STD 5 - 8 Bible Knowlege Questions and Answers

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5, 6, 7 AND 8

BY ZIKOMO MASESE BANDA 0999246769/0991295167

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1. How many children did Jacob have?

o Jacob had thirteen (13) children
2. How many wives did Jacob have?
o Jacob had two wives and two concubines
3. Mention two wives of Jacob and children each wife bore to Jacob
o Leah had Dinah, Reuben, Simon, Levi, Judah, Issachar and Zebulon
o Rachel had Joseph and Benjamin
o Bilhah had Dan and Naphtali
o Zilpah had Gad and Asher
4. Name the daughter of Jacob.
o Dinah
5. Name the last born son of Jacob.
o Benjamin
6. Who was the first born child of Jacob?
o Reuben
7. Why was Joseph hated by his brothers? Give two reasons?
o Jacob loved Joseph more than the rest of the children
o Joseph had dreams which angered his brothers even more
8. Which position was Joseph given while in Egypt?
o Prime minister/Governor
9. Why was Joseph found in Egypt?
o He was sold by his brothers to the Ishmaelites who later sold him to Pharaoh who was
a king in Egypt
10. Who saved the life of Joseph when his brothers planned to kill him?
o Reuben
11. Name two sons of Isaac.
o Jacob and Esau
12. What was the main occupation of Isaac’s family?
o Keeping livestock
13. Name two daughters of Laban.
o Leah and Rachel
14. Why did the family of Jacob move to Egypt?
o They moved to Egypt because of famine

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15. What caused rivalry or hate between Jacob and Esau?
o Jacob took the blessings of Esau
16. Why did Jacob flee to Mesopotamia where he lived with his uncle Laban?
o The fear of being killed by his brother Esau since Jacob took his blessings
17. Why did Jacob become so angry after he realized that he was given Leah instead of Rachel?
o Jacob loved Rachel so much than Leah
18. For how many years did Jacob serve to feed livestock of Laban as a work for dowry?
o Seven years
19. Why did Laban disguise Leah to Jacob instead of Rachel?
o Because of their custom which said the older daughter should marry first
20. What did Jacob feel after he realized that he was given Leah instead of Rachel?
o He felt angry
21. Who was Rebecca?
o She was the wife of Isaac
22. Who planned that the heirship should go to Jacob against patriarchal tradition? Or, Who
planned for Jacob to be blessed by his father?
o Rebecca, Isaac’s wife.
23. What is a dowry?
o Dowry is a gift given when one is marrying
24. Why was Joseph released from prison in Egypt?
o He interpreted the dreams that Pharaoh had


1. Where did Jesus go after baptism? o

He went to the desert
2. Why did Jesus go to the desert after being baptized by John the Baptist?
o Jesus went to the desert to pray
3. What led Jesus to the desert after his baptism?
o The Holy Spirit
4. Where did Jesus start his ministry or work?
o In Galilee
5. Why did many people follow Jesus?
o They followed Jesus because of his teaching, miracles and acceptance of the outcast

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6. Mention twelve apostles of Jesus.
o Simon called Peter, Andrew, James, John the son of Zebedee, James son of
Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Philip, Mathews, Bartholomew, Thomas, James son of
Zebedee and Judas Iscariot.
7. State three duties/roles and responsibilities of the apostles of Jesus.
o To preach and spread good news to the people
o To heal the sick
o To drive out demons from the people
8. Mention three people Jesus took to the mountain to pray
o John
o Peter
o James
9. What name was given to the sons of Zebedee?
o Boanerges
10. What is the meaning of the word ‘Boanerges’
o Sons of thunder
11. What is the difference between disciples and Apostles of Jesus?
o Disciples are the followers of Jesus while Apostles are the Messengers of Jesus.
12. Who betrayed Jesus Christ?
o Judas Iscariot
13. How did Judas Iscariot identify Jesus?
o Through a kiss
14. Why did Judas Iscariot betray Jesus?
o He betrayed Jesus in exchange for thirty pieces of silver
o He was possessed by Satan
14. Why are the churches of today not seem to be effective as they were in the past? Give
two reasons.
o Believers of today go to church for their own personal gains
o Every Christian of today is supposed to be a follower and believer of Jesus Christ while
in the past, followers of Jesus Christ were told to abandon their activities and sell their
wealth in order to dedicate their lives to God.
15. How did Jesus choose his apostles?
o By appointment

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1. What is love?
o Love is the foundation of unity, peace and justice among people
2. Why are Christians taught to love one another?
o To create good relationships
o To promote unity, peace and justice among people
3. How did Jesus show love to his people?
o By surrendering his life for people’s sake.
o By healing the sick.
o By feeding the hungry.
o By raising the dead.
4. Who is a gentile?
o A person who is not a Jew or a gentile is a non-Jew.
5. Where was the man who was robbed by the robbers coming from and going to?
o He was coming from Jerusalem and going to Jericho.
6. Mention three things robbers did to the man.
o They attacked him
o They stripped him
o They beat him up, leaving him half dead
7. Mention two people who walked by when they saw the robbed man lying on the road.
o The priest
o The Levite
8. Why did these people walk by when they saw the robbed man lying on the road? Give
two reasons.
o They were afraid of being accused as the one who robbed the man.
o They did that for fear of committing a sin when touching a dead body according
to Jewish law.
9. Who assisted the man who was robbed by the robbers?
o The Good Samaritan
10. Why did the Good Samaritan assist the man who was robbed by the robbers?
o His heart was filled with pity
11. Mention two things the Samaritan did to the robbed man.
o He poured oil and wine on his wounds and bandaged them.
o He took him on his animal to the inn where they cared for them and promised to
pay any expenses when he came back.

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12. Mention five importance of love.
o Love brings about a sense of belonging
o Love makes people to feel pity for those in trouble and help them
o Love makes people to be tolerant
o Love makes people to love one another
o Love makes people to trust one another
o Love makes people to protect human rights
o Love makes people to promote justice
13. Who asked Jesus this question, “What must I do to receive eternal life?”
o The teacher of law


1. What happens when a person is entitled to a thing?

o It means he or she can demand for that thing
2. Why can right not be withdrawn anyhow?
o It is an entitlement
3. Mention three rights of children.
o Right to education
o Right to food
o Right to life
4. Mention two responsibilities of children at home.
o Respecting parents and siblings
o Doing household chores
5. Mention three responsibilities of children at church.
o Respecting the elders and others
o Keeping quiet during sermons
o Keeping the surroundings clean
6. Mention five responsibilities of children at school.
o Respecting teachers and other learners
o Keeping the surroundings clean
o Writing exercises given
o Studying notes
o Writing tests and examinations
7. What is a right?
o Right is an entitlement

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1. Who was the mother of Moses?

o Jochebed
2. Who was the father of Moses?
o Amram
3. How was baby Moses rescued from being killed by Pharaoh in Egypt?
o His parents hid him in basket and placed it in the reeds along the banks of the Nile.
4. Where did Moses go after he had killed an Egyptian?
o Midian
5. Why did Moses flee to Midian?
o Pharaoh had planned to kill him.
6. Who assisted Moses to speak to Hebrews in Egypt?
o Aaron
7. What was Moses doing in Midian?
o Feeding the flock of Jethro, his father in-law.
8. State two animals Jethro kept.
o Goats
o Sheep
9. Why did God call Moses?
o To rescue Hebrews from slavery in Egypt.
10. State three messages Moses heard when he was at Mount Horeb grazing the flock.
o Moses was called by his name
o God told Moses about the miseries that Hebrews were facing in Egypt
o God commanded Moses to go back to Egypt and rescue the Hebrews from slavery
11. State three excuses Moses gave when God told him to go to Egypt to rescue the Hebrews.
o Moses said people would doubt the sources of his authority
o He was not an eloquent speaker
o The elders of Israel would not accept him
12. Who was Jethro?
o He was a priest in Midian.
13. How was Moses found in Pharaoh’s family?
o The daughter of Pharaoh Pricilla found him when she went to bath in the river
14. What happened to Moses when he was in the bush feeding the flock of his father in-law?
o The angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire from within a bush.
15. Why did God tell Moses to take off his sandals (shoes) from his feet?
o Because the place Moses was standing was holy.

