BP B2 Tests Unit5

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UNIT 5: Language and skills test

LANGUAGE d achievements

Lesson 5.1 Vocabulary
a ranks b performance c advances d positions
1 Choose the correct option a, b, c or d.
a evaluation b achievement c promotion d appraisal

Employee performance is something that all
a recognition b guarantees c rewards d advances
companies try to quantify. So organisations usually
have regular staff 1     to encourage two-way 9
feedback and staff development. This also helps
companies to decide as objectively as possible who a rise b evaluate c reward d appraise
to 2      to a higher position and to justify what pay
      they might deserve. Getting 4      for their 10
hard-won 5      is important for employees, helping a loyalty b performance c promotion d success
to motivate them and rise through the 6      of an
organisation. At one time, employees stayed with __/10
one company throughout their career, gaining
      over time. However, there are no more
      of lifelong employment in today’s business
world. Similarly, if companies do not 9      their
staff for what they have done and for their 10     
to the company, then good staff will look for a job

a rewards b guarantees c appraisals

d achievements

Lesson 5.2 Grammar
a reward b recognise c succeed d promote
2 Choose the correct option.

a rise b guarantee c appraisal d reward

1 However / Even though / Nevertheless the staff
4 worked very hard, it was only the managers who had
a pay rise last year.
a pay b recognition c guarantee d success

a failures b evaluations c appraisals

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UNIT 5: Language and skills test

2 Productivity has increased over the last quarter PTE B Sentence completion
in spite / despite / although the fact that we
reduced staff numbers. 3 Complete the sentences with ONE word in each

3 On the one hand sales increased in China but,

in spite of / on the other hand / though, they fell 1 I take   on       board what you’re saying. We
dramatically in Australia. must consider other options, too.

2 I’m afraid you’re not seeing the big   picture  

4 We increased productivity last year. Despite /
However / On the other hand, this did not help the 3 I appreciate the point you’re  making        ,
overall figures. but
I don’t necessarily agree.

4 I think there’s definitely room  for        

5 Turnover fell rapidly despite / even though / in spite improvement in this area.
all the changes the company made.
5 I understand what you’re saying and
why       .
6 The company performed better this year compared __/5
to the previous year. In spite of / Even though /
Nevertheless, we are still quite a way behind the Lesson 5.4 Functional language
PTE Part H Response selection

4 [BP_B2_Test_05_001.mp3] Listen to the

7 Everyone got a bonus despite / though / speaker and choose the correct answer a, b or c.
nevertheless some of them hadn’t been with the
company very long.
1a b c

8 It was impossible to give everyone a pay rise this 2a b c

year even / despite / although they had all worked
3a b c
very hard.
4a b c

5a b c
9 Despite / In spite / Although giving staff more
training, productivity did not improve very much. __/5

Lesson 5.5 Functional language

10 Sales figures increased steadily in spite / despite / BECV
although of the price increases.
5 Some lines have an extra word and some lines
__/10 are correct. If the line is correct, write CORRECT.
If there is an extra word, write the word.
Lesson 5.3 Functional language

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UNIT 5: Language and skills test

1 We are pleased to report that you have made a

2 great progress since that you started with the

3 company less six months ago. You exhibit good

4 decision-making skills and an ability to adapt

5 well to the change. You also display great aptitude

6 for motivating and leading your team as well their

7 productivity has more increased 20 percent over

the last

8 six months. Despite, I am impressed with what you

9 have been done, although you have not hit some

10 of the targets. Nevertheless, I am confident that SKILLS

this area can be improved with training.
Short listening
1   a         6    well       
6 [BP_B2_Test_05_002.mp3] You will hear a
2    that        7   more        telephone conversation and the opening of a
meeting. For each question, write one or two
3     less       8   Despite         words or a number.
4    CORRECT       9   been         Listening 1

5    the        10    CORRECT       
Phone conversation about Joanna Zieliński
__/5 Geoff didn’t offer her 1 a promotion (to
supervisor)              .
He says she plans to 2    leave            the
company because she wants a job that pays more and is
   more  challenging           .
Told Geoff we can’t afford to lose one of our 4   most
experienced             employees.

Listening 2

HR and staff meeting

To answer questions about your new job descriptions and
  performance review             .

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UNIT 5: Language and skills test

HR Manager office hours: 6  Monday-

8 a.m.–4 p.m.
Completing appraisal forms:
Be as 7  honest              as you can.
Pay increases are not affected by any 8   negative
comments             you might write.


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UNIT 5: Language and skills test

Reading This would not work for every business, but in some
cases, can be very beneficial.
BECV Part 2 7
  B    After all, motivating and encouraging staff is
the most basic requirement of management. What’s more,
7 Read the article about rewarding employee the stronger the competition in an industry, the more
performance. Choose the best sentence from important it is to retain the best and most experienced
A–H to fill each of the gaps. Do not use any letter employees.
more than once. There is an example at the

Motivating and rewarding performance

We all know that employee performance is crucial to a
business, and yet many staff don’t feel valued. This leads A Everyone wants to be recognised when they do
to poor performance, falling sales and profits for an something well, so positive feedback should always be
organisation. 0  H  Unfortunately, it seems that offered where it is due.
companies which have highly-motivated staff are rare.
B To sum up, companies need to be constantly aware of
The Herzberg and Maslow theories quite clearly indicate
employee morale and take measures to address
that physiological and psychological health are basic
weaknesses in their systems.
requirements of human beings. 1   E    Senior
management should bear this in mind when motivating
C Bonuses can work well as a motivator, but it does very
staff and creating reward systems.
much depend on the person and the job.
There are many ways to motivate people without handing
them cash. 2   C    If bonuses are offered, they must be
D This ensures that company staff are keeping fit and well,
clearly linked to specific targets and should benefit
and are therefore more likely to be as productive as
everyone and not only a few. Furthermore, they only work
if payments become a regular feature, not just a one-off. 3
E It therefore stands to reason that if people are not happy
There are many other approaches a company can consider.
and healthy, they will not be able to perform at their best.
For instance, they could offer extra days leave for special
achievements. 4  G     This won’t be suitable for
F There has to be a set structure for working out the
everyone, but people with long commuter journeys or
payments and when they will be paid.
young families may feel motivated by being allowed to
work from home a once a week or come into work at
G Another thing which might appeal to staff is flexible
different times.
working hours or days working from home.
As mentioned before, the health and wellbeing of staff
should be a priority for any organisation, and many larger
H Since it is generally recognised that employees are a
companies have created their own health centres with
company’s greatest asset, it would therefore make sense to
dedicated doctors and nurses. (5)  D     On the theme
encourage staff to always do their best.
of staying fit, other businesses may offer free or reduced
rate gym membership to their employees. __/7
Sometimes there can be simple and inexpensive ways to
make staff feel happy, such as just saying ‘thank you’. 6
A    That does not mean that you should never give
constructive criticism, but if managers only criticise their
staff, they will soon see performance failing. Other small
gestures can make a difference, such as VIP parking
spaces, or allowing staff to wear what they like on Fridays.

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UNIT 5: Language and skills test


8 You are Head of Sales and you have just

completed the staff appraisal of one of the Sales
Managers, Marc Champeau. Write a letter to Marc
summarising that appraisal.

Write about:

• the positive achievements.

• areas which need improvement.

• suggestions for the future.

any other points which you think are important.

Write 180–200 words.


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