Sprinklering Elevator Shafts and Machine Rooms - NFPA
Sprinklering Elevator Shafts and Machine Rooms - NFPA
Sprinklering Elevator Shafts and Machine Rooms - NFPA
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By Jonathan Hart
Elevators are found in almost all new buildings that are greater than one story. While they certainly provide a convenient and
accessible means for traveling up and down through a building they also create vertical openings in a building, increasing the
potential for the spread of fire and smoke. There are many fire and life safety code provisions that mitigate this risk and permit
elevators to be used without increasing the risk to occupants. This blog will focus on one aspect of this fire protection—whether
or not fire sprinklers are required.
NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems, is based on the general principle that sprinklers must be installed
throughout a premises. This contributes to the standard’s purpose of providing a reasonable degree of protection for both life
and property. However, there are certain concealed spaces and special situations, such as elevator hoistways and machine
rooms where sprinkler protection can be omitted. The need for sprinklers is addressed for three different locations; at the
bottom of the pit, at the top of the hoistway, and in the elevator machine room, machinery space, or control room.
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The images below demonstrate hydraulic elevators and traction elevators and show the different locations where the need for
sprinklers must be evaluated. Note that sprinklers are shown in the pit and machine room of the hydraulic elevators as those are
always required but the top of the hoistway for hydraulic elevators and the pit, top of hoistway, and machine room for traction
elevators can also require sprinklers.
Elevator Pit
Sidewall spray sprinklers are required to be installed at the bottom of each elevator hoistway at a maximum of 2 ft (600 mm)
above the floor of the pit. The exemption to this is for hoistways that are enclosed, noncombustible, and do not contain
combustible hydraulic fluid. This means that the majority of hydraulic type elevators will require this and traction type elevators
need it only where the construction of the shaft is of combustible or limited-combustible material.
Top of Shaft
Sprinklers are permitted to be omitted from the top of the shaft where the hoistway is noncombustible or limited-combustible
and the car enclosure materials meet the requirements of ASME A17.1, Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators. Any hoistway
not meeting those requirements must have an upright, pendent, or sidewall spray sprinkler installed at the top.
Additionally, where elevators utilize combustible suspension means such as noncircular elastomeric-coated or polyurethane-
coated steel belts, sprinklers must be provided unless the suspension means provide not less than an FT-1 rating when tested to
a vertical burn test of UL 2556 and specific criteria are met.
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Other Considerations
While the provisions highlighted here from NFPA 13 are relatively straightforward there is added complexity of elevator codes as
well as local amendments in many jurisdictions. ASME A17.1 does not permit water discharge in elevator shafts until electrical
power to the elevator cab has been shut down. This situation necessitates some special arrangement, such as a shunt trip or a
preaction system, to make sure that water does not flow in the elevator shaft until power shutdown has occurred.
Some jurisdictions will have special provisions that modify power shut down provision or they will not permit sprinklers at all out
of concerns for first responders utilizing the elevator during a fire. It is also important to note that the discussion above is for
buildings that require sprinkler protection per NFPA 13. If the building code does not require sprinkler protection based on
occupancy, constructions type, size, or height then the elevator is also not required to be protected.
Important Notice: Any opinion expressed in this column (blog, article) is the opinion of the author and does not necessarily represent
the official position of NFPA or its Technical Committees. In addition, this piece is neither intended, nor should it be relied upon, to
provide professional consultation or services.
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Jonathan Hart
NFPA Technical Lead
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Thank you
The section "Elevator Machine Room, Machinery Space, Control room, Control space" in the article appears to be written based on NFPA
standard appear to be similarly written, and in each case also makes reference to "hoistways of traction elevators".
If an installation satisfies the requirements of NFPA 13-2013,, can sprinklers be omitted from the top of a traction elevator hoistw
requirements noted in the "Top of Shaft" section of the article be complied with as well in order to omit sprinklers from the top of the s
for traction elevator hoistways mutually exclusive)?
Thank you in advance for any time and consideration you may provide.
One question about escalators upper and lower pits, is there need for sprinklers in the pits if there is heat/smoke detector installed in th
Sprinklers shall not be required in attics, penthouse equipment rooms, elevator machine rooms, concealed spaces dedicated exclu
ventilation equipment, crawl spaces, floor/ceiling spaces, vertical chases, elevator shafts where the elevator installation complies w
Elevators and Escalators, and other concealed spaces that are not intended for living purposes or storage and do not contain fuel-
Sidewall spray sprinklers shall be installed at the bottom of each elevator hoistway not more than 2 ft (600 mm) above the floor of
The sprinklers in the pit are intended to protect against fires caused by debris, which can accumulate over time. Ideally, the sprinkl
pit below the elevator doors, where most debris accumulates. However, care should be taken that the sprinkler location does not i
which extends below the face of the door opening.
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