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1. What is a Miracle?
o A miracle is unnatural act or event caused by God.
2. State two reasons why Jesus performed different miracles.
o Out of request
o For sympathy or mercy
3. Mention two miracles performed by Jesus out of request.
o Healing the paralysed man
o Healing Centurion’s servant
o Raising Jairus’ daughter from death
o Healing the ten lepers
o Healing ten men with leprosy
o Healing Bartimaeus
4. Mention two miracles Jesus performed out of mercy.
o Healing of a demoniac (demon possessed man)
o Healing a man with a shriveled hand
o Healing of a crippled woman
o Healing of a woman at pool


1. What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?

o HIV is a virus that causes AIDS while AIDS is the collection of many diseases.
2. What acronyms HIV and AIDS stand for?
o In HIV: H. means Human, I. means Immunodeficiency V. means Virus.
o In AIDS: A. means Acquired from, I. means Immune, D. means Deficiency and
S. means Syndrome.
3. State four ways through which HIV and AIDS is spread from one person to another.
o Through having unprotected sex with an infected person
o Through blood transfusion
o Through breast feeding
o Through sharing of sharp objects such as razor blades and needles
o Through sharing tooth brushes
4. Mention five ways of preventing from HIV and AIDS.
o Being faithful to one sexual partner
o Abstinence
o Avoid sharing of skin piercing instruments such as needles and razor blades
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o Avoid engaging in harmful cultural practices such as sexual cleansing, wife cleansing
and wife inheritance
o Avoid risky behaviour such as taking intoxicating drugs and substances which
can reduce ability to abstain from casual sexual intercourse
5. Mention four effects of HIV and AIDS.
o It can lead to high rate of orphanhood
o It lowers development
o Teenage pregnancies
o Death
o School dropout
6. What does the Bible teach on how to avoid getting HIV and AIDS?
o Abstinence
o Being faithful to one partner


1. Who created the earth together with animals and plants?

o God
2. Why did God create the Earth with animals and plants on it?
o To make people live a happy life.
3. Mention four problems associated with destruction of the environment.
o Rainfall pattern is greatly affected
o Loss of wild animals
o Loss of trees
o Loss of fertile soils
4. Who was in charge of the Garden of Eden?
o Adam and Eve
5. Who did God assign to look after the environment and sustain environment?
o People
6. Mention four ways of conserving or controlling the environment.
o Avoid bushfires
o Avoid pollution
o Avoid overgrazing
o Plant more trees
o Avoid deforestation

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7. State six importance of the environment to the people.
o Sources of timber
o Sources of food
o Sources of clothing
o Sources of transport
o Sources of raw materials
o Provides us with medicine
o Provides us with rainfall
o It is home of wild animals
o It provides shade to animals
o It beautifies the environment
8. Mention six responsibilities of Christians on natural environment.
o Avoid smoking
o Using natural resources wisely
o Avoid polluting water
o Avoid siltation of water bodies such as rivers and lakes
o Avoid poaching wild animals
o Avoid careless cutting of trees
9. What does the Bible teach about caring for the natural environment?
o Everybody has a responsibility to take care of the environment because they fulfill
the work of God.
10. Who is a steward?
o The worker (a person who takes care of the property of others)


1. What is exodus?
o Exodus is the departure of Hebrews from Egypt to Canaan
2. What is Passover?
o It is a Jewish religious festival commemorating the liberation of the Jews from
slavery in Egypt
3. Why did the Israelites kill a lamb without blemish and sprinkled its blood on the door post?
o The blood was to prevent the destroying angel of death from entering such a
house at midnight
4. Mention three food items Hebrews ate during the Passover.
o Roasted meat
o Unleavened bread
o Bitter herbs
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5. Why was the feast called the Passover?
o This was so because the angel of death would pass over any house with blood on
the door post.
6. State two things that guided the Hebrews on their journey from Egypt to Canaan.
o Pillar of cloud.
o Pillar of fire.
7. Mention two animals which were used at the Passover.
o Sheep
o Goats
8. How were Israel’s houses protected from the Lord's angel of death?
o By the blood which was put on the sides and tops of the door frames of their houses.
9. Name two leaders who ruled Hebrews from Egypt to Canaan.
o Moses
o Aaron


1. What is Tolerance?
o Tolerance is the acceptance of one another regardless of the different opinions
people might have
2. State three importance of tolerance.
o It promotes development in an area
o It brings unity and peace
o It promotes cooperation
3. Mention six things St Francis said in his prayer.
o Where there is hatred let me bring love.
o Where there is injury let me bring pardon.
o Where there is doubt let me bring true faith.
o Where there is despair let me bring hope.
o Where there is sadness let me bring joy.
o Where there is darkness let me bring light.
4. Mention some situations where Jesus showed love to everyone.
o People’s sickness.
o When he was sentenced to death on the cross.
o When a woman was caught in adultery.
o When he was crucified on the cross.
o When he was hatred.
o People’s sinfulness.
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5. What is the responsibility of Christians in a democratic society?
o To promote tolerance, unity and peace
6. How did Jesus promote tolerance to his people?
o Through his deeds and works
7. What does the Bible teach about tolerance?
o In the Bible Jesus taught his followers about love as the cornerstone for unity,
peace and tolerance among people of different tribes and religions.


1. What is a drug?
o A drug is medicine that is used for preventing and treating different diseases
2. Give any two examples of drugs
o Panado, Aspirin, Fansider, Bactrim, Penicillin and Quinine.
3. What is substance?
o Substance is any kind of matter used for either domestic or industrial purposes.
4. Give any two examples of substances
o alcohol, spirit, soup, paraffin, tobacco, petrol and glue.
5. Mention four causes of drug and substance abuse.
o Peer pressure
o Frustration
o Curiosity
o Loss of loved ones
o Loss of goods and finances
o Failure in examinations
o Wanting to commit suicide
o Ignorance of harmful of the drugs and substances
6. State seven effects of drug and substance abuse.
o Mental inability
o Committing suicide
o Stealing other people’s property
o Physical weakness
o Unnatural cravings
o Killing others

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1. What is 'miracle'?
o Miracle is unnatural act or event caused by God.
2. Name two leaders who led the Hebrews from Egypt to Canaan.
o Moses and Aaron
3. How did the Hebrews cross the Red Sea?
o God told Moses to raise his staff and stretch out his hand over the sea to divide
the water then the Israelites crossed on dry ground.
4. What happened to the Egyptian army when they were in the middle of the sea following
the Hebrews?
o God told Moses to hold out his hand over the sea once more and the water
started flowing and killed all the Egyptian army.
5. State two things which guided the Hebrews in their journey to Canaan.
o Pillar of cloud
o Pillar of fire
6. Name two types of food Hebrews ate while in the desert.
o Manna
o Quails
7. For how long did the Hebrews eat Manna and Quails in the desert?
o Forty years
8. What is the difference between Manna and Quails?
o Manna is a cake-like food substance while Quails are a kind of bird
9. How was Manna and Quails collection done?
o The collection was done once daily for six days without some more to keep for
the following day.
10. Why was the collection of Manna and Quails double as the usual quantity on the sixth day?
o Because seventh day was the Sabbath so they had to keep it holy.
11. How did the Hebrews get water in the desert?
o God told Moses to strike the rock with his staff once and the water came out of
the rock.
12. Who was responsible for guidance and protection of Hebrews?
o God

