New Tech, New Threats, and New Governance Challenges: An Opportunity To Craft Smarter Responses?
New Tech, New Threats, and New Governance Challenges: An Opportunity To Craft Smarter Responses?
New Tech, New Threats, and New Governance Challenges: An Opportunity To Craft Smarter Responses?
New Tech, New Threats, and
New Governance Challenges:
An Opportunity to Craft
Smarter Responses?
Camino Kavanagh
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Introduction 1
Artificial Intelligence 13
Biotechnology 23
Space Technology 30
Conclusion 37
Acknowledgments 39
Notes 40
Significant technological advances are being made across a range of fields, including information
communications technology (ICT); artificial intelligence (AI), particularly in terms of machine
learning and robotics; nanotechnology; space technology; biotechnology; and quantum computing
to name but a few. These breakthroughs are expected to be highly disruptive and bring about major
transformative shifts in how societies function.
The technological advances in question are driven by a digital revolution that commenced more than
four decades ago. These innovations are centered on the gathering, processing, and analyzing of
enormous reams of data emerging from the information sciences with implications for countless
areas of research and development. These advances promise significant social and economic benefits,
increased efficiency, and enhanced productivity across a host of sectors.
In parallel, geopolitical tensions around the world are growing, and most countries increasingly view
these technologies as central to national security. The potential for misuse is significant. And greater
economic integration and connectivity mean that the effects and consequences of technological
advances are far less localized than before and are liable to spread to countries and industries
Technological innovation is largely taking place beyond the purview of governments. In many cases,
the rate of innovation is outpacing states’ ability to keep abreast of the latest developments and their
potential societal impacts. And even if one or a handful of national governments devise policies for
managing these effects, the global reach of many emerging technologies and their impacts requires
new approaches to multilateral governance that are much more difficult to agree on. A greater
number and variety of actors must be involved to initiate, shape, and implement both technical and
normative solutions.
Yet, like governments, many of these other actors do not have (or simply do not invest in) the means
to consider the broader, cross-border societal implications of their investments, research, and
innovations. When they do so, identifying the most relevant or effective policy-oriented or
normative-focused platforms to discuss these implications can be challenging, not least because
existing platforms sometimes do not consider the variety of actors implicated, the cross-border reach
of the technologies in question, and the different value and political systems at play. This is
particularly the case when technologies are designed for profit-making alone and their trajectories are
entirely dependent on market forces.
Today’s technological advances are deemed disruptive not only in market terms but also in the sense
that they are “provok[ing] disruptions of legal and regulatory orders” and have the potential to
“disturb the deep values upon which the legitimacy of existing social orders rests and on which
accepted legal and regulatory frameworks draw.”2
Complex, dynamic frameworks already govern some fields of technology. For instance, cyberspace is
governed by an amalgamation of existing international law; as well as an ever-growing, complicated
array of political agreements; technical standards and protocols; trade, business, and human rights
standards; research principles; national regulations; and self-regulation in the private sector. These
legal and normative touchstones are underpinned by existing norms, values, and principles. They
span different policy areas and issues, enlist a dizzying host of actors, and straddle numerous
international regimes. What is more, they are complemented by a growing body of confidence- and
capacity-building measures and efforts aimed at enhancing security and resilience.3 Yet important
elements of this regime remain contested, even as new risks and vulnerabilities—such as those related
to the Internet of Things, AI, and other technologies—emerge and need to be managed.
But responding to the attendant risks and challenges will not require just exploring new governance
structures, tools, and processes. This task calls for a deeper understanding of the social, cultural,
economic, and geopolitical contexts in which policy, norms, and regulations are crafted as well as a
firmer grasp of the overarching questions of power and conflict that shape humanity’s relationships
with technology. Moreover, significant public engagement is sorely needed, since governments and
companies cannot—and should not—expect to resolve these dilemmas alone.
Some of the key challenges include:
Identifying key principles and values: Relevant actors must articulate a vision of the principles and
values—such as equity, equality, inclusivity, responsibility, transparency, and accountability—that
might be negatively impacted by certain technological advances and how those values might best be
protected. This task will require new thinking on how to ensure certain technologies (like predictive
algorithms, biotechnology, or technologies allowing space resource exploitation) do not exacerbate
existing socioeconomic inequalities, or how best to respond to new encroachments on personal
privacy involving the body and the brain. Certain forms of research (like some aspects of biological
engineering) may need to be restricted.
Determining appropriate principles and values requires more than a shared understanding of how
technological innovations are evolving, how they have been designed, and how they might be used.
Such normative reflection also calls for a clear sense of the different values and principles held by
various communities worldwide as well as the means and actors by which such values and principles
should be protected. It also necessitates going beyond the mere articulation and proliferation of
principles to the practical application and acknowledgment of associated challenges and limitations.
Engaging stakeholders effectively: Legislators, regulators, private business leaders, researchers, and civic
actors need to be ready to respond more responsibly and effectively to the effects and consequences
of technological advances and the potential societal risks they pose. Ongoing experiments with new
rules, principles, and protocols to deal with concrete relevant policy issues are certainly noteworthy,
one example being the WEF’s “agile” governance initiative.6 Yet implementing these responses at
scale and applying them to a host of cross-border socioeconomic and security challenges will be a
complex challenge. This task likely will require a blend of approaches, increased spending in
independent public research, and the involvement of many actors other than just states. To this end,
it is vital that relevant actors delineate domestic and international responsibilities to determine which
technology-related challenges should be addressed at home and which problems require cross-border
coordination and cooperation.
Broadening existing platforms of multilateral engagement: Clarifying how various actors (and not just
states) can responsibly contribute to the work of multilateral mechanisms focused on how existing
international law or political norms apply to state uses of certain technologies is imperative. These
platforms include the various United Nations (UN) Groups of Governmental Experts (GGEs), as
well as other specialized working groups concerned with matters of technology (including ICT,
machine learning, autonomous weapons, biotech, and space technology) and international security.
Such efforts can also advance ongoing discussions about how to ensure that multilateral mechanisms
are agile enough to determine when new global norms or rules (binding and/or nonbinding ones) are
Craft suitable regulations: Fresh approaches to policy and regulation are also needed. For instance,
advances in ICT, machine learning, biotechnology, and the convergence of these technologies are
already driving multifaceted discussions on the focus and rationale of relevant policies and the most
suitable type of regulation (precautionary, preventive, reactive, or a combination of all three).
Questions also abound around whether to opt for hard regulation, soft policy initiatives (such as
guidelines, certification procedures, and labeling schemes) that stop short of binding regulations, or
the current trend of self-governance measures by private entities. As noted above, a key question is
how to ensure these regulatory solutions are fit for purpose, and whether they should be coordinated
nationally or internationally. Given the cross-border effects of the technologies at play as well as the
growing convergences between them, uncoordinated national rules and policies will likely be
Enhance transparency, oversight, and accountability: Finally, new policy and regulatory approaches will
require greater investment in transparency, oversight, and accountability mechanisms. This will
necessitate agreeing on the nature of national regulatory oversight bodies and determining whether
they should be public, private, or of a mixed composition. This task should also entail ensuring that
technology companies and organizations accept greater scrutiny. For example, tech companies
should heighten internal monitoring and external reporting of their self-regulatory initiatives,
provide appropriately insulated, publicly funded researchers with safe access to their data, and, above
all, ensure that accountability covers all aspects of the supply chain and that both the direct and
indirect costs (such as labor and environmental costs) of the technologies in question are clearly
understood.7 Agreeing on what is ethically acceptable in terms of industry’s role in funding and
participating in oversight mechanisms (such as ethics councils and advisory boards) is an equally
important lever for injecting legitimacy into some of these processes. Such scrutiny would also help
identify remaining gaps and engage more actors to help gauge if and how a certain technology or its
application should be regulated.
Meanwhile, growing strategic competition between the world’s leading powers, especially in high-
tech sectors, does not bode well for multilateral efforts to respond cooperatively and effectively. Such
a competitive landscape is contributing to regulatory fragmentation and will likely delay much
needed normative and regulatory action. This potential impasse places strains on existing efforts and
could further delay the attainment of pressing social and economic objectives such as the 2030 UN
Sustainable Development Goals, which are already under stress. Moreover, the resulting trust deficit
between countries poses a significant threat to international peace and security, one that existing
political institutions are not necessarily prepared to handle.
Throughout history, new challenges (including those relating to technology and governance) have
generally opened new opportunities and channels for cooperation. Today is no different, although
the challenges at hand are highly complex and are emerging at a time of systemic political change
and a rising sense of conflict and crisis. More meaningful dialogue and cooperation—however
difficult—on how technological developments are affecting societies and the uses and applications of
technology generating the most disruption and contestation are urgently required. Such an approach
would likely afford greater legitimacy to emergent governance efforts, while also tethering them to
the common good. As one expert noted in the context of the WEF’s Fourth Industrial Revolution
The moment you start saying that technology is the most powerful force today, then
what you have done is argue that people have a right to shape how technologies are
developed and used. In practice, this means consciously trying to shape technological
trajectories, it means setting research agendas, it is to direct foreseeable technologies,
to articulate uses that might benefit the majority and not the few; placing technology
inside of democratic politics.9
Developed on the basis of interviews with experts and extensive research, this analysis assesses four
areas of technology around which governance dilemmas are evident and discusses the emergent
responses. These four areas include ICT, AI, biotechnology, and space technology. The decision to
focus on these fields was informed by their disruptive character, the potential national and
international security risks associated with their dual-use character, and the growing degree of state
competition emerging around them. Importantly, this focus is also informed by the fact that these
same issues are underscoring the urgent need for greater cooperation and strengthened governance
frameworks to manage the associated risks. Greater understanding of these efforts can help inform
how relevant actors approach current—and prepare for new—technology-related governance
While it is not a new area of technology, there is no doubt today that continuous advances in
networked computing and other aspects of ICT are converging with advances in other technological
fields, greatly increasing human dependence on these digital tools.10 Governments around the world
are establishing new institutions, identifying the policy implications of this growing digital
dependence, and developing integrated frameworks for whole-of-government approaches to manage
the resulting economic and societal transformations. Despite the associated benefits, humanity’s
growing dependency on ICT continues to present significant risks. Cybersecurity and the stability of
ICT systems more generally have become top policy priorities.
