اسنمارة الوصف الاكاديمي انكليزي 2020 2021

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Republic of

Ministry of Higher Education & Scientific
Research Supervision and Scientific
Evaluation Directorate Quality Assurance and
Academic Accreditation
International Accreditation

Academic Program Specification Form

For The
Academic 2020-

University: University of Baghdad

College : College of Engineering
Number Of Departments In The College :
Date of Form Completion : 30/10/2020

Dean ’s Name Dean ’s Assistant The College Quality

For Assurance
Date : / / And University
A ffairs
Signature Manage
Date : / / r Date : / /
Signature Signature
Quality Assurance And University Performance Manager
Date : / /


This Programme Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the
programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to
achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning opportunities that are
provided. It is supported by a specification for each course that contributes to the programme.

1. Teaching Institution University of Baghdad - College of Engineering

2. University Department/Centre Department of Computer Engineering

3. Programme Title Bachelor of Computer Engineering

4. Title of Final Award B. Sc. in Computer Engineering

5. Modes of Attendance offered The annual system and the presence of students on
campus and full-fledged under the method (today's
program) face to face or e-learning.
The academic year runs from 30 weeks. You must
complete 159 credit hours to succeed all courses (100-
150 minutes) of lectures per week and (120) minutes.

6. Accreditation IAC-Iraqi Accreditation Council

7. Other external influences N/A

8. Date of production/revision of 30/10/2020

this specification
9. Aims of the Programme

1- Graduating computer engineers to work in industry, academia and other sectors of computer
engineering applications.
2- Providing the graduates the ability to continue their professional development through lifetime
3- Graduating engineers as leaders in profession and innovation.
4- Graduating engineers with understanding of the impact of their profession on society and the
importance of ethics in profession.

10. Learning Outcomes, Teaching, Learning and Assessment Methods.

After reviewing the ABET standards and program objectives, it has been decided by the Ministry
of Higher Education and Scientific Research that the ABET standards (A - K) include the spirit
of our educational vision. Therefore, it was approved.

A. Cognitive goals

A1- The ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering to describe and solve
A2- The ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
A3- The ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs.
B. The skills goals special to the programme

B1- Developing initial competence in computer engineering majors

B2- Identifying, formulating and solving computer engineering problems using modern engineering
tools, techniques, and skills
B3- Performing integrated design of computer systems, components or processes by means of
practical experiences.

Teaching and Learning Methods

1- Lectures.
2- Educational programs.
3- Duties and tasks.
4- Lab. Experiments
5- Tests and examinations.
6- Questions and discussions.
7- A connection between theory and practice.
8- Field trips.
9- Extracurricular activities.
10- Seminars.
11- Panel discussions and oral conversations.
12- Reports, presentations and posters
Assessment methods

1- Study the conditions of former graduates.

2- Relevant committees in management such as scientific, QA.
3- The employee attitudes of our graduates, for example, workplace and job title, will be tracked each
4- A study by employers will be given to graduates at least every year to determine whether their work
directions are relevant to their specialization
5- It will be re-evaluated every time for several years by faculty members and then the ministry, and
talks will be offered with the graduates.
C. Affective and value goals

C1- Obtaining an appreciation of some ethical problems that arise in the practice of the profession.
C2- Obtaining an understanding of the impact of their profession on society.

Teaching and Learning Methods

1- Tests, quizzes.
2- Activities.
3- Participate during lectures

Assessment methods

1- Study the conditions of former graduates.

2- Relevant committees in management such as scientific, QA.
3- The employee attitudes of our graduates, for example, workplace and job title, will be tracked each
4- A study by employers will be given to graduates at least every year to determine whether their
work directions are relevant to their specialization
5- It will be re-evaluated every time for several years by faculty members and then the ministry, and
talks will be offered with the graduates.
D. General and Transferable Skills (other skills relevant to employability and personal

D1 - Developing written and verbal communication skills

D2 - The ability to work within multi-disciplinary teams

Teaching and Learning Methods

1- Tests, quizzes.
2- Activities.
3- Participate during lectures

Assessment Methods
1- Study the conditions of graduates innocently.
2 - The relevant line from the Internet communication circuit, QA.
3- For example, workplace and job title every year.
4- Study of business trends
5- At each year stage, faculty members and the district will be re-evaluated, and conversations with
alumni will be presented.

11. Programme Structure

Course or 12. Awards and Credits
Module Course or Module Credit
Code Title rating

Th. Pr.

First GS 101 Human rights 2 -

Bachelor Degree
GE 102 Mathematics 4 - Requires ( x ) credits
COE 103 Electronic I 3 2

COE 104 Electrical circuits 3 2

COE 105 Fundamentals of Digital 3 2

COE 106 Computer programing 3 2
COE107 Fundamentals of 3 2
Computer System
GS 108 English 2 -

Second GS 201 Arabic 2 -

COE 202 Engineering 4 -

COE 203 Electronic II 3 2

COE 204 Microprocessor and 3 2

Microcomputer I
COE 205 Digital System Design 3 2

COE 206 Data Structure and 2 2

COE 207 Communications 3 2

GS 208 English 2 -

Third COE 301 Computer Architecture I 3 -

COE 302 Digital Control Systems 3 2

COE 303 Microprocessor and 3 2

Microcomputer II
COE 304 Operating Systems 3 -

COE 305 Computer Network 3 2

COE 306 Digital Signal 2 -

COE 307 Data Base Systems 2 2

GS 308 English 2 -
Fourth COE 401 Internet Technology 3 2

COE 402 Computer Architecture 3 -

COE 403 Embedded System 3 2

COE 404 Computer Security 3 -

COE 405 Robotics and Artificial 3 -

COE 406 Computer Vision and 3 -
pattern Recognition
COE 407 Engineering Project 2 2

GS 408 English 2 -

13. Personal Development Planning

Continuous improvement is a student focus and every day is a natural part of our profession.
We always strive to improve the processes that increase the degree of achievement of the department
and college goals, and a periodic study is conducted to study the sites of weakness or deficiency in
order to overcome or overcome them. We ask each teacher to work on continuous improvement of
students' performance and write down the problems and obstacles facing students or the educational
process within his specialization in his workplace in an effort to ensure quality and we practice
continuous improvement to provide our optimal program and the following specific procedures have
been successfully implemented:
1- Comprehensive changes in the curriculum for the 2019-2020 academic year
2- Continuous improvement of faculty members through training programs.
3- Enhancing the number of faculty members for the higher scientific classes.
4- Purchasing a number of laboratory equipment and measuring instruments.
5- Purchasing a number of books for the department's library.
6- Purchasing a number of computers.
7-Establishing a network of access facilities provided by the College of Wireless Engineering
network (LAN) with stations now available in the department.
8- Employment of a number of faculty members and engineering staff.
9- An increase in extra-curricular activities for students, such as holding conferences and scientific
10- Reconstructing and rehabilitating classrooms and rooms in the department, as well as services and
14. Admission criteria.
Admission to the Bachelor’s program in the Department of Central and Ministerial Computer
Engineering and Computers in the following world:
1- The applicant or what follows from the Iraqi high school diploma. Students must obtain a high
average to qualify for admission to colleges of engineering.
2- The Ministry of Education and Higher Education.
3- The distribution of students to the 13 engineering departments of the College of Engineering at the
University of Baghdad, including the Department of Computer Engineering, and a winding of the
ability plan and average evaluation of applicants and their aspiration or selection. The capacity plan of
the Department of Computer Engineering in the last triennium was 40-50 students.
4- The number of students accepted for admission is available in centers in the names of the state and
5 - Specific time.
6- An applicant who graduated from the secondary school system outside Iraq has completed twelve
twelve years of combined elementary and secondary schools and studies from a recognized school.
An equivalent certificate from the Iraqi Ministry of Education is also required.
Admission to the Department of Computer Engineering is a high capacity. As shown in the
classification ranks, in the Iranian Army Edition.

15. Key sources of information about the programme

A- The department page on the college’s website.
B- Computer Engineering Department Handbook.
C- College of Engineering Handbook.
D- Some committee meetings of the Ministry for the Computer Engineering Department.
Curriculum Skills Map
please tick in the relevant boxes where individual Programme Learning Outcomes are being assessed
Programme Learning Outcomes
Knowledge and Subject-specific General and Transferable
Course Course Core (C) understanding skills Thinking Skills Skills (or) Other skills
Year / Code Or relevant to employability
Level Optional and personal development
A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2 D1 D2
GS 101 Human rights C √ √
GE 102 Mathematics C √ √
COE 103 Electronic I C √ √ √ √ √ √ √
COE 104 Electrical circuits C √ √ √ √ √ √ √
First Fundamentals of
COE 105 C √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Digital Systems
COE 106 Computer programing C √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
COE107 Fundamentals of C √ √ √ √
Computer System
GS 108 English C √ √
GS 201 Arabic C √ √
COE 202 Engineering C √ √
COE 203 Electronic II C √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
COE 204 Microprocessor and C √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Second Microcomputer I
COE 205 Digital System Design C √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
COE 206 Data Structure and C √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
COE 207 Communications C √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
GS 208 English C √ √
Third COE 301 Computer Architecture C √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
COE 302 Digital Control C √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
COE 303 Microprocessor and C √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Microcomputer II
COE 304 Operating Systems C √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
COE 305 Computer Network C √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
COE 306 Digital Signal O √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
COE 307 Data Base Systems O √ √ √ √ √ √ √
GS 308 English C √ √
COE 401 Internet Technology C √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
COE 402 Computer Architecture C √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
COE 403 Embedded System C √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
COE 404 Computer Security C √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
Fourth Robotics and Artificial
COE 405 O √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
COE 406 Computer Vision and O √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
pattern Recognition
COE 407 Engineering Project C √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √
GS 408 English C √ √
First Stage




This Course Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the
course and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning
opportunities that are provided. It should be cross-referenced with the programme

College of Engineering
1. Teaching Institution University of Baghdad

Computer Engineering Department

2. University Department/Centre (COED)

3. Course title/code Mathematics I / GE102

Semester System; There is only one

mode of delivery, which is a “Day
Program”. The students are full time

4. Modes of Attendance offered students, and on campus. They attend full

day program in face-to-face mode. The
Semester year is composed of 15-week
regular subjects.

1st and 2nd Academic Semesters

5. Semester/Year 2020 – 2021
60 hrs. / 3 theory + 1 discussion / 6 units
6. Number of hours tuition (total)
7. Date of production/revision of this
November / 2020

8. Aims of the Course

A1. The general goal of education as a whole is to prepare the student for public
and private life to benefit his community and himself. Upgrading the
student’s level in mathematics in particular and in the educational process in
A2. Developing the student's ability to conclude, generalize, and use their own logic.

A3. Student understands of some mathematical concepts, such as: relationship -

function - trigonometric functions - differentiation - integration - prob.

A4. Understanding mathematical proof and its rationale. Understanding some

mathematical systems such as: clique-matrices. Recognize mathematics and
learn about its most important applications in life.

9. Learning Outcomes, Teaching ,Learning and Assessment Method

A. Cognitive goals.

A1. Solution of linear algebraic equations

A2. Matrix operations and inverse of a matrix
A3. Complex variables
A4. Differential calculus
A5. Integral calculus
B. The skills goals special to the course

A student who successfully fulfills the course requirements will have

B1. Learn to use concepts of engineering mathematics.
B2. Apply these concepts in their studies to solve the engineering problems
related to the main topics studied in mechanical engineering.
B3. Learn methods for sketch functions.
B4. Learn and recruit Logarithmic and Trigonometric functions in the related
mathematics models.
B5. Be able to apply differential equations in engineering problems and
B6. Work in groups and function on multi-disciplinary teams.
B7. Understand professional, social and ethical responsibilities.
B8. Communicate effectively.

Teaching and Learning Methods

1. Lectures.
2. Tutorials.
3. Homework and Assignments.
4. Tests and Exams.
5. In-Class Questions and Discussions.
6. Connection between Theory and Application.
7. Field Trips.
8. Extracurricular Activities.
9. In- and Out-Class oral conservations.
Assessment methods

1. Lab
2. Quizzes and exams
3. homework
4. assignments

C. Affective and value goals

C1. Ability to analyze.

C2. Ability to solve problems.
C3. Ability to calculate the results.

Teaching and Learning Methods

1. Lectures
2. Homework
3. Lab. Experiments.
4. Discussions

Assessment methods

1. Quizzes and exams

2. homework
3. Lab
4. assignments
D. General and rehabilitative transferred skills (other skills relevant to
employability and personal development)

D1. Ability to carry out Independent study to take notes, to carry out background
D2. Problem Solving based on understanding.
D3. Ability to learn and remember key facts.
D4. Self-discipline and self-motivation.

10. Course Structure

Unit/Module or Assessment
Week Hours ILOs Metho
Topic Title Method

1 4 Complex Number C1,C2,C3 Weekly Quizzes

2 4 Matrix, properties, C1,C2,C3

Review of functions
3 4 Limits, continuity, C1,C2,C3
4 4 Inverse functions, C1,C2,C3

Items Inverse Trigonometric

5 and 6 8 C1,C2,C3
A1,A2.A3.A4 functions

Items Indeterminate forms

7 4 C1,C2,C3
A1,A2.A3.A4 and L’Hopital’s R

8 4 differentiation rules C1,C2,C3

Derivatives of
9 2 trigonometric C1,C2,C3

Derivatives of the
10 2 inverse trigonometric C1,C2,C3

11 4 Natural logarithms C1,C2,C3

Items The exponential

12 4 C1,C2,C3
A1,A2.A3.A4 function
13 and Items Hyperbolic functions
8 C1,C2,C3
14 A1,A2.A3.A4 and their inverse

15, 16, Items Integration-the definite

12 C1,C2,C3
and 17 A1,A2.A3.A4 integral

18 and Items
8 Indefinite integrals C1,C2,C3
19 A1,A2.A3.A4

20 and Items Substitution and Area

8 C1,C2,C3
21 A1,A2.A3.A4 between curves

Techniques of
integration, basic
integration formulas,
integration by parts,
22, 23, Items integration of rational
12 C1,C2,C3
and 24 A1,A2.A3.A4 functions by partial
substitutions, integral

Applications of
definite integrals-
25 and Items Volumes by Slicing
8 C1,C2,C3
26 A1,A2.A3.A4 and Rotation about
Differential Equations
First order differential
equations, variable
homogeneous, linear,
exact first order,
27, 28,
Items special first order
29, and 16 C1,C2,C3
A1,A2.A3.A4 equations (Bernoulli’s
differential equations,
non-exact differential

11. Infrastructure

 “Thomas Calculus” G. Thomas, M. Weir,

1. Books Required reading:
et al., 11th edition, 2004.
 “Calculus II”; by Paul Dawkins, 2007.
 “Engineering Mathematics”, by John
Bird, 5th edition, Elsevier Ltd., 2007.
 “Engineering Mathematics”, by K.A.
Stroud, First edition, MACMILLAN and
CO LTD, 1970.
 “Theory and Problems of Advanced
Calculus”, by Robert Wrede and Murray
R. Spiegel, Second Edition, McGRAW-
HILL, 2002.
2. Main references (sources)

A- Recommended books and  Howard, A. et. Al. (2008). Calculus.

references (scientific journals, McGraw-Hill Papers.
 Faddeev, L. D., and P. N. Pyatov. "The
differential calculus on quantum linear
groups." Fifty Years of Mathematical
Physics: Selected Works of Ludwig
Faddeev. 2016. 510-522.

 Kalton, Nigel, and Lutz Weis. "The $

H^{\infty} $-Functional Calculus and
Square Function Estimates." arXiv
preprint arXiv:1411.0472 (2014).

 Abadi, Martín, Bruno Blanchet, and

Cédric Fournet. "The Applied Pi
Calculus: Mobile Values, New Names,
and Secure Communication." Journal of
the ACM (JACM) 65.1 (2017).

B-Electronic references, Internet


12. The development of the curriculum plan

Maintaining Continuous development of academic curricula in line with the scientific





This Course Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the
course and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning
opportunities that are provided. It should be cross-referenced with the programme

College of Engineering
1. Teaching Institution University of Baghdad

Computer Engineering Department

2. University Department/Centre (COED)

3. Course title/code Electronics I/ COE 103

Annual System; There is only one mode

of delivery, which is a “Day Program”.
The students are full time students, and
4. Modes of Attendance offered on campus. They attend full day program
in face-to-face mode. The academic year
is composed of 30-week regular subjects.

1st and 2nd Academic Semesters

5. Semester/Year 2020 – 2021
60 hrs. /2 hrs. Per week Theory and
6. Number of hours tuition (total) 60 hrs. / 2 hrs. per week Lab.

7. Date of production/revision of this


8. Aims of the Course

A1. How to use the learned skills to understand, derive, and solve the equations in
various objects (e.g. Electrical circuits II, Engineering Analysis, Electronics
II, Communications, etc.)

A2. Representation of an introduction to the following course (Electronics II).

9. Learning Outcomes, Teaching ,Learning and Assessment Method

A. Cognitive goals.

A1. Design simple circuits that depend on diode characteristics.

A2. Solve problems related to diode circuit.
A3. Solve the problem related to transistor circuit.
A4. Design simple circuits that depend on transistor characteristics.

B. The skills goals special to the course.

B1. Acquire good knowledge in the atomic structure and crystalline structures.
B2. The differences between the insulators, conductors, and semiconductors.
B3. Recognizing the properties and differences between n and p material and the
formation of them.
B4. The principle of operation of the diode, the IV characteristics and the
equivalent models of the diode.
B5. A good knowledge of different diode applications.
B6. The principle of BJT transistor construction, operation principle and transistor
analysis for different configurations.
B7. The dc biasing and operating point of the different configurations of BJT
B8. A basic understanding of the BJT transistor as a switch.

Teaching and Learning Methods

1. Lectures.
2. Tutorials.
3. Homework and Assignments.
4. Lab. Experiments.
5. Tests and Exams.
6. In-Class Questions and Discussions.
7. Connection between Theory and Application.
8. Field Trips.
9. Extracurricular Activities.
10. Seminars.
11. In- and Out-Class oral conservations.

Assessment methods
1. Lab
2. Quizzes and exams
3. homework
4. assignments

C. Affective and value goals

C1. Ability to analyze.

C2. Ability to solve problems.
C3. Ability to calculate the results.

Teaching and Learning Methods

5. Lectures
6. Homework
7. Lab. Experiments.
8. Discussions

Assessment methods

1. Quizzes and exams

2. homework
3. Lab
4. assignments

D. General and rehabilitative transferred skills (other skills relevant to

employability and personal development)
D1. Ability to carry out Independent study to take notes, to carry out background
D2. Problem Solving based on understanding.
D3. Ability to learn and remember key facts.
D4. Self-discipline and self-motivation.

10. Course Structure

Unit/Module or Assessment
Week Hours ILOs Metho
Topic Title Method
2 the. Item A1 From 1 to12 of
From 1 to 4 of
1 1 tut. Atom structures T-Methods
2 the. item A2 From 1 to12 of
1 tut. Energy bands, insulators, T-Methods From 1 to 4 of
conductors A-Methods

2 the. item A3 From 1 to12 of

1 tut. T-Methods From 1 to 4 of
3 Semi-conductor

2 the. item A3 From 1 to12 of

1 tut. T-Methods
From 1 to 4 of
4 Type of semi-conductor

2 the. item A4 From 1 to12 of

1 tut. T-Methods From 1 to 4 of
5 PN-junction

2 the. item A4 From 1 to12 of

1 tut. T-Methods From 1 to 4 of
6 Forward and reserved biased

2 the. item A4 From 1 to12 of

1 tut. T-Methods From 1 to 4 of
7 Diode characteristics
2 the. item A4 From 1 to12 of
1 tut. T-Methods From 1 to 4 of
8 Diode equation

2 the. item A4 From 1 to12 of

1 tut T-Methods From 1 to 4 of
9 Diode equivalent circuit

2 the. item A5 From 1 to12 of

1 tut. T-Methods From 1 to 4 of
10 Diode applications: switching

2 the. item A5 From 1 to12 of

1 tut. T-Methods From 1 to 4 of
11 Rectifier circuits

2 the. item A5 From 1 to12 of

1 tut. T-Methods From 1 to 4 of
12 Clipping circuit

2 the. item A5 From 1 to12 of

1 tut. T-Methods From 1 to 4 of
13 Clipping circuit

2 the. item A5 From 1 to12 of

1 tut. T-Methods From 1 to 4 of
14 Clamping circuit

2 the. item A5 From 1 to12 of

1 tut. T-Methods
From 1 to 4 of
15 Clamping circuit

2 the. item A5 From 1 to12 of

1 tut. T-Methods
From 1 to 4 of
16 Regulators

2 the. item A5 From 1 to12 of

1 tut. T-Methods From 1 to 4 of
17 Zener diode

2 the. item A5 From 1 to12 of

1 tut. T-Methods From 1 to 4 of
18 Logic circuits

2 the. item A5 From 1 to12 of

1 tut. T-Methods
From 1 to 4 of
19 Special type diodes
2 the. item A6 From 1 to12 of
1 tut. T-Methods From 1 to 4 of
20 Bipolar transistor

2 the. item A6 From 1 to12 of

1 tut. T-Methods From 1 to 4 of
21 Configuration, operation

2 the. item A6 From 1 to12 of

1 tut. T-Methods From 1 to 4 of
22 C.B configuration

2 the. item A6 From 1 to12 of

1 tut. T-Methods From 1 to 4 of
23 C.E configuration

2 the. Item A6 From 1 to12 of

1 tut. T-Methods From 1 to 4 of
24 C.C configuration

2 the. item A7 From 1 to12 of

From 1 to 4 of
25 1 tut. D.C biasing T-Methods
2 the. item A7 From 1 to12 of
1 tut. T-Methods From 1 to 4 of
26 Biasing Circuits

2 the. item A7 From 1 to12 of

1 tut. T-Methods From 1 to 4 of
27 Biasing Circuits (continued)

2 the. item A7 From 1 to12 of

1 tut. T-Methods From 1 to 4 of
28 Load line analysis

2 the. item A7 From 1 to12 of

1 tut. T-Methods From 1 to 4 of
29 BJT Design

2 the. item A7
30 1 tut. Transistor switching networks

11. Infrastructure
1. Books Required reading:
 "Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory",
Robert Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky, 10th
Edition , 2009.

 “Semiconductor Physics and Devices” ,

Donald A. Neamen, 3rd edition, 2003”

 "Microelectronic Circuits", Sedra, Smith,

Fourth edition or Fifth edition, Oxford
University Press, 1998-2003.

2. Main references (sources)

A- Recommended books and

references (scientific journals, none

B-Electronic references, Internet


12. The development of the curriculum plan

Maintaining Continuous development of academic curricula in line with the scientific






This Course Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the
course and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning
opportunities that are provided. It should be cross-referenced with the programme

College of Engineering
1. Teaching Institution University of Baghdad

Computer Engineering Department

2. University Department/Centre (COED)

3. Course title/code Electrical Circuits I / COE 104

Annual System; There is only one
mode of delivery, which is a “Day
Program”. The students are full time
students, and on campus. They attend
full day program in face-to-face mode.
The Annual System is composed of 30-
week regular subjects. The laboratory
is an annual system, the first course,
DC circuits due to health conditions
and the Covid-19 pandemic. We will
accredit an electronic laboratory during
the month, with students attending one
4. Modes of Attendance offered
week of the laboratory, to familiarize
students with the laboratory and
equipment and teach them to use and
connect components and measuring
devices in the correct and accurate
manner. The second course is the
alternating current laboratory with the
same system for the first course. The
theoretical course is reinforced in the
laboratory. The Annual System is
composed of 30-week regular subjects.

1st and 2nd Academic Semesters

5. Semester/Year 2020 – 2021

150 hrs. / 5 hrs., per week

90 hrs. /3 hrs. per week Theory.

6. Number of hours tuition (total)
60 hrs. / 2 hrs. per week Lab.

7. Date of production/revision of this

November/ 2020
8. Aims of the Course

A1. Explain and analyze the voltage/current relationships and operational

characteristics of resistors, inductors, capacitors, and voltage and current

A2. Explain and analyze different electrical circuit morphologies. In particular;

series and parallel circuit structures, equivalent circuit configurations arrived
at by the combination of series and parallel circuit elements such as resistors,
inductors, capacitors, current and voltage sources, equivalent circuit
configurations arrived at using network theorems such as; Thevenin and
Norton equivalent circuits, superposition, and source transformations.

A3. Explain and analyze power and energy dissipation and distribution for DC &
AC circuits composed of the elements listed in the first objective.

A4. Design simple electrical circuits, with DC & AC sources, that satisfy specific
functional requirements.

A5. Explain and analyze the voltage/current relationships and operational

characteristics of resistors, inductors, capacitors, and voltage and current

A6. Explain and analyze different electrical circuit morphologies. In particular;

series and parallel circuit structures, equivalent circuit configurations arrived at
by the combination of series and parallel circuit elements such as resistors,
inductors, capacitors, current and voltage sources, equivalent circuit
configurations arrived at using

A7. Explain and analyze power and energy dissipation and distribution for AC
circuits composed of the elements listed in the first objective.
A8. Design simple electrical circuits, with AC sources, that satisfy specific
functional requirements.