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1. Give any two reasons why Jesus performed different miracles.

o Out of sympathy
o Out of mercy
o Out of request
2. Why did Jesus use miracles in his teaching?
o Jesus used miracles as a means of spreading God’s word to the world.
3. By healing the demoniac who was a gentile, what did Jesus want to show?
o His mission on the earth was for both Jews and Gentiles.
4. How did Jesus heal the Gerasene Demoniac?
o Jesus commanded demons to drive out from Demoniac.
5. Mention three miracles performed by Jesus out of request.
o Healing Bartimaeus
o Turning water into wine in Cana
6. Mention two miracles performed by Jesus out of mercy.
o Feeding five thousand people.
o Healing the demoniac from Gerasene.
7. Mention any three miracles performed by Jesus over nature.
o Feeding five thousand people.
o Turning water into wine in Cana.
o Walking on the water.
o Calming the storm on the water
8. Mention three miracles performed by Jesus over death.
o Raising Lazarus from death.
o Raising Jairus' daughter
o Raising of the widow’s son
9. Mention two miracles performed by Jesus over the disabled.
o Healing the woman who was possessed with demons for 18 years
o Healing Bartimaeus’ eyes
10. What did Jesus use to feed five thousand people?
o Five loaves of bread.
o Two fish.
11. How many baskets of leftovers were collected after feeding five thousand people?
o Twelve baskets
12. What do we learn from the following miracles?
o Healing of Bartimaeus — Jesus has power over demons
o Feeding five thousand people — Jesus has power over nature.
o Raising Lazarus from death — Jesus has power over death.

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13. Who is a Gentile?
o A gentile is a person who is not a Jew
14. What instruction did Jesus give the demoniac after being healed?
o He told him to go home and tell the people what God did for him.
15. Where was Jesus when he healed Bartimaeus?
o In Jericho
16. Why did Bartimaeus not keep quiet when he heard that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by?
o He wanted Jesus to hear his cries and heal him.


1. What is a conflict?
o A conflict is the disagreement and misunderstanding between or among people

2. What are the causes of conflicts in the family?

o Children who take alcoholic drinks or smoke Chamba do not usually cooperate
with their parents or guardians.
o Some parents love one or two of their children more than the others.
o Unfair distribution of resources.
o Forced marriages in order for children and parents or guardians to get economic
3. State four negative effects of conflicts in the family.
o Causes hatred and poor relations with others.
o Children may engage in drugs and alcohol which will lead them into stress and anxiety.
o Children may become sexual workers.
o Children may fail examinations.
4. Mention two positive effects of conflicts in the family when handled properly.
o They may result in the establishment of good relationships.
o Respect for one another.
5. State two stories from the Bible which show that parents loved one child among others
o Rebecca, the mother of Esau and Jacob loved Jacob more than Esau.
o Jacob loved Joseph more than other children.

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1. What are some causes of conflicts at school?

o Fights
o Gossips
o Disputes
o Quarrels
o Jealousy
o Discrimination

2. What are the effects of conflicts at the school?

o Vandalism
o Violence
o Poor relationships
o Use of abusive language
o Hatred
o Stress
o Anxiety
o Harassment


1. What are the causes of conflicts in the community?

o Jealousy
o Cultural practices
o Discrimination
o Property grabbing
o Teenage pregnancy
o Gender inequality
o Immorality
2. What caused conflict between Amnon and Absalom? Or, Why did Absalom kill Amnon?
o Amnon raped Tamar, a direct sister to Absalom and on revenge, Absalom killed
3. Define discrimination.
o Discrimination means treating particular individuals or a group of people unfairly
than others.
4. How was Stephen killed?
o He was stoned to death.
5. Who killed Stephen
o The community leaders killed Stephen

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6. Mention three areas where conflicts can occur.
o In the family
o At school
o In the community.
7. What are the effects of conflicts in the community?
o Migration of people
o Use of abusive language
o Damage to the environment
o Poor relationships
o Hatred
o Fighting
o Injury
o Death


1. Who are vulnerable children?

o Vulnerable children are children who lack care, resources and protection from parents
or guardians and other members of the society.
2. Mention four examples of vulnerable children.
o Orphans
o Street children
o Neglected children
o Abused children
3. Give four reasons why children can become vulnerable.
o Death of one or both parents.
o Neglected by their parents or guardians.
o Forced by their parents or guardians to look for resources.
o Run away from their homes due to peer pressure.
4. Who is an orphan?
o An orphan is a person who has lost one or both parents due to death.
5. State four ways how Christians assist orphans.
o Teaching and guarding them in Christian and moral values
o Providing them with food
o Providing them with clothes
o Providing them with shelter
o Providing them with school needs
o Giving them hope
o Providing them with protection
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6. Define street children
o Street children are children who seek food and shelter in the streets.
o These are children that are found in awkward places and during awkward times.
o These are children that have no homes to stay and they stay in the streets.
7. What are human rights?
o Human rights are entitlements a person deserves by birth.


1. What is covenant?
o Covenant is the agreement between God and his people.
2. Define exodus.
o Exodus is the journey or departure of Israelites from Egypt to Canaan.
3. Mention four peoples who made agreement with God in the bible.
o Abraham
o Isaac
o Jacob
o Moses
4. What was the agreement that God made with the people in the wilderness/desert?
o To form the laws for the Israelites to follow which were called Ten Commandments
of God.
5. How were the ten commandments of God divided?
o The first four tell how people should behave towards God.
o The last six tell how people should behave towards one another.
6. What is the importance of Ten Commandments of God?
o To form the basis of the people's relationship with their God and with one another.
7. Mention Ten Commandments of God.
o Do not bow down to any idol or worship it.
o Do not use my name for evil purpose.
o Observe the Sabbath and keep it holy.
o Respect your father and your mother.
o Do not commit murder.
o Do not commit adultery.
o Do not steel.
o Do not accuse anyone falsely.
o Do not desire another man’s house and anything else that he owns.
o Do not be jealousy with other people's property.

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o You shall have no other gods before me
o You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything
o You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God
o Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy
o Honour your father and mother
o You shall not kill (murder)
o You shall not commit adultery
o You shall not steal
o You shall not give false testimony
o You shall not covet
8. Why did the Israelites force Aaron to make a visible image which they would worship as a god?
o They did that because Moses took too long to come back from the mountain.
9. Why was Moses so angry when he came back from the mountain?
o He found people worshiping an idol.
10. What was the reaction of Moses when he found people worshiping an idol?
o He broke the tablets of Ten Commandments of God.
o He destroyed the idol and went back to God and came back with another set of the Ten


1. Define Ark of the Covenant.

o Ark of the covenant was the sacred wooden box used for keeping the two stone
tablets with the Ten Commandments
2. What type of wood was used to make the Ark of the Covenant?
o Acacia wood
3. What were the main features of the covenant box?
o It was rectangular in shape.
o It had winged creatures.
o It had poles covered with gold.
o It was made of acacia wood.
3. What did the box represent?
o It represented the presence of God.
4. What were the uses of Ark of Covenant box to the Israelites? Give any two points
o Storing the two stone tablets with the Ten Commandments
o It served as an instrument through which God guided and defended the Israelites in
the wilderness.
o Presenting and receiving the sacraments
o Containing the memories on how God saved his people
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5. Mention two things that were kept in the covenant box.
o The two stone tablets on which Ten Commandments were written.
o The memories of how God saved his people.
6. Why is the Bible different from any other books people read in Malawi?
o It contains the Word of God.
7. Why does the Bible need to be kept at a safe place and not put together with other
ordinary books?
o Because the Bible is a holy book which contains a Word of God and through it
people communicate with God.