These norms and governance mechanisms aim to strengthen cybersecurity in national and global
terms; enhance international security and stability more broadly as well as general human well-being;
and promote responsible behavior by drawing on existing rules, values, and principles. For instance,
human rights, privacy norms, and the freedom of opinion and expression have been bolstered by a
norm upholding the right to privacy in the digital age and the confirmation by the UN Human
Rights Council that human rights apply online as they do offline.12
Many states, however, do not appear to be upholding these norms, and beyond basic privacy and
human rights questions, there are increasing concerns surrounding the human costs of cyber
operations, notably operations that affect healthcare and industrial systems or those that can generate
systemic effects.13 Where cyber crime is concerned, progress is equally slow. States have not managed
to agree on an international framework to counter cyber crime, although many states are leaning on
the existing Council of Europe (Budapest) Convention and bilateral treaties as they adopt national
cyber crime legislation and cooperate on this issue.
As for international peace and security, the work of a series of UN GGEs (five to date) has
reaffirmed the applicability of international law, including the UN Charter, to cyberspace and has
recommended a number of voluntary, nonbinding political norms aimed at encouraging states to use
ICT responsibly.14 The norms seek to promote restraint, best practices, and other forms of positive
Specifically, many of the norms draw from existing principles of international law and address several
facets of responsible use of ICT by states, including the importance of recognizing the challenges of
attribution, preventing the use of a state’s territory for the commission of internationally wrongful
acts, not conducting or knowingly allowing activity that damages critical infrastructure and essential
services to the public, safeguarding national computer emergency response teams (CERTs) and their
systems from malicious cyber activities, responding to requests for assistance by other states, and
reporting and sharing information on vulnerabilities. The norms also include ensuring the integrity
of supply chains, upholding human rights online and privacy rights in the digital age, and enhancing
cooperation and information sharing with regard to terrorist and other criminal cases that involved
cyber operations.15 Subsequently, the UN General Assembly recommended that states “be guided in
their use of ICT” by the 2015 GGE report.16
Several international, regional, and other specialized bodies have since endorsed the GGE
recommendations. Nonetheless, efforts to advance this work stalled when a new GGE (established in
2016) failed to produce a consensus report mainly due to disagreements on international law and the
future work of the group. As the topic has become more politicized, in December 2018, the UN
General Assembly’s First Committee agreed to establish two new parallel processes: an Open-Ended
Working Group involving the entire General Assembly and a new twenty-five-member GGE.17
Other intergovernmental organizations complement these UN-led efforts. For example, regional
organizations such as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the European Union
(EU), and the Organization of American States (OAS) all have endorsed the GGE norms. So, too,
have the Group of 20 (G20) and international financial institutions. Additionally, the G20 has
developed guidance on strengthening the cyber resilience of the financial system and has sought to
foster a norm aimed at protecting the integrity of financial data.18 Some specialized organizations,
such as the International Atomic Energy Agency, have been actively developing capacity-building
tools, guidance, and standards including, for instance, resources for protecting the computer and
information systems of nuclear infrastructure.19
In national terms, states are under increasing pressure to ensure that government agencies,
cybersecurity firms, and researchers discover and disclose cyber vulnerabilities in a more timely
fashion and prevent these vulnerabilities from being illicitly traded or otherwise misused. In some
states, these efforts are evolving into vulnerability equities processes (VEPs) or coordinated
vulnerability disclosure mechanisms. While a principal aim is to strengthen transparency and
oversight of government use of discovered zero-day vulnerabilities, there are concerns that such
processes are bureaucratically complex and expensive and that they might remove pressure on
companies to produce more secure products and services. Moreover, explicit processes for managing
vulnerabilities might be seen as legitimizing government hacking.20 Yet, realistically, governments
On a related note, another important factor is designing more secure ICT products and systems so
states do not use vulnerabilities in the technology products and services that underpin people’s daily
lives against citizens and other states. The costs to the global economy are certainly significant, and
there are growing concerns about the potential human costs.21 The principle of security by design
(see below) has been gaining currency among many engineers and entrepreneurs.
In light of persisting cybersecurity risks, governments also are moving toward more regulatory-
focused solutions, many of which stop short of formal regulation. For instance, in 2018, the EU
adopted a broad instrument called the Cybersecurity Act, which includes a voluntary certification
framework to help ensure the trustworthiness of the billions of devices connected to the Internet of
Things underpinning critical infrastructure, such as energy and transportation networks, and new
consumer devices like driverless cars.22 The framework aims to “incorporate security features in the
early stages of their technical design and development (security by design),” ensuring that such
security measures are independently verified and enabling users to determine a given product’s “level
of security assurance.”23 The effectiveness of such initiatives has yet to be gauged, although skeptics
often point to challenges around voluntary certification schemes in other sectors. For instance, a
scandal involving the automobile manufacturer Volkswagen (an incident commonly referred to as
Dieselgate) showed the limitations of one such voluntary scheme. In such cases, the objectives may
be good, but inherent conflicts of interest in process design, monitoring, and oversight tend to
undermine these goals in the longer term.24
The Cybersecurity Act follows on the heels of the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation
(GDPR), which seeks to bolster EU citizens’ data privacy and harmonize data privacy laws across
Europe. The 2016 EU Directive on Security of Network and Information Systems is the first piece
of legislation on cybersecurity that the EU has adopted.25 In the United States, there is increasing
pressure on companies to prioritize consumer protection and citizen safety, as well as to introduce
“proactive responsibility and accountability into the marketplace,” including through product
liability. Such an approach might be particularly useful when security flaws are easily prevented “by
commonly accepted good engineering principles.”26
Meanwhile, technical issues related to internet infrastructure remain largely within the purview of
the so-called I* organizations, which include the Regional Internet Registries, the Internet
Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, the Internet Engineering Task Force, the Internet
Architecture Board, the Internet Society, and the World Wide Web Consortium, as well as the
regional associations of country code domain name registries.27 Initiatives such as the Internet
Governance Forum promote multi-stakeholder policy dialogue on internet-related issues, while
intergovernmental bodies (including the World Summit on the Information Society, the
International Telecommunication Union, and the European Telecommunications Standards
Institute) deal with some policy aspects of internet governance. And a number of UN departments
and agencies provide governments with capacity building as well as technical, legislative, and other
forms of support, as do national technical bodies such as CERTs and computer security incident
response teams (CSIRTs), in line with a provision (Action Line 5) of the World Summit on the
Information Society’s Tunis Agenda.28
Initiatives promoted by or otherwise involving other societal actors are also proliferating. For
instance, in 2018, former UN secretary general Kofi Annan established the Annan Commission on
Elections and Democracy in the Digital Age, which aims at “reconcil[ing] the disruptive tensions
between technological advances and democracy.”29 Another body known as the Global Commission
on the Stability of Cyberspace, established in 2017, is studying how norms can enhance stability in
cyberspace. Following consultations, it produced a 2018 “norm package” intended to shape the
behavior of both state and nonstate actors on issues ranging from preventing supply chain tampering
to combating offensive cyber operations by nonstate actors.30 An earlier initiative, the Global
Commission on Internet Governance, has advocated for an internet that is “open, secure,
trustworthy and accessible to all,” stressing the need for a “new social compact” designed to protect
the rights of users, establish norms for responsible public and private use, and ensure the kind of
flexibility that encourages innovation and growth.31
Industry actors are also active in multiple ways. While some of these efforts may be seen as an
attempt to forestall regulation, many aim to pressure industry actors or states to commit to behaving
more responsibly. For instance, in 2018, Siemens launched a Charter of Trust for a Secure Digital
World at the Munich Security Conference, a document that outlined principles that the initial
signatories (eight companies and the Munich Security Conference) believe to be essential for
establishing trust between political actors, business partners, and customers as the world becomes
more dependent on digital technology.32 The number of charter signatories has since grown to
Microsoft, too, has promoted norms of responsible behavior for both state and industry actors, and
the company has reportedly responded more positively than other corporate peers in terms of
complying with new regulations such as the EU’s GDPR.34 The firm has also raised the idea of a
“Digital Geneva Convention,” a binding instrument that would protect users from malicious state
activity.35 Along with several other industry leaders, Microsoft has also announced the Cybersecurity
Tech Accord, which advocates for increased investment in (and heightened responsibility for)
cybersecurity by leading industry actors.
In November 2018, the French government incorporated many of these initiatives under the
umbrella of an initiative called the Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace, which scores of
governments, industry players, and civil society actors joined.39 Yet the announcement that has
produced the most headlines is Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s call for greater government
and regulatory action, notably in the areas of “harmful content, election integrity, privacy, and data
portability” following the March 2019 attacks in Christchurch, New Zealand.40 Importantly, he
stressed the need for more effective privacy and data protection in the form of a “globally
harmonized framework” urging, somewhat ironically, that more countries adopt rules such as the
EU’s GDPR as a common framework. Zuckerberg’s opinion piece received a lukewarm reception,
and many experts remain skeptical of his intentions.41
On cyber crime, despite concerns about the growing scale, economic and societal costs, and other
risks of online criminal activity, states have not been able to (and likely will not) agree on a common
framework for dealing with cyber crime or other malicious online activity that imperils users and
hampers economic growth and development. This state of affairs is unlikely to change, given that
some states continue to insist on the need for a common framework, while others remain wedded to
the expansion of the existing Budapest Convention.
There are other challenges too. Progress remains slow in terms of achieving public and private sector
commitments to bridge existing technological divides and move the digital transformation agenda
forward. Inequalities within and between states (and cities) are growing even as technological
advances continue to be made. This situation may make it even more challenging to meet the UN
Sustainable Development Goals.43
Some countries will further challenge modalities of internet governance, particularly states that view
greater state involvement in internet governance as crucial to national security. These divergences
over how the internet should be governed continue to foment tensions among states and other
stakeholders.44 Meanwhile, several countries have announced they will seek to build their own
national alternatives to the global internet, possibly further fracturing an (already fractured) world
wide web, though some observers have questioned the feasibility of such alternatives.45
As for international security, while tensions between countries continue to fester around normative
restraints on state behavior, two new multilateral processes will commence this year through an
Open-Ended Working Group (September 2019–July 2020) and a new GGE (December 2019–May
2021).46 Many observers view the two processes as conflicting and competing initiatives (given that
the former was proposed by Russia and the latter by the United States). Some parties also view them
as outdated (since the main actors in both mechanisms are states, although, importantly, both have
included consultative mechanisms to engage with other actors such as regional organizations, private
companies, academia, and civil society). But there is a signaled interest in ensuring the processes are
both complementary and constructive.