9. Learning Outcomes, Teaching ,Learning and Assessment Method

A. Cognitive goals.

A1. Electricity and Magnetism

A2. Solution of linear algebraic equations
A3. Matrix operations and inverse of a matrix
A4. Complex variables
A5. Differential calculus
A6. Integral calculus

B. The skills goals special to the course.

A student who successfully fulfills the course requirements will have

B1. An ability to define and explain the meaning/function of charge, current,
voltage, power, energy, R, L, C, the op-amp, and the fundamental principles
of Ohm's law, KVL and KCL including an understanding of electrical safety
and the effect of current on humans.
B2. An ability to write the equilibrium equations for a given network and solve
them analytically, for the steady state (DC and AC/phasor) solution.
B3. An ability to state and apply the principles of superposition, linearity, source
transformations, and Thevenin/Norton equivalent circuits to simplify the
analysis of circuits and/or the computation of responses.
B4. An in depth understanding of the behavior of inductances and capacitances,
and differentiating
A5. An ability to qualitatively and quantitatively predict and compute the steady
state AC responses of basic circuits using the phasor method.
B6. An ability to compute effective and average values of periodic signals and
compute the instantaneous and average powers delivered to a circuit element.
B7. An ability to compute the complex power associated with a circuit element
and design a circuit to improve the power factor in an AC circuit.
B8. An ability to determine the conditions for maximum power transfer to any
circuit element.
B9. Principles of 3-phase circuits.

Teaching and Learning Methods

1. Lectures.
2. Tutorials.
3. Homework and Assignments.
4. Lab. Experiments.
5. Tests and Exams.
6. In-Class Questions and Discussions.
7. Connection between Theory and Application.
8. Field Trips.
9. Extracurricular Activities.
10. Seminars.
11. In- and Out-Class oral conservations.
12.Reports, Presentations, and Posters.

Assessment methods

1. Lab
2. Quizzes and exams
3. homework
4. assignments

C. Affective and value goals

C1. Ability to analyze.

C2. Ability to solve problems.
C3. Ability to calculate the results.

Teaching and Learning Methods

1. Lectures
2. Homework
3. Lab. Experiments.
4. Discussions

Assessment methods

1. Quizzes and exams

2. homework
3. Lab
4. assignments

D. General and rehabilitative transferred skills (other skills relevant to

employability and personal development)

D1. Ability to carry out Independent study to take notes, to carry out background
D2. Problem Solving based on understanding.
D3. Ability to learn and remember key facts.
D4. Self-discipline and self-motivation.

10. Course Structure

Unit/Module or Assessment
Week Hours ILOs Metho
Topic Title Method
2 the. items 1,2,3 Introduction and color coding , From 1 to12 of
From 1 to 4 of section
1 1 tut. of section 6 temperature effect section 11
2 exp.
2 the. items 1,2,3 Introduction and color coding , From 1 to12 of
1 tut. of section 6 temperature effect section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. 12

2 the. items 1,2,3 Sources and source From 1 to12 of

1 tut. of section 6 transformation section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. 12

2 the. items 1,2,3 Ohm's law, equivalent From 1 to12 of

1 tut. of section 6 resistance section 11
2 exp. From 1 to 4 of section
2 the. items 1,2,3 Ohm's law, equivalent From 1 to12 of
1 tut. of section 6 resistance section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. 12

2 the. items 1,2,3 DC circuit analysis methods From 1 to12 of

1 tut. of section 6 section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp.
2 the. items DC circuit analysis methods From 1 to12 of
1 tut. 1,2,3,4of section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. section 6 12

2 the. items DC circuit analysis methods From 1 to12 of

1 tut. 1,2,3,4of section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. section 6 12

2 the. items DC circuit analysis methods From 1 to12 of

1 tut. 1,2,3,4,5 of section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. section 6 12

2 the. items DC circuit analysis methods From 1 to12 of

1 tut. 1,2,3,4,5 of section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. section 6
2 the. items DC circuit analysis methods From 1 to12 of
1 tut. 1,2,3,4,5,6 section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. of section 6 12

2 the. items DC circuit analysis methods From 1 to12 of

1 tut. 1,2,3,4,5,6of section 11 From 1 to 4 of article
2 exp. section 6 12

2 the. items DC circuit analysis methods From 1 to12 of

1 tut. 1,2,3,4,5,6, section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. of section 6 12

2 the. items Star Delta transformation From 1 to12 of

1 tut. 1,2,3,4,5,6of section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. section 6 12

2 the. items Power calculation From 1 to12 of

1 tut. 1,2,3,4,5,6of section 11
2 exp. section 6 From 1 to 4 of section

2 the. Items7,8,9of Introduction to AC signals From 1 to12 of

1 tut. section 15 section 11
From 1 to 4 of section
16 2 exp. 12
2 the. Items7,8,9of Average value and RMS value From 1 to12 of
1 tut. section 15 section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. 12

2 the. Items7,8,9of Capacitor , Inductor , From 1 to12 of

1 tut. section 15 section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. 12

2 the. Items9,10,11 AC circuit analysis methods From 1 to12 of

1 tut. ,12of section section 11
From 1 to 4 of section
19 2 exp. 15

2 the. Items9,10,11 AC circuit analysis methods From 1 to12 of

1 tut. ,12of section section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. 15 12

2 the. Items9,10,11 AC circuit analysis methods From 1 to12 of

1 tut. ,12of section section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
21 15
2 exp. 12

2 the. Items9,10,11 AC circuit analysis methods From 1 to12 of

1 tut. ,12of section section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
15 12
2 exp.
2 the. Items9,10,11 AC circuit analysis methods From 1 to12 of
1 tut. ,12of section section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. 15 12

2 the. Items9,10,11 AC circuit analysis methods From 1 to12 of

1 tut. ,12of section section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. 15 12

2 the. Items9,10,11 AC circuit analysis methods From 1 to12 of

From 1 to 4 of section
25 1 tut. ,12of section section 11
2 exp. 15
2 the. items 13,14, Power Calculation From 1 to12 of
1 tut. of section 15 section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. 12

2 the. items 13,14, Power Calculation From 1 to12 of

1 tut. of section 15 section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp.
2 the. items 13,14, Power triangle From 1 to12 of
1 tut. of section 15 section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. 12

2 the. items 13,14, Power factor correction, From 1 to12 of

1 tut. of section 15 Resonance section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp.
2 the. item 15 of Three phase circuits From 1 to12 of
1 tut. section 15 section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp.

11. Infrastructure

1. Books Required reading:  Electrical Circuits, 2nd edition, Nilson, 1986.

 Fundamentals of Electric Circuits", C.K.

Alexander and M.N.O. Sadiku, McGraw
Hill, 4th edition, 2009.2.

 "Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis", J. D.

Irwin, Fourth edition, Macmillan, most
recent edition.

 Electrical Devices and Circuit theory, 9th

edition , Boylestad, 2006.

2. Main references (sources)

A- Recommended books and
references (scientific journals,  Electrical Circuit theory and Technology,
reports…). 4th edition, Bird, 2010.
 Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th edition,
Hayt and Kemmerly,2007.
 Introductory Circuit Analysis, 5th edition,
 A Textbook of Electical Technology,
Thiraja, 2009.
 Introduction to Electric Circuits (9th
Edition) by Dorf and Svoboda, John Wiley
& Sons (2013).
 ASEECircuitAnalysis_in_MATLAB_and_S
 Matlab - Electronics and Circuit Analysis
using Matlab
 The_Analysis_and_Design_of_Linear, 8th
edition (2016)
 Mathematical_Foundations_for_Linear

Laboratory experiments in the Measurements Lab

B-Electronic references, Internet
sites… of the department.

Available websites related to the subject.

Extracurricular activities.

12. The development of the curriculum plan

Maintaining Continuous development of academic curricula in line with the scientific





This Course Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the
course and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning
opportunities that are provided. It should be cross-referenced with the programme

College of Engineering
1. Teaching Institution University of Baghdad

Computer Engineering Department

2. University Department/Centre (COED)

3. Course title/code Fundamentals of Digital System / COE 105

Annual System; There is only one mode

of delivery, which is a “Day Program”.
The students are full time students, and
4. Modes of Attendance offered on campus. They attend full day program
in face-to-face mode. The academic year
is composed of 30-week regular subjects.

1st and 2nd Academic Semesters

5. Semester/Year 2020 – 2021
90 hrs. /3 hrs. Per week Theory.
6. Number of hours tuition (total) 60 hrs. / 2 hrs. per week Lab.

7. Date of production/revision of this


8. Aims of the Course

A1. Define the problem (Inputs and Outputs), write its functions.

A2. Implement functions using digital circuit (Combinational or Sequential).

A3. Minimize functions using any type of minimizing algorithms (Boolean

algebra, Karnaugh-Map or Tabulation Method).

A4. Have knowledge in analyzing and designing procedures of Combinational

and Sequential circuits.

9. Learning Outcomes, Teaching ,Learning and Assessment Method

A. Cognitive goals.

A1. Number system

A2. Digital Codes
A3. Logic Gates
A4. Boolean algebra
A5. The Karnaugh Map
A6. Arithmetic circuits
A7. Sequential Circuits
B. The skills goals special to the course

A student who successfully fulfills the course requirements will have


B1. Learning about the different number systems.

B2. Learning the arithmetic operations related to different number systems.
B3. Learning the different logic gates of computer system and their work.
B4. Ability to design, simplify and implement different logical and arithmetic
circuits that considered the basic of digital system.
B5. Ability to design, simplify and implement different sequential circuits,
counters and shift registers.
B6. Learning the basics of computer hardware including memory, registers,
arithmetic and logic unit, and bus system.

Teaching and Learning Methods

1. Lectures.
2. Tutorials.
3. Homework and Assignments.
4. Tests and Exams.
5. In-Class Questions and Discussions.
6. Connection between Theory and Application.
7. Field Trips.
8. Extracurricular Activities.
9. In- and Out-Class oral conservations.
Assessment methods

1. Lab
2. Quizzes and exams
3. homework
4. assignments

C. Affective and value goals

C1. Imagination
C2. Analyzing
C3. Ability to work within the team.
C4. Problem solving, by applying the learning outcomes and subject -specific skills
to solve practical design problems.

Teaching and Learning Methods

1. Lectures
2. Homework
3. Lab. Experiments.
4. Discussions

Assessment methods

1. Quizzes and exams

2. homework
3. Lab
4. assignments
D. General and rehabilitative transferred skills (other skills relevant to
employability and personal development)

D1. Ability to carry out Independent study to take notes, to carry out background
D2. Problem Solving based on understanding.
D3. Ability to learn and remember key facts.
D4. Self-discipline and self-motivation.

10. Course Structure

Unit/Module or Assessment
Week Hours ILOs Metho
Topic Title Method
2 theory From 1 to9 of From 1 to3 of
1-2 1 tutorial A1 Number system Teaching and Assessment
2 labs. Learning Method

2 theory From 1 to9 of

From 1 to3 of
Teaching and
3-4 1 tutorial A2, A6 Arithmetic Operation Assessment
.labs 2 Method

2 theory From 1 to9 of

From 1 to3 of
Digital Codes Teaching and
5 1 tutorial A1, A2 Assessment
.labs 2 Method
2 theory From 1 to9 of
From 1 to3 of
Teaching and
6 1 tutorial A3, A6 Logic Gates Assessment
.labs 2 Method

2 theory From 1 to9 of

From 1 to3 of
Teaching and
7-9 1 tutorial A4, A6 Boolean algebra Assessment
.labs 2 Method

2 theory From 1 to9 of

From 1 to3 of
The Karnaugh Map Teaching and
10-11 1 tutorial A4 Assessment
.labs 2 Method

2 theory From 1 to9 of

From 1 to3 of
Implementation of Teaching and
12-13 1 tutorial A4 Assessment
Logic Circuit Learning
.labs 2 Method

2 theory From 1 to9 of

From 1 to3 of
Teaching and
14-15 1 tutorial A2, A6 Basic Adders Assessment
.labs 2 Method

2 theory From 1 to9 of

From 1 to3 of
Teaching and
16-17 1 tutorial A2, A6 Arithmetic circuits Assessment
.labs 2 Method

2 theory From 1 to9 of

From 1 to3 of
Teaching and
18 1 tutorial A2, A6 Comparators Assessment
2 labs. Method

2 theory From 1 to9 of

From 1 to3 of
Teaching and
19 1 tutorial A2, A6 BCD Adder Assessment
2 labs. Method
Decoders and
2 theory encoders, case studies: From 1 to9 of
From 1 to3 of
Seven Segment Teaching and
20 1 tutorial A6 Assessment
decoder, Memory Learning
2 labs. Method
Decoder, Priority Methods
Multiplexers and De-
2 theory From 1 to9 of
multiplexers, case From 1 to3 of
Teaching and
21 1 tutorial A6 studies: Chanel Assessment
2 labs. Multiplexing and Method

2 theory From 1 to9 of

From 1 to3 of
Teaching and
22 1 tutorial A5 Sequential Circuits Assessment
2 labs. Method

2 theory From 1 to9 of

From 1 to3 of
Teaching and
23-24 1 tutorial A5, A6 Asynchronous Counter Assessment
2 labs. Method

2 theory From 1 to9 of

From 1 to3 of
Teaching and
25-27 1 tutorial A5, A6 Synchronous Counter Assessment
2 labs. Method

2 theory From 1 to9 of

From 1 to3 of
Shift registers, linear Teaching and
28-30 1 tutorial A5, A6 Assessment
feedback shift register Learning
2 labs. Method
11. Infrastructure

 Fundamentals of logic design, 5th edition, Roth,

1. Books Required reading:
2004, Thomson learning, Inc.
 Digital electronics, 5th edition, Bignell, 2007,
Thomson learning, Inc.
 Digital logic design, 4th edition, Holdsworth,
2002, Elsevier.
 Digital systems,10th edition, Tocci, 2007,pearson
prentice hall
 Digital fundamentals, 10th edition, Floyd, 2009,
Pearson prentice hall.
 Digital design, 4th edition, Mano, 2007, Pearson
prentice hall.

2. Main references (sources)

A- Recommended books
and references (scientific None
journals, reports…).

B-Electronic references, Internet Laboratory experiments in the (logic Lab.) of the

sites… department.

12. The development of the curriculum plan

Maintaining Continuous development of academic curricula in line with the scientific





This Course Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the
course and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning
opportunities that are provided. It should be cross-referenced with the programme

College of Engineering
1. Teaching Institution University of Baghdad

Computer Engineering Department

2. University Department/Centre (COED)

Computer Programming Methodology /

3. Course title/code COE 106

Annual System; There is only one mode

of delivery, which is a “Day Program”.
The students are full time students, and
4. Modes of Attendance offered on campus. They attend full day program
in face-to-face mode. The academic year
is composed of 30-week regular subjects.
1st and 2nd Academic Semesters
5. Semester/Year 2020 – 2021

150 hrs. / 5 hrs., per week

6. Number of hours tuition (total)

7. Date of production/revision of this


8. Aims of the Course

A1. This course aims to help students to learn how to use Python programming
language to solve real-life and scientific problems. The objective of the
course is to provide students with confidence of their ability to write small
useful programs.

A2.In addition, the course covers some details of essential programming topics
like: program debugging, testing and algorithm development.

A3. Students learn best by experimenting a plenty of programs that that solve
useful and interesting problems. The problems tackled cover a wide range of
general, and scientific applications although none of them require specialist
A4. Students will test all their homework programs included some examples
either on a computer in the class laboratory or on their personal computers
under supervisions of our staff.

A5. Quizzes are placed at the end of each section so both lecturer and students
can check whether they are on the right track.
A6. The programming exercises are also graded, allowing the students gradually
to attempt more difficult problems as their confidence and experience

9. Learning Outcomes, Teaching ,Learning and Assessment Method

A. Cognitive goals.

A1. Computers and their uses/ Hardware/Software.

A2. Programming languages/How to use/ run programs.
A3. Design and representation of algorithms/ implementation / testing and
verification/ program A4. Complex variables.
A5. Programming in Python/basic syntax: interactive mode programming and
script mode programming.
A6. Handling multiple data types and type conversions.

A7. Python program control: Conditions, boolean logic, logical operators, ranges.
A8. Functions in Python.
A9. Python classes and OOP.

B. The skills goals special to the course.

Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to

B1. Read given source code in Python and understand its behavior
B2. Extend existing source code for new features
B3. Write original source code to solve an engineering problem
B4. Organize source code in a modular form.
B5. Design and implement dynamic data structures using user-defined data types.
B6. Read and write Python programs that use dynamic data structures.
B7. Read and write Python programs that use structures.

Teaching and Learning Methods

1. Lectures.
2. Tutorials.
3. Homework and Assignments.
4. Lab. Experiments.
5. Tests and Exams.
6. In-Class Questions and Discussions.
7. Connection between Theory and Application.
8. Field Trips.
9. Extracurricular Activities.
10. Seminars.
11. In- and Out-Class oral conservations.
12.Reports, Presentations, and Posters.
Assessment methods

1. Lab
2. Quizzes and exams
3. homework
4. assignments

C. Affective and value goals

C1. Ability to analyze.

C2. Ability to program the idea.
C3. Ability to excute.

Teaching and Learning Methods

5. Lectures
6. Homework
7. Lab. Experiments.
8. Discussions

Assessment methods

1. Quizzes and exams

2. homework
3. Lab
4. assignments
D. General and rehabilitative transferred skills (other skills relevant to
employability and personal development)

D1. Ability to carry out Independent study to take notes, to carry out background
D2. Problem Solving based on understanding.
D3. Ability to learn and remember key facts.
D4. Self-discipline and self-motivation.

10. Course Structure

Unit/Module or Assessment
Week Hours ILOs Metho
Topic Title Method
3 the. From 1 to 8 From 1 to11 of
Computers and their uses/ From 1 to 4 of section
1 1 tut. of section 10 section 11
Hardware/Software 12
2 exp.
3 the. From 1 to 8 From 1 to11 of
1 tut. of section 10 Programming languages/How section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 2 exp. to use/ run programs 12

3 the. From 1 to 8 From 1 to11 of

Using computers in problem
1 tut. of section 10 section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
3 solving/ requirement
2 exp. 12
specifications/ analysis
3 the. From 1 to 8 From 1 to11 of
1 tut. of section 10 Design and representation of section 11
2 exp. algorithms/ implementation / From 1 to 4 of section
testing and verification/ 12

3 the. From 1 to 8 Programming in Python/basic From 1 to11 of

1 tut. of section 10 syntax: interactive mode section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
5 2 exp. programming and script mode 12
3 the. From 1 to 8 Python data types: variables, From 1 to11 of
1 tut. of section 10 assignments and numerical section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. 12
3 the. From 1 to 8 From 1 to11 of
1 tut. of section 10 Arithmetic and logical section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
7 2 exp. operators, precedence of

3 the. From 1 to 8 From 1 to11 of

1 tut. of section 10 Numeric data type: using the section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
8 2 exp. Math library 12

3 the. From 1 to 8 From 1 to11 of

1 tut. of section 10 String data type: simple string section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
9 2 exp. processing and string

3 the. From 1 to 8 From 1 to11 of

1 tut. of section 10 Python text files: reading from section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. and writing to a file 12

3 the. From 1 to 8 From 1 to11 of

1 tut. of section 10 Python lists: Traversing a list section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. and list operations 12

3 the. From 1 to 8 Python dictionary: accessing From 1 to11 of

1 tut. of section 10 values in dictionary, updating section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. dictionary and deleting 12
dictionary elements
3 the. From 1 to 8 From 1 to11 of
1 tut. of section 10 Handling multiple data types section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. and type conversions 12

3 the. From 1 to 8 From 1 to11 of

From 1 to 4 of section
1 tut. of section 10 Python modules: The import section 11
14 12
2 exp. statement

3 the. From 1 to 8 From 1 to11 of

1 tut. of section 10 section 11
2 exp. Python date & time: the time
From 1 to 4 of section
15 module and the calendar
3 the. From 1 to 8 From 1 to11 of
1 tut. of section 10 Simple graphics: “turtle” section 11
2 exp. From 1 to 4 of section
16 module; simple 2d drawing -
colors, shapes.

3 the. From 1 to 8 From 1 to11 of

1 tut. of section 10 Python program control: section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
17 2 exp. Conditions, boolean logic,
logical operators, ranges.

3 the. From 1 to 8 From 1 to11 of

1 tut. of section 10 If statement, nested if section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. statement, if-else if ladder else 12

3 the. From 1 to 8 From 1 to11 of

1 tut. of section 10 section 11
From 1 to 4 of section
19 2 exp. Loops: while statement.

3 the. From 1 to 8 From 1 to11 of

1 tut. of section 10 section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
20 Loops: for statement
2 exp. 12

3 the. From 1 to 8 From 1 to11 of

1 tut. of section 10 section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
21 2 exp. Nested loops

3 the. From 1 to 8 From 1 to11 of

22 1 tut. of section 10 Skipping loop iterations break section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. and continue. 12

3 the. From 1 to 8 From 1 to11 of

1 tut. of section 10 Using loops for accessing data section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. in lists, files… 12

3 the. From 1 to 8 From 1 to11 of

Functions in Python: new
1 tut. of section 10 section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
24 function creation, return values
2 exp. 12
and calls
3 the. From 1 to 8 Functions in Python: From 1 to11 of
From 1 to 4 of section
25 1 tut. of section 10 arguments and return values; section 11
2 exp. formal vs actual arguments,
3 the. From 1 to 8 named arguments. From 1 to11 of
1 tut. of section 10 Functions in Python: Recursive section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. functions. 12

3 the. From 1 to 8 Python classes and OOP: From 1 to11 of

1 tut. of section 10 classes, objects, attributes and section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. 12
3 the. From 1 to 8 From 1 to11 of
1 tut. of section 10 Python classes and OOP: section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
28 2 exp. Inheritance, polymorphism and
3 the. From 1 to 8 From 1 to11 of
29 1 tut. of section 10 Python classes and OOP: section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. defining classes 12

3 the. From 1 to 8 From 1 to11 of

30 1 tut. of section 10 Python classes and OOP: section 11 From 1 to 4 of section
2 exp. extending classes 12

11. Infrastructure

 Guttag, John. Introduction to

1. Books Required reading:
Computation and Programming Using
Python. Spring 2013 edition. MIT
Press, 2013

 Allen B. Downey. Think Python.

Second edition. O'Reilly, 2007.

2. Main references (sources)

A- Recommended books and
references (scientific journals,
reports…).  T. E. Oliphant, "Python for Scientific
Computing," in Computing in Science &
Engineering, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 10-20, May-
June 2007.
 Atanas Radenski. 2006. "Python first": a
lab-based digital introduction to computer
science. SIGCSE Bull. 38, 3 (June 2006),
 Douglas Blank, Deepak Kumar, Lisa
Meeden, and Holly Yanco. 2003. Pyro: A
python-based versatile programming
environment for teaching robotics. J. Educ.
Resour. Comput. 3, 4, Article 1 (December

B-Electronic references, Internet

 Laboratory experiments in the
(programming Lab) of the department.

12. The development of the curriculum plan

Maintaining Continuous development of academic curricula in line with the scientific





This Course Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the
course and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning
opportunities that are provided. It should be cross-referenced with the programme

College of Engineering
1. Teaching Institution University of Baghdad

Computer Engineering Department

2. University Department/Centre (COED)

Fundamentals of Computer Systems /

3. Course title/code COE107

Annual System; There is only one mode

of delivery, which is a “Day Program”.
The students are full time students, and
4. Modes of Attendance offered on campus. They attend full day program
in face-to-face mode. The academic year
is composed of 30-week regular subjects.
1st and 2nd Academic Semesters
5. Semester/Year 2020 – 2021

30 hrs. / 2 hrs. per week Lab.

6. Number of hours tuition (total)

7. Date of production/revision of this

Oct / 2020

8. Aims of the Course

A1. This course is intended for first class students. These students typically will
have knowledge of how computer works, how to assemble a computer and
how to troubleshoot hardware and software issues and also these students
will be able to have a career in IT.

A2. The students will enhance the capability of using Microsoft Word and
Microsoft PowerPoint software because of the wide applications of these
two software in the field of education, scientific research and the preparation
of research reports.

9. Learning Outcomes, Teaching ,Learning and Assessment Method

A. Cognitive goals.

A1. Introduction to Personal Computer.

A2. Describe a computer system.
A3. Fundamental Operating System (OS).
A4. Fundamental Laptops and Portable devices.
A5. Fundamental networks, explain the principle of networking.
B. The skills goals special to the course.

