FWW Errata FAQ Card Versions v8
FWW Errata FAQ Card Versions v8
FWW Errata FAQ Card Versions v8
p.19: Damage p.25: Movement When Engaged
‘Next to this icon is the base damage of the weapon.’ ‘The Slide is part of a Close Combat attack so any Triggers’
should read should read
‘Next to the damage type icon is the base damage value of the The Slide is part of a Close Combat Action so any Triggers’.
p.25: Slide
p.20: Table of Sample Special Effect Activation
Add: ‘When assessing where a model can move to using a
‘Requires Nuka Cola Bottle icons.’ Slide (after a Close Combat attack), the sliding model may
should read calculate their Slide by moving through the base of the
‘Requires 2 Nuka-Cola Bottle icons.’ opponent with which they are engaged so long as they end
in a legal position still engaged with their opponent.’
p.21: Armor
p. 25: Withdrawing From Being Engaged
‘A model can set which cards it is using for its Armor Ratings at
the start of its activation.’ Add: ‘A free attack is not a Trigger for Reactions.’
should read
‘A model can set which cards it is using for its Armor Ratings p.32: Items
when it is hit.’
Add: ‘Items a model starts a battle with cannot be
transferred to other models (or dropped). Items gained
p.21: Strong Armor
during a battle can be dropped and then picked-up by
Add: ‘A model may only benefit from one Strong Armor another model. Dropping and/or picking-up does not
bonus at any time regardless of their source’. require an action.’
In the example, ‘2+2’ should read ‘2+1’. ‘plus up to one card that alters those values’
should read
‘Armor Boost icons are additional to other Strong Armor ‘plus up to one card of each card type that modifies those
bonuses a model may have, but cannot be applied to other values’
sources of armor for a model, such as Power Armor.’ (and
remove the example below that paragraph) p.32: Limited Use Items
should read
‘A model has access to any Limited Use Items its unit is equipped
‘As a model may only benefit from one Strong Armor bonus
with, and/or any Limited Use Item’
at any time, multiple Armor Boosts have no additional
should read
effect and are not in addition to any other Strong Armor
‘A model has access to any Limited Use Items its unit is equipped
bonuses a model may have. An Armor Boost token is
with and, if unengaged, any Limited Use Item’
discarded after each hit even if it offered no additional aid.’
© 2023 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax and related
logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Fallout and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bethesda Softworks LLC in the U.S.
and/or other countries. The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment.
All rights reserved to their respective owners.
p.36: Battle Cry ‘If the weapon has a Grenade icon, check a straight line
from the original target location to the new target location;
‘2. The charger receives one Black and one Green Charge Bonus
otherwise, check a straight line from the firer to the new
target location.’
should read
‘2. The charger receives an additional Charge Bonus Marker
p.47: Target Icon (sidebar)
to give them a total of one Black and one Green Charge Bonus
should read:
p.42: Triggers Add: ‘Unless specified otherwise, the model with the aura
ability can choose which models are affected by that aura
Addendum: Attacks do not require LoS to be a Trigger.
(The General Reference card mentions this and is correct.)
© 2023 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax and related
logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Fallout and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bethesda Softworks LLC in the U.S.
and/or other countries. The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment.
All rights reserved to their respective owners.
p.51: Dog and Dog Handler: Dog Handler p.54: Summary of Markers: Bonus Dice
‘Any Dog’ Add: ‘Bonus Dice tokens are single-use and give a bonus
should read: dice for any Skill Test when used. They are discarded after
‘From the start of a Dog Handler’s activation to the start of use. Some effects specify the Bonus Dice must be spent on
their next activation, one Dog’. specific actions and/or at specific times.’
p.8: Solo / Co-op Mode: Set-up p.22: Other Structures
Add at the end of step 2: “Ignore any minimum requirements Add the following Structure:
on Item cards.”
