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The country is taking part in the process of globalization

ever since the country signed agreements with World Trade
Policing According to Manning (1977), policing literally Organization in 1995.
means, "controlling, monitoring, tracking, and altering, if 2. Now, globalization is very effective in the Philippines, it has
required, public conduct". Its core concept is identified by its allowed major changes in the nation like more labor, and
relation with the potential use of force in ensuring obedience more Filipino and foreign companies has emerged in the
to the law, within the rule of law nation in order to help the country's developing economy.

Comparative Police System. Advantages of Globalization

This refers to the science and art of investigating and 1. Peaceful Relations -Most of the countries have resorted to
comparing the police system of nations, which covers the trade relations with each other in order to boost their
study of their police organizations, trainings and methods of economy, leaving behind any bitter part experiences if any.
policing. 2. Employment Considered as one of the most crucial
advantages, globalization has led to the generation of
Comparative Criminal Justice. numerous employment opportunities. Companies are moving
This pertains to the sub field of criminal justice which deals toward the developing countries to acquire labor force. A
with comparing the similarities and differences of criminal very critical advantage that has aided the population is the
Justice in terms of structure, goals, punishment and emphasis spread of education. With numerous educational institutions
on rights as well as history, and political structure of different around the globe, one can move out from the home country
systems. for better opportunities elsewhere.
3. 3. Product Quality The product quality has been enhanced
Police System vs. Criminal Justice System so as to retain the customers. Today the customers may
With these influences of societal system, Police System and compromise with the price range but not with the quality of
Criminal Justice Systems around the world varies depending the product. Low or poor quality can adversely affect
on the kind of legal system. With the exceptions of Japan and consumer satisfaction.
the Common law notions, few countries hold their police 4. Cheaper Prices Globalization has brought in fierce
officers accountable for violations of civil rights. competition in the market.
-In Socialist and Islamic countries, the police hold enormous 5. Communication Every single information is easily
political and religious powers. In fact, in such places, crime is accessible from almost every corner of the world. Circulation
always seen as political crime or co-occurring religious of information is no longer a tedious (lack of interest) task,
problem. and can happen in seconds. The internet has significantly
affected the global economy, thereby providing direct access
GLOBALIZATION to information and products.
=package of transnational flow of people, production, 6. Transportation Considered as the wheel of every business
Investment, information, ideas and authority. growing organization, connectivity to various parts of the world is no
interpenetration of states, markets, communication and more a serious problem. Today with various modes of
ideas. transportation available, one can conveniently deliver the
= The process of creating transnational markets, polices, and products to a customer located at any part of the world.
legal systems in an effort to form and sustain a global 7. GDP Increase (GDP) - The measure of an economy adopted
economy. by the United States in 1991; the total market values of
goods and services produced by workers and capital within a
EFFECTS OF GLOBALIZATION TO POLICE SERVICE nation's borders during a given period (usually 1 year))
Globalization -Gross Domestic Product, commonly known as GDP, is the
-It is the growing interpenetration of states, markets, money value of the final goods and services produced within
communications and ideas. the domestic territory of the country during an accounting
-It is a process of interaction and integration among the year.
people, companies, and governments of different nations, a 8.Free Trade Is a policy in which a country does not levy
process driven by international trade and investment and taxes, duties, subsidies or quota on the import/export of
aided by information technology. goods or services from other countries. There are countries
-This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on which have resolved to free trade in specific regions. This
political systems, on economic development and prosperity, allows consumers to buy goods and services, comparatively
and on human physical well-being in societies around the at lower cost.
world. 9. Travel and Tourism Globalization has promoted tourism to
-It is a package of transnational flow of people, production, great heights. International trade among different countries
investment, information, ideas, and identity (Garcia, M.). also helps in increasing the number of tourist that visit
-Is a term used to describe the changes in societies and the different places around the world.
world economy that are the result of dramatically increased 10. External Borrowing With the help of globalization, there is
trade and cultural exchange. In specifically economic opportunity for corporate, national, and sub-national
contexts, it refers almost exclusively to the effects of trade, borrowers to have better access to external commercial
particularly trade liberalization or "free trade". borrowing and syndicated loans.
Disadvantages of Globalization
Globalization in the Philippines 1. Health Issues
-Globalization has given rise to more health risks and expression of positive law). Primarily characterized by
presents new threats and challenges for epidemics. administrative law.
-The dawn of HIV/AIDS. Having its origin in the wilderness of 4.Islamic systems (Muslim or Arabic Justice) -Derive all their
Africa, the virus has spread like wildfire throughout the globe procedures and practices from interpretation of the Koran.
in no time.
-Food items are also transported to various countries, and Characterized by the absence of positive law. Given always an
this is a matter of concern, especially in case of perishable important emphasis on the Religion. Types of Police system
items. 1. Decentralized Law Enforcement refers to a system where
2. Loss of Culture With large number of people moving into police administrations and operations are independent from
and out of a country, the culture takes a backseat. People one state to another. It is more applicable to countries with
may adapt to the culture of the resident country. They tend federal government police agency is the exclusive
to follow the foreign culture more, forgetting their own roots. responsibility of the gov't. of the state or provinces. e.g.
This can give rise to cultural conflicts. India, Pakistan, US.
3. 3. Uneven Wealth Distribution It is said that the rich are 2. Centralized Policing System simply means one police force
getting richer while the poor are getting poorer. In the real operating in a country. one police agency which has
sense, globalization has not been able to reduce poverty. unlimited jurisdiction throughout the country. e.g. Chile,
4. Environment Degradation The industrial revolution has Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Thailand,
changed the outlook of the economy. Industries are using Uganda
natural resources by means of mining drilling, etc. which puts
a burden on the environment. Three Styles of Policing
5. Disparity (Inequality) Though globalization has opened 1. Legalistic law. - it emphasizes on helping the community,
new avenues like wider markets and employment, there still as opposed to enforcing the
exist a disparity in the development of the economies. 2. Watchman it emphasizes on informal means of resolving
Structural unemployment owes to the disparity created. disputes.
Developed countries are moving their factories to foreign 3. Service It emphasizes the use of threats or actual arrests to
countries where labor is cheaply available. solve disputes.
6. Conflicts It has given rise to terrorism and other forms of
violence. Such acts not only cause loss of human life but also Theories of Comparative Policing
huge economic losses. 1. Alertness to crime theory is that as a nation develops,
7. Cut-throat Competition Opening the doors of international people's alertness to crime is heightened. They report more
trade has given birth to intense competition. This has crime to police and demand the police to become more
affected the local markets dramatically. The local players effective in solving crime problems.
thereby suffer huge losses as they lack the potential to 2.Economic or migration theory - is that crime everywhere is
advertise or export their products on a large scale. Therefore, the result of under strained migration and overpopulation in
the domestic markets shrink. urban areas such as ghettos and slums.
3. Opportunity theory - is that long with higher standards of
Threats to Law Enforcement living, victims become more careless of their belongings, and
Increasing volume of human rights violations as evidenced opportunities for committing crime multiply.
by genocide and mass killing conflict between nations 4 Demographic theory - is based on the event when a
Transnational criminal networks for drug trafficking, money greater number of children are being born. As these baby
laundering, terrorism Types of Criminal Justice System in the booms grow up, delinquent subcultures develop out of the
World (Legal Traditions in the World) adolescent identity crisis.
1. Common law systems (Anglo-American Justice) Exist in 5.Modernization theory - sees the problem as society
most English-speaking countries in the world (U.S., England; becoming too complex.
Australia; and New Zealand. Strong Adversarial System (the 6. Deprivation theory-holds that progress comes along with
accused is innocent until proven guilty) Primarily rely upon rising expectations. People at the bottom develop unrealistic
oral system of evidence in which the public trial is a main expectations while people at the top don't see themselves
focal point. (Anglo-American - An American who was born in rising fast enough.
Britain or one whose ancestors were British) 7. Theory of anomie and synomie suggest that progressive
2 Civil law systems (Continental justice or Romano-Germanic lifestyles and norms results in the disintegration of older
justice) - Exist mostly in European countries such as Sweden; norms that once held people together.
Germany; France; and Japan. Distinguished by strong SYNOMIE social cohesion
inquisitorial system (the accused is guilty until proven ANOMIE-disintegration Types of Societies in the World Folk-
innocent). Communal Societies Societies) (Primitive Has little
-The written is law is taken as gospel and subject to little codification of law, no specialization among police. System of
interpretation. punishment: harsh and barbaric. Examples: Roman Gentiles;
-Founded on the basis of natural law in respect for tradition African; and Middle Eastern Tribes.
and custom. Always opposed to the common law notion that 2.Urban-Commercial Societies Mas civil law; and Special
nobody is above the law. Police Force System of punishment: inconsistent either harsh
2. Socialist systems-(Marxist-Leninist Justice) Exist mostly in or lenient. Example: Continental Europe.
Africa and Asia and other Countries. Distinguished by 3. Urban-Industrial Societies -Has codified laws, without
procedures designed to rehabilitate or retrain people into government interference. Specialized Police forces England
fulfilling their responsibilities to the state. (ultimate and the U.S
4. Bureaucratic Societies Industrial Societies) (Modern Post- 2. Norman Period of Policing System This system of policing
Given emphasis on technologizing of everything with the existed during the time of Norman William The Conqueror
government. Has a system of laws Police tend to keep busy in (King of France). When he invaded and conquered England, a
handling political crime and terrorism and a system of military regime of conquers and dictators began and changed
punishment characterized by over criminalization and the concept of crime being committed against the state.
overcrowding. U.S and other Nations. A. Shire-Rieve Shire-Rieve was a policing systern during the
Norman Period when England was divided into fifty-five (55)
THEORIES OF POLICE SERVICE military areas, each headed by a ruler called the Rieve (head-
Continental is the theory of police service which maintains man or lieutenant of the army), The fifty-five (55) military
that police officers are servants of higher authorities This divisions in England are called shires. The shire-rieve had
theory prevails in the continental countries like France, Italy absolute powers that no one could questions his or her
and Spain. Home Rule the theory of police service which actions.
states that police officers are servants of the community or Two "Constabuli" or "The Keeper of the Horse" were
the people. This theory prevails in England and United States. appointed to each village to aid the Rieve in his duties. It
It is also the police service which prevails in country with became the source of the word Constable. The term "Shire-
decentralized form of government. This is likewise the police Rieve" is said to be the origin of the word "Sheriff." B.
service theory that should prevail in the Philippines based on Travelling Judge or Circuit Judge A judge selected to hear
the existing laws, concepts and principles. cases which were formerly being judged by the Shire-Rieve
and tasked to travel through and hear criminal cases. This
CONCEPT OF POLICE SERVICE was the first instance of the division of the police and judicial
a. Old police service states that the yardstick of police powers.
proficiency relies on the number of arrests made C. Legis Henrici An act that was enacted during this period
b. Modern police service states that the yardstick of police with the following features: Offenses were classified as
proficiency relies on the absence of crime. against the king and individual. Policeman becomes public
Deviance Control is the modern police function which servant. The police and the citizens have the broad power to
primarily involves the mission to reinforce community values arrest. It introduced the system called "citizen's arrest."
and laws. This was adopted by Germany, China and Japan. =Grand Jury was created to inquire on the facts of the law. A
Civil order control is not organizationally separated from system which made inquisition onto the facts of a crime and
deviance control but is performed by regular street police in eliminate the "Anglo-Saxon Trial or "Trial by Ordeal System.
the country of England and United States. D. Frankpledge System A system of policing whereby a group
of ten neighboring male residents over twelve years of age
EVOLUTION OF POLICING SYSTEM were required to guard the town to preserve peace and
Praetorian guards = military bodies who serve as guardians protect the lives and properties of the people
of peace in ancient Rome in which the idea of policing said to 3. Westminster Period of Policing System It is called by this
have originated. name because the laws governing policing came out of the
Officer de la Paix = a French term which claimed to be the capital of England, which at the time was Westminster. This
origin of the term Police Officer period has the following features:
1. Anglo-Saxon Period of Policing System (Ancient England)  Guards were appointed and the duties of the constables
A. Tun Policing System A system of policing emerged during at night (watch) and in daytime (ward) were defined
the Anglo-Saxon period whereby all male residents were  Statute of Westminster of 1285, a collection of
required to guard the town (tun) to preserve peace and regulations aimed at keeping the peace. B. Statute of
protect the lives and properties of the people. 1295 The law that marks the beginning of the curfew
About 700 A.D, the people living in England in small hours which demanded the closing of the gates of
rural towns used the Anglo-Saxon System. Ten families London during sundown.
in a town (tun) equaled a tithing. Each tithing elected a C. Justice of the Peace (About 1361) Three or four men who
leader who was known as the Tithingman. Since 10 were learned in the law of the land were given authority to
tithings amounted to 100, the leader of the 100 families pursue, arrest chastise and imprisonment violators of law.
was named the reeve. Both the tithingman and reeve They handled felonies, misdemeanors and infractions of city
were elected officials. They possessed judicial power as or village ordinances. This was later abolished about 75 years
well as police authority. after.
