POOL OF DREAMS
placed in the centre.
The Heroes come across a deep pool of freezing water
on top of a mountain. Its surface is like a mirror, with
2. GIANT BATS shifting images drifting across its still, icy surface.
Our Heroes venture through a cave tunnel, their As the Heroes gaze into the chill waters, they see
torches flickering against the inky blackness. twisted reflections of themselves, fighting for their
Shadows danced on the walls as unease settled in. lives against the most hideous Monsters. Roll 1D12
Suddenly, a deafening screech shattered the silence. on the following table for each Hero:
Giant bats, with wings spanning like night itself,
1-6 Although he can see these reflections, the Hero
descended upon them. Place the Heroes in the cannot make any sense of them.
middle of the Hazard Encounter tile. Place 1 Bat The Hero realises that he Is being granted a
7 - 12
adjacent to each Hero (4 in total). The bats attack vision of the future! At any time during the next
first since the Heroes were attacked by surprise. expedition, he may ignore any one blow that
would otherwise hit him. The Hero recognises
3. DOUBLE BACK the blow before it hits home as the vision from
the pool, and dodges away just in time. Note this
After many days' travel through a misty mountain on his Character sheet, crossing it off when he
landscape, barely able to see the sun. the Heroes uses it.
emerge into a gloomy clearing. In front of them
Is a cave entrance Into a craggy rock face. After a 8. HIDDEN TREASURE
moment's study, they recognise it as the very exit As the Heroes pass a rock formation, one of them
by which they left the dungeon! The Heroes have notices a gaping hole in it. Each Hero rolls a dice, the
managed to work their way back to where they highest scoring player rolls on the following table:
started and must now set off afresh! The Hero places his hand in the darkness, only to
sink his fingers into a pile of Squig dung.
4. ROCKFALL 5-8 The Hero finds a Healing Potion.
As the Heroes trek through a dark ravine, there is 9 - 12 The Hero finds a bag containing 1D12 x 25 GCs.
a dull rumbling above them. A few seconds later a
shower of rocks and boulders comes crashing down,
blocking their route completely. Although they can
still complete their Journey without losing any time,
they must employ local labourers to clear a path,
costing each Hero 1 of their belonings or 50 GCs.
The lead wagon of a convoy pulls up alongside the
Heroes. The driver says that he is heading for the
same destination as they are. and If each Hero pays
him 20 gold they can hitch a lift, saving them one
week's travelling time.
The ground opens up in front of the Heroes, creating The Heroes are hit by a tornado. The ferocity of the
an impassable chasm many miles long. The Heroes storm rips at the crumbling cliff path, attempting
have four choices: to pluck the Heroes from safety. Roll 1D12 for each
A. Heroic Leap Hero. Look up the lowest number rolled on the
They may attempt to leap across the Chasm. Roll following table to determine what happened to the
a dice for each Hero that attempts this, and if the Hero with that score. If two or more Heroes have the
result is equal to or less than the Hero's Speed, he same score, re-roll those dice until the victim of the
will succeed. If the roll is more, the Hero will fall into tornado is determined.
the Chasm, never to be seen again. The Hero may The tornado throws your Hero Into a gaping
spend a Fate Point to convert a failed attempt into a ravine, breaking his legs. He must be carried to
success. A leap counts as a move. safety by the other Heroes, adding one week to
the journey time. As soon as the party arrives at
B. Sensible Leap its destination, the Hero must pay 50 gold to be
If the Heroes have at least 10 feet of rope, one of healed. If he cannot afford it. the healer takes all
them may leap across the Chasm with one end tied the gold he does have plus one piece of equipment
to his waist, and the other end held by one or more or treasure as payment.
of the other Heroes. Treat this as a Heroic leap, but 3-4 Hanging from the ledge by his fingertips, the
if the leap is failed, the Heroes holding the rope may only way your Hero manages to stay on is by
letting his gold drop into the chasm. Your Hero
be able to save him. Roll a dice for each Hero holding loses 1D12 x 10 gold (or all he has. if he has less).
the rope. If anyone manages to roll equal to or under
5 - 12 Your Hero holds on. but his weapon is plucked
his Strength, the leaping Hero is saved and can be from his grasp. Discard any one of your Hero's
hauled back to the same side of the Chasm as his weapons.
saviors. Only if all of them fail is he lost.
C. Rope Ladder 12. STORM
If the Heroes have 20 feet of rope and 10 iron spikes, A storm hits the Heroes' camp, blowing away their
they may make a rope ladder. One player must tents and equipment In a torrential rainstorm. Each
manage to make a sensible leap across the Chasm Heroes loses one piece of treasure of your choice.
(as above), but all the remaining Heroes will be able
to cross safely via the ladder. It takes one exploration
turn to build the rope ladder, and one exploration
turn for any number of Heroes to cross the bridge.
D. Forget It
The Heroes have to take a huge detour and add 3
extra weeks to their journey.
10. FALL
Roll 1D12 for each Hero. The Hero with the lowest
score trips over a stone and hurts his ankle. How
embarrassing! Dragging him along slows the party
down, adding a week to the journey. The Hero that
tripped has -1 Speed for the next Expedition.
by William King
The Shattered Amulet is designed for Heroes who are beginning their adventures. Read the following story to
the Hero players in order to get them in the right mood:
“When the Great Powers war, the world trembles. For fully that not even Solkan could strike him down. And, for
a thousand years the Eternal empire stood, its root deep a moment, the Great Scythe stuck, spitted upon such a
in the old Elven lands on the Tilean seaboard. This was weight of bodies that Solkan could not lift it. Fernadrang
the first Kingdom of man, fractious and squalling, like a struck, a blow aimed mightily at the chest of Solkan.
small child. Though the Capital of its kings at Remas was
But it did not slay him. The Sword of Fire hit an Amulet
a wonder of its age, the Empire was barbarous and insecure. that Solkan wore, breaking it into four pieces which flew
The Blood God Khorne whispered into the ears of off over the horizon. And Solkan was then avenged upon
his followers, and they slid into the Empire’s heart Fernadrang, and gutted him from pelvis to larynx so that
like a stiletto. They brought false advice, illicit witness, all the pestilence inside him was released to consume the
assassination, corruption and conceit to the government of corpse. Thus ended that war of Solkan and Khorne.
the Emperor Giovanni VII. Their foul cults spread upon
All this have I divined by my researches. I am also aware
the land, displacing those Powers of Hearth and Sky who
that the rat-like Skaven seek my shard of the Amulet.
had served the simple people for centuries. Finally, Khorne
Why do they want an artifact of Law? Perhaps they seek
spoke again, and there was war. to prevent it being used against the Chaos Powers they
From a deep slumber awoke Solkan, the Avenger. Though serve. Who can know what motives pass through such alien
he cared little for men, Solkan revered the temple in his minds? I have heard it said that they fear it will be wielded
name that stood in Remas. When he heard the screams of against the Daemon-General Praznagar when he returns.
his dying priests as Remas burned to the ground, Solkan Whatever, their true purpose must be terrible.
arose, magnificent in armour of blazing silver. Of one thing I am certain: they seek my fragment with
Before him came Fernadrang, General of Khorne’s armies, a will. Three times my spells have repulsed attacks by
a misshapen and corrupted Ogre. Fernadrang’s axe spat Warriors of Clan Mors.They have forced me to employ
hot blood, and a tongue slithered from its haft to lick bodyguards, summon my former apprentice and move from
the blades. Solkan wielded a silver scythe, and many who Parravon to a fortified tower. Despite the discomfort, I am
watched the battle were cut down by its blade. They fought confident that I have now placed the Amulet beyond the
for hours. So great was the hand of Khorne on Fernadrang reach of the Skaven.
Last entry in the journal of Jervais the Revered in the year 2412.
Once the story of the Amulet of Solkan has been told, the Heroes should know they are seeking the four pieces
of the Amulet which fell to the ground when the God was struck. Tell them that the pieces can be found in four
separate dungeons, guarded by Skaven, and that they must find their way to the lowest level of each dungeon
to discover the pieces. But don't, under any circumstances, tell them that when they find the four pieces one
final, great adventure awaits them. Also, make sure they never see the various parts of the Shatt red Amulet
until their Heroes have found them, that they don't see your copies of the treasure maps, and that they don't
read this section.
DUNGEON LAYOUT there are no stairs down except in the first Quest
There are four complete dungeons to explore during Room that the Heroes enter. This stairway leads down
the Quest for the Shattered Amulet, plus a fifth, final to the third level, which is a Quest Location.
part to the adventure that should come as a complete
surprise to the players! Included in the box are QUEST LOCATION
four player treasure maps, one for each of the four When the Heroes descend from the second level’s
dungeons. These give the players some clues when Quest Room, they enter the area depicted on the GM
they reach the quest locations but aren’t as accurate treasure map for that dungeon. Always keep your
as your copies of the same maps. If the Heroes find a copy hidden from the Hero players. The following
treasure map, or if a random event dictates that there special rules apply on the third level of the dungeon.
is a map for sale, you should give or sell them one of Exploration Turns Unlike the first two dungeon
these treasure maps. Give them the maps in order, so levels, where the rooms and passages are generated
that they get the map for the first dungeon first. When randomly, the third level has been designed in
you’ve given them all four maps, you can draw your advance, and recorded on the GM’s map. Exploration
own if they find any more. is handled in much the same manner as in the first
two dungeon levels, except that the GM uses his
map to lay out the new dungeon sections and the
map gives details of what monsters (if any) are in the
room. Dungeon Counters The GM may not use Trap,
Wandering Monster, Ambush, or Character Monster
counters on the third level of the dungeon.
Traps are marked on the GM’s map. The rules for
spotting and disarming traps are unchanged, except
FIRST LEVEL that the role to see if a Hero spots a trap is made when
Each dungeon is on three levels. The normal rules for he enters the trap’s square.
setting up the entry point of the first level are followed,
Searching for Secret Doors
with the stairs leading to two sections of passage at the
The Heroes may search for secret doors in any passage
end of which is a t-junction. From there on you create
section, not just in dead ends. Searching one section
the dungeon using the random generation tables. The
takes an entire Exploration turn. If a Hero searches a
monsters that the Heroes encounter are Skaven - there
section that has a secret door, the door is automatically
are special matrices for the inhabitants of Lairs and
discovered and must be placed on the board. If the
Quest rooms, and for wandering monsters. The only
section does not have a secret door, nothing is found.
differences are as follows:
No rolls are made on the Secret Door Table.
Stairs Down
Searching for Hidden Treasure
If these are rolled up as a passage feature, they are
The Heroes may search for hidden treasure in any
replaced by stairs out.
room. Do not roll on the Hidden Treasure Table when
Quest Rooms the Heroes search. Instead, you should refer to the GM
the first time that the Heroes find a Quest Room on map, which will tell you if the Heroes find anything.
this level it will contain Skaven, a treasure chest and
Combat Turns
the only set of stairs down - place these wherever
The only change to the Combat rules is that all Skaven
you want in the room. The stairs lead to the second
are allowed to open doors. If a Skaven does open a
dungeon level. Any other Quest Rooms only contain
door, refer to the GM map and place any newly
Skaven and a treasure chest.
revealed sections and monsters on the board.
SECOND LEVEL Quest Treasures
The second level also begins with a double length Each part of the Shattered Amulet is a separate Quest
passage and a t-junction. The same generation system Treasure, so there’s a chance for the Heroes to gain
and monster tables are used as for the first level. Again more Fate Points as they recover each piece.
RUNNING THE QUEST That Solkan won a victory - of sorts - is already known.
You should make the Heroes search for the four pieces So too is the fact that he wore an Amulet, that which
one at a time. They should explore the first level of the saved him from the blow Fernadrang aimed at him
Warlord’s Lair, descend to the second level, explore with the Sword of Fire. But the Amulet’s power and
that, and finally find their way down to the third level, purpose is not known - except to you.
where the prize they seek is hidden. Only then can In a previous war against the Skaven God, the
they start exploring the Magic Maze. Horned Rat, Solkan defeated and captured the Chaos
They do not have to accomplish all this is one go. The God’s leading Daemon-General, Praznagar, Prince
exploration of any one dungeon can be the subject of Agony. So dangerous was Praznagar that Solkan
of one or more expeditions. Whenever a Hero leaves should have lain him out of hand - but he did not.
adungeon by climbing stairs from either of the first two Instead, he constructed a prison from pure water, the
levels he completes an expedition. All the surviving only thing he could find that was wholly free of the
Heroes must leavebefore any of them can start a new taint of Chaos. And he froze it around Praznagar, and
expedition. When they return to the dungeon,set it up banished the Daemon to a place of everlasting desert
again following the expedition map. All the doors will night.
be closed, and any Lairs and Quest Rooms will be re The Amulet allowed Solkan to teleport his followers
stocked with Skaven. Only killed character monsters to the prison from anywhere in the universe, so that
and treasure (except anything the Skaven carry on he could check on Praznagar. A map of the prison is
them) are not replaced. engraved on it, with words of warning. It is this that
Make sure you keep a record of the number of made it so important to the Skaven to find the four
expeditions it takes to complete the quest for the four pieces. It is their misfortune that Solkan manufactured
pieces of the Shattered Amulet. the Amulet so that is could never be used by Skaven.
Humans, Elves and Dwarfs on the other hand...
Eventually, of course, the Heroes will defeat all the
Skaven in each dungeon, and find the pieces of the
Shattered Amulet. Whenever the Heroes find a piece,
The monsters encountered in the Quest for the
give the players one part of the Shattered Amulet that
Shattered Amulet are Skaven - sinister mutant Ratmen.
is included in the box. They may wonder about the
They gain their strength from warpstone - the greatest
cryptic message. Tell them nothing. Make sure they
source of raw magic in the Warhammer World. They
don’t see the other parts until they’ve earned them!
have tunneled extensively throughout the known
So, in one or more expeditions, the Heroes will find world, but they are said to have a particular home in
one piece of the Amulet. After all four dungeons, they the marshes of north-west Tilea.
will have all four pieces. What then? Well, Heroes
It is from there that the Skaven burrowed to reach
being what they are, they’re bound to join the pieces
the area where the Shattered Amulet fell to earth, and
together. And that’s when you tell them about the final
they created the dungeons in which the four pieces
part of the adventure.
are housed. They will defend them energetically, for
they know what purpose the Amulet truly had.
There are several types of Skaven, and details of all of
them can be found in the Monsters section and the
on the Monster Reference tables. You can use models
from the Citadel Miniatures Skaven range to represent
these different types. If you don’t have any specialist
Skaven models, the various types of Skaven can be
shown by using the plastic Skaven miniatures in the
box and the different colored bases. Keep a record of
which color base is used for which Skaven type (you
can change this for different combats). Only reveal the
SOLKAN’S PRISON OF ICE type of Skaven when it is actually performing its role:
Solkan’s war with Khorne was a dreadful, epic affair when Champions or Warlords attack, Sentries open
in which mighty armies clashes, wizards toppled doors, or Spellcasters use their magic.
mountains and the Gods themselves felt the ecstasies The bulk of Skaven numbers are made up of ordinary
and the bitter pain of victory and defeat.
Warriors, though some of these may be designated SKAVEN CHARACTERS
as Sentries. Their leaders are Skaven Champions There are six Skaven Characters available to you
and Warlords. Of these, there are six particular during the Quest for the Shattered Amulet. These
commanders - the character monsters which only you are represented by the six Skaven character monster
can call on. Two of the six are Skaven Spellcasters; counters included in the box. The counters are not
their spells are listed on the monster reference tables. included with the other dungeon counters and
There are also a number of specialist types; the rules you can’t pick them randomly. Instead, you get the
for these are given in the Unique Monster Rules counters in a set sequence as the quest progresses.
section. Once you have a counter, you can play it at any time
when you’re placing monsters. You can even save it
from dungeon to dungeon if you want. And if a Skaven
character escapes, it can return to fight again if you
draw a normal character counter. However, Skaven
characters are unique – once one has been killed,
you can’t use it again. Skaven characters fight to the
best of their ability, using any magic items and spells
available. Magic items possessed by Skaven characters
can be recovered by the Heroes if the Skaven is killed.
Note that the Heroes are not able to use the Warpscrolls
and Plague Censers, as only Clan Pestilens Skaven are
trained in their use.
The special rules for the Skaven Characters are given
in the Unique Monster Rules section. These rules still
apply when the Skaven are used in other dungeons.
Individual Skaven are not very tough, but en All of these Skaven types can be represented with
masse they are a deadly foe. A large group, perhaps suitable Citadel Miniatures, or use different colored
augmented by an ambush counter and including bases to distinguish them.
Warlords and a Sorcerer, will be a real handful for the
Availability of Skaven Characters
Heroes. They may drive them from the dungeon or
You get more of the Skaven characters as the quest
- if you do really well - cut them down like the puny
progresses. When the Heroes enter a new dungeon,
humanoids they are!
take the character Skaven listed below, plus any from
Groups of Skaven always fight to the death (this is the previous dungeons that are still alive.
shown by the rule that stops you moving them from
the room except in pursuit, unless they are Sentries). Dungeon Characters
If the Heroes run for the surface, pursue them with The Warlord’s Lair No Character Skaven
everything you can muster. Finally, don’t pull all the Clan Eshin Assassin
The Magic Maze
most powerful Skaven too close together in case the Clan Pestilens Plague Monk
accursed Wizard casts anything. The Plague Temple Clan Pestilens Plague Censer Bearer
Skaven Warriors Clan Mors Warlord
The Amber Room Clan Skryre Warpweaver
Most of the Skaven encountered in the Quest for
Clan Skryre White Skaven Sorcerer
the Shattered Amulet are from Clan Mors and Clan
Rictus, two Skaven Warrior Clans. There are four Solkan’s Prison
common types of Skaven from these Clans: Warriors, There are no character Skaven for the final part of the
Champions, Warlords and Sentries. quest. Even if there are any character Skaven left alive,
they can’t be used in this dungeon.
Warriors are moderately well-armoured and use
swords or barbed blades that are mounted on short
poles. Champions have better armour than the
Warriors, although Skaven armour is the wrong size
to fit the Heroes or their Henchmen. Warlords use a
+2 Runesword. Sentries are lightly-armoured Skaven
who may pass through the dungeon doors even when
not in pursuit; they are covered elsewhere in the rules.
A Start Location
Skaven Warrior
Skaven Sentry
Skaven Champion
Skaven Warlord
B Chest
Magic Circle
Deep in a dungeon in the Grey Mountains a Skaven Warlord of Clan Rictus
plans his campaign literally to undermine the nearby city of Parravon. It is
his lair that holds the first part of the Shattered Amulet.
When the Heroes first enter the dungeon, read the following to them:
On the walls of this dungeon are hung grisly trophies and mementos of past victories:
blood-stained, broken shields from defeated enemies; scalps and skulls; blunt, rusty
weapons from a dozen races. And carved into doors and paving slabs is the three-armed
rune of the Clan Rictus.
This is all the Heroes find in the passage, no matter how hard they search. Examining the symbol does
not reveal anything else of use to the Heroes. The symbol cannot be damaged in any way.
The room off the passage contains four Skaven Warriors and a chest. Once the Heroes open the chest,
read out the following text:
Inside the chest is a talisman, made of iron and cast in the symbol of the Jade College. You notice that the talisman is made in
such a way that it would fit perfectly into the carved symbol in the passage.
If the talisman is placed in the carving, the raised sections (the junction and the passage) automatically
lower themselves to the level of the rest of the passage. Place the junction - when the Heroes move onto
the junction, place the next section of passage and a dead end. Read out the following text as you place
the newly-revealed sections:
With a clanking and grinding of gears, the wall in front of you starts to sink into the ground, revealing a new passage.
The talisman may now be removed from the carving; it is needed later on. The floor remains raised even
when the talisman is removed.
You can also see a huge magic circle marked on the floor at the back of the room. Closer inspection reveals that three of the
symbols on the circle are carved more deeply than any of the others, and that they correspond to the three iron talismans you
found earlier.
If the three talismans are placed in the correct recessed symbols of the magic circle, a trapdoor springs
open at its center, revealing the first part of the Shattered Amulet.
One Hero or Henchman may carry all of the maps. If they get out of the dungeon, the Heroes can take
the maps to the City Council, and the Skaven attack will be defeated. The Council rewards the Heroes
with 500 gold crowns for helping them to defeat the Skaven.
7 12
Start Location
2 6
Skaven Zombie
Skaven Warlord
8 11
5 10
1 4
The magic maze hidden in this dungeon was built by Gragoth Daemonmaster,
a powerful Chaos Sorcerer, to protect the second part of the Shattered Amulet.
Gragoth enlisted the aid of the Assassins of Clan Eshin, whose warriors guard
the Amulet.
When the Heroes first enter the dungeon, read the following to them:
Daubed in blood on the entrance to this dungeon is a frightful symbol: a hand clutching a curved
dagger, the sign of Clan Eshin – the Assassins. The smell of fear is in the air. And is that the sound
of creaking doors you hear, or the screams of distant torment?
Fireballs are used over three GM phases: in the first GM phase one fireball is placed, in the second the other of
the pair is placed, and in the third phase they both fly along the passages.
At the start of the first and second GM phases in the sequence, roll a dice and place a fireball on the junction
section with that number. If the junction has not yet been laid out, the fireball is not placed and the roll is
wasted. Assuming it can be placed, the fireball remains stationary for the time being, spinning in place. A
model that enters a junction containing a fireball suffers 5 dice of damage.
In the third GM phase both fireballs shoot forward. Roll two dice - you may move each fireball that many
squares. A fireball may not be moved through doors, nor retrace any part of its move, though it may turn
corners. A Hero that is hit by a fireball suffers 5 dice of damage. After the fireballs have been moved they both
disappear, ready for the first one to re-appear in the next GM phase.
If the Skaven Assassin is still alive when the Heroes reach the third level, you may
place him instead of placing a fireball (the Assassin may not be placed if both
fireballs are on the map). The Assassin may be placed on any square that cannot
be seen by a Hero or Henchmen.
During the first combat turn, the Assassin automatically surprises the Heroes
and receives a +1 bonus to his Weapon Skill.
If the Assassin subsequently uses his ability to escape from combat, he may not
be used again on this expedition.
If a Skaven is reduced to 0 or less Wounds it collapses. The neckband, however, remains active. When the
Skaven’s Wound are restored to 1, it stands up and attacks again. A Hero may freely enter or move through a
square that contains a collapsed Skaven.
If the Heroes search the Skaven before it recovers, read the following text:
Around the neck of the Skaven you find a strange neckband that appears to be fused to its flesh. The band is covered in arcane runes,
and you realize it is this that gives the Skaven its regenerative powers. You also notice that even though the Skaven should be dead, its
wounds are still healing.
Heroes are allowed to attack a Skaven that has collapsed so that it takes longer for it to recover. Any attacks
made against a collapsed Skaven automatically hit and the number of damage dice rolled by the attacker is
doubled. The neckbands cannot be removed from a Skaven in any way, and only work in the room where the
Skaven starts the game. If the Skaven leaves the room (or is dragged from the room by one of the Heroes), all
the damage it has suffered over the years instantly takes effect and the Skaven dies permanently.
The answer is the phrase the name which I was given at my birth said
backwards: htrib ym ta nevig saw I hcihw eman eht. If the Heroes solve this
riddle, the second part of the Shattered Amulet appears and the voice says:
“ You have proved yourself worthy. I relinquish my hold on both the Amulet and life.
If the Heroes don’t solve the riddle then nothing happens – they can guess
again. Gragoth is tired of his disembodied existence and wishes to cast his
soul into oblivion. He can only do so by giving up his claim on the Amulet
to someone who wants it. Gragoth is quite content to remain here until
the Heroes give him the correct answer. However, each time an incorrect
answer is given you may draw an extra dungeon counter.
Sloping Corridor
Clan Pestilens is perhaps the foulest Skaven cult. Its followers worship
disease and decay, spreading their word by infecting everything they
encounter. It is in one of Clan Pestilens’ secret underground temples that
the third part of the Shattered Amulet is hidden.
When the Heroes first enter the dungeon, read the following to them:
The walls of the dungeon are slimy, covered with a thin film of mold. The air smells stale
and moves sluggishly through the passages. There is an atmosphere of decay - you feel
uneasy, as if the walls were about to crumble and bring the roof down upon your heads.
Skaven Characters
At the start of the third dungeon, take the Clan Pestilens Plague Monk and Plague Censer Bearer
character monster counters. These may be played at any time when placing monsters.
When the Heroes enter this level you should only set up the first stairway and a right hand junction (not
a t-junction). The second stairway is not revealed as the Heroes are initially unaware of the secret door.
Note that the passageway between C and D slopes downwards.
When the Heroes have set up read the following piece of text:
The fetid stench of decay is even stronger here. The sickening smell of worm-eaten flesh is almost too much to bear. The walls
run with slime and the floor is carpeted with fungi and dirt that oozes as you carefully step forward.
A The letters A to D show the locations of four traps that the Clan Pestilens have placed here to deter
B intruders. Each is set off by the first model to enter the junction. The traps are of the following type:
A. Pit Trap B. Crossfire Trap
C Spot chance 5 - Disarm chance: None Spot chance 8 - Disarm chance: 6
D C. Gas Trap D. Falling Block Trap
Spot chance 10 - Disarm chance: 7 Spot chance 7 - Disarm chance: 11
For more information see the Traps section in the Advanced Heroquest Rulebook.
E The Chasm in this room can only be crossed by making a heroic leap (see the Hazards section in the
Advanced Heroquest Rulebook) or by using the rope bridge.
Any model standing on the rope bridge has its Weapon Skill reduced by -1. Heroes and Henchmen may
attack the bridge itself with hand-held weapons as long as they are not in an opponent’s death zone.
Skaven may not attack the bridge. Any attacks on the bridge automatically hit for normal damage - the
bridge has a Toughness of 8 and 5 Wounds. Once it reaches 0 Wounds it collapses. Any model on the
bridge when it collapses falls to its death in the Chasm below.
If any of the character monsters are still alive, they may be placed in this room. The Plague Monk will
have a new Warpscroll if he used his first one earlier in the expedition.
There is a small altar at the back of this room. This can be represented with a chest counter or the
sorcerer’s table from Heroquest. Read the following text when the Heroes first see this room:
The walls of this temple are strewn with shabby hangings depicting scenes of decay and corruption. Rabid plague victims in
their death throes scream silently at the Heroes from the moth-eaten cloths and canvases.
At the rear of the room there is a stone altar, covered in moss and ravaged by the blows of sacrificial knives pounded into its
surface. A trail of slime has oozed down from a crack in the front of the altar, only to set and solidify across the magic circle
crudely daubed on the rough flagstone flooring.
Any Skaven standing on the Magic Circle has its Weapon Skill and Toughness increased by + 1, and
automatically passes any Intelligence tests if it tries to cast a spell.
If the Heroes search the final room for hidden treasure, they find a secret panel in the Altar. This panel
is protected by a Gas Trap and contains the third part of the Shattered Amulet.
Start Location
Skaven Warrior
Skaven Champion
Skaven Warlord
Block of Amber
The fourth dungeon is the domain of Clan Skryre, the Warlock-Engineers. They
are protected by the warriors of Clan Mors and their own powerful magic. The
dungeon is suffused with the power of magic.
When the Heroes first enter the dungeon, read the following to them:
There is an air of mystery and illusion about this dark place. Walls seem to shimmer, doors creak
ominously and those trained in the arts of sorcery can see the colored mists of magic floating
darkly down the passages.
Skaven Characters
At the start of the third dungeon, take the Clan Mors Warlord and the Clan Skryre Warpweaver and White
Skaven Sorcerer character monster counters. These may be played at any time when placing monsters.
The retrieval of the fourth part of the Shattered Amulet seems very
easy at first glance: as soon as the Heroes reach the first room they
can see the missing piece. Read the Heroes the following text:
On the far side of this room, which is circular and contains no other doors, you can see
a large block of amber set into the wall. Embedded in its center is the fourth part of the
Shattered Amulet. As you move closer, you realize that it is simplicity itself to smash the
amber with a sword or axe and retrieve the final part of the Amulet.
Now go on immediately to The Prison of Ice. Clear away the map of the Amber Room, chuckle wickedly, look
at the players with an air of sinister menace, and lay out the first room of the Prison of Ice. If the Heroes haven’t
taken the other three parts of the Amulet into the dungeon with them, you’ll have to wait until they leave the
dungeon. Once they get back to the city where the pieces are stored, they’re certain to assemble the Amulet.
At this point, read them the above text. They don’t get a chance to recover Wounds and Fate Points, buy more
equipment and so forth.
C Start Location
This adventure should be treated in exactly the same way as
the four dungeons for which you have a quest map: do not Number of
Undead Bodyguard
generate dungeon sections, monsters or treasure, but follow Expeditions
the map and room descriptions that follow. The Prison of 4 1 Warlord with Skaven Rune Armour (+3 Tougness)
1 Sorcerer (2 x Fireball, 2 x Flaming Skull of Terror)
Ice is the location to which Solkan banished Praznagar. It is 1 Champion with the “Death Bringer Sword”*
located in a small nub of reality within the void - there is no 1 Champion with the “Magical Greatshield”*
3 Warriors
way out except to defeat Praznagar and his bodyguard.
5-6 2 Warriors
Praznagar’s Undead Bodyguard 7-8 1 Sentry
Even though they are unable to free Praznagar, the Skaven 2 Warriors
9 - 10
have built up an Undead bodyguard around the Ice Prison
11 - 12 1 Warrior & 1 Sentry
to protect him from harm. The strength of this bodyguard
13 - 14 2 Warriors
depends upon the time that the Skaven have had to form
1 Warrior
it: the more expeditions the Heroes have made in the Quest 15
for the Shattered Amulet, the stronger the force they have to 16 1 Warrior
A This is where the Heroes arrive when they are teleported by the Amulet. Place the Heroes at the center
of the room. They are the sole occupants. Read the following aloud:
The air here is chilly and it seems to curl around you, probing the chinks in your armour with tongues of cold fire. As if from
a great distance, you can hear a terrible agonized roar that seems to echo across a great gulf of time.
B The Prison of Ice, as its name suggests, is a large block
of ice that fills the far end of the room. It stands upon a
huge copy of the Shattered Amulet set into the ground
(place the completed Shattered Amulet on the large room
section). At the center of the ice block, the Heroes can
just make out a large Skaven figure: Praznagar himself. It
is from the imprisoned Daemon-General that the distant
roar is coming, a memory of his enraged shout of anguish
as Solkan cast him into this eternal frozen exile.
Nothing the Heroes do will have any effect on the ice. It
cannot be melted by fire - even by the magical fire of a
Wizard. They are unable to enter a square that is wholly or
partially blocked by the Amulet on the floor, which marks
the perimeter of the ice wall.
Chest D
100 Gold Crowns, 2 magic gems and a “Magic Wand”*
* See Treasure section in the AHQ Rulebook
Chest E
300 Gold Crowns, 1 magic gem and a “Dwarven Magic Helm”*
* See Treasure section in the AHQ Rulebook
When the Heroes get their first magic gem, read the following:
The gem is unflawed and as clear as a mountain stream. At the center there is a flickering of brilliant blue light. The gem gives
off a magical aura that causes an electric tingling in the palm of anyone who holds it.
The magic gem allows the Heroes to enter the Prison of Ice. Any model who is holding one of these gems
can walk through the ice wall and enter the frozen realm where Praznagar is held captive. Once inside,
the only way to escape is to slay Praznagar (see Fighting Praznagar below).
If the Heroes escape this dungeon, the gems lose their magical aura but are still worth 1000 GCs each.
Once the Heroes have entered the Prison of Ice, the only way they can escape is to slay Praznagar!
Leather Armour, Fearsome Monster
Chaos Sword (never fumbles, +2 Strengthà
The Quest for the Shattered Amulet is over. The Amulet has returned to Solkan where it will safely remain. The
space in the void which housed the Prison of Ice has closed, sucking the bodies of the dead into the warp. And
the Heroes have finally avenged their friend, Jervais.
As a reward, Solkan himself has deadened the Chaotic power in Praznagar’s sword so that one of the Heroes
can wield it. It lies against a rock a few feet away.
The Quest for the Shattered Amulet is over, but the Heroes’ careers have only just begun.
D12 Occupants Treasure PV D12 Occupants Treasure PV
1 4 Warriors 40 GCs 4 1 2 Champions & 1 Warlord 100 GCs 10
2 2 Warriors & 1 Champion 40 GCs 4 2 6 Warriors & 2 Champions 100 GCs 10
3 5 Warriors 50 GCs 5 3 8 Warriors & 1 Champion 100 GCs 10
4 3 Warriors & 1 Sentry 50 GCs 5 4 6 Warriors & 1 Warlord 120 GCs 12
5 6 Warriors 60 GCs 6 5 3 Champions & 1 Warlord 120 GCs 12
6 4 Warriors & 1 Champions 60 GCs 6 6 8 Warriors & 2 Champions 120 GCs 12
7 2 Warriors & 2 Champions 60 GCs 6 7 3 Warriors, 2 Champ, 1 Warlord 120 GCs 13
8 1 Warlord 60 GCs 6 8 6 Warriors, 1 Sentry, 1 Warlord 140 GCs 14
9* 6 Warriors & 1 Champion 80 GCs 8 9* 4 Warriors, 2 Champ, 1 Warlord 140 GCs 14
10* 6 Warriors & 1 Champion 80 GCs 8 10* 8 Warriors & 3 Champions 140 GCs 14
11* 2 Warriors & 1 Warlord 80 GCs 8 11* 4 Champions & 1 Warlord 140 GCs 14
12* 4 Warriors, 1 Sentry & 2 Champ. 100 GCs 10 12* 12 Warriors, 1 Sentry, 1 Champ 160 GCs 16
* If you rolled 9 – 12, then also roll on the Special Monster Matrix. If an extra monster is rolled, it is added to
those in the Lair or Quest Room.
9 9 5 7 12 9 7 4 8
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ DICE
Poisoned dagger (counts as a sword)
Warp Scroll
Chain armour, Shield
Runesword (+2 Weapon Skill, +2 Strength)
5 6 4 5 10 6 9 3 6
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 1
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ DICE
Can cast: 1 x Fireball / 1 x Flaming Skull of Terror
Dagger, Ring of Magic Protection
Can cast: 1 x Choke / 1 x Flaming Skull of Terror / 2 x Fireball
Component: Pinch of Warpstone
A ball of black fire with yellow and blue flames licking
at the edges hurtles from the caster’s hand towards
the chosen target. Place a fireball template anywhere
within 12 squares of the caster along his line of sight.
Any models (friend or foe) which fall at least partially
under the fireball template are automatically hit. Roll
5 damage dice to see what effect each hit has.
You have arrived at the town of Felspraag, on the northern side of This enemy is the dreaded Lichemaster, who is ready to rise again
the Grey Mountatns. Tall and forbidding, these ice-covered peaks from his tomb hidden deep within the Grey Mountains. On his
are the home of Beastmen, Skaven, goblinoids and monsters of throne of skulls he gains power, and it will not be long before
the worst kind. Theese lands are dangerous, and life is cheap here. he can rise and walk among the living again. Unless be can be
This is where you have come to seek your fortune. stopped, as he was before. Werner, tell our new-found friends the
Legend of the Four.”
‘’.At the end, as the Empire army fought the great phalanxes his spell as the Warrior charged around the sphere of fire to bring
of skeletons and the battle raged, the Heroes forced their way his sword down upon the evil creature. Yet, at the very instant
through the throng to the Lichemaster himself. He was atop his the Heroes should have claimed their victory, the Lichemaster
great Chariot of Bones, drawn by skeletal steeds, but Dwarf and escaped them. Between his bony hands the fiend shattered his
Warrior challenged him to stand his ground and fight and the stave and blasted the ground into utter blackness and desolation.
monster’s pride and contempt for these puny mortals bettered Though the Lichemaster was not seen after the terrible explosion,
his sense. He stayed his ground, lifted the skull-topped black iron nor was any sign of the Heroes ever discovered. Yet witnesses said
stave afire with dark magic, and drew power from the skeletons they saw their magical weapons fly to the horizon, though none
around him, which crumbled away to dust as he sucked back the ever found them. The mass of skeletons collapsed instantly into
magical energy which animated them into the spell he prepared dust, and the remnants of the Empire army was left to make its
to cast through the staff. way back to safety.
“The Lichemaster’s spell would have shrivelled the flesh from the “Many people have dismissed the tale as superstition, yet it is not
bones of a thousand warriors, had he completed its casting. But so. The Seer has had a vision of the Lichemaster stirring in the
the Wizard of Middenheim had anticipated the attack, and he magical tomb where his final spell of escape took his dark and
created a magical circle of protection of his own devising to keep shrivelled soul. There, the monster gains power and begins to
the black energies of the Lichemaster’s spell at bay. No ordinary stretch his growing might into the lands of the living. The first of
spell could have kept the Licbemaster from slaying the Heroes; his groups of skeleton raiders killed the people of a small mining
the Wizard drew on the magical power of the weapons to sustain village only three days ago. If the Lichemaster cannot be found
the protection and the Sword, Hammer, Bow and Wand glowed and destroyed, all is lost here. But there is hope, if Heroes come
with the brilltance of fire and air, energies leeching from them to our aid.
into the Wizard’s incantations.
“In a desolate dungeon a day’s hard march from here lies the tomb
of a terrible Warrior of Chaos. It is a place shunned by every good
person in these lands, for obvious reasons. But within that tomb
one of the weapons of legend, the Sword of the Flaming Heart, lies
hidden. Legend, riddle and the visions of the Seer say that this is
so. What power remains in the weapon we know not; much of its
magic must have been lost in that final battle. Yet it still glimmers
with the force of magic, and its destiny is to be reunited with the
other magics to confront the Lichemaster one final time.
You will probably be familiar by now with how to last for the five dungeons, these are : Orcs, Chaos
exploration, combat, and magic work in the game, Creatures, Skaven, a mixed dungeon (where different
since you’ve probably played before, but if you haven’t monsters are in conflict with each other), and Undead.
you should read through the rules carefully so you You can use the Monster Matrices given in the Matrix
know the workings of the game. Also, before you section for populating these upper level dungeons
begin to GM this Quest, you should read through the with monsters . The only important differences from
Quest for The Lichemaster so you know what’s going the standard dungeon design rules are the following:
to happen prior to play. If you’re uncertain about how
anything works, have a quick practice run by laying Stairs Down
out a dungeon level and testing the combat rules if If these are rolled up as a passage feature, they are
you need to. replaced by stairs out.
The Quest for The Lichemaster is designed for Heroes Quest Rooms
who are beginning their adventures. It isn’t really The first time that the Heroes find a Quest Room on
suitable for Heroes who have already played The the upper level it will contain the appropriate monster
Quest for the Shattered Amulet, because they will type, a treasure chest, and the only set of stairs down
probably be too strong for this new Quest. You could which can be found on the upper level. These stairs
adapt the Quest for use with really experienced Heroes shou Id be placed opposite the door where the Heroes
by adding 50% to the points value totals for all the enter the Quest Room. These stairs then lead to the
rooms which have monsters, and by adding a suitable lower dungeon level. Any other Quest Rooms on the
number of extra monsters to give the Heroes a bigger upper level, if the Heroes continue to explore it, will
challenge. So, if the Quest script shows that a room contain only monsters of the appropriate type and a
has 6 PV worth of Ores in a room, you should adjust treasure chest.
this to 9 PV worth. You can use one of the appropriate
Monster Matrices to generate the extra 3 PV worth if
you wish.
If the Heroes are really tough, with quite a lot of spells
and magic treasures, don’t give these extra monsters
any treasure at all! Alternatively, you could add an
extra upper level to each dungeon so that Heroes
are forced to make more expeditions to attain Quest
Items, thus reducing the Fate Point gains they make
during their adventures.
are five complete dungeons to explore during the
This is fully mapped out for you and presented in the
Quest for The Lichemaster. Each of these is designed
following pages. The lower level contains the Quest
as a two-level dungeon.
Location, where the object of the Heroes’ quest is to
be found. The Heroes arrive at the set of stairs shown
on the map for this lower level. The following special
The first, upper, level is a randomly-generated
rules apply on this lower level.
dungeon which is created by the GM using the
standard Advanced Heroquest rules, except for Exploration Turns
the final dungeon which is totally mapped for both Unlike the upper level, where the rooms and passages
upper and lower levels. Start with stairs leading down are generated randomly, the lower level is fully
to two sections of passage, at the end of which is a mapped for you. Exploration is handled in much the
T-junction. Then use the random generation tables to same manner as in the upper dungeon level, except
create the remainder of the dungeon. The monsters that the GM uses his map to lay out the new dungeon
that the Heroes encounter will be of the same type sections and the map gives details of what monsters (if
that they find in the lower level of the dungeon, which any) are in a room, with other details (traps, treasure
is different for each of the five dungeons. In order, first chests, etc.).
