Foww Errata Faq v3.0
Foww Errata Faq v3.0
Foww Errata Faq v3.0
p.19: Damage pp.32–33: Limited Use Items
‘Next to this icon is the base damage of the weapon.’ ‘any unengaged friendly model within Presence range’
should read should read
‘Next to the damage type icon is the base damage value of the ‘any unengaged friendly model within Yellow range’.
‘Knight Patrol A is within Red range and LoS,’
should read
p.20: Table of Sample Special Effect Activation
‘Knight Patrol A is within Yellow range and LoS,’
‘Requires Nuka Cola Bottle icons.’
Note that the related diagram on p.33 should show a Yellow circle,
should read
not Red, and the Red Presence icon should be disregarded. Items
‘Requires 2 Nuka-Cola Bottle icons.’
may only be shared within Yellow range and Line of Sight.
p.25: Slide
p.39: Edge of Battlefield
Add: ‘When assessing where a model can move to using a
‘(with no Armor Roll to prevent it)’
Slide (after a Close Combat attack), the sliding model may
should read:
calculate their Slide by moving through the base of the
‘(ignoring armor)’.
opponent with which they are engaged so long as they end
in a legal position still engaged with their opponent.’
p.40: V.A.T.S.
p.32: Items
p.42: Triggers
Add: ‘Items a model starts a battle with cannot be
Addendum: Attacks do not require LoS to be a Trigger.
transferred to other models (or dropped). Items gained
(The General Reference card mentions this and is correct.)
during a battle can be dropped and then picked-up by
another model. Dropping and/or picking-up does not
p.45: Power Armor
require an action.’
Add: ‘The Armor Ratings of Power Armor cannot be
p.32: Items: Armor increased by equipment other than Power Armor mod.’
‘A model has access to any Limited Use Items its unit is equipped
with, and/or any Limited Use Item’
should read
‘A model has access to any Limited Use Items its unit is equipped
with and, if unengaged, any Limited Use Item’
© 2019 Bethesda Softworks LLC. FALLOUT and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks
of ZeniMax Media Inc. or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved.
The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment. All rights reserved to their respective owners.
p.47: Scatter p.50: Aura Abilities and Effects
‘If the weapon does not have a Grenade icon, check a Add: ‘Aura abilities require Line of Sight between the model
straight line from the firer to the new target location.’ with the ability and the model affected by the ability.’
should read
‘If the weapon has a Grenade icon, check a straight line p. 51: Unit Types: General Rules (Robots, Creatures
from the original target location to the new target location; and Dogs)
otherwise, check a straight line from the firer to the new
The rules for Robots, Creatures and Dogs have been updated.
target location.’
Please replace the existing table of rules for these types with
the information on the revised Reference cards (which are also
p.47: Target Icon (sidebar)
downloadable from the Modiphius web site).
should read: p.51: Dog and Dog Handler: Dogs
‘Dogs count as the same faction as the player’s Leader.’
should read:
p.48: Poison
‘Neutral dogs count as the same faction as the player’s
‘add 1 regular damage to the model (no armor roll).’ Leader so can benefit from their abilities.’
should read:
‘add 1 regular damage to the model (ignoring armor).’ p.51: Dog and Dog Handler: Dog Handler
‘Any Dog’
p.50: Leaders
should read:
Delete ‘If the player’s force has no single-model unit, they ‘From the start of a Dog Handler’s activation to the start of
cannot have a Leader.’ their next activation, one Dog’.
p.8: Solo / Co-op Mode: Set-up Add the following Structure:
‘Structure Name: Lockers
Add at the end of step 2: “Ignore any minimum requirements
Cost: 70 caps
on Item cards.”
