Netherlands Staff
Netherlands Staff
Netherlands Staff
Police officers perform their work in the thick The mission of the Politieacademie is to offer the
of society. This society is changing rapidly and police and strives to be a leading social institute
unpredictably, it is becoming increasingly diverse and for national and international safety.
complex, and the public is much more articulate than
it used to be. Both everyday reality and the social At the twelve branches of the Politieacademie in
trends ensuing from this have an impact on the police the Netherlands, some 1500 staff inspiringly work
profession. In this open and dynamic context, the together to achieve these objectives.
police is faced with the task of both guaranteeing and
improving safety. This makes great demands on the
professionalism of the police organisation and the
skills of police officers.
The aim of the Politieacademie is to provide a high Police Education Board and Police Below you will find an organisation chart for the Politieacademie, showing the divisions of the Politieacademie
level of service, which is also geared to the needs Knowledge Board and the external parties which together guarantee quality.
of society. The Politieacademie collaborates with a The quality of police training and the knowledge
number of other parties to maintain the quality of function of the Politieacademie are watched
its products and services and, wherever possible, to over by two advisory bodies: the Police Education
improve them. Board and Police Knowledge Board.
The Politieacademie gives shape and substance to the Initial training Post-initial training
system of police training. This is a coherent system, in Once the student has been selected and started After a number of years’ experience of police
which the various courses and training programmes work with a force, he/she takes a course at the work, staff can train further via post-initial
link up very well with each other. The courses are Politieacademie. The student can enter at one training. They can combine work with a part-
developed and given at the intermediate vocational, of five levels, depending on his/her previous time course at the Politieacademie and study in
Bachelor and Master level and implemented in training. At this initial level, the student acquires their own time. Some training programmes lead
close collaboration with the forces and regular all the competencies needed to start work as a to a qualification in a specialised field, others
education (regional training centres, universities of police officer. The initial training provided by the for leadership positions. The Politieacademie
applied sciences and [international] universities). Politieacademie consists of the following dual provides post-initial training in the following five
The education focuses on the problems facing police courses: domains of police work:
officers in their daily work. The competencies students
acquire during police training can be applied directly • Voluntary police officer • Danger management
in the force. 3 years part time • Criminal investigation
• Traffic and the Environment
A number of different learning environments • Assistant police officer (intermediate • Police leadership
are used in police education, allowing for both vocational education level 2) • Immigration affairs
individual and group learning. A dual system is 1.5 years
applied, whereby students alternate between the
Politieacademie and the force. In the force, they • Police officer (intermediate vocational The Politieacademie’s Faculty of Special Police
are supervised by coaches and a route supervisor education level 3) Studies & Leadership provides the post-initial
and at the Politieacademie by members of the 3 years training.
teaching staff and a learning process supervisor.
ICT plays an important role in the education. • All-round police officer (intermediate
Students can, for instance, study, check how vocational education level 4)
they are progressing in their programmes and 4 years Prof. J.M.G. Leune, Chair of the Police Education
plan their learning route via the digital learning Board.
environment Blackboard. • Bachelor of Policing (university [of applied
In the course of their training, students are given sciences] level) ‘Anyone who works for the police, must continue
more and more responsibility for their own 4/3 years to learn. Just think, for example, of the continual
learning process. Competencies are not acquired changes to the law, of the new insights into
according to a set pattern; the education is • Master of Science in Policing (university level) preventive security and of the possibilities offered
flexible and relates to the individual needs, 1 year (following 3 years for Bachelor) by digital investigation. The Politieacademie offers
knowledge and experience of the student in a rich variety of courses in post-initial training.
question. Depending on the student’s previous training, Fortunately, plenty of people take advantage of
he/she could complete the course more quickly. these and the quality of these courses is under
continual scrutiny. In this way, a meaningful
The Politieacademie’s Faculty of General Police contribution is made to the professionalism of
Studies provides the initial training. police work and thereby also to the maintenance of
public order and safety in our country.’
commanding specialists
VBO / VMBO / VMO Executive
preparatory vocational education Master of
Levels: Police
b basic vocational programme Management
BBL basic vocational programme
KBL middle-management vocational
programme Executive Master of Master of Traffic Safety
b/c basic/middle-management vocational Master of Criminal Environment Police Specialist
programme Tactical Investigation Policing
G/T combined and theoretical programme Policing
In order to achieve good police education, candidates Recognition of previously acquired If a force, an individual officer or other client requires
must be recruited in a targeted way, they must be competencies (EVC) a training programme that is not covered by the
selected on the basis of high quality, it is important The Politieacademie can, at the request of coherent system, the Politieacademie is able to
to recognise previously acquired competencies (EVC) the forces, determine which competencies the respond to this.