‘Structure Name: Lockers
Cost: 70 caps
p.19: After a Battle
Details: In Step 3, 1 Item card may be stored in each
‘Any Unique items are automatically added to the pool without Locker. Items in Lockers will not be used in the next battle
the need for Maintenance Sheds’ but do not need to be sold off at the end of Step 3 due to
should read not being selected. After the next battle (after Maintenance
‘Any Unique items are automatically added to the pool without Sheds have been used), Items in Lockers are removed from
the need for Maintenance Sheds, unless a player chooses not the Lockers and added to the starting pool of cards for
to retain them (so they can be sold).’ the next Settlement use (joining any cards retained using
Maintenance Sheds).’
p.21: Cooking Station
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logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Fallout and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bethesda Softworks LLC in the U.S.
and/or other countries. The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment.
All rights reserved to their respective owners.
p.22: Other Structures
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logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Fallout and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bethesda Softworks LLC in the U.S.
and/or other countries. The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment.
All rights reserved to their respective owners.
FOWW FAQ-004-111
Add to Point 11: ‘If not specified, players take turns deploying The diagram should show 8 Searchables.
one model at a time starting with player with Advantage.’
p.45: Scenario: ‘Fort Davis’
p.28: Settlement: An Example
The second line of the Super Mutant forces in Fort Davis:
Add ‘Investigation Markers should be at least green from
‘Brute with Sledgehammer’
deployment zones.’
should read
‘Two Mutant Hounds with Hound Bite’.
p.30: Scenario: Demolition
So, the full force for SM is 3 Super Mutants (the player uses all the
‘Command distance’
SM models and the plain SM Unit card) plus 2 Mutant Hounds.
should read
’Presence’ Also, when creating the Wasteland Deck, ignore adding the
Board, and add the Laser Rifle instead.
The deployment mentioned in the ‘Initial Unit Placement’ section
is correct. The deployment shown on the diagram is incorrect.
p.47: Tutorial Scenario 4: ‘The Lost Journal’
The third paragraph in Battlefield Set-up should be replaced
with ‘After the physical battlefield terrain has been set-up, The ‘three Fragmentation Grenades’ should be equipped by Sole
pillar markers placed and charges allocated to Blue Units, Survivor not the Settlers.
players take turns deploying one model at a time starting
Add: ‘Super Mutants cannot interact with Searchables in
with the Red player.’
the scenario’.
Add: ‘Creatures may not carry charges.’ Add: ‘Activating the siren just requires interacting with
it (no action required and model must not be engaged
p.33: Scenario: Super Duper Sweep as usual). A model may activate the siren once per
‘the player using Bank A deploys in the Blue zone, the
player using B in the Red zone.’
‘the player using Bank B deploys in the Blue zone, the
player using A in the Red zone.’ The cost of the Ranger Outpost should be 100 (not 500).
© 2023 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax and related
logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Fallout and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bethesda Softworks LLC in the U.S.
and/or other countries. The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment.
All rights reserved to their respective owners.
Q. How does the Fast ability found on the Assaultron and Q. Can you explain a Re-draw?
Assaultron Legs unit profiles work?
A. Re-draw means discard without effect, then draw and resolve a
A. When a player assigns a Readiness Marker to a model during new card. Re-draws cannot be used if any part of the card has been
the beginning of their turn, they can also assign a Readiness tested/resolved, i.e. no rolls made for it yet (success or fail).
Marker to models with the Fast ability at the same time.
Q. Can models that become Ready during an activation be
left Ready into the next turn?
Q. What is considered a Climb? Is it just things like
A. No. Any models that become Ready during your turn must be
ladders? Or would it also include other things like going
made Used at the end of your turn if they have not been activated,
up/down stairs, or hopping over a piece of cover (such as a
unless otherwise stated in a specific special rule.
A. During set-up, players must determine which surfaces are Q. When is a model considered Used?
Climbable and to what extent. Stairs might be Normal Terrain,
A. After it finishes all its Actions.
Ladders could be Difficult Terrain and a junk wall could be
climbable. Additionally, some terrain may be climbable for some
Q. Can you explain what is meant by ‘Once per Activation’?
models and not for others - a Behemoth might be able to easily
step over terrain that other models could only climb. This is all at A. Once per activation means once from between the start of a
the discretion of the players to decide. model’s activation and the start of that model’s next activation.
