Casting 1

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1. Which of the following alloy can’t be used with metal ceramic restoration
a. Palladium gallium
b. Gold platinum
c. Gold platinum palladium
d. Palladium copper gallium
2. Casting force must low enough to avoid turbulence of metal (T/F)
3. With base metal alloy for melting use the following except
a. gas oxygen
b. oxyacetayelen
c. multiorifice blow torch
d. gas air torch
4. Which of the following zones of the blowtorch flame if used cause impurities
,slag within metal
a. Oxidizing zone
b. reducing zone
c. combustion zone
d. mixing zone
5. Which of the following zones have no colors
a. air blast zone
b. mixing zone
c. reducing zone
d. a, b
6. Which of the following techniques is the best means of temperature control
during melting of the alloy
a. electric resistance melting
b. Induction melting
c. Arc melting
d. blow torch
7. Which of the following methods can use pyrometer device
a. electric resistance melting
b. Induction melting
c. Arc melting
d. blow torch

8. Which of the following techniques provide the fastest way of melting an alloy
a. electric resistance melting
b. Induction melting
c. Arc melting
d. blow torch
9. Which of the following technique not used in dental lab
a. electric resistance melting
b. Induction melting
c. Arc melting
d. blow torch
10. Which of the following material used to prevent oxidation of the alloy
a. flux
b. colloidal silica
c. ceramic paper
d. cellulose paper
11. Which of the following alloy can be used as flux
a. Borax glass
b. colloidal silica
c. ceramic paper
d. cellulose paper
12. Borax glass flux used with cobalt chromium alloy when color is red (T/F)
13. Air pressure casting machine technique used with
a. cobalt chromium alloy
b. Nickle chromium alloy
c. cobaly nickle chromium
d. gold palladium ally
14. Vapor pressure casting machine used with
a. cobalt chromium alloy
b. Nickle chromium alloy
c. cobaly nickle chromium
d. gold platinum ally
15. Curcible used for melting gold alloy is fabricated from
a. ceramic
b. graphite
c. plastic
d. non of the above

16. Curcible used for melting nickle chromium alloy is fabricated from
a. ceramic
b. graphite
c. plastic
d. non of the above
17. Preheating crucible is necessary for melting the alloy to avoid freezing the alloy
18. Mark that indicate melting of the gold alloy
a. roundation of sharp ingot
b. mirror like shiny
c. a,b
d. non of the above
19. Mark that indicate melting of base metal alloy
a. roundation of sharp ingot
b. mirror like shiny
c. a,b
d. non of the above
20. Timing of transfer of the casting ring from the furnace to casting machine no
more than ….minute
a. 1
b. 2
c. ½
d. 3
21. With accelerated casting method
a. use phosphate bonded investment
b. use cast gold inlay
c. last for 30:40min
d. all of the above
22. For quenching of gold alloy is done
a. at bench
b. slow cooling
c. after red flow disappear applied to cold running water
d. non of the above

23. For removal of oxide layer of gold casting use
a. sand blasting
b. use hydrofluoric acid
c. use hydrochloric acid
d. non of the above
24. For pickling used for removal of oxide layer with
a. nickle chromium alloy
b. cobalt chromium
c. gold palladium alloy
d. non of the above
25. Remaining phosphate bonded investment must be removed by
a. hydrochloric acid
b. sulfuric acid
c. hydrofluoric acid
d. non of the above
26. Which of the following investment distintegrate with quenching
a. gypsum bonded investment
b. phosphate bonded investment
c. silicate bonded investment
d. non of the above
27. With removal of phosphate bonded investment first trimming at the side of the
margins (T/F)
1. d
2. F
3. d
4. a
5. d
6. a
7. b
8. b
9. c
10. a
11. a
12. F
13. d
14. d
15. b
16. a

17. T
18. b
19. a
20. c
21. d
22. c
23. c
24. c
25. c
26. a
27. F

Finishing and polishing

1. With air abrasion to remove remaining investment use 25 µm to remove large
amount of investment (T/F)
2. Hydrofluoric acid used for pickling to remiove dark oxide layer (T/F)
3. Nodules are negative defect causing increasing marginal gap and cause
incomplete seating of the crown (T/F)
4. First zone to be finished is
a. External margin
b. Internal margin
c. Internal fitting surface
d. Spruing area attachment
5. Zone 3 of finishing of the crown is
a. External margin
b. Internal margin
c. Internal fitting surface
d. Spruing area attachment
6. Zone 4 of finishing of the crown is
a. proximal contacts
b. Internal margin
c. Internal fitting surface
d. Spruing area attachment