The student will be able to:

B1. Define a computer system

B2. Identify the names, purposes, and characteristics of cases and power supplies

B3. Install and troubleshoot the case and power supply

B4. Identify the names, purposes, and characteristics of CPU

B5. Install and troubleshoot the CPU

B6. identify the names, purposes, and characteristics of motherboard

B7. Install and troubleshoot the motherboard

B8. Identify the names, purposes, and characteristics of memory

B9. Install and troubleshoot memory

B10. Identify the names, purposes, and characteristics of adapter cards

B11. Install and troubleshoot the adapter cards

B12. Identify the names, purposes, and characteristics of storage devices

B13. Install and troubleshoot the storage devices

B14. Identify the names, purposes, and characteristics of input devices and output

B15. Understand the purpose of an operating system

B16. Determine the appropriate operating system based on customer needs

B17. Install an operating system

B18. Navigate an operating system GUI

B19. Apply preventive maintenance techniques for operating systems

B20. Troubleshoot operating systems

B21. Identify the purpose and components of laptops and other portable devices

B22. Apply preventive maintenance techniques for laptops and portable devices
B23. Troubleshoot laptops and portable devices

B24. Understand the principles of networking, the basic networking concepts and

Teaching and Learning Methods

1. Lectures.
2. Tutorials.
3. Homework and Assignments.
4. Lab. Experiments.
5. Tests and Exams.
6. In-Class Questions and Discussions.
7. Connection between Theory and Application.
8. Field Trips.
9. Extracurricular Activities.
10. Seminars.
11. In- and Out-Class oral conservations.
12.Reports, Presentations, and Posters.

Assessment methods

1. Lab
2. Quizzes and exams
3. homework
4. assignments
C. Affective and value goals

C1. Ability to install.

C2. Ability to troubleshoot.
C3. Ability to maintain.

Teaching and Learning Methods

1. Lectures
2. Homework
3. Lab. Experiments.
4. Discussions

Assessment methods

1. Quizzes and exams

2. homework
3. Lab
4. assignments

D. General and rehabilitative transferred skills (other skills relevant to

employability and personal development)

D1. Ability to carry out Independent study to take notes, to carry out background
D2. Problem Solving based on understanding.
D3. Ability to learn and remember key facts.
D4. Self-discipline and self-motivation.
10. Course Structure

Unit/Module or Assessment
Week Hours ILOs Metho
Topic Title Method

Item 1 of ‫اساسيات الحاسوب‬ From 1 to12 From 1 to 4 of

1 2 exp.
section 10 Computer Fundamentals of section 11 section 12
‫مكونات الحاسوب‬ From 1 to12 From 1 to 4 of
2 2 exp. 2,3,4,5,6
of section Computer Components of section 11 section 12
Items ‫مكونات الحاسوب‬
7,8,9,10,1 From 1 to12 From 1 to 4 of
3 2 exp. Computer Components
1,12,13,14 of section 11 section 12
of section
Items ‫امان الحاسوب و ترخيص البرامج‬
From 1 to12 From 1 to 4 of
4 2 exp. 15,16 of Computer Safety and
of section 11 section 12
section 10 Software Licenses

‫نظم التشغيل‬ From 1 to12 From 1 to 4 of
5 2 exp. 17,18 of
Operating Systems of section 11 section 12
section 10
‫نظم التشغيل‬ From 1 to12 From 1 to 4 of
6 2 exp. 19,20,21
Operating Systems (cont.) of section 11 section 12
of section
10 ‫مقدمة عن مايكروسوفت وورد‬
Item 22 of 2010 From 1 to12 From 1 to 4 of
7 2 exp.
section 10 Introduction to MS-Word of section 11 section 12
‫ادراج الكائنات في مايكروسوفت‬
Item 23 of 2010 ‫وورد‬ From 1 to12 From 1 to 4 of
8 2 exp.
section 10 Insert objects in MS-Word of section 11 section 12
‫ادراج الكائنات في مايكروسوفت‬
Item 24 of 2010 ‫وورد‬ From 1 to12 From 1 to 4 of
9 2 exp.
section 10 Insert objects in MS-Word of section 11 section 12
2010 (cont.)
‫مهام اضافية لمايكروسوفت وورد‬
Item 25 of From 1 to12 From 1 to 4 of
10 2 exp. 2010
section 10 of section 11 section 12
More options in MS-Word
2010 ‫مهام اضافية‬
‫لمايكروسوفت وورد‬
Item 25 of 2010 From 1 to12 From 1 to 4 of
11 2 exp.
section 10 More options in MS-Word of section 11 section 12
2010 (cont.)
‫مقدمة عن مايكروسوفت بوربوينت‬ From 1 to 4 of
Item 26 of 2010 From 1 to12
12 2 exp. section 12
section 10 Introduction of Power of section 11
Point 2010
‫مقدمة عن مايكروسوفت بوربوينت‬
Item 27 of 2010 From 1 to12 From 1 to 4 of
13 2 exp.
section 10 Introduction of Power of section 11 section 12
Point 2010 (cont.)
from 28 ‫ادراج الكائنات و اضافة الحركات‬
From 1 to12 From 1 to 4 of
14 2 exp. of section 2010 ‫في مايكروسوفت بوربوينت‬
Insert Objects and Add of section 11 section 12
Animations in MS- Power
‫ادراج الكائنات و اضافة الحركات‬
2010 ‫في مايكروسوفت بوربوينت‬
Item 29 of From 1 to12 From 1 to 4 of
15 2 exp. Insert Objects and Add
section 10 of section 11 section 12
Animations in MS- Power
Point 2010 (cont.)

11. Infrastructure

‫د‬.‫م‬.‫ أ‬,‫د غسان حميد عبد المجيد‬.‫ أ‬,‫د زياد محمد عبود‬.‫م‬.‫أ‬ 
1. Books Required reading:
‫ "اساسيات‬,‫ بالل كمال احمد‬.‫ م‬, ‫امير حسين مراد‬
‫ الدار‬,‫ الجزء االول‬,"‫الحاسوب و تطبيقاته المكتبية‬
.2014 , ‫الجامعية للطباعة و النشر و التأليف و الترجمة‬
.‫د‬.‫ م‬,‫د غسان حميد عبد المجيد‬.‫ أ‬,‫د زياد محمد عبود‬.‫م‬.‫أ‬ 
‫ "اساسيات الحاسوب و تطبيقاته‬,‫مصطفى ضياء الحسني‬
‫ الدار الجامعية للطباعة و النشر‬,‫ الجزء الثاني‬,"‫المكتبية‬
2016 , ‫و التأليف و الترجمة‬

2. Main references (sources)

A- Recommended books and none

references (scientific journals,

B-Electronic references, Internet none

12. The development of the curriculum plan

Maintaining Continuous development of academic curricula in line with the scientific

Second Stage
Engineering Mathematics

This Course Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the
course and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning
opportunities that are provided. It should be cross-referenced with the programmed

1. Teaching Institution College of Engineering

University of Baghdad

2. University Department/Centre Computer Engineering Department


3. Course title/code Engineering Mathematics / COE 202

4. Modes of Attendance offered Annual System: There is only one mode

of delivery, which is a “Day Program”.
The students are full-time students and on
campus. They attend a full-day program
in face-to-face mode. The academic year
is composed of 30-week regular subjects.

5. Semester/Year 1st& 2nd / Academic Year 2020-2021

6. Number of hours tuition (total) 120 hrs. / 4 hrs. per week.

7. Date of production/revision of this November 2020


8. Aims of the Course:

1. As a brief description for the Goals and objectives, by the completion of the
course the goals are:
2. How to relate the skills and concepts learned from Mathematics to understand
Engineering Mathematics
3. How to use the learned skills to understand, derive, and solve the equations in
various objects (e.g., Electronics II, DSP, Communications, Digital Control
4. Representation of an Introduction to advanced calculus.

9. Learning Outcomes, Teaching, Learning and Assessment Methods

A- Cognitive Goals

A1- Understanding the algebra of the Complex numbers and converting them to
various forms.

A2- Applying useful topics of integration including numerical integration.

A3- Using Taylor polynomials to linearize functions and forming Taylor and
Maclaurin series.

A4- Techniques for solving first order (linear or non-linear) differential equations,
how to solve second and higher order (homogenous and non-homogenous)
differential equations for determined and undetermined coefficients.\

A5- Using numerical methods to solve the ODE's using Euler and Runge-Kutta

A6- Learning Laplace Transform and its applications in control systems.

A7- Acquiring Difference equations and Z-Transform to be used in DSP.

A8- Studying Fourier series and Transform to be used in Communications.

B- The skills goals special to the course

B1- How to relate the skills and concepts learned from Mathematic to understand
Engineering Mathematics.

B2- How to use the learned skills to understand, derived, and solve the equations in
various objects (e.g., Electronics II, DSP, Communications, Digital Control etc.)

B3- Representation of an introduction to advanced calculus.

Teaching and Learning Methods

1. Lectures.
2. Tutorials.
3. Homework and Assignments.
4. Tests and Exams.
5. In-Class Questions and Discussions.
6. The connection between Theory and Application.
7. Seminars.
8. In-and Out-Class oral conservations.
9. Reports, Presentations, and Posters.

Assessment methods

1. Examinations, Tests, and Quizzes.

2. Extracurricular Activities.
3. Student Engagement during Lectures.
4. Responses Obtained from Students, Questionnaire about Curriculum and
Faculty Member (Instructor)

C- Affective and value goals

C1- An ability to read and comprehend mathematical literature at an appropriate


C2- An ability both to follow and correctly to construct mathematical proofs of

appropriate degrees of complexity.

C3- An appreciation of the importance of proof, generalization, and abstraction in

the logical development of formal theories.

Teaching and Learning Methods

1. Lectures.
2. Tutorials.
3. Homework and Assignments.
4. Tests and Exams

Assessment methods

1. Examinations, Tests, and Quizzes.

2. Extracurricular Activities.
3. Student Engagement during Lectures.
4. Responses Obtained from Students, Questionnaire about Curriculum and
Faculty Member ( Instructor )

D- General and Transferable Skills (other skills relevant to employability and

personal development)

D1- Relying on online lectures using data show.

D2- Making the lecture more interactive by inclusion techniques.

10- Course Structure:

Week Hours ILOs Unit/Module or Topic Title Teaching Assessment
Method Method
1 3 the. Item 1,2 of Complex Numbers, Operations, From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. section 10 Polar and exponential form of section 11 section 12
2 3 the. From 1 to 3 Phasors and De Moivre From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. section 10 Theorem. Quiz of section 11 section 12
3 3 the. From 1 to 3 Orthogonal Functions and From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. section 10 Integrals, Integrations of of section 11 section 12
continuous functions
4 3 the. From 1 to 3 Numerical Integration. Quiz From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. section 10 of section 11 section 12
5 3 the. From 1 to 3 Taylor Polynomials and From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. section 10 Linearization of section 11 section 12
6 3 the. From 1 to 3 Taylor 2nd and n-order From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. section 10 polynomials, Remainder Term of section 11 section 12
7 3 the. Item 4,5 of Taylor and Maclaurin series, From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. section 10 Quiz of section 11 section 12
8 3 the. Item 7 of First-order ODE From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. section 10 of section 11 section 12
9 3 the. Item 7 of Second-order ODE From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. section 10 of section 11 section 12
10 3 the. Item 7 of State-Space From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. section 10 of section 11 section 12
11 3 the. Item 1 to 5& Numerical Methods, Euler and From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. 7 of section Runge-Kutta of section 11 section 12
12 3 the. Item 7 of Term Quiz From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. section 10 of section 11 section 12
13 3 the. Item 7 of Laplace Transform From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. section 10 Introduction and properties of section 11 section 12
14 3 the. Item 6,7 of Inverse Laplace Transform From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. section 10 of section 11 section 12
15 3 the. Item 5 of Partial Fraction, Solving ODE From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. section 10 using LT of section 11 section 12
16 3 the. Item 5,6,8 of Transfer Functions, Poles and From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. section 10 Zeros, Quiz of section 11 section 12
17 3 the. Item 9 of Term Quiz From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. section 10 of section 11 section 12
18 3 the. Item 5,6,8 of Difference Equations and Z- From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. section 10 Transform of section 11 section 12
19 3 the. Item 5,6,8 of Design a digital controller, From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. section 10 Numerical solution of DE of section 11 section 12
20 3 the. Item 5,6,8 of Partial Fraction, Solving ODE From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. section 10 using LT of section 11 section 12
21 3 the. Item 5,6,8 of Transfer Functions, Poles and From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. section 10 Zeros, Quiz of section 11 section 12
22 3 the. Item 5,6,8 of Z-Transform Introduction, From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. section 10 properties of section 11 section 12
23 3 the. Item 5,6 & 8 Sampling continuous signal, From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. of section 10 relation of ZT with LT of section 11 section 12
24 3 the. Item 6,8 of Inverse Z-Transform From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. section 10 of section 11 section 12
25 3 the. Item 6,8 of Partial Fraction, Solving DE From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. section 10 using ZT of section 11 section 12
26 3 the. Item 9 of Term Quiz From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. section 10 of section 11 section 12
27 3 the. Item 9 of Fourier Series, trigonometric From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. section 10 and complex forms of section 11 section 12
28 3 the. Item 6 of Fourier Transform From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. section 10 of section 11 section 12
29 3 the. Item 9 of Discrete Fourier Transform From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. section 10 of section 11 section 12
30 3 the. Item 9 of Term Quiz From 1 to 12 From 1 to 4 of
1 tut. section 10 of section 11 section 12
11. Infrastructure
1- Books Required reading: 1- Thomas Calculus, George B. Thomas, 11th
Edition, 2005, Pearson Education Inc.
2- Thomas CALCULUS George B. Thomas
Maurice D. Weir Global Edition 2010

2- Main references (sources) 3- Croft et al., Engineering Mathematics A

Foundation for Electronic, Electrical,
Communications and Systems Engineering,
5th Ed., Pearson (2017).

A- Recommended books and

references (scientific journals,
B- Electronic references, Internet

12-The development of the curriculum plan

Continuous developing academic curricula in line with the scientific development

Electronics II


This Course Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the
course and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning
opportunities that are provided. It should be cross-referenced with the programmed

1. Teaching Institution College of Engineering

University of Baghdad

2. University Department/Centre Computer Engineering Department


3. Course title/code& Description Electronics II / COE 203

4. Modes of Attendance offered Annual System: There is only one mode of

delivery, which is a “Day Program”. The
students are full time students, and on
campus. They attend full day program in
face-to-face mode. The academic year is
composed of 30-week regular subjects.

5. Semester/Year 1st& 2nd / Academic Year 2020-2021

6. Number of hours tuition (total) 90 hrs. / 3 hrs. per week .

7. Date of production/revision of this

November 2020

8. Aims of the Course

1- To understand the following:-

2- Small signal Amplifier analysis and Design using BJTs.
3- FET structure, Biasing, and small signal Amplifier analysis and Design using
4- Ideal operational amplifiers applications (linear and non-linear).
5- Basic understanding to negative feedback.
6- Oscillators and multivibrators.
7- Logic families and their developments.
8- Analog to digital converters (ADC) and digital to analog converters (DAC).
9- Semiconductor memories.

9·Learning Outcomes

A. Knowledge and Understanding:

A1. Small signal AC analysis of different configurations of BJT amplifiers.

A2. Field Effect Transistors basic structure, operation, and dc biasing.

A3. Small signal AC analysis of different configurations and types of FET


A4. Ideal Operational amplifiers equivalent circuit, characteristics, and applications.

A5. Basic understanding of negative feedback systems.

A6. Oscillators principles of operation and different oscillator circuits.

A7. 555 timers as multivibrators.

A8. Different logic families and their developments.

A9. DACs and ADCs.

A10. Semiconductor memories.

B. Subject-specific skills

B1. design simple electronic circuits.

B2. design amplification circuits according to the desired parameters.

C. Thinking Skills

C1. ability of optimal design.

C2. ability of electronic measurements

D. Personal Development

D1. Electronic device classification.

D2. H/W maintenance

Teaching and Learning Methods (T-methods)

1- Lectures.
2- Tutorials.
3- Homework and Assignments.
4- Lab. Experiments.
5- Tests and Exams.
6- In-Class Questions and Discussions.
7- Connection between Theory and Application.
8- Extracurricular Activities.
9- Seminars.
10- In- and Out-Class oral conservations.
11- Reports, Presentations, and Posters.

Assessment Methods (A-Methods)

1. Examinations, Tests, and Quizzes.

2. Extracurricular Activities.

3. Student Engagement during Lectures.

4. Responses Obtained from Students, Questionnaire about

Curriculum and Faculty Member ( Instructor )

10.Course Structure
week Hour ILOs Topic title Teaching Assessment
s method Method
1 2 the. Item A1 The re model of BJT transistors (ac From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. model of BJTs) and common emitter of (T- of
fixed bias configuration ac analysis Methods) (A-methods)
2 2 the. Item A1 AC analysis of different BJT From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. configurations of (T- of
Methods) (A-methods)
3 2 the. Item A1 Effect of load and source resistance From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. on the ac gain of (T- of
Methods) (A-methods)
4 2 the. Item A1 Cascade configuration and design of From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. BJT amplifiers. of (T- of
Methods) (A-methods)
5 2 the. Item A2 Field Effect Transistors basic From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. construction and operation of (T- of
Methods) (A-methods)
6 2 the. Item A2 Transfer characteristics of different From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. FET amplifiers of (T- of
Methods) (A-methods)
7 2 the. Item A2 FET Biasing of different From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. configurations of (T- of
Methods) (A-methods)
8 2 the. Item A2 FET Biasing of different From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. configurations (continued) of (T- of
Methods) (A-methods)
9 2 the. Item A3 FET amplifiers ac analysis From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. of (T- of
Methods) (A-methods)
10 2 the. Item A3 FET amplifiers ac From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. analysis(continued) of (T- of
Methods) (A-methods)
11 2 the. Item A4 Operational amplifiers applications From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. (linear applications) of (T- of
Methods) (A-methods)
12 2 the. Item A4 Operational amplifiers applications From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. (non-linear applications) of (T- of
Methods) (A-methods)
13 2 the. Item A5 Negative feedback From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. of (T- of
Methods) (A-methods)
14 2 the. Item A6 Basic principles of oscillators From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. of (T- of
Methods) (A-methods)
15 2 the. Item A6 Different types of oscillators From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. of (T- of
Methods) (A-methods)
16 2 the. Item A7 Timing circuits 555 timer From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. applications, 555 timer as a mono of (T- of
stable multivibrator Methods) (A-methods)
17 2 the. Item A7 555 timer as an astable From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. multivibrator and a bistable of (T- of
multivibrator Methods) (A-methods)
18 2 the. Item A8 Logic Families (RTL, DTL) From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. of (T- of
Methods) (A-methods)
19 2 the. Item A8 TTL From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. of (T- of
Methods) (A-methods)
20 2 the. Item A8 ECL From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. of (T- of
Methods) (A-methods)
21 2 the. Item A8 CMOS From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. of (T- of
Methods) (A-methods)
22 2 the. Item A9 DAC From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. of (T- of
Methods) (A-methods)
23 2 the. Item A9 DAC From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. of (T- of
Methods) (A-methods)
24 2 the. Item A9 ADC From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. of (T- of
Methods) (A-methods)
25 2 the. Item A9 ADC From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. of (T- of
Methods) (A-methods)
26 2 the. Item A10 ROM From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. of (T- of
Methods) (A-methods)
27 2 the. Item A10 EPROM From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. of (T- of
Methods) (A-methods)
28 2 the. Item A10 E2PROM From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. of (T- of
Methods) (A-methods)
29 2 the. Item A10 Static RAM From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. of (T- of
Methods) (A-methods)
30 2 the. Item A10 Dynamic RAM From 1 to 7 From 1 to 4
1 tut. of (T- of
Methods) (A-methods

11. Infrastructure
1. Books Required reading: 1-"Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory",
Robert Boylestad, Louis Nashelsky, 9th Edition ,


2-Pa McAndrew, Colin C., Alexandra Lorenzo-

Cassagnes, and Olin L. Hartin. "Transistor self-
heating correction and thermal conductance
extraction using only DC data." Microelectronic
Test Structures (ICMTS), 2016 International
2. Main references (sources) Conference
3-Socratous,on. IEEE, 2016.
Josephine, et al. "Electronic
Structure of Low‐Temperature Solution‐Processed
Amorphous Metal Oxide Semiconductors for
Thin‐Film Transistor Applications." Advanced
functional materials 25.12 (2015): 1873-1885.
A- Recommended books and Laboratory experiments in the ( Electronics &
references (scientific journals, Communications Lab ) of the department.
B-Electronic references, Internet
12. The development of the curriculum plan

Continuous improvement of curriculum and faculty members through training

Microprocessor and Microcomputer I

This Course Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the
course and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning
opportunities that are provided. It should be cross-referenced with the programmed

1. Teaching Institution College of Engineering

University of Baghdad

2. University Department/Centre Computer Engineering Department


3. Course title/code& Description Microprocessor & Microcomputer I / COE


4. Modes of Attendance offered Annual System: There is only one mode of

delivery, which is a “Day Program”. The
students are full time students, and on
campus. They attend full day program in
face-to-face mode. The academic year is
composed of 30-week regular subjects.

5. Semester/Year 1st & 2nd / Academic Year 2020-2021

6. Number of hours tuition (total) 90 hrs. / 3 hrs. per week Theory .

60 hrs. / 2 hrs. per week Lab.

7. Date of production/revision of this

November 2020

8. Aims of the Course

1- What are the knowledge and skills expected to be attained by the student upon
completion of the course (brief description)?
2- Knowledge of the software architecture of the 8088/8086 and how to write and
run programs using assembly language.
3- Checking architecture of 80x86 microprocessor
4- Studying types of memories and communication principles between memory
and the microprocessor.
5- Studying of peripheral devices and communication principles between
peripheral devices and the microprocessor.
6- Studying Interrupts Interface.
7- Studying DMA Interface.

9· Learning Outcomes, Teaching , Learning and Assessment Method

A- Cognitive goals:
A1- Describe the software architecture of the 8088/8086 microprocessor.

A2- Know about the microprocessor's registers which includes general purpose
registers, special purpose registers, and segment registers.

A3- Explain how a byte or a word of data is stored at a memory address space
and the meaning of aligned and misaligned word.

A4- Describe the meaning of a logical address, a physical address and how to use
the segment register and the instruction pointer to generate the physical memory

A5- Describe the meaning of addressing modes which include the register
operand addressing mode, the immediate operand addressing mode and the
memory operand addressing mode.

A6- Write a program in an assembly language using the 8086-emulator software

(compiling, debugging, and running the program) .

A7- Convert a program that is written in assembly language to machine codes.

A8- Use the instruction set of the 8088/8086 microprocessor that includes data
transfer instructions, Arithmetic instructions, Logic instructions and Shift/Rotate
instructions in writing a program.

A9- Change the state of the flag status bits by using the flag instructions.

A10- Describe the concept of a stack, when to use the stack and how a value
inputs to the stack and return from it using the push and pop instruction.

A11- Write a procedure (function), call a procedure, and return to the main

A12- Describe the meaning of a string and how to handle the string using the
string instructions.

A13- Write a macro (opcode) and describe the difference between a macro and a

A14- Describe the hardware architecture of the 8088/8086 microprocessor (pin


A15- Explain how to configure the 8088/8086 microprocessor to work in

minimum mode or maximum mode.

A16- Explain the bus system and identify the types of the bus system which
includes the address bus , the data bus ,the control bus and how they work .

B. The skills goals special to the course

B1- Explain all the control signals that are needed in implementing the minimum
mode interface between the 8088/8086 microprocessor and memory or
input/output devices.

B2- Explain all the control signals that are needed in implementing the maximum
mode interface between the 8088/8086 microprocessor and memory or
input/output devices.

B3- Explain the 8284-clock generator and how it generates the system clock to
the 8088/8086 microprocessor.

B4- Define the bus cycle and explain the meaning of memory read, memory
write bus cycle and input/output read, input /output write bus cycle.

B5- Draw the read bus cycle and the write bus cycle for memory and
input/output devices in both modes.

B6- Define the meaning of the wait state, the idle state and when or where the
processor inserts it in the bus cycle system.

B7- Explain the interface between the 8088/8086 microprocessor and the 8288-
bus controller to generate the control signals in maximum mode .

B8- Describe the hardware organization of the memory address space and
explain the difference between the 8086/8088 microprocessor from this point.

B9- Describe the devices that are needed in implementing the memory interface
with the 8088/8086 microprocessor.

B10- Explain why the needs for memory address decoding circuit.

B11- Define the memory types and how they interface with the 8088/8086

B12- Define the input /output types and how they interface with the 8088/8086

B13- Use the input/output instructions in transferring data between the

microprocessor and the input/output devices.

B14- Explain the interrupt types and how to use the interrupt instruction in
software program.

B15- Explain how to interface multiple interrupts using 74f148 encoder.

B16- Understand the concept of direct memory address ( DMA) and how the
DMA controller works and interfaces with microcomputer system.

Teaching and Learning Methods.

1. Lectures.
2. Tutorials.
3. Homework and Assignments.
4. Tests and Exams.
5. In-Class Questions and Discussions.
6. Connection between Theory and Application.
7. Seminars.
8. In- and Out-Class oral conservations.
9. Reports, Presentations, and Posters.

Assessment Methods

1. Examinations, Tests, and Quizzes.

2. Extracurricular Activities.

3. Student Engagement during Lectures.

4. Responses Obtained from Students, Questionnaire about

Curriculum and Faculty Member ( Instructor )

C. Affective and value goals

C1-Student collaborative evaluation data is obtained from students at the end of the
cooperative experiment.

