BP C1 Tests Unit2
BP C1 Tests Unit2
BP C1 Tests Unit2
Listening Reading
C1 Business Higher Listening Part 1 C1 Business Higher Reading Part 3
5 [BP_C1_Test_02_02.mp3] You will hear part of 6 Read the following article about plastic
a talk on different schools of thought on the wrapping. For each question, choose the correct
circular economy. Complete the notes. You will option.
hear the recording twice.
Nestlé wrapper breakthrough hailed in fight against
The Circular Economy Lecture plastic
Nestlé has claimed a breakthrough in the fight
Biomimicry against plastic waste after finding a way to wrap a
confectionery bar in recyclable paper, and the world’s
1 The approach studies …………………………..…. to find largest food company has promised to share what it
solutions and then 2 …………………………..…. those has described as ‘world-first’ technology. Unlike
designs and processes. previous attempts to make environmentally friendly
packaging, products wrapped in the paper developed
3 Three key elements – …………………………..…., in York can pass through a high-speed production
…………………………..…., mentor. line without ripping and stay fresh for nine months.
Natural Capitalism
The wrapper is being used for the world’s largest
4 Natural assets include …………………………..…., food company’s YES! fruit bars and nut bars but
…………………………..…. and air. could work on other products. The Swiss group said
that it had not patented the technology and it would
5 Key principle is to …………………………..…. allow others to use it from April next year. ‘It is not in
…………………………..….of natural resources. our interest to hold on to this. We want the industry to
use paper,’ said Jas Scott de Martinville, the
6 Due to human …………………………..…. demands on company’s global confectionery research and
natural resources will increase. development leader.
Industrial Ecology
Writing __________________________________________
7 You have been asked to write up minutes from
a meeting held earlier today. The notes you took __________________________________________
from the meeting are detailed below. Write the __________________________________________
minutes from the meeting to be distributed to __________________________________________
Meeting Notes: __________________________________________
14 March – 10 a.m.
Apologies – Chris Wood.
Approval of previous minutes – Approved and __________________________________________
seconded – Nigel Harwood, Brenda Riley. __________________________________________
Agenda item 1 – report on 1st quarter sales so far.
Targets not met. Brenda Riley to investigate – report
nxt mtg. __________________________________________
Agenda item 2 – new business. Sarah Norman __________________________________________
suggested looking at Asian markets; seconded by __________________________________________
Harry Brown. Brown to research. Martin Jenkins
argued not just Asian markets, but Arabic too. __________________________________________
Agenda item 3 – parking allocation. To be increased __________________________________________
by summer – provision of new parking spaces. __________________________________________
No other business.
Nxt mtg – 2 wks.
Close: 10.30 a.m. __________________________________________
Write 200–250 words. __________________________________________
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UNIT 2: Language and skills test