Automatic Bending Machine
Automatic Bending Machine
Automatic Bending Machine
Project Title:
Automation Of A Manual Bending Machine
Mousa Salameen Anas Asafra Marwan Taradeh
Supervised By:
Dr. Zoheir Wazwaz
Hebron, PPU, Jun, 2021
The main idea in the project is to convert a manual bending machine into automatically
and manually operative one, That by using electronic and electrical devices like(PLC), Rotary
encoders, Variable frequency drive, touch screen, and other parts.
The major part of the project based on programmed logic control unit, we had
programed it according to the equations which we must use in programming (PLC) with respect
the correct electrical devices connection.
Table of contents
Abstract .................................................................................................................... 1
List of Figures .......................................................................................................... 4
List of Tables ........................................................................................................... 5
2. Literature review............................................................................................... 10
2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Machine description ...................................................................................... 12
2.3 General characteristic for MC 150B machine ............................................... 13
2.4 important parts of the machine ...................................................................... 13
2.5 The traction roller for chosen machine .......................................................... 15
2.6 Movement type .............................................................................................. 15
2.7 Bending capacity ............................................................................................16
2.8 Electrical map ................................................................................................ 17
2.9 General notes.................................................................................................. 17
3. Design ................................................................................................................. 18
3.1 Desired equations ...........................................................................................19
3.2 Mechanical Design ......................................................................................... 20
3.3 Electrical Design ............................................................................................ 24
References .............................................................................................................. 56
Appendix ................................................................................................................ 57
Figure 25 SFC flowchart part 2............................................................................... 38
Figure 26 Mathematical description of the machine’s work method ..................... 39
Figure 27 WPLsoft software ................................................................................... 40
Figure 28 Ladder programing parts (1- 26) ................................................. .(40 – 51)
Figure 29 DOPSoft software ................................................................................... 53
Figure30 HMI programming and design panel 1....................................................53
Figure31 HMI programming and design panel 2....................................................54
Chapter One
Introduction of Automatic Bending Machine
1.1 Project overview
With the progression of time, and resultant of the technological development and the
development of metal forming, there should be advanced machines for metal forming.
We noticed that the process of metal forming still classical process and it is depend on a
traditional ways as a part of working steps, and it’s need for a professional workers to use it, so
the idea starting from the lack of advanced forming machines in the local factories and the low
level of product quality, so the idea is improvements of the local metal forming machine and
convert it to advanced machine to work automatically with more accurate so the product will be
more quality, high production and simplify its use by any worker.
1.2 Motivations
1- More accurate in calculations.
2- More quality.
3- High production.
4- Ease of using.
The importance of the system is represented in make automation for the manual bending
machine using PLC, HMI touch screen, and manual controller, that to accomplish the desired
goals as we mentioned before.
1.4 Problem statement
We want to solve many problems which it already presented in a handle bending machine
which described as the following
1.7 List of requirements
1- Handle bending machine.
2- Programmed logic control unit (PLC).
3- Touch screen (HMI).
4- Rotary encoders.
5- Variable-frequency drive(V.F.D).
6- Manual controller.
Chapter two
Literature review
2.1 Introduction.
2.2 Machine description.
2.3 General characteristic for MC 150B machine.
2.4 Important parts of the machine.
2.5 The traction roller for chosen machine.
2.6 Movement type.
2.7 Bending capacity.
2.8 Electrical map.
2.9 General notes.
2.1 Introduction
The machine which we choose to apply the project is MC150B bending machine. The
MC150B bending is a machine specifically designed for bending profiles, the majority of which
are metal, with different thicknesses and configurations, such as solid profiles, pipes, T-
profiles, angles... The bending machine offers a set of standard tools, rollers, to allow the
bending of profiles in a range of shapes and sizes. Apart from the standard rollers, the
manufacturer also offers different types of additional rollers to produce other types of bending,
according to the configuration of the material to be handled, as well as specific rollers for work
with iron, stainless steel or aluminum, manufactured with * SUSTARIN for jobs in stainless steel
or aluminum avoiding the material to be damaged or scratched.{1}
After applying the project, the machine will be able to work automatically, and reduce the
expected risks on the worker when dealing with the classic machine, which will be explained in
detail later.