D. Star Chamber Court (1487) A special court designed to try
B. Hue and Cry A village law started in Britain which provided offenders against the State, The room set-up is formed in a
methods of apprehending a criminal by an act of the shape of a star and judges were given great powers such as
complainant to shout to call all male residents to assemble the power to force testimony from a defendant leading to a
and arrest the suspect. great abuse of power or brutality on the part of the judges.
C. Trial by Ordeal A judicial practice wherein the guilt or 4. Keepers of the Peace A proclamation issued by King
Innocence of the accused is determined by subjecting him to Richard of England sometime in 1195 that required the
an unpleasant, usually dangerous, experience. (In present appointment of knights to keep the King's peace by standing
terminologies, it would mean an employment of a "3rd as guards on bridges and gates while checking the people
degree. ") The word "ordeal" was derived from the Medieval entering and leaving the cities and towns.
Latin word "Dei Indicum" which means "a miraculous 5. King Charles II of England (1663) King Charles II passed an
decision." act which established or promoted the employment of
watchmen or bellmen to be an duty from sunset to sunrise. 2. State Police includes special investigative agencies that
6. concentrate on statewide law enforcement
6.Magna Carta or "The Great Charter" A law promulgated by 3. Federal Police agencies operated by federal government at
King John of England upon the demand of the Knights of the the national level Some Federal Agencies Having Police
Round Table forcing the King to sign the same with the Functions
following features: No freeman shall be taken, imprisoned, a. Protection of Life, Property and Enforcement of Penal
banished or exiled except by legal judgment of his peers. No Statutes
person shall be tried for murder unless there is proof of the 1.Federal Bureau of Investigation (Department of Justice)
body of the victim. investigates all violations of federal law except when the
enforcement authority was given to other specific federal
Henry Fielding appointed as Magistrate in 1748, Introduced 2. United States Secret Service (Department of Treasury) -
the first detective force, known as the Bow Street Runners concerned with investigation of counterfeiting, forging or
Bow Runners a group of men organized by Henry Fielding altering of any of the money or other securities of the U.S. It
and named by his brother John Fielding task to catch thieves is also in charge of the protection of the president and his
and robbers family, and of the executive mansion grounds
identified by carrying a Tipstaff with the Royal Crown made 3. Bureau of Narcotics (Department of Treasury) investigated
up of eight constables who also investigated crimes handed all violations of federal law relating to prohibited drugs
over to them by the volunteer constables and watchmen 4. Immigration and Naturalization Service (Department of
=1798 Marine Police Force was established; salaried Justice) investigates all violations of immigration and
constables were being paid by local magistrates. naturalization laws, patrol boarders to prevent surreptitious
=initially made up of 220 Constables assisted by 1,000 entry of aliens,
registered dock workers, and was responsible for preventing b. Protection of the National Revenue
the theft of cargo. widely regarded as being the first modern 1. Intelligence Unit of the Bureau of Internal Revenue =
police force in the world, in the sense that they were not investigation of violations of income tax laws
government controlled and were responsible for the 2. Alcohol Tax Unit of the Bureau of Internal Revenue =
prevention of crime. violations of internal revenue laws
3. Division of Investigation and Patrol, Bureau of Customs
TOTAL POLICING investigates smuggling activities and enforces customs and
Motto of london Metropolitan Police navigation laws.
4. Private Police additional police protection made by
IMPORTANT DATES employing sworn officers through contract when they are not
=1833 Coldbath Fields Riot (Grays Inn Road). A major crowd officially on duty Two Basic Forms of Private Police
disturbance dealt with by the Metropolitan Police with a. Proprietary Police when a person wishes to receive service,
controversial use of force . he hires and security personnel directly
=1836 The Metropolitan Police absorbs the Bow Street b. Contract Security = services of an independent security
Horse Patrol into its control. company
=1838 incorporates Marine Police and Bow Street Runners U.S. Police Agencies
into the Metropolitan Police and the disbandment of the Bow New York City it is where the first full time police force was
Street Office and other Offices. These were all agreed and put organized in the United States
into effect. Administration Policing Principles of London New York Police Department = the largest police force in the
Metropolitan Police United States Texas Ranger police force originally created in
1. Stable and effective civil police under government control response to colonization
2. Absence of crime is the best proof of efficiency Boston Police Department = first local modern police
3. Fast distribution of crime news to the police is essential department established in the United States
Commissioner highest rank in the Metropolitan Police Police Pennsylvania State Police the first state police agency
Constable = lowest rank established
Los Angeles Police Department police force that hired the
Contributions of the French in Policing first female police officer named, Alice Stebbins Wells
Assigning house numbers Installing street lights Use of police
ambulances Use of warrant card and ID signifying the The United States police rank model is generally
authority to arrest quasi- military in structure. Although the large and varied
number of federal, state, and local police departments and
UNITED STATES POLICING SYSTEM TYPES OF US POLICE sheriffs' office have different ranks, a general model, from
1. Municipal Police includes village, township, city and highest to lowest rank, would be:
country police departments, sheriff departments. Types of  Chief of Commissioner/Superintendent/Sheriff
Local Police Police/Police
a. Country Sheriff in charge with the operation of county jail,  Deputy Chief of Police/Deputy Commissioner/Deputy
civil function such as service of eviction notices and other Superintendent/Undersheriff
court orders and police responsibility.  Inspector/Commander/Colonel
b. City Police most common local police organization. It has  Major/Deputy Inspector
jurisdiction in matters that occur in an incorporated  Captain
municipality.  Lieutenant
 Sergeant Hong Kong Police College is responsible for all matters
 Detective/Inspector/Investigator relating to training within the Hong Kong Police except
 Officer/Deputy internal security, Auxiliary and Marine Police Training.
 Sheriff/Corporal Training provided by the Police College includes recruit and
continuation training, crime investigation training, police
CANADA driver training and weapon tactics training. The information
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) = colloquially known technology training, command training, local and overseas
as Mounties and internally as "The Force is the national management training, some specialist courses and periodic
police force of Canada and one of the most recognized of its courses on firearms and first aid are also provided by the
kind in the word Police College.
being a national, federal, provincial and municipal policing Service Quality Wing = is responsible for spearheading
body. It is founded in 1920 by the Merger of Royal initiatives to improve services provided to force customers
Northwest Mounted Police (1873) with the Dominion Police both external and internal. The wing comprises three
(1868). branches: Performance Review. Research and Inspections
=headed by the Commission under the direction of the and Complaints and Internal Investigations (C&II)
Minister of Public Safety Canada.
Commissioner highest rank in the Royal Canadian Mounted Complaints and Internal Investigations (C&II) = Includes the
Police Complaints Against Police Office (CAPO) oversees the
Police Constable 4th Class = lowest rank investigation and successful resolution of all complaints made
both externally and internally against members of the force.
Australian Police a progressive and multi-faceted law Entry Requirements to HKPF
enforcement organization, taking strong lead in the fight Nationality Must be a permanent resident of the Hong Kong
against 21 century crime. : Special Administrative Region and had lived in Hong Kong for
Commissioner = highest rank at least seven years.
Constable lowest rank
HONGKONG For Inspector
Hong Kong Police Force = is the largest disciplined service Academic Requirements
under the Security Bureau of Hong Kong. It is the world's  Hong Kong degree, or equivalent, or
second, and Asia's first, police agency to operate with a  An accredited Associate Degree from Hong Kong beriary
modern policing system. It was formed on 1 May 1844. in institution / A Higher Diploma from a Hong Kong
1969, Queen Elizabeth II granted the Royal Charter to the Polytechnic / Polytechnic University, or a Diploma from
Hong Kong Police Force for their handling of the Hong Kong a registered post-secondary college awarded after the
1967 riots renaming them: The Royal Hong Kong Police Force. date of ils registration, or equivalent; or 4
Following the transfer of sovereignty, the Force is once again  Passed in two subjects at Advanced Level in the Hong
named the Hong Kong Police Force Kong Advanced Level Examination (2A) plus three other
subjects at Grade C or above in the HKCEE (30), or a
Structure HKPF The Force is commanded by the combination of results in five Hong Kong Diploma of
Commissioner of Police, who is assisted by two deputy Secondary Education (HKDSE) subjects of Level 3 in New
commissioners: Senior Secondary (NSS) subjects, "Attained with
a. Deputy Commissioner Operations =supervises all Distinction" in Applied Learning (ApL) subjects (subject
operational matters including crime and to a maximum of two Apl subjects) and Grade C in Other
b. Deputy Commissioner Management = is responsible for Language subjects, or equivalent.
the direction and coordination of force management
including personnel, training, and management services. For Police Constable Academic Requirements Five passes or
Motto We Serve with Pride and Care The Hong Kong Police above, which may include Chinese Language and English
Force is organized into Six Regions: Language, in the HKCEE, or a combination of results in five
 Hong Kong Island Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) subjects
 Kowloon East of Level 2 in New Senior Secondary (NSS) subjects, "Attained"
 Kowloon West in Applied Learning (ApL) subjects (subject to a maximum of
 New Territories North two ApL subjects) and Grade E in Other Language subjects, or
 New Territories South equivalent.
 Marine Region
Selection Processes for Inspector
The Force Headquarters (Management) is made up of five  Written Examination.
departments:  Extended Interview
 Operations & Support  Psychometric Test
 Crime & Security  Final Interview Board
 Personnel & Training  Physical Fitness Test
 Management Services  Integrity Checks and Medical Examination
 Finance, Administration and Planning  Appointment
Selection Processes for Police Constable
 Physical Fitness Test
 Group Interview Police Rank Three
 Psychometric Test Police Rank Four
 Final Interview Board
 Basic Law Test MYANMAR
 Integrity Checks and Medical Examination Myanmar Police Force formally known as The People's Police
 Appointment Force (Burmese: Pyi Thu Yae Tup Pwe) established in 1964 as
independent department under Ministry of Home Affairs. It
RANKS OF HKPF was reorganized on 1 October 1995. There are 14 State and
Commissioner of Police (CP) Divisional Police Forces and three additional State/Division
Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Police Forces
Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police (SACP)
Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Each State and Divisional Police Force consists of four
Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) components
Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP)  Office of the Commander of the State and Divisional
Superintendent of Police (SP) Police Force
Chief Inspector of Police (CIP)  Office of the Commander of the District Police Force .
Senior Inspector of Police (SIP)  Office of the Commander of the Township Police Force
Inspector of Police (IP)  Police Stations
Probationary Inspector of Police (PI)
Sergeant (SGT) 1. Central Training Institute of Myanmar Police Force
Senior Constable (SPC) 2. No.1 Police Training Depot undertakes Basic Training
Police Constable (PC) Course for Police Sergeant for 2 years; Warrant Officer and
Police Sergeants Course for 12 Weeks; and Basic Training
TAIWAN POLICE FORCE is the unified police force TAIWAN of Course for Constables for 6 Months
Taiwan = under the supervision of NATIONAL POLICE 3. No. 2 Police Training Depot = undertakes only Basic
AGENCY which is directly under the MINISTRY OF INTERIOR Training Course for Constables, which normally takes around
under effective civilian control 6 months to complete.