7. Last zone of finishing of the crown is
a. External margin
b. Internal margin
c. Internal fitting surface
d. Spruing area attachment
8. Nodules present at zone 1 so removed by
a. Bur ¼
b. Flame shaped
c. Remake crown
d. non of the above
9. Width of zone 1 finishing is
a. 1mm of external margin
b. 1mm of internal margin
c. 2mm away from margin
d. 3mm at sprue attachment
10. There must be intimate contact between zone 2 and die (T/F)
11. Material used for detection of nodules at zone 1 are the following except
a. liqua mark
b. accufilm IV
c. occlude /fitchecker
d. Wax
12. Nodules at zone 2 managed and removed by
a. Bur ¼
b. Flame shaped
c. Remake crown
d. non of the above
13. The last area of connection of sprue is broken by
a. discs
b. wire cutters
c. twisting
d. non of the above
14. Total adjustment of proximal contact must be done in the laboratory (T/F)
15. Thick mylar articulating paper used for adjusting proximal contact (T/F)
16. Thin maylar articulating paper/shim stock is used for adjusting proximal contact
17. During adjusting of occlusal surface crown should be contact with opposing with
heavy contact (T/F)
18. Finishing intraorally so margin should be supragingival with Non precious alloy
1. F
2. F
3. F
4. b
5. d
6. a
7. a
8. c
9. b
10. F
11. d
12. a
13. c
14. F
15. F
16. T
17. F
18. F
Casting defects
1. Small nodues of the castinf is prevented by
a. proper investing
b. use vaccum technique
c. using of wetting agent
d. all of the above
2. Rapid heating of investment causing
a. Cracks
b. Flaking of investment
c. Fins or spines
d. All of the above
3. Removal of skin layer allow
a. easy casting
b. easy escapement of wax pattern
c. allow escapement of gases
d. non of the above
4. Casting internal surface require finishing under normal circumstances (T/F)
5. Inclusion porosity caused by the following except
a. Gases in the mold
b. Debris in the mold
c. Non flared sprue
d. Long narrow sprue
6. Suck back porosity caused by
a. Gases in the mold
b. Debris in the mold
c. Non flared sprue
d. Long narrow sprue
7. Multiple nodule caused by
a. Inadequate vaccum
b. Improper brushing technique
c. Lack of surfactant
d. all of the above
8. Too thin wax pattern cause
a. Inclusion porosity
b. Suck back porosity
c. In complete casting
d. fins
9. Cold mold cause
a. Inclusion porosity
b. Suck back porosity
c. In complete casting
d. fins
10. Cobalt chromium alloy used for casting metal crown with thin thickness (T/F)
1. d
2. d
3. c
4. F
5. d
6. d
7. d
8. c
9. c
10. F
11. Principles of tooth preparation
1. Consideration for preservation health of oral tissues are
a. biological
b. mechanical
c. esthetic
d. all of the above
2. Enamel lip used to prevent damage of
a. Pulp
b. Gingiva
c. adjacent tooth
d. all of the above
3. Wedge guard used for to prevent damage of
a. Pulp
b. Gingiva
c. adjacent tooth
d. all of the above
4. Extension of subgingival finish line should be below gingival crest by
a. 0.5mm
b. 2mm
c. 2.5mm
d. 1.5mm
5. Most esthetic and preserve of gingival tissues use………….finish line
a. supragingival
b. subgingival
c. equigingival
d. non of the above
6. Distance between crown margin and base of gingival sulcuse not less than 1mm
7. From esthetic point avoid unnecessary apical extension of the preparation (T/F)
8. Insufficient axial reduction cause the following except
a. Loss of retention and resistance form
b. Gingival inflammation with over contoured restoration
c. weak restoration
d. biological failure of restoration

9. Over reduction cause
a. Loss of retention and resistance form
b. Gingival inflammation with over contoured restoration
c. weak restoration
d. biological failure of restoration
10. For detection of marginal integrity used dental explorer and applied parallel to
long axis of the tooth (T/F)
11. Short margin mean
a. probe rest on tooth structure
b. restoration extend to finish line
c. restoration not completly cover all the finish line
d. all of the above
12. Under contoured margin mean
a. probe rest on tooth structure
b. double finish line
c. restoration not completly cove all the finish line
d. all of the above
13. To obtain ferule effect use
a. supragingival
b. subgingival
c. equigingival
d. non of the above
14. The most biologically acceptable margin is
a. supragingival
b. subgingival
c. equigingival
d. non of the above
15. For emergence profile use
a. supragingival
b. subgingival
c. equigingival
d. non of the above
16. Minimum length of crown required for retention is ….mm
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7
17. The least biologicallty acceptable is
a. supragingival
b. subgingival
c. equigingival
d. non of the above
18. All of the following are horizontal margin except
a. bevel margin
b. chamfer
c. shoulder with bevel
d. feather edge
19. Beveled margins were used with
a. Ni Cr
b. Co Cr
c. gold alloy
d. non of the above
20. The most aggressive margin configuration is
a. beveled margin
b. shoulder
c. deep chamfer
d. feather edge
21. Verti preparation /feather edge has finish area not finish line(T/F)
22. Retention of crown is affected by over reduction more than over tapering (T/F)
23. Befor preparation of the axial wall must make reduction to height of contour first
24. The quality of a preparation that prevent dislodgment of restoration along the
path of insertion or the long axis of the tooth is
a. Resistance form
b. Retention form
c. Structural durability
d. a,b
25. Path of insertion of tipped tooth must be
a. Vertical
b. Parallel to long axis
c. Perpendicular to occlusal plane
d. All of the above