Searching For Hidden Treasure Characteristic Tests
There is no Hidden Treasure in any of the rooms Frequently, the scripted dungeons will call for
on the lower levels of the dungeons in the Quest for characters to make Characteristic tests (a Strength
the Lichemaster. All Treasures are specified in the test, Speed test, Intelligence test, and so on). When
description of each room. Some Treasure may be such a test is called for, the player rolls one D12. If the
concealed or not readily apparent, but how this can number rolled is less than or equal to his character’s
be uncovered is specified in the description for the characteristic score, the test has been passed. If
location. the D12 roll is higher than the characteristic score,
Dungeon Counters the test has been failed. The text explains what the
The GM may not use trap, wandering monster, ambush consequences of success and failure are. Sometimes,
or character monster counters on the lower dungeon tests must be made with a modifier, a number added to
level. There are traps and wandering monsters present, or subtracted from the D12 roll. Difficult tests have a
but these are scripted in advance. They’re mapped out number added to the D12 roll (such as “a +l penalty”)
where appropriate and explained in the text where and easier tests have a number subtracted from the
necessary. D12 roll (such as “a -2 bonus”). Lastly, characteristic
tests are made against Current characteristic scores.
Traps are marked on the GM’s map. The rules for Combat Turns
spotting and disarming traps are unchanged, except All monsters are allowed to open doors. If a monster
that the roll to see if a Hero spots a trap is usually does open a door, refer to the GM Map and place any
made when he enters the trap’s square (any exceptions newly-revealed sections and monsters on the board.
to this are noted for the specific trapped location in Also, the initial placement of monsters in a room is
question). shown in the dungeon layouts. When you use surprise
rolls, these will only be employed to affect whether the
Searching for Secret Doors monsters are moved one square by the Leader of the
The Heroes may search for secret doors on any wall, Heroes (if the Heroes gain surprise) or by the GM (if
not just in dead ends. Searching one wall on a section the monsters gain surprise). It is important to note
takes an entire exploration turn. If a Hero searches a that monsters which occupy “special” positions (such
wall that has a secret door, the door is automatically as being seated in a throne) cannot be moved away by
discovered and should be placed on the board. If the the Leader even if the Heroes gain surprise.
wall does not have a secret door, nothing is found. No
rolls are made on the Secret Door Table. Special Location Rules
In some rooms and passages, special rules apply. In
Searching for Hidden Treasure some of the Quest Locations, for example, there are
The Heroes may search for hidden treasure in any objects (such as the Tomb of the Undead Champion
room. Do not roll on the Hidden Treasure Table when of Chaos in the first dungeon) which have special
the Heroes search. Instead, you should refer to the GM magical effects. In certain rooms, factors such as
Map (and any notes in the main text of the booklet), corrosive gas or wet slippery floors present a danger.
which will tell you if the Heroes find anything. Usually, Special rules are given when necessary for each lower
there is no hidden treasure in dungeon locations, so dungeon level.
exceptions are carefully noted.
Monsters with Ranged Weapons
Several monsters are given different ranged weapons
in the dungeons: Short Bows, Slings and other
weapons. When this is specified, the monsters will
have these weapons in addition to the hand-to-hand
combat weapons listed on their Monster Reference
Each of the four Quest Treasures - Sword, Wand,
Hammer and Bow - is a separate Quest Treasure, so
there is a chance for the Heroes to gain more Fate
Points as they recover each of the magic weapons as
their epic quest unfolds.
THE QUICK DUNGEON OPTION Henchmen, buy equipment, and the like. The Quest
Sometimes you want to play a game of Advanced for the Lichemaster varies some of the rules in the
Heroquest at the drop of a hat, when friends call Advanced Heroquest rulebook, because as the Heroes
round, and you may not have much time. It may not help the people of the land they are in adventuring in,
be convenient for you to go through the dungeon they are able to find help in return - this may be an
generation system, producing an upper level dungeon extra Man-at-Arms or two, some cheaper equipment,
using the full Advanced Heroquest rules, because the help of the Healer and Wizard at reduced cost (or
you’re really short on time. In this event, you can even for free!), and in other ways. A special section
always play one or more of the lower level dungeons which follows the first stage of the quest details rules
in the Quest for The Licbemaster as a complete changes to the standard rules which you should use
individual Quest Location dungeon without an upper here.
level. Just add 50% to all the monster populations in An important distinction used here is that of Between
rooms and passages. If there are two Ore Sentries in a Expeditions and Between Adventures. ‘Between
location, change this to three, and so on (adjust gold Expeditions’ means between individual trips to a
crowns upwards by 50% as well). dungeon; an expedition begins when the Heroes stand
This will allow you to play immediately and increasing at the top of a set of stairs leading into a dungeon, and
the number of monsters will prevent the adventure ends when the last surviving Hero ascends a stairway
from being too easy to complete. If you wish to avoid which leads out of the dungeon. However, there is
very dangerous single combats where Heroes are a gap in the rules which cunning players may try to
faced with massive PVs of monsters, these added- exploit here, which needs clearing up. The Advanced
in monsters can be used as Wandering Monsters Heroquest rulebook states that “individual Heroes can
in passageways without you having to draw any have left the dungeon and the expedition before that”.
Wandering Monster counters to bring them into play. It’s also the case that, if a Hero leaves the dungeon
Do not add any character monsters to those listed in this way, he cannot return during the current
below, however. expedition. He can only rejoin the other Heroes when
they too have all completed an expedition.
The Quest script covers events and special rules for ‘Between Adventures’ means between the acquisition
between adventures, as well as the Quest locations of Quest Treasures. An adventure begins when the
themselves. Each time the Heroes have recovered a first expedition is undertaken, and ends when a Quest
Quest Treasure, they can return to their home base and Treasure has been recovered from the dungeon and
learn of new clues to their Quest. They can also find the current expedition ended.
Orc Chest
Orc Warlord
B When one or more Heroes look into this room, read the following to the players:
Across a yawning chasm in this chamber you see a narrow rock ledge. Tbe chasm is not very deep, but a freezing
underground river hurtles on its way to the outside of the mountain within it! On the ledge you see an ornate,
decorated shield, and the glint of gold from a spill of coins lying beneath it...
There are no wandering monsters here, though. If one of the Heroes wants to jump across the chasm to
get to the shield, use the standard rules for jumping, with one mean addition. The rock ledge opposite is
very slippery, since it’s covered with a growth of a slimy, slippery-leaved moss-like plant the same colour
as rock. If a Hero makes the jump across, he still has to make a Strength test to avoid slipping off into
the chasm. If the Strength test is failed, the Hero drops into the water. If he’s roped, the other Heroes can
automatically pull him out, but roll one D12 before they do. If you roll 8 or higher, a vicious Rock Eel in
the water bites the Hero for 1 Wound. There are plenty of these Rock Eels, and there’s no way the Heroes
can kill them all.
If the Strength test is made, the Hero lands safely on the other side of the chasm. He can take the shield
and the 50 gold crowns with it. The shield is a normal shield and can be used as usual, but it also
has the heraldry of the Due de Parravon and is worth 75 gold crowns for the decoration on it (and the
Heroes can sell it for this when they get back to Felspraag).
If a first attempt to get across the chasm fails because the Hero slips off the ledge, it’s possible for the same
Hero (or another one) to make another attempt. This time, subtract 1 from the D12 roll on the Strength
test. Some of the moss has been wiped off, so it’s easier to land safely now. Each time an unsuccessful
attempt is made, the next one is made with a cumulative -1 to this D12 roll (after three unsuccessful
attempts, for example, subtract 3 from the number you roll on the D12). Eventually the Heroes should
be able to get the treasure here, if they are patient enough ...
C This location has two Ores (which have 10 gold crowns each) and an Ore Champion (which has 25 gold
crowns). In the position shown on the map, there is a grate which opens into a small sunken alcove
which can only be explored by hand. A magical Rat Bag is hidden in the stonework; it’s made of very
thin cloth and is jammed into a crack in the stone. Allow the first two Heroes who look here to make an
Intelligence test. If either of them makes the test, the bag is found. If these two fail, the bag will not be
discovered. A Wizard will know what the magical bag is, so tell the players exactly what this item does.
Rat Bag
The bane of Skaven of all sorts. If a Hero with a Rat Bag flourishes it at a Skaven model within his death
zone, the Skaven is forced to jump into the bag and is magically shrunk and unable to fight! Any Skaven
except for spellcasters will be affected. Using the Rat Bag takes place during a Combat Turn and no other
form of attack can be made in addition. The Skaven within the bag cannot be harmed while he is still in
it, but he cannot harm those on the outside either. When the Hero carrying the Rat Bag reaches a square
next to the stairs leading up and out of the dungeon, the Skaven will magically reappear from the bag
within the Death Zone of the Hero with the bag (if possible, otherwise as close as he can get). This time
the Skaven (back to full size outside the bag!) must be fought normally, and cannot be forced into the
bag again.
D This location has two Goblins (no treasure) and two Ores (which have 15 gold crowns each).
Exploring Locations C and D
How the Heroes explore these two locations affects how the monsters in the rooms behave. If the Heroes
are making lots of noise killing the monsters in one room with the door open opposite another room,
the monsters in that other room may come out to fight the Heroes!
If the Heroes open one of the doors opposite each other and fight the monsters inside one of the rooms,
the monsters in the opposite room may come out to fight even if the Heroes do not attack them. In the
GM phase of the first combat turn, roll a D12. If you roll 9 or higher, one of the monsters in the room
opposite will open the door and the others can move and attack as normal.
On the second combat turn, they will emerge on a roll of 8 or higher; on a third combat turn, on a roll of
7 or higher; and so on. Continue rolling these dice until the monsters open the door and come out, the
Heroes decide to enter the other room, or all the monsters in the first room are killed.
E The Magic Circle here is etched into the floor, and to
pass down the passage the Heroes must walk across it.
If the Wizard is within four squares of the Magic Circle
and no Hero has entered it, the Wizard can make an
Intelligence test. If this is passed, the Wizard knows
what will happen when a Hero enters the Magic Circle.
The Magic Circle only affects the first Hero to walk into
it (if two Heroes enter at the same time, roll a D12 to
decide which Hero entered just ahead of the other).
The effect is to recover all lost Wounds. This effect only
operates once, no matter how many Heroes walk across
the Circle. The Magic Circle does not recharge between
F The Pool blocks the whole passage and is very deep. The only way to get across is to jump. Any Hero
can jump across here automatically, but on the other side of the Pool (shown on the map) is a covered
pit trap. If the Heroes approach the pit before the pool, a Spot Traps dice check is allowed. If they come
to the pool before the pit, no chance for spotting the pit trap is allowed. The first Hero who jumps over
the pool automatically falls into the pit, and he suffers an automatic Wound (he hasn’t just fallen in, he’s
jumped in!).
G In this passage, at the dead end, is a Falling Blocks Trap which occupies both end squares.
Blocks Trap
A large block of masonry descends from the Ceiling onto the Hero who tripped the trap. Roll a dice. If
the roll is equal to or less than the Hero’s Speed, he dodges the block and takes only 3 damage dice of
injury from a glancing blow. If the dice roll is more than the Hero’s Speed, he suffers the full effects of 12
damage dice. If this trap is spotted but not disarmed, the Heroes can bypass it, moving at just half speed.
H This chamber contains 4 Orcs and the Orc Warlord. Each Orc has 10 gold crowns, the Orc Warlord has
80 gold crowns and he also wears a Ring of Magical Protection, Level 2.
The treasure chest here contains the following items: 50 gold crowns, a green glass bottle with 1 dose of
Blade Venom (against Chaos Creatures), 6 arrows, and a Jewel worth 50 gold crowns. It also contains an
ornate brass key, which can be used to open the door to location I (the Quest Room).
Some special rules apply to exploration and combat in the Quest Room:
• The floor is very wet and slippery and Speed scores are reduced by 2. It is impossible for Heroes to
run here. If any character attempts to Run, he automatically stumbles after moving one square.
• Any Hero setting foot in a square which has any part of the Skull mosaic in it loses 1 Wound each
combat turn he remains in that square, or each exploration turn he moves through it. However, for
moving through more than one of these “Skull squares” there is still only a penalty of 1 Wound lost.
• The cold, acidic mist is chilling and saps the skill and strength of the Heroes. Each Hero must make
a test against Start Toughness score. If this test is failed, the Hero suffers penalties of -1 to WS, BS and
Strength while inside this location. None of these special effects apply to the character monster within
the tomb, of course.
The Undead Champion of Chaos
This creature is sealed in the Tomb, and appears from within it when any Hero touches the Tomb. The
Tomb must be touched by any Hero who is searching it for traps or trying to find treasure. The Champion
throws back the slab atop the tomb, and when it does, read the following to the players:
A hideously grinning slack-jawed skeletal figure in chain mail leaps up from the tomb as it flings back the heavy stone slab
atop it. It gazes for an instant around itself, and then the burning orbs buried deep in its eye sockets flare with hate as its sword
blazes into fire in its bony hands!
Use the Character Reference Table for the Undead Warrior from the Advanced Heroquest rulebook, but
increase the W total to 6. The Undead Champion also uses the magical Sword of the Flaming Heart, so
give it all the appropriate bonuses for using this weapon against the Heroes. When the Heroes manage
to slay the Undead Champion of Chaos, and obtain the sword for themselves, give the players Handout
2 for reference.
This Sword of the Flaming Heart adds 1 extra damage dice, and +1 to all
Wound rolls, when it is aflame. Any Mummy struck by it is slain immediately.
Trolls cannot regenerate Wounds caused by the sword. If it is used by a Warrior
Hero or Captain Henchman, it also increases Strength by 1 point and Bravery
by 1 point (these last three bonuses do not apply if an Elf or Dwarf Hero uses
the sword). If the Sword is taken from the dungeon by a living Warrior Hero,
that Hero gains an increase of 1 to his Start Wounds characteristic.
Special Features
The wooden chests shown in the Quest Location floor plans are empty. The pair of shields shown are
ordinary shields, not magical in any way, but usable.
In addition to the sword, the Tomb contains the following treasures:
• A bag with 300 gold crowns
• A sealed purple glass flask containing a magical Potion of Healing
• A silver tube (worth 40 gold crowns) which contains a scroll of 1 Wizard spell. Roll a D12 randomly
to determine which spell this is, but it will be a spell of the Wizard Hero’s own College, and it should
not be one of the four he began his career with.
Fate Points
Award Fate Points normally. The Heroes gain 2 Fate Points each if they gain the Sword of the Flaming
Heart in one expedition, 1 Fate Point each if they gain it in 2-3 expeditions, and none if they take
longer. The Warrior Hero gains an advance of 1 to his Wounds characteristic if he takes the Sword of the
Flaming Heart out of the dungeon while he’s alive.
Don’t use the full rules for Between Expeditions from the Advanced Heroquest rulebook. Do not make rolls
on the Random Events Table between expeditions. Significant events back at “base camp” in Felspraag will be
detailed in the script for this epic Quest.
After the first adventure, as the Heroes return to Felspraag, read them the following :
The Baron and his men are still away fighting marauding monsters, but Marshal Maximillian Steiner, the Baron’s loyal
military commander, is in Felspraag keeping a watchful eye over the defences of the town. He greets you warmly, and
listens eagerly to your story of success in finding the first legendary treasure. He says that you should consult the Court
Wizard, Johann Rienhart, who bas important news for you.
When you meet the tall, scrawny wizard, he asks to look at the sword you have found, and when you show it to him
something amazing happens. A spiral of flame rises from the edge of the blade into the air and grows into a hovering,
flickering image of fire. You see a sinuous, glittering snake of fire which twists into a coil and swallows its tail. Then the
fiery serpent writhes and its body suddenly disintegrates into a shower of sparks leaving behind the glowing image of
a shield bearing a simple lozenge design, which Jades slowly before your eyes. Everyone is stunned by this astonishing
pyrotechnic display.
Johann recovers his composure and says softly, “It seems that the first of these treasures bears within itself a clue to the
location of the second. The shield is that of a Templar Knight who slew a Dragon here some years ago, outside a set of
catacombs now occupied by a Chaos Lord of growing power. This is surely where you must seek the next goal of your
The following changes should be made to the rules for Between Expeditions after the Heroes have completed
their first adventure:
• Cost of Living expenses are cheaper than usual: a flat rate of 10 GCs between expeditions per Hero. This is
because of the support the people and leaders of Felspraag show the Heroes, who Ware rewarded with bed
and board in the Baron’s castle.
• Johann will be prepared to teach spells somewhat cheaper than usual. He has to charge a fee, since teaching
means that he must use up Spell Components and the like. Any spell can be learned for 50 GCs less than
usual (with a minimum charge of 100 GCs, however).
• Hans Kohler will perform services more cheaply than usual out of gratitude for the efforts of the Heroes.
All services cost 20% less than the rulebook price, except for Healing Potions, which are in short supply and
which are also needed by the Baron’s own men.
H1 G1
Start Location
Chaos Thug
H2 Chaos Warrior
Chaos Lord
C G2 Portcullis
A B Magic Symbol
A This room has a Chaos Warrior, who carries 50 GCs, and three
Ores, each of which has 10 GCs. The Chaos Warrior has a small
Red Gem on a metal chain around his neck. The Wizard Hero
will know this is magical, but he won’t be aware what its function
is until he gets to Location K. If this gem is not used at Location
K to neutralize the magical flames, it is worth 75 GCs.
B This Trap is a Fireball trap. It spans both squares along the corridor, and the first time a character
steps in either square the trap may be triggered. Watch carefully to see if a Hero steps into one of these
squares during a combat with the monsters in Location A if the trap here hasn’t been spotted or triggered
previously. If this happens, subtract 2 from the D12 roll made for spotting the trap, since the Hero should
be assumed to be too busy fighting to give much attention to looking for traps.
C This is the point at which Gotthard Weiss and his retinue will be encountered if the Heroes take 3 or
more expeditions to find their Quest Treasure. Instructions for this follow the description of the Quest
Location (Location L).
D This chamber contains four Chaos Thugs, each of which has 10 gold crowns on his person. The two
Chaos Thugs at the back of the group both have Short Bows, and they also have 4 Arrows each.
G1 Each of the two portcullises here can be lifted by Heroes who have a combined strength of 15 points or
more. If this is done, a portcullis can be lifted in two successive exploration turns. However, the monsters
G2 in location I will be automatically alerted by this after one turn. They will open the door and charge out
to attack the Heroes, gaining +3 on their surprise roll.
H1 On each of the junction squares at the end of the length of passageway in which the door to Location I
H2 is placed, there is a large, magical symbol inscribed on the ground (if you want, you can place a FATE
counter here to represent this symbol). The Wizard will not know what this symbol means. These are
one-way teleport squares from Location I; how they work is described below. They also have one other
important effect: just as teleporting only works one way with them, so they negate certain other types of
magic in the area.
If a Wizard casts any spell into the four squares which the symbol occupies, or casts any spell while he
is within one of these four squares, the spell simply has no effect at all (so, if he casts a Flames ofDeath
spell at a group of monsters which teleports from Location I into one of these areas, the spell won’t work,
but the Wizard still uses up a Spell Component).
I This room contains a Chaos Warrior (with 50 gold crowns) and five Chaos Thugs (each with 10 gold
crowns). Each combat turn, one or two of the monsters can jump into the square with the teleport magic
(shown on the map) and will then appear on one of the groups of four squares in the corridor outside
with the same symbol. The GM can choose one of eight squares for any monster to land in - there are
four available squares in each of the two “arrival zones” with the symbol within them. Don’t forget that
a monster can use part of its normal move to move into the teleport circle here, teleport out to Hl or
H2, and then have the rest of its normal move afterwards! When the dust settles, the Heroes will find
that there is a pair of simple levers here, one on each of the walls beside the entry door, which allow the
corresponding portcullis outside to be raised and lowered.
This chamber contains only two opponents, the fearsome Chaos Champion Adolphus Weiss and his
Chaos Thug attendant. The Chaos Champion wears a Ring of Magical Protection, Level 2, and the Chaos
Thug has a Short Bow and 6 Arrows, including two magical Arrows of the Assassin. The Chaos Thug also
wears a suit of Leather Armour of Enchantment, which adds + 1 to his Toughness score (see the Treasure
section). The Thug stands behind the Champion, if possible, firing arrows at any Hero in or close to the
doorway. The treasure chest contains 100 gold crowns, 6 crossbow bolts, a 10’ length of Rope, and two
Potions of Healing.
Within the Quest Location is a strange Magic Circle, in the centre of which lies a slim wooden wand
made of pale wood with a distinctly reddish tinge. There is a magical force-field around the inner circle,
and the only way the Heroes can get the wand is for one of them to stand on each of the four magical
symbols shown around the edge of the circle, or within one of the four coloured quarters of the outer
The Wizard Hero needs to stand in the Fire area (he is after the Wand of Fire), the Dwarf in the Earth
area, the Elf in the Air area, the Warrior in the Water area. If one Hero is dead, you might allow the
presence of his dead body to be enough here. When the Heroes take up the correct positions, the force
field is dispelled and the Wizard can take the Wand safely. Give the players Handout 3 when they obtain
the Wand.
The Magic Circle has one other powerful magical property: if a Wizard (or Wizard’s Apprentice) who
has died is laid down within it, it will return that character to life (a Wizard who has lost a Fate Point
because his Apprentice was slain will regain it if his Apprentice is returned to life here). This effect works
only once, for one character.
There are some other treasures in the Quest Location. On the table is a Scroll with 1 Wizard spell (the
GM should determine which one randomly) and in the top drawer of the table is a plain black cloak. This
is a magical Cloak of Pockets (see the Treasure section).
There is a very rare book in the bookcase: Johann Stockhausen’s Healing Herbs of the Empire. Allow the
most intelligent Hero to make an Intelligence test: if this is made, he will see this book and realize how
valuable it is. The Healer of Felspraag will pay the Heroes 150 gold crowns for it.
There is also a message scroll left here, composed by an ancient wizard who protected the Wand of
Fire and sealed it within the magical circle here. The Heroes will automatically find this, so when they
get near the desk give the players Handout 3.
Lastly, the fire in the large fireplace burns magically without fuel or air, but it is of no importance to the
Heroes’ quest. Anything they throw into it is instantly burned away, though, including the Red Gem if
the Heroes throw it into here!
“Hard to believe that something which looks so slim and frail has such power
coursing within it, “ the young apprentice whispered in awe as he gazed at his
master’s proud achievement. “So much magic, so much power...“
The Wizard looked wearily at his assistant. “What is most important is the
discipline of creating such a thing,” he muttered, “and not the power which the
Wand houses within itself. It is the concentration, the hours of sustained effort
taking the mind almost to breaking point, the triumph of the will. And yet, I
know what you mean.” The Wizard slowly twirled the slender wooden length
in his bands. ‘’And not even I know how its powers will be used. Not in the final
The Wand of Conflagration casts each of the following spells once per adventure
(not once per expedition!) without the need for any spell components: Flames
of Death, Inferno of Doom and Fireball (Fireball is a Dark Magic Spell, see the
Advanced Heroquest rulebook). The Wand also allows the Wizard to subtract
1 from all damage dice which are rolled against him when he is affected by any
of these spells. If the Wizard Hero takes this Wand out of the dungeon while
alive, he gains a bonus of + 1 to his Start Intelligence score.
When the Heroes return to Felspraag, read the following to them:
The situation back in Felspraag is grim indeed. The Lichemaster begins to flex his strength, and Marshal Maximillian
Steiner has returned this very morning with a battalion of men from a skirmish with skeletons and other dark Undead
in the foothills less than a dozen miles away. Many men died, and the Marshal himself has a grievous leg wound, leaving
him limping and grim-jawed with pain. Johann the Wizard is red-eyed with sleeplessness after his constant spellcasting
and vigilance. Yet he still finds some time to help you with your quest.
When you show him the scroll you found, he pores over it, shaking his head with annoyance, and then
he jabs a finger into the paper. “Of course,“ he says, “ that symbol. It is the personal sigil of Martin Heydrich, an Ostlander
Wizard. I should have realized ... this riddle is strange indeed. I can think of only one place which his message could refer
to - a dungeon built by a fellow Wizard, his cousin Albrecht, not far from Middenheim. Albrecht was a recluse, and died
unmourned within his own chambers there. Why an Elven Bow should have been hidden there, I really cannot say. Yet
it is the one lead we have here. One thing I do know is that the place is feared and avoided, for it is overrun by Skaven,
and more than one clan of the foul and pestilential Ratmen have taken up residence there.“
Start Location
Skaven Warrior
Skaven Champion
Skaven Assassin J
Plague Censer Bearer K
Warpfire Thrower Team
Skaven Sorcerer
Grate H
E A1
C2 B
D C1
These Skaven are actually renegades, driven out from their own clans for various crimes against the heirarchies
and rulers of the Ratmen. They have fled to this dungeon, and banded together under the leadership of a White
Skaven Sorcerer. The Skaven stay together simply because there is safety in numbers. They’re a rag-tag bunch,
but they’re motivated by the simple desire to defend themselves and stay alive. And because they’re not very
numerous compared to large Skaven clans, they are smart enough to have developed some dangerous tactics
for dealing with intruders. These are due not the least to the Sorcerer, who has managed to use warpstone to
create some unusual magics which these Skaven use to considerable effect in battles.
The Skaven are also in this dungeon for another reason. They sense the presence of a large deposit of warpstone
somewhere in the area, and they cannot reach it, which infuriates them. It is sealed in the Quest Room on the
lower level, where Albrecht the Wizard sealed up Skaven guards in magical stasis to protect the Elven Bow
hidden there. Only when at least one other of the four magical treasures (i.e, the sword and wand the Heroes
already have) are brought into the dungeon can the chamber with the Bow be unsealed. This is why theSkaven
can’t get at the Bow, and why the Heroes can, but only when they’ve dealt with the Skaven!
Some Skaven carry special warpstone-based charms prepared by a Skaven alchemist which allow them to
become Berserk Monsters. These Skaven will become berserk as soon as they reach hand-to-hand combat.
They are stated in the location descriptions to be wearing Berserker Amulets. The amulets cannot be used by
Heroes or their Henchmen, and if they put one on, they immediately suffer 1 Wound from the damaging effects
of this Chaos-tainted material.
Some of the Skaven Warriors have Slings with which they can fire heavy stones at
enemies. Slings have the same ranges and hit rolls as Short Bows. A Skaven with
a Sling can make two ranged attacks per Combat Turn with this weapon so long
as it does not move. If a Skaven model moves prior to attacking, it is only allowed
one shot with the Sling that Combat Turn. Skaven with Slings are assumed to have
an effectively limitless supply of ammunition for them so far as normal stones go
(these have 2 damage dice on a successful hit). Some of them also use warpdust-
impregnated stone missiles, which inflict 4 damage dice on a successful hit. These
slingshots are not usable by Heroes or Henchmen (they’re tainted by Chaos and even
touching one automatically inflicts 1 Wound). With these missiles, the Skaven have
limited numbers of stones, specified for each Skaven individually.
In the Upper Level of the dungeon, you may use any Skaven character model (if one is indicated in the Quest
Room on that level) other than the Clan Mors Warlord, the Plague Censer Bearer, or the White Skaven Sorcerer.
The two Skaven Warriors by the door each have Berserker Amulets (and each has 15 gold crowns). The
two further back in the room both have Slings. Each of these Skaven has 4 warpstone missiles for their
slings, and 10 gold crowns. The Assassin has a Blade Venom, one dose of Eljbane, and he will put this
on his sword and try to attack the Elf in handto- hand combat if he can reach him (don’t bother with
this if it’s obvious the Assassin won’t be able to get at the Elf). He has a pouch with 60 gold crowns. The
Skaven here are particularly cunning. When one door is opened the forces by the other door will open
it and enter the passage outside to attack the Heroes if this is possible (that is, if the Heroes don’t attack
through both doors at the same time).
As soon as a combat breaks out at either doorway, a Skaven Night Runner appears in the passageway
(starting at location Al as shown on the map) and comes to aid his fellows! Allow him to move and
then attack (irrespective of the order of actions for the other Skaven). If the Heroes have placed a guard
looking along this passage, the Night Runner appears instead at the furthest point along the line of sight
for the guard down the passage. The Night Runner carries a small leather bag at his belt containing 20
gold crowns.
This entire passageway has one important and surprising feature: the wall all the way along beside the
Quest Room beyond it (Location M) is of white stone. There is no door to Location M here this isn’t a
mapping error!
C1 These are magical Fireball traps. They are stronger than most, so roll 6 damage dice for the Hero setting
off the trap.
Strong Fireball Trap
A magical fireball will gather in the same square as the Hero who set off the trap. Place the fireball
template on this square, and all models under the template suffer 6 damage dice of injury. For the next 3
turns after this (ie not starting with the GM phase about to come, but the one after), the GM may move
the template 8 squares in any direction he chooses, and measure the effect again. At the end of the third
turn, the fireball disappears.
D There is a white concave depression in the floor which is very smooth and slightly egg-shaped. This is
where the Magic Stone from Location G fits.
This room is hot, and a glinting brazier burns on the wall. The Skaven are hot, sweating, and their fur
is streaked with moisture. They are eager to fight! Any fire-based spell cast by the Skaven Sorcerer here
inflicts 1 extra damage dice to normal. Any firebased spell cast by an enemy of the Skaven (that is, a
Wizard Hero) inflicts 1 fewer damage dice than normal.
The three Skaven Warriors nearest the door here have Berserker Amulets. The single Skaven right at the
back of the room has a Sling with 6 warpstone missiles. The White Skaven Sorcerer wears a magical Ring
of Fate with 2 Fate Points within it which should be used by the GM to negate majo; damage or the useof
a Rat Bag (one Fate Point can be spent to prevent the Sorcerer from being sucked into a Rat Bag at any
time during a combat here).
There is a Treasure Chest here which contains the personal gold of the Skaven (a total of 150 gold crowns),
a Potion of Healing, and a Screech Bug. The trapdoor leads down to a drop into an underground stream
(shown in the chasm beyond the room).
The Heroes have to get through this underground
stream to get to Location G where the Magic
Stone they require is. The stream section (use
the chasm for this) is entirely below-surface;
there’s no air pocket above the water here. Each
Hero must make a Toughness test to be able to
hold his breath long enough to get through the
stream section and poke his head above surface in
Location G (only one try per Hero or Henchman).
Heroes can only pass along the stream section one
at a time.
If a Hero fails his Toughness test he is forced to return to Location E. Roll a D12. On a roll of 7-12 a
powerful Rock Eel appears in the water and attacks the Hero. The Eel has Weapon Skill 6, Toughness 6,
and 2 Wounds. It cannot be attacked by any fiery spell nor by ranged combat. The Hero can either delay
and fight the creature, or try to get past it. If the Hero just flees from combat, he suffers 1-3 Wounds (roll
one D12, divide the number rolled by 4, and round any fractions up). If the Hero stays to fight, he must
make a Toughness test every combat turn to be able to continue fighting, and if he fails his breath gives
out and forces him to flee back to Location E (so he suffers Wounds as above).
G The Heroes appear underneath the Grate in
this room, but can push it up and gain entrance
automatically. There is a large Statue here which
9 - 10 8 6 - - 8 -
holds an egg-shaped White Stone (this is needed
for Location D). The Statue acts as an Animated TARGET DAM
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Statue and attacks as soon as any Hero tries to
2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5
take the Stone. Although the Statue animates, it
does not have any treasure with it as ordinary
Statues in Advanced Heroquest do!
H This is a standard Fireball trap in front of a secret door at the end of the passage. If this Fireball trap is
activated, then the Skaven in Locations I J and K will all be alerted to the presence of the Heroes by the
sound of the trap being set off (and gain +3 on all surprise rolls).
! There is a special rule concerning the doors to these rooms (including the secret door entrance to
Location K): as soon as one is opened, all three doors open together! The doors within this room complex
(between I and K, and between J and K) are already open.
I The two Skaven Warriors here (each has 10 gold crowns) are normally armed, but the Skaven Champion
(who has 15 gold crowns) with them has a Berserker Amulet.
J This is the same as Location I, in that it has two Skaven Warriors (each with 10 gold crowns) and a
Skaven Champion (but this one has 20 gold crowns).
K This is a real nest of Skaven. By each of the side doors is a Skaven with a Sling, each armed with 4
warpstone missiles. The two Night Runners each have a Potion of Healing, and with the Warrior next to
them they create Death Zones around the secret door which prevent Heroes from simply charging into
the room and getting straight at the Skaven at the back of the room. This is the Plague Censer Bearer,
who carries a Plague Censer of unusual lightness and weight, allowing it a range of up to 16 squares (hit
rolls for 13-16 are the same as for 4-12 with this very well-designed piece). This Plague Censer also has a
secondary magical effect which is very striking: a howling wind screams down the long corridor before
the Plague Censer Bearer (this applies to the entire passageway section beyond the secret door leading
into this room, or as far as the Censer travels when thrown). This howling wind lasts for 3 combat turns,
and during this time any Hero using ranged weapon attac.ks through this area (and/or when he’s in this
area) suffers a penalty of -2 to Bow Skill. The Plague Censer Bearer has a Potion of Healing, and he also
wears a magical Amulet of Iron.
These Skaven are mean and very smart. The Plague Censer Bearer is well capable of throwing his ranged
weapon, and then getting out of the line of sight of arrow fire if he’s getting hurt and drinking his potion.
The Warriors inside this room will try to create Death Zones to let the Night Runners run away and
drink their Potions if they are in serious trouble. These Skaven are out to kill the Heroes, so make sure
the Heroes have to burn up some Fate Points to stay alive. They’ve got enough by now, so force them to
use them up here. The Skaven here have a miserable 5 gold crowns each! When the Heroes are searching
the Skaven for treasure, tell the players that one of the Skaven hisses in its death throes :
“ You won’t get our gold, our brothers have it in ..... “
And then rolls over dead. This should infuriate the players. Make them mad - it impairs their judgement,
and makes it easier for you to kill the Heroes ...
L This is the Skaven treasure room, and it’s protected by a two Night Runners and a Warpfire Thrower
team. There’s a BIG treasure chest here with 250 gold crowns, a Potion of Regeneration, and 2 Bolts of
M The only way to enter this location is as follows: the Heroes have killed the Plague Censer Bearer in
Location K, and they must bring the Magic Stone from Location G and place it in the stone cavity at
Location D. When they do, the entire wall section along the passageway disappears - place the Quest
Room on the board.
The Heroes are confronted by an army of Skaven who are freed from magical stasis when the wall
vanishes, releasing them from their bondage. Several special rules apply to these Skaven.
• All the Skaven wear special warpstone-treated amulets (unusable by Heroes - they’re tainted!) which
make then Fearsome Monsters.
• The Warpstone Team is placed among the skeletons shown on the floorplans for the Quest Room, and
if they are destroyed (killed, or due to malfunction) they will actually be resurrected with all Wounds
restored after 1 extra combat turn so long as there are any other Skaven not destroyed within this
The coiled Dragon motif on the floor appears to hold the Bow in mid-air, tendrils of force spiral up from
the mosaic on the floor to hold the Bow in place. After 3 combat rounds, something terrifying happens:
the Dragon assembles from the floor! Read the following to the players when this transformation occurs:
The very ground seems to tremble as the mosaic Dragon on the floor begins to pulse with the tainted warp of
Chaos! The warpstone in this chamber seems to stir the serpent into life, and it uncoils itself from the stone and
rock, rising up on its powerful haunches and staring at you with its rheumy eyes, its great mouth slavering for
the taste of warm, fresh blood!
The Bow drifts gently to the ground, although it cannot be taken and used until this combat is completed.
The Dragon now attacks. It is a magical, animated monster, and it has Weapon Skill 9, Toughness 9,
Wounds 6, and Speed 10. It is a Large Monster, and is too large to pass through any doorway. It can
breathe the equivalent of an Inferno of Doom spell up to 12 squares away once every 4 combat turns, so
the GM must keep careful track of time elapsed during the combat!
9 3 8 9 10 8 10 6 12
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ DICE
Claws, Can cast Fire Breath every 4 combat turns
Fearsome Monster, Large Monster
If the Heroes survive to triumph here, their treasure gains (and other room items of interest) are:
• Gold. Scattered on the floor in piles (shown on the floorplans) are 100 gold crowns.
• Dragon Eggs. There are two Dragon Eggs here which can be sold to a Wizard for 50 gold crowns each
if they’restill any good. Have the players roll two dice. Each roll of 7 or better indicates that an egg is
good and in saleable condition. If the dice roll is 6 or below, the egg is too old to be of any use or value.
• Barrels. There are four barrels here, but the dwarf beer in them is long ago decayed into vinegary, bad-
tasting muck. Not even a dwarf would drink it now.
• Swords and Axe. The Swords on the floor are just ordinary swords, but the Axe is a magical Axe, + 1 damage
• Treasure Chest. There is a small treasure chest here, which contains bags with 150 gold crowns, one flask of
Greek Fire, 6 arrows, 6 crossbow bolts, and a Potion of Prowess.
And, of course, the Heroes will be able to take the Elven Bow of Loren, so give them Handout 5 when they
obtain this.
The bowyer laid down his work, caressing the slim, hard wood of the bow as
gently as any mother might caress a child. His eyes narrowed slightly as he ran
his fingers along the taut bowstring, redolent with tension and power. It would
take a worthy Hero to nock an arrow to this weapon, he thought, crafted by my
hands and the skills of the Elven wizards. In years to come, who knows what
may be its fate, which black and evil hearts it may destroy ...
The Power Bow of Loren adds 1 to Bow Skill and Bravery for its user. When an
ordinary arrow is fired from it, the archer rolls 6 damage dice for a hit. Arrows
fired from the bow will be recovered on a roll of 7 or better (as with other
thrown weapons). If the Elf Hero takes the Power Bow from the dungeon while
he is alive, he can add 1 to his Start Speed score.
When the Heroes return from acquiring the Elven Power Bow of Loren, read the following text to them:
In Felspraag, the Baron has raised virtually every man in the village and surrounding lands into a militia army. Deep in the Grey
Mountains a huge army of skeletons has massed, and they must be stopped before they kill hundreds, thousands of ordinary folk. The
army is nearly ready to march, but Johann the Wizard makes time to speak with you before he leaves with them.
“ Your quest is of the highest importance,” he says. “ You must find the last treasure, the World’s Edge Hammer, and then confront the
Lichemaster himself. The Seer has had a dream of the Hammer’s resting place: he tells me that he sees a great Daemon struggling
against other monsters in dungeons below a mountain with a peak shaped like a broken claw. The other monsters, the Seer cannot
sense, but you will have to overcome truly powerful enemies there. Such a mountain exists only a day’s march from here, and we must
hope that it is the one the Seer has sensed in his scrying. When you have the Hammer, you must follow the Baron’s army, and make as
much haste as you may. Time grows short, and the lives of many are in the balance now. “
When you are readied with weapons, equipment and spell ingredients, it will be time for you to set out to
recover the final treasure ...
N Start Location Troll
Orc Grate
Ogre Throne
There are two groups of monsters in the dungeons below Claw Peak. They are bitter enemies, but neither group
is confident enough yet to mount an all-out attack on the other. One group is composed of Garshanak the
Bloodthirster and his retinue. He has a captive Daemonette, a Chaos Champion leading some Chaos Thugs, and
a pair of Fimir with a human Captain who has been magically forced to serve the daemonic forces. However,
magical barriers prevent the Daemons leaving the Throne Room, so Garshanak can’t lead an attack on the
enemies himelf, which might otherwise allow his forces to be triumphant.
Opposing them is Murglang the Ogre Chieftain and a motley retinue of humanoids. He has a Troll with him,
and a group of Ores who are outcasts from several different clans and are only together because of the Ogre’s
bullying. It is actually possible for the Heroes to obtain the World’s Edge Hammer without dealing with the
humanoids. They could simply head past them to the daemonic forces and kill them, take the Hammer and
then leave the dungeon. But this would be a waste of some very nasty monsters you want to throw at the Heroes,
so the location listing below also includes rules for using the humanoids as a type of Wandering Monster if the
Heroes don’t deal with them in their own rooms.
In addition to any Fate Dungeon Counters, the GM may use 1 Fate Point for the monsters in Location B, C or
D, and 1 Fate Point for the monsters in Location H, I or K. Use these Fate Points to reduce the damage Hero
attacks inflict as much as possible (for example, to completely negate a Flames of Death spell - you can use a
Fate Point for the monsters to prevent the spell from working).
A The squares here have a magical Choke trap. Apply the rules below for the effects of Choke:
Choke Trap
The victim suddenly clutches his throat and has great trouble breathing. Dark wisps of
smoke begin to seep from his mouth and nostrils as his lungs fill with noxious fumes.