1) to maintain public order, INDONESIA POLICING SYSTEM
2) to protect social security, Indonesian National Police (Kepolisian Negara Republika
3) to prevent all dangers, and Indonesia) is the official police force of Indonesia
4) to promote the welfare of all people. = organized 1946
- also known as Polri
TYPES OF POLICE FORCE IN TAIWAN Markasbesar/Mabes name of the headquaters of Indonesian
1. Administration Police generally referred to those who are National Police located in Kebayoran Baru, South, Jakarta,
required to wear uniforms to carry out duties of household Indonesia
visits, patrolling, raid, guarding, duty officer, and reserves. POLRI TERRITORIAL FORCES
2. Traffic Police the primary duties of the Traffic Police are to 1. Kepolisian Daerah or polda = provincial police
keep traffic order, to ensure traffic safety, to prevent traffic 2. Kepolisian Wilayah or Polwil = regional police
accidents, and to smooth traffic flow. 3. Kepolisian Resort or Polres = city police
3. Special Police those who are responsible for protecting the 4. Kepolisian Sector or Polsek = sub-district police
Central Government, establishing contingent plans and
assisting local and specialized police units in maintaining SPECIAL BRANCHES
public order. 1. Brigade Mobile (BRIMOB) the most militarized trained to
4. Criminal Investigation Police the primary duties of the deal with mass demonstrations = paramilitary role to
criminal investigation police are to prevent and detect conduct security stabilization operations and providing
crimes. 5. Specialized Police main duties are to protect state- security for VIP and vital facilities
run enterprises and public facilities like railways, highways, 2. Anti-Riot Unit (Pasukan Anti Huru-Hura) = received special
airports, harbors, MRT and Bank of Taiwan. anti-riot training
3. Sea and Air Police = responsible patrolling the airspace
RANKS OF TAIWAN POLICE FORCE 4. Plainclothes Unit Investigations = assigned in conducting
Police Supervisor General 5. Maritime Police = responsible in protecting territorial sea
Police Supervisor Rank the
Police Supervisor Two 6. Anti-Terrorist Unit trained in counter-terrorism
Police Supervisor Three 7. Forensics in-charged of laboratory examination of
Police Supervisor Four evidence
Police Officer Two At least sixth-grade education and should pass the
Police Officer Three competitive examination.
Police officer Four After 3 years, personnel with junior secondary diploma could
Police Rank One enter into training to become NCO.
Police General equivalent of Director General of PNP Second = Its role is riot suppression, crowd control, disaster relief &
Bhayangkara equivalent of patrolman/woman of the PNP rescue, as well as special operations assistance = organized in
ROYAL MALAYSIAN POLICE (RMP: Malay: Polis Diraja 1955
Malaysia, PDRM) police force of Malaysia. 10. C4-i Implementations System = (abbreviation for
= headquarters is located at Bukit Aman, Kuala Lumpur Command, Control, Communications, Computer-Integrated)
=The constitution, control, employment, recruitment, fund, based at Police Control Centre in all police contingents in
discipline, duties and powers of the police force is specified Malaysia.
and governed by the Police Act 1967 Motto TEGAS, ADIL DAN = this unit is assigned to patrol the city and the suburbs.
BERHEMAH = Firm, Fair and Prudent 11. The Marine Operations Force or (Malay: Pasukan
RMP Organizations Gerakan Marin) = tasked with maintaining law and order and
1. Management Department the Management Department coordinating search and rescue operations in the Malaysian
is tasked with the routine of management and administration Maritime Zone and on the high sea
affairs of the RMP. This department is also the nerve center 12. Royal Malaysian Police Air Wing Unit or Unit Udara
of the RMP and acts as the support services platform for the PDRM (UUP) is a special unit of Royal Malaysia Police with a
rest of the force. vital role in maintaining national security with thorough
2. Logistics Department has the role to provide several surveillance and patrol from the air
equipments needed in RMP 13. Special Branch = This department is responsible for
3. Criminal Investigation Division deals with the collecting intelligence for national security
investigation, arrest and prosecution of hard crimes (murder, 14. Traffic Unit responsible in maintaining the flow of traffic
robbery, rape etc) and petty crimes (theft, house-breaking 15. Commercial Crimes Investigation Department = this
etc). department's main function is to investigate, arrest, and
= This department also specializes in gambling, vice and prosecute offenders committing white collar crimes such as
secret societies (triads) fraud, breach of trust, cyber-crimes, forgery, counterfeiting
Branches of Criminal Investigation Division 16. Mounted Police = police who patrol on horseback
 D1-Administrative Division (equestrians) or camelback. They continue to serve in remote
 D2-Criminal Record Registration areas and in metropolitan areas where their day-to-day
 D3-Internal Affairs function may be picturesque or ceremonial, but they are also
 D4-Statistics employed in crowd control because of their mobile mass and
 D5-Prosecution and Law Divisions height advantage.
 D7-Gambling/Vice/Secret Societies equivalent of director general (Philippines)
 D8-Investigation Division / Planning POLICE CONSTABLE equivalent of patrolman/woman
 D9-Special Investigation Division (Philippines)
 D10-Forensic Laboratory Division Singapore
 D11-Sexual Investigation Division Francis James Bernard = formed the skeleton force as the
 D12-National Centre Bureau-Interpol Division heritage of Singapore Police Force in 1819. Singapore Police
Force (SPF) is the main agency task with the maintaining law
4.Narcotics Criminal Investigation Division = this and order in the city-state. It formerly known as Republic of
department's function is to fight against dangerous drugs by Singapore Police Organized with split staff (15) and line
enforcing the law to stop and reduce the demand and supply functions (13) roughly modeled after the military.
of dangerous drugs. Headquarters at New Phoenix Park in Novena. The highest
5. Internal Security and Public Order Department - rank is Commissioner of Police and the lowest is Police
responsible for traffic control and Search & Rescue (SAR) Constable.
6. The Police Field Force (PFF) organized in = battalions and  Section 7 of Police Force Act of 1857
was a para-military unit of the Royal Malaysia Police. Also constitution of the SPF
known as the Jungle Squad = established in 1948 Recruitment/training
7. Police Counter-Terrorism Unit an elite unit of RMP  High school graduates who were interested in law
responsible in counter-terrorism operations enforcement as a career can be recruited and those who
8. UNGERIN Unit Gempur Marin (UNGERIN) (Marine Combat are selected for officers had to be approved by the
Unit) was established in 2006 and it was fully operational by Public Service Commission.
the end of 2007 first name was Unit Selam Tempur due to  Career development course were encouraged for
the pressing need to suppress the pirate attacks alongside officer and senior officers are required to travel
the coastal area of Malacca Straits and open sea area of oversees for training such as in Police Staff College in
South China Sea which were continuously widespread from Britain, FBI National Academy in US and Police Academy
time to time despite various efforts done to overcome the in Japan.
problem  Nine (9) months training. Newly appointed officer will
= members received training from U.S be placed on a one-year probation period.
9.Federal Reserve Unit (FRU) (Malay: Pasukan Simpanan RANKS OF SPF
Persekutuan) Commissioner of Police equivalent of director general in the
Constable equivalent of Police Officer 1 in the PNP
JAPAN POLICING SYSTEM 2. State Security Police (1983) safeguards state security,
 Keihoryo (Police Bureau within the Ministry of Mome prevent foreign espionage, sabotage and conspiracies. Under
affairs to 1945) the Ministry of State Security and directly accountable to the
 Japanese Colonial Government = the one which State council.
organized the first formal policing in China 3. Prison Police a part of the correctional arm of the overall
 Japanese Yakuza considered as the center of Asian police system stationed in prisons and connection units. This
organized crime action. is under the leadership of the Ministry of Justice.
ORGANIZATION OF NPA 4. Judicial Police responsible for maintaining the security and
1. National Public Safety Commission government body order in courts and serving instruments and some also
responsible for the administrative supervision of the police. executing death sentences.
Under the jurisdiction of the Prime Minister 5. Quasi parapolice ("Cheng guan") = operates in many
2. Japan National Police Agency (NPA) = a totally gun less places and hired by officials to help carry out some unpopular
police force, except for its special attack team. Organizations actions such as collecting taxes and fines and ousting
Attached to the NPA peasants from seized land. Special Police College
a. National Police Agency provides training to police officers = conducts nationwide recruitment once a year. Central
and conduct academic research Military Commission
b. National Research Institute of Police Science = conducts = appoints police in China People's Liberation Army Chinese
research in police science Armed forces. Civil Service Promotion Examinations basis for
c. Imperial Guards provides escort to the Emperor, Empress, regulation of the Rank promotion Examination for police
Crown Prince and other Imperial family. = responsible for the officer.
security of Imperial Palace RANK SYSTEM IN CHINA
3. Regional Police Bureau exercises control and supervision Commissioner General equivalent of Director General in the
over regional police offices and provides support with the PNP Constable 2nd Class equivalent of Police Officer 1 in the
prefectural police. = Director General heads each Regional
Bureau acting upon orders from the Commission General of PNP THAILAND POLICE SYSTEM Royal Thai Police formerly
the NPA. Regional Police Bureau the local organizations to known as THAILAND NATIONAL POLICE DEPARTMENT
carry out part of the NPA's functions. There are about 7 (TNPD) In 1998, TNPD was transferred from the Ministry of
Bureaus in the major cities except for Tokyo and Hokkaido Interior of Thailand to be directly under the Office of the
where in Tokyo, Metropolitan Police Department (headed by Prime Minister using the name Royal Thai Police. The position
Superintendent General) has long been established and of its supreme head was changed from that of the Director-
shares the same location with the NPA. Prefectural Police has General of the TNPD to the Commissioner- General of the
the whole of Hokkaido under its jurisdiction. Royal Thai Police.
4. Prefectural Public Safety Commission (PPSC) = Royal Thai Police Headquarters = based in Bangkok
administrative commission functioning under the Police-General highest rank of the Royal Thai Police
representative system which supervise the prefectural police. Policeman / Constable = lowest rank BRUNEI POLICE SYSTEM
Under the Jurisdiction of the Governor. Though not Royal Brunei Police Force (Polis Diraja Brunei -PDRB) created
empowered to give order to the Commission. in 1921 which is responsible for keeping law and order and
5. Koban a system of policing adopted in Japan, a substation providing law enforcement services throughout Brunei
near major transportation hubs and shopping areas and in Inspector-General of Police highest rank
residential districts which forms the first line of police Lance Corporal = lowest rank
response to the public. Koban usually staffed by 3-5 officers
and about 7000 residential police boxes (Chuzaisho- staffed Philippine Police System
by a single officer). About 20% of police is assigned to Koban. During the Spanish Regime
Maintenance of law and order is a part of for the defense of
CHINA POLICE SYSTEM the colony; the military system Locally organized police
 Ministry of National Defense = is the top of the forces although performing civil duties is a direct adjunct of
hierarchy with judicial and public security agencies such the colonial military establishments; (policemen in
as Ministry of Public Safety and the Ministry of State appearance yet colonial soldiers in the ultimate sense. Police
Security. functions consisted mainly of
 Ministry of Public Security is the principal police  suppression of brigandage by patrolling unsettled areas;
authority of the mainland of the People's Republic of (2) detection of local or petty uprising by spying upon the
China which oversee the day-to-day law enforcement (It work and movements of the people and;
is the equivalent of the National Police Agency in Japan).  the enforcement of collection including church
. revenues. A Cuardilleros a body of rural police organized in
 Ministry of State Security the Chinese government's each town established by a Royal Decree on January. 8, 1836.
largest and most active foreign intelligence agency, It mandates that 5% of the able-bodied male Inhabitants of
though it is also involved in domestic security matters. each province where to be enlisted in this police organization
for 3 years. Their services are originally not paid or gratuitous
Kinds of Police subject to some privileges although in sum province they
1. People's Armed Police (PAP), 1980's deals with domestic received a proportionate pay ranging from 4.00 to 8.00
disturbances, acts as riot police and guard's government depending on the revenue collection.
compounds and foreign embassies. Usually handles border  Carabineros De Seguridad Publica = Organized in 1712
defense but is called sometimes to back up local police. for the purpose of carrying the regulations of the Department
of State. This was armed and considered as the mounted Administration and (2) for Operation. Although there
police who later discharged the duties of a port, harbor and are three (3) Deputy Director General ranks.
river police. It was later given special commission by Royal  SOP No. 7 prescribed PNP guidelines in the conduct of
Decree operations against terrorists and other lawless elements
of December 20, 1842 and it was called Cuerco De Seguridad involved in terrorist activities.