C2- Conducting a survey for each year to determine the extent to which students
achieve the desired results

C3- The evaluation is based on student data during the questionnaire distributed to
the educational students and academic courses.
Teaching and Learning Methods

1-Tests, quizzes.

2- Activities.

3- Participate during lectures

Assessment methods

1- Study the conditions of former graduates.

2- Relevant committees in management such as scientific, QA.
3- The employee attitudes of our graduates, for example, workplace and job title,
will be tracked each year.
D- General and rehabilitative transferred skills(other skills relevant
to employability and personal development)
D1. Ability to carry out Independent study to take notes, to carry out background
D2. Problem Solving based on understanding.
D3. Ability to learn and remember key facts
D4. Self-discipline and self-motivation

10.Course Structure

wee Hour ILOs Topic title Teaching Assessmen

k s method t
1 2 the. Item 1 Introduction to From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. of microprocessors& 8 of of section
section microcomputers. section 11 12
2 2 the. Item 2 16-bit Microprocessor From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. of Software Architecture 8 of of section
section (8088/8086 μp): BIU &EU. section 11 12
3 2 the. Item 3,4 16-bit Microprocessor From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. of Software Architecture 8 of of section
section (8088/8086 μp): memory section 11 12
10 organization, physical address
generation & IO organization.
4 2 the. Item 5,6 Introduction to Assembly From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. of Language Programming& 8 of of section
section Addressing Modes I of the section 11 12
10 8088/ 8086.
5 2 the. Item 5,6 Introduction to Assembly From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. of Language Programming& 8 of of section
section Addressing Modes II of the section 11 12
10 8088/ 8086.
6 2 the. Item A3 Converting Assembly From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. Language Instructions to 8 of of
Machine Code. T- A-methods
7 2 the. Item A3 Data Transfer instructions From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. [MOV, XCHG, LDS, LES, 8 of of
LEA]. T- A-methods
8 2 the. Item A3 Arithmetic Instructions: From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. Addition-[ADD, ADC, INC, 8 of of
AAA, DAA] T- A-methods
Subtraction-[SUB, SBB, DEC, methods
9 2 the. Item A3 Arithmetic Instructions: From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. Multiplication- 8 of of
[MUL, IMUL, AAM] T- A-methods
Division-[DIV, IDIV, AAD, methods

10 2 the. Item A3 Logic Instructions [AND, OR From 1 to From 1 to 4

2 exp. XOR, NOT, TEST]. 8 of of
Compare Inst. [CMP]. T- A-methods
11 2 the. Item A3 Shift & Rotate Instructions From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. [SHL, SAL, SHR, SAR, ROL, 8 of of
RCL, ROR, RCR]. T- A-methods
12 2 the. Item A3 Flag Control Instructions From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. [LAHF, SAHF, CLC, STC, 8 of of
CMC, CLI, STI, CLD, STD]. T- A-methods
13 2 the. Item A3 Control Transfer Insts. From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. Unconditional jump [JMP]. 8 of of
Conditional Jump Insts. T- A-methods
14 2 the. Item A3 LOOP&LOOP-Handling From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. Instructions[LOOP, 8 of of
LOOPE/LOOPZ, T- A-methods
15 2 the. Item A2, The Stack & Subroutines From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. A3 [PUSH, PUSHF, POP, POPF, 8 of of
CALL, RET]. T- A-methods
16 2 the. Item A3 String and String-Handling From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. Instructions: 8 of of
T- A-methods
17 2 the. Item A6 The 8088 and 8086 μps: [Pin From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. layout, Minimum & Max- 8 of of
Mode Interfaces]. T- A-methods
18 2 the. Item A7 System Clock, Bus Cycle & From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. Time States.8088/8086 Fully 8 of of
Buffered. T- A-methods
19 2 the. Item A8 The Memory System:[Memory From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. bus-cycles read/ write, memory 8 of of
interfacing to 8088/8086 (I)]. T- A-methods
20 2 the. Item A8 The Memory System:[Memory From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. types, memory chip 8 of of
requirements]. T- A-methods
21 2 the. Item The Memory System:[Memory From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. Item A8 interfacing to 8088/8086 (II)]. 8 of of
T- A-methods
22 2 the. Item A9 Input /Output Interface From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. Circuits and Peripheral 8 of of
Devices [Isolated& Memory- T- A-methods
mapped I/O, Input/Output Bus methods
23 2 the. Item A9 Input /Output Interface From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. Circuits and Peripheral 8 of of
Devices-[LED, Switches, 7- T- A-methods
segment]. methods
24 2 the. Item A9 Input /Output Interface From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. Circuits and Peripheral 8 of of
Devices- [Keyboard & Parallel T- A-methods
Printer Interface]. methods
25 2 the. Item A5 Introduction to 8279 Keyboard From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. &Display controller and its 8 of of
interface to 8088/8086. T- A-methods
26 2 the. Item A5 Interrupt-[interrupt types: From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. hardware, software, internal; 8 of of
vector table]. T- A-methods
27 2 the. Item A5 Interrupt-[external hardware From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. interrupt interface using INTR 8 of of
&NMI]. T- A-methods
28 2 the. Item A5 Interrupt-[Multiple Interrupt From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. Interface using 74F148 12 of of
encoder]. T- A-methods
29 2 the. Item Introduction to Direct Memory From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. A10 Accessing DMA & 8237 DMA 12 of of
controller I. T- A-methods
30 2 the. Item Introduction to DMA & 8237 From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 exp. A10 DMA controller II. 12 of of
T- A-methods

11. Infrastructure
1. Books Required reading: The 8088 and 8086 Microprocessors:
Programming Interfacing, Software, Hardware,
and Applications by Walter A. Triebel, Avtar
2. Main references (sources) Introduction to 80x86 Assembly Language and
Computer Architecture by Richard Detmer.

A- Recommended books and 6-N. Firasta et al., " Intel ® AVX: New frontiers
references (scientific journals, in performance improvements and energy
reports…). efficiency ", Intel Corporation Tech. Rep., May
B-Electronic references, Internet

12. The development of the curriculum plan

Continuous improvement of curriculum and faculty members through training

Digital System Design

This Course Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the
course and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning
opportunities that are provided. It should be cross-referenced with the programmed

1. Teaching Institution College of Engineering

University of Baghdad

2. University Department/Centre Department of Computer Engineering

3. Course title/code& Description Digital System Design / COE 205

4. Modes of Attendance offered Annual System: There is only one mode of

delivery, which is a “Day Program”. The
students are full time students, and on
campus. They attend full day program in
face-to-face mode. The academic year is
composed of 30-week regular subjects.

5. Semester/Year 1st & 2nd / Academic Year 2020-2021

6. Number of hours tuition (total) 90 hrs. / 3 hrs. per week Theory

60 hrs. / 2 hrs. per week Lab.

7. Date of production/revision of this

November 2020

8. Aims of the Course

Briefly, Goals and objectives of the completed course are:

1- How to relate the skills and concepts learned from fundamental digital design
to understand advance digital design.
2- How to use the learned skills to understand, derive, and solve the digital &
logical equations of digital circuit, and system in various objects (e.g.,
microprocessor I & II, computer architecture I & II, digital electronics, digital
communication, I/O devices etc.).
3- Representation, the fundamental concepts to advanced Digital design and
implementation by understanding practical digital devices.

9· Learning Outcomes, Teaching , Learning and Assessment Method

A- Cognitive goals:
A1- Simplify & solved any Boolean equation until to 6 variables using K-map

A2- Acknowledge how to design digital problem using state machine approach.

A3- Use registers & registers application in a digital system.

A4- Analysis any sequential circuit of a digital system using state machine

A5- Design practical & complex problem using algorithm state machine (ASM)
chart approach.

A6- Realize digital system using programmable devices (PLA, ROM, …, etc.)

A7- Separate between synchronous & asynchronous state machine approach in a

A8- Design a digital circuit & solve practical problems by applying VHDL
language in a design
B- The skills goals special to the course
B1- Simplify & solved any Boolean equation until to 6 variables using K-map

B2- Acknowledge how to design digital problem using state machine approach.

B3- Use registers & registers application in a digital system.

B4- Analysis any sequential circuit of a digital system using state machine

B5- Design practical & complex problem using algorithm state machine (ASM)
chart approach.

B6- Realize digital system using programmable devices (PLA, ROM, …, etc.)

B7- Separate between synchronous & asynchronous state machine approach in a

B8- Design a digital circuit & solve practical problems by applying VHDL
language in a design
Assessment Methods
1. Examinations, Tests, and Quizzes.
2. Extracurricular Activities.
3. Student Engagement during Lectures.
4. Responses Obtained from Students, Questionnaire about Curriculum and Faculty
Member (Instructor).

C. Affective and value goals

C1-Student collaborative evaluation data is obtained from students at the end of the
cooperative experiment.

C2- Conducting a survey for each year to determine the extent to which students
achieve the desired results

C3- The evaluation is based on student data during the questionnaire distributed to
the educational students and academic courses.

Teaching and Learning Methods

1-Tests, quizzes.

2- Activities.

3- Participate during lectures

Assessment methods

1- Study the conditions of former graduates.

2- Relevant committees in management such as scientific, QA.
3- The employee attitudes of our graduates, for example, workplace and job title,
will be tracked each year.
D- General and rehabilitative transferred skills(other skills relevant
to employability and personal development)
D1. Ability to carry out Independent study to take notes, to carry out background
D2. Problem Solving based on understanding.
D3. Ability to learn and remember key facts
D4. Self-discipline and self-motivation

10.Course Structure

Week Hours ILOs Topic title Teaching Assessment

method Method
1 2 the. Item 1 of Sequence generator & detector, From 1 From 1 to 4
2 exp. section PN generator to12 of of section
10 section 11 12
2 2 the. Item 2 & Introduction of Synchronous From 1 From 1 to 4
2 exp. 4 of sequential logic to12 of of section
section section 11 12
3 2 the. Item 5 of State diagram From 1 From 1 to 4
2 exp. section to12 of of section
10 section 11 12
4 2 the. Item 1 to Tutorials & Quiz From 1 From 1 to 4
2 exp. 4 of to12 of of section
section section 11 12
5 2 the. Item 5 of State diagram and state From 1 From 1 to 4
2 exp. section diagram reduction to12 of of section
10 section 11 12
6 2 the. From 1 Feedback shift registers, From 1 From 1 to 4
2 exp. to 4 of sequential circuits using a to12 of of section
section register and a combination section 11 12
10 circuit
7 2 the. Item 4 of Analysis of Synchronous From 1 From 1 to 4
2 exp. section sequential logic to12 of of section
10 section 11 12
8 2 the. Item 8 of Introduce basic VHDL From 1 From 1 to 4
2 exp. section concepts and constructs, Signal to12 of of section
10 and constant section 11 12
9 2 the. Item 8 of VHDL description of From 1 From 1 to 4
2 exp. section combinational circuits, VHDL to12 of of section
10 models& operators section 11 12
10 2 the. Item 8 of Packages and libraries, IEEE From 1 From 1 to 4
2 exp. section standard logic & Modeling to12 of of section
10 Flip-Flops using VHDL section 11 12
11 2 the. Item 8 of Modeling registers and From 1 From 1 to 4
2 exp. section counters using VHDL to12 of of section
10 processes & Quiz section 11 12
12 2 the. Item 8 of Modeling combinational logic From 1 From 1 to 4
2 exp. section using VHDL processes to12 of of section
10 section 11 12

13 2 the. Item 8 of VHDL Modeling of a From 1 From 1 to 4

2 exp. section sequential machine, More to12 of of section
10 about processes and sequential section 11 12
14 2 the. Item 7 of Introduction of Asynchronous From 1 From 1 to 4
2 exp. section sequential logic to12 of of section
10 section 11 12
15 2 the. Item 7 of Non- critical race, stability From 1 From 1 to 4
2 exp. section consideration, Hazard (Static, to12 of of section
10 Dynamic & Essential) section 11 12
16 2 the. Item 7 of Determination of flow table for From 1 From 1 to 4
2 exp. section problem reduction of the to12 of of section
10 primitive flow table section 11 12
17 2 the. From 1 Tutorial & Quiz From 1 From 1 to 4
2 exp. to 8 of to12 of of section
section section 11 12
18 2 the. Item 7 of Conversion of primitive flow From 1 From 1 to 4
2 exp. section table to transition table and to12 of of section
10 logic diagram section 11 12
19 2 the. Item 7 of State assignment, merging rows From 1 From 1 to 4
2 exp. section of the flow table, race free to12 of of section
10 assignment, hazard, section 11 12
20 2 the. Item 7 of implementation of sequential From 1 From 1 to 4
2 exp. section circuit with SR latches, Quiz to12 of of section
10 section 11 12
21 2 the. Item 6 of Logic circuits and From 1 From 1 to 4
2 exp. section programmable logic devices, to12 of of section
10 PLA, PAL, ROM, FPGA section 11 12
22 2 the. Item 5 of Introduction of Algorithmic From 1 From 1 to 4
2 exp. section state machines (ASM), ASM to12 of of section
10 Chart & Table section 11 12
23 2 the. Item 5 of Practical problems using ASM From 1 From 1 to 4
2 exp. section chart to12 of of section
10 section 11 12
24 2 the. Item 5 of Practical problems using ASM From 1 From 1 to 4
2 exp. section chart to12 of of section
10 section 11 12
25 2 the. From 5 Realization ASM Chart using From 1 From 1 to 4
2 exp. to 6 of PLA & ROM devices to12 of of section
section section 11 12
26 2 the. Item 8 of Design of simple processor in From 1 From 1 to 4
2 exp. section VHDL to12 of of section
10 section 11 12
27 2 the. Item 8 of Design of simple processor in From 1 From 1 to 4
2 exp. section VHDL to12 of of section
10 section 11 12
28 2 the. Item 8 of Design of simple processor in From 1 From 1 to 4
2 exp. section VHDL to12 of of section
10 section 11 12

29 2 the. Item 8 of Design of simple processor in From 1 From 1 to 4

2 exp. section VHDL to12 of of section
10 section 11 12
30 2 the. From 1 Tutorial & Quiz From 1 From 1 to 4
2 exp. to 8 of to12 of of section
section section 11 12
11. Infrastructure
1. Books Required reading: "Fundamentals of Logic Design", Charles H. Roth
& Larry L. Kinney, all edition until 6th edition in

2. Main references (sources) "Principles of Modern

"Fundamentals Digital
of Logic Design",
Design", CharlesParag K.
H. Roth
& Larry L. Kinney, all edition until 6th edition in
A- Recommended books and references Deshmane, P. D., Lad, M., Mhetre, P., & Kumar,
(scientific journals, reports…). S. (2014). 8 Bit Microprocessor Using VHDL.
International Journal of Latest Technology in
Engineering, Management & Applied Science,
B-Electronic references, Internet sites…

12. The development of the curriculum plan

Continuous improvement of curriculum and faculty members through training

Data Structures and Computer Algorithms

This Course Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the
course and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning
opportunities that are provided. It should be cross-referenced with the programmed

1. Teaching Institution College of Engineering

University of Baghdad

2. University Department/Centre Department of Computer Engineering

3. Course title/code& Description Data structures and Computer Algorithms/


4. Modes of Attendance offered Annual System: There is only one mode of

delivery, which is a “Day Program”. The
students are full time students, and on
campus. They attend full day program in
face-to-face mode. The academic year is
composed of 30-week regular subjects.

5. Semester/Year 1st & 2nd / Academic Year 2020-2021

6. Number of hours tuition (total) 60 hrs. / 2 hrs. per week theory

60 hrs. / 2 hrs. per week Lab.

7. Date of production/revision of this

November 2020

8. Aims of the Course

1- In this course we have tried to emphasize the following notions to our

2- Learning how to write programs in Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
style using JAVA.
3- The ability to define at a sufficiently high level of abstraction to data
structures and algorithms that are needed.
4- The ability to devise alternative implementations of data structure.
5- The ability to write a correct algorithm and for all programs tried our best
to structure them appropriately.
6- To be able to describe the accessing functions of all the fundamentals of
data structures (linear list, linked list, stack, queue, tree, binary search tree,
table, and the hash techniques) and its operations with the help of object-
oriented design.

9· Learning Outcomes, Teaching , Learning and Assessment Method

A- Cognitive goals:
A1- Upon Completion of this course the students will acquire the following

A2- Writing programs in OOP style after knowing through the course the
advantages of OOP in writing any software.

A3- Using the Object-Oriented Design (OOD) in his/her projects.

A4- Design and implement the solution to a problem with the use of an
appropriate data structures.

B. The skills goals special to the course

B1- Upon Completion of this course the students will acquire the following

B2- Writing programs in OOP style after knowing through the course the
advantages of OOP in writing any software.

B3- Using the Object-Oriented Design (OOD) in his/her projects.

B4- Design and implement the solution to a problem with the use of an
appropriate data structures.

Teaching and Learning Methods.

1. Lectures.
2. Tutorials.
3. Homework and Assignments.
4. Tests and Exams.
5. In-Class Questions and Discussions.
6. Connection between Theory and Application.
7. Seminars.
8. In- and Out-Class oral conservations.
9. Reports, Presentations, and Posters.

Assessment Methods
1. Examinations, Tests, and Quizzes.
2. Extracurricular Activities.
3. Student Engagement during Lectures.
4. Responses Obtained from Students, Questionnaire about Curriculum and Faculty
Member (Instructor).

C. Affective and value goals

C1-Student collaborative evaluation data is obtained from students at the end of the
cooperative experiment.

C2- Conducting a survey for each year to determine the extent to which students
achieve the desired results

C3- The evaluation is based on student data during the questionnaire distributed to
the educational students and academic courses.

Teaching and Learning Methods

1-Tests, quizzes.

2- Activities.

3- Participate during lectures

Assessment methods

1- Study the conditions of former graduates.

2- Relevant committees in management such as scientific, QA.
3- The employee attitudes of our graduates, for example, workplace and job title,
will be tracked each year.
D- General and rehabilitative transferred skills(other skills relevant
to employability and personal development)
D1. Ability to carry out Independent study to take notes, to carry out background
D2. Problem Solving based on understanding.
D3. Ability to learn and remember key facts
D4. Self-discipline and self-motivation

10.Course Structure
wee Hours ILOs Topic title Teaching Assessment
k method Method
1 2 the. From 1 to 2 Basics of OOP From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 of section 10 of section 11 of section 12
2 2 the. From 1 to 2 Types of member From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 exp. of section 10 functions of section 11 of section 12
3 2 the. From 1 to 2 Initializing From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 exp. of section 10 functions/data broker of section 11 of section 12
4 2 the. From 1 to 2 Implementation From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 exp. of section 10 functions/access of section 11 of section 12
functions/ auxiliary
functions and constant
5 2 the. From 1 to 2 Class instantiation From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 exp. of section 10 of section 11 of section 12
6 2 the. From 1 to 2 Array of class objects/ From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 exp. of section 10 objects as function of section 11 of section 12
7 2 the. From 1 to 2 Constructors(initializing From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 exp. of section 10 object/default of section 11 of section 12
8 2 the. From 1 to 2 Copy constructor/ using From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 exp. of section 10 custom constructor of section 11 of section 12
9 2 the. From 1 to 2 Destructors From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 exp. of section 10 of section 11 of section 12
10 2 the. From 1 to 2 Class types, class scope, From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 exp. of section 10 empty class, nested class of section 11 of section 12
11 2 the. From 1 to 2 Data members, static From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 exp. of section 10 members of section 11 of section 12
12 2 the. From 1 to 2 Overloading (non- From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 exp. of section 10 member/ member of section 11 of section 12
functions) conversion
function and friend
13 2 the. From 1 to 2 Overloaded constructor, From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 exp. of section 10 overloaded operator, of section 11 of section 12
and operator as a
function call
14 2 the. From 1 to 2 Templates From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 exp. of section 10 of section 11 of section 12
15 2 the. From 1 to 2 The "this" pointer From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 exp. of section 10 of section 11 of section 12
16 2 the. From 1 to 2 Simple arrays From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 exp. of section 10 of section 11 of section 12
17 2 the. From 1 to 2 Multidimensional From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 exp. of section 10 arrays of section 11 of section 12
18 2 the. From 1 to 2 Lists From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 exp. of section 10 of section 11 of section 12
19 2 the. From 1 to 2 implantation via From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 exp. of section 10 arrays, dynamic of section 11 of section 12
memory, and via linked
20 2 the. From 1 to 2 Order list From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 exp. of section 10 of section 11 of section 12
21 2 the. From 1 to 2 Stacks, stack From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 exp. of section 10 implementations of section 11 of section 12
22 2 the. From 1 to 2 Queues, Queue From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 exp. of section 10 implementations of section 11 of section 12
23 2 the. From 1 to 2 Circular queue From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 exp. of section 10 of section 11 of section 12
24 2 the. From 1 to 2 Tables From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 exp. of section 10 of section 11 of section 12
25 2 the. From 1 to 2 Hash technique From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 exp. of section 10 of section 11 of section 12
26 2 the. From 1 to 2 Methods for handling From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 exp. of section 10 collisions of section 11 of section 12
27 2 the. From 1 to 2 Trees From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 exp. of section 10 of section 11 of section 12

28 2 the. From 1 to 2 building binary tree From 1 to12 From 1 to 4

2 exp. of section 10 of section 11 of section 12
29 2 the. From 1 to 2 Tree traversal/ From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 exp. of section 10 preorder, in order, and of section 11 of section 12
post order
30 2 the. From 1 to 2 Binary search tree From 1 to12 From 1 to 4
2 exp. of section 10 of section 11 of section 12
11. Infrastructure
1. Books Required reading: Data Structures and Algorithms in Java™

Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia Michael

H. Goldwasser, 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
2. Main references (sources) Laboratory experiments in the programming Lab )
of the department.

Available websites related to the subject

A- Recommended books and
references (scientific journals, Extra lectures by foreign guest lecturers
B-Electronic references, Internet
12. The development of the curriculum plan

Continuous improvement of curriculum and faculty members through training


This Course Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the
course and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning
opportunities that are provided. It should be cross-referenced with the programmed

1. Teaching Institution College of Engineering

University of Baghdad

2. University Department/Centre Department of Computer Engineering

3. Course title/code& Description Communications / COE 207

4. Modes of Attendance offered Annual System: There is only one mode of

delivery, which is a “Day Program”. The
students are full time students, and on
campus. They attend full day program in
face-to-face mode. The academic year is
composed of 30-week regular subjects.

5. Semester/Year 1st & 2nd / Academic Year 2020-2021

6. Number of hours tuition (total) 120 hrs. / 4 hrs. per week .

60 hrs./ 2 hrs. per week Theory.

60 hrs./ 2 hrs. per week Lab.

7. Date of production/revision of this

November 2020

8. Aims of the Course

1- What are the knowledge and skills expected to be attained by the student upon
completion of the course (brief description)?
2- To understand the following:-
3- Analog modulation and demodulation such as (AM, DSB-SC, SSB, FM, PM)
4- Digital Modulation and Demodulation such as (PCM, DM, ADM, ASK, FSK,
5- Information theory (Measure of information entropy and channel capacity,
Source Coding, Channel coding)

9· Learning Outcomes, Teaching , Learning and Assessment Method

A- Cognitive goals:
A1- What are the knowledge and skills expected to be attained by the student upon
completion of the course(should be measurable)?

A2- The student will be able to:

A3- Analyze a complete analog and digital communication system.

A4- Measure of information entropy and channel capacity.

A5- The ability to coding any message, by using Source Coding procedure.

A6- The ability to find the error detection and correction for digital channels.

B. The skills goals special to the course

B1- What are the knowledge and skills expected to be attained by the student upon
completion of the course(should be measurable)?

B2- The student will be able to:

B3- Analyze a complete analog and digital communication system.

B4- Measure of information entropy and channel capacity.

B5- The ability to coding any message, by using Source Coding procedure.

B6- The ability to find the error detection and correction for digital channels.

Teaching and Learning Methods.

1. Lectures.
2. Tutorials.
3. Homework and Assignments.
4. Tests and Exams.
5. In-Class Questions and Discussions.
6. Connection between Theory and Application.
7. Seminars.
8. In- and Out-Class oral conservations.
Reports, Presentations, and Posters.
Assessment Methods
1. Examinations, Tests, and Quizzes.
2. Extracurricular Activities.
3. Student Engagement during Lectures.
4. Responses Obtained from Students, Questionnaire about Curriculum and Faculty
Member (Instructor).
C. Affective and value goals

C1-Student collaborative evaluation data is obtained from students at the end of the
cooperative experiment.

C2- Conducting a survey for each year to determine the extent to which students
achieve the desired results

C3- The evaluation is based on student data during the questionnaire distributed to the
educational students and academic courses.

Teaching and Learning Methods

1-Tests, quizzes.

2- Activities.

3- Participate during lectures

Assessment methods

1- Study the conditions of former graduates.

2- Relevant committees in management such as scientific, QA.
3- The employee attitudes of our graduates, for example, workplace and job title,
will be tracked each year.
D- General and rehabilitative transferred skills(other skills relevant to
employability and personal development)
D1. Ability to carry out Independent study to take notes, to carry out background
D2. Problem Solving based on understanding.
D3. Ability to learn and remember key facts
D4. Self-discipline and self-motivation

10. Course Structure

wee Hours ILOs Topic title Teaching Assessment

k method Method
1 Item 1 of Definitions, Elements of From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 the. section 10 communication system, of section 11 of section 12
2 lab. types of communication
2 Item 1 of Fourier series, Fourier From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 the. section 10 transform of section 11 of section 12
2 lab.