That said, there are concerns, for instance, that GGE discussions on how international law applies to
cyberspace might once again hit a wall. As noted, disagreements on international law–related issues
were partly what impeded the last GGE from producing a consensus report. Since then, some states
have decided to publicly share their views on how international law applies, although, to date, only a
few states—Australia, France, the United Kingdom (UK), and the United States—have done so.47
Nonetheless, it is hoped that the two new processes will make further contributions to the
discussion, as per their mandates.48 Importantly, the resolution establishing the GGE also suggests
that the report include an annex in which participating governmental experts can include national
views on how international law applies to the use of ICT by states.49
Beyond binding international law, the coming twenty-four months will serve as an important
window into progress that has been made toward socializing and institutionalizing the political,
nonbinding norms and confidence-building measures that past GGEs recommended. The two new
UN processes and their associated consultative mechanisms will serve as important platforms for
Other groupings will likely be proactive. For example, the Group of Seven (G7) members recently
committed via the Dinard Declaration to sharing lessons and experiences on said norms, and it is
likely they will channel those lessons and experiences into the multilateral process.51 Similarly, multi-
stakeholder groups such as the Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace or industry
initiatives such as the Tech Accord will surely present lessons and experiences from the norms they
too have been advocating.
How countries hold each other accountable for violating norms is just as important. Indeed, some
states’ persistent misuse (and potentially lethal use) of ICT is driving a dangerous security dilemma
involving tit-for-tat activities that have significant escalatory potential. Beyond the fact that such
activities raise serious questions about the rule of law, most related crisis-management or confidence-
building mechanisms would likely prove ineffective in the event of escalation if there are no real
channels of diplomatic dialogue between key states. Such channels are largely nonexistent at present.
In this respect, more political and financial investment in operationalizing existing commitments to
confidence building, track 1 or 1.5 dialogues, and other cooperative measures is imperative.
The growing number of initiatives aimed at fostering greater cybersecurity and stability do not (and
perhaps cannot) deal with some of the structural issues driving insecurity and instability. This is
particularly the case with respect to ICT products and services, which remain highly vulnerable to
exploitation by actors with malicious intent.52 Greater, and more participatory, dialogue on the
nature of global ICT market trends and the structural levers for making ICT products and services
more safe and secure is urgently required and should not be inhibited by the growing (and valuable)
focus on VEPs and other similar measures.
Finally, existing threats and vulnerabilities will surely be compounded by new problems. This means
that conceptions of security will need to be reconsidered over time and that existing normative and
governance frameworks will likely need to be adapted. For instance, new threats and vulnerabilities
related to the Internet of Things are emerging: as the lines between human agency and “smart agent-
like devices” become increasingly blurred, the safety and security of related services and devices
remain serious problems.53 Likewise, new threats are also developing in relation to critical systems
dependent on AI (such as the growing number of sectors and industries reliant on cloud computing),
critical satellite systems, and information and decisionmaking processes, which are increasingly
susceptible to manipulation for political and strategic effect. Heightened strategic competition and
deteriorating trust between states further compounds these challenges. More than ever, countries
need to invest in diplomacy to foster greater dialogue, cooperation, and coordination on the ICT-
related issues that pose the greatest risks to society.
Artificial Intelligence
Although AI research has existed for more than five decades, interest in the topic has intensified over
the past few years. This highly complex field emerged from the discipline of computer science.
The classic definition of AI dates back to 1955, when John McCarthy and his fellow researchers
characterized artificial intelligence as “making a machine behave in ways that would be called
intelligent if a human were so behaving.”54 Noting that a similar counterfactual understanding of AI
underpins the earlier Turing test, Florini and Cowls conceptualize AI as “a growing resource of
interactive, autonomous, and often self-learning agency (in the machine learning sense . . . ), that can
deal with tasks that would otherwise require human intelligence and intervention to be performed
successfully.” Succinctly put, AI can be viewed as a “reservoir of smart agency on tap.”55
Nonetheless, advances in the various AI subfields are expected to bring about great economic and
social benefits. Communications, healthcare, disease control, education, agriculture, transportation
(autonomous vehicles), space exploration, science, and entertainment are just a few of the areas
already benefiting from breakthroughs in AI. Yet the risks inherent in the ways these technologies are
researched, designed, and developed and how they might be used can just as easily undermine these
The immediate risks and challenges include the expansion of existing cybersecurity threats and
vulnerabilities into increasingly critical AI-dependent systems (like cloud computing); unintended or
intended consequences as AI converges with other technologies including in the biotech and nuclear
domains; algorithmic discrimination and biases; weak transparency and accountability in AI
decisionmaking processes; overly narrow ways of conceptualizing ethical problems; and limited
investment in safety research and protocols. Meanwhile, policymakers are fixated on predictions
about how automation will transform industries, the labor force, and existing forms of social and
economic organization. Predictions that automation and advanced machine learning may exacerbate
economic inequalities in particular have stoked anxiety. Several studies on subjects like the future of
work, the future of food, and even the future of humanity seek to allay these concerns, while also
highlighting and forecasting risk.60
Different AI applications and models derive (or will derive) much of their power from large
quantities of collected, stored, and processed online data. Concerns over data protection, privacy,
and other principles and values such as equity and equality, autonomy, transparency, accountability,
and due process are growing. The dual-use nature of AI applications also makes it difficult to
constrain their development and regulate their use. Moreover, recently world leaders including
Chinese President Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and U.S. President Donald Trump
have made public declarations painting AI in terms of national power projection, a trend that
suggests the development and use of such technologies will be complicated by growing strategic
competition (in geopolitical, military, economic, and normative terms).61 Moreover, some countries’
desire to use AI as a “critical enabler and force multiplier for capabilities across all aspects of military
power” is becoming increasingly evident.62
In short, further advances in AI likely will significantly alter the contours of economics, sociopolitical
life, geopolitical competition, and conflict. According to some observers, the technology may even
pose existential risks. Yet there is still time to think seriously about AI and develop stronger responses
to the challenges ahead.
Examples include the Asilomar Principles, developed in 2017 to “underpin the future development
of AI and ensure shared opportunities and benefits of AI for all.”64 The twenty-three principles cover
research goals, funding for safety-related research, questions of human control and responsibility,
privacy, shared benefits and prosperity, efforts to ensure that AI is not used to fuel an arms race or
develop lethal autonomous weapons and other military capabilities, and other values and risks. This
principle on military applications and the central question of human control are integral to a
campaign spearheaded by an international coalition of NGOs—the Campaign to Stop Killer
Robots. 65 The principles and the question of meaningful human control are also central to the recent
Lethal Autonomous Weapons Pledge signed by key companies, organizations, and individuals,66 and
the 2015 Open Letter on AI and Autonomous Weapons signed by a host of AI and robotics
Meanwhile, AI Now, a research institute working out of New York University, has produced a
number of in-depth reports on various governance challenges relating to AI. This work includes
promotion of principles such as fairness, accountability, and transparency across all aspects of the
production and life cycles of AI systems and an assessment of (accountability for) both the direct and
indirect effects of these systems. On a related note, the institute has also published what it calls the
“Algorithmic Accountability Policy Toolkit.”68 More recently, it examined the principle proliferation
trend and proposed that existing efforts should be unified under a common framework (discussed
For its part, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) continues to update its 2016
“global treatise” on principles and recommendations for designing AI systems in ethical ways that
promote human well-being; this document was developed from more than 1,000 crowd-sourced
contributions from across business, academic, and policy circles.69 In 2019, the IEEE launched an
effort to move beyond the articulation of principles. The Principles Into Practice initiative, also
founded on crowd-sourced contributions, is centered on validating the existing principles.70 The
results of this effort will likely be monitored closely.
Meanwhile, the Partnership on AI to Benefit People and Society brings together a growing number
of research and civil society groups as well as major AI companies to promote similar principles. The
group’s aim is to “study and formulate best practices on AI technologies, advance the public’s
understanding of AI, and serve as an open platform for discussion and engagement about AI and its
Commercial actors: Some companies are gradually realizing the need to create new governance
structures and “clearly define how AI progress and implementation are managed” before they are
compelled to do so by governments.72 For instance, Open AI, a firm that participates in the
Partnership on AI, has developed its own charter outlining the principles underpinning its work and
overall strategy, a document crafted in consultation with other actors.73 Anchored in a pledge to act
in “the best interests of humanity throughout [artificial general intelligence] development,” the
principles commit the company to ensuring: broadly distributed benefits; long-term safety; technical
leadership (to effectively address AI’s impact on society), and cooperation with other research and
policy institutions worldwide to tackle the global challenges associated with artificial general
intelligence and provide related public goods. 74
Governments: Political actors increasingly view AI as a strategic technology with immense promise in
the areas of economics, politics, and national defense. According to a recent report, at least twenty-
seven national governments have articulated an interest in “encouraging and managing the
development of AI technologies” and are organizing their efforts through national policies, strategies,
and doctrine.79 They are also working to mitigate the societal risks posed by increased automation
and digitization. Certainly, there are mounting concerns about robots taking over a broad range of
blue- and white-collar jobs and the associated impact these job losses would have on societies around
the world. Yet some experts suggest that the speed of such automation could be blunted. They have
stated that although the uptake of robotics will certainly influence service sectors such as
construction, healthcare, and business, in other sectors it will more likely lead to job transformation
rather than replacement.80 Consequently, governments are increasingly urged to invest in social safety
nets and human capital, so that workers can build the skills required for a transforming labor
AI subfields such as machine learning, deep learning, and robotics have important competitive
advantages for national security and defense. Over the past few years, China, Russia, the UK, and
the United States, in particular, have been engaged in an intense competition to dominate the field.