Publica (Corps of Crabbiness for Public Security).  United Nations October 24, 1945 officially came into
 Guardia Civil Created by a Royal Decree on February 12, existence on Coined by Winston Churchill and Franklin
1852, to partially relieve the Spanish peninsula troops of D. Roosevelt in the declaration by United Nation. This
their works in policing towns. It consisted of a body of declaration was made to officially state the Cooperation
Filipino policemen organized originally in each of the of the allies (Great Britain, the United States, and the Union
provincial capital of the province of Luzon under the of Soviet Socialist Republic)
Alcalde Mayor.) Branches of UN
1. UN general Assembly This is the main decision- making and
 Philippine Commission Act No. of 175 = (July 18, 1901) representative assembly in the UN through its policies and
an act providing for the organization and government of recommendations. It is composed of all member states, is
an Insular Constabulary. headed by a president elected from the member states, and
 Sec. 1, Act 255 of October 3, 1901 = renamed the meets from September to December.
Insular Constabulary to Philippine Constabulary (a Functions of General Assembly
national police institution for preserving peace, keeping a. Deliberative = initiating studies and making
order and enforcing the law. recommendations for the development of international law
 Henry Allen the first Chief of the Philippine b. Supervisory receiving and considering annual and special
Constabulary. Rafael Crame the first Filipino Chief of the reports from another organs
Philippine Constabulary. c. Financial approval and apportionment of budget d. Elective
 Act No 70 (On January 9, 1901) The Metropolitan Police election of non-permanent members of the security council
Force of Manila was organized Constituent admissions of members and the amendments of
 E.O. 389 Ordered that the PC be one of the four services charter
of the AFP, dated December 23, 1940. . 2. UN Security Council is another branch in the organization
 P.D. 765 Integration Act of 1975, dated August 8, 1975, of the UN and is the most powerful of all the branches.
established the Integrated National Police (INP)
composed of the PC as the nucleus and the Integrated FUNCTIONS
local police forces as components, under the Ministry of a. Preventive Action consists of provisional measures to
National Defense. prevent a conflict from worsening, and may involve the
 Ε.Ο. 1012 transferred to the city and municipal deployment of PEACEKEEPING AND OBSERVER missions.
government the operational supervision and direction b. Enforcement Action = consist of deployment of air, sea
over the INP units assigned within their locality. and land forces.
 R.A. 4864 It created the POLCOM (Police Commission) Five Permanent Members of Security Council
as a supervisory agency to oversee the training and 1. China
professionalization of the local police under the Officer 2 France
of the President. Otherwise known as the Police 3 Russia
Professionalization act of 1966, dated September 8, 4.United Kingdom
1966. It was later renamed as the National Police 5 United States
Commission (NAPOLCOM). *The other 10 members are rotating or elective members for
 Ε.Ο. 1040 Transferred the Administrative Control and a period of two years by the General Assembly.
Supervision of the INP from the Ministry of National
Defense to the National Police Commission. 3.International Court of Justice = located in the Hague,
 R.A. 6975 It is otherwise known as the Department of Netherlands. This branch is responsible for the judicial
Interior and Local Government Act of 1990, enacted on matters of the UN.
December 13, 1990. Established the PNP, BFP, BJMP and 4. Secretariat Its main responsibility is providing studies,
the PPSC. information, and other data needed
 R.A. 8551 Philippine National Police Reform and 5. Economic and Social Council consists of 45 members
Reorganization Act of 1998, enacted 1998, amending elected by the General Assembly for a 3-year Efforts are
the provision of Towards the Following:
 R.A. 6975 Act No. 181 created the Division of a. Higher standards of living
Investigation (DI) of the Department of Justice dated B. Condition of economic and social progress and
November 1938. development
 R.A. 157 created the National Bureau of Investigation, C.Solutions of international economic, social, health and
enacted June 19, 1947 and later reorganized by R.A. related problems
2678 . d. Universal respect for human rights and fundamental
 Line and Staff the organizational structure of the P.N.P. freedoms
which is also adopted by many police organization in the 6. Trusteeship Council assists the security council and the
world. general assembly in the administration of the International
 P.N.P. headed by Chief with a rank of Director General Trusteeship System
with two (2) Deputy Director General (1) for
UN CHARTER it is closest to a constitution that basically English, French and Spanish. It consists of seven (7) Regional
governs the relations of international persons. Technically, sa Offices across the world, namely:
Treaty.  Argentina,
TREATY an international agreement concluded between  Cameron,
states in written form and sworn by international law.  Cote D'Ivoire,
whether embodied in a single instrument or in two or more  Kenya,
Instruments and whatever its particular designation.  El Salvador,
INTERPOL Interpol (1923) (International Criminal Police  Thailand, and
Organization) is the police forces organization that primarily  Zimbabwe
manifests global or international cooperation in addressing National Central Bureaus (NCB) Each INTERPOL member
transnational crime. Its headquarters was initially located in country maintains a National Central Bureau staffed by
Vienna Austria (it is where Interpol was founded) but at National Law Enforcement Officers. The NCB is the
present it is transferred to Lyon France. designated contact point for the General Secretariat,
INTERPOL is the world's largest international police Regional Offices and other member countries requiring
organization, with 190 member countries. It exists to help assistance with overseas investigations and the location and
create a safer world by supporting law enforcement agencies apprehension of fugitives. Advisers these are experts in a
worldwide to combat crime. It aims to facilitate international purely advisory capacity, who may be appointed by the
police cooperation, and supports and assists all organizations, Executive Committee and confirmed by the General
authorities and services whose mission is to prevent or Assembly.
combat internal crime. . Commission for the Control of INTERPOL' File (CCF) = this is
= the organization of law enforcement agencies worldwide an independent body whose mandate is threefold:
that serves as transmission or communication line for the (1) to ensure that the processing of personal information by
exchange of information, data and request for assistance INTERPOL complies with the Organization's regulations,
between and among the member countries. It focuses on: (2) to advice INTERPOL on any project, operation, set of rules
(1) combat crimes and transnational crimes; or other matter concerning the information contained in
(2) protect minorities against the dominant groups; and INTERPOL'S files.
(3) maintain law enforcement regardless of race or religion. INTERPOL'S Governance comprises the General Assembly
INTERPOL's Structure General Assembly Executive and the Executive Committee, which is headed by the
Committee General Secretariat National Central Bureaus President.
Advisers The Commission for the Control of INTERPOL's Files. The President of the Organization is elected by the General
General Assembly is the supreme governing body of the Assembly for a period of four (4) years. His role is to chair the
Interpol, it meets annually and comprises delegates General Assembly and Executive Committee and ensure that
appointed by each member country. The assembly takes all INTERPOL'S activities conform with decisions made at these
important decisions related to policy, resources, working meetings.
methods, finances, activities and programmes. Executive Oskar Dressler = the first secretary general of the interpol
Committee consisting of 13 members elected by the General Johann Schober the first president of the Interpol
Assembly and comprises the president, three vice-presidents INTERPOL'S NOTICE
and nine delegates covering the four regions. It is the 1. Red Notice- a notice which is issued to seek the arrest
INTERPOL's select deliberate organ which meets three times provisional arrest of wanted persons with a view to
a year, usually in March, July and immediately before the extradition.
General Assembly. Current Members of the EC as of 2012 2. Blue Notice this type of notice is issued in order to locate,
KHOO Boon Hui (Singapore) - Current President and identify or obtain information on a person of interest in a
Singapore's Senior Deputy Secretary of the Ministry of Home criminal investigation.
Affairs and former Commissioner of Police. 3. Green Notice to warn about a person's criminal act was it
that person is considered to be a possible threat to public
3 Vice Presidents safety,
Adamu Abubakar MOHAMMED (Nigeria) 4. Yellow Notice to help locate missing persons, often minors
Mireille BALLESTRAZZI (France) or to help identify persons who are unable to identity
Oscar Adolfo NARANJO TRUJILLO (Colombia) themselves
9 Delegates . 5. Black Notice a notice issued to seek information on
 Pieter Jaap AALBERSBERG (The Netherlands) unidentified bodies.
 Fath ELRAHMAN Osman (Sudan) 6. Orange Notice to warm of an event, a person, an objector
 Emmanuel GASANA (Rwanda) or a process representing an imminent threat and Danger to
 Francisco GIL MONTERO (Spain) persons or property.
 Nobuyuki KAWAI (Japan) 7. Purple Notice-issued to provide information on modus
 Tariq KHOSA (Pakistan) operandi, objects, devices and concealment methods used by
 Sanna PALO (Finland) criminals.
 Marcos VASQUEZ MEZA (Chile) 8. INTERPOL-United Nations Security Council for individuals
 Timothy A. WILLIAMS (United States) and entities that Special Notice is issued subject to UN
 General Secretariat (Lyon, France) sanctions.
operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and is run by the The following are channels of global bilateral and
Secretary General. It works with officials of more than 80 multilateral international cooperation against transnational
countries side-by-side using four official languages: Arabic, crime:
 Global multi-lateral cooperation via Interpol; - Attended by 5 original member countries (Indonesia,
 Bilateral police cooperation agreements with Individual Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand)
 European multilateral cooperation via Europol. 1. Brunei
"System of policing that serves as a grass root approach to 2. Cambodia
bring the people and the police together in cooperative 3. Myanmar
manners: 4. Lao
 Problem Oriented Policing 5. Vietnam
 Community Oriented Policing IMPORTANT DATES
 Cooperative Policing  1983 (Jakarta) = Endorsement of the model & design of
 Team Policing ASEANAPOL logo
INTERPOL'S FOUR CORE FUNCTIONS  1984 (Kuala Lumpur) Royal Brunei Police became a
1. Secure Global Police Communications Services INTERPOL member and joined the annual conference
developed the 1-24/7 global police communications system  1996 (Kuala Lumpur) = Vietnam joined as a new
to exchange crucial data quickly and securely is a cornerstone member
of effective international law enforcement.  1998 (Brunei) = Laos joined ASEANAPOL 2000
2. Operational Data Services and Databases for Police (Myanmar) = Myanmar became the 10th country to
INTERPOL provides operational data services and databases joined as a new member
for police to fight international crime, police need access to  2005 (Bali) The setting up of a working group to consider
information which can assist investigations or help prevent the viability of establishing a permanent ASEANAPOL
crime. INTERPOL manages several databases, accessible to Secretariat - Silver Jubilee Commemoration of
the INTERPOL bureaus in all member countries through its 1- ASEANAPOL
24/7.  2008 (Brunei) = The Royal Malaysia Police was chosen as
3. Operational Police Support Services a host of permanent ASEANAPOL Secretariat (TOR)
a. 24-Hour Support The Command and Co-ordination Centre  2009 (Vietnam) = Adoption of Terms of Reference .
(CCC) operates round the clock in all of INTERPOL's four  2010 On 1 January 2010 commencement of
official languages (English, French, Spanish and Arabic) and ASEANAPOL Secretariat in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
serves as the first point of contact for any member country ORANIZATION
faced with a crisis situation. 1. ASEANAPOL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE comprises of deputy
b. Crisis Response and Major Events In the event of a heads of delegation attending the annual ASEANAPOL
disaster or major crime, INTERPOL Response Teams or conference. It provides a summary reports of the activities of
Disaster Victim Identification teams composed of officers the Secretariat to the Head of the Delegation
from the General Secretariat and member countries can be 2. ASEANAPOL PERMANENT SECRETARIAT is on rotational
dispatched to the scene within hours of an event. basis with member countries taking turn to host the
c. International Alert System An important component of ASEANAPOL conference and automatically assume the role of
INTERPOL'S operational police support is the notice system, the secretariat for the current year.
of which the Red Notice for wanted persons is the most well- = headed by executive director and assisted by 2 directors
known. In addition to the six color-coded notices (Red, Blue, Tenure of Services
Green, Yellow, Black and Orange), is the INTERPOL-United a. Executive Director 2 years
Nations Special Notice issued for groups or individuals who b. Directors - 3 years (one for Police Services and one for
are the targets of UN sanctions against Al Qaeda and the Plans and Programs
Taliban. "During the 29th ASEANAPOL Conference in Hanoi, Vietnam
d. Analyzing Crime Data in 2009, the Terms of Reference on the establishment of
Criminal intelligence analysis is recognized by the law ASEANAPOL Secretariat was finally endorsed. Kuala Lumpur
enforcement community as a valuable tool, helping to was made the permanent seat
provide timely warning of threats and operational police "The ASEANAPOL Secretariat started its operation fully on
activities. INTERPOL contributes to investigations by assisting January 1, 2010.
officers working at the General Secretariat and in member CONTEMPORARY POLICE PROBLEMS Some critiques have
countries with research and analysis on crime trends and said that a small percentage of law enforcement officers who
with training courses in criminal analysis techniques. are responsible for the misdeeds of the organization that
Divisions of Criminal Intelligence Analysis have brought public criticism upon them. This very fact
a. Operational Analysis aims to achieve a specific law makes the indifference of police heads to the situation all the
enforcement outcome. Usually, it has immediate benefit. more reprehensible subject to criticism. Generally, when the
b.Strategic Analysis = provides early warning signals of police administrators are brought to task for permitting
threats and to support decision making in setting priorities to improper practices and misbehavior to continue, they are
deal with criminal issues. quick to blame political interference, inadequate salaries,
4. Police Training and Development As one of the 4 weakness of the law, and lack of public support.
INTERPOL core functions, Police Training and Development The Police Problems The problem on political interference
continues to evolve as a priority for INTERPOL and member can be a most destructive force and often it is a serious
countries. ASEAN NATIONAL POLICE (ASEANAPOL) 1981 obstacle to effective administration of the police
(Manila) The first formal meeting of The Chiefs of ASEAN organization, but it cannot be corrected by passive measures.
