ICAS Jaimini Dasha Part4

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ICAS- Jaimini Astrology

Jaimini Dasha System

Jaimini Dasha System
• The distinctive feature of dasa system in
Jaimini is its classification. The dasa system is
divided into two groups- one being the
Phalitha dasa and the other one being Ayur
dasa. This feature is not found in any other
branch of astrology. All the Dasas are Rasi
based Dasas. Jaimni has mentioned many
dashas like Char Dasha, Sthir Dasha, Trikon
Dasha, Sula Dasha, Varnada Dasha,Navamsa
Dasha etc.
All the Dasas are Rasi based Dasas
• Char Dasha and Trikon Dasha could be applied
to all horoscopes to find all important human
events in the life.
• Niryan Shula Dasha can be used to find
longevity and death.
Char Dasha- Savya & Apasavya Rashi
• We have two categories of Rashi. 1. Vishampada
Rashi or Savya Rashi or Oja Rashi and 2 .
Samapada Rashi or Apasaya Rashi. Or Yugma
• Oja Rasis are - Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Libra,
Scorpio, Sagittarius. They are also called
Vishamapada rasis or Savya rasis.
• Yugma Rasis are - Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Capricorn,
Aquarius and Pisces. They are also called
Samapada rasis or Apa-savyarashi.
Dwara Rashi & Bahya Rashi
• Dwara Rashi- The sign in which the Dasa begins
or the sign whose Dasa is under consideration is
Dwara Rashi.
• Bahya Rashi- The sign which is as many signs
away from Dwara Rashi as latter is from Lagna
goes under name of Bahya Rashi. Ex: Lagna is
Cancer and we are examining the Tula rashi , then
, Tula is 4th from Cancer, Lagna. We have to count
4 rashi from Tula to get Bahya Rashi, which is
Makara in this case.
Paka & Bhoga Rashi
• Dwara Rashi is also known as Paka Rashi while
Bahya Rashi is known as Bhoga Rashi.
• These rashies are very important for
determination of longevity etc.
Char Dasha- Order of Dasha
• The starting of Chara Dasa is always from the
• To find out the sequence of dasa following rule is
to be applied -
• From the Lagna, find out where the 9th house . If
it falls in Oja or Vishamapada or Savya then the
order of Dasa is in zodiac direction- Direct
• If it falls in Yugma / Samapada or Apasavya Rasi,
the order of Dasa is Anti- zodiac direction –
Indirect [Apasavya].
Char Dasha- Period of Dasha
• 1. The number of years of dasa of a rasi is equal
to the number of houses its Lord is away from it
[excluding the rasi under reference] Minus 1.For
example, for an Aries ascendant, if Mars is
located in Gemini, the dasa period of Aries is
• [3-1]2 years.
• 2. To compute the dasa period of a Vishamapada
rasi, position of its Lord is to be reckoned in
zodiac direction; and of a Samapada rasi in anti-
zodiac direction.
Char Dasha- Period of Dasha
• 3. If the Lord of a rasi is exalted, the dasa
period of that rasi is to be increased by one
• 4. lf the Lord of a rasi is debilitated, the dasa
period of that rasi is to be decreased by one
• 5. If the Lord of a rasi is posited in his own rasi,
the dasa period is to be taken as 12 years.
Char Dasha- Dual Lordship of Rashi
• Special rules for Scorpio and Aquarius.
• For Scorpio rasi the lordship is given to Mars
and Ketu.
• For Aquarius rasi, lordship is given to two
planets - Saturn and Rahu. Rules for
calculation of Dasha Period is given in next
Char Dasha- Dual Lordship of Rashi
• If both are in their own house, dasa period is to
be reckoned as 12 years.
• If both of them are together in a another rasi,
then count clockwise for Vrushchik and
Anticlockwise for Kumbha and reduce it by 1 .
• If one lord is in its own house and the other in a
different rasi, then ignore the former and
consider the later.
• lf they are not together in one rasi, then prefer
the lord with strength assessed as per next slide.
Char Dasha- How to assess the
strength of lords of Scorpio/ Kumbha
• The planet associated with more planet is strong.
• If both lord having asssociated with same number
of planets then take the Rashi bala-
• Dwiswabhav Rashi stronger than Sthir, and Sthir is
stronger than Char Rashi where the planet placed
• If still the strength can not be assessed then
prefer the planet giving more number of years as
• If the planet giving more years is debiliated and
other planet exalted then prefer exalted planet.
Char Dasha- Bhukties/ ADs
• The Sub-dasa of a rasi dasa is to be computed following