Each of these countries are spending huge amounts of resources on innovation; in many instances,
they have developed or are developing close ties with global technology leaders in AI for social policy
as well as defense R&D, not least because private sector investment in AI continues to significantly
outpace that of governments.82 Growing interest in the military applications of AI is already evident
in discussions on topics like how machine learning can enable “high degrees of automation in
labour-intensive activities such as satellite imagery analysis and cyber defense.”83
But the military aspects are broader. Take, for example, the United States, where Congress is
grappling with issues ranging from balancing public and commercial funding for AI development,
articulating congressional and executive oversight roles and responsibilities for AI development,
reconciling AI-related R&D and autonomous systems with ethical considerations, identifying the
legislative or regulatory changes needed for the integration of military AI applications, and figuring
out how it can help manage the AI competition globally.
The national security risks AI is expected to pose include AI-related strategic competition and related
security dilemmas; cybersecurity risks to critical AI-dependent systems; consequential convergences
with dual-use technologies in biotech, the nuclear domain, and other fields; and the overall
unpredictability surrounding AI algorithms and their vulnerability to bias, theft, and manipulation.
One particularly vexing potential tool of manipulation is deepfakes, which are “realistic photo,
audio, and video forgeries” that could be weaponized for “information operations.”84
Some researchers are helping deepen humanity’s understanding of these AI-related security risks. A
recent comparative study of national AI security policies and strategies across ten countries by the
Center on Long-Term Cybersecurity points to highly diverging approaches to AI security.85 Unless
reconciled, these differences could, over the long term, present serious risks to both national and
international security.
These various bodies are focusing on matters like the economic consequences of labor displacement
as well as safety, ethical, and security risks, including those associated with AI-augmented
surveillance and data privacy. In addition, a number of these organizations—including some UN
entities—are engaging with academics and industry actors to determine how AI solutions might best
be marshalled to help address global humanitarian and development challenges and meet the UN
Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement for Climate Change. In some instances,
notably in the field of ethics, individual governments or regional groups have established new
institutions, such as working groups or centers on AI and ethics, as well as ministerial or
ambassadorial positions.
In regional terms, the EU has ratcheted up its engagement on AI. For instance, the European Group
on Ethics in Science and New Technologies has intensified its calls for an “internationally recognized
Soon thereafter, the EU established a High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI
HLEG). Composed of members of industry, academia, and civil society, it will support the
implementation of the European Initiative on Artificial Intelligence. The AI HLEG will make
recommendations on future AI policy developments; offer guidance on related ethical, legal, and
societal issues; and serve as the steering group for the European AI Alliance’s work. It will interact
with other initiatives, help stimulate a multi-stakeholder dialogue, gather participants’ views, and
reflect those views in its analysis and reports. How the EU intends to scale these initiatives and
guidelines internationally remains unclear.
Both the OECD and the Council of Europe are also heightening their engagement on AI. For
instance, drawing on the OECD Council Recommendations on AI, in May 2019, the OECD
adopted a set of principles aimed at promoting “artificial intelligence (AI) that is innovative and
trustworthy and that respects human rights and democratic values,” and ensuring greater
accountability of those involved in developing, deploying or operating AI systems. The principles
were developed to complement existing OECD standards in critical areas such as privacy, digital
security risk management, and responsible business conduct.90 A month after these principles were
adopted, the G20 Ministerial Meeting on Trade and Digital Economy adopted its own “human-
centered AI principles,” which also draw on the OECD principles. The G20 principles are
accompanied by guidance for policymakers. This guidance is anchored in concepts such as
“maximizing and sharing the benefits from AI,” “minimizing risks and concerns,” “international
cooperation,” and “inclusion of developing countries and underrepresented populations.”91
Meanwhile, the Council of Europe’s Committee of Ministers, Parliamentary Assembly, and
commissioner for human rights have launched a series of normative discussions and initiatives.92
There is a growing perception that military applications of AI require normative action and that the
responsible and ethical use of AI systems in the military should be prioritized.93 One of the most
prominent examples is lethal autonomous weapon systems. Using sensor suites and advanced
machine learning algorithms, these weapons can identify a target, make an engagement decision, and
guide a weapon to destroy the target, independent of human intervention or control.94 These
weapons systems have received significant attention since 2016, when parties to the UN Convention
on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) established a GGE to study the legal, normative, ethical,
technological, and military dimensions of emerging technologies and how they apply to lethal
autonomous weapons systems. Unlike GGEs established by the UN General Assembly’s First
Committee on Disarmament and International Security, the CCW GGE allows for the participation
of the research community, civil society, and the private sector. Many of these nongovernmental
actors participate in the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots.
In 2017, the CCW GGE agreed on several issues for study, including how best to characterize the
systems under consideration so as to promote a common understanding of concepts and
characteristics relevant to the objectives and purposes of the CCW. 95 The GGE also agreed to
consider the human element in the use of lethal force; contemplate aspects of human-machine
interaction in the development, deployment, and use of emerging technologies related to lethal
autonomous weapons systems; and review potential military applications of related technologies.
Importantly, the group was asked to submit options for addressing the humanitarian and
international security challenges posed by technologies related to lethal autonomous weapons in the
spirit of the convention.96
Since 2017, twenty-eight countries have joined the call for a ban on fully autonomous weapons.97 At
the meeting of the first session of the CCW GGE in 2018, eighty-five states “publicly elaborated
their views on lethal autonomous weapons systems in a multilateral forum,” with some pushing for
the development of a legally binding instrument on fully autonomous weapons.98 The UN secretary
general has also voiced support for some form of normative restraint on the use of such
technologies, 99 although he recognizes that states have differing positions on the issue. For instance,
in his Agenda for Disarmament, he stated that while “a growing number of States, including some
with advanced military capabilities, have called for a preventative prohibition on lethal autonomous
weapon systems,” other states believe that “existing international humanitarian law is sufficient to
address the risks.”100 Importantly, however, he notes that regardless of which position individual
countries take, there is agreement between all parties that, “at minimum, human oversight over the
use of force is necessary.”101
Agreeing on an overall ban will likely be complicated, given countries’ conflicting positions on the
issues at hand as well as competing interests and agendas.102 Yet the conversation continues. The
CCW GGE’s October 2018 report outlined several issues for further study by a new GGE that
commenced its work in March 2019. In addition to the issues listed above, the new GGE’s agenda
also includes “possible guiding principles,” such as the application of “international humanitarian
law” as well as “aspects of human-machine interaction in the development, deployment, and use of
These mechanisms will need to be informed by broader public discussion and engagement on a
range of issues. First, much wider public dialogue is required on the ethical values and principles put
at risk by the development of complex AI models and systems as well as the nature and direction of
change they are engendering. This dialogue should involve exchanges and dialogue on the emerging
body of principles and values that public and private entities are (sometimes jointly) promoting and
conversations about more transparently managing the associated cross-border risks.
The current trend, true of governmental and nongovernmental bodies alike, toward developing
principles and guidance for AI (the principle proliferation discussed above) suggests there may be
much duplication where the principles overlap and significant potential for “confusion or ambiguity
where they differ.”105 Moreover, the majority of these principle-driven initiatives tend to be emerging
in advanced Western economies, in turn suggesting a degree of fragmentation that may be difficult
to reconcile in the medium to long term if alternative voices are not brought into the discussion.
This trend has profound implications for ongoing efforts to achieve a more equitable distribution of
AI-related benefits. So-called fairness norms advocate for making coordinated AI development paths
in specific fields or sectors provide reasonable compensation or benefit sharing to those exposed to
Yet there is hope. For instance, based on comparative analysis it conducted of current, high-profile
efforts to promote ethical AI, the AI Now Institute has recommended an overarching framework
consisting of five central tenets to overcome such duplication, confusion, and ambiguity. Drawn
largely from the field of bioethics, these framing principles include beneficence, nonmaleficence,
autonomy, and justice as well as one new principle—explicability, which incorporates both the sense
of intelligibility (how a specific AI system works) and the ethical sense of accountability (how to
track who ultimately holds responsibility for the effects of an AI system).106 This overarching
framework could be an important foundation for cross-regional dialogue aimed at ensuring more
ethical AI that benefits societies across the globe.
Second, the question of transparency and accountability requires a specific mention, not least where
corporations are concerned. According to one expert, most corporate statements on AI-related policy
and principles appear to “leav[e] more wiggle room than a pair of clown pants.”107 Until recently,
most corporate initiatives promoting ethical AI were detached from fundamental questions such as
the nature and scope of accountability and related monitoring and oversight mechanisms. Yet more
troubling is “the conflict[s] of interest in commercial AI giant[s] researching the ethics of [their] own
technology’s societal impacts.”108 Given the broad societal effects of AI, some form of public-private
engagement or compact on this issue needs be sought. But it has become increasingly challenging to
find academics not already entangled, “in some consulting form or other, to one tech giant or
The nature and composition of oversight bodies is equally problematic. For instance, while some
companies have established ethics boards, they are not always open or transparent about their
membership or operations. For instance, DeepMind, a company purchased by the Alphabet Group
in 2014, has created DeepMind Ethics and Society, a research unit focused on exploring “the key
ethical challenges facing the field of AI.”110 The group pledges that its work should be “governed by a
set of principles that seek to guarantee the rigor, transparency and social accountability of this work,”
including by helping technologists put ethics into practice and by helping society anticipate and
manage the impacts of AI in a manner that benefits all.111 At the same time, however, the company
has been criticized for the lack of transparency around its AI Ethics Board.112 This board was written
into a contract called the Ethics and Safety Review Agreement when the Alphabet Group acquired
the company. The agreement essentially puts control of DeepMind’s “most valuable and potentially
most dangerous technology”—its core artificial general intelligence technology—under the
governance of the ethics board, whose actual composition has never been made public.113
Policymakers and other actors, nonetheless, can draw important lessons from the emerging practices
of some companies. For instance, Axon (formerly Taser)—a U.S. company that develops body
cameras and weapons for law enforcement—recently announced the establishment of an AI and
Policing Technology Ethics Board to help guide the development of its products and services.114 This
decision was likely influenced by the heavy criticism that followed the company’s offer to provide
police officers across the United States with free body cameras in what critics saw as a normative and
ethical vacuum.115 Axon has since established an independent board with a mission to “provide
expert guidance to the company on the development of its AI products and services, paying
particular attention to its impact on communities.”116 It has listed the board’s members and
committed to publishing annual reports describing the body’s work, including AI product
development guidelines established at its first meeting.