Police A fundamental responsibility of police administrator is to go
and on, fighting for the ideals to
the extent that political leader will finally be convinced of Why Crime is on the Rise? Crime is committed because of the
political expediency of efficient law enforcement. following
On the inadequacy of salaries, many believed that 1. A need exists or the lack of something necessary or
honesty and integrity couldn't be purchased. Thus, when the desirable
policemen are willing to accept responsibility as professionals 2. There is an opportunity
and establish high standards of performance, then they can 3. Specifically, the following situations provide opportunities
expect recognition in terms of appropriate pay scale and for crime to take place:
reasonable allowances. Careful inquiry usually discloses that 4. Police Protection of the Criminals
those who are most deeply involved are the leaders in the 5. The citizens distrust the police
politico- criminal malpractice. 6. Inefficient law Enforcement
If the wages are too low to attract men who are 7. Poverty
capable of effective service, then, it is the administrator duty 8. Others
to present the facts to the proper authorities for correction
and adjustment. If the laws are weak and new legislations are Statistics from year-to-year show that on a
necessary, then the administrators must see that the nationwide scale, one crime committed every three minutes,
proposed solutions are properly placed before the legislature which means 20 crimes per hour. Theft, the leading index
for consideration and correction. offense, occur every 16 minutes, followed by physical injuries
As for public apathy, a law enforcement agency does every 19 minutes, robbery 28 minutes, homicide every 39
not meet the approval of the good citizens will not succeed. minutes, murder every 49 minutes and rape every 6 hours.
Public support is the end product of faithful, honest and
effective law enforcement for the people in the community. Cost of Crime The factors that go into the cost of crime and
Public support must originate with the people. It is a disorder are legion. In so far as lives lost, limbs broken and
fundamental responsibility of police administrators to clean mental anguish are concerned, the cost of crime is not
their own ranks and must deal with the problems directly, quantifiable.
promptly and effectively. Otherwise, the impatient citizenry The cost of enforcing the laws can be categorized to
may take upon themselves to do the job for them. three aspects: namely:
Although the past many years of police development 1. to the government,
have record distinctive achievements, police services have 2. to the society, and
apparently failed to cope with Increasing crime. Despite of 3. to the individual person. These costs to crime do not even
substantial addition of personnel at all levels of police include social costs associated with offenses such as:
service, statistics show continuing increases in criminal 1. Victimization
offenses and anti-social acts. Part of the blame may be 2. Fear of Victimization
attributed to political Interference, low salaries, weak law 3. Cast of protection against crime
enforcement, public apathy or corruption of officials and 4. Operation of the Criminal Justice System
police officers. 5. Welfare for offenders and families
But these factors are not the basic causes in the Crime Factors The causes of criminality and social disorder
breakdown of police services. They are symptomatic of the are numerous and occur in such complex variety of
more fundamental factors, such as disorganization, lack of combinations that their isolation, analysis and evaluation
cohesion or inadequate and realistic leadership, defective become extremely difficult. The prevention of criminality,
recruitment, inadequate personnel management and therefore, cannot be the exclusive task of one agency or
insufficient training. A situation of this character has a organization. Crime is a social problem and the basic concern
profound effect on the public welfare as well as upon the law of the entire community. The law enforcement effort as a
enforcers themselves. rule is limited to factors within its control. It can only provide
The public has become increasingly critical on police support to the related effort of the pillars of the Criminal
service and as a result a significant number of loyal and Justice System.
capable officers find themselves confused and fearful of the Some of the conditions that affect the volume,
future. density and type of crime that occurs from place to place are
Factors and Conditions which caused the Problems as follows:
Why Man Turns to Crime? The causes are so varied as 1. Density and size of the community population area of
human experiences itself and man's capacity for evil is which it is a part.
matched only by his capacity for good. If experts in human 2. Composition of the population, particularly with reference
behavior, sociologist, and police authorities are asked why to age, sex, race.
man turns to crime, complex and elaborate answers are 3. Economic status and mores of the population
offered that could be divided into the following categories: 4. Stability of population taking into accounts the percentage
1. Biological- The impulsive and the temperamental are likely of commuter seasonal and other transient types,
to blow their tops given a particular situation. Obviously, 5. Climate including seasonal weather conditions.
certain types of temperament are prone to violent behavior 6. Educational, recreational and religious characteristics
those whose tolerance levels are extremely low. 7. Effective strength of the police force
2. Psychological - Too many frustrations, rejections and 8. Attitudes and policies of the courts and correctional
disappointments. institutions and formal supportive organizations existing in
3. Environmental / Sociological the community
4. Political
5. Economics
9. Relationship and attitudes of law enforcement, including 4. Commission of acts constituting illegal arrest and
degree of adherence to crime enforcement procedures and procurement of illegal search warrant.
reporting standards. 5. The use of force, torture, violence, threats and other
Police Problems on Human Rights Observation reveals that means that vitiate the freewill of any person or to do
many police officers violate, in different degrees and anything or to sign a document against his will. (Sec. 12 Art.
circumstances, the rights of people. As previously discussed III Bill of Rights under the Constitution).
in chapter ten, the violations of human rights in every state 6 Holding a person in a secret detention places, in solitary
all over the world has connection with the alarming negative confinement, or incommunicado or other forces of detention.
effects of globalization. With law enforcers' involvement on 7. Employment of physical, psychological and degrading
human rights violations, it is proper to discuss the basic punishment against a prisoner or detainee.
concepts on human rights. 8.Unexplained of force disappearance and extra-legal
Define Human Rights The term human rights are generally executions.
defined as those rights inherent in the nature of every Human Rights are violated in different areas under any of
individual person without which man cannot live as a human the following categories:
being. The Commission on Human Rights defined human 1. The constitutional areas
rights as the supreme, inherent, inalienable right to life, to 2. The statutory area, whether civil or criminal
dignity and to self- development. 3. Where one acts in defense of one's rights
Who is a Human Being? A human being is a person who 4 Conflict of interest and of motives
possesses physical existence, a product of pro-creation. The The Constitutional Area Human Rights subject to the
term person refers not only to a human being who inhabits violation fall within the protecting ambit of Art. III of the 1987
the earth, but also contemplates an unborn child who has not Constitution of the Philippines entitled "The Bill of Rights"
yet seen the light of a day. which includes those found in other provisions.
What is an Inherent Right? An inherent right is one which is
essentially a part of a person's legal personality from the The Statutory Area The statutory area includes those
moment of his birth. It is a right, which cannot be sold, provided under Chapter 2, Preliminary Title of the New Civil
transferred or in any other manner alienated to another Code of the Philippines entitled Human Relatioris on the one
person. hand, and those defined and punished under Book Two of
 Meaning of Life Life means more than mere physical the Revised Penal Code, which includes the following:
existence. It includes the right to live, free from social 1. State Those Crimes Against the Fundamental Laws of the
damages against limbs or freedom from unjustified 2. . Those Against Personal Liberty
control. 3. . Those Against Chastity Where one act in defense of his
 Meaning of Liberty - Liberty means the right of a person rights - There are acts which a person commits in defense of
to act without any interference except in accordance his rights, he thus, violates the rights of another as a
with law. consequence. Conflict of interest, motives and disparity in
 Meaning of Property The term property means the social and economic status of people.
everything which a man may legally have exclusive Classification of Human Rights
dominion and ownership.  Civil and Political Rights
 When is a person deprived of his Liberty? A person is  The right to life, liberty, security of person.
considered deprived of his property without due  Protection against torture and other forms of cruel,
process of law when it is physically taken from him, inhuman and degrading punishmentDetention
when its value is destroyed, when its capability for  Protection Against Arbitrary Arrest and
enjoyment or its adaptability to some particular uses is  Right against Slavery, Force or Compulsory Labor :
impaired.  The Right to own Property. country
 What is due process of law? The term due process of  The Right to Leave and to Return to one's Justice
law means that law which hears before it condemns,  Human Right in the Administration of
which proceeds upon inquiry, and renders judgment  Freedom of Thought, Conscience and Religion and Belief
only after trial.  Freedom of Opinion and Expression. :
On Unreasonable Search and Seizure Constitutional  Freedom of Association, including Trade and Union
Protection The protection afforded the people against Rights.
unreasonable searches and seizure under Sec. 2, Art. III of the  The Right of everyone to take part in the government.
1987 Constitution speaks of three things namely: The right to Economic, Social and Cultural Rights .
be secured in their persons, in their houses, in their papers  The Right to Work
and effects.  The Right to Education :
Human Rights Violation per sec The following are classified  The Right to Health
as Human Rights Violation Per Se under Commission on  The Right to Adequate Shelter and Services :
Human Rights Circular No. 001-88  The Right to Culture
1. Deprivation of life, liberty or property without due process  The Right to Development
of law. (Sec. 1, Art. III Bill of Rights under the Constitution)  The Right to a Clean Environment
2 .Violation of the Right to the equal protection of laws.
3.Violation of the rights of the people to be secure in their The Bill of Rights
persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable The Bill of Rights is the list of rights pertaining to
search and seizure of whatever nature and for any purpose. persons. These rights are recognized, guaranteed, and
protected against invasion, reduction or destruction.
Article III of the 1987 Constitution provides for the detention places, solitary, incommunicado, or other similar
Bill of Rights are as follows: forms of detention are prohibited. (3) Any confession or
SEC. 1. No person shall be deprived of life, liberty, or admission obtained in violation of this or Section 17 hereof
property without due process of law, nor shall any person be shall be inadmissible in evidence against him. (4) The law
denied the equal protection of the laws. shall provide for penal and civil sanctions for violations of this
SEC. 2. The right of the people to be secure in their section as well as compensation to and rehabilitation of
persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable victims of torture or similar practices, and their families.
searches and seizures of whatever nature and for any SEC. 13. All persons, except those charged with offenses
purpose shall be inviolable, and no search warrant or warrant punishable by reclusion perpetua when evidence of guilt is
of arrest shall issue except upon probable cause to be strong, shall, before conviction, be bailable by sufficient
determined personally by the judge after examination under sureties, or be released on recognizance as may be provided
oath or affirmation of the complainant and the witnesses he by law. The right to bail shall not be impaired even when the
may produce, and particularly describing the place to be privilege of the writ of habeas corpus is suspended. Excessive
searched and the persons or things to be seized. bail shall not be required.
SEC. 3. (1) The privacy of communication and SEC 14. (1) No person shall be held to answer for a criminal
correspondence shall be inviolable except upon lawful order Honte without due process of law. (2) In all criminal
of the court, or when public safety or order requires prosecutions, the accused shall be presumed innocent unfi
otherwise as prescribed by law. (2) Any evidence obtained in The contrary is proved, and shall enjoy the right to be heard
violation of this or the preceding section shall be inadmissible by himself and counsel, to be informed of the nature and
for any purpose in any proceeding. cause of the accusation against him, to have a speedy,
SEC. 4. No law shall be passed abridging the freedom impartial, and public trial, to meet the witnesses face to face,
of speech, of expression, or of the press, or the right of the and to have compulsory process to secure the attendance of
people peaceably to assemble and petition the Government witnesses and the production of evidence in his behalf.
for redress of grievances. However, after arraignment, trial may proceed
SEC. 5. No law shall be made respecting an notwithstanding the absence of the accused provided that he
establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise has been duly notified and his failure to appear is
thereof. The free exercise and enjoyment of religious unjustifiable.
profession and worship, without discrimination or SEC 15. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be
preference, shall forever be allowed. No religious test shall suspended except in cases of invasion or rebellion when The
be required for the exercise of civil or political rights. public safety requires it.