2.2 Machine description
The bending machine has been designed for bending all kinds of profiles irrespective of
their shape. The standard rolls included as standard on the bending machine allow the
configuration of all kinds of handrails, angles, square, round pipes, etc., thanks to their multiple
configurations. {1}
The following figures shows the structure of the handle machine and some types of
bending process
Figure 2 Figure 3
2.3 General characteristic for MC 150B machine
General characteristics of the machine are summarized in terms of
Table 2 General characteristics for MC 150B machine
2.4.2 Rollers
The Rollers are made of (Steel F-1140 and treated to 62 Rc) or (Sustarin){1}, where 1-
st one suitable for bending all kind of round steel or stainless steel pipes. And the other is
suitable for stainless steel pipes, aluminum and delicate materials with thickness not bigger
than 2.5mm.The roller located in the front end of the machine, and we chose it based on shape of
a work piece.
2.4.3 Supports
Located on the front of the machine, its main function is to fix the work piece, and reduce
the vibrations during winding process.
2.5 The traction roller for chosen machine
The MC 150B machine have a two traction roller, so the two lower axes is motorized
whereas the upper one is no.
Figure 8 Figure 9
2.7 Bending capacity
Note: the bending capacity is varied based on the profile and the measures of the piece of
the work as the following table.
Table 3 Bending capacity
2.8 Electrical map
Chapter three
3.1 Desired equations.
3.2 Mechanical design.
3.3 Electrical design.
3.1 Desired equations
The important part of the project is the equation needed to get the required radius, which
we must applied the equation on (PLC) to adjust the feed amount for the upper roller {4}.
Y2 = R2 – X2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………(1)
S = R – Y ……………………………………………………………………………………………...(2)
3.2 Mechanical Design
3.2.1 Motor design
In mechanical design we will replace the manual calibration tool by a motor. To obtain
the required radius we will calibrate this motor using PLC software according to a studied
equation which we will explain later.
3.2.2 Calculations of the required motor power
For the torque required to raise the load sitting by T(R) and for the torque required to
lower the load is T (L).
𝐹 ∗ 𝑑m (𝑙 + 𝜋 ∗ 𝑓 ∗ 𝑑m) ………....………….……..……..(4)
𝑇(𝑅) =
2 (𝜋𝑑m − 𝑓 ∗ 𝑙)
𝐹 ∗ 𝑑m (𝜋 ∗ 𝑓 ∗ 𝑑m − 𝑙) ………….……….……..……..(5)
𝑇(𝐿) =
2 (𝜋𝑑m − 𝑓 ∗ 𝑙)
𝐾bf ∗ 𝑇𝑆 ∗ 𝑊 ∗ 𝑇 2
𝐹= 𝐷
TS: tensile strength of sheet metal, for cold drawn (CD) SAE 1020 = 470 MPa
T: stock thickness = 20 mm
F: The maximum bending force
𝑓: Coefficient of friction factor, for dynamic coefficient of friction = 0.12, static coefficient of
friction= 0.16.
Power = 651.6 W
= 23.5%
We need a high value of worm gearbox ratio to get a small output rotational speed.
Figure 13 secondary motor
𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑(𝑟. 𝑝. 𝑚) = 𝑇2
𝐺𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 = ………....………….….……..(9)
𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑(𝑟. 𝑝. 𝑚) 𝑇1
1400(𝑟. 𝑝. 𝑚) 137.2 𝑁. 𝑚
100 = =
𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑒𝑑(𝑟. 𝑝. 𝑚) 𝑇1
= 1.92 Kw
𝑀𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟
ℎ𝑝(𝑚𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑟) = ………....……….…………....…..(10)
= 2.57 ≈ 3 hp
3.3 Electrical design
3.3.1 Electronic devices needed
A. Programmed Logic Control Unit (PLC)
Is an industrial digital computer that has been ruggedized and adapted for the control of
manufacturing processes, such as assembly lines, robotic devices, or any activity that requires
high reliability, ease of programming, and process fault diagnosis, or any activity requires high
B. Rotary encoder
Is an electro-mechanical device that converts the angular position or motion of a shaft or
axle to analog or digital output signals,{2} which we can connect the rotary encoder with (PLC)
to be able to adjust the number of revolutions of the motor.
C. Variable-frequency drive(V.F.D)
Is a type of motor drive used in electro-mechanical drive systems to control AC
motor speed and torque by varying motor input frequency and voltage.{3} So we can connect it
with main motor which Responsible for a two traction roller.
