DLP # 1
DLP # 1
DLP # 1
Learning Competency/ Identifies family resources ( human, and non- human or material
Code: TLE6HE-Oa-1
ies resources)
a. lists of family resources
Key Concepts/ The family is a kind of resource. Each family member has its individual talent, skill, and intelligence.
Understanding to be The family can use individual resources in the attainment of over- all family goals.
Developed: Another resources of the family is the income. It may be in the form of salaries, wages, or earnings
from business or livelihood projects. It is our responsibility to make wise use of our resources and
conserve them so that they will last.
Knowledge Classify the family resources that may be utilized to achieved family goals
Skills Identify what are human resources and non-human or material resources
Attitudes Discuss how this family resources be utilized to achieved family goals
Values Being responsible
2.Content/Topic The Family Resources
Living and Learning in Home Economics, pp. 100-101
3.Learning Resources
6. Assignment
Reinforcing) (5 min.)
Dramatize some activities you do at home. Tell what resources you used in each activity.
Prepared by:
Name: Juliet M. Casona School: Danao City Central School
Position/Designation: Teacher III Division: Division of Danao City
Contact Number: 09435528100 Email Address: julietmc0709@gmail.com