PFS Lecture 3

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Power System Fundamentals

Course code EEET 4057

3 - Phase System

Mrs. Vanika Sharma

University of South Australia

• 3-phase balanced system

➢ 3-phase sources,

➢ rotation sequence,

➢ phase vs line voltages,

➢ 3-phase load (Wye and Delta connected)

• 3-phase unbalanced system

3-phase Balanced System

• A 3-phase balanced system includes a 3-phase balanced source and a 3-

phase balanced load

• The source can be Y or  connected

• The load can also be Y or  connected

• Source and load can be connected as:

– Y source to Y load
–  source to  load
– Y source to  load
–  load to Y source

• In the case of Y source connected to Y load we can have a neutral line,

but it has no effect on balanced system, so it is normally omitted.

• We will always work with Y-Y system unless it is specified otherwise.

3-phase Balanced System

• A 3-phase balanced source consists of three AC sources that have the same
magnitudes but have 120o degrees phase shifts.
• They are represented by 3 voltage phasors as:

• We take Va as a reference, which means its phase angle will be zero.

• Vb lags 120° behind Va and Vc leads Va by 120°
3-phase Balanced System

• In time domain they look like:


• Oscilloscope can be used to observe 3-phase voltage in time domain.

3-phase Balanced Source

abc – positive sequence acb – negative sequence

Phasor Rotation


• Electric motor connected to negative phase sequence would rotate in opp. direction,
may cause damage to plant designed to rotate in a positive direction

Line Voltage and Phase Voltage

• The voltage between phase terminals and the common is called

phase voltage.

• Voltage between different phase terminals are called line voltages.

Y and ∆ Connected Source

Delta-connected Source

Star-connected Source
3-phase Balanced System

Y source connected to Y load with the neutral line

3-phase Load

• In Y-connected load, neutral line connects common point of the load

with common point of the source.
• Also known as 4-wire system: 3 phases and 1 neutral.
• Line current are also the phase current – same current flows through
each phase of transmission line and phase impedance of the load.
3-phase Balanced Load

Sum of 3 balanced voltage is zero

• Therefore, for the balanced system (source or load), the neutral current is zero.
• A neutral line for 3-phase balanced system is not required.
• HV lines are always balanced in normal operation, therefore it has only 3-phase conductors.
Y-connected load
-connected load

The relationship between line currents and phase currents

 - Y Transformation

Balanced  load can easily be transformed into balanced Y load, and vice versa
Analysing 3-phase Balanced System

• 3-phase balanced systems are simple to analyse using single-phase equivalent

(SPE) circuits.

• An SPE circuit is equivalent circuit of one phase.

• Once we solve for currents and voltages in one phase, the currents and voltages in the
other 2 phases are the same except that their phases are shifted by +120o.

• Power in each phase of a balanced 3-phase circuit is the same, so we calculate or

measure power in one phase and multiply it by 3 to obtain the 3-phase power.

• We can express 3-phase power in terms of line voltage and line current as:
3-phase Power

3 times the phase power

is the angle between the phase voltage and phase current or the
impedance angle.

Example 2.7 A three-phase line has an impedance of 2+ 4j Ω as shown in Figure.

3-Phase supplied power

3-phase Unbalanced System

• If loads in all 3 phases are not identical, or the source is not a system of 3
balanced vectors, the system is unbalanced.

• In distribution systems, an unbalanced operation can exist, therefore LV

distribution lines normally have 4 conductors: 3 phases, 1 neutral.

• Unbalanced power systems are analyzed using symmetrical components.


Lecture notes by Dr. Zorica Nedic, Dr. David

Whaley and Mr Sasha Jakovljevic

Saadat, Hadi 2010, Power System Analysis, 3, PSA


Lecture notes-updates by Vanika Sharma


Capacitor Banks [3]

• The KVAR generated by the capacitor is proportional to the square of the applied voltage
that means if the voltage is more the KVAR also be more. So the delta connected
capacitor bank provides more KVAR compared to the star-connected capacitor bank
because in star connection less voltage applied across the capacitor than delta

• Delta connected Capacitor bank can circulate the harmonic current, so it can reduce the
harmonic effect in an electrical system.

• Delta connected capacitor bank provides a balanced capacitance to each phase of the
electrical system and also maintains a balanced voltage.

• If a capacitor cell in one phase is failed inside the

capacitor bank, the voltage across each phase remains
the same, only KVAR is dropped.


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