Power Systems 1 - Lecture 2 - 3

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Power Systems 1

(EEE/EED/ETI 4102)

Lectures 2 & 3
May-Aug 2024

Susan Kisengeu

Dedan Kimathi University of Technology

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Power System Fundamentals


- Active and Reactive Power

- Single-phase and three-phase systems

- Per Unit System

- Load characteristics

1. Active and Reactive Power


Source: https://www.setra.com/blog/what-is-power-factor
Active and Reactive Power
3 categories of power in PS:
• Active Power (P), also known as real power, is the “working
power” in a circuit (measured in watts [W]).

• Reactive Power (Q), also known as imaginary power, is the

“non-working” power (measured in volt-ampere-reactive

• Apparent Power (S). Total power passing through a circuit

(measured in volt-ampere [VA]). Forms the complex power
equation below:
𝑺 = 𝑷 + 𝒋𝑸

Source: https://www.setra.com/blog/what-is-power-factor
Active and Reactive Power (cont.)
Power Triangle
• The relationship between active and reactive power is
represented by a ratio between -1 and 1. This number is
our power factor, which is the quotient of active power divided
by apparent power.

𝑷𝑭 = = 𝐜𝐨𝐬 𝜽
• For resistive loads with negligible reactive power, the power
factor tends to be closer to 1.
• For inductive loads, such as motors, the reactive power is
significant, and the power factor can range from 0.9p.u and

Active and Reactive Power (cont.)
Power Triangle

Active and Reactive Power (cont.)
Mathematical representation:

Example 1 – Power Factor Correction
A single-phase source delivers 100 kW to a load operating at a power factor of 0.8 lagging.

i. Calculate the reactive power to be delivered by a capacitor connected in parallel with the load
to raise the source power factor. to 0.95 lagging.

ii. Draw the power triangle for the source and load. Assume that the source voltage is constant
and neglect the line impedance between the source and load.

Example 1 - Tips
• A capacitor is usually referred to as a positive VAr generator.

• It is, therefore, normally connected in parallel with an inductive load to supply the required
reactive power (correct the power factor).

See solution on Page 56 (81 of 853) – Glover & Sarma reference book 10
Power System Fundamentals


- Active and Reactive Power

- Single-phase and three-phase systems

- Per Unit System

- Load characteristics

2. Single vs Three Phase Systems

• What is the difference between 1phase and 3phase systems?

• Application areas?

• Advantages and disadvantages?

Three Phase Systems
There are generally two configurations of 3-ɸ circuits:

• Wye / Star Configuration has 4 wires – the 4th wire is normally


• Delta Configuration has only 3 wires.

Regarding circuit classification, power system circuits can be

balanced or unbalanced.

Single vs Three Phase Systems (cont.)
• A Single-Phase AC Power system consists of
two wires: phase (or Live) and neutral.

• Three-phase systems consist of three AC

voltages of identical frequency and similar
amplitude. Can have 4th wire grounded.

• Each AC voltage ‘phase’ is separated by 120°

from the other. The three vector-spaced
voltages can be used to create a rotating field
in a motor.

• Motors can thus be started without the need

for additional windings.

Single vs Three Phase Systems (cont.)
The advantages of 3-ɸ circuits over 1-ɸ circuits are:

• Reduced cost – cheaper than three individual 1-ɸ circuits in terms of the number of conductors

• Better voltage regulation and reduced line losses – the neutral does not carry any current, unlike
in the 1-ɸ system.

• The 3-ɸ system has no double-frequency sinusoid. Hence, there is no double-frequency shaft
torque, which causes vibration (the reason why machines with ratings higher than 5 kVA are
normally 3-ɸ).

Balanced vs Unbalanced Circuits
• A three-phase power system is called balanced or symmetrical if the three-phase voltages and
currents have the same amplitude and are phase-shifted by 120° with respect to each other.

• If either or both of these conditions are unmet, the system is called unbalanced or asymmetrical.

• In a balanced system, each line will produce equal voltage magnitudes at phase angles equally
spaced from each other. With V1 as our reference and V3 lagging V2 lagging V1.

Balanced Circuit

Balanced vs Unbalanced Circuits (cont.)
Consider the voltages and current flow in a Y-connected load shown below:

Balanced vs Unbalanced Circuits (cont.)

Which is constant irrespective of time.

Group Task
1. How do you convert voltages and
currents from a star to delta and vice-

Assume that the circuit is balanced.

Group Task (cont.)
Q2. In a balanced three-phase system, the star
connected impedances are 10<30˚Ω. If 𝑉𝐵𝐶 =
415<90˚V, find 𝐼𝑐𝑛 in polar form. (Ans.: 24.02<-
90˚ A)

Q3. A single-phase motor connected to a 400V,

50 Hz supply takes 31.7 A at a power factor of 0.7
lagging. Calculate the capacitance required in
parallel with the motor to raise the power factor
to 0.9 lagging. (Ans.: 94.3μF)


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