3 Item 1 of Normalized power, From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 Normalized energy, of section 11 of section 12
2 lab. Convolution

4 Item 1 of Unit impulse, Frequency From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 response, Bandwidth of of section 11 of section 12
2 lab. the system and signal

5 Item 1 of Analog signal From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 transmission, Modulation, of section 11 of section 12
2 lab. Types of modulation,
Reasons for modulation
6 Item 1 of Amplitude modulation From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 the. section 10 (AM), Normal AM (DSB- of section 11 of section 12
2 lab. LC), Carrier and
sideband power in AM
7 Item 1 of Generation of AM signal, From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 the. section 10 Modulator using of section 11 of section 12
2 lab. multiplier, Modulator
using non-linearity,
Switching modulation,
Detection of AM signal
8 Item 1 of DSB-SC modulation, From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 the. section 10 Generation of DSB-SC of section 11 of section 12
2 lab. signal, Balanced
modulator, Ring
modulator, Detection of
DSB-SC signal (product
9 Item 1 of SSB modulation, From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 the. section 10 Generation of SSB signal, of section 11 of section 12
2 lab. Detection of SSB signal,
VSB modulation,
Superheterodyne AM
10 Item 1 of Angle modulation , From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 the. section 10 Narrowband FM, of section 11 of section 12
2 lab. generation of NBFM
11 Item 1 of Wideband FM, Power, From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 the. section 10 and bandwidth of FM of section 11 of section 12
2 lab. signal

12 Item 1 of Generation of FM signal, From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 Direct method, Indirect of section 11 of section 12
2 lab. method

13 Item 1 of FM detection, Frequency From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 discriminator, Zero of section 11 of section 12
2 lab. crossing detector

14 Item 1 of Superheterodyne FM From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 receiver, of section 11 of section 12
2 lab.

15 Item 1 of Frequency division From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 multiplexing (FDM) of section 11 of section 12
2 lab.

16 Item 1 of Noise in AM system, Noise From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 in DSB-SC system of section 11 of section 12
2 lab.

17 Item 1 of Noise in FM system From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 of section 11 of section 12
2 lab.

18 Item 1 of Digital communication, From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 Sampling theory of section 11 of section 12
2 lab.

19 Item 1 of Pulse code modulation From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 (PCM) of section 11 of section 12
2 lab.

20 Item 1 of Bandwidth and signal rate From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 for PCM of section 11 of section 12
2 lab.

21 Item 1 of Noise in PCM system From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 of section 11 of section 12
2 lab.

22 Item 1 of ASK, FSK, PSK, From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 Generation and detection of section 11 of section 12
2 lab. of ASK signal

23 Item 1 of Generation and detection From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 of PSK signal of section 11 of section 12
2 lab.

24 Item 1 of Differential PSK, From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 Generation of FSK signal of section 11 of section 12
2 lab.

25 Item 1 of Detection of FSK signal From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 (Using BPF, Using of section 11 of section 12
2 lab. multiplier), Comparison
of binary digital
modulation systems
26 Item 1 of TDM, TDM-telephony From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 the. section 10 system of section 11 of section 12
2 lab.

27 Item 2 of Measure of information From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 of section 11 of section 12
2 lab.

28 Item 2 of Memoryless channel, From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 channel capacity of section 11 of section 12
2 lab.

29 Item 3 of Source Coding From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 of section 11 of section 12
2 lab.

30 Item 3 of Channel coding From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 of section 11 of section 12
2 lab.

11. Infrastructure
1. Books Required reading: 1- Principles of Communications, Systems,
Modulation, and Noise. Rodger E. Ziemer /
William H. Tranter. Fifth Edition. John Wiley,

2. Main references (sources) - Introduction to Communications Systems.

Ferrel G.Stremler. 3rd edition,

Addison Wesley, 1990.

A- Recommended books and Buchali, F., Böcherer, G., Idler, W., Schmalen, L.,
references (scientific journals, Schulte, P., & Steiner, F. (2015, September).
reports…). Experimental demonstration of capacity increase
and rate-adaptation by probabilistically shaped
64-QAM. In Optical Communication (ECOC),
2015 European Conference on (pp. 1-3). IEEE.

B-Electronic references, Internet


12. The development of the curriculum plan

Continuous improvement of curriculum and faculty members through training

Third Stage


Computer Architecture I

This Course Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the
course and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning
opportunities that are provided. It should be cross-referenced with the programme

1. Teaching Institution College of Engineering

University of Baghdad
2. University Department/Centre Computer Engineering Department
3. Course title/code Computer Architecture I / COE301

4. Modes of Attendance offered Annual System; There is only one mode of

delivery, which is a “Day Program”. The
students are full time students, and on
campus. They attend full day program in
face-to-face mode. The academic year is
composed of 30-week regular subjects.

5. Semester/Year 1st & 2nd semester / Academic Year 2020 –

90 hrs. / 3 hrs. per week
6. Number of hours tuition (total)
7. Date of production/revision of this October 28, 2020
8. Aims of the Course
The course provides the basic knowledge necessary to understand the hardware operation
of digital computers and covers some of the subjects associated with computer hardware.

9· Learning Outcomes, Teaching, Learning and Assessment Method

A- Cognitive goals:
A1. Write RTL for hardware jobs.
A2. Define and explain the principles of computer architecture and the interfacing
between its hardware and software components
A3. Understand the data path inside a processor
A4. Understand the micro programmed control organization
A5. Know the organization and architecture of the CPU with an emphasis on the
user's view of the computer.
A6.Understand of parallel processing and pipeline.
A7.Understand of architectural blocks involved in computer arithmetic, both
integer and floating point.
A8. Understand computer busses and input/output peripherals.
A9. Analyze computer memory hierarchy
A10. Understand multi-processor architectures.

B. The skills goals special to the course

B1- Mathematical concepts and basic algorithms for describing and solving
engineering problems.

B2 - Initial developments in Computer Architecture majors.

B3 - developing the ability to conduct experiments and analyze data.

B5- Identifying, formulating and solving Computer Architecture problems using

modern engineering tools, techniques, and skills,

B6 - cooperation in group projects,

B7 - Developing written and verbal communication skills through presentations

from the project results,

B8 - obtaining an appreciation for some of the ethical problems that exist in the
practice of the profession.

Teaching and Learning Methods.

1. Lectures.
2. Tutorials.
3. Homework and Assignments.
4. Tests and Exams.
5. In-Class Questions and Discussions.
6. Connection between Theory and Application.
7. Seminars.
8. In- and Out-Class oral conservations.

9. Reports, Presentations, and Posters.

Assessment Methods
1. Examinations, Tests, and Quizzes.
2. Extracurricular Activities.
3. Student Engagement during Lectures.
4. Responses Obtained from Students, Questionnaire about Curriculum and Faculty
Member (Instructor).
C. Affective and value goals

C1-Student collaborative evaluation data is obtained from students at the end of the
cooperative experiment.

C2- Conducting a survey for each year to determine the extent to which students
achieve the desired results

C3- The evaluation is based on student data during the questionnaire distributed to the
educational students and academic courses.

Teaching and Learning Methods

1-Tests, quizzes.

2- Activities.

3- Participate during lectures

Assessment methods

1- Study the conditions of former graduates.

2- Relevant committees in management such as scientific, QA.
3- The employee attitudes of our graduates, for example, workplace and job title,
will be tracked each year.
D- General and rehabilitative transferred skills(other skills relevant to
employability and personal development)
D1. Ability to carry out Independent study to take notes, to carry out background
D2. Problem Solving based on understanding.
D3. Ability to learn and remember key facts
D4. Self-discipline and self-motivation

10. Course Structure

wea Hours ILOs Topic title Teaching Assessment
k method Method
1 Item 1 of Register Transfer Language From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of
3 the. section 10 section 11 section 12

2 Item 1 of Arithmetic Micro From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of

3 the. section 10 operations section 11 section 12

3 Item 2 of Instruction Codes From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of

3 the. section 10 section 11 section 12

4 3 the. Item 2 of Timing and Control From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of

section 10 section 11 section 12
5 3 the. Item 2 of Memory-Reference From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of
section 10 Instructions section 11 section 12
6 3 the. Item 3 of Complete Computer From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of
section 10 Description section 11 section 12
7 3 the. Item 3 of Design of Accumulator From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of
section 10 Logic section 11 section 12

8 3 the. Item 3of The Assembler From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of

section 10 section 11 section 12
9 3 the. Item 3of Control Memory From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of
section 10 section 11 section 12
10 3 the. Item 4 of Micro program Example From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of
section 10 section 11 section 12
11 3 the. Item 4 Design of Control Unit From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of
section 10 section 11 section 12
12 3 the. Item 5 of Central Processing Unit From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of
section 10 section 11 section 12
13 3 the. Item 5 of Instruction Formats From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of
section 10 section 11 section 12
14 3 the. Item 5 of Addressing Modes From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of
section 10 section 11 section 12
15 3 the. Item 5 of Program Control From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of
section 10 section 11 section 12
16 3 the. Item 5 of Reduced Instruction Set From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of
section 10 Computer section 11 section 12
17 3 the. Item 6 of Parallel Processing From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of
section 10 section 11 section 12
18 3 the. Item 6 of Instruction Pipeline From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of
section 10 section 11 section 12
19 3 the. Item 6 of Vector Processing From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of
section 10 section 11 section 12
20 3 the. Item 7 of Computer Arithmetic From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of
section 10 section 11 section 12
21 3 the. Item 7 of Division Algorithms From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of
section 10 section 11 section 12

22 3 the. Item 7 of Decimal Arithmetic Unit From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of

section 10 section 11 section 12
23 3 the. Item 8 of Input-Output Organization From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of
section 10 section 11 section 12
24 3 the. Item 8 of Asynchronous Data From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of
section 10 Transfer section 11 section 12
25 3 the. Item 8 of Priority Interrupt From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of
section 10 section 11 section 12
26 3 the. Item 8 of Input-Output Processor From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of
section 10 section 11 section 12
27 3 the. Item 9 of Memory Organization From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of
section 10 section 11 section 12
28 3 the. Item 9 of Associative Memory From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of
section 10 section 11 section 12
29 3 the. Item 10 of Characteristics of From 1 to 9 of From 1 to 4 of
section 10 Multiprocessors section 11 section 12

11. Infrastructure
1. Books Required reading:  M. Morris. Mano, "Computer System Architecture"
3rd Edition
 William Stalling, "Computer Organization and
Architecture" 6th edition.

 Computer Architecture A Quantitative Approach,

Sixth Edition, John L. Hennessy, David A.
2. Main references (sources) Patterson, 2019.

 P. Trivedi and R. P. Tripathi, "Design & analysis of

A- Recommended books and
16 bit RISC processor using low power pipelining,"
references (scientific journals,
International Conference on Computing,
Communication & Automation, Noida, 2015, pp.
 B. W. Bomar, "Implementation of
microprogrammed control in FPGAs," in IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 49, no. 2,
pp. 415-422, Apr 2002.

 J. L. Cruz, A. Gonzalez, M. Valero and N. P.

B-Electronic references, Internet Topham, "Multiple-banked register file
sites… architectures," Proceedings of 27th International
Symposium on Computer Architecture (IEEE Cat.
No.RS00201), Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2000, pp.
 C. Hamacher, Z. Vranesic, S. Zaky, N. Manjikian
"Computer Organization and Embedded Systems",
Sixth Edition

12.The development of the curriculum plan

Continuous developing academic curricula in line with the scientific development
Digital Control Systems



This Course Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the
course and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning
opportunities that are provided. It should be cross-referenced with the programmer

1. Teaching Institution College of Engineering

University of Baghdad
2. University Department/Centre Computer Engineering Department (COED)

3. Course title/code Digital Control Systems (COE 302)

4. Modes of Attendance offered Annual System; There is only one mode of

delivery, which is a “Day Program”. The
students are full time students, and on
campus. They attend full day program in
face-to-face mode. The academic year is
composed of 30-week regular subjects

5. Semester/Year 1st & 2nd semester / Academic Year 2020 –


90 hrs. /3 hrs. Per week Theory

6. Number of hours tuition (total)
7. Date of production/revision of this 20-10-2020
8. Aims of the Course
1- This subject has been prepared as a comprehensive for a first study of control

2- This subject also helps the students to design control systems for variety of
engineering applications
3- This subject covers both conventional control theory and modern control
theory in digital and continuous systems.

9· Learning Outcomes, Teaching , Learning and Assessment Method

A- Cognitive goals.
A1- Learn the basic components of a control system, the concept of feedback, closed loop
control versus open-loop control. For continuous and digital systems
A2- Learn to find transfer functions for linear time-invariant electrical, mechanical and
electromechanical systems
A3- Learn how to describe and quantify transients-response specifications of first and
second-order systems
A4- Learn how to find the steady-state error for unity and non-unity-gain feedback
A5- Learn how to determine the stability of a system
A6 - Learn how to use root-locus and frequency domain methods to design basic
B- The skills goals special to the course.
B1. Recognize between open-loop and closed-loop control system in terms of their
B2. Find the response of closed loop system (Transient response and steady-state response)
B3. Sketch the root locus of different order systems
B4.How to check the stability of Control systems in time domain and frequency domain
B5.Compute the response of sampled data systems and Check the stability of Digital
control system
Teaching and Learning Methods
1- Lectures
2- Tutorials
3- Homework and Assignments.
4- Lab. Experiments and Reports.
5- Tests and Exams.
6- In-Class Questions and Discussions.
7- Connection between Theory and Application.
8- Seminars.
9- In- and Out-Class oral conservations.

Assessment methods
1. Examinations, Tests, and Quizzes.

2. Presentations and student Engagement during Lectures.

3. Extracurricular Activities.
Course Structure .10
Week Hours ILOs Unit/Module or Teaching Assessment
Topic Title Method Method
1-2 2 theory A1 Open loop system, From 1 to9 of From 1 to3 of
C. Affective and1 value goals closed loop system, Teaching and Assessment Method
tutorial Learning
C1. Designing
2 labs. Methods
3-4 Analyzing
2 theory A2 Classification of From 1 to9 of From 1 to3 of
C3. Ability1to work within the team.
feedback control Teaching and Assessment Method
C4. Problem solving, by applyingsystem
tutorial the learning outcomes and subject -specific skills to
solve practical
.labs 2 design problems. Mathematical Methods
Teaching and Learning Methods models : Models of
electrical systems,
Mechanical, thermal
1- Assignment ,and liquid system
2- Seminars
5 2 theory A2 Transfer function From 1 to9 of From 1 to3 of
3- Group Discussion
1 concept, D.C. servo Teaching and Assessment Method
tutorial and A.C. servo Learning
.labs 2 motors as examples Methods
Assessment methods of electromechanical
1. Quizzes ,system
6 Test2 theory A1, A2
2. Block diagram From 1 to9 of From 1 to3 of
3. Homework1 algebra, signal flow Teaching and Assessment Method
4. Oraltutorial
Discussion .graphs Learning
.labs 2 Methods
5. Independent research.
D. General 2and
theory A3
Transferable Transient
Skills (otherresponse Fromto
skills relevant 1 to9 of From
employability 1 to3
and of
development) 1 analysis Teaching and Assessment Method
tutorial Transient response - Learning
. 2 specification
D1. Ability to carry out Independent study to take notes,
labs Methods
to carry out background
8-10 2 theory A4, A5 Stability. - Routh's From 1 to9 of From 1 to3 of
D2. Problem Solving
1 based on understanding.
stability criterion. Teaching and Assessment Method
D3. Ability tutorial
to learn and remember keystate
Study facts
error Learning
D4. Self-discipline
.labs 2 and self-motivation.
coefficient. Static Methods
error coefficients.
Dynamic error

11-14 2 theory A6 Root locus method From 1 to9 of From 1 to3 of

1 of analysis and Teaching and Assessment Method
tutorial design Learning
.labs 2 Sketch the Root Methods
locus for first
order system,
second order
11. Infrastructure system and higher
order system
15-18 2 theory A6 Frequency Modern
responseControl Engineering,
From 1 to9 of Ogata
FromK. Fourth
1 to3 of
1. Books Required
1 reading: edition: , Prentice-Hall
methods Teaching,2002.
and Assessment Method
tutorial Introduction Learning
.labs 2 Main Modern
concept ofControl System
Methods Analysis and
DesignUsing MATLAB and Simulink, Bishop R.,
Frequency response
Addison-Wesley ,2000.
Specifications in
frequency domain.
Log magnitude and
phase Diagrams
Modern control systems, Drof R. C. and Bishop
2. Main references (sources) R, 12th edition ,Prentice-Hall, 2010

Feedback control of dynamic systems, Franklin

G.F. and et.al., Prentice-Hall, 2006.

Digital Control Systems Analysis and design,

charles H. Philips and et. al. third edition ,

Discrete- time control systems , Ogata K., Second

edition Prentice-Hall ,1995

Feng, "A Survey on Analysis and Design of

A- Recommended books and
references (scientific journals, Model-Based Fuzzy Control Systems", IEEE
reports…). Trans. Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 14, No. 5, October

A. J. Calise et al., "Adaptive Output Feedback

Control of Nonlinear Systems using Neural
Networks", Elsevier Automatica, Vol. 37, Issue 8,
August 2001.

B. Chen et al., "Composite Nonlinear Feedback

Control for Linear Systems With Input Saturation
Theory and an Application", IEEE Trans.
Automatic Control, Vol. 48, No. 3, March 2003.

B-Electronic references, Internet


12. The development of the curriculum plan

Continuous improvement of curriculum and faculty members through training

Microprocessors and Microcomputers II



This Course Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the
course and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning
opportunities that are provided. It should be cross-referenced with the programme

1. Teaching Institution College of Engineering

University of Baghdad
2. University Department/Centre Computer Engineering Department (COED)

3. Course title/code Microprocessors and Microcomputers II

COE 303
4. Modes of Attendance offered Annual System; There is only one mode of
delivery, which is a “Day Program”. The
students are full time students, and on
campus. They attend full day program in
face-to-face mode. The academic year is
composed of 30-week regular subjects

5. Semester/Year 1st & 2nd semester / Academic Year 2020 –


2 Theory hours per week (60 hours total)

6. Number of hours tuition (total) 1 Tutorial hour per week (30 hours total)
2 Lab. hours per week (60 hours total)

7. Date of production/revision of this November/2020

8. Aims of the Course
1- How to relate the skills and concepts learned from Microprocessor/
Microcomputer I to understand Microprocessor/Microcomputer II
2- Teaching students how to design microprocessor-based embedded systems:
3- understand the different components of a microcomputer system
4- design some parts of a microcomputer system
5- develop the required software to program it

9. Learning Outcomes, Teaching ,Learning and Assessment Method

C. Cognitive goals.
A1. Microprocessor-based microcomputer design.
A2. Memory interface of different microprocessors
A3. Peripheral interfaces
A4. Interrupt driven operation and interface

B. The skills goals special to the course.

B1. How to interface memory to microprocessors with different data bus size.
B2. How to interface different I/O devices and control them through software.
B3. How to develop interrupt service procedures and expand the interrupt
structure through the 8259A interrupt controller
Teaching and Learning Methods
12.Lab. Experiments.

Assessment methods
1. Lab
2. Quizzes and exams
3. homework
4. assignments

C. Affective and value goals

C1. Ability to Analyze
C2. Ability to Design
C3. Ability to Problem solving
Teaching and Learning Methods
9. Lectures
11.Lab. Experiments.

Assessment methods
1. Quizzes and exams
2. homework
3. Lab
4. assignments
D- General and rehabilitative transferred skills(other skills relevant
to employability and personal development)
D1. Ability to carry out Independent study to take notes, to carry out background
D2. Problem Solving based on understanding.
D3. Ability to learn and remember key facts
D4. Self-discipline and self-motivation

10. Course Structure

Unit/Module or Teaching Assessment

Week Hours ILOs
Topic Title Method Method
Review of Intel
Items 1, 2,
2 Th. and 4 of Items 1, 2, and 4
1 1 Tu. A1 teaching and of Assessment
hardware and
2 Lab. learning methods
software architecture
Items 1, 2,
2 Th. Memory management and 4 of Items 1, 2, and 4
2 1 Tu. A1 in protected mode teaching and of Assessment
2 Lab. learning methods
Items 1 to 4
2 Th. Memory management Items 1 to 4 of
of teaching
3 1 Tu. A1 in protected mode Assessment
and learning
2 Lab. methods
Items 1, 2,
2 Th. Memory interface (8- and 4 of Items 1, 2, and 4
4 1 Tu. A2 bit) teaching and of Assessment
2 Lab. learning methods
Items 1 to 4
2 Th. Introduction to 16 bit Items 1 to 4 of
of teaching
5 1 Tu. A2 memory interface Assessment
and learning
2 Lab. methods
Items 1, 2, Items 1, 2, and 4
2 Th. Memory interface and 4 of of Assessment
6 1 Tu. A2 (16-bit) teaching and methods
2 Lab. learning
7 2 Th. A2 Memory interface Items 1, 2, Items 1, 2, and 4
and 4 of of Assessment
1 Tu. (32-bit) teaching and methods
2 Lab. learning
Items 1, 2, Items 1, 2, and 4
2 Th. Memory interface and 4 of of Assessment
8 1 Tu. A2 (64-bit) teaching and methods
2 Lab. learning
2 Th.
9 1 Tu. Exam
2 Lab.
Items 1 to 4 Items 1 to 4 of
2 Th.
Basic I/O interface of teaching Assessment
10 1 Tu. A3
and learning methods
2 Lab.
Items 1 to 4
Basic I/O interface
2 Th. of teaching Items 1 to 4 of
and studying some
11 1 Tu. A3 and learning Assessment
I/O devices
2 Lab. methods methods

Items 1 to 4
8255 Programmable
2 Th. of teaching Items 1 to 4 of
peripheral controller
12 1 Tu. A3 and learning Assessment
mode 0
2 Lab. methods methods

Items 1 to 4
8255 Programmable
2 Th. of teaching Items 1 to 4 of
peripheral controller
13 1 Tu. A3 and learning Assessment
mode 0
2 Lab. methods methods

Items 1 to 4
8255 Programmable
2 Th. of teaching Items 1 to 4 of
peripheral controller
14 1 Tu. A3 and learning Assessment
mode 0
2 Lab. methods methods

Items 1 to 4
8255 Programmable
2 Th. of teaching Items 1 to 4 of
peripheral controller
15 1 Tu. A3 and learning Assessment
mode 1
2 Lab. methods methods

16 2 Th. A3 8255 Programmable Items 1 to 4 Items 1 to 4 of

1 Tu. peripheral controller of teaching Assessment
2 Lab. mode 1 and mode 2 methods
and learning

Items 1 to 4
2 Th. of teaching Items 1 to 4 of
17 1 Tu. A3 and learning Assessment
2 Lab. methods methods

Items 1 to 4
2 Th. of teaching Items 1 to 4 of
18 1 Tu. A3 and learning Assessment
2 Lab. methods methods

Items 1 to 4
2 Th. of teaching Items 1 to 4 of
19 1 Tu. A3 and learning Assessment
2 Lab. methods methods

2 Th.
20 1 Tu.
2 Lab.
Items 1, 2, Items 1, 2, and 4
16550 serial and 4 of of Assessment
2 Th.
21 1 Tu. A3 communication teaching and methods
interface learning
2 Lab.

