Entrepreneurship Booklet 2023 Final
Entrepreneurship Booklet 2023 Final
Entrepreneurship Booklet 2023 Final
What is an Entrepreneur?
• E-commerce (e-Business)
• Small Business
• Innovative
• Design entrepreneurship
• Social entrepreneurship
• Cultural entrepreneurship
• Tourism entrepreneurship
E-business of E-commerce
Definitions How do e-businesses work?
E-business or Electronic Commerce (e-
These business transactions can be done
commerce) means a trade activity of buying in four ways:
and selling of goods, products, or services • Business to Business (B2B),
over the internet. • Business to Customer (B2C),
E-commerce is also known as electronic • Customer to Customer (C2C),
commerce or internet commerce, it is an • Customer to Business (C2B).
umbrella term that includes the act of
The standard definition of E-commerce is a
running business, i.e., buying/selling/ commercial transaction which is happened
advertisement, online with an intention of over the internet.
broadening/sustaining the customer base
for profit. E-business is part of e-commerce Examples of e-businesses
and it only deals with the processes involved
• Amazon,
in that transaction.
• Flipkart,
These services provided online over the • Shopify,
internet network. • Myntra,
Transaction of money, funds, and data are • Ebay,
also considered as E-commerce. • Quikr,
• Olx
Advantages of E-Commerce Disadvantages of E-Commerce
• E-commerce provides the sellers with a global
reach. They remove the barrier of place
(geography). Now sellers and buyers can meet in • The start-up costs of the e-commerce portal are
the virtual world, without the hindrance of very high. The setup of the hardware and the
location. software, the training cost of employees, the
• E-commerce will substantially lower the constant maintenance and upkeep are all quite
transaction cost. It eliminates many fixed costs
of maintaining brick and mortar shops. This expensive.
allows the companies to enjoy a much higher • The e-commerce industry has a high risk of
margin of profit.
failure. Many companies riding the dot-com
• It provides quick delivery of goods with very wave of the 2000s have failed miserably. At
little effort on part of the
customer. Customer complaints are also times, e-commerce can feel impersonal. So it
addressed quickly. It also saves time, energy and lacks the warmth of an interpersonal
effort for both the consumers and the company. relationship which is important for many brands
• One other great advantage is the convenience it and products.
offers. A customer can shop 24×7. The website
is functional at all times; it does not have • Security is another area of concern. Credit card
working hours like a shop. theft, identity theft etc. remain big concerns
• E-commerce also allows the customer and with the customers.
the business to be in touch directly, without any • Then there are also fulfilment problems. Even
intermediaries. This allows for
quick communication and transactions. It also after the order is placed there can be problems
gives a valuable personal touch. with shipping, delivery, mix-ups etc. This leaves
the customers unhappy and dissatisfied.
Small businesses
Definition Examples of small businesses
• Small businesses are corporations, • Handyman.
partnerships, or sole proprietorships • Woodworker
which have fewer employees and/or • Online Dating Consultant Sewing and
less annual revenue than a regular- Alteration Specialist. ...
sized business.
• Freelance Developer
• Thus it is a business that operates at a
small scale with fewer employees, • Personal Trainer
capital, machines and has a limited • Freelance Graphic Designer
revenue base. • Life/ Career Coach
• Outside of government regulations, • Estate agent
any business with under 500 • Photographer
employees can be considered a small
business • Gardening services
• A business which functions on a small • Builders
scale level and involves less capital • Hairdressers
investment, less number of labour and • Internet café
fewer machines to operate. • Small retailers
• Fruit and veg vendors
• House shop/corner cafe
• Etc.
Advantages Disadvantages
• Google – with” Search, etc. ” for a • Nintendo - Pokemon Go is a world-class example of how
much better online experience– Nintendo became relevant again by simply reinventing
changed the Advertising world with itself through a modern game that activated gamers of all
AdWords– impacting the mobile, car, ages and genders. Pokemon Go incorporates virtual reality
utility, etc. industries elements, gamification, and commerce at scale in a way
that has never been done with such precision.
• Facebook – established the ” social • Snapchat - Snapchat brought photo sharing forward into
network ” market the modern age and brought back a real interest in photos
• WhatsApp – established the personal and communicating through photos. They were successful
communications market because they incorporated the social element and added
ways to edit the pictures and add things to them that
• Steam – established the online made it even more fun for their audience. They also
market for licensing games brought the photo-sharing concept into the digital online
• Companies making something old new age and made it interactive.
again • GoPro - GoPro effectively took an old product that
everyone has, re-purposed it, and made a fortune. GoPro
is nothing but a good-quality camera. However, they
managed to make it attractive, target a large niche of
passionate customers and create a new category for
themselves. The beauty behind this brand is targeting a
group of people who are tight-knit and large enough to
build a sizable business.
• Netflix - As one of the cornerstones of the home
entertainment industry, DVD rental stores seemed like
they were around forever. Then along came Netflix. Not
only did the brand reinvent the delivery of DVDs, they
transformed movie rental altogether with streaming
Advantages Disadvantages
• Businesses can initially charge higher • Very costly and time consuming.
prices for new products before • Businesses can run out of money if
competitors’ products come on the they invest too much and don't get
market. products to market quickly enough.