26. Determination of path of insertion determined after preparation of occlusal
aspect (T/F)
27. Path of insertion of well aligned tooth must be
a. Vertical
b. Parallel to long axis
c. Perpendicular to occlusal plane
d. All of the above

28. After preparation for evaluation of finish line on cast by one eye the distance
between cast , eye is …cm
a. 15
b. 20
c. 30
d. 40
29. With fixed partial denture insertion of prosthesis with
a. parallel to long axis
b. common path of insertion
c. perpendicular to occlusal plane
d. non of the above
30. With limiting number of paths this mean the following except
a. Decrease tapering angle
b. Usage of grooves ,boxes
c. increase retention ,resistance form
d. non of the above
31. Dislodging forces that displace crown in the reverse direction of path of insertion
have the following except
a. done by sticky food
b. Small forces
c. cause tensile stress to cement
d. cause compressive stress to cement
32. The most important factor that affect crown retention is
a. tapering
b. length of crown
c. surface area
d. luting cement

33. Inclination of axial wall to long axis of the tooth of two opposing facing walls is
a. taper angle
b. total taper angle
c. convergence angle
d. Nonof the above
34. Increasing taping angle
a. limit/decrease retention
b. Increase number of paths of insertion
c. Can be used with fixed bridge with multiple units
d. All of the above
35. Retention is directly proportion with tapering angle(T/F)
36. Optimum degree of tapering from
a. 2.5:6
b. 20
c. 14
d. 10
37. With all ceramic restoration degree of tapering for anterior teeth is
a. 16
b. 10
c. 20
d. 22
38. Increasing surface area decrease retention (T/F)
39. Retention of molar is greater than premolar with same length and taper(T/F)
40. Gold alloy are more retentive than base metal alloy (T/F)
41. The most retentive luting cement is
a. Zn poly carboxylate
b. Zn phosphate
c. adhesive resin cement
d. Non of the above
42. The quality that prevents dislodgment of the restoration by forces directed in an
apical, oblique or horizontal direction is
a. Retention form
b. resistance form
c. Structural durability
d. all of the above

43. Torqueing force will be apparent with
a. Cantilevered pontic
b. Long span bridge
c. a,b
d. non of the above
44. The shortest distance from line of force and point where fulcrum occur is
a. Primary lever arm
b. Secondary lever arm
c. Resistance arm am
d. force arm
45. Shorter the lever arm so more resistance form of the crown (T/F)
46. The most important factor for resistance form of the crown is
a. taper
b. surface area
c. length of the prepared tooth
d. all of the above
47. Resistance form decreases with
a. increase surface area/increase diameter of prepared tooth
b. decrease taper
c. increase length
d. geometric preparation
48. Resistance form of the molars is more than premolar of the same length and
tapering (T/F)
49. Resistance form of anterior teeth is greater than in posterior one (T/F)
50. The best resistance form of cement with
a. Zn poly carboxylate
b. Zn phosphate
c. adhesive cement
d. non of the above
51. Metal fracture increased with increase length of edentulous area restored by
fixed bridge (T/F)
52. To improve resistanca to dending so
a. Increase occlusogingival height of pontic,connector
b. Select alloy with high strength
c. Use secondary abutment
d. All of the above

53. With long span fixed partial denture use
a. Cobalt chromium alloy
b. Nickle chromium alloy
c. Gold type III
d. Gold type IV
54. With occlusal tipped tooth must make uniform planner occlusal reduction (T/F)
1. a
2. c
3. c
4. a
5. c
6. T
7. F
8. a
9. a
10. F
11. a
12. c
13. b
14. a
15. b
16. a
17. b
18. d
19. c
20. b
21. T
22. F
23. T
24. b
25. c
26. F
27. b
28. c
29. b
30. d
31. d
32. a
33. b

34. d
35. F
36. a
37. b
38. F
39. T
40. F
41. c
42. b
43. c
44. a
45. T
46. c
47. a
48. F
49. T
50. c
51. F
52. d
53. b
54. F


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