Third, it is necessary to have a deeper discussion on how best to balance investment in the research
and design of safety protocols, equity, transparency, and accountable decisionmaking with
investment in technological advances. To date, most investment has gone toward the latter.
Distilling and sharing lessons from sector-specific AI and automation piloting, sandboxing efforts,
and initial regulatory steps (like those under way in the EU) can advance this discourse. In addition,
such an approach can help engender more informed conversation on the nature and scope of the
regulatory, legal, and oversight frameworks that might be required for particular AI systems in the
Fourth, while all states have the right to shape their own AI national security policies and strategies
as they deem fit, greater convergence around ultimate goals is required to safeguard against broader
systemic risk. As research into AI-related national security policy and strategy development deepens,
further thought might be afforded to the recommendations put forward in the recent report by the
Center on Long-Term Cybersecurity. Particularly notable are those recommendations related to
promoting early coordination around identified common interests; encouraging public investment in
identifying and sharing best practices; understanding the risks of prioritizing one subset of issues over
another and the opportunities and challenges that may be ignored; ensuring greater accountability of
the technology sector; and pressing for greater inclusivity in the shaping of government policy and
Fifth, public discourse on AI must tackle the issue of how international norms, rules, and principles
can mitigate (or even prevent) novel ways of misusing AI and maintain peace and stability as the
global balance of power shifts. In the short term, legal and ethical questions related to whether
weapons systems should be permitted to make life and death decisions (that is, the question of
meaningful human control, or explicability) will likely remain central and differentiated from
questions pertaining to the application of international humanitarian law or other rules for other
national security uses of AI systems and capabilities. Yet efforts should be made to ensure that these
important discussions on lethal autonomous weapons systems do not drown out consideration of
pressing normative issues relating to AI and national security.118
To this end, it may be necessary to establish more concrete and integrated mechanisms for
navigating the uncertainties of future developments in AI and autonomous systems and for
managing related risks, including those resulting from the growing relevance of AI to strategic
competition. Other issues related to the growing militarization of AI will likely appear on the
multilateral security agenda in the coming years.119 Initiatives such as the UN Institute for
Disarmament Research’s Trust But Verif AI Project can bring fresh thinking to debates surrounding
AI and international peace and security.120 This specific project aims to bring together AI
technologists, arms control practitioners, and other experts in regulatory and technology control
policy to consider how AI arms control might be feasible.
Significant advances are also being made in the field of biotechnology, which the UN defines as “any
technological application that uses biological systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to
make or modify products or processes for specific use.”121 In recent years, the field’s principal
breakthroughs have occurred in genome editing, gene drives, and synthetic biology. Current trends
suggest there will be a profusion of biotechnology products that are significantly different in type,
scope, and complexity than previous ones. Lower barriers to access have opened the field to more
and more actors.
Technological advances are spurring rapid growth in the bioeconomy. According to the Nuclear
Threat Initiative’s (NTI) biosecurity program, the global bioeconomy in 2014 accounted for a
significant portion of world trade and offered societal benefits in the areas of energy, food
production, healthcare, and other sectors vital to sustainable development. For instance, India’s
bioeconomy was already valued at more than $4.3 billion in 2012.122 Meanwhile, the EU’s
bioeconomy was reported to already be generating a turnover of more than 2.3 trillion euros (or
about $2.6 trillion) as well as some 18 million jobs in 2015.123
Given this economic potential, many countries are investing in the field. In 2013, the Chinese
government allotted $11.8 billion for “biotech innovation from 2015 to 2020.”124 And many
countries—including China, Denmark, Singapore, the UK, and the United States—are creating
biofoundries to develop new technologies and spur product development in living systems.125
Meanwhile, new global academic consortia are discussing solutions to the ethical and regulatory
challenges emerging around synthetic biology and its potential to modify existing living organisms or
create “hitherto unknown [ones].”126
CRISPR is now being tested for various uses such as treating some genetic diseases, growing climate-
resilient crops, combating vector-borne diseases like malaria, designing food and drugs, and even
saving endangered species from extinction. The technology also carries significant potential for what
are termed autologous treatments, which involve teaching cells to “fight disease in one’s own body,
delete hereditary diseases for one’s self and one’s own offspring, and shape new generations of
organisms as genetic modifications are passed to future generations.”130 Few other new technologies
offer more hope for alleviating disease. At the same time, gene editing could bring
about unpredictable permanent genetic changes, some of which could harm humankind and the
Several advances in the field raise new ethical and normative questions and risks that require new
solutions, particularly in four key areas, some of which overlap:
Ecological risk: Gene alterations can generate unpredictable and undesirable consequences in the
modified species, as well as in other species, and can even give rise to new and unknown animal and
human diseases. Researchers are investigating how gene drive systems can be used to eradicate
diseases; the most advanced of these projects seeks to wipe out malaria-carrying mosquitoes. And
some scientists had hoped to use a CRISPR gene drive to prevent the extinction of wildlife species
threatened by invasive organisms. The thinking went that modifying an invasive organism’s DNA to
reduce its ability to reproduce and then releasing that organism back into the wild would cause the
fertility-reducing gene to spread through the invasive population, eradicating the pests. But a recent
study by some of the same scientists found that altered genes might actually spread to places where
that same organism is not invasive at all, but a well-established part of the local ecosystem.131 Such
unintended consequences would pose unacceptable risks.
Such projects demonstrate the need to first develop safer versions of this powerful technology and
raise important issues related to standards and regulation. The consequences of using such
technologies are not contained within national borders, and these effects will likely require some
form of transnational mechanism that considers the views of all stakeholders. This calls for a more
harmonized approach to biotech policy, especially since rules and practices of gene editing vary
significantly from country to country. Meanwhile, all stakeholders, including those funding and
supporting research, need to ensure adherence to existing guidance such as the World Health
Organization’s (WHO) 2014 set of guidelines for testing genetically modified mosquitoes.132
According to some experts, this push to shore up standards might require the establishment of some
form of accountability mechanism that can, at a minimum, oversee adherence to this guidance and
identify possible obstacles to implementation. 133
Another ecological risk is the potential for biological attacks against food and water resources, which,
as discussed further below, would cause economic damage as well as a “loss of confidence in the food
supply, and possible loss of life.”134 For example, a recent study determined that scientists’ deepening
understanding of the genomes of plants and animals will make it theoretically possible to target
vulnerabilities with greater precision or to create new varieties of organisms with potentially harmful
properties. The authors posit that “if plant or animal pathogens [a]re engineered to spread widely in
the world in crops or herds, respectively, the result could be widespread and lasting food
Other health and safety risks: Incidents like laboratory accidents or research aimed at rendering deadly
viruses more contagious or pathogenic pose dangers as well. Relatedly, the publication of such
techniques and research outcomes could educate and empower malevolent actors. Concerns of this
kind arose from research published by two scientists in 2012 in prominent journals (Nature and
Science). Both had succeeded in genetically engineering strains of the avian flu virus (H5N1).136 The
controversial decision to publish their research findings stemmed from intense public concerns that
the virus could leak out of a laboratory in the event of an accident. More seriously, the research
could be leveraged by terrorists to create a biological weapon and unleash a devastating pandemic.
Questions of consent and human-induced permanent genetic changes also raise new quandaries. For
example, fears about modifying fetuses or otherwise enhancing subjects’ aesthetic performance or
other attributes drive concerns about genetic discrimination, human cloning, and eugenics. National
regulations and practices on this aspect of biotechnology greatly vary from state to state. For
example, many countries cite ethical considerations to either prohibit or otherwise circumscribe
certain human CRISPR trials to treat or prevent disease or disability in germline cells (as opposed to
somatic cells). 139
In other contexts, such research is banned. For instance, the Chinese authorities have since
investigated the case involving He Jiankui and concluded that he “organised a project team that
included foreign staff, which intentionally avoided surveillance and used technology of uncertain
safety and effectiveness to perform human embryo gene-editing activity with the purpose of
reproduction, which is officially banned in the country.”140 Stanford University, too, has launched an
investigation into the links between Stanford academic staff and the Chinese scientist.141 Yet the fact
that He did actually manage to successfully test gene editing on the twin embryos has raised new
questions about how to manage risks and unintended consequences as well as how to ensure better
research oversight.142
Rule of law risks: Law enforcement agencies’ growing use of data-sensitive biotechnologies—such as
fingerprinting, systematic collection of human DNA samples, and the introduction of biometric
identifiers and intelligent implants—all pose important societal risks, including to core principles of
the rule of law and human rights. For instance, in the United States, law enforcement agencies have
shown a mounting interest in accessing privately run genetic genealogy banks after using DNA
information from a genealogy website to identify a suspect in the infamous Golden State Killer
case.143 The fact that the owners of some of these websites have provided full access to law
enforcement, unbeknownst to their users, has raised serious questions about privacy, consent, and
due process.144
International security risks: Concerns are also mounting about the dual-use nature of technological
advances in the life sciences and their potential for malicious use. The diversity of
possible applications of genome engineering and gene drive technology (including the production of
bioweapons) and the potential impacts are unpredictable. While such biotech applications would
likely still require the resources of a state or large enterprise, the technological barriers to acquire,
develop, and use biological agents as weapons have lowered significantly in recent years. The risk of
biological warfare, biocrimes, and bioterrorism are particularly grave.
Apropos of biological warfare, the BWC is a legally binding treaty that outlaws the use of biological
weapons and codifies a strong, age-old, and cross-cultural norm against the use of disease as a
weapon. But the BWC is institutionally weak and lacks verification, monitoring, and enforcement
provisions. Furthermore, the convention may be unable to keep pace with rapid scientific and
technological developments.
Notably, because biological science is inherently dual use—the same tools and technologies that can
be used to benefit society can also be used to cause deliberate harm—the key difference is user
intent. While there are no concrete examples of novel developments inconsistent with the aims of
the BWC, advances in biotechnology do have security-related implications. Such advances make the
development and production of biological weapons easier and more accessible, even if such research
endeavors are largely pursued for entirely legitimate purposes (such as general scientific discovery,
public health, and food production) and therefore cannot, in and of themselves, be prohibited.