and exams must be adjudicated independently. By individual students have already acquired, and
combining expertise, the Politieacademie is able to acknowledge these. The following principle ap- The Politieacademie offers a large number of
support forces in achieving their objectives in the field plies here: ‘You do not need to relearn anything customised training courses. These courses can be
of recruitment, selection and training in an efficient you can already do or already know.’ This not taken either at a branch of the Politieacademie
and effective manner. That is what the Centre for only applies to new entrants, but definitely also or in-company, and can be modified to meet the
Competency Testing & Monitoring stands for. to existing police personnel. Persons authorised specific development needs of the officer, forces
to issue EVCs can apply to the Politieacademie or third parties.
for EVC procedures.
Recruitment and selection The organisational division Maatwerk (tailor-
Obtaining information and submitting an ap- Examination. made courses) of the Politieacademie devotes
plication are the first steps towards a career with Candidates must demonstrate that they possess a lot of attention to innovation. Relevant
the police. The forces decide when they take the appropriate competencies to satisfactorily developments within national and international
on which staff. The Politieacademie’s Centre perform their duties on the ground. Students’ police forces and in scientific police research are
for Competency Testing & Monitoring and the competencies are tested for every core task by scanned and then made known within the police
forces maintain intensive contact on this matter. means of proficiency tests. There are different service by way of conferences, seminars, training
They jointly develop ideas for bringing police types of tests, such as a work sample test, a simu- sessions and courses, as well as publications. Wilma Welten, lecturer in Maatwerk
work to the attention of a wide audience. The lation and case studies. The advisors from Maatwerk, together with
police communicates with the labour market and managers, advisors and interim coaches, can ‘The Politieacademie has developed a customised
recruits via a number of different channels, such also assist forces and relevant third parties with course entitled ‘Domestic violence’ for the police,
as radio and TV spots, advertisements in various development issues at the level of the individual, in collaboration with the forces and another market
magazines, the website team or organisation. party (Forum Educatief). It is obvious from the
and with stands at major events and trade fairs. positive feedback that the forces value this. The
After applying to a force, the candidate has to The Politieacademie’s conference and events knowledge we have developed is subsequently also
undergo the Politieacademie’s selection proce- bureau organises conferences and events from posted on the Police Knowledge Net.’
dure. If his/her test results are satisfactory and start to finish. The Politieacademie has various
further investigation in the force goes well, the premises at its disposal for holding conferences,
candidate is appointed to the force and starts themed days, study days and events. If required,
the course. The centre is also providing more these can also be organised elsewhere.
and more integrated recruitment and selection
programmes for police forces and partners in the
safety sector.
The target group comprises about 600 current On the basis of its knowledge of diversity, the
and future strategic leaders within the Dutch po- National Diversity Expertise Centre (LECD) advises
lice service. For people in this target group, the the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Rela-
School for Police Leadership provides tailor-made tions and the police forces. When forces have
individual and collective training programmes at problems relating to public order and fighting
the request of the Management Development crime in their multi-ethnic environment, one way
Agency for the Police and Fire Service (part of the in which the National Expertise Centre for Diver-
Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations). sity can assist the forces is with an Expert Group
‘Diversity’. This consists of experienced police
In addition to these customised programmes, officers from both the native Dutch and ethnic
the School for Police Leadership is responsible population. The expertise centre also performs a
for the Strategic Managerial Programme (SLL). ‘booster’ function, with the aim of putting diver-
This is a high-grade Master’s course, which forms sity in the forces very clearly on the agenda.
part of post-initial training. The School for Police
Leadership also helps shape the training activities In addition to all this, the National Diversity
organised for senior police leaders in Europe, un- Expertise Centre supports the police both nation-
der the banner of the European Police Academy ally and internationally, with networks for ethnic
CEPOL. minorities, women, homosexuals and those with
different forms of invalidity. It also advises forces
In the programmes offered by the School for on how to deal adequately with reported cases
Police Leadership, knowledge and experience of discrimination. These duties are safeguarded
geared towards developing the best conceiv- in the frame of reference ‘diversity’, which will
able police practice are exchanged and acquired. be issued for the police forces in the coming
In this way, the participants together create years. An annual Netherlands Police Diversity
a worthwhile movement. This movement is Prize is awarded to the police force that best
facilitated to a large extent by the knowledge meets the guidelines of the frame of reference.
programme ‘Police Leadership and Social Integ-
rity’. The School for Police Leadership shapes
this programme, together with the Knowledge
Network of the Politieacademie.