A. Once between each of Danse’s activations, i.e. between the start A. Whether from an Action or Quick Action, the Prepare action
of one activation of Danse and the start of his next activation. gives a model a Reaction token. A Reaction can be used for any
action a model could normally perform, but is resolved as a Quick
Action so is at -2 or one distance shorter. (Note that Prepare does
Q. How do I resolve cards that refer to a blank on a green not use the Action Point Use Icons. The Action Point Use Icons set
dice? what a model can spend APs on.)
A. There are no blanks on a green dice. In all cases the effect from
Q. If a model disengages from a model with a Reaction
rolling a blank will trigger when a -1 is rolled. When -1 is rolled
token, does the model it breaks away from get a free attack
treat the dice result as -2 instead.
and get to use their Reaction?
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logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Fallout and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bethesda Softworks LLC in the U.S.
and/or other countries. The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment.
All rights reserved to their respective owners.
Q. Can I choose to fail tests? Q. What happens if a model is suffering from a condition
and then becomes immune or resistant to that condition?
A. You can choose to fail any skill test on purpose. This choice
must be made before making any dice rolls for the test. If you A. If the model becomes immune then it discards that condition.
choose to fail on purpose, set the skill dice to X , then roll any If the model becomes resistant, it immediately tests to see if the
effect dice that are required, and then apply the outcome. None of condition is discarded.
the dice rolled may be re-rolled or altered.
Q. What happens if a model which is resistant to a
Q. How do the Effect Dice tokens work? condition should become resistant to that condition again?
A. A model with an Effect Dice token can discard the token to A. It has no additional effect. Resistance to the same condition is
add 1 Effect Dice of the color matching the token to any Skill Roll not accumulative, i.e. does not stack.
(unless there were restrictions on its use when it was gained,
i.e. the Effect Dice token from a Charge Bonus has specific Q. Can the potential, free action when a Ready model is
restrictions on its use or gets discarded). A maximum of 1 token removed be used to heal the model and prevent it being
of each color can be used on a single Skill Test; however, the total removed?
Effect Dice rolled (after any Effect Dice tokens have been used)
A. No. The model will be removed regardless of what action is
still needs to be within the maximum number of Effect Dice
performed, even if it results in healing.
allowed for any skill test (described in this FAQ).
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logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Fallout and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bethesda Softworks LLC in the U.S.
and/or other countries. The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment.
All rights reserved to their respective owners.
Q. Can a Suicider detonate during another player’s turn? movement, i.e. a maximum of 1 Move or Charge during activation,
and Quick Actions are unaffected by this.
A. Sort of. A Suicider can only detonate before or after its own
actions, so could do so during another player's turn if the Suicider
Q. Can Perks be purchased multiple times?
was performing a Reaction in response to a trigger, but they
cannot just explode if they are not reacting (or performing their A. Perks cannot be bought twice for the same model. Perks which
own activation). are attributed to the Settlement (such as the Gun Nut Perks)
cannot be bought for the Settlement more than once.
Q. When resolving Explore cards, what Items and Perks are
factored into Skill Tests? Q. When using Settlement mode, how many caps do players
get if they draw?
A. The Leader (who resolves Explore cards) can take any Items
currently in the pool of cards when the Explore card is drawn. A. Both players get the winners’ amount of caps.
The player must commit to what equipment Items are being used
before drawing. Items like food cannot be used to prevent damage. Q. How do multi-part Quests count towards buying new
land for the Settlement?
Q. Does Forest Fire Event restrict actions?
A. Each completed Quest card counts as 1 towards new land so
A. Yes. Each model may only use one of its usual two actions for each sub-part counts separately.
Q. What do the armor ratings of ‘–’ and the ‘X’ mean? Q. I’m using a Power Armor model to represent a unit
wearing power armor and that unit normally has a smaller
A. An armor rating of ‘–’ means zero armor of that type. An armor
base. Is it okay that it has a larger base than it would
rating of ‘X’ means the model is immune to damage of that type.
without Power Armor?