Details: In Step 3, 1 Item card may be stored in each
Locker. Items in Lockers will not be used in the next battle
p.19: After a Battle
but do not need to be sold off at the end of Step 3 due to
‘Any Unique items are automatically added to the pool without not being selected. After the next battle (after Maintenance
the need for Maintenance Sheds’ Sheds have been used), Items in Lockers are removed from
should read the Lockers and added to the starting pool of cards for
‘Any Unique items are automatically added to the pool without the next Settlement use (joining any cards retained using
the need for Maintenance Sheds, unless a player chooses not Maintenance Sheds).’
to retain them (so they can be sold).’
p.23: Settlement: An Example
p.21: Cooking Station
‘1 x Small Boston Bugle Magazine Rack’
Details should read: should read
‘Draw 1 Food & Drink or Alcohol item for each Crop Field in ‘2 x Small Boston Bugle Magazine Racks’
the Settlement, and keep only 1. Maximum draw limit of 5.’
‘uses their small Boston Bugle Magazine Rack’
p.22: Other Structures should read
‘uses their small Boston Bugle Magazine Racks’
© 2019 Bethesda Softworks LLC. FALLOUT and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks
of ZeniMax Media Inc. or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved.
The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment. All rights reserved to their respective owners.
p.24: Settlement Mode: Rules Adaptions: p.35: Scenario: Defend the Farm
Creating a Force and Settlements
‘If an attacking model ends its turn touching a Investigation
After ‘An AI Unit’s ‘standard equipment’ is shown at the top of an AI Marker, while no enemy model is within Orange, it can burn the
card.’ add ‘Ignore any minimum requirements on Item cards.’ crop.’
should read
p.26: Creating a Force ‘If an attacking model ends its turn touching a Searchable
Marker, while no enemy model is within Orange, it can burn the
Replace the point ‘Creatures cannot normally be used in
your force, unless otherwise stated or players want to use
much more free-form forces.’
p.45: Scenario: ‘Fort Davis’
‘Only Creatures with a named faction on their Unit card The second line of the Super Mutant forces in Fort Davis:
that match the Leader’s faction can be used in your force
‘Brute with Sledgehammer’
(unless players agree otherwise).’
should read
‘Two Mutant Hounds with Hound Bite’.
p.26: Force Set-up
So, the full force for SM is 3 Super Mutants (the player uses all the
Add to Point 5: ‘Items shown on a Unit card as Equipped are
SM models and the plain SM Unit card) plus 2 Mutant Hounds.
not optional.’
Also, when creating the Wasteland Deck, ignore adding the
p.27: Battlefield Set-up Sledgehammer and Board, and add the Laser Rifle and the
Economy Wonderglue instead.
Add to Point 11: ‘If not specified, players take turns deploying
one model at a time starting with player with Advantage.’
p.47: Tutorial Scenario 4: ‘The Lost Journal’
p.28: Settlement: An Example The ‘three Fragmentation Grenades’ should be equipped by Sole
Survivor not the Settlers.
Add ‘Investigation Markers should be at least green from
deployment zones.’ Add: ‘Super Mutants cannot interact with Searchables in
the scenario’.
p.30: Scenario: Demolition
‘8 Searchables Markers face-down, at least Orange from
‘Command distance’ other markers’
should read should read
’Presence’ ‘8 Searchables Markers face-down, at least Yellow from
other markers’
The deployment mentioned in the ‘Initial Unit Placement’ section
is correct. The deployment shown on the diagram is incorrect.
p.48: Tutorial Scenario 5: The Coming Storm
The third paragraph in Battlefield Set-up should be replaced
with ‘After the physical battlefield terrain has been set-up, Add: ‘Activating the siren just requires interacting with
pillar markers placed and charges allocated to Blue Units, it (no action required and model must not be engaged
players take turns deploying one model at a time starting as usual). A model may activate the siren once per
with the Red player.’ activation.’
© 2019 Bethesda Softworks LLC. FALLOUT and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks
of ZeniMax Media Inc. or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved.
The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment. All rights reserved to their respective owners.
