(Francis Grier) Oedipus and The Couple
(Francis Grier) Oedipus and The Couple
(Francis Grier) Oedipus and The Couple
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6 Francis Grier
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3 Introduction 1
4 Francis Grier
7 On being able to be a couple: the importance of a 9
8 “creative couple” in psychic life
9 Mary Morgan
2 Reflective space in the intimate couple relationship: 31
3 the “marital triangle”
Stanley Ruszczynski
The couple, their marriage, and Oedipus: or, problems 49
come in twos and threes
Andrew Balfour
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4 This book is dedicated, with gratitude, to Betty Joseph
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211 Andrew Balfour originally trained as a Clinical Psychologist at
1 University College London, and then as a Psychoanalytic Psycho-
2 therapist at the Tavistock Clinic. Subsequently, he trained as a Couple
3 Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist at the Tavistock Marital Studies
4 Institute. He currently works as a Senior Clinical Lecturer and
5 Couple Psychotherapist at the Tavistock Marital Studies Institute,
6 and as a Consultant Clinical Psychologist at the Tavistock Clinic.
8 Sasha Brookes studied English Language and Literature at Oxford
9 University, and, later, Psychology at London and Durham. She
30 taught in higher education and worked as a Relate counsellor
1 before training as a Couple Psychotherapist at the Tavistock Marital
2 Studies Institute, and as an Individual Psychotherapist with the
3 Arbours Association. She has now retired from clinical practice and
4 is engaged on a study of some of the works of Henry James, of
5 which this chapter forms a part. The Invisible Matrix, which she co-
6 edited with Pauline Hodson, was published by Karnac in 2000.
8 Francis Grier is an Associate Member of the British Psycho-
911 analytical Society. He is also a Full Member of the Society of Couple
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111 private practice. At TMSI she used to be the Organizing Tutor for
2 the Couple Psychotherapy Training Programme. More recently, she
3 has focused on developing training and clinical work with couples
4 within the public sector.
6 Stanley Ruszczynski is a Principal Adult Psychotherapist at the
711 Portman Clinic (Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust, London), an
8 outpatient forensic psychotherapy clinic. He is a Full Member of the
9 British Association of Psychotherapists and is in private practice as
10 a psychoanalytic psychotherapist. He was previously a senior clin-
1 ician at the Tavistock Marital Studies Institute, holding the posts of
2 Deputy Director and both Clinical and Training Co-ordinator, and
3 is a Full Member of the Society of Couple Psychoanalytic Psycho-
4 therapists. He has edited and co-edited four books, including
5 Intrusiveness and Intimacy in the Couple (Karnac, 1995) and
6 Psychotherapy with Couples (Karnac, 1993), and is the author of over
7 twenty book chapters and journal articles. He is currently the Joint
8 Editor of the Journal of the British Association of Psychotherapists.
211 Margot Waddell is a Member of the British Psychoanalytical
1 Society. She works in private practice and is a Consultant Child
2 Psychotherapist in the Adolescent Department, Tavistock Clinic,
3 London. She teaches and lectures widely both in Britain and
4 abroad. The second edition of her most recent book, Inside Lives:
5 Psychoanalysis and the Development of the Personality, was published
6 by Karnac in 2001.
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111 and raises some current and important questions. What, for exam-
2 ple, determines the choice of a life-long partner? What are the inter-
3 nal conditions necessary for even contemplating such a choice?
4 Other questions are ones that underlie not only work with couples,
5 but also contribute important dimensions to the understanding of
6 individual adult states of mind, children, adolescents, and families.
7 The distinctively focused chapters complement each other in
8 rich and instructive ways, both theoretically and clinically, and also
9 artistically and culturally. Between them they make an important
10 contribution to a deeper understanding of the oedipal myth itself
1 and to the field of couple therapy more generally.
3 Margot Waddell
4 Series Editor
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711 Introduction
10 Francis Grier
211 or over 100 years the myth of Oedipus has been mined by
1 generations of psychoanalysts for the insights it offers into
2 the deep levels of the human mind. Following Freud, the
3 emphasis for the most part has been on gaining understanding into
4 the mind of the individual. Couple psychoanalytic psychothera-
5 pists find the theory of the oedipus complex as valuable as do their
6 colleagues engaged in clinical work with individuals, and yet no
7 book has been specifically devoted to this core subject. This book,
8 then, is an attempt to remedy the situation and to fill an obvious
9 gap. It is an attempt to think primarily about couples from the
30 perspectives afforded by contemporary developments in theories of
1 the oedipus complex. Foremost among these, and much quoted in
2 the following chapters, is a publication that has gained almost clas-
3 sic status, The Oedipus Complex Today (Steiner, 1989), in which a lead-
4 ing group of Kleinian psychoanalysts show how the concept of the
5 oedipus complex is still at the vital core of analytic work.
6 In the myth of Oedipus we are confronted with a number of
7 couples. First, there is the couple of Laius and Jocasta, the king and
8 queen of Thebes. They are immediately presented to us as a couple
911 who cannot cope with a threesome relationship. As soon as their
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111 first child is born they feel under deadly threat; their equilibrium is
2 fatally undermined. A catastrophe is foreseen. The myth does not
3 tell us whether they had been content as a twosome, but they
4 certainly feel they do not have the resources to cope with the far
5 more complicated emotional situation when two becomes three. As
6 Canham (2003) illustrates, it seems the parents could not cope with
7 their infant son’s projections of envy and jealousy and murderous
8 hatred. Or, perhaps, it was their own projections of these emotional
9 qualities into their son and into their new threesome relationship
10 that brought about a situation of such intensely persecutory anxiety
1 that the couple felt they could no longer tolerate it. They appear not
2 to have been able to think about the situation; to allow the more
3 difficult and complex relationship to compel them to develop
4 emotional maturity in response to its demands. Instead, they felt
5 driven to drastic action to wipe out the hated threesome. They
6 attempted to avert what they felt to be certain catastrophe by trying
711 forcibly to turn the clock backwards, to go back to their previous
8 twosome situation. In order to do this, however, they had to commit
9 murder, which was their conscious intention when they comman-
20 ded the shepherd to expose Oedipus on the mountainside. The
1 myth goes on to tell of Oedipus’s survival. If we allow ourselves to
2 imagine that their strategy had succeeded, and that the baby
3 Oedipus had actually been killed, we can see that it is very unlikely
4 that Laius’s and Jocasta’s long-term plan of returning to an idyllic
511 twosome could actually have succeeded, due to the appalling
6 persecutory guilt from which they would undoubtedly have
7 suffered. Presumably, they would then have conspired for the rest
8 of their lives to erect increasingly manic and possibly psychotic
9 defences against actually knowing in depth and owning what they
311 had done.
1 So, even in its very opening, the Oedipus myth evokes in detail
2 how appalling the dilemma of going from two to three can appear;
3 how some couples feel inescapably driven towards drastic
4 measures, including the enormous temptation to try violently to
5 turn the clock of development backwards, and yet how impossible
6 in psychic reality it is for their attempt to be successful.
7 The culmination of the myth famously concerns the tragic adult
8 couple of Oedipus and Jocasta. They believe themselves to be
911 happily married, and indeed produce children apparently without
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111 too much emotional turbulence. However, they gradually make the
2 discovery that in fact they are an incestuous couple, and that there-
3 fore what had previously had the appearance of integrity and love
4 had all the while actually been based on denial, lies, deceit, greed,
5 jealousy, hatred, arrogance, envy, murderousness, and possessive
6 lust. These revelations lead inexorably to the tragic outcome. This
711 climax of the narrative illustrates the universal tendency to “turn
8 a blind eye” (Steiner, 1993, Chapter 10) to what we do not want to
9 know. It also evokes the terrifying unconscious phantasy that,
10 although we may think we have successfully broken free from our
1 families of origin in choosing our sexual partners, we may be
2 duping ourselves. At a deeper level, perhaps we are merely
3 employing strangers to stand in for father, mother, brother, sister—
4 those closest family members we “really” desire incestuously. For
5 some couples, the breaking through into consciousness of this
6 underlying phantasy, perhaps through dreams, can be devastat-
7 ingly shocking, and can be felt to threaten their adult relationships
8 with catastrophe. Often enough, such couples feel compelled to
9 employ extreme defensive measures, such as stopping all sexual
211 contact, or only having sex “illicitly”, out of the marriage (para-
1 doxically felt unconsciously to be more, not less, “licit”, because
2 such relationships would be with persons felt not to represent close
3 family members), or getting into a cycle of regularly divorcing and
4 marrying new partners.
5 There is, however, another adult couple in the myth that is virtu-
6 ally never commented upon—the king and queen of Corinth. They
7 were the childless couple to whom the shepherd brought Oedipus,
8 whom they then adopted and brought up. There are no details
9 about this part of Oedipus’ life. However, the story implies that
30 they were a stable enough couple and that he was happy enough
1 with them because, on hearing that the Oracle had foretold that he
2 would kill his father, Oedipus chose to leave Corinth in order to
3 forestall and frustrate the prophecy and spare the man he thought
4 to be his father.
5 So we have two arenas of couple functioning, located in two
6 different cities—the apparently well-functioning couple in Corinth,
7 and the pathological couples in Thebes. I suggest that the myth
8 splits apart two psychological levels that actually belong together.
911 The “Corinthian” is the more externally orientated, more rational,
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111 challenges, and this will always result in some symptoms expres-
2 sive of this internal turbulence in their external functioning.
3 It seems, moreover, that the sum of a couple is more than the
4 addition of its parts. Even when there are just two people involved,
5 there already exist, on what one might call an elemental level, at
6 least potential conflicts between a view of the partnership as
711 comprising two “free” individuals on the one hand, and a view of
8 the partnership as an entity of its own—an item, a couple—on the
9 other. The needs and the rights of the partners as individuals and
10 as a couple will always be potentially in tension with each other.
1 One of the most common sources for such disruptions is the
2 arrival of children, when the couple expands to become a three-
3 some. Such was Laius’s and Jocasta’s initial situation. But the trou-
4 bling third party need not be a person. Each partner, over time, may
5 feel moved to take up new interests or develop particular aspects of
6 their personality. The new interest or development can be experi-
7 enced by the other partner like a third party, often enough like a
8 symbolic child, which comes between the couple and threatens the
9 closeness, intimacy, and exclusiveness of their relationship, opening
211 the door to hatred and jealousy.
1 Just as Oedipus wished to spare the man he thought was his
2 father, and so took avoiding action but, in fact, was unable to avoid
3 fulfilling the Oracle, so it often happens within couples that a part-
4 ner will have intimations that the particular current developing in
5 his or her mind—a new job, a new interest, a new friend—has the
6 potential to unsettle or even damage the relationship. Evasive
7 action is taken, designed to lessen the impact of the new develop-
8 ment, or even to stop it in its tracks. However, the very fact that
9 there has been a movement in the soul means that the clock can
30 never quite be put back. Many couples find that, even if they have
1 succeeded superficially in putting the brakes on any external devel-
2 opments that they fear might disturb the equilibrium of their part-
3 nership, it is precisely that balance which, at a deeper internal level,
4 has nevertheless been unsettled. Of course, on many occasions
5 brakes are not applied, and couples find themselves thoroughly
6 destabilized by the actual developments that they have put into
7 motion in space and time, and that have thrown them into disarray.
8 Nor is it is just the developments of individuals that threaten the
911 couple’s equilibrium. It can happen vice versa, mutatis mutandis. The
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111 constant pull from, and flight towards, a so-called sensible and
2 rational way of relating (which never quite delivers what it
3 promises), away from feeling tilted in the direction of emotional
4 drought or tilting in the other direction, towards being flooded with
5 too much and too intensely turbulent and potentially destructive
6 emotion.
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6 ouples coming for therapy show us just how difficult it
7 can be to develop and sustain an intimate, adult couple
8 relationship. This begs the question, what is an intimate,
9 adult couple relationship? Clearly some important earlier psychic
30 developments occur that make it possible to become a couple. In
1 my opinion, a crystallization of these psychic developments occurs,
2 which becomes a part of the individual’s psychic structure and
3 helps to sustain him or her in a couple relationship. I shall refer
4 to this as the internalization of a “creative couple” (Morgan &
5 Ruszczynski, 1998). This development brings about a state of mind
6 and way of relating, to oneself and to the other, that is a change
7 from earlier kinds of psychic development. Because of the vagaries
8 of life the psychic development may or may not be manifested in
911 an actual couple relationship. Without this psychic development
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111 Negotiating the oedipal situation is not the same thing as resolving
2 it, and difficulties in triangular situations (for example, becoming
3 parents and incorporating a third into the couple), in being part of
4 a couple, and in thinking, may continue in some form or emerge at
5 times of stress. However, for some people there is a fundamental
6 problem in this area of psychic development. Britton has described
711 two areas of difficulty. The first is where the patient cannot allow a
8 couple to come together in his or her mind, or in that of the analyst.
9 The second is an “oedipal illusion”, in which “the parental rela-
10 tionship is known but its full significance is evaded” (1989, p. 94).
1 The first situation Britton describes leads to serious difficulties
2 in thinking, and is the diametrically opposite situation to the
3 creative couple state of mind, in which it is possible to allow two
4 thoughts to come together with a creative outcome. This process is
5 reinforced by the experience of being in a relationship with another
6 person with whom thinking can take place. The analytic situation
7 that Britton describes is one in which any evidence that the analyst
8 is having this experience inside his own mind, or between him and
9 the patient, is felt as too threatening. He suggests that this is due to
211 an earlier failure of maternal containment. The oedipal couple
1 becomes equated with linking-up an idealized mother and her
2 split-off hostility that threatens a precarious relationship to the
3 primary object:
5 The idea of a good maternal object can only be regained by split-
6 ting off her impermeability so that now a hostile force is felt to exist,
7 which attacks his good link with his mother. Mother’s goodness is
now precarious and depends on him restricting his knowledge of
her. . . . The hostile force that was thought to attack his original link
with his mother is now equated with the oedipal father, and the
30 link between the parents is felt to reconstitute her as the non-recep-
1 tive deadly mother. The child’s original link with the good mater-
2 nal object is felt to be the source of life, and so, when it is
3 threatened, life is felt to be threatened. [Britton, 1989, p. 90]
5 Britton shows how difficult an analysis with such a patient is,
6 because the patient needs a relationship with the analyst in which
7 there is no psychic intercourse.
8 One might think that individuals who require this kind of relat-
911 ing would find being in an intimate adult couple relationship
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111 extremely difficult. Often this is the case, or it becomes the case.
2 However, sometimes, for a while, such a couple feel they have
3 found a way of relating that relieves them of the anxieties they
4 would experience if there were more psychic intercourse. This rela-
5 tionship requires the kind of intercourse described by Britton with
6 his patient: “We were to move along a single line and meet at a
7 single point” (1989, p. 88). I described this kind of relationship in a
8 previous paper on “projective gridlock”, from which I quote the
9 example of Tom and Rachel:
1 Rachel reflected on how she and her husband Tom always did
2 everything together: they studied together, shared the same inter-
3 ests and operated as one. He would chose clothes for her, and when
4 they went to parties Tom would speak for both of them. It never
occurred to her that she might have a different point of view. She
often felt that when they talked to each other, he would lose aware-
ness of her presence, and it seemed that she, for her own uncon-
scious reasons, had gone along with this. For a long time she felt
8 quite content in this situation, except that she had never enjoyed
9 sex with Tom. Tom said that looking back, what had felt awful
20 about having sex with Rachel was that he worked out what she
1 thought, felt, and wanted to such an extent that it was like having
2 sex with himself; paradoxically, he had not really known what was
3 going on for her at all. [Morgan, 1995, p. 44]
511 In the second situation Britton describes, the oedipal illusion is
6 felt to protect the individual from the psychic reality of their phan-
7 tasies of the oedipal situation. This evasion has serious conse-
8 quences for the individual’s mental and emotional life. The patient
9 Britton describes had difficulty in bringing things together in his
311 mind, which affected the clarity of his thinking, and there was a
1 pervasive sense of unreality and feeling of unfulfilment in his life,
2 as well as a quality of non-consummation in all his relationships
3 and projects in life.
4 Some couples come for therapy with the problem that they are
5 unable to move forward, to make a commitment together (live
6 together or marry with the possibility of having children), or to
7 separate. This can be quite a desperate problem, particularly if the
8 female partner is reaching the end of her fertile years and if one
911 partner longs for children.
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111 case, there is room for two, but they can produce nothing much
2 between them, resulting in the feeling of non-consummation that
3 Britton describes.
Anxieties aroused by development towards creative couple relating
7 The movement towards feeling oneself to be part of a couple in
8 which two minds come together to create something can challenge
9 both partners’ narcissism and omnipotence, which are rarely, if
10 ever, relinquished without regret, shame, sadness, and opposition.
1 However, the internalization of the creative couple as a psychic
2 object also provides the container within which the regression often
3 associated with the first phase of the capacity to experience some-
4 thing new can be contained.
5 As with every new stage of psychic development, there are anxi-
6 eties about giving up what previously felt known and secure in
711 order to step into something new and not yet known. As discussed
8 earlier, many individuals on the verge of making a committed rela-
9 tionship feel full of loss about giving up their independence and
20 autonomy. There is tremendous anxiety about giving up what was
1 previously regarded as being the achievement of a “mature” posi-
2 tion. This may be because, following the earliest developments as
3 part of a mother–baby couple, all subsequent developments have
4 been largely about becoming more separate and independent, and
511 the achievement of this relative independence is often felt to consti-
6 tute maturity. Becoming part of a couple again often stirs up anxi-
7 eties about losing this independence, raising fears of having to fit
8 in, and feelings that it will not be possible to be fully oneself in a
9 relationship. Some couples come for help in a battle, each wanting
311 to hold on to their omnipotent individuality, and seeing a relation-
1 ship as a situation where their partner should fit into their view of
2 how things should be. At its most extreme, such couples have no
3 idea that a relationship could be anything else.
4 Building on Klein’s work, Bion (1970) has conceptualized how
5 changing one’s way of thinking and relating involves dismantling
6 previous views and theories, which can have the quality of a psy-
7 chic catastrophe—a going to pieces (Grier, Chapter 10, herein). In
8 Klein’s (1946) terms, this is a move into the paranoid–schizoid posi-
911 tion. The subsequent reforming of a new set of views and theories
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111 putting him on the right track and imposing a bland alternative to
2 his more exciting, though (he also felt) destructive, existence.
3 In the early sessions, Paul was brutally honest to Anna, saying
4 that he wasn’t in love with her any more and that he was unsure if
5 he wanted to stay in the relationship, though he felt devoted to their
6 baby. Anna was extremely hurt and angry with Paul. However, at
7 this stage she was much closer than he was to a belief in the possi-
8 bility of their establishing a more creative couple relationship. She
9 dealt with his rejection by becoming emotionally and sexually with-
10 drawn. They both sought refuge from their painful situation, he in
1 his work, and she in a rather idealized relationship with their baby.
2 In the course of the therapy it became apparent that there had
3 been rejection upon rejection from the beginning of the relationship.
4 One partner would risk showing vulnerability and great need of the
5 other, and the second partner, relieved of these feelings via projec-
6 tion of them into the first partner, would turn away with renewed
711 feelings of self-sufficiency and independence. One of the things that
8 contributed to the shift in this couple’s way of relating was their
9 feeling of dependence on the therapist, which took them both by
20 surprise. On one occasion the therapist had to cancel a session at
1 short notice. In the following session the couple denied that this
2 event mattered at all, nor did it matter if they had to miss a session
3 for any reason. The therapist felt, though, that they had been quite
4 disturbed by the event. It was only several sessions later, when the
511 issue came up in relation to something else, that the couple could
6 let themselves, and the therapist, know how angry they had been.
7 Once their need for another could be grasped, initially in relation to
8 the therapist, they began to risk being more open with each other.
9 Both began to share very deep anxieties about their inadequacies in
311 a number of areas, particularly in relation to sex.
1 As the couple began to feel safer with the therapist and with
2 each other, they discovered something that neither had been able to
3 envisage earlier. Simply put, they began to feel that they had a
4 “relationship”; a third that they were invested in nurturing, but that
5 also contained them. They were, of course, still sometimes in
6 conflict, particularly when they felt let down by each other. How-
7 ever, this conflict began to be contained within their relationship,
8 and was less at risk of being acted out outside the relationship in
911 an affair, or inside the relationship in emotional withdrawal. They
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111 ship. When a breakdown occurs in one’s relating to the other, one
2 can take up the position of the relationship as a third, and observe
3 oneself within the relationship (Figures 1 and 2).
4 In this position the different, or sometimes opposing, perspec-
5 tive of the other is not felt to obliterate one’s own view, but can be
6 taken in to one’s psyche, and allowed to reside there and mate with
711 one’s own thought. In this way, the individual’s psychic develop-
8 ment is enhanced through an actual creative couple relationship
9 with another person. This creativity becomes possible because a
10 state of mind has been achieved in which two minds, as well as two
1 bodies, can come together and create a third.
2 Simon and Karen, a young and very affluent couple with an
3 eleven-year-old daughter and a nine-year-old son, approached
4 therapy in utter despair. Simon thought his wife was so angry and
5 irrational as to be on the point of madness. Karen was despairing
6 of the fact that, in her eyes, her husband fell acutely short of her
7 idea of what a husband should be. She had previously been
8 married and it appeared that there had been little sexual contact in
9 the relationship, which had lasted only a short time before her
211 husband had left her. Although angry with her ex-husband, Karen
1 held a conviction that, had it continued, this would have been the
911 Figure 1
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8 Figure 2
20 ideal relationship. At the beginning of therapy, her disappointment
1 with what she and Simon had in comparison to her previous, ideal-
2 ized relationship fuelled her anger. It was only much later in the
3 therapy that the non-attainment of the ideal began to be mourned,
4 and Karen could become in touch with some of what she did have
511 with Simon.
6 There was a long phase in the therapy in which the couple had
7 no contact with the idea of a creative couple relationship, and there-
8 fore did not have the kind of relationship that they could turn to as
9 a third position. Consequently they rapidly became very dependent
311 on the therapist as a third party who could keep the relationship in
1 mind. The therapy was marked by a conflict in which Karen would
2 berate Simon for falling so far short of the mark, and Simon would
3 attempt to be reasonable and to pacify her. Karen related to her
4 husband as someone who should relieve her of pain, anxieties, and
5 depression. In order to do this he had to understand exactly how
6 she felt, and why she felt like it. Simon was a man who had diffi-
7 culty in knowing about his own feelings, and frequently failed
8 adequately to understand those of his wife. This dynamic between
911 them, which was experienced time and time again in their relation-
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111 ship, left Karen feeling she had no husband, no other to turn to, and
2 left Simon feeling impotent and a failure. There was pressure on
3 this relationship to be a more of an infant–mother coupling, set up
4 as one of the partners to be contained by the other, rather than an
5 adult sexual relationship in which the two individuals can come
6 together and think.
711 There was probably a narcissistic structure in Karen that pro-
8 vided her with an illusion that actually she could manage by her-
9 self, a situation common in individuals seeking help as part of a
10 couple. This was, of course, by definition, an anti-relationship,
1 psychically quite active, which could manifest itself quite destruc-
2 tively between the couple. The relationship was founded on an
3 attack on relating. Against the background of often being emotion-
4 ally let down by her husband, Karen would also, on occasion,
5 actively destroy those times when Simon was capable of offering
6 her something that she wanted or needed. Becoming aware of
7 Simon’s capacity to meet some of her requirements terrified her,
8 because she experienced knowing about her dependence as an
9 attack on her illusory self-sufficiency. At worst she felt this to be
211 tantamount to an annihilation of her self.
1 Karen described, in a desperate way, how Simon was simply
2 “not there”. In the consulting room this was, at first, rather difficult
3 to see. Simon presented himself as a reasonable man, on the face of
4 it always trying to do things and to make things better for Karen.
5 However, in a more fundamental sense, Karen was right; her hus-
6 band was not there for her. Simon didn’t let her know how he felt
7 about anything, and sometimes was quite secretive about what he
8 actually did contribute to the relationship. This increased her diffi-
9 culties in a number of ways. She didn’t have someone else’s feel-
30 ings to come up against, to take into account and to act as a limiting
1 factor to her own feelings; she didn’t have the opportunity to be the
2 one able to think about him when he was distressed, as she was
3 always seen to be the irrational one; but, even more importantly,
4 she felt that she was not in a relationship with another person.
5 Simon could understand some of this and its impact on his wife.
6 The problem for him was that he did not feel in touch with his own
7 feelings and anxieties, which were connected to his early experience
8 of relating to an object similarly cut off from feelings. Moreover,
911 he was so frightened of his feelings, which were powerful and
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111 separateness soon becomes essential to his being and the develop-
2 ment of his personality, as Winnicott pointed out:
4 It is only when alone (that is to say, in the presence of someone) that
5 the infant can discover his own personal life. The pathological alter-
6 native is a false life built on reactions to external stimuli. When
7 alone in the sense that I am using the term, and only when alone,
the infant is able to do the equivalent of what in an adult would be
called relaxing. [Winnicott, 1958, p. 418]
One of the dilemmas many individuals encounter when they
become part of an intimate, adult relationship, is how to be psychi-
cally separate and, at the same time, intimate. If the developments
referred to earlier have not taken place, then the individual may
5 have the merged mother–baby model unconsciously in mind as a
6 mode of relating. Although I refer to this as a difficulty, it is of
711 course quite common for couples to seek and aspire to a merged
8 state of mind, feeling this to be the essence of being in love. How-
9 ever, true and sustaining love comes only with the disillusionment
20 of this idea of merger as the ideal. The relinquishment of the ideal
1 object goes hand in hand with the development of the wish really
2 to know the other, not by magically becoming “one”, but from the
3 outside, with all the limitations and frustrations that this involves.
4 The feeling of merger in the being-in-love state is so powerful
511 because one feels just like the baby with mother, i.e. fused with an
6 ideal maternal object. If the ideal of merger can be relinquished,
7 then the attractions of difference can be discovered. Once the couple
8 has given up the idea of merger as the ideal that they have to strive
9 for, it becomes more possible from time to time to move into that
311 state spontaneously, for example during sex, and to enjoy the
1 intense feeling that it arouses; and it is also more possible to move
2 out of it again, without too much regret.
3 If, however, the ideal of merger is not relinquished, and yet
4 becomes harder to sustain, difficulties will arise in the relationship.
5 Sometimes the couple are quite aware of this problem, and one or
6 both describe the feeling of not having a separate existence within
7 the relationship. Most commonly, one partner feels that the other’s
8 behaviour is responsible for his or her happiness. Conflict arises
911 around not being able to see the other as separate, as one partner
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111 tries omnipotently to control the other, to make them into the kind
2 of object they want or need them to be, or to impose their own
3 version of reality on the other as if theirs is the only true version.
4 The one, more or less tyrannically, requires of the other certain
5 forms of behaviour so that life may be bearable.
8 Conclusion: a sense of containment
10 In this chapter I have tried to show how I understand psychic
1 development as it relates to the couple; where it founders, and
2 where, sometimes with the help of psychotherapy, the awareness of
3 creative intercourse can be discovered or recovered.
4 In living through the oedipal situation the infant has the begin-
5 nings of an idea of a couple who together, as a function of their rela-
6 tionship, “contain” the baby (Bion, 1959, 1962a). What the child
7 does with this experience and information goes through some
8 transformations on the way to his or her developing the idea of a
9 creative couple relationship. As an adult, this is encompassed in the
211 idea of a couple relationship, which can contain not only actual chil-
1 dren, but also, when needed, each partner in the relationship. It
2 is also the beginning of the idea that this couple relationship can
3 be creative, symbolized by the possibility of actual children, and
4 realized through new thoughts, ideas, and other possibilities.
5 In the creative couple state of mind, the couple feels they have
6 something to which they both relate, something they can turn to
7 that can contain each of them as individuals. It is something they
8 have in mind, and they can imagine the relationship as something
9 that has them in mind. With couples in treatment it is observable
30 both when this third element is absent and when it starts to
1 develop. The latter can be a profoundly moving experience, as in
2 the case of Paul and Anna.
3 Once this capacity to create a relationship is secure, it can then
4 help contain the regression that inevitably arises at life transitions,
5 at points of crisis or of new learning, or just in trying to manage the
6 ups and downs of everyday life, all of which are likely temporarily
7 to undermine more mature relating. It allows room for ambivalence
8 and the toleration of the inevitability of conflict and tension. This is
911 the kind of relationship in which creative solutions are sometimes
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6 ritton’s (1989) paper “The missing link: parental sexuality in
7 the oedipus complex” has, in a short space of time, come to
8 influence much psychoanalytic thinking and practice with
9 individual patients. Britton delineates the significance of the
30 infant’s relationship not only to each of the parental couple indi-
1 vidually, as mother and as father, but crucially to the parental
2 couple as a couple, for individual psychic development. He develops
3 Bion’s (1962b) two-body, container–contained concept to that of a
6 *This is a revised version of a paper titled, “The ‘marital triangle’: towards
‘triangular space’ in the intimate couple relationship”, first published in the
7 Journal of the British Association of Psychotherapists, 34(3) Part 1, January 1998,
8 and, in Italian, in Interazioni: Clinica e Riecrca Psicoanalitica Individuo-Coppia-
911 Famiglia Vol. 2 1996/8 (Naples 1997).
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111 their child, each would desperately try to hand over the child to the
2 other, feeling, it seemed, overwhelmed and threatened by his needs
3 and demands and anxious to retain their own autonomy.
4 In the transference both Mr and Mrs Jones often related to me as
5 if I were a wise sage whose every word was profound. Both would
6 see me as a preferred partner, and I was competed for in the three-
711 person dynamics of the consulting room, sometimes in quite blatant
8 ways. Behind this idealization, however, lay barely hidden deni-
9 gration and contempt, which was regularly exposed at the end of
10 sessions. The couple would leave the consulting room and, outside
1 the door, would noisily giggle and excitedly whisper to each other,
2 positioning me as the “listener in” to their apparently enviable inti-
3 macies and pleasures. In the counter-transference I initially found
4 myself feeling seduced by one or the other of them, and would then
5 feel shocked and disturbed by a sense of being suddenly rejected by
6 their conspiratorial coming together on leaving the session.
7 Occasionally, the couple would spend much of a session telling me
8 in detail about their sexual activities over the previous weekend. It
9 would be difficult for me to make any comments or observations
211 without being experienced as if I was spoiling their pleasure, and I
1 was forced into a position of being a witness to, and observer of,
2 their intimacies and excitement. It was as if any form of coupling
3 brought with it an excluded, envious victim.
4 We can see that, with this couple, pairing with another is greed-
5 ily desired, and hence pursued, or feels threatening, and so is
6 avoided. Relating to a pair is found to be unbearable because the
7 pair is felt to be excluding and provoking of feelings of persecutory
8 envy. The idealized contact or persecutory abandonment of me in
9 the transference suggests a difficulty with the toleration of both
30 dependence and separateness and difference. In the transference
1 there appears to be either an idealized two-person relationship or
2 an idealized couple with an abandoned and rejected child. The
3 couple did have some capacity to join cooperatively, and they
4 referred to that as being part of their marital history. But it seemed
5 to be a manic coming together, as if constituting a desperate defence
6 against the anxieties of an intrusive other, or a recognition of a sepa-
7 rate other. It was rare that I heard about, or experienced in the
8 consulting room, a real capacity to function or to think together as
911 a couple made up of two separate people.
