46th Inaugural Lecture
46th Inaugural Lecture
46th Inaugural Lecture
Clara .1. Ikekeonwu Ph.D, JP, WMGA, FCAI*
Department of Linguistics and Nigerian Languages
University of Nigeria
A Tale of two Passions
Besides the reverence and worship of my
two Passions rule my being
the miracle of speech,
feminity, its force, frailty and fragrance
unlike the Road in the forest
my travelling both
has made the difference
these Siamese passions
cohere and co-habit in my Being
bravo to the wedlock
Clara Ikekeonwu
Prof. Clara Ikekeonwu is currently, Director, Institute for Nigerian Languages, University
of Nigeria, Aba Campus
I thank the Almighty God for today. It is amazing. It is real. Since I was promoted
Professor about nine years ago. I had longed for today; the day to share my thoughts,
my research, my experiences, my idiosyncrasies and many more.
As the rather self explanatory title of my lecture indicates the paper is delicately or is
it deftly, balanced on two concepts - my dual passion. It is dipodic rather than
'tripodic'. It is usual to conceptualize and execute a 'tripodic' arrangement but at the
end of our intellectual excursion, it should be clear that the dipodic arrangement is
also wholesome, and may indeed be more natural given the circumstance of
occurrence. Perhaps our starting point should be a cursory glance at the key concepts
indicated in the title of the address. This may well be seen as opening of the dish and
location, by sight, of the basic elements in it, preparatory to consumption.
1. Language
Language, unfortunately is amongst the least understood concepts ever studied.
Paradoxically virtually everyone believes they 'know' much, if not all about language.
Some may even, in response to the challenge implicit in this assertion, rattle off in
their mother language or any other to show their fluency and 'presumed' excellence in
language use. But does fluency in the use of a language constitute knowledge and
effectiveness in the language? It is doubtful. Bloomfield, 1933 in a sound
consideration of the issue of linguistic research and general assumptions about language,
rendered a treatise that in all fair considerations has proved prophetic and confirmed over
the years this dilemma of language learning, comprehension and use.
Bloomfield remarks
The most difficult step in the study of language is the first step.
Again and again scholarship has approached the study of language without
actually entering upon it (Bloomfield, 1933 p.21)
What is this first step? One may ask. I would humbly submit that in my understanding the
first step is the erroneous assumption that we know all about language. Bloomfield's
Assertion came several years before the manifestation of Digitized language, that is
computer language - yet another type of language. However, for the avoidance of doubt
here this paper is focused more on human language (HL) and Human Language
Technology (HLT) than other forms of language.
Generally, language may be defined as an arbitrary set Of codes used for communication.
With this very broad definition of language, the concept becomes the habitat of strange
bed fellows encompassing all sorts of codes that engender communication, animals'
codes; insects' codes, signs; digitized codes, human language codes etc. But we know
that the human language is significantly different from the other codes. For one thing the
codes are vocal.
Then, perhaps a modification of the earlier definition could make the difference and
specify our HL. We then try a modified version:
Language is an arbitrary set of vocal codes used for communication.
We would soon note that our new definition has been seen in some quarters as suspect.
The word arbitrary in this context had been queried, with some language scholars of 19th
and early 20th century contending that there is hardly any arbitrariness in language as they
argue that there is a close link between an item and what it is called.
While some of the arguments may today sound ridiculous, given the wholesome
input from Linguistics, during that period it was no laughing matter. The proponents of
this theory quickly cite the occurrence of onomatopeas as key evidence for the link
between the word and its referent. Hence the cooing of the cukoo; the 'wow wow' of the
dog; 'miaow' of a cat. But they were hard put to it explaining why many other lexical
items -- a legion as it were, do not correspond to this pattern. Even among those that are
onomatopoeic, there are variations, the Igbo dog for instance barks 'gba-gba', while the
French does not.