A. The icon means all armor ratings are increased by 1. It is A. The damage from the poison is placed on the model (not on the
not a Strong Armor bonus. Power Armor).
Q. ‘On Fire’ mentions no armor roll; does that mean it Q. When do the Armor Boost tokens gained from Yao Guai
ignores armor? Ribs discarded?
A. No. A model that is ‘On Fire’ gets no armor roll but their armor
A. The tokens are discarded after any hits which could cause
is still utilised. This difference is important for models with Strong
physical damage, but not for hits which could cause energy
Armor; for example, a model that is ‘On Fire’ with 3+1 armor
or radiation damage. (Similarly, armor boost tokens from
would get no armor roll but the +1 would still get added on, so
Radscorpion Steak and Radstag Stew are discarded only after
would block 1 damage.
hits that could cause energy damage; and, armor boost tokens
from Baked Bloatfly are discarded only after hits that could cause
Q. If Power Armor is degraded, can I gain Damage Tokens
radiation damage.)
back if it is repaired?
A. No. When Power Armor is damaged enough to make it Q. Do Armor Boost tokens get removed after each hit from
degraded, discard the Damage Tokens. Repairing the armor cannot a Walked Fire weapon, or just once after all the Walked
make Power Armor un-degrade during a battle. Fire shots have been resolved?
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logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Fallout and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bethesda Softworks LLC in the U.S.
and/or other countries. The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment.
All rights reserved to their respective owners.
Q. Is shooting a weapon when in close combat the same as with a model, it may still use this to attack a target with which it
‘Shooting into close combat’? is not engaged. (The weapon can still be used to perform a Close
Combat attack on engaged models as usual.)
A. No. Shooting is when firing at a model that is not engaged with
the shooter. Close Combat covers all attacks made when engaged
Q. Can cars explode?
(regardless of what weapon type is used). Therefore, firing a
ranged weapon in Close Combat is Close Combat.
A. Yes. Rules for cars that have the potential to explode can be
found in the reference_cards.pdf in the same Downloads location
Q. If a model has an ability allowing them to always hit
as this Errata/FAQ file.
the intended model when firing into engaged models
(i.e. without randomising), do they get the +2 bonus for
Q. On the Double-Barrel Shotgun, what does the
shooting into close combat?
icon mean?
A. No. If a model always hits the intended target, it does not get
A. This means the weapon does not become empty, so do not flip
the bonus for shooting into close combat as it is hitting the target
the ‘Slow Firing Marker’ to the Empty side.
and not the larger mass of the close combat.
A. On impact, the Molotov Cocktail does 0 base damage and A. The attacker receives the +2 bonus for firing into engaged
everything within Yellow is On Fire and resolves the icons on the models as normal. If the attack hits, the model that it affects is
black and yellow dice (which may add damage due to damage randomised as usual. If the attack misses, randomise the model
icons). The target adds the extra damage icon too. that it affects and then apply any scatter from there. (Note that
if you target a spot on the ground where a model in close combat
Q. The Alien Blaster weapon shows it is unique. What if I happens to be, then you don't get the +2 bonus, but you also
have multiple Aliens? don't need to randomise which model it gets resolved on before
scatter either.)
A. The Unique icon is ignored on any Alien Blaster weapons
equipped by Alien models. The Alien Blaster is only Unique for
Q. When a weapon that targets a model scatters, where is
non-Aliens. If one or more Aliens have Alien Blasters is a game,
that measured from?
non-Aliens can still have one Unique Alien Blaster as usual.
A. It is measured from the centre of the target’s base.
Q. If an ability says ‘ weapons have range Orange’,
how are those weapon attacks resolved? Q. If a model fires a weapon with Walked Fire effect into
close combat, how is the target randomised?
A. The attack uses the skill but is resolved as a Shooting
attack. As a result Slide is not possible after this attack. Push A. The target hit is randomised for each shot.
Back can still occur so the target can be pushed back but, in this
case, the attacker can not follow-up. If the attacker is engaged
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logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Fallout and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bethesda Softworks LLC in the U.S.
and/or other countries. The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment.