FOWW FAQ-003-111
Q: Can you place a model on top of, or clipping over a Q: What happens if I need to make a range/move ‘one range
marker/token e.g. a Computer or a Searchable Marker? ruler shorter’ when it’s already Orange (the shortest ruler)?
A: Unless specifically stated in a scenario or special rule, no, you A: The minimum length is always Orange, so if Orange is made
may never place models on top, or with their base clipping over a shorter then it is still Orange and does not change.
marker or token.
Q: Does it take an Action to ‘Use’ things/take a ‘Use’ test?
Q: Can you explain a Re-draw?
A: When Interacting, the word ‘Use’ means it requires an Action,
A: Re-draw means discard without effect, then draw and resolve a i.e. Use Lockpick requires a Use Expertise Action. The word ‘Test’
new card. Re-draws cannot be used if any part of the card has been does not require an Action, but each Test is limited to once per
tested/resolved, i.e. no rolls made for it yet (success or fail). activation, i.e. the Test on a Danger card that says ‘[Interact]
Test Computers’ does not require an Action but it can only be
Q: Can models that become Ready during an activation be performed once per activation.
left Ready into the next turn?
Q: Can you explain the ‘Resistant’ rule?
A: No. Any models that become Ready during your turn must be
made Used at the end of your turn if they have not been activated, A: Resistant: When a condition would be added to a model, flip
unless otherwise stated in a specific special rule. the counter and only keep it if the result shows the icon of the
condition being added; otherwise, discard the condition without
Q. When is a model considered Used? effect. For example, a model which is resistant to Stun would flip
the Stun token it is about to add but only keeps it if the Stun icon
A. After it finishes all its Actions.
shows after the flip.
Q. Does a model’s base need to fall fully within a range A. Sort of. A Suicider can only detonate before or after its own
ruler to be within range? actions, so could do so during another player's turn if the Suicider
was performing a Reaction in response to a trigger, but they
A. No. A model is in range if the range ruler overlaps any part of
cannot just explode if they are not reacting (or performing their
the model’s base.
own activation).
© 2019 Bethesda Softworks LLC. FALLOUT and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks
of ZeniMax Media Inc. or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved.
The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment. All rights reserved to their respective owners.
Q. When resolving Explore cards, what Items and Perks are Q. Can Perks be purchased multiple times?
factored into Skill Tests?
A. Perks cannot be bought twice for the same model. Perks which
A. The Leader (who resolves Explore cards) can take any Items are attributed to the Settlement (such as the Gun Nut Perks)
currently in the pool of cards when the Explore card is drawn. cannot be bought for the Settlement more than once.
The player must commit to what equipment Items are being used
before drawing. Items like food cannot be used to prevent damage. Q. When using Settlement mode, how many caps do players
get if they draw?
Q. Does Forest Fire Event restrict actions?
A. Both players get the winners’ amount of caps.
A. Yes. Each model may only use one of its usual two actions for
movement, i.e. a maximum of 1 Move or Charge during activation, Q. How do multi-part Quests count towards buying new
and Quick Actions are unaffected by this. land for the Settlement?
Q. What do the armor ratings of ‘–’ and the ‘X’ mean? Q. I’m using a Power Armor model to represent a unit
wearing power armor and that unit normally has a smaller
A. An armor rating of ‘–’ means zero armor of that type. An armor
base. Is it okay that it has a larger base than it would
rating of ‘X’ means the model is immune to damage of that type.
without Power Armor?
A: The icon means all armor ratings are increased by 1. It is A. The damage from the poison is placed on the model (not on the
not a Strong Armor bonus. Power Armor).
Q. ‘On Fire’ mentions no armor roll; does that mean it Q. When do the Armor Boost tokens gained from Yao Guai
ignores armor? Ribs discarded?
