Guia Urianalises

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Clin Chem Lab Med 2024; 62(10): 3–136

Timo T. Kouri*, Walter Hofmann, Rosanna Falbo, Matthijs Oyaert, Sören Schubert, Jan Berg Gertsen,
Audrey Merens and Martine Pestel-Caron, on behalf of the Task and Finish Group for Urinalysis
(TFG-U), European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM)

The EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 specifications are given for urine protein measurements and
quality control of multiproperty strip tests.
Abstract Particles: Procedures for microscopy are reviewed for
diagnostic urine particles, including urine bacteria. Tech-
Background: The EFLM Task and Finish Group Urinalysis
nologies in automated particle counting and visual micro-
has updated the ECLM European Urinalysis Guidelines
scopy are updated with advice how to verify new
(2000) on urinalysis and urine bacterial culture, to improve
instruments with the reference microscopy.
accuracy of these examinations in European clinical labo-
Bacteriology: Chromogenic agar is recommended as pri-
ratories, and to support diagnostic industry to develop new
mary medium in urine cultures. Limits of significant growth
are reviewed, with an optimised workflow for routine
Recommendations: Graded recommendations were built
specimens, using leukocyturia to reduce less important
in the following areas:
antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Automation in bacteri-
Medical needs and test requisition: Strategies of urine
ology is encouraged to shorten turn-around times. Matrix
testing are described to patients with complicated or un-
assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass
complicated urinary tract infection (UTI), and high or low-
spectrometry is applicable for rapid identification of uro-
risk to kidney disease.
pathogens. Aerococcus urinae, A. sanguinicola and Actino-
Specimen collection: Patient preparation, and urine
tignum schaalii are taken into the list of uropathogens. A
collection are supported with two quality indicators:
reference examination procedure was developed for urine
contamination rate (cultures), and density of urine (chem-
bacterial cultures.
istry, particles).
Chemistry: Measurements of both urine albumin and Keywords: bacteriological techniques; kidney diseases;
α1-microglobulin are recommended for sensitive detection practice guideline; reference measurement procedures;
of kidney disease in high-risk patients. Performance urinalysis; urinary tract infections

*Corresponding author: Timo T. Kouri, MD, Haikaranportti 4 B 22, 02620

Espoo, Finland; Department of Clinical Chemistry, University of Helsinki,
Helsinki, Finland; and HUSLAB, HUS Diagnostic Center, Hospital District of
Helsinki and Uusimaa, 00014 Helsinki, Finland,
Walter Hofmann, Synlab MVZ, Augsburg and Dachau, 85221 Dachau,
Rosanna Falbo, University Department of Laboratory Medicine, ASST
Brianza, Pio XI Hospital, 20832 Desio (MB), Italy.
Matthijs Oyaert, Department of Laboratory Medicine, University Hospital
Ghent, 9000 Ghent, Belgium.
Sören Schubert, Max von Pettenkofer Institute of Hygiene and Medical
Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, LMU Munich, 81377 Munich, Germany.
Jan Berg Gertsen, Department of Clinical Microbiology, Aarhus University
Hospital, Skejby, 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark.
Audrey Merens, Service de Biologie Médicale, Hôpital d’Instruction des
Armées Bégin, 94160 Saint-Mandé, France
Martine Pestel-Caron, Department of Microbiology, CHU Rouen,
University of Rouen Normandie, INSERM, DYNAMICURE UMR 1311, 76000
Rouen, France.
4 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

Contents Page

Introduction and executive summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Target audiences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Structure of the Guideline document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Evidence and recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Rating the evidence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Rating the recommendations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
The Strengths of Recommendations (SoR) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Guideline process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Declaration of conflicts of interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Funding sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Contributors to the EFLM European Urinalysis Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Members of the EFLM Task and Finish Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Primary reviewers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Suggested format of citation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Executive summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Supplemental Material . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
References, Introduction and Executive summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

1 Medical needs and requisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
1.1 Examinations for general patient populations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.2 Examinations for detection of urinary tract infection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.2.1 Symptomatic patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Uncomplicated UTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 Other patients suspected of UTI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20
1.2.2 Asymptomatic bacteriuria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Definition of asymptomatic bacteriuria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Clinical management of asymptomatic bacteriuria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21
1.3 Examinations for detection of kidney disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.3.1 Examinations of proteinuria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.3.2 Examinations of haematuria and renal particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
1.4 Essential information in urinalysis requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.4.1 Specimen identification and patient data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.4.2 Requesting urinalysis examinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.5 Recommendations for medical needs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
1.6 References, Medical needs and requisition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

2 Patient preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.1 Patient preparation before specimen collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.1.1 Patient as the owner of her/his case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.1.2 Transmission of pre-analytical information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.2 Biological factors affecting results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.2.1 Volume rate (diuresis) and fasting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
2.2.2 Exercise and body posture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.2.3 Incubation time in the bladder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 5

2.2.4 Contamination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.3 Recommendations for patient preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
2.4 References, patient preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

3 Specimen collection and preservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3.1 Urine specimens based on timing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.1.1 Random urine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.1.2 First morning urine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.1.3 Second morning urine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.1.4 Timed collection of urine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.1.5 Measurand-to-creatinine ratios in urine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
3.2 Procedures to collect single voided specimens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Suggested quality indicator (QI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.2.1 Mid-stream urine (MSU) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Importance of cleansing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
3.2.2 First-void urine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.2.3 Single catheter urine (in-and-out catheterization) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.2.4 Indwelling catheter urine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.2.5 SupraPubic Aspiration (SPA) urine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.2.6 Bag or pad urine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.2.7 Spontaneously voided urine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.2.8 Urostomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.2.9 Segmented urine collection (Meares and Stamey procedure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
3.3 Preservation and transport . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.3.1 Criteria to successful preservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Chemical measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Particle counting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37 Bacterial culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
Validation of new types or principles of preservation containers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
Verification of preservation containers before use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.4 Collection containers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.4.1 Collection containers for different types of specimens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
3.4.2 Transport, storage and analytical containers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.4.3 Order-of-draw – from primary container into secondary containers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.4.4 Labelling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.4.5 Packaging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.5 Recommendations for collection and preservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.6 References, Specimen collection and preservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

4 Accuracy levels of urinalysis examinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

4.1 Terminology used to describe accuracy of examinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.2 Level 1: Rapid methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
4.3 Level 2: Routine or field methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.4 Level 3: Advanced comparison methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.5 Recommendations for classification of examinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
4.6 References, Accuracy levels of examinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

5 Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
List of abbreviations, Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.1 Visual inspection and odour of urine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
5.2 Multiproperty test strips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
6 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

5.2.1 Diagnostic significance of test strips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Urinary tract infections (UTI): bacteriuria and pyuria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Detection of UTI, adults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Detection of UTI, children . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Haematuria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Proteinuria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Measurements of urine concentration on test strips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51 Tests related to diabetes and other metabolic conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
5.2.2 Measurement procedures with multiproperty test strips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Detection principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Instruments used for multiple test strip examinations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Qualified procedures for test strip reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
5.2.3 Performance specifications for test strips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Trueness in ordinal quantity scale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Analytical performance specifications for trueness of test strips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Concordance analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Precision and internal quality control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
5.3 Proteinuria measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
5.3.1 Diagnostic significance of proteinuria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Total protein, albumin and other glomerular proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Diagnostic significance of tubular proteins in addition to glomerular proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Prognostic assessment of chronic kidney diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5.3.2 Quantitative measurement procedures of proteinuria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Detailed measurement procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Health-associated upper reference limits of urine proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
5.3.3 Performance specifications of quantitative proteinuria measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
5.4 Quantitative measurements of volume rate (diuresis) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
5.4.1 Diagnostic significance of volume rate measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Osmolality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Relative density (official term: Relative volumic mass) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Creatinine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Conductivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
5.4.2 Measurement procedures of volume rate (or urine concentration) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Creatinine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Osmolality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Relative density (official term: Relative volumic mass) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Conductivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5.5 Diagnostics of renal stone formers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5.5.1 Diagnostic strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
5.5.2 Details of measurements from specimens of renal stone formers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.6 New markers for non-infectious diseases of kidneys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
5.6.1 Significance of new kidney disease markers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Investigated biomarkers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Detection of acute kidney injury during operations, intensive care, and drug treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
5.6.2 Application of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) . . . . . . . . 67
5.7 Recommendations for chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
5.8 References, Chemistry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

6 Particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
List of abbreviations, Particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
6.1 Clinically significant particles in urine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 7

6.1.1 Urinary particles with diagnostic significance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Pyuria and urinary microbes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 Haematuria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 Epithelial cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 Detection of kidney disease with urinary particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76 Other particles in urine with occasional clinical significance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
6.1.2 Levels of differentiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
6.2 Measurement procedures of particle counting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
6.2.1 Levels of accuracy of particle counting procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
6.2.2 Unit of reporting urine particle concentrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
6.2.3 Advanced comparison method for urine particle counting (Level 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
6.2.4 Routine identification and quantitation of urine particles (Level 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Standardized urine sediment under a coverslip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Urine sediment counted in a chamber after centrifugation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Chamber counting of uncentrifuged specimens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Procedure of counting dysmorphic erythrocytes in urine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
6.3 Automated particle analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
6.3.1 Flow cytometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
6.3.2 Automated imaging technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Flow cell morphology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Digital cuvette counting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
6.3.3 Applications of automated particle counting for specific clinical purposes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Bacteriuria detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Kidney diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
6.4 Reference and diagnostic limits of urine particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
6.4.1 Health-associated upper reference limits of urine particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
6.4.2 Diagnostic cut-off limits between health and disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
6.5 Verification of particle counting procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
6.5.1 Performance evaluation of instrumental particle counting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Imprecision of counting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
6.5.2 Suggested analytical performance specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Quantitative counting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Visual microscopy and ordinal scale specifications of low-count particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
6.5.3 Microscopic review after automated particle analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
6.6 Recommendations for particle analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
6.7 References, Particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

7 Bacteriology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
List of abbreviations, Bacteriology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
7.1 Medical indications for bacteriology investigation of urine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
7.1.1 Indications for rapid urine examinations in diagnostics of urinary tract infections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
7.1.2 Indications for urine bacterial culture and identification of species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
7.1.3 Indications for urine bacterial culture after completed treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
7.2 Microbes of the urinary tract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
7.2.1 Urinary microbes in health and disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Urobiome in healthy individuals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95 Uropathogens and urinary tract infection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95 Contamination of urine specimens during collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
7.2.2 Classification based on uropathogenicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
7.2.3 Emerging pathogens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
8 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

7.3 Bacterial detection by non-culture methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

7.3.1 Microscopy methods in bacteriology: Gram staining (Level 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
7.3.2 Screening procedures for detecting bacteria in urine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
7.3.3 Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
7.4 Bacterial cultures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
7.4.1 Choice of culture conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Culture media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Special urine cultures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
7.4.2 Manual routine culture (Level 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Statistics of colony counting in bacteriology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
7.4.3 Automated urine cultures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Total laboratory automation in bacteriology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101 Improving urine bacterial culturing with automated processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101
7.4.4 Advanced reference procedure for bacterial culture (Level 3) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Purpose and scope of a reference measurement procedure for bacterial cultures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Normative references . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Principles of a reference examination procedure in urine bacterial culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Detailed characteristics of a reference procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Performance specifications for a reference bacterial culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
7.5 Bacteriuria quantitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
7.5.1 Background for limits of clinically significant bacteriuria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Unit recommended for expressing bacterial concentrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106 Significance of low bacterial concentrations and leukocyturia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106 Level of significant bacteriuria depending on way of collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Polymicrobial growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .108
7.5.2 Laboratory workflow-related decision limits for significant bacteriuria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
7.6 Identification of bacterial species . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
7.6.1 Biochemical identification of cultured bacteria and yeast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
7.6.2 MALDI-TOF MS for identification of cultured bacteria and yeast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
7.7 Antimicrobial susceptibility testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
7.7.1 Procedures available . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111
7.7.2 Choice of procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111
Rapid antibiotic susceptibility testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111
7.7.3 New technologies for AST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
7.8 Performance evaluation in urine bacteriology with performance specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
7.8.1 Analytical performance of urine bacterial culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Evaluation protocol and planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Specimens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Equipment, consumables, and environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Practical remarks to verification of a routine procedure for urine bacterial culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Performance specifications for routine bacterial culture (Level 2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Analysis of sources of variation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
7.8.2 Assessment of bacteriology workstations, process management, and economics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117 Specific targets of verification in bacteriology workstations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Process management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Clinical and economic impact of new workflow in urine bacterial culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118
7.8.3 Analytical performance specifications for rapid tests in detecting bacteriuria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
7.9 Recommendations for bacteriology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
7.10 References, Bacteriology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 9

Annex I. Detailed instructions for specimen collection and preservation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
I.1 Instructions for collection of urine specimens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
I.1.1 Collection of Mid-Stream Urine (MSU) specimens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
I.1.2 Collection of sequential urine specimens (Meares and Stamey procedure) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
I.1.3 Collection of Suprapubic Aspiration (SPA) specimen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
I.1.4 Timed collection of urine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
I.2 Preservatives for urine collections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
I.3 References, Annex I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

Annex II. Morphological details of urine particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

References, Annex II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136


Table 1: The Levels of Evidence (LoE) used in the EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Table 2: Members of the EFLM Task and Finish Group (TFG) Urinalysis 2018-2023. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Table 3: Frequent medical indications for urine tests in diseases of kidneys and urinary tract. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Table 4: Example comparison in preservation of bacterial growth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Table 5: Levels of accuracy of urinalysis examination methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Table 6: Characteristic appearances of urine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Table 7: Characteristic odours of metabolic diseases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Table 8: Causes of haematuria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Table 9: Causes of proteinuria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Table 10: Detection principles and their limitations on multiple strips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Table 11: Visual reading of test strips (auditing list). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Table 12: Reflectometric reading (auditing list). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Table 13: Suggested detection and confirmation limits for multiple test strips. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Table 14: Detection and confirmation limits for sensitive albumin examinations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Table 15: Analytical performance specifications for trueness of test strip examinations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Table 16: Example data for estimation of trueness of test strip examinations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Table 17: Targets of ordinal scale agreement using Kappa coefficients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Table 18: Pathophysiological events behind different types of proteinuria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Table 19: Individual guide proteins for the differentiation of proteinuria. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Table 20: Upper 95% health-related reference limits (URL) for protein-creatinine ratios in urine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Table 21: Albumin-to-creatinine ratio in collections of night and daytime urine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Table 22: Analytical performance specification for albumin in urine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Table 23: Urine protein or peptide biomarkers suggested for acute or progressive chronic kidney disease. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Table 24: Levels of particle differentiation in clinical urinalysis. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Table 25: IUPAC-IFCC Nomenclature, Properties and Units (NPU) definitions for number concentrations of
erythrocytes and leukocytes in body fluids. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Table 26: Details of standardized urinary sediment examination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Table 27: Diagnostic limits for dysmorphic erythrocytes in urine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Table 28: Examples of clinical cut-off concentrations (x 106/L) of urine particles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Table 29: Qualitative features in the assessment of a urine particle analyser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Table 30: Analytical performance specifications from clinical differences in concentrations of urine particles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Table 31: Suggested indications for use of rapid tests in UTI diagnostics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Table 32: Medical indications for urine culture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Table 33: The pathogenicity and frequency of example microorganisms in urine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
10 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

Table 34: Important factors in adapting urine bacteriology automation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

Table 35: Control strains for urine bacterial culture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Table 36: Quantitative interpretation of growth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Table 37: Causes of low bacterial concentrations in mid-stream urine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Table 38: Analytical performance specifications for laboratory screening of uropathogens in ruling out negative cultures . . . . 118
Table 39: Preservatives for test strips, particle analysis, and urine bacterial culture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Table 40: Preservatives for 24-hour collection of quantitative chemical measurands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Table 41: Morphology of urine particles by phase contrast microscopy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Table 42: Differentiation of nucleated cells in urine with Sternheimer staining. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136


Figure 1: Urinalysis examinations with a sieving strategy for patients with general symptoms, possibly related to
kidneys or urinary tract. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Figure 2: Urine examinations in suspicions of urinary tract infection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Figure 3: Urine examinations in suspicions of non-infectious disease of kidneys or urinary tract. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Figure 4: Graphical presentation of proteinuria types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Figure 5: Differentiation of proteinurias. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Figure 6: Schematic order of analytical limits in urine particle counting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Figure 7: Inoculation of a culture plate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
Figure 8: General workflow of primary bacterial cultures from routine urine specimens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
Figure 9: Collection of mid-stream urine specimen, females. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Figure 10: Collection of mid-stream urine specimen, males. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Figure 11: Collection of mid-stream urine specimen, children using potty chair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Figure 12: Illustrations for suprapubic aspiration specimen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 11

Guidelines and Recommendations

Timo Kouri*, Walter Hofmann, Rosanna Falbo, Matthijs Oyaert, Sören Schubert, Jan Berg Gertsen,
Audrey Merens and Martine Pestel-Caron, on behalf of the Task and Finish Group Urinalysis (TFG-U),
European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM)

The EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

Introduction and executive summary

chemistry or microbiology according to local organisation of

Introduction health care. The diagnostic focus is most often urinary tract
infection (UTI) or a non-infectious disease of kidneys or
The current document is compiled by the European Federa-
urinary tract. Results of different laboratory tests may be
tion of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM)
used to guide laboratory workflows or interpretations.
Task and Finish Group Urinalysis (TFG-U) to become a Type 1a
Finally, all of the results are interpreted by clinicians as a
Guideline document of the EFLM Procedures. It represents an
combined “urinalysis”. Standardisation, verified quality,
update to the European Urinalysis Guidelines published under
preanalytical organisation with clinical customers, and
the European Confederation of Laboratory Medicine (ECLM)
proven cost containment both in automated and manual
with a Working Party from the European Society of Clinical
examinations are a shared professional task.
Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) in 2000 [1, 2].
The terms “Urinalysis” and “Urine analysis” are used in
these guidelines synonymously, and also include urine
bacterial culture. The major scope remains the diagnostic of
urinary tract infections, and detection and follow-up of
common non-infectious diseases of kidneys and urinary
The driving force for a continued co-operation in urinalysis
tract from urine specimens, limiting the diagnostics to the
and bacterial culture among professionals in clinical chem-
most often requested examinations. Medical indications to
istry and clinical microbiology is the shared, most frequent
request urinalysis tests remain a major starting point, fol-
urine specimen, requested and collected from the same
lowed by detailed descriptions of preanalytical procedures.
micturition, but analysed variably at points-of-care, in pri-
At the other end, reviews on some new technologies were
mary laboratories, or in specialised laboratories of clinical
written to provide future perspectives, without giving rec-
ommendations before clinical experience.
*Corresponding author: Timo Kouri, Department of Clinical Chemistry,
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; and HUSLAB, HUS Diagnostic Center,
Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa, 00014 Helsinki, Finland, Target audiences
Walter Hofmann, Synlab MVZ, Augsburg and Dachau, 85221 Dachau, The updated EFLM European Urinalysis Guidelines are
Germany aimed mainly at laboratory professionals in small and gen-
Rosanna Falbo, University Department of Laboratory Medicine, ASST
eral laboratories and at points-of-care. Special features from
Brianza, Pio XI Hospital, Desio, 20832 Desio (MB), Italy.
both clinical chemistry and microbiology are included in the
Matthijs Oyaert, Department of Laboratory Medicine, University Hospital appropriate sections. Scarcity of laboratory test or exami-
Ghent, 9000 Ghent, Belgium. nation procedure-related guidelines is evident in many
Sören Schubert, Max von Pettenkofer Institute of Hygiene and Medical common and old laboratory tests, as compared to clinical
Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, LMU Munich, 81377 Munich, Germany. practice-related guidelines that discuss clinical use of these
examinations, i.e., customer-interface.
Jan Berg Gertsen, Department of Clinical Microbiology, Aarhus University
Hospital, Skejby, 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark.
Audrey Merens, Service de Biologie Médicale, Hôpital d’Instruction des
Structure of the Guideline document
Armées Bégin, 94160 Saint-Mandé, France
Martine Pestel-Caron, Department of Microbiology, CHU Rouen,
To make the reading understandable, the guideline is
University of Rouen Normandie, INSERM, DYNAMICURE UMR 1311, 76000 divided into sections that follow routine workflow in clinical
Rouen, France. laboratories.
12 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

The first three sections discuss the clinical and pre- Table : The Levels of Evidence (LoE) used in the EFLM European
analytical interface between laboratories and their clinical Urinalysis Guideline. Modified from the GRADE principles [].

units. In Section 1, Medical indications of common urine

A High quality: consistent evidence from well performed controlled
tests and their requisition are reviewed. These are a major
studies or overwhelming evidence of some other form.
topic in strategic planning between clinicians, laboratories Further research is unlikely to change our confidence in the estimate of
and health care administration. Section 2 raises the role of effect.
patients as stakeholders of their diagnostics and treatment B Moderate quality: evidence from controlled studies with important
in Preparation to laboratory tests, supporting healthcare limitations (inconsistent results, methodologic flaws, indirect or
imprecise evidence), or very strong evidence of some other research
professionals to empower and commit their patients to
prepare themselves for urine tests. The technical detail of Further research is likely to change the estimate of effect.
Specimen collection and preservation is reviewed in Sec- C Low quality: evidence from observational or limited studies, or from
tion 3, to advise professionals in details with their patients. controlled trials with serious flaws.
We all want to achieve reasonable quality of urine speci- Further research is very likely to change the estimate of effect.
mens, as a prerequisite to high-quality results and proper Da Very low quality: consensus of expert panels, position statement by
scientific societies, surveys, or case reports.
The analytical sections start with definition of levels of The category D level of evidence (consensus) was not used.
accuracy in examination procedures of urinalysis and
urine bacterial culture in Section 4. This theoretical text The style of writing may be felt too verbose. The purpose
intends to provide background for laboratory and other was to allow judgment of the provided evidence by review-
professionals, how to classify their procedures, and how to ing available key publications.
compare them with relevant references to verify their
sufficient accuracy.
The major analytical Sections 5 to 7 discuss Chemistry, Rating the recommendations
Particle analysis and Bacteriology of the urine tests with a
similar structure: diagnostic significance, measurement Strengths of Recommendations were based on consensus
procedures and analytical performance specifications as risk assessment of the authors guided by the following ex-
amenable. Some specific examinations are included in each amples by the EFLM for laboratory examinations:
of these analytical sections based on their connection to the Benefits: improvement of turn-around time, analytical
primary examinations. Some future perspectives are also performance, diagnostic performance, clinical outcome, or
given without clinical use at the moment, to envision cost-effectiveness.
developmental paths.
Harms: unacceptable analytical error, unnecessary diag-
nostic, or therapeutic intervention due to false positive
Evidence and recommendations result, inappropriate or lack of treatment due to false
negative result, high cost or waste of resource, or major
Rating the evidence impediment to implementation, including comparisons
to the European legislation, such as the Regulation 2017/746
In the end of each section, novel recommendations are on In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices, IVDR 2017/746 [9].
given following the GRADE principles with Levels of Ev-
idence (A–D) and Strengths of Recommendations (1–2) [3], The Strengths of Recommendations (SoR)
considering guidance for diagnostic tests [4]. Possibilities
to specialty-related interpretations were compared with The following rating for the Strengths was used:
those given by the nephrologists in the KDIGO guideline (1) Strong recommendation for using a procedure was
for chronic kidney disease (CKD) [5], and by the European given when the estimated benefits were remarkable
urologists in their guideline [6]. A description for against harms or costs. Strong recommendation for
reporting well-designed studies on diagnostic accuracy is avoiding a procedure was given when the opposite was
available (STARD=Standards for Reporting of Diagnostic true, i.e., when the estimated harms or costs were
Accuracy Studies) [7]. The EFLM-COLABIOCLI guideline remarkable against the expected benefits.
for venous blood sampling was also compared [8]. The (2) Weak recommendation for using a procedure was
description of the used evidence rating is shown in given when the estimated benefits appear to outweigh
Table 1. or may be controversial against created harms or costs.
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 13

No recommendation was given if the estimated harms or During February–June 2023, the EFLM TfG Urinalysis
costs appear to outweigh the benefits, or balance between received a total of 245 comments or suggestions for
harms or costs against the benefits cannot be determined. improvement from the EFLM NS, ESCMID Public reviewers,
Some proposed analytical performance specifications French Society of Microbiology (Société Française de
are suggestions for diagnostic use of clinical urine speci- Microbiologie), Danish Study Group for Urine Bacteriology,
mens. The provisional performance specifications were and representatives of the supporting IVD industries that
tailored separately for chemical measurements, particle were met at the EuroMedLab Rome 2023 to provide infor-
counting, and bacterial cultures. These are intended to help mation on the progress. During April–November 2023, the
European medical laboratories to describe their own per- responses, corrections and amendments have been pre-
formance, e.g., when needed for accreditation of examina- pared and agreed within the working group. The revised
tion procedures at the laboratories, as required by the ISO version of the EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline was
15189:2022 standard [10]. presented for voting among the EFLM NS. In addition, ESC-
MID Guidelines Subcommittee sent an AGREE II Global
Rating Scale (GRS) form for its reviewers, providing us with
Guideline process six ratings to the draft document and one rating from the
French Society of Microbiology. The lists of the received
The literature search was started with 960 citations on comments and responses to them, as well as the AGREE II
chemical urinalysis, urine particle counting, and bacterial GRS ratings of the draft guideline, are available as electronic
cultures, as compiled together with the informaticist at the Supplemental Material of this guideline.
Library of Medical Faculty of the University of Helsinki in By December 2023, the following 28 NS (out of 41 NS of
2019–2020. The relevant publications were supplemented the EFLM) had voted YES for this guideline: Albania,
with separate citations on detailed topics, as collected by the Belgium, Bosnia Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Denmark,
professionals of the EFLM Task and Finish Group Urinalysis Estonia, Finland, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ice-
during the writing process. The Group was divided into land, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Netherlands,
subgroups for reading and writing the updated texts in North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
2021–2022, based on professional knowledge on Chemistry, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and
Particles or Bacteriology. Preanalytics was shared by all Turkey. The Austrian Society voted NO, mainly because
subgroups. The draft sections were discussed mostly in expecting more clinical contents. Since more than half of the
distant meetings, also encouraged by the COVID-19 NS gave a positive vote, this document is considered officially
pandemic. A new reference procedure was carefully endorsed by the EFLM. In addition, the contents of Sections 1,
developed for urine bacterial cultures to allow verification 3 and 7 have been endorsed by the European Society of
of routine procedures and new automated instruments in Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) in
clinical bacteriology. January 2024.
The financing of the project was organised in the initial After acceptance in the EFLM, the type 1a documents are
meeting with the IVD sponsors at the EuroMedLab Barce- published in Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine as
lona 2019. Due to the COVID-19 events in Europe, the first agreed between the EFLM and De Gruyter Co, the publisher.
draft of the updated guideline text was available during the
summer 2022. Each of the four sections was given to 1–2
distinguished reviewers for primary corrections during Declaration of conflicts of interest
July-November 2022. The modified GRADE system of rating
evidence and recommendations was developed by the TFG None of the members of the group declares a conflict of
Urinalysis together with the Chair of the Science Committee interest that would interfere with the scientific contents of
of the EFLM, Michel Langlois. The final draft was given to this guideline. Neither the organization of the EFLM nor the
the Chair for official review in December 2022, and educational support by the diagnostic companies had a
distributed to the National Society (NS) members according commercial influence to this document.
to EFLM Procedure Manual for Type 1a documents. In
parallel, the draft document was given to the Guidelines
Subcommittee of the European Society of Clinical Micro- Funding sources
biology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) for Public
Consultation and possible endorsement according to the This guideline work of the EFLM TFG Urinalysis was sup-
ESCMID Guidelines. ported for travel and lodging by the eight diagnostic
14 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

companies listed in the alphabetical order below. The money

Preanalytics: Joris Delanghe, Department of Diagnostic Sciences, Ghent
was transparently collected into the EFLM bank account, University, Ghent, Belgium
and used under the supervision of the EFLM Office and Janne Cadamuro, Department of Laboratory Medicine,
Treasurer, according to the EFLM Procedures. Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria;
Chair, EFLM WG Preanalytics
77 Elektronika Kft Florian Wagenlehner, Klinik für Urologie, Kinderurologie
und Andrologie, Justus Liebig Universität Clinic of Giessen,
A. Menarini Diagnostics
Giessen, Germany
BD Life Sciences Chemistry: Joris Delanghe, Department of Diagnostic Sciences, Ghent
Beckman Coulter University, Ghent, Belgium
ROCHE Diagnostics GmbH Tomáš Šálek, Department of Clinical Biochemistry and
GREINER Bio-One Pharmacology, Tomas Bata Hospital, Zlín, Czech Republic
Particles: Giulia Previtali, Clinical Chemistry Laboratory, Department
Sarstedt AG & Co
of Laboratory Medicine, Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital,
Sysmex Europe SE Bergamo, Italy
Bacteriology: Florian Wagenlehner, Klinik für Urologie, Kinderurologie
und Andrologie, Justus Liebig Universität Clinic of Giessen,
Contributors to the EFLM European Giessen, Germany

Urinalysis Guidelines
The text does not necessarily reflect the detailed opinions of
Members of the EFLM Task and Finish Group any of the contributors or sponsors, since it is the product of
a consensus process or based on written evidence.
The members of the EFLM Task and Finish Group Urinalysis
shared the work of planning, reading literature, writing, and
reviewing the text according to their expertise in the sub-
topics of urinalysis, as shown in Table 2.
This guideline was primarily written to clinical laboratories,
to improve accuracy of preanalytical and analytical processes
Primary reviewers in urinalysis and urine bacterial culture, also required by the
ISO 15189:2022 standard for medical laboratories. The first
Selected distinguished professionals accepted the invitation three sections discuss medical indications, patient prepara-
to review the draft contents based on their professional tion, and specimen collection for urinalysis tests, to help
knowledge before submitting the text into the official pro- laboratories and their clinical units in designing targeted di-
cess of the EFLM for Type 1a documents, and Public agnostics, and to encourage them to avoid waste in processes
Consultation for endorsement under ESCMID Guidelines with usually restricted resource. Three key levels of imple-
Subcommittee. The primary reviewers are listed below. mentation may be visualised:

Table : Members of the EFLM Task and Finish Group (TFG) Urinalysis -.

