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Blueberry Cornmeal Muffin Lesson Plan

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E a r ly C h i l dho od C o ok i ng Wor k shop

le sson pl a n

r ecipe :

B lueberry C ornmeal M uffins

dur ation : season : age group : group size :

L ea r ning 45 minutes Spring 2-5 years 10-15 kids
O bjecti v es
Understand how
different colors of fruits I ngr edien ts for 48 P r e - m a de M uffins P r epa r ation pr ior to lesson
and vegetables are good • 2 2/3 cups whole wheat or all-purpose flour • Cook muffins
for different parts of the • 2 2/3 cups cornmeal
body. • Grease or line 48 muffin cups
• 1 tablespoon baking powder with paper liners.
Learn about what • 2 teaspoons salt • Mix flour, cornmeal, baking
cornmeal is, and the • 2 cups Butermilk or yogurt
powder, cardamom and salt
different forms it can • 2 cups blend oil
take. together in one bowl. Add
• 8 eggs
cardamom to dry ingredients.
Practice baking and • 4 teaspoons cardamom
• 5 1/3 cups blueberries • Mix yogurt, oil and eggs in a
mixing ingredients
together. • 2 cups sugar (brown or white) separate bowl. Add sugar to wet
• 2 teaspoons vanilla extract ingredients and combine well.
• Mix blueberries and vanilla
C lassroom S et up
I ngr edien ts for D emo extract to wet ingredients.
• 2/3 cups of whole wheat or all-purpose flour Combine wet and dry
Divide students into two
• 2/3 cups cornmeal ingredients but do not overmix
tables with a seat for each • 1/4 tablespoons baking powder batter.
child (roughly evenly split) • 1/2 teaspoons salt • Evenly distribute batter into
• 1/2 cups Buttermilk or yogurt
prepared muffin tin.
2. • 1/2 cups blended oil
• Thaw blueberries if frozen
Use disinfectant wipes to • 2 eggs
• Prepare for baking activity
clean tables before demo • 1 teaspoons cardamom
• 1 and 1/3 cups blueberries by measuring and dividing
• 1/2 cups sugar (brown or white) ingredients into bowls so that
• 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract there are two sets (One for each
table group) of:
Make sure that all children
M ater ia ls • Bowl A: Mixture of 1/3 cup flour,
wash hands thoroughly
• 2 large mixing bowls 1/3 cup cornmeal, 1/4 teaspoons
• 2 medium mixing bowls salt, 1/8 tablespoons baking
4. • 16 small plates for blueberry art powder
Have all cutting boards, • 18 small metal spoons • Bowl B: Mixture of ¼ cup oil, 1/4
pre-measured ingredients, • 2 large mixing spoons
teaspoon vanilla, and 1 egg
and other materials on to • 20 napkins to serve muffins
• Bowl C: Mixture of ¼ cup sugar
distribute • 3 sets of gloves
and ½ teaspoon cardamom
• Disinfectant wipes
• Hand sanitizer • Bowl D: ¼ cup of yogurt
• Dish bin for dirty dishes • Bowl E: 2/3 cup of blueberries
Give teacher printed
• Extra blueberries for blueberry art (one bowl • Gather non-food materials
recipes to send home with
per table) • Print handouts, images, and
E a r ly C h i l dho od C o ok i ng Wor k shop
le sson pl a n

B lueber ry C or nmea l M uffins : Cooking Demonstration Script

INTR ODUCT ION student’s plate. Instruct students to create blueberry art. Allow
Hello cooks! How’s everyone doing today? 4-6 minutes. Ask a few students want to share out about what
Who here likes muffins? they made. Clear plates and remove center blueberry bowl.
Today we will be making blueberry muffins.
Has anyone tried a blueberry muffin before? BL U EBE RRY M U F F I N S:

(Hold up bowl of blueberries so that students can see them) Give a large mixing and a medium bowl to each table and small
What color are blueberries? (Call on a few students to answer)) spoon to every student. Place 5 bowls of ingredients on each table
((1) Mixture of flour, cornmeal, salt, baking soda; (2) mixture of oil,
NUTR IT ION HIGHLIG H T: E N E R GY vanilla, and eggs; (3) mixture of sugar and cardamom; (4) yogurt;
and (5) blueberries), on each table. .
We want to eat so that we have enough energy to play and study.
B Vitamins help our body make & use energy. We can find them 1. Each student measures out six spoons of flour mixture into
in corn, but also in whole grains (barley, bulgur, brown rice, whole large bowl in center. Each students places three spoons of
wheat bread/pasta) and legumes (chickpeas, lentils, beans). the sugar mixture into the medium mixing bowl.
2. The iinstructor pours the yogurt and the eggs and oil
NUTR IT ION HIGHLIG H T: B LU E B E R R I E S mixture into the large bowl.
• Blueberries are packed with important vitamins and 3. Each student put two spoons of blueberries into the
nutrients. Eating blueberries helps keep your bones, skin, medium bowl.
and stomach healthy. 4. Clear off dirty and empty bowls and small spoons from
• How do blueberries grow? A tree, bush, on a vine? On a bush. tables. Place a large mixing spoon in each large bowl.
(Hold up pictures of blueberries growing) 5. Pour the contents of the medium-sized bowl into the large
• Now we will all get a to use our 5 senses on the blueberries. mixing bowl as students watch. Have each student stir the
(Pass around pictures of blueberries growing, and supplies for batter 5 times, and pass to the student next to them.
blueberry art activity as described below) 6. Once the batter is mixed at both tables, hold up the batter
and explain the baking process, and how heat makes the
batter rise into muffins. Distribute hand sanitizer,or have
Before we begin cooking, let’s go over a few rules. Raise your
kids wash hands again before eating. Then, pass out a
hand to share a cooking rule.
muffin on a napkin to each student.
1. We keep our hands on the table and to ourselves
7. It’s great to try new things! Enjoy yoiur creation!
2. Cough or sneeze into your elbow and wash your hands to not
spread germs. Show me how we are going to cough or sneeze? F O L L OW- U P Q U EST I O N S:
3. All food we are working with will stay on our cutting boards • What do you think of the muffins?
or in our mixing bowls. • What flavors or ingredients do you taste?
4. We are going to wait to eat until everyone is ready. • Does anyone have any questions or comments?
Show me a thumbs up if you agree to all of our rules. Good job!
Let’s start cooking! WRA P U P :
• Thank you all! Everyone did such a great job. Give yourself
DEMO IN ST RUCT ION S a put on the back.
• Gather dirty dishes in dish bin. Clean tables.
Pass out a plate to each student. Pass out a bowl of blueberries • You all have a recipe to take home, so you can make this
to each table, and put a big spoonful of blueberries on each recipe at home with your families!
E a r ly C h i l dho od C o ok i ng Wor k shop
le sson pl a n

r ecipe :

B lueberry C ornmeal M uffins

Wh y this r ecipe ?
y ield : 6 muffins
The muffin provides the body with carbohydrates and vitamins that turns into energy

I ngr edien ts
I nstructions
• 1/3 cups whole wheat 1. Grease or line muffin cups with paper liners.
or all-purpose flour 2. Mix flour, baking powder and salt together in one bowl. Add cardamom to dry ingredients.
• 1/3 cups cornmeal 3. Mix yogurt, oil and eggs in a separate bowl. Add sugar to wet ingredients and combine well.
• 1/8 tablespoons baking 4. Mix blueberries and vanilla extract to wet ingredients. Combine wet and dry ingredients but
powder do not overmix batter.
• ¼ teaspoons salt 5. Evenly distribute batter into prepared muffin tins.
• ¼ cups Buttermilk or
• ¼ cups blended oil
• 1 eggs
• ½ teaspoons cardamom
• 2/3 cups blueberries
• 1/4 cups sugar (brown
or white)
• 1/4 teaspoons vanilla

Each month The Teaching Kitchen provides 30-minute hands-on cooking workshops to your children in their classrooms. The
workshops teach the children nutrition information and cooking skills. After each classroom lesson we will give you the recipe,
so you can replicate it at home, as well as some of the nutrition information we shared.
E a r ly C h i l dho od C o ok i ng Wor k shop
le sson pl a n

B lueber ry C or nmea l M uffins

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