He may only stagger one square per turn for the next 3 turns (the model’s player
makes this move). Unless the trap has been disarmed in the meantime,
the victim dies at the end of the third turn from asphyxiation.
These traps may be spotted on a 9 or less, and may be disarmed
on a 7 or less. If the trap has been disarmed before the victim
chokes to death, the victim does not die and suffers no further
The four ordinary Orcs here are led by an Orc Champion. The
two Orcs away from the door have Short Bows and 6 arrows
apiece. These Orcs have no treasure, since the Ogre Chieftain
hoards the treasure for the entire group.
C The Ogre Chieftain is accompanied by an Orc Champion. The Ogre Chieftain carries 50 gold crowns in
a big pouch at his belt. There is a Treasure Chest in this chamber, which contains 150 gold crowns and a
special pair of excellent quality Throwing Daggers which have a maximum range of 6 squares.
D This large room houses the Troll and three Orcs. The Orcs beside the secret doors are normally armed,
while the Orc further back into the room also has a Short Bow and 6 arrows.
G In this passage, at the dead end, is a Falling Blocks Trap which occupies both end squares.
Blocks Trap
A large block of masonry descends from the Ceiling onto the Hero who tripped the trap. Roll a dice. If
the roll is equal to or less than the Hero’s Speed, he dodges the block and takes only 3 damage dice of
injury from a glancing blow. If the dice roll is more than the Hero’s Speed, he suffers the full effects of 12
damage dice. If this trap is spotted but not disarmed, the Heroes can bypass it, moving at just half speed.
H The only way for the Heroes to proceed with their quest is
to cross the rope bridge over the Chasm. When they have
all crossed the rope bridge, read the following to them:
Sadly, the weight of the last member of your party must
have been too much for the old, frayed bridge, which
falls away from your side of the chasm and into the
depths below.
I The two Fimir here are allied with a magically controlled
Human Captain (a Reference Sheet for the Captain can be
found in the Henchmen section of this book). The Captain
has 2 Fate Points (in addition to the Fate Points you can use
around the dungeon), and he will fight to the death. His
equipment is in good condition, and it can be taken and
used by the Heroes. The Fimir have 25 gold crowns each, the
Captain has no treasure.
K The entire set of four squares here is a Shock trap. If the trap isn’t disarmed, it will affect every Hero who
passes through this area; setting off the trap does NOT render it subsequently harmless! Heroes can
make multiple attempts at disarming it, but each time they fail they will have to suffer the usual damage
from a trap of this kind.
A Hero or other character wearing metal armour will receive the usual severe shock (10 damage dice)
and the pain is so great that they are forced to move away from this area in a direction of the GM’s
choice, and not that of the player.
This forced move must take the character away from the shocked squares, but the player is allowed to
decide how far the character moves after moving off this area (if any further at all). This can be important
if a character is forced to step into this area as part of a combat in and around the doorway of Location J.
It’s very hard even to spot this trap for a character engaged in combat. If such a character wants to step
into the trapped area while fighting, he will only spot the Shock trap if he rolls a natural 12 on the D12
roll for spotting traps, and he cannot disarm the trap during combat. If a natural 12 is rolled, you can
allow the character to spot the trap just before he walks into it. If he then wants to move into the trapped
area anyway, so be it!
L This is a Pit trap with some differences from normal. It has been particularly cunningly disguised, so
any character must subtract 2 from the D12 roll when attempting to spot it. Also, the bottom of the Pit
is filled with corrosive, burning acid. Every turn a character spends here, he loses 1 automatic Wound.
M This Throne Room is occupied by the
Bloodthirster and a captive Daemonette.
The Bloodthirster gains a bonus of + 1 to its
Toughness and rolls 1 extra damage dice for
each successful hit on a character because of
the Daemonette’s presence. The Bloodthirster
cannot leave this chamber, and if the Heroes
are forced to flee it cannot pursue. It will close
the door after fleeing Heroes, however.
The Daemonette is magically constrained on the Throne and is surrounded by a magical force field
which prevents any model from entering a square adjacent to the throne while the Bloodthirster lives.
Also, no spell can affect the Daemonette while she sits on the Throne, and if any spell is cast into the
four squares the Throne occupies the spell effect will automatically be reflected on to the Wizard. The
Daemonette doesn’t act, or react, in any way while the Bloodthirster is still alive.
The Daemonette is freed from her bondage
only when the Bloodthirster has been slain,
and when one or more Heroes enters the
“Death Zone” around the Throne (shown on
the map). Then she will attack the Heroes
immediately. This counts as a new combat
if the Heroes have performed any kind of
searching in this room, such as checking for
traps and the like. The usual rule about a
combat continuing if there are monsters in
the line of sight does not apply here.
The Treasure Chest contains 300 gold crowns, a Cleargem, a magical Dagger, + 2 damage dice, and a
Cursed Potion which will subtract 1 permanently from the Bow Skill of the character who drinks it (tell
the players this is a Potion of Healing).
There is a secret door in this room as shown, but there is only one way to open it. There is a lever above
the Throne which must be pushed up to open the secret door. This means that a Hero must get on the
Throne to reach the lever and pull it to open the door. The Throne is tainted with Chaos and the Hero
who stands on it to pull down the lever must roll a Dl2. No Henchman will stand on the Throne, and
cannot be forced to.
D12 Result
1-2 The character on the throne benefits from a fortunate twist in the warp of Chaos, and can add 1 Wound
permanently to his Start and Current Wound scores.
3-8 The character suffers a minor malefic effect from the taint, losing 1-3 Wounds from Current score (roll one dice,
divide the number rolled by 4, and round up all fractions).
9 - 12 The character suffers a baneful and permanent draining of his energies from contact with the taint of Chaos.
The character loses 1 Fate Point permanently from his Start score, and 1-3 Wounds from his Current score (as
above). Also, when the character steps on to the Throne a Fireball effect operates on all eight squares of the
“Death Zone” around the Throne as shown on the map. If any other characters are standing around in this area,
they are subject to the usual 5 dice of damage. The character who is actually on the Throne is not affected by this.
Read the following to the players when their Heroes look into this cavern:
You gaze into a warm, steamy chamber with a magical fire burning ahead of you. The room is cluttered wttb
objects - barrels, chests, bones, a whole slew of rocks and stones, and in the middle of the room a pit with a skull
and bones - and a dwarven hammer and helm!
A Hero has to be lowered into the pit to get at the Hammer and Helm (this must be the Dwarf if he is
alive). The pit is 10 feet deep and only one Hero can enter it (by being lowered on a rope) at any one time.
If the party has no rope, the character has to jump (this means one automatic Wound for the jumping
character) . When the Dwarf (or other Hero) is in the Pit, read the following to the players:
As you reach for the Hammer and Helm to complete your Quest, the cavern trembles with magical energies!
The bones in the Pit are joined by others which thrust through the surface of the burial place and assemble into
a skeleton, while the magical fire blazes into a roaring column and flares a wave of searing flame at you as the
bones scattered around begin to assemble to fight you!
There are two ways the Heroes can get out, either by defeating all the Skeletons (unlikely) or by managing to
drag the Dwarf up out of the Pit and staging a tactical withdrawal (much the better option).
If the Heroes triumph, one of the chests here will contain an extra 150 gold crowns. Otherwise, if they manage
to retreat, they have the World’s Edge Hammer and a dwarven Helm to boot. The Helm is a standard Dwaroen
Magic Helm (-1 to Bow Skill due to the size of the helm and the way it restricts peripheral vision, and +2 to
Toughness), but the Hammer is somewhat more special. Give the players Handout 6 when they obtain the
The World’s Edge Hammer grants bonuses of + 1 to Weapon Skill and Bravery.
When it is used as a thrown weapon, the user can add + 1 to his Bow Skill, or
+2 if the weapon is thrown by a Dwarf. The weapon user rolls 6 damage dice
for a successful hit. The weapon can be thrown to strike, and return to the
hand of the thrower, in a single combat turn, ready for use as a ranged weapon
or in hand-to-hand combat the following turn. If used by a Dwarf, it inflicts a
critical hit on a roll of 11 or 12. The Hammer is a one-handed weapon, so it is
possible to use a shield when using it. Lastly, if a Dwarf Hero manages to take
the Hammer out of the dungeon while alive, he gains a bonus of + 1 to his Start
Strength score.
When the Heroes return from acquiring the hammer, read the following to them:
You see that Felspraag is now home only to a few score badly wounded warriors recovering from their grievous injuries,
and a Jew acolytes of the Temple of Shallya caring for them. Virtually every able-bodied man is away in the Baron’s
army, for the final apocalyptic battle against the Lichemaster’s forces. To your dismay, you realize that it will not be as
easy for you to find the help and equipment you might need for the final stage of your epic quest!
The following changes apply to the usual rules for Between Adventures, and they apply to the whole adventure,
irrespective of how many expeditions are made:
• The Heroes can buy no more than two Potions of
Healing. No more are available.
• The Wizard can only purchase up to six Spell
Ingredients. No more are available.
• The Heroes can only find and employ two able-
bodied Henchmen: one Man-at-Arms and one
Sergeant. Both men are Tilean mercenaries and
demand 25% above the usual rate of pay!
• The Wizard cannot find anyone with the time to
teach him any new spells if he wants to learn one.
There simply isn’t the time, and there aren’t any
Wizards left in Felspraag anyway. They’re all off
fighting, and have no time to teach any spells to
the Wizard Hero.
When the Heroes are ready to set off for the final stage of their quest, read them the following (this is also
reproduced as Handout 7 which you should give to the players, so you can have one of them read this):
You set off after the Baron’s army, following them with ease - all you have to do is to ask one of the stream of
walking wounded heading back from the battlefield. They stare at you with mad, haunted eyes and stumble
away when you try to speak with them. You march past scores of such wretches, and finally come to the edge of
the battlefield. Hundreds of men lie wounded and dying, and their comrades in arms are trapped by a circling
force of Undead, Skeletons amassed as far as the eye can see in this hilly terrain. Only sheer willpower and a
refusal to give in keeps the Baron’s forces from being swept aside by a torrential avalanche of Undeath.
“There,” croaks Johann the Wizard as he stumbles across to talk to you. “See the cave entrance? It was concealed by
magic, I have only just detected and uncovered it”. The dying Wizard coughs blood into a heavily-stained cloth . “The
Lichemaster is below. You are our only hope now. I have also seen that the only way to his inner sanctum lies with a
magic circle which must be completed and taken to a circular chamber. There is a Jewel somewhere in the upper level of
the dungeon which completes the Magic Circle. When the Circle is finally centered in the circular chamber, you will be
drawn to the lair of the Lichemaster, so take great care before you do this. Be as strong as you can for the final conflict!”
The end of your quest, endless glory or a wretched death, is upon you.
Which will it be, death or glory?
For this dungeon, both the upper and the lower levels are completely mapped. Once
the Heroes have been teleported to the lower level, there is no return to the outside
world until they have slain the Lichemaster or perished in the attempt, since the
only exit from that lower level is in the Lichemaster’s lair.
Both levels are occupied by the servants of the Lichemaster. He has Undead creatures
with him, and his eternal servant Orlock the Vampire commands the Undead of the
upper level from his dismal, ghoul-ridden crypt. The Chaos Lord Joachim Masreik
and his retinue are also in the Lichemaster’s thrall, the Chaos Lord having been
promised the eternal existence of Undeath in return for his services. Skaven trapped
in magical stasis, and magical skulls, add to the formidable defences of this lair.
This final dungeon uses a wide range of tricks and traps to give the Heroes a very
tough time during this adventure. This is as it should be; the Heroes will have plenty
of Fate Points to burn and they should be put under real pressure here.
Apart from the Chaos Lord, the monsters in the dungeon don’t have much treasure. The Lichemaster has the
bulk of the “group Undead treasure” in his chamber.
Several of the rooms and passages in the dungeons have special effects on creatures in them due to the growing
magical power of the Lichemaster. The GM must apply these effects strictly against the Heroes and their
Henchmen! These effects are sometimes “visible” to the players (such as the grave dust which comes from
the ceiling in passages El and E2). When room descriptions contain clues concerning such effects, be sure to
describe these to the players.
Similarly, some of the monsters here wear special magic items which are individually made by the Lichemaster’s
foul and Chaos-tainted magic. The special effects of these magic items are fully specified. They cannot be used
by Heroes or Henchmen, and if any character attempts to use such an item (putting an Amulet around one’s
neck, a Ring on a finger, etc.) the character automatically loses 1 Wound per turn until the item is removed.
The Wight and Vampire both inflict Strength Drains. If a character suffers a Strength Drain, subtract 1 dice
from hand-to-hand combat damage for each point of Strength Drain inflicted. Don’t forget that Strength Drains
apply for the entirety of an expedition!
K1 L J
I 10
K2 6
G 5
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
H H E1
C2 C2
Start Location Wight
C2 C2
Ghoul Vampire C2 C2
Mummy Throne C3
Skeleton Coffin
A This chamber contains a Wight and 4 Skeletons. Read the following to the players when they enter here:
The shrivelled and malefic form of the Wight which confronts you has a burning greenstone amulet about its
throat. It shines with a baleful magical intensity which is mirrored in a green glow in the eyes of the skeletons
around this dismal chamber!
Until the Wight is destroyed, the Skeletons here are treated as Regenerating Monsters and they will even
reform after death (when their Wounds total rises above zero the bones reform and the Skeleton jumps
up to attack once more). The Wight has 30 gold crowns, but there is no other treasure.
This chamber contains merely 4 Skeletons, identical to those in Location A (and these too have green-
glowing eyes and are Regenerating Monsters until the Wight is destroyed).
C Read the following to the players when they look into this area:
Just past the entranceway to this dead end, the passage is lined with cawed stone heads and hands which
protrude from the walls. At the far end the motif of a hammer seems to be etched into one wall, but you cannot
make out any details from where you stand.
This passage is a complex one. At Cl there is a simple Spike trap. Then, the squares in area C2 are highly
dangerous. The stone hands here can attack any character passing through. Make a Speed test to get
through C2 in one turn, if this is failed the character automatically needs two turns to get past the forest
of hands which grab at him. The hands have Weapon Skill 8 and a hit inflicts 4 dice of damage. It isn’t
possible to destroy these hands; hand-to-hand combat is useless since there are literally hundreds of
them, missile fire is likewise a waste of time (and any arrows fired against the walls are automatically
destroyed). If a character stops to attack the walls hand-to-hand, he suffers a +2 penalty (add +2 to the
D12 roll) on his Speed test to get past area C2 with his movement in the same turn.
At Location C3 there is a section of wall which has the icon of the World’s Edge Hammer etched on
it (and the Heroes will be able to see this clearly when they get to this location). The wall is thin here,
and can be broken down by the World’s Edge Hammer if its owner strikes the wall with it and makes a
successful Strength test. If the test is made, the wall section falls away to reveal Location D beyond. If
the test is failed, the wall trembles and shakes but doesn’t give way: tell the players that “the wall seems
almost ready to cave in but has not yet been destroyed”. Repeated strikes can be made, one per turn. If
any other object is used, the Strength test is made with a + 7 penalty to the D12 roll.
Ask the players what their Heroes are doing. So long as they are in the room, they will be safely teleported
to the lower level. If anyone is outside, then that’s the end of the adventure for that character. Give the
players a fair chance to make sure their characters are in the room, but if not, they’ve blown their chance
for glory.
E1 These passages have the same effect. When Heroes walk along either of them, heavy grey bone dust falls
E2 from the ceiling, which is slightly porous and has bone shafts, femur heads and the like protruding from
it. This grave dust is debilitating to any character passing along it. Anyone struck by grave dust (and it
can’t be avoided by putting a shield over one’s head, nice try though!) must make a Toughness test. If this
is failed, the character has a -1 penalty to Toughness until the next combat is finished (however long it
takes to get to the next combat turn, and however many combat turns there are in that combat).
This is a dangerous set of locations. Location F contains two Mummies
G and 4 Skeletons, Location G contains one Mummy and 2 Skeletons,
but when either door to either location is opened from the outside, all
H five covered Pits in Location H will open up. Any character standing
above a Pit when it opens loses 1 Wound from being dropped 10 feet
down and finds himself fighting a Skeleton in the pit. If two characters
are dropped down the same Pit, there is still one Skeleton per character
to attack them (you may find it easiest to put one of the characters in
a separate Pit counter beside the other, or else models will get very
crowded indeed). Each time a character falls into a Pit, a new Skeleton
animates to attack that character. These Pits cannot be detected by a
Spot Traps roll, so don’t allow the Heroes any chance of finding them.
If a Hero wants to get out of a Pit, he must make a successful Speed test to do so. If another character
lets down a rope to help that Hero up, the Speed test is made with a -2 modifie to the D12 roll (or the
character letting down the rope can make a Strength test if he prefers; the player is allowed to choose).
Likewise, a successful Speed test (with a -2 modifier to the D12 roll; the Pits are not as wide as a Chasm)
must be made to jump over a Pit (and only one Pit can be jumped per turn).
If a character fighting in the passageway is struck a Critical Hit by a monster, he must make a Speed test
or be knocked into the nearest Pit. Any character falling into a Pit he is trying to jump, or knocked into
a Pit by a monster, loses 1 automatic Wound. Standard rules can be applied for getting out of Pits, with
or without aid from other characters.
I This is extremely dangerous! The doors to this location do not open
from the outside. Instead, any character touching either door is simply
teleported to a random square within Location I (which is a VERY large
room, formed from two Large Rooms placed side by side). Roll two
dice to determine the row and column where the character appears as
shown on the map (ignore any D12 rolls of 11 or 12, and reroll them).
If the character would appear in a square occupied by a monster, he
suffers an automatic Wound and can be placed on the GM’s choice of
square next to that monster.
Only one character can be teleported into this Location through each
door per turn. If the Heroes only try to get in through one door, don’t
just tell them that the other door will actively teleport characters in here
too, let them find that out for themselves. Lastly, if a character inside
this location opens a door to let others in, they can move normally into
this room. The Wight here has 100 gold crowns, but the other Undead
creatures have no treasure.
There is a simple Blocks trap at the end of this passage. The effects of this trap can be found in the
rulebook but have also been described in this campaign in Quest 4, Location G.
K1 There is a Shock trap at the end of this passage (Kl), and when this is triggered or disarmed the entire
K2 section K2 simply disintegrates to a depth of 10 feet, dumping any character standing in section K2
down into an identical section of passageway alongside an unwalled crypt (Location L below). Any
character dumped down, or jumping down, into the lower passage section suffers 1 automatic Wound.
A character can be lowered down safely by another one holding 10 feet of rope in one turn (but has no
other move that turn).
L This is the crypt home of Orlock the Vampire, with his entourage of Ghouls. This crypt is also occupied
by a flock of Bats. The Bats can be disposed of in the usual ways (Greek Fire, a Screech Bug, or by
Fighting it Out against the Bats). However, while the Bats still survive, the Heroes suffer a -1 penalty on
all Weapon Skill rolls and a -1 penalty on all Bow Skill rolls. If Greek Fire is used to get rid of the Bats, it
doesn’t affect the other monsters here.
The Vampire’s coffin is trapped. It has two Poison Dart traps and both must be spotted and disarmed
for opening it to be absolutely safe unless it is opened from inside - see below. The coffin contains a vial
with 2 doses of Fire Dust, a Magic Jewel (needed for completing the Magic Circle in Location D), 200
gold crowns, and 12 arrows.
If Orlock the Vampire is reduced to zero Wounds or below, his body will crumple and disintegrate, but
on the following turn it reforms within his coffin, where he will regenerate 1 Wound per GM phase
(Orlock is not slain when he reaches a Wounds score below zero). Orlock can open his coffin and emerge
to fight at any time after his Wound total regenerates to 1 or higher. The GM should bring him back into
the fray as late as possible, when he’s regained a good amount of his strength. To finally kill Orlock, the
Heroes must drive a weapon through his heart as he lies with his body reforming inside his coffin. The
weapon can be withdrawn safely afterwards without the Vampire coming back to (Un)life.
M The effects of the Throne on the creatures in this chamber is dramatic: they all gain bonuses of + 2 to
Weapon Skill, Wounds and Toughness so long as any of them remains alive (it is not necessary for any
Undead creature to be seated in the Throne here). Any character foolish enough to sit in the Throne loses
1-4 Wounds (roll one D12, divide by 3, round fractions up) each turn he remains in it.
The Undead Champion nearest the secret door here will open it to attack the Heroes from the passageway
if it can.
The Magic Circle here is a spinning wheel in midair. It cannot be taken from here until all the Undead
here have been destroyed and the Magic Jewel from Location L is placed in the middle of it, where it will
spiral around the mid-point of the Circle. It then whirls in the air and follows the character who placed
the Jewel within the Magic Circle. If taken to Location D, it automatically settles in the centre of the floor
there. If the Heroes decide to leave it behind and exit the dungeon, so they can recuperate, the Magic
Circle will remain spinning at the bottom of the stairs until they return.
C1 C A A3
B A1
Place the four doors as shown on the map layout. How these work is as follows: Door D cannot be opened until
the Skull is taken by the characters to each of the three Magic Circles (in locations A, B, and C). Each time the
Skull is taken to a Magic Circle and placed in the middle of it, the red glow in the sockets grows stronger. It
does not matter in which order the Skull is taken into the three Magic Circles, but it must be carried by a Hero
(a Henchman will absolutely refuse to carry it!) at all times. The following effects occur with the Skull during
this final adventure:
• After it has been placed within one Magic Circle, the Hero bearing the Skull loses 1 point from Current
• After it has been placed in a second Magic Circle, the Hero bearing the Skull loses 1 point from Current
• After it has been placed in a third Magic Circle, the Hero bearing the Skull loses 1 point of Weapon Skill
(Start and Current).
These baneful effects will be undone when, and only when, the Heroes have completed their epic quest by
destroying the Lichemaster. Different Heroes can carry the Skull into different Magic Circles. The Skull can’t be
destroyed before it reaches Location D. Blows or missiles aimed at it simply appear to pass through it, and any
spells directed against it will automatically rebound on the spellcaster. These effects end as soon as it reaches
Location D, where the transformed Skull will have to be fought.
as there is at least one other Skaven undestroyed in this room. The other Skaven here, likewise released
from stasis, are treated as ordinary Skaven Warriors with the following alterations: Weapon Skill 8,
Toughness 8, Wounds 4 (and Bravery 10). These are not regenerating, however.
A Skull can occupy the same square as a Hero (the EQUIPMENT / NOTES
counter can simply be placed against the character Bite (counts as Claws and Fangs) , Fearsome Monster
model on its base), but only one Skull can occupy Ignore Death Zones and can fly over characters
one square at any given time.
Teleporting into the Lair
Roll a D12 to determine on which square each
character arrives (as shown on the map of the
Quest Room). No two characters can land in
the same square. If a later roll duplicates an
earlier one, place the arriving character on an
adjacent square further away from the central
Fire Pit.
If a model arrives in one of the squares 1, 3, 4,
8, 9,11 or 12 it suffers no damage. A character
arriving in one of the squares 2, 5, 7 or 10 has
arrived fairly close to the Fire Pit and suffers
1 automatic Wound. A character arriving in
square 6 has been dumped straight into the Fire
Pit and must spend one full turn clambering 1 2 3 4
out. Roll 10 damage dice for the character 5 6 7 8
during this turn, but no Speed test is needed to
get out of the pit. 9 10 11 12
The map shows how the initial forces should
be placed here. The Lichemaster is initially
invisible, and cannot be seen by the Heroes.
Do not place his model in the room when the
Heroes are teleported into it during the first
turn . Only when the Lichemaster makes his
first attack will he become visible to the Heroes,
and only after this attack should you place him Lichemaster
on the board.
The Skull also teleports into the Quest Room, into the same square as the Hero who is carrying it. It animates
immediately, and suffers no damage from the Fire Pit. The Skull flies by magical levitation, ignores all Death
Zones when it moves, and can fly over one character in a movement phase. It has Weapon Skill 8, Toughness
8, Speed 12, and Wounds 4, and counts as a Fearsome Monster. It can cast the spell Flight once during the
coming combat. There are several special effects applying in the Lichemaster’s cavern which you should study
very carefully. Be sure that you apply all these special effects during the combat to give the Heroes a really hard
combat here.
General Effects
All Undead in this chamber gain +1 to Wounds, and + 1 to Toughness until the Lichemaster is destroyed. These
bonuses are included in the Lichemaster’s unique profile shown on his Monster Reference Table.
The Spike Wall
It is only possible for one character to get past the Spike Wall and attack the Lichemaster in hand-tohand
combat, occupying the square shown. However, it’s very hard to get past the Spike Wall and any character doing
this risks sustaining serious damage. To get past the Spike Wall a character must make a successful Strength
test, adding +3 to the number rolled on the D12.
A failed attempt to get through the wall means that the character suffers 4 dice of damage; a successful attempt
means that the character suffers 6 dice of damage, all with + 1 on the damage dice rolls. This applies to getting
through the Spike Wall in either direction. The Spike Wall also provides a nearly impenetrable barrier against
missile fire. Any ranged weapon attacks with non-magical missiles have a penalty of -6 here (to get a hit, a
character must roll 6 higher than the usual hit roll). Magical missiles have a penalty of -3 to hit rolls.
The Throne
When the Lichemaster is on his Throne, he is treated as a Regenerating Monster. He is also allowed a bonus
of +2 to all dice rolls he makes to avoid the effects of spells cast at him (which he has due to his Ring of Magic
Steps to the Throne
The three rows of squares in front of the Throne are treated as Step Squares. They are affected by a powerful,
special magic which makes movement very difficult. Any Hero or Henchman on these steps can only travel 1-3
squares per turn (roll one D12, divide by 4, round fractions up) irrespective of his Speed score. If the character
has a magical Ring of Speed, he can move an extra square (only one, irrespective of the Level of the magical
The Chain in the Pool
This Chain can strike at any Hero within three squares of its anchoring in the rock (this is shown on the map).
The Chain has Weapon Skill 8, Toughness 9, and Wounds 4, and it cannot be affected by non magical weapons.
It can only strike one character per round, but it ignores all Death Zones when it moves through the air and
can strike at the GM’s choice of model within its range.
The Pool
The Pool is full of steaming acid. Any character in the Pool suffers 10 damage dice per turn (but can escape in
one turn). Any armour other than magical metal armour (chain, plate, etc.) will be dissolved in a single turn!
Non-magical weapons, shields, and helms will also be destroyed in a single turn . Hopefully no character will
be stupid enough to walk into the Pool, but with his Flight spells the Lichemaster (and also the Skull the Heroes
bring here) will certainly force a model to run into the Pool if possible!
The Lichemaster’s Teleporting
The Lichemaster is allowed to make three Teleporting moves during the combat here. With a Teleport move,
he can transport himself from any one square in this chamber to any other. Usually, this means moving from
behind the Spike Wall to his Throne (to regain Wounds by regeneration) and back again (to escape when
Heroes have got close enough to his Throne to attack him hand-to-hand).
Fate Points for the Lichemaster
The Lichemaster’s Fate Points should be used very carefully. Always keep his last Fate Point to avoid a killing
blow. One Fate Point may, if you wish, be expended to allow the Lichemaster and his forces to act (move,
attack) before the Heroes and Henchmen during a combat turn.
9 6 7 10 9 10 10 8 -
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ DICE
Staff (counts as Spear)
2 Fate Points
Ring of Magic Protection Level 2
Fearsome Monster
Flesh Flaying, Strengthen Undead, Choke
Fireball (x2), Inferno of Doom (x2)
If the Heroes manage to survive this combat, they can obtain the following treasures from around the
Lichemaster’s throne and in the untrapped Treasure Chest close by:
• A total of 800 gold crowns.
• The magic items owned by the Lichemaster which have not been used up by him (if any).
• A magical Dagger, + 1 damage dice.
• A magical Shield, Arrow Catcher.
• A Potion of Healing, a Potion of Prowess, and a Sublime Potion of the Supreme Alchemist.
• A small casket with six rubies. Five of these are simple gems worth 60 gold crowns each, but the last is a
magical Fire Ruby with 7 usages remaining in it.
D12 Occupants Treasure PV D12 Occupants Treasure PV
1 4 Orcs 30 GCs 4 1 1 Orc Warlord, 4 Orcs 80 GCs 10
2 2 Orcs, 4 Goblins 40 GCs 4 2 1 Orc Warlord, 2 Orc Champions 100 GCs 10
3 3 Orcs, 4 Goblins 40 GCs 5 3 1 Orc Warlord, 1 Champion, 3 Goblins 120 GCs 10
4 3 Orcs, 2 Goblins, 2 Goblin Archers 50 GCs 5 4 4 Orc Champions, 4 Orcs 100 GCs 12
5 1 Orc Champion, 4 Orcs 40 GCs 6 5 1 Ogre, 4 Orcs 120 GCs 12
6 2 Orc Champions, 4 Goblins 50 GCs 6 6 1 Ogre, 1 Orc Champion, 2 Orcs 140 GCs 12
7 6 Orcs 60 GCs 6 7 3 Orcs Champions, 6 Orcs 150 GCs 12
8 3 Orc Champions 70 GCs 6 8 1 Orc Warlord, 4 Champions 120 GCs 14
9* 4 Orc Champions 60 GCs 8 9* 1 Orc Warlord, 2 Champions, 4 Orcs 140 GCs 14
10* 2 Orc Champions 80 GCs 8 10* 1 Orc Warchief, 6 Orcs 150 GCs 14
11* 8 Orcs 100 GCs 8 11* 1 Orc Warchief, 2 Champions, 2 Orcs 160 GCs 14
12* 1 Orc Warlord, 4 Orcs 100 GCs 10 12* 1 Orc Warchief, 8 Orcs 180 GCs 16
* If you rolled 9 – 12, then also roll on the Special Monster Matrix. If an extra monster is rolled, it is added to
those in the Lair or Quest Room.
D12 Occupants Treasure PV D12 Occupants Treasure PV
1 1 Chaos Warrior 20 GCs 4 1 2 Chaos Warriors, 1 Beastman 80 GCs 10
2 2 Beastmen 30 GCs 4 2 1 Chaos Warrior, 3 Beastmen 100 GCs 10
3 1 Chaos Warrior, 1 Orc 40 GCs 4 3 1 Chaos Champion, 1 Beastman 120 GCs 10
4 1 Chaos Warrior, 1 Beastman 40 GCs 5 4 1 Chaos Champion, 1 Chaos Warrior 100 GCs 12
5 1 Chaos Warrior, 1 Beastman 50 GCs 5 5 3 Chaos Warriors 120 GCs 12
6 1 Chaos Warrior, 1 Beastman Sentry 40 GCs 6 6 2 Chaos Warriors, 2 Beastmen 120 GCs 12
7 1 Chaos Warrior, 2 Orcs 50 GCs 6 7 2 Chaos Warriors, 4 Orcs 140 GCs 12
8 1 Chaos Warrior, 2 Orc Champions 60 GCs 6 8 1 Chaos Champion, 3 Beastmen 100 GCs 14
9* 1 Chaos Champion 60 GCs 8 9* 2 Chaos Warriors, 3 Beastmen 120 GCs 14
10* 2 Chaos Warriors 80 GCs 8 10* 3 Chaos Warriors, 1 Beastman 140 GCs 14
11* 2 Chaos Warrior, 4 Orcs 100 GCs 8 11* 1 Chaos Champ, 1 Warrior, 1 Beastman 160 GCs 14
12* 1 Chaos Champion, 1 Beastman 100 GCs 10 12* 4 Chaos Warriors 160 GCs 16
* If you rolled 9 – 12, then also roll on the Special Monster Matrix. If an extra monster is rolled, it is added to
those in the Lair or Quest Room.
D12 Occupants Treasure PV D12 Occupants Treasure PV
1 4 Skaven Warriors 30 GCs 4 1 4 Skaven Warriors, 2 Night Runners 80 GCs 10
2 2 Skaven Warriors, 1 Champion 40 GCs 4 2 5 Skaven Warriors, 2 Champions 100 GCs 10
3 3 Skaven Warriors, 1 Sentry 40 GCs 5 3 2 Night Runners, 2 Champions 120 GCs 10
4 3 Skaven Warriors, 1 Champion 50 GCs 5 4 2 Night Runners, 3 Champions 100 GCs 12
5 2 Warriors, 1 Sentry, 1 Champion 40 GCs 6 5 Jezzailach, 4 Warriors, 1 Champion 120 GCs 12
6 4 Skaven Warriors, 1 Champion 50 GCs 6 6 3 Skaven Sentries, 3 Gutter Runners 130 GCs 12
7 2 Gutter Runners, 1 Sentry 60 GCs 6 7 1 Warlord, 1 Champion, 2 Warriors 140 GCs 12
8 2 Gutter Runners, 1 Champion 70 GCs 6 8 Warpfire Team, 4 Warriors 100 GCs 14
9* 4 Warriors, 1 Sentry, 1 Champion 60 GCs 8 9* 6 Skaven Warriors, 4 Champions 120 GCs 14
10* 2 Night Runners, 2 Warriors 80 GCs 8 10* 3 Night Runners, 5 Warriors 140 GCs 14
11* 1 Night Runner, 1 Sentry, 3 Warriors 100 GCs 8 11* Jezzailach, 4 Warriors, 2 Champions 160 GCs 14
12* 3 Champions, 4 Warriors 100 GCs 10 12* Warpfire Team, 6 Warriors 160 GCs 16
* If you rolled 9 – 12, then also roll on the Special Monster Matrix. If an extra monster is rolled, it is added to
those in the Lair or Quest Room.
D12 Occupants Treasure PV D12 Occupants Treasure PV
1 1 Beastmen 30 GCs 4 1 1 Ogre Chieftain 80 GCs 10
2 3 Orcs, 2 Goblins 40 GCs 4 2 1 Wight, 2 Zombies 100 GCs 10
3 2 Skaven Champions, 1 Skaven Warrior 40 GCs 5 3 1 Beastman Warlord, 2 Beastmen 120 GCs 10
4 1 Beastman Champion, 2 Goblins 50 GCs 5 4 1 Daemonette 90 GCs 12
5 1 Chaos Champion, 2 Chaos Thugs 50 GCs 6 5 1 Bloodthirster 100 GCs 12
6 3 Skeletons 50 GCs 6 6 1 Skaven Warlord, 3 Skaven Champions 120 GCs 12
7 3 Beastmen 60 GCs 6 7 1 Liche 140 GCs 12
8 3 Skaven Gutter Runners 60 GCs 6 8 1 Vampire 100 GCs 14
9* 4 Ghouls 60 GCs 8 9* 1 Minotaur Lord, 3 Orcs 120 GCs 14
10* 1 Ogre 80 GCs 8 10* 2 Chaos Champions 150 GCs 16
11* 1 Wight 10 0 GCs 8 11* 1 Mummy, 3 Ghouls 180 GCs 16
12* 1 Ogre Chieftain 100 GCs 10 12* Greater Daemon of Tzeentch 200 GCs 20
* If you rolled 9 – 12, then also roll on the Special Monster Matrix. If an extra monster is rolled, it is added to
those in the Lair or Quest Room.
by Andy Warwick
The first thing you should do if you plan to run the Quest for Sonneklinge is to read the whole thing, so that
you can familiarise yourself with the dungeons, work out what the Heroes’ responses are likely to be, and plan
the monsters’ tactics. Once you’re ready to play, read out the following text. This is the basic story behind the
Quest. The GMs information section gives you some additional details that the Heroes don’t know - yet.
Prince Karad von Carron was a Hero known throughout Erich von Carron reveals that be was visited in his
the Old World. His victory over the Goblinoid bedchamber by the ghost of Prince Karad. Erich
Hordes that attacked the town of Carroburg is the explains that his ancestor’s soul is wandering the
stuff of legend. The tale has tripped across the tongues earth because Sonneklinge, the sword with which
of bards for centuries, and is told in inns and public Dwarfmangler was slain, has been taken from Prince
houses all across the Empire. Karad’s grave.
Even his death at the hands of the Ogre Ratgot He goes on to explain that the Orcs who’ve been
Dwarfmangler in the final, climatic moments of the attacking the town are the same Orcs who’ve been
battle, when the fatally wounded Ogre managed to involved in minor skirmishes with the town foresters
slash Karad’s throat open, couldn’t taint his memory. for years. And now the Orcs now have a new leader;
His burial in a tomb deep in the Skaag hills was an the Orc Warlord who once led them, Gragath Rogant,
event of great sorrow for the people of Carroburg. has been replaced by Hogrod Trollslaughterer, a
Since then the hills around the town have been relatively fearsome Ogre Chieftain from the same foul line
free of Goblinoids. Until recently that is. Within the that spawned Ratgot Dwarfmangler.
last few months the town bas been attacked on no Erich asks you to enter the abandoned Dwarven town
less than three occasions. Each time the casualties of Kazrad- Kain, which is where the Orcs make their
were higher and the damage greater. The town council, lair, and retrieve the sword. He explains that only by
presided over by Karad’s great, great, great grandson, replacing it in the Prince’s Tomb will his ancestor’s
decided it was time to take action: they called for help soul be laid to rest. Finally, be also warns you that you
from local adventurers. You were the only ones to must not remove anything from the Tomb, as Prince
answer their plea. Karad has set a curse upon the treasure.
The sword has indeed been stolen. On the advice of
Hemler Rottingflesh, the Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle
who is ultimately responsible for Hagrod’s sudden rise
to a position of power, the Ogre sent a band of Orcs
to loot Karad’s tomb. Hemler assured him that if he
possessed the sword he would be able to cast a spell
powerful enough to raze the town of Carroburg to the
But Hemler lied, or rather he had too much faith in
his own abilities. Now the sword lies useless in the
Ogres stronghold while the Sorcerer works out what
to do with it.
Meanwhile, Karad’s eternal rest has been disturbed.
He walks the streets of Carroburg in the middle of the
night, a translucent figure emitting a wailing shriek
of anger as he calls for justice and revenge. It is up to
the Heroes to retrieve the sword and lay Karad’s soul between expeditions. Even though the Heroes were
to rest. Even then, there is one last surprise in store... the only ones to answer the council’splea, there are
still a large number of peope the Heroes can hire as
The first thing the Heroes must do is enter the Ogre The Sorcerer in the Ogre Chieftain’s Stronghold is
Chieftain’s Stronghold and retrieve Sonneklinge. a member of the Jade College. He has the following
They should explore the first two levels of the spells: The Green Eye, The Pool of Many Places, The
Stronghold, searching for the stairways that lead Cloak of Dainne and The Emerald Waterfall. He has
them down to the Ogre’s Halls and the room where enough material components to cast each spell once.
the sword is kept. They don’t have to do this all in one If the Heroes do not leave the dungeon, when they
go; Erich is quite happy for them to stay in the town return the Lairs and Quest Rooms are re-stocked
with monsters. Only killed character monsters and
treasure (except that which the monsters carry) are
not replaced.
Once the Heroes have found the sword they must take
it back to Prince Karad’s Tomb. The objective on the
first level of the Tomb is to find the stairs down to the
Prince’s Burial Chamber.
Unfortunately, having been dead for so long, the
Prince and his retainers cannot tell the difference
between their enemies and the Heroes; the mere
presence of the Heroes in the Tomb means the Heroes
are attacked by the soldiers that died at Karad’s side,
and that share the tomb with him.
Once the sword is replaced the Heroes probably think
the quest is over; this is when you should spring the
final surprise on the players. Even with the sword
returned, the Heroes are still in the tomb and are
therefore considered to be enemies. The Heroes must
escape as quickly as possible, before the dead rise
again and kill them all.
The The halls of Kazrad-Kain, once a thriving
Dwarven community, are now home to a number of
Orc clans held together under the merciless leadership
of Hograd Trollslaughterer, an Ogre Chieftain of
considerable fame.
Like most Orc living quarters, the halls are in a serious
state of disrepair: the doors are ill-fitting and battered
and water seeps through the floor. The floors are
covered in a thick layer of dirt and waste, and the air
is damp and stale. To an Orc this is paradise: to a Hero THE HALLS
it is torture. However, it is a torture they must endure
if they are to find Sonneklinge. Having struggled through the upper levels, the Heroes
find that the conditions in the Halls themselves are
The Ogre Chieftain’s stronghold is on three levels. even worse: the Heroes must wade through a thick
On the first two levels the normal rules for setting carpet of mud, bones, rusted armour and dirt as they
up and dungeon creation apply. The third level is search for the sword.
a Quest Location and is shown on the GM map.