All rights reserved to their respective owners.
Q. If a Walked Fire weapon has a Charge Bonus Marker, Q. How does the Tesla Rifle and Hand Lightning Gun work
does this affect all the dice rolls when firing the weapon, or when it arcs to two extra targets?
just one dice roll? Is this the same for other Bonus Effect
A. The first additional target hit by the damage is measured
Dice Markers?
from the initial target, and then the second additional target
is measured from the first additional target. No model can be
A. It would be used on the first dice roll and then discarded. Yes,
affected twice by a single shot.
this is the same for other Bonus Effect Dice Markers.
Q. If a model is pushed back by a weapon effect, when is would move over
damage from the attack applied? another model’s
base. A model
A. Push Back that occurs due to a weapon’s effects during an
performing the
attack is part of the attack itself and any damage is resolved
follow-up which
before the Push Back. Slide occurs after the close combat attack C
breaks contact with
(as part of the Close Combat Action). So, the timing is resolved:
models it is not Pushing
damage, then Push Back, then Slide.
Back still gets a free attack as usual (p.25).
Remember that Push Back does not give free
Q. What happens if a model is pushed back when engaged
attacks on the model that is pushed out of
with multiple models?
base-to-base contact by Push Back (p.36).
A. If a model is engaged with multiple enemies, it can perform So, if A (below) is pushing B, with A in contact with C, and B in
Push Back on a target and follow-up; however, the follow-up ends contact with D, C would get a free attack on A, but D would not
if either model’s base comes into contact with another model. get a free attack on B.
Therefore, a model cannot follow-up a Push Back if their base
© 2023 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax and related
logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Fallout and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bethesda Softworks LLC in the U.S.
and/or other countries. The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment.
All rights reserved to their respective owners.
Q. What is a Speciality? Q. When a Super Mutant drinks Nuka-Cola, does it ignore
the radiation damage?
A. The rules for Speciality are at the end of p.10 of Rules of Play.
A. Yes. The same is true of any item that causes radiation damage
Q. How does Preston Garvey’s Speciality work with his mod? when a model which is immune to radiation damage.
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logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Fallout and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bethesda Softworks LLC in the U.S.
and/or other countries. The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment.
All rights reserved to their respective owners.
Q. A Creature card says ‘at Creature’s location’. Where such as Big Leagues, Blitz and Nerd Rage would come into effect
is this? for this same reason, however.
A. If a Creature card is drawn and there is no specific model for it, Q. How does the Hold Breath ability work?
it occurs where the model that drew the card is located.
A. It allows the model to negate both the -2 cover modifier on the
Q. Does the 'CQB' rule on the NCR Civilian Ranger ignore attacker’s Skill Value and the increase to the target’s armor when
the additional Armor Rating from using a Ranged Weapon using the skill listed in their Hold Breath ability.
in Close Combat?
Q. How often can Mr. Tims use his Rousing ability? What
A. No, as the additional Armor Rating is not a penalty.
models can this ability affect?
Q. Does the ‘CQB’ rule on the NCR Civilian Ranger stack A. Mr Tims can use Rousing once per activation. Rousing only
with the Gunslinger and Steady Aim Perks? affects friendly models.
A. No. This is because the NCR Civilian Ranger would be using the
Close Combat skill. Perks that reference the Close Combat Skill
© 2023 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax and related
logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Fallout and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bethesda Softworks LLC in the U.S.
and/or other countries. The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment.
All rights reserved to their respective owners.
Q. In Settlement Mode, is there a way to retain cards in my negate the penalty from the Mist when the Pistol/Rifle skill is
pool which I am not using in the next battle so I can use tested.
them at a later time rather than having to sell them at the
Regarding the Super Mutant in the Eerie Mist example, they
end of Step 3?
would suffer the - 2 penalty for using the Ranged Weapon whilst
A. A new structure has been added called ‘Lockers’ (see Errata engaged but not get the benefit of Comfort Grip, for the reason
section above) where Items can be placed during Step 3 which will given above. Models shooting whilst engaged without Comfort Grip
not be used in the next battle. After the next battle, these Items are in Eerie Mist would suffer a 4 penalty to their skill tests.
removed from the Lockers and added to the starting pool of cards.