A. No. A model that is ‘On Fire’ gets no armor roll but their armor A: The tokens are discarded after any hits which could cause
is still utilised. This difference is important for models with Strong physical damage, but not for hits which could cause energy
Armor; for example, a model that is ‘On Fire’ with 3+1 armor or radiation damage. (Similarly, armor boost tokens from
would get no armor roll but the +1 would still get added on, so Radscorpion Steak and Radstag Stew are discarded only after
would block 1 damage. hits that could cause energy damage; and, armor boost tokens
from Baked Bloatfly are discarded only after hits that could cause
Q: If Power Armor is degraded, can I gain Damage Tokens radiation damage.)
back if it is repaired?
Q. Do Armor Boost tokens get removed after each hit from
A: No. When Power Armor is damaged enough to make it
a Walked Fire weapon, or just once after all the Walked
degraded, discard the Damage Tokens. Repairing the armor cannot
Fire shots have been resolved?
make Power Armor un-degrade during a battle.
A. One is removed after every hit.
© 2019 Bethesda Softworks LLC. FALLOUT and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks
of ZeniMax Media Inc. or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved.
The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment. All rights reserved to their respective owners.
Q. Is shooting a weapon when in close combat the same as Q. On the Double-Barrel Shotgun, what does the icon
‘Shooting into close combat’? mean?
A. No. Shooting is when firing at a model that is not engaged with A. This means the weapon does not become empty, so do not flip
the shooter. Close Combat covers all attacks made when engaged the ‘Slow Firing Marker’ to the Empty side.
(regardless of what weapon type is used). Therefore, firing a
ranged weapon in Close Combat is Close Combat. Q. What is the maximum number of tokens a Primed
Weapon can have?
Q: If an explosion scatters on to another model, do you
A. Primed Weapon may not have more tokens than the maximum
get the bonus damage/effects from being the target of the
amount required to use it.
A: After scatter, any specific additional effect on the target is Q. When a Primed weapon gains tokens after an action,
ignored. Therefore, grenades that have an additional effect on the does that include after Quick Actions?
target only affect the original/intended target if they do not scatter.
A. No, only the model’s main actions.
A: On impact, the Molotov Cocktail does 0 base damage and A. The attacker receives the +2 bonus for firing into engaged models
everything within yellow is On Fire and resolves the icons on the as normal. If the attack hits, the model that it affects is randomised
black and yellow dice (which may add damage due to damage as usual. If the attack misses, randomise the model that it affects
icons). The target adds the extra damage icon too. and then apply any scatter from there. (Note that if you target
a spot on the ground where a model in close combat happens to
Q. The Alien Blaster weapon shows it is unique. What if I be, then you don't get the +2 bonus, but you also don't need to
have multiple Aliens? randomise which model it gets resolved on before scatter either.)
Q. If an ability says ‘ weapons have range Orange’, Q. If a model fires a weapon with Walked Fire effect into
how are those weapon attacks resolved? close combat, how is the target randomised?
A. The attack uses the skill but is resolved as a Shooting A. The target hit is randomised for each shot.
attack. As a result Slide is not possible after this attack. Push
Back can still occur so the target can be pushed back but, in this Q. How many re-rolls does Heavy Gunner provide when
case, the attacker can not follow-up. If the attacker is engaged used with a Walked Fire weapon?
with a model, it may still use this to attack a target with which it
A. One during the whole attack, i.e. one re-roll on any one of the 5
is not engaged. (The weapon can still be used to perform a Close
shots a Gatling Laser makes, not one per shot. The player chooses
Combat attack on engaged models as usual.)
whether to re-roll during each Skill Test independently, so cannot
chose to apply a re-roll to a previous Skill Test.
Q. Can cars explode?
A. Yes. Rules for cars that have the potential to explode can be
found in the reference_cards.pdf in the same Downloads location
as this Errata/FAQ file.
© 2019 Bethesda Softworks LLC. FALLOUT and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks
of ZeniMax Media Inc. or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved.
The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment. All rights reserved to their respective owners.