When the Heroes descend from the second level,
CHARACTERS AVAILABLE they enter the garea shown on the GM map: the Ogre
Chieftain’s Halls. The following special rules apply
The Ogre Chieftain’s stronghold contains three
characters: Gragath Rogant, an Orc Warchief; Hemler
Rottingflesh, a Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle; and Hograd Exploration Turns: You should use the GM map
Trollslaughterer, the Ogre Chieftain himself. The to lay out the new dungeon sections as the Heroes
characters available on each level of the dungeon are explore. It also tells you what monsters are in each
listed below. When the Heroes enter a new level take room.
the relevant character, plus any from previous levels Dungeon Counters: You may not use any trap,
that are still alive. Gragath Rogant, however, cannot wandering monster, ambush orcharacter monster
be used on the third level. counters in the Halls (however, see Character Models
Level Character
1 Gragath Rogant, Orc Warchief Traps: Traps are marked on the map. Each trap is set
Hemler Rottingflesh, Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle Po go off when the Heroes enter the square or squares
marked as the trap triggerThe roll to see if a Hero spots
3 Hogrod Trollslaughterer, Ogre Chieftain
the trap is made when he enters the traps square.
FIRST & SECOND LEVEL Combat Turns: Monsters in the Halls can open
Stairs Down: If these are rolled up as a passage doors; if a door ) is opened, refer to the map to place
feature, they are replaced by stairs out. any newly-revealed sections and monsters.
Hazards: When the Leader determines that a room If the Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle is still alive when the
contains a Hazard, roll a dice; on an even score roll on Heroes reach the Halls, he may also be played when
the Hazard Table as per the rulebook, on an odd score placing monsters.
roll on the Hazard Table included with this Quest, The Orc Warchief, even if he is still alive, may not be
adding +2 to the dice roll. played here.
Spinning Blade Trap
Iron Ball Trap
Start Location
Orc Sentry
A Orc Champion
A If the trap in the corridor isn’t spotted and disarmed the Orcs in rooms B and C will be aware that the
Heroes are approaching. When they reach point A the Orcs will fling open the doors to rooms B and
C, rush into the corridor screaming at the top of their voices, and attack the Heroes. If the trap was
disarmed, the Orcs won’t come out, and will be automatically surprised when the Heroes attack them.
B Rooms B and C are the Orc guard rooms, and are the first line of defence in the Ogre Chieftain’s chain of
C command. If the trap at the entrance was disarmed, the Orcs won’t come out, and will be automatically
surprised when the Heroes attack them.
D Location D contains the first half of Hogrod’s bodyguard. Their objective is to delay the Heroes until
Hogrod himself can be warned of their presence; they can do so by opening the door to room E, as the
noise of combat is sufficiently loud to alert their Chieftain.
E This is the Ogre Chieftain’s Throne Room. If he hasn’t been alerted that the Heroes are here, read
them the following text as they enter. If the Heroes have met Hogrod, only read the first paragraph.
“ While this room, like the others, is strewn with bones and dirt, some attempt bas been made to clear the floor of the worst
rubbish; this room is obviously more important than the rest. ”
“ When you see the great wooden throne pushed up against the opposite wall you know why: sitting in it there is a large Ogre,
dressed in thick chainmail and armed with a huge sword. This is the Throne Room of the Ogre Chieftain himself. ”
Unless he has already been used elsewhere or has already been killed, Hogrod should be placed on top
of the throne floorplan at the start of this battle.
F This is the room that contains Sonneklinge. When the Heroes enter read them the following:
“ Directly opposite you, lying flush againt the wall, there is a low, stone altar. Lying on its surface there is a long- bandled sword
made of a strange-looking red metal. In its pommel there is a milky-white gem glowing with a pale light that throws strange
shadows around the walls. “
The floor is thick with slime and waste material, bubbling slowly as if it is boiling from within. A pale green mist rolls around
the room, easing out of the door into the passageway.
The symbol roughly gouged into the wall opposite reveals you have stumbled across a temple to Nurgle: the Chaos Power of
Decay. “
Looking into the room your eyes are immediately drawn to the far wall. A buge stone altar, covered in mucus and moss, juts
out of the wall. Lying on the top there is pile of treasure, the glint of the coins barely visible beneath the dirt and excrement. “
You should roll three times on the Treasure Chests Table to determine the treasure on the altar.
Sonneklinge is a magic weapon and can only be wielded
Once the Heroes retrieve Sonneklinge and get
by Human Heroes with a strength of 6 or more, although
anyone can carry it. It adds +2 to the wielder’s Weapon out of the dungeon they are rewarded with 1 Fate
Skill, +2 to his Strength, causes criticals on a hit roll of Point.
11-12, and causes a fumble on a hit roll of 1. It can be used
against any monsters or characters, with the exception of
They must now enter Prince Karad’s Tomb and
the Prince Karad, on whom it has no effect. return the sword into Prince Karad’s possession.
Prince Karad’s Tomb has been sealed for many years.
Only recently has anyone dared to disturb the eternal
rest of those that lie entombed inside. Until now, only
the dead have walked the long- abandoned corridors.
The air within the Tomb is dry and stale, and the
doors are rusted with unuse. The whole place exudes
an aura of calmness and stillness. The rooms are plain
and featureless, and one looks much like any other.
The whole place is bland in the extreme.
The Tomb is on two levels. On the first level the normal
rules for setting up and dungeon creation apply. The
second level is a Quest Location and is shown on the
GM map.
Prince Karad’s Tomb contains two characters: Dolf,
Prince Karad’s lieutenant, and Prince Karad himself.
However, only Dolf may be encountered anywhere in
the tomb; Prince Karad is unable to leave the room
that contains his coffin.
Dolf is an Undead Champion, and is represented by
the Undead Champion character counter that comes
with the game. You should take him as soon as the
Heroes enter the first level. He may be played anytime Exploration Turns: As soon as the Heroes enter the
you place other monsters. Burial Chamber, the whole level should be set out at
once. The map tells you where the Prince’s retainers
Stairs Down or Stairs Out: If these are rolled up as Dungeon Counters: You may not use any
a passage feature, they are replaced by a dead end. Roll trap, wandering monster, ambush, escape or
a dice; on a score of 1-6 there is a Wight in the dead character monster counters in the Burial Chamber.
end (see the Hazards section for details of Wights). Hidden Treasure: The Heroes may search for hidden
Hazards: When the Leader determines that a treasure in any room. Don’t roll on the Hidden Treasure
room contains a Hazard, roll a dice; on an even Table when the Heroes search; instead you should
score roll on the Hazard Table from the rulebook, refer to the location description which tells you if the
on an odd score roll on the new Hazard Table. Heroes find anything. If the Heroes take anything, note
Quest Rooms: Roll on the Quest Room Table to find how much they take and refer to Leaving the Tomb.
the contents of each Quest Room. In addition, roll a Combat Turns: During combat turns the Prince’s
dice to see if there are any stairs down to the second retainers can move between the rooms of the Burial
level in the room; on a score of 1-6 there is a set of Chamber at will.
stairs down, on a score of 7-12 there isn’t.
THE BURIAL CHAMBER Unless Dolf, the Prince’s lieutenant, has been killed in
When the Heroes descend from the first level they another part of the Tomb, when the Heroes reach the
enter the area depicted on the GM map: Prince Burial Chamber he is placed in location A. Refer to
Karad’s Burial Chamber. The following special rules the relevant room description for information on how
apply here. he is used.
Start Location
Regular Tiles
Prince Karad’s Coffin
Skeleton Archway
A As the Heroes descend the stairs and enter the double width passageway leading to this room, read them
the following:
“ The steps bere are thick with dust, muffling your footsteps as you carefully descend into the Prince’s Tomb. Along the walls
you can see the shields of the Prince’s family, and those of the retainers that died by his side in the battle of Carroburg. You are
entering the resting place of a great Hero. “
The room is a large open hallway with a tall vaulted ceiling. When the Heroes enter the room read the
following text out loud:
“ As soon as you pass beneath the archway and enter the room itself you are struck by the stillness of the air: it is Stale and
musty and, save for the recent intrusions, hasn’t been disturbed for many years. Even the Orcs who stole Sonneklinge must
have entered very cautiously, for they have destroyed nothing and have barely disturbed the carpet of dust that covers the floor.
The walls of the room are bung with battered paintings depicting the Prince’s life. Even in their present condition, they show
that the Prince was a fine figure of a man and an able fighter. His final battle must have been bhard-Sought, and bis glory
well-deserved. “
As soon as you have finished describing the scene to the Heroes, bring their attention to the Skeletons of
the Prince’s retainers in the adjoining rooms - the Skeletons are moving! The retainers, 11 Skeletons and
Dolf (if he hasn’t already been killed), move from the adjoining rooms and attack the Heroes.
The ten paintings on the walls are worth 75GCs each, for a total value of 750GCs, while the retainers
have gold chains worth a total of 500GCs. However, see Leaving the Tomb if the Heroes take any of this
However, the most striking feature of the room is the alcove about four feet above the lid of the Prince’s coffin. There is a deep
hole in the wall about six feet square and a foot deep, at the top of which there is a gold shield with the crest of Prince Karad
picked out in purple gems and filigree work. Below, lined with purple velvet, there are two brackets - one at either end of the
alcove. You are certain that this is where the sword came from.
To determine the treasure that this room contains you should make 5 rolls on the Treasure Chests Table
in the rulebook. As long as the total worth of the goods here does not exceed the amount rolled, they
can be anything you like. You might, for example, replace 100GCs with a painting of the same value.
Of more immediate interest to the Heroes however, is the alcove in the wall above the coffin:
The Hero holding Sonneklinge can replace the sword in the alcove. If he does so the gem at its pommel
suddenly flashes with a bright, white light. If there are any of the Prince’s retainers still active they
immediately stop attacking the Heroes. They stand motionless for a few seconds, and then slowly walk
back to their rooms and return to eternal rest. Any Skeletons that have been killed remain where they
are - for the moment.
For a few minutes you should let the Heroes think that the Quest is over. Tell them how quiet everything
is, and peacful now the dead have returned to their long sleep. You should aim to shock them when you
spring the final surprise.
Just when they are least expecting it, announce that the lid of the Prince’s coffin is moving.
As the Heroes look at it, the lid eases forward and drops to the floor with a resounding crash. Slowly -
very slowly - Prince Karad himself rises up and climbs out of his coffin.
Unless the Heroes leave the tomb immediately, Prince Karad attack them as intruders. At this point all
of the retainers, including those killed, rise again and assist their master. They continue to attack until
the Heroes break off and leave. The undead will not pursue fleeing Heroes; the Skeletons’ only aim is to
get them out of the tomb so that they can rest in peace.
D12 Wandering Monsters Treasure D12 Wandering Monsters Treasure
1-2 4 Goblin 15 GCs 1-2 4 Zombies 15 GCs
3-4 1 Orc & 2 Goblins 20 GCs 3-4 3 Zombies & 1 Skeleton 20 GCs
5-6 1 Orc, 2 Goblins & 2 Goblin Archers 25 GCs 5-6 4 Zombies & 1 Skeleton 25 GCs
7-8 1 Orc & 1 Orc Champion 30 GCs 7-8 5 Zombies & 1 Skeleton 30 GCs
6 2 Orcs, 1 Orc Sentry & 1 Orc Champion 60 GCs 6 6 Zombies & 1 Skeleton 60 GCs
7 2 Orc Champions & 1 Orc Sentry 65 GCs 7 4 Zombies & 2 Skeletons 65 GCs
12 4 Orcs, 1 Orc Sentry 1, Orc Champion 100 GCs 12 6 Zombies & 3 Skeletons 100 GCs
2 8 Orcs & 1 Orc Champion 100 GCs 2 10 Zombies & 1 Skeleton 100 GCs
3 6 Orcs & 2 Orc Champions 110 GCs 3 8 Zombies & 2 Skeletons 110 GCs
4 6 Orcs, 1 Orc Sentry & 2 Orc Champions 115 GCs 4 14 Zombies 115 GCs
5 4 Orcs, 1 Orc Sentry & 3 Orc Champions 120 GCs 5 10 Zombies & 2 Skeletons 120 GCs
6 2 Orcs, 1 Orc Sentry & 4 Orc Champions 120 GCs 6 8 Zombies & 3 Skeletons 120 GCs
7 10 Orcs & 1 Orc Sentry 125 GCs 7 6 Zombies & 4 Skeletons 125 GCs
8 10 Orcs, 1 Orc Sentry & 1 Orc Champion 130 GCs 8 2 Zombies & 7 Skeletons 130 GCs
9 12 Orcs & 1 Orc Sentry 135 GCs 9 4 Zombies & 4 Skeletons 135 GCs
10 1 Orc Warlord, 4 Orcs & 2 Orc Champions 140 GCs 10 6 Zombies & 5 Skeletons 140 GCs
11 1 Orc Warlord, 2 Orcs, 1 Orc Champion 150 GCs 11 8 Zombies & 4 Skeletons 150 GCs
& 1 Orc Sentry
12 1 Orc Warlord, 4 Orcs, 1 Orc Champion 160 GCs 12 9 Skeletons 160 GCs
& 1 Orc Sentry
The Ogre Chieftain’s stronghold contains three characters: Gragath Rogant, an Orc Warchief; Hemler
Rottingflesh, a Chaos Sorcerer of Nurgle; and Hograd Trollslaughterer, the Ogre Chieftain himself.
9 3 6 9 6 10 7 4 8
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ DICE
Chain Armour
Double Handed Weapon (Fumble 1-2, Critical 11-12)
7 3 5 7 8 9 10 4 11
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 3
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ DICE
Sword (Fumble 1, Critical 12)
Has a Spellbook containing: The Green Eye x1, The Pool of Many Places x1,
The Cloak of Dainne x1, The Emerald Waterfall x1
9 1 9 10 5 8 6 10 10
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ DICE
Chain Armour
Huge Sword (Counts as Huge Club)
The Green Eye The Emerald Waterfall
Component: Small Glass Lens Components: Swamp Dragon Blood & Emerald Dust
The Wizard’s stare becomes glassy as a green fire The Wizard throws his arms into the air, clapping his
seems to ignite within his eyes. The two bright balls hands together three times. As he does so, a raging
of emerald light grow brighter and larger until they torrent of green fire arcs upwards from between his
merge into one and, with a loud crack and a cascade palms. It drenches the surrounding area, sending out
of sparks, shoot out a beam of green energy which bright green sparks into the air as it spits and crackles
injures any model in its path. The Wizard should with unnatural vigor. Every model, friendly or enemy,
choose a direction to fire the beam. It shoots forward within four squares of the Wizard take 7 damage dice
in a straight line in the chosen direction, forming a of injury. Before casting this spell the Wizard must
corridor 1 square wide and 12 squares long. Every make an Intelligence test; if it is failed, only 5 damage
model, friendly or enemy, in this corridor of light is dice can be rolled.
automatically hit. Roll 5 damage dice for each model
to see what effect a hit has.
The Cloak of Dainne
Component: Green Dragon Dust
Upon throwing the Green Dragon Dust into the air, a
thin, insubstantial cloak of pale green light forms in
the air and draws itself around the target. It adds +1 to
the model’s Toughness, and lasts until the end of the
next exploration turn. This spell may be cast against
any model in the Wizard’s death zone.
The Pool of Many Places
Component: A handful of grave dust
The Wizard lets a single drop of water fall onto the
ground at his feet. As it touches the flagstones it grows
in volume until the Wizard is standing next to a pool
of deep green water that sparkles with otherworldly
energy. The pool can be represented with the pool
floorplan. It allows up to 5 models per turn to teleport
to another location. Upon jumping into the pool the
models disappear, only to reappear elsewhere. The
models may
be placed on any of the dungeon sections that are
currently in play. All of the models must be placed in
an area 3 squares by 3 squares centered on the first
model placed. The pool lasts until the end of the next
exploration turn.
by Andy Warwick
The Priests of Pleasure is a Quest for a group of four Heroes who are just starting their adventuring careers.
The first thing you should do if you plan to run this Quest is to read it thoroughly. Familiarise yourself with the
background to the Quest, the Dungeon’s layout, the monsters’ tactics, and try and plan your responses to what
the Heroes are likely to do.
Once you’ve done this, andare ready to play, read out the following text to the players. The first section is some
background, while the second is a transcript of the letter given to the Heroes when they arrive in order to offer
their services. In addition, the GM’s section gives you some information that the Heroes don’t know...
You have been asked by an important merchant and close friend Klaus Krudenwald, to aid another member of
his Guild. Klaus has explained that a friend, Eberbardt Kaldach, has reason to believe that his brother, Wilbelm,
has been captured by a local cult and is going to be sacrificed. Eberhardt needs your help to rescue bis brother.
Wilhelm, like Eberhardt and Klaus, is a merchant and usually runs the caravan route between Hovelbof and
Bergsburg. Nine days ago, while collecting timber from Hovelhof, Wilhelm’s caravan was ambushed. The six
soldiers who were guarding the caravan were killed and Wilhelm was captured. The soldiers’ bodies were found
two days later when Eberhardt went to look for his missing brother. Eberbardt also found two corpses wearing
the distinctive pastel blue robes of a local cult that calls itself the Priests of Pleasure.
Eberhardt is convinced his brother is still alive and is being held by the cult. He is also convinced that the cult
is not as harmless as it once appeared. Not wanting to let your friend down, you have travelled to the Kaldach
household, situated in the middle-class area of Bergsburg. However, Eberhardt is not there to meet you. Instead
he has left a letter which explains bis absence. The letter reads as follows:
Gentlemen. As you are no doubt aware, it is ofthe utmost importance that you make plans to assist my brother immediately. It has been over
a week since Wilhelm was snatched while transporting goods between our customers, and I am keen that his rescue is delayed no longer. I
am especially grateful for the speed with which you have answered my plea, especially as we are total strangers.
Bearing in mind you have no connection with my family other than our mutual friend, Klaus, I am fully aware that for you to rescue my
brother, Wilhelm, I must offer an incentive. Although Wilhelm and I are both successful mterchants, we are by no means rich. Therefore, I
can only offer you a little cash, perhaps a 1000 Gold Crowns, and a minor magic item or two if Wilhelm is returned alive.
However, I am also painfully aware that he may no longer be alive. I am eager to see that he is decently buried if this is the case, and will
therefore extend my offer to a full half of the reward if you can only bring back his body.
As to my brother’s whereabouts, this I am certain of. Wilhelm has been taken by the foul brood that call themselves the Priests of Pleasure -
the deranged madmen who reside in the ruined temple just outside the town. It appears that those who we assumed were harmless worshippers
of a non-existent god are in fact taking people prisoner and sacrificing them in exchange for unnatural power. Wheels have been put in motion
to destroy their disgusting activities once and for all but, as you can understand, my immediate concern is for my brother’s well-being.
The cowardly soldiers that are supposed to serve our interests are either unwilling or unable to do anything about rescuing my brother, and
I have therefore taken our friend’s advice and turned to you.
I am grateful for your help, and deeply regret that I cannot be here to greet you in person. But, even with my brother gone, and I fear dead,
I cannot neglect the duties forced upon me by the family business that Wilhelm and I worked so hard to build.
I wish you every good fortune in the task that awaits you. May Morr see fit to deliver you from peril, and restrain from taking my brother to
the realm of the dead until you can deliver him back to the bosom of his family. May I just reiterate that my brother is in extreme danger.
I urge you to make haste lest he meet with a sorry end. Time is truly against us.
I remain yours in debt,
Signed this day
the 13th Vorgeheim, in the 2504th
year of ourglorious Emperor Karl-Franz I.
Eberhardt Kaldach of Bergsburg
Wilhelm is being held on the fourth level, the
Sanctuary, of a vast Dungeon that lies beneath the
cult’s home, a derelict Temple in the hills just outside
the town.
Until recently, the Priests were thought to be harmless
madmen by the local people. Since only the Chaos
Thugs are seen openly, and even then devoid of any
Slaaneshi markings, the townspeople assume they
are just members of a strange cult. In fact, they are
the lowest tier of a pyramid of power within a very
dangerous group of people.
The cult is actually devoted to one of the four great
Powers of Chaos, Slaanesh. Worshipped by all those
who seek hedonistic pleasure and the overthrow of once they reach the Sanctuary, the cultists are able
decent morals, Slaanesh turns the simple pursuit of a to gather their forces to pursue the escaping Heroes.
better life into a selfish urge for personal gratification After the Heroes have reached the Sanctuary and are
on all levels. on their way back to the surface you need a 1, 2, 11 or
The membership of the higher levels of the cult 12, instead of a 1 or 12, to get a Dungeon counter in
includes Beastmen - humanoid animals whose bestial the gamesmaster phase of each exploration turn. This
traits are given free rein in the cult’s obscene applies whether or not Wilhelm is with them.
ceremonies - and Chaos Champions, the most Wilhelm is due to be sacrificed next time the moon
powerful of Slaanesh’s mortal servants. Gorged on known as Morrslieb is full. Morrslieb follows a highly
power, only now is the cult revealing its true colours erratic pattern and this could be anytime within the
by raiding the villages nearby for blood sacrifice. next two months. Although the Heroes don’t have to
rescue Wilhelm on their first attempt, and may make
more than one expeditioninto the Dungeon, the
longer they delay the greater the chance that Wilhelm
is already dead when they reach him.
Each time the Heroes start a new expedition roll a
dice and add +3 to the roll. If the result is less than the
number of expeditions already completed, Wilhelm
RUNNING THE QUEST is killed. Instead of being found in the cell in the
The Heroes’ initial objective is to reach the Temple. It Sanctuary, Wilhelm’s body is found in the sacrificial
lies in the hills just outside the town about five miles pit in front of the altar. The cell is empty when the
away. Once they reach the temple, it quickly becomes Heroes find it.
obvious that the cult is located in a Dungeon beneath If Wilhelm is dead, the Heroes may try and bring his
it, as the Temple itself is empty and there is a set of body out in order to get half the reward. A dead body
stairs down. may be dragged or carried by another Hero. During
The Heroes must then go on to explore the first three a combat turn a Hero moving a body can move 3
levels of the Dungeon, searching for the stairs that spaces: during an exploration turn he may move six
lead them down to the Sanctuary. The journey down squares. A Hero carrying or dragging a body can do
should be quite easy - the cult does not have a very nothing else.
efficient defence planned, as the lower ranks have If the Heroes leave the Dungeon, when they return the
no easy way of telling their leaders the Heroes are Lairs and Quest Rooms are re-stocked with monsters.
attacking. Only killed character monsters and treasure (apart
The journey to the surface with Wilhelm however, is from that which the monsters carry) are not replaced.
more difficult, even though the Heroes should already Once the Heroes have rescued Wilhelm, and have got
have a planned route to follow. Because the cult’s him out of the Dungeon, they only need to present
leaders will be aware that the Heroes are attacking him (or his body) to his family to earn their reward.
The derelict Temple that lies nestled in the hills above FIRST TO THIRD LEVEL
Bergsburg was once a glorious place of worship Stairs: If a set of stairs are rolled up as a passage
devoted to Ulric. When Middenheim became the feature refer to the following table. This indicates what
centre ofthe Ulric’s church the Temple was abandoned. should actually be placed on the table.
Beneath it lies a vast Dungeon, an extension of the
church cellars. The Dungeon is now home to the so Level Stairs Down Rolled Stairs Out Rolled
called Priests of Pleasure, a Slaaneshi cult, that under 1 Dead End Stairs Out
the leadership of Gabrad the Carnal has become the Dead End T-Junction
focus for local Beastmens’ offerings to their master.
3 T-Junction Dead End
Levels Character
1-4 Gabrad the Carnal, Chaos Lord
The Sanctuary is the centre of the cult’s worship, and is the most important part of the Dungeon. It is where
the characters reside, and where the services take place. It is much cleaner than the rest of the Dungeon. Some
attempt has been made to carve decorations into the stone above the doors, and hangings cover the corridor
The layout of the Sanctuary is shown on the GM map. The following special rules apply here. Exploration
Turns: You should use the GM map to lay out the new Dungeon sections as the Heroes explore. It also tells you
what monsters are in each room.
Dungeon Counters: You maymay not use any trap, wandering monster or ambush counters in the Sanctuary.
Traps: Traps are marked on the map. Each trap is set to go off when the Heroes enter the square marked as the
trap trigger. The roll to see ifa Hero spots the trap is made when he enters the trap’s trigger square.
Combat Turns: All of the monsters in the Sanctuary can open doors. If a door is opened, refer to the map to
place any newly-revealed sections and monsters.
Start Location Beastman
Trap Trigger Chaos Thug
Brazier Chaos Warrior
Kneeling in front of the altar are three figures, deep in prayer. As you watch them, the nearest turns his head towards you. The
creature pulls back the cowl of its robe to reveal a goat-like face, its teeth bared in a snarl. With another, equally rapid motion
it pulls a sword andlunges towards you, waving the vicious blade from side to side. Within seconds its companions unsheath
their swords and lurch forward. You have no choice but to fight.
Once the Heroes have despatched the Beastmen they have a chance to get a better look around the room.
The items of interest to the Heroes here are:
The Pit: The walls ofthe pit are scorched and its floor is littered with blackened bones. The normal
procedure is to throw the drugged sacrifice into the pit at the start of the ceremony, along with a gallon
or so of inflammable oils. Then, at the peak of the chanting, a magical fireball rises from each of the
braziers, moves across to the pit, and sets light to the victim. It is a simple matter to climb into the pit
with a rope. If the Heroes haven’t got one they may try without; roll a dice for each Hero that jumps in -
if the result is 10 or more the Hero loses 1 Wound. To climb out of the pit however, the Hero must use a
rope and must roll less than or equal to his Speed on a single dice. If the Heroes haven’t got a rope, there
is one in the Guard Room (Location C).
The most recent sacrifice was about a week ago. The pit contains the burnt remains of a soldier who
strayed too close to the Temple on a routine patrol. If the soldier’s remains are searched, roll a dice and
multiply the result by two to find out how many Gold Crowns are found. The pit may only be searched
once. Note: If Wilhelm is already dead, replace the soldier’s body with Wilhelm’s body. Wilhelm’s body
has no money.
The Braziers: (These can be represented with two of the wound counters.) Each brazier is magically
trapped with a fireball. If either brazier is touched while there is someone in the pit, two magical fireballs
appear. Place a fireball template over each wound counter. All models under a template suffer 3 damage
dice of injury. At the start ofthe next GM phase the fireballs move across the floor and drop into the pit.
Any models in the pit suffer 5 damage dice of injury. The fireballs remain active, doing 5 damage dice of
injury each GM phase, until there is nothing left alive in the pit. Upon inflicting the last and fatal wound,
the fireballs disappear.
The Altar: The huge face on the wall is the cult’s altar. Within its mouth there is a secret door, through
which the sacrificial victims are brought to be put in the pit. The door can be found in the normal way
and leads to the Guard Room (Location C).
The Magic Circle: Any cultist standing within the circle’s confines may add +1 to his to hit roll when
in combat as the power of Slaanesh is channelled through him.
If the Heroes are clever enough to put on the robes, they gain an extra +1 on their surprise rolls against
monsters and characters on all four levels of the Dungeon: the cultists don’t expect to be attacked by
other cultists!
If the Heroes search this room, they find that hidden behind the curtain in the wall opposite to the door
there is a small alcove containing a chalice. It is made of ebony and is worth 50 GCs. It has no special
The Heroes will also find the north door when they pull back the curtain; apart from being hidden it is
a normal door. When it is opened, read the Heroes the following:
The door opens to reveal a long corridor running directly away from you, sloping upwards quite sharply for the first thirty
feet or so before levelling out. There are two doors on either side: both of those on the right, and the farthest on the left, are
obviously cell doors; they are made of thick oak and have strong iron bars running across them. The nearest door to you must
lead to the guardroom. Judging by the level of noise and the number of voices you can bear there are at least balf a dozen
guards within.
C As the Heroes guessed, there are a large number of guards here: 8 Chaos Thugs led by a Chaos Warrior.
The room is furnished with a table, half-a-dozen chairs, and a weapons rack. These may be represented
with components from MB’s Heroquest game if you have it. Rules for these items can be found in the
Advanced Heroquest rulebook. On the table there is 10’ of rope.
Each guard is carrying 10 GCs. The Chaos Warrior is carrying 35GCs and a set of keys for locations D,
E, and F.
D These are the cells used to hold prisoners that are to be sacrificed, including Wilhelm. Unfortunately, the
doors to all three cells are locked; if the Heroes don’t have the key from the Guard Room (Location C)
E they must break the doors down to rescue the prisoners within.
F Each door has Toughness of 9 and 6 Wounds. Trying to break down a door alerts the Guards in the
Guard room (Location C) if they are still alive, causing them to run into the corridor and attack
the Heroes.
Currently, each cell holds the following:
Cell D: Helmut Dorchan, a soldier. Helmut is painfully aware of the situation he is in and will gladly
accompany the Heroes; he doesn’t want to suffer the same fate as his companions.
Helmut should be treated as a normal Human Man-at-Arms, and attaches himself to the current Leader
as a Henchman. He doesn’t have any armour or weaponry, so uses the characteristics in the start column
of the Man-at-Arms character sheet.
Cell E: Dotri Jaanson. a Dwarf Trollslayer. Dotri was captured some time ago, when he attempted a
single-handed attack on the Dungeon. Impressed with the Dwarf ’s skills, Gabrad has been attempting to
turn Dotri toward Chaos - so far without success. Gabrad has recently been drugging the Dwarf ’s food
with warpstone in an attempt to make the transition to Chaos worship less of a struggle.
Under the effects of the drug, Dotri has become a danger to anyone
who enters his cell: he attacks visitors without provocation.
9 5 6 7 6 9 7 4 -
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ DICE
Double Handed Axe (Fumble 1-2, Critical 11-12).
2 Fate Points
Cell F: Wilhelm Kaldach. Wilhelm is in a bad way: he has been drugged, beaten and tortured. Even so,
he is overjoyed to see the Heroes. You should read the following to the Heroes as they enter:
Even with bis face covered in dirt and blood, you can tell that the wreck of a man you can see lying in the corner of this cell is
Wilhelm. He raises his head weakly, and you see a flicker of bope in his eyes. When you reveal that you have come to rescue
him, be pulls bimself to bis feet and lurches forwards to greet you, his arms outstretched and tears streaming down his face.
You should now give Wilhelm’s character sheet to the current Leader. Wilhelm does what he can to aid
the Heroes as they make their way to the surface, including getting involved in combat. Unfortunately,
given his condition, he isn’t really the help that he’d like to think he is - though the mind is willing, the
body isn’t.
If Wilhelm is given any armour or a weapon, refer to the Creating Heroes section of the Campaign rules
for the effects on his characteristics.
G This is where the cultists sleep. There are a dozen sleeping pallets along the wall, with straw bedding and
sackcloth covers.
Each Chaos Thug here is carrying a purse containing 10 GCs. The Chaos Champion is carrying two gems
worth 40 GCs each. In addition, if the room is searched for hidden treasure another 60 GCs is found.
H This is where the codices and scrolls are kept for the Cult rituals. Unless Venomspawn has already been
used, he should be placed here with the three Chaos Warriors that act as the cult’s priests. Once the
Heroes have defeated this room’s occupants, you should read the following:
The walls here are stacked high with scrolls and books: the arcane knowledge of the cult. Upon examination, each book and scroll bas been
marked with a red wax seal depicting a burning man. However hard you try, the seals cannot be removed. They must have been put on
If this room is searched, which takes three exploration turns, the Heroes find instructions for casting the
following spells in one of the books: Choke, Fireball, Flaming Skull of Terror and Flight. The rest of the
volume, and all the other books and scrolls, are written in a strange script which is unreadable to all but
If the Heroes manage to get Wilhelm out alive, they earn the full reward, as follows: 1000GCs, 1 x Strength
Potion, 1 x Healing Potion, 1 x Amulet of Protection and 1 x Sword (WS +2,S +1).
If, however, they only manage to bring his body back, they get the following: 500 GCs, 1 x Strength Potion and
1 x Magic Dagger (+ 1 Damage Dice).
If they manage to neither bring him back alive or deliver his body, they get nothing. Finally, if the Heroes
manage to kill the leader of the cult, Gabrad the Carnal, or bring Wilhelm or his body back, each Hero may
increase his Fate Point characteristic.
In The Priests of Pleasure, the monsters WANDERING MONSTER MATRIX
are either Chaotic Humans or Beastmen, D12 Levels 1-2 Level 3 Treasure
depending how deep the Heroes travel into
1-2 2 Chaos Thugs 1 Chaos Thug & 1 Beastman 20 GCs
the dungeon. Use the Following Monster
3-4 2 Chaos Thugs 2 Beastmen 25 GCs
Matrices to roll wandering monsters or the
occupants of lairs or Quest rooms. 5-6 3 Chaos Thugs 1 Chaos Thug & 2 Beastmen 30 GCs
D12 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Treasure
1 4 Chaos Thugs 2 Chaos Thugs & 2 Beastmen 4 Beastmen 40 GCs
4 5 Chaos Thugs 2 Chaos Thugs & 3 Beastmen 3 Beastmen & 1 Beastmen Sentry 55 GCs
5 4 Chaos Thugs & 1 Chaos Sentry 2 Chaos Thugs, 2 Beastmen, 1 Sentry 4 Beastmen & 1 Beastmen Sentry 60 GCs
6 4 Chaos Thugs & 1 Chaos Sentry 4 Chaos Thugs, 1 Chaos Sentry 2 Beastmen & 2 Beastmen Sentries 65 GCs
7 2 Chaos Thugs & 2 Chaos Sentries 1 Chaos Warrior & 2 Chaos Thugs 4 Beastmen & 1 Beastmen Sentry 70 GCs
8 5 Chaos Thugs & 1 Chaos Sentry 1 Chaos Warrior & 3 Chaos Thugs 5 Beastmen & 1 Beastmen Sentry 75 GCs
9 6 Chaos Thugs & 1 Chaos Sentry 1 Chaos Warrior, 2 Thugs, 1 Sentry 6 Beastmen & 1 Beastmen Sentry 80 GCs
10 1 Chaos Warrior, 2 Thugs, 1 Sentry 1 Chaos Warrior, 3 Thugs, 1 Sentry 7 Beastmen & 1 Beastmen Sentry 85 GCs
11 1 Chaos Warrior, 3 Thugs, 1 Sentry 1 Chaos Champion & 1 Chaos Sentry 8 Beastmen & 1 Beastmen Sentry 90 GCs
12 6 Chaos Thugs & 2 Chaos Sentries 2 Chaos Warriors & 1 Chaos Sentry 9 Beastmen & 1 Beastmen Sentry 100 GCs
2 2 Chaos Warriors & 1 Chaos Sentry 1 Chaos Warrior, 5 Thugs , 1 Sentry 8 Beastmen & 1 Beastman Sentry 105 GCs
3 1 Chaos Warrior, 5 Thugs, 1 Sentry 1 Chaos Champion & 1 Chaos Sentry 8 Beastmen & 2 Beastmen Sentries 110 GCs
4 2 Chaos Warriors & 2 Chaos Sentries 7 Chaos Thugs, 4 Beastmen & 1 Sentry 10 Beastmen & 1 Beastman Sentry 115 GCs
5 1 Chaos Champion, 1 Chaos Thug & 1 Chaos Warrior, 3 Chaos Thugs, 11 Beastmen & 1 Beastman Sentry 120 GCs
1 Chaos Sentry 4 Beastmen , 1 Chaos Sentry
6 1 Chaos Champion, 2 Thugs, 1 Sentry 1 Chaos Warrior, 7 Beastmen, 1 Sentry 11 Beastmen & 1 Beastman Sentry 125 GCs
7 1 Chaos Champion, 3 Chaos Thugs & 1 Chaos Warrior, 4 Thugs, 3 Beastmen, 11 Beastmen & 1 Beastman Sentry 130 GCs
1 Chaos Sentry 1 Beastman Sentry
8 1 Chaos Champion, 4 Chaos Thugs & 1 Chaos Warrior, 8 Beastmen & 12 Beastmen & 1 Beastman Sentry 135 GCs
1 Chaos Sentry 1 Beastman Sentry
9 1 Chaos Champion, 2 Chaos Thugs & 1 Chaos Warrior, 4 Chaos Thugs, 10 Beastmen & 2 Beastmen Sentries 140 GCs
2 Chaos Sentries 5 Beastmen & 1 Chaos Sentry
10 3 Chaos Warriors & 1 Chaos Sentry 2 Chaos Warriors, 5 Beastmen & 13 Beastmen & 1 Beastman Sentry 145 GCs
1 Chaos Sentry
11 2 Chaos Warriors, 4 Chaos Thugs & 2 Chaos Warriors, 5 Beastmen & 11 Beastmen & 2 Beastmen Sentries 150 GCs
1 Chaos Sentry 1 Beastman Sentry
12 1 Chaos Champion, 1 Chaos Warrior, 2 Chaos Warriors, 1 Chaos Thug, 12 Beastmen & 2 Beastmen Sentries 160 GCs
1 Chaos Thug & 1 Chaos Sentry 3 Beastmen & 2 Chaos Sentries
12 3 6 10 6 10 8 5 12
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 4+4
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ DICE
Plate Armour, Two Attacks
Gabrad the Carnal was once a soldier in the Emperor’s army. He joined to make his fortune and to work towards his ultimate goal of immortal fame
and riches. But it wasn’t to be: Gabrad was a failure as a soldier. He lacked discipline, couldn’t take the lifestyle, and brought shame on his regiment
with his indulgent whims. When he killed a lone Slanneshi Champion on patrol, and read the scrolls that the fallen warrior carried, Gadrad saw his
chance. He turned over his soul to Slaanesh in return for the power, riches, and materialistic lifestyle he craved.
7 3 5 7 8 9 10 4 11
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 3
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ DICE
Scythe (counts as halberd)
Can Cast 1 x Choke / 1 x Flaming skull of terror / 1 x Fireball
Hasak Venomspawn, like Gabrad, turned to Slaanesh in pursuit of wealth. Hasak, however, was once a promising Wizard’s apprentice ratherthan
a warrior, and turned to the Lord of Pleasure through magic. Hasak was brought up in a small village just outside Altdorf. As a youth he started his
magical training under the tutorship of the village Wizard, Heinrich Walfen, who allied himself to the Amber College. Hasak was thus taught the
ways of the Amethyst College, so that he could bolster his master’s weaknesses. The way of the Amethyst College suited Hasak - the self-indulgent
feasts that his fellow Amethyst Wizards were renowned for appealed to the young boy. When one ofthem revealed the even greater pleasures that
Slaanesh had to offer, Hasakwas eager to learn more. He took the name Venomspawn, abondoned the way of the Amethyst College, andturned to
the path ofthe Dark magic.
8 1 5 7 10 10 6 4 12
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 3+3
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ DICE
Fearsome Monster, Two Attacks, Invulnerable, Can cast Fireball x 1
Painfury Spasmclaw (whose true name is D’haer’ss’oathl) was summoned by Venomspawn to act as amouthpiece for Slaanesh’s will during the cult’s
services - she is a direct link to the object of the cult’s devotion. As long as Spasmclaw remains close to the altar she remains in the mortal world, but
as payment for her services Slaanesh requires sacrifice. It is as a direct result of the Daemonette’s presence that the cult has started to kill.
The Dark Beneath the World is a Quest for a group of If the players are using their own Heroes, read out
four or five Heroes. We recommend that each member the Players’ Information section. This gives them the
of the party has already completed four or five Quests, general background to the Quest. Notice that this is a
but as long as the total number of Quests completed slightly different series of events than those given in
by the Heroes comes to around twenty they should be the story, to allow the players to use their Heroes with
strong enough to cope with everything this adventure little or no alteration.
throws at them. If the players are using the pregenerated Heroes you
If the players’ own Heroes that aren’t strong enough, should let them read the first few pages of the story, up
or if they have already read The Dark Beneath the to the point where the party enters the undercity. This,
World and want to use the characters from the story, in combination with the character sheets, gives the
they can use the Heroes provided. players all the information they’ll need to run Gotrek,
The pregenerated Heroes, Gotrek, Felix and their Felix, and their companions, and recreate their epic
companions, don’t have any Henchmen accompanying adventure. Finally, you should allow the player using
them - they’re quite strong enough to cope on their Johan to read the section on The Amethyst College
own. Of course, if the players wish to use their own and give him a copy of the Amethyst Wizard’s Spell
Heroes they may take along as many Henchmen as book.
they require. Once the players enter the undercity they are
We suggest that you read the story if you plan to run commited to complete the Quest, die in the attempt,
this Quest, even if your players aren’t going to use the or give up completely. As soon as the Heroes leave the
Heroes provided, as it explains the background to undercity the Quest is over; they may not make more
the adventure and will help you to convey the unique than one expedition. When the Heroes reach the
atmosphere of the undercity during the game. surface, see the section Leaving the Undercity.
With you and your companions currently seeking Even though they were near defeat, the Dwarfs once
adventure in the Worlds Edge Mountains, ever alert more took up arms and went to war. This new war
for tales of dungeons bursting with treasure, it was was fought deep below the mountains, in dark, dingy
inevitable that you would come to hear of the ancient passageways blacker than pitch. Shafts collapsed as
Dwarven city of Karak Eight Peaks. new tunnels were built, both by the Dwarfs and by the
terrifying creatures that fought savagely against them.