• Being innovative good for a firm's • End up wasting resources by
reputation. developing something that doesn't
• If they have been first in the past - sell.
people naturally interested in future • Businesses not able to produce new
products. product on large scale at low enough
• Innovations in processes add value to cost - no guaranteed return on
existing products / services. investment.
• Businesses with lots of innovative • Businesses risk ruining reputation if
products can take advantage of new product is poor quality.
economies of scope.
Design entrepreneurship
Definition: How does it operate?
• Designing/generating ideas that
are humanly desirable, • Designers become proactive in
identifying needs/challenges people
technologically feasible and might have and create/design solutions
financially viable. to such needs/challenges in the form of a
• The process of deeply business venture.
understanding customer needs
and then creating/designing a Examples of businesses:
product or service that addresses • Website designer,
their unmet needs. • video editing,
• digital prints,
• graphic design,
• clothing designer,
• Envato market (A platform where
designers, developers, photographers,
illustrators and producers can sell their
products – People with experience in
these industries offer their skills on
“Envato” and interested clients pay, for
them to take on their projects).
Advantages: Disadvantages:
• On the positive side, many people are more • Getting carried away by focusing more on
willing to support social entrepreneurs helping communities than generating income
thanks to the positive impact they make. for the survival of the business.
• In a world that faces many environmental • Investors may be hesitant to fund social
and social problems, social entrepreneurship entrepreneurship, especially, if the idea does
is one of the best ways to make a difference. not lead to more profit.
South Africa is brimming with budding social • Young people may be swallowed by the
entrepreneurs. notion of consumerisms that they may view
• While there may be many challenges to social entrepreneurship as a waste of time.
getting this kind of venture off the ground, • Difficulties accessing funding
the opportunities for using entrepreneurship • Difficulties in creating a sustainable social
to drive social change are huge. entrepreneurship venture
• Social entrepreneurship shows us that it’s • Being able to turn a profit while still making a
possible to create a successful business while positive social impact
still achieving more than just profits. This
gives many entrepreneurs a whole new kind • Competing with larger enterprises
of inspiration to succeed.
Cultural Entrepreneurship
Examples of businesses
• Cultural art gallery stalls
• Cultural clothing stores
• Theatre performance on cultural plays
• Cultural music productions
• Cultural food restaurants
• Paid trips/expeditions to cultural heritage
• Publishing and selling of cultural books/ e-
books, etc.
Advantages Disadvantages
• Cultural entrepreneurship can help bring societal • It may run the risk of misrepresenting certain
unity/togetherness as the business market gives cultural customs/rituals/garments/attire etc. if not
customers exposure to different cultural heritage. well researched.
• It may create an easy platform for aspiring • It may experience backlash from certain cultural
entrepreneurs who may not have the financial groups who may claim sole custody of certain
means to start a business, thereby enabling them to wares/oral history/knowledge systems.
use their cultural heritage to generate an income. • Finding potential customers may be a challenge in
• It may be used as a means of reviving old cultures the current modern society, which may lead to
which may be at the risk of dying/being lost. inconsistent income for the cultural entrepreneur.
• It may give entrepreneurs an opportunity to be • The cultural entrepreneur may have to put in a lot
agents of social change in their communities while of effort and time to attract potential customers
at the same time boosting their local economies. and to build a reputation for his/her business to
sustain the market.
• Staying competitive may not be easy as the
entrepreneur may constantly need to enhance
his/her creative skills to overcome the competition.
• Cultural entrepreneurs may struggle to make a
specific cultural history meaningful to a wide range
of people from various other cultures, which may
lead to them running a risk of making profit/no
return on investment in the products.
Tourism Entrepreneurship
Definition How does it operate
• Creating and sustaining businesses in the
tourism sector by being innovative and • This is about entrepreneurial
thinking beyond what exists currently to opportunities in the tourism sector.
increase. • It could be any type of businesses offering
• Johannesson & Huijbens, 2010 describe a variety of tourists products and services.
Tourism Entrepreneurship as a strategy for • It entails development of tourism business
economic development in underdeveloped activities and opportunities in avenues
countries. such as: Accommodation, transport, shops
entertainment etc.
Walking tours Fashion Mini-bar
• Exploring a tourist destination on foot like walking in the • Available for tourists to access clothes, accessories and
city. This gives you the opportunity to explore and other essentials especially when they have forgotten to
experience some hidden gems and other pieces of pack some for their tour.
history that you might miss out if you’re using a mobile • Options to buy or rent are also offered.
kind of transport.
• Specifications such as size, colour etc. could be
outsourced for the guests on request
Airbnb Rentals
• A market place where you can rent a room, apartment Translators
or a house at a cheaper price.
• Those who are eloquent in multiple languages are
• Entrepreneurs can register their apartments/houses to relevant to this regard hence this could be a business
rent out to tourists idea
• Help foreign tourists with translation