Perhaps a similar controversy, more or less complementing the one above is that
of the origin of language. Apart from the biblical account there were a number of
contentious claims. The inherent nature of language has not been spared in the attempt to
'enter upon its study'. It is largely upheld that language is a living organism - grows,
flourishes and is capable of dying as well. In this. respect the concepts, 'language' on the
one hand and 'Dialect' on the other have attracted a lot of attention from various linguists
and language scholars of different theoretical leanings. There were those who believed
that language is simply a wholesome entity that should not and cannot strict I y speaking
be decomposed into subsets, variants or dialects. The De Saussurean School holds the
concept of dialect suspect . Their rather extreme reductionism does not accommodate the
existence of dialect. They argue that phonemesJ are distinctive only within the
individual's speech, that is the idiolect4. The speech sound /i/ for instance is distinctive or
contrastive in Mr. A's speech because it contrasts with say /u/ in his speech. It is
therefore, inconceivable from this standpoint to conceptualize a dialed which implies the
comparison of speech forms of groups of individuals. With the rather extensive evidence
that in many languages, subsets or microcosms of the broader macrocosm, exist made the
De Saussurean reductionism rather shortlived, li is apparent, and may even be said to be
commonsensical that A and B in the following could not be, effectively argued, (o belong
to different linguistic superstructures-languages.
English Igbo
1. A Come here [kAin his] 2. A Anu'dirhma [ anur dir tf^ma] 'meat
is good' B " " [kum his] B alu di mma [alu dj m ma]
3. Yoruba
A. iyen ko daa [ijen ko daa)| 'that is not good'
B. eyiun ko daa [cjiu ko daa | 'that is not good'
For l.A would he typical of (he speaker of Southern British English (SEE) with the
Received Pronunciation (RP) rendition, while B of lh;il number is typical of the Northern
British English of the Yorkshire accent/pronunciation. For 2, the A would be typical of
(he standard Igbo speaker or speakers of standard Igbo while the B would be typical of
the Achi-Igbo speaker for instance, for 3 the A is typical of the standard Yoruba speaker
wink- ihe B counterpart would be typical of Ibadan, Off a or i'cnerally Kwara speakers of
It is clear that even without any training in Linguistics one would rather confidently
assert that A & B of each of the linguistic systems pointed out here can not belong to
different languages. Their cohesion cannot be 'accidental'. To try to take into cognissance
overwhelming evidence of similarities between variants of a language, the 'Overall
Pattern' came into being. It is based on the concept of minimal pairs5. Proponents of the
overall pattern hold that minimal pairs of individual phonemes when considered in their
totality would account for all the differences or contrasts found in the speech of anyone
speaker in a given language area or community. Although this approach was based
mainly on the phonological parameter, which of course is not the only basis for the
delineation of linguistic differences, it succeeded in providing a convincing establishment
of "affinity" between the speech of people from a common language background; and
therefore argued for the recognition of "similar languages within a language".
Uriel Weinreich's 1954 classical exposition Ts Structural Dialectology Possible'
upholds the existence of languages within a language i.e. variants within a language but
insists that there is a pattern to be followed to establish them. This ushered in the concept
of Diasystem. An example of a diasystem is presented below.
Lang AI Lang A2
i u i u
e o e o
sc a
I mm the above Lang AI and Lang A2 have four (4) vowels in common in the vocalic
inventory. The differing vocalic segments are /a/ and /a?/. In the diasystem principle
their similarities and dissimilarities would be reflected thus
I ~ e = AI [EC]
_______ ~ o ~ u
A2 [a]
While the diasystem is able to show differences and similarities between linguistic
systems' languages, for instance, it raises a number of critical questions. For instance,
must the similarities observed be within cognates in the linguistic varieties under
consideration6. One could readily say 'yes' since any answer in the negative would yield
very embarrassing results. Some languages such as Yiddish and Spanish have identical
phonemic inventory // i ~ e ~ a ~ o ~ u// yet they are different languages. On the other
hand, insistence that the similarities be within cognates would make it impossible for us
to set up diasystems for linguistic systems that are to a large extent very similar. Moulton
1960 reports that two German dialects, spoken barely fifty miles apart, have only three
phonemes in common, yet they are completely mutually intelligible.
The point of mutual intelligibility has often been used by language scholars and linguists
in the establishment of affinity between linguistic varieties. It has often been overtly
argued that for two or more speech varieties to be regarded as varieties/dialects of a
language they must be mutually intelligible. This assumption, for instance has underlined
many a work on the varieties of English language whether spoken in
Britain/America/South Africa/Australia etc. This criterion of mutual intelligibility is not
sacrosanct. Indeed Agard 1971 had this to say on the issue:
The factor of mutual intelligibility does not furnish a relevant criterion for differentiating
dialect from language...mutual intelligibility is at best a matter of probability.