Karak Eight Peaks was once the fairest of the Dwarfs’
Daemons were summoned and took their terrible toll
realms. At her height the city was known as The
on the weakened Dwarf armies. Poison gas waftedits
Queen of the Silver Depths. Unlike other Dwarven
deadly way through corridors lined with the dead of
cities, Karak Eight Peaks was built open to the sky,
both sides. The Dwarfs fought like they had never
rather than deep within a mountain. It was built as a
fought before, and still they lost.
sign of wealth and power when the Dwarfsconsidered
themselves to be above both the Elves and Men. But In the end it became obvious that the war couldn’t be
though many thought it would never fall, even when won. The Dwarfs sealed the tombs of their kings and
it was built its doom was rapidly approaching. their treasure- vaults, and abandoned Karak Eight
Peaks to their foes.
When the Elves warred with the Dwarfs, Karak Eight
Peaks, like most Dwarven cities, was considered Perhaps the tales of what lies in the abandoned city
impregnable. But while three generations of Dwarfs have been exaggerated over time. Maybe the stories of
drove the Elves from the forests and forced them into piles of treasure taller than the mountains themselves
exile beyond the Great Sea, dark forces were working are false, and the tales told of the creatures that guard
upwards from the heart of the city. them mere storytellers’ fancies. But then again, maybe
they’re true.
From tunnels that ran even deeper than those the
Dwarfs themselves had built, there swarmed a terrible A Dwarven friend named Faragrim once told you of
foe that struck at the worst possible time: just when his own journey into the city. He insisted that there
the Dwarfs were weary of war and nearly defenceless. really is treasure to be found: a magic sword called
Skaven, Orcs, Goblins, and other creatures that Karaghul that was once a Templar’s blade, and a
cannot be described, drove into the heart of the city terrifying monster that guards it. You cannot resist
from beneath, like a cancer forcing itself to the surface such a treasure, and have vowed to find it or die in the
of the skin. attempt.
Although the undercity of Karak Eight Peaks once Goggrul Skarlug
extended for many hundreds of miles, and its tunnels Goggrul is a typical Orc - mean, unpleasant, and
burrowed deep into the earth, years of neglect at violent. The reason he’s got where he is today is that
the hands of the Goblinoids now inhabiting its he is more mean, more unpleasant, and considerably
magnificent chambers have reduced it to a shadow more violent than his fellows. Having clawed his
of its former glory. Most of the corridors are blocked, way up the ladder of success to become leader of the
the walls are thick with moss, and many of the more largest Snarling Sun tribe in the local area, Goggrul
intricate columns, archways and bridges are simply too is in no hurry to give up his position. He ruthlessly
dangerous to approach. The undercity of Karak Eight slaughtered anyone who tried to stand in his way or
Peaks has only five levels accessible to the Heroes. question his authority. It is fair to say he rules the tribe
To give the Heroes some idea of the state of the with an iron fist.
corridors of the undercity, read them the following:
You descend a stairway running down into the darkness. Great
columns lie shattered all around you. Piles of masonry ease
up against the walls. A thin cloud of dust drifts down from the
ceiling as ominous cracking noises echo around the abandoned
chambers. Small bats lurch from the shadows and flutter down
the corridor into the inky blackness. Rats scuttle around your
feet from nests in the shattered stonework. The whole place is
smothered in the oppressive silence of the grave.
The undercity of Karak Eight Peaks contains four
characters: Goggrul Skarlug and Skumwort Skabbad,
Orc Warchiefs in charge of the Orc clans that now
control the dungeons; Garg Gorgul, an Ogre who
has allied himself to the Orc hordes; and Thulgul, a
Troll who has been horribly mutated by exposure to
warpstone and now acts as the guardian of the sword
When the Heroes enter the first level of the undercity
take the Orc Warchief character monster counter.
This represents both Orc Warchiefs - see The Orc
Goggrul’s usual tactic is to hit first and ask questions
Warchiefs for more details onhow to use it. When the
later. This has caused a great deal of friction between
Heroes enter the third level take the Ogre Chieftain
himself and Skumwort Skabbad, the leader of the
character monster counter. Once you have taken a
Howling Moon tribe that shares the undercity.
character monster counter it may be played at any
Skumwort insists that it isn’t a good idea for the tribes
time when placing monsters. The fourth character
to fight each other when they should be out dealing
monster, Thulgul the Troll, cannot leave its lair, so you
with the Dwarfs that are trying to reclaim the area.
don’t need a character monster counter for it - it may
only be placed in the indicated rooms on the map. In general, Goggrul agrees with this - the Dwarfs are a
more important foe. However, Goggrul’s paranoia has
Character convinced him that Skumwort will try to merge the two
Goggrul Skarlug, Orc Warchief
tribes under his own command if he is left alone for
(of the Snarling Sun Tribe) even a brief moment. Goggrul would therefore prefer
1-4 Skumwort Skabbad, Orc Warchief to sit tight and let the Dwarfs come to him. That way
(of the Howling Moon Tribe) he can keep an eye on Skumwort, whom he believes to
3-4 Garg Gorgul, Ogre Chieftain be working with the Dwarfs. From Goggrul’s point of
5 - C, D & E Thulgul, Chaos Troll view, that’s a far safer course of action.
Skumwort Skabbad immediately saw the Ogre’s potential as a bodyguard.
Skumwort Skabbad is the leader of the Howling Moon Goggrul realised Garg could protect him from the
tribe. Like Goggrul, Skumwort has taken a long time enemies that were always following him just out of
to reach the exalted position of leader, and he too isn’t sight.
in any mood to hand over control to someone else. Garg has served Goggrul faithfully ever since. While
Unlike Goggrul, Skumwort reached his position of the rewards aren’t good, at least Garg can now fight
power by proving himself to be a good provider for the on his own terms. He is content enough with the
tribe, rather than by force - wasn’t it Skuamwort who situation - at least for the moment.
found the entrance to the undercity and increased the
tribe’s wealth tenfold? Of course it was. Thulgul
When the undercity of Karak Eight Peaks was first
built there were forgotten corners deep within its
corridors where foul creatures dwelt. Sometimes the
Dwarfs’ digging broke through into a natural cavern
that was already the lair of some twisted abomination;
sometimes migrating monsters decided to make their
lairs in the twisting dungeons of the city - the Dwarfs
And then the Orcs of the Snarling Sun came along, soon learnt to accept such creatures’ presence.
wanting their share. Well Skumwort was indignant
that they weren’t going to get it by force. But, just as When the city fell to the ravages of Chaos this hidden
he was about to kick the interlopers out, the Dwarfs population’s numbers exploded. They became twisted
arrived and ruined everything. Now Skumwort has and changed by the effects of the new power that held
found himself in an uneasy alliance with the Snarling sway over the shattered community.
Suns. Even though Skumwortwould rather leave them Like his kin, when Thulgul first came to Karak Eight
and the Dwarfs to fight it out amongthemselves, he Peaks he was a normal Troll. But that was many years
knows that the only way for the Orcs to win is to work and many changes ago. When the city fell, he was
together. captured by small rat- like humanoids that hammered
Unfortunately, Goggrul Skarlug, the leader of the great chunks of glowing green stone into his flesh.
Snarling Suns, has some strange idea about not Exposed to warpstone and Chaos by the Skaven of
fighting the Dwarfs. He just wants to sit tight and let Clan Moulder, Thulgul’s form has been twisted into
them come to him. Now what sort of plan is that? indescribable shapes. Kept alive beyond his normal
lifespan by the awesome power of the warpstone
Garg Gorgul chained to his ravaged body, Thulgul has become a
Garg Gorgul came to the World’s Edge Mountains in brutish servant of Chaos whose sole remaining task is
search of refuge. As a pit fighter in a travelling freak to destroy everything he finds.
show he was subjected daily to appalling violence, as
he fought for his life against heavily-armed men in
the cause of entertainment. When a chance came to
escape, Garg took it without a second thought and
headed into the nearby hills.
But it was only a matter of time before Garg came
across an even more dangerous enemy than man;
caught unawares while bedding down for the night, he
was ambushed by a small group of Orcs - a scouting
party of the area’s ruling tribe, the Snarling Suns. But
Garg was in no mood to surrender. Years of training
against unfair odds had prepared him adequately for
the swift and bloody battle that followed.
When the rest of the tribe caught up with what was left
of the scouting party, their leader, Goggrul Skarlug,
The Orc Warchiefs, Goggrul and Skumwort, always
travel together. They mistrust each other intensely
and under no circumstances will each let the other
leave his sight. Each is convinced that the other will
try to do something sneaky and underhand if he’s left
alone. For this reason, both characters are represented
by the same character monster counter.
The Orc Warchief counter is used in the normal way
- you may add it to any group of monsters that you
are placing on the table. However, instead of placing
one Orc Warchief when you play the counter, you
must place both. Each Warchief commands half of
the group of monsters that they are placed with - split
the group into two units with approximately the same
points value. Each unit of monsters may be given a
different set of orders in the gamesmaster phase - ie the
monsters in one unit may move and attack while the
others may attack and move. Once the composition Quest Rooms: All Quest Rooms contain a treasure
of each unit has been decided it may not be changed, chest and a set of monsters rolled on the Quest Rooms
even if some of the monsters are killed. Matrix. In addition, roll on the following table to see if
the Quest Room contains a set of stairs down.
If one of the Warchiefs is killed in combat the character
monster counter may still be used, but it now only Level Stairs No Stairs
represents the surviving Orc. Once both Warchiefs 1 1-6 7 - 12
are killed the counter is discarded. 1-4 5 - 12
3 1-2 3 - 12
End Table refer to the following table to see what is Descriptions of these new hazards can be found in the
actually placed at the end of the passage. Special Locations section.
Level Stairs Down Rolled Stairs Out Rolled Opening Doors: All of the Orcs in the undercity can
1 Dead End Stairs Out open doors, just as if they were Sentries. However, as
T-Junction Stairs Out they are not true Sentries, they don’t add +1 to the
GM’s surprise roll and they may only open doors that
3 T-Junction T-Junction
are already there - don’t place a door in the room if
4 Dead End T-Junction there wasn’t one rolled on the Room Doors Table.
When the Heroes descend from a Quest Room on the search for secret doors, and may do so in any wall,
fourth level they enter the Quest Location depicted not just in dead ends. Searching one wall on a section
on the map. In addition to the above rule about Orcs takes an entire exploration turn. When the Heroes
opening doors, the following special rules apply here. are searching, roll a dice as if you were rolling on the
Exploration Turns: When the Heroes reach Secret Door Table, but ignore the result and tell the
The Halls of the Ancestors, you should lay out the players they find nothing.
undercity using the map provided. Hidden Treasure: The only room on level five that
Dungeon Counters: You may not use trap, contains any hidden treasure is D, The Cave. The
wandering monster or ambush counters in The Halls Heroes may search for hidden treasure in any of the
of the Ancestors. other rooms, but won’t find anything. Don’t roll on
the Hidden Treasure Table when the Heroes search
Secret Doors: There are no secret doors in the the other rooms, instead roll a dice, ignore the result,
Halls of the Ancestors. However, the Heroes may still and tell them they find nothing.
The following locations are particular to the undercity
of Karak Eight Peaks. They are taken from the story. We
suggest you read the relevant passages of text before
using them, as they give a great deal of information
you will find useful when describing these places to
your players.
Of course, there is nothing to stop you using these
locations in other Quests. The Square, Bridge, Well,
Moths and Statue- lined Corridor are simple additions
which will add variety to any dungeon. The Apparition
may need some additional work to fit in with other
Quests, but you can take the basic idea and alter it to
suit your own purposes.
The Square of Merscha is a single, very large room
made out of six of the normal rooms. The internal
Felix looked out across a square larger than any structure he had
walls are ignored, and the Heroes and monsters may
ever known and he knew that he could not cross it. He did not move between the dungeon sections at will. When
want to pass below that vaulted ceiling for fear that the artificial the Heroes enter the Square, they come in from the
sky would fall. bottom door, opposite the shaded area.
The Square of Merscha is set up as shown below. The square of Merscha is the largest hall in the
undercity of Karag Eight Peaks. It was the scene of
the famous battle between the Dwarven warriors of
Queen Hilga and a Goblinoid army, and it is every
Dwarf ’s dream to see it with his own eyes. Now,
however, it is home to the Goblinoids that infest the
derelict undercity.
When the Heroes enter they can just make out
shadowy figures on the opposite side of this room.
The figures’ bright amber eyes twinkle in the gloom
as they move to encircle the Heroes. Roll for this
room’s inhabitants on the Quest Rooms Matrix, using
the Level Four column and adding +2 to the dice roll
(counting a result of 13 or 14 as a 12). The Orcs are
set up as normal, except that they may only be placed
in the shaded rooms. Once placed, all of the normal
rules apply.
BRIDGE The bridge itself has a Toughness of 9 and 7 Wounds.
Felix stared down into the Chasm. Stars glittered in its depths. All attacks on the bridge hit automatically for normal
damage. Once it reaches 0 Wounds the bridge
A bridge is set up using the chasm and bridge sections,
collapses. Any model on the bridge when it collapses
as indicated below.
falls to its death just as if it rolled an Aaaargh result on
the bridge table.
Far down the corridor there was a faintly greenishly glowing
figure. It was an old bearded Dwarf. Light poured from it and
through it. The ghostly figure wailed, a thin, reedy sound, and
advanced towards Gotrek, arms outstretched.
D12 + Speed Bridge First Time: The first apparition is of a small, very
2 - 10 Aaaargh: The Hero/monster is struck so hard he old male Dwarf. He stands at the opposite side of the
loses his balance and is pitched over the side of the room facing the Heroes with his arms held out as if
bridge. Unless he spends a Fate Point, he falls to
his death thousands of feet below. pleading for something. He doesn’t move and appears
Slip: The Hero/monster slips and falls as the to be trying to speak. He remains in the room for two
11 - 13
bridge suddenly swings to one side. Roll a dice and turns before a look of sudden terror crosses his face, he
divide the result by two. The model remains prone turns his head and then vanishes with an ear-piercing
for that many turns. While prone, a model counts scream. When the apparition screams, every Hero
as having a WS of 2.
within 12 squares of the figure must roll a dice and
14 - 17 Side-step: The Hero/monster wrong-foots his
opponent. For the next turn only, the model’s add +1. If the result 1s greater than the Hero’s Bravery
opponent is treated as having a WS of 2. the Hero will run directly away from the room, just
18 - 24 Dodge: By nimbly dodging to one side, the Hero as if he had been hit by a Flight spell. If the result is
monster manages to overbalance his opponent. less than the Hero’s Bravery he is not frightened and
The enemy model suffers an Aaaargh result from stands his ground.
this table.
Second Time: The second ghost is also of a Dwarf, the source of contamination is. If a Hero does take a
though this one is clearly younger. Like the first he drink from the water, he must roll on the following
appears to be saying something. This time however, table.
the Heroes can hear a noise like the wind rustling
through a pile of leaves, though they can’t make out D12 Well
what is being said. The figure remains motionless for 1 Deadly Poison: The Hero must spend a Fate
Point or die horribly.
a turn, and then moves towards the nearest Hero at
2-6 Poison: The Hero loses 1 Wound unless he
the rate of 10 squares per turn. It will move towards spends a Fate Point.
the chosen Hero for three turns before vanishing with 7 - 10 Sick: The Hero’s WS is reduced by -2 for the next
a scream, as above (though this time, the Heroes don’t 2D12 turns.
have to make a test against their Bravery). If the ghost 11 - 12 No Effect: Although the water tastes foul, it has
manages to touch the Hero it is approaching, the Hero no unpleasant effects on the Hero.
will feel a sense of great pain and sorrow. For the next
D12 turns the Hero’s Bravery is reduced by -2. GIANT MOTHS
More and more splinters left the wall like a blizzard of giant
Third Time: This time, although the figure is again a snowflakes. Felix found himself surrounded by soft bloated bodies
Dwarf, it is the ghost of a Dwarf woman. What’s more, and fluttering wings.
the Heroes can actually make out what she says. The walls of this room seem to be covered with
“Aid us... Free us. Our tombs are desecrated and a terrible warping a thick layer of white mould. In itself this is not
power rests within our halls. We have commited no crime. We unusual, as the Dwarfs cultivated mushrooms for
had departed to join our ancestral spirits when we were brought food. However, once a Hero steps into this room, the
back by the desecration of our resting place. We were wrenched white material on the walls reveals itself to be a huge
from eternal peace. swarm of gigantic moths. The Hero’s movement has
If the Heroes ask what could cause such a thing, the disturbed them. Everyone in the room is suddenly
ghost will answer: smothered by thousands of huge insects that
batter against them in an attempt to scare them off.
“What else has the strength to upset the order of the universe...
What else but Chaos.” The Heroes have four choices:
Even if the Heroes don’t ask, the Dwarf will continue: Greek Fire: If the Heroes have two flasks of Greek
Fire, they can use them to flame the room and kill
“Cleanse our tomb of that which lies there and we will be free... If
you do not we shall not be able to rejoin our kin. We will gutter
the moths. This takes one exploration turn during
and vanish like candleflames in a storm. Even now we fade. Only which they may do nothing else. One flask doesn’t kill
a few of us are left.” enough moths to have any effect.
The apparition then disappears. The Dwarf ghosts Magic: A wizard can cast a Flames of Death, or
only appear three times in this way. If this encounter similar fire-based spell, to clear the room.
is rolled again, reroll the dice. Fight It Out: The Heroes can hand-to hand combat
with the moths. This takes one exploration turn,
WELL during which they may do nothing else. If the Heroes
”Are you mad, manling? Can you not see the water is tainted?” choose this option, they must decide who enters the
Like all communities, the Dwarven city of Karak room. Roll a dice and divide the score by 2 (rounding
Eight Peaks relied on a plentiful source of clean water up). The result is the total number of wounds
to sustain it. For this reason, the undercity is teeming suffered by the Heroes as the moths envelop and
with wells and drinking fountains. suffocate them. The moths’ wings are forced down
the Heroes’ throats as the pulsing mass of insects
However, the water supply has long been too tainted
press against them, causing them to choke and pass
to drink. The Skaven that helped overthrow the city
out. The wounds should be distributed amongst the
3,000 years ago added small amounts of warpstone
Heroes that entered the room, and must be divided
to the source of the water, poisoning it so that none
as evenly as possible between them. Any odd points
but the Skaven themselves could drink it without
take effect on those Heroes with the least armour first.
suffering the effects of Chaos. If a Hero takes even a
Fate Points may not be used to stop these Wounds.
casual look at the water this is obvious. The water is a
pale green and glows with an unnatural light. A sane Slam the Door: The Heroes can leave and slam
person wouldn’t even consider taking a mouthful. the door. Record the fact that the room contains
Any Wizard in the party can immediately tell what undefeated moths.
The Halls of the Ancestors are where the Dwarfs used to bury their dead. It is here that the sword Karaghul lies,
and where the Troll, Thulgul, make his lair. When the Heroes enter the Halls read them the following:
Glancing around you can see that the walls here have been
deliberately defaced. The old dwarven stonework has been brought E
down to make way for newer and cruder carvings. Brown blood D
stains the floor, and strange glyphs have been gouged into the rock.
Start Location
Archway B
Open Archway
A This location is set up exactly like the Bridge from the Special Location section.
The Heroes may attempt to break the slabs down. Each slab has 11 Toughness and 30 Wounds. A Dwarf
can break the seals and open the slab easily, but to do so will lose him 2 Fate Points. Open archways, like
that to Location C, can be represented by taking out the plastic door itself and using just the door frame.
If the Heroes enter any of the other tombs they are laid out in the same manner as Location C. To
determine the treasure each contains, make three rolls on the Treasure Chests Table.
The coffins can be represented with the appropriate Citadel Miniatures. To determine the treasure here
make five rolls on the Treasure Chest Table, doubling the amount of Gold Crowns rolled. If the Heroes
take the treasure, see Leaving the Undercity.
The sword, Karaghul, has the following abilities and may be used by any Hero:
Karaghul is a magic 2-handed sword and can only be
wielded by Heroes with a strength of 6 or more, although
anyone can carry it. It adds +2 to the wielder’s Weapon
Skill, +2 to his Strength, causes criticals on a hit roll of 10-
12, and causes a fumble on a hit roll of 1-2. It allows the
bearer to cast three Flames of Death spells per expedition.
D When the Heroes enter this room, read them the following:
The floor of this room is littered with the gnawed bones of dozens of creatures. Some are Human, some are Orc, while others
simply cannot be described and must have come from some hideously mutated creature ravaged by the effects of Chaos. There
is a small hole in the back corner of the room, and even above the stench of decaying flesh you can definitely detect a fresh
breeze blowing through it.
Lying around the floor of this room are: 1000 gold crowns, 2 Healing Potions, and 1 magic scroll.
In addition, if the Heroes search for hidden treasure they will find the following: 1000 gold crowns, 1 suit
of magic chain, 1 Healing Potion, and 1 Strength Potion.
Note that this treasure is not the Dwarfs’, and may therefore be taken freely without affecting the Heroes’
Fate Points (see Leaving the Undercity).
At the back of this room, where the roof and the wall join, there is a shaft leading up to the surface. It is
from here that Thulgul gets fresh air, water in the form of rain, and the odd animal that stumbles down
the hole from the surface for food. You should read the following to the players as they enter.
In the far corner of the room, near the roof, there is a hole leading up into the darkness. You can feel a fresh draught coming
from it, and can only assume it leads to the surface.
If you haven’t spawned Thulgul by using an ambush counter, then he will be placed in this room. Read
the topic on Thulgul’s Lair on the next page.
Locations C, D and E are Thulgul’s Lair. While the
Heroes are in rooms C or D, you may bring Thulgul
into play at thend of any exploration turn by discarding
an ambush counter if you have one. If you haven’t
got an ambush counter, Thulgul is placed in room E.
Whenever you play him, he automatically surprises
the Heroes and play proceeds to the GM phase of the
first combat turn. When the Heroes are attacked by
Thulgul, read them the following:
A huge horn-headed shadow looms towards you. The creature
was once a Troll. Now it is hideously changed. It has a gnarly
hide covered in huge, dripping tumours and three enormously
muscular arms, one which terminates in a pincer claw. Growing
from its left shoulder, like some obscene fruit, is a small babyish
head which glaes at you with wise malign eyes. It chitters horridly
in a language that you do not recognise. Pus dribbles down its
chest from a huge leech mouth set below its neck.
Gotrek Gurnisson is a Trollslayer - a Dwarf with a self-imposed
deathquest. He seeks to atone for a personal crime, the nature of
which he alone knows. However, Gotrek is simply too tough and
too lucky to die. He seeks out the most dangerous of opponents and
invariably overcomes them.
Gotrek, like most Trollslayers, is nasty, brutish and short. His body
is covered in tattoos, and a great crest of orange hair rises from his
head. He is a fearsome sight.
Gotrek is well-travelled, and has spent a great deal of time visiting
all corners of the Empire in search of the his fate. He maintains a
front of contempt for Human civilisation, declaring it to be self-
indulgent and dishonourable.
But while he appears uneducated and savage, Gotrek is in fact
suprisingly knowledgable on a wide variety of subjects. He trained
as an engineer in his youth, and can read and write extremely
Like all Dwarfs, Gotrek is proud and loyal to his comrades. His
one true friend however, is Felix Jaeger, his travelling companion.
When not seeking death, Gotrek 1s a sad character, given to bouts of deep depression punctuated by fits of extreme anger. Gotrek has vowed to enter
Karak Eight-Peaks and kill the Troll which he believes makes its lair deep in the undercity. Like all Trollslayers, he doesn’t expect to return.
Felix Jaeger is an amicable young man, about six foot in height
with blonde hair and a duelling scar on his cheek. He has a
perpetual, twitchy, worried expression on his handsome face, as
befits one who is both a wanted outlaw and an associate of Gotrek
Felix was once a articulate, well- educated student studying
Classical Literature at Altdorf University. Then one day, he found
himself in a duel with the bullying Wolfgang Krassner. Felix
despatched Krassner, although he certainly didn’t intend to do so,
and was expelled.
Felix’s father disinherited him and the young poet took to politics.
As a leader of the now infamous Window Tax march, Felix
was at the head of the crowd when the peacful demonstration
degenerated into a riot and the Imperial Cavalry intervened to
quell the bloodbath.
Felix’s life was saved when he was pulled from under the hooves of
the cavalry by a drunken Trollslayer, who then cut them a path to
freedom. After waking from an epic pub-crawl, Felix was horrified
to discover that while drunk he had sworn to accompany the Dwarf and record his death. Since he was sought for the murder of Krassner, Felix had
no choice but to follow Gotrek, the Dwarf, when he left the city. Since then, Felix has regreted his oath on many occasions. And this is one of them.
Johan Zauberlich is a man of medium height who dresses in
the flamboyant manner of a Wizard of the Amethyst College.
He speaks with the pedantic, cultured accent of a savant of the
University of Nuln. He is cautious and tired of the long quest to
the World’s Edge Mountains. He has had some premonitions of his
own death and is reluctant to continue.
Johan was once an initiate of the Temple of Sigmar. He studied
at the monastery of Our Father of the Hammer outside Nuln. He
was the only survivor when the place was burned to the ground by
amarauding group of Beatmen led by the Chaos Warrior Thalman
Lionheart.Johan had been gathering wood outside at the time
and hid until the raiders departed. The experience sent him into
shock and he wandered the woods maddened by hunger.t
A young Templar named Aldred Fellblade was despatched by the
temple authorities to investigate what happened. He discovered
Johan and nursed him back to health. Johan decided to abandon
his life of contemplation and became Aldred’s companion.
Johan studied under Professer Heilman at the university of Nuln,
where he and Aldred discovered and destroyed the Crimson Rose, a Chaos cult dedicated to Tzeentch that had infiltrated the campus. He swore the
same oath as Aldred to recover the blade, but now considers the cost is too high and is reluctant to go on.
Aldred is a tall, lean, grim-looking man of about 35. He has long
black hair and blue eyes. He wears battered plate mail of the
highest quality and wields a two- handed greatsword from which
he takes his name.
Aldred has been a soldier for the Temple of Sigmar since his teens.
He saw action in Kislev and has travelled the Old World in the
service of his god, hunting heretics and fighting a constant war
against the Goblin folk.
He is a fanatic, impossibly brave and dedicated to his cause.
He appreciates bravery and self-sacrafice although he has
been saddened by the loss of many of his comrades. He and his
companion Johan Zauberlich have been diligent Witch-Hunters
and have destroyed many Chaos covens.
His hunt for the Chaos Sorcerer Illek of the Burning Skull took him
from Altdorf to Praag to a ruined city on the edge of the Chaos
Wastes in Norsca. There he killed the mage in an epic hunt through
the twisted rubble.
He has sworn to retrieve the Dwarven sword Karaghul, from the
ancient city of Karak Eight Peaks. He claims Sigmar appeared to him in a vision and told him that the sword would soon be drawn once more. He is
prepared to see that this happens no matter what the cost to himself or to his friends.
Jules is a swarthy, muscular Bretonnian who looks younger than
his thirty years. He is of a bright, cheerful disposition and naturally
cocky. He dresses in the typical garb of a trapper: animal furs and
beaver hat. He is left-handed.
Jules comes originally from a lower-class family in Quennelles. But
he felt trapped by the dingy slums of the city and left as soon as he
could. The fact that he had outraged a local crimelord by slaughtering
the slavers who had killed his sister may have had something to
do with it. Now he prefers the beuaty of the great outdoors to
the teeming cities of men. He has travelled extensively through
Bretonnia, the Empire and the Border Princes hunting and adding
to his store of wilderness lore. He served for a time as the Master
of Hounds to the Lord of the Friest of Akendorf and made several
expeditions against the Goblins of the Worlds Edge Mountains.
Eventually he found the discipline of service too restrictive and
headed North into the Empire.
There he met Aldred Fellblade ho was recruiting for his trip to
Karak Eight Peaks. The gold the Templar offered overcame Jules’
natural reluctance to visit such a dangerous place and he agreed to accompany the small party of treasure seekers. Since then he has had cause to
regret his descision. Still, he tries to maintain a front of good-humour in the face of adversity, and to his credit he mostly succeeds in theis noble aim.
In The Dark Beneath the World the major monsters are Goblinoids of the Snarling Sun and Howling Moon
tribes. On top of them, there are numerous monsters that make their lairs in the passageways of the undercity.
7-8 8 Orcs & 1 Orc Champion 1 Skaven Warpfire Team 100 GCs
can only take treasure from monsters they’ve 11 6 Skaven Champions 13 Orcs 120 GCs
killed. 12 7 Orcs & 1 Orc Champion 8 Goblins, 8 Goblin 130 GCs
Archers, 1 Orc Warlord
D12 Levels 1-2 Level 3 Level 4 Treasure
1 9 Orcs & 1 Orc Champion 10 Orcs & 1 Orc Champion 5 Orcs, 1 Orc Champion & 1 Warlord 110 GCs
2 7 Orcs & 2 Orc Champions 6 Orcs & 3 Orc Champions 3 Orcs, 2 Orc Champions & 1 Warlord 110 GCs
3 10 Orcs & 1 Orc Champion 7 Orcs & 3 Orc Champions 4 Orcs, 2 Orc Champions & 1 Warlord 120 GCs
4 8 Orcs & 2 Orc Champions 5 Orcs & 4 Orc Champions 4 Orc Champions & 1 Orc Warlord 120 GCs
5 11 Orcs & 1 Orc Champion 8 Orcs & 3 Orc Champions 5 Orcs, 2 Orc Champions & 1 Warlord 130 GCs
6 9 Orcs & 2 Orc Champions 6 Orcs & 4 Orc Champions 3 Orcs, 3 Orc Champions & 1 Warlord 130 GCs
7 7 Orcs & 3 Orc Champions 4 Orcs & 5 Orc Champions 4 Orc Champions & 1 Orc Warlord 130 GCs
8 5 Orcs & 4 Orc Champions 2 Orcs & 6 Orc Champions 9 Orcs & 1 Orc Warlord 130 GCs
9 13 Orcs & 1 Orc Champion 4 Orcs & 6 Orc Champions 11 Orcs & 1 Orc Warlord 150 GCs
10 11 Orcs & 2 Orc Champions 8 Orc Champions 5 Orcs, 3 Orc Champions & 1 Warlord 150 GCs
11 9 Orcs & 3 Orc Champions 5 Orc Champions & 1 Orc Warlord 3 Orcs, 4 Orc Champions & 1 Warlord 150 GCs
12 15 Orcs & 1 Orc Champion 6 Orc Champions & 1 Orc Warlord 13 Orcs & 1 Orc Warlord 170 GCs
2 7 Orcs & 5 Orc Champions 6 Orcs, 3 Orc Champinos & 1 Warlord 11 Orcs, 1 Orc Champions & 1 Warlord 170 GCs
3 3 Orcs & 7 Orc Champions 12 Orcs & 1 Orc Warlord 9 Orcs, 2 Orc Champions & 1 Warlord 170 GCs
4 17 Orcs & 1 Orc Champion 8 Orc Champions & 1 Orc Warlord 15 Orcs & 1 Orc Warlord 190 GCs
5 9 Orcs & 5 Orc Champions 8 Orcs, 3 Orc Champions & 1 Warlord 13 Orcs, 1 Orc Champion & 1 Warlord 190 GCs
6 5 Orcs & 7 Orc Champions 12 Orcs & 1 Orc Warlord 11 Orcs, 2 Orc Champions & 1 Warlord 190 GCs
7 7 Orcs & 2 Orc Warlords 8 Orcs & 2 Orc Warlords 9 Orcs & 2 Orc Warlords 190 GCs
8 9 Orcs & 2 Orc Warlords 10 Orcs & 2 Orc Warlords 11 Orcs & 2 Orc Warlords 210 GCs
9 5 Orcs, 2 Orc Champions & 2 Warlords 6 Orcs, 2 Orc Champions & 2 Warlords 7 Orcs, 2 Orc Champions & 2 Warlords 210 GCs
10 11 Orcs, 2 Orc Champions & 1 Warlord 6 Orcs, 5 Orc Champions & 1 Warlord 11 Orcs & 2 Orc Warlords 210 GCs
11 15 Orcs & 1 Orc Warlord 8 Orc Champions & 1 Orc Warlord 7 Orcs, 5 Orc Champions & 1 Warlord 210 GCs
12 17 Orcs & 1 Orc Warlord 9 Orc Champions & 1 Orc Warlord 13 Orcs & 2 Orc Warlords 230 GCs
When the Heroes enter the first level of the undercity take the Orc Warchief monster counter. This represents both Orc Warchiefs - See
“The Orc Warchiefs” for more details on how to use it.
Chain Armour, Shield, Sword
Chain Armour, Huge Sword (Counts as huge club)
Fearsome Monster, Large Monster
Fearsome Monster, Invulnerable
Large Monster, Regenerates, Two Attacks
A huge horn-headed shadow looms towards you. The creature was once a Troll. Now it is hideously changed. It has a gnarly
hide covered in huge, dripping tumours and three enormously muscular arms, one of which terminates in a pincer claw.
Growing from its left shoulder, like some obscene fruit, is a small babyish head which glares at you with wise malign eyes. It chitters
horridly in a language that you do not recognise. Pus dribbles down its chest from a huge leech mouth set below its neck.
Its bestial head roars and the echoes reverberate through the long hall. An amulet of glowing greenish-black stonehangs around its
neck. Warpstone, placed there deliberately.
It comes ever closer. Its stench fills your nostrils. You hear its leech mouth sucking hideously. It looms out of the gloom, its pain-wracked,
bestial face hellishly underlit by its glowing amulet.
by Carl Sargent
The Eyes of Chaos is an adventure which takes place in ancient tomb complex deep in the Vault
Mountains. The four Heroes are sent to clear out a band of Ogres who were responsible for the
massacre of a group of soldiers holding a remembrance service at the tombs. The one survivor
of the slaughter reports that the Ogres seem unusually cunning and well organised. What horrid
secrets are the Heroes going to discover in the catacombs under the tomb complex?
This quest is designed for the four Heroes, and the of brave Bretonnian warriors were killed, and rather
Mercenary Captain Pierre Chancier. The Heroes can than taking their ripped and torn bodies back to
also bring along as many extra henchmen as they their families, the dead soldiers were consecrated
can afford. The lower dungeon levels are quite tough, and buried in a great cave complex carved into the
and this Quest is best suited to Heroes who have side of a mountain. The caves were ancient, possibly
already completed a Quest (such as the Quest For The thousands of years old, and appeared to be empty. The
Shattered Amulet) and who have increased their Fate surviving Bretonnian soldiers erected a cairn at the
Points characteristic by at least one point. mouth of the caves, and carved a new name above
The Eyes of Chaos is an adventure which takes place their entrance - the Tombs of the Phalanx.
in ancient tomb complex deep in the Vault Mountains. Accounts of the soldiers’ brave struggle passed into
The four Heroes are sent to clear out a band of Ogres legend and grew with the telling, but the location
who were responsible for the massacre of a group of of the Tombs has not been forgotten or lost. Once a
soldiers holding a remembrance service at the tombs. year, a group of veteran Bretonnian soldiers make a
The one survivor of the slaughter reports that the pilgrimage to the Tombs to hold a memorial service
Ogres seem unusually cunning and well organised. for the dead, so their sacrifice may not be forgotten.
What horrid secrets are the Heroes going to discover This year, only one veteran returned from the service,
in the catacombs under the tomb complex? rambling deliriously about Ogres of great cunning
Hundreds of years ago, a desperate Chaos Warband Thinking that a group of Ogres has moved into the
was finally cornered and destroyed in the foothills of Tombs, the local Lord sends for the Heroes to deal
the Vault Mountains. The battle was fierce and bloody, with them. Unfortunately for the Heroes, the situation
and the forces of Chaos fought to the death. Hundreds is not as simple as it seems!
The Bretonnian poured out his sorry tale to his Magnus the wizard voiced the thought which was in
attentive listeners. Marching to an old battlesite burial all their minds.
ground to conduct a remembrance service for the “This isn’t the work of ordinary Ogres, they would never
dead, he and the other soldiers had been ambushed be able to act in such a coordinated way Something -
by Ogres. The brutes showed amazing cunning, or someone - must be controlling. Their master would
throwing a feint attack on one side of the beleaguered have to be very strong, and possibly be using magic to
group of Bretonnians while a stronger group rushed enforce his commands. I seem to remember some tale
from rock cover to assault the soldiers from behind. about the Tombs of the Phalanx, now that Pierre has
Pierre was knocked unconscious by a rock, and only mentioned them.”
survived because the Ogres thought he was dead.
When he regained consciousness, he discovered all Magus thought for a while, trying to remember.
his comrades had all been killed. “According to the legends, there was a source of Chaos
“Their strength we know about,” Pierre hung his head magic deep in the Tombs. It was latent magic, which
in his hands. “But such cunning - mon Dieu! Ogres do is why the Tombs themselves were not affected and
not hide behind rocks, mon amis - they eat them. I am the soldiers have been able to hold their service of
the only survivor, and I feel ashamed to be alive when remembrance there safely each year. But if this magic
all my comrades are dead, but how can one man stand exists, it is possible that someone has brought it alive.
alone against a dozen Ogres?” I think we should find out what’s going on and put a
stop to it quickly, before the evil can spread.”
Sven Hammerhelm nodded at the Bretonnian’s words.
Strictly speaking, Trolls featured more heavily in the His friends and fellow Heroes nodded in agreement.
tock-eating stakes than Ogres, but such cunning and Tomorrow, at first light, they would set out to the Tombs.
trickery were unheard of among the loutish Ogre race. This was truly a challenge worthy of their talents!
The Ogres who killed the old soldiers were more than master’s magic books, and eventually learned that a
just a random band of monsters. The Chaos Sorcerer Chaos Flux existed in an ancient cave complex in the
Johannes Wiesehofer has discovered a potent source Vault Mountains.
of raw Chaos energy deep in the catacombs, and is The mysterious magic cloak turned out to be an Ogre
still working on controlling it. The last thing he wants Cloak, a marvel of chaotic magic. It could give the
is to be disturbed, and he has instructed the Ogres to wearer the strength of an Ogre, and allowed him to
keep the cave complex free from ‘visitors’. control the minds of several Ogre servants. Johannes’
directions of his Ogre servants were responsible for
the ambush and tactical cunning the Ogres displayed
when wiping out Pierre’s band.
Johannes is currently investigating a source of raw
Chaos energy in the cave complex below the Tombs
of the Phalanx. Protected by Ogres and a rabble of
Johannes murdered his Sorcerer master and stole other creatures which have been bullied into guard
his secrets. He was prompted to do this when his duty, Johannes has begun to tap the power of the
master took delivery of an ancient magical cloak of Chaos Flux in several ways. The most important of
unknown powers, redolent with the taint of Chaos. these is the Eyes of Chaos which infest the catacombs,
Impatient at the slowness of his master’s teaching, and exerting their baneful effects over wide areas. These
eager for more power, Johannes desired possession are a special hazard the Heroes will have to face, and
of the cloak. Before the old man could properly are fully described below.
study it, Johannes stabbed him in the back, and In summary, the Heroes have a perilous task ahead of
wrenched the cloak from his palsied hands. Before them. They think they will have to face some Ogres,
fleeing, Johannes gathered together the best of and perhaps an Ogre Chieftain, but they actually face
his master’s magic books and treasures, the cloak, a Chaos Sorcerer with a body as strong as an Ogre’s, a
and as much gold as he could find. He rode away plethora of strange effects of Chaos, and more. This is
from civilisation, heading south-east towards the a tough Quest indeed.
mountains. At night he would camp and study his
The Bretonnian Captain Pierre Chancier joins
the Heroes as a Henchman of the Warrior
Hero. He doesn’t accept any payment, but if
the Heroes have spare funds and offer him
some extra equipment, he will not refuse.
Pierre joins the Heroes on the condition that
they do all in their power to kill the Ogres
who wiped out his friends and fellow men-
at arms. Pierre will not allow the Heroes to
plunder any of the soldiers’ tombs, but treasure
carried by monsters is quite another matter.
If the adventure is successfully completed,
Pierre will stay as a loyal Henchman to the
Warrior Hero. He will ask for no payment, nor a his fellows in the Tombs (uppermost dungeon level),
share of treasure, but the Heroes will have to pay his he is allowed to gain 1 Fate Point when the Quest
costs between adventures, and are honour-bound to Location is found on that level. He does not gain any
help him with purchases of equipment. Details of the Fate Points thereafter (although he can buy them in
Captain can be found below. Because Pierre is avenging the unlikely event he has 1,000 gold crowns to spare).