Q: If a model is pushed back by a weapon effect, when is still gets a free attack as usual (p.25). Remember that Push Back
damage from the attack applied? does not give free attacks on the model that is pushed out of base-
to-base contact by Push Back (p.36). So, if A (below) is pushing B,
A: Push Back that occurs due to a weapon’s effects during an
with A in contact with C, and B in contact with D, C would get a
attack is part of the attack itself and any damage is resolved
free attack on A, but D would not get a free attack on B.
before the Push Back. Slide occurs after the close combat attack
(as part of the Close Combat Action). So, the timing is resolved:
damage, then Push Back, then Slide.
Q: What happens if a model is pushed back when engaged
with multiple models?
A: The model is limited to a maximum of one Move or Charge A: If using a Laser Musket, Preston’s Speciality ability gives him
during the current activation and their next activation. If a model both the Speciality +2 bonus as well as receiving the Long Barrel
has already performed one or more Move or Charge Actions during mod fitted to the Laser Musket for free.
its activation when this card is drawn, those movements remain
unaffected, but the model may not perform any more Move or Q. When and how often can I use Cade’s Field Medic ability?
Charge Actions during this activation. (Reactions are unaffected.)
A: Cade’s Field Medic ability can be used once per activation (i.e.
between the start of one activation and the start of the next), at any
Q: How does the ‘Leader: Fusilier’ card work?
time before or after he performs an Action (including Reactions).
A: The value on the Fusilier model’s Unit card is used in place
of the value on the friendly model’s Unit card, so no adjustments Q: How do I use Mama Murphy’s foresight in terms of chems?
the Fusilier is experiencing due to chems, equipment, etc. are
A: Upon activation, Mama Murphy can use a chem immediately
considered. Any adjustments the friendly model is experiencing
before assessing how many foresight points she receives.
due to chems, equipment, etc. are then added on top as usual. For
example, Preston Garvey has PER 6 as well as the Fusilier Leader
Q. The Deathclaw Crush weapon card mentions throwing a
card and a Scavenger has PER 3. Preston Garvey has just taken
model. Does this use the Throw skill?
some Mentats which gives PER +2 so his adjusted PER is 8. The
Scavenger uses the Inspiring ability on Preston Garvey’s Fusilier A. No. The ‘thrown’ model in this case is simply moved up to yellow
Leader card so the Scavenger temporarily replaces their PER 3 away (and does not use skill).
with Preston’s PER 6. The Scavenger is wearing Eyeglasses which
give PER +1, so the Scavenger has PER 7 for their activation. Q. What happens if Mysterious Stranger III does not make
an immediate attack when they appear and is hit by
Q. What is a Speciality? damage before they make their attack?
A. The rules for Speciality are at the end of p.10 of Rules of Play. A. Mysterious Stranger is removed.
© 2019 Bethesda Softworks LLC. FALLOUT and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks
of ZeniMax Media Inc. or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved.
The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment. All rights reserved to their respective owners.
Q. The Super Mutant faction reference card mentions Q: Can a model be simultaneously affected by an ability of
4 special rules. Do these apply to all models in a Super the same name multiple times?
Mutant force?
A: No, models can only be affected by an ability once, so multiple
A. These effects only apply to models which have ‘Super Mutant’ abilities of the same name do not stack. For example, BATTLE
written as their faction on their Unit card, i.e. an Enslaved Tech EXPERIENCE cannot be applied twice to the same model at the
that is part of a Super Mutant force would not be affected by any same time. If the same named ability gives two different bonuses,
of these effects, but Hammer in a Survivors force would. pick the preferred one, e.g. V.A.T.S. with different icons. SPECIALITY
abilities with different effects count as different abilities.
Q: How does ‘Boost: Second Chance’ work?
Q. Do the rules on a faction card apply to all models in a
A: Players can re-roll a X . This includes the X
result, but the
force of that faction, or just models of that faction?
AP is not kept.