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111 It tests the partners’ capacities to manage love and hate, be included
2 and excluded, to give up idealization and tolerate ambivalence, and
3 mourn that which has to be relinquished and lost.
4 Britton draws on Klein’s (1945) theories of the early oedipal situ-
5 ation, and on Bion’s (1962b) notion of container–contained. Britton
6 highlights how the young infant, driven by natural curiosity, is
7 confronted by a dim recognition of a link between the parents, and
8 of a difference between the relationship each of them have with him
9 and with each other. Theirs is a sexual relationship and it produces
10 new babies, certainly so in phantasy even if no new babies are born
1 (Segal, 1989). This knowledge has to become tolerable to the child’s
2 mind: otherwise it will give rise to feelings of abandonment, envy,
3 and deprivation and may be defended against by more primitive or
4 perverse solutions. If this knowledge can become tolerable and inte-
5 grated, it heralds the relinquishment of narcissism and omnipo-
6 tence, resulting in the possibility of maturer, whole-object relating,
711 including the capacity for ambivalence and the essential task of
8 mourning.
9 The toleration of this knowledge of the special link between
20 parents provides the infant with the experience of an object rela-
1 tionship in which he is not a participant, but an “observer”. This
2 gives rise to a very important capacity required for healthy relating.
3 Britton writes,
511 A third position then comes into existence from which object rela-
6 tionships can be observed. Given this, we can also envisage being
7 observed. This provides us with a capacity for seeing ourselves in
interaction with others and for entertaining another point of view
whilst retaining our own, for reflecting on ourselves whilst being
ourselves. [Britton, 1989, p. 87]
1 The development and integration of the capacity for self-reflection
2 and awareness of another, achievements of some substantial
3 psychological maturity, also show a developing capacity for
4 containment—to emotionally manage the complex varieties and
5 vicissitudes of human relating. According to Britton,
7 The closure of the oedipal triangle by the recognition of the link
8 joining the parents provides a limiting boundary for the internal
911 world. It creates . . . a “triangular space” i.e., a space bounded by
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111 the three persons of the oedipal situation and all their potential
2 relationships. [Britton, 1989, p. 86]
4 Segal stresses a crucial difference between Britton’s concept of
5 triangular space and Bion’s earlier description of the container and
6 the contained. She writes,
8 In the original situation the child is a participant and a beneficiary
9 of that [container–contained] relationship. Recognizing the parental
10 couple confronts him with a good container–contained relationship
from which he is excluded. It confronts him with separateness
and separation as part of the working through of the depressive
position. [Segal, 1989, pp. 7–8, my italics]
It also introduces the infant to the reality of different types of relation-
ships, some of which he will be included in, some of which he will
be excluded from, and some of which he may create for himself in
I would like to suggest that Britton’s conceptualization of trian-
gular space might be adapted so as to be seen to have a potential for
1 a symbolic existence within the intimate couple relationship. The
2 triangle in the couple relationship—I have called it the “marital
3 triangle”—is made of the two individuals of the partnership and
4 their relationship as the third element. The relationship may be said to
5 have a dynamic identity of its own, in addition to the identity of
6 each of the two partners. Clearly, because the relationship is made
7 up of these two same individuals, a symbolic triangle is being
8 referred to rather than one that could be drawn between a child and
9 two parents.
30 Kernberg discusses the notion of a couple relationship as an
1 object in its own right. He describes how “the couple becomes the
2 repository of both partners’ conscious and unconscious sexual
3 fantasies and desires and of their consciously and unconsciously
4 activated internalised object relations”. Consequently, the couple
5 acquires “an identity of its own in addition to the identity of each of the
6 partners” (Kernberg, 1993, p. 653, my italics). He describes, for
7 example, how over time, the interaction of the partners’ superegos
8 results in the forging of a new system, which he calls the “couple’s
911 superego” (p. 653). He proposes that:
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111 their own needs, the needs of the other, and on the needs of the rela-
2 tionship. Often and inevitably, these various needs will be in
3 conflict and require reflection, possible relinquishment, and tolera-
4 ble, though ambivalent, resolution.
5 The capacity to achieve this state, to create the space within the
6 marital triangle and to be a creative couple, if achievable, could be
7 said to be a developmental stage in its own right (Morgan &
8 Ruszczynski, 1998; Morgan, 2001). As Britton has pointed out, there
9 are often narcissistic problems in sharing space. Psychic space and
10 physical space overlap, he says, and both can feel to be intrusively
1 occupied by the other, arousing both claustrophobic and agora-
2 phobic anxieties (Britton, 2003). What is required to allay these
3 anxieties, he says, is not necessarily agreement, which is likely to
4 require domination and subjugation or identification, but rather
5 a capacity for reflection and understanding (Britton, 1998, 2003).
6 This capacity for reflection and thought requires the triangular
711 space that Britton has highlighted, and the capacity to make links.
8 The ways in which an individual experiences his own thoughts
9 and reflections emerging and coming together, and how these are
20 then perceived to be, and actually are, received and experienced by
1 the other, will be determined by how each partner experiences their
2 internal parental couple coming together in their phantasies; with
3 liveliness and pleasure, with destruction and aggression, or not
4 at all.
511 What the intimate adult couple therefore requires is the capacity
6 for symmetry, a capacity for the two partners to recognize their sepa-
7 rateness and difference, but to achieve a balance or congruity in
8 their interaction. Linking can only take place across a space. The
9 capacity to achieve linking suggests the ability to recognize and
311 tolerate there being two separate, though “equal”, claimants to the
1 benefits of the relationship and guardians of the relationship’s
2 needs. How possible this is will partly be based on the partners’
3 internalized perception of the nature of their parents’ interaction
4 and their capacity for harmony and symmetry. However, it may
5 also relate to the internalization of the nature of the inevitably rival-
6 rous, but also loving, sibling relationships, and to how these were
7 experienced and managed. The achievement of this capacity for
8 symmetry—which I am not suggesting can ever be complete and
911 unproblematic, as tension and conflict are inevitably part of life—
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111 could feel almost futile to talk with them as a parental or sexual
2 couple. I wondered whether this showed, as indicated by their
3 history, the depth of their own difficulties in relating to their parents
4 in their own early histories. In addition, on occasion, I felt an enor-
5 mous pressure to make some sort of emotional contact with the
6 very suspicious and anxious Mr Brown. I eventually came to real-
711 ize that in my counter-transference this was a pressure to
8 strengthen and enliven him and to diminish his paranoid view that
9 I might be critical of him or bully him. This counter-transference
10 feeling of being a bully was very interesting, given that their daugh-
1 ter had been badly bullied at school—as if care and bullying were,
2 in some perverse way, linked.
3 I came to wonder whether this very strong counter-transference
4 was a projection from the couple of their shared unconscious desire
5 to reach and enliven the distant father, and bring him to life with
6 the desire that he should contain the mother’s anxieties. The
7 wished-for result would be the creation not only of a functioning
8 mother and father but also of a functioning parental couple. This
9 wish, however, is accompanied by an anxiety that to make emo-
211 tional demands of the father would be tantamount to bullying and
1 attacking a weak and vulnerable man. This may be an illustration
2 of the healthy part of the child needing to create or unite the
3 parental couple, in an unconscious acknowledgement of the impor-
4 tance of this in the oedipal situation (Feldman, 1989; Fisher, 1993),
5 without which healthy sexual relating might be difficult, if not
6 impossible (Grier, this volume, pp. 201–219).
7 The possibility of establishing a triangular space in the mind for
8 this couple, however, was very difficult. The central wish to unite
9 the parental couple was in itself the main problem area. For both
30 Mr and Mrs Brown, the search seemed to be for a father–man who
1 is neither weak nor a bully—but it was this that seemed impossible.
2 What was problematic and clinically challenging was to discern
3 whether each had an internal relationship with a narcissistic
4 mother, thereby establishing a narcissistic identification which actu-
5 ally worked against securely finding a place for the father (in the
6 transference, me). If they were to have done so, they would be
7 deprived of their illusory, narcissistic autonomy, and pseudo-
8 independence. Alternatively, they might have been deprived of the
911 triumph of being their mother’s primary object of affection. The
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211 here can be few more relevant concepts to coupling than the
1 oedipus complex which, though it is associated with three-
2 somes, might also be said to be about the difficulty of the
3 twosome. Current thinking about the oedipus complex reveals
4 its importance in helping us to understand the difficulties adult
5 couples experience in sustaining a shared “psychic space” (Britton,
6 2000), an integration of two different psychic realities in a couple
7 relationship. In this chapter, I will explore a particular constellation
8 of anxieties that have their origins in the oedipal situation, and are
9 observable in psychotherapeutic work with adult couples. In this
30 constellation, the individual in close relationship feels caught
1 between fears of engulfment, and fears of abandonment. This has
2 been termed the “claustro-agoraphobic dilemma” (Rey, 1994), and I
3 will outline how analysts from the three different groups in the
4 British Psychoanalytic Society have described such anxieties in
5 similar terms. Each group links difficulties in the infant’s earliest
6 relations with mother to particular problems in the oedipal situa-
7 tion, leaving a legacy of claustro-agoraphobic anxieties in the adult.
8 These contemporary psychoanalytic accounts of the oedipus
911 complex are important in psychotherapeutic work with couples for
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111 unbearable, and ran out of the room, having to get away physically.
2 This echoed her behaviour on other occasions, jumping out of cars
3 during arguments, or physically withdrawing from her husband in
4 other dramatic ways. She had smashed things when in this state of
5 mind and seemed to withdraw in order to obviate the possibility of
6 violence. She described a feeling of “total misunderstanding” that
7 might overwhelm her, “but I won’t let it”. (This links to Britton’s
8 description of the fear of engulfment by the “misunderstanding”
9 object, a psychic catastrophe that one must escape from.) Such rows
10 became unbearable for both partners, as each tried to assert their
1 views—fighting, increasingly desperately, not to have their way of
2 seeing things negated. It felt that their very identities were at stake,
3 and that either one or the other had to prevail. There was no sense
4 that they might “agree to disagree”, or tolerate the idea that their
5 partner might have a different perspective on the same thing. There
6 was no perspective possible, no “third position” from which their
711 respective experiences could be reflected upon. Instead, there was
8 a bloody battle over who would prevail, fought out repeatedly
9 within the sessions. The desperation and threats of violence emerg-
20 ing when they were in this state of mind seemed to link to the claus-
1 trophobic atmosphere; the threat of engulfment by “malignant
2 misunderstanding”, and the response of trying to smash out of it
3 with violence or violent withdrawal.
4 This case contains many echoes of Glasser’s account of the
511 violence that may be mobilized when the individual feels threat-
6 ened by engulfment, and wishes to destroy the object. Generally, it
7 was Susan who expressed this, and her husband and the rest of the
8 family who were left in the lonely, dislocated position, following
9 her frequent walkouts during rows. The couple had tremendous
311 difficulty in tolerating the therapeutic situation, and, unable to
1 sustain the therapy, withdrew in a dramatic walkout from a session
2 at a point when tensions were running high.
3 The example of this couple brings home very powerfully what
4 it means to lack a third position, where two separate minds can
5 co-exist together. One person’s view is felt to exist only at the
6 expense of the other, with the ever-present threat of one psychic
7 reality being engulfed by the other. This is linked to a palpable feel-
8 ing of claustrophobia. The violent reaction, expressed ultimately in
911 withdrawal, leaves the couple in an agoraphobic position, isolated
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111 and cut-off from one another. This pattern seems to link to Glasser’s
2 idea that mobilizing aggression in response to the threat of the anni-
3 hilation leaves the same individual facing the converse fear of aban-
4 donment. The specific fear demonstrated in this example is the fear
5 of engulfment by “total misunderstanding”, as Britton (1998)
6 describes. Both partners fight desperately against this, reflecting the
711 shared conviction that they inhabit a binary world, where there can
8 be only two positions—engulfment and abandonment—that they
9 constantly oscillate between.
2 Case example 2
4 The following clinical material illustrates how a deep difficulty of
5 two people allowing any sustained emotional involvement with
6 one another underlies the difficulties in three-way relationships that
7 this couple presents.
8 Jorge and Montse met relatively late in life, having both already
9 built successful careers. He is a both a practising lawyer and an
211 academic, she a film-maker. He, but not she, had already had con-
1 siderable experience of therapy in his country of origin. They had
2 both apparently wanted to come to this country to develop in their
3 chosen fields, though shortly after they arrived, Montse became
4 pregnant. They have a young son, aged eight, and they emphasized
5 from the outset how their difficulties seemed to have begun at
6 around the time of his birth. They had had no sexual contact since
7 his birth, and lived a life where they looked after their son but had
8 little or no emotional contact with one another. I had the impression
9 of two people who were more or less alongside one another—look-
30 ing away from one another towards some other involvement or
1 commitment.
2 From the start of therapy, I found it difficult to think of com-
3 ments or interpretations that included both of them. It was very
4 difficult to think of them as a couple, with a joint contribution to
5 their difficulties. I was pulled now towards his position, now
6 towards hers, and I found myself quickly becoming involved with
7 one of them, while the other became an onlooker. Initially, this
8 mostly followed the pattern of my thinking that Jorge had joined
911 me as a co-therapist, with Montse in the position of the vulnerable
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111 patient with difficult feelings. When I was able to notice this, and
2 to put my observation into words, the situation quickly switched.
3 Now I found myself intensely involved in long exchanges with
4 Jorge, leaving Montse as an outsider looking on.
5 In the room with them I often felt a lack of physical space, a feel-
6 ing of being cramped. Metaphorically speaking, it felt as if there
7 was nowhere to sit between them. At other times, I could feel miles
8 away from them. They often began sessions in silence, keeping their
9 eyes averted from me, occasionally exchanging small glances of
10 what seemed like mutual understanding. At such times I felt very
1 much on the outside, trying to guess at what might be going on
2 inside them, feeling I had no way in. The early sessions were
3 characterized by their mistrustful challenges to me. I found myself
4 trying very hard, striving to give them “good” and insightful inter-
5 pretations. As time went on, the atmosphere over these early
6 months changed from one of awkwardness to a warm and easy one.
711 In some ways, it felt as if useful work was done during this time.
8 However, after sessions I often felt a nagging uneasiness that,
9 though at moments the work was painful and difficult, everything
20 mostly seemed to come very easily. My counter-transference experi-
1 ence was very comfortable; I started to look forward to the sessions,
2 and afterwards sometimes noticed myself feeling rather pleased
3 with myself for doing such good work.
4 During this period a number of themes emerged. In sessions the
511 couple often commented on how far apart they had been during the
6 week—working separately, taking turns to look after their son,
7 functioning in some ways as a “team”, but miles apart from one
8 another emotionally. They were, individually, good parents to their
9 child, but almost never seemed to be together as a family, as a three-
311 some. There was an idealized quality to the contact with their son.
1 Occasionally, each described intensely good experiences of involve-
2 ment with him, and the other felt excluded. Mostly, Jorge was the
3 excluded one, although this could suddenly switch and Montse
4 felt left out. They each seemed to have made a separate, absorbing
5 link with their son, to the exclusion of any corresponding link with
6 one another. The quality of the idealization of their individual
7 links with him went alongside their denigration, and loss of the
8 idealization, that had characterized their relationship at the start,
911 leaving their marriage in a devalued position.
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111 Each of them described longing to get back to the “golden time”
2 of the first period of their relationship, when it had been just the
3 two of them. Of course, like many couples at the start of a relation-
4 ship, this was at a time when they were not living together, and so
5 they had an actual physical gap separating them, mediating their
6 contact with one another. Jorge commented that it was rather like
711 the arrangement Woody Allen and Mia Farrow made, in famously
8 trying to solve their difficulties with one another by each having
9 their own apartment on opposite sides of Central Park. Indeed,
10 Jorge and Montse also conveyed a fear that, should they try to get
1 close again, they would be terribly disappointed. Moments of better
2 contact or involvement with one another quickly collapsed into
3 disappointment, and a feeling of mutual recrimination. They
4 conveyed how, while each of them seemed to be able to have
5 intense involvements, for example, with their son, with myself, or
6 with their careers, they could sustain none of these for long.
7 This issue appeared to be linked to their difficulty in sharing
8 “psychic space”, in integrating their two different psychic realities,
9 as Britton (2000) puts it. The couple expressed this in a number of
211 ways. One was the conflict between them over the time they could
1 give to developing their careers, the struggle over their own devel-
2 opment as individuals, and the needs of the family. Jorge, in partic-
3 ular, feared the “pull” of family demands, and that if he did not
4 keep his working life separate, keep the ideas he was working on a
5 secret, his creativity would in some way be “sucked out of him”. He
6 would often speak of how, when trying to work at home, he only
7 ever had a few minutes before he was pulled away by the demands
8 of the family. He spoke of how painful this experience was for him,
9 and how he feared that something essential in him would be
30 “snuffed out”. He held his hand over his mouth at that moment,
1 mimicking the act of suffocation. Montse also shared this worry. It
2 was as if, for each of them, there was an idea that their individual
3 careers and needs might be swallowed up by the other, and that
4 only one person’s needs could exist at any one time. They con-
5 veyed, I felt, how ultimately their very identities were at stake.
6 Montse commented on how difficult she found living with Jorge
7 and having to be “available” to him emotionally. He tended to work
8 in a converted shed in the garden of their house, she in the attic. If
911 they were in the “shared” part of the house, Jorge might intrude on
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111 Montse at any moment. On one occasion, when she was describing
2 one of the familiar rows between them over such an episode, she
3 began talking about a recent hijacking that had received a lot of
4 news coverage at the time. It felt to me that she was conveying how
5 her experience was that her mind had been “hijacked” by Jorge,
6 overtaken by his needs and preoccupations, and her own thoughts
7 killed off. They discussed how, in concrete terms, they might get the
8 right distance from one another, and find a “protected space”. How
9 could they arrange the house, in terms of “his” and “her” areas?
10 They seemed to share an underlying phantasy that something
1 vital in them, their very psychic life, would be “squeezed out” by
2 the other one—that one identity would take over the other. While
3 the fear, or underlying phantasy, appeared to be the same, their
4 defences against it differed. Montse tried to organize, on a diary
5 sheet, the times she was prepared to be available for involvement
6 with the family and contact with Jorge. The times when she was
711 “off limits” were sacrosanct to her, and terrible rows ensued if
8 she felt that Jorge had breached these “demarcation areas”, as they
9 called them. By contrast, Jorge set great store on his right to “spon-
20 taneous freedom”; to withdraw suddenly from the family if he felt
1 “creative”, or, at other times, to seek contact or involvement with
2 them if he felt in need of it. His re-entry into the family tended to
3 happen after a period of withdrawal, in which he would suddenly
4 become anxious about being alone and cut-off from his wife and
511 son. Such episodes were difficult for Montse to cope with, and she
6 complained that she and their son had become used to Jorge’s
7 absence, and then felt he was, in her words, “crashing back in”.
8 Although apparently very different, such behaviour seemed to
9 reflect each partner’s attempt to manage the fear of “psychic take-
311 over”. While it is true to say that each of them was creative and
1 successful, they idealized their “creativity” and the importance of
2 their own “reflective life”. This actually seemed to illustrate what
3 Steiner calls a psychic retreat (1996, p. 435), away from the anxieties
4 associated with the living link between them.
5 Although much of the material that emerged during this early
6 period with them was, on the face of it, very rich, I had a doubtful
7 feeling, at moments, about it being a little too easy. What was miss-
8 ing, I felt later, was any room for differences of view. My comments
911 or interpretations made sense to them, but did not seem to be
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111 anything particularly new. One might say that the therapeutic situ-
2 ation of couple psychotherapy, the presence of the couple plus the
3 therapist, in some way has the potential to represent the oedipal
4 situation of a couple and a third object. At times, as I have des-
5 cribed, there were different permutations of this coupling—one or
6 other of them joining with me and the other seeming to be the
711 excluded one, either the onlooker onto a therapeutic coupling, or
8 a co-therapy team dealing with one individual patient. However,
9 during this period I think that I was in some ways joined with
10 them. Taking Britton’s formulations into account, one might say
1 that I was closely involved in a subjective contact, a close empathic
2 link that was ultimately undifferentiated. What was lacking was a
3 third position, in which I was more separate and able to think about
4 what was happening between us in the room. The loss of this posi-
5 tion was reflected in my lack of anxiety and my relative sense of
6 comfort and ease when I was in the room with them. A comfortable
7 situation seemed to be one where oedipal anxieties, which might be
8 elicited by the therapist’s third position, were to some extent
9 avoided.
211 This situation changed, rather dramatically, some months into
1 the therapy. Jorge and Montse came to a session describing how
2 they had united together the previous week to deal with several
3 difficult situations. There followed examples of uniting together
4 against the “madness” of other people that each of them had had to
5 deal with. Jorge, in particular, was preoccupied with a battle with a
6 senior colleague who, though normally referred to as a very
7 supportive and benign figure, had unusually suggested that Jorge
8 radically revise some of his recent work. Jorge was outraged by this
9 suggestion, describing his colleague’s views as “deranged”. These
30 accounts had a dramatic quality, and I started to feel under pressure
1 to support and agree with the rather triumphant position that the
2 couple had taken up in relation to the people they described. My
3 counter-transference at that moment was that it felt dangerous not
4 simply to be swept along with this prevailing view. It was very hard
5 for me to put anything back to them—all the disturbance and diffi-
6 culty had to be lodged outside of them, and I started to feel under
7 fire for implying anything different. When I ventured a comment
8 about how they were joining together to this end, Jorge reacted by
911 telling me that I had “submerged him” because my comment was
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111 together for a while, but as I have said, could not sustain it for long.
2 “Ideal” periods of closeness were quickly followed by something
3 more explosive, and they would be apart again. The instability of
4 the situation was conveyed in the fast-shifting couplings—the
5 changing pattern of alliances that I heard about in their home life,
6 and reflected in my experience of them in the room, when I would
7 often feel involved with one partner to the exclusion of the other.
8 Instability and sudden changes seemed to reflect the difficulty of
9 any sustained emotional contact between two people, associated
10 with anxieties to do with “claustrophobia”, the swallowing up or
1 engulfing of one identity by another. In my encounters with the
2 couple I also experienced the difficulty of introducing another posi-
3 tion or perspective, the pressure to be alongside, or in tune with
4 them, and not to move to a third position of thinking about what
5 was going on. When I did hold on to a different perspective, it
6 provoked a massive attack. Initially, this brought the feeling of a
711 gulf in understanding opening between us, a feeling echoed in their
8 accounts of being miles apart, on opposite sides of the world from
9 one another. This experience was also associated with considerable
20 anxiety over being lost, and cut off from the other one—what we
1 might term “agoraphobic anxiety”.
4 Case example 3
6 Finally, I will describe another couple who, when they first sought
7 help, seemed to have settled on a very rigid split between them of
8 the two poles of claustro-agoraphobia. At first sight, she appeared
9 to hold all the anxiety about being submerged or wiped out by the
311 other (the claustrophobia), and he to hold all the anxiety of being
1 left alone and out of contact (the agoraphobia).
2 James and Mary sought help following the revelation of Mary’s
3 homosexual affair. They separated soon after this but had regular
4 contact, ostensibly around the care of their daughter. Although there
5 was a physical separation, they continued to be very involved with
6 one another, and continued in psychotherapy. Within the therapy
7 Mary presented her homosexuality as an untouchable fact. The
8 marriage was over and she could not give further explanation, for
911 that might draw back her into an emotional contact with her
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111 husband. From the beginning, at a conscious level, she was coming
2 to therapy in order to be helped to separate from her husband. All of
3 the wish to carry on with the relationship and the sadness at its end
4 seemed to be lodged, by both partners, in James. She presented
5 herself as guilty of the “destruction” she had wrought, but with
6 nothing to add. The fact of her newly discovered homosexuality
711 acted as a full stop on any further enquiry, representing a barrier
8 between the partners that could not really be breached. Over time,
9 as Mary allowed a little more involvement, she described how she
10 had to leave the marriage in order to escape from her husband’s
1 “moulding” of her. She conveyed the impression that involvement
2 with James felt like a psychic annihilation, as if it wiped out her
3 identity. By contrast, James conveyed an utter desperation to have
4 his wife back at all costs, and appeared to have no conscious
5 ambivalence about this, no more mixed picture. The two horns of
6 the claustro-agoraphobic situation seemed to be rigidly divided
7 between them. The psychic annihilation that Mary’s withdrawal
8 represented for James was conveyed, I felt, by his description of
9 how the revelation of her affairs felt like a “bomb going off, a
211 complete demolition”. He linked this to his experience of driving to
1 the session, and witnessing the demolition of two adjacent tower
2 blocks.
3 Although their positions were polarized, with James as the
4 excluded partner, over time it became clear that this was a shared
5 difficulty. What became apparent was how, in fact, Mary could act
6 to provoke his sense of exclusion. At times, her own feelings of
7 exclusion were more directly evident. For example, on one such
8 occasion, when she had felt shut out of the family home, she
9 secretly had her own set of keys cut. At other times she would com-
30 plain in the session that he expected her to be available twenty-four
1 hours a day. She then revealed that she had decided to check if it
2 was the same the other way around, and had telephoned to check
3 up on James’ movements.
4 Mary’s account of the marriage before separation conveyed her
5 feeling that she had always been very good and dutiful, but had
6 compromised herself and her own needs entirely in order to fit in
7 with James. Her attitude tended to be superior, and there was a hint
8 of martyrdom in her sense of long-suffering forbearance. This
911 reflects what has been described by Britton (2000) as one defensive
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111 her psychic defensive solution. These affairs were not hidden from
2 her husband, and they functioned to push him into struggling now
3 to please her and to keep her in the marriage, to put her into the
4 dominant position. Effectively, the same dynamic persisted in their
5 marriage, with the roles simply reversed. This time he was to be the
6 one who submitted himself to her domination. However, he con-
711 tested the situation and conflict emerged. It was at this point that
8 they presented for help. The catastrophic breakdown of their shared
9 defensive “solution” was conveyed in James’ description of the
10 demolition of the two tower blocks. However, rather than aiming to
1 establish a relating that included both of their different minds, what
2 he tried to do was to re-establish the former relationship in which
3 he was dominant, she submissive; there was not to be give and take,
4 but only one dominating mind. For example, when Mary allowed
5 a more flexible contact with her husband, by letting him in a bit
6 more on her feelings, he quietly turned it into something else in his
7 mind. It was confirmation, he said, that his agenda for their recon-
8 ciliation would win out, if he just bided his time. My understand-
9 ing of this was that he had experienced her as opening the door a
211 little and that he had then, in his mind, quietly colonized the space
1 that he felt had opened up. He revealed that he had immediately
2 started to build up in his mind a fantasy of a happy ending, a re-
3 uniting. For her part, Mary conveyed that she felt she had opened
4 the door to her husband a little and then immediately felt controlled
5 by him. She experienced him as intrusively wanting to pursue her.
6 At first sight, then, this couple looked as if they were caught in a
7 particularly rigid split. For Mary, leaving the marriage seemed to be
8 associated with psychic survival, whereas for James it appeared to
9 mean psychic death. What emerged over time, however, was that,
30 underlying this, each partner was trying to subjugate the other’s
1 “psychic reality” to their own, attempting to “resolve” their anxi-
2 eties about sharing psychic space by ensuring there was only one.
3 One way of understanding this couple’s situation might be that
4 it reflects the “solution” to oedipal anxieties that Birkstead-Breen
5 describes, of erecting and worshipping the omnipotent phallus. In
6 this case, initially James was to be the dominant one, the phallus, to
7 which Mary should submit. As time went on, it seemed that she
8 could not sustain this, and so she tried to make herself the phallus,
911 to which he must submit. The image of the demolition of the two
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111 ways. This reflects something of the complexity of the situation that
2 can face the psychotherapist who is working with the couple. Of
3 course, from a psychoanalytic perspective, the patient who is agora-
4 phobic is also, at some level, claustrophobic too, though this part of
5 them may not be consciously known. Couples are drawn together,
6 at an unconscious level, because of shared or complementary
7 unconscious phantasies. How they represent one another’s fears, or
8 project their anxieties into one another, is important in understand-
9 ing how they act on one another to sustain and perpetuate their
10 shared difficulties. The third couple I described demonstrates how
1 each partner’s defences can also form part of an enactment of a
2 shared underlying phantasy. In this case, their shared fear was of
3 “psychic take-over”, so that between them, they confirm each
4 other’s worst anxieties. This presents difficulty both for the psycho-
5 therapist and the couple involved, but, at best, offers an opportu-
6 nity for these anxieties and defences to be struggled with and
711 understood in a very alive way in the therapeutic setting.
8 My interpretation of the clinical material is that it supports the
9 link between claustrophobia and agoraphobia as two sides of the
20 same constellation, linked to difficulties in the oedipal situation
1 described in the theoretical accounts I have outlined. Overall, these
2 case examples highlight the instability that seems to be part of the
3 clinical picture associated with claustro-agoraphobic difficulties,
4 and the problems when couples have no resting place between the
511 anxieties associated with being too close, and those over being too
6 far apart. For individuals with particular difficulties in this area,
7 coupling, or linking with another can be felt to threaten catastrophe.
8 The theoretical accounts of the oedipus complex given here are of
9 profound relevance to working with couples. They describe the
311 nature of the feared catastrophe, and the unstable oscillation, which
1 we can witness in the consulting room, between fears of engulfment
2 and abandonment. I have tried to illustrate how the desperation
3 and threat of annihilation associated with a claustro-agoraphobic
4 situation can give it a deadly quality when it is enacted between the
5 partners in a marriage.
6 Bion (1961) describes man’s struggle to be linked to the wider
7 social group without losing his own individual identity as a funda-
8 mental human conflict. Man is, he says, “a group animal, at war
911 with his own groupishness”. The legacy of unresolved oedipal
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111 difficulties can leave the adult couple in a similar dilemma: terrified
2 of being cut-off from one another, and yet terrified of being
3 engulfed. Often, the couples we see in the consulting room could be
4 said to be drawn together and yet repelled; each partner a “couple
5 animal” at war with their own “couple-ishness”.
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211 t is now recognized that there is an indivisible link between the
1 oedipus complex and the depressive position as it figures in
2 Klein’s later work and in post-Kleinian writing. If one can suffi-
3 ciently know and bear the experience of the oedipal situation and
4 of the depressive position, centrally important developments can
5 take place. A creative couple can be internalized, and the capacity
6 strengthened for discrimination, in psychic reality, between the
7 generations and the sexes.
8 Thought of in these terms (Britton, 1989, 1992; O’Shaughnessy,
9 1989), the oedipus complex puts fundamental issues of sexual iden-
30 tity into context with more general issues concerning the “whole
1 process of engendering, disguising, attacking, and tolerating mean-
2 ing” (Rusbridger, 1999, p. 488). In this model we see the child presen-
3 ted with the painful necessity of separating, with the accompanying
4 feared, yet also alluring, possibility of actual separateness. This situ-
5 ation presents the child with the potential to be him or herself, based
6 on a growing feeling of integration, a sense of becoming one-self.
8 *This chapter has formerly been published in the Journal of Child
911 Psychotherapy, 29(1): 53–73, 2003.
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111 At this point the child has psychically to accommodate the reality
2 of a “creative relationship of which he is the product and from which
3 he is excluded” (Rusbridger, 1999, p. 488). He or she has to tolerate
4 the impossibility of claiming and winning one parent at the expense
5 of the other, and to endure the position of being the observer of a
6 relationship in which he or she does not belong. This is a position of
7 being, in other words, at the lonely point of the triangle; of having to
8 acknowledge the existence of a different kind of relationship from
9 that available with either parent, unless perversely or abusively.