THE OGRE CLOAK to find in a Tomb complex. The few special cases
This is a new magical item which is only usable by (such as the Trolls on the middle dungeon level) are
Creatures of Chaos with an Intelligence score of 8 or described more fully below. Note that Orcs should
more. The Cloak gives its wearer the physical form of have a Toughness of 7, as in the Terror In The Dark
an Ogre whenever they choose. Check the Monster supplementary rulebook, and not the old value of 8
Reference Table of the Ogre. against the Monster given in the Advanced Heroquest Monster Reference
Reference Table of the creature wearing the Cloak, Tables.
and increase all physical characteristics of the cloak-
wearer to those of an Ogre, if they were lower to begin
with. When in Ogre form the cloak-wearer counts as
a Large Monster and also a Fearsome Monster. The
change from one form to another is instantaneous.
The wearer of the cloak can also command up to six
Ogres to do his bidding at a range of up to six miles if
the Ogres fail an Intelligence test (which they usually
do), and control lasts for up to one week, after which
time it must be re-established. The Ogres won’t do CHARACTER MONSTERS
anything obviously harmful to themselves, but then The major Character Monsters in the catacombs are:
they’re so thick they can usually be deceived on that Johannes Wiesehofer
score anyway. Johannes is the driving force behind acquiring himself
The Ogre Cloak is not usable by Heroes as it is tainted a powerful Ogre retinue, other monster hangers-
by Chaos, and would turn anyone who put it on into a on, and the use of special Chaos magic within the
foul creature of Chaos. dungeon. He is encountered in Locations M and N
(the final Quest Location), and he will certainly fight
THE OGRES OF THE CATACOMBS to the death there. He is an exceptionally powerful
You can use the standard Monster Reference Tables Chaos Sorcerer given his magical cloak, and he also
for Ogres and Ogre Chieftains in this adventure. has a wider range of spells than most Chaos Sorcerers
Johannes has trained some of the Ogres to throw and, naturally, other magical items he stole from his
rocks as ranged weapons, which makes them more dead master.
dangerous than usual. The Ogres can throw rocks to Gregor Wieschofer
a maximum range of 8 squares, and each rock has 5 Gregor is Johannes’ younger brother, also a Chaos
damage dice. Ogres can also use rocks to attack people Sorcerer. He has every intention of killing his older
in adjacent squares, in which case they just drop them brother when the secrets of the Chaos Flux deep in
on their opponents. Dropped rocks have 4 damage the catacombs are uncovered (for Gregor knows he is
dice at a range of 1. not smart enough to learn them himself). Gregor has
Because these Ogres have been trained in rock summoned a Daemonette to protect him, and these
throwing, they have BS 5 with rocks only (it’s not a two are found in Location I.
general change to their Monster Reference Table). “Greatgut”, Ogre Chieftain
Their Hit Rolls are: range 1-3, 7; range 4-8, 8. The Addressed simply as “Lord Greatgut”, this enormous
Ogre Chieftains encountered do not throw rocks, Ogre Chieftain is magically controlled by the power of
it’s beneath their dignity. When Ogres in a room are Johannes’ cloak and commands his fractious rabble by
rock-throwers, the description of the room will tell the simple expedient of eating anyone who disagrees
you how many rocks they have available for throwing with him. Greatgut is a powerful Ogre leader, not least
before they run out. Rock-throwing Ogres also have a because of his magical club, which shines bright red
Heavy Club which they will use when they have run and impresses the Ogres, who are easily cowed by a
out of rocks. display of magic. Since the club was enchanted by
The other monsters which may be encountered in the Johannes and given to Greatgut, and Ogres are afraid
dungeon are a riff-raff attracted by Johannes’ magic, of magic anyway, they are only too ready to submit to
servants of the Ogres, or (on the upper dungeon level) the leadership of their magnificent Chieftain and the
a fairly random collection of what one might expect Chaos Sorcerer. Greatgut lurks in Location K.
Generate the upper level using the following system Also, the Quest Room on this upper dungeon level will
in place of that given in the Advanced Heroquest not be either of the first two rooms entered. If you roll
rulebook. Tomb Rooms are empty save for a single a 12 on the Room Type Table for either of the first two
tomb. If you have Terror In The Dark you can use the rooms entered, simply re-roll to get another result.
Coffin counter to show the tomb. If not, simply tell For each subsequent room entered by the Heroes, add
the players there is a tomb in theroom. Tombs should 1 to the dice roll on the Room Type Table. So, if the
not be opened, as Pierre will forcefully point out, and Heroes have already entered five rooms on the upper
contain no treasure. If a Hero opens a tomb, he must dungeon level, the next room will be the Quest Room
make a Toughness test. If he fails, grave dust clogs his if you roll 9 or higher on the dice. The Quest Room on
nose and throat and weakens him (-1 to Strength and this upper level is described below.
Toughness for the rest of the expedition). The first THE QUEST ROOM
time a Hero opens a Tomb, Pierre will say that he will The single Quest Room contains two Ogres, both of
leave the Heroes if they do it again, and if they do, whom use clubs only, and a Treasure Chest containing
he carries out his threat. If any Hero kills Pierre, that the following: 200 gold crowns, a Healing Potion, 8
Hero loses all his Fate Points immediately! ordinary Arrows, and a simple Magical Sword which
PASSAGE LENGTH TABLE adds 1 damage dice (this counts as a magic weapon,
Passage Length
and can harm an Eye of Chaos). The room also
contains a set of steps leading down, which are the
1 - 3 1 Section only way to get to the next dungeon level.
4 - 9 2 Sections
10 - 12 3 Sections
D12 Occupants Treasure
There are two lower dungeon levels, both of which are When Heroes enter a zone of influence of an Eye of
completely mapped for you. There are no Wandering Chaos, roll one dice and check the table below for the
Monsters on these levels, though there are many effect which will occur:
special hazards! Some of the rooms have unique
magical effects which hamper the Heroes, but one
D12 Magical Effect
especial magical bane is very common here. These are
the dreaded Eyes of Chaos. 1 Anti-magical: See below
2 Weakness: -1 to WS and Strength
THE EYES OF CHAOS Radiant Fear: All Bravery tests -1
Johannes’ mastery of the raw Chaos he is studying
4 Mental Enfeeblement: All Intelligence tests -1
has extended far enough for him to be able to place
5 Distorted Vision: -1 to BS
magical Eyes of Chaos in the two lower levels of
the dungeon. These Eyes appear as miniature (3” in 6 Magic Drain: See below
diameter) glowing skulls with huge eye sockets; the 7 Tainted Power: Enemies of PV 4+ regenerate
‘bone’ is white, the eye sockets red. You may use the 8 Slowing: Movement at half rate through the zone
Wound Counters to represent these in game play. Warp Attack: See below
10 Flame Attack: See below
This eye located at the
11 Magical Null: See below
junction of four passages
will affect all of the red 12 Fate Point Null: See below
squares. As soon as one of
the heroes or henchmen Anti-magical: Any Wizard trying to cast any spell
enter the zone, the GM in the zone must make an Intelligence test to be able
should roll on the table to cast it.
below to determine the
effect of the eye. Magical Drain: The first Hero to enter the zone has
one of his magic items permanently drained of magic.
If he has more than one magic item, the GM should
These Eyes have Chaos effects which will affect all of
randomly decide which has been affected. Don’t tell
a room which they are placed in, irrespective of room
the player this until he comes to use it. If the first Hero
size, and up to 3 squares away in all directions in any
isn’t carrying any magical items, the second Hero is
passage they are located in. This includes around
affected instead, and so on.
corners. It is possible for the Heroes to be affected by
an Eye of Chaos before they can see it if it is around Warp Attack: Enemies ignore any armour used by
a corner from them. However, effects do not pass Heroes within the zone, their weapons simply seem
through walls or doors (nor through open doorways, to pass right through it! This does not apply to any
for the sake of simplicity). The occupants of the magical armour wom by Heroes, though.
dungeon, of course, are not affected by any adverse Flame Attack: Any Sword or Halberd used by an
magical effects of the Eyes. enemy spits fire within the zone and adds 1 extra
damage dice to its attack.
Magical Null: All magic items possessed by Heroes
are nullified so long as they are within the zone. They
are not permanently drained, and will regain their
normal properties as soon as they are taken out of the
zone. Spells, however, work normally within the zone.
Fate Point Null: Fate Points are useless within the
Zone, and cannot be used at all. If a Hero wants to use
a Fate Point, simply inform the player that for some
unknown reason, it just doesn’t seem to have any
effect, but the Fate Point is not lost.
All these effects last only for as long as the Heroes (or they have no minds. Whenever an Eye of Chaos is
items, etc.) are within the zone, save for the Magical destroyed, the released chaos energy flies apart in a
Drain which has a permanent effect. The Eyes of miniature explosion. This will cause the Hero who
Chaos in Locations I and M are special, and have struck the blow or cast the spell to suffer any excess
effects described in those locations; you do not roll woundshe caused over and above the one needed to
on the table above to determine any additional effects. destroy the eye!
H Start Location Ogre Chieftain
Orc Troll
A This is a simple guardroom with 4 Orcs and 2 Goblin Archers. Each Orc has 10 gold crowns, and each
Goblin has 5 gold crowns. Roll as usual on the Eyes of Chaos: Magical Effects Table for the effect of the
Eye here (and in subsequent locations).
B Unless the monsters move first, the Ogre closest to the doorway will try to keep out of the way to
begin with to allow the rock-throwing Ogre at the back of the room a clear line of sight to throw rocks
through the door. He has four rocks he can use for ammunition. This particular Ogre has a great hatred
of Dwarfs, and if he enters hand-to-hand combat with a Dwarf he can become a Berserk Monster (see
Alternative Monsters in the Advanced Heroquest rulebook).
The Goblin Archers also stay away from the doorway to avoid hand-to-hand combat, leaving the poor
solitary Orc to swing his Sword there. The monsters here try to either ambush the Heroes in the passage
if they move first during the first Combat Tum, or force the Heroes to enter the room and fight, so they
can surround them.
Each Goblin has 10 gold crowns, the Ogre closest to the door has 70, and the rock-throwing Ogre has
80 gold crowns.
C The Ogre here will readily fight in the doorway or charge out into the passage if given the chance to do
so. The Goblin Archers cower in the corner and won’t leave the room. The single Orc will wait until the
Ogre has been killed or has left the room before moving to fight. The Orc and Goblins are too cowardly
to move while the Ogre is still in the doorway.
The Ogre has 60 gold crowns, the Orc has 10 gold crowns, and the Goblins have absolutely nothing
except for a chewed rat one of them has wrapped up for lunch in a filthy piece of rag.
! The monsters here are as cunning as those in rooms B and C, but not quite so well trained. The Ogres
are continually shouting at their Orc servants and may not hear noises outside. If a combat is going on
outside one of the doorways into either room, roll a dice at the start of each Combat Tum. If you roll 9
or higher the monsters from the other room will hear, open the door, and come out to fight. Add 1 to
the dice roll for each Combat Turn which has taken place, so if the Heroes have been fighting one group
of monsters for three Turns, at the start of the next Combat Turn the other monsters will hear and come
out to fight if you roll 6 or higher.
Read through the three individual locations here to get the best out of the monsters and the trap at
Location F. The GM may take one Fate Counter to play in Location D or Location E, as he chooses.
D There is a pile of three rocks beside the Ogre here, but he uses his Club in the doorway.
He only uses the rocks if the Pit Traps at Location F are activated (see below for location details).
The Orc Champion stays in the corner until the Ogre leaves the room or is killed.
The Ogre has 80 gold crowns, the Orc Champion 10 gold crowns.
E There are two doors to this room. The one at the bottom of the passage
is a special one-way door which only opens outwards (out of the
room into the passage). This means the Heroes cannot open it from
the passage, but monsters can open it to go into the passage and
attack the Heroes. The Orc Champion will emerge to protect the
Goblin Archers, who will come out to fire at the Heroes in the
The Ogre fights by the other (normal) door, and as soon as this
door is opened the Goblin will pull a wall lever and open the Pit
Traps at Location F (details below). The Ogre, a greedy and
cruel master, has all the treasure for this group stored in the
Treasure Chest here, which is locked (the Ogre has the key).
The chest is not trapped. It contains 250 gold crowns, a Magic
Mushroom in a bag (use standard rules from Advanced
Heroquest), a salted boiled Dwarf leg the Ogre was saving for his
supper, a Short Bow and 6 arrows, and a magical Potion of
Regeneration. This may be drunk at the start of any Tum, and allows a
Hero to regenerate Wounds just like a Regenerating Monster (see Alternative
Monsters in the Advanced Heroquest rulebook). The effects last until the end of
the next combat, or the one currently in progress if a Hero drinks the Potion in
the middle of a fight.
F These Pit Traps will not be spotted by the Heroes (so do not make any dice rolls for spotting traps here)
and cannot be disarmed by them. They will be activated by the Goblin in Location E when the normal
door to that room is opened. The Pits open up when the lever is pulled. Any Hero standing on one of
the four Trap squares automatically drops down into a Pit and suffers an automatic Wound. A successful
Speed test allows a character to jump across a Pit, or climb out of one. If a character tries to jump over a
pit and fails, he falls down the pit and suffers an automatic Wound. A character who manages to climb
out of a Pit cannot move any further than to a square adjacent to the Pit.
The Ogres make life very difficult for any Hero, or other character, in a Pit or close by one. The Ogre in
Location E will drop his rocks on top of anyone in a Pit if he can. Any character struck by a rock while
down a Pit must add 2 to the dice roll for the Speed test to escape on the following Turn.
If any character standing in a square adjacent to a Pit is hit by a rock or club used by an Ogre, he must
make a successful Strength test. If he fails, he’s hit hard enough to knock himdown into the Pit, and
he suffers an additional Wound for his fall. The last problem with the Pits is fairly terminal. If an Ogre
standing next to a Pit is killed, roll one dice. If you roll 7 or higher, the Ogre’s body falls into the Pit and
fills it. Any character already in the Pit is horribly squashed by the Ogre’s body - roll 10 damage dice.
The character loses 1 automatic Wound from being crushed each Combat or Expedition Turn until he’s
rescued. A character trapped underneath an Ogre cannot escape without the aid of his fellows. Two or
more characters with combined Strength of 11 or more will be needed to rescue their squashed colleague.
G All four squares here contain a Blocks trap, and this is more difficult to spot than most (the trap is
spotted only on a roll of 9 or higher on the dice). Anyone squashed by the falling block gets one minor
windfall: a small bag containing 10 gold crowns falls as well as the Block. This only happens with the first
of the four Blocks traps in these four squares.
H This is the only route to the bottom dungeon level, with steps leading
down, and is very dangerous. To enter the room, the Heroes have to
jump across the chasm to reach the door. Unfortunately, there is only
enough room for one Hero to land on the far side next to the door.
As soon as he lands, a pressure-sensitive plate below his feet activates
an alarm and the door opens automatically (not by the monster
inside opening it). The Troll guard by the door then attacks the Hero
standing in front of the door!
A Hero fighting the Troll will be knocked into the chasm automatically
if the Troll scores a critical hit. The door to this room automatically
closes as soon as there is no-one standing outside it on the pressure
sensitive plate. There are further complications: six Turns (Combat
or Exploration) after the door to this room has been opened for the
first time, a second Troll runs up the stairs to join in the fight.
This room contains a Treasure Chest with 250 gold crowns, and the following magical treasures:
A Bag of Lightness: This magic pouch holds up to 250 gold crowns quite weightlessly, and allows a
character to carry twice his normal allowance of gold crowns.
A Soul Jewel: If a Hero or Henchman is slain, the Soul Jewel holds his soul, and if the jewel is crushed
over the dead body the Hero or Henchman will come back to life as if treated with a Power of the
Phoenix spell. The Jewel can only be used once.
Finally, the Treasure Chest also contains a scroll of two spells from the Bright Wizard’s spellbook (Flames
of Death and Courage). If the Wizard in the group of Heroes is a Light Wizard, the scroll will contain the
spells Dagger of Banishment and Strength of Life instead.
L4 L3 L2 L1
The warpstone key carried by Gregor is a 6” long key which appears to be made out of slightly glowing
yellowed bone. Any Hero or Henchman carrying it mustmake a Toughness test when they enter each
new Location. If the test is failed, the character develops a foul chaos mutation, which drains him of
physical prowess. Roll a dice and consult the table below.
J The solitary Ogre in this room is hated by the other Ogres, and bullies the two Orcs and Goblin Archers
unmercifully. The Orcs will fight with the Archers giving supporting fire, and the Ogre will try to move
through the secret door to attack the rear of the adventuring group. He has two rocks he can throw, but
he prefers to use his club and attack hand-to-hand if he can. He hates Bretonnians, and if he gets into
hand-to-hand combat with Pierre Chancier he adds 1 to his damage dice against him in combat.
Special Note: There are two Eyes of Chaos in the passageway outside, and in some squares their effects
overlap. Heroes and Henchmen in those squares are subject to both adverse effects!
K This is where the main group of Ogres live, although two of them are
permanently acting as Johannes’ bodyguards in Location N. There
is a supply of 8 rocks scattered about the room, but the Ogres prefer
to fight hand-to-hand if they can. If the Heroes only open one of the
doors to this room, the Ogre standing guard at the other door will
open it and emerge into the passage, trying to pincer the Heroes and
The Ogre Chieftain here has a huge sword which adds 1 to his
Damage Dice and also acts as a Ring of Magic Protection, Level 1.
It glows bright red when held by the Ogre Chieftain only (this is
just for appearances and has no special effect). This magic sword
was specifically enchanted for him and cannot be used by Heroes or
Henchmen because it’s far too large. The Ogre Chieftain has a deep
and abiding hatred of human Warriors and adds 1 to his damage
dice against a Warrior Hero or human Henchman (not including a
Wizard’s Apprentice).
These Ogres will emerge from their room and chase the Heroes all the way to the steps leading back
up to the next dungeon level if they try to flee, but the Ogre Chieftain himself will not leave this room
in pursuit. This might be away the Heroes can divide up the Ogres in order to defeat them more easily.
However, this is a brutal combat and Fate Points are likely to get burned away. Heroes may well have to
leave the dungeon and return in another expedition after this battle.
When the Heroes win here, the Treasure Chest has some goodies for them if they bypass the Mantrap on
the chest. Two bags contain a total of 400 gold crowns; there is a small dagger which if used by a wizard
inflicts 4 damage dice, a Healing Potion, a Potion of Prowess (+1 to Weapon Skill, Bow Skill, and Speed;
effects last for 3 Turns, combat or expedition, and then wear off), and a Long Bow of Swiftness (the user
of this can move and fire during the same Combat Turn, which is normally not allowed).
L This passageway has several traps and will be a real test
for the Heroes. The idea is to rip some Fate Points off
them before they have to face Johannes Wiesehofer and
his retinue.
The squares marked at L1 have a Fireball trap placed on
them, and the power of Johannes’ magic is such that this
trap is exceptionally hard to find (Spot Chance of 11 or
higher, and the Dwarf gets no bonus).
At L2, there is a pool of steaming acid some 10 feet
deep. Any Hero entering the pool suffers 7 damage
dice each Tum he stays in the pool. A successful Speed
test must be made to leave the pool once a Hero is in
it. A Hero may try to jump across the pool by making
a successful Speed test. Building a Rope Ladder is the
obvious strategy, but the acid fumes eat through rope
very quickly. Two Heroes or Henchmen can get across
safely, but the rope bridge collapses under the weight
of the next (third) character to cross as the rotted rope
gives way, dumping them into the acid pool.
At point L3 on the map there is a special Magic Circle. If he makes a successful Intelligence test the Wizard
Hero will know that this is deeply tainted with the power of Chaos. Each time a Hero or Henchman
steps on the Circle, roll a dice and check what happens on the Magic Circle Table below. All losses of
characteristics are permanent except for Wound losses and the Curse effect which reduces Fate Points,
which can be regained normally.
Daemonette Head: The character’s head turns into that of a Daemonette. He now counts as a Fearsome
Monster, but this affects the other Heroes! If a Will power test is failed, the Hero’s mind is filled with
daemonic thoughts and he attacks his fellows.
In these three cases, any Henchman allied to the Hero will leave his service after the current expedition,
not wishing to be seen with a master who is a mutated freak!
Flight: The Hero immediately flees from the Circle in a direction of the GM’s choice. The fleeing Hero
may ignore Death Zones as he tries desperately to run from the tainted magic. This may land him in L2,
the acid pool, or L4, running into the far wall with unfortunate consequences (see below).
Skeleton Attack: Three Skeletons appear as close to the Hero as possible and attack him. They may
ignore usual rules pertaining to Death Zones in their insane frenzied determination to kill him.
One way of avoiding the Magic Circle is to jump over it, which can be done successfully if the character
makes a Speed test. Unfortunately, when he lands in area LA, the surface of the floor is covered in a
very slippery, mucus-like substance. The character must make a second successful Speed test. If this is
failed, the character skids right into the dead end and a Blocks trap falls from the ceiling and crushes
him, inflicting 12 dice of damage. A character who skids into area L4 has no chance to spot or disarm
the Blocks trap. A character who doesn’t skid has normal chances for finding and disarming the traps,
which are in the two squares at the dead end only.
M This door has a glowing keyhole, which appears almost as a knob of yellowed bone with a single central
keyhole. Only the warpkey from Location I can open this door. Absolutely nothing else works.
When the Heroes enter this room, the far doorway is open with the Chaos Sorcerer Johannes Wieschofer
standing close by it. Before the main door is his Ogre guard, and in the middle of the room is a second
Ogre which will interpose itself between Johannes and anyone trying to get to him in hand-to-hand
combat. Don’t forget that while Johannes is wearing the Ogre Cloak he looks exactly like an Ogre. It’s
only when he starts casting spells that the Heroes will begin to wonder what’s hit them! Each monster
here has some special magical defence or item, and the Eye of Chaos here is a strong one, so each of these
is detailed individually.
The Ogre by the door will drink a Potion of Regeneration on the first Combat Turn, so that he becomes
a Regenerating Monster for the duration of the combat here.The Ogre in the middle of the room wears
an Amulet of Iron to protect him from spell effects.
The Eye of Chaos effects
Heroes within the room, or fighting in the doorway (the two squares immediately outside the door
only), must make a Toughness test or suffer 1 additional damage dice from any spell damage which
affects them. Monsters within the room have a Bravery of 11 automatically. All ranged attacks made in
the room, or into the room, by Heroes or Henchmen have a -2 penalty.
Lastly, Johannes Wiesehofer has the following total profile when using his Ogre Cloak:
Scythe (counts as halberd) / Dawnstone with 2 Fate Points
Can Cast 1 x Choke / 1 x Flaming skull of terror / 1 x Fireball
Don’t forget that with the Eye of Chaos here, he has Bravery of 11. In addition to the normal Chaos
Sorcerer spells, he has some other magic items. He has a scroll with the spells Fireball and the Dark
Magic equivalent of Flight, and he has a Dawnstone with 2 Fate Points remaining. He will not use more
than 1 of these Fate Points while he’s still inside this room if he can possibly avoid it.
Johannes will flee through the open door when one of the two Ogres here is killed, and when the other
one has been reduced to 4 Wounds or fewer. GMs should do their best to get him out alive. He runs off
down the passageways into Location N and awaits the final shoot-out with the Heroes there. If a Hero is
going to catch up with him, then the GM may use a Fate Pointfrom the Dawnstone to add 4 to Johannes’
move for one Turn during the pursuit.
! Run Away!
The Heroes may decide to run away from a combat in either Location M, or Location N, because life
is getting too tough for them. If that happens, when they return Location M will be re-stocked with
two new Ogres which have been attracted to Johannes’ service by the magic of his cloak. Johannes will
have healed any damage he suffered and will have all his spells regained, but any magic items he used up
in the earlier combat will not be replaced.
Although it looks big and heavy, the Treasure Chest has an effective weight of 200 gold crowns: 100 gold crowns
itself, and then it can carry up to 500 extra gold crowns at one-fifth of normal weight value. Any character can
carry it, but loses 1 point of Speed while doing so because of its bulk (and this applies if a Hero or Henchman is
carrying it while running from the Flux). If sold, this special chest will fetch a price of 300 gold crowns. When
found, it contains the following items:
- 400 gold crowns
- A bag with 10 gems each worth 35 gold crowns
- A scroll of Bright Wizard spells (Flaming Hand of Destruction, Inferno of Doom, and
Power of the Phoenix). the GM should alter these to the Wizard spells of his choosing if he’s
not a Bright Wizard.
- A Dwarf Dawnstone from Kadar-Khalizad which contains 4 Fate Points. Only a Dwarf
Hero (or Dwarf Troll Slayer Henchman) can use this.
- An embroidered set of silk Araby cloths worth a total of 100 gold crowns.
7 3 8 8 8 9 10 9 -
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ DICE
Scythe (counts as halberd) / Dawnstone with 2 Fate Points
Can Cast 1 x Choke / 1 x Flaming skull of terror / 1 x Fireball
Johannes is the driving force behind acquiring himself a powerful Ogre retinue, other monster hangers-on, and the use of special Chaos magic within
the dungeon. He is encountered in Locations M and N (the final Quest Location), and he will certainly fight to the death there. He is an exceptionally
powerful Chaos Sorcerer given his magical cloak, and he also has a wider range of spells than most Chaos Sorcerers and, naturally, other magical
items he stole from his dead master.
7 3 5 7 8 9 10 4 11
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 3
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ DICE
Scythe (counts as halberd)
Can Cast 1 x Choke / 1 x Flaming skull of terror / 1 x Fireball
Gregor is Johannes’ younger brother, also a Chaos Sorcerer. He has every intention of killing his older brother when the secrets of the Chaos Flux deep
in the catacombs are uncovered ( for Gregor knows he is not smart enough to learn them himself ).
Chain Armour, Huge Sword (counts as Huge Club)
Addressed simply as “Lord Greatgut”, this enormous Ogre Chieftain is magically controlled by the power of Johannes’ cloak and commands his
fractious rabble by the simple expedient of eating anyone who disagrees with him. Greatgut is a powerful Ogre leader, not least because of his magical
club, which shines bright red and impresses the Ogres, who are easily cowed by a display of magic. Since the club was enchanted by Johannes and
given to Greatgut, and Ogres are afraid of magic anyway, they are only too ready to submit to the leadership of their magnificent Chieftain and the
Chaos Sorcerer.
by Ken Rolston
The ancient Dwarven halls of Durrag-Dol have been overrun by Skaven. The Heroes must journey
deep within the World’s Edge Mountains in the company of a fearless Trollslayer, Kili Thekkrsson.
Kili has taken an oath to return Clan Durrag’s ancestral heirloom, the mighty warhammer
Sognirstane, to the Temple of the Living Ancestor in Durrag-Dol and has enlisted the Heroes to
help him. So begins a dangerous battle against the Skaven and their mutated beasts.
This is a quest for four to six Heroes accompanied by clan’s earl-king, hearth guard, and clan warriors were
Kili Tekkrsson and as many other Henchmen as the slaughtered to the last Dwarf in a forest ambush far
Heroes wish to bring along. from their home and hearth during the closing months
The Trollslayer Kili Thekkrsson joins the Heroes as of the grim Elf-Dwarf wars of 4000 year ago. Without
a Henchman. Kili refuses to accept any payment; the protection of its clan warriors, Clan Durrag
he has joined the Heroes on the condition that they kinhearth was overrun and occupied by Orcs and
assist him in returning a magical hammer to its clan Goblins in the early years of the Goblin Wars. The
shrine in the ruins of the ancient clan Durrag colony, ruins of the colony are currently occupied by a Skaven
Durrag-Dol. Kili has forbidden the Heroes to plunder clan nest.
any Dwarven ancestral treasures, but he assures the Like most Dwarven colonies of its time, Durrag-Dol
Heroes that there is plenty of treasure to be wrested has several levels of farm galleries near the surface
from the Skaven that now infest Durrag-Dol’s ancient (levels 1 and 2), a main shaft (level 3), a gauntlet (level
halls. A bounty of 5GC per pair of Skaven ears offered 4), and a kinhearth (level 5). Durrag-Dol also had
by the Imperial Dwarf League Council is a further workshops and extensive mines at lower levels, like
inducement. Even more valuable, however, is Kili’s all Dwarf colonies, but they are currently flooded and
intimate knowledge of the design and layout of inaccessible.
Dwarven colonies like Durrag-Dol, which will be vital The Heroes will have to descend through the farm
in exploring the ruins of this subterranean colony. galleries, main shaft, and gauntlet to reach the
Durrag-Dol was a modest 500-Years-War colony kinhearth and the Temple of the Living Ancestor
in the World’s Edge Mountains near the source of where Kili has sworn to deliver Clan Durrag’s ancestral
the River Stir, south of the great Dwarf city Karak- heirloom, the hammer Sognirstane (Roaring Stone in
Kadrin. Durrag-Dol was never completed because its Khazalid).
You and your companions know better than to Last night under the influence of strong spirits Kili “Now, Skaven,” Kili said, rocking back on his
visit the Hammer and Horn Inn on Dwarf Night. was almost cheerful and fraternal. This moming huge feet and frowning. “Most slaves, some
For one thing, Inn- keeper Gunnar puts all the his more typical sour and morbid Trollslayer warriors. Maybe Beastmaster, and Rat Ogres,
fumiture in the cellar — sensible enough, but it personality is in evidence. You wince but struggle maybe. Skaven use Rat Ogres for heavy work.
makes proper social drinking a tad uncomfortable. manfully to conceal your discomfort as he outlines If Fate is a Friend, we find Troll. If we do,” Kili
And since Dwarf Night is the one night a week in a gruff and booming voice the insignificant peers intently at you, “he’s mine. Understood?
that Gunnar lets Trollslayers into the tavern, obstacles that may face you in your coming Okay. What else. Maybe Skryre warpshooters.
those that do come are very thirsty and full of expedition into the ancient Dwarven colony of Plague Monks, maybe. Could be rat wizards,
irrepressible manic energy. But... well... you were Durrag-Dol. maybe. But this was small colony, never finished,
thirsty, and it seemed a shame to waste such a not many ratboys. Mines flooded, no warpstone,
pleasant night polishing your weapons. no ore, so maybe ratmen not interested.”
The Trollslayer Thekkrsson’s challenge to a “Now I tell about hammer.” Kili pulls it from
drinking contest was presented in such a cheerful his belt and takes the leather sheath from its
and friendly fashion, and in so loud and public a gleaming stone head. “Her hammer name is
voice, that you didn’t see how you could refuse. ‘Sognirstane.” Yes, manlings, you see magic of
And after five rounds of ale-and-whiskey slammers, the Dwarfs, said and true, and I know her name,
you were sure you could outlast the fellow. Your the old Durrag tell me so himself. He is... heh...
companions report that you were indeed the last was clan earl-king, he dead maybe four-thousand
one standing, though only by a breath or two, years, lie in the gods-forsaken woods of Bretonnia
and they also confirm that you had a long and with rest of hearthguard, butchered like sheep with
apparently profound private conference with Kili all his warriors by damned High Elf filth - pardon,
while reclining at your ease upon one another in Sharp-Ears. Okay. Wood EIf is not High Elf,
the sawdust heaped on the floor to soak up the and I intend you no offence of honour.”
various by-products of eamest social drinking.
“I travel in woods, gets dark, I sleep out under
Though you have no recollection of it, Kili has trees, and old Durrag comes to me in a dream,
apparently swom a solemn oath to follow you as a says go here and dig there and I find this magic
faithful companion for the rest of his days on earth - hammer. Take her back to clan altar, he says, or
not such a long time, given the suicidal tendencies Kili scratches a crude diagram in the wooden floor he haunts me in the world ever-after. Such Dwarfs
of Dwarven Trollslayers. These Trollslayer Dwarves with a knife point as he tells you in his thick are hard of word and honour, said and true; what
have been disgraced or humiliated by some private Khazalid accent and broken Old Worlder about Dwarf says, Dwarf will do. So I take hammer and
matter and in consequence have swom an oath to the design and layout of Dwarven colonies: swear to Ancestors.”
redeem their tamished honour by seeking death
in combat against the monstrous creatures that “At top, near the surface, are High Galleries.”
have overrunthe ancestral subterranean homelands (Kili points to two levels close to the entrance to
of the Dwarven race. the underground colony.) “Barracks, beast pens,
warehouses, fodderhalls... depends on the colony.
Narrow shafts to surface for light and water —
too narrow for us. We go in front door, here, at
first level.”
“Then we cross main shaft at third level.” (Kili
points at a long, deep shaft that extends from
the surface to deep beneath the earth.) “Stairs Kili shows the Heroes the hammer and lets each
go from High Galleries to walkways that cross of them hold it, saying, “Listen here! Shh! Be
main shaft. One false step and die. No rails on quiet! Listen very careful.” And as each Hero takes
walkways, and the shaft is... deep. Perfect ambush the hammer in his hands, he hears a mysterious,
spot. We fight Skaven guards sure, maybe traps.” muted droning sound, a whispery roaring audible
only to the hammer’s bearer. “Hear that?” Kili
“Then we take stairs down to Gauntlet, fourth whispers. “What you hear, that is voices of Living
evel, large chambers, secret passages to let Ancestors. They want to be passed on, but no
defenders trap and butcher intruders... like us. Living Ancestor of Clan Durrag to welcome them,
Skaven wait for us there, too, sure.” all dead. I return them to clan altar, where they
join spirits of clan hearth, join the Great Sleep,
And, according to your companions, you have “Finally, here, fifth level, past Gauntlet, is maybe, maybe pass on, who knows.”
in retum swom a solemn oath to assist Kili the Kinhearth, with Earl’s Hall and Hall of Ancestors.
Trollslayer in returning an ancestral relic to an Here altar of Living Ancestor - altar always in “So we go, you and I.” Kili points to you. “We’ll
altar in the ruined halls of the extinct Durrag Hall of Ancestors - hidden by secret door maybe. deliver hammer. You and I have swom, so we
clan. Last night the trifling matter of a nest of No, no, no - never been down here, no, but I do, True men like us (Kili points at Human, Elf
Skaven currently occupying those ruins seemed seen many like it, all the same. You know Dwarfs and Dwarf respectively) are nothing without name,
hardly worth mentioning; indeed, you can’t - find something that suits and stay with it, said honour, and word, said and true?”
remember giving it a single thought. You’d like and true.”
to remember, but the throbbing of your head “So. Now. You know what you must know,” Kili
and the industrious attempts of your stomach to “Here, down at bottom of main shaft, workshops concludes, sheathing Sognirstane and stuffing his
rid itself of its scant fugitive contents have been and mines. Many miles. Bottom level flooded, so few possessions into a small backpack. “We go.
terribly distracting. we not go there.” Now. Soon started, well started, said and true.”
Each time a Hero gains a Fate Point, he also attracts a Kili the Trollslayer becomes the Henchman of the
Man-at-Arms. The next time a Hero gains a Fate Point, Dwarven Hero with the highest Bravery score for the
he attracts Kili Thekkrsson the Trollslayer instead of a duration of this quest or, if there is no Dwarven Hero,
normal Man-at-Arms. Kili becomes the Henchman of the Hero of any race
To begin the expedition, read the players’ information with the highest Bravery score. (If two or more Heroes
(see the previous page) aloud to your players. Then have the highest Bravery score, Toll dice to select Kili’s
permit them to hire any Henchmen or purchase any favourite Hero.)
new equipment before they begin their adventure. The Kili will not accompany any Hero on any other quest
Heroes may take more than one expedition to explore until Sognirstane is delivered to the Temple of the
Durrag-Dol and deliver Sognirstane to the Temple of Living Ancestor in Durrag-Dol. After Sognirstane is
the Living Ancestor. However, they cannot gain any delivered, Kili will remain a faithful Henchman for the
new Fate Points until they have honoured their pledge rest of his life, refusing any payment for his services.
to Kili and delivered Sognirstane to the Temple. Kili is a Berserker who automatically goes berserk at
When Heroes return to Durrag-Dol after leaving it, the beginning of a combat. He receives one free attack
all Quest Locations are re-stocked with monsters per turn, made at same time as his normal attack.
and otherwise retumed to their original condition You can find his filled-in character sheet on the image
unless otherwise specified in the Quest Location below, and his special rules on the next page.
Fate Points and croaks out the following last request to his Hero
Kili has one Fate Point until he delivers Sognirstane. companions in a solemn and formal tone:
Once Sognirstane is delivered, Kili has fulfilled his “You honour my faith and blood, I make you obligation of honour
obligation of honour, and has no Fate Points. He and truefriend — take Sognirstane, and complete my quest, and
may not gain Fate Points in the future. The goal of make good my word. You fail me, my spirit will wander without
a Trollslayer is to die gloriously in battle, and Fate rest forever, said and true —I swear on Alfginnar, Grungi,
Grommo, the Nine, and all the Ancestors, you’ll see my shade,
Points would interfere with the achievement of this
you’ll be sorry!”
praiseworthy end.
Kili will not tell the Heroes about Sognirstane’s magic
power, but if a Hero uses it, he will discover its virtue
in combat. Thereafter, at the end of any expedition
until Sognirstane is delivered, Kili’s ghost appears to
the Heroes and berates them as follows:
“We are true friends sworn on blood, gods, and Ancestors. This
affair is a great stain on your honour. ‘Til Sognirstane lies once
more on the altar of Clan Durrag, your spirits shall find no rest.
Shame not me by craven cowardice. Show yourself proud and
earn the Ancestor’ s blessing.”
The Skaven-occupied ruins of Durrag-Dol contains
three character monsters: the Clan Eshin Assassin
Kili is subject to the Berserker special rules. He
Kheewyzz, the Clan Mors Warlord Shaffat, and the
automatically goes berserk at the beginning of a
White Skaven Sorcerer Tsekkaz. They may be played
combat; the player controlling Kili does NOT decide
at the beginning of the Gamesmaster phase of any
if and when he goes berserk. Because he’s frenzied
combat turn on the dungeon levels as indicated on
attacking without care for defence, he suffers a penalty
the table below. Their backstory can be found on
of -2 to his WS when opponents work out their to hit
the Special Characters section at the back of this
roll. Kili must always move toward the closest enemy
adventure book.
and engage him in hand-to-hand combat. He recovers
from his berserk fit at end of combat.
Sognirstane is a warhammer that adds +1 to the
Strength of its wielder (already taken into account in
Kili’s current profile). He who bears Sognirstane hears
mysterious, constant, muted sounds of whispery
roaring audible only to the bearer. The sounds are
the spirit voices of the Clan Durrag Living Ancestor
bound in the magical hammer. Also, when inside
Durrag-Dol, the bearer of the hammercan hear the
voices of the stone around them, rich with the spirits
of the Durrag dead. When in a Dwarven tomb, the
hammer speaks with one voicelouder than others, but
the words are still lost in the crowd and unintelligible.
If Kili is killed
If Kili is killed before Sognirstane is delivered to the Levels Character
Temple of the Living Ancestor in Durrag-Dol, Kili 3-5 Clan Eshin Assassin Kheewyzz
lives long enough to make a dying speech to the 4-5 Clan Mors Warlord Shaffat
Hero he follows. Kili hands Sognirstane to the Hero White Skaven Sorcerer Tsekkaz
DUNGEON ROOMS AND PASSAGES Read the following aloud when the Heroes enter the
Levels 1 and 2 of Durrag-Dol are created using the room:
Durrag-Dol Passage and Room Generation Tables: The ten Skaven in the room turn as one when their Sharp ears
hear you enter. Against the far wall you see a set of stairs leading
down. In the centre of the room is a statue of a seated Dwarf.
D12 Passage Length
If the Heroes defeat the Skaven, they may take a closer
1-2 1 Section
look at the statue. Read the following aloud:
3-8 2 Sections
A cast-iron statue of a venerable Dwarf seated on a throne sits
9 - 12 3 Sections in the centre of the room. Garbed in the robes of a clan spiritual
leader, the long-bearded Dwarf looks down at one open palm
PASSAGE FEATURES TABLE outstretched in front of him. An inscription is carved into the
2D12 Passage Features front of each chair leg. The first reads, “The Gift of Gold is a
Precious Seed.” The second reads, “The Flower of Wisdom is
2-5 Wandering Monsters 19 - 22 2 Doors Precious Indeed.”
6 - 14 Nothing 23 - 24 Wandering Monsters
If Kili accompanies the Heroes, read the following
15 - 18 1 Door
PASSAGE END TABLE Kili studies the statue. “Don’t know. Never seen this before. A
Passage End priest by robes. Could be a shrine, maybe. Dwarfs hold gold dear,
said and true - but smart Dwarf holds wisdom more dear than
2-3 T-junction 15 - 18 Left Turn gold.”
