Lesson Development: (Milieu 6: Student-Centered Activity)

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Day 1
A. Daily Routine
a. Prayer
b. Checking of attendance
c. Checking of classroom cleanliness
B. Motivation
CER: Students will describe the picture posted and do the CER.

- What is your claim about the situation in the picture?

- How did you come up with your claim? What are your evidence?
- What are your reasons why it happened?

C. Lesson Proper
a. Lead the learners to the discussion about the entrepreneurial competencies’
What is the importance of entrepreneurial competencies?
How will you differentiate the entrepreneurial competencies portfolio?
b. Let the learners answer the “Let’s Perform” #3.(Milieu 6: Student-centered
c. Let the learners share their findings to their seatmate.
How many of your competencies is the same?
How do you feel about knowing that some of you have the same profile?
a. call some learners to summarize the topic.


Day 2

Daily Routine
a. Brainstorm learners to recap the previous topic:
What are the components of entrepreneurial competencies?
What is the importance of these competencies?
b. Discussion. The learners will be led to the discussion on the entrepreneurial
decision-making as a core competency.
c. Let the learners choose 1 competency that they want to use in decision making
and let them explain why they chose it.
d. Process their answer.


See – What is your takeaway/learning from the lesson discussed?

Judge – How do you feel about the lesson?
Act – What will be your action after understanding the lesson?

Fast talk

Day 3

Daily Routine
a. Brainstorm the learners about the last topic.
Which of the entrepreneurial competencies is the best to use in decision making
b. Let the learners answer “Let’s Analyze” on page 33 of their textbook.

Let the learners answer the SJA.

F. Value Processing
Using this quote, the learners will reflect on this question:

 “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you
didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away
from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream.

- Mark Twain

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a. how will relate this quote in your real life? To the life of entrepreneurs?

G. Fast Talk
What is your suggestion, reaction or opinion about the things discussed?

Day 4 (Engagement Block)

Let the learners do “Let’s Perform” together with their groupmates.


Pair share
(Milieu 1: Interdisciplinary Integration, Milieu 4: 21 st Century Skills, Milieu 6: Student-centered


Let the learners share their analysis at home in their let’s perform result.



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