Alongside the structural/analytical principle for the establishment of the dialed or
varieties of language are largely subjective descriptions. One of such submissions is
found in Raven 1969.
...Note I use the term dialect where others might use some other term such as accent. This
choice of term is basically an American one. In other parts of the world scholars would
not use dialect for the speech of educated men and women; they
would restrict it to the speech of uneducated men and • women; they might not use it to
describe the speech of a city but only that of rural areas, usually remote ones (see also
Ikekeonwu, 1986)
Raven however presents his definition of dialect as ";inv habitual variety of a language,
regional or social". These parting words of Raven 1969 appear to sum up the general
perception of the concept of dialect by most linguists. Finally, as pointed out in
Ikekeonwu 1986b, from the De Sausurean riddle which makes the dialect an elusive, non-
starter, subsequent views agree to the existence of varieties within a language. These are
generally called dialects.
Although De Saussaure, often accepted as the father of modern linguistics, missed the
mark in the dialect conceptualization, many of his conceptual constructions in language
study/analysis threw significant light on the nature and nurture of language. Subsequent
scholars such as Leonard Bloomfield, Noam Chomsky, Morris Halle etc built on some of
his insights. Subsequently it became more enlightening to discuss the nature of language -
- in other words, how best the nature and workings of language could be described, rather
than looking for ready made textbook definition(s) of language. From this approach
which is basically known as typifying the discipline of Linguistics, it became clear that
human language while being the most significant code of communication is also
multifaceted and not amenable to any straight jacket description. Linguistics anchors the
description of language basically on the following parameters
• Phonetics
• Phonology
• Syntax
• Semantics
• Applied Linguistics
e-t-i > eti ear
f-en-e-tr-e window
The words are mapped up into phrases or clauses or sentences.
John has a pen
6ke. tara ami 'A rat ate the meat'
Eti meji la ni 'We have two ears'
These combinations have been examined from various perspectives - combinatory
arrangements and their implications, the semantic implication etc. Some sentences are
classified as simple, others complex and some others compound. Apart from this, one
may ask, do sentences with identical structure have identical semantic implications,
especially when they have fairly identical lexical items? Consider the following adapted
examples from Lyons 1977.
1. The book is John's.
2. John has a book.
Could these two mean the same? A closer look would show that the book in 2 may not
necessarily be the one referred to in (1). Consider the following again.
3. There is a book on the table
4. There are lions in Africa
Would we consider 3 and 4 closely related? There is a fundamental difference between a
generic, existential reference and a rather narrow 'locative' reference. While (3) is
'locative' (4) is existential.
The 'stringing together' of words for the formation of sentences, phrases etc is referred to
in linguistics as syntax. The precursor of syntax is traditional grammar with which many
of us are familiar. For instance we recall the basic sentence analysis of subject and
predicate; the objects, complements etc.
Syntax has taken some of these fundamental elements to a higher, more insightful level,
based on some constraints or shortcomings of the earlier grammatical approach. For
The subject - predicate approach would fail to x-ray, as it were, the inherent ambiguity in
this commonly cited example.
"Flying planes can be dangerous"
The sentence could mean 'the planes flying' or 'the act of flying planes". In syntax the
generative approach would through the specification of the underlying representation
(UR) of the sentence as against the surface representation (SR) would reveal the inherent
ambiguity. Apart from the Transformational Generative grammatical theory often called
(TG) several other theories have appeared in the analysis of syntax. We have the Phrase
Structure Grammar (PSG), which appears the closest to traditional grammar; Government
and binding etc. Some of the generally discussed topics in syntax using these theories
include constituency; hierarchical ordering of constituents, structural ambiguity, and
Syntax like the other components of linguistics goes beyond individual languages to the
establishment of general trends across languages. The language typology of sentence
structure is among the most basic of such approaches in syntax. Among the basic
sentence structure - types across languages are the
SVO - Subject-verb-object
SOV - Subject-object-verb
VSO - Verb-subject-object
SVO languages are the direct opposite of the SOV in terms of various properties of
grammar. For instance prepositions are preferred to postpositions, conjunctions are
attached to succeeding conjuncts; modifiers follow the nouns they modify. Some
examples would suffice here.
