Lab - 01 - KCL and KVL (Ma23134)
Lab - 01 - KCL and KVL (Ma23134)
Lab - 01 - KCL and KVL (Ma23134)
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Lab Objectives
1.0 Circuit Analyses
In the study of linear circuits, four methods are used to analyze the circuits. Each analysis method
is based upon a particular principle. The four analysis methods and their corresponding principles
are given in Table 1.1below.
Table 1.1
In this lab, we are going to solve a resistor network using three analysis methods – KCL, KVL and
Superposition principles. By the end of the lab, hopefully we have validated the three analysis
In our first experiment, we are going to analyze a circuit using node analysis method which
validates the Kirchoff’s Current Law. Consider the following resistor network:-
R1 Node B R2
Node A Node C
1kohm 1kohm
R4 1kohm
V1 12V
1kohm R3 Load
Node D
V2 4V
Node E
Figure 1-1
Notice that there are 6 branches (components – V1, V2, R1, R2, R3, and R4) in this network. We
would like to determine the current through the load (resistor R3) and the voltage across the load.
Having these two quantities will give us the power consumed by the load. Using Node Analysis
method, we first list the nodes appeared in the network.
Node A = VA = 12 volts
Node B = VB = to be determined
Node C = VC = to be determined
Node D = VD = 4 volts
Node E = VE = 0 volt (our reference ground)
We realized that there are two unknown nodes. This means that we need two equations to solve
the problem. Since Node B and Node C are the unknowns, our two equations to solve the problem
will be based on the application of KCL on these two nodes.
According to KCL the sum of currents ENTERING the node must equal to zero. In our case,
Node B: iR1 + iR 2 + iR 4 = 0
Node C: iR 2 + iR3 = 0
Note that you have to read iR1 as the current through the branch R1 etc. Note also the word
ENTERING in the KCL. ENTERING means that current flows into the node. When current flows into
the node, the potential on the node side is lower. Therefore, negative terminal is assigned to the
R1 Node B R2
(+) (-) (-) (+)
iR1 (-)
Figure 1-2
Now let’s us first solve the circuit by calculation. Later we will experiment with the circuit.
iR1 + iR 2 + iR 4 = 0 iR 2 + iR 4 = 0
VR1 VR 2 VR 4 VR 2 VR 4
+ + =0 + =0
R1 R 2 R 4 R2 R4
12 − VB VC − VB 4 − VB VB − VC VE − VC
+ + =0 + =0
1000 1000 1000 1000 1000
12 − VB + VC − VB + 4 − VB = 0 VB − VC − VC = 0
VC − 3VB + 16 = 0 VB = 2VC
Solving the two equations will yield VB = 6.4V and VC = 3.2 V. Knowing these two voltages will allow
us to know all voltages across each branch, all currents through each branch and the power
consumed or delivered by each branch.
In case of our load R3, the voltage across is VC = 3.2 V and the current through is
V 3.2
iR3 = R3 = = 3.2 mA . The power consumed by the load is 10.24 mW.
R3 1000
The analysis above relies on KCL. We will now experiment to prove that KCL is in fact a reality.
1. DC power supply
2. Multi-meter
3. Four 1 k-Ohm Resistors
Experiment Steps
1. Build the resistor network according to the circuit diagram below. Using a multi-meter,
measure the currents ENTERING Node B and Node C. Note the positive and negative
connections of multi-meter (negative on the node). You need only one multi-meter. Just
measure one by one.
R1 R2 Node C
V1 12V
R4 1kohm 1kohm R3 Load
V2 4V
Figure 1-3
iR1 iR 2 iR 3 iR 4 iV 1 iV 2
The reason why my current measurement has negative values is because current flows
through resistors from the positive to the negative end. The current flow value is interpreted
as negative when it leaves the resistor junction.
In our second experiment, we are going to analyze a circuit using mesh analysis method which
validates the Kirchoff’s Voltage Law. Consider the same resistor network below:-
R1 Node B R2
Node A Node C
1kohm 1kohm
R4 1kohm
V1 12V
1kohm R3 Load
Node D
i1 i2
V2 4V
Node E
Figure 1-4
Using mesh analysis, we define mesh current for each mesh. Remember the definition of a mesh.
A mesh is a loop that does not contain any loop. A mesh is different from a loop. Every mesh is a
loop but not every loop is a mesh. In our circuit, we have three loops but only two meshes.
Since we have two meshes we should have two mesh currents. Using KVL, we shall determine the
two unknown currents. Based on KVL, we obtain two equations that are used to solve the problem.