10 Much hangs on the negotiation of depressive position anxieties,
1 which are bound with paranoid–-schizoid states of mind. On pain
2 of limiting or foreclosing development, such negotiation must
3 stay reasonably independent of defensive procedures. Only in this
4 way can a person “progress fully towards developing a capacity for
5 symbol formation and rational thought” (Britton, 1992, p. 37). In the
6 case where such negotiation fails, paranoid–-schizoid anxieties and
711 defences in the form of excessive splitting and projection, denial,
8 concretization, mindlessness, and omnipotence, will flood in and
9 swamp the personality’s efforts to grow.
20 These struggles are not limited to the infantile years (the
1 Kleinian early oedipal situation), or to early childhood (in both
2 Klein and Freud). They are lifelong. Struggles of this kind have to
3 be “re-worked in each new life situation, at each stage of develop-
4 ment, and with each major addition to experience or knowledge”
511 (Britton, 1992, p. 38). Much will depend, in this process, on the rela-
6 tive strength or fragility of previous developmental struggles, ones
7 that leave a legacy either promotive or subversive of engagements
8 yet to come. Contemporary theories emphasize the extent to which
9 the ability to bear relinquishment fundamentally affects the course
311 taken by this oedipal working-through. How well did the young
1 child tolerate ceasing to be the sole possessor of the love-object?
2 How well did the older child or young person tolerate other
3 losses—those consequent upon infidelity, for example, or involving
4 personal or professional displacement, or those of having to give up
5 a cherished ideal?
6 When it comes to establishing a sustained, intimate partnership,
7 the implications of these questions are quite clear. Individual capa-
8 city for relationship depends on coming to terms with the discrep-
911 ancies between perception of the chosen, and usually briefly
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111 idealized, love-object (for such is “falling in love”), and the actual
2 characteristics of that same love-object that become apparent.
3 Whether the disappointment, disillusionment, rage, and frustration
4 are felt to be bearable will depend on the outcome of myriad
5 attempts to work through previous loves and losses. The first
6 among these, perhaps, is a baby’s discovery that the external world
711 (in the sense of extra-uterine) does not offer unlimited provision of
8 the “stuff of life”. The infant’s experience was that sometimes the
9 breast was absent when it was desperately needed; sometimes it
10 was intrusively present when hunger was not the source of discom-
1 fort; sometimes the milk itself was too thin, or too slow in coming,
2 or too rich and gushing. Confusingly, the breast was sometimes
3 offered without interest, or lacking the usual accompanying feel-
4 ings of passionate love and comfort, or else it brought disturbing
5 feelings of excitement and over-stimulation. Such manifold physi-
6 cal sensations can scarcely be separated, moment by moment, from
7 their psychic accompaniments. These become more complex as
8 experiences of the object, both externally and internally intensify,
9 are exaggerated or modified, whether in love or in hate, and the
211 psychological mechanisms of projection and introjection come into
1 play.
2 There is possibly no other stage of development, beyond infancy
3 and young childhood, where the demands of the oedipus complex
4 and the inextricable challenges of the depressive position are more
5 absolute, more disturbing, and more categorical than during
6 adolescence. Among the central tasks of the period are those of
7 separation, of tolerating frustration, of living with disillusionment,
8 of struggling between the pleasure principle and the reality princi-
9 ple. In short, as hard-won depressive capacity strains against the
30 pull towards paranoid–schizoid defences, the whole oedipal situa-
1 tion has to be constantly re-worked. At this time, the ever-oscillat-
2 ing shifts between the paranoid–schizoid and the depressive
3 positions are occurring with especial force and intensity. Under the
4 impact of powerful hormonal changes and newly discovered senses
5 of self, every aspect of life is renegotiated, both of inner and outer
6 life. Amid all this, the young person’s experience of his or her
7 changing identity becomes of paramount importance. Its contours
8 are shaped and re-shaped—as they have forever been—through
911 relationships with others, but now in different ways. The child’s
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111 relationship, which also brings together “the sensual and the
2 tender”.
3 In the course of the novel, Dorothea loses her infantile dreams
4 and is stripped of her projective fantasies. In the ghastly loneliness
5 of her honeymoon in Rome she discovers the difference between a
6 narcissistic orientation to the world: “an udder to feed our supreme
711 selves”, and an attitude which can recognize “an equivalent centre
8 of self whence the lights and shadows must always fall with a
9 certain difference” (Eliot, 1872, p. 243). George Eliot’s descriptions
10 of such fundamentally diverse mental attitudes could be said to
1 define what Klein was later to theorize as the distinction between
2 the paranoid–schizoid and the depressive positions. These descrip-
3 tions also define the developmental process in adolescence as being
4 from a primarily self-regarding and self-interested state of mind in
5 the early pubertal and immediately post-pubertal years to a later
6 capacity, if things go well, to accommodate others and to have some
7 sensitivity and regard for their very otherness.
8 Working through oedipal anxiety is intrinsic to gaining an abil-
9 ity to tolerate the loss of a sense of one’s own centrality in the
211 world, and to being able to appreciate the gains that ensue from
1 simply taking one’s place among others. Dorothea suffers the lone-
2 liness of disillusionment and separation, and begins to recognize
3 the significance of separateness. With Casaubon’s sudden death,
4 she relinquishes, naïvely and perhaps too readily, her omnipotent
5 adolescent ideals for the more painful reality of frustration, disap-
6 pointment, and a circumscribed life, which is now blighted by the
7 dead hand of her late husband. His pathological jealousy has
8 forbidden his young widow further marriage, thus destroying any
9 possibility of a future family or personal sexual fulfilment. (Those
30 sympathetic to Casaubon might well point here to an oedipal clue
1 to his profound inability internally to develop, and to his massive
2 intellectual defences against emotional engagement.)
3 The real test of the quality and strength of Dorothea’s internal
4 object comes, as it does for Jane Austen’s Emma, with the agoniz-
5 ing “recognition” that the external person is different from the
6 person she has trusted him to be. With Emma, this conviction rests
7 on a certainty that the loved one is lost to someone else, that Mr
8 Knightly has not forever kept her at the centre of his being—for
911 Emma, the profoundest narcissistic wound. With Dorothea, the
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111 threatened loss is of the one as she had felt him to be: ‘“Nothing
2 could have changed me” [she says to Ladislaw, the man she has
3 realized she really loves], but her heart was swelling, and it was
4 difficult to go on; she made a great effort over herself to say in a low
5 tremulous voice, “but thinking that you were different—not so
6 good as I had believed you to be”’ (ibid., p. 867).
7 The long night of agony that Dorothea spends on her bedroom
8 floor, wracked with inescapable anguish as “the limit of her exis-
9 tence was reached”, crystallizes a process that, over time, has been
10 working within her. She had, earlier in the day, come upon Will
1 Ladislaw in an apparently compromising situation. She had spent
2 the day resisting her real feelings, busying herself with good works
3 and social calls. Only now, in her own room, was she able to admit
4 to herself the depth of her love. Now, she recognized the intensity
5 of her shattered faith, and the loss of the belief that had sustained
6 her since the days in Rome. Now, “with a full consciousness which
711 had never awakened before, she stretched out her arms towards
8 him and cried with bitter tears that their nearness was but a part-
9 ing vision: [now] she discovered her passion to herself in the
20 unshrinking utterance of despair” (ibid., p. 844). Her experience
1 was of a formless object—a “changed belief exhausted of hope, a
2 detected illusion” (ibid., p. 845). The fire of her anger flamed out
3 from the midst of scorn and indignation, “of fitful returns of spurn-
4 ing reproach” (ibid., p. 845) and of jealous offended pride—and
511 finally, she sobbed herself to sleep.
6 In the narrative of Dorothea’s dark night of the soul we have a
7 compelling account of the capacity of the internal object to survive
8 the fallibility of the external, and of the process by which that
9 occurs. Dorothea does not, George Eliot tells us, sit “in the narrow
311 cell of her calamity, in the besotted misery of a consciousness that
1 only sees another’s lot as an accident of its own” (ibid., p. 845). She
2 does not, in other words, sink into self-regarding melancholia. She
3 forces herself to think, not only of her own misery, but also of the
4 meaning of others’ lives. She gives her attention to what is apart
5 from herself—”all this vivid sympathetic experience returned to her
6 now as a power: it asserted itself as acquired knowledge asserts itself
7 and will not let us see as we saw in the day of our ignorance” (ibid.,
8 p. 846, my italics). Dorothea draws on her own irremediable grief
911 as a source of strength to others. She draws on capabilities that she
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111 has “acquired” over time, as she begins to learn from her own real
2 experience, relinquishing the scholarly “under-labourer”, or “too
3 good-to-be-true” versions of herself.
4 The inner reality and meaning of this momentous expression of
5 the thrust towards development is beautifully described in external
6 terms—a kind of “objective correlative” for internal processes:
8 She opened her curtains and looked out towards the bit of road that
9 lay in view, and fields beyond, outside the entrance-gates. On the
10 road there was a man with a bundle on his back and a woman
carrying her baby; in the field she could see figures moving,
perhaps the shepherd with his dog. Far off in the bending sky was
the pearly light; and she felt the largeness of the world and the
3 manifold wakings of men to labour and endurance. She was a part
4 of that involuntary, palpitating life, and could neither look out on
5 it from her luxurious shelter as a mere spectator, nor hide her eyes
6 in selfish complaining. [Eliot, 1872, p. 846]
8 This is not only a movingly understated description of the
9 generosity of a mature mind; it is also a marvellous evocation of
211 introjective identification having been taking place over time. In the
1 face of Dorothea’s conviction that the external object has been lost,
2 the internal object holds. It does not vanish or collapse because the
3 external representation, originally the mother (or the mother’s
4 breast) has left the field of present perception. It holds, moreover, in
5 such a way that Dorothea can bear, in her desolate state, to look out
6 and see precisely what she feels so excluded from—a man with a
7 bundle on his back and a woman carrying her baby. This is
8 supremely delicately expressed. We do not know, for sure, that this
9 is a young family being registered by Dorothea, but we cannot but
30 surmise.
1 Dorothea’s sources of nourishment are mysterious. Her strength
2 does seem to lie in some kind of deep-seated belief in a good object
3 (perhaps gleaned from the experience of the presence and early loss
4 of her mother), variously expressed in George Eliot’s language of
5 morality—a language that strains between the “right and wrong”
6 polarity of moralism, and the profoundly mixed achievement of
7 an ethical stance in relation to what a person can reasonably aspire
8 to. In this last crisis, Dorothea “yearned towards the perfect Right,
911 that it might make a throne within her, and rule her errant will”
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111 (ibid., p. 846). The response to her tormented cry of, “What should
2 I do—how should I act now?” (ibid., p. 846) comes from within—
3 she again finds herself looking outside the “entrance-gates” of her
4 own mind to the existence of others’ lives, “whence the lights and
5 shadows must always fall with a certain difference”.
6 It has often been observed that her marriage to Will Ladislaw
7 (the ardent young radical who evokes, both physically and morally,
8 the idealism of a latter-day Shelley) was a disappointing conclusion
9 to this extraordinary description of Dorothea’s capacity to grow
10 through experience, to re-encounter and work through the basic
1 oedipal issues that repeatedly assail the young person. Dorothea’s
2 struggle with that most central of adolescent tasks, finding and
3 establishing an intimate partner, the task of becoming one of a
4 couple, is not matched by an equivalent sense of such a process in
5 Ladislaw. It has been suggested, however (Irma Brenman-Pick,
6 personal communication), that Ladislaw contains the partially
711 unresolved part of Dorothea, and that an aspect of the emotional
8 bond in this and other marriages is with a part of oneself that
9 remains projected.
20 George Eliot does not, in fact, require us to think of this marriage
1 as a perfect statement of appropriate union. Referring to Dorothea’s
2 two marriages, she writes:
4 Certainly, those determining acts of her life were not ideally beau-
tiful. They were the mixed result of a young and noble impulse
struggling amidst the conditions of an imperfect social state, in
which great feelings will often take the aspect of error, and great
7 faith the aspect of illusion. For there is no creature whose inward
8 being is so strong that it is not greatly determined by what lies
9 outside it. [Eliot, 1872, p. 896]
1 The dimensions of the internal voyage towards maturity, and
2 towards some adult capacities, are, as so often in the nineteenth-
3 century novel, much more extensive and momentous than any
4 confidence suggested in the married states in which they eventu-
5 ate—though these, it is emphasized, are but a beginning, possibly a
6 “great beginning” (ibid., p. 890). This final restatement of one of the
7 book’s central themes—the relationship between character and
8 environment—does not have to reconcile us to the actual marriage.
911 Rather, it points to marriage as a symbolic statement that Dorothea
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111 now has the internal capacity for love and for intimacy. It may also
2 point to an alternative possibility, that marriage is not so much an
3 idealized state as one made up of two people who are now on a
4 developmental journey together, constantly re-negotiating the ideal
5 and the real in relation to each other, and embarking on the shared
6 struggle to realize a “good enough” marriage of which the future is
711 unknown. None the less, it is one in which the reader has a certain
8 confidence that each partner will continue growing, both indepen-
9 dently, and together. Despite the narrative disparity between
10 Dorothea’s development and Ladislaw’s, the final pages make it
1 clear that if they are to be a couple, idealization and denigration
2 must not come into it. The reader’s desire for perfect resolution has
3 also to be challenged.
4 The finalé makes clear that
6 the developmental process lies not in “historic acts” but in the
7 coming-to-have-a-truer vision-of-the-world and of the self-in-the-
world, aided, indeed initiated, by a capacity to learn from experi-
ence instead of adapting to the structures of social conformity. It
involves seeing self and life as they are—stripped of grandiosity, of
211 emotionalism, of self-righteousness, and of the impulse, subjec-
1 tively, to defend against psychic pain by being someone one isn’t.
2 [Waddell, 1991, p. 159]
4 A further way of designating the psychic shifts that take place
5 during this adolescent process is in the description of how the force
6 of projective mechanisms slowly yields to greater introjective
7 capacities, of a more receptive and positive kind. An aspect of
8 George Eliot’s genius, as of Jane Austen’s, is her ability to draw
9 attention to the significance of the tiniest details of behaviour and
30 intent as they precisely chart these shifts in a character, over time.
1 With Dorothea, the tendency toward the introjective becomes
2 steadily stronger. George Eliot describes the process as being like
3 “the subtle muscular movements which are not taken account of in
4 consciousness, though they bring about the end that we fix our
5 mind on and desire”; “those invisible thoroughfares . . . that deli-
6 cate poise and transition which determine the growth of happy or
7 unhappy consciousness” (Eliot, 1872, p.194). So, in the course of
8 Middlemarch, Dorothea, battered and disillusioned as “the new real
911 future replaces the imaginary” (ibid., p. 226), changes through
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111 learning that life must be undergone and that such undergoing, as
2 it presents itself at each significant epoch of her late adolescent
3 struggle, involves constant challenges to the sense of her known
4 self. Theses are repeatedly marked and tested by the central oedi-
5 pal challenges, those of “rivalry and relinquishment”, in relation to
6 other characters in the novel, and in relation to internal aspects of
7 herself. “That new real future which was replacing the imaginary
8 drew its material from the endless minutiae, by which her view of
9 Mr Casaubon and her wifely relation, now that she was married to
10 him, was gradually changing with the secret motion of a watch-
1 hand from what it had been in her maiden dream” (ibid., p. 226).
2 That “gradual change” is, we might infer, an aspect of the kind
3 of working through which is involved in the adolescent process—a
4 working through of infantile omnipotence, splitting and projection.
5 Dorothea develops a capacity that seems to be rooted in the inter-
6 nal object being able to sustain the failure, absence, or fallibility of
711 the external. It becomes clear that, in psychic reality, the internal
8 readiness for “marriage”—that is, for true emotional and sexual
9 commitment—is based on the capacity to survive loss and disillu-
20 sionment, to mourn what has had to be given up. For this can
1 engender belief in an internal, intimate couple that may then find
2 expression in an external partnership, one that can carry the impli-
3 cation of regeneration and renewal.
4 “Marriage”, as a symbol of the capacity for intimacy and of this
511 very notion of regeneration and renewal, is a hallmark of classic
6 literature. To be able, in the fullest and deepest sense, to be a couple
7 (only conventionally marked by marriage) constitutes a profoundly
8 optimistic statement of psychic continuity. Perhaps the clearest
9 expression of this psychic continuity is to be found in Shakespeare’s
311 comedies. Suzanne Langer (1953) describes the essence of comedy
1 as embodying in symbolic form our sense of happiness, in feeling
2 that we can meet and master the changes and chances of life as it
3 confronts us. In just such a way Shakespeare’s great Festive Come-
4 dies may be taken as descriptions of the happy outcome (despite
5 the tyrannical overtones of many of the beginnings, and melan-
6 cholic undertones that so often pervade) of the developmental
7 process and of adolescence in particular. For the comic plots, with
8 their improbabilities, coincidences, sudden reversals, disguisings
911 and unmaskings, cross-dressings and bisexual possibilities, present
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111 us with what Rosalind, in As You Like It, calls the “full stream of the
2 world”. It is the full stream of a particular kind of world, where the
3 characters, to varying degrees, engage with different aspects of
4 themselves. They have to, if the final marriages, which are really to
5 do with renewal rather than mere convention, are to take place.
6 I can only touch on the world of the comedies here. They present
711 an altogether more ebullient, experimental, and mythic version of
8 things than the novels I have described. In the wholly symbolic
9 worlds of Illyria, the Forest of Arden, the Duke’s Oak in a wood
10 near Athens, or, indeed, of Prospero’s island, marriage carries with
1 it the resolution of the internal adolescent conflict between confor-
2 mity and individuality, between received identity and the capacity
3 to be oneself; and, quite explicitly, the sense of the characters partly
4 working through their respective oedipal crises. Many of the come-
5 dies begin in an atmosphere of patriarchal authority and denial.
6 These are situations that must be confronted and resolved by the
7 characters in the course of the plays, as they struggle to shed
8 versions of pseudo-maturity imposed from without, and to engage
9 with the creative, imaginative symbolic possibilities within. The
211 comedies are, in other words, profoundly to do with separation and
1 individuation, and with the onward march of the generations that
2 each have to find their own distinctive way of proceeding.
3 What characterizes the final marriages in many of the comedies
4 is the dramatic evidence that they are the outcome of significant
5 experiments with bisexual aspects of the self. One might even say
6 that the great comic heroines, Viola in Twelfth Night, for example, or
7 Rosalind in As You Like It, are constituted as heroines through their
8 very capacities also to be Cesario and Ganymede. They have the
9 ability to combine in themselves essential elements, both male and
30 female, that they engage with, or that finally come together in a
1 potentially creative union. Identity becomes a matter not of imita-
2 tion, or superficial identification with external conventional mores,
3 nor of projective identification with roles and characteristics, but
4 one of examination of inner meanings and of potential integration,
5 such that authentic, creative processes may occur. These processes
6 could be re-described, psychoanalytically, in terms of a renegotia-
7 tion of the oedipal situation in adolescence.
8 I will now turn to such a renegotiation in a particularly troubled
911 young man’s late adolescence, in an attempt further to explore the
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111 essential to coping with the sudden eruption into his life of a new
2 rival. Then, and always, he experienced his rival as the “incarnation
3 of malignant misunderstanding” (Britton, 1992, p. 41).
4 This “malignant” union with what, in different states of mind,
5 Tom took to be both his unwilling and yet also his wantonly
6 too willing mother, seemed to have created a combined figure
7 that personified “contradiction, meaninglessness, and chaos” (ibid.,
8 p. 41). This figure had set him on the path of academic failure,
9 mental confusion, victimhood, and, ultimately, sexual perversity.
10 The potentially fateful consequences of lacking the wherewithal to
1 deal with this oedipal reverse were sealed by the further tragic loss
2 of his mother’s mind. With the births of his many younger siblings
3 his mother suffered successive psychotic breakdowns, from which
4 she never wholly recovered. Tom laid the full intolerable weight
5 and responsibility for the rage, pain, hurt, and desperation of these
6 terrible experiences of abandonment, birth, and breakdown at his
711 stepfather’s door. Tom had been stuck in an oedipal crisis, and
8 unable to move towards a genuine sense of himself; rather than a
9 collection of posturing, projective “cardboard cut-out figures”, “an
20 unconfident social wreck”, as he said much later when he felt he
1 was finally “no longer always trying to be in someone else’s head
2 in order to look at myself”.
3 This last insight came towards the end of his long analysis.
4 Previously, he had sometimes been able to touch on a more solid
511 experience of his own identity, and move slowly towards a loving
6 relationship, providing the basis for establishing the kind of family
7 he felt he had never had. This profound wish carried with it both
8 reparative components and some founded on a determination not
9 to repeat. His genuine desires had long been terribly hampered by
311 aspects of his own pathology, and by blocks to his capacity to inte-
1 grate his profoundly split, indeed “fractured” (O’Shaughnessy,
2 1989, p. 142) experiences of the parental couple, motherhood, and
3 womanhood.
4 Throughout his adolescence, for example, Tom was infatuated
5 with a young woman. As far as I could understand, he experienced
6 her as being very similar, both in looks and in character, to his beau-
7 tiful, depressed, and quixotic pre-psychotic mother. For years this
8 girl preoccupied Tom in fantasies, dreams, and daydreams. His
911 idealized union with her occupied a “reservation” type place in his
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111 and devoid of any trace of the sympathetic imagination and oedi-
2 pal resolution that the dream revealed his inner self was capable of,
3 if only fleetingly.
4 It was as if the creative, and as yet unrealized, possibility of
5 getting to know a more integrated self which could cope with being
6 the young outsider of a “grown-up”, established relationship, had
711 been briefly glimpsed in this experience of a benign “combined
8 object”. However, the degree of idealization of the whole situation
9 perhaps inevitably invited some kind of catastrophic counter-force.
10 In the session itself, this new perspective on things was instantly hi-
1 jacked by an unwelcome bit of self-knowledge—the recognition of
2 a “somebody else” in himself, experienced as invasive and abusive.
3 In a trice, the possibility of integration had become so frightening
4 and challenging that Tom had reverted to the perverse, masochistic
5 pleasures in which he had long sought refuge from the split world
6 of his childhood experience. The fear of recognizing and granting
7 that there could be some relationship in his life that might reduce
8 the vast distance between his “island-mother”-self and his “main-
9 land stepfather”-self, relentlessly drew Tom towards a persecutory
211 figure. The figure threatens any attempt on Tom’s part to reconcile
1 the painfully polarized aspects of his inner world, militates against
2 any properly loving relationship in his external world, and against
3 any concrete creativity of a kind to which Tom had so often aspired.
4 This dream has a mythic quality that brings into relation the
5 oedipal experience both of separation and of potential integration.
6 The aesthetic dimension is particularly significant. It impacts on the
7 patient’s sensibility of this idealized island-world, and on his use of
8 perversity as a refuge from the overwhelming nature of the percep-
9 tion of new possibilities within, as well as from the inherent insta-
30 bility of such an island “psychic retreat” as a basis for any genuine
1 development.
2 The island as a “psychic retreat”, of the kind described by Judith
3 Edwards (drawing on Steiner, 1993), makes its first appearance in
4 this dream. Even more striking was one that occurred almost a year
5 later when Tom, with considerable trepidation and ambivalence,
6 was contemplating the end of his analysis. He described the follow-
ing dream, interpolating associations as he went along:
8 I was driving across an elevated structure—a bit like a motorway only
911 somehow the structure was much more arched and less substantial. I
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111 was with an older woman [probably a bit like you] and I knew that I
2 was entering a foreign country. It was Canada [which I immediately
3 associate with my mother]. As we descended from the arc of the struc-
4 ture the landscape opened out before us. At the centre was a vast lake,
in the middle of which was an island that seemed like some kind of
quintessence of Canada itself. It was extraordinarily beautiful. I was
enthralled and over-awed with the wonder of it. Somehow it repre-
sented a sort of condensation of the features of the rest of the country. [It
8 epitomized my memories of being in my first, and in a sense, only
9 home.] Next we seemed to be on the island and my woman companion
10 was saying goodbye as she went off in another direction. This seemed
1 acceptable at first but then I became terrified of being alone. Soon after-
2 wards I encountered an older man who seemed to be pointing the way
3 out to me. It felt like it was the right direction but I didn’t know whether
4 I could go that way and I felt completely panicked and just stood still.
6 Tom said that there seemed to be much more to that part of the
711 dream—that is, more about the exquisite loveliness and idyllic
8 charms of the island/world in the middle of the lake. However, as in
9 the post-dream fantasy of the previous year, he suddenly found him-
20 self in a quite different emotional space—this time in the dream itself:
2 Suddenly, I was inside a building—a vast interior of which the exter-
3 nal features of the architecture, that is, the street-facing façade, now
presented themselves as somehow inside, so that I was viewing the
outside as if from within. I felt frightened, even desperate. I now
seemed to be being pursued by some kind of malign force or forces that
were out to get me. I found myself frantically flapping my arms and
7 hands in an effort to rise above the ground and to fly out of reach of
8 my persecutors. I was aware that I was facing two doors. One seemed
9 to be the right door and the other the wrong one. I was utterly
311 perplexed. Which door was the safe one to go through? I felt that if I
1 was mistaken, forces of destruction and persecution would be awaiting
2 me on the far side.
4 This dream seemed to speak directly to Tom’s predicament as he
5 approached the end of a long analytic relationship, and to how he
6 conducted his life outside. With his (analyst) female companion, he
7 was coming down to earth. And yet the approach was across a
8 structure which felt insubstantial and somewhat artificially ele-
911 vated (the insecure support as he nears the end of treatment). The
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111 dream seems to describe some kind of experience of being “on the
2 way down” towards an ordinary landscape in which men and
3 women, and generations, take their place in the onward flow of
4 things. The difficult “journey” is arrested by the sudden sighting of
5 the island in the middle of the lake, another island of extraordinary
6 magnificence and compelling attraction—the “Lake Isle of Innis-
711 free”. The island is again described in lyrical terms, as if to repre-
8 sent, in its location and geography, the gem (nipple) in the middle
9 of the lake (breast)—the exclusively erotic and idealized focus of the
10 whole landscape—that of life or of the analytic experience. It was
1 the epitome of everything most desirable and gratifying. Yet, in so
2 being, it occluded the real with the ideal. The next events in the
3 dream suggest the impossibility for Tom of allowing his travelling
4 (analytic) companion to depart. In his anxiety, he suffers paralysing
5 indecision about an unknown male figure that points out the way
6 to him. Faced with a benign paternal object, he freezes.
7 In the light of the dream material that follows, we might sur-
8 mise that, fearful about the impending loss of his analyst, Tom
9 became unable to relinquish what now represented itself as an
211 enthralling island–breast, which he felt was only available to him
1 when he was physically with his actual analytic companion.
2 Overwhelmed in the face of imminent separation, he loses contact
3 with the kind of combined, albeit idealized, object that had featured
4 so prominently in his dream a year previously. He cannot allow
5 these “older” figures to be together. One takes the place of the other
6 and he cannot accept help or move on. His predicament is repre-
7 sented by what happens next in the dream. Suddenly, everything
8 turns inside out. The external features of the building’s architec-
9 ture are to be found inside instead. In this inside-out world, Tom
30 frantically resorts to “flying”, flapping, and fiddling (masturbatory
1 practices well-known from previous dreams), in a desperate effort
2 to “rise above” the anxieties associated with the ordinary landscape
3 experiences of finding his own way in life—to him, still “a foreign
4 country”. The dream-lake, drawn on to defend against the pain
5 of relinquishment, offered no substantial protection in his plight
6 and his (moral) universe is turned inside-out in his panic and
7 isolation.
8 In this second part of the dream, persecutory forces are actively
911 assailing him and his masturbatory fantasies are failing him.
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111 Caught up, now, in a world of extreme splitting and projection, Tom
2 becomes confused and cannot tell right from wrong. The choice of
3 the two doors would seem to represent some kind of extreme polar-
4 ity between good and bad with a complete confusion, in the dream-
5 terms, as to which would release more persecutory forces and
6 which would offer him succour and relief. The anxiety which
7 propelled him from the “good” back to the “idealized” object (as we
8 can see in each of the two island-dreams, a year apart) was now
9 further propelling him into the topsy-turvy world of his defensive,
10 amoral universe of fear and indecision.
1 The inability to know which door to choose seemed to describe
2 the predicament that the baby finds himself in, when he cannot
3 replace the lost, idealized, wondrous breast/nipple/island with
4 any kind of ordinary experience that feels supportable and liveable.
5 It suggests, moreover, the oedipal dilemma in which one choice has
6 to be made over another—a choice fraught with longing, guilt,
711 persecution, and loss—a choice forever to be made, unmade, and
8 again remade. Under the pressure of the fear of separation, now felt
9 as abandonment, the island of the previous year dramatically
20 changes in character within the dream itself, not as a conscious
1 after-flight, as before. That earlier island had been one where,
2 despite the excessive lyricism and idealization, the qualities of an
3 experienced, thoughtful and wise combined object could neverthe-
4 less be recognized, engaged with and learned from. In fear,
511 however, that he would not be able to “bear” the “polar” opposites
6 in himself that were now being brought into relation with one
7 another, Tom had previously escaped into his familiar, lurid, and
8 exciting world of sexual fantasy. Yet the dream language and
9 content did, none the less, betoken the fact that something was
311 coming together within him, and that that “something” was becom-
1 ing available in the realization of burgeoning creative possibilities
2 in Tom’s personality. In the course of the year he had begun his own
3 writing—some poetry and a television drama.
4 The second dream describes how fragile these therapeutic gains
5 were. The good breast can again be swiftly traduced and turned
6 into an idealized version of itself, leaving Tom with little sense of
7 inner resources of his own, and unable to make use of the directions
8 he could be given by a helpful, “grown-up”, paternal aspect of
911 himself. He wants to be inside and outside at the same time and is
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111 Dorothea’s story has the breadth and universality of great liter-
2 ature. Tom’s profound difficulties bound him within a very differ-
3 ent narrative—one which throws into question how far someone
4 with a so fatally idealized and denigrated internal mother can
5 get towards anything resembling what is being called an oedi-
6 pal resolution. With such a seductive relationship with his early
7 mother—which he endlessly recreated in the idealized, eroticized
8 transference—what hope did he have of genuine relinquishment?
9 What chance did he have of getting off this island retreat if every-
10 thing away from it was experienced as so persecuting, unsafe, and
1 terrible? When his mother lost her mind Tom lost the opportunity
2 to struggle with disillusionment and ambivalence. He clung,
3 instead, to a past ideal in his fantasies, while in his actions he
4 punished and besmirched his object and himself. Consequently, his
5 capacity to find and sustain a relationship of genuine love and inti-
6 macy was seriously impaired.
711 Late adolescence is the time when the re-engagement with the
8 oedipal situation during the preceding few years can begin to bear
9 fruit. In many cases this adolescent process takes much longer—it
20 may extend into the twenties, or even to the thirties and beyond.