John killed the goat
S V O Igbo Obi gburu ewu 'Obi killed the goat'
Ade pa ewure Ade killed a goat S V O
However, in the realization of adjectival constructions, Igbo and a number of other
African languages may be considered as inconsistent SVO languages as they consistently
post pose their adjectives. Hence we have
ewu ojii 'black goat'
nwoke ocha 'fair complexioned man'
ewure dudu 'black goat1
pkunrin pupa 'a fair complexioned man'
This is of course different from what obtains in English 'black pen' 'red shoes'. It is clear,
therefore from the foregoing that there may well be general tendencies, in typologies,
there are however no straitjacket solutions to the issue. The various theories noted earlier
grant further insight into this complex tapestry of grammatical affiliations.
Closely related to syntax in its operation is a rather smaller area, more or less an adjunct
of syntax. There is morphology which specializes in the preparation, for syntax, its basic
tool of operation - words or lexical items. The general operational concept in
morphology is the morpheme. This, of course, can be sub-categorized or broken down
into morphs. Morphemes may be 'free' or 'bound'. Words, morphemic constructions
that can stand on their own and convey a meaning are said to be free morphemes while
those that cannot are designated bound morphemes. Consequently, in the English word
'untrue' true is a free morpheme while un - is a bound morpheme. It is noteworthy that
while 'un' inherently has no meaning on its own, when attached to lexical items a
meaning emerges thus •
untrue not true
unequal not equal
unholy not holy
The phonological component impacts on morphology as well. consideration of the
following will convince us of the validity of this assertion.
disaster. All that was needed was proper management of these linguistic resources.
With the efforts of linguists and favourably disposed politicians and government policy
makers, the issues of learning and teaching of Nigerian languages got the much needed
attention they deserved. That, of course, was the preliminary stage. The National
Policy on Education, (NPE) had a language component, advocating the teaching and
learning of three major Nigerian languages, Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba. Pupils were also
expected to be taught in their mother tongue/the language of their immediate
environment. The latter, we believe, is to ensure that other local languages are not left to
extinction. However, after over two decades of the existence of the (NPE) has
indigenous languages' teaching and research in Nigeria fared any better? To most
linguists and interested onlookers, the language component of the NPE has been a huge
paper tiger. No doubt some success has been recorded. Certainly, it could be better,
indeed a lot better.
Although, the three major languages are taught in schools - primary, secondary and
tertiary; there are problems. These range from outright apathy on the part of native
speakers to Government's partial or lukewarm commitment to the promotion of
indigenous languages in the country. A good example of both is the policy on the use of
the mother-tongue or the language of the immediate environment, for pupils in Nursery
and primary school. We know that such schools often prefer to use English as medium
of instruction. Some even introduce other European languages at the expense of the local
languages. In Ikekeonwu (1986a) it was shown that many university Nursery and primary
schools as well as our 'high brow' schools arc culprits.
In the secondary schools the trend is not much different except, of course, in the Unity
schools where the three major Nigerian languages are taught to usually a handful of
students who opt to study them. The reluctance to teach the indigenous languages has to
do with the apathy on the part of the teachers, students and parents.
Some may, however, be skeptical about the whole issue of promoting multilingualism in
a country that some claim is already suffused or awash with languages. Various estimates
have been presented on the number of languages in Nigeria. These range from 250 to
well over 400 (see Ikekeonwu 2007). The current population of Nigeria (see the 2006
census) is put at about 140 million7. This means a population of 140 million speaks
between 250 and 400 languages. The impact of this multiplicity of languages palls into
insignificance when compared with the linguistic situation in Papua New Guinea where
only about three million (3 million) people share 800 languages! (see Edward Finegan,
David Blair, Peter Collins (2000).
What we need is an effective management of our languages through the enunciation and
strict implementation of well-thought out language policies. There is also the need to
motivate all those interested in Linguistics and Nigerian languages.
Various communities can do a lot to promote their indigenous languages. They can
sponsor their sons and daughters to study Linguistics and their language. Everything
should not be left for the Federal and state governments. they should encourage
publications in their languages and use the language(s) in their public gatherings,
television, radio etc. This would go a long way to preventing language loss/extinction.
The loss of a language is the loss of a people, their identity and cultural heritage. Even if
these people are alive and healthy they are psychologically empty and enslaved by the
language and culture that have supplanted theirs. I believe we are beginning to see how
important, our languages are. State assemblies that rattle off all their deliberations in
languages other than theirs would probably now see what great disservice they are doing
to the development and propagation of their language.
