DLP # 1

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DLP No.: 1 Learning Area: EPP Grade Level: Six Quarter: 2nd Duration: 50 min.

Learning Competency/ Identifies family resources ( human, and non- human or material
Code: TLE6HE-Oa-1
ies resources)
a. lists of family resources
Key Concepts/ The family is a kind of resource. Each family member has its individual talent, skill, and intelligence.
Understanding to be The family can use individual resources in the attainment of over- all family goals.
Developed: Another resources of the family is the income. It may be in the form of salaries, wages, or earnings
from business or livelihood projects. It is our responsibility to make wise use of our resources and
conserve them so that they will last.
Knowledge Classify the family resources that may be utilized to achieved family goals
Skills Identify what are human resources and non-human or material resources
Attitudes Discuss how this family resources be utilized to achieved family goals
Values Being responsible
2.Content/Topic The Family Resources
Living and Learning in Home Economics, pp. 100-101
3.Learning Resources

Materials/ Equipment LED TV, Laptop, Pictures

4.1 Introductory Activity A. Wrapping up of the first quarter’s lesson how much they have learned and what topic they
(5 min.) enjoyed doing.
Ask few questions to the pupils.
Show pictures of families or family members in different activities.
Ask: What things do they use to get or accomplish what they want?

4.2 Activity (5 min.) List your own resources.

How are they used to accomplish what you want to achieve in yourself or in your family?

4.3. Analysis (10 min.) The Family Resources

Ask: What are the two types of family resources?
Resources are things, ideas or qualities possessed by an individual or a family. They are
used as tools in carrying out activities in order to realize individual or family goals.
Family resources are those which the family possesses and makes use of homemaking activities in
order to achieve family goals. Family resources are of two types:
1. Human resources which consist of:
a. Abilities and skills, both native and acquired. Example: The ability to solve
mathematical problems and the skill to bake a cake are important resources of this
b. Attitudes, which include ideas, opinions, and feelings toward something. A positive
attitude towards work is important for one to succeed in any undertaking. Satisfaction
is easy to achieve. Less effort is felt and less time is spent when one is interested and
happy in his work.
c. Knowledge, both factual and that of relationship. The success in doing an activity
requires a knowledge on what the activity is and how it is to be done. Example: Baking
a cake requires a knowledge of baking terms for one to understand and carry on
d. Energy or the capacity to do work. Members of the family must be in good health, of
sound mind and body to be able to do their assigned work effectively.
2. Non- human or material resources consist of:
a. Time which is made of short and long periods. It is usually measured in terms of clock
time – seconds, minutes, hours; days, weeks, months etc.
b. Money which has the purchasing power to acquire the needed goods, services, and
mechanical power. The peso, a unit of Philippine currency, is used as an exchange for
goods and services.
c. Goods and property which include both durable and perishable. This include food
items, furniture, appliances, tools, and equipment owned and used by the family.
d. Community facilities available to the family for free such as police protection, parks,
roads, public schools, the public library, health centers, government hospitals etc.
e. Environmental resources which include rain, sunlight, air and soil help man provide for
his basic needs such as food, shelter, and clothing.
The quality and amount of resources vary from family to family. Some families have more and some
families have less. Availability of resources depend mostly on the income of the family. The bigger
the family income the more resources can be afforded, the smaller the family income the more
limited the resources available. Regardless of this, the effective use of resources depends on how
the family makes intelligent use of these resources.

4.4 Abstraction Mastery Exercises: What is meant by resources?

(10 Min.) What are human resources?
What are non- human or material resources?
Generalization: How may the family utilize its resources properly in attaining its goals?
4.5 Application List as many resources available in
(8 min.) a. your family
b. your community
5. Assessment (5 min.)
Identify the most important resources needed in the following activities:
1. baking cookies
2. gardening
3. fetching water
4. scrubbing and sweeping the floor
5. marketing for food items

6. Assignment
Reinforcing) (5 min.)
Dramatize some activities you do at home. Tell what resources you used in each activity.

7.Wra p-up (2min.)

All resources have specific use. Every person in
his daily living makes use of more than one of
those resources.

Prepared by:
Name: Juliet M. Casona School: Danao City Central School
Position/Designation: Teacher III Division: Division of Danao City
Contact Number: 09435528100 Email Address: julietmc0709@gmail.com

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