Items 1, 2, Items 1, 2, and 4

and 4 of of Assessment
2 Th. 8254 Programmable
22 1 Tu. A3 teaching and methods
interval timer
2 Lab. learning

Items 1, 2,
and 4 of
2 Th. 8254 Programmable Items 1, 2, and 4
23 1 Tu. A3 teaching and of Assessment
interval timer
2 Lab. learning methods

Items 1 to 4
2 Th. Interrupt driven I/O of teaching Items 1 to 4 of
24 1 Tu. A4 devices and learning Assessment
2 Lab. methods methods

25 2 Th. A4 8259 Programmable Items 1 to 4 Items 1 to 4 of

of teaching
1 Tu. Interrupt controller and learning Assessment
2 Lab. methods methods

Items 1 to 4
2 Th. 8259 Programmable of teaching Items 1 to 4 of
26 1 Tu. A4 Interrupt controller and learning Assessment
2 Lab. methods methods

Items 1, 2, Items 1, 2, and 4

and 4 of of Assessment
2 Th. Direct Memory
27 1 Tu. A3 teaching and methods
Access I/O devices
2 Lab. learning

Items 1, 2, Items 1, 2, and 4

and 4 of of Assessment
2 Th. Direct Memory
28 1 Tu. A3 teaching and methods
Access I/O devices
2 Lab. learning

Items 1, 2, Items 1, 2, and 4

and 4 of of Assessment
2 Th. 8237 Direct Memory
29 1 Tu. A3 teaching and methods
Access Controller
2 Lab. learning

2 Th.
30 1 Tu. Exam
2 Lab.

11. Infrastructure
 The Intel Microprocessors, 8086/8088,
1. Books Required reading: 80186/80188, 80286,… Core” by Barray
B, Brey

 The Intel Microprocessors, 8086/8088,

2. Main references (sources) 80186/80188, 80286,… Core” by Barray B,
A- Recommended books and  Olukotun, Kunle, and Lance Hammond.
references (scientific journals, "The future of microprocessors." Queue 3.7
reports…). (2005): 26-29.
 Venkatachalam, Vasanth, and Michael
Franz. "Power reduction techniques for
microprocessor systems." ACM Computing
Surveys (CSUR) 37.3 (2005): 195-237.
Extra lectures by foreign guest lecturers
B-Electronic references, Internet

12. The development of the curriculum plan

Continuous improvement of curriculum and faculty members through training
Operating Systems



This Course Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the
course and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning
opportunities that are provided. It should be cross-referenced with the programme

1. Teaching Institution College of Engineering

University of Baghdad
2. University Department/Centre Computer Engineering Department (COED)

3. Course title/code Operating Systems /COE 304

4. Modes of Attendance offered Annual System; There is only one mode of

delivery, which is a “Day Program”. The
students are full time students, and on campus.
They attend full day program in face-to-face
mode. The academic year is composed of 30-
week regular subjects

5. Semester/Year 1st & 2nd semester / Academic Year 2020 –


90 hrs. / 3 hrs. per week Theory

6. Number of hours tuition (total)
7. Date of production/revision of this October – 2020
8. Aims of the Course

What are the knowledge and skills expected to be attained by the student upon
completion of the course (brief description)?
1. Present, as clearly and completely as possible, the nature and characteristics of
modern day operating systems.
2. Provide a thorough discussion of the fundamentals of operating system design
and to relate these to contemporary design issues and to current directions in
the development of operating systems.
3. The course mainly will study: Process management. Synchronization, via
semaphore operations, of processes executing within a shared memory.
Mapping virtual address to physical addresses in paged and segmentation
virtual memory system. Page faulting and page replacement algorithms in
virtual memory system. Processor scheduling algorithms.

Learning Outcomes, Teaching ,Learning and Assessment Methods .9

A. Cognitive goals.
A1. Understanding process management, process description, process states,
process control block, process switching, mode switching.

A2. Understanding memory management,: partitioning, paging, segmentation .

A3. Understanding virtual memory: paging, segmentation, virtual memory;

hardware and control structures.

A4. Processor scheduling: types of processor scheduling, processor scheduling


A5. Concurrency, synchronization, mutual exclusion.

B. The skills goals special to the course

B1- Mathematical concepts and basic algorithms for describing and solving
engineering problems.

B2 - Initial developments in Computer Architecture majors.

B3 - developing the ability to conduct experiments and analyze data.

B5- Identifying, formulating and solving Computer Architecture problems using

modern engineering tools, techniques, and skills,

B6 - cooperation in group projects,

B7 - Developing written and verbal communication skills through presentations

from the project results,
B8 - obtaining an appreciation for some of the ethical problems that exist in the
practice of the profession.

Teaching and Learning Methods.

1. Lectures.

2. Tutorials.
3. Homework and Assignments.
4. Tests and Exams.
5. In-Class Questions and Discussions.
6. Connection between Theory and Application.
7. Seminars.
8. In- and Out-Class oral conservations.
9. Reports, Presentations, and Posters.

Assessment Methods
1. Examinations, Tests, and Quizzes.
2. Extracurricular Activities.
3. Student Engagement during Lectures.
4. Responses Obtained from Students, Questionnaire about Curriculum and Faculty
Member (Instructor).
C. Affective and value goals

C1-Student collaborative evaluation data is obtained from students at the end of the
cooperative experiment.

C2- Conducting a survey for each year to determine the extent to which students
achieve the desired results

C3- The evaluation is based on student data during the questionnaire distributed to
the educational students and academic courses.

Teaching and Learning Methods

1-Tests, quizzes.

2- Activities.

3- Participate during lectures

Assessment methods
1- Study the conditions of former graduates.
2- Relevant committees in management such as scientific, QA.
3- The employee attitudes of our graduates, for example, workplace and job title,
will be tracked each year.
D- General and rehabilitative transferred skills(other skills relevant
to employability and personal development)

D1.Thinking of operating system as a supervisor programs, and no H/W without

supervisor S/W.

D2.Help students to design and build their OS for different devices.

D3. Writing system software like input/output drivers.

D4. Developing OS for different systems such as embedded systems.

D5. Writing software for controlling devices interfaced to the system.

10. Course Structure

Wee Hours ILos Topic title Teaching Assessment
k method Method
1 3 the. Item A1 Computer Organization, processor From 1 to12 From 1 to4
3 the. registers instruction of of
T-methods A-methods

2 3 the. Items A1, Interrupts, memory organization From 1 to12 From 1 to4
A2 of of
T-methods A-methods
3 3 the. Item A1 I/O Communication Techniques From 1 to12 From 1 to4
of of
T-methods A-methods
4 3 the. Item A1 The evolution of operating systems, From 1 to12 From 1 to4
modern OS of of
T-methods A-methods
5 3 the. Item A4 Time-Sharing, multitasking From 1 to12 From 1 to4
of of
T-methods A-methods
6 3 the. Item A1 Process Description From 1 to12 From 1 to4
of of
T-methods A-methods
7 3 the. Item A1 Process states From 1 to12 From 1 to4
of of
T-methods A-methods
8 3 the. Item A1 Process Control Block From 1 to12 From 1 to4
of of
T-methods A-methods
9 3 the. Item A1 Process switching, mode switching From 1 to12 From 1 to4
of of
T-methods A-methods
10 3 the. Item A1 Operating system Kernel From 1 to12 From 1 to4
of of
T-methods A-methods
11 3 the. Item A2 Memory Management Requirements, From 1 to12 From 1 to4
partitioning of of
T-methods A-methods
12 3 the. Item A2 Paging From 1 to12 From 1 to4
of of
T-methods A-methods
13 3 the. Item A2 Segmentation From 1 to12 From 1 to4
of of
T-methods A-methods
14 3 the. Item A3 Virtual memory: paging From 1 to12 From 1 to4
of of
T-methods A-methods
15 3 the. Item A3 Virtual memory: Segmentation From 1 to12 From 1 to4
of of
T-methods A-methods
16 3 the. Item A3 VM; Hardware and control structures From 1 to12 From 1 to4
of of
T-methods A-methods
17 3 the. Item A3 VM: Operating Systems Software From 1 to12 From 1 to4
of of
T-methods A-methods
18 3 the. Item A3 Page faulting: page Replacement From 1 to12 From 1 to4
Algorithms of of
T-methods A-methods
19 3 the. Item A4 Processor Scheduling From 1 to12 From 1 to4
of of
T-methods A-methods
20 3 the. Item A4 Types of Scheduling From 1 to12 From 1 to4
of of
T-methods A-methods
21 3 the. Item A4 Processor Scheduling Algorithms From 1 to12 From 1 to4
of of
T-methods A-methods
22 3 the. Item A5 Principles of Concurrency From 1 to12 From 1 to4
of of
T-methods A-methods
23 3 the. Item A5 Mutual Exclusion From 1 to12 From 1 to4
of of
T-methods A-methods
24 2 the. Item A5 Synchronization From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. of of
T-methods A-methods
25 3 the. Item A5 Mutual Exclusion: Software Support From 1 to12 From 1 to4
of of
T-methods A-methods
26 3 the. Item A5 Mutual Exclusion: Hardware Support From 1 to12 From 1 to4
of of
T-methods A-methods
27 3 the. Item A5 Starvation, Deadlock From 1 to12 From 1 to4
of of
T-methods A-methods
28 3 the. Item A5 Special Machine Instructions From 1 to12 From 1 to4
of of
T-methods A-methods
29 3 the. Item A5 Semaphores From 1 to12 From 1 to4
of of
T-methods A-methods
30 3 the. Item A5 Message Passing From 1 to12 From 1 to4
of of
T-methods A-methods

11. Infrastructure

1. Books Required reading: Operating Systems by William Stallings,

Pearson International Edition, Eighth
.Edition, 2015
1- Operating Systems Concepts by: Abraham
Silberscatz, Peter B. galvin, International
2. Main references (sources)
Student Edition, 8th Edition, 2010.
2- Operating Systems by Ramez Elmasri,
McGRAW-HILL International Edition,
3- Operating Systems by: H. M. Deitel,
Prentice Hall, 3rd Edition,2004.
1- Comparison of different Operating System
A- Recommended books and
by Niti gupta , Amrita ticku, Manoj
references (scientific journals,
Proceedings of National Conference on
Recent Advances in Electronics and
Communication Engineering (RACE-2014),
28-29 March 2014.
2- Operating System and Decision Making
by: Hussain A. Alhassan, Dr. Christian
Bach. ASEE 2014 Zone I Conference, April
3-5, 2014, University of Bridgeport,
Bridgpeort, CT, USA.
3- Comparative Study of Different Mobile
Operating Systems by: T.N.Sharma,
Mahender Kr. Beniwal, Arpita Sharma.
International Journal of Advancements in
Research & Technology, Volume 2, Issue3,

Extra lectures by foreign guest lecturers

B-Electronic references, Internet Available websites related to the subject

12. The development of the curriculum plan

The development of the curriculum plan by updating the references
Computer Networks



This Course Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the
course and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning
opportunities that are provided. It should be cross-referenced with the programme

1. Teaching Institution College of Engineering

University of Baghdad
2. University Department/Centre Computer Engineering Department (COED)

3. Course title/code Computer Networks/COE 305

4. Modes of Attendance offered Annual System; There is only one mode of

delivery, which is a “Day Program”. The
students are full time students, and on
campus. They attend full day program in
face-to-face mode. The academic year is
composed of 30-week regular subjects

5. Semester/Year 1st & 2nd semester / Academic Year 2020

– 2021.

90 hrs. / 3 hrs. per week Theory.

6. Number of hours tuition (total)
60 hrs. / 2 hrs. per week Lab.

7. Date of production/revision of this November/2020

8. Aims of the Course
1. What are the knowledge and skills expected to be attained by the student upon
completion of the course (brief description)?
2. As a brief description for the Goals and objectives, by the completion of the
course the goals are:
3. Introduce the concepts and meaning of network in live and work.
4. Understand "How it Works?" of every little detail of information transmit from
sender to receiver through whole media.
5. Compare the differences of using certain media instead of others.
6. Ability to cope with the accelerated knowledge of the computer networks

Learning the concepts of common network devices, such as routers, switches, servers
…etc, which are the nerves of any network all over the world.

9· Learning Outcomes, Teaching , Learning and Assessment Method

A. Cognitive goals
A1. Design a complete network project: give the correct decisions of choosing
devices, doing all cabling work, and complete configuration of end user devices
such as computer and servers.
A2. Analyze the addressing schemes through OSI layers (MAC, IP and Port
A3. Trouble shoots and maintains problems that occur in networks through
confident list of cause and effect (reason and answer).
A4. Configure Cisco Routers through the use of static and dynamic routing

A5. Ability to calculate and classify any given IP address

B. The skills goals special to the course.

B1. Know all parts and levels of network.

B2. Network maintenance and developing.

Teaching and Learning Methods

1. Lectures
2. Homework
3. Lab. Experiments.
4. Discussions.
Assessment Methods
1. Examinations, Tests, and Quizzes.
2. Extracurricular Activities.
3. Student Engagement during Lectures.
4. Responses Obtained from Students, Questionnaire about Curriculum and Faculty
Member (Instructor).
C. Affective and value goals

C1-Student collaborative evaluation data is obtained from students at the end of the
cooperative experiment.

C2- Conducting a survey for each year to determine the extent to which students
achieve the desired results

C3- The evaluation is based on student data during the questionnaire distributed to
the educational students and academic courses.

Teaching and Learning Method

1. Lectures.
2. Tutorials.
3. Homework and Assignments.
4. Lab. Experiments.
5. Tests and Exams.
6. In-Class Questions and Discussions.
7. Connection between Theory and Application.
8. Field Trips.
9. Extracurricular Activities.
10. Seminars.
11. In- and Out-Class oral conservations.
12. Reports, Presentations, and Posters.

Assessment Methods

1. Examinations, Tests, and Quizzes.

2. Extracurricular Activities.

3. Student Engagement during Lectures.

4. Responses Obtained from Students, Questionnaire about

Curriculum and Faculty Member ( Instructor )
D- General and rehabilitative transferred skills(other skills relevant
to employability and personal development)
D1. Ability to carry out Independent study to take notes, to carry out background
D2. Problem Solving based on understanding.
D3. Ability to learn and remember key facts
D4. Self-discipline and self-motivation
10.Course Structure:
Wea Hours ILos Topic title Teaching Assessment
k method Method
1 Item A1 Introduction to computer Networks From 1 to12 From 1 to4
3 the. of of
2 exp. T-Methods A-Methods

2 3 the. Item A1 Introduction to computer Networks From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 exp. of of
T-Methods A-Methods
3 3 the. Item A1 Introduction to computer Networks From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. of of
T-Methods A-Methods
4 3 the. Item A1 Principles of Network Applications From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. of of
T-Methods A-Methods
5 3 the. Item A1 The Web and HTTP From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. of of
T-Methods A-Methods
6 3 the. Item A1 The Web and HTTP From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. of of
T-Methods A-Methods
7 3 the. Item A1 DNS From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. of of
T-Methods A-Methods
8 3 the. Item A1 Introduction to Transport Layer From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. of of
T-Methods A-Methods
9 3 the. Item A1 UDP From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. of of
T-Methods A-Methods
10 3 the. Item A1 Principles of Reliable Data Transfer From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. of of
T-Methods A-Methods
11 3 the. Item A1 TCP From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. of of
T-Methods A-Methods
12 3 the. Item A1 Pipelined Protocols From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. of of
T-Methods A-Methods
13 3 the. Item A1 Flow control From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. of of
T-Methods A-Methods
14 3 the. Item A1 Principles of Congestion Control From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. of of
T-Methods A-Methods
15 3 the. Item A1 TCP Congestion Control From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. of of
T-Methods A-Methods
16 3 the. Item A2 Introduction to Network Layer From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. of of
T-Methods A-Methods
17 3 the. Item A2 Virtual Circuit and Datagram Networks From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. of of
T-Methods A-Methods
18 3 the. Item A2 The Router Internals From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. of of
T-Methods A-Methods
19 3 the. Item A2 The Internet Protocol (IP) From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. of of
T-Methods A-Methods
20 3 the. Item A2 Routing Algorithms From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. of of
T-Methods A-Methods
21 3 the. Item A2 Routing Algorithms From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. of of
T-Methods A-Methods
22 3 the. Item A2 Routing in the Internet From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. of of
T-Methods A-Methods
23 3 the. Item A2 Broadcast and Multicast Routing From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. of of
T-Methods A-Methods
24 3 the. Item A3 Introduction to Data Link Layer From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. of of
T-Methods A-Methods
25 3 the. Item A3 Error Detection and Correction From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. Techniques of of
T-Methods A-Methods
26 3 the. Item A3 Multiple Access Links and Protocols From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. of of
T-Methods A-Methods
27 3 the. Item A4, Switched LANs From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. A5 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
28 3 the. Item A4, LAN Virtualization From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. A5 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
29 3 the. Item A4, Data Center Networking From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. A5 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
30 3 the. Item A4, Physical Layer From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 exp. A5 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
11. Infrastructure
 Computer Network A Top Down
1. Books Required reading: Approach, by James F. Kourse, 6 th edition

 Data Communications and Networking, by

2. Main references (sources) Behrouz A. Forouzan , 5th Edition 2013.
 Computer Network by Andrew S.
Tanenbaum, 5th Edition 2011.
 TCP/IP Protocol Suite, by Behrouz A.
Forouzan , 4th Edition 2010.
 Data and Computer Communications, by
William Stallings, 10th Edition 2014.

A- Recommended books and  Paper1: Wu, C., et al.: WILL: Wireless

references (scientific journals, indoor Localization without site survey.
reports…). IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 24(4),
 Paper2: Vucic, J. and Langer, K.-D., “High-
speed visible light communications: State-
of-the-art,” in [Optical Fiber
Communication Conference and Exposition
(OFC/NFOEC), 2012 and the National
Fiber Optic Engineers Conference], 1–3
 J. Korhonen, Y. Wang, "Effect of packet
size on loss rate and delay in wireless
links," Wireless Communications and
Networking Conference, 2005 IEEE , vol.3,
no., pp. 1608- 1613 Vol. 3, 13-17 March.

 Available websites related to the subject

B-Electronic references, Internet  Extra lectures by foreign guest lecturers

12. The development of the curriculum plan

Digital Signal Processing



This Course Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the
course and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning
opportunities that are provided. It should be cross-referenced with the programme

College of Engineering 1. Teaching Institution

University of Baghdad
Computer Engineering Department (COED) 2. University Department/Centre
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) 3. Course title/code
/COE 306

Annual System; There is only one mode of 4. Modes of Attendance offered

delivery, which is a “Day Program”. The
students are full time students, and on
campus. They attend full day program in
face-to-face mode. The academic year is
composed of 30-week regular subjects

1st & 2nd semester / Academic Year 2020 – 5. Semester/Year


60 hrs. / 2 hrs. per week.

6. Number of hours tuition (total)
November/ 2020 7. Date of production/revision of this
8. Aims of the Course
As a brief description, the Goals and objectives by the completion of the course are:
1. To learn the distinction between continuous-time and discrete-time systems
and their applications, then provide a thorough discussion of the
fundamentals of these system and to relate these to the current directions in
the development of digital system.
2. To understand the specific ways to design digital filters.
3. To make use of frequency domain properties and learn the nature of signals
and systems.

9· Learning Outcomes, Teaching ,Learning and Assessment Method

A- Cognitive goals.

A1. An ability to read and comprehend DSP literature at an appropriate level.

A2. An ability both to follow correctly and to construct mathematical proofs of

appropriate degrees of complexity.

A3. An understanding of time-domain and frequency-domain analysis.

A4. An appreciation of the importance of DSP for computer engineers.

B. The skills goals special to the course.

B1. Develop the ability of Digital filter design.

B2. Increase the ability of mathematic analysis

B3. Develop the ability of DSP design using computer system.

Teaching and Learning Methods

1. Lectures
2. Homework
3. Lab. Experiments.
4. Discussions.
5. Seminar.

Assessment methods

1. Oral Quizzes.
2. Quizzes and exams
3. homework
4. assignments
C. Affective and value goals
C1. Minimization using mathematical simplification.

C2. Developing systems by digital features.

C3. Thinking to live in digital world.

Teaching and Learning Methods

1. Lectures
2. Homework
3. Lab. Experiments.
4. Discussions

Assessment methods

Quizzes and exams

2. homework
3. Lab
4. assignments

D. General and rehabilitative transferred skills(other skills relevant to

employability and personal development)
D1. Developing digital processes.

D2. Using special DSP H/W in digital design.

D3. Analysis of special DSP processors.

10. Course Structure

week Hours ILos Topic title Teaching Assessment

method Method
1 Items A1 Basic Concepts of DSP From 1 to From 1 to4
2 the. & A2 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods

2 2 the Items A1 Properties of systems and signals From 1 to From 1 to4

& A2 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
3 2 the Items A1 linear Time-Invariant (LTI) systems From 1 to From 1 to4
& A2 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
4 2 the Items A1 Basic types of discrete-time signals From 1 to From 1 to4
& A2 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
5 2 the Items A1 Sampling Theory From 1 to From 1 to4
& A2 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
6 2 the Items A1 Quantization Theory From 1 to From 1 to4
& A2 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
7 2 the Items A1 Quantization Theory + Quiz From 1 to From 1 to4
& A2 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
8 2 the Items A1 Difference equations From 1 to From 1 to4
& A2 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
9 2 the Items A1 Convolution From 1 to From 1 to4
& A2 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
10 2 the Items A1 Discrete Convolution From 1 to From 1 to4
& A2 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
11 2 the Items A1 - Frequency domain analysis+ Quiz From 1 to From 1 to4
A2 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
12 2 the Items A1 - Frequency response From 1 to From 1 to4
A2 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
13 2 the Items A1 - The discrete Fourier Series (DFS) From 1 to From 1 to4
A2 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
14 2 the Items A1 - The discrete-time Fourier transform From 1 to From 1 to4
A2 (DTFT) 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
15 2 the Items A1 - The discrete Fourier transform (DFT) From 1 to From 1 to4
A2 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
16 2 the Items A1 - The fast Fourier transform (FFT) From 1 to From 1 to4
A2 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
17 2 the Items A1 - Quiz From 1 to From 1 to4
A2 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
18 2 the Items A1 - The Z-transform From 1 to From 1 to4
A3 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
19 2 the Items A1 - The Z-transform From 1 to From 1 to4
A3 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
20 2 the Items A1 - The infinite impulse response (IIR) From 1 to From 1 to4
A3 digital filters 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
21 2 the Items A1 - The windowing method From 1 to From 1 to4
A3 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
22 2 the Items A1 - The finite-impulse response (FIR) From 1 to From 1 to4
A3 digital filters 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
23 2 the Items A1 - Design of FIR digital filters From 1 to From 1 to4
A3 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
24 2 the Items A1 - Quiz+ Seminars From 1 to From 1 to4
A3 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
25 2 the Items A1 - Analog filter design From 1 to From 1 to4
A3 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
26 2 the Items A1 - Butterworth filters From 1 to From 1 to4
A3 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
27 2 the Items A1 - The impulse invariance method From 1 to From 1 to4
A3 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
28 2 the Items A1 - Quiz+ Seminars From 1 to From 1 to4
A3 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
29 2 the Items A1 - The bilinear transformation method From 1 to From 1 to4
A3 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods
30 2 the Items A1 - The bilinear transformation method From 1 to From 1 to4
A4 12 of of
T-Methods A-Methods

11. Infrastructure
 Tan, Lizhe, and Jean Jiang. Digital
1. Books Required reading: signal processing: fundamentals and
applications. Academic Press, 2018.
 Proakis, J.G., Digital signal
processing: principles, algorithms and
applications. 2001: Pearson Education
 Smith, S. (2013). Digital signal
2. Main references (sources) processing: a practical guide for
engineers and scientists. Elsevier.

 Lectures on Statistical Signal

Processing Paperback – June 5, 2016
by Prof
Nuha A. S. Alwan.
 L. C. Ludeman, "Fundamentals of
digital signal processing", Harper and
Row, 1986.
1. D.S. Kim et al., "Auditory Processing of
A- Recommended books and
references (scientific journals, Speech Signals for Robust Speech
reports…). Recognition in Real-World Noisy
Environments", IEEE Trans. Speech and
Audio Processing, Vol. 7, No. 1, January
2. S. Lawrence Marple Jr., "Computing the
Discrete-Time ‘Analytic’ Signal Via FFT",
IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, Vol. 47,
No. 9, September 1999.

Available websites related to the subject.

B-Electronic references, Internet

12. The development of the curriculum plan

Continuous improvement of curriculum and faculty members through training
programs. And strengthening a number of faculty members for the higher scientific
Database Systems



This Course Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the
course and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning
opportunities that are provided. It should be cross-referenced with the programme

1. Teaching Institution College of Engineering

University of Baghdad
2. University Department/Centre Computer Engineering Department (COED)

3. Course title/code Database System/ COE 307

4. Modes of Attendance offered Annual System; There is only one mode of

delivery, which is a “Day Program”. The
students are full time students, and on
campus. They attend full day program in
face-to-face mode. The academic year is
composed of 30-week regular subjects

5. Semester/Year 1st & 2nd semester / Academic Year 2020

– 2021.

60 hrs. / 2 hrs. per week .

6. Number of hours tuition (total)
7. Date of production/revision of this October / 2020
8. Aims of the Course

What are the knowledge and skills expected to be attained by the student upon
completion of the course (brief description)?

Upon completion of this course the student will be able to:

1. Demonstrate a working knowledge of a particular Database Management
System (in Access 2016).

2. Plan, define and design a database.

3. Explain the value of using a Database Management System to store and

retrieve information.

9· Learning Outcomes, Teaching ,Learning and Assessment Method

A- Cognitive goals

What is the knowledge and skills expected to be attained by the student upon
completion of the course (should be measurable)?

The student will understand:

A1. What the database is, what the different types of databases are.

A2. The main functions of database management system.

A3. How data models can be classified.
A4. The relational database model.
A5. How data redundancy is handled in the relational database model.
A6. Design database model using ERD.
A7. What is normalization?
A8. Advanced Data Modeling.

A9. Database Design.

A10. What is the distributed database system?

B. The skills goals special to the course.

B1. Realizing the Database important.

B2. Designing and modeling some database applications.

Teaching and Learning Methods

1. Lectures
2. Homework
3. Lab. Experiments.
4. Discussions.

Assessment methods

1. Lab
2. Quizzes and exams
3. homework
4. assignments

C. Affective and value goals

C1. Understanding the database concepts.

C2. Understanding database instructions.

C4. Understanding database responsibility of different parameters.

D. General and Transferable Skills (other skills relevant to employability and

personal development)

D1. Thinking of database as a supervisor programs, and no H/W without

supervisor S/W.

D2.Help students to design and build their database programs.

D3. Writing database codes.

D4. Developing OS for different systems such as embedded systems.