It is unclear whether or not the erosion of technical and access barriers might lead to the more
widespread acquisition and use of biological weapons. While scientific and technical advances may
continue to put pressure on the norm against using disease as a weapon, they also can serve as a
deterrent. For example, the creation of versatile diagnostic and therapeutic platforms could enable a
rapid response to any engineered threat, deterring nefarious actors from considering biology as a
potential tool of large-scale terror, as discussed above.145 Yet, without accompanying advances to
monitor compliance and differentiate between offensive and defensive (or peaceful) intent, advances
in biotechnology could make it harder to identify violations of the BWC.
The convention’s eighth review conference was held in November 2016 and ended without an
agreement on any significant steps to enhance the treaty’s effectiveness, including the creation of a
regular advising mechanism to assist in monitoring and assessing relevant scientific developments. At
the same time, several regional workshops, funded by the EU and the United States, are under way,
as are workshops aimed at making the BWC’s post-review conference discussions on science and
technology more global and diverse. These workshops hopefully will help provide a baseline for
future review and assessment.
Beyond the risks of full-on biological warfare, there are other international security risks. One such
risk is the growing convergence of biotech and AI, notably in the area of synthetic biology. While
AI-powered bioengineering is mostly used for benign and beneficial purposes at present, a U.S.
Despite a certain degree of hype, the use of biotechnology to commit terrorist attacks or other
criminal acts remains limited. Recent research points out that there has only been one documented
death attributable to biocrimes (although that is debatable),147 a number of bioterrorism incidents
with no directly associated deaths,148 and five deaths from a documented lone-wolf terrorist incident
in the United States.149 Nonetheless, as the technological barriers to harnessing biological agents as
weapons have fallen, such risks increase. The growing availability of new biotech tools could make it
possible for terrorist groups to create and modify pathogens or otherwise misuse biological materials
and expertise.150 Groups such as al-Qaeda and the self-proclaimed Islamic State have reportedly
called on “scientists, doctors, and engineers to join their cause, which includes the use of specialized
skills to inflict harm.”151
The UN is also responsible for enforcing the ban enshrined in the BWC (which entered into force in
1975), the first multilateral disarmament treaty banning the development, production, and
stockpiling of a specific category of weapons of mass destruction. Through a number of resolutions,
the UN Security Council, too, has engaged on certain biotech-related issues, notably in relation to
strengthening member states’ capacities to prevent biocrime and bioterrorism. These include UN
Security Council Resolution 2325 (2016), which calls on all states to strengthen national
antiproliferation regimes in the course of implementing UN Security Council Resolution 1540
(2004), which in turn seeks to keep nonstate actors from acquiring nuclear, biological, and chemical
weapons of mass destruction and to submit timely reports on their efforts to do so.
Through its Group on Ethics and Science in New Technologies (EGE), the EU, too, is increasing its
attention to biotechnology and its normative implications. After an earlier statement on gene
editing, the EGE is preparing an opinion on gene editing, due to be completed in the summer of
2019. The opinion will focus on the “bigger picture of this issue,” which crosses existing ethical
divides, as well as “specific aspects of concern” such as “gene editing applied to animals” and “gene
editing in the context of biodiversity and ecosystems.”153 International forums like the WEF are also
seeking to shape new related governance solutions. For instance, in addition to its work on the
Fourth Industrial Revolution, the forum has established a Global Future Council on Biotechnology
to consider ethical and safety issues emerging from biotechnology-related discoveries, applications,
and policy issues.154
In national terms, rules and practices relating to certain biotech applications (like gene editing)
continue to differ widely from country to country. Policymakers around the world are struggling to
keep pace with the latest developments and adapt domestic institutions to manage the risks
associated with the emergence of future advances and products. Countries have not yet aligned their
respective efforts, although some are advocating for more global responses, including consensus on
guiding ethical principles, through bodies such as the WHO.155 In this respect, the WHO’s decision
to establish an Expert Advisory Committee to “examine the scientific, ethical, social and legal
challenges associated with human gene editing” with the aim of advising and producing
recommendations on “appropriate governance mechanisms for human gene editing” may be a step
in the right direction.156
Beyond these formal multilateral institutions, scientific associations, research communities, and
publishers all play an important role in developing principles, standards, and norms to guide
biotechnology research and innovation. For instance, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences has
proposed a set of principles to manage the challenges associated with human gene editing. The
principles include promoting well-being, transparency, due care, responsible science, respect for
persons, fairness, and transnational cooperation. 157 Relevant industry actors do not appear to be
engaging significantly on ethical and normative issues, although efforts are under way to strengthen
such engagement and encourage self-regulation on the basis of existing ethical values and
principles.158 Meanwhile, there are renewed calls for public and private funders of biotechnology
research to do more to ensure that the research they are supporting is conducted “in compliance with
standards such as those advanced by the WHO” and related bodies, regardless of where the research
takes place.159
In recent discussions at the UN General Assembly, the WEF, and the Munich Security Council, key
stakeholders have been urged to find creative ways to reduce biological risks. In response, the NTI
program on biosecurity, the Wellcome Trust, and the WEF are pushing for the establishment of new
global norms by leaders in the virology and synthetic biology communities, as well as models for
adopting such norms.160 To this end, in 2018, these three organizations launched a joint initiative
aimed at bringing together leaders and experts in genomics, virology, synthetic biology, bioethics,
security, insurance, and scientific publishing. Following an initial roundtable, the NTI aims to
Undoubtedly, given the sheer number of ethical and normative issues at hand, governments and
other key actors will need to ensure a more aligned, cooperative, and participatory policy
environment. Countries need to make progress and identify cases in which international cooperation
and coordination could help resolve persisting or emerging challenges. Doing so would engage more
stakeholders, increase efficiency, raise overall safety and standards, and reduce risk. This approach
would also promote greater transparency and accountability, conferring much-needed legitimacy on
policymaking, norm-shaping, and regulatory processes. And it will be necessary to identify whether
current platforms adequately serve this purpose or whether new ones are needed.
Space Technology
Historically, outer space has been shaped by strategic and resource competition between major
powers.162 Today, overlapping advances in technology are enabling new forms of commercial and
military activity in space. With more tangible threats, lower access barriers, and a growing number of
stakeholders, there is an urgent need for states and other actors to engage in more dialogue and
cooperation to determine how relevant governance frameworks can best be strengthened.
Innovation has continued to transform a variety of space-related economic sectors, including the
satellite industry. Large and small companies alike as well as universities are increasingly using
powerful miniature satellites originally developed for costly scientific research purposes in low Earth
orbit. These small satellites are often developed with off-the-shelf commercial components.
Amateurs, sometimes funded through crowd-sourcing campaigns, also use them. Beyond that,
technological innovation is also poised to open and/or expand new sectors such as commercial space
launches and space tourism, space manufacturing, and resource recovery (asteroid mining). In some
countries, privately backed investments in rocket launches, rocket recovery, and the delivery of
payloads to space stations, for instance, are already producing breakthroughs and delivering
noteworthy efficiency compared to government-funded competitors.
In some cases, actors are innovating on the back of existing space technology. For instance, the use of
space-based remote sensors is transforming how a diverse range of fields operates, including
humanitarian assistance, crisis management, and agriculture. Social media and technology companies
are assessing how to use satellites in low Earth orbit to expand access to the internet (and their own
products and services) in remote areas. These technological advances are expected to provide new
opportunities for economic growth, development, and the involvement of new actors. In 2014, the
OECD inferred that “countries with long-established space programmes face growing challenges as
lower costs and technological advances draw more countries and companies into the sector and give
rise to a burgeoning commercial space industry.”164 By 2017, the total value of space-related
industries was estimated at $350 billion and forecast to grow to about $2.7 trillion by 2040,
according to Bank of America, a trend rendered possible by “new drivers,” such as “reusable launch
by SpaceX, the growth of both private ownership in the market, investment and financing by more
than 80 countries and the falling launch costs from vehicles by the likes of Rocket
Lab and Vector.”165
At the same time, increased activity in outer space presents new risks, such as the possibility of
collisions and the hazardous debris that could result from such collisions. And the fact that states
increasingly view the space economy as a new source of power is driving strategic competition at a
time of heightened geopolitical tensions. This will likely influence related normative discussions.
Furthermore, despite the growing number of actors engaging in commercial space activity, these
talks tend to take place in a handful of wealthy nations, meaning that the number of potential
participants and beneficiaries of the space-based economy remains low. This reality exacerbates
concerns about technology-related divides and questions of equitable access to the benefits of
economic activity in space.
Beyond commercial activities, over the past few decades, there has been growing interest in the use of
space as a medium to support tactical military operations and other existing uses related to strategic
defense. Both existing and emerging space powers are investing more in military space systems for
communications, navigation, and reconnaissance purposes, so as to ensure the operability of a range
of capabilities, including drones and precision weapons. Such systems can be used to detect potential
targets, attack adversaries, and otherwise harm the interests of others. Many states are also investing
in technologies that can disrupt or destroy these same space-based capabilities.
The fact that modern militaries rely heavily on satellite systems means that these space assets have
become potential targets. This is a particularly pertinent point for modern navigation systems and
the growing possibility that the GPS or global navigation satellite system may be susceptible to being
disrupted or destroyed. The United States—being heavily reliant on satellite technologies—has
acknowledged these vulnerabilities. Washington views Russia’s and China’s pursuit of anti-satellite
In some cases, PNT assurance is being discussed in conjunction with possible terrestrial ASAT
components—such as the development of new space-based shields with the added protection of new
ground-based military hardware—and other capabilities for disrupting satellites such as
communications and GPS jamming. According to the UN Institute of Disarmament Research, the
Chinese, Russian, and U.S. militaries are “developing capabilities that can target space assets,
including missile defense interceptors and maneuvering satellites.”169 These leading militaries are also
investing in technologies and techniques designed to counter their rivals’ space-enabled intelligence,
surveillance and reconnaissance, and precision strike activities.
