BP C1 Tests Unit2

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UNIT 2: Language and skills test


2 It …………. that recycling rates will increase.

LANGUAGE a believes b is believe c is believed
3 Has this been …………. your superiors?
Lesson 2.1 Vocabulary
a approval by b approved by c approving by
C1 Business Higher Reading Part 4 4 Customers seem to enjoy …………. what to buy.
a telling b having been told c being told
1 Choose the correct option.
5 I …………. my laptop upgraded as we speak.
1 We are experiencing a …………. culture; everybody a will have b am having c have
6 The shelf life of this product needs …………..
wants new products.
a linear b modular c throwawayd circular a address b addressing c addressed
2 Even though the keyboard is destroyed, we can
…………. the screen.
a dispose b salvage c waste d protect
3 From the …………. of this process, we have been
clear with our objectives.
a outset b product c disposal d obsolescence
4 We want to be able to …………. the revenue back into
research and development.
a use b roll c upgrade d feed
5 We need to ensure that …………. such as coffee
retain their original value.
a waste b services c objects d commodities
6 By using …………. plants, we avoid filling up landfill
a reusing b recycling c removing d recharging
7 One positive feature of the product is that it is
…………. , allowing for different combinations.
a circular b linear c modular d recycled
8 We need to think ethically when we consider ways
to …………. of our rubbish.
a waste b save c upgrade d dispose
9 A way of …………. innovation in a company is to think
of incentives.
a doing b driving c embracing d causing
10 It might be worth helping consumers to ………….
their products instead of buying new ones.
a waste b upgrade c dispose d salvage


Lesson 2.2 Grammar

2 Choose the correct option.

1 The meeting needs …………. for evidence.

a recorded b to be recorded c to be recording

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UNIT 2: Language and skills test


due to a 4l…… ……. of marketing – the

marketing strategy needs to be revised. The
7 The umbrella company …………. last year. marketing situation needs to be 5m…… …….
a was taken over b had taken over c was took over very closely by management to ensure a solid
8 The files will …………. the next email. strategy.
a attaching to b be attaching to c be attached to
9 The process …………. by an independent judge. __/5

a were assessed b was assessed c had assessed

10 Honesty …………. the most important quality.
a regards as b was regarded as c was regarding by


Lesson 2.4 Useful language

3 [BP_C1_Test_02_01.mp3] Choose an
appropriate response to the sentences you hear.

1 a Can we go over the main points again?

b I understand your concerns.
c Thank you for the invitation.
2 a Yes, I think it’s quite clear.
b Yes, the order went through.
c Yes, we have that in stock.
3 a I don’t have the negotiation plan.
b Which page number is it on?
c Where is the invoice?
4 a I am happy to proceed with the sale.
b I don’t agree. Can you check that again?
c Thank you – it’s very helpful.
5 a We hope to arrange a meeting in the future.
b Thank you for arranging this meeting.
c Thank you for your concerns.


Lesson 2.5 Useful language

4 Complete the text with one suitable word in
each gap.

The meeting was chaired by Naomi Greaves,

sending 1a…… ……. from Marcus Goldsmith
who is on a business trip. Matthew Jenkins was
asked to 2t…… ……. the minutes.
The first item on the agenda was concerning the
worrying 3d…… ……. in sales. Last quarter,
sales were down by three percent. This is possibly

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UNIT 2: Language and skills test


Listening Reading
C1 Business Higher Listening Part 1 C1 Business Higher Reading Part 3

5 [BP_C1_Test_02_02.mp3] You will hear part of 6 Read the following article about plastic
a talk on different schools of thought on the wrapping. For each question, choose the correct
circular economy. Complete the notes. You will option.
hear the recording twice.
Nestlé wrapper breakthrough hailed in fight against
The Circular Economy Lecture plastic

Nestlé has claimed a breakthrough in the fight
Biomimicry against plastic waste after finding a way to wrap a
confectionery bar in recyclable paper, and the world’s
1 The approach studies …………………………..…. to find largest food company has promised to share what it
solutions and then 2 …………………………..…. those has described as ‘world-first’ technology. Unlike
designs and processes. previous attempts to make environmentally friendly
packaging, products wrapped in the paper developed
3 Three key elements – …………………………..…., in York can pass through a high-speed production
…………………………..…., mentor. line without ripping and stay fresh for nine months.

Natural Capitalism
The wrapper is being used for the world’s largest
4 Natural assets include …………………………..…., food company’s YES! fruit bars and nut bars but
…………………………..…. and air. could work on other products. The Swiss group said
that it had not patented the technology and it would
5 Key principle is to …………………………..…. allow others to use it from April next year. ‘It is not in
…………………………..….of natural resources. our interest to hold on to this. We want the industry to
use paper,’ said Jas Scott de Martinville, the
6 Due to human …………………………..…. demands on company’s global confectionery research and
natural resources will increase. development leader.