Name Institution City, Country Expertise

Timo Kouri Department of Clinical Chemistry, University of Helsinki, and HUSLAB, HUS Diagnostic Helsinki, Finland Chemistry,
(; Center, Helsinki and Uusimaa Hospital District Particles,
also: Chair
Walter Hofmann Synlab MVZ, Augsburg and Dachau, Germany Munich, Germany Chemistry
Rosanna Falbo University Department of Laboratory Medicine, ASST Brianza, Pio XI Hospital, Desio (MB) Brianza, Italy Particles
Matthijs Oyaert Department of Laboratory Medicine, University Hospital Ghent Ghent, Belgium Particles
Sören Schubert Max von Pettenkofer-Institute for Hygiene and Medical Microbiology, Faculty of Munich, Germany Bacteriology
Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, LMU Munich
Jan Berg Gertsen Department of Clinical Microbiology, Aarhus University Hospital Skejby, Denmark Bacteriology
Audrey Merens Service de Biologie Medicale, Hôpital d’Instruction des Armees Begin Saint Mande, France Bacteriology
Martine Pestel-Caron Department of Microbiology, CHU Rouen, Univ Rouen Normandie, INSERM, Rouen, France Bacteriology
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 15

Local level: Each clinical laboratory organization perform- Recommendations: Graded recommendations based on the
ing urinalysis tests should review the recommendations GRADE evaluation on the Levels of Evidence were built in
related to verification and implementation of their analyt- different areas of urinalysis and urine bacterial culture.
ical procedures. In particular, a new suggestion for refer- Examinations are classified into Level 1 (ordinal scale pro-
ence examinations is given to microbiology laboratories. In cedures), Level 2 (quantitative, routine procedures), and to
addition, several quality improvements are suggested to Level 3 (highest, reference, or advanced comparison pro-
preanalytical phases of urinalysis that are easily overlooked, cedures), based on the accuracy of the examination, and
resulting in low-quality, or misleading specimens. ISO applied also for identification of particles and bacterial
15189:2022 standard already contains requirements of con- species.
trolling non-conformities of preanalytical phase as well.
Medical needs and test requisition: Strategies of urine
National level: Several procedures and shared practices are testing were described to patients with complicated and
to be decided at a national level, in addition to harmonising uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTI), and to those
units for urinalysis and urine bacterial culture. That is why with low and high risk for chronic kidney disease. Electronic
national professional societies and professionals of requisition is recommended to support exchange of clinical
accredited laboratories have a role in initiating discussions, information between clinicians and laboratories, and to
and deciding on national adaptations of the laboratory avoid errors in patient or specimen identification.
procedures described at a general level in this guideline.
Patient preparation: Interaction with patients and pro-
Industrial level: The diagnostic IVD industry develops new fessionals should be improved, and supported with cultur-
technologies for preanalytical or analytical phase of uri- ally adopted materials, to improve quality of mid-stream
nalysis. Descriptions of medically needed analytes (meas-
urine collections.
urands), the given reference procedures, and provided
performance specifications are intended to support evalua- Specimen collection: High-quality urine collection and
tion of diagnostic and analytic accuracy of new devices when preservation are supported with two quality indicators:
developed. contamination rate (cultures), and density of urine (chem-
istry, particles). Cleansing before mid-stream urine collec-
tions is recommended for large and variable patient
Suggested format of citation populations, despite not necessarily needed in collections by
skillful young patients. Single catheter urine or suprapubic
Kouri T, Hofmann W, Falbo R, Oyaert M, Pestel-Caron M, aspiration specimen is recommended to establish the diag-
Schubert S, et al. on behalf of the Task and Finish Group nosis of UTI in children or older patients without urinary
Urinalysis of the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry control. Preservation requirements and verification of pre-
and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM). The EFLM European Uri- servatives in the collection containers were updated to all
nalysis Guideline 2023. Clin Chem Lab Med 2024;62:3–136. examinations discussed.

Chemistry: Measurements of both urine albumin and

α1-microglobulin are recommended for sensitive detection
Executive summary of kidney disease in high-risk patients (with diabetes and
cardiovascular diseases with known renal complications).
Timo T. Kouri, Walter Hofmann, Rosanna Falbo, Matthijs Albuminuria screening is recommended for detection of
Oyaert, Sören Schubert, Jan Berg Gertsen, Audrey Merens, cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic kidney dis-
and Martine Pestel-Caron, on Behalf of the Task and Finish ease. Performance specifications for urine protein mea-
Group for Urinalysis (TFG-U), European Federation of Clin- surements (Level 2) and quality control of multiproperty
ical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM). strip tests (Level 1) were given. Urine concentration is rec-
ommended to be reported together with all chemical ex-
Background: The EFLM Task and Finish Group Urinalysis
aminations from single-voided specimens, understanding
has updated the previous ECLM European Urinalysis
the biochemical limits of each measure of volume rate.
Guidelines (Scand J Clin Lab Invest, Suppl 231, 2000) on lab-
Analytical performance specification was given to the mea-
oratory procedures in urinalysis and urine bacterial culture.
surement of urine albumin.
We aim to improve accuracy of urine examinations in Eu-
ropean clinical laboratories, and to support diagnostic in- Particles: Procedures for particle counting and detection
dustry to develop new technologies. are reviewed for clinically significant urine particles.
16 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

Health-associated upper reference limits for leukocytes and voluntary reviewers, and representatives of the IVD indus-
erythrocytes were given, and estimates of diagnostic cut-off trial sponsors gave a total of 245 scientific comments or
limits for most common particles. Laboratories should suggestions for improvement to the text. This tremendous
clearly describe and follow their routine quantitative pro- work had a great impact on the contents and is highly
cedure (Level 2) in patient results, endorsing application of appreciated. The contents of Sections 1, 3 and 7 have been
the IFCC-IUPAC recommended SI unit, particles × 106/L. An endorsed by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology
operating procedure is suggested for classification of dys- and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID).
morphic erythrocytes in urine. They are also recommended Research ethics: Not applicable.
to follow the frame of the given reference visual microscopic Informed consent: Not applicable.
procedure (Level 3) for instrument verification. Verification Author contributions: The members of the EFLM Task and
of automated particle analysers is supported with statistical Finish Group Urinalysis shared the work of planning,
modelling and analytical performance specifications. reading literature, writing, and reviewing the text
according to their expertise in the subtopics of urinalysis,
Bacteriology: Chromogenic agar is recommended as pri-
as listed in the Introduction of the Guideline, and below in
mary medium in urine cultures, because of rapid and cheap
the titles of each chapter of the text. The authors have
recognition of E.coli on the plates. A new optimised work-
accepted responsibility for the entire final content of this
flow for routine specimens is given, by using leukocyturia
manuscript and approved its submission.
and limits of significant growth to reduce less important
Competing interests: None of the members of the group
antimicrobial susceptibility testing. Automation in bacteri-
declares a conflict of interest that would interfere with the
ology is encouraged to shorten turn-around times. Matrix
scientific contents of this guideline. Neither the organization
assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass
of the EFLM, reviewers, nor the educational support by the
spectrometry is applicable for rapid identification of uro-
diagnostic companies had a commercial influence on this
pathogens, and recommended to middle-sized and large
bacteriology laboratories. Aerococcus urinae, A. sanguini-
Research funding: Eight in vitro diagnostic (IVD) companies
cola and Actinotignum schaalii were taken into the list of
shared the financial support of travel and subsistence of the
uropathogens. Moreover, a novel reference examination
members of the EFLM Task and Finish Group Urinalysis
procedure was carefully developed for urine bacterial cul-
(TFG-U) to make meetings in presence possible. The money
tures to support verification of performance of automated
transfers followed the rules of the EFLM, as organized
instruments, or aid in focussed assessing of routine pro-
by the EFLM Office and the Treasurer. The following IVD
cedures of bacteria detection and isolation, as included in
companies were included: 77 Elektronika Kft, A. Menarini
the ISO 15189:2022 requirements.
Diagnostics, BD Life Sciences, Beckman Coulter, ROCHE
Diagnostics GmbH, GREINER Bio-One, Sarstedt AG & Co, and
Acknowledgments: The EFLM European Urinalysis Guide- Sysmex Europe SE. No personal honoraria were received by
line 2023 was designed and written by the EFLM Task and the TFG-U members from the sponsors. The funding is also
Finish Group Urinalysis (TFG-U) under supervision of the repeated in the Introduction of the Guideline text.
Committee of Science of the European Federation of Clinical Data availability: Not applicable.
Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM). The Chairs of
the Science Committee, Eric Kilpatrick and Michel Langlois,
the Presidents of the EFLM Ana-Maria Simundic and Tomris Supplemental Material
Ozben with their Executive Boards, and Silvia Cattaneo and
Silvia Terragni at the Office of the EFLM are greatly The Supplemental Material contains specific details of the
acknowledged for their continuous support to this project. Guideline Process, including comments and responses, and
The primary reviewers of the guideline text were highly bacteriological appraisals of the draft text in the following
valuable with their primary comments to the text before its files:
distribution, according to their expertise as explained in the Supplemental Table 1. Summary of comments and their
Introduction of the Guideline. Members of the EFLM sources.
National Societies, the Guidelines Subcommittee of the Supplemental Table 2. List of all comments in the order of
European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious appearance in the draft text.
Diseases (ESCMID), the French Society of Microbiology, Supplemental Table 3. List of comments grouped by their
the Danish Study Group on Urine Bacteriology, several affiliations and individuals.
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 17

Supplemental Table 4. Summary of AGREE GRS bacteri- evidence and strength of recommendations for diagnostic tests and
ology appraisals. strategies. BMJ 2008;336:1106–10.
5. Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) CKD Work Group.
Supplemental Document 5. The AGREE II GRS form used
KDIGO 2012 clinical practice guideline for the evaluation and
for appraisals (ESCMID). Management of chronic kidney disease. Kidney Int Suppl 2013;3:1–150.
6. Bonkat G, Bartoletti R, Bruyère F, Cai T, Geerlings SE, Köves B, et al. EAU
Guidelines: Urological infections [The Full Text Online]. Arnhem, The
Netherlands: EAU Guidelines Office; 2023.
References, Introduction and guideline/urological-infections [Accessed 1 Aug 2023].
7. Bossuyt PM, Reitsma JB, Bruns DE, Gatsonis CA, Glasziou PP, Irwig L,
Executive summary et al. STARD 2015: an updated list of Essential items for reporting
diagnostic accuracy studies. Clin Chem 2015;61:1446–52.
1. ECLM. European urinalysis guidelines. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 2000; 8. Simundic AM, Bölenius K, Cadamuro J, Church S, Cornes MP,
60(231 Suppl):1–96. van Dongen-Lases EC, et al. Joint EFLM-COLABIOCLI Recommendation
2. Aspevall O, Hallander H, Gant V, Kouri T. European guidelines for for venous blood sampling. Clin Chem Lab Med 2018;56:2015–38.
urinalysis: a collaborative document produced by European clinical 9. Regulation (EU) 2017/746 of the European Parliament and of the
microbiologists and clinical chemists under ECLM in collaboration with Council of 5 April 2017 on in vitro diagnostic medical devices and
ESCMID. Clin Microbiol Infect 2001;7:173–8. repealing Directive 98/79/EC and Commission Decision 2010/227/EU
3. Guyatt GH, Oxman AD, Vist GE, Kunz R, Falck-Ytter Y, Alonso-Coello P, (Text with EEA relevance).
et al., for the GRADE Working Group. GRADE: an emerging consensus TXT/?uri=CELEX%3A02017R0746-20230320. [Accessed 6 Nov 2023].
on rating quality of evidence and strength of recommendations. BMJ 10. ISO 15189:2022. Medical laboratories—requirements for quality and
2008;336:924–6. competence. Geneva: International Organization for Standardisation
4. Schünemann HJ, Oxman AD, Brozek J, Glasziou P, Jaeschke R, Vist GE, (ISO); 2022. [Accessed 9 Nov 2023].
et al., for the GRADE Working Group. GRADE: grading quality of In Europe, a national source of EN ISO standards is recommended.
18 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

Sören Schubert, Walter Hofmann, Martine Pestel-Caron, Rosanna Falbo, Jan Berg Gertsen,
Matthijs Oyaert, Audrey Merens and Timo Kouri*

1 Medical needs and requisition

becoming successful in screening for specific microbes but
Background the approaches usually differ in endemic areas from areas
with low prevalence [10]. Examples of common indications
Development of medicine and increasing needs in human
for urine tests for diseases of kidneys and urinary tract are
populations challenge the relevance of different in-
given in Table 3.
vestigations of urine, similar to other laboratory examina-
Clinical presentations vary widely from asymptomatic
tions used in health care. Cost-benefit analyses, or even
ambulatory patients to high-risk immunosuppressed in-
economic analyses of gained quality-adjusted life years
dividuals with life-threatening complications. No age range
(QALY) should guide the implementation of all laboratory
is exempt. Clinical need may dictate an urgent examination
examinations for various patient populations [1–3].
with a turn-around time less than 2 h, rather than a confir-
Clinical symptoms are essential in guiding the use of
matory examination that is reported too late for decision-
tests related to urinary tract infection (UTI), since
making. The repertoire of local laboratory or point-of-care
asymptomatic bacteriuria is frequent due to the presence
environments will also influence the selection of requested
of microbiota in the urinary tract of even healthy in-
laboratory examinations.
dividuals [4–6]. To detect kidney disease, urine tests are
recommended in addition to estimation of glomerular
RECOMMENDATION 1: Epidemiology and clinical symptoms
filtration rate (GFR) [7]. The epidemiology of target dis-
of the target diseases, as well as diagnostic and prognostic
eases should be considered: screening and intensified
significance of the chosen tests are recommended to guide
treatment of nephropathy in patients with diabetes mel-
the clinical use of urinalysis tests. (SoR 1, LoE B)a
litus is recommended world-wide [8], as well as preven-
tion of cardiovascular disease in chronic kidney patients Laboratory modification of the grades is described in the
[9]. On the other hand, non-invasive urine specimens are Introduction of this guideline. Strengths of
Recommendations (SoR) are rated as: 1=strong, 2=weak
recommendation. Levels of Evidence (LoE) are rated as:
A=high, B=moderate, C=low quality of evidence,
*Corresponding author: Timo Kouri, Department of Clinical Chemistry, D=consensus by the experts.
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; and HUSLAB, HUS Diagnostic
Center, Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa, 00014 Helsinki, Finland,
Sören Schubert, Max von Pettenkofer Institute of Hygiene and Medical Table : Frequent medical indications for urine tests in diseases of kid-
Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, LMU Munich, 81377 Munich, Germany. neys and urinary tract.
Walter Hofmann, Synlab MVZ, Augsburg and Dachau, 85221 Dachau,
– Suspicion or symptoms suggesting the possibility of urinary tract infec-
tion (UTI)
Martine Pestel-Caron, Department of Microbiology, CHU Rouen,
– Screening for asymptomatic bacteriuria in specific patient groups only
University of Rouen Normandie, INSERM, DYNAMICURE UMR 1311, 76000
(see Section ..)
Rouen, France.
– Suspicion of renal disease, either primary or secondary to systemic dis-
Rosanna Falbo, University Department of Laboratory Medicine, ASST
eases, such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, rheumatic diseases,
Brianza, Pio XI Hospital, 20832 Desio (MB), MB, Italy.
toxaemia of pregnancy, or to the adverse effects of drugs
– Suspicion or follow-up of post-renal disease
Jan Berg Gertsen, Department of Clinical Microbiology, Aarhus University
– Detection of glycosuria, ketonuria or urine pH from specified patient
Hospital, Skejby, 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark.
groups only (see Section ...)
Matthijs Oyaert, Department of Laboratory Medicine, University Hospital If understood widely, urine quantities are measured in diagnostics of
Ghent, 9000 Ghent, Belgium. several endocrine, metabolic and inherited diseases, pregnancy, drugs of
Audrey Merens, Service de Biologie Médicale, Hôpital d’Instruction des abuse, etc., most of which were not discussed in this guideline that focuses
Armées Bégin, 94160 Saint-Mandé, France on diseases of kidneys and urinary tract.
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 19

1.1 Examinations for general Symptoms possibly related to

kidneys or urinary tract
patient populations
Examina on for mul ple measurands
Most of the costs arising from screening programmes result in urine specimen: Nega ve
from confirmation of positive findings. That is why screening Leukocytes, Bacteria
Erythrocytes, Albumin or protein Other
of completely unselected individuals, i.e., at general epide- diagnos cs as
miological level, is discouraged except for research purposes. Posi ve needed

A focused strategic planning includes health economical

assessment of technologies for improving quality of patients’ Leukocyturia, Haematuria,
life. bacteriuria proteinuria haemoglobinuria
Selected asymptomatic individuals may be investigated
if justified by cost/benefit analyses, e.g., in screening of Repeated test from a standardised specimen?
asymptomatic bacteriuria (see Section 1.2.2) or for patients
with high-risk for chronic kidney disease [11]. Examinations Clinical decision: treatment and/or further tests
for diseases in kidneys and urinary tract can be recom-
mended for many clinical populations, i.e., patients
Suspicion of UTI: Suspicion of kidney disease:
attending health care services in hospitals or at ambulatory see sec on 1.2. see sec on 1.3.
clinics because of their symptoms or diseases, but not for all
patients. Even the use of urine test strips shall be associated Figure 1: Urinalysis examinations with a sieving strategy for patients
with diagnostic significance [12]. with general symptoms, possibly related to kidneys or urinary tract. The
A multiple (multiproperty) test strip measurement, or actual measurements may be carried out by strip tests, or particle
a quantitative urine particle analysis may be used to detect counting, depending on the location, availability and patient profile in a
health care unit. The term “rapid test” means analytically point-of-care
laboratory findings shown in Figure 1. In addition to the
and similar tests (see Section 4.1), but clinically also tests provided by the
shown minimum measurands and clinical findings, acute laboratories at the emergency hours, as compared to reporting after
cases or specific patient groups may incidentally benefit 1–2 days from a request. In addition to the measurands (analytes) related
from measurements of urinary glucose, ketone bodies, or to diseases of the kidneys and the urinary tract, other incidental analytes,
pH. Specific diagnostics for diabetes mellitus or diabetic such as urine glucose, ketone bodies, or pH on a test strip, may be useful
ketosis no more relies on measurements of urine analytes. in specific purposes.

Clinicians should remain sensitive to individual needs based

on patient data. A multiple test strip investigation was 1.2 Examinations for detection of
designed to improve general efficiency of urinalysis among
routine patient populations, and to help in emergency cases. urinary tract infection
When a rapid urine test (strip test or particle counting) re-
mains negative, the clinician should consider other di- The suggested sieving strategy aims to limit the number of
agnostics based on clinical presentation (Figure 1). bacterial cultures to patients who need a bacterial culture
Detailed discussion on laboratory tests requested for for their correct diagnosis and treatment (Figure 2).
detection of UTI is in Section 1.2 and that for detection of non- Cultures from clearly uncomplicated patients (see
infectious kidney and urinary tract diseases in Section 1.3. Section are not needed [13]. In emergency patients,
the balance between sufficient rapid diagnostics and inap-
RECOMMENDATION 2: Urinalysis tests should be requested propriate routine requisition of urine bacterial cultures is
based on assessment of risk or presence of severe or important. Requests of urine tests may be markedly reduced
complicated disease. Specific test planning between in co-operative planning with responsible professionals
laboratories and clinics is recommended to balance benefits working at frontline [14].
against resource. (1, C) The diagnostic strategy to detect UTI shall consider
problems with specificity such as contamination and false
positive reactions, and those with sensitivity, i.e., false
RECOMMENDATION 3: General screening strategies for negatives in detection of uropathogenic bacteria. Despite a
low-risk and routine patients (work-flow optimisation) are to strategy to reduce traditional cultures, health care pro-
be separated from targeted diagnostics for high-risk or fessionals should remain sensitive to needs of problematic
complicated patients or specific specimens. (1, C) or specific cases.
20 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

Clinical unit symptoms persist, urine bacterial culture with antimicrobial

Symptoms or medical Symptoms of
susceptibility testing is warranted (see Section 7.1.3).
background a infec on with clinical
related to UTI b unknown focus cases c Epidemiology of uropathogens: The prerequisite for
treatment of urinary tract infection without bacterial cul-
Clear No
clinical Other tures is an epidemiological knowledge of uropathogens and
case d diagnos cs their antimicrobial susceptibilities within a local commu-
as needed
Yes nity. Co-operation with networking laboratories of the Eu-
No Urine
ropean Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance Network
Uncompli- urine
cated, specimens specimens (EARS-Net) [19], and the European Committee on Antimi-
lower UTI, crobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) of the European So-
woman b
Rapid tests e ciety of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Yes (ESCMID) is encouraged [20].
Request for
Treatment, Request for urine special urine
No culture bacterial culture culture Other patients suspected of UTI

Laboratory Urine bacterial culture Special

According to the workflow in the urine Urine cultures are needed for other patient groups with
laboratory f culture symptoms related to lower or upper UTI, including males,
children, patients with atypical or recurrent symptoms, pa-
Figure 2: Urine examinations in suspicions of urinary tract infection. The tients with abnormalities or various devices in their urinary
figure divides the activities in a clinical unit and in a laboratory. Rapid tests
tract, and those who do not respond to antimicrobial treat-
may be organised locally in several ways depending on health care
setting. Explanations to the footnotes: aMedical record known to
ment, see Figure 2 and Section 7.1.2. In the elderly, general
predispose UTI (urinary tract infection). bPatient groups, see Section 7.1.2 state of health, comorbidities, and intention to treat should
and Table 32. cSpecial cases, see Section dApplication of the Acute be considered, when deciding on a medical need to request a
Cystitis Symptoms Score, see Sections and 7.1.1. eRapid tests to urine bacterial culture because of a high prevalence of
detect leukocytes and bacteria to increase the probability of UTI, see asymptomatic bacteriuria (Section 1.2.2).
Section 7.3.2. fRoutine workflow in bacterial culture, see Section 7.5.2, and
Acute cases benefit from results of rapid diagnostics,
Figure 8.
since a clearly positive result from urine strip test or particle
analysis may support a clinical diagnosis of UTI in unclear
1.2.1 Symptomatic patients cases. The specific result from urine bacterial culture serves to
finalise the classification of disease after 1–2 days. Empirical Uncomplicated UTI treatment can be justified with known local epidemiology.
Symptomatic cases that remain negative on a rapid exami-
Uncomplicated UTI is defined as “acute, sporadic or recur- nation should still be treated after urine collection (false
rent lower (uncomplicated cystitis) and/or upper (uncom- negative cases). If necessary, the antibiotic treatment must be
plicated pyelonephritis) UTI, limited to non-pregnant adjusted based on the results of the urine bacterial culture. In
women with no known relevant anatomical and functional doubtful cases, a standardised morning specimen should be
abnormalities within the urinary tract or comorbidities” requested for re-investigation, considering also other diag-
[15]. Within the uncomplicated UTI patients, an uncompli- nostic possibilities and tests.
cated lower UTI (cystitis) in otherwise healthy non-pregnant
Special cases and specimens needing for special urine
females without vaginal irritation makes an exception.
cultures (Figure 2) may include those from patients with
These female patients have a low risk for recurrency or
selected urological diseases or procedures, such as differ-
serious course of infection. Their lower UTI may be diag-
entiating chronic bacterial prostatitis from non-bacterial
nosed without laboratory tests by using a focused ques-
pelvic syndromes, with Meares and Stamey procedure for
tionnaire, called ACSS (Acute Cystitis Symptoms Score) as
urine collection (Section 3.2.9) [15], patients with suspected
validated already for several languages [16–18]. The sensi-
fastidious bacterial infections, or specimens with leukocy-
tivity of ACSS is reported to be 94 % with a specificity of 90 %
turia but a negative routine urine culture. Arrangements for
in patients with typical symptoms (see Section 7.1.1).
test requisition, preanalytical details, and specific culture
Follow-up of uncomplicated patients: If no symptoms conditions for these cases should be agreed locally. See
remain after treatment, no further examination is needed. If Section 7.4.1 for specific culture conditions.
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 21

1.2.2 Asymptomatic bacteriuria – patients undergoing invasive urogenital surgery when

the surgery is going to disrupt the mucosal barrier [15]. Definition of asymptomatic bacteriuria Preoperative mixed flora in urine culture obtained
before urogynaecological operations is probably not a
Asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) is defined as the presence of risk for postoperative complications [29]. This applies
1 or 2 species of growth at 105 colony-forming units (CFU)/ for orthopaedic operations as well.
mL – or 108 colony-forming bacteria (CFB)/L – or more in
culture of a properly collected mid-stream specimen, irre- Screening or treatment for ASB is NOT recommended for the
spective of the presence of pyuria (leukocyturia), in the following patient groups: renal transplant patients after
absence of signs or symptoms attributable to urinary tract 1 month of the transplantation, recipients of other solid or-
infection (UTI) [15, 21]. gan transplants, patients living with urologic devices,
In women, ASB should be present in two consecutive cognitively impaired patients, patients with diabetes in good
samples, usually within 2 weeks, and result in growth of the homeostatic control, and patients with spinal cord injury
same bacterial species, because between 10% and 60 % of causing impaired voiding. In particular, residents in long-
healthy females do not have persistent bacteriuria in the term care facilities, and patients with long-term indwelling
repeated specimen after being initially positive [21]. In men, urethral catheter should not be treated for their ASB. It is
one mid-stream specimen is sufficient for ASB diagnosis [22]. also recommended NOT to screen nor treat ASB in patients
As an exception, a single positive specimen for Group B with recurrent UTI and in patients prior arthroplastic sur-
streptococci (Streptococcus agalactiae) is recommended to gery [15, 21].
allow for ASB diagnosis in pregnant women because of the For specific groups, such as neutropenic patients, and
risk of neonatal infection [23]. renal transplant patients within one month of trans-
plantation, no consensus exists for their ASB screening. Prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria

RECOMMENDATION 4: Asymptomatic bacteriuria must
generally not be treated with antimicrobials in order to
ASB represents colonisation of bacteria in the urinary tract
avoid unnecessary treatments and selection of multi-
without causing symptoms. In most cases, ASB will not pre-
resistant uropathogens. Exceptions include pregnant
dispose patients to urinary tract infection [24]. Prevalence of
women and patients undergoing invasive urological
ASB is 1–5 % in healthy premenopausal women, 5–10 % in
operations. (1, A)
pregnant women, 8.5% in patients hospitalized for acute care,
and 50 % in elderly residents of long term care [21]. The
prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria in individuals with
long-term indwelling urinary catheter is close to 100 % [25]. 1.3 Examinations for detection of
kidney disease Clinical management of asymptomatic
bacteriuria Clinical indication to look for a disease in kidneys or urinary
tract may derive from symptoms related to the urinary tract,
In general, ASB does not require antimicrobial treatment such as haematuria, dysuria, or localised pain. The need to
because screen for a kidney disease may also raise from a back-
– it is not associated with adverse outcomes ground disease with a high risk for kidney damage, such as
– antimicrobials are intended to treat infection, not to diabetes or hypertension, without symptoms directly related
eradicate microbiome that might even protect from to kidneys or urinary tract [7], or from an increased risk to
symptomatic infections [26] cardiovascular disease (CVD) among patients with chronic
– unnecessary antimicrobial use increases antibiotic kidney disease (CKD) [9] (Figure 3). A detailed discussion is
consumption and contributes to evolution and presented in Section 5.3.
spreading of multi-resistant bacteria from urobiome

Exceptions of ASB to be treated include 1.3.1 Examinations of proteinuria

– pregnant women: During pregnancy, bacteriuria is
treated to prevent symptomatic infection and prema- Transient proteinuria is a common finding among acutely ill
ture birth [15, 21, 27, 28]. patients [30] even at higher than the conventional limit of
22 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

Symptoms Risk related to non- high-risk patients (see Section 5.2.2). For high-risk patients,
related to infec ous diseases of immunoglobulin free light chain or other specific de-
kidneys or kidneys or urinary tract High risk
urinary terminations may additionally be important in differentia-
tract, e.g., tion of patient’s disease, e.g., from myeloma and other
red urine
Mul ple strip test c
disease b monoclonal gammopathies, in addition to albumin and
α1-microglobulin measurements (see Section 5.3.1).
Haematuria or Albuminuria or Yes
haemoglobinuria proteinuria
posi ve posi ve
RECOMMENDATION 5: Quantitative specific protein
measurements are recommended as primary investigations
Yes Yes No to high-risk patients for detection and follow-up of kidney
Other disease. (1, A)
diagnos cs
Urine par cle analysis as needed