3.3.2 Power and control circuits
A. Power circuit
Table4. Power circuit table
B. Control circuit
The machine can be controlled manually or automatically, and both methods based on
(PLC) so, the first control circuit describe the connection of PLC with Rotary encoders, touch
screen(HMI) and manual control keypad as inputs, and four relays as an output whereas for each
relay has a specific work.
*First control circuit
*Second control circuit
Table5. Electrical circuit table
Chapter four
Implementation and testing
4.1 Mechanical assembling.
For this project, we designed a place for the electrical panel, HMI touch screen and set
the calibration motor in his place at the bottom of the machine, that because of the mass of the
motor is large, as it is preferable to place it at the bottom of the machine to make the center of
gravity approximately at the bottom of the machine, which increases its stability.
4.2 Electrical wiring.
4.2.1 Electrical panel
We have implemented the power and electrical circuits in the electrical panel, and then
put them in its place on the machine -see fig (17, 18, and 19) -.
4.3 The algorithms
4.3.1 Algorithm path
Figure 24 Main flowchart part 2
Figure 24 Main flowchart part 3
4.3.2 The sequential function chart
The sequential function chart (SFC) is a geometric design applying as a preparation for
the control system programming process for programmable logic controllers (PLCs) using ladder
Figure 25 SFC flowchart part 2
Note: The SFC flowchart have the same symbols –See page 36-
The equations which we used in the programming process:
Eq’n1: 𝐼𝑠 = [𝑅𝑝 + 𝑇] 𝑥 − 1
Is: Initial step
Rp: Reference point = 1429 pulses.
T: Thickness of the piece (Cm).
Eq’n2: 𝐶𝑠 = 𝐼𝑠 + 5(𝑐𝑚) = 𝐼𝑠 + 7143𝑃𝑢𝑙𝑠𝑒𝑠.
Cs: Calibration step
Eq’n3: 𝑌2 = 𝑅2 + 𝑋2
Y:The distance between center of circle and reference point.
R: Radius of circle.
X=16.4(Cm): The half distance between supported points. Figure 26 Mathematical description of the
machine’s work method
Eq’n4: 𝑆 = 𝑅 − 𝑌
S: Roller descent distance.
Eq’n5: 𝐶 = 2 ∗ 𝜋 ∗ 𝑅
C: Circumference of the lower roller
Eq’n6: 𝑀 = 𝐼𝑠 + 0.1 ∗ 𝑆
M: Is a cumulative value that depends on the value of (S) to make the roller go down 0.1 step for
each revolution.
Eq’n7: 𝑂𝑣 = 𝐼𝑠 + 𝑆
Ov: The total descent distance of the roller relatively with reference point.
Eq’n8: 𝑀 = 𝑀 + 0.1 ∗ 𝑆
4.4 Programming
4.4.1 PLC programming
We applied the (SFC) algorithm using ladder language by (WPLSoft) software that for
ease of use it, and the ability to make any addition or Modification on it in the future.
Figure 28 Ladder programing part2
Figure 28 Ladder programing part3
Figure 28 Ladder programing part 5
Figure 28 Ladder programing part 7
Figure 28 Ladder programing part 9
Figure 28 Ladder programing part 12
Figure 28 Ladder programing part 15
Figure 28 Ladder programing part 19
Figure 28 Ladder programing part 21
Figure 28 Ladder programing part 24
Figure 28 Ladder programing part 26
Description of the required equations to convert the displacement values which they
describe the motion of the machine from (cm) scale to pulses
(Up-Down) motion equation:
P: Number of pulses.
X: Distance (Cm).
N: The number of encoder pulses per revolution.
Tp: Thread pitches (Cm).
From the previous equation, the conversion of 1(Cm) to pulses
1(𝐶𝑚)𝑥 500
𝑃= = 1428.6 ≈ 1429 𝑃𝑢𝑙𝑠𝑒𝑠
1429 − 1428.6
𝑅𝐸(𝑃)% = 𝑥 100%
= 0.028%
(To left-To right) motion equation:
C= 2π x R. Circumference of the lower roller
From the previous equation, the conversion of 1(Cm) to pulses
1(𝐶𝑚)𝑥 500
𝑃= = 10.75 ≈ 11 𝑃𝑢𝑙𝑠𝑒𝑠
2𝜋 𝑥 7.4(𝐶𝑚)
11 − 10.75
𝑅𝐸(𝑃)% = 𝑥 100% ………....……….…………....…..(11)
= 2.27%
4.4.2 HMI programming
We used the (DOPSoft) software to program the delta HMI touch screen.