2. Gender
For many, especially those in language studies, in the past the word gender would
immediately be located within the threshold of grammar. Some languages classify their
lexical items along gender lines hence some words are masculine, while others are
feminine and yet another group neuter. Languages like Latin and French readily come to
mind in this respect.
Our consideration of gender here is not in this manner but in respect of the contemporary
understanding of gender as referring to all about the woman from her cradle to the grave.
It is in this sense that the United Nations encapsulates her Millennium Development goal
(MDG) number 3. We would take a look at the girl-child, the woman in her prime and
finally the woman in her old age. These various facets of the Human female (HF) as she
frets and struts on life's stage would be examined from the Nigerian perspective. This
invariably would showcase some experiences of many an African/Asian woman.
1. Mma 'Beauty'
2. Ulumma 'Beautiful second daughter'
3. Nwanyimma 'Beautiful girl'
4. Adamma 'Beautiful first daughter'
5. Akunna 'Father's wealth'
6. Egonna 'Father's money'
7. Ogbenyealu 'Not to be married by the poor'
8. Egobekee To be used to fetch the white man's money'
9. Ndidi 'Patience'
10. Nwanyibuife 'A girl is also something'
11. Nwanyimeole 'What can a girl do?
12. Nneamaka 'Mother is good'
13. Nneoma 'Good mother'
14. Nneka 'Mother is supreme'
Names 1-4 exalt the beauty and inherent feminity of the girl. The beauty names
emphasize facial or surface values. Names 5-8 emphasize the traditional 'chattel' value of
the woman in the culture. She is to be sold off, as it were to make money for the
father/family. Names 9-11 are the lamentation labels often to comfort a family that has
had successive births of girls. The undertone is that she is not welcome but what do we
do but to manage or tolerate her. Names 15-18 depict the market days on which the girl is
born. One would wonder why that should be of any significance here. Aren't boys also so
named, that is based on the day of birth. However a close linguistic scrutiny of the
morphology of such names reveals unsettling connotative references or innuendoes? For
the male child it is
The undertone of the assertiveness in the male names 19-20 is clear while the diffidence
of the female names 21-22 is also .ipparent. A happening on a day - the birth of a girl-
child -rannot be compared with the assertion of ownership of the day the child of Eke/a
portion of Eke.
The semantic implications, therefore, show the extent of language engineering and the
anthropocentric values involved.-
A recent billboard that appears to adorn every major street in Kampala, Uganda shows a
full grown, apparently married man pot-belly, receding hair, thick palms and all-standing
suggestively close to a teenage girl and there is the inscription "Would you like your
friend to be found with your daughter? Why are you with his?" In Nigeria the scenario, in
this respect is not much different, if different at all.
The adolescent or young woman getting into the university in recent times is also faced
with problems of distraction and economic crunch. Some who find the pressure
overwhelming may even readily succumb to the enticing campaign of traffickers
promising greener pastures abroad after an easy passage. They take the plunge and never
really recover as they are prostituted across various European towns/cities. No thanks to
what may be described as negative globalization.
It is no longer news in our Ivory Towers that some lecturers and administrative staff take
turns at sexually harassing their students. The Igbo adage that states "A dog does not
chew the bone hung on its neck" is of course not wholesome to these interesting
characters who not only chew the bone on their neck but snarl at or even bite anyone that
dares to come near or comment on this despicable act turning character molders to
character marauders!
In the earlier days of the woman's foray into university education in Nigeria, that is in the
1950s and sixties when there were only a few women in the universities, this trend could
hardly be imagined let alone actualized. This, probably, was due to the age and maturity
of these women, most of who were derisively referred to as 'acada'. It is also possible that
the morality threshold of the male lecturers and administrators of the time was reasonably
high. We do not however advocate the setting back of the clock, making the women go
through various circuitous academic programmes before getting to the university at a
much older age, at many of these women would have gone through primary school,
teacher training colleges, higher school etc. before eventually arriving at the university
fully mature. The MDG(specifically 2 and 3) which advocate equal educational
opportunities for boys and girls would not support this8.
...in addition to other factors which are contributory to the rate of female participation in
STM education female students tend to take the least line of resistance by going into
disciplines designated as feminine such as liberal arts, education etc and shy away from
courses in STM designated masculine.
There has been some improvement in this observation, as some women have- gone into
and prospered in Science, Technology and Mathematics. It is no longer a strange event in
Nigeria to see women graduating from the Engineering faculty or the medical school.