4-7 Dead End 19 - 22 Dead End
This is a clan ancestral temple honouring a sage priest
8 - 11 Right Turn 23 - 24 T-junction and all- father of the clan. The spirit of this long-
12 - 14 T-junction dead priest haunts the chamber. In return for gold
coin offerings placed in his hand, the spirit offers
ROOM TYPE TABLE advice and wisdom to supplicants. When 10GC or
D12 Room Type Room Size more have been placed in the statue’s open hand, they
1-2 Normal Small disappear with a sun-silver flash and a Dwarf ’s voice
echoes throughout the chamber.
3-8 Hazard Room Small
Lair Large Read the following hints aloud to the Heroes each
9 - 10
time a sufficient offering is placed in the statue’s hand.
11 - 12 Quest Room* Large
Speak in a low, whispering, hissing voice to suggest the
* Quest Rooms contain stairs down to the next level. unearthly speech of the spirits. After the third hint, all
There is only one Quest Room on each level. The offerings are rejected (that is, they do not disappear)
second and subsequent times an 11 or 12 is rolled, the and the statue speaks no more. Once the Heroes have
room is a Hazard Room. received all three hints, the statue will never accept
their offerings or speak to them again.
Quest Room, Level 1
The monsters in this Quest Room are especially alert Hint 1
since they guard access to lower levels; these monsters Beware the touch of the Rat Wizard’s Glove!
receive a bonus of +2 to surprise rolls. Hint 2
Only one set of stairs leads down to level 2; the second Upon the Altar of the Living Ancestor shall you
dedicate the ancient treasures of the Earl-Kings-
and subsequent times an 11 or 12 is rolled on level 1,
Beneath-The-Mountain and thus shall you earn his
the room is a Hazard Room.
Quest Room, Level 2
Hint 3
The level 2 Quest Room contains eight Skaven
Cleanse the clan hearth of the Chaos ratling filth, and
Warriors and two Champions; they carry 120 GC. Do
you shall earn the inheritance and bear the name and
not roll on the Quest Room Matrix. The room also
blessing of Clan Durrag.
contains a treasure chest; roll on the Treasure Chests
Table. Also place in the room a set of stairs against Only one set of stairs leads down to level 3; the second
the wall opposite the door entered by the Heroes, and and subsequent times an 11 or 12 is rolled on level 2,
place the Throne in the centre of the room to represent the room is a Hazard Room.
a statue of a seated Dwarf.
When Heroes explore Levels One and Two of Durrag MOULD FRAMES
Dol, use the following Hazard Table and Hazard Lattice frames made from dried giant mushroom
Descriptions instead of the Hazards in the Advanced stalks are spiked to the ceiling. From these lattices
Heroquest rulebook. hang thick curtains of glistening varicoloured moulds,
DURRAG-DOL HAZARD TABLE with long vine-like strands supporting damp clots of
densely- twined mould fibres.
1 Wandering Monsters
2 Wandering Monsters
3 Mould Frames
4 Mould Frames & Slaves
5 Dwarf Slave *
6 Grate
7 Rat Coop
8 Moulded Rat Kennel
9 Bat Coop
10 Sewer Drain and Dump
11 Pool Note: Because of these curtains of mould, line of sight
12 Dwarven Tomb to any target in these rooms is partially obscured.
This Hazard is a one-time event. The second and If Kili accompanies the Heroes, read the following:
subsequent times this Hazard is rolled, treat the Kili whispers, “Ratmen eat soft moulds. Beat stalks into pulp and
Hazard as Wandering Monsters. use fibres for rope cloth, and other such. Use Slaves, they do all
work. Slaves not fight, or fight badly, but Slavemasters - ones with
WANDERING MONSTERS whips - are death-tough, said and true.”
Roll on the Wandering Monster Matrix to determine
An unsupervised clanrat Slave is pruning and
the number and type of monsters present.
harvesting mould fibres for food and materials.
If any Skaven has escaped in a previous combat, the Because of the obscured line of sight, do not place the
Skaven encountered are a patrol looking for intruders, Slave or go to combat until a Hero enters the room.
and receive a +2 bonus to their surprise roll. If no
The Slave can open doors as a Sentry. If there is an
Skaven has escaped in a previous combat, the Skaven
unblocked exit, the Slave will attempt to escape
encountered are engaged in weapons training and
through it. If the Slave escapes, the GM may take select
exercise, and the Heroes receive a +2 bonus to their
a random dungeon counter. If there is no unblocked
Surprise roll.
exit, the Slave will cower in a corner and refuse to
fight. A Slave with no unblocked escape route will not
resist capture, and may be left behind tied up or may
be dragged along like a KO’d Hero.
Through the grate a dark, filthy room may be seen Two Skaven and a wretched-looking, half-naked
below. Six naked Skaven Slaves huddle together in Dwarf are pounding long strands of mould in a
a tangled pile in one corner, snoring, twitching, and shallow trough in the floor with wooden mallets.
squeaking in the throes of unimaginable Skaven The Skaven are unfettered, but the Dwarf wears a
dreams. stout chain fastened to metal cuffs around his ankles.
If Kili accompanies the Heroes, read the following: A Slavemaster is supervising the labour. The Dwarf
looks at you with dull incomprehension for a moment
Kili whispers, “Ratman slaves. Too easy. Not worth killing.” then, croaking hoarsely with excitement, he turns and
Heroes may descend into the room below as with swings his mallet at the nearest Skaven.
the normal Grate Hazard Room. Heroes may kill the If the Dwarf is rescued from his captors, he becomes
Slaves with ease, let them escape, or capture them and a Henchman to the Dwarf Hero with the highest
and tie them up. Slaves may be left behind tied up or Strength score (or Hero with the highest Strength score
may be dragged along like a KO’d Hero. The Skaven if there’s no Dwarf Hero). The Dwarf Henchman does
Slaves are not re-stocked if removed from the room not have to be hired, but he has no arms or armour;
or killed. these must be provided by the Hero.
The floor of this room is covered with a carpet of fat,
well-fed rats.
This room is like the normal Rat Hazard Room. The
Heroes have the same five choices (Rat Poison, Greek
Fire, Magic, Fight It Out, and Slam the Door), except
that Heroes who enter the room discover that they do
not have to Fight It Out - for these rats are as docile
as domesticated chickens. If they enter the room
expecting to Fight It Out, read the following:
The sleek, well-fed rats swarm around your feet, casting their
tiny muzzles and eyes up expectantly at you. They appear to While wearing the chained cuffs, the Dwarf ’s Speed
be bred and domesticated like chickens. Fragments of dried is 2. The cuffs can be broken open, but each attempt
mushroom meal on the floor suggests their diet. A specimen of this takes one complete exploration turn. No more than
domesticated rat is worth 10 GC to a scholar - but you’ll never sell
more than one. two Heroes can attempt to break open the cuffs at a
time. Roll a dice and add the Heroes’ Strengths - if
the score comes to 20 or greater, the cuffs are broken
open and the Dwarf may move at his normal Speed.
In addition, if the Dwarf Slave is rescued, he tells the
Heroes what he knows about Durrag-Dol. Read the
following aloud:
“I came down here two years ago. I thought I might find something
the filthy Orcs, Goblins and Skaven had missed. I got as far as the
main shaft, where the rats crippled me and took me captive. It’s
a tricky spot. There’s walkways around the right and left walls,
but there’s a bunch of magic traps on them, little runic things
inscribed on the stone flags that burst into flame when you step
on them. Almost impossible to find them in the bad light. There’s
a centre walkway, too, runs right across the open shaft, no rails
and walls on the edge of course. That’s the way to go, but they
had a bunch of ratboys with slings, and they flung a hailstorm of
stones at me. One broke my ankle, and that was that. Don’t know
nothing about the lower levels; they kept me up here in the slave
pens with the other Skaven.”
The 3rd, 4th and Sth levels of Durrag-Dol have been Gauntlet’s traps are fairly simple and straight- forward.
pre- generated as Quest Locations. The primary obstacle to intruders is expected to be
Exploration Turns: For these three levels, follow the doughty Dwarven warriors of the colony who may
the maps of the Quest Locations when laying out the emerge into the central chamber through secret doors
floorplans. while portcullises close off the intruder’s escape route.
edge into main shaft
E Stairs down
Guard Chamber
As you reveal the layout, explain carefully to the players that there are no walls on the interior sides of the outer
walkways and no walls at all on the walkway that crosses the main shaft.When the Heroes look through the bars
of the lowered portcullis into the main shaft, lay out the main shaft as indicated above and read the following:
The vast darkness before you is dimly illuminated by glowstones. A huge open space like a vertical mine shaft extends out of sight
above and below. Above you faint daylight can faintly be discerned through the ventilation portals of the great headframe. Below you
the shaft drops into the depths of the lower mine levels. Across this wide shaft are three narrow stone walkways. One walkway exterds
directly across the centre of the open shaft to a recessed chamber on the opposite wall. A man-sized figure in armour with a weapon
stands at the far end of the central walkway in front of passage beneath a raised portcullis. There is a closed door to the right of the
figure. The other two walkways hug the walls to your left and right and lead around the outer margins of the shaft to the opposite
recessed chamber. No rail or wall restrains a traveller upon the walkways.
A steady draft of cool, fresh air moves down the shaft from above. Huge stone pipes bound with iron run up and down into the
darkness along the walls of the shaft. Some pipes are cold to the touch, covered with condensation and filled with the roar of
moving water. Others are quiet and at air temperature.
The central walkway spanning the deep shaft is clearly the most often travelled, its surface worn smooth by frequent passage.
The outer walkways are obviously much less frequently travelled. At the far side of the central walkway one set of stairs leads
down the centre of the shaft from the central walkway. Another set of stairs leads up the shaft from the central walkway.
Neither stairway shows signs of common use.
B Squares marked with Trap (B) are triggers for Choke traps. Place the magic circle template over the Hero
who set off the trap. Any model under the template is in the trap’s area of effect and suffers the effects of
the Choke spell.
The victim suddenly clutches his throat and has great trouble breathing. Dark wisps of smoke begin to
seep from his mouth and nostrils as his lungs fill with noxious fumes. He may only stagger one square
per turn for the next 3 turns (the model’s player makes this move). Unless the trap has been disarmed in
the meantime, the victim dies at the end of the third turn from asphyxiation.
These traps may be spotted on a 9 or less, and may be disarmed on a 7 or less. If the trap has been
disarmed before the victim chokes to death, the victim does not die and suffers no further effects.
C Squares marked with Fireball symbols (see map key) are triggers for Fireball traps. Place the magic circle
template over the Hero who set off the trap. Any model under the template is in the trap’s area of effect
and suffers the effects of the Fireball spell.
A ball of black fire with yellow and blue flames licking at the edges hurtles from the trap towards the
chosen target. Place a fireball template on the trap. Any models (friend or foe) which fall at least partially
under the fireball template are automatically hit. Roll 5 damage dice to see what effect each hit has.
These traps may be spotted on a 9 or less, and may be disarmed on a 7 or less.
D The Skaven in this room wait one turn after hearing the Sentry’s cry of alarm, then they open the door
at the end of the Heroes’ turn. Go to combat. The Skaven Jezzailachis move out onto the walkway and
fire at the Heroes while the Champions move to guard the lowered portcullis across the corridor to level
4. Thus the Heroes may stumble into the magic traps in their hurry to get into hand-to-hand with the
Skaven. The room contains a treasure chest; roll on the Treasure Chests Table to determine the chest’s
E When the Heroes enter this level from the Farm
Galleries, Portcullis E is lowered across the
F entire section of walkway. Portcullis F lowers
immediately after the Skaven Sentry runs beneath
it toward the stairs to Level Four, becoming an
obstacle to the Heroes. If the Sentry does not run
beneath the portcullis, it remains raised.
Secret Passage
players that there are no walls between the two A
small rooms and one large room that make up the
twenty-square-long Gauntlet Hall (area B on the Start Location
Skaven Warrior
Secret Room
When the Heroes look through the bars of the Skaven Sentry
lowered portcullis into the Gauntlet, go to combat Skaven Champion
turns. Lay out the Gauntlet Hall as indicated (do
Skaven Gutter Runner
not, of course, lay out the secret Rooms or passages) F Skaven Wind Globadier
and read the following aloud:
You stand at the end of a corridor. To your right on the These three rooms Gauntlet Hall
form one long hallway
corridor’s dead end, a huge, dirty rat-hair tapestry hangs on Skaven Beastmaster
the wall. Before you is a lowered portcullis. B Crossfire Trap
Through the portcullis you see a long hall with a high arched Portcullis
roof. At the far end of the hall a huge, giant-sized rat towers
over a leather-armoured Skaven with a whip and goad. On
each side of the giant rat are two Skaven Gutter Runners.
Behind them a raised portcullis hangs above the only exit.
A When the Heroes enter this floor, Portcullis A is lowered across the open archway leading into the large hall.
D A Hero searching for secret doors will discover them on a roll of 7 or greater. Secret Room D contains a
E Poisoned Wind Globadier and five Skaven Warriors. Secret Room E contains a Skaven Champion and five
Skaven Warriors. Occupants of these secret rooms emerge and move to attack the Heroes at the end of any
turn when the first Crossfire Trap is triggered.
If the Heroes have not set off a Crossfire Trap when they open a secret door to a secret room, they automatically
surprise its occupants; ignore the monster locations indicated on the map and use the normal procedure for
placing surprised monsters.
None of the occupants of either secret room or the Gauntlet Hall will come to the aid of the surprised secret
room occupants, but the GM may use wandering monsters and ambush dungeon counters as usual.
F This secret passage is not guarded.
This portcullis remains raised unless the Skaven in the Gauntlet Hall run away after being attacked with
magic. The Skaven Sentry here sounds the alarm if he sees the Heroes approaching through Secret Passage F.
Start Skaven
Location Slave
Skaven Skaven C
Warrior Beastmaster
Skaven Skaven Slave Quarters
Champion Slavemaster
Kinhall Earl-King’s Hall Hearthguard
Temple of the
Living Ancestor
Ancestor’s Hall
Clan Mors
A Read the following when a Hero opens the door and looks into the Kinhall.
A large chamber opens out before you. The vaulted ceiling rises out of sight into the dimness above. From the two large open
fireplaces along the walls, you recognize this room as the Kinhall, the main chamber of the Kinhearth complex - the heart of
a Dwarven colony.
Through the door across the room must lie the Ancestor’s Hall Kili says you’re looking for. But maybe you’d better deal with
the occupants of the room first.
In the centre of the room you see an armed, armoured and disciplined unit of Skaven led by a fierce Skaven Champion. Beside
these ratmen looms the towering bulk of a huge Troll - a hideous figure with gnarled, warty green skin - and standing beside
him is a Skaven with a whip and goad.
C The Skaven Slavemaster cowers here behind his slaves. When the Heroes open the door to this room,
the Slavemaster orders his Slaves to attack the Heroes. If the Slavemaster is slain, the Slaves immediately
cease fighting and attempt to escape.
The White Sorcerer Tsekkaz has placed a Shock Trap on his nest. If Kili has warned the Heroes, they get
+2 to their chance to spot the trap.
The treasure in the nest is: 4 Healing Potions, 300 GC and a Magic Wand of Courage (usable only by a
Human, Dwarf or Elf)
Any being entering this room who is not of Clan Durrag suffers the effects of a Mindstealer Trap.
Note that the Heroes may become members of the clan if they are successful in this quest (see Leaving
Most of Clan Durrag treasures were lost with the Durrag in the Elf ambush millennia ago. All that
remains here are a few gold coins in a charred oaken chest - the remnants of the clan treasury not yet
spent when the Goblins finally overran the colony. Roll 1D12 and multiply by 10 to determine the
remaining coins in the treasure chest.
G Read the following when a Hero opens the door:
The dust lies thick on the floor of this room. Dozens of small stone slabs set into the wall bear lengthy inscriptions in Archaic
Khazalid and are decorated with carved faces, domestic and dramatic scenes and elaborate runic patterns.
To enter the Ancestor’s Hall, all Heroes must test as if in the death zone of a Fearsome monster. If the
test against Braveryis successful, the Hero may enter the room. If the test fails, the Hero cannot enter the
Hall unless he spends a Fate Point. Kili automatically passes this Bravery test.
If Kili accompanies the Heroes, read the following when he has entered the Ancestor’s Hall:
Kili says, “Behind stone slabs you find stacks of thin stone tablets with histories and records of Clan Durrag and all low-clans
and families. We bring records to Imperial League Council for the Archives. Clan Durrag and Durrag-Dol not need any more,
and... well... priests say good to read and remember lost clans, honour the lost ones, said and true. “Now,” Kili says, looking
around the room carefully. “We look for secret door to Temple.”
Superstitious fear kept the Skaven from entering this room. With Kili’s aid, the Heroes automatically find
the secret door to the Temple of the Living Ancestor. Without Kili’s help, each Hero may roll 1 dice once;
a roll of 7 or greater discovers the secret door.
If the Clan Durrag histories and records are delivered to the Imperial Dwarf League Council, in gratitude
the Imperial Dwarfs swear an oath to provide one free Resurrection of any dead Hero. This promise is
only good once and only for one Hero.
“I kneel in deep respect, Living Ancestor. I, Kili Thekkrsson, dedicate this Hammer, Sognirstane, heirloom of Clan Durrag,
to the ancestors of Clan Durrag, and to the restoring of the First Dwarven Empire. I swear to myself and my ancestors a
humble oath: if given your blessing, I shall turn this treasure to the great works of all Dwarfs, to the honour of the Ancestors
and All-Father, and to the glory of all clans and hearths.”
The central altar is the Altar of the Living Ancestor. Any treasure from Durrag-Dol, including the
Hammer Sognirstane, which is placed upon this altar and dedicated to the memory of Clan Durrag
and the restoration of the former glory of the Dwarven Empire may be taken from Durrag-Dol
without incurring the Curse of the Living Ancestor.
The precious stones set into the Altar of the Living Ancestor are worth 1000 GC. Anyone who defiles
this sanctuary by looting the altar shall suffer eternally the Curse of the Living Ancestor.
If the Heroes succeed in delivering Sognirstane to the Altar of the Living Ancestor, each gains 1 Fate Point.
If the Heroes deliver Sognirstane, and they have slain or otherwise removed every Skaven from Durrag-Dol,
and if they have not plundered Dwarven treasures without dedicating them on the Altar of the Living Ancestor,
each Hero is awarded 2 Fate Points.
In addition, when they leave Durrag-Dol, the spirit presence of the Living Ancestor appears to them and speaks
the following:
As you emerge from the halls of Durrag-Dol, a sphere of radiant light forms before you. Within this sphere of light, hundreds of
Dwarven faces seem superimposed upon one another, and a voice with the resonance of a thousand echoes and harmonies rings in
your ears.
“No Durrag lives to bear the Durrag name, to honour the Durrag heritage, or to share the Durrag inheritance. By cleansing these halls
of the shame of conquest, you have earned the right and duty to take into your hands and heart the Durrag Clan.”
“Henceforth with honour you may append Durrag to your called-name and may enjoy the hospitality of the Dwarven hearth as a
Clan Warrior. The hearths of Durrag-Dol are now your hearths. May your clans increase in high regard and prudent wealth.”
D12 Occupants Treasure PV D12 Occupants Treasure PV
1 4 Warriors 40 GCs 4 1 3 Champions & 1 Warlord 20 GCs 12
2 2 Warriors & 1 Champion 40 GCs 4 2 6 Warriors & 3 Champions 30 GCs 12
3 5 Warriors 50 GCs 5 3 6 Warriors & 1 Warlord 30 GCs 12
4 3 Warriors & 1 Sentry 50 GCs 5 4 4 Gutter Runners & 1 Champion 50 GCs 14
5 6 Warriors 60 GCs 6 5 4 Champions & 1 Warlord 40 GCs 14
6 2 Warriors & 2 Champions 60 GCs 6 6 8 Warriors & 3 Champions 50 GCs 14
7 3 Warriors & 2 Champions 70 GCs 7 7 3 Warriors, 3 Champions 60 GCs 15
& 1 Warlord
8 1 Slavemaster & 8 Slaves 70 GCs 7
8 8 Warriors & 4 Champions 70 GCs 16
9* 6 Warriors & 1 Champion 80 GCs 8
9* 2 Gutter Runners, 1 Beastmaster 60 GCs 16
10* 2 Gutter Runners & 1 Champion 80 GCs 8 & 1 Rat Ogre
11* 4 Warriors & 1 Warlord 100 GCs 10 10* 8 Warriors, 1 Beastmaster 80 GCs 18
2 Champions & 1 Warlord 100 GCs 10 & 1 Rat Ogre
11* 3 Champions, 1 Beastmaster 100 GCs 18
* If you rolled 9 – 12, then also roll on the Lairs & 1 Cave Troll
Special Monster Matrix. If an extra monster is 12* 8 Warriors, 1 Beastmaster 100 GCs 20
rolled, it is added to those in the Lair Room. & 1 Cave Troll
* If you rolled 9 – 12, then also roll on the Quest
Rooms Special Monster Matrix. If an extra monster
D12 Lairs Special Monster
is rolled, it is added to those in the Lair Room.
1-6 None
7-8 1 Slavemaster & 6 Slaves
D12 Quest Special Monster
9 2 Gutter Runners
1-6 None
10 1 Warpfire-Thrower Team
7 1 Slavemaster & D12 Slaves
11 1 Jezzail Team
8 1 Warpfire-Thrower Team
12 1 Beastmaster & 1 Rat Ogre
9 1 Jezzail Team
3-4 1 Gutter Runner 30 GCs 3 Note: All Gutter Runners in these matrices are
5-6 4 Warriors 40 GCs 4 armed with slings.
7-8 1 Slavemaster & 2 Slaves 40 GCs 4
9 5 Warriors 50 GCs 5
10 3 Warriors & 1 Champion 50 GCs 5
11 1 Slavemaster & 6 Slaves 60 GCs 6
12 2 Gutter Runners & 2 Warriors 80 GCs 8
9 9 5 7 12 9 7 4 8
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ DICE
Poisoned dagger (counts as sword)
Kheewyzz is responsible for the security of the Durrag-Dol nest. Since the location of Durrag-Dol is apparently unknown to Orc raiders and
adventurers, and since Durrag-Dol’s flooded mines and workshop levels make it of little interest to competing Skaven nests, security here is fairly lax.
However, by the time the Heroes reach level 3, Kheewyzz has received news of the intruders and has raced to the main shaft to organize its defence.
He knows that, because of his weak security precautions, the nest is in serious danger unless he can delay the intruders, giving Clan Mors and Clan
Moulder time to organize more substantial defenses in the Gauntlet and Kinhearth. Since Kheewyzz’s life is forfeit if the nest is overrun as a result of
his carelessness, he fights desperately to slow the Heroes down on level 3. However, Kheewyzz should use his ability to Escape so he can return later to
join the defence of the Gauntlet and Kinhearth.
8 5 7 8 9 9 7 4 6
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 6
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ DICE
Magic Halberd (Fumble 1-2, Critical 11-12)
Shaffat is a minor clan war leader. His personal abilities are modest; he holds this nest only because no greater Skaven has deigned to challenge him
for it. His magical halberd is an heirloom from the long-past glory days of his clan. He lacks nothing in courage, but his warriors and champions are
less a threat than the giant Rat Ogre and Cave Troll of the Clan Moulder Beastmasters.
5 7 5 5 10 6 10 4 10
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 1
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ DICE
Dagger, Ring of Magic Protection, Black Hand of Death (see description below)
Spells: Choke x 1, Flaming Skull of Terror x 1, Fireball x 2
Tsekkaz, an albino wizard, is the only Skaven of Durrag-Dol of any distinction. He has chosen to live in this lesser nest because he has made powerful
enemies among the Grey Seers, and he would prefer to avoid their scrutiny as much as possible. Though Shaffat as Warlord is the nominal ruler of
the nest, Tsekkaz is in fact the dominant power here. Tsekkaz wears a remarkable artifact, The Black Hand of Death, a black enchanted gauntlet
with bits of refined warpstone set in the end of the fingers. Each turn Tsekkaz may automatically touch one model within his Death zone. That model
immediately takes 12 dice of damage. The Black Hand of Death is enchanted to harm only Humans, Dwarfs and Elves, and is not usable by the
Heroes, though it may be sold to any College of Magic for 200 GC as a rare magic device for study.
Unknown to the players Herman Zorin is actually Herman Zorin has used his expertise in constructing
the last surviving master of the Bloody Mask cult of traps to riddle the fortress with dangerous devices.
the Chaos Power Tzeentch. This is an order sworn to Treat all ESCAPE dungeon counters as TRAP counters
overturn the rule of humanity and bring red madness instead. This only applies to the first dungeon.
to the world, The Fortress of Veitch had long been the
base of this cult. Alaric Von Loth discovered this and THE FIRST DUNGEON
came here to destroy the cult’s masters. He succeeded In this dungeon, the objective for the players’ -
in penetrating the keep and killed most of the masters although they don’t know it - is to find Alaric’s journal,
in an epic battle, taking a mortal wound in the process. This can be found on any level other than the first. If
The survivors of the cult summoned Herman Zorin a quest room is generated on the first level then the
who had been away spreading Chaos at the time treasure chest will also contain the key needed to
of Von Loth’s arrival. Zorin used the power of the obtain the log book.
masks to resurrect the Witch hunter as a slave to If a quest room is generated on any other level it
darkness. He has also improved the keep’s defences. contains a stairway leading to the fortress’ quest
Swearing that he would not be taken unawares as location where the journal can be found in a metal
the other masters were, he has installed a network of chest. The Heroes must have the key in order to
traps. Now he plans to revive the cult under his own open it. Note that level one quest rooms generated
ruthless leadership and once more bring terror to the do not contain stairs down, these must be rolled as
surrounding land. Unfortunately the source of the a passage feature. The first dungeon also contains
cult’s power, the diabolic artefacts called the Changing Herman’s trap network (see Trap Network).
Faces of Tzeentch, are still in his keeping. Unless he is
stopped now terrible things will happen. THE SECOND DUNGEON
After finding the journal, the Heroes return to the
THE PLOT OF THE ADVENTURE Imperial outpost to plan their next expedition Reading
The players should assume that they are on a quest to the book will reveal the existence of the two further
capture or kill Herman Zorin. Only as they proceed caverns and that Alaric intended to search each one in
through the first dungeon should it begin to dawn turn. He’d also discovered that a magical key, hidden
on them what they have actually stumbled into. The in the second dungeon, could be used to enter the
Heroes do not realise it but in fact their objective in temple. The journal also mentions that Alaric had
the first dungeon is simply to recover Alaric Von Loth’s discovered something terrible to do with the masks.
journal which reveals the existence and means of The second dungeon has three levels, the third of
entry to the other two dungeons. The third dungeon is which is the quest location.
magically sealed, and can only be opened by using the
magical key located in the Quest Room of the second THE THIRD DUNGEON
dungeon. Once they have recovered the key, the Once the heroes have the key in their possession, the
heroes should lick their wounds before proceeding to entire east wall of the temple begins to pulsate with a
the third dungeon and the inner sanctum of Tzeentch blood red light. A large black metal gate materializes
where they must face the Chaos Lord and the undead in the middle of the wall, through which the players
form of Alaric. will be able to see a flight of stairs that lead down from
the gate into the dungeons below. If they want to, you
CHARACTERS should allow the players leave the complex in order to
There are six chaos characters who move around the rest and recuperate before tackling the final encounter.
dungeons. In addition to this, some chaos characters
are present in the quest locations and in certain other The Third Dungeon again has three levels, the third
areas of the dungeons. All the characters are available being the quest location. Results of ‘stairs out’ on the
for use from the start but once killed they may not Passage End Table should be ignored. The only way out
return. Also, note that it is better to save characters is to backtrack to the entrance. The first quest room
for later if possible since they cannot escape in the generated on the first or second levels will be the Lair
fortress (See Trap Network). of Zorin and his three remaining bandit followers.
A As the players enter, read the following.:
“The door opens into a wide hall. The torches cast an eerie blue tinted light, revealing a large open pit in the middle of the floor.
Beyond the pit, a group of Chaos Thugs stand waiting. Masks of human skin cover their faces.”
Any character who ends a turn adjacent to the pit. including diagonally, will be attacked by a tentacle.
They must roll equal to or under their Speed score on one dice to evade it. If they fail, it grabs them,
During their next turn they may attempt to attack the tentacle.
Tentacles each have WS 8 and T 8. If a tentacle is wounded it will drop its victim, otherwise they will be
dragged into the pit and must spend a fate point to avoid death.
A piece of black card can be used to represent the pit. The pit beast will only attack characters and their
henchmen. The Thugs have a total of 50GCs between them and the chest in the small adjacent room
contains another 250GCs but has a guillotine trap set on it.
B The roof of this room, though the heroes will not notice, is covered in small holes. If at any time a hero
or henchman spends an entire combat turn without moving, a small poisoned dart will be dropped
onto them from the holes above. If this occurs, roll 2 damage dice and if either causes a wound the
hero must spend a fate point or he will die three turns later in horrible pain. The heroes should not
be told the fact that staying still makes them a target — let them work it out for themselves. There is a
total of 130GCs here.
C At the far end of this chamber stands the metal chest the heroes are searching for. However the Chaos
Champion in here wears one of the magical ‘Changing Faces’. The mask is an ugly red face with a gaping
maw. It allows the Champion to breathe fire once per combat turn as if casting a Flames of Death spell.
The Champion may not do this if he is adjacent to a hero or henchman, even diagonally.
After the battle the heroes can recover Alaric’s journal from the chest. It also contains four diamonds
worth 80GCs each.
Alaric’s Journal
After finding the journal, the adventurers return to the Imperial outpost to plan their next expedition.
Reading the book will reveal the existence of the two further caverns and that Alaric intended to search
each one in turn. He’d also discovered that a magical key, hidden in the second dungeon, could be used
to enter the temple. The journal also mentions that Alaric had discovered something terrible to do with
the masks. The second dungeon has three levels, the third of which is the quest location.
Start Location Choas Champion
Chaos Thug Chest
Chaos Thug Sentry Magic Circle
Chaos Warrior
D The small room with the green and yellow checked floor should be used here. Any character ending an
exploration turn on a green square will be magically transported to room E, while any character moving
onto a yellow square will be transported to corridor F.
The players should be initially unaware of the positional relationship between corridor F and room E.
Since the heroes will probably have been split up this means they will have to try to rejoin each other. If
during the course of this, one of the groups gets into combat, the other must remain inactive until the
combat is over.
This room is filled with a perpetual storm of blue lightning. It is not harmful to most heroes but any
wizard entering the room will be blasted back out of the entrance and suffer 2 damage dice of injury. This
trap only works once.
This room is the sacrifice chamber used by the cult. Numerous prisoners hang on the walls, unfortunately
all dead. The leader of the Bloody Mask sect, a Chaos Lord, stands guard here. The GM should play him
as if he is the final threat. He wears the last of the Changing Faces. This mask vaguely resembles an eagle’s
head but with blue feathers. It automatically makes the wearer a Fearsome Monster (see below). This
room contains 400 ges and the results of four rolls on the Treasure Chests Table.
Fearsome Monster
Some monsters are so scary they cause fear in other creatures - even Heroes. If a fearsome monster has
a Hero or Henchmen in its death zone at the start of any combat phase, that model must be checked for
Bravery. Roll a dice. If the roll is greater than his Bravery, the character will cower; if the roll is less than
or equal to his Bravery, he is unaffected. A model that cowers may not move (unless he runs) or attack,
but he may open doors.
K This room contains the shrine of Tzeentch. The two chests each contain the results of four rolls on the
Treasure Chests Table. However, after the first hero enters the room the undead form of Alaric Von
Loth will magically appear and attack them. He
is being controlled by the power of Tzeentch ALARIC VON LOTH - UNDEAD CHAMPION
in the shrine and will show no mercy. Alaric WS BS S T SP BR INT W PV
counts as an Undead Champion but due to the 8 1 6 8 6 10 3 4 6
strength of the spell binding him he is immune HAND-TO-HAND COMBAT
to all harm for the first four turns. The players TARGET
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE DAM
dice are therefore five not four. White Reaver’s EQUIPMENT / NOTES
magical power means that it never fumbles and Shield, Magical Sword (White Reaver), 5 Damage dice, No Fumbles,
allows an automatic free attack every round. 1 Free attack each round, Fearsome Monster
Herman Zorin and his bandits are available as The Changing Faces are chaotic items forged by
characters throughout the adventure and are best Tzeentch. Any hero foolish enough to try one on must
used in this way. However, those of them that are still spend a fate point to avoid a horrible death. The GM
alive by the time the Heroes reach the Bandits’ Lair should, however, hint that this might be unwise. The
will set up an ambush. When the door is opened to heroes may leave the Faces in the castles or may take
the quest room the GM should place the remaining them and destroy them later.
bandits on the board.
The Heroes should be awarded fate points as follows:
Total number of Expeditions 3-5 4-6 7-8 9+
The first bandit must be placed in the room, the
second is placed as a wandering monster behind the Herman Zorin killed 1 FP 1 FP - -
party, the third in the room etc. If any of the bandits White Reaver recovered 1 FP 1 FP 1 FP -
escape this encounter, they will attack again as the Changing Faces destroyed 2 FP 1 FP 1 FP 1 FP
heroes leave the dungeon. They may automatically
be placed as if the GM had the required number of And as promised, the Imperial treasury will pay 750
character counters as soon as the heroes return to the GC’s for Herman Zorin’s death if they are presented
level with the lair on it. with his head.
D12 Occupants Treasure D12 Occupants Treasure
1 2 Chaos Thugs & 1 Sentry 40 GCs 1 4 Chaos Thugs, 1 Warrior & 1 Sentry 110 GCs
2 4 Chaos Thugs 35 GCs 2 6 Chaos Thugs & 1 Warrior 100 GCs
3 1 Chaos Warrior & 1 Thug 60 GCs 3 10 Chaos Thugs 90 GCs
4 3 Chaos Thugs & 1 Sentry 50 GCs 4 1 Chaos Champion & 4 Thugs 125 GCs
5 1 Chaos Warrior & 1 Sentry 70 GCs 5 2 Chaos Warriors, 2 Thugs 130 GCs
& 1 Sentry
6 1 Chaos Warrior & 2 Thugs 60 GCs
6 1 Chaos Warrior, 6 Thugs & 1 Sentry 130 GCs
7 4 Chaos Thugs & 1 Sentry 60 GCs
7 10 Chaos Thugs & 1 Sentry 130 GCs
8 6 Chaos Thugs 50 GCs
8 1 Chaos Champion, 1 Warriors 155 GCs
9 1 Chaos Warrior, 2 Thugs & 1 Sentry 90 GCs & 2 Thugs
10 6 Chaos Thugs & 1 Sentry 80 GCs 9 3 Chaos Warriors & 1 Sentry 150 GCs
11 8 Chaos Thugs 70 GCs 10 1 Chaos Warrior, 8 Thugs & 1 Sentry 150 GCs
12 1 Chaos Warrior & 6 Thugs 100 GCs 11 12 Chaos Thugs & 1 Sentry 140 GCs
12 1 Chaos Champion, 1 Warrior 175 GCs
& 4 Thugs
D12 Wandering Monsters Treasure
1-2 1 Chaos Thug Sentry 20 GCs
3-4 2 Chaos Thugs 15 GCs
5-6 1 Chaos Thug & 1 Sentry 30 GCs
7-8 3 Chaos Thugs 25 GCs
9 2 Chaos Thugs & 1 Sentry 40 GCs
10 4 Chaos Thugs 35 GCs
11 3 Chaos Thugs & 1 Sentry 50 GCs
12 1 Chaos Warrior & 2 Thugs 60 GCs
There are six chaos characters who move around the
dungeons. In addition to this, some chaos characters
are present in the quest locations and in certain other
areas of the dungeons.
All the characters are available for use from the start
but once killed they may not return. Also, note that
it is better to save characters for later if possible since
they cannot escape in the fortress (See Trap Network
in the Gamemaster’s Information section).
by Carl Sargent
Following the death of his uncle, Count Rutger, Johannes von Bleistift has inherited his uncle’s title and
the family seat, Alptraum Manor, an ancient, rambling building on the edge of the Forest of Shadows.
Since the old Count’s burial in the vaults deep beneath the manor, his nephew has been increasingly
troubled by nightmares, and in the early hours of the morning horrid sounds and noises echo through
the rooms of the house... Desperate to put an end to his nightly torment, Johannes hires a group of
adventurers to investigate the cellars and catacombs beneath the house.
This is a quest for a minimum of four experienced Heroes, who should have completed at least one epic quest
(such as the quest for the Shattered Amulet, or the Lichemaster quest from Terror In The Dark) before they
undertake this one. They can take as many Henchmen with them as they like...
Read the following to the players when you’re ready to begin this quest:
“You are sitting in a tavern waiting to be served when You consider this and look around for the thin
a rat- faced scrawny little fellow shuffles up to you and messenger, but he has already sneaked away. When
hands you a note. You give it to the Wizard, since he’s you ask the barman for directions to Bleistift Manor
much better at reading than any of the rest of you. The he looks at you strangely, and mutters a few words of
Wizard reads out the message: prayer under his breath. As if keen to be rid of you,
he ushers you outside and directs you up the hill to
the north, instructing you to follow the twisting road,
go past the Grove of Warped Elms, through the iron
My good fellows, gates and up the drive...
I have need of the help of worthy adventurers such as
yourselves. My name is Johannes von Bleistift, a young
You reach the Manor at dusk. The dark windows
nobleman who has just inherited Bleistift Manor after the reflect the clouds which flow across the evening sky
demise of my uncle. The Manor is large, with extensive cellars in a curious fashion. Though the place appears to
and caves below it, and since I have taken up residence there be uninhabited, the door is answered as soon as you
I have heard strange sounds at night - scrabblings, groans knock. Johannes von Bleistift invites you into the
and the sound of something being dragged along stone. My chilly drawing room and offers you a glass of dry
dog, a fierce Estalian Snarler, lies in a corner of my drawing sherry while he explains the situation. He is a pale,
room with the hackles raised along his back, whimpering
pitifully, Alas, I have dared not investigate the mysteries of drawn young man, and seems quite afraid of what may
the cellars; I have no map to guide me, and as a youth I be found below the Manor. He claims to have been
learned my letters and studied law, not the skills of Warriors studying in Marienburg for the last five years, and
or Wizards. I offer to pay you 50 Gold Crowns apiece if knows nothing about the history of the house or the
you will investigate this mystery, map the cellars, and remove layout of the cellars below it, He takes you to an old
any hazards or perils therein. Please do not delay. I am in cold store, and shows you a large wooden trapdoor
earnest need of your help.
Yours most faithfully,
laid with a massive iron ring. This, he says, opens
Johannes von Bleistift’.
onto a flight of stone steps which leads directly into
the cellars. All it takes is a hefty pull from a Dwarf or
Warrior, and a mysterious adventure beckons...”
You may allow the players to have 25 gold crowns each as an advance from Johannes if they want to stop and
ask for this (and they can go back to the village where they were drinking and buy equipment with this money).
Modify this introduction accordingly if the players butt in with this request. Now they head down into the
The young Count Johannes is not being entirely This quest contains a very special Character Monster
honest with the Heroes he is hiring to investigate the and some new rules. The GM needs to be very familiar
strange noises coming from underneath Alptraum with the Vampire Count Rutger, in particular. This
Manor. While it is true that Count Rutger von Bleistift Character monster has been designed to infuriate the
is dead, he is in fact Undead and lives on as a powerful Heroes and make them long to destroy him!
Vampire. Because of his nobility and power, drinking Sven Widerlich, Undead Champion
the blood of ordinary mortals isn’t enough to sustain Sven has served his master for over a hundred years,
him, To maintain his dark powers, he needs the blood in life and in death. He has magical armour, weapons
of exceptional people like the Heroes. and some miscellaneous magic, all of which might
come in useful to the Heroes or Henchmen if they
can get them. Sven guards the upper catacombs level,
keeping intruders away from the Shrine of Morr.
Count Rutger vo Bleistift, Vampire
Vampires are among the most dreaded of all monsters
in Advanced Heroquest. They have many special
powers and attacks, and the GM should make sure he
is familiar with all of them before running this quest.
Fearsome, Regenerating, Invulnerable, Two Attacks.
Johannes looks after his uncle well, for he himself The Vampire is all of these things, making it incredibly
wishes to become a Vampire, and hopes that the old dangerous! These rules apply as per the rules for
Count will one day give him the blood kiss in return Alternative Monsters of the Advanced Heroquest
for his faithful service. To this foul end he has lured rulebook.
the Heroes to Alptraum Manor, where he plans to
trap them in the warren of cellars and catacombs, so Count von Bleistift can use the Dark Wizard spells
his uncle can prey on them at his leisure. Fireball, Flesh Flaying and Strengthen Undead.
Details of all three of these spells can be found on the
The Count is not unprotected, his dark underground special character section at the end of this adventure
realm swarms with Undead horrors While he was book.
still alive he employed a brilliant locksmith and thief
to put traps on most of the doors of the cellars and
catacombs. The Heroes will have to deal with these as
well as the Vampire’s Undead servants.