Figure31 HMI programming and design panel 2
4.6 Recommendations.
Improve the algorithm in order to bend arc form automatically.
Transform the forming process of circular helical form from manual to automatic
Adding the ability to self-holding automatic process means come back to its last state.
4.7 Conclusion.
Its design helps the workers for the following updates, for the first update of this machine
is to automate the machine control to let it drive automatically with high level of safety, which
its design connect to raise the level of accuracy and the production speed, however its design
helps the normal worker who is not has the high level of experience to drive the machine, and
for whole machine purpose is bending process.
{2}-[Murray, Mike (15 December 2019). "How Rotary Encoders Work". The Geek Pub.
Retrieved 3 September 2019.].
{3}- Campbell, Sylvester J. (1987). Solid-State AC Motor Controls. New York: Marcel Dekker,
Inc. pp. 79–189.
ES2/EX2 series:
Control Method Stored program, cyclic scan system
Batch processing method (when END instruction is
I/O Processing Method
Execution Speed LD instructions – 0.54s, MOV instructions – 3.4s
Program language Instruction List + Ladder + SFC
Program Capacity 15872 steps
X0~X377, octal number system, 256
X External inputs
points max, (*4) Total
Y0~Y377, octal number system, 256 256+16 I/O
Y External outputs
points max, (*4)
M0~M511, 512 points, (*1)
General M768~M999, 232 points, (*1)
M2000~M2047, 48 points, (*1)
Auxiliary Total
M M512~M767, 256 points, (*2)
relay Latched 4096 points
M2048~M4095, 2048 points, (*2)
M1000~M1999, 1000 points, some are
T0~T126, 127 points, (*1)
100ms T128~T183, 56 points, (*1)
(M1028=ON, T184~T199 for Subroutines, 16 points,
T64~T126: (*1)
10ms) T250~T255(accumulative), 6 points
(*1) Total
T Timer
10ms T200~T239, 40 points, (*1) 256 points
(M1038=ON, T240~T245(accumulative),
T200~T245: 1ms) 6 points, (*1)
T127, 1 points, (*1)
Bit 1ms T246~T249(accumulative), 4 points,
Contacts (*1)
C0~C111, 112 points, (*1)
16-bit count up C128~C199,72 points, (*1)
C112~C127,16 points, (*2) Total
232 points
32-bit count C200~C223, 24 points, (*1)
up/down C224~C231, 8 points, (*2)
C235~C242, 1 phase 1 input, 8 points,
Soft- (*2)
C Counter ware C232~C234, 2 phase 2 input, 3 points,
C243~C244, 1 phase 1 input, 2 points, Total
(*2) 23 points
Hard- C245~C250, 1 phase 2 input, 6 points,
ware (*2)
C251~C254 2 phase 2 input, 4 points,
Initial step point S0~S9, 10 points, (*2)
S10~S19, 10 points (use with IST
Zero point return
Step instruction), (*2) Total 1024
point Latched S20~S127, 108 points, (*2) points
General S128~S911, 784 points, (*1)
Alarm S912~S1023, 112 points, (*2)
Word T Current value T0~T255, 256 words
Register C Current value C0~C199, 16-bit counter, 200 words
C200~C254, 32-bit counter, 55 words
D0~D407, 408 words, (*1)
General D600~D999, 400 words, (*1)
D3920~D9999, 6080 words, (*1)
D408~D599, 192 words, (*2)
Data D2000~D3919, 1920 words, (*2) Total
register D1000~D1999, 1000 words, some 10000 points
are latched
For Special
mudules D9900~D9999,100 words, (*1), (*5)
Index E0~E7, F0~F7, 16 words, (*1)
N Master control loop N0~N7, 8 points
P Pointer P0~P255, 256 points
I000/I001(X0), I100/I101(X1), I200/I201(X2),
I300/I301(X3), I400/I401(X4), I500/I501(X5),
External interrupt I600/I601(X6), I700/I701(X7), 8 points (01: rising-edge