similar procedures of determining the chara dasa.
• The sub-dasa cycle depends on the 9th house of the
sign for which the dasa is to be computed -whether it is
oja rasi or yugma rasi. If the9th house is oja rasi, the
antar dasa cycle will be zodiac direction; if it is yugma
rasi, it will be in anti-zodiac direction.
• The first sub-dasa will be the second rasi from the sign
for which the antar dasa are to be considered.
Char Dasha- Period of Bhukties/ ADs
• Since the number of sub-dasas are 12, the
duration of rasi dasa gets divided into 12
parts. So if the period of rasi-dasa is 8 years,
the period of Antar-dasa will be 8 months.
Dasha Period- Char Dasha
Dasha Years Dasha Years
Karka 6 Dhanu 5
Mithun 5 Vrushchik( Ketu) 5
Vrushabh 7 Tula 2
Mesha 4 Kanya 10
Meena 10 Sinha 9
Kumbha ( Rahu) 2
Makara 6
Sthir Dasha
• The period of sthir dasha is fixed
• This Dasha is imprtant to determine Maraka or
• Period of Dasha is For Char Rashi – 7 years,
For Sthir Rashi-8 years and for Dwiswabhav
Rashi – 9 Years.
• The Dasha starts from the Rashi occupied by
Brmha. The subsequent dashas succeed in
regular order.
Sthir Dasha- Various views
• 1) It starts from Lagna or 7 th House
whichever is strong.
• The first balance dasha can be arrived by
having considered the longitude of Bramha.
• If starting Dasha is odd , the order of
succession will be regular and in case of even
then antilock wise.
Trikona Dasha
• Determine the strongest out of Lagna, the 5th and 9th .
• The first dasha will start from it.
• The order of succession will be according to the
starting Rashi, whether it is from savya or apasavya
• The sequence will be in Trikona Rashi.
• The span/ Period of Dasha will be same as applicable
to char dasha .
• Counting order upto lord of Rashi will be based on
Rashi , whether it is Savya or Apasavya.
Trikona Dasha- Sub Period
• The duration will be one-twelvth of the main
period .
• The order of succession will be as per succession
of dasha , If Rashi is from Savya group then sub
period will be direct order and if it is from
apasavya group then it will be indirect order.
• The first sub period starts from the same Rashi .
• The next dasha will be in trikona order.
Niryan Sula Dasha
• If Lagna is odd sign, the dasha must start from
• If it is even , start it from 7th .
• The order is direct or indirect depending on
whether Lagna/ starting sign is odd or even.
• The duration of this dasha is of 9 years.
• For computing Sthira dasa and for timing of death, Brahma
plays an important role. A planet becomes Brahma by having
certain criteria.
• 1) If the lord of 8th from Atmakaraka is posited in 3rd from
Atmakaraka, then he becomes Brahma.
• Ascertain the stronger of Lagna or 7th house.
• Ascertain the strongest of the lords of 6th, 8th and 12th
from the stronger of the above.
• If the strongest planet of the above is posited in an odd rasi
within visible half (that is from the starting point of Lagna to
the yth house in anti-zodiac direction), then the planet
becomes Brahma.
• If Saturn, Rahu or Ketu becomes eligible as
Brahma by above rules, then that planet is
called nominal Brahma. The real Brahma is
the 6th planet from the nominal Brahma, the
order of counting being Sun, Moon, Mars,
Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and
Bramha- How to select
• If more than one planet becomes eligible to
become Brahma then,
• 1) select the planet having highest longitude.
• 2)Even then, If more than one planet becomes
eligible to become Brahma as identified above
select the one having Rasi-Bala.
• Brahma plays an important role in sthira dasa
and Brahma dasa.
• 1)Lord of 8th house from Atmakaraka is Maheswara.
• 2)If the· above planet is exalted or in his own house,
then the stronger of 8th and 12th lords from
Atmakaraka becomes Maheswara.
• 3) If Rahu or Ketu join Atmakaraka or in the 8th house
from Atmakaraka, then the 6th planet from Sun
becomes Maheswara.
• 4) If more than one planet becomes eligible to become
Maheswara, then select the stronger one among them.
• 5) Maheswara is death inflicting planet.
• 1)The stronger of 8th and 2nd lord from lagna
becomes Rudra.
• 2) The other planet, if aspected by malefic
becomes supplementary or nominal Rudra.
• 3) Rudra determines the extent of longevity.

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