Sensi ve tests for urine

marker proteins c 1.3.2 Examinations of haematuria and renal
Isomorphic Dysmorphic Kidney-related Kidney-related
RBC RBC casts or RTC proteinuria Suspicion of a disease in kidneys or urinary tract may be
initiated by the patient noticing red urine.
Other coloured substances (red beets, porphyria, drugs,
see Section 5.1, Table 6) should be at first excluded. Particle
Urological Nephrological
inves ga ons inves ga ons analysis is needed to obtain a count of red blood cell (RBC)
excretion from a standardised specimen (see Section 6). Urine
Figure 3: Urine examinations in suspicions of non-infectious disease of particle analysis is also needed to detect kidney-related ele-
kidneys or urinary tract.a The examinations differ depending on the ments in patient’s urine. The RBC in persistent haematuria
presence of symptoms, and the level of risk to kidney disease in asymp- should be assessed for isomorphism and dysmorphism if no
tomatic individuals. Explanations to the footnotes: aUrine specimens
proteinuria is present, after exclusion of basic causes such as
should be examined for the presence of non-infectious diseases of kid-
neys or urinary tract only after exclusion of a urinary tract infection to
irritation of urinary bladder or UTI. Isomorphic RBC indicate
allow for correct interpretation of leukocyturia and haematuria. bPatients bleeding from the urinary tract, whereas dysmorphic RBC
with increased risk for chronic kidney disease include at least patients suggest glomerular bleeding [32, 33] (Figure 3). See Section
with diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, see Section 5.3.1. cDetails of for details of the recommended measurement.
multiple strip tests, see Section 5.2, those of protein markers, see Section
5.3. Concentrations of proteinuria markers should be given together with Kidney-related urine particles (casts, renal tubular epithe-
a measurand of volume rate, e.g., urine relative density together with a lial cells) typically confirm the presence or differentiate the
strip test result, or urine creatinine concentration with quantitative al- type of renal damage. They may also provide prognostic in-
bumin or other specific protein measurement, see Section 5.4.
formation [34, 35]. Automated particle counting possesses
100 mg/L albumin concentration (or 200 mg concentration of higher precision than visual urine sediment examination,
total protein) in test strips. To avoid inappropriate additional with increasing sensitivity to detect renal particles with
investigations, transient proteinuria is excluded by repeated technical development [36]. Either advanced automated
measurements and review of anamnestic data. counting or visual microscopy is recommended to detect
Quantitative specific protein measurements may follow specifically a renal disease for patients with a high-risk for
a positive albumin strip result but shall be used as primary renal disease, in addition to proteinuria measurements.
investigations for detection or follow-up of kidney disease in An alternative chemistry approach to haematuria is
high-risk patients (Figure 3). A sensitive albumin or protein the differentiation of the bleeding site based on urinary IgG/
quantitation is recommended from a single-voided spec- albumin and α2-macroglobulin/ albumin ratios [37] (see
imen as albumin-to-creatinine or total protein-to-creatinine Section 5.3.1).
ratio instead of measuring 24-h protein excretion rate.
Orthostatic (postural) proteinuria is identified by sepa- RECOMMENDATION 6: Either advanced automated
rate day and overnight collections. Conventional sieving of counting or visual microscopy of urine particles is
specimens by means of traditional strip tests for urine mi- recommended to detect specifically a renal disease in low
croscopy [31] or kidney disease is not sensitive enough in and high-risk patients with proteinuria. (1, B)
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 23

1.4 Essential information in Date and time of voiding (final real time)
Way of collection (mid-stream urine, single catheter
urinalysis requests urine, indwelling catheter urine,
SupraPubic Aspiration of urine, bag specimen of urine;
The formats of requests and reports of urinalysis are influ- other)
enced by the site of examination: at points-of-care, specimen Storage temperature of the specimen (if different from
collection and analysis results can be documented directly laboratory’s advice)
into the patient record, whereas a remote laboratory always – Success in patient preparation
needs a written (paper or computerised) request. The Success code of collection (single-voided specimens):
request reaching the laboratory may initiate a stepwise qualified specimen …… or defective collection ………
procedure if agreed locally for a particular patient group. (such as untimed collection, urgency, difficulties in
Pre-determined strategies aim to maximise diagnostic yield technique, etc.; classified by health care personnel when
while maintaining cost-efficiency. known)
The importance of adequate clinical and specimen Success in following specific diets before timed collec-
related information is generally underestimated. Coded in- tion, e.g., in specific hormone tests
formation is needed for correct selection of examination – Results from rapid examinations (if performed at
procedures and interpretation of results. Sufficient detail is point-of-care) ……
seldom documented for urinalysis specimens. The minimum
information is proposed in Section 1.4.1, to be adopted locally
on available electronic requisition platforms and interfaces 1.4.2 Requesting urinalysis examinations
of clinical and laboratory information systems.
Locally applied stepwise strategies should be translated into
practical requisition routines together with laboratories and
1.4.1 Specimen identification and patient clinical units, as agreed locally, and based on expertise, pa-
tient populations, and equipment. Adaptation of compu-
terised interfaces between electronic patient records and
laboratory information systems with their computerised
The list below compiles key areas of information needed for
middleware to analytical devices is highly recommended to
clinical urine diagnostics. If no information is given, a mini-
improve transfer of patient-specific clinical information and
mum level of investigations should be applied as agreed
diagnostic reports between clinicians and laboratories
locally based on patient populations. On specimen containers,
[38–40]. They also support structured patient identification
the information is best transferred using waterproof labels
and help to minimise specimen mislabelling [41]. In clinical
(see Section 3.4.4) providing barcoded specimen ID that is
requisition, decision trees need to be organised locally to
connected to detailed patient data and specific information of
support mutually agreed workflows.
each request in laboratory information systems.
Considerable savings usually result if a sieve principle
– Patient identification
replaces manual work, e.g., visual microscopy or bacterial
Full name
culture is performed only for specimens positive with a
Gender (female, male, other)
sieving examination, such as a multiple strip or an auto-
Personal ID code (recommended if nationally available)
mated particle count. The size of a laboratory and its level of
Date of birth (if not included in the personal ID code)
automation have major impacts on the optimisation of
Requesting unit (where patient is being treated)
workflow in various healthcare systems. In agreed cases,
Return and billing addresses (to whom laboratory
sensitive bacterial culture, protein measurements, or visual
report and invoice should be sent)
microscopy should be requested independently of the gen-
Responsible physician/nurse (to be contacted if consul-
eral workflow optimisation.
tation is needed)
Concurrent antimicrobial therapy (if bacterial or yeast
RECOMMENDATION 7: Requisition and reporting of
culture is requested)
urinalysis tests using electronic interfaces is encouraged,
Additional clinical information for specific specimens
with local diagnostic algorithms. Electronic transfer improves
(signs, symptoms, or a specific clinical question)
exchange of systematic information between clinicians and
– Specimen details
laboratories, including specimen details. (1, B)
Specimen identification (ID) code (barcode, if used)
24 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

1.5 Recommendations for medical Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
needs For other Acknowledgements, Ethical declarations and
Research funding, see the Executive Summary of the
No. Recommendations SoR (–), Section
and discussed
LoE (A-D)a

 Epidemiology and clinical symptoms of the , B  1.6. References, Medical needs and
target diseases, as well as diagnostic and
prognostic significance of the chosen tests
are recommended to guide the clinical use
of urinalysis tests. 1. Testa MA, Simonson DC. Assessment of quality-of-life outcomes. N Engl
 Urinalysis tests should be requested based , C . J Med 1996;334:835–40.
on assessment of risk or presence of severe 2. Prieto L, Sacristán JA. Problems and solutions in calculating quality-
or complicated disease. Specific test plan- adjusted life years (QALYs). Health Qual Life Outcome 2003;1:1–8.
ning between laboratories and clinics is 3. Vainiola T, Roine RP, Pettilä V, Kantola T, Räsänen P, Sintonen H. Effect
recommended to balance benefits against of health-related quality-of-life instrument and quality-adjusted life
resource. year calculation method on the number of life years gained in the
 General screening strategies for low-risk , C .–. critical care setting. Value Health 2011;14:1130–4.
and routine patients (work-flow optimisa- 4. Price TK, Hilt EE, Thomas-White K, Mueller ER, Wolfe AJ, Brubaker L. The
tion) is to be separated from targeted di- urobiome of continent adult women: a cross-sectional study. BJOG
agnostics for high-risk or complicated 2020;127:193–201.
patients or specific specimens. 5. Biehl L, Farowski F, Hilpert C, Nowag A, Kretzschmar A, Jazmati N, et al.
 Asymptomatic bacteriuria must not gener- , A .. Longitudinal variability in the urinary microbiota of healthy
ally be sought to avoid unnecessary antimi- premenopausal women and the relation to neigh boring microbial
crobials and multiresistant strains of communities: a pilot study. PLoS One 2022;14.
uropathogens. Exceptions include pregnant journal.pone.0262095.
women, and patients undergoing some 6. Ugarcina Perovic S, Ksiezarek M, Rocha J, Alves Cappelli E, Sousa M,
invasive urological operations. Gonçalves Ribeiro T, et al. Urinary microbiome of reproductive-age
 Quantitative specific protein measurements , A .. asymptomatic European women. Microbiol Spectr 2022;10:
are recommended as primary investigations e0130822.
for detection and follow-up of kidney dis- 7. Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) CKD Work
ease in high-risk patients. Group. KDIGO 2012 Clinical practice guideline for the evaluation and
 Either advanced automated counting or vi- , B .. management of chronic kidney disease. Kidney Int Suppl 2013;3:
sual microscopy of urine particles is recom- 1–150.
mended to detect specifically a renal disease 8. Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes Diabetes Work Group.
in low and high-risk proteinuria patients. KDIGO 2020 Clinical practice guideline for diabetes management in
 Requisition and reporting of urinalysis tests , B .. chronic kidney disease. Kidney Int 2020;98:S1–115.
using electronic interfaces is encouraged, 9. Visseren FLJ, Mach F, Smulders YM, Carballo D, Koskinas KC, Bäck M,
with local diagnostic algorithms. Electronic et al. ESC guidelines on cardiovascular disease prevention in clinical
transfer improves exchange of systematic practice. Eur Heart J 2021;42:3227–337.
information between clinicians and labora- 10. Archer J, LaCourse JE, Webster BL, Stothard J. An update on non-
tories, including specimen details. invasive urine diagnostics for human-infecting parasitic helminths:
what more could be done and how? Parasitology 2020;147:873–88.
Levels of Evidence (LoE) are: A=high, B=moderate, C=low quality of 11. Shlipak MG, Tummalapalli SL, Boulware LE, Grams ME, Ix JH, Jha V, et al.
evidence, D=consensus by the experts. Laboratory modification of the The case for early identification and intervention of chronic kidney
GRADE rating is described in the Introduction []. aStrengths of disease: conclusions from a Kidney Disease: Improving Global
Recommendations (SoR) are: =strong, =weak recommendation. Outcomes (KDIGO) Controversies Conference. Kidney Int 2021;99:
12. Hay AD, Birnie K, Busby J, Delaney B, Downing H, Dudley J, et al. The
Diagnosis of Urinary Tract infection in Young children (DUTY): a
Acknowledgments: The EFLM European Urinalysis Guide- diagnostic prospective observational study to derive and validate a
line 2023 was designed and written by the EFLM Task and clinical algorithm for the diagnosis of urinary tract infection in children
presenting to primary care with an acute illness. Health Technol Assess
Finish Group Urinalysis (TFG-U) under supervision of the
Committee of Science of the European Federation of Clinical 13. Hallander HO, Kallner A, Lundin A, Österberg E. Evaluation of rapid
Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM). The contents of methods for the detection of bacteriuria (screening) in primary health
Sections 1, 3 and 7 have been endorsed by the European care. Acta Path Microbiol Immunol Scand Sect B 1986;94:39–49.
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 25

14. Chironda B, Clancy S, Powis JE. Optimizing urine culture collection in the bacteriuria in pregnancy: a systematic review. BMC Pregnancy
emergency departments using frontline ownership interventions. Clin Childbirth 2016;16:336.
Infect Dis 2014;59:1038–9. 29. Polin MR, Kawasaki A, Amundsen CL, Weidner AC, Siddiqui NY. Do
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Guidelines: Urological infections [The Full Text Online]. Arnhem, The 426–9.
Netherlands: EAU Guidelines Office; 2023. 30. Reuben DB, Wachtel TJ, Brown PC, Driscoll JL. Transient proteinuria in
guideline/urological-infections [Accessed 1 Aug 2023]. emergency medical admissions. N Engl J Med 1982;306:1031–3.
16. Alidjanov JF, Abdufattaev UA, Makhsudov SA, Pilatz A, Akilov FA, 31. Wenz B, Lampasso JA. Eliminating unnecessary urine microscopy.
Naber KG, et al. New self-reporting questionnaire to assess urinary Results and performance characteristics of an algorithm based on
tract infections and differential diagnosis: acute cystitis symptom chemical reagent strip testing. Am J Clin Pathol 1989;92:78–81.
score. Urol Int 2014;92:230–6. 32. Fairley K, Birch DF. Haematuria: a simple method for identification of
17. Alidjanov JF, Naber KG, Abdfattaev UA, Pilatz A, Wagenlehner FME. glomerular bleeding. Kidney Int 1982;21:105–8.
Reevaluation of the acute cystitis symptom score, a self-reporting 33. Fogazzi G, Ponticelli C. Microscopic haematuria diagnosis and
questionnaire. Part I. Development, diagnosis and differential management. Nephron 1996;72:125–34.
diagnosis. Antibiotics (Basel) 2018;7:6. 34. Györy AZ, Hadfield C, Lauer CS. Value of urine microscopy in predicting
18. ACSS score is available from: histological changes in the kidney: double blind comparison. Br Med J
[Accessed 2 Nov 2023]. 1984;288:819–22.
19. The EARS-Net website with annual antimicrobial resistance surveillance 35. Perazella MA. The urine sediment as a biomarker of kidney disease. Am
reports is available from: J Kidney Dis 2015;66:748–55.
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20. The EUCAST website for networking laboratories is available from: 2019;39:15–22. 37. Guder WG, Ivandic M, Hofmann W. Physiopathology of proteinuria and
[Accessed 11 Oct 2023]. laboratory diagnostic strategy based on single protein analysis. Clin
21. Nicolle LE, Gupta K, Bradley SF, Colgan R, DeMuri GP, Drekonja D, et al. Chem Lab Med 1998;36:935–9.
Clinical practice guideline for the management of asymptomatic 38. Roshanov PS, You JJ, Dhaliwal J, Koff D, Mackay JA, Weise-Kelly L, et al.
bacteriuria: 2019 update by the infectious diseases Society of America. CCDSS Systematic Review Team. Can computerized clinical decision
Clin Infect Dis 2019;68:1611–5. support systems improve practitioners’ diagnostic test ordering
22. Gleckman R, Esposito A, Crowley M, Natsios GA. Reliability of a single behavior? A decision-maker-researcher partnership systematic review.
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adult males. J Clin Microbiol 1979;9:596–7. 39. Kobewka DM, Ronksley PE, McKay JA, Forster AJ, van Walraven C.
23. Wiley Z, Jacob JT, Burd EM. Targeting asymptomatic bacteriuria in 2015. Influence of educational, audit and feedback, system based,
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26 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

Timo Kouri*, Jan Berg Gertsen, Rosanna Falbo, Audrey Merens, Matthijs Oyaert,
Martine Pestel-Caron, Walter Hofmann and Sören Schubert

2. Patient preparation
chemical measurements, the instructions should combine
2.1. Patient preparation before both requirements. Use of electronic media in editing, stor-
specimen collection age, and presentation to patients is encouraged.

2.1.1. Patient as the owner of her/his case RECOMMENDATION 8: Interaction with patients shall be
improved to invite patients to become active in decision-
The patient should be treated as the key player and making on their disease. This would encourage them to
responsible owner of her/his diagnostic investigations, to learn how to collect a mid-stream urine (MSU) specimen in a
motivate her/him to learn carefully the procedure of urine best achievable way, in order to minimise contamination
specimen collection. The obtained laboratory results do have during collection. (1, C)a
a direct impact on her/his treatment. Laboratory modification of the grades is described in the
Elderly citizens may particularly think that they cannot Introduction of this guideline. Strengths of
discuss and decide upon their diagnostics and treatment Recommendations (SoR) are rated as: 1=strong, 2=weak
options with their doctors [1]. Thus, the health care person- recommendation. Levels of Evidence (LoE) are rated as:
nel needs to learn how to empower their patients, rather A=high, B=moderate, C=low quality of evidence,
than treating them as objects of their activity. The premise is D=consensus by the experts.
saving in lost time and money, repeated testing due to non-
diagnostic results.
Success in patient preparation is suggested to be monitored in
The patient must be told why her/his urine specimen
clinical urine collections. Since an excessive contamination rate
needs to be tested. She/he also needs to be given instructions
of mid-stream urine specimens above the level of physiological
on how it should be collected. Ideally, the instructions should
microbiota is usual, a quality indicator, QI, is recommended at
be given both orally and in written form accompanied by
the laboratory level, to be adjusted after considering the types
illustrations where possible, to ensure uniformity of the mid-
of specimens and patient populations received by
stream collection procedure (see Annex I.1.1). Because the
the laboratory. See Section 3.2 for detailed discussion.
same specimen is often shared both for microbiological and

RECOMMENDATION 9: Laboratories shall maintain

*Corresponding author: Timo Kouri, Department of Clinical Chemistry, educational material banks and enforce routine co-operation
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; and HUSLAB, HUS Diagnostic Center, with their clinical units in order to improve preanalytical
Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa, 00014 Helsinki, Finland, processes, including preparation of patients for delivering
their urine specimens. (1, C)
Jan Berg Gertsen, Department of Clinical Microbiology, Aarhus University
Hospital, Skejby, 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark.
Rosanna Falbo, University Department of Laboratory Medicine, ASST
Brianza, Pio XI Hospital, Desio, 20832 Desio (MB), Italy. 2.1.2. Transmission of pre-analytical
0000-0001-9797-1070 information
Audrey Merens, Service de Biologie Médicale, Hôpital d’Instruction des
Armées Bégin, 94160 Saint-Mandé, France
Adequacy of patient preparation, type of urine specimen,
Matthijs Oyaert, Department of Laboratory Medicine, University Hospital
Ghent, 9000 Ghent, Belgium. and way of collection can be coded at requisition, and fol-
Martine Pestel-Caron, Department of Microbiology, CHU Rouen, lowed on the waterproof label adhered onto the specimen
University of Rouen Normandie, INSERM, DYNAMICURE UMR 1311, 76000 container after the collection. The final success may be
Rouen, France. documented in the laboratory information system (LIS)
Walter Hofmann, Synlab MVZ, Augsburg and Dachau, 85221 Dachau,
when receiving the specimen.
Sören Schubert, Max von Pettenkofer Institute of Hygiene and Medical
After organising the process, this preanalytical infor-
Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, LMU Munich, 81377 Munich, Germany. mation may ultimately be available in the electronic patient record together with the results of examinations to increase
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 27

the reliability of medical interpretation. An example coding Starvation decreases urinary constituents provided by
may be, e.g., “qualified” vs. “random”, or “standard” vs. “non- diet (e.g., salt and phosphate), but increases the excretion of
standard” specimen, with additional details of voiding time, metabolites associated with catabolism, e.g., ketone bodies
bladder incubation time, and way of collection. At least, the and ammonia [5]. In general, fasting for urinalysis is inten-
verified “standard” mid-stream collections are useful in the ded to reduce diuresis only. Abstinence of food intake is not
laboratory to support investigation of low colony counts. See needed if water intake is restricted when preparing to collect
Section 2.2.3. morning urine. The preparation of patients for standardised
fasting blood specimens may, however, be combined with
specimens for standard urinalysis if no urgency symptoms
2.2. Biological factors affecting are present.

results Chemical measurands in urine: Documentation of the

urine concentration improves interpretation of results of all
Biological (in vivo) factors, changing the true concentration chemical measurements in single-voided urine specimens.
of a measured component, cause problems in the inter- This has been used most often for measuring albuminuria
pretation of laboratory results although the measurement reported as albumin-to-creatinine ratio, to minimise the
process itself is correct. In laboratory medicine, these intra-individual biological variation [6, 7]. A comparison to a
physiological factors are called influence factors (discussed reference measurement also allows better follow-up and
in this chapter). classification of patients with albuminuria [8]. See more
In addition, other factors may technically interfere with details in Sections 3.1.5 and 5.3. Diagnostic classifications of
the analytical method applied (called interference factors. other chemical analytes, such as hormones or rare elements
These are particularly important with non-specific ana- in urine, need also an adjustment of urine volume rate if
lytical methods, such as those used in traditional test strip measured from single-voided specimens [9, 10].
fields (see Section 5.2.2), but also in other measurements
Urine particles: Concentrations of urine particles have
from urine, including drugs [2].
traditionally been reported without relating them to urine
concentration, despite comparing higher concentrations in
disease to lower health-related concentrations. Develop-
2.2.1. Volume rate (diuresis) and fasting ment of automated particle analysis has reduced impreci-
sion of low counts from those obtained with visual
Many urine constituents change in concentration when the
microscopy [11]. The improved accuracy now allows a better
rate of water excretion (diuresis=urine volume rate) alters
classification of leukocyturia and haematuria and justifies
due to variation in fluid intake, reduction of renal concen-
the use of diagnostic limits with more precise three to five-
trating ability, or ingestion of diuretic substances. The
fold grey zones. The particle concentrations can be com-
measurand reflecting urine volume rate may be creatinine,
pared to those in stardardised morning specimens if the
osmolality, relative density (old term: specific gravity), or
measured urine osmolality is >300 mOsm/kgH2O (estimated
conductivity of the specimen. Measurement procedures are
from urine conductivity), or urine density (by refrac-
described in detail in Sections 5.2.2 (test strips) and 5.4.2
tometry) is >1.015. With dilute urine, a false negative case is
(quantitative measurements).
possible. The principle of reporting urine concentration
If sensitive screening is needed, a low volume rate
always with chemical and particle analyses from single-
(20–50 mL/h or 500–1,000 mL/day) is desirable to produce
concentrated specimens. This is best achieved in morning voided urine specimens was first introduced in the Italian
urine after an overnight limitation of water intake. A high urinalysis guidelines to support clinical interpretation [12].
water intake results in a high volume rate (up to Urine bacteria: Correlating urine bacteria counts to diu-
200–500 mL/h), and dilute specimens with false negative resis is more complex, since bacteria counts in urine
results. The osmolality of human urine may vary from 50 to depends on the measurement principle of a particle analy-
1,200 mOsm/kgH2O, an isotonic urine corresponding to about ser, growth rate of detected bacterial species, incubation time
300 mOsm/kgH2O [3]. Among healthy adult voluntiers, in the bladder, contamination during mid-stream collection,
restriction of water to 1 L/day created a fluctuation of and colonisation of lower urinary tract. As a result, a 10-fold or
600–900 mOsm/kgH2O in urine osmolality, while ingestion higher grey zone exists in the cut-off of significant counts in
of 2.5 L water/day was followed by a fluctuation of urine bacteria counting, and a 100-fold or higher range may appear
osmolality from 200 to 500 mOsm/kgH2O [4]. in the cut-off of significant colony counts in bacterial culture
28 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

associated with UTI, representing a cut-off from 102 CFU/mL to first morning urine than from a later specimens [17]. Incu-
105 CFU/mL (or 105 CFB/L–108 CFB/L) in culture [13]. Because of bation time for at least 4 h in the bladder before collection
this wide range of significant growth, the variability related to improves the sensitivity, and decreases the number of false
diuresis does not influence the otherwise large uncertainty negative results [16]. If urgency of micturition, or pollaci-
caused by other factors. suria associated with acute lower UTI will not permit suffi-
cient bladder incubation time, interpretation of significant
growth needs to be performed at lower colony counts [13].
RECOMMENDATION 10: Interpretation of chemical
The bladder incubation time is then useful for interpretation
measurements and particle counts from single-voided urine
of colony counts in culture. For chemical analyses, incuba-
specimens is improved by reporting concentration of urine
tion time is not necessary.
(related to diuresis).
In studies on urine particle morphology, the best results
Chemical measurands are recommended to be reported as
are obtained after a short incubation time for 1–2 h because
measurand-to-reference ratios, e.g., albumin-to-creatinine
of preserved morphological detail, provided that a high
ratio. Particle counts should be accompanied with results of
diuresis does not lead to false negative results. Rare particles
urine relative density, conductivity, or osmolality (1, B)
are seen more often in concentrated urine specimens. For
patients, advice to limit water intake to allow longer bladder
incubation time, and recording of that time, are highly rec-
ommended to reach the highest sensitivities in detection of
2.2.2. Exercise and body posture bacteriuria, and to communicate interpretation correctly.

Wide biological variation in urine composition is related to RECOMMENDATION 11: Reporting bladder incubation
physical activity and body posture. Examination of the time is recommended to improve interpretation of
morning urine and avoidance of strenuous physical exercise significance of low bacterial counts, or fragile particles in
minimises these influences. Exercise may increase the urine. Urgency or dilute urine is suspected if the bladder
amount of body constituents excreted into urine by increas- incubation time is < 4 h (2, C)
ing glomerular filtration, or other mechanisms. Transient
albuminuria or haematuria after exercise are common [14].
On the other hand, urinary calcium excretion increases more
2.2.4. Contamination
than twofold on immobilization of a patient into bed rest [15].
If an orthostatic proteinuria needs to be investigated,
The detailed discussion is in Section 3.2.
the correct clinical interpretation is ensured by specific
requests for the overnight and daytime collections. See
Section 5.3.2 for detailed interpretation.
2.3. Recommendations for patient
Timed overnight urine is collected by emptying the bladder
just before going to bed, noting the time (hours and minutes),
and then collecting all urine portions during the bed-rest
period. At the end of the period, the last portion is collected, No. Recommendations SoR (–), Section
the time (hours and minutes) recorded, and the total volume and discussed
of overnight urine noted. The specimen or a representative LoE (A-D)a
aliquot is then sent to the laboratory for calculation of  Interaction with patients shall be improved , C ..
excretion rate of requested analytes. to invite patients to become active in
decision-making on their disease. This
would encourage them to learn how to col-
2.2.3. Incubation time in the bladder lect a mid-stream urine (MSU) specimen in a
best achievable way, in order to minimise
To demonstrate reliable bacterial growth, classical advice is contamination during collection.
to allow bacteria a log phase of growth by incubating urine  Laboratories shall maintain educational , C ..
material banks and enforce routine co-
in the bladder for 4–8 h [16]. Urine is a good culture medium
operation with their clinical units in order to
for many bacteria. The classical Griess’s examination (the improve preanalytical processes, including
nitrite field on a test strip) is more sensitive in detecting preparation of patients for delivering their
asymptomatic bacteriuria among pregnant women from the urine specimens.
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 29

(continued) 4. Perrier E, Demazières A, Girard N, Pross N, Osbild D, Metzger D, et al.