Q. Would effects that add additional Effect Dice to a Close
Combat attack work with the NCR Civilian Ranger’s CQB
Q. Should I add Searchables to a battlefield so there are
items to scavenge?
A. No.
A. After adding any Searchables required by a scenario, you may
add additional Searchable tokens (excluding those with letters on
Q. The damage of a Plasma Rifle can be blocked by either
as those are for specific scenario purposes) as you see fit. If the
Physical or Energy Armor, whichever of the two values is
scenario uses Searchables for the objectives, ensure any extra ones
lower. How does Strong Armor factor into which type of
you place are distinguishable from the scenario-specific ones. If you
Armor is considered lower?
want an area rich with items, include lots of tokens and/or have no
blanks; whilst if you want an area that is sparse, add only a few A. Strong Armor would be ignored for this calculation, so the
tokens and/or include a high proportion of blanks. You can also attack would go against whichever of the two Armor Ratings is
curate your Item decks to theme the scenario’s area, i.e. in an area naturally lower without Strong Armor. In the event of the two
with lots of stores, you may want more food items; in a hospital the Ratings being the same, the player controlling the target model
item deck can contain more stimpaks and chems, etc. would get to pick an Armor Ratings to be used.
Q. Can Coursers (and other non-human Synths) benefit Q. Do the limitations on NCR Salvaged Power Armor come
from Chems? into effect once the Armor has been degraded or are they
active all the time?
A. Chems can affect any Unit that does not have the Synth Type
Icon in the top right hand corner of their unit card. A. The NCR Salvaged Power Armor should be considered as
degraded upon purchase and it cannot be degraded any further.
Q. How does Comfort Grip affect CQB on the NCR Civilian The limitations are therefore, active for the entirety of the game.
Ranger, Super Mutant Close Combat Attacks, a model using
a Ranged Weapon for a Close Combat attack and the Eerie Q. What would be the Physical and Energy Armor Ratings
Mist Event Card? of a model wearing a Damaged Hazmat Suit or Hazmat
A. Comfort Grip interacts with the NCR Civilian Ranger’s ‘CQB’
and the Super Mutants faction rule in the same way - they would A. Both of those items do not come with a Physical or Energy
not get the benefit of Comfort Grip during a Close Combat Attack. Armor Rating, so any model wearing them would use their
This is because a model is now swapping from using the Rifle/ standard Physical and Energy Armor Ratings.
Pistol skill (which Comfort Grip is linked to) to using the Close
Combat skill. Models using a Ranged Weapon whilst engaged with Q. Does the Alien count as a Creature? What items can it
a Pistol/Rifle skill would however, gain the benefit of Comfort Grip use?
as they are using the associated skills.
A. The Alien counts as a Creature and is therefore, beholden to
any rules regarding equipment on the Creature Faction Reference
Eerie Mist effects any attacks made that are not using the Close
Card. It can use any item with the Creature Faction icon on it,
Combat skill. Both the NCR Civilian Ranger and the Super
along with any equipment that it comes equipped with naturally
Mutant from the example above would not be affected by the Event
and any items that say on their card that they can be used by
as they are testing against the Close Combat skill. Any other skill
Creatures or the Alien.
would be affected by the Mist though but Comfort Grip would then
© 2023 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax and related
logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Fallout and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bethesda Softworks LLC in the U.S.
and/or other countries. The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment.
All rights reserved to their respective owners.
Q. If AI models have abilities or equipment that they can Q. How does the Leader Target Priority work?
choose to use, when do they use them?
A. A model performing the Leader Target Priority will target any
A. AI Units use their abilities where applicable. Use them in the model in an enemy force with a Leader card assigned to it.
way that you see is the most beneficial to the AI force and/or the
most detrimental to your force. Q. Do AI Models take into account Strong Armor when
checking for the Vulnerable Target Priority?
Q. If an AI model has the setting Go To [Subject] and is
A. No. They will prioritise the lowest base Armor value.
within Move of the Subject, what does it do?