1 But the links between adolescent development, oedipal resolution,
2 and the internal capacity to be a couple are at their closest and most
3 developmentally significant at this time. As already stated, the
4 traditional emblem for the finding of a life-long partner is marriage,
511 which, as George Eliot says in the finale to Middlemarch, “has been
6 the bourne of so many narratives, is still a great beginning” (Eliot,
7 1872, p. 890).
311 Acknowledgements
1 With thanks to James Fisher and to Kate Barrows for conversation
2 and reflection on the text.
7 1. I have explored these issues at greater length in Waddell, M. (1998).
8 Late adolescence: fictional lives. In: Inside Lives: Psychoanalysis and the
911 Growth of the Personality. London: Karnac (2002).
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2 ngmar Bergman’s creativity spans dozens of films and half a
3 century. Fanny and Alexander, filmed in 1982, is widely regarded
4 as a crowning masterwork of world cinema. Few film-makers
5 have drawn so unashamedly on their personal experience to feed
6 their creative work and Fanny and Alexander is among Bergman’s
7 most autobiographical films. The film is generally seen as depicting
8 a more benign, less angst-ridden projection of Bergman’s psy-
9 chic world than some of his earlier work (Horrox, 1988; Törnqvist,
30 1995).
1 Fanny and Alexander is an immensely rich and complex film,
2 multi-layered and allusive, profound in its exploration of character,
3 an enduring work of art. This chapter limits its study to one aspect
4 of the film—the oedipal themes that Bergman explores in the course
5 of the narrative. The film charts the psychic development of
6 Alexander, its central character, in his struggle with his oedipal
7 demons. The spectator follows Alexander through a mythic journey
8 of hate and love where he fears that he has, in turn, killed off both
911 father and stepfather as rivals for his mother’s affection. In the
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111 course of the story Alexander is forced to confront their ghosts and
2 to arrive at some kind of resolution.
3 The chapter also explores three important couples in the film, to
4 see how Bergman’s screen characters enact the process of passing
5 unresolved oedipal phantasies and anxieties down the generational
6 line. I will suggest that Bergman’s portrayal of Alexander is of a boy
7 re-enacting his parents’ unresolved oedipal feelings in his struggle
8 to find a “third position”, from which he may find greater freedom
9 to witness rather than repeat the pattern (Britton, 1989, 1998). In the
10 course of the film the audience may gain, through Alexander’s
1 experience, a deeper understanding of the state of the couple rela-
2 tionship when the containment of the couple is failing.
3 Finally, this chapter refers to some of Bergman’s published auto-
4 biographical material and considers what Alexander’s character
5 may tell us about Bergman’s personal history. Throughout the film
6 Alexander’s journey is conducted alongside his younger sister,
711 Fanny, whose presence is neither accidental nor superfluous. This
8 chapter, none the less, reflects primarily on the character of Alex-
9 ander, who can be seen, in a sense, to represent Bergman himself.
2 Fanny and Alexander
4 At the start of Fanny and Alexander Bergman introduces us to nine-
511 year-old Alexander, wandering through his grandmother’s apart-
6 ment, which is set in a wealthy university town in turn-of-the-
7 century Sweden. The Ekdahl household is preparing its sumptuous
8 Christmas celebrations, a situation that introduces us to each of the
9 offspring of Alexander’s grandmother, Helena. She is the matriar-
311 chal dowager who acts as a firm but accepting pillar in the lives of
1 her extended family. Bergman portrays her as a well-known actress,
2 who retains her poise and grace and enjoys a comfortable, bour-
3 geois lifestyle. The intensity of the celebrations suggests to us that
4 this grandiose, idealized display is concealing darker tensions and
5 emotions below the surface. Helena has three sons—Oscar, Carl,
6 and Gustav. Each is married, and the first act of the film introduces
7 us to their partners.
8 Oscar is married to Emilie; these are Fanny and Alexander’s
911 parents. They are actors, and patrons of an amateur theatre
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111 appear all the more exciting and available as an object for
2 Alexander’s oedipal longings.
3 Oscar’s mother Helena is characterized as a powerful woman.
4 Although her three sons have reached midlife, they are dependent
5 on her social and financial support. She is the strong, pivotal force
6 that seems to hold the family together. The audience is led to
7 believe that she has survived and prospered because of her acute
8 observation of other people. At one point she notes, “we play our
9 roles, some with negligence, others with duty”. Later she says, “one
10 role follows the other, the thing is not to shrink away”. Clearly,
1 Helena takes pains to measure up to her own criteria. She exudes
2 an air of sardonic distance and good-humoured indulgence toward
3 her sons, who remain, in a sense, infantalized. It is perhaps signifi-
4 cant that Bergman has drawn Helena’s character in the film as a
5 widow. The absence of a potent husband and father puts the rela-
6 tionship between mother and sons into sharper relief. This seems to
711 enhance the audience’s observation of the family dynamic, and aid
8 its understanding of how unresolved oedipal phantasies and anxi-
9 eties are unconsciously passed down and re-enacted over the gener-
20 ations. For example, we learn that Helena herself has taken lovers
1 and that her husband was distant and unresponsive.
2 We are introduced to Jacobi, a Jewish family friend who is
3 also Helena’s lover. We sense an erotic attraction between them,
4 although Jacobi is evidently not required to fulfil the role of pater
511 familias. It is Helena who sets the terms and Jacobi who carries out
6 her commands, an arrangement that appears mutually satisfactory.
7 They seem to relate to each other through a shared ironic, sceptical
8 distance towards the world, rather than through any passionate
9 bond. Their secret embraces seem to underline the fact that Helena
311 does not have a “real” husband, but a lover who sneaks in under
1 cover of dark.
2 It seems that Helena’s grown sons display, in different ways,
3 unresolved oedipal feelings. They find it hard to separate from
4 mother and to move forward in a purposeful way. Oscar has
5 married a woman not unlike his mother. His impotence, at one
6 level, may represent a self-inflicted punishment for his unresolved
7 guilty oedipal feelings towards his glamorous and exciting mother.
8 Oscar’s mother was open to extra-marital relationships because his
911 father was so remote. The absence, through death, of the father has
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111 rage. Similarly, when Helena questions his relationship with the
2 pregnant Maj, Gustav reacts with petulant fury.
3 In his paper “Love, Oedipus and the couple”, Kernberg (1995)
4 suggests that the Don Juan syndrome does not have a single aetiol-
5 ogy, but exists along a continuum. “The promiscuous, narcissis-
6 tic personality is a much more severe type of Don Juan than the
711 infantile, dependent, rebellious, but effeminate type . . .” (Kernberg,
8 1995, p. 51). It would seem that Bergman’s Gustav resembles the
9 infantile and rebellious Don Juan described by Kernberg, governed
10 by a mild masochistic or hysteric pathology. Gustav seems unable
1 to tolerate feelings of oedipal exclusion, and perhaps his re-enact-
2 ment of threesome relationships is an attempt to re-instate early
3 phantasies that deny the reality of his exclusion from the parental
4 couple’s sexual relationship. The loss of the illusion of possessive
5 exclusivity may be one of the most difficult developmental hurdles
6 to be negotiated throughout life (Johns, 1996).
7 Perhaps this is best illustrated elsewhere by his brother Carl
8 when, in a drunken moment, he tells his wife: “First I am a prince,
9 the heir to the kingdom. Suddenly, before I know it, I am deposed”.
211 This seems to convey the sentiment of someone who has lost his
1 position as mother’s “little prince” prematurely, as if Carl has never
2 recovered from being usurped from mother’s affection. Perhaps
3 this illustrates the dilemma of someone who is unable to make a
4 demand for the whole kingdom, and is unable to identify with the
5 potent father and husband. Boswell writes in her paper “The
6 Oedipus complex”: “Together with the awareness of exclusion goes
7 the experience of finding out, of learning. This process of change
8 and growth always involves pain, but it also opens up the potential
9 for warmer and more generous relationships” (Boswell, 2001, p. 79).
30 Bergman allows us, through his portrayal of the three brothers, to
1 witness their respective strategies for avoiding the pain of exclusion
2 and, as a consequence, the interruption in the process of psychic
3 growth and development.
4 As the Christmas Eve celebrations draw to a close Helena and
5 her lover Jacobi sit quietly for a moment in the drawing-room.
6 Elsewhere, in the nursery, the children are too excited to sleep.
7 Alexander plays with his Christmas gift, a “magic lantern”, a paraf-
8 fin-fuelled slide-projector. The story he projects on the wall for the
911 other children is about a girl whose mother is dead. While the
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111 father is carousing with loose companions, the ghost of the dead
2 mother re-appears. This story is in effect a mirror reversal of the
3 film’s narrative and suggests that the hateful feelings can also be
4 directed towards the mother.
5 The second act of the film begins with a scene in which
6 Alexander’s father, Oscar, rehearses the role of The Ghost in Shake-
7 speare’s Hamlet. Alexander sits in the auditorium, watching his
8 father, enraptured by the drama. The murdered Ghost pleads with
9 Hamlet to avenge the crime and save the royal family from inces-
10 tuous ruin. During this rehearsal Oscar is suddenly struck down by
1 fatal illness. Later, as Oscar lies on his deathbed, Alexander seems
2 terrified, trying to hide beneath the bed. Oscar reassures Alexander
3 that he must not be afraid, that death is nothing to fear. It seems
4 characteristic of Oscar’s priorities that his final words are instruc-
5 tions to his wife to take over the directorship of the theatre to ensure
6 that “all must continue as usual”.
711 In his autobiography, The Magic Lantern, Bergman frequently
8 returns to a notion that fear itself creates what is most feared, an
9 idea powerfully illustrated in Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex. In the myth
20 the Oracle has predicted that Oedipus will kill his father and
1 marry his mother. Oedipus then tries to escape from the curse, and
2 he leaves his country and the couple he knows as his parents. By so
3 doing, he eventually ends up re-enacting his worst fear, by
4 unknowingly killing his father and marrying his mother. Bergman’s
511 use of The Ghost’s speech in Hamlet as Oscar’s finale is, of course,
6 significant. Perhaps Alexander identifies with Hamlet’s agony at
7 being torn between wanting to avenge his father’s murderer while
8 also wanting his father, the rival, to be dead so he can have sole
9 access to the mother. The fact of Oscar’s death may, in Alexander’s
311 psychic world, translate into a phantasy where the thing he both
1 most feared and desired has in fact occurred as a result of his oedi-
2 pal longings for his mother. Perhaps, like Hamlet, Alexander
3 unconsciously fears that he has been cruelly punished for his
4 desires.
5 In the third act Bergman transports us to the theatre one
6 year later. Emilie has apparently tired of the world of theatre. In a
7 speech to the actors, she conveys her sense of her life as full of self-
8 deception: “I only bother about myself, not reality”. The reason for
911 her change of heart is explained by the arrival of Mr Edvard
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111 Vergérus, the local Bishop, at her side. We learn that the Bishop has
2 been her spiritual support during the past year, and that their
3 friendship has grown into an attachment.
4 Bergman offers us a glimpse of how the Bishop will influence
5 Alexander’s life. Emilie has received a letter from Alexander’s
6 headmaster saying that her son has spread a story that she has sold
711 him to a travelling circus. She is devastated by what she regards as
8 Alexander’s deception and turns to the Bishop for help. The Bishop
9 humiliates Alexander by enforcing a reluctant confession. Those
10 who are familiar with Bergman’s autobiography will know that he
1 is drawing our attention to a parallel experience of his own. As a
2 small boy Bergman told a similar story at school, and was similarly
3 punished and humiliated by his own father. In the film, the real
4 father of Bergman’s memory appears as the evil stepfather, a sadis-
5 tic imposter stripped of the status of the real father. Moreover,
6 Alexander’s mother has transferred her affections to the rival. The
7 rival is not, like Oscar, just an impotent cipher, but is a potent threat,
8 and plans to possess the mother more effectively than his pre-
9 decessor. Through the phantasy of being sold to a travelling theatre
211 Bergman points to Alexander’s sense of abandonment by his
1 rejecting mother.
2 When Emilie and the Bishop announce to the children their plan
3 to marry, the ghost of Alexander’s father re-appears, smiling ironi-
4 cally, while Alexander mutters curses to himself. The Bishop takes
5 the family to see the residence where his own mother and relatives
6 live. He describes his home as imbued by an atmosphere of purity
7 and austerity. The audience can perhaps recognize elements of
8 Bergman’s own father, also a priest, in the portrayal of Vergérus.
9 The Bishop demands that all three should come to his house with-
30 out any possessions, clothes, jewels, or toys. They are to leave their
1 old habits and thoughts behind. He says, “You are to come to your
2 new life as though newly born”. Emilie seems attracted to the
3 absolute austerity of the Bishop’s life, stating; “my life has been
4 empty and superficial, thoughtless, and comfortable. I have always
5 longed for the life you live”. Despite his severe demands, the
6 Bishop offers Emilie enhanced social standing and appears as an
7 imposing, potent figure. In some ways, he represents a narcissistic
8 mirror image of Emilie’s own self-idealization and vanity. He lays
911 a claim to maleness that no one else in the film is permitted to do.
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111 It seems that Emilie is searching for someone who will challenge
2 her morality and perhaps also punish her. The audience may spec-
3 ulate whether Emilie feels guilt towards her dead husband because
4 of her past infidelities. We may also wonder whether Emilie
5 harbours her own unresolved oedipal feelings towards Alexander,
6 whether her aloofness towards him may be a defence against her
7 own eroticized desires—a sentiment touched on in Bergman’s auto-
8 biography.
9 We witness the wedding of Emilie and the Bishop. After the
10 ceremony, Helena stands pensively at the window watching the
1 children follow their parents to their new home, stripped of all their
2 possessions. Helena notes, with sadness, that she suspects they will
3 have Emilie back quite soon. At this point in the film Bergman turns
4 the children’s lives into a nightmare drawn from a fairy tale. The
5 Bishop’s residence is cold and damp and the food is uneatable. The
6 children are clothed in coarse tunics and the windows in the nur-
711 sery are locked. Alexander detests his stepfather and senses that the
8 feeling is mutual.
9 On the very first evening Emilie seems to grasp that her marri-
20 age is a horrific mistake, but she pleads with the children not to lose
1 heart. When she kisses Alexander goodnight he turns away, as if
2 anticipating his mother’s treachery in sleeping with the Bishop. She
3 chides him by saying: “Don’t act Hamlet, my son. I’m not Queen
4 Gertrude, your kind stepfather is no king of Denmark, and this
511 is not Elsinore Castle, even if it does look gloomy”. With this com-
6 ment, Bergman explicitly reminds us of the oedipal themes of
7 Shakespeare’s play. The film hints at Emilie’s growing awareness
8 that, for Alexander, the struggle to possess her represents part of
9 his psychic reality. Unlike the young Hamlet, Alexander is still a
311 child who cannot compete head to head with the Bishop.
1 The film returns briefly to the idyllic world of the Ekdahl house-
2 hold. Save for Emilie and the children, the extended family is
3 together again, this time in Helena’s beautiful summerhouse. Maj,
4 the maid, is visibly pregnant, expecting Gustav’s child. There is,
5 however, a mood of melancholy and sadness. Helena and Maj are
6 preoccupied about the welfare of Emilie and the children. Emilie,
7 who is now expecting the Bishop’s child, surprises Helena with a
8 secret visit. She blames her loneliness and poor judgement in
911 marrying Edvard Vergérus. She explains to Helena how she had
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111 thirsted for a more truthful life, one of demands, purity, and joy in
2 the performance of duty. Instead she lives in fear of her husband’s
3 tyrannical rages. She has asked for a divorce but he refuses to
4 consent. Emilie is consumed with anxiety. In particular, she worries
5 about Alexander, whom she describes as being mad with jealousy.
6 She adds that he doesn’t realize the jealousy is mutual and that the
711 Bishop merely awaits the right opportunity to crush Alexander. We
8 are struck by the change in Emilie, who seems, for the first time,
9 ready to recognize the depth of her children’s suffering. As Emilie
10 realizes that she cannot attain truth via her husband’s miserable
1 piety, she paradoxically discovers in her own suffering the strength
2 to face her real situation.
3 Meanwhile, at the Bishop’s residence, Fanny and Alexander are
4 locked in the nursery, praying that their stepfather will die. They
5 repeat, like a mantra, “Die, you Devil”. Before Emilie’s return, the
6 Bishop viciously beats Alexander, again for imagining a story. This
7 time, Alexander accuses his stepfather of murdering his first wife
8 and their two children, refusing to believe that they had drowned
9 accidentally. Again, Bergman’s relationship with his father seems to
211 converge with Alexander’s experience of his stepfather, as Bergman
1 describes a similar scene in his autobiography. When Alexander
2 finally confesses that he lied, his stepfather praises him for having
3 won a great victory over himself. The Bishop claims that his love
4 for Alexander compels him to chasten the boy, even if it hurts
5 himself. After the beating, Alexander is forced to beg forgiveness
6 and to kiss the Bishop’s hand. None the less, there is, in Alexander’s
7 resistance, a glimpse of his utter determination to survive and
8 prevail. Each battle with the Bishop seems to reinforce his sense
9 of defiance and his refusal to be crushed. Perhaps Alexander’s
30 refusal to differentiate between lies and truth becomes his saviour.
1 Through his imagination he can distance himself and use his phan-
2 tasy as a way of playing with his hatred and fear. Perhaps Bergman
3 is intimating that the powers of the imagination became his own
4 escape from similar conflicts. The spectator of the film watches a
5 creation that derives from Bergman’s own phantasies and internal
6 child’s reality. In his autobiography Bergman describes himself as
7 adept at creating an outer persona to protect his true self. Lying
8 offered him a kind of protection and, like Alexander, Bergman at
911 times found it hard to distinguish between fantasy and reality.
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111 When Emilie returns she finds Alexander huddled on the attic
2 floor, with weals on his buttocks from the Bishop’s beating. Later in
3 the evening, as Emilie confronts her husband, she seems to recog-
4 nize that their life together is unsustainable and that she must leave
5 him. He threatens to take away her children if she decides to aban-
6 don him. From now on the children are locked in their rooms,
7 attended by the Bishop’s mother and sister. His jealous oedipal rage
8 is now directed towards both Emilie and Alexander. Since he recog-
9 nizes that he has lost Emilie’s affection, he punishes both mother
10 and son for his expulsion from the marital bed.
1 The final act depicts Alexander’s journey from a state of impo-
2 tent rage to a more integrated state, where he begins to own his
3 sexuality and masculinity. Helena, ever a controlling force in the
4 film, enlists Jacobi to rescue the children from the Bishop’s resi-
5 dence. Bergman achieves this by confronting, or perhaps remind-
6 ing, the audience with the fact that the film is, after all, a story
711 where anything can happen. The escape is performed as if by
8 magic. Fanny and Alexander appear to be in two different rooms at
9 the same time. Whether this fortuitous magic emanates from the
20 author, from Jacobi, or from some other source, is left to our imag-
1 ination. This device enables Jacobi to smuggle the children out of
2 the house in a giant chest. As in a fairy tale, the Bishop is tricked
3 into signing over the contents of the chest, which Jacobi contracts to
4 purchase.
511 Jacobi takes the children not to Helena, but to his own house. He
6 lives in a labyrinthine cavern crammed with antiques, a mythical
7 maze of strange objects and monstrous puppet figures. The children
8 are introduced to Jacobi’s nephews, Aron and Ismael. This haunt-
9 ing “Jewish” environment represents a world of otherness, set apart
311 from the “Swedish” world encountered elsewhere in the film. It is
1 in this other space that Alexander’s emotional journey can reach its
2 climax. Jacobi, as a kind of ringmaster/magician, is central to
3 Bergman’s tale. Not only does he redeem the children from the
4 Bishop’s lair, but he also offers some kind of framework for the
5 comprehension of their, up till now, senseless and terrifying experi-
6 ences. Jacobi tells Alexander an ancient Hebrew story about a
7 young boy on a pilgrimage to an unknown land. In this story, the
8 boy’s emotional pain and tears become the rain that feeds the
911 world. Jacobi implies that Alexander’s torment may not have been
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111 been lanced. Alexander now seems able to own the nascent, curs-
2 ing, homicidal monster lodged in his own soul. Conversely, he can
3 also own his love and passion. In this scene Bergman seems to
4 invert the narrative. Alexander and his sister, having escaped from
5 the horrors of the Bishop’s home, have stepped into a different
6 space, where perversity appears as normality. Now that he has
7 allowed himself to cast off the ghost of the dead father, it appears
8 that Alexander’s oedipal rage holds diminished sway.
9 At the Bishop’s residence, Emilie doubles the dose of bromide
10 in her husband’s broth, so that she can escape her confinement. She
1 successfully slips out of the house but, as if by magic, that very
2 night the Bishop’s aunt accidentally upsets a candle, so that the
3 Bishop is burnt to death, exactly as Alexander had imagined.
4 Like the beginning of the film, its epilogue reveals an elaborate
5 party for the Ekdahl clan. The family gathers to celebrate a double
6 christening. Emilie has given birth to a baby daughter, as has Maj,
711 the maid. Gustav is in expansive mood, extolling the apparent reso-
8 lution to the children’s ordeal and the birth of the two babies:
20 We might just as well ignore the big things. We must live in the
1 little, the little world. We should be content with that and cultivate
2 it and make the best of it. Suddenly death strikes, suddenly the
3 abyss opens, the storm howls and disaster is upon us—all that we
4 know. But let’s not think of all that unpleasantness . . . it is neces-
511 sary, and not the least shameful, to take pleasure in the little world,
6 good food, gentle smiles, fruit-trees in bloom, waltzes.
8 It is as if Bergman allows the audience to relax for a moment, to
9 catch its breath, before the threat of death and the “abyss” descends
311 again. Yet, Gustav’s attempt to banish these demons paradoxically
1 reminds us of their continued threat. The family shares the happy
2 occasion—with the exception of Alexander, who seems detached.
3 He eats his cake in a sloppy, ungainly manner, more an awkward
4 adolescent than the obedient child we met at the start of the film.
5 Emilie projects a sweet, idealized picture of motherhood, but the
6 audience is deprived of any reconciliation between Emilie and her
7 son. It seems that Alexander’s sense of oedipal betrayal remains
8 very much alive. Despite Gustav’s attempt to restore family
911 harmony, it is evident that Alexander stubbornly resists inclusion in
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111 this order. We sense that his journey has taken him beyond the
2 reach of Gustav’s platitudes.
3 At the very end of the film the rug is pulled, almost literally,
4 from under our feet, as another ghost trips up Alexander. This time
5 it is the dead stepfather. The Bishop reminds him that “You can’t
6 escape me”. Although the audience is caught off-guard by the
711 Bishop’s re-appearance, Alexander seems unperturbed by the
8 threat. Rather than seeking solace from his mother, in the final scene
9 Alexander calmly rests his head in his grandmother’s lap.
10 As with the oedipus complex, there is neither a happy, nor an
1 unhappy ending to the film. Alexander has, in the course of the
2 narrative, confronted his rivalry with both his father and stepfather
3 and he has, in some sense, seen off both their ghosts. It is arguable
4 that, in the course of the film, Alexander has been struggling with
5 the generational impact of unresolved oedipal feelings. The matri-
6 archal grandmother has been unable to allow her sons, including
7 Alexander’s father, to separate and individuate from her. Conse-
8 quently, Alexander’s parents have not succeeded in sufficiently
9 containing their sexual and relational difficulties that have, in turn,
211 inflamed Alexander’s imagination. In the scene where, like Hamlet,
1 he finally addresses his father’s ghost, Alexander appears to have
2 made an internal move from subject to object. It is as if Jacobi’s
3 story has enabled Alexander to make sense of his own pain and
4 suffering. He is able to confront his father as a real, rather than an
5 idealized object. Once the observer position exists in Alexander’s
6 mind he is able to move towards a position where he can also be
7 observed. The creation of the space to be an individual is a process
8 that involves some recognition of the primary couple (Britton,
9 1989). The audience witnesses this in the encounter with Ismael,
30 where Alexander can tolerate Ismael having access to his darkest
1 phantasies. By confronting the impotence of his father and the
2 aggression of his stepfather, Alexander, to some extent, can recog-
3 nize aspects of the reality of the parental relationship. Britton
4 suggests that recognition of the parental relationship creates a
5 boundary for the internal world, making possible what he calls
6 “triangular space”:
8 If the link between the parents perceived in love and hate can be
911 tolerated in the child’s mind, it provides him with a prototype for
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111 they met, his mother was furious with rage and struck him force-
2 fully as he reached to embrace her. They eventually reconciled and
3 Bergman promised to visit his father. This was his last meeting with
4 his mother, because she died unexpectedly a few days later. As if
5 we were observing a family scene through a keyhole, this episode
6 dramatizes the fraught triangular relationship between Bergman
711 and his elderly parents.
8 Bergman was born in 1918. He was an ailing second son, who
9 was predicted not to survive childhood. His maternal grandmother,
10 as on other occasions thereafter, came to his rescue by taking him
1 to her country house where she found him a wet nurse. Bergman
2 discovered that illness was something his mother, as a qualified
3 nurse, found interesting, and that it commanded her attention and
4 tenderness. Bergman portrays the relationship with his mother as
5 both highly charged and lacking in constancy. He describes how he
6 passionately adored her, but the intensity of his devotion and his
7 sudden rages irritated her. She would dismiss him in cold, ironic
8 tones and Bergman would cry tears of rage and disappointment.
9 Bergman discovered an additional way to command his
211 mother’s attention. Since his mother’s chosen weapon was indif-
1 ference, Bergman mirrored her response. “I also learnt to subdue
2 my passions, and started on a peculiar game, the primary ingredi-
3 ents of which were arrogance and a cool friendliness” (Bergman,
4 1988, p. 4). Bergman identifies his greatest problem as never
5 being given an opportunity to reveal his game-playing, never being
6 allowed to be enveloped in a love that, after all, was reciproca-
7 ted. When he discussed this dynamic with his mother in her old
8 age, she told him that a famous pediatrician had warned her to
9 reject what she described as her son’s “sickly approaches” because
30 “indulgence” would damage him for life.
1 Bergman’s father was a priest and based the children’s upbring-
2 ing on turn-of-the-century Christian conceptions of sin, confession,
3 punishment, forgiveness, and grace. In his autobiography Bergman
4 remembers his common early experiences of humiliation by his
5 father. For example, when he wet himself he would be dressed in a
6 red skirt for everyone’s amusement. Punishment was seen as some-
7 thing self-evident and it could be either swift and brutal or complex
8 and sophisticated. Bergman describes how the immediate conse-
911 quence of confession was to be frozen out. Later, the parties were
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111 Alexander, perhaps Bergman was left with the psychic inheritance
2 of the apparent lack of oedipal resolution.
5 Summary
7 This chapter has attempted to explore some of the oedipal themes
8 in Fanny and Alexander. It has done so by following Alexander’s
9 mythical journey through his own fictional drama, where he
10 confronts within himself heightened oedipal anxieties and long-
1 ings. The central couples in the film indicate the power of unre-
2 solved oedipal feelings, which may be passed on, and re-enacted,
3 across generations. Alexander’s difficulties can be understood, at
4 least in part, as a response to a breakdown of containment in the
5 parental relationship. Britton’s notion of a “third position” helps us
6 better to understand Alexander’s attempts to find a standpoint
711 from which he can make sense of his experiences. Finally, the chap-
8 ter has explored some of the oedipal issues in the film, in relation
9 to Bergman’s personal history.
20 Fanny and Alexander is a magnificent, multi-faceted work of art,
1 which cannot be reduced to any one theme within its complex
2 narrative. What makes the film so remarkable is Bergman’s
3 consummate artistry in exploring these, and other powerful issues,
4 with immense richness, subtlety, and ambiguity, while at the same
511 time engaging his audience. Bergman resists any attempt to
6 sweeten the burden of the human condition by suggesting that
7 Alexander can somehow achieve a final resolution of his pain. We
8 know that the Bishop’s Ghost is correct in warning: “You can’t
9 escape me”. Like the rest of us, Bergman’s Alexander is left at the
311 end of the film to continue his struggle with the intractable diffi-
1 culty of his personal history.
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7 uring Henry James’ development as a novelist, his atten-
8 tion increasingly focused on the minds of his characters,
9 and with the nature of their thinking and the “knowledge”
30 upon which it was based. He became more and more interested in
1 how his people variously know and do not know themselves, each
2 other, and the experiences with which their creator presented them.
3 What Maisie Knew was published in 1897, at the beginning of the
4 “third period” of his work, during which he was the most preoccu-
5 pied with the life or death of minds either nourished by, or starved
6 of, knowledge of themselves, and of the world outside them.
8 *This chapter has formerly been published in the International Journal of
911 Psycho-Analysis, 83(2): 2002
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111 In 1896, he wrote in his journal: “It is now indeed that I may do
2 the work of my life. . . . I have only to face my problems . . .”. These
3 problems were not to be named. “But all that is of the ineffable”, he
4 wrote next. The “problems” which, when faced, would yield “the
5 work of his life” are only to be known, either by author or reader,
6 by a process of imaginative acquaintance with “the work” itself.
7 The title What Maisie Knew places knowing as a process squarely
8 before the mind’s eye of the reader. It conjures up “the ineffable” by
9 means of the empty, unspecified “what” that challenges the reader’s
10 attention and directs it towards something which cannot be named
1 in advance or in the abstract. The story of what Maisie knew is the
2 story of Maisie’s problems and how she faced them—of the grow-
3 ing relationship between herself and her external realities; and the
4 closely related growth of her internal world of thoughts and feel-
5 ings: her knowledge.
6 What Maisie Knew was being conceived at the same historical
711 moment—at the approach of the twentieth century—as The Inter-
8 pretation of Dreams. Here Freud, in making his understanding of the
9 strange tragedy of Oedipus central to psychoanalysis, did name the
20 problem that must be faced on the road to knowledge. His reading
1 of Sophocles’ drama depended upon his most radical postulate: the
existence of a dynamic unconscious aspect of the mind. He argued
that the tragedy draws everyone deeply into its far-fetched plot
6 there must be a voice within us ready to recognise the compelling
7 force of destiny in the Oedipus . . . his destiny moves us only
8 because it might have been ours—because the oracle laid the same
9 curse upon us before our birth as upon him. [Freud, 1900a, p. 262]
1 With the new advantage of psychoanalytic knowledge, Freud
2 showed that we can become conscious of, and stand outside, our
3 identification with Oedipus. We can seek an answer to the principle
4 riddle of our lives, finding our guesses confirmed by stray facts and
5 memories of our histories that now make sense to us. This kind of
6 understanding deeply impressed Little Hans (Freud, 1909b), and
7 proves its usefulness every day in psychotherapy or in self-analy-
8 sis, the source from which Freud derived it. Dora, however, would
911 have none of it (Freud, 1905e).
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111 Freud used the oedipal tragedy’s emotional effect on its audi-
2 ence to support his hypotheses; first, that we have deep feelings of
3 which we are unconscious, and second, that these feelings give us
4 a sense of recognition of the truth of psychoanalytic insight. This
5 kind of knowledge, which we draw from our unconscious
6 processes of mind, presents itself in feeling and not in words. Freud
711 evidently thought it carries its own conviction, and is to be trusted.
8 He was presumably referring to it when he later said that a man
9 who doubts his own love may, or indeed must, doubt every lesser
10 thing (Freud, 1909d).