Circadian variation and responsiveness of hydration biomarkers to
No. Recommendations SoR (–), Section changes in daily water intake. Eur J Appl Physiol 2013;113:2143–51.
and discussed 5. Kohse KP, Wisser H. Problems of quantitative urine analysis. Ann Biol
LoE (A-D)a Clin 1987;45:630–41.
6. Shibabi ZK, Schwartz RP, Pugia MJ. Decreasing the variability observed
 Interpretation of chemical measurements , B .. in urine analysis. Ann Clin Lab Sci 2001;311:99–102.
and particle counts from single-voided urine 7. Waikar SS, Rebholz CM, Zheng Z, Hurwitz S, Hsu C, Feldman HI, et al.
specimens is improved by reporting con- Biological variability of estimated GFR and albuminuria in CKD. Am J
centration of urine (related to diuresis). Kidney Dis 2018;72:538–46.
Chemical measurands are recommended to 8. Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) CKD Work
be reported as measurand-to-reference Group. KDIGO 2012 Clinical practice guideline for the evaluation and
ratios, e.g., albumin-to-creatinine ratio. management of chronic kidney disease. Kidney Int Suppl 2013;3:
Particle counts should be accompanied with 1–150.
results of urine relative density, conductivity, 9. Corcuff JB, Tabarin A, Rashedi M, Duclos M, Roger P, Ducassou D.
or osmolality. Overnight urinary free cortisol determination: a screening test for the
 Reporting bladder incubation time is rec- , C .. diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome. Clin Endocrinol (Oxford) 1998;48:
ommended to improve interpretation of 503–8.
significance of low bacterial counts, or 10. Middleton DR, Watts MJ, Lark RM, Milne CJ, Polya DA. Assessing urinary
fragile particles in urine. An urgency, or flow rate, creatinine, osmolality and other hydration adjustment
dilute urine is suspected if the bladder methods for urinary biomonitoring using NHANES arsenic, iodine, lead
incubation time is <  h. and cadmium data. Environ Health 2016;15:68.
Strengths of Recommendations (SoR) are: =strong, =weak 11. Oyaert M, Delanghe J. Progress in automated urinalysis. Ann Lab Med
recommendation. Levels of Evidence (LoE) are: A=high, B=moderate, C=low 2019;39:15–22.
quality of evidence, D=consensus by the experts. Laboratory modification of 12. Manoni F, Gessoni G, Fogazzi GB, Alessio MG, Caleffi A, Gambaro G,
the GRADE rating is described in the Introduction. et al. Esame fisico, chimico e morfologico delle urine: proposta di linee
guida per la fase analitica del Gruppo Intersocietario Analisi delle Urine
(GIAU). [Physical, chemical and morphological urine examination:
proposed guidelines for the analytical phase by the Intersociety
Acknowledgments: For Acknowledgements, Ethical decla- Urinalysis Group GIAU] [Italian]. Biochim Clin 2016;40:353–82.
rations and Research funding, see the Executive Summary of 13. Hooton TM, Roberts PL, Cox ME, Stapleton AE. Voided midstream urine
the Guideline. culture and acute cystitis in premenopausal women. N Engl J Med 2013;
14. Shephard RJ. Exercise proteinuria and hematuria: current knowledge
and future directions. J Sports Med Phys Fit 2016;56:1060–76.
2.4. References, Patient preparation 15. Van der Wiel HE, Lips P, Nauta J, Netelenbos JC, Hazenberg GJ.
Biochemical parameters of bone turnover during 10 days of bed rest
1. Bynum JPW, Barre L, Reed C, Passow H. 2014. Participation of very old and subsequent mobilization. Bone Miner 1991;13:123–9.
adults in healthcare decisions. Med Decis Making 2014;34:216–30. 16. Chan WW. Chapter 3.12. Urine cultures. In: Leber AL, editor-in-chief.
2. Sonntag O, Scholer A. Drug interference in clinical chemistry: Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook, 4th ed. Washington DC:
recommendation of drugs and their concentrations to be used in drug ASM Press; 2016.
interference studies. Ann Clin Biochem 2001;38:376–85. 17. Czerwinski AW, Wilkerson RG, Merrill JA, Braden B, Colmore JP. Further
3. Sands JM, Layton HE. The physiology of urinary concentration: an evaluation of the Griess test to detect significant bacteriuria. Part II. Am
update. Semin Nephrol 2009;29:178–95. J Obstet Gynecol 1971;110:677–81.
30 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

Sören Schubert, Jan Berg Gertsen, Audrey Merens, Martine Pestel-Caron, Rosanna Falbo,
Matthijs Oyaert, Walter Hofmann and Timo Kouri*

3 Specimen collection and preservation

Section 3.1.2 for standard bladder storage times before
3.1 Urine specimens based on urine collection).
The following timing types of urine specimens were modi- 3.1.2 First morning urine
fied from classical definitions quoted in textbooks [1, 2] or
earlier European guidelines [3, 4]. The actual time of spec- First morning urine is the specimen voided immediately
imen collection should be transferred from the examination after an overnight bed rest before breakfast and other
request to the examination report to aid in the correct activities. This is also called early morning urine. If
interpretation of findings. needed, it is recommended that the early morning urine be
voided after an 8-h period of recumbency, and after not
less than 4 h storage time in the urinary bladder (even if
the bladder was emptied earlier during the night) [2]. This
3.1.1 Random urine
has been traditionally recommended as the standard
specimen for urinalysis and urine bacterial culture,
Random urine is a portion of single voided urine without
because it is more concentrated than the day urine and
defining the volume, time of the day, or detail of patient
allows time for possible bacterial growth in the urinary
preparation. Random urine specimen is usually unavoid-
bladder, and improves sensitivity of nitrite test on the strip
able in acute situations with dysuria or other emergency
for detection of bacteriuria (see Section 5.2.2). This spec-
symptoms. Random urine specimens are associated with
imen is most easily collected from hospitalised patients but
many false negative and some false positive results. These
may be collected even at the patient’s home if compliance
can be reduced if the volume rate (diuresis) is adjusted
and rapid transportation or preservation of measurands to
with a reference measurement. Interpretation of signifi-
the laboratory can be organised. In patients with emer-
cance of lower bacteria counts in urine culture is corre-
gency symptoms or dysuria, the first morning urine is
lated with a bladder incubation time less than 4 h (see
usually not possible.

*Corresponding author: Timo Kouri, Department of Clinical Chemistry,

University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; and HUSLAB, HUS Diagnostic Center, 3.1.3 Second morning urine
Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa, 00014 Helsinki, Finland,
E-mail: Second morning urine is a single specimen voided 2–4 h
Sören Schubert, Max von Pettenkofer Institute of Hygiene and Medical
after the first morning urine. In contrast to the first morning
Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, LMU Munich, 81377 Munich, Germany.
urine, its composition may be affected by prior ingestion of
Jan Berg Gertsen, Department of Clinical Microbiology, Aarhus University food and fluids and by movement in upright position.
Hospital, Skejby, 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark. However, it may be more practical for ambulatory patients,
8103-6790 both for chemical and microbiological analysis. To increase
Audrey Merens, Service de Biologie Médicale, Hôpital d’Instruction des the sensitivities of bacterial culture and particle counting,
Armées Bégin, 94160 Saint-Mandé, France
the quality of the second morning urine should be improved
Martine Pestel-Caron, Department of Microbiology, CHU Rouen,
University of Rouen Normandie, INSERM, DYNAMICURE UMR 1311, 76000 by allowing ingestion of maximum of one glass of water
Rouen, France. (200 mL) after 22:00 on the previous evening and extending
Rosanna Falbo, University Department of Laboratory Medicine, ASST this abstinence up to the time of specimen collection. A
Brianza, Pio XI Hospital, 20832 Desio (MB), Italy. bladder incubation time exceeding 4 h is possible with this
fluid restriction. Postural proteinuria cannot, however, be
Matthijs Oyaert, Department of Laboratory Medicine, University Hospital
Ghent, 9000 Ghent, Belgium.
prevented and should be further investigated by comparing
Walter Hofmann, Synlab MVZ, Augsburg and Dachau, 85221 Dachau, results to those from a first morning urine sample if neces-
Germany sary. If these standardised collection instructions have not
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 31

been followed for various reasons, the second morning urine of the timed collections in the diagnostics or follow-up of
is classed as a “random” specimen. patients with proteinuria or some metabolic conditions.
Clinically sufficient prediction of 24-h collection by spot
RECOMMENDATION 12: The first morning urine is urine measurand-to-creatinine ratio should be confirmed
recommended to be collected after an 8-h period of for each new measurand and patient population when
recumbency, and after an incubation of 4–8 h in the bladder. single-voided samples are applied for diagnostic classifi-
The second morning urine is suggested be considered in cations. In clinical routine, increase of biological intra-
ambulatory patients, and a random urine in emergency individual variation related to diseases needs to be
patients if needed. (1, B)a remembered, as shown for albuminuria in diabetic chil-
Laboratory modification of the grades is described in the dren with a coefficient of variation (CV) of 61 % compared to
Introduction of this guideline. Strengths of 19 % in healthy children [9].
Recommendations (SoR) are rated as: 1=strong, 2=weak Applicability of measurand-to-creatinine ratios has
recommendation. Levels of Evidence (LoE) are rated as: been studied, e.g., in orthostatic proteinuria in children [10],
A=high, B=moderate, C=low quality of evidence, alpha-1-microglobulinuria studies [11], or patients with kid-
D=consensus by the experts. ney disease [12–14]. Concerns have been reported for pa-
tients with systemic lupus erythematosus when measuring
total protein in urine [15].
In pregnant women with suspected pre-eclampsia,
3.1.4 Timed collection of urine
ruling-out of proteinuria at 300 mg/24 h seems to be
possible, but mid-range excretion was difficult to predict
Timed urine is collected at a specified time in relation to
from single-voided samples [16]. An area under curve of 0.69
another activity e.g., therapy, meals, daytime or bed rest.
was detected in ROC analysis of protein-to-creatinine ratios
A 24-h urine collection contains all portions voided over
to detect preeclampsia in a systematic review [17]. It is to be
24 h. A timed 24-h collection can be started at any time of the
reminded that excretion of total protein in 24-h urine may be
day by emptying the bladder and noting the time. All urine
affected by variable success of completeness of urine
during the next 24 h is then collected and preserved as
collection [8].
appropriate for each analyte.
Albumin-creatinine ratio at a calculated optimum cut-
Despite being the tradition, the biological intra-
off of 8 mg/mmol (sensitivity 96 % with a specificity 57 %)
individual variation in excretion of physiological sub-
in a single-voided urine sample was the most cost-effective
stances to 24-h collections in healthy individuals is remark-
option in health economic assessment of management for
able, and in diseased individuals even higher. Three
separate collections are a possibility for epidemiological severe pre-eclampsia in the U.K., while the receiver-
studies aiming at detailed classification of patient pop- operating characteristics (ROC) curve of albumin-
ulations [5]. In epidemiological studies, urine creatinine creatinine ratio were similar to those of total protein-
measurements may be utilised to confirm completeness of creatinine ratio in spot samples of 959 pregnant women
urine collections. In addition to self-reporting, uses of [18]. Collection of 24-h sample was not better over single
developed equations [6], or anthropometric reference in- voided samples in women with hypertension of preg-
tervals [7] have been suggested. nancy. Quantitative measurements of maximum protein-
Efforts should be made to decrease the frequency of uria or a rise in proteinuria showed no advantage in the
nonconformities in timed urine collections, starting from prediction of severe pre-eclampsia or adverse perinatal
audits on current local practices, and mutually designed events [18].
educational events to the healthcare personnel that advises We recommend using albumin-to-creatinine ratio
the patients. Both defined quality indicators (see Section 3.2) measured from single-voided samples as the primary
and availability of counselling for patients remain a contin- measurement of renal disease like KDIGO Chronic Kidney
uous need [8]. Disease Guideline 2012 [19], because (1) the measurement is
better standardised than that of total protein in urine, and
(2) single-voided samples are practically easier than timed
3.1.5 Measurand-to-creatinine ratios in urine collections, resulting in low incidence of non-conformities
in urine collections. Timed collections should be used
Assessments of measurand-to-creatinine ratios (to compen- in primary verification, and occasional confirmations
sate diuresis) in single voided specimens have replaced most of detected findings. Details on measurements of total
32 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

protein and different specific proteins are described in – damage or death of diagnostically relevant bacteria, and
Section 5.3. – disintegration of diagnostic formed elements (microbes,
cells, other particles).
RECOMMENDATION 13: Measurand-to-reference ratios, No single marker for a contaminated urine specimen exists.
e.g., relating measurands to creatinine concentrations in The presence of commensal microbes from skin and external
urine, from single-voided specimens are recommended to genitalia (health-related microbiota), or low-count uropath-
replace timed urine collections for chemical measurements ogens, presence of polymicrobial growth (mixed culture), and
because of the lower incidence of non-conformities. numerous squamous epithelial cells in a single-voided urine
Verification of the intended measurand to a new patient group specimen have been used to indicate contamination during
is needed before clinical application. (1, A) urine collection [22]. A health-related physiological level of
urogenital microbiota must be considered. An excessive fre-
quency of contaminated urine specimens received by a lab-
oratory suggests problems in urine collection or preservation
3.2 Procedures to collect single before analysis (see Section 7.2.1 for detailed discussion on
contamination and health-related urinary microbiota).
voided specimens
Suggested quality indicator (QI)
Urinalysis may be requested on specimens obtained by Preanalytical quality indicators (QI) are a developing area in
voiding (micturition), by catheterisation, needle puncture, laboratory medicine, encouraging measures for continuous
through a post-operative urostomy, or by using different quality improvement [23]. The ISO 15189:2022 requires lab-
collection vessels, such as bags or special receptacles for bed- oratories to establish and monitor quality indicators to
bound patients. The most often obtained specimen is the demonstrate performance of their pre-analytical, and post-
mid-stream urine (MSU). To benefit from improved accuracy analytical phases, in addition to analytical quality [21]. To be
and sensitivity of examination procedures, steps of the motivated and used consistently, the developed key perfor-
preanalytical phase should be reviewed regionally, and mance indicators must adhere to key outcomes of the
standardised [20, 21]. applied laboratory tests, be easy to measure continuously
Sexual intercourse should be avoided for one day with defined intervals, e.g., from data in laboratory infor-
before specimen collection because of the resulting mation systems, have a defined threshold for an acceptable
increased amounts of proteins and cells. Urine from males value, and be comparable between different laboratory en-
is usually contaminated with small amounts of secretory vironments [24].
products from the prostate. Seminal fluid may contaminate It is advisable to use defined QI for clinical urine spec-
urine after normal ejaculation and in diseases with retro- imens in a way similar to blood specimens, and to describe
grade ejaculation to urinary bladder. Vaginal secretions or operating procedures for nonconformities. A plausible QI for
menstrual blood may contaminate urine from females. This urine specimens is contamination rate of single-voided urine
may be minimized by tamponing the vagina if acute collections, as suggested already by the IFCC-Working Group
symptoms necessitate examination of urine during a on Laboratory Errors and Patient Safety, WG-LEPS [23].
menstrual period. College of American Pathologists (CAP) followed contami-
The term contamination was decided to be kept in this nation rates of outpatient urine specimens received by their
guideline, because at the laboratory level it is difficult to customer laboratories, expressed as polymicrobial growth
differentiate contamination with skin or urogenital (>2 isolated species) in their external quality assessment
commensal microbes during collection from those derived surveys, called Q-Probes studies. In their repeated Q-Probes
from microbes residing in the urinary bladder of asymp- questionnaire to 127 U.S. or Canadian laboratories in 2008,
tomatic individual based on a single specimen (see Section the median rate of polymicrobial growth was 15 % at The microbiological requirements usually determine 104 CFU/mL (or 107 CFB/L) among outpatient specimens, with
the details of collection of single-voided urine specimens a 10–90 % percentile interval 1–42 % [25]. Refrigeration and
because urine intended for microbiological examination is instructions given to patients were associated with reduced
frequently requested together with chemical examinations. contamination rates.
Then, most single voided samples must avoid or minimise By taking the median as a tentative cut-off, a QI is defined
– contamination of specimens by commensal micro- as a maximum frequency of 15 % polymicrobial growth at
organisms, 104 CFU/mL (or 107 CFB/L) in routine cultures of a laboratory. A
– growth of bacteria following specimen collection, frequency above that would suggest a need to improve the
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 33

local processes in single-voided urine collections by the lab- Three systematic reviews on mid-stream (MS) collections
oratory. A Finnish experience was 12 % polymicrobial growth vs. cleansing before mid-stream urine collection (MSCC) exist
among 56,426 routine specimens (53 % females) in the Hel- with fairly small, partially also same patient groups and
sinki and Uusimaa regional laboratory service with 300,000 various definitions for contamination (commensal species,
urine specimens cultured annually [26], indicating that a polymicrobial growth or presence of squamous epithelial
fraction less than 15 % is achievable. A quality indicator is a cells) [22, 36, 37]. A reduction of contamination rate (defined as
tool for continuous quality improvement. It should be adapted polymicrobial growth) by washing was not confirmed in
and followed regularly to reduce the amount of non- specimens from 165 young symptomatic female outpatients
diagnostic urine specimens received by a laboratory. with 27 % of polymicrobial growth at 103 CFU/mL in culture
using MSCC collection compared to 26 % in collection of 77
RECOMMENDATION 14: A quality indicator, QI, is patients with no specific advice [38]. In urine specimens of 113
recommended for continuous improvement of routine (or asymptomatic pregnant women, leukocyte esterase strip test
mid-stream) urine specimens. A recommended target for was positive in 50 % of cases, and 33–39 % contained skin
assessment is a maximum rate of 15 % polymicrobial growth microbiota, but only one specimen with polymicrobial growth
at 104 CFU/mL (or 107 CFB/L) in urine culture, unless otherwise was seen in 112 MS procedure and three specimens in 111
estimated at a laboratory level. (1, C) MSCC procedure at 104 CFU/mL in culture [39]. Among 158
symptomatic non-pregnant females, 1/93 patients had mixed
growth after cleansing and 1/65 patients without cleansing
prior MS collection [40]. These studies remind of the possi-
3.2.1 Mid-stream urine (MSU)
bility that cleansing is not always needed for a good specimen,
but they do not represent the excessive rates of polymicrobial
Mid-stream urine (MSU) characterises the middle portion of
growth seen in large mixed patient populations, perhaps
a voided specimen, also called clean-catch urine). Since
because of selection of the tested individuals for the
clean-catch may be confused with cleansing of external
controlled study. A polymicrobial growth of about 30 %
genitalia before specimen collection, the precise term mid-
at ≥103 CFU/mL seems to reflect an average contamination
stream is preferred. The procedure implies that first portion
rate in MS collections of advised young females. It corre-
of urine is not collected, to minimise contamination by
sponds to about 10–15 % contamination rate at 104 CFU/mL.
commensal skin, genital and urethral microbiota in both
Clinical patient populations demonstrate a risk for
sexes (when the specimen should represent bladder urine).
considerably high contamination rates. Two Scandinavian
The first portion also contains higher counts of squamous
studies reported a contamination rate (polymicrobial
epithelial cells, RBC and WBC than the mid-stream portion of
growth) of 38–63 % against 103 CFU/mL or more in routine
urine specimen [27].
urine cultures [41, 42]. On the contrary, after a routine
Minimising contamination requires detailed patient
practice with cleansing before MSCC in Finland, the average
advice and co-operation when collecting a mid-stream
contamination rate is below 30 % at 103 CFU/mL, or below
specimen [28, 29], in particular from emergency patients
15 % at 104 CFU/mL in large regional patient populations
[30], or in infants under 2 years of age [31]. Contamination
consisting of 70–80 % MSU specimens [26].
may reduce the diagnostic value of 40–50 % of mid-stream
As a conclusion, this guideline endorses the American
recommendations to carry out midstream collection with
Importance of cleansing cleansing (MSCC) [22, 34]. The MSCC collection may not be
Washing the introitus around the urethra in females, and needed with all premenopausal women who can expose
the glans penis in males with water only, before micturi- their urethral orifice by spreading the labia, and collect a
tion, was originally reported to reduce false-positive urine proper MS fraction of voiding successfully, and as shown in
cultures by 20 % or more [32]. Later, a study both on non- the quoted studies. MSCC may not be applicable to all women
toilet trained and toilet-trained children showed −25 % or men with difficulties in the detailed procedure for various
reduction of false positive strip test results by cleansing reasons, requiring adjustments or professional collections to
[33]. The guideline of Infectious Diseases Society of America minimise contamination during collection.
(IDSA) [34] still endorses the Americal Society of Microbi- The use of antiseptics, such as benzalkonium or hexa-
ology (ASM) guideline [35] for cleansing because “speci- chlorophene – or soaps (with variable additives) - is
mens obtained without skin cleansing routinely contain not recommended when washing the outer genitalia to
mixed flora, and yield high numbers of one or more po- provide a mid-stream urine specimen as this may sterilise
tential pathogens on culture”. the urine [2]. The last portion is also left over after collecting
34 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

50–100 mL of urine into the container. Detailed instructions In non-toilet trained infants, it is common to obtain a
for MSCC with relevant figures are included in Annex I.1. spontaneously voided or pad/bag urine specimen to screen
The use of different sterile devices may help women to uri- for possible leukocyturia or bacteriuria. In case of positive
nate more easily into a collection container [43]. rapid test, a Single Catheter Urine or a SPA urine is recom-
mended to confirm the diagnosis.
RECOMMENDATION 15: Mid-stream collections are strongly
recommended for single voided urine specimens, because of RECOMMENDATION 17: Single catheter urine or suprapubic
the lower level of contaminants as compared to first-stream aspiration (SPA) specimen is recommended to establish the
specimens. (1, B) diagnosis of UTI in children or older patients without urinary
control. (1, B)

RECOMMENDATION 16: Cleansing before mid-stream

collection is recommended based on practical evidence on
3.2.4 Indwelling catheter urine
increased polymicrobial growth without cleansing among
large patient populations. The use of antiseptics is not
To diagnose catheter-associated urinary tract infection
recommended. By skillful patients, mid-stream urine
(CA-UTI) from a specimen representing bladder urine, a
collection without cleansing may, however, satisfy the
specimen should ideally be collected after removing the old
diagnostic need. (2, C)
catheter and taking the sample through the new catheter
because of rapid development of bacterial biofilm in urine
catheters [47], or within 48 h after catheter removal as a mid-
stream specimen. Pyuria is not diagnostic for CA-UTI [4].
3.2.2 First-void urine
Urine specimens must not be taken from the collection bag of
a permanent indwelling catheter. In doubtful cases, a
First-void urine specimen is the first portion of urine voided
suprapubic aspiration specimen is needed [48].
at the beginning of micturition. It is the optimal sample for
the detection of Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonor-
rhoeae and other sexually transmitted bacteria causing RECOMMENDATION 18: Urine specimens must NOT be
urethritis. It is NOT suitable for diagnostics of UTI. taken from the collection bag of a permanent indwelling
catheter. A specimen shall be collected after removing the
old catheter and taking the sample through the new catheter.
3.2.3 Single catheter urine (in-and-out (1, B)

Single Catheter Urine is collected after inserting a sterile 3.2.5 SupraPubic Aspiration (SPA) urine
catheter into the bladder through the urethra (straight or
“in-and-out” catheterisation). For children without urinary SupraPubic Aspiration (SPA) urine is usually collected by
control, this is one of the methods to confirm or exclude the sterile aspiration of urine through the abdominal wall from
presence of urinary tract infection, although contamina- a distended bladder. The benefit of this technique is that it
tion rate is higher than that of suprapubic aspiration (SPA) allows a clear-cut decision on the presence or absence of
specimen [44]. Single catheterisation is also used by signs related to urinary tract infection with 1 % contamina-
patients with urinary retention or neurogenic bladders. tion rate, while a single in-and-out catheterisation has a
Meticulous technique can reduce contamination with ure- contamination rate of 10 % [44, 49].
thral microbiota. Indications for SPA include the following clinical situa-
Two practical steps should be implemented: (1) the first tions [50]:
few milliliters obtained by catheter should be discarded, – Urinalysis or urine culture in neonates or children
i.e., allowed to fall outside of the collecting container, and younger than two years
only the subsequent urine cultured; and (2) if the attempt of – Urinary retention
catheterisation is unsuccessful, a new, clean catheter should (e.g., prostate hyperplasia or cancer, gynecologic ma-
be used; in girls additionally, by leaving the initial catheter in lignancy, or spinal cord injury)
place as a marker [45, 46]. – Phimosis
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 35

– Chronic infection of the urethra or periurethral glands 3.2.7 Spontaneously voided urine
– Urethral stricture or trauma
Probability to obtain a spontaneous urine specimen from
Detailed instructions are provided in Annex I.1. The risk of pre-continent babies is improved by using suprapubic
bladder colonisation by suprapubic aspiration is lower than cutaneous stimulation with gauze soaked in cold fluid,
that by in-and-out catheterisation. Miniaturisation of mea- called Quick-Wee method, with an increase in the yield
surement techniques by laboratories may allow several from 12 to 31 % after 5 min [56], despite non-significant
different examinations from a 5-mL specimen of urine ob- difference on contamination rate (27 % compared to 45 %
tained typically by suprapubic aspiration. without stimulation).

3.2.6 Bag or pad urine

3.2.8 Urostomy
Urine bags are often adopted to collect urine from small
infants, but they carry high probability of contamination After bladder surgery, urine specimens from ileal conduits
with skin organisms. The entire genital region should be are frequently obtained through urostomy opening. Paedi-
washed carefully with water. A sterile collection bag is atric and adult patients with dilated ureters may be given
applied, and the urine flow checked frequently. Specific bilateral ureterostomies. Chronic infection and bleeding at
collection pads have been developed for urine collection the site of the stoma are common. Cleansing the stoma and
from infants to minimise skin irritation by adhesive tapes. discarding the first portion of urine obtained through a
Rapid tests for screening for leukocytes (esterase), erythro- sterile disposable catheter of suitable size ensures specimen
cytes (haemoglobin), nitrite or protein by test strips are quality.
possible. Collection pads suffer from contamination of urine
bacterial cultures like bags, as well as reduced particle
counts because they adhere to pad fibres [51, 52]. 3.2.9 Segmented urine collection (Meares
Diapers or nappies are sometimes suggested as collect-
and Stamey procedure)
ing tools for clinical specimens from babies [53]. Due to high
variability in the fibre construction of different brands of
The collection of specific segments of urine flow may help in
nappies and inability to measure the urine volumes voided,
defining abnormal areas of the urinary tract that may need
non-standard diapers are not recommended because spe-
urological attention. Traditional Meares and Stamey collec-
cific collection pads are available.
tion method [57] remains to be recommended by the Euro-
The collection bag should be in place and observed for
pean Association of Urology Guidelines to localise male
specimen continuously for a maximum of 30 min, possibly
urological infections, such as chronic bacterial prostatitis [4].
replaced with a new bag, and removed immediately after the
Detailed instructions are given in the Annex I.1.2. An
observed first void, because of the high probability of
alternative procedure with collection of two specimens has
contamination [54]. Bag urine becomes easily diagnostically
also been described by researchers of chronic prostatitis
useless due to improper collection. Detected false-positive
[58]. Detailed diagnostics of prostatitis infections are beyond
growth creates problems particularly in the follow-up of
the scope of this guideline.
infants after a UTI [54]. Negative culture results may be used
A dialogue between the requesting clinician and the
to exclude UTI. Borderline results need to be re-investigated
bacteriology laboratory is essential before requesting
from a suprapubic aspiration or single catheterised urine
any specific culture procedure in order to guarantee the
specimen. Every positive sample in bag or pad urine should
be confirmed by single catheter or SPA urine [55].
– origin of each specimen (left/right ureter, bladder, or
another anatomical site),
RECOMMENDATION 19: Urine specimens from specific – need to identify any bacteria to as low levels as 102 CFU/
collection pads or bags may be used to exclude UTI in small mL (corresponding to 105 CFB/L),
infants, but they become easily contaminated. Consider – use of large inocula of urine (100 μL) to ensure accurate
spontaneously voided specimens. Non-standard diapers are plate counts, and
not recommended. Positive growth should be confirmed by – request of antimicrobial sensitivity testing of any bac-
single catheter or SPA urine collection. (1, B) teria grown.
36 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

3.3 Preservation and transport some specimens. If precipitation disturbs interpretation, a

new specimen should be kept and examined at +20 °C ± 5 °C
The time elapsing between voiding and examination of urine to avoid artefactual generation of precipitates. The longer
is a major obstacle to diagnostic accuracy in most labora- the delay, the more likely are elements to lyse, especially
tories. Investigations performed at point-of-care are not sub- when the urinary pH is alkaline and the relative density is
ject to this delay but may suffer from analytical problems. low, as often true with children producing large diuresis
Precise collection times must be documented and delays [66]. The WBC counts may be questionable after 2–4 h, even
exceeding the specified limits should be stated on reports. with refrigeration [67]. Traditionally, ethanol (50 % volume
fraction) was used to preserve the cells but this prevents
lysis of red and white blood cells only partially. To avoid
RECOMMENDATION 20: The actual time of urine collection
shrinkage, polyethylene glycol (2 % mass fraction, low mo-
is recommended to be documented and informed to the
lecular mass such as CarbowaxR) was suggested to be
analytical site together with the specimen, to allow
included in the fixative, called Saccomanno’s fixative [68].
assessment of acceptability of the specimen after the
On mixing equal parts of sample and fixative, the particles
preanalytical delay and storage conditions before analysis.
should then be stable for 2 weeks. Alternative fixatives also
(1, B)
exist [69]. Commercial preservatives, such as buffered boric
acid and formate-based solutions are also available [70].
Test strips: Many chemical constituents examined with test
Fixation of urine particles is interesting when planning
strips do not need preservatives provided the analysis is
centralised use of automated systems. Fixatives may be
performed within 24 h and the tube has been refrigerated. If
adapted after verification with a new technology (Table 39).
the specimen contains bacteria and has not been refriger-
ated, false positive nitrite or protein results may be obtained Bacterial cultures: Specimen requiring bacteriology
using multiple test strips. In practice, strip examination investigation must be collected in a clean container and
should be performed on-site when rapid or refrigerated examined in the laboratory within 2–6 h. They should be
transportation is not possible. Preservation is important for refrigerated at 5 °C ± 3 °C without preservative if a delay >2 h
longer delays. Also, the type of preservation may be critical is expected. Then, they should be examined within 24 h [2, 22].
since some preservatives interfere with enzymatic mea- If the delay is unavoidable and a refrigeration is not possible,
surements (Annex I.2, Table 39). containers pre-filled with preservative, e.g., boric acid alone
[71] or in combination with formate or other stabilising
Quantitative chemical measurements: It is known that
media [72, 73] must be used. Boric acid will stabilise white
several specific proteins are unstable in urine, but pre-
cell number and bacterial concentration in urine held at
servatives can inhibit their degradation [59–61]. In the present
+20 °C ± 5 °C for 24 h. It should be noted, however, that borate
guidelines, the list of preservatives and temperatures
may inhibit particularly growth of Pseudomonas spp. [74].
acceptable for chemical measurands is limited essentially to
Since boric acid concentration may be critical for successful
urinary proteins and measurands needed for renal stone
preservation, containers containing boric acid shall be filled
formers [62, 63] (Annex I.2, Table 40). For a variety of meas-
to the indicated line to achieve the correct borate concen-
urands from urine, end-users of different measurement
tration. (Annex I.2, Table 39).
procedures should confirm the primary preservative and
storage from their subcontracting laboratory [21], with Biobanks: Urine specimens collected for biobanking have
possible alternatives [64]. Laboratories testing themselves different specifications, depending on the intended ana-
urine analytes are recommended to clarify their primary lytics. Many analytes are stable in urine specimens main-
preservation procedure for each analyte, and possible alter- tained at +5 °C ± 3 °C for 24 h before cryopreservation;
nate preservatives against the procedure they are using. A however, sensitive analytes exist, e.g., in metabolomics [75].
practical two-step assessment protocol to preservation for
measurements in ratio scale, including urine specimens, has RECOMMENDATION 21: Preservation of urine specimens
been suggested by the Extra-Analytical Quality Commission of is obligatory if the sample is not analysed within 2–6 h
the Spanish Society of Laboratory Medicine (SEQCML) [65]. after voiding. Consider refrigeration if applicable.
Particle examinations: The specimen for particle counting Guidance to criteria of successful preservation of most
should be refrigerated if not examined within 2–6 h, despite common measurements from urine is given in this
that precipitation of urates and phosphates will occur in guideline. (1, B)
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 37

