wst03 01 Rms 20240307
wst03 01 Rms 20240307
wst03 01 Rms 20240307
January 2024
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January 2024
Question Paper Log Number P75603A
Publications Code WST03_01_2401_MS
All the material in this publication is copyright
© Pearson Education Ltd 2024
General Marking Guidance
‘M’ marks
These are marks given for a correct method or an attempt at a correct method. In Mechanics
they are usually awarded for the application of some mechanical principle to produce an
equation, e.g. resolving in a particular direction; taking moments about a point; applying a
suvat equation; applying the conservation of momentum principle; etc.
The following criteria are usually applied to the equation. To earn the M mark, the equation
(i) should have the correct number of terms
(ii) each term needs to be dimensionally correct
For example, in a moments equation, every term must be a ‘force x distance’ term or ‘mass
x distance’, if we allow them to cancel ‘g’ s.
For a resolution, all terms that need to be resolved (multiplied by sin or cos) must be resolved
to earn the M mark.
‘M’ marks are sometimes dependent (DM) on previous M marks having been earned, e.g.
when two simultaneous equations have been set up by, for example, resolving in two
directions and there is then an M mark for solving the equations to find a particular quantity
– this M mark is often dependent on the two previous M marks having been earned.
‘A’ marks
These are dependent accuracy (or sometimes answer) marks and can only be awarded if the
previous M mark has been earned. e.g. M0 A1 is impossible.
‘B’ marks
These are independent accuracy marks where there is no method (e.g. often given for a
comment or for a graph).
General Abbreviations
These are some of the traditional marking abbreviations that will appear in the mark
• bod means benefit of doubt
• ft means follow through
o the symbol will be used for correct ft
• cao means correct answer only
• cso means correct solution only, i.e. there must be no errors in this part of the
question to obtain this mark
• isw means ignore subsequent working
• awrt means answers which round to
• SC means special case
• oe means or equivalent (and appropriate)
• dep means dependent
• indep means independent
• dp means decimal places
• sf means significant figures
• * means the answer is printed on the question paper
• means the second mark is dependent on gaining the first mark
All A marks are ‘correct answer only’ (cao.), unless shown, for example, as A1 ft to indicate
that previous wrong working is to be followed through. After a misread however, the
subsequent A marks affected are treated as A ft, but manifestly absurd answers should
never be awarded A marks.
For misreading which does not alter the character of a question or materially simplify it,
deduct two from any A or B marks gained, in that part of the question affected.
(O − E ) 2 O2
Observed Expected
20 24.6 0.86016… 16.2601...
55 51.66 0.21594… 58.5559… dM1
48 46.74 0.03396… 49.2939…
10 5.4 3.91851… 18.5185…
8 11.34 0.98373… 5.6437…
9 10.26 0.15473… 7.8947…
Totals: 6.167… 156.167…
(O − E ) 2 O2
2 = or E − 150 dM1
= awrt 6.17 A1
= (3 − 1)(2 − 1) = 2 B1
22 (0.05) = 5.991 B1ft
[Reject H0/significant/in the CR] There is sufficient evidence to suggest there A1ft
is an association between treatment and presence of fungus.
1st B1 both hypotheses correct with treatment (oe) and fungus (oe) (treatment and fungus need to
only appear in either H0 or H1). May be written in terms of independence.
row total column total
1st M1 attempt at (can be implied by at least one correct Ei to 1dp)
(O − E ) 2 O2
2nd M1 (dep on 1st M1) at least 2 correct terms for or or correct expressions
with their Ei (allow 2sf accuracy) (May be implied by awrt 6.17 or awrt 156.17)
(O − E ) 2 O2
3rd M1 (dep on 2nd M1) for using E
or E
− 150 (May be implied by awrt 6.17)
1st A1 awrt 6.17
2nd B1 DoF/ = 2 (May be implied by 5.991)
3rd B1ft 5.991 (or better) allow ft from their stated degrees of freedom)
2nd A1ft (dep on 3rd M1 and 3rd B1) for a correct ft contextualised conclusion. Must include
“treatment” and “fungus”. Ignore any non-contextual statements. If hypotheses are the wrong way
round then A0.
Scheme Marks
2. (a) Number all employees [1-800] B1
Use a random number to select the first employee oe B1
Then select every 10th employee from the list of employees B1
(b) Number all employees by city/for each city B1
Use random numbers to select B1
54 employees from London, 31 employees from Edinburgh and 15 employees B1
from Cardiff
(c) e.g Stratified sample reflects the population structure B1
(a) 1st B1 idea of numbering all employees
2nd B1 idea of randomly selecting a starting point
3rd B1 selecting every kth employee
(c) Any correct advantage e.g. Allows calculations [of statistics] for each city/group
Scheme Marks
3. (a) H0 : = 0 H1 : 0 B1
r = = 0.9642..... awrt 0.964 M1 A1
2.486 3026.234
CV = 0.7545 B1ft
[Reject H0/Significant] There is evidence of correlation between annual tea
consumption and population. A1
(b) Country A B C D E F G
T Rank 5 6 4 7 1 2 3
P Rank 7 6 4 3 1 2 5
or M1
Country A B C D E F G
T Rank 3 2 4 1 7 6 5
P Rank 1 2 4 5 7 6 3
d 2
= 4 + 0 + 0 + 16 + 0 + 4[= 24] M1
rs =1 − = 0.571428... awrt 0.571 dM1A1
(c) H0 : s = 0 H1 : s > 0 B1
CV = 0.7143 M1
[Do not reject H 0 / not significant] There is not enough evidence to suggest a
positive correlation between annual tea consumption and population.