1. Define conflict resolution.

o Conflict resolution is the process of bringing disagreement and misunderstanding to
an end.
2. Mention four ways of resolving conflicts peacefully in the family.
o Fair distribution of resources
o Showing love
o Talking to each other about the conflict
o Exercising justice
o Being considerate when dealing with issues affecting others
o Guidance and counseling skills
3. What is the importance of resolving the conflict peacefully in the family?
o Maintaining peace
o Promoting peace
o Cooperation
4. Mention three examples of people who were at conflict in the Bible.
o Abraham’s herdsmen and Lot’s herdsmen.
o Esau and Jacob.
o Joseph with his brothers.
5. Why were Abram’s herdsmen and lot’s herdsmen in conflict?
o They were quarrelling for the land for grazing their animals.
6. Why were Esau and Jacob at conflict?
o Jacob took the blessings of Esau.
7. Why did Joseph’s brother hate Joseph and what were the causes of the conflict?
o Jacob loved Joseph more than the rest of his children.
o Joseph had dreams which angered his brothers even more.

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8. How did Abraham resolve the dispute of his herdsmen and Lot’s herdsmen? Give three ways.
o He distributed the resources fairly by telling Lot to choose the best land he wanted.
o He respected himself and others.
o He exercised justice and patience.
9. How did Esau and Jacob resolve their conflict peacefully?
o By hugging and kissing each other.
10. How did Joseph and his brothers resolve their conflict peacefully?
o Joseph forgave his brothers by welcoming them and giving them food in Egypt.


1. Mention some ways of resolving conflicts peacefully at school.

o Reconciling the two parties
o Providing guidance and counseling to the conflicting parties
o Getting a third person to investigate their matter on both sides and find out who is
right and who is wrong
o Ensuring that those involved in the conflicts discuss the issue
o As Christians, praying to God to help find ways of forgiving one another
2. Who resolved the conflict when two women quarrelled for a child?
o King Solomon.
3. How did King Solomon resolve the conflict peacefully?
o The King ordered the messenger to cut the live child into half so that they could share
half each.
o The owner of the dead child said proudly, yes share the body because it will be neither
mine nor yours.
o The mother of the live body felt pity and said, no, don’t kill the child, just give it her.
4. What caused the two women to quarrel for child?
o The other woman's child was dead, so she took her dead child and laid it in the
bosom of her friend and took the live child.
5. What caused one child to die?
o One women laid on her child and it died.
6. What does the Bible say on importance of resolving conflicts peacefully at school?
o It maintains peace, law and order.
o It promotes unity and cooperation.

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1. What is conflict resolution?

o Conflict resolution refers to the settling of differences between or among people.
2. Mention three major ways of peaceful conflict resolution in the community.
o Negotiation
o Mediation
o Arbitration
3. Define negotiation.
o Negotiation is the process through which people involved in a conflict meet and try
to talk to one another in order to reach an agreement on a given problem.
4. Which way of peaceful conflict resolution did Abram and Lot use to settle their land
dispute peacefully?
o Negotiation
5. What is mediation.
o Mediation is the process in which two people involved in a conflict call for a
third neutral person to help them reach an acceptable agreement.
6. Define arbitration.

o Arbitration is a process in which two people involved in a conflict call for an

arbitrator who makes the final decision for both parties.
7. Which way of conflict resolution did King Solomon use to settle a conflict when two
women quarrelled for a child?
o Arbitration
8. What is the importance of resolving conflicts peacefully in the community?
o Promotes unity and peace in the community.
o Reduces suffering, loss of life or destruction of properties.
o Enhances a conducive working environment.
o Promotes cooperation.
o Restores friendship.
o Promotes justice, peace, equality and freedom.


1. What is gender?
o Gender refers to the socially-constructed roles, responsibilities and status.
2. Define gender roles.
o It refers to the socially-assigned tasks and responsibilities for males and females in
a given society.

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3. What is the difference between gender equality and gender equity?
o Gender equality means giving equal chances to both females and males while
gender equity is fair treatment given to both males and females.
4. Define gender inequality.
o Gender inequality is unequal treatment of males and females.
5. What are the importance of good Christian attitudes to gender?
o It helps children to develop the spirit of love, mercy, fairness and justice towards
one another.
o It helps families to improve their living standards.
o It helps to improve gender equality and gender equity in the home.
6. What was the evidence from the Bible to show that men and women (before God) are equal?
o They are all the creation of God.
o They are all the image of God.
o They all do the same prophetic roles e.g. Deborah and Barak to defeat Sisera.
o A widow in Zarephath assisted Elijah the prophet.
o Both men and women can serve God in the church.
7. List the major chores and roles learners do at school.
o Sweeping the surroundings
o Mopping classrooms and toilets
o Monitoring work
o Picking litter
o Supervising
o Writing notes
8. Mention three ways of promoting gender equality in the community.
o Both should be given opportunities to serve in their community as well as in
the church.
o They should hold various responsibilities in the church and communities.
9. Mention four roles of men and women in the church.
o Preaching
o Reading the Bible
o Singing spiritual songs
o Leading in prayers
o Cleaning inside and outside of the church
10. Why are the most leadership and decision making positions, both elected and non-elected,
held by males?
o Most women take themselves as inferior among males
o Most women fear to hold high positions
o Low levels of education
o Cultural values
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o Lack of altitudes to women
11. How are the rights of spouses abused in various parts or areas in our country?
o When one of the spouses dies his/her relatives may grab all the property the family had.


1. What were the instructions God told the Israelites to follow when they wanted to cross
River Jordan?
o They should consecrate themselves
o Priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant should go before the people
o People should follow the Ark but should keep some distance from it
o Priests carrying the Ark should stand in the middle of the river.
2. After crossing the river, Joshua saw a man with a sword near Jericho, who was that man?
o The Angel of God.
3. Why did the man with the sword appear to Joshua?
o To tell Joshua on how to conquer the city of Jericho.
4. Why did the Angel tell Joshua to remove shoes from his feet?
o Because the place he stood was holy.
5. How did the Israelites manage to cross the River Jordan?
o The water was divided and the Israelites crossed on dry ground
6. Explain how the Israelites managed to conquer the city of Jericho
o Following God’s instructions, the Israelites marched around the city of Jericho with
soldiers circling it once for six days. On the seventh day, they went round the city
seven times with priests blowing their horns. When the people heard the sound of the
trumpets, in a long blast, they gave a strong shout of joy. Then walls of the city of
Jericho fell.
7. What is a sword?
o A traditional weapon of war.


1. Mention three miracles Jesus performed over nature.

o Walking on the water
o Turning water into wine in Cana
o Feeding five thousand people
o Rebuking storm to calm down
2. Why were the disciples afraid when they saw Jesus walking on the water?
o They thought that he was a ghost.
3. What were they afraid of later on?
o The storm
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4. Why were the disciples afraid when the heavy storm started on the sea?
o They lacked faith.
4. Why did Jesus use miracles on his teachings?
o He wanted to spread God’s message to the people.
5. How did Jesus calm the storm on the sea?
o Jesus commanded the storm to stop.
6. Where did Jesus attend a wedding?
o In Cana
7. What problem arose during the wedding in Cana?
o The wine had run out
8. What miracle did Jesus perform in Cana?
o Turning water into wine
9. How did Jesus assist in the problem?
o Jesus told them to make their pots to be full of water and then he prayed for that water
and the water turned into wine


1. What is death?
o Death is the ultimate end of life.
2. How do the family members feel if one of them dies?
o They feel grieved and worried because they have lost their relative.
3. Why do the relatives of the dead person feel grieved when their relative dies?
o They know that they have parted forever.
4. Mention four miracles that Jesus performed over death.
o Jesus raised the son of a widow at Nain.
o Jesus raised Jairus' daughter who was 12 years old.
o Jesus raised Lazarus from death.
5. Who was Jairus?
o He was a leader of the synagogue.
6. Why did God raise Jairus' daughter?
o Jesus raised the daughter because of Jairus' faith
7. Why did Jesus order the people to keep the incident in a secret after raising Jairus' daughter?
o Because of the wrong expectation of the Messiah by the Jews
8. What did the Jews think about the Messiah?
o They thought that the Messiah was a political figure who would deliver them from the
Roman rule.
9. Name two sisters of Lazarus.
o Mary and Martha.

