SSB Syllabus..ak

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Ranjan’s SSB

Complete SSB course


Day 1:

 Introduction to SSB (Evolution, Essence and necessity,

psychoanalytic theory, concepts of U/C mind).
 Things to change and brought within the routine for development of
personality and SSB preparation.

Day 2:

 OLQs orientation, its importance and development

 Introduction to TAT as a concept
o Understanding
o Identifying
o Imaginative skills
o Building a good theme
o Correlation of thoughts

Day 3

 Discussion on story written by all on the picture shared

in group
o Analysis and understanding
o Effective intelligence
 Concept
 How to build it
 Individual assessment of Emotional intelligence
and rating

Day 4

 Discussion on story written by all on the picture shared in the

o Analysis and understanding
 Reasoning ability
 Concept
 How to build it
 Individual assessment of Reasoning ability and
 Organising ability
 Concept
 How to build it
 Individual assessment of organising ability and

Day 5

 Discussion on story
o Concept
o Conduct
o Body Language
 How to get screened in

Day 6

 Break

Day 7

 Interview technique
o Concept
o CIQ-1
o CIQ-2
o CIQ-3
o How to approach?
o How to handle difficult questions?
o How to flow with interview?
Day 8
 CIQ-1
o Conduct of CIQ-1 with candidates
 Analysis
 Debrief
 Framing of answers
 Choice of words
 Handling Pressure
 Presenting things with a smile
 OLQ- Confidence and its relevance

Day 9

 CIQ-1
o Conduct of CIQ-1 with candidates
 Analysis
 Debrief
 Framing of answers
 Choice of words
 Handling Pressure
 Presenting things with a smile
 OL1- Social adjustment

Day 10

 CIQ-1
o Conduct of CIQ-1 with candidates
 Analysis
 Debrief
 Framing of answers
 Choice of words
 Handling Pressure
 Presenting things with a smile
 OL1- Sense of responsibility and Co-operation

Day 11

 CIQ-2
o Conduct of CIQ-2 with candidates
 Analysis
 Debrief
 Framing of answers
 Choice of words
 Handling Pressure
 Presenting things with a smile
 OLQ- Initiative
Day 12

 CIQ-2
o Conduct of CIQ-2 with candidates
 Analysis
 Debrief
 Framing of answers
 Choice of words
 Handling Pressure
 Presenting things with a smile
 OLQ- Liveliness

Day 13

 Break/ GD (General discussion)

Day 14

 CIQ-3
o Conduct of CIQ-3 with candidates
 Analysis
 Debrief
 Framing of answers
 Choice of words
 Handling Pressure
 Presenting things with a smile

Day 15

 CIQ-3
o Conduct of CIQ-3 with candidates
 Analysis
 Debrief
 Framing of answers
 Choice of words
 Handling Pressure
 Presenting things with a smile

Day 16

o Concept
o How to form responses
o Art of being crisp and relevant
o Discussion on various situations and responses
oConcept of subconscious mind
oCorrelation of OLQs
 Homework- 10 SRTs to be shared in group

Day 17

o Concept
o Association with words
o How words define us
o Writing crisp and good sentences
o Practise with words
o Correlation with OLQs

Day 18

 Group dynamics as a concept

o Body language
o Conduct in a group
o Art of active listening
o Conveying the ideas
o Active participation relevance

Day 19

 Group planning exercise

o Correlation with OLQs
o Logical explanation and thinking
o Prioritizing the task
o Rational thinking
o Presentation of plan
o Practice GPE-1 and GPE-2

Day 20

o Concept
o Conduct
o Right body language
o Being in the moment
o Solving a complex task
o Things holding us back
o What to do and how
Day 21

 GOR and Individual Obstacles

o Concept
o Conduct
o Behaviour
o How to approach
o Group dynamics
o Things to do/ Not to do

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