1 With hindsight, it now seems that Freud was speaking of two
2 different kinds of knowing, and did not pause in his argument to
3 make an explicit distinction between them. Winter (1999) quotes the
4 historian of education Fritz Ringer, who noted that the German
5 academic tradition of Freud’s time distinguished between interpre-
6 tative understanding, verstehen, and another kind of understanding,
7 erleben, which is not under conscious control, and involves a reader
8 in reproducing within herself “the inner states which gave rise to
9 the text” (Winter, 1999, p. 45). Both are necessary, as is continual
211 interaction between them in order to understand experience,
1 whether of art or life. “If you (only) answer this riddle, you’ll never
2 begin.”
3 At the beginning of the next millennium, and after many years
4 of learning about phenomena that we know we will never predict
5 or measure, we now recognize, without alarm, that Freud’s view of
6 knowledge, both hermeneutic and deductive, is self-enclosed. It
7 addresses the problem of human thought, and does not reach
8 outside its own subject matter; our minds and their way of discov-
9 ering their unconscious knowledge through the telling of a story—
30 from erleben to verstehen.
1 In this chapter I will refer to a work of art that is contemporary
2 with the birth of psychoanalysis and created without access to
3 psychoanalytic thought, in order to support Freud’s contention that
4 the oedipal situation is the problem that must be faced on the road
5 to knowledge. This is the ineffable problem that James did not try
6 to articulate, but that he set himself to express and explore in his
7 novel. I also wish to suggest that present-day psychoanalytic theory
8 allows us to add significantly to the understanding of humanity
911 Freud gained from his particular guess at the Sphinx’s riddle. Since
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111 he wrote, with the help of his discoveries, other thinkers have been
2 concentrating on what we take with us, inside ourselves, when we
3 go to meet the Sphinx. Henry James’ story of Maisie’s journey
4 towards knowing foreshadows, in my view, the post-Kleinian
5 model of the mind developed by Bion and his successors. Like
6 Sophocles’ play, James’ novel holds more meaning within it than its
7 creator was aware of, or could have been aware of at the time of its
8 writing.
9 In particular, James continually presents his characters with the
10 choice Wilfred Bion tells us people are constantly facing: the choice
1 between suffering and evading, knowing and not knowing about
2 our experience of life (Bion, 1967). Both Freud and Klein recognized
3 that human children confronted with the riddle of life have a
4 powerful wish to know the facts and find an answer (Freud, 1905d;
5 Klein, 1928). Both also described some of the ingenious ways we
6 find to ignore the facts and falsify the answer. Bion (1967) recog-
711 nized our lifelong struggle between the wish to know, and the wish
8 not to.
9 In this connection Freud noted some odd deductions made by
20 children from their observations aimed at finding out where babies
1 come from, but did not recognize the extent of defensive refusal to
2 know in early sexual theories. Chasseguet-Smirgel (1985), referring
3 to McDougall (1986) points out that Little Hans’ theory of his
4 mother’s widdler protected him from knowledge of the oedipal
511 situation as Klein defined it. He “defend(ed) himself against reality
6 by repudiating it . . .” as Klein observes in another context. She con-
7 tinues, speaking of development in general, “the criterion of all
8 later capacity for adaptation to reality, is the degree in which (chil-
9 dren) are able to tolerate the deprivations that result from the
311 Oedipus situation” (Klein, 1927a, p. 128).
1 Had Hans acknowledged his mother’s female genital, he would
2 have been confronted with the knowledge that his parents’ genitals
3 were complementary, and, hence, with the primal scene (Britton,
4 1998a). He suppressed the facts which would have brought the
5 painful truth home to him and, as a consequence, found himself
6 imprisoned in the house by a phobia, in an inner unknown state of
7 fear and guilt about his oedipal wishes. Knowing the truth about
8 his parents’ relationship and his exclusion from it was painful, and
911 involved giving up the phantasy of overcoming his father and
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111 taking his place. But it allowed Hans to know himself as a child
2 conceived by a mother and father together, and from this stand-
3 point of reality to continue his exploration of both his inner and his
4 outer worlds.
5 Ronald Britton (1998a) has stated unequivocally what the end of
6 Hans’ story implies. It is only from the “third position” in the oedi-
711 pal triangle, which Hans was able to occupy at the end of his analy-
8 sis, that we are able to begin knowing. Gathering both kinds of
9 knowledge—objective knowledge of reality, which differs from
10 cherished phantasies, and also empathic knowledge of experience,
1 which requires a capacity to recognize the separateness of loved
2 and desired others—depends on the capacity to take the third posi-
3 tion. The process of development confronts everyone with the
4 difference between phantasy and reality, and with the separateness
5 of others. But there are tremendous differences between, for exam-
6 ple, the characters in What Maisie Knew in the degree to which they
7 can embrace this knowledge, make it part of themselves and build
8 on it. Many of them find it unbearable and unthinkable, and turn
9 away from it. The differences between James’ characters can be
211 better understood, in my view, by considering which of them is able
1 to take the third position.
2 Maisie is the one who has the capacity and makes the choice to
3 know “most” as James says. What does she learn and where does
4 it leave her? And where did she get her capacity to know, which
5 her parents seem to lack completely? I shall draw together Bion’s
6 empathic and empirical understanding with James’ intuitive and
7 expressive creation of sixty years earlier, to show how they “give a
8 sense of truth” by “combining different . . . views of the same
9 object” (Britton, 1998, p. 34). In this case, these are different views
30 of the process of knowing or not knowing one’s experience.
1 The reader of What Maisie Knew shares with Maisie her emer-
2 gence into consciousness. As far as I am aware, this is unique in
3 James’ fiction. He wrote about other children, and occasionally
4 looked back at the childhood of characters we read about as adults,
5 but only in Maisie’s case did he evoke the first awakening shock
6 when something longed for is missing. For Maisie, it is fat. Her
7 calves were too thin, as her father’s friends told her; they pinched
8 her legs “until she shrieked—her shriek was much admired—and
911 reproached them with being toothpicks” (James, 1966, p. 22).
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111 and, in the piece of paper, provided a physical token of her own
2 function of containment for Maisie to take with her. Maisie’s father,
3 however, gave her a message to take to her mother that must have
4 been a very great strain to carry by the right end: that her mother
5 was “a nasty horrid pig”.
6 It is quite difficult even for an adult reader, distant by more than
711 a century from this message, to think about it, but consideration
8 suggests that its form is more appalling than its content. Its langu-
9 age makes clear that instead of parents, Maisie had two infuriated
10 children of her own age who evidently had no closets to put their
1 fury in, and no one to help them create any. The two opposite expe-
2 riences, of containment and the absence of it, seem at this point in
3 the story to come to Maisie with equal intensity. Moddle happened
4 to be there when Maisie’s father gave Maisie his message, and was
5 shocked out of her accustomed position of social inferiority and
6 silence into saying directly: “You ought to be perfectly ashamed of
7 yourself!” Maisie remembered her “sudden disrespect and crimson
8 face” more vividly at the time than the words of Beale’s message,
9 although when her mother later asked her for them she was able
211 faithfully to repeat them. However, Maisie kept Moddle’s out-
1 rage on her behalf in her closet, and must have contributed to her
2 later revelation that “everything was bad because she had been
3 employed to make it so”.
4 By the time she went to the other house, Maisie had evidently
5 taken in and made part of herself Moddle’s belief in a container; a
6 place where thoughts (originally arising from the absence or loss
7 of something) could be kept, in the hope that thinking and linking
8 (“it seemed to have to do with something else . . .”) would give
9 experience a meaning. She had also participated many times in the
30 opposite process; the destruction of meaning through links being
1 broken. James presents a clear instance of this opposite process in
2 relation to Maisie’s legs, which had also given rise to her first expe-
3 rience of thinking. It is no accident that her father’s friends attacked
4 her in the place where she felt the strain—where her suffering was
5 manifest. Unable to bear her vulnerability, they pinched her calves
6 until she shrieked and admired her vocalizations as a diverting
7 performance.
8 James presents the creation and destruction of emotional
911 meaning close together in relation to the same legs, and again the
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111 However, she does not remain confined in the oedipal triangle
2 where the only possibilities are defeat and triumph, which must
3 alternate, and where blindness, rather than seeing and knowing, is
4 chosen. In her moral revolution “she had a new feeling: a feeling of
5 danger” born of the realization that she was being used by her
6 parents to hurt each other. Then, “a new remedy rose to meet it, the
7 idea of an inner self”. It seems that Maisie was able to bear the
8 moment of frightening vision because in extremity she found her
9 “inner self” rose to meet her; she was not simply cast into the outer
10 darkness of the excluded (or exploited) third. Readers may be
1 reminded of Moddle’s paper of consolations, which Maisie had
2 thrust into her pocket and there clenched in her fist, giving her
3 something unseen, inside, to help her; a symbol of the “guard
4 within”.
5 Maisie’s mind-changing vision appeared in her inner world to
6 herself alone. Only after making clear with what a “prodigious
711 spirit” she interpreted and understood it does James show her
8 trying to fit it to the real relations of her visionary “kind” couple in
9 the outer world. There, things were more complicated, and an adult
20 reader can have an advantage over Maisie, who wonderingly
1 remembered Beale’s words to the “almost too pretty” young
2 governess; “I’ve only to look at you to see that you’re a person I can
3 appeal to for help to save my daughter”. Adult readers see Beale’s
4 predatory pounce out of the groves of Kensington Gardens, and
511 hear his words as wolfishly unctuous and false. His character for
6 his daughter, however, was still too difficult a book for her age, and
7 she kept it to read later. Reading James’ novel “later” in the light of
8 Bion’s theory of functions (Bion, 1962b), it is possible to compare
9 Maisie’s relations to her parental couple and to the new couple
311 formed by her father and her governess to see that her function was
1 essentially the same for both.
2 Bion’s model of the mind (1962, 1967) gives the need for meaning
3 equal weight as a dynamic mental force with the forces of love and
4 hate. He tried to avoid coining omniscient-sounding abstract nouns
5 to denote mental processes that are unconscious and fundamentally
6 mysterious to us, and instead used letters of the alphabet as signi-
7 fiers. One effect of this choice is to present with striking clarity his
8 view that each mental force can at any given time be working either
911 creatively (signified as +) or destructively (). Everyone, for
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111 because of Maisie. A poor girl with beauty and high spirits, she had
2 come to take her chance with Beale, as an alternative to the social
3 extinction of being a governess. By the time that Beale unceremoni-
4 ously married her and she became “Mrs Beale”, the plot had also
5 thickened at the other house, and Ida had found Mrs Wix as a cheap
6 governess for Maisie. Mrs Wix had had little education, and with
7 her one dress, her thick glasses and her greasy button of hair,
8 seemed grotesquely unattractive. Beauty is both important and
9 skin-deep in Maisie’s story. Her parents, Mrs Beale, and Sir Claude
10 (who becomes Maisie’s stepfather) are all lovely to look at. Mrs Wix,
1 however, “touched the little girl in a spot that had never even yet
2 been reached. . . . What Maisie felt was that she had been, with
3 passion and anguish, a mother . . . this was something Miss
4 Overmore was not, something (strangely, confusingly) that mamma
5 was even less” (James, 1966, p. 30).
6 Mrs Wix’s passion and anguish partly relate to the death of her
711 own child but, as she will show, she is richly capable of feeling for
8 Maisie. Being a mother, for James, is evidently not simply a matter
9 of biological parenthood, but has to do with Bion’s K; with know-
20 ing empathically and containing the feelings of a child. Mrs Beale
1 later remarked that Mrs Wix was “as ignorant as a fish” of conven-
2 tional learning. However, Mrs Wix had not only “moral sense” but
3 could also think realistically about basic truths, like generational
4 difference, which were denied by Maisie’s other “parents”.
511 Ida next married Sir Claude, “ever so much younger” than
6 herself and with whom, as Maisie learned from Mrs Wix, she was
7 deeply in love. Soon Mrs Wix and Maisie were also in love with
8 the charming Sir Claude, “a family man” who loved Maisie and
9 presently arrived at Beale’s to see her and, inevitably, to be charmed
311 by Mrs Beale. Maisie, as she says, had now “brought together” a
1 third couple. Sir Claude is yet a brighter figure of romance for her
2 than Mrs Beale, and he is also able, in a big-brotherly style, to be a
3 parent to Maisie. Maisie knows this third couple are her dearest and
4 best hope, though she also knows that Mrs Wix is always there
5 intensely waiting.
6 In the course of the narrative, every encounter between Maisie
7 and her natural parents consists of the opposite of their knowing
8 her—of their trying either to drag something out of her or to push
911 something into her. When there is no psychic container, feelings
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111 must be ejected; and other people are dragged in to fill up the
2 empty spaces. James makes it plain that Beale and Ida connected
3 themselves to others by means of projective identification (Klein,
4 1946), and he vividly shows us the consequences, as both come to
5 feel progressively more empty and impoverished. They experience
6 this concretely as material poverty. Beale is last seen as the paid
711 companion of a rich Countess, whose whiskery hideousness fright-
8 ens Maisie. Ida, in finally resigning as Maisie’s mother, struggles to
9 pay Maisie off with a ten-pound note and cannot quite bring herself
10 to do it.
1 Maisie accepts some of their projections. “Better to reign in Hell
2 than serve in Heaven” might have been their joint motto, and when
3 they cannot make others be what they want, they angrily spoil
4 every relationship, becoming more despairing and destructive as
5 the story goes on. This deterioration shows itself to Maisie in vari-
6 ous ways; for instance Ida’s make-up becomes ever thicker and
7 more dramatic as, presumably, she feels emotionally more unreal;
8 “her huge painted eyes . . . were like Japanese lanterns swung
9 under festal arches”. Both parents severally break their ties with
211 Maisie, putting it to her that they are being rejected and deserted by
1 their child. Maisie accepts this from them both, partly because she
2 knows them and what they would be bound to say, and partly
3 because there is an element of truth in it. She knows that Beale and
4 Ida cannot be parents to her, and she must cling to the third couple
5 she has linked together, the couple she loves best and with whom
6 she has most chance of relationship. This couple are betraying her
7 natural parents, but this cannot be any concern of Maisie’s. The
8 betrayal seems inevitable, however, in the context of a post-Kleinian
9 reading of James. As Beale and Ida are unable to occupy the third
30 position, they must recurrently move from oedipal triumph, via
1 betrayal, to oedipal defeat.
2 Unlike Beale and Ida, Sir Claude and Mrs Beale do not only use
3 Maisie to embody aspects of their inner worlds. However, Mrs
4 Beale is unable to keep Maisie in mind, and James poignantly
5 demonstrates this through Maisie’s shocking lack of routine educa-
6 tion. Miss Overmore began as her governess, but as soon as she
7 took up with Maisie’s papa, had no more time to teach her. Mrs Wix
8 tried, though handicapped by her own little learning, and with
911 constant lapses into romancing about Sir Claude and Henrietta
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111 Matilda, her lost daughter, who had been run over by a hansom-
2 cab. For long stretches of time at her father’s, however, Maisie was
3 completely lonely and neglected, although she had somehow
4 managed to learn the piano and a little French. As part of a
5 projected regime for Maisie to attend lectures (that had the advan-
6 tage of being free) in “Glower Street”, Mrs Beale once came rushing
7 in late for a lecture that was, in any case, unintelligible.
8 Sir Claude had more capacity to think about and remember his
9 stepdaughter, though his tender name for her, “Maisie-boy”, shows
10 he did not think of her as a daughter, or, evidently, of himself as a
1 father. He erratically and impractically provided for Maisie and
2 Mrs Wix, whose meals at Ida’s had become scanty and unpre-
3 dictable “jam-suppers”, so that they were glad of his gift of an enor-
4 mous iced cake. Maisie’s families were now falling apart. Her step-
5 parents had an adulterous relationship, and her natural parents
6 were growing increasingly absent and scandalous. Finally there
711 was a crisis, and Maisie found herself fleeing to France with Sir
8 Claude and the Mrs Wix, who had been her only resource in Mrs
9 Beale’s absence.
20 In Boulogne, entrancing in its foreignness—its seascapes and
1 golden Virgin, coffee, and buttered rolls—Maisie came to make
2 another link in her mind equal in importance to her earlier moral
3 revolution. James articulates it simply. “What helped the child was
4 that she knew what she wanted. All her learning and learning had
511 made her at last learn that” (James, 1966, p. 244). The flight to
6 France had been the project of a fourth couple, Sir Claude and Mrs
7 Wix, also linked together by Maisie. Mrs Wix had inspired Sir
8 Claude to take Maisie (and herself as female attendant and gover-
9 ness) away from Beale and Ida, who had now effectively aban-
311 doned her, and to try to make a decent life for them all. Although
1 this would fulfil part of Mrs Wix’s fond dream, there is also a sacri-
2 fice for her to make, for she cannot have Sir Claude as partner, and
3 instead will be a motherly servant to him and Maisie. In the scene
4 at Boulogne, however, the cast of four, including Sir Claude and
5 Mrs Beale (who soon appears), Maisie and Mrs Wix, reveal and
6 discover vital aspects of their inner selves.
7 Mrs Beale has always known what she wants, and now it is a
8 “family” in the south of France, where living is cheap and she,
911 Maisie, and Sir Claude can be together in a way that will nominally
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111 save appearances. If Mrs Wix will come too, so much the better; and
2 Mrs Beale potently “makes love” to her and tries to seduce her out
3 of her “moral sense”. A psychoanalytic reading gives a deeper
4 meaning than the conventional to this attribute of Mrs Wix’s. She
5 insists that an unmarried couple cannot be Maisie’s parents, but her
6 honesty and conviction seem to reach beyond this legal impedi-
711 ment, which the couple are sure they can remove in time.
8 Readers of the intense dénouement of the narrative share
9 Maisie’s feelings in a way that, so far, they have not. We have previ-
10 ously felt for her, as she was pinched and neglected, grabbed to
1 Ida’s bosom and squashed against her jewellery, or sent flying out
2 of it again with such force that she had to be caught by bystanders.
3 Now we feel with her, as she feels “at the bottom of a hole”. We feel
4 her “faintest purest coldest conviction” that her beloved Sir Claude,
5 the parent who loved her best, is lying to her, feel that “little by little
6 it gave her a settled terror”. Maisie knew all her fear and grief and
7 held it within herself, and as a result “she knew what she wanted”.
8 This form of words is important, as it indicates again the inter-
9 nal container–contained relationship. There are two “shes” in the
211 sentence, and though they are both Maisie, they are different
1 aspects of her. The one who knows is the guard within, aware of
2 what Maisie wanted as an emotional being and human child, and
3 prepared to stand up for her right to it. This assertion on Maisie’s
4 part is not entirely new in the narrative. Before their flight, Maisie
5 and Sir Claude had accidentally encountered Ida and her current
6 lover (in the park again). Ida had sent Maisie to walk with the
7 Captain (her new lover), while she and her husband confronted
8 each other. The Captain had completely espoused Ida’s cause, and
9 told Maisie emotionally, “your mother’s an angel. . . . Look here,
30 she’s true!”. Maisie was deeply touched by this invocation of ideal-
1 ized womanhood, and sobbing “oh mother, mother”, urged the
2 Captain to say he loved Ida, and asked him not to stop loving her.
3 By the time Ida came to take her leave of her daughter, the
4 Captain had become to her “the biggest cad in London”. Maisie had
5 accepted Ida’s story that she was a noble, shattered victim of cir-
6 cumstances, who now must “try South Africa” or expire. However,
7 she protested against and resisted Ida’s attack on the ideal couple,
8 in which she had momentarily been enshrined. Knowing the differ-
911 ence between good and bad begins in splitting and idealization
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111 and draws from unconscious origins the inspiration to find truth
2 and beauty in “real life”—as Maisie does, with grief and pain, at the
3 end of her story.
4 What Maisie found she wanted was that she and Sir Claude
5 should fly together. If he would sacrifice Mrs Beale, she would
6 sacrifice Mrs Wix. Sir Claude almost shared her exhilarating,
7 momentary hope that they could escape together to Paris, but he
8 hesitated and they missed the train. With her back to him to protect
9 him from her feelings, Maisie swallowed her tears of disappoint-
10 ment, clasping the volumes of the bibliothèque rose he had bought
1 her. When she turned back to him, her terror had gone with her
2 tears. She was beginning to know that they could not be a
3 father–daughter couple, as Sir Claude would not leave Mrs Beale.
4 Maisie was faced with a grown-up rival who had risked her repu-
5 tation for Sir Claude; a partner of his own generation who offered
6 a sexual relationship.
711 There certainly was a way for Maisie to join this couple, and
8 both Sir Claude and Mrs Beale told her directly that she was essen-
9 tial to it. “You’ve done us the most tremendous good, and you’ll do
20 it still and always, don’t you see? We can’t let you go—you’re
1 everything” (James, 1966, p. 229). Maisie could have her old job
2 back and continue her linking function for her parental couple, and
3 with it, the split experience of powerlessness and omnipotence
4 which had characterized her strange childhood.
511 Maisie’s moment in the third position, however—knowing that
6 she wants the man she loves and is too young to have him—seems
7 to have done for her what it had done for Little Hans at an earlier
8 age. She knows she is still a child. Mrs Wix’s “moral sense” that she
9 should not have parents living in sin seems superficial compared to
311 the sense they perhaps shared, that she should not always and
1 forever be “doing the most tremendous good” to her parental
2 couple. She should be having lessons and reading the “Malheurs de
3 Sophie”, and Mrs Wix, in her own more obvious way, refuses to be
4 a party to the sacrifice of Maisie’s childhood.
5 It seems that at this dénouement Sir Claude began to under-
6 stand what Maisie knew. “I haven’t known what to call it . . . but
7 . . . it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever met—it’s . . . sacred”
8 (James, 1966, p. 242). Maisie, in order to be the child she was, must
911 tear herself away from the beloved but delusive adults that she had
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111 hoped would be her family. As Sir Claude sees, Maisie can be
2 herself—a child—but they are unable to be their age: parental
3 adults. Maisie’s revelation could, prosaically, be called being in
4 touch with reality, or learning from experience, but Sir Claude’s
5 allusion to the beautiful and the sacred reminds us that the creative
6 life of the mind starts with acknowledging reality. Moddle had
711 tenderly acknowledged Maisie’s legs; “Oh my dear, you’ll not find
8 such another pair as your own”. Sir Claude now lovingly acknow-
9 ledged that he lacked Maisie’s power to know what was good for
10 her. He could only do what Mrs Beale wanted.
1 Bion’s K is not quantifiable. “Memory should not be called
2 knowledge”, as Keats wrote (Gittings, 1987, p. 66). K is the linking
3 function whereby the mind ingests experience and is nourished by
4 it. K starves or poisons the mind by denying or distorting reality,
5 such as the truth of generational difference. Maisie knew that she
6 must not poison her precious, “sacred” faculty of knowing by
7 returning to a pseudo-family, where she took responsibility for the
8 adults instead of their taking it for her.
9 The novel ends at this moral and emotional height, but it is
211 characteristic of James that he does not lose touch with the vital
1 question of what Maisie and Mrs Wix were going to live on.
2 Readers have long known that “the child was provided for, thanks
3 to a crafty godmother . . . who had left her something in such a
4 manner that the parents could appropriate only the income”
5 (James, 1966, p. 20). Maisie’s thanks are also due to her stepfather,
6 the one parent who has at last come to know her, and to a variety
7 of unidealized mothers—Ida, without whom she would not have
8 been born; Moddle, without whom she would have known noth-
9 ing; her crafty godmother; Miss Overmore with her fine eyes; and
30 Mrs Wix, who is able to be true to her principles. At the last, Maisie
1 is neither omnipotent nor helpless, but realistically dependent.
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211 y theme in this chapter is the developmental challenge
1 we all face in relinquishing a primary phantasy of
2 omnipotent and exclusive possession of the other, in
3 favour of tolerating diverse and sometimes, conflicting relation-
4 ships “beyond the pair”. I have sought to illustrate the inevitable
5 pain involved in this process, and some of the ways we try to avoid
6 it. The paper approaches this subject from several different angles,
7 which I hope will prove convergent. I start from Freud’s “Parricide”
8 paper (1928b) and briefly touch on his literary examples. I refer to
9 a contemporary children’s story and then, using more recent
30 psychoanalytic thinking about Oedipus, I discuss some examples of
1 how this challenge can affect adult couple relationships.
2 The metaphor that psychoanalysis derives from Sophocles’
3 Oedipus Rex is used to describe a set of dilemmas that are key to the
4 construction of our internal world. It refers to our earliest experi-
5 ence of a threesome, with a primary carer and the rivals for her
6 attention. Themes of rivalry and jealousy, and of the longing for
7 exclusivity, in tension with the longing for individual freedom from
8 the constraints imposed by others, are the drivers for very many of
911 our stories, plays, contemporary films, and television dramas about
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111 the air, look you, this brave o’erhanging firmament, this majestical
2 roof fretted with golden fire, why, it appears no other thing to me
3 but a foul and pestilent congregation of vapours. What a piece of
4 work is man . . .
6 In the end, of course, Hamlet dies in the process of killing the
7 man who murdered his father and married his mother, the man in
8 whom he surely unconsciously recognizes his own guilt. The audi-
9 ence is offered no relief from this finale of destruction, apart from
10 Horatio’s loving valediction,
Now, cracks a noble heart. Goodnight, sweet prince,
And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest!
[Hamlet, 5.ii.]
In his Dostoevsky paper, Freud was concerned with the possi-
bility of the “dissolution” of the oedipus complex in boys through
relinquishment of rivalry. He saw the creation of the superego as
9 driven by guilt about parricidal phantasies, derived from the wish
20 to become like, and indeed to replace, the father. He also discusses
1 the alternative “feminine position” for boys of masochistic sub-
2 mission to the father, both positions entailing fear of castration.
3 Since then, psychoanalytic thinking has widened and deepened our
4 understanding of oedipal issues to include more complex and shift-
511 ing identifications and longings shared by both sexes, and more
6 primitive anxieties about intrusion, abandonment, and annihil-
7 ation, in what has become known as the “early oedipal situation”
8 (Klein, 1945). In The Oedipus Complex Today (Steiner, 1989), the
9 different contributors each emphasize the connection between
311 working through the oedipus complex, the toleration of ambiv-
1 alence in working through the depressive position, and the capa-
2 city for tolerating connections between different mental elements
3 (thinking). Britton and Feldman (1989) both point out that the casu-
4 alty, if this development goes wrong, may not only be the relation-
5 ship between persons, but the psychic capacity to make emotional
6 connections and allow ideas to interact with each other in the
7 process of thinking.
8 Oedipal issues in this sense suffuse and underpin all our relat-
911 ing, both in phantasy and in external reality. I was struck recently
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111 parent and the experience of being the child. In this sense, questions
2 about the universality of the oedipal conflict are misconstrued.
3 Nothing could be more universal than the difference between the
4 generations. Mother’s own sexual feelings are aroused in what she
must finally acknowledge as an impossible link. Of course, it is not
literally impossible, as Oedipus and Jocasta knew. But to cross that
line is to pervert, not to erase, the reality of the difference between
the generations. The core of the oedipal, and we should hasten to
8 add, of the Jocastan tragedy is that feelings do cross that divide. In
9 addition, they lead to a dilemma from which there is no painless
10 escape, except by self-crippling illusions or an attack on the psychic
1 apparatus itself and its capabilities. [Fisher, 1993, p. 150]
3 Fisher asks “how does one come to tolerate the intolerable?”
4 (ibid., p. 151). His answer, echoing Britton’s, is through the early
5 experience of adequate maternal containment of infantile anxie-
6 ties. He discusses this in relation to Bion’s ideas, and to those of
711 Winnicott, who contrasts the “good-enough” mother with the
8 mother who engenders a false-self relationship with her baby.
9 “Good enough” includes the capacity to tolerate hate between
20 herself and her baby. In other words, what is needed, if develop-
1 ment is to be facilitated, if we are to become able to face the truth,
2 is some combination of innate capacity and adequately containing
3 early experience. The latter requires a “parent” who can themselves
4 bear to know painful truths about differentiation and separateness,
511 and who can mediate them for the infant by providing what
6 Winnicott called manageable “doses”. Subsequent relationships,
7 psychotherapy or analysis may eventually compensate in some
8 degree for the lack of a sufficiency of these early experiences.
9 The idea around which I have built this chapter is that an
311 inevitably painful transition from an illusion of duality to negotiat-
1 ing the reality of a world beyond the pair is fundamental to human
2 development re-encountered repeatedly. Defences against our
3 knowledge of this, with its implications of rivalry, potential exclu-
4 sion, and pain, and its echoes of our early oedipal experience,
5 pervade our lives and colour our attempts to participate in a new
6 pairing as adults. As I indicated earlier, Shakespeare’s Hamlet, trau-
7 matized by the enactment of his phantasies by those around him,
8 could not manage this transition to a same-generational relation-
911 ship but was driven to destroy it, and Ophelia with it.
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111 Adult coupling can all too easily become a collusive “us against
2 the world”, or, on the other hand, a perpetual polarization, or even
3 fight, in the face of these pressures. A more developmental partner-
4 ship needs to be built on the ability sufficiently to separate from
5 our dyadic origin (psychologically speaking), to tolerate being
6 excluded, and to discover the rewards of diversifying. Only then
7 will there be room in the relationship for two people to genuinely
8 co-exist, and consequently for children to be appropriately valued
9 and cared for, with a flexibility that tolerates shifting patterns of
10 inclusion and exclusion.
1 In psychoanalytic couple psychotherapy, it is both the patient–
2 therapist relationship and the actualization of the internal couple
3 relationship between a real-life adult couple that are studied. The
4 structure of the therapy brings both therapist and patients up
5 against an actual three-cornered reality in the consulting room,
6 or even a four-cornered one, since we sometimes work in pairs.
711 While this generates a challenging amount of data, it does pro-
8 vide an opportunity to study the movement in the “drama” from
9 several different perspectives. Something like Lyra’s alethiometer
20 is needed, where the different protagonists, the different levels of
1 meaning, and the different locations (internal or external) can be
2 held in mind until some pattern is perceived. The pattern will be
3 rooted in some version of the developmental challenge, the conflict
4 between safety and increasing exposure to difference and change.
511 Often the unconscious resistance to change is huge, and the process
6 of change, if it is possible at all, may involve negotiating a degree
7 of breakdown on the way.
8 These issues tend to spill out beyond the consulting room, and
9 are reflected in different aspects of our engagement with adult
311 couples. The contemporary oedipal lens is helpful in understanding
1 the core dilemma as it is expressed both within psychotherapy
2 sessions and in the wider context of the work. I will draw my
3 clinical illustrations1 from three points on this spectrum; one the
4 inter-agency negotiations over a “case”, one arising within super-
5 vision of a couple psychotherapy, and one directly from therapeu-
6 tic encounters with couples. All of these situations involve the
7 movement between pairing and relating beyond the pair that is so
8 fundamental to a lively and creative engagement with the world. So
911 often this movement feels like a wrenching of oneself away from
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111 parent who in their own early life may have been hated, despised,
2 feared, or who may never have adequately engaged with them.
3 They find themselves in bed with the representative of the other
4 parent, who may have been over-seductive, or experienced as
5 unbearably rejecting.
6 For John and Sally, their relationship appeared to have provided
7 a refuge from the painfulness of their early experiences, until chil-
8 dren arrived. In the early days of the marriage the relationship
9 worked, albeit with Sally being more of the “responsible adult” and
10 John playing more of the adolescent. They had fun together, and
1 each could feel put first by the other. However, trouble came with
2 the arrival of their first child. John felt terribly displaced and
3 rejected, not only by Sally, but also by the baby while Sally was
4 feeding her. He felt could not give his daughter anything. Sally felt
5 she had to become increasingly competent, juggling work and baby.