© 2023 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax and related
logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Fallout and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bethesda Softworks LLC in the U.S.
and/or other countries. The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment.
All rights reserved to their respective owners.
FOWW CDV-002-111
Since printing, some cards have been revised. Below is a full New versions of cards are indicated on their card by a small
list of all cards which have new versions. New versions of cards shape at the bottom-right of the card’s front. Version 2 of a card
will be part of any new physical printings of the products and is shown by a circle, and Version 3 is shown by a square.
new versions of cards with points-values will be available in the
downloadable card PDFs.
Lightning Storm 2 changed to .
Deathclaw 2 changed to .
Vertibirds ‘fading into distance to the south-east.’ changed
Mutant Hound 2
2 ‘Mutant Hound Bite’ changed to ‘Hound Bite’. Overhead to ‘fading into the distance to the south-east.’
Chief Hanlon 2 Change ‘2-4’ to ‘3-4’
Legate Lanius 2 Change ‘After F action’ to ‘After F response’
Minuteman 2 Change ‘3:Ready’ to ‘3:Prepared’
The three dice graphics changed from having
Change ‘O Use’ to counters behind them to being just the dice
Nick Valentine 2
‘Use Expertise Owithin
Heavy 2 icons.
Piper 2 2:Ready’ to ‘2:Prepared’ The black dot inside the green dice changed to
Praetorian white to match the green dice on other cards.
2 Change ‘1-2’ to ‘1-3’
Guard Escort Multi-Calibre 2 Title 'Multi-Calibre' changed to ‘Multi-Caliber’.
Scientist 2 Change ‘3:Ready’ to ‘3:Prepared’
Ballistic Weave 2 Changed to .
Enrage 1 Changed to .
2 Removed: ‘by or’
Road Googles 2 Title corrected to ‘Road Goggles’ T-45
(Commonwealth) Add the Icon.
(Commonwealth) Add the Icon.
Merchant ‘Merchant Stand Structure’ changed to
Caravan ‘Scavenging Stand Structure’
© 2023 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax and related
logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Fallout and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bethesda Softworks LLC in the U.S.
and/or other countries. The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment.
All rights reserved to their respective owners.
PERK Removed ‘Faction’ from the title so it just says
CARD VER CHANGE COMPARED TO PREVIOUS VERSION ‘Survivors’ in yellow with no title text in white.
Replaced main text of the card with:
2 icon added. Units which show ‘Survivor’ under their Unit
Stranger I Survivors 2
2 icon added. 1. During Force Set-up, each Unique model
Stranger II STR 5
SOLE SURVIVOR receives 1 [Armor Boost token] in addition to
Mysterious SURVIVOR PER 7 any they may normally receive.
2 icon added.
Stranger III
SOLESURVIVOR SURVIVOR SEND TR 5 4 Changed ‘Faction: Brotherhood of Steel’ title to
Changed 'target resolves damage
PCHA ER 7icons'
5 to Brotherhood of ‘Brotherhood of Steel Faction’ displayed all in
'target resolves damage icons as physical 2 yellow (so it’s a single title).
Pain Train 2 SEINTND TR 5 4 Steel
damage'. Changed 'can not' to 'cannot'.
ER 5
ND 4
EILNTUC 5 Changed title to ‘Mama Murphy: Foresight’ in
DOG HANDLER : Dogs can using PER. AGI 573
C HA Mama Murphy white and then ‘Set-up’ in yellow below.
If Sole Survivor is Heroic, nearby dogs at 2
(Set-up) Removed the first line which said ‘During Set-
CARD VER the start of their activation are also Heroic
during their activation. up:’ from the main text.
DOG HANDLER : Dogs can using PER.
to A‘Move GI 7 the
Find the Cooler 2
‘Move theismaker’
If Sole Survivor changed
Heroic, nearby dogs at 31 Changed title to ‘Mama Murphy: Foresight’ in
the start of their activation are also Heroic
marker’ LUC 4
during their activation. 3 white and then ‘During Battle’ in yellow below.