10.Course Structure
week Hours ILos Topic title Teaching Assessment
method Method
1 From 1 to File systems and database From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 the. 3 of of section of section
2 exp. section 10 11 12

2 From 1 to File systems and database From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. 3 of of section of section
2 exp. section 10 11 12

3 From 1 to File systems and database From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. 3 of of section of section
2 exp. section 10 11 12

4 Item 6 of Data Models :Data Model Basic Building From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 the. section 10 Blocks of section of section
2 exp. 11 12

5 Item 6 of Data Models : Business Rules From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 of section of section
2 exp. 11 12
6 Item 6 of Data Models : The Evolution of Data From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 the. section 10 Models of section of section
2 exp. 11 12

7 Item 6 of Data Models :Degrees of Data From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 Abstraction of section of section
2 exp. 11 12

8 Item 6 of Design concepts: The Relational From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 Database Model of section of section
2 exp. 11 12

9 Item 6 of Design concepts: Entity Relationship From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 (ER) Modeling of section of section
2 exp. 11 12

10 Items 4,5 Design concepts: Relational Algebra From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 the. of section of section of section
2 exp. 10 11 12

11 Items 4,5 Design concepts: Data Redundancy From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 the. of section of section of section
2 exp. 10 11 12

12 Items 4,5 Entity relationship modeling From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. of section of section of section
2 exp. 10 11 12

13 Items 4,5 Entity relationship modeling From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. of section of section of section
2 exp. 10 11 12

14 Items 4,5 Developing an ER Diagram From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. of section of section of section
2 exp. 10 11 12

15 Item 7 of Normalization of Database Tables From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 of section of section
2 exp. 11 12

16 Item 7 of Normalization of Database Tables From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 of section of section
2 exp. 11 12

17 Item 7 of Normalization of Database Tables From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 of section of section
2 exp. 11 12

18 Item 7 of Denormalization From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 of section of section
2 exp. 11 12

19 Item 8 of Advanced Data Modeling From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 of section of section
2 exp. 11 12

20 Item 8 of The Extended Entity Relationship Model From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 the. section 10 of section of section
2 exp. 11 12

21 Item 8 of Entity Integrity: Selecting Primary Keys From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 the. section 10 of section of section
2 exp. 11 12

22 Item 9 of Database Design: The Information From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 System of section of section
2 exp. 11 12

23 Item 9 of Database Design: The Systems From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 Development Life Cycle of section of section
2 exp. 11 12

24 Item 9 of Database Design: The Database Life From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 the. section 10 Cycle of section of section
2 exp. 11 12

25 Item 10 of Database Design: Conceptual Design From 1 to12 From 1 to4

2 the. section 10 of section of section
2 exp. 11 12

26 Item 10 of Database Design: Logical Design and From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 the. section 10 Physical Design of section of section
2 exp. 11 12

27 Item 10 of Database Performance Tuning and Query From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 the. section 10 Optimization of section of section
2 exp. 11 12

28 Item 10 of Database Performance Tuning and Query From 1 to12 From 1 to4
2 the. section 10 Optimization of section of section
2 exp. 11 12

29 Item 10 of Distributed systems From 1 to12 From 1 to4 of

2 the. section 10 of section 11 section 12
2 exp.

30 2 the. Item 10 of Distributed systems From 1 to12 From 1 to4 of

2 exp. section 10 of section 11 section 12

11. Infrastructure
Database systems (design, implementation and
management).by Beter Rob and Carlos Coronel, 14th
1. Books Required reading:
Edition 2019.
1- Database design and programming with Access,
2. Main references (sources) SQL and Visual Basic, by John Carter, 2019.
2 -Database Design, and Application Development &

1- Centralized vs. Distributed Databases. Case Study,

A- Recommended books and by Nicoleta Magdalena Iacob1 , Mirela Liliana
references (scientific journals, Moise2, 2015
reports…). 2- A Comparative Study of Databases with Different
Methods of Internal Data Management, by
Mokhtar A. Alworafi , Atyaf Dhari, Asma A. Al-
Hashmi, 2016.

 Available websites related to the subject

B-Electronic references, Internet  Extra lectures by foreign guest lecturers

12. The development of the curriculum

Continuous improvement of curriculum and faculty members through training programs.
Fourth Stage


Internet Technology

This Course Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the
course and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning
opportunities that are provided. It should be cross-referenced with the programmed

1. Teaching Institution College of Engineering

University of Baghdad
2. University Department/Centre Computer Engineering Department
3. Course title/code Internet Technology / COE 401

4. Modes of Attendance offered Annual System; There is only one mode of

delivery, which is a “Day Program”. The
students are full time students, and on
campus. They attend full day program in
face-to-face mode. The academic year is
composed of 30-week regular subjects.

5. Semester/Year 1st & 2nd / Academic Year 2018 – 2019

60 hrs. / 2 hrs. per week Theory.

6. Number of hours tuition (total)
60 hrs. / 2 hrs. per week Lab.
7. Date of production/revision of this September – 04 / 2020
8. Aims of the Course
As a brief description for the Goals and objectives, by the completion of the course
the goals are:
1. Develop the ability to apply knowledge of Internet Service Providers Types and
Switching Types and the Important Internet Protocols and the type of the
broadband connection to the end user.
2. Develop skills to communicate effectively through seminars and homework.
3. Prepare students to be active at the practical life after graduate.
9· Learning Outcomes, Teaching , Learning and Assessment Method

C- Cognitive goals:
A1. Write RTL for hardware jobs.
A2. Define and explain the principles of Internet Technology and the interfacing
between its hardware and software components
A3. Understand the data path inside Internet.
A4. Understand the Internet Technology organization
A5. Know the organization and architecture of the Internet with an emphasis on
the user's view of the computer Network.
A6. Understand of layers of protocol and network.
A7. Understand of architectural blocks involved in Internet Technology.
A8. Understand problems of speed and congestion in Internet networks.
A9. Analyze Internet and cloud structures.
A10. Understand Internet architectures.

B. The skills goals special to the course

B1- Mathematical concepts and basic algorithms for describing and solving
engineering problems.

B2 - Initial developments in Internet Technology majors.

B3 - developing the ability to conduct experiments and analyze data.

B5- Identifying, formulating and solving Internet Technology problems using modern
engineering tools, techniques, and skills,

B6 - cooperation in group projects,

B7 - Developing written and verbal communication skills through presentations from

the project results,

B8 - obtaining an appreciation for some of the ethical problems that exist in the
practice of the profession.

10. Teaching and Learning Methods.

9. Lectures.
10. Tutorials.
11. Homework and Assignments.
12. Tests and Exams.
13. In-Class Questions and Discussions.
14. Connection between Theory and Application.
15. Seminars.
16. In- and Out-Class oral conservations.
9. Reports, Presentations, and Posters.

Assessment Methods
1. Examinations, Tests, and Quizzes.
2. Extracurricular Activities.
3. Student Engagement during Lectures.
4. Responses Obtained from Students, Questionnaire about Curriculum and Faculty
Member (Instructor).
Grading Policy

1. Exams and Quizzes: There will be at least seven closed books and notes exams and
quizzes during the academic year.

2. Oral and written assessment: The students are encouraged to participate their ideas
to solve the problems during the lecture. The oral and written assessment.

3. Final Exam: - The final exam will be comprehensive, closed books and notes.

C. Affective and value goals

C1-Student collaborative evaluation data is obtained from students at the end of the
cooperative experiment.

C2- Conducting a survey for each year to determine the extent to which students
achieve the desired results

C3- The evaluation is based on student data during the questionnaire distributed to
the educational students and academic courses.

Teaching and Learning Methods

1-Tests, quizzes.

2- Activities.

3- Participate during lectures

Assessment methods

4- Study the conditions of former graduates.

5- Relevant committees in management such as scientific, QA.
6- The employee attitudes of our graduates, for example, workplace and job title,
will be tracked each year.
D- General and rehabilitative transferred skills(other skills relevant to
employability and personal development)
D1. Ability to carry out Independent study to take notes, to carry out background
D2. Problem Solving based on understanding.
D3. Ability to learn and remember key facts
D4. Self-discipline and self-motivation

10. Course Structure

wea Hours ILOs Topic title Teaching Assessment
k method Method
1 2 the. Item 1 of From 1 to12 of
From 1 to4 of
2 exp. section 10 Introduction section 11
section 12
2 2 the. Item 1 of From 1 to12 of
ISP (Internet Service From 1 to4 of
2 exp. section 10 section 11
Provider) section 12
3 2 the. Item 1 of From 1 to12 of
ISP (Internet Service From 1 to4 of
2 exp. section 10 section 11
Provider) section 12
4 2 the. Item 1 of From 1 to12 of
From 1 to4 of
2 exp. section 10 Web Hosting section 11
section 12
5 2 the. Item 1 &2 From 1 to12 of
From 1 to4 of
2 exp. of section Content Delivery Networks section 11
section 12
6 2 the. Item 1 & From 1 to12 of
From 1 to4 of
2 exp. 2 of Content Delivery Networks section 11
section 12
section 10
7 2 the. Item 1&2 From 1 to12 of
From 1 to4 of
2 exp. of section Circuit Switching section 11
section 12
8 2 the. From 1 to From 1 to12 of
From 1 to4 of
2 exp. 3of Circuit Switching section 11
section 12
section 10
9 2 the. From 1 to From 1 to12 of
From 1 to4 of
2 exp. 3of Dedicated Circuits section 11
section 12
section 10
10 2 the. From 1 to From 1 to12 of
From 1 to4 of
2 exp. 3of Dedicated Circuits section 11
section 12
section 10
11 2 the. From 1 to From 1 to12 of
From 1 to4 of
2 exp. 3of Dedicated Circuits section 11
section 12
section 10
12 2 the. From 1 to From 1 to12 of
From 1 to4 of
2 exp. 3of Packet Switching. section 11
section 12
section 10
13 2 the. From 1 to From 1 to12 of
From 1 to4 of
2 exp. 3of Packet Switching. section 11
section 12
section 10
14 2 the. From 1 to From 1 to12 of
From 1 to4 of
2 exp. 3of Packet Switching. section 11
section 12
section 10
15 2 the. From 1 to From 1 to12 of
Broadband Internet Access From 1 to4 of
2 exp. 3of section 11
Technologies. section 12
section 10
16 2 the. From 1 to From 1 to12 of
Broadband Internet Access From 1 to4 of
2 exp. 3of section 11
Technologies. section 12
section 10
17 2 the. From 1 to From 1 to12 of
Broadband Internet Access From 1 to4 of
2 exp. 3of section 11
Technologies. section 12
section 10
18 2 the. From 1 to From 1 to12 of
Broadband Internet Access From 1 to4 of
2 exp. 3of section 11
Technologies. section 12
section 10
19 2 the. From 1 to From 1 to12 of
From 1 to4 of
2 exp. 3of ARP section 11
section 12
section 10
20 2 the. From 1 to From 1 to12 of
From 1 to4 of
2 exp. 3of ARP section 11
section 12
section 10
21 2 the. From 1 to From 1 to12 of
From 1 to4 of
2 exp. 3of FTP section 11
section 12
section 10
22 2 the. From 1 to From 1 to12 of
From 1 to4 of
2 exp. 3of FTP section 11
section 12
section 10
23 2 the. From 1 to From 1 to12 of
From 1 to4 of
2 exp. 3of Email. section 11
section 12
section 10
24 2 the. From 2 to From 1 to12 of
From 1 to4 of
2 exp. 5of Email. section 11
section 12
section 10
25 2 the. From 2 to From 1 to12 of
From 1 to4 of
2 exp. 5of Email. section 11
section 12
section 10
26 2 the. From 2 to From 1 to12 of
From 1 to4 of
2 exp. 5of DNS section 11
section 12
section 10
27 2 the. From 2 to From 1 to12 of
From 1 to4 of
2 exp. 5of DNS section 11
section 12
section 10
28 2 the. From 2 to From 1 to12 of
From 1 to4 of
2 exp. 5of DNS section 11
section 12
section 10
29 2 the. From 2 to From 1 to12 of
From 1 to4 of
2 exp. 5of DNS section 11
section 12
section 10

11. Infrastructure
1. Books Required reading:

1. Oliver Heckmann, "THE COMPETITIVE

2006, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
2. Margaret Levine Young et al, " Internet:
The Complete Reference ", 2nd Edition,
2002, McGraw-Hill.
3. Edward Insam, " TCP/IP Embedded
Internet Applications ", 1st publish
Edition, 2003, Linacre House, Jordan Hill.
4. Huub van Helvoort, " Next Generation
SDH/SONET Evolution or Revolution?",
2005, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
5. Eric A. Hall, " Internet Core Protocols The
Definitive Guide", 2000, O'Reilly &
Associates, Inc.

1. Oliver Heckmann, "THE COMPETITIVE

2. Main references (sources)
2006, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
2. Margaret Levine Young et al, " Internet:
A- Recommended books and
references (scientific journals,
1. Pallis, George, and Athena Vakali. "Insight
and perspectives for content delivery networks."
Communications of the ACM 49.1 (2006): 101-
2. Bertschek, Irene, Daniel Cerquera, and
Gordon J. Klein. "More bits–more bucks?
Measuring the impact of broadband internet on
firm performance." Information Economics and
Policy 25.3 (2013): 190-203.
3. Van der Wee, Marlies, et al. "Techno-
economic evaluation of open access on FTTH
networks." IEEE/OSA Journal of Optical
Communications and Networking 7.5 (2015):

 Laboratory experiments in the ( Computer

B-Electronic references, Internet network Lab ) of the department.
Available websites related to the subject
Extra lectures by foreign guest lecturers

12.The development of the curriculum plan

Continuous developing academic curriculum line with the scientific development

Computer Architecture II

This course covers the current the advancement in computer architecture including the
internal organization of processors , multi-core CPU’s architecture, many-core PU’s
architecture, and the memory hierarchy . The learning outcomes that a typical student
might reasonably be expected to achieve are based on the three tenets that all computer
architects and designers are believed on, namely: parallelism, pipelining and the
principle of locality. In doing so, the student takes full advantage of the learning
opportunities to participate and contribute to modern research and development that
reflects the state-of-the-art as well as the art-of-the-practice in modern computer design
and computing in both hardware and software domain..

1. Teaching Institution College of Engineering

University of Baghdad

2. University Department/Centre Computer Engineering Department

3. Course title/code Computer Architecture II / COE 402

4. Modes of Attendance offered Annual System; There is only one

mode of delivery, which is a “Day
Program”. The students are full time
students, and on campus. They attend
full day program in face-to-face
mode. The academic year is
composed of 30-week regular
1st & 2nd / Academic Year 2018 –
5. Semester/Year
60 hrs. / 2 hrs. per week Theory.
6. Number of hours tuition (total)
60 hrs. / 2 hrs. per week Lab.
7. Date of production/revision of this September – 04 / 2020
8. Aims of the Course
 Explore the advancement in computer architecture and makes the student ready to
design and facilitate the current trends in computer architecture. This involve:
 How to determine the performance of computer in both theoretical and practical
 Understanding the Moore’s law and its impact on computer engineering.
 Understanding the pipelining principle for both static and dynamic pipeline and
three hazards encounter in pipeline, namely: Structural hazards, Data hazards, and
branch hazards. In addition, the current trends to solve these hazards. Furthermore,
how to deal with Interrupt and Exception behavior from the computer architects
point of view.
 Understanding compiler optimization, loop unrolling, branch prediction.
 Understanding ILP, TLP, DLP
 Understanding the Advanced Pipelining, involve: super scalar, VLIW, and
software pipelining.
 Going from unicore to multicore and many core architecture, and discuss the
principle of “lazy boy era is finished”. This involve: implicit and explicit threading
and processing, fine-grained, coarse grained, and SMT multithreading from
hardware point of view and leads to concrete understanding and imagination of the
sole of this subject.
 Understanding the memory Hierarchy design and Organization, how the cache
memory work and the 4C’s principle in Cache memory.

9· Learning Outcomes, Teaching , Learning and Assessment Method

A- Cognitive goals:
A1. Write RTL for hardware jobs.
A2. Define and explain the principles of Computer Architecture and the interfacing
between its hardware and software components
A3. Understand the data path inside Computer Architecture.
A4. Understand the Computer Architecture organization
A5. Know the organization and architecture of the Internet with an emphasis on the
user's view of the computer Network.
A6. An appreciation of the importance of proof, generalization and abstraction in the
logical development of formal theories
A7. Understand of architectural blocks involved in computer architecture.
A8. Understand problems of Computer Architecture.
A9. How to apply Engineering analysis (time, cost, performance) in Computer
A10. Understand Internet architectures.
B. The skills goals special to the course

B1- Mathematical concepts and basic algorithms for describing and solving
engineering problems.

B2 - Initial developments in Internet Technology majors.

B3 - developing the ability to conduct experiments and analyze data.

B5- Identifying, formulating and solving Internet Technology problems using modern
engineering tools, techniques, and skills,

B6 - cooperation in group projects,

B7 - Developing written and verbal communication skills through presentations from

the project results,

B8 - obtaining an appreciation for some of the ethical problems that exist in the
practice of the profession.

Teaching and Learning Methods.

1. Lectures.
2. Tutorials.
3. Homework and Assignments.
4. Tests and Exams.
5. In-Class Questions and Discussions.
6. Connection between Theory and Application.
7. Seminars.
8. In- and Out-Class oral conservations.
9. Reports, Presentations, and Posters.

Assessment Methods
1. Examinations, Tests, and Quizzes.
2. Extracurricular Activities.
3. Student Engagement during Lectures.
4. Responses Obtained from Students, Questionnaire about Curriculum and Faculty
Member (Instructor).
C. Affective and value goals

C1-Student collaborative evaluation data is obtained from students at the end of the
cooperative experiment.

C2- Conducting a survey for each year to determine the extent to which students
achieve the desired results
C3- The evaluation is based on student data during the questionnaire distributed to
the educational students and academic courses.

Teaching and Learning Methods

1-Tests, quizzes.

2- Activities.

3- Participate during lectures

Assessment methods

7- Study the conditions of former graduates.

8- Relevant committees in management such as scientific, QA.
9- The employee attitudes of our graduates, for example, workplace and job title,
will be tracked each year.
D- General and rehabilitative transferred skills(other skills relevant
to employability and personal development)
D1. Ability to carry out Independent study to take notes, to carry out background
D2. Problem Solving based on understanding.
D3. Ability to learn and remember key facts
D4. Self-discipline and self-motivation

10. Course Structure

Unit/Module or Teaching Assessment
Week Hours ILOs
Topic Title Method Method
Attract the
student to the


Power Point
Lecturing that
the full text,
in addition, a
full text also Motivation
A1 Assignment
A2 Test
A3 New Trends in Seminars
A4 Computer Home work
B1 Architecture and Playing some
1-6 12 Videos to Peer assessment
B2 CPU's
B3 Performance stress and
C1 Equations Oral assessment
improve the
C2 student Discussion on
capability Extra examples

Do some
examples that
integrate the
subjects by

Attract the
student to the

11. Infrastructure

1. Books Required reading:

1. Computer Architecture a Quantitative

Approach , Hennessey & Patterson, (3rd, 4th, &
5th editions), Elsevier, (2003 , 2006, & 2012).
2. Computer Organization and Architecture
Design for Performance, William Stalling, 9th
edition, Pearson, 2013.
3. Computer Organization and Design: The
Hardware/Software Interface Patterson &
Hennessey, 4th edition, The Morgan Kaufmann
Series in Computer Architecture and Design,
4. Microprocessor Architecture, Jean-Loup Baer,
Cambridge University Press, 2010.
5. Structure Computer Organization, Tanenbaum,
5th edition, Prentice Hall,2006.
6. OpenCL Programming by Example, Banger &
Bhattacharyya, PACKT, 2013.
7. Modern X86 Assembly Language
Programming_ 32-bit, 64-bit, SSE, and AVX,
Kusswurm, APRESS, December 2014.

8. The Java Tutorial, 6th Edition, Gallardo et. al.,

Addison-Wesley Professional, December 2014.
1. Computer Architecture a Quantitative
Approach , Hennessey & Patterson, (3rd, 4th, &
2. Main references (sources)
5th editions), Elsevier, (2003 , 2006, & 2012).

A- Recommended books and
references (scientific journals,  P. Trivedi and R. P. Tripathi, "Design & analysis of
reports…). 16 bit RISC processor using low power pipelining,"
International Conference on Computing,
Communication & Automation, Noida, 2015, pp.
 B. W. Bomar, "Implementation of
microprogrammed control in FPGAs," in IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 49, no. 2,
pp. 415-422, Apr 2002.

J. L. Cruz, A. Gonzalez, M. Valero and N. P. Topham,

"Multiple-banked register file architectures," Proceedings
of 27th International Symposium on Computer
Architecture (IEEE Cat. No.RS00201), Vancouver, BC,
Canada, 2000, pp. 316-325.

B-Electronic references, Internet

sites… Data Show.
NetBeans IDE in the Lab.
A Good Sounding system in the Lecture Hall.
E-Learning Platform.
Smart Board.

12.The development of the curriculum plan

Continuous developing academic curricula in line with the scientific development.

Embedded System

This Course Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the
course and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning
opportunities that are provided. It should be cross-referenced with the programmed

1. Teaching Institution College of Engineering

University of Baghdad
2. University Department/Centre Computer Engineering Department (COED)

3. Course title/code Embedded Systems / COE 403

4. Modes of Attendance offered Annual System; There is only one mode of delivery,
which is a “Day Program”. The students are full time
students, and on campus. They attend full day program
in face-to-face mode. The academic year is composed
of 30-week regular subjects.

5. Semester/Year 1st & 2nd / Academic Year 2018 – 2019

60 hrs. / 2 hrs. per week Theory.

6. Number of hours tuition (total)
60 hrs. / 2 hrs. per week Lab.
7. Date of production/revision of this September – 04 / 2020
8. Aims of the Course
As a brief description for the Goals and objectives, by the completion of the course the
goal is:
To provide students with basic knowledge and skills in embedded systems design.

9· Learning Outcomes, Teaching , Learning and Assessment Method

A1. Design, program and evaluate systems in real time.

A2. Designing electronic circuits for the processing of information in
communications and control systems.
A3. The ability to analyze, design, test and maintain complex embedded
A4. The ability to describe, validate and optimize embedded electronic systems
in different areas of industrial application.
A5. The ability to evaluate hardware and software requirements for
communication and control applications.
A6. The ability to solve industrial problems in control and automation systems.
A7. The ability to write reports on and present the systems designed.
A8. Understanding and applying the properties of sensors for designing
electronic systems that integrate measurement and behavior in different areas
of industrial production.
A9. Understanding and knowing how to use the methods and tools for the
development and refinement of programs implemented on microprocessors,
microcontrollers and DSPs.
A10. Understanding the most suitable processing of signaling and the
associated hardware.

B. The skills goals special to the course

B1- Mathematical concepts and basic algorithms for describing and solving
engineering problems.

B2 - Initial developments in Embedded systems majors.

B3 - developing the ability to conduct experiments and analyze data.

B5- Identifying, formulating and solving Internet Technology problems using modern
engineering tools, techniques, and skills,

B6 - cooperation in group projects,

B7 - Developing written and verbal communication skills through presentations from
the project results,

B8 - obtaining an appreciation for some of the ethical problems that exist in the
practice of the profession.

10. Teaching and Learning Methods.

1. Lectures.
2. Tutorials.
3. Homework and Assignments.
4. Tests and Exams.
5. In-Class Questions and Discussions
6. Connection between Theory and Application.
7. Seminars.
8. In- and Out-Class oral conservations.

9. Reports, Presentations, and Posters.

Assessment Methods
1. Examinations, Tests, and Quizzes.
2. Extracurricular Activities.
3. Student Engagement during Lectures.
4. Responses Obtained from Students, Questionnaire about Curriculum and Faculty
Member (Instructor).
Grading Policy

1. Exams and Quizzes: There will be at least seven closed books and notes exams and
quizzes during the academic year.

2. Oral and written assessment: The students are encouraged to participate their ideas
to solve the problems during the lecture. The oral and written assessment.

3. Final Exam: - The final exam will be comprehensive, closed books and notes.

C. Affective and value goals

C1-Student collaborative evaluation data is obtained from students at the end of the
cooperative experiment.

C2- Conducting a survey for each year to determine the extent to which students
achieve the desired results

C3- The evaluation is based on student data during the questionnaire distributed to
the educational students and academic courses.
Teaching and Learning Methods

1-Tests, quizzes.

2- Activities.

3- Participate during lectures

Assessment methods

1- Study the conditions of former graduates.

2- Relevant committees in management such as scientific, QA.