6 Their relationship deteriorated, and this was when they sought
711 help.
8 Sally was the eldest child in her original family, the children
9 being born at short intervals after each other, with an often absent
20 father. Sally dealt with the painful fact of her father’s rejection, and
1 having to share her mother with the other babies, by identifying
2 with her mother, to the extent that she became a fellow-carer for
3 the others. Characteristically she looks on the bright side, tries to
4 be positive, proactive, and efficient, and her siblings still lean on
511 her. In the couple therapy, she tended to appear competent and
6 cheerful, although in a way that could have a relentless quality,
7 suggesting its defensiveness.
8 Sessions were often dominated by “the problem of John’s
9 moods”. I could easily be drawn into attending more to John, with
311 Sally’s help, because John was the more obviously troubled. Only
1 as this structure was repeatedly interpreted (which required me to
2 notice it in a different way) did Sally become aware of the way she
3 edited out and projected her own distress and rage about being
4 ignored or taken for granted again, as if she had no needs of her
5 own. In the course of the therapy, she became more aware of, and
6 able to be articulate about, how upset and angry she was when this
7 happened.
8 John was also the oldest in his family. His younger sister was
911 quite ill as a baby, and continues to this day to be fussed over and
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111 put first. John coped by fitting in, being the good one, and not
2 daring to protest lest things got worse. From when John was eight
3 until he was around eleven, the family had to cope with the
4 mother’s absences due to recurrent bouts of hospitalization for
5 depression. It seems that, in his family, feelings about this were
6 never discussed. This was not unlike what happened in Sally’s
711 family, although she had dealt with it differently. As an adult, John
8 (unlike Sally) did palpably get into bad moods and feel terrible, but
9 tended to have no idea why this had happened, or what his feelings
10 were about. Usually, he could not allow anyone to explore them
1 with him. This seemed at times despairing, and at other times more
2 as if there was an active refusal to allow contact, a perpetuation
3 of the bad experience of being excluded, while at the same time
4 provoking an excluded feeling in whoever was trying to help. This
5 could be understood as being part evacuation, part communication,
6 depending on the capacity of the other to process the experience
7 of how very vulnerable to rejection (by his mother, by his wife-
8 become-mother, and then by me as I stepped back to consider
9 Sally’s side of things) he felt.
211 This couple’s shared early experience was of not being suffi-
1 ciently understood or thought about, and each in their different
2 ways defended against knowingly feeling the pain of this exclusion.
3 The original exclusions for these two were multiple. There was the
4 child’s exclusion from the procreative parental relationship, and, on
5 top of that, rejection by each parent in favour of work or illness or
6 other children. Sibling rivalries, as they so often do, carried a part
7 of the underlying oedipal rivalries. Over the months of couple ther-
8 apy, the couple became more able to see and think about how they
9 provoked each other, the different forms in which each enacted, or
30 hid, or got rid of anger and distress, and why. Eventually they
1 decided to embark on having a second child. Very tellingly, they
2 initially presented this in terms of “then we’ll have one each so no one
3 will be left out”.
4 In the course of the pregnancy, John increased the tension by
5 giving up his job, declaring that he could no longer stand the
6 stresses of his managerial post. He decided to take time to write, as
7 he had long wanted to. So he was at home, but not available, and
8 taking over the dining room with his papers, giving rise to nagging
911 from Sally who would come home from her part-time job to find
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111 nothing helpful to the household had been done. There seemed
2 something regressive about this, as if John was reasserting his need
3 to be looked after, and to be more in the home, although doing it in
4 a way that made it a bad experience for him. Neither partner felt
5 looked after. At the same time, John decided the family should
6 move house. This seemed to embody an attempt to make room for
7 the baby, and to acquire enough room to establish a semi-child-free
8 area for the couple. However, he became more and more gloomy, as
9 though trying to extend further beyond the safe pair while at the
10 same time protecting it was all too much for him. He had difficulty
1 joining Sally in any excited anticipation of the baby. Sally, mean-
2 time, despite the anxiety all this stirred up in her, continued to cling
3 to her determination to cope. Both seemed to be making increas-
4 ingly painful efforts to manage having their “safe haven” re-
5 invaded, just when they had begun to re-establish it after the first
6 child’s arrival.
711 Then the boy baby arrived and John seemed to come apart. The
8 baby, by crying all the time and always being in their new adult
9 sitting room or bedroom, had robbed him of the newfound space to
20 be with Sally alone. He hated Sally for having done this to him. He
1 overemphasized his link with his daughter by comparison with
2 both son and wife. Sally was in despair, but continued to manage
3 more or less single-handedly with both children. The baby was
4 brought to the sessions at this time. For me, it was acutely painful
511 to witness this little creature, held on his mother’s knee, having his
6 father glare at him and say how much he hated him. I felt as if I
7 could glimpse Laius wanting to expose baby Oedipus on the moun-
8 tainside.
9 Which pairing was the most in jeopardy at this point: the
311 mother–baby link, the husband–wife link, or the therapist–patient
1 link in relation to John (and of course the one to Sally also)? Each
2 seemed so completely threatened by the others. Somehow, I had to
3 hold together in my mind the intensely powerful and appealing call
4 of the baby’s extreme vulnerability, and the needs of the nursing
5 mother–baby pair, with the plight of the father, also my patient. I
6 had previously experienced the way that John would state things in
7 extreme terms, perhaps partly to provoke from me the condemna-
8 tion and rejection he unconsciously felt towards himself. In addi-
911 tion, at this point his recurring ambivalence towards the therapy
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111 answer lies partly in the nature of the therapeutic engagement the
2 couple enters, and whether they can stick with it for long enough.
3 Some couples feel unable to engage. Some withdraw, either alto-
4 gether, or perhaps one or other into individual therapy, sometimes
5 dissolving their relationship in the process. Some find themselves
6 able to become very committed to the therapeutic work over
7 considerable periods of time. Change sometimes means one or
8 other having something of a breakdown in the process of acquiring
9 a new way of understanding things. It seems likely that these
10 outcomes depend at least partly on the original containment or lack
1 of it that each experienced as an infant, which determined their
2 capacity to negotiate oedipal experiences, and eventually to bear
3 the pain involved in psychic growth and development. The painful-
4 ness of this developmental process means that we all of us, in a part
5 of ourselves, are repeatedly tempted to turn away from it.
8 Note
20 1. I should say at this point that I have disguised my examples, both
1 through the alteration of certain facts and identifying details, and
2 through compositing more than one case within each example. There
3 is no completely satisfactory way of dealing with these issues, but I
4 have tried to preserve the integrity of the experiences I describe while
511 safeguarding the privacy of those involved.
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211 orking with children and their families offers an unpar-
1 alleled opportunity to observe the oedipus complex in
2 action. Whereas work with adults always involves look-
3 ing back to childhood development, combined with direct experi-
4 ence in the transference and deductions from past and current
5 behaviour, work with children gives a taste of the thing in itself in
6 a different way. The child’s struggle with the oedipal configuration
7 of emotions depends, for its success, on how substantially its
8 parents have navigated the same journey. Infant observation shows
9 how early the process begins, and observing young children shows
30 how it goes on. However, clinical practice is interesting in so far as
1 we can take a view of difficulties that are actually preventing
2 emotional growth and causing something disturbed and aberrant to
3 develop instead.
6 Sarah
8 The first case, which impressed itself on my mind as demonstrating
911 this, took place years ago and I have briefly alluded to it elsewhere.
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111 A couple came to see me under the auspices of the Tavistock Under
2 Five’s Counselling service. This was, and still is, a service offering
3 brief work—up to five sessions—to parents or a parent anxious
4 about their baby or small child. Mr and Mrs S, a young married
5 couple, brought their daughter Sarah to me. Mrs S had made the
6 appointment by telephone, and the intake secretary had noted that
7 the caller was agitated and upset, and could hardly restrain herself
8 from revealing all the details on the telephone. The secretary
9 relayed the salient fact that she had been told the parents had quar-
10 relled violently over the child’s problem. Sarah was fifteen months
1 old and the central trouble, which the parents identified when they
2 arrived, was that Sarah completely refused to be weaned. To begin
3 with, I thought that reluctance to wean at this age sounded a minor
4 trouble, but I changed my mind when I heard that Sarah had almost
5 never been separated from her mother, day or night. I had ample
6 chance to see this little girl’s intolerance of separation and loss. Not
711 only did she cling to her mother, but she wanted the breast every
8 ten minutes or so. Sarah was too anxious to play and was
9 completely silent.
20 Her parents, especially her mother, were notably anxious; the
1 story they told was revealing. Mr S was clearly someone who
2 wanted to be understanding, and said he had expected his wife to
3 be entirely taken up with the baby for a while; but now, he said with
4 a touch of infuriated pride, “I’d like my wife back!” They described
511 how Mrs S and Sarah had found it heard to establish breast-feeding,
6 but how they had been greatly helped by a Breast Feeding League.
7 This group was still most important in Mrs S’s life. The prevailing
8 orthodoxy was the maxim “wait till the baby is ready to wean
9 itself”. However, that day seemed unlikely to arrive at the current
311 rate. With a certain relish, of which she was perhaps unaware, Mrs
1 S detailed the advice she had been given to help move Sarah out
2 of their bed and promote the weaning process, as well as how hope-
3 less it all was. Indeed, I felt hopeless myself, as one after another
4 grandmothers, aunts, neighbours, health visitor, and GP were set
5 up and shot down. All of them had (in my view) been offering
6 excellent advice.
7 What had brought them here at this time? It seemed that Mr S
8 was finally jibbing. The quarrel alluded to in the original telephone
911 call had been the result of his irritation. The quarrel had got out of
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111 hand rather quickly; they “never normally disagreed” but had
2 come to blows, and Mrs S, especially, was shaken to the depths. She
3 explained to me how much she had wanted Mr S to be a “hands-
4 on father” because her own father had combined being away a lot
5 with being heavy-handed in reproach and discipline. She wanted
6 something quite different and felt that, until now, she had found it.
711 For almost three sessions, spaced out at intervals of two or three
8 weeks, I looked set to join the parade of useless advisers. The only
9 difference, I hope, was that I was not giving advice. I was, however,
10 treated as though I were, and sensible ideas (put Sarah in a cot)
1 were pronounced yet again to have been tried and found wanting.
2 Then, towards the end of the third session, Mr S snapped. He unex-
3 pectedly lost his temper with me and plainly outlined his opinion
4 of me, which was low. Inwardly, I felt he had a point. How was it
5 that I lacked any technical equipment, any psychoanalytic appara-
6 tus, to deal with this situation, where a toddler was getting away
7 with murder, and (judging from her unhappy bearing) suffering
8 the consequences? Mrs S seemed surprised and somewhat ener-
9 gized by her husband’s vigorous outburst, and found herself sub-
211 stantially agreeing with him. To my astonishment, they returned
1 three weeks later for the next planned meeting with an account of
2 progress. Sarah was in her room, in her bed at night, and breast-
3 feeding had diminished to an unremarkable level. In this and the
4 final session I saw emerge a small girl who began to take a lively
5 interest in the toys I provided and, more striking still, began to talk.
9 From the point of view of her oedipal development, what did we
30 see happen? The picture first presented was of a mother and baby
1 glued together so that it was impossible to insert anything between
2 them. It was hardly even a one-to-one relationship when it was at
3 its extreme; the two of them were one. A state of mind dominated
4 that saw the idea of separation as cruel. This had, I think, been
5 manifest all Sarah’s life. Mr and Mrs S had also been operating as
6 one. Sarah had two mothers rather than a mother and father; her
7 actual mother, and a second one, who deferred to the first, imitated
8 her, felt she was sure to be right, and echoed her narcissistically. At
911 the same time, something potentially destructive was going on. The
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111 more I heard about the Breast Feeding League the more convinced
2 I was that for Mrs S it had become, at an unconscious level, a
3 League Against Fathers. Unconsciously, both Mr and Mrs S
4 subscribed to the theory that it was a brutal act for someone to step
5 in and point out that time was passing, that Sarah needed to be up
6 on her own two feet, and must be helped to do it.
7 In short, they had been holding out against the paternal function,
8 against the idea that there was two of anything. For even in the earli-
9 est stages of a baby’s development there needs to be the growing
10 intimation that there is a division between mother and infant, that
1 something comes to part them. At first, we see this in the baby’s
2 need to apprehend small comings and goings, in order to develop
3 the concept of a mind of its own, a place where thoughts, memories,
4 and a sense of self can live. We see babies in the first year of life relat-
5 ing one-to-one with father, mother, or childminder and we think of
6 them as part of a dyad. This is not incorrect, but in order to concep-
711 tualize two, there has to be a notion of three in the background: first
8 one person, then a gap between them, then the second person. The
9 development of the concept of the gap is closely linked to the baby’s
20 growing awareness that, when she is absent, the mother exists else-
1 where and indeed with somebody else. Here, we have the oedipal
2 configuration, which all three members of the S family resisted.
3 They were resisting the idea of being three. The hurdle they
4 were falling at is the classical hurdle of the depressive position, so
511 closely linked to oedipal growth. Mrs S did not want a husband like
6 her notion of her father. However, she had recreated the world she
7 knew; an unacknowledged presence, like her absent father, ruled
8 her actions and kept her under its thumb. Mrs S projected this
9 tyrant into Sarah. It was Sarah’s anger that, without realizing it,
311 both parents feared and dreaded as a fresh version of the primi-
1 tive superego that Mrs S’s thunderous father had embodied. Both
2 parents subscribed to the phantasy that unconsciously told them
3 the heavens would open if anyone said “no” to Sarah. To begin
4 with, the needs of a tiny infant are imperative, but within weeks,
5 the urgency lessens. Mr and Mrs S had, no doubt, also gained satis-
6 faction from projecting their own infantile omnipotence into Sarah
7 and seeing it gratified, thus seeing early need prolonged beyond
8 its life-span. This gratification involved them in another layer of
911 phantasy: the attack on the good, potent father. Instead of fresh
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111 ideas entering and becoming real in action, every single useful
2 notion was nipped in the bud. Castration abounded.
3 I sensed this in the “anti-father” quality of Mrs S’s version of her
4 breast-feeding group. For her, at an unconscious level, it signified
5 having joined up with a gang of harpies devoted to denying the
6 paternal principle, and keeping forever at bay the idea of the
711 combined object. Mrs S allowed only similarities, only narcissistic
8 unions of a rather primitive sort, within reach of her mind, and she
9 had found a partner who, for a time, would comply and connive.
10 However, it did not last forever. The corner had, of course, been
1 turned before I ever saw them. Mr S had finally felt driven to
2 protest, and a mixture of fuels presumably fired his exasperation.
3 On the one hand, he was right. It was not good for Sarah and not
4 good for them to be behaving in this way. On the other hand, he
5 had gone along with what Mrs S so feared, and yielded to the
6 impulse to bully, thus failing to contain the implicit sadism. Mrs S
7 was terrified. However, in their encounter with me some measure
8 of containment must have taken place, perhaps at just the right
9 time. Mr S burst forth with his attack on me—attack no doubt full
211 of reproach towards the feeble good father of their combined,
1 unconscious phantasy. It is plain that they both felt let down.
2 Repeatedly, people had tried to insert the reality principle into their
3 family life. The outward form was that of sensible advice, yet the
4 inner meaning was more than that. What other people, and I, tried
5 to say was developmentally vital. The message was the essential
6 oedipal one: you are not two, you are three. That is to say, the inter-
7 nal family consists of a combined object—a couple—in relation to
8 their creation, a child. The parents are, of necessity, older than the
9 child. The child is, by definition, a dependent being. The grown-ups
30 are responsible for looking after the infant not only physically, but
1 also psychically.
2 This involves them in adult action. The step into the depressive
3 position is taken by their accepting responsibility for the child’s
4 anger and distress, out of concern and a realistic estimate of the
5 child’s stage of emotional development. It involves seeing the truth,
6 seeing things as they are. In this case, the truth of the matter was
7 that two otherwise resourceful and ordinary people were being
8 ruled by the whim of a baby. It seems, by their later account, that
911 after the outburst in my room, the parents had been able to connect
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111 with each other like two reasonably thoughtful adults working
2 together in the interest of the child. They described how they had
3 discussed implementing again some of the measures suggested
4 before, and finding to their relief that, this time round, they started
5 gradually to work. The parents had discovered independence. Just
6 as the infant, at the first encounter with depressive anxiety, emerges
7 with appetite for the benefits of a separate existence, the couple saw
8 again something they both must have tangled with in infancy. This
9 was to face the difficulty of experiencing one’s own feelings and
10 thus to be granted a greater conviction of one’s own capacities.
1 Mr and Mrs S were able to see that they both felt cross with
2 Sarah. This went with a measure of daring to provoke Sarah’s rage.
3 In the event, Sarah’s rage was a paper tiger. Sarah, it seems, was
4 rather glad to be relieved of her burden of projections and complied
5 with her parents’ requests once they had made up their combined
6 mind. I was interested to see that weaning indeed promotes devel-
711 opment, as Melanie Klein points out. Sarah had been freed from the
8 prohibition enjoined upon her by a narcissistic organization. This
9 organization had threatened that any move towards her separate
20 existence would bring catastrophe, and of course, this is a phenom-
1 enon that we see in a far more established and recalcitrant form in
2 the clinical population of older children. The pleasure that Sarah
3 now took in living her own life was evident. Independence for the
4 parental couple, space to lead their own lives, had led to indepen-
511 dence for her, which she demonstrated in her eager play. The rapid
6 development of her speech followed the unconscious acknow-
7 ledgement of her separateness. This is not a mere separateness from
8 her mother, but involves the unconscious idea that her parents can
9 get together without her and conceive good ideas. Talking always
311 involves some acceptance of separateness. Whereas much, and
1 much that is powerful, can be conveyed wordlessly, only words will
2 do for some things. In addition, verbal communication assumes a
3 gap between the speakers, a gap to be bridged with words. Thus,
4 any communication has oedipal implications.
The sibling relationship
8 The progress of the S family was mildly impeded as they went
911 on their way towards establishing a family. However, both Mr and
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111 However, they knew things would be difficult when Jane was born
2 and they dreaded the change, which turned out to be every whit as
3 bad as they thought. They joined in clamorous complaints; the flat
4 was too small, there was no space to move; the mother described
5 very crossly how she was feeding the baby, getting up at night,
6 doing the washing, trying to soothe the desperate Harry. Her part-
7 ner countered just as injuredly that he was getting up, too, and he
8 was looking after Harry as much as he could, and doing the shop-
9 ping, and he was trying to earn a living for them. There was some-
10 thing so competitive, rivalrous, and self-pitying about them both
1 that they irresistibly reminded me of squabbling children expecting
2 someone to step in and sort them out. It was interesting that when
3 Harry came into action he did a rudimentary drawing—a round
4 face with a huge round mouth, no other feature. This well expressed
5 how the dispossessed Harry was feeling as a small individual, with
6 a dreadful hole in his face, and a sense of having lost something. It
711 also seemed that there was something that the parents could not
8 contain in the way of primitive loss of the object, and being unable
9 to bear the idea, it had gone to somebody else. There was a convic-
20 tion that there was insufficient good stuff to go round.
1 There were reasons for the parents’ anxieties that we could work
2 on, but the point I wish to stress at present is that they presented as
3 ruthlessly warring siblings; however, they were able to enter into a
4 transference relationship with me as their parent, and very
511 awkward they could be before working through some of their envy
6 and jealousy. The constant problem with them and other parents in
7 this situation is the attraction of ganging up, like destructive siblings
8 in identifications with a sadistic couple, to round on the thera-
9 pist. Again, I have an example from some time ago, where I saw the
311 parents of an encopretic child. His symptom, as he worked with a
1 child psychotherapist, disappeared. However, the parents, who
2 looked personable, intelligent, and lively, united in their hatred of
3 the combined object. When they found me reasonably resilient,
4 marrying up (as I would hope) the dual aspects of containment, they
5 began a relentless attack. These dual aspects are the embryonic pre-
6 cursors of the concept of mother and father. Containment consists of
7 holding—maintaining receptive, absorbent response with some
8 quality of endurance in it—with the capacity to focus keenly on
911 what is going on. It derives from the primary experience, the infant
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111 intensive psychotherapy. The parents did not think they would be
2 able to attend meetings with me together, for apparently practical
3 reasons. Therefore, I met regularly with the child’s mother. In the
4 sort of work we undertake in the Child and Family Department at
5 the Tavistock Clinic, we try never quite to forget that the parents are
6 here in relation to the child—on the child’s ticket, so to speak. This
7 does not mean it is inappropriate to attend to the individual or the
8 couple, but it is important to keep a sense of relationships within
9 the family and an eye on the child. Similarly, if one parent comes,
10 I try to remember that this parent is part of a couple—its repre-
1 sentative, perhaps. In the case that I am referring to, I had a strong
2 impression of Mrs G as a parent to the small autistic child, and
3 to her other children. I was in the room with a person who inevit-
4 ably developed an unconscious transference to me, and brought
5 her own difficulties, either implicitly or overtly. However, I also
6 felt in the presence of the parental couple represented by only one
711 of its members. Mrs G did not speak on behalf of her husband in
8 the ordinary sense. Indeed, there seemed so little agreement
9 between them that such a thing would be unlikely. However, at a
20 deeper level I was naturally able to gain a picture of the nature and
1 function of the couple as an entity, especially as it related to their
2 children.
3 This mother presented herself as devoted, reasonable, and
4 humorous. She was able to sustain an amiable, even thoughtful
511 relation with me in the context of which I felt able to interpolate
6 some thinking about the children, about her, and about her parents
7 that she accepted, up to a point. However, surging all round the
8 quiet interchanges she and I shared were the waves of her family
9 life. Here, according to her, the children’s father lived a separate
311 and cut off existence, descending only to fall into ungovernable
1 rages with her and the children. From time to time he was des-
2 cribed as performing eccentric and irrational acts. Gradually, it
3 became clear that my patient was playing her full part in a sado-
4 masochistic relationship. The rages and rows had no resolution.
5 They ended because both sides were exhausted, and started up
6 again under some future stimulus without having changed in the
7 least. This is quite different from the inevitable conflicts and quar-
8 rels that take place in families where—at least some of the time—
911 conflict has a resolution, behaviour and attitudes change, and
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111 quarrels are at least in part related to argument and debate. This
2 couple was not hoping for a resolution of their differences; at the
3 time of their battles they were unconsciously enacting a fixed phan-
4 tasy of a cruel primal scene, which nevertheless afforded them
5 unconscious excitement. Though I do not think that Mrs G was
6 always giving me an objective account of her family life, I do
711 believe that the marital relationship had everything in common
8 with those openly engaged in domestic violence. Mrs G, outwardly
9 demure, would madden her husband until he burst. Consciously,
10 she felt her husband’s behaviour was a mystery to her; why did he
1 suddenly fall upon her like a thunderbolt? Unconsciously, the
2 shared phantasy of the primal scene was one of a sadistic inter-
3 course, a cruel conflict mistakenly perceived as a sign of life.
4 Of course, it is more of a sign of death. The sufferers in these
5 rages were (directly and indirectly) the children. While parents’
6 coming together in good intercourse, literal or metaphorical, has
7 the meaning of joining in creative mutuality that can only be to the
8 children’s benefit, the sadomasochistic interchange has the reverse
9 intentions. On the one hand, there are all the phantasies of making,
211 nurturing and looking after children; on the other, phantasies of a
1 bad intercourse, the aim of which is to destroy babies.
2 The G family operated in a way that did not perform the func-
3 tion of fitting its children to participate in real life, and grow
4 towards independent existence. The reverse was true. I was able to
5 catch a glimpse of one child who had phantasies amounting almost
6 to delusions of being grown up. There was scant attempt to restore
7 him to reality; rather he seemed pushed on to ever-greater excesses
8 of projective identification. Another of the children, though of
9 school age, reacted with infantile, uninhibited ferocity when his
30 omnipotence was challenged. I had no doubt but that my patient
1 was using the children as receptacles into which to project unman-
2 ageable parts of herself. The roles of husband and wife could be
3 said to be reversible; on the one hand, during the angry outbursts,
4 the husband took the active role and the wife remained passive, a
5 patient Griselda. However, at the level of unconscious projections
6 into the children, the wife was very active, and the husband did
7 nothing to protect them, but remained absent, as passive as she.
8 Though my patient would have said that she was worried about
911 the children, her attitude struck me often as one of resignation.
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111 Within her was a disturbed infant, child, and adolescent, and it was
2 these figures that were becoming embodied in her children. It was
3 clear that the children caused anxiety at school, tormented each
4 other, and presented constant and unappeasable demands. Mrs G
5 portrayed herself as all providing, at their disposal, patient, cheer-
6 ful, and up at all hours. She idealized their rebellious and unseemly
7 behaviour, rejoicing in them as what she construed as “free spirits”.
8 She consciously took pleasure in the notion that they were not
9 crushed or quelled. There was only one way to say “no” in her
10 unconscious mind; brutally, repressively, and punitively. It could
1 never be a benign and essential aid to the establishment of bound-
2 ary setting and orderliness.
3 The parents did not recognize and grapple with their internal
4 states, but projected them into the children. They were none of
5 them in command of their own lives, even to the limited extent that
6 most of us can manage. In fact, the parents were scarcely living
711 their lives at all, as so many of their actions consisted of the drama-
8 tization in external reality of their internal situations. The children
9 were drawn into being players in the drama enacted. The parents’
20 attempt to create something new, something that had never existed
1 before, ended in their merely recreating the world as they knew it.
2 In both their cases this was a severely paranoid world, relying on
3 splitting, excessive projective identification with a strong element
4 of confusion. All available adult aspects of the parents were busy
511 with the business of keeping going; they fed and took the children
6 to school, and they worked. However, significant aspects of their
7 personalities were embodied in their children: intolerance for
8 the negotiation of sibling rivalry; omnipotence, whose angry
9 and impetuous commands must be obeyed—in short, a refusal to
311 engage with the ordinary demands of life, shown at its extreme in
1 the autistic child’s refusal. The children’s preference for the life of
2 omnipotent phantasy naturally put them at odds with school life,
3 and made them unable to get on with the business of growing up.
4 The family was non-functional, perhaps worse than that. Until
5 the destructive force at work in the central relationship (between
6 father and mother) could be acknowledged, the children were
7 compelled to live in a place where their difficulties were fostered.
8 This happens when children are emotionally unmanageable for
911 their parents, when (as in the Oedipus myth) something about the
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111 Siblings were at war with one another, as in Antigone; and the
2 vulnerable side of Jack was still a new boy, an outsider, unaccept-
3 able to the family.
4 His therapist had a difficult job on her hands. Jack turned out to
5 be hard to manage, perverse, and sometimes frankly psychotic and
6 deluded, but she persevered and progress was made. However,
7 what of his parents, when I came to work regularly with them? I
8 had the impression that they were a couple whose worst uncon-
9 scious fears had been realized. They had been treading very narrow
10 lines, separately and together, probably all their lives. He had left
1 home at sixteen and made his way through university. His own
2 father was a damaged man. She had a father whom she described
3 fleetingly but with vivid detail as sadistic. Late on in the treatment
4 she divulged with great difficulty that her brother had sexually
5 abused her, and this brother is now mentally ill.
6 However, they had a touching and determined interest in family
711 building. They wanted to do better. They had capacity to observe
8 themselves and, over time, they came to see how, instead of func-
9 tioning like an adult couple, they readily fell apart into two sepa-
20 rate people bemoaning their lots, reproachful, angry, and cruel. I
1 want to pick out the manner of their leaving the treatment. This
2 couple actually made a move. They wanted to move out of London
3 to somewhere they thought was more salubrious. They half-
4 acknowledged that they had been idealizing the inner-city experi-
511 ence the children had had. But the process—finding a house, selling
6 theirs, finding school places—was excruciatingly difficult, taking
7 place as it did against a background of struggling with Jack’s state-
8 menting procedure, a digestion of the fact that he was really
9 disturbed, and also emerging worry about the two previously fault-
311 less children.
1 I think that when Jack was born both parents began to have a
2 settled unconscious conviction—rather than fleeting phantasies, to
3 be worked through—that their intercourse had produced a bad boy,
4 the envious ghost of the baby they might have had, a destructive
5 creature quite out of their control. This made it impossible to see
6 Jack for what he was, and to feel, contain, and deal with his ordi-
7 nary aggressive and negative projections.
8 Part of the hypothesis that I evolved was the idea that Jack was
911 not an easy baby. There must have been something in him that
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111 aside some time for privacy, and have a clear perception of them-
2 selves as adults, and adults in charge for good or ill. The other state
3 was one where disunity ruled. Mrs X fell into depression and Mr X
4 into anger. Each felt resentfully alone, full of self-pity, blaming the
5 other, both fearing the inevitable violent outbursts and quarrels that
6 were the outcome. In this second state, sides were taken. Mother
7 tended to take the children’s side, and father was cast as lacking
8 understanding, furious, and somehow ridiculous. (This picture also
9 fits the G couple referred to earlier.) While, when the parents were
10 together, they saw all three children as needing their concern, when
1 they were apart Jack became a kind of scapegoat, a receptacle for
2 their fears of catastrophe and collapse. It is also interesting to note
3 that it was with relief for all the children that they became a three-
4 some. The situation at referral, where the elder girl and boy joined
5 to mock and fear the baby brother, had caused much guilt and anxi-
6 ety in the children themselves.
9 Conclusion
1 I have tried to demonstrate with clinical example and discussion
2 the well-known value of working with the parental couple in
3 conjunction with a referred child in order to bring about change
4 (Barrows, 2003). The child’s difficulty can usefully be viewed in the
511 light of the parents’ unresolved oedipal conflicts.
6 With all the couples I have described, the same process is at
7 work. Can the parents draw together as a benign partnership, two
8 people who can manage to reign over their little kingdom without
9 outlawing anyone? Can the family manage to do without a black
311 sheep? Can, indeed, the potential outcasts resist the lure of accept-
1 ing projections? How do children remain loyal to two parents at
2 once, and how can parents bear in mind the whole range of a child’s
3 personality, or the whole range of personalities their family may
4 produce?
5 In work with children and their parents we see the full range of
6 relationships—parents with each other, with the children; siblings
7 with each other, with the parents—and have much to ponder upon.
8 However, not, perhaps, more than Sophocles did, who watched as
911 events unfolded from the original rejection of Oedipus.
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211 hat determines our choice of lifelong partner? For
1 Oedipus himself, this is not a valid question because, as
2 we know, he married his mother. His story is about
3 someone who could not give up his primary passion and move on
4 to bear the pain associated with exclusion from the parents’ sexual
5 relationship. Oedipus, we could say, acted on a universal longing
6 that, in early life, is a consuming desire—continuing the exclusive
7 possession of our first passionate love, our mother. It is therefore
8 not possible to investigate whom Oedipus would have chosen as a
9 wife if he had been able to relinquish possession of his mother. He
30 is a lost cause. However, the question as to why one partner chooses
1 another, and how the choice is linked to each partner’s internal
2 oedipal drama is a valid one, and forms the focus of this chapter.