Undoubtedly, using these capabilities against an adversary’s space assets in a conflict or even
preemptively could have disastrous consequences for the Earth’s orbit and the planet itself. In
addition, the development and testing of ASAT capabilities is also worsening the risks posed by
hazardous space debris. For instance, debris from China’s 2007 direct ascent ASAT test is still in
orbit (and will likely remain there for decades).170 Although India’s more recent March 2019 test was
conducted in low orbit (reportedly allowing the debris to disperse over time), this test still posed
safety risks, including to the International Space Station.171
Beyond the aforementioned security concerns, vulnerabilities in satellite and spacecraft computer
systems could be potential targets for cyber attacks by states, their proxies, or terrorist groups. And
there is mounting concern that state actors could wield offensive cyber capabilities or operations as
part of their anti-satellite toolboxes. For instance, an attack on GPS satellites would be felt across a
wide range of economic and social sectors, potentially affecting the delivery of essential public
services such as power supplies, banking services, and credit card services, all of which rely on
As decolonization occurred, a debate unfolded over the growing military uses of outer space. The
debate involved sovereignty-related principles such as prior consent and jurisdiction as well as newer
principles such as equitable access to the benefits derived from commercial satellite use. The latter
resulted in the establishment of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space
(COPUOS) in 1959, as well as the current body of international space law and related nonbinding
measures and guidance. These various instruments have shaped national space policies and
regulations ever since.
The 1967 Outer Space Treaty is the central instrument in this body of law and remains the principal
framework governing activities in outer space today. The treaty’s principles were negotiated to
advance international peace and security. It was not intended to regulate human spaceflight and
exploration. Rather, it granted rights for the exploration and use of outer space, provided those
activities are “carried out for the benefit and in the interests of all countries.”173 The principles were
designed to ensure that “Outer Space, the Moon and other celestial bodies” remained an arena for
peaceful activity and that no single entity or nation could claim sovereignty over outer space.174
Throughout the Cold War, adherence to the treaty as well as the major powers’ doctrines of
deterrence helped ensure that military activity in outer space did not lead to escalated tensions.
Yet concerns about military activity in outer space have persisted. Since the early 1980s, several
attempts have been made to restrict certain activities. Numerous proposals have been made at the
UN General Assembly or the Conference on Disarmament for the “prevention of an arms race
in outer space.”175 These proposals include a nonbinding UN General Assembly resolution called the
Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS), which has been passed every year since 1982.
The resolution “reaffirms the fundamental principles of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty” and
“advocates for a ban on the weaponization of space.”176 It also advocates for “further measures to
prevent an arms race in outer space” and “calls on the Conference on Disarmament to establish an
ad-hoc committee on issues relating to PAROS.”
In 2011, the UN General Assembly established a GGE to study transparency and confidence-
building measures related to outer space activities. The group was tasked with developing
recommendations on rules of conduct and measures aimed at expanding the transparency of outer
space activities and space programs. It produced a consensus report in 2013, welcomed by the UN
General Assembly in Resolution 68/50 and subsequent resolutions that encouraged member states to
review and implement the proposed measures. The UN General Assembly also referred the report
for consideration to the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, the Disarmament
Commission, and the Conference on Disarmament. But progress on implementing the GGE
recommendations has been slow, and distrust has continued to prevail. To date, only one UN
member, the United States, has submitted a report to the General Assembly outlining how it is
implementing the recommendations of the 2013 GGE report.177
There was some hope that progress could be achieved. For instance, the Conference on
Disarmament (finally) established four subsidiary bodies in February 2018 to advance its work. One
of these subsidiary bodies was to focus on the “prevention of an arms race in outer space.”178 Yet, in
2019, the Conference on Disarmament failed to reestablish the four bodies. For its part, the
Disarmament Commission has held informal discussions over the past two years on the practical
implementation of transparency and confidence-building measures. Member states have agreed to
take up the issue in the commission’s 2018–2020 three-year cycle, although it is unclear what this
will mean in practical terms.
On a slightly more positive note, COPUOS has continued its complementary work on substantive
and legal issues relating to peaceful uses of outer space. Building on the 2007 Space Debris
Mitigation Guidelines, it is working to develop guidelines aimed at increasing the odds that outer
space activities are sustainable over the long term. These more recent efforts play an important
confidence-building role as well.
In addition, it appears as if public pressure is effectively generating some good practices regarding
ASAT testing and the imperative not to create debris. For instance, the public outcry that followed
China’s 2007 ASAT test appears to have convinced Beijing that this capability must test in a
controlled manner, without blowing up objects and scattering debris in space. But this does not
mean that the country will not use alternative ASAT capabilities. According to a recent report,
China has conducted numerous tests of technologies “for close approach and rendezvous in both
low-earth orbit (LEO) and geosynchronous orbit (GEO) that could lead to a co-orbital ASAT
capability.”179 There is not enough evidence to conclude whether Beijing will gain this operational
capability in the near future. The same report notes that Russia, the United States, and numerous
other countries also have developed—or are developing—novel ASAT and other counterspace
capabilities in five categories: direct ascent, co-orbital, electronic warfare, directed energy, and cyber.
When the treaty was being negotiated, there were already attempts to restrict space exploration to
government enterprises, largely in reaction to the U.S. private sector’s dominance of the commercial
satellite industry. The resulting compromise laid out in Article VI of the treaty permits private
activities in outer space, making national governments legally responsible for the actions of their
nationals. Yet today new commercial activities are raising new questions. The first missions to probe
the moon for resources are already scheduled to launch in 2020. In accordance with their obligations
under international law to “authorise and continually supervise” such activity conducted by their
nationals, several countries—including Luxemburg, the United Arab Emirates, and the United
States—have already adopted new legislation concerning resource extraction rights in space, while
also loosening regulations to enable commercial activity.180 Other states—including France,
Germany, Japan, and the UK—will soon follow suit.
But it is likely that this dash to exploit space resources will foment new tensions. Resource recovery
in space will likely be scrutinized on the basis of sovereignty. Article I of the treaty states that “outer
space, including the moon and other celestial bodies, shall be free for exploration and use by all
States without discrimination of any kind, on a basis of equality and in accordance with
international law, and there shall be free access to all areas of celestial bodies.” But the treaty’s
subsequent article states clearly that space resources are “not subject to national appropriation.”
Some experts interpret this latter provision as a prohibition on the extraction of space resources
An important step forward was the creation in 2017 of the Hague International Space Resources
Governance Working Group. In the absence of a clear framework to govern the extraction of
space resources, this multi-stakeholder group has been studying existing concepts “to ensure that
they meet existing treaty obligations regarding on-orbit operations and space resource rights.”182 The
group’s overall aim is to complement other global, regional, and national efforts and prepare a
foundation for a new international regulatory framework for space resource–related activities.
Reaching consensus on what is and is not permitted under the terms of the treaty will undoubtedly
be challenging. At the same time, the number of actors intent on leveraging space—to foster
commercial activity and spur economic growth, for instance—may actually incentivize dialogue and
agreement on common principles. So, too, should other more global objectives such as the UN
Sustainable Development Goals.
On questions relating to military uses of outer space, it is likely that the debate over a space-based
arms race will continue and remain divisive. In 2017, the UN General Assembly established a new
GGE under the Conference on Disarmament with the specific mandate to “consider and make
recommendations on substantial elements of an international legally binding instrument on the
prevention of an arms race in outer space, including, inter alia, on the prevention of the placement
of weapons in outer space.”183 There had been serious doubts that a new GGE could achieve much
in the current environment, as all major powers and a growing number of smaller states are
developing counterspace capabilities. Two sessions of the GGE were held, one in 2018 and another
in 2019. However, the group failed to produce a consensus report.
Still, the group reportedly held fruitful discussions on a range of issues relating to “a safe, secure and
sustainable use of outer space” and the importance of transparency and confidence-building
measures became evident in the group’s deliberations.184 The work of this GGE might be
complemented by more practical efforts, such as an agreement on and the implementation of ASAT
test guidelines.185 The latter would be based on widely accepted best practices; linked to the
recommended transparency and confidence-building measures in outer space activities; grounded in
work under way within COPUOS, the Conference on Disarmament, and the Disarmament
Commission; and related to ongoing work on debris mitigation and the long-term sustainability of
outer space activities. Such guidelines, the UN Institute for Disarmament Research explains, would
respect states’ rights “to possess or develop anti-ballistic missile (ABM) or ASAT capabilities,
provided they do so in a manner that is recognized as being responsible,” while enhancing stability in
outer space and limiting the potential hazards of weaponization.186
Again, the potential for economic growth and development derived from commercial space activity
could serve as an important incentive for such efforts. Nonetheless, in each of these areas,
maintaining dialogue on the core principles and norms that should guide activity in outer space—
particularly those that restrain destabilizing behaviors and ensure equitable access to potential
benefits—will be imperative as will ensuring that the private sector, industry associations, and other
relevant actors in these government-led processes and mechanisms are given greater opportunities to
voice their views.
The array of new technologies emerging on the world stage, the new threats they can pose, and the
associated governance dilemmas highlight a set of common themes. First, an explosive growth of
technological innovation is outstripping the capacity (or willingness) of technology creators, private
investors, national governments, and the existing multilateral system to understand, monitor, and
effectively govern the attendant effects and consequences.
Second, these technologies offer great benefits to society while, at the same time, imposing grave
risks ranging from malicious use to exacerbating socioeconomic inequalities. Despite the range of
initiatives under way and broad acknowledgment of the governance challenges at hand, it is alarming
to see how lackluster the responses have been to date. Without the necessary political will and
concerted cooperation across actors and regions, it will be impossible to ensure that technologies are
used responsibly; their benefits are shared equitably; and the serious ethical, social, economic,
personal safety, environmental, and national security risks are managed deftly.
Third, this absence of political will and cooperation is driven, increasingly, by structural dynamics
that undermine efforts to reach consensus. Technology is a deeply embedded facet of geopolitical
competition, particularly among the great powers, and such innovation is central to both spurring
economic growth and gaining a military edge. As a result, few powerful states have been willing to
restrict their pursuit of perceived technological advantages. The effects of this security dilemma are
growing more acute as economic, political, and military competition among China, Russia, the
United States, and a growing number of middle powers increases. This competitive dynamic is
already evident in the areas of ICT and outer space, and similar trends are emerging in relation to
AI, biotechnology, and other areas not discussed in this paper such as quantum computing and
Fourth, the economic model undergirding global technology markets, driven by the need for
companies to reach economies of scale in terms of how many users they have, has led many
companies to focus on offering products and services first and fixing resulting problems later. This
mentality has left software, hardware, and supply chains vulnerable to disruption, manipulation, and
capture by governments, criminal groups, and other malicious actors around the world. Again, this
state of affairs is evident in the field of ICT, and similar behavior will likely surface in other
technological areas as well. Notably, these fields call on a wide array of (sometimes antagonistic)
actors to coordinate and reach agreement, including individual states, the companies driving
innovation, technologists, civil society, international organizations, and academic institutions.