SEC. 6. The liberty of abode and of changing the SEC. 16. All persons shall have the right to a speedy
same within the limits prescribed by law shall not be disposition of their cases before all judicial, quasi-judicial, or
impaired except upon lawful order of the court. Neither shall administrative bodies.
the right to travel be impaired except in the interest of SEC. 17. No person shall be compelled to be a witness against
national security, public safety, or public health, as may be himself.
provided by law. SEC 18. (1) No person shall be detained solely by reason of his
SEC. 7. The right of the people to information on matters of political beliefs and aspirations. (2) No involuntary servitude
public concern shall be recognized. Access to official records, in any from shall exist except as punishment for a crime
and to documents, and papers pertaining to official acts, whereof the party shall be duly convicted.
transactions, or decisions, as well as to government research SEC. 19. (1) Excessive fines shall not be imposed, nor cruel,
data used as basis for policy development, shall be afforded degrading or inhuman punishment inflicted. Neither shall
the citizen, subject to such limitations as may be provided by death penalty be imposed, unless, for compelling reasons
law. involving heinous crimes, the Congress hereafter provides for
SEC 8. The right of the people, including those employed in it. Any death penalty already imposed shall be reduced to
the public and private sectors, to form unions, associations, reclusion perpetua. (2) The employment of physical,
or societies for purposes not contrary to law shall not be psychological, or degrading punishment against any prisoner
abridged. or detainee or the use of substandard or inadequate penal
SEC. 9. Private property shall not be taken for public use facilities under subhuman conditions shall be dealt with by
without just compensation. law.
SEC 10. No law impairing the obligation of contracts shall be SEC. 20. No person shall be imprisoned for debt or non-
passed. payment of a poll tax.
SEC. 11. Free access to the courts and quasi-judicial bodies SEC. 21. No person shall be twice put in jeopardy of
and adequate legal assistance shall not be denied to any punishment for the same offense. If an act is punished by a
person by reason of poverty. law and an ordinance, conviction or acquittal under either
SEC. 12. (1) Any person under investigation for the shall constitute a bar to another prosecution for the same
commission of an offense shall have the right to be informed act. SEC. 22. No ex post facto law or bill of attainder shall be
of his right to remain silent and to have competent and enacted. Promotion of Human Rights Under our laws and
independent counsel preferably of his own choice. If the government administrative issuances the following are
person cannot afford the services of counsel, he must be mandated:
provided with one. These rights cannot be waived except in 1. The DepEd shall include the study and understanding of
writing and in the presence of counsel. (2) No torture, force, human rights in the curricula of all levels of education and
violence, threat, intimidation, or any other means which training in all schools in the country, adapting the scope and
vitiate the free will shall be used against him. Secret
treatment of the subject or course on human rights to the Level of Corruption Not all departments are corrupt, and not
respective educational levels (Executive Order 27-86). all corrupt departments are equally corrupt. The relevant
2. The CSC shall include in the examinations for government question, according to Sherman is: Why are there different
service the basic knowledge on human rights. kinds and extends of police corruption's is different
3. The Department of National Defense, the AFP and the PNP communities?
shall include the study of Human rights as an integral and First Level-Rotten Apples and Rotten Pockets Corruption is
indispensable part of the education and training of all police, less serious when it involves only a few police officers acting
military, and other arresting and investigating personnel. on their own. The rotten apple theory applies to a situation
4. The NAPOLCOM shall include in the qualifying where only a few officers independently engaged in corrupt
examinations for police work a basic knowledge on human acts. A rotten pocket exists when several corrupt officers
rights. (Memo Order No. 26-86). cooperate with one another. The Rotten apple problem is the
J. Police Problem on Graft and Corruption The malady is the easiest to control. Rotten pockets represent a far more
result of rampant criminal activities of public/private officials difficult problems, they involved a conspiracy among several
using their influence and positional advantage in illegal officers who will not testify against one another.
acquisition of wealth. Police Corruptions has many Second Level Pervasive Unorganized Corruption Corruption
definitions. Herman Goldstein defines it as "acts Involving the reaches a higher degree of intensity when it is a majority of
misuse of authority by a police officer in a manner designed personnel who are corrupt, but who have little relationship to
to produce personal gain for himself or others. each other.
Frederick A. Elliston and Michael Feldberg define Third Level-Pervasive Organized Corruption The most
corruption as "the acceptance of money or the equivalent of serious form of corruption exists at an organized level that
money by a public official for doing something he or she is penetrates the higher levels of the department. An example
under the duty to do anyway, that he or she is under a duty is a systematic payoff to protect legal activities with the
not to do, or to exercise legitimate discretion for improper payoff shared among all members of a unit and their
use." supervisors.
Although these definitions differ, we can find Types and Forms of Corruption Corruption is not limited to
enough commonalities to define corruption as follows: A the present day, for as long as there have been police, there
police officer is corrupt when he or she is acting under his or has been Police corruption. Samuel Walker describes four
her official capacity and receives a benefit or something of general types of corruption: taking gratuities, taking bribes
value for doing something or for refraining from doing theft or burglary, and internal corruption
1. Gratuities are small tips or discounts on goods purchased.
The Cost of Corruption The cost of corruption is extremely In many communities. Some prohibits gratuities, while others
high - to the police, the criminal justice system and the do not.
society. The most important point is that a corrupt act is a 2. Taking Bribes the payment of money or other
criminal act. Criminal activity by the police officers consideration to police officers with intent to subvert the
undermines the fundamental integrity of the law aims of the criminal justice system. According to Walker,
enforcement mission. At the same time, corruption protects bribe may take two forms:
other criminal's activity. Gambling syndicates, protected by (1) the pad (formal, regular, periodic payments to the police
corruption are the major source of profits for organized to overlook continuing criminal enterprises)
crimes. (2) the score (a one-time payment to avoid arrest for illegal
Corrupting Individual Officers Most experts believe that conduct).
officers become corrupt through a process of socialization. 3. Theft or Robbery The taking of money or property by the
An officer does not become corrupt all at once. Rather, the police while performing their duties, is another form of
process involves a series of stages in which the officer passes corruption. The police have access to numerous premises;
from lesser to greater tolerance and or involvement in include warehouses and stores, while investigating
corrupt activities. burglaries. 4. Internal Corruption - Officers pay members of
First Stage - The moral career of a corrupt officer begins with their departments for special assignments or promotions.
relatively minor gratuities. The officer begins to regard free  Thomas Barker and Julian Roebuck on the other hand
meals as a normal part of the job. Peer pressure is extremely have identified the following types of corruption:
important in the first stage. The new officer is introducing to  Acceptance of free or discounted meals and services.
corrupt acts by veteran officers.  Acceptance of kickbacks for referral for services
Second and Third Stage - According to Sherman, it involves Opportunistic theft from helpless citizens or unsecured
regulatory offenses, an officer accepts a free drink from a bar premises.
owner and allows the bar to remain open after the legal  Shakedowns
closing hours. Peer pressure is important if the officers know  Protection of Illegal Activities
that other officers routinely do the same thing.  Acceptance of money to fix cases
Final Stage - At some point, the officer becoming corrupt  Planned Theft
changes from one who passively accepts gratuities into one Eight Kinds of Police Corruption
who aggressively solicits bribes. The corrupt acts begin to  Corruption of Authority An officer's authority is
involve more serious violation of the law, become more corrupted when he receives officially unauthorized
systematic, and involve larger amounts of money; the officer material gain by virtue of his position as a police officer
begins to initiate corrupt acts. without violating the laws.
 Kickbacks - Profits
 Opportunistic theft Occurred from arrest of suspects, 3. It destroys the department itself, robbing the police officer
investigating victims in crime scenes and from of self-respect and respect for superior officers and the
unprotected properties. department as a whole. Effective discipline becomes
 Shakedown Arises when an officer inadvertently impossible when corruption is systematic
witnesses or gains knowledge of a criminal violation and 4. knowledge of the existence of corruption under the
the violator subsequently offer a bribe to evade arrest. public's faith in the police and the entire criminal justice
 Protection of Illegal Activities - This type of corruption system.
concerns with the giving of protection by a policeman in Problems on Police Response Patrol effectiveness is
any illegal activity such as gambling, smuggling, frequently measured in response time. The time elapsed
prostitution or other vices to operate without police between when the call is received and when the police
interference in exchange of any form of material arrived on the scene.
rewards. One obvious reason for a rapid response is the opportunity to
 Traffic Fix-The quashing of prosecution proceeding apprehend a person engaged in criminal activity.
following the offender's arrest. Primary Reasons for Police Response Delay Citizen's delay in
 Direct Criminal Activities - It involves no corruptor. calling the police is because of decision-making problems or
Policeman directly committed crimes against the person problems communicating with the police.
or property of another for material gain. in Three basic decision-making problems that result in
 Criminal Pay-off- Internal Pay-Off regulates a market citizens failure to call the police immediately are:
where the police officers' prerogatives maybe bought,  Citizens sometimes want first to verify that a situation
bartered or sold. does indeed involve a crime; that is, they try to resolve
Other Kinds of Corruption Many police officers have been ambiguity in the situation.
involved in acts of corruption sourced out from Gambling  Sometimes citizens take actions to help themselves
Parking and Traffic Narcotics Retrieving seized automobiles- cope with problems the crimes have created for them,
Construction Intradepartmental Payments Bars - Sale of for example leaving the scene, talking with someone
Information Prostitution and Gratuities else to enlist support, chasing the suspect or taking care
Reasons for Police Corruptions Numerous theories attempt of a physical injury
to explain corruption in law enforcement agencies. Frank  Most citizens experience conflict as to whether or not to
call the police, and try to avoid making immediate
Schmalleger offers an interesting theory about the reason decisions. After the citizens decided to call the police,
some police officers become corrupt by tying Edwin they may encounter other problems, such as the
Sutherland theory of differential association to police following:
corruption. Sutherland's theory of differential association  No Phone Available
holds that crime is basically imitative, we learn crime the  Not Knowing what Number to Call
same way we learn other behavior. Police tend to imitate the  Nor Being Able to Communicate Clearly with the Person
behavior that surrounds them. Receiving the Call
The tremendous discretion they are allowed to Response time is also delayed when the department
exercise, and the existence of the police personality and does not have enough patrol officers available for such duty
police cynicism, it is easy to see that police work is fertile at any particular time.
ground for the growth of corruption. Add to this, is the Patrolling is mainly a deterrent to criminal activity:
environment the constant contact police have with criminals recent research showed that a patrolling police officer is
and unsavory people, and the enormous amount of money likely to come across a serious crime by chance once every 14
that can be made by corrupt officers. Based on all these years. Patrols are particularly useful in offering reassurance
factors, it is little wonder that corruption is pervasive. to the public. More targeted police presence also prevents
Wilson says that low salaries and expectation that crime, especially where there are crowds of people.
the police will have other jobs increase the probabilities that Police patrols take place in cars or on foot; there has
the police will be involved in corruption. been some tendency to return to foot patrols recently, as
Other Factors Which Contribute to Police Corruption they are seen as more conducive to a good relationship with
1. Branch of the Department to which the officer is assigned. the public; car patrols, on the other hand, have the
2. Area to which an officer is assigned advantage of speed of response when a crime is reported.
3.Character of the police Police are equipped with radios that enable the local control
4. Rank room to respond with officers to an incident as appropriate.
5. Police Attitude Factors Affecting Police Response
6. Police Officer clientele Police Officers respond to calls about committed
7. Leadership crimes depend on several important variables:
Effects of Corruption on Law Enforcement  What specific crime is involved?
Nothing undermines public confidence in the police and in  Is the crime still in progress?
the process of criminal justice more than the illegal acts of  How many suspects are involved?
police officers. David Burnham identified what he Calls four  Are weapons involved?
hidden social costs of police corruption namely:  Is there a danger to the public?
1. It represents a secret tax on businesses that have to pay  Could a hostage situation develop?
off the police to avoid harassment.  How many officers are available?
