Gagne's Nine Events
Gagne's Nine Events
Gagne's Nine Events
In 1965, Robert Gagné proposed a series of events that are associated with and address the
Make sure that the learners are attentive to the lesson by grabbing their attention with
Let the students know what they should be able to do at the end of the lesson. Also explain about
Create a link between their previous knowledge and the lesson that will be taught by asking
Provide information regarding the lesson, along with video, references, and group activity.
Help students with learning strategies in order for understanding the content, and give them
Give students tasks where students can apply what they have learnt which is related to real life
7. Provide feedback
Give constructive feedback to students for further improvement. When giving feedback, provide
information why you give this feedback, and strategies to overcome challenges.
8. Assess performance
Gagne’s nine events and consideration whether it best relates to a philosophy from the
I have divided Gagne’s nine events into two categories based on the philosophy. Behaviorism or
the behavioral learning theory is a popular concept that focuses on how students learn (W. G. U.,
2020) Cognition refers to mental activity including thinking, remembering, learning and using
language. When we apply a cognitive approach to learning and teaching, we focus on the
understanding of information and concepts. If we are able to understand the connections between
concepts, break down information and rebuild with logical connections, then our retention of
material and understanding will increase. Cognitive learning is a style of learning that focuses on
Gagne’s nine events are in fact all the steps that teachers proceed when teaching a lesson topic.
When teachers are making lesson plans, they have to follow these steps to make sure that the
1. Gain attention of the students Ice breaking activity - students are asked to
tell two truths and one lie, others pick out
what are truths and what is the lie
2. Inform students of the objectives Teacher writes down the lesson outcomes on
the whiteboard.
By the end of the lesson, you are able to …
3. Stimulate recall of prior learning Ask students about their past experience,
knowledge related to the lesson topic. For
example, if the topic is adaptation, ask them
“Why do you think fish have fins/gills?”
“How are spines in cactus useful for the
Herrity, J. (2022). What Is Cognitive Learning? Definition, Benefits and Examples. Indeed.