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10. Where did Lazarus live?
o In Bethany.
11. How many days did Lazarus stay in the graveyard?
o Four days.
12. How did Jesus raise Lazarus from the dead?
o By calling out his name and ordering him to come out.
13. Why did Jesus' disciples tell him not to go back to Judea?
o The Jewish authorities planned to kill Jesus.
14. Name two Jewish leaders that had planned to kill Jesus.
o The Pharisees
o The chief priests
15. Who was the high priest when the Jews plotted to kill Jesus?
o Caiaphas
16. Why did many Jews visit Martha and Mary?
o They wanted to see what Jesus did to Lazarus.
o They wanted to see if indeed Jesus raised Lazarus from death.
17. Explain why Jesus raised the widow’s son from the dead?
o Jesus' heart was filled with pity for the widow since she had only one child.


1. What is environment?
o Environment refers to all living and non-living things surrounding us.
2. Mention three components of environment.
o Physical environment
o Social environment
o Cultural environment
3. Give examples for each of the components given in question 2 above.
o Physical environment; for example, soil, water, rocks, mountains/hills, rivers,
plants and animals.
o Social environment; for example, family, politics, buildings, roads, bridges and dams.
o Cultural environment; for example, customs, traditions, values, languages,
beliefs, religions, taboos, dress, songs and dances.
3. Mention three effects of environmental degradation.
o People cannot obtain things necessary for life
o People can contract different types of diseases.
o Poor accessibility due to poor roads.

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4. Mention any three ways of caring for environment.
o Planting more trees and grass
o Avoid cutting down trees carelessly
o Avoid polluting the environment
o Avoid bush fires
o Avoid overgrazing
5. What does the Bible say on taking care of environment?
o God created people and everything around them and told people to work on land
and take care of it.
6. Why should the environment of school be kept clean all the times?
o It protects the learners from accidents and the outbreak of contagious diseases.
7. How can the environment be kept clean?
o By sweeping inside and outside classrooms.
o By slashing tall grass.
o By planting flowers.
o By proper disposal of refuse.
o By mopping classrooms and teachers' offices.
8. Why should school environment be cared for?
o They were created to help people and other creatures on earth.
9. What does the Bible teach about taking care of the environment?
o The Bible teaches Christians to love and take care of all things surrounding them in
order to live peacefully.
10. Why should learners be trained to use rubbish pits to dispose refuse?
o This helps to provide conducive environment for teaching and learning.
11. Mention four uses of the environment.
o It is used as food.
o It is used as medicine.
o It is used as home of wild animals.
o It is used to beatify the surrounding.
12. Mention three products that community environment provides to people.
o Food
o Fresh air
o Beauty
o Water
o Firewood
o Medicine
13. How can people take care of community environment?
o By avoiding careless cutting down of trees
o By avoiding bush fires
o By encouraging re-afforestation and beautification of the communities
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14. How can people protect forests, animals and soil from destruction?
o By learning and practicing modern methods of farming.


1. Mention any three ways through which people send and receive messages from others.
o Letters
o Telephone
o Radio
o Telegrams
o Symbols
o Fire
o Drums
o Whistles
o Leaves on the road
o Flags
o Clothes
o Trumpets
2. Mention any four instruments that are used to convey information at school.
o Bells
o Notice boards
o Chalkboards
o Telephones
o Internet
o Mobile phones
o Radios
o Megaphone
o Posters
o Placards
o Banners
o T-shits
o Signposts
3. Mention any four modern technologies that have improved sending and receiving
information at school
o Television
o Video tapes
o Radios
o Cassettes
4. Mention two advantages for these means of sending and receiving information.
o Other ways are very fast to send and receive information.
o It is cheap, for example, by using symbols since it uses locally available resources.
5. Mention two disadvantages for these means of sending and receiving information.
o Some of them are very expensive to buy such as internet, mobile phone and projectors
o Very difficult for others to interpret symbols.
o They need electric power to operate such as internet and phones.

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6. Mention any two ways that were used for sending and receiving information in the Bible.
o Through angels and prophets.
o Through the trumpets
o Through letters.
o Through visions.
o Through dreams


1. Mention some modern technology instruments used in the church nowadays.

o Guitars
o Tambourines
o Flutes
o Strings
o Symbols
o Harps
o Lyres
o Trumpets
o Keyboards
o Sound amplifying equipment

2. Explain how these musical instruments are used. Explain about any two musical instruments
o Guitars by plucking on the guitar string.
o Flutes by blowing.
o Trumpets by blowing.
o Keyboards by pressing the buttons with the fingers.
3. Mention two uses of modern technologies in the church.
o They add flavour to worship.
o They are used in worship service.
o They helped in the publishing of scriptures and hymn books.

o They made sermons and worship more attractive.

o They help the worshippers to see and hear the gospel more clearly.
o They help preaching taking advantage of improved transport and communication
networks to spread gospel to distant places.
4. How can preachers take the gospel to distant areas? Give any two ways
o Ordinary mails
o Mobile phones
o Radios
o Televisions
o The internet

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1. Who is a Judge?
o A judge is a public official who has the power to decide.
2. Mention four Judges of Israel.
o Gideon
o Samson
o Deborah
o Jephthah
3. Mention three roles and responsibilities of a Judge.
o To solve disagreements among people.
o To settle disputes.
o To protect the rights of the people.
4. Why did God choose Gideon?
o To save Israel from the hands of the Midianites.
5. Mention three things that were taken away from Israelites by Midianites, Amalekites
and desert tribe.
o Sheep, donkeys and cattle.
6. State three tribes that attacked Israel when God chose Gideon.
o Midianites, Amalekites and desert tribe.
7. Who was the father of Gideon?
o Joash from the clan of Manasseh.
8. For how many years were the Israelites ruled by the Midianites?
o Seven years.
9. How many soldiers did Gideon use to conqueror the Midianites?
o 300 men.
10. Why did God command Gideon to use 300 men only to defeat the Midianites?
o God wanted to show his power.
11. How did Gideon choose 300 men to fight the Midianites?
o Gideon took men to the water and he used it to separate those who lapped up the
water with their tongue like dogs and took 300 men who scooped up water in their
hands and lapped it.
12. Name two kings of Midianites who were killed by Gideon.
o Oreb and Zeeb
13. Name two kings of Midianites who were defeated by Gideon.
o Zebah and Zalmunna
14. Who was the father of Samson?
o Manoah