3- The employee attitudes of our graduates, for example, workplace and job title,
will be tracked each year.
D- General and rehabilitative transferred skills(other skills relevant to
employability and personal development)
D1. Ability to carry out Independent study to take notes, to carry out background
D2. Problem Solving based on understanding.
D3. Ability to learn and remember key facts
D4. Self-discipline and self-motivation

10. Course Structure

weak Hours ILOs Topic title Teaching Assessment
method Method
Wee Hours LOs Topic title Teaching Assessment
k method Method
1 2 the. Item 1 of Review of microcontrollers From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of
2 exp. section 10 and Digital Signal section 11 section 12
Processors (DSP),
peripheral modules.
2 2 the. Item 2 & Embedded micro controller From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of
2 exp. 3 of cores (ARM, RISC, CISC, section 11 section 12
section 10 SOC), addressing modes.
3 2 the. Item 4 of Interrupts structure, From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of
2 exp. section 10 hardware multiplier, section 11 section 12
4 2 the. Item 4 of Hardware/Software co- From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of
2 exp. section 10 design. Architecture of section 11 section 12
embedded systems.
5 2 the. Item 1 to Tutorials & Quiz From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of
2 exp. 4 of section 11 section 12
section 10
6 2 the. Item 5 of Assemblers, linkers and From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of
2 exp. section 10 loaders. Binary file formats section 11 section 12
for processor executable
7 2 the. Item 5 of Typical structure of timer- From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of
2 exp. section 10 interrupt driven programs. section 11 section 12
8 2 the. Item 5 of GNU-GCC compiler From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of
2 exp. section 10 introduction, programming section 11 section 12
with Linux environment
and gnu debugging.
9 2 the. Item 5 of GNU insight with step level From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of
2 exp. section 10 trace debugging, make file section 11 section 12
interaction, building and
10 2 the. Item 6 of Introduction to ARM From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of
2 exp. section 10 instruction set, addressing section 11 section 12
modes, operating modes
ARM core.
11 2 the. Item 6 of ARM TDMI modes, ADC, From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of
2 exp. section 10 Timers, Interrupt section 11 section 12
12 2 the. Item 7 of Byte ordering (LE, BE), From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of
2 exp. section 10 Thumb mode normal mode section 11 section 12
instructions changes.
13 2 the. Item 7 of Pipeline utilization with all From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of
2 exp. section 10 register allocations. section 11 section 12
14 2 the. Item 7 of Compare the ARM7, From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of
2 exp. section 10 ARM9, and ARM11 with section 11 section 12
new features additions.
System design with ARM
15 2 the. Item 8 of Interfacing switches, From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of
2 exp. section 10 keyboards, LED’s and section 11 section 12
16 2 the. Item 8 of Transistors used for digital- From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of
2 exp. section 10 controlled switches, digital- section 11 section 12
controlled relays, solenoids
& Quiz
17 2 the. Item 8 of Interfacing of DC, AC and From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of
2 exp. section 10 stepper motors. section 11 section 12

18 2 the. Item 8 of Analog interfacing and data From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of

2 exp. section 10 acquisition systems. section 11 section 12
19 2 the. Item 9 of Real Time Operating From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of
2 exp. section 10 System Concepts, Kernel section 11 section 12
20 2 the. Item 9 of Critical Sections, From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of
2 exp. section 10 Multitasking, Task section 11 section 12
21 2 the. Item 9 of Time Management, From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of
2 exp. section 10 Schedulers, Event Control section 11 section 12
22 2 the. Item 9 of Blocks, Priorities, From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of
2 exp. section 10 Deadlocks. section 11 section 12
23 2 the. From 5 to Tutorial & Quiz From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of
2 exp. 8 of section 11 section 12
section 10
24 2 the. Item 9 of Synchronization, From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of
2 exp. section 10 Semaphore Management, section 11 section 12
25 2 the. Item 9 of Message Mailbox From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of
2 exp. section 10 Management, Message section 11 section 12
Queue Management,
Memory Management
26 2 the. Item 9 of Tutorial & Quiz From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of
2 exp. section 10 section 11 section 12
27 2 the. Item 10 of Applications of Embedded From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of
2 exp. section 10 Systems section 11 section 12
28 2 the. Item 10 of Applications of Embedded From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of
2 exp. section 10 Systems section 11 section 12

29 2 the. Item 10 of Applications of Embedded From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of

2 exp. section 10 Systems section 11 section 12
30 2 the. From 1 to Tutorial & Quiz From 1 to12 of From 1 to 4 of
2 exp. 10 of section 11 section 12
section 10

11. Infrastructure
Required reading:

1 Embedded / Real-Time Systems: Concepts,

Design & Programming - Dr. K.V. K. K.
Prasad – dream tech Press, India.
2 An Embedded Software Primer - David E.
Simon - Pearson Education South Asia.
3 Embedded Systems, Architecture,
Programming and Design - Raj Kamal -
Tata McGraw Hill.
4 Embedded Realtime Systems Programming
- Sriram V Iyer, Pankaj Gupta - Tata
McGraw Hill.
5 ARM System Developer’s Guide Designing
and Optimizing System Software - Andrew
N. Sloss, Dominic Sysmes and Chris
Wright - Elsevier Inc.

2. Main references (sources)

A- Recommended books and
references (scientific journals,
reports…). 1 S. Edwards, L. Lavagno, E. A. Lee and A.
Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, "Design of
embedded systems: formal models,
validation, and synthesis," in Proceedings
of the IEEE, vol. 85, no. 3, pp. 366-390,
March 1997.
2 Daler Rakhmatov and Sarma Vrudhula.
2003. Energy management for battery-
powered embedded systems. ACM Trans.
Embed. Comput. Syst. 2, 3 (August 2003),

B-Electronic references, Internet


12.The development of the curriculum plan

Continuous developing academic curricula in line with the scientific development

Computer Security

This Course Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the
course and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning
opportunities that are provided. It should be cross-referenced with the programmed

1. Teaching Institution College of Engineering

University of Baghdad
2. University Department/Centre Computer Engineering Department
3. Course title/code Computer Security /COE 404

4. Modes of Attendance offered Annual System; There is only one mode of

delivery, which is a “Day Program”. The
students are full time students, and on
campus. They attend full day program in
face-to-face mode. The academic year is
composed of 30-week regular subjects.

5. Semester/Year 1st & 2nd / Academic Year 2018 – 2019

60 hrs. / 2 hrs. per week Theory.

6. Number of hours tuition (total)
60 hrs. / 2 hrs. per week Lab.
7. Date of production/revision of this September – 04 / 2020
8. Aims of the Course

1. Being aware of most security aspects and thoughts.

2. Exploring the most famous algorithms of Security systems

3- Learning the main parameters required for Security system design.

9· Learning Outcomes, Teaching , Learning and Assessment Method

The knowledge and skills expected to be attained by the student upon completion of
the course are listed below:

A. Knowledge and Understanding:

A1. Understanding and dealing with OSI security architecture.

A2. Design and analyze a basic model of classical encryption techniques.

A3. Evaluate the security models

A4. Diagnose the main weak point in security systems.

A5. Analyze an advanced encryption techniques.

B1. encryption system design

B2. ability to analyze a basic model of classical encryption techniques.

C. Thinking Skills

C1. thinking of secure communication and jobs.

C2. discover new encryption techniques

D. Personal Development

D1. become secure person.

D2. determine optimal secure model.

10. Teaching and Learning Methods.

1. Lectures.

2. Tutorials.

3. Homework and Assignments.

4. Tests and Exams.

5. In-Class Questions and Discussions

6. Connection between Theory and Application.

7. Seminars.

8. In- and Out-Class oral conservations.

9. Reports, Presentations, and Posters.

Assessment Methods
1. Examinations, Tests, and Quizzes.
2. Extracurricular Activities.
3. Student Engagement during Lectures.
4. Responses Obtained from Students, Questionnaire about Curriculum and Faculty
Member (Instructor).
C. Affective and value goals

C1-Student collaborative evaluation data is obtained from students at the end of the
cooperative experiment.

C2- Conducting a survey for each year to determine the extent to which students
achieve the desired results

C3- The evaluation is based on student data during the questionnaire distributed to
the educational students and academic courses.

Teaching and Learning Methods

1-Tests, quizzes.

2- Activities.

3- Participate during lectures

Assessment methods

4- Study the conditions of former graduates.

5- Relevant committees in management such as scientific, QA.
6- The employee attitudes of our graduates, for example, workplace and job title,
will be tracked each year.
D- General and rehabilitative transferred skills(other skills relevant to
employability and personal development)
D1. Ability to carry out Independent study to take notes, to carry out background
D2. Problem Solving based on understanding.
D3. Ability to learn and remember key facts
D4. Self-discipline and self-motivation
10. Course Structure
weak Hours ILOs Topic title Teaching Assessment
method Method
Hours Los Teaching Assessment
week Topic title method Method
3 the. From A1- Introduction to Security From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
A5 Trends, OSI Architecture T-Methods A-Methods
3 the. From A1- A Model of network From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
A5 security T-Methods A-Methods
3 the. From A1- Classical Encryption From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
A5 techniques T-Methods A-Methods
3 the. From A1- Symmetric Key From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
A5 Cryptography T-Methods A-Methods
3 the. From A1- From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
A5 T-Methods A-Methods
3 the. From A1- From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
A5 T-Methods A-Methods
3 the. From A1- From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
7 Finite Field
A5 T-Methods A-Methods
3 the. From A1- From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
A5 T-Methods A-Methods
3 the. From A1- From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
9 Modes of Operation
A5 T-Methods A-Methods
3 the. From A1- From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
10 Message Authentication
A5 T-Methods A-Methods
3 the. From A1- From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
11 Public Key Cryptography
A5 T-Methods A-Methods
3 the. From A1- From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
12 Public Key Cryptography
A5 T-Methods A-Methods
3 the. From A1- From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
13 Digital Signature
A5 T-Methods A-Methods
3 the. From A1- From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
14 User Authentication
A5 T-Methods A-Methods
3 the. From A1- From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
15 User Authentication
A5 T-Methods A-Methods
3 the. From A1- From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
16 Access Control
A5 T-Methods A-Methods
3 the. From A1- From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
17 Access Control
A5 T-Methods A-Methods
3 the. From A1- From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
18 Malware
A5 T-Methods A-Methods
3 the. From A1- From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
19 Malware
A5 T-Methods A-Methods
3, the. From A1- From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
20 Denial of Service Attacks
A5 T-Methods A-Methods
S3 the. From A1- From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
21 Denial of Service Attacks
A5 T-Methods A-Methods
3 the. From A1- From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
22 Firewall
A5 T-Methods A-Methods
3 the. From A1- From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
23 Firewall
A5 T-Methods A-Methods
24 3 the. From A1- Intrusion Detection From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
A5 System T-Methods A-Methods
3 the. From A1- Trusted From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
A5 Computing T-Methods A-Methods
3 the. From A1- Trusted From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
26 A5 Computing T-Methods A-Methods
3 the. From A1- From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
27 Web Security
A5 T-Methods A-Methods
3 the. From A1- From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
28 Web Security
A5 T-Methods A-Methods
3 the. From A1- From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
29 Internet Security
A5 T-Methods A-Methods
3 the. From A1- From 1 to12 of From 1 to4 of
30 Internet Security
A5 T-Methods A-Methods

11. Infrastructure
Required reading:

 Computer Security, 3rd edition, William

stalling, 2015.
 Cryptography and Network Security, 7th
edition , William stalling, 2017.
 Applied Cryptography, 2nd edition, Bruce
Schneier, 1996.
2. Main references (sources)

 paper1: van der Veen, V.; dutt-Sharma, N.;

A- Recommended books and
Cavallaro, L., and Bos, H. “Memory errors:
references (scientific journals,
the past, the present, and the future.” in
Proceedings of the 15th international
conference on Research in Attacks,
Intrusions, and Defenses (RAID’12),
Springer-Verlag, pp. 86–106, 2012
 Paper2: Felten, E. “Understanding Trusted
Computing: Will Its Benefits Outweigh its
Drawbacks?” IEEE Security and Privacy,
May/June 2003.
 Paper3: Cheng, T., et al. “Evasion
Techniques: Sneaking through Your
Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems.”
IEEE Communications Surveys &Tutorials,
Fourth Quarter 2012.

B-Electronic references, Internet


12.The development of the curriculum plan

Continuous developing academic curricula in line with the scientific development

Artificial Intelligent and Robotics


This Course Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the
course and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning
opportunities that are provided. It should be cross-referenced with the programmed

1. Teaching Institution College of Engineering

University of Baghdad
2. University Department/Centre Computer Engineering Department
3. Course title/code Artificial Intelligent and Robotics \COE

4. Modes of Attendance offered Annual System; There is only one mode of

delivery, which is a “Day Program”. The
students are full time students, and on
campus. They attend full day program in
face-to-face mode. The academic year is
composed of 30-week regular subjects.

5. Semester/Year 1st & 2nd / Academic Year 2018 – 2019

6. Number of hours tuition (total) 60 hrs. / 2 hrs. per week Theory.

60 hrs. / 2 hrs. per week Lab.

7. Date of production/revision of this

Specification September – 04 / 2020
8. Aims of the Course
1. This subject has been prepared as a comprehensive for a first study of control
2. also helps the students to understand the artificial intelligent and robotics system
for variety of engineering applications
3. covers the artificial intelligent and robotics system

9· Learning Outcomes, Teaching , Learning and Assessment Method

A. Knowledge and Understanding

A1.- Learn the basic fundamentals of Artificial Intelligent
In the field, which encompasses logic, probability, and continuous mathematics;
perception, reasoning, learning, and action; and everything from microelectronic
devices to robotic explorers.
A2.L Define AI as the study of agents that receive percepts from the environment and
perform actions
A3. We explain the role of learning as extending the reach of the designer into
unknown environments.
A4.Learn the Robotics system
A5. Learn the kinematics of Robotics
A6 . Learn the path planning of robotics
B1. Understand the AI theory
B2. Find the learning algorithms
B3: study the Artificial neural networks
B4.How to compute all the learning algorithms

B5.Compute the path planning of robotics based on AI C. Thinking Skills

10. Teaching and Learning Methods.

1. Lectures.

2. Tutorials.

3. Homework and Assignments.

4. Tests and Exams.

5. In-Class Questions and Discussions

6. Connection between Theory and Application.

7. Seminars.

8. In- and Out-Class oral conservations.

9. Reports, Presentations, and Posters.

Assessment Methods
1. Examinations, Tests, and Quizzes.
2. Extracurricular Activities.
3. Student Engagement during Lectures.
4. Responses Obtained from Students, Questionnaire about Curriculum and Faculty
Member (Instructor).
C. Affective and value goals

C1-Student collaborative evaluation data is obtained from students at the end of the
cooperative experiment.

C2- Conducting a survey for each year to determine the extent to which students
achieve the desired results

C3- The evaluation is based on student data during the questionnaire distributed to
the educational students and academic courses.

Teaching and Learning Methods

1-Tests, quizzes.

2- Activities.

3- Participate during lectures

Assessment methods

7- Study the conditions of former graduates.

8- Relevant committees in management such as scientific, QA.
9- The employee attitudes of our graduates, for example, workplace and job title,
will be tracked each year.
D- General and rehabilitative transferred skills(other skills relevant to
employability and personal development)
D1. Ability to carry out Independent study to take notes, to carry out background
D2. Problem Solving based on understanding.
D3. Ability to learn and remember key facts
D4. Self-discipline and self-motivation
10. Course Structure
Unit/Module or Teaching Assessment
Week Hours ILOs
Topic Title Method Method
What Is AI?
The Foundations of
2 theory Artificial From 1 to8 of
1 Intelligence Teaching and From 1 to3 of
1-2 A1
tutorial The History of Learning Assessment Method
Artificial Methods
The State of the Art

Intelligent Agents
Agents and
2 theory Good Behavior: The From 1 to8 of
1 Concept of Teaching and From 1 to3 of
3-4 A2
tutorial .Rationality Learning Assessment Method
The Nature of Methods
The Structure of

2 theory Learning From 1 to8 of

1 Learning from Teaching and From 1 to3 of
5 A2
tutorial Examples Learning Assessment Method
. Forms of Learning Methods

2 theory Learning Decision From 1 to 8 of
1 Trees Teaching and From 1 to3 of
6 A1, A2
tutorial Evaluating and Learning Assessment Method
Choosing the Best Methods

The Theory of
2 theory Learning From 1 to 8 of
1 Regression and Teaching and From 1 to3 of
7 A3
tutorial Classification with Learning Assessment Method
.Linear Models Methods

2 theory Artificial Neural

From 1 to 8 of
1 Networks
Teaching and From 1 to3 of
8-10 A4, A5 Nonparametric
tutorial Learning Assessment Method
2 theory Support Vector From 1 to8 of
1 Machines Teaching and From 1 to3 of
11-14 A6 Ensemble Learning
tutorial Learning Assessment Method
2 theory Practical Machine From 1 to 8 of
1 Learning Teaching and From 1 to3 of
15-18 tutorial A6
Learning Assessment Method
.labs 2 Methods
2 theory Learning From 1 to8 of
1 Probabilistic Teaching and From 1 to3 of
11. Infrastructure
Required reading:

1. Stuart J. Russell and Peter Norvig

“Artificial Intelligence: A Modern
Approach”, 2010 by Pearson
Education, Inc., Third Edition.
2. M.W.Spong , S. Hutchinson and M.
Vidyasagar, “Robot Modeling and
Control”, 2006.
3. Kevin M. Lynch and Frank C. Park,
“Modern Robotics Mechanics,
Planning, And Control”, 2017.

JACEK M. ZURADA, “Introduction to Artificial Neural

Systems” , 1992.
2. Main references (sources)
A- Recommended books and
references (scientific journals,

B-Electronic references, Internet


12.The development of the curriculum plan

Continuous developing academic curricula in line with the scientific development

Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition


This Course Specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the
course and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be
expected to achieve and demonstrate if he/she takes full advantage of the learning
opportunities that are provided. It should be cross-referenced with the programmed

1. Teaching Institution College of Engineering

University of Baghdad
2. University Department/Centre Computer Engineering Department
3. Course title/code Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition /
COE 406

4. Modes of Attendance offered Annual System; There is only one mode of

delivery, which is a “Day Program”. The
students are full time students, and on
campus. They attend full day program in
face-to-face mode. The academic year is
composed of 30-week regular subjects.

5. Semester/Year 1st & 2nd / Academic Year 2018 – 2019

60 hrs. / 2 hrs. per week Theory.

6. Number of hours tuition (total)
60 hrs. / 2 hrs. per week Lab.
7. Date of production/revision of this September – 04 / 2020
8. Aims of the Course

What are the knowledge and skills expected to be attained by the student upon completion
of the course (brief description)?

1. Present, as clearly and completely as possible, the main principles of modern

computer vision systems equipped with pattern recognition capabilities.
2. Provide a thorough discussion of the fundamentals of computer vision basic
algorithms and with emphasis to the analysis and implementation of certain
algorithms from the literature.

3. The course mainly will study: relation between computer vision and human
vision system, color spaces and their relations, multi-level features, feature
extraction and matching, optical flow, machine learning, and object detection.

9· Learning Outcomes, Teaching , Learning and Assessment Method

A. Knowledge and Understanding:

A1. Analyze scientific research and describe computer vision and pattern
recognition/classification algorithms.
A2. Acquire data from a camera source.
A3. Process the acquired image/video data.
A4. Extract discriminative features from the image/video data.
A5. Apply pattern recognition/classification algorithms in order to distinguish
different patterns.
A6. Build a full computer vision system.
A7. Analyze the performance of a full computer vision system.

B. Subject-specific skills

B1. Realizing the relationship between computer vision and human visual
B2. Understanding computer vision and pattern recognition algorithms.
B3. Design and modeling a computer vision and pattern recognition algorithm.

C. Thinking Skills
C1. Understanding the relationship between computer vision algorithm and
human visual system.
C2. Understanding features including feature extraction and feature matching
C3. Understanding visual classification, tracking, and retrievals.

D. General and Transferable Skills (other skills relevant to employability and

personal development)

D1. Thinking of computer vision system as a system that is used to replace

human visual system in computer system.
D2. Help students to design and build their computer vision algorithms.
D3. Design a computer vision and pattern recognition algorithm for embedded
D4. Developing computer vision algorithms.

Design and develop algorithms for controlling devices interfaced to visual devices.
Teaching and Learning Methods.

1. Lectures.

2. Tutorials.

3. Homework and Assignments.

4. Tests and Exams.

5. In-Class Questions and Discussions

6. Connection between Theory and Application.

7. Seminars.

8. In- and Out-Class oral conservations.

9. Reports, Presentations, and Posters.

Assessment Methods
1. Examinations, Tests, and Quizzes.
2. Extracurricular Activities.
3. Student Engagement during Lectures.
4. Responses Obtained from Students, Questionnaire about Curriculum and Faculty
Member (Instructor).
Grading Policy
1. Exams and Quizzes: There will be at least seven closed books and notes exams and
quizzes during the academic year.

2. Oral and written assessment: The students are encouraged to participate their ideas
to solve the problems during the lecture. The oral and written assessment.

3. Final Exam: - The final exam will be comprehensive, closed books and notes.

C. Affective and value goals

C1-Student collaborative evaluation data is obtained from students at the end of the
cooperative experiment.

C2- Conducting a survey for each year to determine the extent to which students
achieve the desired results

C3- The evaluation is based on student data during the questionnaire distributed to
the educational students and academic courses.

Teaching and Learning Methods

1-Tests, quizzes.

2- Activities.

3- Participate during lectures

Assessment methods

10- Study the conditions of former graduates.

11- Relevant committees in management such as scientific, QA.
12- The employee attitudes of our graduates, for example, workplace and job
title, will be tracked each year.
D- General and rehabilitative transferred skills(other skills relevant to
employability and personal development)
D1. Ability to carry out Independent study to take notes, to carry out background
D2. Problem Solving based on understanding.
D3. Ability to learn and remember key facts
D4. Self-discipline and self-motivation
10. Course Structure
Hours Los Teaching Assessment
Week Topic title
method Method
2 the. Item A1 From 1 to From 1 to 4
Introduction to Computer Vision and
1 1 tut. 10 of of
Pattern Recognition.
T-methods A-methods
4 the. Items A1 From 1 to From 1 to 4
Human Vision, Color Spaces and
2-3 2 tut. 10 of of
T-methods A-methods
4 the. Item A2 From 1 to From 1 to 4
3-4 2 tut. Image coordinates and resizing 10 of of
T-methods A-methods
6 the. Item A3 From 1 to From 1 to 4
5-8 3 tut. Filters and convolutions 10 of of
T-methods A-methods
4 the. Item A3 From 1 to From 1 to 4
9-10 2 tut. Harris detector and matching 10 of of
T-methods A-methods
6 the. Item A4 From 1 to From 1 to 4
11-13 3 tut. Matching, RANSAC, HOG, and SIFT 10 of of
T-methods A-methods
4 the. Item A4 From 1 to From 1 to 4
13-14 2 tut. Optical Flow 10 of of
T-methods A-methods
2 the. Item A5 From 1 to From 1 to 4
15 1 tut. Machine Learning 10 of of
T-methods A-methods
2 the. Item A5 From 1 to From 1 to 4
16 1 tut. Machine Learning for Computer Vision 10 of of
T-methods A-methods
4 the. Item A4- From 1 to From 1 to 4
17-18 2 tut. A5 Feature extraction 10 of of
T-methods A-methods
4 the. Item A5 From 1 to From 1 to 4
19-20 2 tut. Neural Networks 10 of of
T-methods A-methods
4 the. Item A5 From 1 to From 1 to 4
21-22 2 tut. Support Vector Machine 10 of of
T-methods A-methods
2 the. Item A5 From 1 to From 1 to 4
Introduction to Convolutional Neural
23 1 tut. 10 of of
T-methods A-methods
4 the. Item A5 From 1 to From 1 to 4
24-25 2 tut. Object Detection 10 of of
T-methods A-methods
26-27 4 the. Item A4- Segmentation From 1 to From 1 to 4
2 tut. A5 10 of of
T-methods A-methods
4 the. Item A6 From 1 to From 1 to 4
27-28 2 tut. Face detection and recognition 10 of of
T-methods A-methods
4 the. Item A6- From 1 to From 1 to 4
29-30 2 tut. A7 Seminars 10 of of
T-methods A-methods

11. Infrastructure
Required reading:

4- Feature extraction image processing for
computer vision, Nixon, Mark S and
Aguado, Alberto S, 2012, Academic Press.
5- Color image processing: methods and
applications, Lukac, Rastislav and
Plataniotis, Konstantinos N, 2006, CRC
Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications
2. Main references (sources) Rick Szeliski, 2010.

A- Recommended books and
4- Abdulhussain, Sadiq H. and Ramli, Abd
references (scientific journals,
Rahman and Mahmmod, Bahseera M and
Al-Haddad, S A R and Jassim, Wissam A.
“Image Edge Detection Operators based on
Orthogonal Polynomials.” International
Journal of Image and Data Fusion 8.3
(2017), 293-308.
5- Mahmmod, Basheera M. and bin Ramli, Abd
Rahman and Abdulhussain, Sadiq H and Al-
Haddad, Syed Abdul Rahman and Jassim,
Wissam A. “Signal compression and
enhancement using a new orthogonal-
polynomial-based discrete transform.” IET
Signal Processing 12.1(2018): 129-142.
6- Lowe, David G. "Distinctive image features
from scale-invariant keypoints."
International journal of computer vision 60.2
(2004): 91-110.

B-Electronic references, Internet Internet.
sites… A Good Sounding system in the Lecture Hall.

12.The development of the curriculum plan

Continuous developing academic curricula in line with the scientific development

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