LEA2 docx-fINAL
LEA2 docx-fINAL
LEA2 docx-fINAL
Human Security Act of 2007 (RA 9372) United Nation's Counter-Terrorism Committee
-Policy (Sec. 2)-protect, liberty and property from acts of -The CTC was established by Security Control esolution 1373,
terrorism; which was adopted unanimously on ept. 28, 2001 in the wake
of the Sept. 11 terrorist tack in the United States.
-The Committee, comprising all 15 Security Council Members. Mission of IACP
1. advance professional police services.
United States of America's National Counterterrorism 2. promote/enhanced administrative, technical, and
Center (NCTC) operational police practices; foster cooperation among police
Established by President Executive Order 133354 leaders and police organizations of recognized professional
August 2004 and codified by the Intelligence Reform Ind and technical standing throughout the world
Philippine Center on Transnational Crime (PCTC) MISSIONS
Created on January 15, 1999 by Executive Order 10. The PNP personnel participate in UN Peacekeeping Missions
62 under the Office of the President to formulate and The Republic of the Philippines is committed to
implement a concerted of action of all law enforcement, global peace and as a founding member of the United
intelligence and other government agencies for the Nations, abides by its Charter and recognizes that while the
prevention and control of transnational crime. Terrorist maintenance of international peace and security is the
Organization in the World, Drug Trafficking, money primordial responsibility of the United Nations, individual
Laundering, Human Trafficking and Cybercrimes See page 58 states, regional organizations and civil society share in this
to 73 of CDI Volume responsibility.
BILATERAL AND INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IF The Philippines reaffirms its commitment to the
TRANSNATIONAL CRIME mandate of the United Nations Security Council under
Convention against Transnational Organized Crime Chapter VI and VII of the Charter and the role of regional
1. UNITED NATION organizations under Chapter VIII in the maintenance of
This world organization was founded in 1945 and was international peace and security. In honoring its obligations
formerly known as the League of Nations. Its primary task is under the Charter, the Philippines within its capabilities, shall
to stop wars between countries and to provide a platform for participate in initiatives under the aegis of the United
dialogue. United Nations-sponsored multilateral treaty Nations. -It recognizes that the United Nations plays
against transnational organized crime, adopted in 2000. It is a fundamental and crucial role in peace operations and
also called the "Palermo Convention". Protocol to Prevent, imposes upon itself the responsibility to take measures on
Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, especially humanitarian concerns without resorting to the use of arms.
Women and Children. Protocol against the Smuggling of Subject to national goals and interests, the Philippines may
Migrants by Land, Sea and Air. commit its resources to international developmental and
2. Association of Southeast Asian Nations Chiefs of National humanitarian assistance in furtherance of the UN Millennium
Police (ASEANAPOL) Consolidate National Police Forces, Development Goals (MDGs).
enhance regional law enforcement cooperation and Selection and Qualifications
harmonize policing system in the region. PNP is a member of Applications for UN peacekeeping mission should
the ASEANAPOL. The ASEANAPOL deals with the preventive satisfy the following standards and qualifications at the time
enforcement and operational aspects of cooperation against of filing the application thereof:
transnational crime. Actively involved in sharing knowledge A. UNSAS eligible;
and expertise on policing, enforcement, law, criminal justice, B. A Police Commissioned Officer (PCO)
and transnational and international crimes. Objectives of applicant must have a rank of at least Police Senior Inspector
ASEANAPOL Enhancing police professionalism. (Police Captain) while a Police Non-Commissioned Officer
Forging stronger regional cooperation in police work (PNCO) applicant must have a rank of at least Police Officer 3
and promoting lasting friendship amongst the police (Police Staff Sergeant);
officers of ASEAN countries. C. Have attained at least five (5) years of
3. European Police Office (EUROPOL) Europol is the active police service (excluding cadetship for PMA, PNPA,
European Union's criminal intelligence agency. It became PMMA, and equivalent Officer's Training/Field Training
fully operational on July 01, 1999. Program (FTP) for Lateral Entry Officers and Recruitment
Aim of EUROPOL aim is to improve the effectiveness and Training for Police Non-Commissioned Officers);
cooperation between the competent authorities of the D. Appointed in permanent status in his/her
member states primarily by sharing and pooling intelligence present rank
to prevent and combat serious international organized crime. E. Have at least one (1) year experience in
Its mission is to make a significant contribution to the vehicle driving reckoned from the date of issuance of his/her
European Union's law enforcement efforts in targeting valid driver's license;
organized crime. F. .Recommend by his/her Unit Commander
Mission of Europol the mission of Europol is to make a (Command Group, D-Staff Directors, RDs of PROS, NSUS
significant contribution to the European Union's law Directors and District Directors);
enforcement action against organized crime and terrorism G. Have a Performance Evaluation Rating
with an emphasis on targeting criminal organizations. (PER) of at least Very Satisfactory (VS) for two (2) consecutive
4. International Association of Chief of Police (IACP) The semestral rating periods immediately preceding his/her
International Association of Chiefs of Police is the world's application;
oldest and largest nonprofit membership organization of H. With no pending administrative or criminal
police executives, with over 20,000 members in over 89 case in any body/tribunal or court nor a witness to any such
different countries. IACP's leadership consists of the case nor a summary hearing officer with unresolved
operating chief executives of international, federal, state and I. Have not been repatriated from previous
local agencies of all sizes. UN Mission for disciplinary reason/s;
J. With knowledge on basic computer
operations (e.g. Word, Excel, Powerpoint, email and
K. Passed the latest Physical Fitness Test (PFT)
conducted by DHRDD as well as Medical, Dental and Neuro-
Psychiatric Examination; and