There is, however, still so much gap to be covered.
On graduation two main challenges face the young woman - labour market and marriage.
The one-year National Youth Service which is compulsory for all Nigerian graduates
below the age of thirty (30) plays a role here in that some of the female graduates meet
their husband during the service. The latter promotes inter-ethnic marriages since corpers
generally serve in states other than theirs. With the issues of marriage and employment
sorted out the female graduate feels partially fulfilled. Her fulfillment comes after the
arrival of the baby(ies). This is not restricted, however, to the female graduate, even her
sisters who had dropped out of school or who never went to school have the same burden.
A childless marriage in many African cultures results in either separation or divorce. The
birth of all girls has an identical result. In both cases the woman is often held responsible,
sometimes in defiance of contrary medical report. The unfortunate ones die during the
holocaust of violence, and I lustration unleashed on them both by their spouses and his
To contain issues of violence against women, the UN has instituted the convention for the
Elimination of All forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Over eighty
countries have ratified CEDAW but only a negligible few have actually domesticated it.
Nigeria, unfortunately, is yet lo domesticate CEDAW.
Perhaps, among the most outrageous acts of violence against women in Nigeria, and
indeed many African countries are the barbaric and cruel widowhood practices. Cases
abound of these very dehumanizing practices. The story of one Mrs. Patience Nwose
from one of the southern states in Nigeria is a case in point. She recently relayed her
experience during the Synagogue Church of All Nations (SCOAN) Widows' Forum
in Lagos in Nigeria.
Some widows are made to many the late husband's brother or relation. Refusal
always constitutes a good ground for the total abandonment of the widow and the
children. Some others are completely dispossessed of all the property and sent into the
cold with the children. Most of the studies from which our conclusions have been drawn
are focused on the South Eastern part of Nigeria among the Igbo.
These practices affect both the uneducated and educated women. In some
cases though the educated women refuse to succumb to the threats of their in-laws as they
(the women) were salary earners and were able to cater for their children to some extent.
Some have sought for help and protection from various religious organizations.
Women in Public Life
We now turn attention to the woman in public life in Nigeria. On this score the
results are not heartwarming. The rural woman is generally relegated to the background
in virtually everything. Generally, she is uneducated, a subsistence farmer or a petty
trader and often a mother of many children. Luckily, some Non-Governmental
organizations have taken a keen interest in their plight in recent times. The Nigerian
Association of University Women (NAUW) the affiliate of the International
Federation of University Women (IFUW) in Nigeria has for the past four ( 4 ) years or
so concentrated one of her projects (partly sponsored by the international body, Bina
Roy Partners in Development (BRPID)) on rural communities in the country, trying to
empower rural women both through adult education/literacy classes and skill
acquisition arrangements.
The educated urban dwelling women while they may Make their mark in their
various disciplines are often discriminated against in terms of appointments.
The educational and political platforms provide support for this assertion. Iliya (1999)
comments on women's appointments
in the teaching industry as it were.
Iliya's 1999 assertion is still largely true of the situation ten years on. At the tertiary
level the story is not cheering. There is a glaring gender disparity in number and ranks
of the academic staff. There are certainly more male Professors, Deans, Directors and
Chairpersons of vital university committees. To date the highly elevated post of the
Vice Chancellor has been held by only three (3) women in a country that has over
sixty (60) universities - (Federal and State). Since there is the common adage, charity
begins at home we may look at the situation at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka
The University has never had a woman as the Vice Chancellor, UNN may not be
alone in this regard as none of the older universities has had a female Vice Chancellor
as well. UNN indeed only produced her first female Deputy Vice Chancellor recently
during the administration of Prof. Chinedu Nebo. This is really commendable for
the administration and we hope will blaze a new trail in elections/appointments of
women to elevated policy making positions in the institution. We also note that
Professor Chinedu Nebo's administration has produced the highest number of female
Deans in the history of the University.
It could however be argued that only a handful of women, given the constraints
already stated, get to teach in the university. Those who get there in many cases are
not readily promoted into higher lectureship cadre/rank that would qualify them to
vie for these positions. While it is indeed very necessary for more women to get into
academics and prove their mettle through effective research and worthy publications,
the constraint against them, even if they so wish, should not be underrated. The
younger woman has to combine raising a family and serious academic work. In
many developing countries, Nigeria inclusive, cybercafe's are the rather few, and on
university campuses, they are heavily patronized such that many academics have to
jostle for spaces in (hem with their students. The female academics especially the
younger ones can hardly get access to the internet, for instance, since the school-run
period takes its toll on the break lime that might have been used to visit the
cybercafe. We are, however, happy to observe that Prof. Nebo's administration
has tackled rather vigorously the access to internet problem for the academics.