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15. Why did God choose Samson? Or, What was the mission of Samson?
o To deliver the Israelites from the hands of the philistines.
16. Why was Samson not supposed to cut out his hair?
o Because his power or strength was from his hair.
17. Who was Delilah?
o She was the wife of Samson.
18. Who killed Samson?
o Samson killed himself by pushing the pillar of the building and made the
building to fall down and killed him.
19. For how long was Samson a leader of Israel?
o Twenty years.
20. What made Samson to become weak?
o His hair was cut because he revealed his secret to his wife Delilah who later cut out
his hair and he became weak
21. Why was Samson taken to the building?
o The leaders wanted Samson to entertain them
22. What happened at the gate of the city when the Philistines planned to kill Samson?
o Samson took hold of the city gate and pulled them away
o Samson put the city gate at his shoulders and carried them to the hill.
23. For how long did the Israelites suffer in the hands of the Philistines?
o For forty years.
24. How many people were killed together with Samson in the building?
o Three thousand men and women including 5 kings of the Philistines.
25. What happened when Samson's strength was gone?
o The Philistines gouged out his eyes
o The Philistines put Samson to prison.
26. What happened when Samson died?
o His brothers took his body and buried him between Zorah and Eshtaol in the tomb
of his father Manoah.
27. What did Samson use to kill one thousand men of the Philistines?
o A jawbone of a donkey.
28. Who was a Nazarite?
o A Nazarite was a person who was not supposed to cut out his or her hair.
29. Why did Delilah force Samson to reveal the secret of his strength?
o She was promised to be given eleven hundred pieces of silver from each Philistine
30. Who was Deborah?
o She was a prophetess and a wife of Lappidoth.

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31. What was the mission of Deborah? Or, Why did God choose Deborah?
o To deliver the Israelites from the hands of Canaanites.
32. Who was Barak?
o He was a commander who assisted Deborah to defeat the Canaanites.
33. For how long did the Israelites suffer in the hands of the Canaanites?
o For twenty years.
34. Name the king of Canaanites who ruled in the city of Hazor
o Jabin
35. What was the mission of Jephthah? Or, Why did God choose Jephthah?
o To deliver the Israelites from Ammonites.
36. Why did Jephthah sacrifice his daughter?
o Jephthah made a promise to God to offer as a sacrifice anything that would be first
to welcome him after defeating the Ammonites.
37. Who was the father of Jephthah?
o Gilead
38. Which judge of Israel was born from a harlot?
o Jephthah
39. What promise did Jephthah make to God?
o To offer as a burned sacrifice anything that would be the first to welcome him
from war.


1. What is a parable?
o A parable is a story using every day events to illustrate a religious or moral point.
2. How did a lawyer tempt Jesus?
o By asking Jesus a question, "What shall I do to inherit eternal life?"
3. Who is a real neighbor?
o The one who assists somebody in time of need.
4. Where did the man who was robbed by the robbers coming from and going to?
o From Jerusalem to Jericho.
5. Why did the Samaritan assist the man who was robbed by the robbers?
o His heart was filled with pity.
6. State two things the Samaritan did to the robbed man.
o He poured oil and wine on his wounds and bandaged them.
o He took the robbed man on his animal to an inn where he took care of him.
o He gave the inn keeper two silver coins who took care of the robbed man and
promised to pay whatever else they would spend for him.

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7. Who were the two religious leaders who tempted Jesus?
o Teacher of law.
o The lawyer.
8. Mention four parables performed by Jesus.
o Parable of the lost coin.
o Parable of the two sons.
o Parable of the prodigal son.
o Parable of the Good Samaritan.
9. What do we learn from the parable of Good Samaritan?
o The real neighbour is he who assists those in need
10. What lesson do we learn from the parable of the two sons?
o God expect his children to say the truth and obey him.
11. What do we learn from the parable of the prodigal son?
o It is important to forgive those who repent.
12. Mention two things the father did to the prodigal son after he repented?
o His father forgave and welcomed him.
o His father celebrated with him by killing a fattened calf.
13. What did the elder brother of the prodigal son feel about their father’s decision?
o The elder brother became so angry with the father's decision.
14. What lesson do we learn from the parable of the lost son?
o God expects his people to be concerned about those that are lost and bring them back.
15. What is repentance?
o Repentance is to be sorry for the wrong done.


1. Explain the use of parables in Malawian culture.
o To tell stories about everyday life while giving a lesson beyond the story.
2. Explain two uses of parables in Jesus teachings.
o To illustrate and convey meanings beyond the story.
o For easy understand.
3. Explain four parables used in Malawian culture.
o All that glitters is not gold.
o Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
o Prevention is better than cure.
o Good things do not fill a spoon.
4. State four occasions where parables can be used?
o During wedding.
o When farming.
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o When people quarrel to each other.
o When preaching good news to people.


1. What is the difference between drugs and substances?
o Drugs are medicines that are used for preventing and treating diseases while substances
are any kind of matter used for either domestic or industrial purposes
2. Define drug and substance abuse.
o Drug and substance abuse means using drugs and substances for wrong purposes.
3. Mention six uses of drugs and substances.
o They are used as medicines
o They are used as fuel
o They are used as cooking additives
o They are used as cleaning materials
o They are used as stimulants
3. What can happen if drugs and substances are used wrongly? State any two points
o They may become dangerous to human life.
o They can cause death to people.
o Not getting healed from different diseases.
o May cause other diseases to human beings.
4. What are the main causes of drug and substance abuse? Mention any three
o Peer pressure
o Frustration
o Curiosity
o Loss of loved ones.
o Loss of goods and finances.
o Failure in examinations.
o Wanting to commit suicide
o Ignorance about the harmfulness of drugs and substances.
5. What are the effects of drug and substance abuse on the health and development of a person?
o They may cause damage to the skin, heart, liver, brain, eyes, kidneys and other parts
of the body.
6. State six ways of preventing drug and substance abuse in schools and homes.
o Being assertive.
o Engaging in physical exercises.
o Being involved in recreational activities to avoid frustrations.
o Choosing friends with good habits and hobbies.
o Reporting incidents of drug and substance abuse to teachers, head teachers or police.
o Seeking guidance and counseling.
7. What does the Bible teach about Christian’s involvement in drug and substance abuse?
o The bible does not allow people to abuse drugs and substances.

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8. Why should Christians not be allowed to use drugs and substances?
o Because when drugs are abused they reduce the reasoning ability of a person. This
can make a person committee suicide, kill others or become mad.
o God commands Christians to avoid drug and substance abuse.


1. What is sacrament?
o Sacrament is an outward and visible sign instituted by Christ for an inward and
spiritual blessings.
2. Mention any three examples of sacraments.
o Baptism
o Lord’s Supper
o Confirmation
o The Eucharist
o Confession
o The anointing of the sick
o Holy orders
o Marriage
3. Where did Jesus start his ministry?
o In Galilee
4. Where did Jesus go before he started his ministry?
o He went to River Jordan to be baptised by John the Baptist.
5. Where did Jesus go after baptism?
o He went to the desert/wilderness.
6. Where was Jesus tempted by the devil?
o In the desert.
7. What happened to Jesus after he conducted the last supper?
o He was arrested and crucified.
8. What did Jesus commission his disciples before he went to heaven? Mention two things
o To preach good news to the people.
o To baptize people of all nations.
9. For how many days did Jesus remain in the tomb before being resurrected from death?
o Three days
10. What had happened when Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist?
o The heaven was opened to him.
o The spirit of God came down like a dove and perched on him.
o The voice was heard from heaven
11. State four importance of sacrament?
o Helps people to be reconciled with God through repentance.
o Helps to feed people with souls.

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o Helps to strengthen people in faith and brings people to God.
o Helps to bind two people, a man and woman as one.
o To offer physical, mental or emotional healing through Christ.
12. Who baptized Jesus?
o John the Baptist.