3.3.1 Criteria to successful preservation culture, as modified from a published example [77], and
preservation studies on particle counting.
According to the chapter 6.6.3 of the ISO 15189:2022 [21], con- Specimens: For assessment of a potential preservation, a
sumables that can affect the quality of examinations often representative selection of ATCC or equivalent strains, such
need a verification of performance with relevant clinical
as E. coli 25,922, E. faecalis 29,219, P. aeruginosa 27,853 and
specimens despite validation by the manufacturers, before S. pneumonia 6,305 is recommended (see Table 35, and Sec-
placing them into use. Many common urine analytes exhibit
tion These should be spiked into sterile-filtrated
exponential changes in their concentrations in disease, while urine from healthy donors not receiving antimicrobial
some components show linear changes in disease. Criteria for
treatment. Also, clinical specimens should be collected, tar-
a preserved specimen are suggested accordingly. geting representative uropathogens, and polymicrobial
growth at clinically relevant colony counts, and negative Chemical measurements specimens in culture (less than 30 % of the total amount of
For chemical measurands, exponential changes occur, e.g., in
albumin excretion into urine, starting from below 3 mg/mmol Procedure. Aliquots of the tested samples are first inocu-
creatinine up to 30 mg/mmol creatinine or more in nephrop- lated into the routine bacterial culture before preservation
athies (corresponding to 30–300 mg/g creatinine, respectively). (time point T0). For testing a preservation system, the sam-
Excretion of electrolytes and several metabolites, such as so- ples are kept at room temperature for 24 h (time point T24) –
dium, urate or citrate increases or decreases usually in a linear and optionally for 48 h (T48) before inoculating the follow-up
way in diseases. For linear changes, a 90 % preservation of bacterial cultures if needed to verify for routine practice
original concentration is suggested to be desirable (a mini- (e.g., due to transportation delay). In parallel, positive con-
mum is 80 %), to remain negligible as compared to intra- trol (kept at room temperature without preservation) and a
individual biological variation (changes in diuresis or diet). reference procedure (refrigerated at +5 °C ± 3 °C without
preservation) tubes of the same samples are cultured Particle counting immediately, and after the same follow-up periods. Colony
counts at T24, and optionally at T48, are compared to the
WBC and RBC counts vary from below 10 × 106/L to 3–4 original counts (T0) within each preservation system or
exponentials higher counts, and urine bacteria from against reference preservation at +5 °C, using a contingency
10 × 106/L up to 4–5 exponentials higher counts in clinical table with locally adjusted categories of significant growth.
specimens. The preservation of a particle component in the The example table (Table 4) may be modified as needed.
original urine specimen is suggested to be defined as a
Evaluation. Colony counts obtained from a tested preser-
maximum of a two-fold change (a maximum loss of −50 % or
vation system at T24 should not differ significantly from
increase of +100 %) from the original concentration of urine
those obtained from T0 specimens and those with the
WBC, RBC or other cells, to remain negligible as compared to
reference system (at refrigderated temperature) at T24. Sta-
an exponentially defined classifications of disease [70, 76].
tistical significance of differences should preferably be
assessed using ordinal scale tests (see Sections and Bacterial culture, comparing sizes of differences from the diagonal

Significant limits of bacterial colony counts in culture vary

from 102 to 105 CFU/mL (or 105 to 108 CFB/L). Less than a three-
fold (0.5 in log10 scale corresponding to √10=3.1) change Table : Example comparison in preservation of bacterial growth.
(increase or decrease) in bacterial concentration in the index
urine sample is suggested to be a criterion for successful Preservation system Original growth (T), lower limit of each
tested or controls category of colony counts, CFU/mL
preservation as compared to the refrigerated control urine
sample. Negative     Mixed flora

Follow-up Negative
Validation of new types or principles of preservation growth (T), 
lower limit 
of each 
category, 
The following procedure is suggested to be used for valida-
CFU/mL Mixed flora
tion of new types of preservation containers for bacterial
38 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

agreement. The calculation with the Pearson’s chi-square collection, classified either as non-invasive class I devices
test (= goodness of fit test) is possible if distance from the (e.g., bags), or class IIa-IIb invasive devices (e.g., urine
agreement values is not important. Polymicrobial growth catheters) by the Rules one and 5–6 in the Annex VIII of the
(mixed flora) is excluded from the frequencies if their col- MDR regulation [80].
onies are not counted. Assessment of clinical significance The following subsections contain practical details
should accompany with statistical evaluation. considered to be important for collection, transportation
and analytical containers used for urinalysis tests, including
urine bacterial cultures.
Verification of preservation containers before use

A recent study emphasizes the importance to evaluate even RECOMMENDATION 22: Technical features of urine
commercially available preservation containers in clinical collection containers given in this guideline are
laboratories, to ensure relevant performance characteristics recommended to be followed by the manufacturers to
before use [78]. improve the quality of clinical urine specimens. The given
The preservation system may be tested by using spiked specifications are open for revisions after technical or clinical
pooled urine made from sterile filtrated urine obtained evidence. (1, B)
from healthy donors not receiving antimicrobial treat-
ment. A few relevant reference strains or equivalent may
be sufficient to show the applicability (see Table 33). A
specification of less than a three-fold (0.5 in log10 scale 3.4.1 Collection containers for different
corresponding to √10=3.1) difference should be verified types of specimens
between the tested preserved samples at 18 ± 2 °C and the
refrigerated control samples at +5 °C ± 3 °C after 24 h. A Single-voided specimens: The design of collection containers
method for quantitation is recommended in Section should enable detection of uropathogenic bacteria even in
special situations, i.e., at as low as 101 CFU/mL level (equivalent
to 104 CFB/L) [2]. The primary collection container should be
clean and have a capacity of at least 50–100 mL with an
3.4 Collection containers opening of at least 5-cm diameter to allow easy collection of
urine by both men and women. The container should have a
Sterile sampling of urine is important for microbial tests
wide base to avoid accidental spillage and should be capped so
from urine but it may influence some chemical measure-
that it can be transported and stored without leakage of its
ments, too. Sterility of collection vessels means that the
contents. The container and its cap should be free from
interior of the unopened and unused container is free from
interfering substances and should not absorb nor change the
interfering microbial contaminants. Container manufac-
urine constituents to be examined. Those parts of the
turers must document their product’s compliance with the
container and its cap, which come into contact with the urine
intended clinical use (see Section 7.5.2 for significance limits
specimen, should not contribute to microbial contamination
of bacterial growth). It is to be remembered that a particle
after specimen collection.
analyser or a nuclear amplification method will detect even
non-revivable bacteria. Furthermore, since waste is an Timed collections: For many chemical constituents, quan-
increasingly important problem globally, the development titative excretion rates are important. A container designed
of environmentally safe materials is encouraged for all for a 24-h or overnight urine collection should have a ca-
disposable containers. pacity of 2–3 L. The container should be constructed from
Containers and test tubes (receptacles) that contain or materials that prevent
preserve urine specimens after collection shall comply with – adherence of urine constituents,
the European Regulation 2017/746 on In Vitro Diagnostic – exposure of urine to direct light that might alter clini-
Medical Devices (IVDR, instruments and their accessories), cally significant metabolites, and
according to the given Definitions of medical devices in the – contamination from the exterior when closed.
Article 2 [79]. They belong to class A devices according to the
Classification Rule 5c of the Annex VIII of the IVDR regula- Stabilizers usually prevent metabolic and other changes of
tion. The European Regulation 2017/745 on Medical De- urine constituents. The container should allow for use of
vices (MDR) covers some devices used for primary specimen recommended preservatives in Annex I.2, Table 40.
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 39

3.4.2 Transport, storage and analytical procedures. Preservation of specimens for investigations
containers related to kidneys and urinary tract are described in Annex
I.2, Table 40.
Secondary containers (for basic urinalysis and bacterial
culture, usually examination tubes) should be easily filled 3.4.3 Order-of-draw – from primary
from the primary container without risk of spillage or
container into secondary containers
contamination. The tube should be translucent to allow a
clear view of the sample. Moreover, the possible adverse
Order of draw from the primary container to be used in
effect of vacuum aspiration on particle concentrations
filling the secondary containers is proposed to be:
should be minimised, since a high suction power through a
(1) Initial one tube without preservatives to test the
small gauge syringe may destroy particles during aspiration
practice of filling (e.g., tube for strip test or albumin-to-
into the secondary containers [81, 82].
creatinine ratio) if given to a patient without previous
Urine specimen should preferably be divided into ali-
experience in filling of secondary containers
quots according to their preservation needs before trans-
(2) Tubes for microbial tests – first tubes without pre-
portation. A range of needed volume is usually 1–10 mL for
servatives, then tubes with preservatives
chemical and morphological investigations, and occasion-
(3) Tubes for chemistry tests – possible non-preservative
ally up to 100 mL for special chemistries. For microbiological
tubes if not used in step (1), then preservative tubes
analysis, 1–3 mL of urine in a clean container is sufficient.
For large laboratories, a standardised vessel with a volume
The suggested order-of-draw reflects an assessment by the
of 3–10 mL is essential for automated analytical systems.
working group that the risk of interference with chemistry
Examination tubes for test strip measurement, parti-
test results by additives of microbiology tubes in cases of
cle counting, or urine bacterial culture should keep the
carry-over is less likely than the risk of contamination of
specimen suitable for analysis at +20 °C ± 5 °C or at +5 °C ± 3 °C
preservative-containing microbiology tubes with skin bac-
(tubes without preservatives in bacteria investigations) as
teria of the patient if filling all non-preservative tubes first
specified for at least 24 h, preferably for 72 h (over the
(including tubes for chemistry tests).
weekend may not be applicable for urine culture). Specifi-
cations to assess preservation are in 3.3 and collected details
on allowable preservation times are compiled in Annex I.2, 3.4.4 Labelling
Table 39.
For urine particle analysis and bacterial culture, All clinical specimen containers must be labelled with a
uncentrifuged specimens are primarily recommended. waterproof tag that remains adherent during refrigeration
Investigation of concentrated urine sediment (by centrifu- and when frozen. Labels with SPREC codes [84] are recom-
gation) is needed for low-concentrations of renal particles mended for biobanking purposes when details of pre-
only. Traditional urinalysis tubes have been conical to analytical steps need to be included. Otherwise, the label
allow decanting of supernatant to concentrate the specimen created by hospital or laboratory information system should
after centrifugation. A more accurate sediment volume and include a bar code that is traceable to details of the requested
concentration of particles is obtained by suction of the su- sample: a code of the examination requested, patient iden-
pernatant, followed by gentle re-suspension of the sediment tification and requesting unit, provisional or recorded
into an accurate volume. In addition to automated tracks a collection time, way of collection, and any additional pre-
round-bottom tube works better than a conical tube, and analytical information in coded form.
should be considered when counting urine particles after Detail of possible preservatives should be shown on a
centrifugation [83]. The examination procedures for particle separate label, including any appropriate hazard symbol.
counting are described in Sections 6.2.3 (routine proced- Labelling should not prevent a clear view of the specimen.
ures), and 6.2.2 (reference procedure). The label must be placed on the container, not on the cap.
The examination tubes used for specimens for quanti-
tative chemical analysis should keep the specimen intact
and the cap should remain closed upon freezing and during 3.4.5 Packaging
centrifugation up to 3,000×g (relative centrifugal force, RCF)
for 15 min. The size, structure, and length of the secondary When body fluids are mailed to a distant laboratory, addi-
container vary depending on the needs of the diagnostic tional biohazard labels should be added. The packages
40 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

should comply with requirements for the Category A of in- (continued)

fectious substance (UN 2814) or category B (UN 3373) for
possible infectious substance that not meet the criteria for No. Recommendations SoR (–), Section
and discussed
inclusion in Category A. Prepared packages shall be trans-
LoE (A-D)a
ported as dangerous goods according to United Nations
recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods [85].  Urine specimens must NOT be taken from , B ..
the collection bag of a permanent indwelling
catheter. A specimen shall be collected after
removing the old catheter and taking the
3.5 Recommendations for sample through the new catheter.
 Urine specimens from specific collection , B ..
collection and preservation pads or bags may be used to exclude UTI in
small infants, but they become easily
contaminated. Consider spontaneously
No. Recommendations SoR (–), Section voided specimens. Non-standard diapers
and discussed are not recommended. Positive growth is
LoE (A-D)a recommended to be confirmed by single
catheter or SPA urine collection.
 The first morning urine is recommended to , B ..–..
 The actual time of urine collection is rec- , B .
be collected after an -h period of re-
ommended to be documented and
cumbency, and after an incubation of – h
informed to the analytical site together with
in the bladder. The second morning urine is
the specimen, to allow assessment of
suggested be considered in ambulatory
acceptability of the specimen after the
patients, and a random urine in emergency
preanalytical delay and storage conditions
patients as needed.
before analysis.
 Measurand-to-reference ratios, e.g., , A ..
 Preservation of urine specimens is obliga- , B . and
relating measurands to creatinine concen-
tory if the sample is not analysed within Annex I.
trations in urine, from single-voided speci-
– h after voiding. Consider refrigeration if
mens are recommended to replace timed
applicable. Guidance to criteria of success-
urine collections for chemical measure-
ful preservation of most common mea-
ments because of the lower incidence of
surements from urine is given in this
non-conformities. Verification of the inten-
ded measurand to a new patient group is
 Technical features of urine collection con- , B .
needed before clinical application.
tainers given in this guideline are recom-
 A quality indicator, QI, is recommended for , C .
mended to be followed by the
continuous improvement of mid-stream
manufacturers to improve the quality of
urine specimens. A provisional target for
clinical urine specimens. The given specifi-
assessment is a maximum rate <  % of
cations are open for revisions after tech-
polymicrobial growth at  CFU/mL (or 
nical or clinical evidence.
CFB/L) in urine culture, unless otherwise
calculated at a laboratory level. a
Strengths of recommendations are: =strong, =weak recommendation.
 Mid-stream collections are strongly recom- , B .. Levels of evidence are: A=high, B=moderate, C=low quality of evidence,
mended for single voided urine specimens, D=consensus by the experts. Laboratory modification of the GRADE rating
because of the lower level of contaminants [] is described in the Introduction.
as compared to first-stream specimens.
 Cleansing before mid-stream collection is , C .. Acknowledgments: The EFLM European Urinalysis Guide-
recommended based on practical evidence line 2023 was designed and written by the EFLM Task and
on increased polymicrobial growth among
Finish Group Urinalysis (TFG-U) under supervision of the
large patient populations without
cleansing. The use of antiseptics is not rec- Committee of Science of the European Federation of Clinical
ommended to avoid inhibition of growth. By Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM).
skillful patients, mid-stream urine collection The contents of Sections 1, 3 and 7 have been endorsed
without cleansing may, however, satisfy the by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infec-
diagnostic need.
tious Diseases (ESCMID).
 Single catheter urine or suprapubic aspira- , B ..
tion specimen is recommended to establish For other Acknowledgements, Ethical declarations
the diagnosis of UTI in children or older and Research funding, see the Executive Summary of the
patients without urinary control. Guideline.
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 41

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44 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

Timo Kouri*

4 Accuracy levels of urinalysis examinations

Table : Levels of accuracy of urinalysis examination methods.
4.1 Terminology used to describe
accuracy of examinations Level . Rapid methods, used in emergency or point-of-care needs
Level . Field methods, used in standardised routine examinations
Level . Advanced comparison methods, used as references for field methods
In urinalysis, a general term “examination” is formally used
instead of the term “measurement” that refers to assessment
of quantities, since clinically investigation of urine also
detects and differentiates urine particles or bacterial spe- ordinal scale or single cut-off values of a ratio scale in
cies, i.e., qualitative or nominal properties [1]. Urinalysis reporting. Because of their measurement technology, the
tests and urine bacterial cultures traditionally consist of obtained results typically contain inherent inaccuracy. In
visual microscopy, chemical strip tests, and manual cultures the assessment, they should be compared to a higher order
of bacteria with various uncertainties of results. The term method, i.e., to a quantitative field method (Level 2) for the
nominal scale examination is used to describe a procedure same measurand. The quantitative field methods in clinical
for detection and identification of nominal properties. chemistry are usually reported in ratio scale and traced back
Before clinical use of new devices and technologies, a to a higher order reference procedure (Level 3) with avail-
comparison of a new examination procedure to the old assay able calibrators that support their accuracy.
for the same analyte (measurand) is needed. To avoid com- The standardised counting of urine particles (visual
parisons of mismatched pairs (like comparing “apples” with microscopy or automated counting) and routine bacterial
“oranges”), an examination procedure with a higher order of culture of urine specimens represent Level 2 examination
accuracy is then required, to allow estimation of accuracy of procedures, but a traceability to a higher order reference
both the new and the old field procedure. In metrology, procedure has not been a rule. The EFLM European urinal-
accuracy is defined as “closeness of agreement between ysis guideline stresses the importance of advanced reference
a measured quantity value and a true quantity value of a procedures, or comparison methods (Level 3) for these ex-
measurand” [1]. A traceability chain is formed from a aminations as well.
sequence of calibrations from a highest available reference
system to the actual routine measuring system. Measure- RECOMMENDATION 23: Clinical laboratories are
ment uncertainty increases, and accuracy decreases along recommended to express clearly, which level of analytical
the sequence of calibrations from the primary reference performance (Levels 1–3) is the target, when they establish
measurements to the routine field measurements [2]. their urine examination procedures, including nominal scale
In the clinical accreditation practice, a new examination examinations. (1, B)
procedure shall be validated for its analytical performance,
and verified by the end-user laboratory before its intended
use [3]. Consequently, a reference procedure is required for 4.2 Level 1: Rapid methods
any new procedure for the purpose of clinical use, as
reminded in the accreditation standard. Rapid methods are used to provide fast, sufficiently accurate
For purposes of assessment, the examination methods results to emergency needs in clinical service. Many in-
in urinalysis and urine bacterial culture are classified into struments are portable and designed for easy handling and
three levels of accuracy (Table 5). quality control, to be applicable to points-of-care. Single or a
Because of simplicity and robustness in non-laboratory few diagnostic cut-off values for positive results are typically
and emergency use, most rapid tests (Level 1) apply either applied in reporting. In larger laboratories, parallel
advanced technologies and devices have been developed to
manage larger workflows of rapid tests.
A traditional example of rapid tests discussed in this
*Corresponding author: Timo Kouri, Department of Clinical Chemistry,
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; and HUSLAB, HUS Diagnostic Center,
guideline is the multiple test strip of chemical analytes.
Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa, 00014 Helsinki, Finland, Results from the strip pads have been reported in ranks,
E-mail: officially “ordinal scale quantity values”, classified as
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 45

“negative”, “1+”, “2+” or “3+”, or with arbitrary concentra- measurement procedures for quantities of the same kind,
tions, due to the uncertainty of the chemical reactions on the in calibration, or in characterizing reference materials” [1].
pads. The term “semi-quantitative” is no more recom- For nominal scale examinations, the trueness may be
mended to describe ordinal scale (see 5.2.2 for details of expressed as misclassification rates of identified properties
measurements with multiple strip tests). (such as categories of counted urine particles or bacterial
species in culture), or by probabilities of confidence for re-
NOTE: Urine particle counting is occasionally also called as ported classifications (such as confidence index for mass
“rapid method” in the context of bacteriology if used to spectra).
detect bacteriuria and leukocyturia in urinary tract The analyte in urine particle counting is complex
infections, before results from urine bacterial culture are (mixture of particles with variable clumps, sizes or shapes in
available. The principle of quantitative urine particle counting), and that in bacterial culture is both complex and
counting belongs, however, to Level 2 procedures. biologically evolving (colonies of variable microbes and
their variants in culture). That is why the proposed Level 3
procedures are needed to provide improved accuracy of
4.3 Level 2: Routine or field methods examinations, but they are not as accurate as the reference
procedures described to stable molecules, e.g., for blood
Clinical laboratories report most of their results “quantita- haemoglobin A1c [4] or plasma creatinine [5].
tively”, i.e., in ratio scale because of clinical need for patient The advanced reference procedure, called advanced
follow-up or classification. Advanced technology and human comparison method for urine particle counting is discussed
assessment require experienced laboratory personnel, which in 6.2.3 and that for urine bacterial culture in 7.4.4.
leads into centralised testing and automated methods. The
routine or field methods have been developed by optimising
performance and speed, to satisfy requirements of turn- 4.5 Recommendations for
around time. Their accuracy is classified into Level 2 in this classification of examinations
guideline. The accuracy of routine quantitative methods is
better than that of Level 1 methods, because the measurement
No. Recommendations SoR (–), Section
procedures have been confirmed by reference procedures
and discussed
and materials. LoE (A–D)a
Urinalysis tests belonging to Level 2 include quantitations
 Clinical laboratories are recommended to , B 
of chemical analytes and routine counting of urine particles.
express clearly, which level of analytical
Quantitative measurements of proteinuria are discussed in performance (Levels –) is the target,
5.3.2 and those of volume rate (diuresis) in 5.4.2. Routine when they establish their urine examination
counting of urine particles is described in 6.2 and 6.3. Routine procedures, including nominal scale
bacterial culture of urine specimens also belongs to this examinations.
category as discussed in 7.4. a
Strengths of Recommendations (SoR) are: =strong, =weak
recommendation. Levels of Evidence (LoE) are: A=high, B=moderate, C=low
quality of evidence, D=consensus by the experts. Laboratory modification of
4.4 Level 3: Advanced comparison the GRADE rating is described in the Introduction.

methods Acknowledgments: For Acknowledgements, Ethical decla-

rations and Research funding, see the Executive Summary of
Reference examination procedures (Level 3) are needed
the Guideline.
to obtain results with higher accuracy than with routine
methods (Level 2), to allow advanced comparisons to higher
order references. Typically, advanced comparison methods
4.6 References, Accuracy levels of
are not applicable for routine use, because they need extra
resource or time. examinations
The official description of a reference procedure is as
1. BIPM, IEC, IFCC, ILAC, ISO, IUPAC, IUPAP, and OIML. International
follows: “Reference measurement procedure is a mea-
vocabulary of metrology – Basic and general concepts and associated
surement procedure accepted as providing measurement terms (VIM). Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology, JCGM 200:2012,
results fit for their intended use in assessing measurement 3rd ed.
trueness of measured quantity values obtained from other [Accessed 8 Nov 2023].
46 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

2. White GH. Metrological traceability in clinical biochemistry. Ann Clin reference system for measurement of hemoglobin A1c in human
Biochem 2011;48:393–409. blood and the national standardization schemes in the United
3. ISO 15189:2022. Medical laboratories – requirements for quality and States, Japan, and Sweden: a method-comparison study. Clin Chem
competence. Available from: International Organization for 2004;50:166–74.
Standardisation (ISO). [Accessed 9 5. Thienpont LM, Van Landuyt KG, Stöckl D, De Leenheer AP. Candidate
Nov 2023] In Europe, a national source of EN ISO standards is reference method for determining serum creatinine by isocratic HPLC:
recommended. validation with isotope dilution gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
4. Hoelzel W, Weykamp C, Jeppsson JO, Miedema K, Barr JR, Goodall I, and application for accuracy assessment of routine test kits. Clin Chem
et al. IFCC Working Group on HbA1c Standardization. IFCC 1995;41:995–1003.
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 47

Walter Hofmann and Timo Kouri*

5 Chemistry
patient, and may occasionally provide clues to an underlying
List of abbreviations, Chemistry disease. Since these are related to sense perceptions of urine
colour or odour, no standard differentiation is expected
ACR, albumin-to-creatinine ratio; AKI, acute kidney injury;
from the laboratories. Some traditionally reported causes
APS, analytical performance specification; CFB, colony-
for abnormal colour or turbidity of urine are given in
forming bacteria; CFU, colony-forming unit; CKD, chronic
Table 6, to be considered as background hints for clinical
kidney disease; CRM, certified reference material; CV, coef-
inquiries [1–3]. The normal urine is generally mild in odour.
ficient of variation; CVD, cardiovascular disease; EAU,
Abnormal colour or odour of urine is harmless if related to
European Association of Urology; EFLM, European Federa-
ingested food or drugs. Infected urine may be ammoniacal or
tion of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine; eGFR,
fetid. Some metabolic diseases have characteristic urine
estimated glomerular filtration rate; EQA, external quality
odours (Table 7).
assessment; ERA, European Renal Association; ESCMID,
European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious
Diseases; ESRD, end-stage renal disease; FN, false negative;
Table : Characteristic appearances of urine. Modified from references
FP, false positive; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; ICSH, In- [–].
ternational Committee for Standardization in Hematology;
IDMS, isotope-dilution mass spectrometry; ISO, International Appearance Cause Remarks
Organisation for Standardization; IVDR, in vitra diagnostic Colourless Dilute urine Polyuria, non-
medical device regulation; JCGM, Joint Committee for Guides fasting specimen
in Metrology; KDIGO, Kidney Disease Improving Global Cloudy, turbid Phosphates, bicarbonates, urates may indicate UTI
Outcomes (initiative); KIM-1, Kidney injury molecule-1; KRT, Leukocytes, RBC, bacteria, yeasts, Rectovesical fistula
Kidney replacement therapy; L-FABP, liver fatty acid bind- spermatozoa, mucin, crystals, pus, possible
tissue, faecal contamination, radio-
ing protein; LoC, Confirmation limit; LoD, detection limit;
graphic dye
MALDI-TOF, matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization Milky Pyuria Infection
time-of-flight (mass spectrometry); MDR, medical device Chyluria Lymphatic
regulation; MS, mass spectrometry; NGAL, neutrophil obstruction
gelatinase-associated lipocalin; NIST, National Institute of Paraffin Vaginal cream
Blue-green Biliverdin
Standards and Technology (U.S. Department of Commerce);
Pseudomonas infection Small intestine
RBC, Red blood cell(s), erythrocyte; SI, international system infections
of units; URL, upper reference limit; UTI, urinary tract Drugs: Methylene blue, occasional Mouth deodorants
infection; VIM, International Vocabulary of Metrological drugs possible
Terms; WBC, white blood cell(s), leukocyte. Yellow Flavines (acriflavine, riboflavine) Vitamin B ingestion
Yellow-orange Concentrated urine Yellow foam
Urobilin, bilirubin
Rhubarb, senna
5.1 Visual inspection and odour of Drugs: salazosulfapyridine, phenac- Alkaline pH
etin, pyridine derivatives, rifampicin
urine Yellow-green Bilirubin-biliverdin Yellow foam
The most traditional urinalysis was based on human senses. Thymol
Abnormal colour or odour of urine is often reported by the Yellow-brown Bilirubin-biliverdin Beer brown
Drugs: nitrofurantoin
Red or Brown Haemoglobin, RBC Positive strip result,
*Corresponding author: Timo Kouri, Department of Clinical Chemistry, menstruation
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; and HUSLAB, HUS Diagnostic Center, Myoglobin Positive strip also;
Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa, 00014 Helsinki, Finland, muscle injury
E-mail: Methaemoglobin Acid pH
Walter Hofmann, Synlab MVZ, Augsburg and Dachau, 85221 Dachau, Bilifuscin Result of unstable
Germany haemoglobin
48 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

Table : (continued)
5.2 Multiproperty test strips
Appearance Cause Remarks
Because many urinary tract diseases present acutely, there
Urobilin is a need for rapid diagnostics, frequently at points-of-care.
Porphyrin May be colourless
Then, the first urinalysis measurement is often performed
Beets, rhubarb, carotene Alkaline pH
Fuchsine, aniline derivatives Foods, candy by using a test strip (dipstick) at an ordinal scale, now offi-
Drugs: aminophenazone, aminopy- cially “ordinal quantity-value” scale [7], and historically a
rine, antipyrine, bromsulphthalein, “semi-quantitative” scale. In addition to points-of-care, the
cascara, chinine, chloroquine, chrys- strip tests may be performed in laboratories, together with
arubin, hydroquinone, L-dopa,
other examinations of urine.
naphthole, phenytoin, metronida-
zole, nitrite, nitrofurantoin, phenac-
etin, phenolphthalein, 5.2.1 Diagnostic significance of test strips
phenothiazine, salazosulfapyridine,
senna, thymol
The aim of the classical multiple test strip is to perform
Red-pink Urate May be associated
with (massive) routine chemical analysis in one single operation, with an
crystalluria increased yield of diagnostic or prognostic information.
Red-orange Drug: rifampicin Multiple test strips, officially called “multiproperty” strips,
Red-purple Porphyrins May be colourless have been designed to detect several of the following com-
Brown See above
ponents: leukocytes (white blood cells, WBC), bacteria (ni-
Brown-black Methaemoglobin Blood, acid pH
Homogentisic acid Alkaptonuria (alka-
trite), erythrocytes (red blood cells, RBC), protein (albumin),
line pH) glucose, ketone bodies, pH, relative density, bilirubin, uro-
Melanin/melanogen Rare bilinogen, and ascorbic acid. A minimum combination de-
Darkening Porphyrin, homogentisic acid, mela- pends on the intended use and health-care setting. A
upon standing nogen, serotonin maximum of 11 test areas needs instrumental analysis, a
Drugs: cascara, chlorpromazine,
visual reading is not recommended.
methyldopa, metronidazole, phen-
acetin, imipenem High false-positive rates emphasize the need for labo-
ratory confirmation of positive results.