DOG HANDLER : Dogs can using PER. Mama Murphy
If Sole Survivor is Heroic, nearby dogs at 2 Removed the first line which said ‘During Battle:’
the start of their activation are also Heroic (During Battle)
during their activation. 3 from the main text.
CARD VER CHANGE COMPARED TO PREVIOUS1 VERSION Changed 'skill roll' to 'Skill Test'.
© 2023 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax and related
logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Fallout and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bethesda Softworks LLC in the U.S.
and/or other countries. The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment.
All rights reserved to their respective owners.
icon added. Text on right-hand side replaced with:
Mama Murphy 2
Deathclaw ‘After each action, add token if non-friendly in
2 LoS. When primed, Close Combat action to
icon removed. Crush
X6-88 Courser 2 use Crush (Skill Value: Deathclaw STR – Target
Radiation armor changed from X to 1. AGI), then remove all tokens.’
Alien 2 Added: EQUIPPED: Alien Blaster. Text on right-hand side replaced with:
‘After each action (exc. shooting), add token if
‘Feral Ghoul Swipe only.’ changed to Assaultron non-friendly in LoS; otherwise, remove a token.
Feral Ghoul 2 2
‘Feral Ghoul Swipe.’ Head Laser When primed, immediately Shoot (no action
required), then remove all tokens.’
‘Radscorpion Pincers & Sting only.’ changed to Added: ‘Assaultron only’.
Radscorpion 2
‘Radscorpion Pincers & Sting.’
‘Mutant Hound Bite only.’ changed to Assaultron 2 Added: ‘Assaultron only’.
Mutant Hound 2
‘Hound Bite.’ Head Laser
Mutant Hound ‘Mutant Hound Bite only.’ changed to Icon for remove Reaction token corrected to
2 Dog Bite 2
Fiend ‘Hound Bite.’ icon removed. show token.
‘Dog Bite only.’ changed to ‘Dog Bite.’ Icon for remove Reaction token corrected to
Hound Bite 2
Faction changed from Survivor to no faction. show token.
Dog 2
(This is the ‘Dog’ Unit only and not Dogs in Icon for remove Reaction token corrected to
general.) AGI changed from 7 to 5. Stun Baton 2
show token.
‘Dog Bite only.’ changed to ‘Dog Bite.’ Eyebot Laser 2 Added: ‘Eyebot only’.
Dogmeat 2
AGI changed from 8 to 6.
Pulse Grenade 2 Changed 'Only hits ' to 'Only affects
‘Dog Bite only.’ changed to ‘Dog Bite.’
Dogmeat Scout 2 & non-degraded '
AGI changed from 7 to 6.
Radroach Pulse Mine 2 Changed 'Only hits ' to 'Only affects
2 Added: ‘Counts as normal size‘.
Swarm & non-degraded '
Mole Rat 2 icon added.
Deathclaw 2 should read
Behemoth 2 Changed 'skill rolls' to 'Skill Tests'. Swipe
Glowing Deathclaw
3 Replace ‘throw’ with .
Radroach 2 Added: 'Counts as Normal size' Crush
Swarm Hunting
2 Remove Icon.
Hancock 2 Changed 'skill roll' to 'Skill Test'. Shotgun
Add to Telekinetic Shove: ‘Do not move into Pulse Gun 2
Lorenzo Cabot 2 Remove icon from Short Range.
base contact after completion’.
Gunner Rebar Club 2 Remove Icon.
2 Add Rifle skill to AGI.
Glowing Yao
Enclave Trainee 2 Add Rifle skill to PER. 2
Guai Swipe Changed to
Child of Atom 2 Add Rifle skill to AGI.
2 Added: ‘Radroach Swarm only’.
Swarm Bite
Radroach Added ‘(round up)’ to the end of the description
Swarm Bite about number of attacks.
2 Added: ‘Radscorpion only’.
Pincers & Sting
© 2023 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax and related
logos are registered trademarks or trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Fallout and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Bethesda Softworks LLC in the U.S.
and/or other countries. The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment.
All rights reserved to their respective owners.