The Politieacademie makes a real contribution towards The IPO realises and safeguards the international The Politieacademie is working more frequently with Criminal investigation
the development and maintenance of international aspects of the police profession in police educa- knowledge institutions concerned with safety and In the field of forensic investigation, the
relations in the field of police training and police tion and the development of knowledge. It also with partners in education. These relationships help Politieacademie enters into bilateral covenants
knowledge. On the basis of this responsibility, makes a contribution towards the knowledge to create the inspiring learning environment the with the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI), the
International Police Education (IPO) initiates and and training available (internationally), whether Politieacademie aspires to be. Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HVA) and the Uni-
maintains international contacts and takes part in or not this is given under the auspices of the versity of Amsterdam (UVA). These four parties
national and international consultative bodies. Association of European Police Colleges (AEPC) At the initial training level, the Politieacademie are currently working on a strategic cooperation
or the European Police Academy (CEPOL). In cooperates with the following regional training agreement. This will allow the organisations to
addition, the IPO is involved in setting up train- centres (ROCs) and other institutions: respond to the increased demand for forensic
ing sessions and courses related to the various • Roc Friese Poort (Leeuwarden) specialists.
projects for bilateral European police coopera- • Roc Zadkine (Rotterdam)
tion. For the European Police Academy (CEPOL), • Albeda College (Rotterdam) Royal Netherlands Military Police
the IPO serves as national contact person. For • Roc Nijmegen There are many areas in which the duties of the
the coordinators of international relations in the • Roc van Amsterdam police and the Royal Military Police overlap. The
police regions, it organises study visits lasting • Mondriaan Onderwijsgroep (Den Haag) Politieacademie works closely with the Royal
several days to international organisations. • Roc West-Brabant Military Police when it comes to police training
(formerly: Baronie College Breda) and the exchange of knowledge.
• Haagse Hogeschool
• Hogeschool Utrecht
• Saxion Hogescholen
34.000 people showed an interest by calling the police Job Line. Politieacademie Concern Headquarters Politieacademie location Amsterdam
Oude Apeldoornseweg 41-45 Sloterweg 700
5.027 candidates underwent selection procedures. 7333 NR Apeldoorn, The Netherlands 1066 CN Amsterdam, The Netherlands
P.O. Box 834 P.O. Box 90224
876 examples of previously acquired competencies were recognised. 7301 BB Apeldoorn, The Netherlands 1006 BE Amsterdam, The Netherlands
T +31 (0) 55 539 20 00 T +31 (0) 20 510 40 00
2.020 students embarked on initial education.
Politieacademie location Apeldoorn Politieacademie location Den Haag
814 students successfully completed initial education. Seminarielaan 2 Wegastraat 44
7334 CH Apeldoorn, The Netherlands 2516 AP Den Haag, The Netherlands
37.828 proficiency tests were taken. P.O. Box 834 T +31 (0) 70 424 45 11
7301 BB Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
4.139 serving police officers took post-initial education. T +31 (0) 55 539 79 00 Politieacademie location Zutphen
Voorsterallee 25
The Police Knowledge Net got an average of 52,000 hits per month. Politieacademie location Apeldoorn-Kleiberg 7203 DN Zutphen, The Netherlands
De Kleiberg 15 P.O. Box 9016
Total turnover for customised products supplied by forces was € 11.5 million. 7312 SN Apeldoorn, The Netherlands 7200 GT Zutphen, The Netherlands
P.O. Box 1201 T +31 (0) 575 58 60 00
Total turnover for the Politieacademie was € 150 million. 7301 BL Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
T +31 (0) 55 539 70 00 Politieacademie location Ossendrecht
Pannenhoef 19
Politieacademie location Leeuwarden 4641 ST Ossendrecht, The Netherlands
Ouddeelstraat 7a P.O. Box 26
8936 AZ Leeuwarden, The Netherlands 4630 AA Hoogerheide, The Netherlands
T +31 (0) 58 284 99 11 T +31 (0) 164 67 94 00