RECOMMENDATION 24: Multiple (multiproperty) test strips

are still recommended as screening tools for routine patient
Table : Characteristic odours of metabolic diseases. Obtained from populations because of their cost-efficiency. Conventional
reference [].
strip tests are NOT sensitive enough for diagnostics of
patients with high-risk to kidney disease (patients with
Odour Disease
diabetes or cardiovascular diseases), or complicated UTI
Sweaty feet Isovaleric acidemia and glutaric acidemia patients. (SoR 1, LoE A)a
Maple syrup Maple syrup urine disease a
Laboratory modification of the grades is described in the
Cabbage, hops Methionine malabsorption
Mousy Phenylketonuria Introduction of this guideline. Strengths of
Rotting fish Trimethylaminuria Recommendations (SoR) are rated as: 1=strong, 2=weak
Rancid Tyrosinemia recommendation. Levels of Evidence (LoE) are rated as:
A=high, B=moderate, C=low quality of evidence,
D=consensus by the experts.
Patient-oriented information on abnormal colour of
urine is provided online, e.g., by the MedlinePlus website, a Urinary tract infections (UTI): bacteriuria and
service of the National Library of Medicine (NLM), which is pyuria
part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) [4]. Patient-
oriented lists of abnormal odours of urine are provided, e.g., Detection of UTI, adults
by the Mayo Clinic [5] and by the National Health Service, Rapid screening for urinary tract infection (UTI) by using a
NHS, in the U.K. [6]. test strip (dipstick) measurement from a urine specimen, by
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 49

counting of urinary leukocytes, bacteria (and erythrocytes), infection with renal involvement (pyelonephritis). These
or as a combined “urinalysis”, is needed in clinical practice patients should be investigated thoroughly as hospital
[8–10]. No laboratory tests are needed for otherwise healthy emergencies, including urine particle analysis (leukocytes
non-pregnant female patients with sporadic symptoms of and bacteria, and possible renal particles), bacterial culture
uncomplicated lower UTI, who may be treated based on and clarification of possible proteinuria, and estimation of
symptoms as confirmed with a questionnaire providing an glomerular filtration rate (GFR), with locally verified diag-
Acute Cystitis Symptoms Score, ACSS. Recurrent lower UTI, nostic algorithms [15].
and other patient groups need laboratory investigations (see Use of test strips for pyuria is not recommended to di-
Sections 1.2 and 7.1.2). agnose for potential catheter-associated UTI [16]. Institu-
Diagnostic performance of test strips in detecting bacte- tionalised elderly citizens have often asymptomatic
rial UTI must be interpreted carefully, since the selected cut- bacteriuria or pyuria that is not necessarily associated with
off for significant colony counts in culture affects the perfor- generic symptoms or falling of the residents [17]. Laboratory
mance. Also, definition of UTI may or may not include pres- tests should be requested from the elderly patients after a
ence of both pyuria (leukocytes in urine) and clinical clinical intention to treat only, to avoid misleading results
assessment, changing the comparison of performance [11, 12]. (leukocyturia and bacteriuria without symptoms of UTI) and
The combination of either nitrite or leukocyte result unnecessary antimicrobial treatments.
positive is generally most useful in screening, since the ni- Detection of UTI, children
trite test has a high specificity, while the leukocyte esterase Diagnosis of UTI in infants at 2–24 months of age is based on
test improves the sensitivity. In a meta-analysis of 72 studies, the presence of both pyuria and bacteriuria at least
a combined sensitivity of either leukocyte esterase or nitrite ≥ 5 × 104 CFU/mL (5 × 107 CFB/L) of a single uropathogenic
result was 80% against bacterial growth at ≥ 105 CFU/mL organism in an appropriately collected specimen of urine.
(108 CFB/L) in culture, but it was decreased to 67% against ≥ Results in the range of 103–104 CFU/mL (106–107 CFB/L) need
104 CFU/mL (107 CFB/L) in culture, and down to 45%, when an assessment of the context, such as symptoms, quality of
assessed at ≥ 103 CFU/mL (106 CFB/L) [13]. The studied patient specimen, and urinalysis findings [10].
population affected the performance, the sensitivity of 88% In detection of paediatric and adult UTI, the diagnostic
being highest in ambulatory care close to patient data performance of both leukocyte esterase and leukocyte
(family practice). The combined strip tests were more effi- counts varies by urine concentration. It is particularly
cient in ruling out than ruling in patients with UTI, indi- important that a patient, particularly an infant, is not
cating a need for additional diagnostics [13]. drinking too much to initiate micturition before collecting
Patient’s symptoms and signs raise the pretest proba- the specimen. A measurement of urine concentration (e.g.,
bility for UTI. In a meta-analysis of 16 studies on uncompli- relative density with a strip test, conductivity of a particle
cated UTI of non-pregnant women, symptoms of dysuria, analyser, or osmolality in intensive care if needed) is recom-
frequency or urgency of micturition provided a sensitivity of mended for interpretation of urinalysis results of paediatric
62–88% with a specificity of 21–51% in detecting UTI, while patients, to avoid false negative diagnostics from dilute
symptoms of haematuria had a specificity of 87% as specimens [18, 19].
compared to bacterial growth at ≥ 103 CFU/mL (106 CFB/L)
[14]. Vaginal discharge decreased the probability of UTI. RECOMMENDATION 25: No laboratory tests are
Nitrite and erythrocyte fields in multiple strips may help in recommended for otherwise healthy non-pregnant female
ruling in UTI among patients with acute infection-related patients with sporadic symptoms of uncomplicated lower
symptoms. Leukocyte field is generally used to confirm the UTI. (1, A)
presence of pyuria, or to rule out UTI in symptomatic pa-
tients [13]. The post-test probability of uncomplicated UTI in
women with either dysuria, urgency or frequency was RECOMMENDATION 26: Rapid tests to detect UTI should
78–81% after a positive leukocyte or nitrite strip result, but include tests for detection of both leukocytes and bacteria.
(1, A)
18–20% after a negative leukocyte or nitrite strip result
against bacterial culture at ≥ 103 CFU/mL (106 CFB/L) [14].
Diagnostics of recurrent or complicated UTI is NOT recom- RECOMMENDATION 27: Rapid tests are recommended be
mended with test strips only. requested from elderly patients after a clinical intention to
Suspicions of upper UTI and catheter-associated UTI: treat only because of a high prevalence of asymptomatic
Fever with flank pain indicates an upper urinary tract bacteriuria. (1, A)
50 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

patients. Specific measurement of myoglobin or creatine

RECOMMENDATION 28: Concentration of urine is valuable
kinase in plasma or serum may confirm the presence of
in interpretation of urine specimens of paediatric patients, to
alert of dilute specimens. (2, B)
Differentiation of haematuria based on urinary protein
measurements is discussed in Section 5.3.1, Tables 18 and 19. Haematuria Proteinuria

Haematuria, i.e., increased amount of blood or haemoglo- Prevalence of proteinuria, as detected with a test strip at
bin in urine, is a common finding with a prevalence in the about 200 mg/L (corresponding to about 100 mg/L albu-
range of 4–13% (see Section 6.4.2). Causes can be classified minuria), is globally around 2% among adult populations,
into prerenal, renal and postrenal groups (Table 8). Hae- being somewhat higher in Japan as compared to U.S. The
moglobin without RBC may be detected in haemolytic observed prevalence increases with age up to 5% at 80
states, and in patients with haematuria if the cells have years due to vascular diseases and diabetes in older in-
been destroyed (either in vivo or in vitro) due to a delay in dividuals [20]. In Japan, proteinuria and haematuria have
investigation. been screened with a test strip from all school children and
In differential diagnostics, causes of haematuria related adults ≥ 40 years of age because of the highest national
to specimen collection and artefacts (reddish colour without prevalence of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) in the world.
haemoglobin) should be considered as well. Myoglobin in Proteinuria assessed with a traditional strip test has
urine creates a positive test strip result for RBC because it predicted ESRD better than elevated plasma creatinine
contains also a haem moiety that exhibits pseudoperoxidase concentration. The screening has been considered cost-
activity. Myoglobin is demonstrated in urine of patients with effective in Japan, finding 68% of the new IgA nephropathy
muscle necrosis, rhabdomyolysis or polymyositis, or myopa- cases [20].
thies, such as caused by statins used for hypercholesteraemic Sensitive albuminuria screening at 5–10 mg/L is not
warranted for total populations because of costs created
by management of consequent investigations when as high
Table : Causes of haematuria. as 12–18% tested individuals may become positive for
moderate albuminuria (in Asia) [21]. Targeted screening of
Classification Examples moderate albuminuria, previously called “micro-
Prerenal haematuria Bleeding tendency albuminuria”, has been suggested for high-risk groups in
Systemic diseases Haemolysis (causing haemoglobinuria) addition to diabetes patients, such as those with hyper-
Renal haematuria Glomerulonephritis, such as IgA nephropathy tension [22, 23].
Renal disease Renal infections, such as tuberculosis, epidemic
A moderately increased albuminuria corresponds to a
Renal tumours persistent albumin excretion rate (AER) 3–30 mg albumin/
Ischaemic disease of renal vessels, acute kidney mmol creatinine, not reached with a conventional protein/
injury albumin strip test, and a severe albuminuria an AER of 30 mg
Strenuous exercise albumin/mmol creatinine or more [24]. Quantitative mea-
Postrenal haematuria Ureteral stone
surements of proteinuria are discussed in Section 5.3 in
Diseases of the lower Tumours of the urinary tract
urinary tract Urinary tract infection
more detail.
Operation or catheterisation of the urinary tract Proteinuria is not always related to a renal disease.
(prostate disease rarely) Causes of proteinuria are listed in Table 9.
Specimen-related Menstrual bleeding
causes Gynaecological disease RECOMMENDATION 29: Sensitive albuminuria screening for
Intensive genital washing before collection
incipient chronic nephropathy is not recommended at an
(children, elderly patients)
Artefacts Urate precipitate (infants with diapers) epidemiological level because of costs of follow-up
Reddish colour without Beets in the diet investigations. A targeted screening of high-risk patient
haemoglobin Drugs, e.g., nitrofurantoin, ibuprofen (see also populations (e.g., patients with diabetes and cardiovascular
Table ) diseases) is recommended. (1, B)
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 51

Table : Causes of proteinuria. Modified from reference []. Tests related to diabetes and other metabolic
Main groups Classification Examples

Intermittent Functional Fever proteinuria Glucose: Examinations of urine glucose concentrations

Exercise proteinuria have largely been replaced by measurements of blood
Congestive heart failure
glucose concentration [29, 30]. Measurements of glycosuria
Epileptic seizures
are used for specific clinical or scientific purposes only.
Orthostatic Occurs in upright position only
Factitious Urine manipulation (Munchausen’s Urine glucose measurements were traditionally advo-
syndrome) cated to check for inappropriate use of blood examinations,
Persistent Pre-renal Immunoglobulin heavy and light or for patients unwilling to use blood sampling in addition to
chain excretion laboratory monitoring of haemoglobin HbA1c concentrations.
(=Bence-Jones proteinuria)
However, it is NOT a sensitive screening tool for diabetes [31].
Myoglobinuria (in rhabdomyolysis)
Haemoglobinuria (haemolysis) Occasionally, finding of marked glycosuria may reveal pa-
Renal, divided Albuminuria in glomerular tients with uncompensated diabetes mellitus in acutely ill
into glomerular nephropathies patients (to be confirmed from blood glucose measurements),
tubular Low-molecular-mass proteinuria or in pregnant women. Glycosuria is the mechanism of action
caused by nephrotoxic drugs, tubulo-
of inhibitors of sodium-glucose cotransporter protein 2 (gli-
interstitial nephritis
flozins) used to treat type 2 diabetes.
Mixed (glomerular Ischaemia
and tubular) Excretion of high molecular protein Ketone bodies: Ketone bodies (acetoacetate, beta-hydroxy
(IgG) in advanced renal disease
butyrate and acetone) are excreted into urine in diabetic
Post-renal Urinary tract infection
Postrenal bleeding acidosis, during strenuous exercise, fasting, during enteric
Prostatic or bladder disease inflammations or periods of vomiting. The chemical reaction
Vaginal discharge used is sensitive to acetoacetate and acetone, but not beta-
hydroxybutyrate. Ketone bodies serve to classify or treat
specified patient populations, such as patients admitted as Measurements of urine concentration on test emergencies (especially paediatric patients), juvenile-onset
strips and specific subtypes of diabetic patients, or patients with
toxaemia of pregnancy. Ketosis may be created also by
Relative density (official nomenclature term: relative vol- ingesting popular ketogenic diets. Plasma hydroxybutyrate
umic mass; old term: specific gravity) Results from all measurements are important for the follow-up of comatose
chemical measurements and particle examinations from ketoacidosis patients to improve the adjustments of clinical
single-voided specimens need to be related to the state of treatment. Slight ketosis is detected even after overnight
water excretion (volume rate, diuresis) to allow proper fasting, indicating an acceptable clinical sensitivity.
clinical interpretations [19] (see Section 2.2.1). The relative
density obtained with the chemical test strip is a rough es- pH: Urinary pH varies between 5 and 9. Concentrated
timate of urine concentration [26], see Section 5.2.2. morning urine is usually acidic, with a pH around 6. Urines
Medical indications for proper quantitative measure- from children are often alkaline. Urea metabolising bacteria
ments of urine concentration are described in Section 5.4.1, transform urea to ammonia and may increase the pH of
and their measurement procedures in Section 5.4.2. urine to become alkaline. Survival of leukocytes [32] may be
reduced in dilute and alkaline urines, typically in children
Creatinine: Creatinine measurement has been tradition- UTI [33]. Casts are also lost in alkaline urine [34]. Measure-
ally used to estimate excretion rates by relating urine ments of urine pH are needed for the diagnosis of acid-base
concentrations of proteins [27], hormones [28] or other disturbances, or in monitoring of specific diseases, such as
analytes to that of water in single-voided specimens. New renal tubular acidosis or recurrent renal stone disease.
applications have been introduced for test strips to sensi- Elimination of specific drugs (e.g., cytotoxic drugs) may be
tively measure albumin-to-creatinine ratios from patient enhanced by medical acidification or alkalinisation of urine.
urines, see Section 5.2.2. Measurements of urine pH have been suggested to help
in avoiding nitrofurantoin treatment of UTI in patients
RECOMMENDATION 30: Urine concentration is recom- with urine pH 8 or higher, because Proteeae group bacteria
mended to be reported together with all chemical and par- (e.g., Proteus mirabilis, and other Proteus spp.) increase
ticle examinations from single-voided urine specimens. (1, B) urine pH by breaking urea. An increased resistance of 33% to
52 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

nitrofurantoin by Proteeae group is detected in urine spec- imprecision of reference counts, analytical imprecision of
imens with pH 8–9, as compared to that of 20 in specimens reflectance readings, level of lysis of the granulocytes on the
with pH 5–7. In a retrospective study of emergency depart- strip, and preservation of urine specimens before counting.
ment, concerning 67,127 urine cultures, only 3% (369/12,275) At 100 × 106 WBC/L, a sensitivity of 95% should be reached.
of positive specimens in bacterial culture had both bacteria Specificity at a detection limit of 20 × 106 WBC/L is about
resistant to nitrofurantoin and pH 8–9, downshifting the 80–90%, also for statistical reasons. Lysed cells are classified
importance of urine pH measurements in selection of anti- as negative in particle counting, but show enzymatic activity
microbial treatment [35]. on the strip pad, reducing the observed specificity. Subtilisin
of known activity may be used as a quality control solution.
Bile pigments: Measurements of urinary urobilinogen and
bilirubin concentrations have lost their clinical significance in
NOTE. Sensitivity to detect pyuria (leukocytes) is not the same
the detection of liver disease after application of modern
as a sensitivity to detect an infection with either leukocyte or
blood tests with better diagnostic performance [36]. Routine
nitrite field of the strip. See Section
measurements of bile pigments in urine are considered
obsolete tests, as concluded in a national guideline as well [19].
Bacteria (Nitrite): Nitrite examination is based on activity of
Ascorbic acid: Because many patients ingest vitamin C in nitrate reductase that is present in most Gram-negative
large quantities (> 1 g/day), measurement of ascorbic acid uropathogenic rods, such as E. coli (Griess’s examination).
concentration in urine helps in identifying those patients Nitrate reductase is, however, lacking from Pseudomonas
prone to false negative test strip results. In a Korean study, aeruginosa and Gram-positive uropathogens such as
vitamin C was detected in 18% of urine samples. False Enterococcus spp. and Staphylococcus spp., and will there-
negative results were observed in 42% samples with fore not be detected whatever their urinary concentration.
glycosuria, in 11% of those with haemoglobinuria, and in 8% The positive detection of bacteria requires, in addition,
of those with leukocyte esterase after ingestion of vitamin C ingestion of nitrate by the patient (vegetables), its excretion
[37]. Another, more direct approach is to develop test strips into urine and a sufficient incubation time in bladder for
insensitive to interference by ascorbate. reduction to nitrite. The analytical sensitivity of the method
is reported to vary between 20 and 80% against the culture,
RECOMMENDATION 31: Plasma hydroxybutyrate depending on the patient population and the cut-off limit for
measurements are recommended for the follow-up of positive culture (with the highest performance against
comatose ketoacidosis patients instead of urine strip tests. 105 CFU/mL, or 108 CFB/L) [13, 42, 43]. The diagnostic speci-
(1, B) ficity of this field for bacteria is high (>90%).

Erythrocytes: The presence of red blood cells (RBC), hae-

moglobin or myoglobin in urine is seen either in dotted
5.2.2 Measurement procedures with (cells) or homogenous appearance of colour on the reagent
multiproperty test strips pad. Unfortunately, this pseudoperoxidase activity degrades
rapidly even when the specimen is refrigerated, and is Detection principles remarkably sensitive to various preservatives. The analyt-
ical sensitivity of the test strip is about 80% at 10 × 106 RBC/L
The technology and principles employed in traditional test against particle counting [41]. Specificity of RBC detection
strips have been widely studied since 1960s. The limitations with a strip test is reduced when compared with particle
of strip technology have been summarised in textbooks counts because RBC lyse easily in urine, and occasional urine
[1, 38], and are quoted in the manufacturers’ documents. specimens contain haemoglobin from in vivo haemolysis or
Summary of these analytical principles, as modified from myoglobin in rhabdomyolysis. Also, statistical imprecision
the mentioned textbooks, is compiled in Table 10. Any new of both low counts and low reflectance signals affects the
drug may, however, represent a new potential source of agreement.
Protein: Total urinary protein is a mixture of high molec-
Leukocytes (WBC, Esterase): The analytical sensitivity of the ular weight (e.g., albumin, transferrin, intact immunoglob-
esterase strip is about 80–90% at the detection limit of ulins, α2-macroglobulin) and low molecular weight proteins
20 × 106 WBC/L against visual or automated counting of (e.g., α1-microglobulin, retinol-binding protein, immuno-
fresh uncentrifuged specimens [41]. The agreement between globulin light chains) sieved from plasma, proteins secreted
test strip and particle counting depends on the statistical by the kidney (uromucoid or Tamm-Horsfall protein) and
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 53

Table : Detection principles and their limitations on multiple strips. Modified from references [] and [].

Analyte Measurement principle False negative results False positive results

Leukocytes (WBC) Indoxyl esterase activity (gran- Vitamin C (intake Grams/day), protein >  g/L, Oxidizing detergents, formaldehyde
ulocytes and macrophages; not Glucose >  g/L, mucous specimen, cephalospo- (. g/L), sodium azide, coloured urine
present in lymphocytes) rins, nitrofurantoin; mercuric salts, trypsin inhibi- (beet ingestion, bilirubinuria)
tor, oxalate, % boric acid
Bacteria (nitrate Nitrite detected with Griess’ test No vegetables in diet, short bladder incubation Coloured urine, in vitro growth
reductase positive)a (azo dye) time, vitamin C,
Gram+ bacteria, Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Erythrocytes (RBC) Pseudoperoxidase activity by the High nitrite concentration, delayed examination, Microbial peroxidases, oxidizing de-
haem moiety of haemoglobin high density of urine, formaldehyde (. g/L) tergents, hydrochloric acid
Albumin (protein), Non-specific binding to indicator Globulins, immunoglobulin light chains hardly Alkaline urine (pH ), quaternary ammo-
conventional dye detected; coloured urine nium detergents, chlorhexidine, poly-
vinylpyrrolidone (blood substitute)
Glucose Glucose oxidase and peroxidase Vitamin C, urinary tract infection Oxidizing detergents, hydrochloric acid
Ketone bodies (ace- Nitroprusside reaction (Legal’s Improper storage, beta-hydroxybutyrate not Free sulphhydryl groups (e.g. captopril),
toacetate; acetone) test) detected coloured urines, L-dopa
pH Two indicator dyes giving a pH Formaldehyde lowers pH
range –
Relative density Ionic solutes of urine react with Falsely low: glucose, urea, alkaline urine Falsely high: protein >  g/L, ketoacids
(specific gravity) poly-electrolytes on the strip
Creatinine Oxidative reaction, copper chelate, EDTA
or dinitro benzoate reactionb
Urobilinogen Azo reaction with a diazonium salt; Formaldehyde ( g/L), exposure to light Sulphonamide and other drugs, coloured
Ehrlich’s aldehyde reaction urine; porphobilinogen (Ehrlich)
Bilirubin Azo reaction with a diazonium salt Vitamin C, high nitrite concentration, exposure to Coloured urine, chlorpromazine
light metabolites
Ascorbic acid Reduction reaction with an indole Not known Similar reducing agents
Additional analytes
Albumin, sensitive Immunochemical or dye-binding Not known for dye-binding procedures; immuno- Haemoglobin or myoglobin above
procedurec chemistry may suffer from hook effect in high  mg/L []; quaternary ammonium
concentrations, or non-reactivity to modified disinfectants, chlorhexidine []
Bacteria are detected on the basis of nitrate reductase present in most Gram-negative uropathogenic rods, such as E. coli (Griess’s test), reducing dietary
nitrates into nitrite. bExample measurements on strip are described in the text. cExamples for the dye-binding principle of albumin measurement on the
strip are given in the text.

those derived from the urinary tract. The traditional test procedures (or cheaper dye-binding procedures [39, 45] have
strip field is 90–95% sensitive to clinical albuminuria at a been introduced). Later, tetrachloro-tetraiodo-fluorescein
concentration of about 200 mg/L protein or 100 mg/L [46], or tetrabromo-phenol blue [40] have been adopted to
albumin [44]. It is less sensitive for mucoproteins and low measure albumin concentration. Sensitive strips should
molecular weight protein, and almost insensitive for reach a limit of quantitation at 10 mg/L albumin (or albumin-
immunoglobulin light chains. The quantitative comparison to-creatinine ratio 3 mg/mmol) to qualify moderate albu-
methods, e.g., pyrogallol red or benzethonium chloride minuria screening in detecting incipient nephropathy.
precipitation, measure better the various globulins than
Relative density (old term: specific gravity; official term:
the strip (see Section 5.3.2), which affects the analytical
relative volumic mass): The conventional measurement on a
sensitivity and specificity of a strip measurement against
multiple strip is dependent on the ion exchange reaction with
these comparison methods, in addition to imprecisions of
polyelectrolytes on the strip pad that has a tendency to pro-
vide falsely high and low densities of urine even after
Albumin, sensitive procedure on the strip: For early correction of pH [47]. In particular, diluted samples may
detection of glomerular damage, sensitive immunochemical remain unnoticed despite that those samples should be
54 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

detected to reveal false negative results. Refractometric The selection of different instruments is determined
measurements used by automated test strip analysers in the by the local diagnostic processes. Centralised laboratories
laboratory are less prone to that error. Relating urine WBC providing a 24-h service tend to automate the analysis of
counts to the relative density values of urine specimens of large numbers of specimens, while point-of-care sites
infants with a cut-off of 1.015 improves accuracy of laboratory show an increasing interest to improve the quality of their
assessment, in particular with dilute specimens [18], although single patient investigations. Automated urinalysis aims
impact on clinical decisions of antimicrobial treatment for to improve the precision and accuracy of results at higher
infants is less pronounced [48]. A measurement on the strip level than that achieved by traditional semi-automated
pad is not recommended for intensive care patients and only methods. Automated systems shall be verified against
with limitations for in-patients [49]. For quantitative mea- quantitative reference procedures, using their own
surements of urine concentration, see Section 5.4.2. quantitative reflectances in measurement comparisons
[41, 51]. Smaller devices (from regional laboratories or
Creatinine: Dye-binding procedures for determining the
point-of-care sites) may be verified against the index in-
creatinine concentration in urine on a test strip include
strument at the central laboratory using ordinal scale
complexing with Cu2+ ions added with an oxidizable dye [39],
cross-tables if quantitative signals are not accessible to the
a chelate reaction [46], or dye-binding with dinitrobenzoic
acid [40].
Turnaround time, cost containment and safety of the
Glucose: Enzymatic measurements are usually based on working environment are important issues in routine
glucose oxidase reaction that is almost quantitative. The workflow in all diagnostic environments. Low-resource en-
analytical performance of ordinal scale glucose measure- vironments with limited access to centralised testing are
ment usually satisfies the clinical need. particularly interested in studying the possibilities of point-
of-care technology for health screening programmes [52].
Ketone bodies: The nitroprusside reaction (Legal’s test)
Advanced mobile phones may also become tools for instru-
does not detect the most important ketone body, beta-
mental reading of laboratory tests in the future.
hydroxybutyrate, but it can be used for screening ketosis
states due to various causes. Unspecific reactions, lack of
RECOMMENDATION 33: Urine strip tests are recommended
sufficient reference material, and inaccuracy of detection
to be read with instruments both in laboratories and points-
limit obscures clinical interpretation of this examination.
of-care, using qualified procedures, to avoid human errors in
pH: pH of urine is measured with a pair of pH-sensitive measurement or interpretation of results. (1, A)
indicator dyes. The accuracy within 0.5–1 pH unit is usually
obtained in the External Quality Assessment schemes. Qualified procedures for test strip reading
Ascorbate: Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) interferes with the
measurement of several test strip analytes. Its specific The details in Tables 11 and 12 are provided for practical help
measurement may improve detection of false negative re- in auditing the various steps of test strip reading. The given
sults in patient specimens. lines intend to help in developing qualified routine oper-
ating procedures.
RECOMMENDATION 32: From specimens of intensive care
and in-patient groups with needs of improved accuracy, urine
concentration is recommended to be measured by using 5.2.3 Performance specifications for test
refractometry or osmolality. (2, B) strips

The quality of test strip measurements is included in the Instruments used for multiple test strip current ISO 15189:2022 standard [50]. The analytical perfor-
examinations mance specifications (APS) for ordinal scale strip tests are
suggested in this section. For optimal results, performance of
Instruments (rather than the naked eye) are recommended each instrument must be verified and ambiguities clarified
for reading a multiple test strip, whether in the laboratory or with the manufacturer. When operating procedures have
at point-of-care, because observer-related major errors been developed, instructions must be carefully followed in
occur frequently in practice and are not traceable after- the analytical process for optimal results.
wards. All laboratory examinations including those per- When verifying the performance of a test strip analyser,
formed at point-of-care sites should meet the required quantitative signals (original reflectances) are preferred
quality as described in the ISO 15189:2022 [50]. over the categorised ordinal scale arbitrary concentrations,
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 55

Table : Visual reading of test strips (auditing list). Table : Reflectometric reading (auditing list).