Facilities are provided to enable staff take advantage of them and readily gain access to
the internet. We are however not advocating a quota system m the university with
regards to women academics as this could be abused either overtly or covertly. We
however insist that any academic - female or male - who qualifies to be I promoted
or appointed to policy making position should be so 1 elevated without any form of
In the political arena in Nigeria the women have not fared better. A brief
consideration of the gender statistics of our various arms of the government shows this.
Nigeria has never, to the best of our knowledge, had neither a female Head of State nor
a female governor of a State. The House of Assembly in any of the Republics has never
had up to ten percent (10%) of its membership as female at any time in Nigerian history.
The current assembly is no exception.
Many of the problems we have noted in our gender survey above emanate from
the wrongful perception of the nature and role of the female in our society. Women are
generally relegated to the background and perceived as weak physically, mentally and
emotionally. But this is a dangerous, largely unfounded theory. However, the wrong
perception of the girl/woman in our society has taken a serious toll on their
personality, career and general wellbeing. A change in this unfortunate perception is not
impossible if all concerned will maintain an open mind. The way most African
cultures laud motherhood leaves a bright hope for this,"
When this is achieved our society would definitely experience a great positive turn-
around, right from the family. A proper perception of the potential of the women
would almost automatically get them into the policy making arena where they need to
be, at various strata of the society and a better, happier society would emerge. Lets
consider the submission below in the Unicef publication earlier noted.
Language and gender as we have seen in my brief survey constitute veritable
areas of investigation, dedicated research and societal appreciation.
A multilingual setting as ours in Nigeria calls for a better understanding of the nuances
of language and language engineering best practices that would turn these languages
into assets rather than liabilities. Linguists must be involved in issues of language
appreciation and re-positioning language policies should be dutifully implemented.
This is facilitated when such policies are unambiguous in their couching. Indigenous
language development should not be left for the Federal Government alone. State
governments, speech communities, the religious organizations all have significant roles
to play. Some communities have their language on the brink of extinction while
waiting for the Federal government to come and develop their orthography, document
their sentence structure, showcase the role of language in their society/culture etc.
They might as well be waiting for Godot.
My dear parents Hon. Chief and Loolo Josiah Iwuala started it all. I fondly
dedicated my doctoral thesis to them with the words "To my parents, Chief and Mrs
J.U. Iwuala who saw the gem in giving a woman a formal education". I thank God for
blessing me with such wonderful parents. By His grace, they saw me through before
ascending to greater glory.
For my Masters and Ph.D I was again in the hands of international scholars of repute,
Prof. Allan Cruttenden and Prof. Robert G. Armstrong (late) respectively. To all of
them I say a big thank you. I must also mention with gratitude the influence on my
academic work, of that revered colossus of phonetics, late Prof. Peter Ladefoged. His
encouragement led lo I lie publication of some of my better known international
contributions to phonetics.
I remember with warm regards my friends at the SCOAN, especially our great
mentor and quintessential servant of God, Prophet T.B. Joshua OFR.
Finally, I thank in a very special way Prof. Chinedu Ositadimma Nebo our Vice
Chancellor for effectively redefining and galvanizing inaugural lectures at the University
of Nigeria. At the inception of his administration there were only a few inaugural
lectures to the credit of an institution that came into existence over four decades earlier.
Today we have well over twenty more. We will not forget this great achievement and
commitment to academic excellence of your administration. The efforts of the dedicated
scholars that constitute the Senate Ceremonials Committee under the able leadership of
Prof. Obi Njoku, are highly commended and appreciated for the achievement of this feat.
Thank you.
In conclusion I thank all that found time to attend this lecture. Thank you and God
Prof. Clara Ikekeonwu is currently the Director, Institute for Nigerian Languages,
University of Nigeria, Aba Campus.
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pan /paen/ -'a metal container often with a handle' ban /baen/ -'embargo'
pan and ban constitute a minimal pair in the English language.
Cognates are a pair or set of words that depict systematic sound correspondences and
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