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MBB7009M Assessment 2 Guidance - 23-24.v2

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MBB7009M LDN 2023-24 Assessment 2 – Advice and Guidance

Assignment Brief Facts

Due date – Friday 24th May 2024, before 12:00 BST
Feedback – Three working weeks after due date
Word count – 3,000 (10% +/-) Maximum (10% +) 3,300|Minimum (10% -) 2,700
The word count starts from introduction and ends at conclusion.
Assessment Weighing – 70%
Submission: Turnitin via Moodle

Front cover (This is on Moodle with a recommended layout and format of the report)
 Page 1
o Fill in the boxes on the front page with your student information.
o Insert your student number in the header of the document.
o Ensure pages are numbered.
 Page 2
o Enter your student ID in the declaration statement.
 Page 3
o Executive Summary (Not part of the word count. Likely 300-400 words)
▪ This will be done when you have finished your report.
▪ It is a brief summary of your report containing what you have
identified, discovered, researched, evaluated and concluded from your
report. It is used to help the reader quickly ascertain the reports
 Page 4
o A content page is recommended.
o Microsoft Office can build a contents page for you.
▪ In ‘Styles’ using Heading1, Heading 2, Heading 3 etc use these for your
headings and subheadings.
▪ When you have identified your key headings and subheadings. Select
the top tab ‘References’ and ‘Table of Content’ (on the top left), select
the style of content page you would like and it will build the content
page for you.
▪ Check all the page numbers are correct (these will obviously change
when you continue to write your report so ensure you ‘update the
content page’ so the page numbers are changed to update.
 Page 5
o Title of Report – This could be the company’s name e.g. Samsung’s Marketing

Your report now begins, you have successfully formatted your report.

MBB7009M LDN 2023-24

Additional Information
Student ID number should be on every page.
Pages should be numbered.
Declaration at the start of your work.

Report Structure (recommended)

(Heading 1) Introduction – Approx.100 words.

 Inform the reader what will be discussed.

(Heading 1) Company Profile – Approx.300 words.

o Key facts and relevant points about the company.
o What sector does the company operate within?
o What do you think is the company’s stage in the capability pyramid and any
implementation of big data analytics?

(Heading 1) Marketing Environment Analysis

 Meaning of Marketing Environment- Marketing Environment Analysis

(Heading 2) Micro-Environment Analysis– Approx.600 words.

o You can attempt to integrate Porter’s Five Forces analysis
▪ (Heading 3) Customers – why are consumers important? UK (country)
consumer spending trends.
▪ (Heading 3) Competitors – identify the competitors and justify why you
have selected those competitors.
▪ (Heading 3) Suppliers

(Heading 2) Macro-Environmental Analysis (Key external aspects that have impacted

the company’s performance [only focus on 3 and state why you chose those 3]). –
Approx.600 words.
o Why SLEPTS approach? – This should not be based on assumptions, it is facts
supports by academic references and analysis.
▪ (Heading 3) Social/Cultural
▪ (Heading 3) Legal
▪ (Heading 3) Economic
▪ (Heading 3) Political
▪ (Heading 3) Technological
▪ (Heading 3) Sustainability

MBB7009M LDN 2023-24

(Heading 1) Integrated Marketing Communication – Approx.600 words.
 What is integrated marketing communication?
 Marketing communication mix - (discuss only 3 and use the DRIP Model in your analysis)
(This is also known as promotion mix. Do Not confuse this for marketing mix)
 (Heading 2) Advertising
 (Heading 2) Sales Promotion
 (Heading 2) Direct and Digital Marketing
o Critically analyse and show how the company has blended these marketing
communication tools to engage consumers.

(Heading 1) Integration of Online (Digital) and Offline (Traditional) Media – Approx.650

 (Heading 2) Clear and in-depth analysis of how the company integrates online and
offline media using relevant examples
o Analyse the marketing campaign decisions and influence of data analytics.
o How was integration achieved – impact and significance
o Could include some social media metrics in your analysis
o What is the analysis telling the reader?

(Heading 1) Conclusion – Approx.150 words.

 What has been found, conclude the key points.
 Conclude on the impact of marketing environment on the company’s marketing
strategy, the firm’s integrated marketing communications and how the company used
relevant data to integrate their online and offline media. Did they succeed in the
execution of their marketing campaign decisions?
o When concluding your report do not introduce new ideas; instead, clarify the
intent and importance of the report.

(Heading 1) References
 Cite Them Right Harvard should be used throughout and for the reference list.
 Please see next section (Harvard Referencing) to inform you of the referencing

MBB7009M LDN 2023-24

*Optional (Heading 1) Appendices
 If needed you can include any additional or extra information. However, if you use the
appendices please refer to it in the main report, signalling when the reader should
refer to it.

Harvard Referencing

Cite Them Right Harvard Referencing should be used throughout., follow the links for helpful

York St John Tips

Cite Them Right Harvard

Your reference list should start on a separate page after your conclusion.

In alphabetic order (A-Z).

No bullet points, just a structured list.

** Be Creative – Use SmartArt to put all models, graphs, visual aids and charts in to showcase
your work and information (it will help with the word count).

** You are required to have a minimum of 15 (in-text) references.

Reminder – this guide is to ensure a uniform structure and fair reflection of expected
submissions in line with the marking criteria.

The report should be based on academic literature and reputable evidence.

The deadline for submitting the work (report) is on the hour, i.e. 12:00 noon, (BST = British
Summer Time) work submitted at 12:00:01 is considered late.
Students are advised to submit their work on Turnitin at least one hour before the deadline.
Formatting Tips

Assessment should be made on Microsoft Word.

Font should be either Times New Roman or Arial and in font size 12.

Spacing should be 1.5, use this icon

MBB7009M LDN 2023-24

Use this icon to put the Reference List in alphabetic order
To ensure all paragraphs are structured and justified throughout the report, use this icon


Please refer to the York St John University Code of Practice for Assessment and Academic
Related Matters 2023-24.

We ask that you pay particular attention to the academic misconduct policy. Penalties will be
applied where a student is found guilty of academic and/or ethical misconduct, including
termination of programme (Policy Link).

You are required to keep to the word limit set for an assessment and to note that you may be
subject to penalty if you exceed that limit. You are required to provide an accurate word count
on the cover sheet for each piece of work you submit (Policy Link).

For late or non-submission of work by the published deadline or an approved extended

deadline, a mark of 0NS will be recorded. Where a re-assessment opportunity exists, a student
will normally be permitted only one attempt to be re-assessed for a capped mark (Policy Link).

An extension to the published deadline may be granted to an individual student if they meet
the eligibility criteria of the (Policy Link).

MBB7009M LDN 2023-24

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