Item Standard Method of checking Item Standard Method of checking

Identification of Label the specimen Compare label with the Identification of Label the specimen Compare label with the
specimen computerised or manual specimen working list on screen if
working list if analysing analysing several speci-
several specimens at once mens at once; Confirm
Homogenous Mix immediately before Even colour data transfer according
specimen dipping to local protocol
Temperature of + °C ±  °C Allow to stand for – Homogenous Mix immediately before Even colour
the specimen  min before analysis to specimen dipping
cool down after voiding, or Temperature of the + °C ±  °C Allow to stand for –
warm up specimen  min before analysis to
Quality of strips Date still acceptable Expiration date checked warm up, or cool down
Environment Sufficient light Artificial light is an after voiding
adequate substitute for Quality of strips Date still acceptable Expiration date checked
daylight to allow easy Protocol for instru- Protocol written locally Written protocols
reading; mental measurement after training for both available
Calm space for working Allow no other activity instrument and data
during the procedure transfer
Dipping Follow manufacturer’s Observation by trainer Internal quality Control solutions Follow-up charts
guidance for routine control measured daily, maintained
practice following the principles
Timing Use a timer showing time Not possible afterwards described in Section
in seconds at reading ...
Reading Compare with the colours Train before actual patient External quality Participation expected, Reports available
on the packing vial analysis control organised with national
Internal quality Control solutions Follow-up charts or foreign EQAS pro-
control measured daily if analysis maintained vider or within smaller
is done daily groups
External quality Participation expected, Reports available Maintenance Instrument manual Documentation of ser-
control organised with local sup- followed vice and repairs
porting laboratory that Calibration of the in- Analytical performance Documentation of vali-
typically contacts an EQA strument and specifications are given dation by the manufac-
service provider nationally methods, changes of in Section .. turer (IVDR), as verified
available reagents by the end-user
Storage of strips No physical problems Outlook of the strips (bent, laboratory
associated with storage wet etc), closed vials, IVDR regulations by the Changes of strip lots
temperature of the stor- European Council recorded
age shelf followed
Reporting Use the predefined format Train before actual patient
and units; analysis
Fill in the patient record or concentrations in morning urine by a factor of 2, to avoid
working list immediately transient positivity at the grey zone due to intra-individual
(biological) variation. The trueness of ordinal scale mea-
surement may be expressed by using a detection limit (LoD)
to be able to visualise the observed imprecisions of reflec- and a confirmation limit (LoC) from the comparison mea-
tance readings [41, 51, 53]. surement. The ratio between concentrations LoC/LoD is
about five based on the experience on the accuracy of Trueness in ordinal quantity scale reflectance measurements. They delineate a grey zone [54].
Below the detection limit, a strip examination should remain
APS for ordinal scale measurements have not been discussed negative, while above the confirmation limit, it should be
widely. Criteria are suggested for multiproperty (multiple) positive. At the grey zone, a gradual transition from negative
urine test strips based on upper health-related reference to positive results should occur.
limits, analytical performance and statistical tests applicable The following detection limits (LoD) and confirmation
to ordinal scale. The detection limit was created by multi- limits (LoC) are proposed for the usual test strip fields
plying the approximate healthy upper reference limits of (Table 13).
56 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

Table : Suggested detection and confirmation limits for multiple test Analytical performance specifications for
strips. trueness of test strips

Property (analyte) Comparison Detection Confirmation

The ordinal scale performance can be described as sensi-
method limit (LoD) limit (LoC)
tivities and specificities, i.e., as maximal allowable fractions
Leukocytes (× /L) Chamber countinga  
of analytically false positive (FP) or false negative (FN)
Erythrocytes (× /L) Chamber countinga  
measurements against best practical comparison methods. If
Albumin (protein), g/L Dye binding . (alb), . (alb), 
. (prot) (prot) not otherwise clinically justified, the trueness of a test strip
Nitrite, mg/L Weighing out dry . . field is judged as shown in Table 15. Optimal trueness of
sodium nitrite, measurements is suggested to be a FP rate <10% at LoD and a
applicable compar- FN <5% at LoC, when compared with an applicable quanti-
ison method
tative procedure. The tighter optimum of FN reflects the fact
Glucose, mmol/L Quantitative  
method (glucose that detection of existing pathology is clinically more critical
dehydrogenase or than reinvestigation of FP cases. In many situations or with a
hexokinase less optimal comparison method, a minimum performance
method) may be acceptable.
Ketones Weighing out Li  
(acetoacetate), mmol/L acetoacetate Table : Analytical performance specifications for trueness of test strip
pH pH meter ±  unitb N/Ab examinations.
Relative density Refractometry ± .b N/Ab
Performance FPD=b/(a + b) FNG=c/(c + d) FNC=e/(e + f)
Creatinine, mmol/L Enzymatic (kinetic  N/Ab
recommended) Optimum <% <% <%
Urobilinogen, µmol/L Not commonly c c Minimum <% <% <%
Bilirubin, µmol/L Bilirubin solution c c
Chamber counting of fresh (less than  h) uncentrifuged specimens. b N/A= Example: Leukocyte detection by esterase activity
detection and confirmation limits not applicable; an arbitrary class width is Acute urinary tract infections are associated with urinary
given. cUrobilinogen and Bilirubin are considered obsolete tests in leukocyte counts ≥ 100–200 WBC × 106/L, while at the level of
detection of liver disease, as compared to blood tests. For urobilinogen, no < 10 WBC × 106/L, no association exists [55, 56]. What is the
commonly available comparison methods exist. Manufacturers should
performance of a strip procedure with leukocyte esterase to
document their validation.
detect pyuria? Test strip results are compared with chamber
counts of WBC from freshly voided (< 2 h) urines with the
To allow sensitive detection of albuminuria (micro- example data in Table 16.
albuminuria range), the following performance specifica-
Table : Example data for estimation of trueness of test strip
tions are given to sensitive rapid albumin measurements
(Table 14). Albumin concentrations (mg/L) are not expressed
with substance-based unit (mol/L) to be comparable with Comparison method Negative Grey zone Positive Total
total protein concentrations used in Table 13. (WBC × /L) < – >

Test strip result

Table : Detection and confirmation limits for sensitive albumin Negative  (a)  (c)  (e) 
examinations. Positive (+ or more)  (b)  (d)  (f) 
Total    

Property Comparison Detection Confirmation First colum: “Limits”. Border between nd (Neg) and rd (Grey) column:
method limit (LoD) limit (LoC) “LoD”. Border between rd (Grey) and th (Posit) column: “LoC”. aThe
following fractions describe the trueness of measurements: ) The fraction
Albumin (sensitive), Immunochemical  
of false positives at the detection limit (LoD)=FPD=b/(a + b) (in the example:
mg/L (quantitative)
/=. or %). ) The fraction of false negatives at the grey zone
Albumin (sensitive): Albumin as above,  
area=FNG=c/(c + d) (in the example: /=. or %). ) The fraction of
creatinine ratio, ratio to quantitative
false negatives at the confirmation limit (LoC)=FNC=e/(e + f) (in the
mg/mmol creatinine method
example: /=. or %).
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 57

In this example, a theoretical strip field has a poor Table : Targets of ordinal scale agreement using Kappa coefficients.
performance in FPD, but an optimum performance at FNG,
and a minimum performance of FNC (due to random varia- Type of recommended coefficient Optimum Minimum

tion, or possible problems with lysis of leukocytes on the κ coefficient (simple), – categories >. >.
reagent pad etc.). In this case, the “too high” sensitivity may, κ coefficient (weighted), – categories >. >.
however, not be true, but reflect delayed counting and
disruption of leukocytes in diluted urines, in addition to
random variation of the measurement. With many com- Precision and internal quality control
parisons, such as in leukocyte and erythrocyte detection, the
different principles of measurement procedure (enzyme The low positive range (1+) is more important than the high
activity vs. chamber counting) must be understood for cor- positive range (3+) in rapid examinations screening for
rect interpretation. The same applies to comparisons of positivity. It is recommended that internal quality control is
bacterial culture with chemical strips or particle counting. established by using continuous reflectance values from
reflectometers organised as Levey–Jennings quality control
charts. These allow verification of reproducibility and Concordance analysis
routine follow-up of measurements [41, 46].
Dilutions of control solutions (with buffer or pooled
Agreement of ordinal scale data should be visualised with
human negative urine) help in following performance at
cross-tabulation. In statistical analysis, the agreement ex-
low concentrations if a stable low positive control solution
pected by chance must be subtracted. One possible tool is to
is not available. However, since the pad on a test strip has
calculate Cohen’s kappa coefficient [57, 58]. It is an easily
an impact on measured reflectance, a commercial low
understandable way to show agreement between two or more
positive control solution to the corresponding reflectom-
ordinal scale categories, such as test strip results obtained
eter is preferred, because dilution of a highly positive
from two different measurement procedures. Weighted
control solution with aqueous buffers may create unex-
kappa should be calculated, when assessing agreement of
pected uncertainty.
cross-tables with four or more ordinal scale results to those
measured with a quantitative comparison procedure.
RECOMMENDATION 34: Performance of test strip
If a formal significance testing is needed, the p value
measurements is recommended to be verified against
from McNemar’s test can be calculated. Modules to calculate
quantitative measurement procedures, and monitored
simple and weighted κ (kappa) coefficients are found in
internally by using continuous reflectance values from
many existing statistical software packages. The description
reflectometers, and control solutions close to the limit of
below is intended to be a simplified explanation for labo-
positivity of each measurement. (1, B)
ratory professionals.
κ(kappa) = (Po − Pe )/(1 − Pe ) = 1 − Qo /Qe

where Po = observed probability of agreement, 5.3 Proteinuria measurements

Pe = expected probability of agreement by chance,
Qo = observed disagreement = 1 − Po, and The principal classification of proteinuria is described in
Qe = expected disagreement by chance = 1 − Pe. Section
In a 2 × 2 table, an analytical sensitivity of 90% and For many urine components, a quantitative result is
specificity of 90% result in a κ (kappa) = 0.8. needed in the diagnosis and follow-up of patients. This used
κ=0.8 means that the non-random agreement = Po − Pe to involve timed 24-h or other collections of urine with
was obtained with the examined method in 80% out of all calculated excretion rates of the analytes. As a practical
expected disagreement by chance = Qe = 1 − Pe. alternative, a reference measurement to adjust for water
A sensitivity of 80% and specificity of 80% result in κ=0.6. excretion (creatinine) is recommended, and calculation of a
A zero value means no deviation from a random distribution measurand-to-creatinine ratio as a routine measurement of
(equivalent to sensitivity of 50% and specificity of 50%). Kappa protein excretion. See Section 3.1.5 for detailed discussion.
coefficient varies between −1 (complete disagreement) and +1
(complete agreement).
For multiple (4–5) categories, the agreement should 5.3.1 Diagnostic significance of proteinuria
be calculated based on weighted Kappa coefficients. Since the
sum of expected disagreement exceeds 100% because of the In 2017, about 700 million people have been estimated to
squared weighting factors, the goal must be tighter (Table 17). suffer from chronic kidney disease (CKD) globally,
58 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

corresponding to an age-standardised prevalence of about damage in type 2 diabetes mellitus [65]. The detection of
8.7%, with a range from 5% in Western Europe to 12% in albuminuria is a risk factor in non-diabetic hypertensive
Eastern Europe and Oceania, associated with about 1.2 nephrosclerosis [66], and vascular disease [67]. Thus, mea-
million deaths annually [59]. Early detection of kidney dis- surements of albuminuria are important (1) in exploring
eases and their differentiation challenge laboratory di- possible kidney damage in all hypertensive patients, and (2)
agnostics and interdisciplinary care because [60]: in cardiovascular risk stratification of patients with chronic
– Kidney diseases are usually asymptomatic initially, and kidney disease (CKD) [68].
become diagnosed late
KDIGO classification of albuminuria is as follows [24]:
– Patients with kidney disease have an increased
morbidity and mortality already in the early stages of Normal or mildly increased albuminuria (A): <  mg/ h
their disease (equals <  mg/mmol creatinine; or <  mg/g creatinine)
– Kidney diseases diagnosed late have an increased rate of Moderately increased albuminuria (A): – mg/ h
progression (equals – mg/mmol creatinine; or – mg/g creatinine)
– High costs of treatment of end-stage renal disease (ESRD)
Severely increased albuminuria (A): >  mg/ h
may be avoided, or delayed with early intervention (equals >  mg/mmol creatinine, or >  mg/g creatinine)

KDIGO Work Group for Chronic Kidney Disease suggests

detection of CKD with measurements (1) of plasma (serum)
concentrations of creatinine or another glomerular marker Diagnostic significance of tubular proteins in
to estimate glomerular filtration rate (GFR), and (2) of uri-
addition to glomerular proteins
nary albumin/protein with the following priority [24]:
(1) urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (ACR),
Incidence of tubular diseases in end-stage renal disease
(2) urine protein-to-creatinine ratio (PCR),
(ESRD): The incidence of new end-stage renal diseases
(3) test strip urinalysis for total protein with automated
needing kidney replacement therapy (KRT) was 145 patients/
reading, or
million inhabitants/year in 2021 in Europe (range 53–283/
(4) test strip urinalysis for total protein with manual reading.
million inhabitants/year in different countries) [69]. Out of
these, 5–20 % may have been caused by tubulo-interstitial
nephropathies. Uncertainty relates to the 30% of KRT cases Total protein, albumin and other glomerular
where the primary kidney disease remained unknown, and
to combined damages of different renal compartments.
Renal tubulopathy may result from nephrotoxic medication
A recent review summarises clinical uses of glomerular
(nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, aminoglycosides, or
filtration rate (GFR) estimates and albuminuria measurements
cytostatic drugs), acute renal failure, pyelonephritis, or
in the evaluation of acute and chronic kidney diseases [61].
specific tubulopathies, e.g., due to myeloma or epidemic
Measurement of total protein excretion was traditionally used
nephropathy (Hanta virus infection). Tubulopathy finally
to detect a kidney disease. Total protein measurement fails to
appears in all advanced kidney diseases.
provide both accurate and highly sensitive screening for
CKD [62]. It is, however, useful in screening for proteinuria Detection of renal diseases with proteinuria markers:
in situations beyond albumin excretion. Glomerular ne- Quantitative measurements of both glomerular and tubular
phropathies are characterised by increased excretion of al- marker proteins are needed for sensitive detection of all
bumin, transferrin, and in the advanced stage with unselective renal disorders [70]. An increased excretion of albumin and
leakage, additionally by high molecular mass proteins such as IgG in urine, as seen in diabetes mellitus, nephrosclerosis, or
immunoglobulin G (IgG) [63]. glomerulonephritis, reflects a defect in the permselectivity of
Detection of an early glomerular disease, such as glomerular basement membrane. Low molecular mass pro-
incipient nephropathy needs a measurement of albuminuria teins, such as α1-microglobulin, ß2-microglobulin, retinol-
that is more sensitive than the traditional total protein or binding protein, and immunoglobulin light chains, are
strip test measurement. Albumin excretion rate is elevated excreted into the end urine, when the absorption capacity of
years before the reduction in glomerular filtration rate the tubular epithelium is reduced due to overload or tubular
(GFR), stressing the importance of its predictive value [64]. damage as a sign of tubular dysfunction. This occurs in
With respect to cardiovascular disease (CVD), albumin- inflammation of tubulo-interstitial space, i.e., interstitial
uria is known to be a strong predictor of cardiovascular nephritis and acute pyelonephritis, in vascular damage, or in
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 59

excretion of immunoglobulin light chains, i.e., Bence Jones complex renal diseases, but the high negative predictive
proteinuria of myeloma. Occasionally, toxic damage to the value was repeated in a study of more than 500 biopsy-
kidneys caused by administration of analgesics, cytostatic proven renal patients [74]. In a study of 65 renal patients,
drugs or aminoglycosides, or metabolic inhibition, e.g., inhi- sensitivity of urine particles was 41–50% against renal bi-
bition of tubular prenylation by statins, may cause increased opsy, while all patients were detected by specific urinary
excretion of tubular markers into urine [71]. protein measurements [75]. In addition to proteinuria, red
Pathophysiological mechanisms explain combined blood cell (RBC), white blood cell (WBC) and bacteria counts
excretion of both high and low molecular mass marker in urine are needed to detect or rule out haematuria or UTI.
proteins into urine, but different major proteins allow dif- In routine laboratory service, the tubular dysfunction
ferentiation of renal and post-renal diseases by means of marker α1-microglobulin is available for automated instru-
specific measurements from a single urine specimen [60, 72, mental platforms with computerised interpretations
73] (Table 18, and graphically in Figure 4). (Figure 5) [73, 76–78]. Elevated excretion of renal marker
Correlation of urinary protein pattern with detailed proteins is possible even when the total protein concentra-
diagnosis in renal biopsy may vary in patients with tion in urine is normal [79]. With the proposed algorithm, the
information obtained from a urine sample has increased
Table : Pathophysiological events behind different types of substantially, allowing detection and differentiation of pro-
proteinuria. teinuria, and providing suggestions for the clinical evalua-
tion of patients [80].
Type of Pathophysiological events Differentiation of proteinuria is recommended for spe-
cific patient groups in the initial diagnostics of kidney disease,
Normal (healthy Minor amounts of high molecular mass plasma pro- while estimations of GFR (eGFR) are of primary importance in
state) teins (e.g., albumin, IgG) leak through the glomerular the follow-up. Differentiation should include measurements
basement membrane, most of them being reab-
of different “guide proteins” representing defined kidney
sorbed in proximal tubuli. Despite remarkable leaks
of low molecular mass proteins (α-microglobulin and compartments (glomeruli, tubulo-interstitium), or postrenal
others) through glomerular basement membrane, bleeding, as well as measurement of creatinine in urine [73,
most of them are being reabsorbed in the tubuli. 79] (Table 19).
Prerenal Increased secretion of immunoglobulins and their
proteinuria fragments by myeloma cells results in abundant
RECOMMENDATION 35: Sensitive detection of kidney
secretion of immunoglobulin (Ig) light chains in urine
disease in high-risk groups requires measurements of both
(Bence-Jones proteinuria). A secondary albuminuria
and α-microglobulinuria derives from saturation and urine albumin, and a tubular marker in urine, such as
damage of renal tubulointestitium caused by over- α1-microglobulin, in the diagnostics of kidney disease.
flow of various Ig fragments. Measurement of urine total protein remains important in
Glomerular Major excretion of high molecular mass proteins (al- validation of specific protein measurements. Estimation of
nephropathy bumin, IgG) is caused by defective glomerular
GFR (eGFR) is of primary importance in the follow-up of the
Glomerular-tubular A combination of both glomerular and tubular ne- detected kidney disease. (1, B)
nephropathy phropathy may be observed in some types of kidney
diseases. A moderate secondary α-microglobulinuria
usually results from saturation and damage of renal Prognostic assessment of chronic kidney
tubulointerstitium caused by overflow of albumin and
Tubulointerstitial Major excretion of low molecular mass proteins (α-
nephropathy microglobulin and others) due to reduced reabsorp- Established prognostication markers of CKD are eGFR and
tion caused by tubular saturation and damage. In albuminuria of patients. Because of repeated gaps in pre-
addition, excretion of tubular damage proteins diction of progress to end-stage renal disease (ESRD), car-
(KIM- and others) is observed. Reabsorption of high diovascular disease, and mortality after accounting for eGFR
molecular mass proteins is also reduced, but excre-
and albuminuria, markers of tubular injury and dysfunction
tion of albumin and IgG remains lower than that seen
in glomerulopathies. are being investigated to elucidate their prognostic role in
Postrenal All plasma proteins leak into urine through a CKD, and predicting adverse events in acute kidney injuries
proteinuria damaged mucosal membrane of the lower urinary (AKI). The end-stage renal fibrosis occurs, anyway, in the
tract, e.g., in UTI. Concentration ratios of largest tubulointerstitial space [81, 82]. Tubular damage has been
plasma proteins (α-macroglobulin to albumin, and
assessed both by means of dysfunction markers, such as
IgG to albumin), correspond to those seen in plasma.
α1-microglobulin, β2-microglobulin [83], or retinol-binding
60 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

Normal Prerenal Glomerular Tubular Glomerular- Postrenal


Figure 4: Graphical presentation of proteinuria

types. Schematic excretion of example proteins
in the shown pathophysiological categories:
Albumin Normal, prerenal, glomerular, tubular, mixed
a1-microglobulin (glomerular + tubular), and postrenal
Immunoglobulin light chains (Bence-Jones protein) proteinuria. The coloured arrows depict
IgG excretion of the given example proteins.

Figure 5: Differentiation of proteinurias.
Specific measurements of albumin and
α1-microglobulin-to-creatinine ratios can
differentiate between (1) primary glomer-
ulopathies, (2) secondary glomerulopathies,
. and (3) tubulo-interstitial nephropathies. The
shaded area represents the health-associated
concentration ratios.

Table : Individual guide proteins for the differentiation of proteinuria. protein (RBP) [84–86], and by means of injury markers, such
as kidney injury molecule-1 (KIM-1), or neutrophil gelatinase-
Guide protein Mr Type of proteinuria: physiology, associated lipocalin (NGAL) in urine [87].
diagnostic significance Elevated urinary α1-microglobulin excretion correlates
α-Microglobulin  kDaTubular proteinuria: Restricted tubular reab- with interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy in kidney bi-
sorption, tubulointerstitial damage (nephritis, opsy after transplantation, representing chronic kidney
nephropathy) damage [88]. Increased excretion of tubular markers also
Albumin  kDa Selective or unselective (+IgG) glomerular predicts adverse effects after cardiac surgery [89]. Tubular
proteinuria: increased glomerular filtration
markers KIM-1 and NGAL in urine reflect progression of
pressure, glomerular hyperfiltration,
glomerulopathy diabetic nephropathy, but not independently of eGFR or
Immunoglobulin  kDa Unselective glomerular proteinuria: Filtration albuminuria [87]. In IgA nephropathy, urinary KIM-1 was an
G (IgG) defect; IgG/albumin quotient > ., independent prognostic factor from eGFR to predict ESRD,
glomerulopathy while α1-microglobulin excretion correlated with proteinuria
α-Macroglobulin  kDa Postrenal proteinuria: Bleeding/exudation;
[90]. In minimal change nephrotic syndrome, low level of
α-macroglobulin/albumin quotient > .
tubular proteinuria predicts a good prognosis [91].
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 61

An independent role in prognostication of CKD was not immunoglobulin light chains (in serum) and possible typing
found for urinary tubular markers KIM-1, NGAL, N-acetyl β- of the monoclonal components with immunofixation.
D-glucosaminidase (NAG) and liver fatty acid binding protein
(L-FABP) in a prospective Chronic Renal Insufficiency Cohort
Principles of measurement: Nephelometry, turbidimetry,
(CRIC) with 2,512 established CKD patients [92]. Out of
radioimmunoassay (RIA), enzyme-linked immune-sorbent
tubular injury markers KIM-1, NGAL, and NAG assessed in a
assay (ELISA), or other immunometric procedures are
meta-analysis of 29,366 participants, only urinary NGAL had
applied. Chromatographic procedures have been used for
a prognostic value for end-stage renal disease among CKD
research purposes only.
patients (Relative Risk 1.40) [93]. It is still possible that
tubular markers have a prognostic importance in specific Calibration: Because total urinary protein is an ill-defined
diseases or clinical situations causing CKD, in patients with measurand that cannot be standardized satisfactorily, a broad
incipient renal insufficiency, or in CKD cases without albu- consensus has developed over the years that total urinary
minuria [94]. protein should be replaced by urinary albumin. A separate
NIST Standard Reference Material® 3666 for urinary albumin
and creatinine is available for this purpose [104].
5.3.2 Quantitative measurement Interpretation: Measurements from single-voided urine
procedures of proteinuria specimens are recommended, adjusting the measurand
concentrations to that of urine creatinine (see Section 2.2.1). Detailed measurement procedures KDIGO classification of albuminuria [24] is quoted in Section The cut-off limit of moderately increased albumin
Total protein excretion in a single-voided, and that in a 24-h collection
Principles of measurement: Benzethonium chloride [95] correlate approximately to the cut-off in the formal timed
and trichloroacetic acid precipitation [96], dye binding albumin excretion rate as follows:
methods with Brome-phenol blue [97], Coomassie brilliant
blue [98], Ponceau red [99] and pyrogallol-red [100], nephe- Albumin excretion rate of >  μg/min (formal unit) corresponds to an
albumin-to-creatinine ratio >  mg/mmol ( mg/g in conventional units),
lometry and turbidimetry have been applied for measure-
or an albumin mass >  mg in -h collection.
ment of total protein in urine. All these methods can be
automated except the biuret examination [101]. Determina-
tion of total protein is a compromise because no procedure
Albumin-to-creatinine ratios decrease slightly with age
detects all the proteins in urine.
[105]. Albumin-to-creatinine ratio is also slightly higher in
Calibration: Calibration of total protein concentration can women than in men due to lower creatinine excretion in
be performed by using a human protein calibrator intended women. The average biological intra-individual coefficient
for concentrations found in human urine, traced back to the of variation of albumin excretion from day to day is
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), approximately 20–30%, and appears larger in diabetic ne-
Standard Reference Material® (SRM) 927f for protein quan- phropathy and other renal patients [106, 107]. Diagnostic
titation [102]. decisions should not be based on a single measurement due
to this variability, especially in borderlines of diagnostic
Interpretation, upper reference limits (URL) in health:
Because of dependency on measurement procedure, several
URL are cited. As a practical consensus of URL, 150 mg/day is α1-Microglobulin (also called protein HC)
recommended [103]. Principles of measurement: Nephelometry, turbidimetry,
Measurements of urinary total protein are traditionally RIA and ELISA with polyclonal antibodies are commonly
used as a cheap method to screen or follow-up a kidney used.
disease. Increased excretion of immunoglobulin light chains
Calibration: Measurement of α1-microglobulin or protein
in urine (Bence Jones proteinuria) is also detected with
HC concentration has not been standardized yet. An inter-
measurements of urinary total protein. As a plausibility test,
national calibrator is highly desirable.
measured sum of excretions of specific proteins, i.e., those of
albumin and α1-microglobulin may be compared with Interpretation: The within-subject coefficient of variation
excretion of total protein to reveal a possible protein gap that of healthy individuals is 20% on average between days [106].
should be confirmed by specific measurements of free α1-microglobulin (30–33 kDa) is produced in the liver and
62 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

lymphocytes. This glycoprotein appears in serum in free 5.3.3 Performance specifications of

(50%), albumin bound (< 10%) and IgA-bound forms (40%). quantitative proteinuria
Only the free form is filtered and reabsorbed in the proximal
tubule at > 99%. Increased concentrations in the urine are
found in tubulo-interstitial dysfunction or in nephropathies
For urine chemistry, a proposal for analytical performance
(Figure 4).
specification should be adjusted to reflect changes in path-
ological states that appear exponential as compared to the Health-associated upper reference limits of urine low, or almost negative concentrations seen in health. Since
proteins the same measurement is often used for both monitoring
and diagnostic testing, the quality criteria should satisfy
The health-associated upper reference limits (URL) shown both needs.
for excreted urine proteins quote references [106] and [108]
Analytical performance specifications (APS)
(Table 20). These point estimates have wide confidence in-
Analytical performance specifications should consider
tervals due to skewed distributions of values.
within-subject biological variation of urine constituents, and
clinical needs. A diagnostic classification of albuminuria has
limits of 30 and 300 mg/L albumin (corresponding arbitrarily
Table : Upper % health-related reference limits (URL) for protein-
to 3 and 30 mg/mmol albumin-to-creatinine ratio). Clinical
creatinine ratios in urine.
need is suggested to be at least a differentiation between 30
Protein Type of Upper % Upper % refer-
and 100 mg/L albumin (70/30= +230% difference) [110]. In
specimen reference limit ence limit (mg/g monitoring of patients, the total diagnostic uncertainty of
(mg/mmol creatinine; con- two laboratory results should allow detection of a two- to
creatinine; SI ventional unit) threefold change (+100% to +200%).
unit) The provisional clinically acceptable APS for quantita-
Total protein Second morning a a tive urine albumin measurements at moderate albuminuria
Albumin First morning .  range is shown in Table 22.
IgG First morning . 
α-microglobulin First morning . 
Turbidometric trichloroacetic acid precipitation method.

Table : Analytical performance specification for albumin in urine.