2. It undermines the enforcement of the law, allowing  Where are they?
widespread illegal activity to flourish
Police Use of Violence Need for Restraint in Police Use of physical force on a citizen can be judged to be improper or
Force One of the central issues in policing today is how we unnecessary if force was used in one or more of the following
can make the police accountable to the citizenry in a ways:
democratic society and yet not hamstring them in their 1. If a policeman physically assaulted a citizen and then failed
legitimate pursuit of law and order. to make an arrest, proper use involves an arrest. If the citizen
All people-processing organizations, like the police being arrested did not, by word or deed,
agencies, face certain common problems. But the police 2. resist the policeman, force should be used only if it is
administrator faces a problem in controlling practice with necessary to make the arrest.
clients that is not found in most other organizations. 3. If the policeman, even though there was resistance to the
The problem is that police contacts with citizens arrest, could have easily restrained the citizen in other ways.
occur in the community, where direct supervision is not 4. If a large number of policemen were present and could
feasible and where exercise of wide discretion is unavoidable. have assisted in subduing the citizen in the station, in lockup,
The problem of excessive use of force by policemen is and in the interrogation rooms.
popularly referred to as POLICE BRUTALITY. However, most 5.If an offender was handcuffed and made no attempt to flee
authorities on the police have become wary of the phrase or offer violent resistance.
"police brutality" in this connection because they believe the 6. If the citizen resisted arrest, but the use of force continued
term has become so overcharged with emotional even after the citizen was subdued. projected to, and
connotation. They feel the expression "violent-force" both complained about: The way police use language
authorized and non-authorized-is a more accurate way of By the same idea, Reiss discovered that citizens The
describing this aspect of police conduct. habit the police officers have of talking Down to them
Sequence of Decision Phases in Police Use of Deadly Force 4. The harassing tactics of the police the indiscriminate
Research studies have established that in a stopping and searching of citizens on foot or in cars,
substantial percentage of shootings by police, their action in commands to go home, or to move on.
squeezing the trigger is not the product of a "shoot/don't Reiss summarizes the ways in which police have
shoot decision rather the result of a sequence of decisions traditionally dealt with certain citizens, particularly those in
stretching back in time minutes or even hours before the gun the lower class:
is fired. 1. The use of profane and abusive language
In this regard, Scharf and Binder have 2. Commands to move on or get home
conceptualized five "decision phases": 3. Stopping and questioning people on the street or searching
1. Anticipation defined as the period from the officer's first them and their cars
awareness of the need for the intervention to his arrival on 4. . Threats to use force if not obeyed
the scene where the encounter occurs with the opponent. A 5. Prodding with a nightstick or approaching with a pistol and
critical element of this phase is the substance, amount and 6. The actual use of the physical force or violence itself
accuracy of information that the officer receives and that he Use of Force Model Based Upon Progressive Application of
may use in forming expectations of and preparations for the Force
encounter. The model supports the widely accepted premise
2. Entry and Initial Confrontation This is the period in which and practice of progressive application of force, which
the officer physically enters the scene or first approaches the Implies the appropriate selection of force options in response
citizen. It is theorized that tactical decisions made in this to the level of compliance from the individual to be
phase can significantly influence the officer's later options. controlled. For instance, each officer citizen encounter must
These decisions would include whether to seek cover (behind flow in a logical and legal sequence of cause and effect based
an object, protective body armor, etc.) or concealment and upon the officer's perception of risk.
whether to enlist the aid of individuals whom the suspect A brief examination of the model includes the
may trust. following areas:
3. Dialogue and Information Exchange - This is a Structural Components The model consists of three panels
"definitional" phase in which, through oral or other forms of "reasonable officer's perception" "enforcement electives"
communication, the officer(s) and civilians(s) "size up" the and "reasonable officer's response" each of which is
situation and each other. Included in this phase are orders to comprised of five levels.
"halt", "drop the gun" among others, issued by the police, 1. Reasonable Officer's Perception - It is breakdown into five
threats or signs of contempt by the civilian toward the categories of perceived subject actions:
officer, and actual negotiations of the sort that would be  . Compliant (Cooperative) Within the normal realm of
involved in extended hostage-barricade incidents. law enforcement, the vast majonty of police/citizen
4. Final Frame Decision to shoot or not to Shoot -the officer's encounters are positive and cooperative
actual determination about discharging the weapon.  Resistant (Passive) - In some confrontational contacts,
5. Aftermath- This final phase includes both on-site events the subject may offer a preliminary level of
immediately following a decision to shoot or not to shoot noncompliance. The subject resistance is primarily
and activities, such as departmental review and future passive, with the subject offering no physical
contact between the officer and his opponent that may enhancement toward the effort other than sheer
occur days or week later. unresponsiveness.
When Use of Force on the Citizen can be judged to be  Resistant (Active) - At this level, the subject's resistance
Improper or Unnecessary? has become more active in scope and intensity. The
In a significant study on the phenomenon of police brutality, Indifference to control has increased to a level of
Albert J. Reiss has laid down certain criteria when use of enhanced physical defiance.
 Assault (Bodily Harm) In this case, the officer's attempt Recruitment standards, training requirements and
to gain lawful compliance has met with active, hostile career development program must be strictly observed.
resistance culminating in an attack upon the officer. Salaries and allowances and other personnel motivations
 Serious Assault (Serious Bodily Harm/ Death) This must be maintained in the proper levels.
category represents the least encountered but most Police service as it is presently conducted does not
serious threat to officer safety. Here the officer can appear to meet all the requirements of a true profession, and
draw a reasonable conclusion that he is subject to death while evident Improvements have been made in some areas
or great bodily harm as a result of the attack. of work, much remain to be done in the correction of the
2. Enforcement Elective Panel The model corresponds to the police organizations to attain modern civilian professional
tools provided via the training curriculum, keying concepts.
enforcement actions to the specific encounter. . There are no obstacles to the attainment of
 Level I- This category consists of fundamental professional status that are so great that cannot be
procedures supportive of the initiation and continuation surmounted if the human elements of the organization
of compliance and procedures. . themselves are willing to accept the demands of professional
 Level II - This level includes options centered on the growth and responsive service. In professional organizations,
gaining of control via procedures that are primarily high standards of qualifications must be established and
psychologically manipulative, rather than physically recognized by the members for recruitment and admission
manipulative. thereto. Likewise, facilities must be provided for technical
 Level III Due to the introduction of a physical and enrichment skills and the development of knowledge on
component to the subject's noncompliance The officer both substance and work procedures.
now must call upon the tactics of encounter ind, Control Mechanisms in the Use of Force by Police Officers
possibly, the deployment of supportive force. To improve the control of violent force, many police
 Level IV Due to the combative nature of the specialists believe major changes in the purpose, recruiting
Confrontation, the officer must now deploy tactical method, training organization and tactics of the police will
procedures centering upon active, force-enhanced have to be implemented.
counter heasures.  Adoption of organizational rules, procedures,
 Level V-At this level, tactical options are directed oward accountability mechanism, training, firm system of
officer survival and self-preservation. oversight and accountability by police managers.
3. Reasonable Officer's Response  Improved officer selection criteria, and . officer training
 Verbal Command This level relies on the professional in various survival tactics, such as range instruction,
officer's wide variety of communication skills, human relation skills, cultural awareness programs,
Capitalizing upon the general population's acceptance of verbal judo, martial arts, and the use of less lethal
authority. weapon.
 Contact Controls In the first stage of non- compliance,  Heavy emphasis should be given to detailed background
the officer must deploy tactical talents to assert control check in order to detect any erratic behavior in the past
and gain cooperation. as an indicator of possible trouble in the future.
 Compliance Techniques - The officer must deploy  Intensive psychiatric or psychological interview should
sufficient force to overcome the subject's active be conducted for all applicants.
resistance, remaining vigilant for signs of more Proactive Measures against Police Violence
aggressive behavior from the subject. With training as a focal point, the following
 Defensive Tactics-Confronted with the subject's proactive measures towards violence-reduction in police
Assaultive act's the officer is justified in taking work are suggested:
appropriate Steps to immediately cease the assaultive  Training, training, training, retraining, retraining,
action and gain and maintain control of the subject once retraining, communication, communication,
compliance is achieved communication.
 Deadly Force Facing an assaultive situation that reaches  Front-line supervision that is well trained, well informed
the ultimate degree of danger, the officer must deploy and not afraid to supervise.
absolute and immediate tactics to stop the lethal Threat  Discipline that is fair, consistent and consistently
and secure conclusive compliance and control. applied.
THE REMEDIES TO THE POLICE PROBLEMS  An awareness of instances of over- aggressive
As they say, every problem has a solution. After we tendencies and the provision of remedial training or
have discussed the problems, below is a discussion on the discipline before these latent tendencies become
possible remedies to deal with these police problems. They assaults.
must be, however, taken into holistic approaches in their Other Remedies
implementation. To improve efficiency and effectiveness in police
General Remedies Available work with a lessened amount of police problems, the
Consistent progress in public service is possible only when following are other remedies on police problems:
the internal strength of the organization exists. There must  Comprehensive campaign of the Moral Recovery
be high morale among the members of the police Service Program in the police service .
reflected in their esprit de corps that springs from their  Comprehensive focus on educational measures with
genuine loyalty and noble faith in the policies and objectives emphasis on the ethical standards and code of conduct
of the organization. for law enforcers.
 Comprehensive check-up on existing statutes 1. Slavery the submission to a dominating influence or the
concerning the police organization Political will power state of a person who is a chattel of another. Slave a person
remedies on erring police officers held in servitude as the chattel of another.
TRANSNATIONAL CRIMES 2. Piracy is typically an act of robbery or criminal violence at
Transnational Crime are crimes that have actual or sea. The term can include acts committed on land, in the air,
potential effect across national borders and crimes which are or in other major bodies of water or on a shore. It does not
intra-State but which offend fundamental values of the normally include crimes committed against persons traveling
international. on the same vessel as the perpetrator (e.g. one passenger
the word "transnational" describes crimes that are stealing from others on the same vessel). (Presidential
not only international (that is, crimes that cross borders Decree No. 532 (The Anti-Piracy and Anti- Highway Robbery
between countries), but crimes that by their nature involve Law of 1974).
cross-border transference as an essential part of the criminal 3. Opium Smuggling Smuggling the act of conveying or
activity. introducing surreptitiously or to import export secretly
transnational crimes also include crimes that take contrary to law and especially without paying duties imposed
place in one country, but their consequences significantly by law.
affect another country and transit countries may also be Modern Types of Transnational Crime
involved. 1. Terrorism
a crime perpetuated by organized criminal groups define as the unlawful use of force or violence
which the aim of committing one or more serious crimes of against person or property to intimidate or coerce a
offenses in order to obtain directly or indirectly, a financial or government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof,
other material benefits committed through crossing of in furtherance of political or social objectives. (FBI, 1997) the
borders or jurisdictions. A working definition of transnational term terrorism comes from French "terrorisme", from Latin:
crime "terror" which means "great fear", "dread", related to the
Crime that impacts on more than one jurisdiction. Latin verb "terrere", which means "to frighten". the use of
e.l. one country to another. the word first appeared in January 1975. the systematic use
Adopted from the United Nations Convention on of terror, especially as a means of coercion. It refers only to
Transnational Organized Crime. those acts which are: 1. Intended to create fear
Committed by Organized criminal groups that have a 2. Are perpetrated for ideological goal
home base in one state, but cooperated in one or more host 3. Deliberately target non-combatants. In November 2004, a
states where there are favorable market opportunities. Well United Nations Secretary General report described terrorism
known types: Drugs, economic, people smuggling, money As any act intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to
laundering, environmental. civiliaris or non-combatants with the purpose of intimidating
What about: a population or compelling a government or an international
-People trafficking, sea piracy, arms trafficking, precursor organization to do or abstain from doing any act.
chemicals, terrorism and the crimes that underpin or Characteristics of Terrorism:
facilitated terrorism. 1. Premeditated or Planned
Crossing of borders by: 2. Politically motivated
-People criminals, fugitives and victims 3. Aimed at civilians
- Things commodities Intent traffic, defraud, circumvent, etc. 4. Carried out by sub-national groups
With international recognition of the crime: conventions, Organized Terrorism Crime Group (OCG) vs. Terrorism
treaties and laws With international recognition of the crime: -OCG are motivated by
-conventions, treaties and laws -Terrorists are motivated by ideology a. terrorist may use:
Transnational Organized Crime 1. weapons of mass destruction
involves the planning and execution of illicit business 2. threats to create fear
ventures by groups or networks of individuals working in 3. traditional weapons
more than one country. Typology of Terrorism
these criminal groups use a systematic violence and 1.Nationalist Terrorism
corruption to achieve their goals. seek to form a separate state of their own and
Organized crime frequently depict their activities as a fight for liberation,
is a combination of two or more person for the the loyalty and devotion to a nation, and the
purpose of establishing by terror, threat, intimidation or national consciousness derived from placing one nation's
conception in the city or municipality or any community of culture and interest above those of other nations or groups.
either monopoly or criminal activities in field that provides 2. Religious Terrorism -pursue their own vision of the divine
continuing financial support. will and use violence intended to bring about social and
Criminal Syndicate cultural changes. religiously inspired terrorism is on the rise,
an organized and relatively stable business which with a forty-three percent increase of total international
uses violence and threat against competitors. terror groups espousing religious motivation between 1980
Criminal World and 1995. Religiously motivated terrorists see their objectives
refers to the social organization of criminals with its as holy writ, and therefore infallible and non-negotiable.
own social classes and norms. 3. State-Sponsored Terrorism deliberately used by radical
Historical Types of Transnational Crime states as foreign policy tools.