3 Sophocles’ story of Oedipus was revisited and borrowed by
4 Freud, who articulated the oedipus complex—a mixture of impul-
5 ses, phantasies, anxieties, and defences linked with the change from
6 two-person to three-person relating. Klein and Bion subsequently
7 developed Freud’s ideas, and we now recognize the oedipal situa-
8 tion and its resolution as a necessary part of an individual’s psychic
911 development. Each one of us has to negotiate a journey from being
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111 then direct or imply accusations against her husband, using recent
2 examples of his behaviour; usually things he had not done rather
3 than what he had. She would present a case for why all the prob-
4 lems were his fault. He would appear phlegmatic, seem to be listen-
5 ing, but in a passive way which conveyed he was unlikely to
6 answer and enter a dialogue. He would often react to her criticisms
7 by nodding readily, agreeing with her diagnosis, apparently admit-
8 ting his weaknesses and incapacity, but in effect leaving her to have
9 the discussion alone.
10 More rarely, Mrs Z would make it clear she was exhausted and
1 unwilling to start. This absolutely floored her husband, as if he had
2 no thoughts or dilemmas within himself. He would attempt to turn
3 the enquiry back towards his wife, asking her broad questions, such
4 as “What would you like out of life?’ or “What are your aims?”
5 which usually had the effect of deflecting the heat from himself. She
6 would work hard at trying to convey the aspects of her life and
711 their relationship that felt problematic to her, even unbearable,
8 followed by a description of the things she longed for that she
9 seemed to feel he was unreasonably withholding. The discussions
20 always had the same circular quality, as if there was no purpose to
1 the questions other than to be able to ask more questions. In the
2 course of a session, I saw no evidence of them taking things in from
3 each other or of the contact developing. However much they
4 exchanged words and overtly agreed with each other, in fact they
511 each held an unrelenting view of the other and probably experi-
6 enced themselves as victims.
7 There were times when I was drawn into their dynamic. I would
8 point out that Mr Z seemed to be avoiding his own thoughts by
9 asking his wife questions, and I then tried to turn Mr Z’s questions
311 back on to himself, a thing Mrs Z never did. On several occasions
1 it went something like this:
3 Therapist: When things get difficult, I’ve noticed that you start asking
4 your wife questions. Perhaps you have your own thoughts about what
5 you are hoping for in your life, or between you.
6 Mr Z: What do you think?
Therapist: Are you asking me what I think your thoughts are?
911 Mr Z: Yes.
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111 about different attempts of hers to ask others for help. For example,
2 she had asked a relative to help her organize a party and was
3 refused. This, she was convinced, was not for practical reasons but
4 was simply to give her the message that she wasn’t liked, or that
5 she should not expect to be helped because she was in a devalued
6 position. She often talked about other people in a way that indi-
7 cated they were experienced as takers and users, caring only about
8 themselves and what they could get. These communications were
9 further evidence that my questions or interventions were not expe-
10 rienced as helpful, but rather as attacks designed to humiliate them
1 by exposing their ignorance or vulnerability.
2 During the second year of therapy there was some movement in
3 how they used the sessions. They were more willing to share details
4 of difficult experiences and to allow some exploration of the
5 dynamics. I suggested that they were both so afraid of making
6 contact with each other that there was a shared preference for being
711 estranged or, at the very best, distant from each other. I also
8 ventured the interpretation that closeness, to them, seemed to mean
9 either one partner having to take responsibility for both, or else
20 having an experience of losing oneself. Mrs Z, especially, seemed
1 to feel able to take more risks, and began to present a deeper picture
2 of herself and the relationship. She also offered more associations
3 to her early experience. She started openly to express her distress
4 and longing for help, at times bringing lively dreams that terri-
511 fied and confused her. I also noticed, however, that, although there
6 was an increased willingness to discuss complex feelings and
7 motives, and Mrs Z had managed to develop her life more as an
8 individual, they still both insisted that there was no change in the
9 relationship between them. Small gains, they told me, were impos-
311 sible to maintain.
1 Mr Z did not seem to have the increased sense of freedom in the
2 sessions that his wife did. He continued to seem empty of himself,
3 he had little to say except that he longed for more sex. He claimed
4 to feel little or nothing. Occasionally he would report a fantasy he
5 had that he would like to become successful in a new field of work,
6 but it seemed to have the quality of a threat. He did nothing about
7 it, nor did he seem to gain any pleasure from these thoughts. Mr Z
8 largely conveyed an unbearable feeling of being utterly stuck, as if
911 there were no future and no recognition of time passing.
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111 I frequently felt invited into a battle where I had to feel I was
2 losing. Much of the time it seemed to be crucial to Mrs Z to paint
3 herself in a perfect light, and convey her husband as the one
4 constantly at fault. She seemed to feel under threat of survival if this
5 view was challenged. Her husband seemed willing to be denigrated
6 as long as her proximity was assured. Later on, we heard more
711 about how he kept her critical attacks at bay and made himself
8 impervious, in order to hold on to his own view of each of them.
9 Their coupling seemed deadly but resilient, and it often felt as if
10 they were pitted against me, hating the possibilities for change that
1 I stood for.
2 Towards the end of the second year in therapy, Mrs Z had a
3 series of dreams that had disturbed her a great deal. There is one,
4 in particular, which helped me to understand that they shared a
5 difficulty in their oedipal development. It also appeared to offer me
6 a picture of their shared internal couple.
7 Readers unused to thinking about psychoanalytic couple work
8 may well be startled by the idea that a dream or story told by one
9 individual can be thought about as conveying unconscious mean-
211 ing for the couple. In couple work, as in group work, there is a
1 change of focus; the two individuals in the room and the material
2 they provide can be thought about primarily as contributing to an
3 understanding of the relationship, rather than simply expressing
4 meaning in terms of them as individuals. This has been expressed
5 most clearly by the idea that in couple work “the couple is the
6 patient” (Ruszczynski, 1993, p. 199). Later on, it should become
7 clearer how the dream helped me to investigate the shared uncon-
8 scious interaction between the partners in the couple.
30 Mrs Z’s Dream
Mrs Z came into a large government building. It was a big, dark place.
It reminded her of the building in which the sessions took place. She had
to walk along many dark corridors, and then she saw a couple at the end
5 of one of them. It looked as if they were made of iron. They were white
6 people who were a dark colour. It looked as if they had been painted
7 black. The woman was lying down. She was nearly dead. The man was
8 leaning over the top of her, trying to help. It was an awful sight,
911 absolutely awful. She kept repeating that she couldn’t bear to see it.
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111 Then she came out of the building and, near the entrance, she saw her
2 father. He was standing behind a stranger. She told him she loved him,
3 but he shrugged it off. He didn’t really acknowledge her. At the end
4 she kept repeating that the whole dream was so awful she could hardly
5 bear to remember it, let alone explore it and allow associations.
7 What immediately struck me was the dream’s relevance and
8 meaning to the unconscious couple relationship that, until this
9 point, had been very difficult to see. In the dream, there are two
10 “couplings” or potential couplings. The first is like the primal scene
1 (Freud, 1919e)—a couple in intercourse watched or seen by a third.
2 In the second, there is a stranger (mother?) who is standing in
3 between her and her father—the dreamer makes an approach to a
4 father/husband and is ignored and rejected.
5 The first scene takes place inside a building similar to the one
6 the therapy was in. The intercourse has a much damaged quality, in
711 which one partner is dying and the other is desperately attempting
8 resuscitation, but to no avail. The couple look as if they are made of
9 iron, a hard, impenetrable substance, with no human softness, asso-
20 ciated with machines. They are white, but they have been painted
1 black, as if something has ruined everything, perhaps envy. The
2 dreamer is looking at the couple and finds it a terrible sight, one
3 that can hardly be borne.
4 Why is the primal scene depicted in this way? I believe we are
511 learning first and foremost about an internal state of affairs in
6 which there is an internalized couple where the woman is dying,
7 or hardly surviving. The picture implies that sex has damaged,
8 nearly killed her, and the man is desperately trying to resusci-
9 tate her and repair the damage. This is a picture of an extremely
311 painful, destructive coupling, in which there is little room for
1 creativity, and separation cannot be envisaged as it threatens to lead
2 to death.
3 I would like to expand on what I came to know about this
4 couple scenario from three different sources. First, this “damaged
5 couple” from the dream seemed to be similar to each partner’s own
6 portrayal of each of their parental couples. Second, it was undoubt-
7 edly familiar to each partner, as I have already described and will
8 expand on; and, last, it was congruent with my experience of the
911 relationship with the couple.
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111 really have a mind of her own. She would do and say whatever her
2 husband told her. Mr Z said she had never shown warmth or phys-
3 ical affection. He described her as an iron mother (this made a direct
4 link to the couple in the dream, who also looked as if they were
5 made of iron), mechanical, and as if she had no heart. Mrs Z added
6 to the picture by telling us that relatives, who remembered Mr Z as
7 a baby, had been worried about the way that his mother didn’t
8 seem aware of what she needed to do when the baby was crying.
9 Mrs Z implied the likelihood that he had been left crying, unatten-
10 ded, for long periods. The picture I gleaned of his mother was of a
1 woman so damaged, perhaps psychically near-dead, that she
2 needed to “stick herself” on to a husband in order to be able to func-
3 tion. Mr Z seems to have experienced his two parents in precisely
4 this way—as one stuck-together object that would issue orders or
5 instructions but seemed oblivious of him as a feeling, needy being.
6 Each conveyed a picture of a vulnerable mother who hadn’t
711 individuated successfully herself, nor could she bear the ordinary
8 pain and discomforts in life. They also both described domineering
9 fathers who spent their lives trying to make up for the deficit in the
20 women, and who perhaps chose their wives aggressively and
1 narcissistically so that they could be tyrannical and go unchal-
2 lenged. My patients never seemed to experience their fathers as
3 helping their wives to develop or individuate.
The central near-dead/resuscitator relationship
7 It was clear from the material, and from the dynamic in the room,
8 that most often Mr Z was like a dying person. He always looked
9 pale, with dark eyes; he moved slowly and seemed depressed. He
311 hardly ever spoke without being addressed directly, and while he
1 would express a desire to develop, change, and start new projects,
2 he was always unable to find the motivation, as if he had no inter-
3 nal motor. His early experience seemed to have left him in a
4 severely undeveloped state, so that his wife’s proximity, the pres-
5 ence of her thoughts and feelings and her ability to initiate things,
6 were absolutely crucial to him. His method of attempting to use
7 either his wife’s thoughts, or at times my thoughts, so that he too
8 could feel he had thoughts and feelings, and could survive, does at
911 least indicate a primitive ability to use the mother and her thoughts
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111 had felt very supported by her, knowing they would share the
2 blame if it turned out to be a mistake. He acknowledged sadly that
3 she was unwilling to do that now. She was shocked by his descrip-
4 tion of the past and convinced that he was either mad or lying. Her
5 view was that she had not supported him but had bullied him until
6 she felt she was going crazy. It had felt too burdensome and
7 weighty, as if she had to find the life in herself and force life into
8 him all at the same time, just like the damaged coupling in the
9 dream.
10 His version of their interaction also gives us a picture of the
1 transference relationship. He is unable to recognize the object as a
2 separate entity. He receives bullying and resentment as support, as
3 this is the only kind of parenting he knows about. This may go
4 some way to helping us know more about their phantasy of the
5 internal couple. His seems to be a picture of a nearly dead man who
6 appears to be made of iron. He can’t think for himself, he doesn’t
711 know what to do, he is full of uncertainty, and he needs the woman
8 to breathe life into him—to fire him up with life and energy. How-
9 ever, even when she does he is almost impervious to her efforts,
20 feeling sure that, if she were to be successful, it would lead to a cata-
1 strophe. Mr Z’s internal world is dominated by a phantasy that
2 intercourse leads to destruction, damage, and maybe death, and his
3 wife shares this view. They both appear to be in the grip of a primi-
4 tive phantasy about the parental intercourse, which has been
511 coloured by the infant’s own projections.
6 Fascinated by the area of early childhood phantasies, Klein
7 (1929), largely through analysing children and by emphasizing the
8 phantasy content of the instinctual impulses, developed the idea
9 of the “combined parental object”. She saw this as a monstrous
311 threatening form made up of the two parents locked together in
1 permanent intercourse, against the child, unmediated by experi-
2 ences of reality that might have modified or opposed it. These
3 united phantasied parents are extremely cruel and much dreaded
4 assailants (Klein, 1929, p. 213). For some individuals this kind of
5 primitive and terrifying phantasy is not significantly modified,
6 leading to disastrous consequences for the formation of an adult
7 sexual relationship.
8 Klein saw the child’s internal experience as heavily influenced
911 not only by the real external parents, but also by the child’s phantasy
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111 world. The combined parent figure was seen as a phantasy that
2 emerged from a previous phantasy of penetrating the mother’s
3 body, something that Klein saw as one of the infant’s most profound
4 wishes. The phantasy involves a wish to penetrate mother’s body
5 out of anger and frustration, and do harmful things to the organs
6 and objects found there, partly through jealousy and partly because
711 of a wish to steal them for himself. There is also a phantasy that
8 the mother’s body contains father’s penis, and then there is an esca-
9 lating and terrifying phantasy that mother and the objects inside her
10 will retaliate against the infant. Thus, the aggressive phantasies
1 about parental sexual intercourse arouse huge amounts of paranoia
2 from a very early age.
3 Feldman (1989) shows how individuals who have negotiated
4 the oedipus complex in a relatively healthy way have “an internal
5 model of an intercourse that is, on balance a creative activity. . . . On
6 the other hand, the phantasy that any connection forms a bizarre or
7 predominantly destructive couple seems to result in damaged,
8 perverse or severely inhibited forms of thinking”.
9 Through Mrs Z’s dream we catch a glimpse of the shared phan-
211 tasied internal couple that informs the relationship between Mr and
1 Mrs Z, who have different ways of expressing this phantasy in their
2 relationship. Mr Z lives out the near-dead, or dying position, while
3 Mrs Z carries the energy for her husband. He believes that in order
4 to survive himself he needs her to stay alive, and he is therefore
5 terrified of being abandoned. At the same time, she relies on him to
6 make sure that his efforts are defeated, since if they were successful
7 they would lead to disaster for her in the form of oedipal triumph.
8 She is terrified of being made to experience the guilt attached to her
9 phantasy of having disposed of her mother and won her father.
30 Mrs Z at different times responded differently to her husband’s
1 near-dead stance. She often competed with him for the passive
2 position. She frequently talked about how, when she didn’t know
3 what to do in her life, she would talk to her father. He would
4 always know what to do. So she painted a picture of a child/
5 woman who found it terrifying to stand alone, but who eternally
6 relied on the parent/husband to take decisions and to have the life,
7 as she did when she refused to see through the purchase of the new
8 house. This is very similar to what he felt, and the combination left
911 them in a deadly stalemate in which they were both putting intense
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111 It is also possible to change the focus slightly and think about
2 the statue couple as representing Mrs Z’s terrible oedipal triumph,
3 where her coupling with father leaves her mother virtually dead.
4 The second scenario in the dream, where she sees father and tells
5 him she loves him, would then express the hoped-for situation
6 where father comes to her for comfort and love, installing her in
711 mother’s place. Instead of this wish-fulfilment scenario, she gets
8 its opposite; a father who ignores her, treats her like a stranger,
9 and acts like a stranger. This is the bitter fruit of her oedipal long-
10 ings, perhaps the result of her persecutory guilt. She ends up in a
1 terrible place, with no live and loving mother or father.
2 There is another element that has enormous importance in
3 working through oedipal longings, and that is the capacity of the
4 child to be on the outside the parental couple and to envisage and
5 subsequently manage standing alone. In the second dream
6 scenario, Mrs Z is left alone as a person in her own right. It is possi-
7 ble that the first couple is the one she feels herself to be in, and the
8 second is one she can envisage for the future, once outside of the
9 building, after the end of therapy, so to speak. It is possible that, at
211 this point in the therapy, she has started to entertain the possibility
1 of moving further away from the damaged couple and managing
2 to exist alone as a person in her own right.
3 If the dream does represent this more hopeful possibility for Mrs
4 Z, I believe it might also contain more sinister overtones, carried by
5 Mr Z. In the second scenario there is no mother: she doesn’t appear
6 to exist. Father stands for mother and father stuck together, and the
7 child is left unable to make contact. There is a dynamic within the
8 couple between these two interpretations. The more Mrs Z devel-
9 oped the capacity to exist as a separate person psychically, the more
30 depressed and deathly Mr Z became, which tended to stimulate her
1 role as resuscitator. A point was reached in this way where couple
2 therapy could no longer contain this dynamic between them, and it
3 was an important outcome of the therapy that Mr Z was referred
4 for individual help.
8 As I discussed earlier in this chapter, the main source of under-
911 standing during the therapy came from my experience of being with
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111 this couple. In the first year of therapy I was often drawn into a
2 battle that seemed never-ending, and without resolution. Each
3 partner invited me in to a “coupling” that felt stagnant and non-
4 developmental. Although they both talked about a desperate long-
5 ing for change, in fact the desire for change and knowledge seemed
6 to be lodged entirely in me, leaving the two of them free to fight
7 against me. I was left to experience a barren and hopeless inter-
8 course. At times, in order to avoid complete despair, I would find
9 myself being abrasive or overly insistent. At other times I would feel
10 in a trance-like state from which I could make intellectual comments
1 that kept me distant and safe from the emotional contact that felt too
2 dangerous and painful. I was experiencing in turn various states
3 of mind and roles in which they each found themselves. It was as if
4 it wasn’t enough for them to tell me about these frustrating experi-
5 ences—they could only trust me to know about them if they could
6 get me, quite concretely, to have these experiences myself.
711 Everything I said, Mrs Z argued against and angrily rejected.
8 Alternatively, Mr Z wholeheartedly agreed on the surface, but
9 secretly disagreed, or did not engage with what I said, and then
20 forgot it moments later. Though their methods looked different, for
1 each of them as individuals, and certainly as a couple, I was usually
2 in the “resuscitator” position. I tried to maintain my sense of hope
3 for them and their relationship, while they both reclined, so to
4 speak, near-dead, as resistant as iron, to their many attempts to
511 move or change anything. At times, they conveyed that I had
6 become a cold, harsh figure, imposing this nasty experience of
7 thinking upon them. I should understand that, really, underneath
8 their iron fortifications, they were so frail and delicate, all they
9 could bear was to be loved unreservedly and fed only very easily
311 digestible, tasty morsels.
1 I was also made to feel indispensable, in that their attendance
2 could feel interminable and yet, I often felt useless and in despair
3 about making any significant impact. It could feel as if there was no
4 real contact between them and me, just words or angry rebuffs. So
5 there was a cold “iron” quality, a feeling that I could never give or
6 receive genuine contact. The result was that I could feel hard-
7 worked but resentful and reluctant, as if I was being used and not
8 appreciated, just as each of them felt about the other. The marriage
911 and the therapy sometimes felt like a hospital for chronic illness,
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111 and I was left feeling as if I was forcing unwanted hope and therapy
2 upon them.
3 As the therapy progressed, though, there were moments of real
4 contact with Mrs Z, where she seemed able to engage in a creative
5 intercourse. On one occasion she was able, for the first time, to
6 share real feelings of guilt about the destructive part she had played
711 in the relationship. Other times she talked more freely about her
8 early experiences, and was able to develop a less idealized picture
9 of her family. Initially, she would often forget or have obliterated
10 these experiences by the following week, and it took some time
1 before she was able to hold them in her mind and build on them.
2 Eventually, there was a sense of something cumulative developing
3 within her, and she was able to show some appreciation and grati-
4 tude. As Mrs Z changed, I noticed that my emotional repertoire
5 with them also changed. I felt warmer and more connected, and the
6 flow of my thoughts became less stilted.
7 There was a paradox here, in that the more it was possible to
8 make contact with Mrs Z, the more Mr Z became remote and harder
9 to reach. This increased my anxiety. There were times when I found
211 myself imagining that he might die. This, I think, reflected a shared
1 longing of the couple to be in a fused, blissful state where inter-
2 course was repudiated and differences hated. They were, I think,
3 also defending against hope and the promise of reparation turning
4 out to be yet again a cruel mirage. Not only that, but there was an
5 eroticization of this defence, so that it gained a life and momentum
6 of its own, complete with its own gratification. This element of their
7 shared situation, a constant attempt to return to a primal state of
8 fused togetherness with a primary object, helped to explain why it
9 looked as if there was no oedipal material with this couple. They
30 couldn’t bear to know that they were separate, nor that there was
1 “a third” with which to contend. Staying as they were, maintaining
2 a phantasy that they didn’t have to be separate people, was always
3 preferable to the experience of standing alone, taking risks and
4 suffering pain.
8 Feldman’s (1989) paper, “The oedipus complex: manifestations in
911 the inner world and the therapeutic situation”, highlights how
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111 patients bring oedipal dilemmas into the analysis in a way that
2 draws the analyst into a re-enactment of the child’s original
3 dilemma. He demonstrates the close relationship between the way
4 patients have negotiated the oedipus complex and the quality of
5 their thinking. It is clear from the paper how the analyst is bound
6 to be drawn into oedipal re-enactments. It is also true that partners
7 in a couple relationship subtly pressure each other into re-enact-
8 ments of their original, and as yet unresolved, oedipal drama.
9 When forming a couple relationship, each partner comes uncon-
10 sciously armed with a complex picture of what a couple looks like,
1 a kind of template for an intimate adult relationship. The partners
2 individually have an unconscious capacity to recognize something
3 shared in the other’s internal couple picture, in each other’s oedi-
4 pal configuration. It is likely that these factors create a resonance for
5 each of them, which seems to contribute towards the “draw” that
6 the individuals feel for each other at the start. After some time in
711 therapy, it should be possible to attempt to elaborate the nature of
8 the couple’s shared unconscious couple phantasy, and how it
9 informs their interactions with one another.
20 Partners in a couple will subtly nudge and pressure each other
1 until they are in a position which is close enough to a shared uncon-
2 scious phantasy about coupling. Therefore, we shouldn’t be sur-
3 prised that as soon as Mrs Z became more open and developed
4 herself in various ways, it had a powerful impact on her husband.
511 The more she gave up the role of resuscitator, the more lifeless and
6 depressed he became. The more she moved towards life and health,
7 the more vulnerable he became, and she found herself under pres-
8 sure to regress and reconstitute a static, psychic relationship with
9 him that reflected the picture in the dream.
311 Britton points out that “external reality may provide an oppor-
1 tunity for benign modification of such phantasies, or it may lend
2 substance to fears” (Britton, 1989, p. 93). Unhappily for Mrs Z, her
3 oedipal phantasy of victory over her parents was confirmed in
4 the external world when her parents separated and her mother
5 removed herself from the picture. The “missing mother” left scope
6 for the phantasy that she had won her father away from her mother,
7 damaging her mother so badly that, like Oedipus, she would
8 forever feel burdened with the guilt of the most terrible crime. This
911 resulted in Mrs Z becoming someone who needed not to achieve a
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111 satisfying adult relationship, for fear that this would stimulate
2 intense persecutory guilt for the “crimes” against both parents that
3 she was unconsciously convinced she had committed.
4 Mr and Mrs Z were in a position with regard to each other that
5 made it very difficult for them to change. They were in the grip of
6 a shared oedipal phantasy in which two people ganged up against
711 a third, catastrophically. In Mrs Z’s phantasy, she gangs up with
8 father, and mother is banished and disappears as if dead. Mr Z’s
9 phantasy consisted of an earlier, more primitive, and even more
10 serious triangle. He conveyed that, when he was a baby, his
1 mother’s preoccupation with depression—almost as if the depres-
2 sion constituted a third object in its own right—meant that the
3 infant’s terror of being left alone to die was strengthened by his
4 experience of his mother being unavailable right from the start—an
5 iron mother. Bion (1962a) coined the term “nameless dread” to
6 denote the appalling “black hole” experience of the infant who is
7 left alone to manage his own terrors on too many occasions. He
8 desperately needs the mother to take in and bear his projections,
9 thereby conveying an experience back to him that these kinds of
211 terrors can be mentalized and borne. “If the mother does not accept
1 the projection, the infant feels that its feeling that it is dying is
2 stripped of such meaning as it has. It therefore reintrojects, not a
3 fear of dying made tolerable, but a nameless dread” (Bion, 1962a,
4 p. 116).
5 Later on, Mr Z’s awareness of father coincided with an experi-
6 ence of both parents being locked in a fused coupling that was
7 impenetrable to him, confirming the phantasy of the “combined
8 parental object”—which implies that intercourse has deadly conse-
9 quences as the two partners do not survive as separate individuals.
30 This scenario also rendered both parents unavailable to any sort of
1 flexible relating that would have enabled him as the child to expe-
2 rience and move through his painful oedipal feelings. This level of
3 exclusion and the lack of real contact and understanding for him
4 underscored his terror of being asked direct and personal questions,
5 which he seemed to experience as if they were cruel instruments of
6 torture designed to expose him to contempt.
7 Perhaps it was the differences between their individual oedipal
8 phantasies that provided the hope for intercourse between them.
911 Mr Z did convey, through his urgent pressure to find out my
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111 thoughts and those of his wife, that he had managed to find some
2 life in his mother, albeit at a very early stage. It must have been this
3 early success that helped him find a wife who could battle through,
4 in the hope that she could help him battle through as well. He
5 seemed to hope that, as he didn’t know his own thoughts, she
6 would give him hers. However, as we have seen, she was convinced
7 that her fighting spirit was disastrous and led in unconscious phan-
8 tasy to her mother leaving and to the unforgivable crime of her own
9 tragic oedipal triumph. It then becomes clear that it was this pulling
10 in two different directions that drew them to seek help, as they were
1 each desperate to gain support for their own positions. Each felt
2 these longings and fears intensely, which led to an extremely
3 painful and destructive dynamic between them.
4 By the end of therapy, Mrs Z was managing to take more risks.
5 She was leading life with more vigour and vitality, although it was
6 kept within its limits and she still suffered enormously from fear.
711 However, her shift away from her husband created a greater sepa-
8 ration between them which, while it gave her more hope and a
9 vision for the future, left him more desolate. Although Mr Z would
20 mouth a hopeful stance, he became less and less able to act or think
1 for himself. Greater separation, and less safety from their stuck-
2 togetherness, seemed to leave him defeated by his own fears, which
3 had a catastrophic intensity, and also left him exposed to an
4 unmediated experience of his own cathected death-like state.
511 For some time, the oedipal elements in Mr and Mrs Z’s dilemma
6 were not obvious to me. Gradually, however, it became possible to
7 understand something of the complex interweaving and dynamic
8 interaction of their inner worlds. Mr Z, in particular, remained
9 depressed, but he conveyed that his depression was made more
311 bearable by feeling that he understood a little more about what he
1 and his wife had been caught up in; and he also felt, and was, less
2 blamed. While the therapy could not claim to have dramatically
3 and positively transformed the couple’s lives, it seemed that they
4 at least experienced a quieter quality of containment by being
5 attended to and thought about closely over a sustained period of
6 time. This helped them to tolerate their situation and to begin to get
7 some distance from it and to reflect on it, which in itself modified
8 and softened the former deadly, over-entangled and rigid internal
911 structure of their marriage.
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2 common presenting problem to the marital psychothera-
3 pist is that of No Sex. Sometimes a couple names this as
4 their principal problem at a first interview. Often, however,
5 they will be too embarrassed to be so frank, but it will soon become
6 apparent that there is this crucial absence in their relationship. In
7 this chapter I propose to attempt to make some inroads into under-
8 standing this situation. I want to concentrate, in particular, on how
9 such difficulties often arise when the partners share a history of
30 inadequate working through of certain aspects of the oedipus
1 complex.
2 I will use three clinical illustrations, which represent variations
3 on a theme. The variations are, I suspect, quite commonplace,
4 although the particular version that any couple develops is their
5 own. The underlying theme consists of the dynamic relationships
7 *This paper was presented at a Scientific Meeting of the Tavistock Clinic on
8 8 May 2000. It was published in the British Journal of Psychotherapy (2001), Vol.
911 17(4).
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111 between the child and the parents in intercourse in the primal
2 scene. The three variations represent typical defence systems
3 erected by couples against the psychic pain evoked in attempting to
4 accept the reality of the primal scene. The variation of my first
5 couple, the Flints, consists of their not being able to bear the fact
6 that it is the parents who couple. They insist on a version in which
7 the child and one of the parents come together, the other parent
8 becoming the excluded one. The Grays, my second couple, did not
9 dispute that it was the parents who were intimate, but they could
10 only conceive of the excluded child being cruelly deprived. This
1 justified their complaining about this forever and ever. The varia-
2 tion or solution of my third couple, the Forsyths, was to eliminate
3 the child in the triangle and hence to construct a non-procreative
4 version of adult intercourse. There was to be no problem or pain,
5 because no demanding child would eventuate from the intercourse.
6 For all three couples, their coming to therapy was evidence that
711 they knew something was seriously wrong and that they needed to
8 change. However, when confronted with the reality of the demands
9 made by psychic development, they reacted as if faced with a cata-
20 strophe.1
Theories of the primal scene and catastrophic change
511 In his paper “The oedipus situation and the depressive position”,
6 Britton explores the great developmental significance of the child’s
7 unconscious phantasies about the parents’ sexual intercourse. He
8 comments that, though Freud explored the primal scene to some
9 extent,
1 he never incorporated the primal scene and its associated phan-
2 tasies as a principal component of the oedipus complex. In contrast
3 to this, Klein not only did so but made it central in her account of
4 what she called the ‘oedipus situation’ (Klein, 1928, 1945). [Britton,
5 1992, p. 36]
7 My purpose in this chapter is to show examples of the pathol-
8 ogy that can ensue in adult heterosexual relationships when indi-
911 viduals couple who have not been able to adequately work through
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111 this all-important aspect of the oedipus situation. Not that any indi-
2 vidual or couple can ever fully meet this challenge as, by its very
3 nature, it is a life-long task. I hope to show that, if two individuals
4 come together who have been overwhelmed by its difficulties and
5 opted for maintaining rigid defences against working through the
6 oedipus complex, rather than continuing the struggle, they will
711 almost inevitably encounter serious relationship problems. Often
8 these will erupt, appropriately enough, in the arena of sex.
9 One might say that it is precisely because of the impossibility of
10 full working through of the oedipus complex during the growing
1 child’s developmental phases that continued engagement becomes
2 a universal aspect of the motivation for adult sexual relating. What
3 has not been processed in the turbulent periods of infancy, child-
4 hood, and adolescence remains to be engaged with as an adult
5 sexual being, in addition to those new tasks which are specific to
6 this epoch. If one thinks in terms of each new stage of the life-cycle
7 throwing up developmental crises, challenges, and opportunities,
8 then adult sexual relating offers the chance to engage fully with
9 one’s oedipal difficulties and dilemmas. For all of us, this chance is
211 like a double-edged sword, as seizing it offers the opportunity for
1 growth, but it also forces one to engage with one’s unresolved
2 nightmares. Small wonder, then, that some partners, who may often
3 have unconsciously chosen each other in the hope that the comple-
4 mentarity of their problems may help each to become allies of the
5 other in taking up the developmental challenge, instead uncon-
6 sciously prioritize, work out, and put into practice a strong,
7 combined, anti-developmental defence.
