STD 5 - 8 Bible Knowlege Questions and Answers
STD 5 - 8 Bible Knowlege Questions and Answers
STD 5 - 8 Bible Knowlege Questions and Answers
5, 6, 7 AND 8
1. What is love?
o Love is the foundation of unity, peace and justice among people
2. Why are Christians taught to love one another?
o To create good relationships
o To promote unity, peace and justice among people
3. How did Jesus show love to his people?
o By surrendering his life for people’s sake.
o By healing the sick.
o By feeding the hungry.
o By raising the dead.
4. Who is a gentile?
o A person who is not a Jew or a gentile is a non-Jew.
5. Where was the man who was robbed by the robbers coming from and going to?
o He was coming from Jerusalem and going to Jericho.
6. Mention three things robbers did to the man.
o They attacked him
o They stripped him
o They beat him up, leaving him half dead
7. Mention two people who walked by when they saw the robbed man lying on the road.
o The priest
o The Levite
8. Why did these people walk by when they saw the robbed man lying on the road? Give
two reasons.
o They were afraid of being accused as the one who robbed the man.
o They did that for fear of committing a sin when touching a dead body according
to Jewish law.
9. Who assisted the man who was robbed by the robbers?
o The Good Samaritan
10. Why did the Good Samaritan assist the man who was robbed by the robbers?
o His heart was filled with pity
11. Mention two things the Samaritan did to the robbed man.
o He poured oil and wine on his wounds and bandaged them.
o He took him on his animal to the inn where they cared for them and promised to
pay any expenses when he came back.
1. What is a Miracle?
o A miracle is unnatural act or event caused by God.
2. State two reasons why Jesus performed different miracles.
o Out of request
o For sympathy or mercy
3. Mention two miracles performed by Jesus out of request.
o Healing the paralysed man
o Healing Centurion’s servant
o Raising Jairus’ daughter from death
o Healing the ten lepers
o Healing ten men with leprosy
o Healing Bartimaeus
4. Mention two miracles Jesus performed out of mercy.
o Healing of a demoniac (demon possessed man)
o Healing a man with a shriveled hand
o Healing of a crippled woman
o Healing of a woman at pool
1. What is exodus?
o Exodus is the departure of Hebrews from Egypt to Canaan
2. What is Passover?
o It is a Jewish religious festival commemorating the liberation of the Jews from
slavery in Egypt
3. Why did the Israelites kill a lamb without blemish and sprinkled its blood on the door post?
o The blood was to prevent the destroying angel of death from entering such a
house at midnight
4. Mention three food items Hebrews ate during the Passover.
o Roasted meat
o Unleavened bread
o Bitter herbs
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5. Why was the feast called the Passover?
o This was so because the angel of death would pass over any house with blood on
the door post.
6. State two things that guided the Hebrews on their journey from Egypt to Canaan.
o Pillar of cloud.
o Pillar of fire.
7. Mention two animals which were used at the Passover.
o Sheep
o Goats
8. How were Israel’s houses protected from the Lord's angel of death?
o By the blood which was put on the sides and tops of the door frames of their houses.
9. Name two leaders who ruled Hebrews from Egypt to Canaan.
o Moses
o Aaron
1. What is Tolerance?
o Tolerance is the acceptance of one another regardless of the different opinions
people might have
2. State three importance of tolerance.
o It promotes development in an area
o It brings unity and peace
o It promotes cooperation
3. Mention six things St Francis said in his prayer.
o Where there is hatred let me bring love.
o Where there is injury let me bring pardon.
o Where there is doubt let me bring true faith.
o Where there is despair let me bring hope.
o Where there is sadness let me bring joy.
o Where there is darkness let me bring light.
4. Mention some situations where Jesus showed love to everyone.
o People’s sickness.
o When he was sentenced to death on the cross.
o When a woman was caught in adultery.
o When he was crucified on the cross.
o When he was hatred.
o People’s sinfulness.
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5. What is the responsibility of Christians in a democratic society?
o To promote tolerance, unity and peace
6. How did Jesus promote tolerance to his people?
o Through his deeds and works
7. What does the Bible teach about tolerance?
o In the Bible Jesus taught his followers about love as the cornerstone for unity,
peace and tolerance among people of different tribes and religions.
1. What is a drug?
o A drug is medicine that is used for preventing and treating different diseases
2. Give any two examples of drugs
o Panado, Aspirin, Fansider, Bactrim, Penicillin and Quinine.
3. What is substance?
o Substance is any kind of matter used for either domestic or industrial purposes.
4. Give any two examples of substances
o alcohol, spirit, soup, paraffin, tobacco, petrol and glue.
5. Mention four causes of drug and substance abuse.
o Peer pressure
o Frustration
o Curiosity
o Loss of loved ones
o Loss of goods and finances
o Failure in examinations
o Wanting to commit suicide
o Ignorance of harmful of the drugs and substances
6. State seven effects of drug and substance abuse.
o Mental inability
o Committing suicide
o Stealing other people’s property
o Physical weakness
o Unnatural cravings
o Killing others
1. What is 'miracle'?
o Miracle is unnatural act or event caused by God.