There are two levels of catacombs and cellars below
the Manor house and the Heroes will find themselves
trapped within the dark passages as soon as they enter
them. They will desperately need to find a way out of
the cellars, but the only way to escape is by killing or
incapacitating Count Rutger. Fortunately for them,
there is a tomb on the upper level of the catacombs
which was consecrated by a cleric of Morr, the God of
Death. The Heroes can rest and regain fate points here,
without being molested by Count Rutger (who cannot
enter the room). If they find this tomb (at Location J),
they have a sporting chance of completing this quest.
If they don’t, they’re going to end up as involuntary
blood donors.
BLOOD POINTS Bats, Wolves, and a new type of Ghoul. Citadel
This is a unique rule which only applies to Count Miniatures also make miniatures of all these creatures.
von Bleistift. The Count is a very, very old Vampire, The Ghoul in this quest takes a slightly different form
and much more powerful than an ordinary undead to the Ghoul in Terror In The Dark. The Ghouls of
monster. Within the sanctuary of his own catacombs, Bleistift Manor rake victims with their filth-encrusted,
he is able to draw upon ancient reserves of strength poisonous talons. causing an extra Wound damage.
an power. To represent this, the Count has a number They are also Fearsome Monsters and, while not
of Blood Points which he can spend on the following dangerous alone, a pack of them can be a menace to
special actions (only 1 special action per exploration any group of Heroes.
or combat turn):
Count’s Action Blood Point Cost
Move at double normal rate for one turn.
1 BP
The Heroes will encounter four new types of monster
in the Count’s dungeons: Giant Rats, Giant Vampire
LOCKED DOORS Fighting Doorknobs!
The Count’s catacombs are protected by doors which The door has toughness 7 and 3 Wounds, It attacks
are locked and trapped. Locked doors can be forced by firing solid iron doorknobs at characters up to 8
open by Heroes if one of them rolls 8+ on a dice squares away (to hit: 4+ at range 1-3 and 6+ at range
roll (add | to the dice roll for a Dwarf). Many of the 4-8). Each doorknob hit inflicts 3 damage dice. When
locked doors in this dungeon can also be opened the Wounds score of the door is reduced to zero, it can
by the Skeleton Key found in location G. If a locked fire no more doorknobs in this manner.
door can’t be unlocked or easily forced open, a Hero Door Swings!
must break it down with a hefty shoulder-charge. When the door is opened, it immediately flies right
This automatically works, but the Hero has to make a back into the face of the character who opened it,
Toughness test or he will lose 1 Wound. causing 4 dice of damage. The only way to keep the
door open is to wedge it with 5 iron spikes or a dagger,
knife, or larger sharp weapon, and this must be put in
place as soon as the door is opened.
Warp Door
The door instantly displaces characters passing
through it into the warp. They remain there for 0-3
combat or exploration turns (roll a dice, divide by 3
while rounding fractions up, and take | away from the
number obtained). The characters are unharmed in
the warp, but they are removed from play during this
time. When they reappear, the GM can place them
anywhere he chooses within 3 squares of the door, on
the other side from the one they were on previously.
TRAPPED DOORS When the door is opened, a metal cage drops from
Many of the doors here are trapped. Individual the ceiling and seals off any characters in the 4 squares
locations give details of how these traps work. You around the outside of the door. Sharp metal spikes
may wish to consider using trapped doors in standard are then shot from the metal plate at the top of the
Advanced Heroquest games. If this appeals to the cage down onto those trapped inside. Characters are
GM, use the table below for setting traps on doors in allowed a Speed test to dodge the spikes. If they pass
standard adventures. Trap counters are used in the the test they suffer no damage, but if they fail they
normal way to place such traps. must take 3 dice of damage.
DOOR TRAPS TABLE For every character additional to the first trapped in
D12 Magical Effect Spot Disarm the cage, there is a penalty of +2 to the dice roll, as
Fighting Doorknob! None None there’s less room to dodge. So if there are two people
1 -2
trapped in the cage, they would get a +2 penalty while
3 Shock 8 11
three people would get a +4 penalty, and so on. The
4-5 Poison Dart 9 8 bars of the cage can be bent if a character makes a
6 Spike 6 7 Strength test with a +4 penalty, Only one character
7 Guillotine 6 8 can escape through a hole each turn, but more than
8 Door Swings! 9 10 one gap can be made in the bars, of course.
9 Warp Door 11 11 Screaming Door
10 Cage 10 9 The door utters a piercing shriek when opened. The
Screaming Door None None
GM should immediately place a group of Wandering
Monsters anywhere within the characters’ line of
12 Acid Spurt 10 9
sight, as far away as possible, who rush to attack the
characters. If there are monsters inside a room behind WANDERING MONSTERS
the door, these extra Wandering Monsters won’t At certain locations in the dungeon, the Heroes
appear inside the room (have them hurtle down a may meet Wandering Monsters. These locations
passage outside to pincer the characters!). are specified on the maps. The GM should roll a
Acid Spurt dice as soon as any Hero or Henchman has a line of
When the door is opened, a jet of corrosive acid sight to the location where the Wandering Monsters
spurts from a secret compartment built into the door. may appear. If the dice roll is 7+, then there will
Any character standing on a square next to the door be an encounter with these Wandering Monsters.
must make a speed test with a penalty of +2 to the dice Consult the Wandering Monsters Matrix below. The
roll. If the character fails, he doesn’t manage to dodge Wandering Monsters never have any form of treasure.
the acid, and suffers 5 dice of damage. If any of the WANDERING MONSTER MATRIX
characters’ equipment is made of metal, it may also be D12 Wandering Monsters
affected. The GM rolls a dice: 1-6, armour is affected; 2 Giant Rats
7-9, hand weapon is affected; 10-12, shield is affected.
3-4 2 Zombies
Armour loses 1 point of toughness rating; a shield is
5-6 2 Giant Bats
ruined and a hand weapon loses 1 damage dice. This
7 1 Skeleton & 1 Zombie
only applies to items made of metal - so chainmail
armour is affected but leather armour is not. All 8 3 Zombies
weapons have enough metal in them to be damaged 9 2 Skeletons
- don’t listen to any player who says his Dwarf is 10 4 Giant Rats
carrying a stone axe! 1 Skeleton & 3 Zombies
12 3 Ghouls
J Start Location H
Skeleton Vampire Bat
Zombie Wolf
Ghoul Vampire
Mummy Undead
Champion A C
A When the Heroes are all beyond the first two squares of this first passage section, there is a tremendous
crash from behind them and they turn to see massive stone blocks falling from the ceiling completely
blocking the way back! There is absolutely no way for them to return back up the stairs they came in by.
They are now trapped, and have to find another way out. A disembodied, evil laugh can be heard drifting
down the passageway ahead...
D This room has a trapped door which is also locked. The door trap is a Swinging Door trap, which is
activated as soon as the door is opened. Inside the room, the Heroes will be able to see sacks, rotten
barrels, great broken bell-jars and similar rubbish.
If the Heroes overcome the zombies, they can search this junk. If they do, a Giant Rat jumps out and bites
whoever is searching (if more than one character is searching, determine who gets bitten randomly).
The Giant Rat inflicts an automatic Wound because of surprise, and then it fights normally. When the
Heroes dispose of the Giant Rat they can find a 10° rope and 10 iron spikes hidden in the rubbish.
E When at least two Heroes stand along this passage section, the whole passage section swivels. It is hinged
along its north side, and its south side simply falls down so that the passage section becomes a huge flap!
Any Heroes standing on the passage section at the time are dumped down into Location F (see below)
and suffer an automatic Wound. The Passage section then immediately flies back up and forms solid
ground above the Heroes.
Those who have fallen will be trapped in Location E. Those still above can descend by entering this
passage section and taking a voluntary drop, or they can hammer some iron spikes (5 per character
to work properly) and tie some rope around their waists (10° of rope per character to work properly).
If they do this, and then step onto the passage section, they will get dropped down, but the rope will
prevent them from falling on to the ground in Location F and they won’t suffer automatic Wounds. It
takes one turn to hammer spikes into the floor and tie a rope around a character’s waist.
H Place the rope bridge section as shown on the map, but tell the Heroes they cannot see what is below or
beyond it since a heavy fog obscures vision. If a character steps across the rope bridge, he can see the pit
beyond and, if he stands at the far end of the bridge, he can see the door set into the bottom of the pit.
A character can get down into the pit by jumping (which means he suffers 1 automatic Wound) or by
being lowered down on a rope. Only two characters can stand in the pit at any one time. If there is a Hero
standing in the pit, it is not possible to use missile weapons to fire into the crypt from the rope bridge,
since the angle of trajectory is too great. Remember to tell the players this when they open the door and
fight the crypt’s occupants. If they insist on shooting, then their arrows will automatically hit the Hero
or Henchman standing in the doorway down in the pit.
The door in the pit is only 4’ high, which makes it difficult for any Hero other than a Dwarf to fight
normally. Any Hero other than a Dwarf fighting the occupants of the crypt in the doorway should
subtract 2 from all his to hit rolls. This penalty doesn’t apply inside the crypt, which has a 10-foot high
ceiling. The door to the crypt is locked, and is also trapped with an Acid Spurt trap.
The Giant Vampire Bats inside the crypt are infected with a filthy disease: their teeth are yellowed, saliva
foams at their tiny mouths and drools onto the floor. Because their bites are diseased, they inflict 1
additional damage dice on a successful hit (this applies to their bloodsucking attack too).
Read the following to the players when the Heroes get past the bats and see what is in this room:
“Two blackwood coffins stand in this dank and dismal chamber, bound and hinged with
bronze which is etched with dark runes. A palpable aura of evil surrounds them, and the
Wizard among you senses that the coffins themselves are in some way magical.”
The two coffins inside this crypt are very hazardous. Each contains the body of an Undead Champion,
and as soon as one is opened the other opens automatically. If any attempt is made to destroy the coffins
(by smashing them with a warhammer, etc.), both open at once. Spells (such as Inferno of Doom) do
not affect the coffins or the Champions inside them, and the coffins do not open if such a spell is used.
Furthermore, powerful enchantments laid on the coffins make the Undead Champions more dangerous
than usual. So long as an Undead Champion stands within one square of its coffin, it is treated as a
Regenerating Monster and is also immune to any fire-based spell (such as Flaming Hand of Destruction
or Inferno of Doom). When the Heroes are in combat with the Undead Champions, read the following :
“The red glow in the eyes of the Undead horrors is matched by a very dim, faintly pulsing
red glow coming from each of the coffins...”
It is possible to destroy the coffins, and doing this will cance zl the magical effect they have on the Undead
Champions. Each coffin has a Toughness of 7, and the Heroes will need to inflict at least 3 Wounds on
it with a hand weapon. This should be taken into account if the Heroes try to smash the coffins to begin
with, but once they’re fighting, if one or more of them is able to strike at the coffins and destroy them
this will weaken the champions.
Finally, within each of the coffins is a bag containing 100 gold crowns.
The secret door entrance to this room is locked, and also trapped with two traps: a Darts trap and a
Shock trap! This combined trap was prepared with exceptional cunning and ingenuity, so there is one
Spot Traps chance for the combination (10 or above). Each trap must be disarmed separately, and a roll
of 9+ is needed to disarm each one. When the Heroes open the door, read the following to them:
“Inside this guard room stands an Undead creature clad in chain mail and hefting a
powerful-looking sword you guess might be magic He stands within a magic circle, and
an aura of energy crackles around him. He stands quite still, the grinning rictus of his
bony face challenging you to come before him and face the steel of the keen-edged blade!”
While Sven stands within this magic circle, he is immune to spells and missile fire. Any spells and
missiles thrown at him simply bounce off the aura of the magic circle. He has the following magical
items which can be found on the next page:
Enchanted Chain Mail
A suit of enchanted chain mail which adds +1 to his Toughness above the usual for chain (total Toughness
is 9).
Magic Sword
A Magic Sword which adds 1 to hit rolls and damage dice.
Magic Steel Boots
A pair of Magic Steel Boots. These allow him to make a kick attack in addition to his sword attack. Steel
boots allow this extra attack with a WS of 2 below the usual for a character (so for Sven, WS is 6 with this
attack) and a successful kick inflicts 2 damage dice.
Silver Flask of Healing
A silver flask which holds 2 doses of Potions of Healing. Sven cannot drink this potion, since he only has
a skeletal body, so he will not try to use it during combat.
Small Finger Bones
Three small finger bones which Sven can cast into the air at any time during combat, while making
attacks as normal. The bones will land in squares of the GM’s choice. From each bone, a normal skeleton
will spring up and each will attack the nearest character.
All these magical items are usable by Heroes or Henchmen when they overcome Sven.
No enemy creature (including Count Rutger) can enter this chamber. The first time (only) that the
Heroes (and Henchmen) enter this room, they regain all lost Fate Points.
If the Heroes search this room, one of them automatically finds a small secret door in the wall (by the
rune). This can be opened easily, and inside the alcove is an ivory casket (this is worth 30 gold crowns).
Within the casket there is a Potion of Healing, a Potion of Regeneration and a Ring of Greatness. The
Potion of Regeneration allows the drinker to regain lost Wounds in the same way as a Regenerating
Monster does. It can be drunk at the start of any turn, and its effects last until the end of the next combat.
The Ring Of Greatness
This ring renders the wearer immune to fear caused by Fearsome Monsters. The player also gains an extra
dice of damage against Large Monsters, and may ignore the special rules which apply to Invulnerable
Monsters (ie: the ring wearer does not have to roll a natural 12 amongst his damage dice to inflict any
K There are two leather bags piled against the two end-sections of this dead end. Each contains 5 gold
crowns, but unfortunately each square is also trapped with a Falling Blocks trap.
L The “Treasure Chest” here is anything but! When any Hero stands within two squares of this object, the
lid flies open and a pair of Giant Rats jump out to attack the nearest character(s). On each subsequent
combat turn, two more Giant Rats fly out of the chest to attack. You may place these Giant Rats anywhere
within 10 squares of the chest. but always as near as possible to it, and you may ignore Death Zones
when so doing.
Giant Rats only stop appearing from the chest when all characters are at least 4 squares away from it,
or when the chest is destroyed (it has Toughness 8 and 3 Wounds). Simply slamming the lid shut won’t
stop Giant Rats emerging! Arrows and thrown spears just bounce off the chest, but it can be damaged by
spells, hand-held weapons, and thrown axes or hammers.
If the Heroes drive the Count off, they can search this room. There is a scroll with the spell Flame of the
Phoenix written on it hidden in the bookcase. The Treasure Chest here is trapped with a Fireball trap,
but all it contains is a note from the Count. Read the note below to the players when they find this.
Heroes landing
N O spot from pit
Secret alcove
! The lower level of the dungeon is very dangerous indeed! The Heroes drop down onto the squares
marked in Location N (or as close as possible if monsters and other characters occupy those squares).
Use the Count’s Blood Points and teleporting ability to lure them away from his real tomb in Location T.
The rest of the dungeon is filled with monsters and traps to weaken the Heroes before the Count arrives
to give the coup de grace.
N There are three great Wolves in this bare room. Each wears a leather collar with a glowing red gem set
into it. While a Wolf wears one of these collars, it is a Regenerating Monster. A character can try to chop
the collar off with a blow from a sword or dagger, but when trying to aim for the collar he must suffer
a penalty of -3 to the hit roll. Damage caused is only half normal damage dice, but the collar will be cut
away and the monster stops regenerating. Don’t tell players this unless they specifically ask whether their
characters can try to do something about the collars. The collars cannot be used by characters!
The door to this chamber is locked and has a Spike trap. If the characters defeat the Undead monsters
here, they find what looks like a silver tomb with a lifelike etching of the Count on its slab. However the
silver is just a thin veneer and the tomb is really made of iron.
If the Heroes open the tomb, a hollow laugh echoes up from inside and a Gas trap is sprung. Inside the
tomb is a leather purse with 100 coins, These look just like gold crowns, but they are made of copper wit
a thin gilt coat and are worthless, as the Heroes will find out when they try to buy anything with them.
Whoever they give the “gold” to will be so offended that he will increase his prices by 20%!
jumps a pool, roll a dice. If you roll 7+, a fireball hurtles upwards from the bottom and the character
jumping must make a Speed test with a +3 penalty added to the dice roll. If he makes the test, he isn’t
harmed and lands on the other side. If he fails, he suffers 5 dice of damage and has to make a Toughness
test as well! If this is failed, he lands heavily on the other side of the pool, falling down, and suffers an
extra dice of damage. These traps are not activated by the Count himself, of course.
Wandering Monster
As soon as you have two characters on one side of either pool, and the rest on the other side, a party of
Wandering Monsters will arrive, heading out of Location N towards the characters!
8 - - 7 - - - 10 -
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 3
If a critical hit is rolled (a 12), a tentacle wraps itself about a character’s throat and starts
to strangle him while also draining blood through a puncture wound in the neck! On each
combat turn thereafter, the character automatically loses 1 Wound and the tentacle mass
automatically gains 1 Wound from the nourishing blood!
If the characters manage to destroy the tentacles, the mass bursts and the floor is suddenly covered
with foul, sticky blood. All the Heroes get a good dose of the muck over them, and have a penalty of 1
to Speed scores for the remainder of the expedition, unless the muck gets burned off with a fire- based
spell (such as a Fireball, so jumping over a “pool” in Location P can actually have one beneficial effect!).
There is no treasure in the tomb.
The only way into this chamber is via the secret door shown on the map. The door is locked and has an
Acid Spurt trap set on it. Before the door opposite stands a great stone statue of a wolf-headed man with
giant bat wings. If you have the Terror In The Dark supplement, you can use the statue counter for this.
The room itself is draped with black and red curtains covered in vampire bat designs. The door behind
the statue is made of a deeply red-stained wood.
As soon as anyone opens the main door the statue animates, and the Heroes will have to destroy it
to reach the door opposite. The statue has Toughness 10, 4 Wounds, WS 9 and a hit inflicts 4 dice of
damage. If a character fumbles with a hand weapon when fighting the statue the weapon breaks on the
hard stone of the statue!
When the characters enter this room, the Count will be standing beside the statue (assuming he’s still
around and hasn’t been banished to his tomb), but will retreat to Location T beyond as soon as his
Wounds are reduced to half normal. All the Count has to do is to touch the red door, and he automatically
passes right through it into the room beyond. This only works for the Count, of course.
9 - - 10 - - - 4 -
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4
If a character fumbles with a hand weapon when fighting the statue the weapon breaks on
the hard stone of the statue!
The characters now have to destroy the Count within his tomb. The lid can be opened safely, although
it takes two characters to do this. Inside the tomb, the Count’s body is beginning to re-form on a bed of
earth. The Count can only be destroyed by plunging the stake of Morr (from Location J) into his heart,
If the Heroes don’t have this, they can’t kill him. The Count’s body will slowly re-form, and no magic or
weapons will prevent this!
If the Heroes use the stake in the time-ordained manner, read the following to the players:
A terrible, ghastly shriek is ripped from the blood-red lips of the Count’s re-forming body
and a great gout of blackish blood spurts from his chest! His skin peels away fram his
yellowed bones, which crumble and fall to dust, leaving only a reeking pool of filth behind!
If the Heroes explore the tomb thoroughly, they will find two treasure chests hidden in a secret compartment
below the ground. The chests contain the following items:
It’s a big reward, but if the Heroes manage to destroy the Count, they deserve it.
8 1 6 9 6 10 3 4 6
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 5
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ DICE
Enchanted Chainmail (+1 Toughness), Magic Sword (+1 to hit rolls and +1 damage dice),
Magic Steel Boots (Extra attack with WS6 and 2 damage dice), 3 x Small finger bones
(Summon a normal Skeleton nearby)
Fearsome, Regenerating, Invulnerable Monster, Two Attacks (Claws and Fangs),
Hypnotises, Strength Drain
Spells: Fireball, Flesh Flaying, Strengthen Undead (x2)
by William King
Tobaro’s Bane is designed as a Solo or Coop adventure, but can also be perfectly played with a Gamemaster.
This adventure is designed to be played with starting Heroes. If you are using existing Heroes who have already
completed other adventures, I suggest not giving the free Men-at-Arms at the start of this adventure.
Tobaro is the only great Tilean city-state on the western shores of the Tilean Sea. Here the narrow coastal
plain of Tilea is separated from the arid uplands of Estalia by the Abasko Mountains. Tobaro is situated on
the coast. It is quite a rugged coastline, especially to the south where there are numerous small rocky islands.
The city is under siege; the City Fathers are in disarray and the whole community is in imminent danger of
collapse. The reason behind this disaster is a recent rise in power of a nearby Skaven clan, which is now led by
a powerful Skaven Sorcerer, Cankerclaw Darkheart.The Skaven, a swelling tide of vicious killers that burst out
of Tobaro’s Sewers in the early hours, have imposed an involuntary curfew on the city’s inhabitants, who can
no longer walk the streets without fearing for their lives. The foul creatures swarm in their thousands as they
spill onto the now-empty streets, Cankerclaw Darkheart at the head of their ranks.
The City Fathers have resorted to their last option: at an emergency council they decided they must summon
outside help. They have offered rich rewards to any Heroes that can aid them. You have answered their call.
The Heroes’ party consists of four Heroes, four Men Use the Monster Matrices from the Quest for the
at-Arms and one Sergeant. The Henchmen have been Shattered Amulet to roll up the monsters in the
provided free by the City Fathers to aid the Heroes in dungeon. If the Heroes escape from a group of Skaven,
their quest. the surviving Skaven return to the room or passage
where they were first encountered. If the Heroes
THE QUEST pass through this area again, they are attacked by the
The object of the quest is to kill Cankerclaw the Skaven survivors.
Sorcerer, the mastermind of the Skaven’s attack on
Tobaro, and thus prevent the clan’s attacks on the city. QUEST ROOMS
After exploring the three dungeon levels, the Heroes Each level of the dungeon only has one Quest Room;
will finally find Cankerclaw and kill him (or they’ll die if the Heroes carry on exploring the level, any Quest
in the attempt). If they defeat him and return to the Rooms rolled up later are replaced by Lairs.
surface, the Heroes win the game. Each Quest Room has a set of stairs down to the next
Unlike normal Advanced Heroquest, the Heroes only level, the monsters rolled on the Quest Rooms Matrix
have one expedition in which to find Cankerclaw as and one or more of the character monsters.
there simply isn’t enough time to mount a second Level Character Magic Item
expedition. This means that if the Heroes succeed, Assassin
they automatically receive 2 Fate Points. 1
2 Plague Monk
DUNGEON LAYOUT Plague Censer Bearer
The dungeon is on three levels. Each level is generated 3
Warlord Runesword
randomly using the normal rules, except any stairs Cankerclaw Darkheart Ring of Magic Protection
down that are found in a passage are actually stairs
out of the dungeon. The stairs down are only found If the Heroes kill the character monsters, they can
in the first Quest Room discovered on levels one and take their magic items.
9 9 5 7 12 9 7 4 8 6 6 4 5 10 6 8 3 6 5 6 4 5 10 6 9 3 6
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3 ROLL 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 2 ROLL 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 1
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ DICE RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ DICE RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ DICE
D12 Occupants Treasure PV D12 Occupants Treasure PV
1 4 Warriors 40 GCs 4 1 2 Champions & 1 Warlord 100 GCs 10
2 2 Warriors & 1 Champion 40 GCs 4 2 6 Warriors & 2 Champions 100 GCs 10
3 5 Warriors 50 GCs 5 3 8 Warriors & 1 Champion 100 GCs 10
4 3 Warriors & 1 Sentry 50 GCs 5 4 6 Warriors & 1 Warlord 120 GCs 12
5 6 Warriors 60 GCs 6 5 3 Champions & 1 Warlord 120 GCs 12
6 4 Warriors & 1 Champions 60 GCs 6 6 8 Warriors & 2 Champions 120 GCs 12
7 2 Warriors & 2 Champions 60 GCs 6 7 3 Warriors, 2 Champ, 1 Warlord 120 GCs 13
8 1 Warlord 60 GCs 6 8 6 Warriors, 1 Sentry, 1 Warlord 140 GCs 14
9* 6 Warriors & 1 Champion 80 GCs 8 9* 4 Warriors, 2 Champ, 1 Warlord 140 GCs 14
10* 6 Warriors & 1 Champion 80 GCs 8 10* 8 Warriors & 3 Champions 140 GCs 14
11* 2 Warriors & 1 Warlord 80 GCs 8 11* 4 Champions & 1 Warlord 140 GCs 14
12* 4 Warriors, 1 Sentry & 2 Champ. 100 GCs 10 12* 12 Warriors, 1 Sentry, 1 Champ 160 GCs 16
* If you rolled 9 – 12, then also roll on the Special Monster Matrix. If an extra monster is rolled, it is added to
those in the Lair or Quest Room.
BERSERKER A berserker may choose to go berserk at the start of
Berserkers have the ability to transform themselves any combat phase. He will remain berserk until every
into super-human fighters with great skill and strength. enemy in sight has been killed. A berserker receives
The player controlling a berserker decides when and one free attack per turn, which must be made at the
if he goes berserk. The advantages and disadvantages same time as its normal attack. Treat the berserker as
will soon be plain: he is an awesome killing machine, having a Weapon Skill two lower than normal when
attacking twice as often, but is also more vulnerable opponents work out their hit roll. A berserker must
to being hit. always move towards the closest enemy and engage
him in hand-to-hand combat. Berserkers recover
from being berserk at the end of combat.
A monster which can regenerate recovers 1 lost
Wound at the beginning of each GM phase of every
combat turn.
Some monsters are magically invulnerable and
require a powerful, well-aimed blow to damage them
at all. When rolling damage dice, even those dice
which score equal to or greater than the monster's RUN AMOK
Toughness can only be counted if there is at least one Certain unpredictable creatures, such as Rat Ogres and
12 rolled. This does not apply to damage rolled as a Cave Trolls, must roll their Bravery at the beginning
result of a free attack or to any attack made with a of each turn or run amok. A creature that runs amok
magical weapon. moves to attack a randomly-selected model, friend
or foe, within five squares. If no model is within five
TWO ATTACKS squares, the creature stands in place and bellows and
A monster with two attacks may make two hand-to roars, waiting for something to come close enough to
hand attack rolls instead of one. Two separate damage butcher.
dice entries show how many damage dice are to be
rolled whenever the first or second attacks hit.
A monster which can cause disease will reduce the
Strength and Toughness of anything it can hit. If
such a monster hits a Hero, you must roll a dice and
compare it to the Hero's starting Toughness. If the roll
is under this score, all is well and nothing happens. If
it is equal to or over this score, the disease will take
root. Make a note on the character sheet that the Hero
is diseased.
Between expeditions, the Hero must visit a Healer to
have the disease cured. If the disease is not removed
for any reason, the Hero must have his Strength and LARGE MONSTERS
Toughness reduced by one. This will happen each Large monsters are so big that they have special rules
time between expeditions until the disease is cured, for movement, death zones, etc. These monsters come
or until one of these scores has fallen to zero. If this with bases which are roughly four times the size of
happens, the Hero dies. normal ones. When moving them, use one corner
(the right forward) of a square base or simply the front
of a round base, and move this the required number
of squares. Although they might appear to be too big
to go through doors, they can be moved through as
normal. However, never leave a large monster part
way through a door, or across a wall.Large monsters
have death zones that occupy eight spaces, as shown
in the diagram below.
Monsters who can fly ignore all death zones when
they move.
Some monsters are so scary they cause fear in other
creatures – even Heroes. If a fearsome monster has
a Hero or Henchmen in its death zone at the start
of any combat phase, that model must be checked
for Bravery. Roll a dice. If the roll is greater than his
Bravery, the character will cower; if the roll is less
than or equal to his Bravery, he is unaffected. A model
that cowers may not move (unless he runs) or attack,
but he may open doors. Fearsome monsters are not
themselves affected by this rule and do not have to They completely block any line of sight which passes
make a Bravery roll when they are fighting other over their bases. Line of sight to and from a large
fearsome monsters. monster is not blocked by normal-sized creatures.
6 5 5 7 10 6 6 3 1 6 6 5 6 11 6 6 3 2
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 3 ROLL 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 3
RANGE 1-3 4 - MAX
12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ RANGE DAM
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ DICE
6 6 4 4 10 6 6 3 10 5 6 4 5 10 6 9 3 6
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 2 ROLL 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 1
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ RANGE DICE
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ RANGE DICE
ROLL 6 7 8 9 10 * * HIT
5 7 5 5 10 6 10 4 10 6 6 4 5 10 6 6 3 6
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 1 ROLL 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 2
RANGE 1 - 3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ RANGE DICE
RANGE 1 - 3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ RANGE DICE
ROLL 6 7 8 9 10 * *
Dagger Staff (counts as a sword)
Can cast: Choke x1, Flaming Skull of Terror x1, Fireball x2 * See Skaven special rules
5 5 5 7 11 5 5 3 ½ 7 5 5 5 10 6 5 3 3
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 1 ROLL 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 3
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ RANGE DICE
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ RANGE DICE
SKAVEN ASSASSIN Choose a target square up to 12 squares away that is in
If the Assassin is part of an encountered group of the Censer Bearer's line of sight. Roll to hit as normal.
Skaven, add +2 to their surprise roll. If the GM gains If a hit is scored, the Censer lands on the chosen
surprise, he can place the Assassin in any already- square. If not, roll for scatter on the table below. Ignore
explored dungeon section that is within line of sight critical hits and fumbles when throwing a Censer.
- this can be as far away from the Heroes as he wants.
The Assassin is able to escape without you playing an
D12 Scatter D12 Scatter
escape dungeon counter. This escape can occur at the
end of any GM phase, as long as no Hero models are 1 6 squares short 7 1 square long
within six squares. You still need to use a character 2 5 squares short 8 2 squares long
dungeon counter to bring the Assassin back into play. 3 4 squares short 9 3 squares long
4 3 squares short 10 4 squares long
The Clan Pestilens Plague Monk is armed with a 5 2 squares short 11 5 squares long
Warpscroll - a magical item that has a great withering 6 1 square short 12 6 squares long
effect upon its victims. It takes two consecutive turns
If the Censer scatters at short range, it's possible
to cast the Warpscroll, during which the Monk can do
for it to end up behind the thrower; at long range it
nothing else. He cannot start to cast the spell if he's
might go further than 12 squares - both these results
within an enemy death zone.
are fine. Obviously, the Censer cannot pass through
At the end of the second turn, the Monk must pass an walls; the Censer lands in the square by the wall in
Intelligence test to cast the spell. If he fails, there's no such circumstances.
adverse effect and he may try to cast the spell again in
The Fumes from the Censer cover the square it
a future turn.
lands in and all eight adjacent squares (including
the diagonals). Anyone in these squares, or who
moves through them on a future turn, must pass an
Intelligence test to hold their breath. If the test is failed,
the model is killed unless a Fate Point is spent. The
Censer carries on emitting fumes until play returns to
exploration turns.
If he succeeds, the spell affects all the Heroes and
Henchmen, even if the Plague Monk cannot see the POISONED WIND GLOBADIERS
target. They must all try to roll equal to or under their A Clan Skryre Globadier throws large glass globes
Intelligence - any model that succeeds is unaffected. filled with deadly gasses so that they break at the feet
If a model fails this roll, it undergoes a rapid aging of the Skaven's opponents. The Globadier is armed
process, suffering the natural decay of years in a few with 6 Poisoned Wind Globes – these are thrown in
moments. Death follows swiftly. A Hero may spend the same way as Censers (see above).
a Fate Point to avoid this sorry end. Once the spell
has been cast, the Warpscroll crumbles into dust and
cannot be used again. If the Plague Monk escapes and
returns by means of a character counter he has a fresh
scroll - the same is true if he survives the dungeon and
reappears in a later dungeon.
PLAGUE CENSER BEARER The fumes from a globe cover the square it lands
This Clan Pestilens Skaven carries a chain bearing a in and all eight adjacent squares. Anyone in these
smoking ball which emits noxious and deadly fumes. squares, or who moves through them, must pass an
The Censer is a one-shot thrown weapon with a range Intelligence test to hold his breath. If the test is failed,
of 12 squares. The Censer Bearer may not throw his the model is killed unless a Fate Point is spent. The
Censer if he's in an enemy death zone. fumes last until the end of the next GM phase.
WARPFIRE THROWER TEAMS and explodes: both members of the team are killed
A Clan Skryre Warpfire Thrower Team comprises of instantly and any models in adjacent squares suffers
two Skaven, one with the Warpfire Thrower itself and 5 dice of damage.
one carrying the explosive fuel made using Warpstone.
tIf you haven't got the appropriate Citadel Miniatures, JEZZAILACHIS
you should use two models with the same color bases. Clan Skryre Jezzailachis fire large caliber warplock
They must be placed in adjacent squares in order to be muskets. Each Jezzail is crewed by a team of two
able to use the weapon. If either Skaven is killed, the Skaven, one of whom aims the Jezzail while the other
weapon may no longer be used. steadies the musket rest. Use the same placement rules
as the Warpfire Thrower above.
The Jezzail is a ranged weapon and causes 6 dice of
damage if a hit is scored. Jezzail bullets can punch
through armour as if it wasn't there, so armour
modifiers to the target's Toughness are ignored
(subtract the armour's Toughness bonus from the
current Toughness score). It takes a turn to reload a
A Warpfire Thrower may only be used if the team Jezzail after it has been fired, during which the team
didn't move. Place a fireball template anywhere along may do nothing else.
the line of sight of either member of the team and then
roll to hit as normal. If a hit or critical hit is scored, the
Warpfire blast lands on target and any model at least
partially under the template suffers 5 dice of damage.
If the shot misses, the attack has no effect. If the shot
was fumbled, the Warpfire Thrower malfunctions
Component: Pinch of Warpstone
A ball of black fire with yellow and blue flames licking
at the edges hurtles from the caster’s hand towards
the chosen target. Place a fireball template anywhere
within 12 squares of the caster along his line of sight.
Any models (friend or foe) which fall at least partially
under the fireball template are automatically hit. Roll
5 damage dice to see what effect each hit has.
5 5 4 5 6 5 5 2 ½ 5 5 4 5 6 5 5 2 ½
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 2 ROLL 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 1
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ RANGE DICE
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ RANGE DICE
ROLL 7 8 9 10 11* 24 3
Sword Dagger, Short Bow
* No critical hit at this range
9 3 6 9 6 10 7 4 8 6 5 5 7 6 7 7 4 10
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 ROLL 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 23
RANGE 1 - 3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ RANGE DICE
RANGE 1 - 3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ RANGE DICE
6 2 5 6 6 8 2 4 2 9 4 6 9 7 10 6 6 8
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 4 ROLL 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4
RANGE 1 - 3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ RANGE DICE
RANGE 1 - 3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ RANGE DICE
9 7 7 9 7 10 10 8 12 9 8 7 9 8 10 10 6 14
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4 ROLL 2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5
RANGE 1 - 3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ RANGE DICE
RANGE 1 - 3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ RANGE DICE
The Wight is a spirit which fears death, often because The Liche resembles a Zombie or Ghoul in a
it was powerful in life and is unwilling to enter the appearance, but it is an Undead Wizard, a practitioner
realm of death. It remains bound to a place within the of magic who has chosen the path of Undeath to retain
world of the living, often a tomb or a place where its his magical power. As a result, his magic has become
power as a living creature was centered (in a wizard's warped and destructive due to his Undead state, and
laboratory, the vaults where it kept its treasure if it was in addition to spells once known, Liches can cast two
rich, or simply in its home). It has no true form of new spells: Strengthen Undead and Flesh Flaying -
its own, but it can assume some material form for a which are detailed below. A Liche can also hypnotize
while - long enough to fight Heroes. The Wight is an one enemy model within its death zone each combat
exceptionally dangerous opponent! turn.
The attack of the Wight has one special effect -
Strength Drain. In addition to any Wound loss caused VAMPIRE
by the Wight's Sword, the horrible chill of contact The dreaded Vampire is one of the most powerful of
(even through the Sword the Wight uses) numbs the all Undead creatures. Like all Undead, it is a Fearsome
Hero, who must subtract 1 point from his Current Monster and it is also an Invulnerable Monster.
Strength score. Lost Strength is regained only at the What's worse, it is a Regenerating Monster as well! It
end of the current expedition, if the Hero is still alive. has 2 attacks per combat turn - one bite with its Fangs,
Later strikes can inflict more Strength Drains, and a and one Claw attack. If the Vampire inflicts damage
Hero whose current Strength is reduced to zero or with its Fangs, the victim suffers a Strength Drain.
below is struck instantly dead! Like a Liche, the Vampire can hypnotize its victims,
and exactly the same rules apply. The Vampire can
Every time a Wight drains Strength from a victim it also cast spells, making it truly a monster to be feared!
regains 1 lost Wound of its own. It cannot regain more Vampires know the Strengthen Undead and Flesh
than 1 Wound per combat phase, however. Flaying spells, as well as the Fireball spell.
7 5 5 7 7 8 6 3 1 7 6 5 6 8 8 6 3 2
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 3 ROLL 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 3
RANGE 1 - 3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ RANGE DICE
RANGE 1 - 3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ RANGE DICE
7 3 5 7 8 9 10 4 11 7 3 5 7 8 9 10 4 11
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 3 ROLL 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 3
RANGE 1 - 3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ RANGE DICE
RANGE 1 - 3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ RANGE DICE
Choke The Pool of Many Places
Component: Vial of Swamps Gas Component: A Suspension of Crushed Jade in Water
The victim suddenly clutches his throat and has great The pool can be represented with the pool floorplan.
trouble breathing. Dark wisps of smoke begin to seep It allows up to 5 models per turn to teleport to another
from his mouth and nostrils as his lungs fill with location. Upon jumping into the pool the models
noxious fumes. Select a single target within the caster’s disappear, only to reappear elsewhere. The models
line of sight. The target may only stagger one square may be placed on any of the dungeon sections that
per turn for the next 3 turns (the model’s player makes are currently in play. All of the models must be placed
this move). Unless the caster has been killed in the in an area 3 squares by 3 squares centered on the first
meantime, the victim dies at the end of the third turn model placed. The pool lasts until the end of the next
from asphyxiation. exploration turn.
7 5 5 7 7 8 6 3 1 7 6 5 6 8 8 6 3 2
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 3 ROLL 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 3
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ RANGE DICE
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ RANGE DICE
5 1 9 8 7 6 4 9 9 5 1 9 9 7 4 3 9 9
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
ROLL 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 9 ROLL 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 7
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ RANGE DICE
RANGE 1-3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ RANGE DICE
Bloodsucking Bite
GIANT VAMPIRE BAT If the bat strikes with a critical hit, it does not get additional
WS BS S T SP BR INT W PV damage dice as normal. Roll two damage dice as usual, but the
6 - 3 6 12 8 7 1 ½ bat will automatically inflict at least 1 Wound, irrespective of
those dice rolls, because it has sunk its yellowed fangs into its
TARGET DAM victim’s neck. Once it has done this, it clings to the character
WS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 DICE
until killed. On successive rounds, it gets double the normal
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 2
damage dice (4 dice) and, irrespective of the damage dice
RANGED COMBAT rolls, it always inflicts at least 1 Wound per combat turn due
RANGE 1 - 3 4 - 12 13 - 24 25 - 36 37+ RANGE DICE to blood draining. All attacks on a Giant Vampire Bat which
ROLL clings to a character in this way are made with a -3 penalty to
EQUIPMENT / NOTES dice rolls, Any fumble by someone striking at such a bat will
Bloodsucking Bite automatically inflict damage on the character being blood-
drained by it.
Pedro Wayne and Floris Verweig (World map idea and feedback). Littlemonk (Warhammer Quest 95 content),
Gunzhard (Enhanced AHQ), Slev (AHQ Reforged), RECIVS (AHQ Reforged rework) and Greywolf (Greywolf ’s
AHQ website) for inspiration and great ideas on their homebrew content. All the great responses I received
from the Yeoldeinn, Boardgamegeek, and Facebook group Advanced Heroquest community! Your invaluable
contributions and support continue to fuel my passion for creating more Advanced Heroquest content.
This is not an official document. This is a modifiied article of an out-of-print game called Advanced Heroquest.
The use of any name here does not constitute a challenge to trademark status. All names, rules, tables, and
artwork here are used without permission. This is entirely fan assembled and is not intended for sale or
distribution. The purpose of this document is to generate interest in our small community for a once great
game, while encouraging the collection, and purchase, of Citadel fantasy miniatures.
This book is a remake for all the official Advanced Heroquest adventures. It
features the two core campaigns from the rulebook and the Terror in the Dark
expansion, alongside every adventure published in the White Dwarf magazine.
With this collection, players have access to a wealth of content, ensuring endless
grim and perilous adventures in The Old World.