(a) 1st B1 both hypotheses correct in terms of (must be two-tailed). Condone use of p
M1 use of formula for r (May be implied by awrt 0.964)
1st A1 awrt 0.964
2nd B1ft 0.7545 (or better) or ft 1-tailed alternative hypothesis (0.6694)
2nd A1 correct contextual conclusion including tea consumption/t and population/p. Must be
consistent with their r and their CV. (Ignore any non-contextual conclusion)
Allow positive correlation
(b) 1st M1 attempt to rank each country for tea and population (at least 4 correct in each)
2nd M1 for
d 2 for their ranks (implied by
d 2 = 24 )
6(' 24 ')
2nd M1 (dep on 1st M1) use of 1 −
A1 awrt 0.571 (or )
(c) B1 both hypotheses correct in terms of or s . Condone use of p
M1 0.7143 (or better)
A1ft correct contextual conclusion including positive, tea consumption/t and population/p. (Ignore
any non-contextual conclusion) ft their part (b)
Scheme Marks
4. (a) [0 24] + 1 34 + 2 28 + 3 21 + 4 8 + 5 5 B1*cso
= 1.75 * (1)
(b) 4
s =120 [= 8.15] *
s =120 − 20.85 + 36.49 + 31.93 + 120 + 3.95 [= 8.15] *
(c) r =18.63 B1
(d) H0 : Poisson distribution is a good fit.
H1 : Poisson distribution is not a good fit B1
56.3 − 39.8 − 15
z= M1 M1
27.2 18.5
38 45
= 1.4130…. awrt 1.41 A1
CV = 1.6449 (or better) or p = awrt 0.0788 B1
Do not reject H0/Not significant M1
There is not sufficient evidence to support the professor’s claim/there is not
sufficient evidence to suggest that undergraduates studying History type more than A1
15 words/minute faster than undergraduates studying Maths. (7)
(b) 1st B1 must mention both. Allow s for both History and Maths
2nd B1 either correct assumption
Scheme Marks
6. (a) x = 49.8
49.8 + 1.96 = 53.88 or
2 1.96 = 53.88 − 45.72 = 8.16
49.8 − 1.96 = 45.72
8.16 2.5758 4.08 2.5758 B1 M1
2 2.5758 = = 10.7238... 2.5758 = = 5.3618...
8 1.96 8 1.96
10.7238 M1
99%CI = 49.8 99%CI =49.8 5.3618
= (44.438...,55.1619...) (awrt 44.4, awrt 55.2) A1 (5)
(b) 91.2
ˆ = x = = 11.4
1145.16 − 8 "11.42 "
ˆ 2 = s 2 = = 15.06857... awrt 15.1 M1
A1 (3)
(c) Combined x = 10.8 24 + 91.2 = 350.4 M1
Combined x 2 = 1145.16 + 23 17.64 + 24 10.82 = 4350.24 M1A1
"4350.24"− 32
Combined s =
2 32
= 16.56 M1 A1
s 16.56 M1 A1
= = 0.719374... awrt 0.719 (7)
n 32
(a) 1st M1 use of
or z with 1.5 < |z| < 2. Allow m for
n n n
B1 1.96 (or better) and 2.5758 (or better)
2nd M1 attempt to find width or semi-width of 99% CI with |z| > 2 Allow = 4.08 8 [= 5.887...]
3rd M1 Use of 49.8 ± awrt 5.36 or 49.8 2.5758 "5.887..." If is incorrect then working must be shown.
A1 correct interval with (awrt 44.4, awrt 55.2)
Correct answer from less accurate z –values scores M1B0M1M1A1
(b) B1 11.4 cao
M1 full attempt at s 2 ft their x
A1 awrt 15.1
(c) M1 for correct combined sum (may be implied by combined mean of 10.95)
2nd M1 for attempt at combined sum of squares 1145.16 + (n – 1) ×17.64 + n ×10.82 (allow 1 error)
1st A1 fully correct expression or awrt 4350
3rd M1 using their values in a complete expression for combined s 2 oe
2nd A1 s =16.56 or s = awrt 4.07 (either of these implies M1M1A1M1A1)
4th M1 use of with combined values
3rd A1 awrt 0.719
Scheme Marks
7. (a) a = 2 180 − 330 = 30 B1
b = 4.52 2 + 6.7 2 = 85.39 M1 A1
(b) X = L −1.8S
E( X ) = 330 − 1.8 180 = 6 M1
Var( X ) = 6.72 + 1.82 4.52 = 110.5 M1 A1
P( X 0) = P Z M1
P( Z −0.57) = 0.7157 (5)
(c) S + S2 + S3 2S1 − S2 − S3
T = S1 − 1 =
3 3 M1 A1
E(T) = 0 M1
(c) S1 + S2 + S3
1st M1 realising the need to write as a single distribution using S =
2S1 − S2 − S3
1st A1 for
2nd M1 Using mean = 0
3rd M1 using Var(aS) = a2Var(S)
4th M1 standardising with their mean and sd
2nd A1 awrt 0.0868 to awrt 0.0869 [calc: 0.08678…]
Note: Assuming S1 and S are independent, leads to E(T) = 0, Var (T) = 27, P(T > 5) = 0.167…
scores M0A0M1M0M1A0