4. Left-Wing Terrorism
seek to destroy economies based on free enterprise -Condemn terrorism as inimical and dangerous to the
and to replace them with socialist or Communist economic national security of the country and to the welfare of the
system. people;
these group seek to overthrow capitalist -Make terrorism a crime against the Filipino people, against
Democracies and establish socialist or communist humanity and against the law of nations.
Governments in their place. They want to attack the -signed into law by Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and
established system in order to do away with class Distinction. effective on July 2007, officially aimed at tackling militants in
5. Right-Wing Terrorism motivated by fascist ideals and work the Southern Philippines, including Abu Sayyaf Group, which
toward the Dissolution of democratic governments. this type has link to Al-Qaeda and has been blamed for bombings and
of terrorism aims to combat liberal Governments and kidnappings.
preserve traditional social orders. Right wing terrorism is -The law took effect on 15 July 2007.
commonly characterized by militias and gangs; many time Terrorism (Sec. 3, RA 9372) three-part definition:
these groups are racially motivated and aim to marginalize 1. Predicate act
minorities within a State. a. Piracy and mutiny on high seas (Art. 122)
6.Anarchist (Revolutionary) Terrorism are revolutionaries b. Rebellion or insurrection (Art. 134)
who seek to overthrow all established forms of government. c. Coup d'etat (Art. 134-A)
dedicated to the overthrow of an established order and d. Murder (Art. 248)
replacing it with a new political or social Structure. Although e. Kidnapping and Serious Illegal Detention (Art. 267)
often associated with communist political ideologies, this is f. Arson (Art. 324*; PD 1613)
not always the case, and other political movements can g. . RA No. 6235 (Anti-Hijacking Law)
advocate revolutionary methods to achieve their goals. h. PD No. 532 (Anti-Piracy and Anti-Highway Robbery Law of
7. Domestic Terrorism refers to the unlawful use of force or 1974)
violence by group or an individual who is based and operates i. PD No. 1866 as amended by RA 8294 & 10592 (Illegal
Within a state. these terrorist are "home grown" and operate Possession of Firearms and Ammunition)
Within and against their home country. They are frequently 2. Results/Consequences - Thereby sowing and creating a
tied to extreme social or political factions within a particular condition of widespread and extraordinary fear and panic
society, and focus their efforts specifically on their nation's among the populace.
socio-political arena. 3. Objectives In order to coerce the government to give in to
8.International Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or an unlawful demand.
violence by a group an individual who has connection to a
foreign power whose activities transcend national boundaries Penalty 40 years of imprisonment
against person or property to intimidate or coerce a Counterterrorism refers to the practices, tactics and
Government. International groups typically operate in strategies that governments, militaries and other groups
multiple countries, but retain a geographic focus for their adopt in order to fight terrorism. that include the offensive
ctivities. measures taken to prevent, deter, preempt, and respond to
9. Cyber Terrorism is a form of terrorism that makes use of terrorism (NATO and US Military Operations).
highly technology especially computers, the internet and the Types of Counterterrorism:
World Wide Web, in the planning and carrying out of terrorist 1. Strategic Counterterrorism deny resources, such as
attacks. finances or base areas to the terrorist. It will capture, kill, or
10. Pathological Terrorism this describes the use of terrorism convert terrorist leaders.
by individuals who utilize such strategies for the sheer joy of 2. Tactical and Operational Counterterrorism - creation of
terrorizing theirs. Pathological terrorist often operate alone elite units or forces, whose role is to directly engage
rather groups like the others on the list and often are not terrorists and prevent terrorist attacks. They perform both in
true terrorist as they lack any well-defined political motive. preventive actions, hostage rescue and responding to on-
11. Issue Oriented Terrorism this type of terrorism is carries going attacks.
out for the Suppose of advancing a specific issue. Commonly Counter-Terrorist Groups
these issues are social in nature or deal with the 1. Australia -SayeretMatkal reconnaissance Unit 269)
environment. Here this definition is used to include 2. Germany Grenzchutzgruppe-9 (GSG)
environmental terrorism. 3. Israel (General Staff
12. Separatist Terrorism 4. Netherlands zondreBijstandEenheid (BBE)
separatists seek to cause fragmentation within a country and 5. Norway ForsvaretsSpecial Kommando (FSK) (Special
established a new state. This type of terrorism is typical of cOMMANDO defense)
minorities within a nation-state that desire their own, 6. Oman Sultan's Special Forces "Cobras"
commonly due to discrimination from the majority group. 7. United Kingdom (UK) - Special Air Service (SAS) Commando
13. Narco-Terrorism this term originally refers to of the Defense)
organizations that gain funds through the sale of drugs. It can 8. United States of America Delta Force and Seal Team Six
also deal with the use of violence by those groups or gangs 9. Philippines - Special Action Force (PNP-SAF) and Special
designed to make the sale of their drugs easier. Operations Group (PASCOM-SOG)

Human Security Act of 2007 (RA 9372) United Nation's Counter-Terrorism Committee
-Policy (Sec. 2)-protect, liberty and property from acts of -The CTC was established by Security Control esolution 1373,
terrorism; which was adopted unanimously on ept. 28, 2001 in the wake
of the Sept. 11 terrorist tack in the United States.
-The Committee, comprising all 15 Security Council Members. Mission of IACP
1. advance professional police services.
United States of America's National Counterterrorism 2. promote/enhanced administrative, technical, and
Center (NCTC) operational police practices; foster cooperation among police
Established by President Executive Order 133354 leaders and police organizations of recognized professional
August 2004 and codified by the Intelligence Reform Ind and technical standing throughout the world
Philippine Center on Transnational Crime (PCTC) MISSIONS
Created on January 15, 1999 by Executive Order 10. The PNP personnel participate in UN Peacekeeping Missions
62 under the Office of the President to formulate and The Republic of the Philippines is committed to
implement a concerted of action of all law enforcement, global peace and as a founding member of the United
intelligence and other government agencies for the Nations, abides by its Charter and recognizes that while the
prevention and control of transnational crime. Terrorist maintenance of international peace and security is the
Organization in the World, Drug Trafficking, money primordial responsibility of the United Nations, individual
Laundering, Human Trafficking and Cybercrimes See page 58 states, regional organizations and civil society share in this
to 73 of CDI Volume responsibility.
BILATERAL AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IF The Philippines reaffirms its commitment to the
TRANSNATIONAL CRIME mandate of the United Nations Security Council under
Convention against Transnational Organized Crime Chapter VI and VII of the Charter and the role of regional
1. UNITED NATION organizations under Chapter VIII in the maintenance of
This world organization was founded in 1945 and was international peace and security. In honoring its obligations
formerly known as the League of Nations. Its primary task is under the Charter, the Philippines within its capabilities, shall
to stop wars between countries and to provide a platform for participate in initiatives under the aegis of the United
dialogue. United Nations-sponsored multilateral treaty Nations. -It recognizes that the United Nations plays
against transnational organized crime, adopted in 2000. It is a fundamental and crucial role in peace operations and
also called the "Palermo Convention". Protocol to Prevent, imposes upon itself the responsibility to take measures on
Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially humanitarian concerns without resorting to the use of arms.
Women and Children. Protocol against the Smuggling of Subject to national goals and interests, the Philippines may
Migrants by Land, Sea and Air. commit its resources to international developmental and
2. Association of Southeast Asian Nations Chiefs of National humanitarian assistance in furtherance of the UN Millennium
Police (ASEANAPOL) Consolidate National Police Forces, Development Goals (MDGs).
enhance regional law enforcement cooperation and Selection and Qualifications
harmonize policing system in the region. PNP is a member of Applications for UN peacekeeping mission should
the ASEANAPOL. The ASEANAPOL deals with the preventive satisfy the following standards and qualifications at the time
enforcement and operational aspects of cooperation against of filing the application thereof:
transnational crime. Actively involved in sharing knowledge A. UNSAS eligible;
and expertise on policing, enforcement, law, criminal justice, B. A Police Commissioned Officer (PCO)
and transnational and international crimes. Objectives of applicant must have a rank of at least Police Senior Inspector
ASEANAPOL Enhancing police professionalism. (Police Captain) while a Police Non-Commissioned Officer
 Forging stronger regional cooperation in police work (PNCO) applicant must have a rank of at least Police Officer 3
and promoting lasting friendship amongst the police (Police Staff Sergeant);
officers of ASEAN countries. C. Have attained at least five (5) years of
3. European Police Office (EUROPOL) Europol is the active police service (excluding cadetship for PMA, PNPA,
European Union's criminal intelligence agency. It became PMMA, and equivalent Officer's Training/Field Training
fully operational on July 01, 1999. Program (FTP) for Lateral Entry Officers and Recruitment
Aim of EUROPOL aim is to improve the effectiveness and Training for Police Non-Commissioned Officers);
cooperation between the competent authorities of the D. Appointed in permanent status in his/her
member states primarily by sharing and pooling intelligence present rank
to prevent and combat serious international organized crime. E. Have at least one (1) year experience in
Its mission is to make a significant contribution to the vehicle driving reckoned from the date of issuance of his/her
European Union's law enforcement efforts in targeting valid driver's license;
organized crime. F. .Recommend by his/her Unit Commander
Mission of Europol the mission of Europol is to make a (Command Group, D-Staff Directors, RDs of PROS, NSUS
significant contribution to the European Union's law Directors and District Directors);
enforcement action against organized crime and terrorism G. Have a Performance Evaluation Rating
with an emphasis on targeting criminal organizations. (PER) of at least Very Satisfactory (VS) for two (2) consecutive
4. International Association of Chief of Police (IACP) The semestral rating periods immediately preceding his/her
International Association of Chiefs of Police is the world's application;
oldest and largest nonprofit membership organization of H. With no pending administrative or criminal
police executives, with over 20,000 members in over 89 case in any body/tribunal or court nor a witness to any such
different countries. IACP's leadership consists of the case nor a summary hearing officer with unresolved
operating chief executives of international, federal, state and I. Have not been repatriated from previous
local agencies of all sizes. UN Mission for disciplinary reason/s;
J. With knowledge on basic computer
operations (e.g. Word, Excel, Powerpoint, email and
K. Passed the latest Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
conducted by DHRDD as well as Medical, Dental and Neuro-
Psychiatric Examination; and

I Without firearm accountability as certified by DL

Terms of Deployments
a. 1st Priority PNP personnel who passed the UNSAT
Examination but without previous UN Missions deployment.
b. 2nd Priority PNP personnel who passed the UNSAT
Examination but with previous UN mission deployment.
Personnel who obtained the highest UNSAT exam
rating, or those superior in rank, length of service,
educational attainment, or with fewer missions, in such
order, shall have priority for deployment.
Default Personnel after having been nominated for
deployment shall be considered in default and will be
removed from the priority list under the following
a. Non-submission of documentary requirements to
the Secretariat on specified date;
b. and Failure to report for processing for
deployment; Non-attendance to the scheduled Pre-
Departure Orientation Seminars (PDOS). Deferment 8,
Deferment shall be allowed only once and only due to health
reasons duly certified by the Director, Health Service; b.
Personnel deferred due to justifiable reasons cited above can
be renominated for deployment to the same mission area as
last priority; and
C. Request for deferent shall be in writing.

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