Industrial Ecology

7 Aims to use …………………………..…. as an input


8 Industrial systems can work more …………………………..

…. .


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UNIT 2: Language and skills test


Consumer goods makers are under pressure to do

more to reduce the waste their businesses generate.
Many of them, including Nestlé, have made voluntary
pledges to look into ways of making all of their plastic
packaging reusable, recyclable or compostable by
2025, as part of an effort being led by the Ellen
MacArthur Foundation, a charity. Nestlé has not
revealed what proportion of the millions of tonnes of
packaging it uses annually is recyclable. Nearly one-
third is plastic, with a large proportion of this from the
company’s bottled water business, which sells
brands like Buxton, Vittel, and San Pellegrino.

The environmental impact of plastic has burst into

public consciousness recently, accelerated in the UK
by the BBC’s Blue Planet nature documentary in
2017 that showed how plastics were polluting the
oceans and killing wildlife. Further pressure is
coming from the EU, which has passed legislation
banning single-use plastic products like straws and
cutlery, as well as from national governments, which
are ramping up taxes and regulation to tackle the
problem of waste.

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UNIT 2: Language and skills test


A global analysis published in 2017 estimated that

8.3bn tonnes of plastic has been produced since the
Second World War. About four-fifths has been 1 What is different about this new packaging?
dumped as waste, while just nine percent has been
a It is the first environmentally friendly packaging.
b The packaging can withstand production
Nestlé’s new paper wrapper has a polymer coating
c It uses previously tested technology.
that makes it waterproof, sealable and robust enough
to survive the production line, transport and storage. d The packaging stays fresher for longer.
But the company said it was recyclable and degrades
within six months in the ocean. Bruce Funnell, the
head of packaging in York, said, ‘For this to be viable
it had to run on existing equipment and at high 2 According to Mr de Martinville, the packaging
speed.’ The production line handles 300 bars a
a will be used for one product.
minute and has only had minor tweaks to
accommodate the paper packaging. Nevertheless, b will be patent-protected.
the cost of each wrapper is higher. Nestlé is hoping
to convince environmentally conscious consumers to c can be used by other companies.
pay £1.20 a bar, or around fifty percent more than
alternatives, for a healthier product that is ‘recyclable d took a long time to develop.
by design’.

3 Many consumer goods makers

YES! was launched last September, is available in
a have made all of their packaging recyclable.
several EU countries and will soon be launched
globally. The new wrapper is already in production. b are being forced to change their packaging.
The paper itself comes from certified sustainable
sources. The company would not reveal how much it c recycle one-third of their plastic.
cost to develop but said it spends £1.7bn annually on
research and development. It said it was too soon to d are researching ways to make their packaging
assess the full carbon footprint of paper versus more environmentally friendly.

4 What does the writer say about the Blue Planet


a It helped to highlight the effects of plastic.

b It showed something new to viewers.

c It helped to pass some legislation.

d It showed how wildlife was living in the oceans.

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UNIT 2: Language and skills test


5 The 2017 global analysis found

a that not enough plastic was being recycled.

b half of all plastic was dumped.

c that plastic production has increased.

d that recycling was better in the Second World War.

6 What does Bruce Funnell say about the new


a It does not degrade at all.

b They needed new equipment to process it.

c It needed to survive fast processing.

d It is relatively cheap to produce.

7 What point is highlighted as unknown in the final


a the source of the paper used

b if the packaging will be made

c the availability of the product

d the cost of developing the wrapper


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UNIT 2: Language and skills test


Writing __________________________________________
7 You have been asked to write up minutes from
a meeting held earlier today. The notes you took __________________________________________
from the meeting are detailed below. Write the __________________________________________
minutes from the meeting to be distributed to __________________________________________
Meeting Notes: __________________________________________
14 March – 10 a.m.
Apologies – Chris Wood.
Approval of previous minutes – Approved and __________________________________________
seconded – Nigel Harwood, Brenda Riley. __________________________________________
Agenda item 1 – report on 1st quarter sales so far.
Targets not met. Brenda Riley to investigate – report
nxt mtg. __________________________________________
Agenda item 2 – new business. Sarah Norman __________________________________________
suggested looking at Asian markets; seconded by __________________________________________
Harry Brown. Brown to research. Martin Jenkins
argued not just Asian markets, but Arabic too. __________________________________________
Agenda item 3 – parking allocation. To be increased __________________________________________
by summer – provision of new parking spaces. __________________________________________
No other business.
Nxt mtg – 2 wks.
Close: 10.30 a.m. __________________________________________
Write 200–250 words. __________________________________________
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UNIT 2: Language and skills test




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