While these dynamics offer an unfavorable outlook for cooperation, there is, in parallel, a wide range
of efforts already under way to deal with emerging challenges and risks. Some of these actions are
being spearheaded by governments, while others are the product of a host of actors from across an
equally wide array of disciplines and sectors. These efforts—complex, fragmented, and wide-ranging
(and often nonproductive) as they may be—need to be acknowledged, strengthened, and scaled.
Lessons—both positive and negative—must be shared across regions, as these experiences might
inform more efficacious approaches or models for effective governance and multiactor cooperative
The UN, too, should be able to support its member states and all other stakeholders by facilitating
dialogue and cooperation on the policy and normative challenges stemming from technological
advances. Through a number of initiatives, including his Agenda for Disarmament, his Strategy on
New Technologies, and the establishment of a High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation, the UN
secretary general has acknowledged this.187 The initiatives signal a recognition that these advances are
emerging at a critical moment in international relations, a time when consensus is becoming
increasingly difficult to achieve and during which efforts to manage and govern new risks and
challenges are becoming increasingly complicated. Like other leaders, he understands that supporting
ongoing efforts and facilitating dialogue and cooperation will be difficult, yet he also grasps that the
UN has a responsibility to safeguard its principles and purposes. The body’s member states (and
their national governments) should do the same, as the world’s dependence on cutting-edge
technology continues to deepen.
About the Author
Camino Kavanagh is a nonresident scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,
where her research focuses on international security, governance, and emerging technologies.
This publication could not have been produced without the valuable contributions of many
individuals. First, the author would like to thank the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
for agreeing to publish it, particularly George Perkovich, Kate Charlet, Tim Maurer, Charlotte
Stanton, and Ryan DeVries for reviewing and providing such valuable feedback. The author also
offers thanks to the United Nations Foundation for funding the initial research that led to this
publication and especially to Kaysie Brown and Megan Roberts for their constructive feedback. She
also wishes to express her gratitude to Marc Jacquand and Fabrizio Hochschild of the Executive
Office of the UN Secretary General for the opportunity to work on the Secretary-General’s Strategy on
New Technologies in 2018 and develop some of that work further through this publication.
Finally, the author is grateful to a number of experts who shared their insights on the governance
and normative dilemmas emerging in their respective fields. This list includes Kerstin Vignard and
Daniel Porras at the UN Institute for Disarmament Research, Gillian Goh at the UN Office of
Disarmament Affairs, Piers Millet and Carrick Flynn at the Future of Humanity Institute, Beth
Cameron and Jacob Jordan at the Nuclear Threat Initiative, Michael Page at OpenAI, Madeline
Carr at University College London, Paul Cornish at LSE IDEAS, and Nigel Inkster at the
International Institute for Strategic Studies.
Camino Kavanagh and Paul Cornish, “Preventive Diplomacy, ICT and Inter-State Conflict: A Review of
Current Practice with Observations,” Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, (forthcoming 2019).
Roger Brownsword, Eloise Scotford, and Karen Yeung, (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Law, Regulation and
Technology (Oxford: Oxford Handbooks Online, 2017).
Harvard professor Joseph S. Nye Jr. refers to this framework as “the global regime complex governing
global cyber activities.” See Joseph S. Nye, Jr., “The Regime Complex for Governing Global Cyber
Activities,” Global Commission on Internet Governance, May 2014,
World Economic Forum, “The Fourth Industrial Revolution: What It Means, How to Respond,”
January 14, 2016,
World Economic Forum, “Agile Governance: Reimagining Policy Making in the Fourth Industrial
Revolution,” January 2018,
World Economic Forum, “The Fourth Industrial Revolution: What It Means, How to Respond.”
Yochai Benkler, “Don’t Let Industry Write the Rules for AI,” Nature, May 2019; Vol. 569 (7755):161,; and Luciano
Floridi and Josh Cowls, “A Unified Framework of Five Principles for AI in Society,” Harvard Data
Science Review, June 23, 2019,
Benkler, “Don’t Let Industry Write the Rules for AI.”
Anne Marie Engtoft Larsen, “Regulation for the Fourth Industrial Revolution,” WEF Podcast Episode 5,
[interview portion with Rob Sparrow of Monash University], January 30 2018,
Joseph S. Nye Jr., “The Regime Complex for Governing Global Cyber Activities.”
UN Human Rights Council, “The Promotion, Protection and Enjoyment of Human Rights on the
Internet,” Resolution 20/8, July 16, 2012,; and UN
Human Rights Council, “The Promotion, Protection and Enjoyment of Human Rights on the Internet,”
Resolution 26/13, July 14, 2014,
Laurent Gisel and Lukasz Olejnik, “The Potential Human Cost of Cyber Operations: Starting the
Conversation,” November 14, 2018, International Committee of the Red Cross Humanitarian Law and
Policy (blog),
UN Office of Disarmament Affairs, “Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications
in the Context of International Security,”; UN General
Assembly, “Group of Governmental Experts on Developments in the Field of Information and
Telecommunications in the Context of International Security,” Document A/65/201, July 30, 2010,; UN General Assembly, “Group of Governmental Experts on
Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International
Security,” Document A/68/98*, June 24, 2013,
a-68-98-eng-0-518.pdf; and UN General Assembly, “Group of Governmental Experts on Developments
in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security,”
Document A/70/174, July 22, 2015, On the applicability of international
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“The United Nations, Cybersecurity and International Peace and Security: Responding to Complexity in
the 21st Century,” United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), 2017,
See Section III of UN General Assembly Document A/70/174, 7.
UN General Assembly, “Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the
Context of International Security,” Resolution 70/237, December 2015, 3,
UN member states can propose the establishment of GGEs via the General Assembly (or, in this case, its
First Committee on Disarmament and International Security). The proposal is then put to a vote and
adopted via a resolution if endorsed. See UN General Assembly, “Developments in the Field of
Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security, Document
A/C.1/73/L.37, October 18, 2018,; and UN General Assembly,
“Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International
Security,” Document A/C.1/73/L.27/Rev.1, October 29, 2018,
G20 Information Center, “Communiqué [G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting,
Baden-Baden, Germany],” March 17–18, 2017,
en.html; and Tim Maurer, Ariel Levite, and George Perkovich, “Toward a Global Norm Against
Manipulating the Integrity of Financial Data,” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, June 29,
See, for instance, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), “IAEA Launches International Training
Course on Protecting Nuclear Facilities from Cyber-Attacks,” October 24, 2018,
nuclear-facilities-from-cyber-attacks; and IAEA, “IAEA Computer and Network Security,”
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Thompson, “It’s Time for the International Community to Get Serious about Vulnerability Equities,”
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serious-about-vulnerability-equities; and Sven Herpig and Ari Schwartz, “The Future of Vulnerability
Equities Processes Around the World,” Lawfare, January 4, 2019,
Laurent Gisel and Lukasz Olejnik, “The Potential Human Cost of Cyber Operations: ICRC Expert
Meeting 14–16 November 2018 - Geneva,” International Commitee of the Red Cross, and the UN Department of
Political and Peacebuilding Affairs and Humanitarian Dialogue Center, “Digital Technologies and
Mediation in Armed Conflict,” March 2019, The digital version of
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Digital Europe, “DIGITALEUROPE’s Position Paper on the European Commission’s Proposal for a
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interest-gdpr-and-public-sector. For an explanation of the roles of data controllers and processors, see
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Kaysie Brown, “What Happens After the High-Level Political Forum? Here Are 4 Areas to Watch,” UN
Foundation (blog), July 20, 2018,
Deborah Brown, “What to Expect at the 2018 ITU Plenipotentiary Conference and What It Means for
the Internet,” Council on Foreign Relations, March 12, 2018,
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UN Office for Disarmament Affairs, “Submission of the Report of the Secretary-General on Resolution
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Brian Egan [former legal adviser to the U.S. Department of State], “Remarks on Stability and
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UN General Assembly, “Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the
Context of International Security,” Document A/C.1/73/L.27/Rev.1, paragraph 5, October 29, 2018,; and UN General Assembly, “Developments in the Field of
Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security,” Document
A/C.1/73/L.37, paragraph 3, October 18, 2018,
UN Office for Disarmament Affairs, “Submission of the Report of the Secretary-General on Resolution
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Camino Kavanagh, “Stemming the Exploitation of ICT Threats and Vulnerabilities: An Overview of
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John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Nathaniel Rochester, and Claude E. Shannon, “Proposal for the
Dartmouth Summer Research Project on Artificial Intelligence,” AI Magazine 27, no. 4 (2006): 12, (This piece was originally written in August
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Floridi and Cowls, “A Unified Framework of Five Principles for AI in Society.”
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), “Ethically Aligned Design: A Vision for
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Open AI, “Open AI Charter,”
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See, for instance, the following two documents, the latter of which was revised in 2013 to include dual-
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2017,; or Science Council of Japan, “Code of
Conduct for Scientists: Revised Version,” 2013,
Ibid. Also see: European Committee for Standardization, “Laboratory Risk Management,” September
National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Medicine, “Human Genome Editing: Science,
Ethics and Governance,” 2017,
ethics-and-governance. On the highly controversial practice of germline editing, see Joel Achenbach,
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Phoebe Zhang, “China Confirms Birth of Gene-Edited Babies, Blames Scientist He Jiankiu for Breaking
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Chinese officials formally recognized He Juankui’s research and the potential sanctions he could face as a
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According to the New York Times, Joseph DeAngelo was identified and later charged with twenty-six
counts of murder and kidnapping “after a genealogist helped investigators in California identify a third
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Field, New Report Says,” June 19, 2018, This piece was cited in
Cussins Newman, “Toward AI Security,” 19. Also see Eleonore Pauwels, “The New Geopolitics of
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According to an article in Clinical Microbiology and Infection, the murder of Hungarian dissident Georgi
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be considered an act of biocrime.” See Hugo Jan Jansen et al., “Biological Warfare, Terrorism and
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