A. The rules on a faction card apply only to models which show
Q: What’s the difference between rules that apply to a the same faction on their Unit card under their Unit name (and
‘Minuteman’ model as compared to ‘Minutemen’? not to all the models a force of that faction as determined by their
Leader’s faction). For example, an Enslaved Tech who is part of
A: Mentions of ‘Minuteman’ mean any model in a Unit with the
a force led by a Super Mutant does not benefit from the Super
name Minuteman in the Unit’s title. ‘Minutemen’ refers to the
Mutant rules such as being immune to radiation because the
faction. Therefore, Ronnie Shaw and Preston Garvey are not
faction on their card is ‘Survivors’ (but the Enslaved Tech does
‘Minuteman’ models but are ‘Minutemen’ faction (see Errata).
benefit from the rules on the Survivor faction card).
© 2019 Bethesda Softworks LLC. FALLOUT and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks
of ZeniMax Media Inc. or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved.
The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment. All rights reserved to their respective owners.
Q. Does the Fortunate Deflection Boost card stop 1 damage? A. A new structure has been added called ‘Lockers’ (see Errata
section above) where Items can be placed during Step 3 which will
A. No. It negates one damage icon (which may be shown on an
not be used in the next battle. After the next battle, these Items are
effect dice, ability, weapon effect, etc).
removed from the Lockers and added to the starting pool of cards.
Q: If AI models have abilities or equipment that they can Q. Do AI models use Improvised Weapon?
choose to use, when do they use them?
A. AI use Improvised weapon in Close Combat if no other weapon
A: AI Units use their abilities where applicable. Use them in the is available (or it is a better option than their other weapons),
way that you see is the most beneficial to the AI force and/or the i.e. if only equipped with a Slow Firing weapon which is empty.
most detrimental to your force.
Q. Will an AI model with an area effect weapon use it in
Q. If an AI model has the setting Go To [Subject] and is Close Combat if Careful?
within Move of the Subject, what does it do?
A. No, because the target counts as an engaged enemy model.
A: The rules say to perform O instead which is Go To [Subject].
In this case, the model Moves to the [Subject].
© 2019 Bethesda Softworks LLC. FALLOUT and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks
of ZeniMax Media Inc. or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved.
The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment. All rights reserved to their respective owners.
FOWW CDV-001-111
Since printing, some cards have been revised. Below is a full New versions of cards are indicated on their card by a small
list of all cards which have new versions. New versions of cards shape at the bottom-right of the card’s front. Version 2 of a card
will be part of any new physical printings of the products and is shown by a circle, and Version 3 is shown by a square.
new versions of cards with points-values will be available in the
downloadable card PDFs.
Ronnie Shaw 2 Ronnie Shaw counts as both Survivor and Radroach 2 Added: ‘Radroach Swarm only’.
Minutemen factions (not just Survivor) Swarm Bite
Preston Garvey 2 Preston Garvey counts as both Survivor and Radroach 3 Added ‘(round up)’ to the end of the
Minutemen factions (not just Survivor). Swarm Bite description about number of attacks.
MORALE: ‘Minutemen’ changed to Radscorpion 2 Added: ‘Radscorpion only’.
‘Minuteman’. Pincers & Sting
Sentry Bot 2 Ability added: ‘STABLE: May fire more than Deathclaw 2 Text on right-hand side replaced with:
one per activation.’ Crush ‘After each action, add token if non-friendly in
LoS. When primed, Close Combat action to
Knight 2 HARDY: The icon corrected to show the use Crush (Skill Value: Deathclaw STR – Target
Strong Armor Bonus Token . The Hardy AGI), then remove all tokens.’
ability means Knights start with one additional
Assaultron 2 Text on right-hand side replaced with:
Strong Armor Bonus Token in addition to any
Head Laser ‘After each action (exc. shooting), add token if
they would normally have from other sources.
non-friendly in LoS; otherwise, remove a token.
When primed, immediately Shoot (no action
Nuka-Girl 2 Critical icon corrected.
required), then remove all tokens.’