8 One of the difficulties with this strategy is that it can only work
9 (if at all) on a short-term and superficial basis. The psychic subset
30 of the potentially mature, developmental couple within what one
1 might refer to as “the total couple” becomes increasingly frustrated
2 with this anti-developmental strategy. They know that something is
3 terribly wrong, particularly if it results in symptoms like the non-
4 occurrence of sex. However, not only do they not know consciously
5 how to engage with the problem, but unconsciously they fear that
6 were they to do so, the consequences would be catastrophic.
7 It was to describe just such situations, with their attendant anxi-
8 eties, that Bion (1965) coined the term “catastrophic change”. My
911 understanding and application of this core theoretical concept in
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111 that she might kill her. Elizabeth’s psychosis took the form of
2 immensely strong manic-depressive swings of mood, and it was
3 when she was at her lowest that she would think it in her baby’s
4 best interests to kill her rather than let her suffer the cruelties of
5 life. With the help of psychiatric medication, her mental state
6 improved, and things gradually got better for the couple. By the
711 time they came to us, they were happier and able to live a more
8 normal life. Elizabeth was intensely conscious of all that her
9 husband had heroically done. She was very grateful to him. How-
10 ever, he had only coped so well by becoming quite split off from
1 many of his emotions, so that he could concentrate on doing his
2 duty. Now, when circumstances allowed it and his wife required it,
3 he could not retrieve his former warmth, emotional or sexual,
4 towards Elizabeth. In addition, she, despite and because of her
5 indebtedness, became furious with him for his coldness; and her
6 rage was massive.
7 The couple engaged in their therapy, and fairly soon their rela-
8 tionship ameliorated in many areas, but not sexually. As therapists2
9 we had constantly borne their unresolved sexual abstinence in
211 mind, and had often suggested that material which was not overtly
1 sexual (e.g. their anger, need to control, emotional withdrawal) was
2 played out in the sexual arena.
3 Over the course of time, we became aware of some important
4 similarities in their individual relationships to us. They both tended
5 to engage in a more adventurous, sometimes excited, manner with
6 me, while they could be subtly dismissive and less vital towards my
7 female therapist partner. This dynamic also influenced our therapist
8 relationship, so that I could become rather full of myself at my
9 colleague’s expense, and she could become too backward in coming
30 forward. We then noticed that I would be rather patronizing
1 towards her, and for her part, she would feel not only resentful but,
2 not in accordance with her usual professional character, also rather
3 impotent towards me. This counter-transference experience was
4 disruptive, painful and difficult to process. However, we perse-
5 vered, and gradually discovered how this linked with the deeply
6 held attitudes of both Andrew and Elizabeth towards their parents,
7 and of their internal parents towards each other. Thus, Elizabeth
8 idealized her energetic and potent father, and denigrated her
911 mother—not openly, but subtly, by disparagement. She also felt
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111 that her father related similarly to his wife, yet could get excited
2 about his relationship with her, his daughter. Andrew spoke of
3 giving up on his rather depressed mother who never experienced
4 anything in her life with enjoyment and eagerness, including him,
5 her only child. He had turned to his father, a rather wordless, but
6 very competent and warm-hearted man, with whom he had forged
7 a strong bond. He thought his father had given up on women from
8 his disappointing experience with his wife.
9 Much of the content of the therapeutic process flowed from this.
10 We explored Elizabeth’s oedipal phantasy of vanquishing the
1 mother and gaining the father; and we realized that she risked cata-
2 strophically losing this special place by becoming a mother herself,
3 especially since she had produced a daughter. We noted her
4 extreme reluctance to relinquish the gratification of excitement that
5 came with hanging on to this position. We saw this re-enacted in the
6 transference to me, and to other men in their current lives. We
711 understood that part of their marital problems also lay in her con-
8 stantly comparing Andrew with her father unfavourably, partly
9 because in making the choice for a husband the inevitable conse-
20 quence would be to lose her phantasized incestuous relationship
1 with her father. We began to understand that Andrew contributed
2 to all of this. By modelling himself on his own father and modelling
3 his relationship with his wife on his parents’ relationship (as he per-
4 ceived it), he made himself rather wordless and competent, not
511 exciting, and he denigrated and patronized his wife. Severe prob-
6 lems were bound to ensue.
7 Nevertheless, there was a further counter-transference experi-
8 ence, much less frequent, which challenged this set of relationships.
9 On odd occasions, Andrew clearly felt special warmth towards my
311 co-therapist. He would miss her if she had to miss a session. Where-
1 as Elizabeth would set up a triumphantly exciting relationship with
2 me, Andrew never quite conquered my co-therapist in this overt
3 manner. He would tend to build up a warm relationship with me
4 (very importantly, for here we could see for ourselves his capacity
5 for warmth and vulnerability) and then apparently feel rather sorry
6 for my co-therapist who was left out of this—not always patroniz-
7 ingly, but sometimes with a sense of affection and concern. This was
8 hard to process, because almost all of Andrew’s emotional activities
911 towards my colleague were exclusively non-verbal. However, we
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111 began to find ourselves giving more weight to certain parts of their
2 narrative than hitherto. For example, Elizabeth told how Andrew
3 would sometimes telephone his mother secretly. Then, in one
4 session, they brought together two incidents, apparently unrelated.
5 They had actually had sex, and good sex at that, initiated by Eliza-
6 beth, but which Andrew had then asked her not to repeat. They had
711 also had a row, because Elizabeth was furious that Andrew wanted
8 to celebrate his birthday by having his mother to stay.
9 The first point seemed almost unbelievable. Here was a couple
10 who had both yearned to get back into a sexual relationship;
1 the man had had huge problems with impotence, to the extent of
2 having medical examinations and advice. Yet when confronted by
3 the evidence that he could not only get an erection but also use it,
4 experience pleasure, and give his wife satisfaction, his response was
5 to ask his wife not to stimulate him again. In explanation and
6 defence, Andrew could only say that he thought his wife was offer-
7 ing him sex without love, yet he himself realized immediately that
8 this was not true.
9 The couple regarded the matter of the invitation to his mother
211 as an entirely separate matter. It had occurred a few days later.
1 However, to us it seemed that they were managing to bring to our
2 notice the intimate unconscious relationship between these two
3 instances, dynamically powerful in the extreme. For, just as the
4 exclusive dyadic unconscious relationship between Elizabeth and
5 her father attacked the couple’s adult sexual relating, so did
6 Andrew’s relationship with his mother. It began to become clear
7 that, internally and unconsciously, underneath his warm man-to-
8 man son–father relationship, which included a sad and worried
9 casting off of the mother, paradoxically and simultaneously there
30 existed a strong phantasy of an exclusive, dyadic union with his
1 mother. Elizabeth was right to be jealous. And just as it was hard
2 for Elizabeth to contemplate losing her exciting relationship with
3 her father for an ordinary adult partner, so for Andrew it was felt
4 as too much to lose that special closeness with his internal mother,
5 particularly as she was depicted there as so depressed that to sepa-
6 rate from her would undoubtedly cause him great anxiety and
7 guilt, both depressive and persecutory in tone.
8 After nearly two years of steady therapeutic work, in which the
911 couple really began to internalize and digest different ways of
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111 “intercourse” at all or, if we did, our relating did not apparently
2 include ordinary care and concern for our children. In his mind, I had
3 not met with my co-therapist, or, if I had, I had not asked her about the
4 session, nor had she any wish to tell me about it. Elizabeth said she
thought differently from Andrew in one respect, as she would expect
the two therapists to liaise in a quick, generalized way, not bothering
with the detail of the session.
8 They then went on to tell me about another potential project. Andrew
9 said that he had for a long time wished to develop his own business in
10 a particular line, and he had recently been seriously wondering if now
1 might not be a good time to give up his job and try to make his dream
an actuality. Of course, he could only do it if they were prepared to
cope with a sizeable drop in income and financial security in the short
term, and Elizabeth’s help would be vital. She appeared to be very
much in favour. During the last week, she had moved out with their
daughter and stayed with friends for a couple of days so that Andrew
6 could formulate some practical plans, undisturbed by family. When
7 she returned she discovered that, although he had done a lot of good
8 groundwork, including arranging a meeting at the end of the week
9 with potentially interested financiers, he had also dramatically lost con-
211 fidence in himself. So she put Humpty-Dumpty together again, partly
1 by reassuring him emotionally but principally by becoming very prac-
2 tical. She examined all his notes and ideas, found unrecognized flaws
3 and constructively criticized his work, adding her own thoughts,
4 finally helping him to put together an even better package of initial
5 ideas for his important meeting. Andrew had quite recovered his confi-
6 dence through Elizabeth’s helpful interventions, and the financial
7 meeting had gone well.
8 They themselves referred in passing to this project as “Andrew’s
9 baby”, an accurate interpretation in my opinion. However, they then
30 continued talking to me about their lack of confidence concerning these
1 two projects, the actual baby and the potential new business. The more
2 they talked, the more anxious and depressed about the future they
3 became, and the more certain that if they actually tried to put these
4 ideas into effect, they would surely come to nothing or eventuate in a
5 disaster. It was as though they were beseeching me for help as a good
6 figure, but simultaneously I was also becoming contaminated by the
evolving gloom.
8 I think the couple was showing me the way their minds often worked
911 together as a combined unit. Through their narrative, they told me a
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111 story that demonstrated the way they could work well as a couple. It
2 was an impressive story of purposive complementarity. There was a
3 mixture in it of ideas and fantasies (about the potential business
4 project), and evidence of their capacity to transform these into practice,
in reality. Plans had been written down, and a meeting with real
financiers had been organized, well prepared for, and had taken place
successfully. An inextricable part of the story was their emotional duet:
Andrew’s desire to act on his dream; Elizabeth supporting him at some
8 cost to herself (her moving out); his emotional collapse; and her
9 successful repair of him. It was a picture of satisfactory adult inter-
10 course. However, they had then continued talking to me about the
1 future as if none of us had attended to this narrative. We were all
2 expected to believe that their plans would come to nothing, fizzling out
3 or erupting in chaos; that Andrew would be incapable in the business
4 world and Elizabeth would again prove a catastrophic mother.
5 I was experienced ambiguously. I had started by being predominantly
6 a good, helpful figure, but as they felt themselves becoming more
711 acutely dependent on me they seemed to become resentful, as if I were
8 turning in their eyes into someone who had contempt for their needi-
9 ness. Finally, I seemed to have evolved into a figure who had no doubt
20 that they were arrogant, stupid, and wrong to imagine they could actu-
1 ally carry off these two creative projects. This was a verdict they hated
2 me for, but which they themselves seemed fully to endorse. Nor had
they themselves given any weight to a most significant detail in the real
event they had narrated, that it was Andrew, not Elizabeth, who had
psychically collapsed; and it was Elizabeth, not Andrew, who did the
repair work. This was a conspicuous reversal of their habitual and fixed
6 picture of who was strong and who was weak in their relationship.
8 Later in the session, they spoke about having enjoyed watching Mission
9 Impossible on the TV together. They described the heroes and heroines
of the drama in tones that seemed to me to be clear pointers to rather
excited identifications. It seemed that one strategy for coping with the
huge internal attack on the developmental processes we had just
witnessed was to “ride high”, to picture their projects to themselves as
3 “Missions Impossible”, and themselves as the protagonists. What was
4 avoided and pictured as far more alarming was taking on “Mission
5 Possible”, i.e., portraying to themselves their projects of having a baby
6 or running a business as quite possible, potentially within their grasp,
7 even if difficult. When I interpreted this, the couple said they felt
8 “depressed”, but to me they seemed more grounded and thoughtful,
911 and less manic. I thought one of the reasons they lost heart and needed
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111 to “ride high” was because they felt they lacked internal parents who
2 would back them up, bear them in mind and be interested in them
3 when tackling the ongoing problems of ordinary life.
I think the act of telling me this story of a successful creative and
cooperative intercourse immediately provoked an internal, envious
attack on the parental couple. They attempted to protect themselves
from attack, firstly by giving up, and subsequently by adopting a
manic defence. However, after this was interpreted, they seemed
more grounded, more realistically depressed and more potentially
Their case illustrates Britton’s (1989) thesis, that crucial in work-
ing through the oedipus situation is the development of what he
terms “the third position”; in which one can know one is excluded
from the parental couple, and yet still know oneself to be loved by
the parents, so learning to tolerate this position. Both Andrew and
Elizabeth were possessed by a variation on the primal scene in
which they were not excluded by both parents; instead, each excit-
8 edly phantasized that he or she was in an exclusive dyad with one
9 parent, while the other parent, not the child, was in the intolerable
211 cast-out position. This position itself was bad enough, but to
1 contemplate trying to alter it provoked anxieties of catastrophic
2 proportions—which had, in the first instance, necessitated psychi-
3 atric treatment.
The Grays: the myth of the excluded child
8 A different dynamic obtained in the case of the Grays. They also
9 had an only child, and had not had sex together for many years,
30 except for isolated instances.
1 Their chief complaint was the state of nearly unremitting war
2 that existed between them. This situation had been chronic, lasting
3 many years. This couple had seemed to use therapy quite well, in
4 the sense that gradually they had used us to help them to listen to
5 each other, begin to hear each other’s point of view, and so on. Their
6 relationship did get better. However, it would constantly threaten
7 to slip back into mindless warfare, and all too frequently it did. On
8 those occasions, it would usually take a long time for their rela-
911 tionship to improve again. The wife tended to sit around (literally)
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111 at home, fuming when her husband was absent and attacking him
2 with the utmost ferocity when he was present; the husband would
3 abscond hopelessly to the pub. If, when things got better, he spent
4 more time with her, she would then find a different pretext for
5 attacking him (with which he would comply by providing her with
6 the opportunity for just such pretexts); consequently he would
7 abandon her again for the pub. With regard to the sexual arena she
8 would complain that she did not want him coming in to her bed
9 late at night smelling of beer, having abandoned her to her rage
10 earlier. She demanded a separate bed in a separate room. When
1 things got better, they sometimes even managed to get together
2 sexually. However, not for long: these disquieting and unwelcome
3 outbursts of peace and harmony were soon quelled by a victorious
4 recall to war.
5 In the transference, my co-therapist and I realized that we were
6 being consistently idealized. It was not just that neither spouse
711 became angry with us even when we gave just cause for anger (e.g.,
8 through ordinary mistakes), but that even when we made deep
9 interpretations that must have caused pain, this pain was denied.
20 Moreover, the couple’s chronic tendency easily to slip back into war
1 indicated that these interpretations were not being metabolized and
2 digested. As therapists, we were increasingly frustrated by this too
3 frequently repeated negative therapeutic reaction.
4 It became clear that each cherished a grudge. Their actions
511 proclaimed that, despite their conscious desire to get better, they
6 continually preferred to nurse their grievance. In their marriage,
7 their grievances were against each other; but the depth and dyna-
8 mism of these grudges suggested that these were new editions of
9 what they had originally brought to their relationship from child-
311 hood. We first recognized this when Florence underlined her diag-
1 nosis of their problem. She said that they had never had a good,
2 romantic period when they first went out together. We gradually
3 realized that these words had a deeper significance.
4 On the face of it, each came from quite different families.
5 Florence was an adopted child in a small family; Tony one of many
6 children. However, similarities began to emerge in their experience
7 of their families. Florence’s adoption had taken place immediately
8 after birth, and she was never told about it until, as a teenager,
911 someone in the town mentioned it to her in the assumption that she
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111 knew about it. She told us that when she approached her mother
2 about this news, her response was to demand Florence’s sympathy
3 for her predicament and difficulties. Florence felt that her mother
4 apparently did not think she needed either sympathy or an explan-
5 ation. To Florence, this made sense of some of her earlier childhood
6 experiences: her own sense of never quite belonging and her
711 intense jealousy of her father playing with the other child, a natural
8 daughter born soon after Florence’s arrival. For his part, Tony was
9 the sixth child of many, all born fairly close together. Family life was
10 regimented like an old-fashioned boarding school. In this way, all
1 the children were adequately looked after by their parents and by
2 each other. They could talk about this, but could not contemplate or
3 voice thoughts and feelings about not getting any individual atten-
4 tion from the parents, in particular the mother. Both felt that their
5 individual histories were marked by a real degree of psychological
6 deprivation. Florence’s view was that her parents could not
7 empathize with what the experience of a baby torn at birth from her
8 biological mother might be. Similarly, it felt to Tony that his parents
9 could never imaginatively enter their son’s experience of a genuine
211 lack of enough individual love, care, and attention.
1 Tony and Florence met each other in their early twenties, and
2 soon married. It is not difficult to see that each of them brought a
3 basic attitude of grievance towards their parents. However, what
4 they also shared was that they felt their grievances to be quite
5 unjustified. After all, Tony’s parents could justifiably answer him
6 that they had done their best, and Florence’s similarly. How could
7 the child ever complain? Therefore, the characteristic form their
8 resentment took was of guilty, passive aggression. In addition, the
9 narrative of their marriage suggests that they continued along these
30 lines, combining their forces. The psychological events of their
1 years in marital therapy, particularly their continual backsliding
2 and defeating of the therapists’ and their own best endeavours to
3 improve matters, suggest that there was something quite strongly
4 and actively anti-developmental operating in addition to their
5 understandable previous repetition of these dynamics, which up to
6 now had been unconscious. It was as though there was a secret
7 gratification at work in each of them, destroying any good links
8 between them that might develop, including the good sexual inter-
911 course they occasionally managed to re-establish.
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111 Discussion
3 This case underlined for us the therapeutic importance of trying to
4 understand the couple’s shared unconscious phantasies. When
5 Florence complained that they had had no real romance at the start
6 of their relationship, she could be heard as voicing a deep grievance
7 on behalf of both spouses that each felt he/she had had no good or
8 long enough period of idealization or special individual attention
9 from the parents, especially the mother. But what was more malig-
10 nant was the unspoken and deeply unconscious vow that, since
1 their romantic start to life had not been as desired, then, rather than
2 make use of the marriage as a second opportunity to make good a
3 flawed beginning, the marriage would be used to repeat the bad
4 experience, to harbour an everlasting grudge about this and, in
5 “justified” retaliation, to wreak eternal vengeance on the parents, in
6 the forms of the partner and the couple. The marriage had become
711 so internally organized around these grievances and the gratifica-
8 tion of nursing them that it was almost impossible to think of giving
9 them up, to bear their loss. The rewards of development, by con-
20 trast, seemed much more uncertain and perhaps less exciting. Thus,
1 the upholding and repetition of their grievances also protected
2 them from unconsciously feared further disappointments.
3 Like the Flints, the Grays could not bear to work through their
4 combined oedipal development. They apparently found that the
511 degree of mental pain they would need to tolerate was too great.
6 In eternally justifying their grievance, they were defending them-
7 selves from this pain by clinging to the omnipotent position of
8 the young child who is always in the right, and who can only
9 deal with frustration by accusing and hating his objects, taking
311 up a superior, righteous position. Their developmental challenge
1 consisted partly in bearing the pain of relinquishing this position,
2 through mourning what they felt they had never had. However,
3 this development was feared as catastrophic because it would entail
4 their stepping out of such familiar, well-worn grooves towards
5 quite unknown, frightening territory. Above all, it would entail at
6 its core the surrender of the enormous gratification of the justified,
7 superior position.
8 The Grays seemed to share a basic unconscious phantasy of the
911 primal scene as consisting of parents engaged in an intercourse that
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111 clinical picture on its head, and yet can illustrate similar psychic
2 defences against oedipal working through.
3 Jessica and Mark Forsyth encountered intense difficulties soon
4 after the arrival of their two children, especially after their second.
5 They were fairly typical problems (although, of course, not typical
6 to them), consisting of two main strands. They had conceived their
7 children sooner than expected, so that, although there was no doubt
8 that they were loved, their early arrival also made them resented.
9 The resentment of spouses was re-directed from their children on to
10 each other. The second strand was interconnected, as both parents
1 were ambitious and career-minded. Severe quarrels arose over the
2 balance between them of child-care and professional work. They
3 fought bitterly, and contemplated divorce as a despairing solution
4 to their problems.
5 After we had seen them for some months, we realized that they
6 had never spoken about their sexual relationship. We imagined it
711 might well be impaired by their problems, especially as these were
8 directly linked with their procreativity. We had also noticed a qual-
9 ity of excitement in their fights, which suggested that their sexual
20 energy might be finding a sublimated outlet there. We wondered if
1 they were abstaining from sex for long periods, and whether this
2 factor might be exacerbating their problems. To our surprise, the
3 couple told us that sex between them was good, and in fact, was the
4 only good thing that they could consistently rely on. Shortly after
511 this, they left the therapy rather suddenly. We had a sense that there
6 was a connection between what they had said and their leaving.
7 We were curious as to why this intelligent and reflective couple
8 were themselves not more curious, as well as anxious, about the
9 paradox of their sexual relationship flourishing in the midst of their
311 other difficulties. We did not think they were deceiving us about the
1 satisfactory quality of their sexual love. They did not remain in
2 therapy long enough for us to follow this through, but it would
3 seem that they had managed to split off and encapsulate their
4 sexual relating from the rest of their relationship. This meant that it
5 could not be harmed by the poison in the rest of the system, but it
6 also meant that whatever was genuinely dynamically loving and
7 developmental in their love-making was not given the chance to
8 have a constructive effect upon the impaired aspects of their rela-
911 tionship.
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111 Discussion
3 Britton writes:
The oedipal phantasy may become an effort to . . . deny the reality
of the parental sexual relationship. . . . The oedipal romance may be
preserved, by splitting it off into an area of thinking protected from
711 reality and preserved, as Freud described, like Indians in a reser-
8 vation (Freud, 1924). This reservation . . . can become the place
9 where some people spend most of their lives, in which case their
10 external relationships are only used to enact these dramas to give
1 a spurious claim of reality to their fantasies which lack “psychic
2 reality”. [Britton, 1992, p. 40]
4 The Forsyths, like the Flints and the Grays, were taking steps to
5 avoid meeting their developmental oedipal challenge. Part of the
6 oedipal reality is that, when the parents do couple in the primal
7 scene, they may produce real babies—who, once born (and even
8 before), demand to be looked after and insist that the family is
9 reshaped to include them. The Forsyths tried to construct a version
211 of the primal scene that would protect them from this procreative
1 reality. Psychically it was probably not wholly true that they had
2 initially desired children but then found it difficult to cope with
3 them, although this is, of course, how it felt to them consciously. On
4 a different, unconscious plane, however, it seemed as though they
5 had continuously been collaborating in maintaining this psychic
6 retreat—consisting of encapsulated, romantic, non-procreative
7 intercourse—from reality. This retreat was rudely shattered by the
8 arrival of real children with real demands. The Forsyths faced the
9 painful need to get to know their intensely narcissistic aspects if
30 their adult, parental relationship was to develop. Their reaction to
1 this inexorable, developmental demand for change, which felt cata-
2 strophic to them, was to opt decisively to maintain their psychic
3 retreat. Accordingly, they left therapy.
4 One could so easily imagine this couple presenting, like the
5 others, as a No Sex couple if their bad relationship had affected
6 their sexual intercourse. Clearly, the fact that it hadn’t gave this
7 couple a lifeline. They didn’t use it for life, however, but to avoid
8 being more fully aware of the impact of their difficulties. And yet,
911 it would only be through allowing their difficulties to impact upon
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111 them, which might well have involved pain in their sexual relating,
2 that their development would have been spurred on.
5 Conclusion
7 In this chapter, I have tried to illustrate some of the consequences
8 that can befall couples who have got together on the basis of a
9 shared, complementary, and inadequate working through of primal
10 scene aspects of the oedipus situation. Their combined defensive,
1 regressive, and anti-developmental characteristics, strategies, and
actions have, in the event of their marriage, proved stronger than
their combined developmental and progressive forces, resulting in
their sexual relating—as well as other aspects of their relation-
ships—being drastically affected.
I have illustrated some of the events that can consequently occur
in the therapeutic arena. My last two couples, the Grays and the
Forsyths, show how defences and anti-developmental forces can
strive with a high degree of success against development in therapy.
I suggest that an enormously strong factor in all such cases is each
couple’s different capacity to tolerate the anxieties associated with
change, feared as catastrophic. The desire to change is not enough in
itself. Actually to change, to move into new, unknown territory, can
be so alarming as to keep the couple continually oscillating between
development and a more fixed position, a psychic retreat; or very
high anxiety coupled with a real hatred of reality and development
can compel a couple into an even more drastic flight from develop-
ment into the reassuring arms of an even more rigid and enduring
pathological solution. However, my first couple, the Flints, show
most clearly a couple that have been able slowly to begin to bear
the—often terrible—mental pain of having their inner world scenar-
1 ios become conscious through reflection and interpretation. They
2 have been able to move towards the much more desirable outcome
3 of a creative relationship, possibly even a procreative one.
8 1. I have tried to disguise my patients’ material so that, I hope, only perti-
911 nent aspects remain accessible for discussion. In all three cases my
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adolescence/adolescent, 10, 13–14, 139, 147–148, 181, 199, 203–204,
32, 73, 75–77, 79–81, 84–88, 90, 221–222
1 92, 100, 114, 158, 171, 174, 203 Birkstead-Breen, D., 52, 54, 67–68,
2 agoraphobia/agoraphobic, 43, 52, 222
3 64, 69–70 bisexual, 86–87
4 anxiety, 10, 17–18, 36, 41, 44–45, 51, Boswell, J., 107, 222
61, 64, 66, 68, 97–98, 111, 143, breast, 11, 14, 75, 83, 97–99, 126–127,
160, 174, 177, 180, 189, 194, 197, 165
6 208, 218 -feeding, 164–167
7 agoraphobic, 64 British Association of
8 annihilation, 53 Psychotherapists, x–xi
9 claustro-agoraphobic, 52, 54 British Psychoanalytical Society,
30 depressive, 168, 207 ix–xi
oedipal, 81 Britton, R., 9–11, 12, 15–16, 18–19,
persecutory, 2, 207 21–22, 31–33, 36, 38–39, 42,
2 arrogance/arrogant, 3, 117, 210 49–54, 56–57, 59, 61, 63, 65–66,
3 As You Like It, 87 69, 73–74, 78, 90–91, 102–103,
4 Austen, J., 79, 81, 85 115–116, 119–120, 124–125, 144,
5 146–148, 198, 202, 211, 217, 222
Barrows, P., 180, 221 Brontë, C., 78
Bergman, I., 101–102, 104-120, 221
7 Bick, E., 91, 221 Canham, H., 2, 222
8 Bion, W. R., 10, 18, 21, 29, 31, 38–39, catastrophic change, 201, 203, 208
911 70, 80, 121, 124–128, 130–134, Chasseguet-Smirgel, J., 124, 222
Grier/1st proofs 19/10/04 4:01 pm Page 230
111 77, 93, 100, 147, 160, 165, 177, mother as separate, 11, 22
2 194 oedipal, 13
body, 193 part-, 52
breast, 11, 83 partners as, 27, 29
4 catastrophic, 210 paternal, 97
5 dead, 107–108, 195, 199 primary, 11, 13, 15, 45, 51, 89, 197
6 deadly/devouring, 15, 53 relating/relationship(s), 7, 13,
7 feeding, nurturing, 76, 88 25–26, 32–33, 37–39, 41, 50, 54,
8 female genital, 124 77, 103, 116, 149
“good-enough”, 148 whole-object, 38, 41, 46
idealized, 15, 93 stuck-together, 190
10 internal, 100, 169, 207 third, 46, 61, 63, 68–69, 199
1 loss of, 83 oedipal
2 mind/madness, 89–90, 92, 100 conflict(s), 36, 46, 50, 146, 148,
3 missing, 198 169, 180
narcissistic, 45 couple, 7, 15
over-attentive, 43 father, 15
5 separated/single, 89 illusion, 15–17
6 separation from, 156, 164, 166, situation, 11–17, 22, 29, 33, 37–39,
711 168, 213 45, 47, 49–51, 54, 62–63, 70,
8 sexual, 76, 88 73–75, 77, 87, 89, 92, 99–100,
9 sexual feelings, 148 119, 123, 130, 144, 147, 171, 181
unavailable, 199 oedipus complex, 1, 31–33, 49–53,
mourning, 13, 21, 38, 41, 214 70, 73, 75, 77, 107, 115, 119, 144,
1 147. 163, 171, 181, 193, 197–198,
2 nameless dread, 199 201–203
3 narcissism, 12, 18, 33, 38 Oedipus Rex, 108, 141–142
4 no sex couples, 201–219 omnipotence, 12, 18, 33, 74, 86, 138,
Northern Lights, 145–146 142, 166, 173–174
O’Shaughnessy, E., 73, 90, 225
6 object(s), 10–11, 52, 80–83, 86, 93, other, the, 10–11, 35, 37, 40, 51, 54
7 100, 104, 115, 125, 176, 192–193, and self, 4, 9, 41
8 214–215
9 and symbol, 52 paranoid–schizoid position/
311 bad, 63 defence, 18–19, 33, 74–75, 81,
combined, 95, 97–98, 165, 167, 99, 133, 149, 215
170, 192, 199 Pengelly, P., 155, 223
2 couple as psychic, 10, 12, 18 phallus, 52, 67
3 couple relationship as, 39–40 phantasy, 3, 12, 21, 37–38, 42, 50–52,
4 fear of engulfment by, 56 60, 68, 70, 102, 104, 107–109,
5 fusion of self with, 52 111, 113, 115, 119, 124–125,
good, 13–15, 77, 83 141–142, 144, 148, 151, 153,
ideal/idealized, 15, 28, 98, 115 156–157, 166–167, 173–174, 178,
7 loss of the, 170 181–182, 192–193, 197–199, 202,
8 love-, 74–75, 93 206–208, 211, 214, 217
911 maternal, 119 pleasure principle, 32, 75
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111 rivalry, 159, 169, 174 third position, 10, 22, 24, 26, 38, 51,
2 Society of Couple Psychoanalytic 56, 61, 64, 69, 102, 116, 120, 125,
Psychotherapists, ix–xi 131, 138, 211
Sophocles, 108, 122, 124, 141–142, threesome relationship, 1–2, 36, 69,
4 180–181, 226 106–107, 141–142, 149
5 split-off/splitting, 11, 15, 34, 40, 51, Törnqvist, E., 101, 118, 226
6 63, 74, 86, 98, 119, 137, 174, 176, transference/counter-transference,
7 205, 216–217 35–36, 41–47, 58, 61–62, 77, 88,
8 Steiner, J., 1, 3, 37, 41, 51, 60, 63, 95, 91, 93, 100, 163, 170, 172,
142, 144, 215, 226 182–183, 185, 191–192, 195,
stepchildren, 89 205–206, 212
10 stepfather, 88, 90, 92–95, 101, triangle(s)/triangular, 7, 74, 99,
1 109–111, 113, 115, 134, 136, 139, 154–155, 161, 199, 202
2 143 “marital”, 31–47
3 step-parents, 4, 136 oedipal, 22, 38, 52, 132, 146
superego(s), 39–40, 50, 144, 166 relationship, 12–13, 15, 22, 51,
couple’s, 39 117, 155
5 supervision/supervisor, 154–155, space, 52, 54, 68, 115, 119, 147, 161
6 219 Twelfth Night, 87
711 twosome relationship, 2, 49, 69
8 Tavistock Clinic/Marital Studies
9 Institute, ix–xi, 30, 164, 172, 201 Waddell, M., 7, 32, 73, 85, 100, 227
Tavistock Society of What Maisie Knew, 121–122, 125
Psychotherapists, x Winnicott, D. W., 28, 148, 227
1 The Brothers Karamazov, 142 Winter, S., 123, 227