1. What are vulnerable groups?

o Vulnerable groups are groups of people that lack protection, care and essentials.
2. Mention four vulnerable groups?
o Women
o Children
o People with special needs
o People living with HIV and AIDS
3. Give three factors that can lead children to seek shelter in streets
o Orphanhood
o Physical challenges
o Ill treatment
o Loneliness
4. How can government and Christian organisations play a role in improving the welfare of
street children?
o Providing them with education
o Providing them with food
o Providing them with clothes
o Providing them with housing
o Providing them with spiritual guidance
5. Who are street children?
o Street children are children who seek food and shelter in streets.


1. Define a king?
o A king is a sovereign ruler of a country or state who inherits the position by right of
2. Mention six duties or roles of a king.
o To defend his country from enemies.

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o To bring peace where there are misunderstandings.
o To maintain order, peace and justice among people.
o To enforce rules and commandments of God in their state.
o To live as a role model of the society.
o To act as a judge.
3. What is 'moral'?
o The power to distinguish between right and wrong.
4. What is charisma?
o Charisma is power given to a person by the favour of God.
5. Who was the father of Saul?
o Kish from the tribe of Benjamin.
6. Who anointed Saul as a king?
o Samuel
7. Who was the first king of Israel?
o Saul
8. Why was Saul rejected by God as a king of Israel?
o He had sinned against God.
9. What was the main task of Saul as a king of Israel?
o To free Israel from her enemies.
10. Who anointed David as a king?
o Samuel
11. Who was the father of David?
o Jesse
12. Who replaced Saul as a king of Israel in Bethlehem?
o David
13. Who was a ruler of Philistines when David was a king of Israel?
o The giant Goliath
14. Why did all the Philistines run away after the death of Goliath? Give two reasons
o They knew that they had lost the war
o Their leader was killed
15. How did David kill Goliath?
o By using a stone and a sling


1. What is communication?
o Communication is the process of receiving and passing information from one place to
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2. Define sacred message.
o Communication between God and his people.
3. State four ways through which people communicate with each other.
o Through letters
o Through bells
o Through videos
o Through films
o Through televisions
o Through phones
o Through internet
o Through face to face.
4. How do people communicate with God? Give three ways.
o Reading the Bible
o Praising
o Praying
o Singing spiritual songs
5. How did Elijah communicate with God?
o Through burning offering.
6. How did Hannah and Paul communicate with God?
o Through praising and praying.
7. State six importance of prayer in the life of Christians.
o It helps to protect people from their enemies.
o It helps a person to be saved and receive salvation.
o It helps people to be given food.
o Through prayer people can be given children.
o Through prayer people can be given rain.
o Through prayer people can be released from prison.
8. Mention three people who used a player to be saved in the bible.
o Elijah prayed for rain and he was given.
o Hannah prayed for a child and she was given Samuel.
o Paul and Silas prayed for their release and the door of the prison opened.


1. What is the difference between church and politics?
o A church is a building used for public worship by Christians or a particular group of
believers while politics is the art and science of government.

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2. What is the relationship between church and politics?
o Both of them deal with the same people.
o Those who are practicing politicians are also members of the church
o Both of them practice democracy.
o Both of them teach about unity among members.
o Both of them promote good judgment in their congregations.
o Both of them promote respect among people.
3. What does the Bible say about the relationship between church and politics?
o God commands members of the church to submit themselves to political authorities
because they were appointed by him.
o God says rebelling against the authorities is rebelling against him.
o Jesus said people should pay tax because the authorities are God’s servants.
4. Suggest why people must obey politicians.
o They were appointed by God himself.

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1. Define the term 'a prophet'.

o A prophet is a Messenger of God.
2. State any two duties and roles of a prophet.
o To remind people to be faithful
o To condemn people's sins
o To warn people about God’s punishment
o To foretell the future
3. How were the messages of prophets carried out? Mention two ways
o Through sermons
o Through their behaviour
o Through their written words
4. Mention four prophets God chose to rescue the Israelites.
o Isaiah
o Jeremiah
o Amos
o Micah
5. What was the message of Isaiah to the people of Jerusalem?
o To warn the people of Jerusalem against rebellion and sin.
6. What would happen if the people of Jerusalem continued to rebel against God?
o They would be punished by God.
7. What was the importance of Isaiah’s message to the people of Jerusalem?
o The message protected the people of Jerusalem from God’s punishment.
8. How would God punish the Israelites if they continued to rebel and sin against God? Two points
o All the men would be killed in the war.
o The city gates would mourn and cry.
o God would remove everything they had and leave them in shame.
9. Who was the father of Isaiah?
o Amoz
10. How did God show and reveal his message to Isaiah?
o Through vision.
11. Name two cities which Isaiah warned against God’s punishment.
o Judah
o Jerusalem
12. Who were the kings of Judah during the time of Isaiah?
o Uzziah
o Ahaz

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o Jotham
o Hezekiah
13. What was the message of Jeremiah to the people of Jerusalem?
o To warn the people of Jerusalem against idol worshipping.
o To warn the people of Jerusalem to repent and come back to God.
14. What was the importance of Jeremiah’s message to the people of Jerusalem?
o The message teaches about reverence, love and protection of each other.
15. Who was the father of Jeremiah?
o Hilkiah
16. Who were the kings of Judah during the time of Jeremiah?
o Josiah son of Amon.
o Josiah son of Jehoiakim.
o Zedekiah son of Josiah.
17. State two things Jeremiah saw in his vision.
o A branch of almond tree.
o A pot boiling in the north.
18. Why did God want to punish people of Jerusalem during the time of Jeremiah?
o They had sinned.
o They abandoned God.
o They offered sacrifices to other gods.
o They made idols and worshiped them.
19. How did God guide Jeremiah to the people of Jerusalem/Israel?
o By giving him words to speak to the people.
o He was given authority over nations and kingdoms to uproot and pull down, destroy and
overthrow and to build and to plant.
o God was with Jeremiah in his mission.
20. What was the mission of Amos? Or, Why did God choose Amos?
o To preach the words of God to the people of the northern kingdom of Israel.
21. What was the importance of Amos' message to the people of Jerusalem?
o It teaches about love, empathy, patience, mercy and justice.
22. What was the message of Amos against?
o Injustice
o Insecurity
o Corruption
o Oppression of the poor
23. Who was the king of Judah and Israel during the time of Jerusalem?
o Uzziah was the king of Judah.
o Jeroboam son of Jehoash was a king of Israel.

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24. Why did God appoint Amos?
o To guide the people of Israel against the oppression of the poor.
o To warn the people of Israel that God would destroy them because of their sins.
25. How did God punish the Israelites during the time of Amos?
o There was famine
o They were all killed
o By making the sun go down at noon and brought darkness at day time

26. Who was Amos?

o He was the first prophet in the Bible who was from Tekoa
27. Why did God choose Micah? Or, What was the mission of Micah?
o To warn the people of Judah against planning and doing evil
28. What was the message of Micah to the people of Judah?
o His message was that God would punish them because of their injustice, corruption
and oppression of the poor
29. Mention three things that made God to punish the people of Judah during the time of Micah.
o Injustice
o Corruption
o Oppression of the poor
30. What was the importance of Micah’s message to the people of Judah?
o It taught about justice, love and humility
31. What did Micah see in his vision?
o He saw the downfall of Samaria and Jerusalem
32. Who were the kings of Judah during the time of Micah?
o Jotham
o Ahaz
o Hezekiah
33. What was the responsibility Micah was given by God to the people of Judah?
o To warn the people of Samaria and Jerusalem not to plan and do evil against others.
o To guard them against the oppression of the poor.
o To denounce the leaders of Israel for their corrupt practices.


1. Define 'triumphant entry'.

o Triumphant entry is visiting a place as an honourable person.
2. How did Jesus enter into the city of Jerusalem?
o By riding on a donkey in a humble manner.
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3. What did the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem testify?

o It testified that Jesus was the Messiah.