Mama Murphy 2 icon added. Added: ‘Assaultron only’.
X6-88 Courser 2 icon removed. Dog Bite 2 Icon for remove Reaction token corrected to
show token.
Radiation armor changed from X to 1.
Hound Bite 2 Icon for remove Reaction token corrected to
Alien 2 Added: EQUIPPED: Alien Blaster. show token.
Feral Ghoul 2 ‘Feral Ghoul Swipe only.’ changed to Stun Baton 2 Icon for remove Reaction token corrected to
‘Feral Ghoul Swipe.’ show token.
Radscorpion 2 ‘Radscorpion Pincers & Sting only.’ changed to Eyebot Laser 2 Added: ‘Eyebot only’.
‘Radscorpion Pincers & Sting.’
Mutant Hound 2 ‘Mutant Hound Bite only.’ changed to
‘Hound Bite.’ CLOTHING
Mutant Hound 2 ‘Mutant Hound Bite only.’ changed to
Fiend ‘Hound Bite.’ Vault 111
2 Removed: ‘by or’
icon removed.
Road Googles 2 Title corrected to ‘Road Goggles’
Dog 2 ‘Dog Bite only.’ changed to ‘Dog Bite.’
Faction changed from Survivor to no faction.
(This is the ‘Dog’ Unit only and not Dogs in MOD
AGI changed from 7 to 5. Heavy 2 The three dice graphics changed from having
counters behind them to being just the dice
Dogmeat 2 ‘Dog Bite only.’ changed to ‘Dog Bite.’
AGI changed from 8 to 6.
The black dot inside the green dice changed to
Dogmeat 2 ‘Dog Bite only.’ changed to ‘Dog Bite.’ white to match the green dice on other cards.
Scout AGI changed from 7 to 6. Multi-Calibre 2 Title 'Multi-Calibre' changed to ‘Multi-Caliber’.
© 2019 Bethesda Softworks LLC. FALLOUT and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks
of ZeniMax Media Inc. or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved.
The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment. All rights reserved to their respective owners.
Overdrive 2 The +1 in the STR (top) row on the green side Merchant 2 ‘Merchant Stand Structure’ changed to
moved from middle-column to right-hand (last) Caravan ‘Scavenging Stand Structure’
CARD VER CHANGE COMPARED TO PREVIOUS VERSION Find the Cooler 2 ‘Move the maker’ changed to ‘Move the
Try That Again 2 The slashes between the dice on the bottom marker’
row have been removed. The re-roll is for any
remaining effect dice of any types – not one
type or another. (The slashes between the dice REFERENCE
AI Summary: 2 ‘Attack X’ changed to 'Defeat X’.
AI Responses: ‘Defend X’ changed to ‘Protect X’.
Objective &
Lightning Storm 2 changed to . Robots 2 Title changed from ‘Faction: Robots’ to
Vertibirds 2 ‘fading into distance to the south-east.’ ‘Robots’.
Overhead changed to ‘fading into the distance to the Text on card replaced with:
Robots with no named faction count as the
same faction as the player’s Leader.
AI Robots can only use cards which show the
CARD VER CHANGE COMPARED TO PREVIOUS VERSION icon, or specifically state can be used by
Robots on the cards, or are equipped by the
Deathclaw 2 changed to .
Unit’s card.
Mutant Hound 2 ‘Mutant Hound Bite’ changed to ‘Hound Bite’. Robots are immune to poison and radiation
Fiend damage.
Damage can be removed from a Robot using a
Robot Repair Kit.
A Robot may equip a total of 2 robot
weapons, 2 robot mods, and 1 non-weapon
robot item.
If a Robot has weapons named on its Unit
card, those are the only weapons it may
© 2019 Bethesda Softworks LLC. FALLOUT and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks
of ZeniMax Media Inc. or its affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved.
The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment. All rights reserved to their respective owners.