Lagna Aries Sun Placed in Aries 1 House
Lagna Aries Sun Placed in Aries 1 House
Lagna Aries Sun Placed in Aries 1 House
Sign Number 1
30 degrees
Lagna in Aries (general) (no specific longitude)
Sun placed in Aries – in 1st House
(general) (no specific longitude)
Process to Interpret
Placement of Planet in House
1. Extract the points of references of the Planet as follows:
planet is Lord of which House(s)
o and has moved how many signs
planet’s natchitra arc in which House(s)
o and has moved how many signs
2. Is the Functional Benefic or Functional Malefic
3. Oocha Bala Strenth of the Planet
4. Interpret using ‘Planet keyword + House Keyword’
5. Interpret using ‘House keyword + House Keyword’
6. Interpret Planet as House Lord and number of Signs moved
7. Interpret Planet as Arc Lord and number of Signs moved
8. Aspects
9. Planet’s relationship with other houses, eg:
6th affliction
8th affliction
12th affliction
10. Apply the Negation Principle
Extraction Table as per Point 1 above
1. Su placed in 1st
2. Su is lord of 5th
3. Has moved 9 signs – lord of 5th placed in 1
4. Su Nat Arc in Houses
Houses 1, 5, 9 (1 pada)
Houses 2, 6, 10 (3 padas)
5. Su is Exalted in Aries
Lord of
5th Hse
Su moved
9 signs
Placed in
1st House
Lg Ar
Su placed in Ar
In the 5th pada
- pada lord is Su
2nd negates 3
10th negates 11
3rd Hse for younger sibling is negated