Understandably, the two equations relate the currents of the two meshes. The knowledge of the
mesh current allows us to determine any voltage across any branch, any current through any
branch and the power of each branch.
According to KVL the sum of all voltages around a LOOP must equal zero. Notice that KVL does
not state the sum around the mesh but the sum around any loop. However, to apply KVL around
any loop we need to follow the following three rules:
1. The direction of current flow is clockwise
2. The signs terminal for each branch must follow the direction of current flow – current enter
through positive terminal and leave through negative terminal.
3. Voltage across any branch is positive if current enter through positive terminal and leave
through negative terminal. For voltage and current source, if the actual polarity of the
source is opposite to the direction of current flow then voltage across the source is
considered negative.
Let’s look at the diagram of Mesh 1 below. By Rule 1, the current flow is clockwise as shown. By
Rule 2, the terminal signs for all branches are based upon the current flow – entering positive
terminal and leaving through negative terminal. By Rule 3, the voltage across R1, R4 and V2 are
positive but the voltage across V1 is negative because the actual polarity of the battery is
opposite to the polarity of current flow.
(+) (-)
R4 1kohm
V2 4V
Figure 1-5
Now let’s apply KVL (sum of voltages around loop equals zero) for Mesh 1.
−V 1 + VR1 + VR 4 + V 2 = 0
(+) (-)
R4 (+)
(-) i2 (-)
R3 Load
Figure 1-6
The equation for Mesh 2 is:
−V 2 + VR 4 + VR 2 + VR3 = 0
Now, we will solve the problem through calculation. Referring to the diagram below,
R1 R2
(+) (-)
R4 (+)
i1 (-) (+)
(-) (+)
Figure 1-7
V1 = 12 V
V2 = 4V
VR1 = i1R1
VR2 = i2R2
VR3 = i2R3
Now that leaves us with the voltage across R4. The current flowing through R4 is not i1 or i2 but the
combinations of both mesh currents. Look at the diagram carefully. The equation for Mesh 1 is VR4
= (i1 - i2)R4 whereas the equation for Mesh 2 is VR4 = (i2 – i1)R4. So the two mesh equations are now,
−V 1 + VR1 + VR 4 + V 2 = 0 −V 2 + VR 4 + VR 2 + VR 3 = 0
−12 + i1 (1000) + (i1 − i2 )1000 + 4 = 0 −4 + (i2 − i1 )1000 + i2 (1000) + i2 (1000) = 0
2000i1 − 1000i2 = 8 3000i2 − 1000i1 = 4
Solving the two equations will give i2 = 3.2 mA and i1 = 5.6 mA which are similar to previous results.
The analysis above relies on KVL. We will now conduct an experiment that proves KVL is in
accordance with the “real world”.
1. DC power supply
2. Multi-meter
3. Four 1 k-Ohm Resistors
Experiment Steps
1. Build the resistor network according to the circuit diagram like before. Using a multi-meter,
measure the voltage across each branch with the terminal polarity following the direction
of current flow. Observe the positive and negative terminal of the multi-meter.
R1 R2
1kohm 1kohm
R4 1kohm XMM3
XMM1 V1 12V
1kohm R3 Load
V2 4V XMM4
Figure 1-8
V1 VR1 VR 4 V2
3. What can you conclude about KVL for Loop 1 (Mesh 1)?
In mesh 1, the voltages add up to zero. Since V1 serves as a power source for the loop,
R1 R2
1kohm 1kohm
R4 1kohm
V1 12V
1kohm R3 Load XMM4
V2 4V
Figure 1-9
V2 VR 4 VR 2 VR3
6. What can you conclude about KVL for Loop 2 (Mesh 2)? Why the values of VR4 and V2 are
opposite to the values from Mesh 1 measurement?
Kirchhoff's current law states that the total current flowing into and out of a node is always
equal to its total current.
The multimeter's positive and negative terminals are different, which is why the values are
opposite one another.
7. Do the same thing for the outer Loop.
R1 Node B R2
Node A Node C
1kohm 1kohm
R4 1kohm
XMM1 V1 12V
1kohm R3 Load XMM4
Node D
V2 4V
Node E
Figure 1-10
V1 VR1 VR 2 VR3
9. What can you conclude about KVL for Outer Loop? Explain why KVL is true.
In conclusion, the voltage that can cause gains and losses in the circuit means that KVL is
true. The process of the gain and losses of the voltage connected with the loop must be
balanced using the principle of energy conservation because the loop begins and ends at
the same place.
1. Giorgio Rizzoni, 2004. Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, Revised Fourth
Edition, McGraw Hill Inc.