2. Name two leaders who led the Hebrews from Egypt to Canaan.
o Moses and Aaron
3. How did the Hebrews cross the Red Sea?
o God told Moses to raise his staff and stretch out his hand over the sea to divide
the water then the Israelites crossed on dry ground.
4. What happened to the Egyptian army when they were in the middle of the sea following
the Hebrews?
o God told Moses to hold out his hand over the sea once more and the water
started flowing and killed all the Egyptian army.
5. State two things which guided the Hebrews in their journey to Canaan.
o Pillar of cloud
o Pillar of fire
6. Name two types of food Hebrews ate while in the desert.
o Manna
o Quails
7. For how long did the Hebrews eat Manna and Quails in the desert?
o Forty years
8. What is the difference between Manna and Quails?
o Manna is a cake-like food substance while Quails are a kind of bird
9. How was Manna and Quails collection done?
o The collection was done once daily for six days without some more to keep for
the following day.
10. Why was the collection of Manna and Quails double as the usual quantity on the sixth day?
o Because seventh day was the Sabbath so they had to keep it holy.
11. How did the Hebrews get water in the desert?
o God told Moses to strike the rock with his staff once and the water came out of
the rock.
12. Who was responsible for guidance and protection of Hebrews?
o God
1. What is a conflict?
o A conflict is the disagreement and misunderstanding between or among people
1. What is covenant?
o Covenant is the agreement between God and his people.
2. Define exodus.
o Exodus is the journey or departure of Israelites from Egypt to Canaan.
3. Mention four peoples who made agreement with God in the bible.
o Abraham
o Isaac
o Jacob
o Moses
4. What was the agreement that God made with the people in the wilderness/desert?
o To form the laws for the Israelites to follow which were called Ten Commandments
of God.
5. How were the ten commandments of God divided?
o The first four tell how people should behave towards God.
o The last six tell how people should behave towards one another.
6. What is the importance of Ten Commandments of God?
o To form the basis of the people's relationship with their God and with one another.
7. Mention Ten Commandments of God.
o Do not bow down to any idol or worship it.
o Do not use my name for evil purpose.
o Observe the Sabbath and keep it holy.
o Respect your father and your mother.
o Do not commit murder.
o Do not commit adultery.
o Do not steel.
o Do not accuse anyone falsely.
o Do not desire another man’s house and anything else that he owns.
o Do not be jealousy with other people's property.
1. What is gender?
o Gender refers to the socially-constructed roles, responsibilities and status.
2. Define gender roles.
o It refers to the socially-assigned tasks and responsibilities for males and females in
a given society.
1. What were the instructions God told the Israelites to follow when they wanted to cross
River Jordan?
o They should consecrate themselves
o Priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant should go before the people
o People should follow the Ark but should keep some distance from it
o Priests carrying the Ark should stand in the middle of the river.
2. After crossing the river, Joshua saw a man with a sword near Jericho, who was that man?
o The Angel of God.
3. Why did the man with the sword appear to Joshua?
o To tell Joshua on how to conquer the city of Jericho.
4. Why did the Angel tell Joshua to remove shoes from his feet?
o Because the place he stood was holy.
5. How did the Israelites manage to cross the River Jordan?
o The water was divided and the Israelites crossed on dry ground
6. Explain how the Israelites managed to conquer the city of Jericho
o Following God’s instructions, the Israelites marched around the city of Jericho with
soldiers circling it once for six days. On the seventh day, they went round the city
seven times with priests blowing their horns. When the people heard the sound of the
trumpets, in a long blast, they gave a strong shout of joy. Then walls of the city of
Jericho fell.
7. What is a sword?
o A traditional weapon of war.
1. What is environment?
o Environment refers to all living and non-living things surrounding us.
2. Mention three components of environment.
o Physical environment
o Social environment
o Cultural environment
3. Give examples for each of the components given in question 2 above.
o Physical environment; for example, soil, water, rocks, mountains/hills, rivers,
plants and animals.
o Social environment; for example, family, politics, buildings, roads, bridges and dams.
o Cultural environment; for example, customs, traditions, values, languages,
beliefs, religions, taboos, dress, songs and dances.
3. Mention three effects of environmental degradation.
o People cannot obtain things necessary for life
o People can contract different types of diseases.
o Poor accessibility due to poor roads.
2. Explain how these musical instruments are used. Explain about any two musical instruments
o Guitars by plucking on the guitar string.
o Flutes by blowing.
o Trumpets by blowing.
o Keyboards by pressing the buttons with the fingers.
3. Mention two uses of modern technologies in the church.
o They add flavour to worship.
o They are used in worship service.
o They helped in the publishing of scriptures and hymn books.
1. Who is a Judge?
o A judge is a public official who has the power to decide.
2. Mention four Judges of Israel.
o Gideon
o Samson
o Deborah
o Jephthah
3. Mention three roles and responsibilities of a Judge.
o To solve disagreements among people.
o To settle disputes.
o To protect the rights of the people.
4. Why did God choose Gideon?
o To save Israel from the hands of the Midianites.
5. Mention three things that were taken away from Israelites by Midianites, Amalekites
and desert tribe.
o Sheep, donkeys and cattle.
