Micro para Finals Reviewer
Micro para Finals Reviewer
Micro para Finals Reviewer
Answer: b) Using a needle only once and safely Herpes zoster in Greek?
disposing of it a. hepium, "to crawl" and zoster, "belt"
Rationale: The most effective way to prevent HIV b. herpien, "to creep" and zoster, "belt"
transmission through sharing needles is by using a
needle only once and safely disposing of it to avoid c. herpein, "to creep" and zoster, "belt"
contamination. d. herpin, "to creep", and zooster, "belt"
QUESTION: A medication that has been shown rationale: the name Herpes zoster came from the
to inhibit BK (polyomavirus) virus in the blood greek words, herpein which means "to creep", and
which prevents injury to the transplanted zoster which means "belt".
A. Cetirizine
B. Biogesic
C. Leflunomide
D. Zykast
ANSWER: C - leflunomide
Topic: Adenovirus Rationale: This option accurately describes the
norovirus structure and its components, as well as
All are diseases caused by Adenovirus except; the role of the VP1 protein in protecting viral RNA
A. Conjunctivitis and facilitating entry into host cells. It correctly
B. Pneumonia mentions that norovirus belongs to the Calciviridae
C. Diarrhea family, has a T=3 icosahedral structure, and that
D. Arthritis VP1 is responsible for protecting viral RNA and
facilitating entry into host cells. This option aligns
ANSWER: D. Arthritis is not a disease caused by with established scientific knowledge about
adenovirus norovirus structure and function.
2. Which is not an system infection caused QUESTION #2
Adenovirus; What are the main modes of transmission for
norovirus, and how long do the signs and
a . Cardiovascular infections
symptoms typically last?
b. Genitourinary infections
A. Norovirus can be spread through contaminated
c. Respiratory infections food, water, and surfaces. Signs and symptoms
d. B&C usually last for 3 to 5 days.
ANSWER: A. Cardiovascular infections B. Norovirus can be spread through
TOPIC: NOROVIRUS contaminated food, water, surfaces, and by sick
Signs and symptoms usually begin within 12 to 48
1. What is the structure of a norovirus and its hours after exposure and last for 1 to 3 days.
components, and how does the VP1 protein play
a role in protecting the viral RNA and C. Norovirus is primarily transmitted through direct
facilitating its entry into host cells? contact with infected individuals. Signs and
symptoms typically last for a few hours.
A. The norovirus has a complex structure with
multiple layers, and the VP1 protein acts as a shield D. Norovirus can be spread through contaminated
to protect the viral RNA from external factors. food, water, surfaces, or by sick individuals. And
symptoms usually begin within a few hours after
B. The norovirus has a simple structure exposure but may persist for several weeks.
consisting of three main components: capsid,
genome (RNA), and viral attachment protein ANSWER: B.
(VPg). The VP1 protein forms an icosahedral
structure and is responsible for protecting the Rationale: This option describes the modes of
viral RNA and facilitating its entry into host transmission for norovirus, emphasizing that it can
cells. be spread through contaminated food, water,
surfaces, as well as by sick individuals. It also
C. The norovirus is an enveloped virus with a lipid correctly states that signs and symptoms typically
membrane surrounding its capsid. The VP1 protein start within a specific time frame (12 to 48 hours)
plays no significant role in protecting the viral RNA after exposure and persist for a certain duration (1
or facilitating its entry into host cells. to 3 days). This aligns with established scientific
knowledge about norovirus transmission and
D. The norovirus has no specific structural symptomatology.
components, and its replication relies solely on host
cell machinery. The VP1 protein does not play any
significant role in virus life cycle.
2. What is the stage of the rabies virus where
symptoms like fever, pain or paresthesia at the
TOPIC: HEPATITIS B VIRUS bite site, headache, fatigue, and anorexia
Who discovered the HBV? manifest and this can last up to 2 to 10 days?
ANSWER: C. Dr. Baruch Blumberg Rationale: C. Prodrome is the stage of the rabies
virus that last up to 2 to 10 days and symptoms like
Rationale: Dr. Baruch Blumberg is the correct fever, pain or paresthesia at the bite site, headache,
answer because he was the one to discover the fatigue, and anorexia manifest, can be experience
Hepatitis B Virus 1965. by the patient.
How many genotypic variations does HBV have? Quiz(Mers cov)_pandes_pontillas
A. 6 1.Which of the following virus that can be
B. 8 acquired when having contact with a camel.
C. 5
D. 7 A.Beta cov
RATIONALE: Genital warts are the most common 2) How is Parvovirus B19 primarily transmitted?
visible sign of HPV because, as was supported to A) Fecal-oral route
term Genital, it is where the part it evolves the
circulation of sexually transmitted infections, the B) Through contaminated food and water
way a person does the sexual intercourse to their C) Respiratory secretions and blood
D) Sexual contact
Topic: (Reoviruses) Basiño_Morano
Answer: C) Respiratory secretions and blood
1.) Which of the following is sign and symptoms
of Reoviruses; Rationale: Parvovirus B19 is primarily transmitted
through respiratory secretions and blood, although
a. Fever Vertical transmission from mother to fetus can also
b. Cough occur.