4. Mention three things people did when Jesus entered into the city of Jerusalem.
o People spread their clothes on the road.
o People spread branches of trees on the road.
o People were singing in praise of God.
5. What were the people doing when Jesus entered into the temple?
o People were trading.
o People were exchanging money.
6. What was the reaction of Jesus when he found people trading in the temple? Or, How did
Jesus cleanse the Temple?
o He drove them out
o He overturned their tables
7. Why did the chief priests and other religious leaders plott to kill Jesus?
o They were offended and angered with Jesus actions
8. Who plotted to kill Jesus?
o The chief priests
o Religious leaders or teachers of law
9. Where was Jesus coming from and going to during triumphant entry?
o From Jericho to Jerusalem


1. Mention three rights of children.
o Right to life
o Right to food
o Right to decent clothes
o Right to good accommodation
2. How do people violate the value of life?
o Through abortion
o Through capital punishment
3. How should Christians observe the value of life and promote good bahaviour?
o By showing unity
o By showing tolerance
o By showing peace
o By showing love
o By showing justice
o By showing fairness
o By showing equality in society

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4. What does the Bible teach about abortion?
o It teaches that killing through abortion or any other means is a sin.
5. Define 'abuse of power'.
o Abuse of power is when a person uses his or her position for personal gains.
6. How is power being abused?
o Through corrupt practices and unfair judgements.
7. How can people fight against corrupt practices in the society?
o By reporting all cases of abuse of power to the responsible authorities.
8. How can Christians fight corruption?
o By spreading the spirit of love, tolerance and observe human rights issues.
9. What is capital punishment?
o Punishment by death.


1. Define arrest?
o Arrest means taking and keeping somebody prisoner with the authority of the law.
2. When can a person be arrested?
o When a person has committed a crime and is charged for the offence.
3. What is a trial?
o Trial is the process of finding out whether a person accused of a crime is guilty or not.
4. Where did Jesus tell his disciples about his arrest leading to his death?
o At the Passover feast.
5. Where did Jesus go after the Passover feast?
o Jesus went with his disciples to Gethsemane to pray.
6. Who insisted that Jesus should be crucified and Barabbas be released?
o The people of Jerusalem and Judah
7. Who did Judas Iscariot come with to arrest Jesus?
o Chief priests
o Officers of the temple guards
o Elders
8. Mention three things Herod did to Jesus after he found that Jesus did nothing wrong.

o Ridiculing
o Mocking
o Sending Jesus back to Pilate

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9. Mention three accusations made against Jesus.
o Refusing to pay tax.
o Calling himself a king.
o Stirring up the people all over Judea by his teaching.
10. Name two kings who tried Jesus after he was arrested.
o Pilate
o Herod


1. What is forgiveness?
o Forgiveness is the act of not taking into account other people's wrongs.
2. Why should people forgive each other?
o To create good relationships.
3. Mention three people who were forgiven in the bible.
o Joseph's brothers
o Hezekiah
o Prodigal son
o The criminals who were hanged together with Jesus on the cross
o People of Jerusalem who insisted Jesus to be hanged on the cross
4. Mention four situations that require forgiveness.
o fighting
o stealing
o killing
o insulting others
o cheating


1. What is work?
o Work is an activity in which the effort of the body and mind produce something
or gain a result.
2. What is leisure?
o Leisure is the time when one is free from work or duties of any kind.
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3. Mention some activities that people can do during leisure time.
o Chatting with friends
o Reading story books and newspapers
o Fishing
o Sewing
o Playing
o Sporting
o Swimming
o Visiting friends, relatives and the sick
4. State three importance of work.
o It provides people with basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing and water.
o It provides people with body exercises.
o It protects one from effects of laziness.
5. What is the importance of leisure time?
o It allows the body to relax and rest.
6. Why does the Bible teach about the importance of work and condemns laziness?
o Because laziness brings poverty.
7. Why is God not pleased with laziness?
o He was the first one to work by creating the universe and everything in it.
8. How does God value the leisure time?
o By resting on the seventh day after the creation of the universe.
9. Who were in-charge of the Garden of Eden? Mention two people
o Adam and Eve
10. How did the following people work as in the New Testament?
o Jesus: as a carpenter.
o Paul: as a tent maker.
o Simon: as a fisherman.
11. Who taught that lazy people must not eat because work was ordained by God?
o Paul

12. Who were co-workers of God which were put in charge of the Garden of Eden?
o Adam and Eve
13. Who has responsibilities to teach children and learners to be hard workers at school
and home? State any two people
o Parents
o Guardians
o Teachers

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1. What is a role?
o A role is a part taken by someone in life or in any activity.
2. Who were the prophets?
o The messengers of God who carried messages from God to people.
3. What are the roles, duties and responsibilities of the prophets? Mention any two
o They preached God’s message to the people.
o They guided kings and God’s people in difficult circumstances.
o They anointed leaders and condemned all who did evil.
o They prophesied or foretold the future events.
o They acted as a bridge between God and people and between leaders and God.
4. Mention any three religious leaders that God chooses to work for him?
o Teachers of the law
o Ministers
o Priests
o Reverends
o Evangelists
o Deacons
o Pastors
o Elders
o Preachers
5. What are any three prophetic roles of religious leaders?
o Preaching
o Prophesying
o Baptizing
o Guiding and conselling
o Praying for the sick

o Teaching the word of God

o Church administration
6. How are the missions of Christians fulfilled while God rules the world?
o Through praying for those in bondage
o Counseling
o Relief item provision
o Preaching the word of God
o Mediating
o Praying for peace

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1. Define crucifixion of Jesus?
o Crucifixion of Jesus is the death of Jesus on the cross.
2. What was the custom of Romans when a person had committed a serious offence?
o They nailed that person on a cross.
3. What is resurrection?
o Resurrection is state of coming back to life when one ceases to be dead.
4. Who assisted Jesus carrying the cross to Golgotha?
o Simon of Cyrene.
5. Who went to Pontius Pilate to ask for dead body of Jesus and buried it in the tomb?
o Joseph of Arimathea.
6. Why did the Jews crucify Jesus?
o They thought that Jesus was blasphemous.
7. Mention four things Jews did to Jesus before crucifying him.
o They mocked him
o They whipped him
o They spat at him
o They wounded him
o They tied him
8. Mention two things Jews did to Jesus after crucifying him on the cross.
o They shared garments by casting lots.
o They put an inscription on top of his cross which read “This is Jesus the king
of the Jews.”
9. Mention four things that had happened after Jesus died on the cross.
o A curtain of the temple was torn into two equal parts.
o The earth shook.
o Tombs were opened.
o Rocks were split.
o Bodies of the saints were raised and seen walking in the city of Jerusalem.
10. Mention three people who mocked Jesus when he was on the cross.
o Soldiers
o Passers by
o One of the two criminals who was on left side
11. Who were the first to visit the tomb of Jesus?
o The women
12. What happened when the women reached the tomb of Jesus?
o They found that the stone was rolled away.

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o They did not find the dead body of Jesus.
o Two angels told them that Jesus had risen.
13. For how many days did Jesus stay in the tomb?
o For three days
14. Mention three people Jesus appeared to after his resurrection.
o Mary of Magdalene.
o Two men who were going to Emmaus.
o His disciples.
15. Define Golgotha?
o Golgotha is the place of skull.


1. Why should people forgive each other?

o It creates good relationships in society
2. Mention three people who were forgiven in the Bible.
o The Prodigal son.
o Hezekiah
o One of the criminals who was crucified together with Jesus.
3. Which position was Joseph given in Egypt?
o Governor
4. Mention four situations where people are forgiven.
o Fighting
o Stealing other people's properties
o Insulting
o Dishonesty
o Killing


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