6. State three tribes that attacked Israel when God chose Gideon.
o Midianites, Amalekites and desert tribe.
7. Who was the father of Gideon?
o Joash from the clan of Manasseh.
8. For how many years were the Israelites ruled by the Midianites?
o Seven years.
9. How many soldiers did Gideon use to conqueror the Midianites?
o 300 men.
10. Why did God command Gideon to use 300 men only to defeat the Midianites?
o God wanted to show his power.
11. How did Gideon choose 300 men to fight the Midianites?
o Gideon took men to the water and he used it to separate those who lapped up the
water with their tongue like dogs and took 300 men who scooped up water in their
hands and lapped it.
12. Name two kings of Midianites who were killed by Gideon.
o Oreb and Zeeb
13. Name two kings of Midianites who were defeated by Gideon.
o Zebah and Zalmunna
14. Who was the father of Samson?
o Manoah
1. What is a parable?
o A parable is a story using every day events to illustrate a religious or moral point.
2. How did a lawyer tempt Jesus?
o By asking Jesus a question, "What shall I do to inherit eternal life?"
3. Who is a real neighbor?
o The one who assists somebody in time of need.
4. Where did the man who was robbed by the robbers coming from and going to?
o From Jerusalem to Jericho.
5. Why did the Samaritan assist the man who was robbed by the robbers?
o His heart was filled with pity.
6. State two things the Samaritan did to the robbed man.
o He poured oil and wine on his wounds and bandaged them.
o He took the robbed man on his animal to an inn where he took care of him.
o He gave the inn keeper two silver coins who took care of the robbed man and
promised to pay whatever else they would spend for him.
1. Define arrest?
o Arrest means taking and keeping somebody prisoner with the authority of the law.
2. When can a person be arrested?
o When a person has committed a crime and is charged for the offence.
3. What is a trial?
o Trial is the process of finding out whether a person accused of a crime is guilty or not.
4. Where did Jesus tell his disciples about his arrest leading to his death?
o At the Passover feast.
5. Where did Jesus go after the Passover feast?
o Jesus went with his disciples to Gethsemane to pray.
6. Who insisted that Jesus should be crucified and Barabbas be released?
o The people of Jerusalem and Judah
7. Who did Judas Iscariot come with to arrest Jesus?
o Chief priests
o Officers of the temple guards
o Elders
8. Mention three things Herod did to Jesus after he found that Jesus did nothing wrong.
o Ridiculing
o Mocking
o Sending Jesus back to Pilate
1. What is forgiveness?
o Forgiveness is the act of not taking into account other people's wrongs.
2. Why should people forgive each other?
o To create good relationships.
3. Mention three people who were forgiven in the bible.
o Joseph's brothers
o Hezekiah
o Prodigal son
o The criminals who were hanged together with Jesus on the cross
o People of Jerusalem who insisted Jesus to be hanged on the cross
4. Mention four situations that require forgiveness.
o fighting
o stealing
o killing
o insulting others
o cheating
1. What is work?
o Work is an activity in which the effort of the body and mind produce something
or gain a result.
2. What is leisure?
o Leisure is the time when one is free from work or duties of any kind.
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3. Mention some activities that people can do during leisure time.
o Chatting with friends
o Reading story books and newspapers
o Fishing
o Sewing
o Playing
o Sporting
o Swimming
o Visiting friends, relatives and the sick
4. State three importance of work.
o It provides people with basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing and water.
o It provides people with body exercises.
o It protects one from effects of laziness.
5. What is the importance of leisure time?
o It allows the body to relax and rest.
6. Why does the Bible teach about the importance of work and condemns laziness?
o Because laziness brings poverty.
7. Why is God not pleased with laziness?
o He was the first one to work by creating the universe and everything in it.
8. How does God value the leisure time?
o By resting on the seventh day after the creation of the universe.
9. Who were in-charge of the Garden of Eden? Mention two people
o Adam and Eve
10. How did the following people work as in the New Testament?
o Jesus: as a carpenter.
o Paul: as a tent maker.
o Simon: as a fisherman.
11. Who taught that lazy people must not eat because work was ordained by God?
o Paul
12. Who were co-workers of God which were put in charge of the Garden of Eden?
o Adam and Eve
13. Who has responsibilities to teach children and learners to be hard workers at school
and home? State any two people
o Parents
o Guardians
o Teachers
1. What is a role?
o A role is a part taken by someone in life or in any activity.
2. Who were the prophets?
o The messengers of God who carried messages from God to people.
3. What are the roles, duties and responsibilities of the prophets? Mention any two
o They preached God’s message to the people.
o They guided kings and God’s people in difficult circumstances.
o They anointed leaders and condemned all who did evil.
o They prophesied or foretold the future events.
o They acted as a bridge between God and people and between leaders and God.
4. Mention any three religious leaders that God chooses to work for him?
o Teachers of the law
o Ministers
o Priests
o Reverends
o Evangelists
o Deacons
o Pastors
o Elders
o Preachers
5. What are any three prophetic roles of religious leaders?
o Preaching
o Prophesying
o Baptizing
o Guiding and conselling
o Praying for the sick