As a practical estimate, a 95% URL for protein-to-
creatinine ratio is 10 mg/mmol or 100 mg/g creatinine inde- Optimum Minimum
pendently of measurement principle, as calculated from the Albumin, analytical uncertainty at – mg/L <% <%
consensus limit of 150 mg protein/day (see Section
Variability in the physiological excretion of renal
marker proteins between day and night are important to
know, when assessing orthostatic or exercise-related pro- 5.4 Quantitative measurements of
teinuria. Differences in the upper health-related 95% refer-
ence limits between nightly and daily albumin-to-creatinine volume rate (diuresis)
ratios are shown in Table 21. Similar estimates of nightly and
daily excretion of α1-microglobulin and IgG for females and 5.4.1 Diagnostic significance of volume rate
males are also published [109]. measurements

Concentration of urine is important to consider in diseases of

Table : Albumin-to-creatinine ratio in collections of night and daytime
urine. Upper health-related % reference limits with % confidence
both kidneys and lower urinary tract, since measured con-
intervals (CI). centrations of both formed elements and dissolved chemical
constituents in urine depend on diuresis (volume rate of
Night urine Females . mg/mmol (.–. mg/mmol, % CI) water). Mass excretion rates of diagnostics measurands have
Males . mg/mmol (.–. mg/mmol; % CI) classically been adjusted over a defined collection period, but
Day urine Females . mg/mmol (.–. mg/mmol,  % CI)
currently more practically, by using measurand-to-reference
Males . mg/mmol (.–. mg/mmol, % CI)
ratios from single-voided specimens (see Section 2.2.1).
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 63

Strip tests for urine density were described in Section may work better than muscle mass-dependent creatinine in
5.2.2. When assessing urine concentration in specific di- adjusting excretion of occupational toxic substances among
agnostics of water and electrolyte disorders, hypothalamic or healthy individuals [119].
kidney function, quantitative measurements are required. Creatinine Osmolality
Creatinine is secreted tubularly up to a maximum of about
Renal concentrating capacity is a key function of renal tubuli
10%. Tubular secretion increases in parallel with renal
and interstitium, guided by arginine-vasopressin hormone
function impairment in a compensatory manner. Serum or
[111]. The recommended quantity related to volume rate
plasma creatinine is measured as falsely high if its tubular
(diuresis) is urine osmolality, representing the combined
secretion is inhibited, e.g., by drugs (including trimethoprim,
solutes in urine. Urine osmolality is dependent on diet and
cimetidine, fenofibrate, ritonavir, hydroxycarbamide).
ingestion of salts. Correction of diuresis using urinary creatinine concen-
Osmolality is particularly important for basic di-
tration to calculate measurand-to-creatinine ratios has gained
agnostics of water and electrolyte disorders [112], and dia-
general acceptance despite its theoretical problems [24].
betes insipidus [113]. Osmolality should be measured as well,
Creatinine excretion suffers from inaccuracies related to
when other measurands in urine need to be related to
body weight, age, gender, and tubular secretion in uraemia
excretion of water, but the other analytes of volume rate are
[120]. Chronic diseases, such as hypo- and hyperthyroidism,
less accurate. Because a separate instrument is required for
may also affect it. Moreover, high-protein meals, physical
osmolality measurements, measurand-to-osmolality ratios
exercise [24], and large doses of creatine supplementation (in
have not become a routine. In specific cases, e.g., under
athletics) increase excretion of creatinine into urine [121].
parenteral nutrition, an improved accuracy of urine con-
The accuracy of measurand-to-creatinine ratios is,
centration is, however, obtained by osmolality measure- however, clinically sufficient to be used as part of routine
ments (see also Section quantitative measurements from single-voided urine speci-
mens from clinical patient groups to large epidemiological Relative density (official term: Relative volumic studies [24, 122], instead of timed collections of overnight or
mass) 24-h urine specimens (see Section 2.2.1).
(old term: Specific gravity)

Relative density is officially named by the IFCC-IUPAC Conductivity

Committee for Nomenclature of Properties and Units, C-NPU,
as Relative volumic mass, NPU03694, with the following Conductivity is a new analyte that was brought to clinical
description: Pt-Urine; Relative volumic mass, ratio of patient laboratories with novel instruments. It is related to osmolality
urine at 20 °C to that of water, 20 °C; procedure defined units, since both are dependent on concentration of salts in urine.
e.g. any proprietary unit not traceable to an international Conductivity seems to correlate to osmolality even better than
certified reference material. The C-NPU has made their codes creatinine [49, 123]. It serves as an estimate of urine osmolality
publicly available [114–116]. Because of its rare use in clinical together with the concentrations of urine particles.
laboratories yet, the conventional term “relative density” is
still repeated in this guideline. The old term specific gravity
is no more recommended. Since the reference density 5.4.2 Measurement procedures of volume
(reference volumic mass) is the density of water at +20 °C, no rate (or urine concentration)
practical difference between density and relative density of
urine exists in clinical medicine. Creatinine
Urine relative density is closely related to osmolality
[117]. The correlation between relative density (relative Principles of measurement
volumic mass) and osmolality decreases, however, in disease Methods based on the Jaffe reaction are recommended to be
because relative density depends on the concentration of replaced with more specific enzymatic methods to improve
electrolytes, glucose, phosphate, carbonate and occasionally standardisation of results [124]. Gas chromatography-mass
excreted iodine-containing radiocontrast media (after spectrometry (GC-MS) or liquid chromatography followed by
radiological investigations), while osmolality is dependent mass spectrometry (LC-MS) is used in the reference mea-
on urea, ammonia and electrolytes [49, 118]. Relative density surement procedures [125].
64 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

Calibration weighing out accurately known volumes of pooled human

Calibration of creatinine measurement is recommended to be urine. In this way, refractometers and related instruments
performed using the specific urine calibrator for urine albu- can be adjusted using a calibrated balance.
min and creatinine Standard Reference Material® 3666 [104].
Principles of measurement
Measuring principles include urinometry, refractometry,
Creatinine in 24-h urine, 95% central health-related refer-
oscillometry and test strips. It is to be noted that there are
ence intervals [126]:
marked differences in the accuracy of these methods [117].
Adults(n=): – mmol (SI Unit), with a median of  mmol
or .–. g (conventional unit), with a median of . g Interpretation
Men (n=): – mmol, with a median of  mmol Relative density is primarily a function of glucose, phos-
Women (n=): – mmol, with a median of  mmol phate, and carbonate.
For human urine, the values are within the interval of
Creatinine excretion rate depends on muscle mass. Creati- 1.003–1.035. Morning urine of healthy individuals has a
nine is almost entirely filtered by the glomeruli and only relative density of 1.020 or more after overnight restriction
traces are secreted by the tubules. The fraction of tubular of fluid intake. Isotonic range in chronic renal failure cor-
secretion increases, however, with reduced glomerular responds to relative densities 1.010–1.012 [117].
filtration rate. For clinical interpretation, see Section Conductivity Osmolality
Conductometry of urine (measured as a current flow be-
Principles of measurement tween two electrodes) has become easily available with
Osmometry follows directly the definition of osmolality: it is urine flow cytometres [127, 128]. Since the number of charges
based on either a decrease in freezing point or an increase in in urine (the ionic strength) is related to urine concentration,
the evaporation point of solutions. the conductivity is also related with water excretion.
A benefit of urine conductivity is that it is insensitive to the
Interpretation contribution of uncharged particles and the presence of
Osmolality in 24-h urine collection, freezing point procedure, X-ray contrast media into urine concentration. Diet-
95% central health-related reference interval [126]. dependent intake affects the excretion of salt from healthy
individuals as well as from patients.
Adults (n=): –, with a median of  mOsm/kg HO
Men (n=): –, with a median of  mOsm/kg HO RECOMMENDATION 36: Physiological and biochemical limits
Women (n=): –, with a median of  mOsm/kg HO
of each measurand for urine concentration (volume rate) need
to be considered when interpreting them clinically. (1, B)
Urea, ammonia and monovalent ions are mostly responsible
for urine osmolality.
With the maximum antidiuresis the urine reaches an
osmolality of about 1200 mOsm/kg H2O. Maximal diuresis
5.5 Diagnostics of renal stone
may result in an osmolality as low as 50 mOsm/kg H2O [117]. formers
The concentrated morning urine after an overnight restric-
tion of fluid intake reaches an osmolality of at least 700 5.5.1 Diagnostic strategy
mOsm/kg H2O in healthy individuals. In chronic renal fail-
ure, the urine remains isotonic within the range of 300–350 The primary diagnostics of renal stone disease should be
mOsm/kg H2O. based on X-ray diffraction or infrared spectroscopy of the
stones [129]. The different stone types include the following: Relative density (official term: Relative volumic – calcium oxalate, monohydrate and dihydrate, calcium
mass) phosphate
– uric acid, ammonium urate
Calibration – magnesium ammonium phosphate (struvite), and
Relative density measurement can be calibrated in practice infection stones
by measuring densities of pooled human urine, i.e., by – cysteine, xanthine and 2,8-dihydroxyadenine
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 65

– drug stones Out of the listed measurands, analysis of ammonia is

– stones of unknown composition difficult to outsource to specialised laboratories. A direct
ammonium measurement would improve assessment of
In emergency cases, the following urinary findings are acid excretion from kidneys, and diagnostics of various
essential: detection of haematuria, possible UTI and excreted forms of renal tubular acidosis [134, 135].
urinary particles. Imaging of the patient provides initial di- Detailed instructions for specimen collection are
agnostics of the stone, and possible location and size for described in Annex I, I.1, and preservation in Annex I, I.2.
initial treatment. Acidification of 24-h collections is recommended to be car-
Only high-risk stone formers require specific metabolic ried out after the collection in laboratories only, to avoid
evaluation. All children with kidney stones belong to the chemical hazards at patients’ homes [136].
high-risk group. Compliance and motivation of the patient or Dietary background must be known and understood
her/his guardian needs to be discussed for optimal results in when interpreting quantitative excretions of metabolites in
treatment efforts. The European Association of Urology urine. Therapeutic approaches are dependent on the avail-
(EAU) Guideline on Urolithiasis contains both detailed di- ability of therapeutic possibilities and motivation of the
agnostics and treatment advice to different patient groups patient [137, 138].
suffering from renal stones [130]. A parallel Canadian uro-
logical guideline also exists [131]. RECOMMENDATION 38: Preservation of measurands
related to renal stones is no more recommended for 24-h
RECOMMENDATION 37: The EFLM European Urinalysis urine collections by patients at home. Additions of
Guideline endorses the diagnostic strategy for renal stone preservatives may be needed after receiving the specimen at
formers given by the European Association of Urology on the laboratory, depending on local preanalytical processes.
Urolithiasis. (1, B) (1, A)

Microscopic analysis of urinary crystals is valuable in spe-

cific cases of renal stone formers, as discussed in Section 6
5.5.2 Details of measurements from
on Particle analysis.
specimens of renal stone formers

Initial measurements of serum (or plasma) concentrations 5.6 New markers for non-infectious
of intact parathormone, calcium, urate, inorganic phos-
phate, and creatinine or cystatin C (to estimate GFR) are of diseases of kidneys
value, as well as examination of acid-base homeostasis, to
allow a general assessment and separate diagnostics of 5.6.1 Significance of new kidney disease
hyperparathyroidism, renal tubular acidosis or other markers
The important measurands in 24-h urine collections Prognostic markers of chronic kidney disease were already
from patients with specific metabolic evaluation are sug- discussed in Section For diagnostics of acute kidney
gested to include at least excreted daily volume, relative injury or prognostic assessment to a chronic disease,
density, pH, creatinine, calcium, oxalate, urate/uric acid, numerous new “cellular and humoral” components have
citrate, magnesium, inorganic phosphate, ammonium, and been described in urine and serum. Determination of these
cystine (or amino acid analysis), and possibly sodium and markers should help to detect kidney disease early, specif-
potassium, as specifically indicated [130]. ically and with little effort [139–142]. Prognostic evaluation
Two consecutive 24-h collections reduce intra- and potential treatment success should also be recognisable
individual biological variation of results if practically from the dynamics of relevant markers in the clinical follow-
amenable [131, 132]. Age-specific measurand-to-creatinine up [143, 144].
ratios provide estimates of daily excretion rates in diffi-
culties with timed collections [130]. The EAU guideline also Investigated biomarkers
provides therapeutic decision limits based on concentra-
tions of urinary risk factors to kidney stones. A selective New markers have been proposed within genomics [145,
targeted approach based on the found risk factor is probably 146], transcriptomics [147–149], proteomics [144, 150–152],
more fruitful than a non-selective approach [133]. metabolomics, micro-RNAs, and free/modified DNA [148].
66 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

Some new polypeptide or protein markers have also Detection of acute kidney injury during
been reported. None of these markers is established for operations, intensive care, and drug treatment
clinical use yet. The compiled table divides these suggested
biomarkers into functional and structural markers, Detection of AKI during major operations or intensive care
with elevated excretion usually reflecting kidney injury periods, or following a drug treatment has a special impor-
(Table 23). In contrast to the other proposed markers of tance because of its marked impact in patient prognosis. This
kidney damage, urinary uromodulin may be a functional section reviews some existing clinical studies.
renoprotective marker in diverse clinical situations, pre- Urine Neutrophil Gelatinase–Associated Lipocalin,
venting AKI after cardiac surgery or progress of CKD of NGAL, is a predictive biomarker for AKI after paediatric
different etiologies [153]. cardiac surgery. It may permit earlier intervention and
improved outcome from AKI. Urine NGAL-to-creatinine ratio
improves prediction of AKI severity, but offers no advantage
Table : Urine protein or peptide biomarkers suggested for acute or
in the diagnosis of AKI [166]. In a meta-analysis of patients
progressive chronic kidney disease. Clinical associations and other re- submitted to cardiac surgery, the pooled sensitivity of NGAL
marks are given in brackets. for the diagnosis of AKI was 0.68, and the specificity was 0.79
[167]. It should be noted that also leukocytes contain NGAL,
Marker References which is why urinary tract infections should be considered
Functional markers when interpreting elevated NGAL concentrations in urine
α-Microglobulin, other microproteins (tubular damage, []
Urinary NGAL and Liver-type Fatty Acid Binding Pro-
reduced tubular reabsorption)
CKD classifier (selective group of marker peptides for [] tein, L-FABP, have been shown to detect injuries of the renal
kidney damage) tubular system in a cross-sectional study of several clinical
Uromodulin (increased risk for AKI or CKD with decreased [] conditions. L-FABP showed a better diagnostic performance
excretion) and a lower interference by leukocyturia and hematuria
Structural markers than NGAL [169].
Urinary Kidney injury molecule-1, KIM-1, and Cystatin C
Microvillous membrane proteins/exosomes (proximal [, ]
and NGAL can predict platinum-induced AKI in earlier
tubule); renal tissue proteins/epitopes of distal tubules or
collecting ducts (tubular damage, increased elimination) stages than serum creatinine. KIM-1 was the most sensitive
Soluble CD in glomerulus (minimal change GN, relapses) [, ] biomarker for early detection of AKI in patients treated for
DKK=Dickkopf-related protein  (tubulointerstitium; [, ] their bronchopulmonary dysplasia [139].
increase in fibrosis) A recent marker in urine for predicting progression to
IL-=interleukin , including cytokines/chemokines (kidney []
end-stage renal disease might be the Dickkopf-related pro-
inflammation, infiltrates)
tein 3, DKK3, shown in renal tubulointerstitium [158].
L-FABP=liver-type fatty acid-binding protein- (tubular []
damage) Further studies are still needed to clarify its clinical value as
KIM-=kidney injury molecule- (tubular injury) [] well.
NGAL, neutrophil-gelatinase-associated lipocalin, plasma and [] Levels of Urine Insulin-like Growth Factor-Binding Pro-
urine (tubular injury) tein 7, IGFBP7, measured at admission and in the follow-up of
NEP, neprilysin (diabetic nephropathy) []
patients in intensive care unit (ICU) can be used as a
TIMP- × IGFBP-=product of tissue inhibitor of metal- [, ]
loproteinase- × insulin-like growth factor binding protein- biomarker for the early diagnosis of septic AKI development
(tubular injury) before being affected by sepsis (with an AUC=0.79) [170].
TNF-α and IL- (interstitial inflammation) [] A combination (product) of two urinary biomarkers,
Mitochondrial DNA (metabolic, oxidative cell damage) [] Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinases-2, TIMP-2, and IGFBP7,
EGF (epidermal growth factor) decreased concentration []
calculated as [TIMP-2] * [IGFBP7], has been used to identify
(tubule damage, tubular atrophy)
patients at high risk to AKI in ICU. Numerous clinical studies
Soluble CD (sCD) increased concentration (AKI, acute [, ]
GN, LE nephritis, ANCA associated GN) have evaluated the utility of several biomarkers, e.g., NGAL,
Active ANCA GN; elevated [] L-FABP, interleukin-18, KIM-1, and cystatin C, in the early
diagnosis and risk stratification of AKI. Among these bio-
AKI, acute kidney injury; ANCA, anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody; GN,
glomerunephritis. markers, [TIMP-2] * [IGFBP7] has been shown to be superior
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 67

in early detection of AKI, before the decrease of renal function 5.7 Recommendations for
is evident. Several clinical studies are evaluating its applica-
tion, interpretation and measurements in different clinical chemistry
settings [163, 171].
Only limited number of systematic reviews or meta-
No. Recommendations SoR (–), Section
analyses on clinical studies exist so far, and only on some of
and discussed
the listed markers. The new urine biomarkers NGAL, KIM-1, LoE (A–D)a
L-FABP, and [TIMP-2] * [IGFBP2] have not reached the
 Multiple (multiproperty) test strips are still , A ..
diagnostic performance criteria (sensitivity, specificity) for
recommended as screening tools for routine
routine clinical use [172–176]. Further studies are needed to patient populations because of their cost-
establish their medical benefits. efficiency. Conventional strip tests are NOT
Diagnostic tests for AKI in the ICU may offer a potential sensitive enough for diagnostics of patients
to improve patient care, but cost-effectiveness remains with high-risk to kidney disease (patients
with diabetes or cardiovascular diseases), or
highly uncertain. Further research should focus also on the
complicated UTI patients.
mechanisms by which a new test might change current care  No laboratory tests are recommended for , A ...
processes in the ICU and the subsequent cost and quality- otherwise healthy non-pregnant female pa-
associated life years (QALY) implications, to justify adoption tients with sporadic symptoms of uncom-
in clinical practice [177]. plicated lower UTI.
 Rapid tests to detect UTI should include tests , A ...
for detection of both leukocytes and
 Rapid tests are recommended to be reques- , A ...
5.6.2 Application of matrix-assisted laser ted from elderly patients after a clinical
desorption ionization time-of-flight intention to treat only because of a high
mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) prevalence of asymptomatic bacteriuria.
 Concentration of urine is valuable in inter- , B ...
pretation of urine specimens of paediatric
In recent years, the differentiation of polypeptides in urine patients, to alert of dilute specimens.
has opened up new diagnostic possibilities. By means of  Sensitive albuminuria screening for incipient , B ...
capillary electrophoresis and subsequent mass spectrom- chronic nephropathy is not recommended at
etry, e.g., MALDI-TOF MS, more than 2,000 different poly- an epidemiological level because of costs of
follow-up investigations. A targeted
peptides have been differentiated in urine. Typical patterns
screening of high-risk patient populations
characterise various kidney diseases. In addition to IgA ne- (e.g., patients with diabetes and cardiovas-
phropathy, an early diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy has cular diseases) is recommended.
also been described. One of the focuses is a profile of 273  Urine concentration is recommended to be , B ...
peptides (so-called CKD273 proteome classifier) that varies reported together with all chemical and
particle examinations from single-voided
depending on the underlying disease [178].
urine specimens.
Certain protein or peptide patterns, or protein frag-  Plasma hydroxybutyrate measurements are , B ...
ments within an overall profile (so-called “multimarker recommended for the follow-up of coma-
patterns”) are associated with the progression of kidney tose ketoacidosis patients instead of urine
disease, or should also provide indications for more strip tests.
 From specimens of intensive care and in- , B ...
favourable disease courses. “Proteomics” from urine sam-
patient groups with needs of improved ac-
ples merge smoothly with aspects of “metabolomics”, “ge- curacy, urine concentration is suggested to
nomics” and other “omics”. Analysis of proteomics in urine be measured by using refractometry or
has not yet been established for routine use. osmolality.
68 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

(continued) 2. Kutter D. Schnelltests in der Klinischen Diagnostik, 2. Auflage. München-

Wien-Baltimore: Urban und Schwarzenberg; 1983 [German].
No. Recommendations SoR (–), Section 3. Fogazzi GB, Garigali G. Collection, preparation and examination of the
and discussed samples, and report of the urinary findings. In: Fogazzi GB, editor. The
LoE (A–D)a urinary sediment. An integrated view, 3rd ed. Milan: Elsevier; 2010:
19–40 pp.
 Urine strip tests are recommended to be , A ... 4. MedlinePlus Website. Urine – abnormal color. https://medlineplus.
read with instruments both in laboratories gov/ency/article/003139.htm [Accessed 23 Oct 2023].
and points-of-care, using qualified proced- 5. Mayo Clinic. Symptoms. Urine odor.
ures to avoid human errors in measurement symptoms/urine-odor/basics/causes/sym-20050704 [Accessed 23 Oct
or interpretation of results. 2023].
 Performance of test strip measurements is , B .. 6. National Health Service (NHS). Health A–Z. Smelly urine. https://www.
recommended to be verified against quan- [Accessed 23 Oct 2023].
titative measurement procedures and 7. BIPM, IEC, IFCC, ILAC, ISO, IUPAC, IUPAP, and OIML. International
monitored internally by using continuous vocabulary of metrology – basic and general concepts and associated
reflectance values from reflectometers, and terms (VIM). Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology, JCGM 200:2012,
control solutions close to the limit of posi- 3rd ed.
tivity of each measurement. [Accessed 8 Nov 2023].
 Sensitive detection of kidney disease in high- , B ... 8. Bonkat G, Bartoletti R, Bruyère F, Cai T, Geerlings SE, Köves B, et al.
risk groups requires measurements of both EAU guidelines: urological infections [The Full Text Online]. Arnhem,
urine albumin, and a tubular marker in The Netherlands: EAU Guidelines Office; 2023.
urine, such as α-microglobulin, in the di- guideline/urological-infections [Accessed 1 Aug 2023].
agnostics of kidney disease. Measurement 9. Leitlinienprogramm DGU (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Urologie).
of urine total protein remains important in Interdisziplinäre S3 Leitlinie: Epidemiologie, Diagnostik, Therapie,
validation of specific protein measurements. Prävention und Management unkomplizierter, bakterieller, ambulant
Estimation of GFR (eGFR) is of primary erworbener Harnwegsinfektionen bei erwachsenen Patienten.
importance in the follow-up of the detected Langversion 1.1-2, 2017 [German] Chair: Wagenlehner F. AWMF
kidney disease. Registernummer: 043/044.
 Physiological and biochemical limits of each , B .. 043-044.html [Accessed 7 Nov 2023].
measurand for urine concentration (volume 10. Subcommittee on Urinary Tract Infection for American Academy of
rate) need to be considered when inter- Pediatrics. Urinary tract infection: clinical practice guideline for the
preting them clinically. diagnosis and management of the initial UTI in febrile infants and
 The EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline , B .. children 2 to 24 months. Pediatrics 2011;128:595–610.
endorses the diagnostic strategy for renal 11. Pfaller M, Ringenberg B, Rames L, Hegeman J, Koontz F. The
stone formers given by the European Asso- usefulness of screening tests for pyuria in combination with culture in
ciation of Urology on Urolithiasis. the diagnosis of urinary tract infection. Diagn Microbiol Infect Dis
 Preservation of measurands related to renal , A .. 1987;6:207–15.
stones is no more recommended for -h 12. Foudraine DE, Bauer MP, Russcher A, Kusters E, Cobbaert CM,
urine collections by patients at home. Addi- van der Beek MT, et al. Use of automated urine microscopy analysis in
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depending on local preanalytical processes. Microbiol 2018;56:e02030-17.
13. Devillé WLJM, Yzermans JC, van Duijn NP, Bezemer PD,
Strengths of Recommendations (SoR) are: =strong, =weak van der Windt DAWM, Bouter LM. The urine dipstick test useful to rule
recommendation. Levels of Evidence (LoE) are: A=high, B=moderate, C=low out infections. A meta-analysis of the accuracy. BMC Urol 2004;4:4.
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74 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

Timo Kouri*, Rosanna Falbo and Matthijs Oyaert

6 Particles
or follow-up kidney diseases [3, 4]. The development of
List of abbreviations, Particles automated particle analysers has brought a new level of
accuracy to urine particle analysis [5]. In addition to speci-
APS, analytical performance specification; CAAPS, clini-
fying particles indicating a renal disease, urine particle
cally acceptable analytical performance specification; CFB,
analysis provides rapid diagnostics of UTI and haematuria,
Colony-forming bacteria; CFU, colony-forming unit; CLSI,
and is affordable in different health care environments.
Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute; CV, coefficient of
Morphological features of urine particles are described in
variation; often used to express imprecision of results; CVA,
the Annex II, Table 41 by using phase contrast microscopy
(coefficient of) analytical variation; CVD, (coefficient of)
strongly recommended by these guidelines [6]. Additional dif-
diagnostic variation; CVI, (coefficient of) intra-individual
ferentiation by supravital staining methods, such as Stern-
biological variation; CVPRE, (coefficient of) preanalytical
heimer staining [7], is also shown in the Annex II, Table 42.
(technical) variation; DHA, dihydroxyadenine (crystals);
EFLM, European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and
Laboratory Medicine; ICSH, International Committee for Pyuria and urinary microbes
Standardization in Hematology; ISO, International Orga-
nisation for Standardization; IVDR, In Vitro Diagnostic Leukocytes (WBC, white blood cells)
Medical Device Regulation; JCGM, Joint Committee for The most frequent leukocytes found in urine are poly-
Guides in Metrology; R(CV), relative coefficient of variation; morphonuclear neutrophilic granulocytes. Granulocytes are
ratio between observed-to-theoretical variation; RBC, most frequently detected in the urine of patients with uri-
Red blood cells; RTC, renal tubular (epithelial) cells; s(n), nary tract infections together with bacteria [1, 8]. They are
standard deviation (of n observations); SEC, squamous excreted into urine also with other formed elements, in
epithelial cells; SI, International System of Units; TEC, other inflammatory states, such as active proliferative
transitional epithelial cells; UFC, urine flow cytometry; UTI, glomerular diseases, acute interstitial nephritis, in which
urinary tract infection; VIM, International Vocabulary of they are the most frequent element, and in urological dis-
Metrological Terms; WBC, white blood cells. orders [9]. Leukocytes degenerate or lyse easily in low-
density urine, in inflammatory specimens, or after delayed
examination [10].

6.1 Clinically significant particles in Microbes

Bacteria may be seen on visual bright-field microscopy.
urine They are particularly visible with phase-contrast optics.
Rods are typically identifiable, but cocci may be confused
6.1.1 Urinary particles with diagnostic
with salt precipitates if they are not motile. Automated
significance particle analysers have been improved in their ability to
detect bacteria allowing the ruling out of bacteriuria for
Urine particles are traditionally used to detect urinary tract general patient populations (see Section Challenges
infections, i.e., pyuria and bacteriuria [1], and haematuria to detect bacteria remain for uropathogens below 104 colony-
[2]. Microscopy of urine particles is specifically used to detect forming units (CFU)/mL – equivalent to 107 colony-forming
bacteria (CFB)/L in culture – suggesting specific analytical
*Corresponding author: Timo Kouri, Department of Clinical Chemistry, workflows for specimens investigated for significant
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; and HUSLAB, HUS Diagnostic Center, bacteriuria at 102–103 CFU/mL level, corresponding to
Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa, 00014 Helsinki, Finland, 105–106 CFB/L [11].
E-mail: A Gram stain of urinary samples as screening technique
Rosanna Falbo, University Department of Laboratory Medicine, ASST
for UTI is labour-intensive and requires experience. There-
Brianza, Pio XI Hospital, 20832 Desio (MB), Italy.
fore, it is no longer recommended for routine detection of
Matthijs Oyaert, Department of Laboratory Medicine, University Hospital urinary bacteria [12]. See Section for description of
Ghent, 9000 Ghent, Belgium. some specific bacteriological needs.
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 75

Other microorganisms that may be found in urine: The clinical value of RBC morphology is related to pa-
– Fungi. On most occasions, they are due to vaginal tients with persistent isolated haematuria, because dys-
contamination in specimen collection, although they morphism guides the subsequent diagnostics towards
may represent true kidney infection in chronically urological or nephrological disease [25, 26].
debilitated or immunosuppressed patients.
– Protozoa. Trichomonas vaginalis is found in urine as a Epithelial cells
consequence of genital contamination.
– Helminths. The diagnosis of parasitic infestation by Released epithelial cells in the urine may help to localize
Schistosoma haematobium relies on the observation of the urinary tract diseases according to their origin.
eggs in the urine. Occasionally, eggs of Enterobius ver-
micularis may be seen in paediatric urine specimens [9]. Squamous epithelial cells (SEC)
Squamous cells derive from the urethra and vagina. During
pregnancy, their exfoliation is increased. The presence of
Macrophages (histiocytes): Macrophages (mononuclear squamous epithelial cells has traditionally been associated to
phagocytes, histiocytes) appear fairly often in the urine of unsuccessful urine mid-stream collection, predicting poly-
patients with urinary tract infection without established microbial growth in culture [27]. Most recent assessments have
clinical significance. It is suggested that they reflect inflam- shown that the correlation of squamous cells with poly-
matory activity of renal disease, as detected with specific microbial growth is not strong enough to support their use for
immunostaining [13, 14]. In heavy proteinuria, they may be either ruling in or ruling out contaminated samples [28–31].
loaded with lipids together with renal tubular cells, both
lipid-laden cells called “oval fat bodies”. Transitional epithelial (urothelial) cells (TEC)
The urinary tract is mostly covered by a multi-layered
Lymphocytes epithelium with a variable number of cellular layers, called
The appearance of lymphocytes in urine is associated with transitional epithelium that goes from the calyces of the
chronic inflammatory conditions, viral diseases, and renal renal pelvis to the bladder in the female, and to the proximal
transplant rejection [15]. urethra in the male. Transitional epithelium, also called
Eosinophils uroepithelium or urothelium, may be divided into superfi-
In the past, determination of eosinophil granulocytes was cial and deep cells, with intermediate forms [32]. Deep uro-
suggested for the diagnosis of acute kidney injury (AKI) or thelial cells are usually associated with ureteric stones,
interstitial nephritis. They are no more considered specific urothelial carcinoma, or hydronephrosis.
for these pathological conditions [16, 17]. Reporting eosino- Urinary cytology in detection of urothelial cancer
phils in urine is therefore not clinically useful. The examination of voided urine specimens for exfoliated
cancer cells has a high sensitivity in high-grade tumours, but Haematuria a low sensitivity in low-grade tumours. The sensitivity in
carcinoma in situ detection may be less than 50 %. Cytology is
Erythrocytes (RBC, red blood cells) useful as an adjunct to cystoscopy, but it is not designed to
The appearance of red blood cells in urine generally reflects detect low-grade tumours. A negative cytology does not
origin of bleeding: dysmorphic erythrocytes suggest glomer- exclude the presence of a urothelial cancer [33].
ular disease, whereas red blood cells with normal morphology Atypical forms of urothelial cells are an incidental
usually arise from the lower urinary tract [2, 18, 19]. A subgroup finding with phase-contrast or rapid supravital techniques
of abnormally shaped red blood cells, acanthocytes or G1 cells in routine urinalysis [34, 35]. Automated urinalysis in-
(=ring-shaped cells with blebs), has been described [20–22]. struments may also help in identifying markedly atypical
Phase-contrast microscopy clearly visualizes the acanthocytes urothelial cells [36–38]. General laboratories examining
that are important in establishing glomerular haematuria [20, urine cells at an advanced level may report a suspicion of
23, 24]. atypical or malignant cells [39] as agreed within the local
Haematuria remains a major sign of disease in urinary cytopathology laboratory.
tract or kidneys. It may also reflect a general bleeding ten- Generally applicable tumour cell markers for clinical
dency. Haematuria due to physiological reasons (strenuous diagnostics are still under development [40]. Diagnosis and
exercise) or vaginal contamination (menstruation) should be follow-up of patients with urothelial cancers should be un-
avoided with careful patient preparation. dertaken by experienced cytopathologists from specifically
76 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

collected specimens (usually, a second morning urine after a reflect the presence of renal disease, but hyaline casts may
2-h incubation in bladder, using specific fixatives). Labora- also reflect physiological conditions [50].
tories devoted to cancer cells look at the surface of urinary Within casts, plasma proteins, lipids, different types of
cells and check for certain expression profiles or certain cells, microorganisms (bacteria or yeasts), pigments (hae-
clusters of molecular differentiation markers [41]. moglobin, myoglobin, bilirubin) and crystals may be found.
The inclusions inside the casts describe different pathoge-
netic subtypes as described below. Detection of kidney disease with urinary particles
Hyaline casts: They are found in both renal parenchymal
Sensitivity and specificity to detect a kidney disease by diseases and also in normal subjects, such as in concentrated
means of urine particles depends on the type and clinical morning urine, during dehydration, or after strenuous ex-
phase of each disease. Urine particles have been compared ercise of healthy individuals.
with new biomarkers in detection of acute kidney injury
(AKI) [42]. The sensitivity of urine particles in detecting Granular casts: They suggest the presence of a renal disease
kidney disease is generally lower but the specificity is higher or stasis in urine flow.
than that of protein markers [4, 43]. Patients with chronic Waxy casts: They are found in patients with chronic renal
proliferative glomerulonephritis have a higher prevalence insufficiency or failure.
of urinary particles than those with non-proliferative
glomerulonephritides [44]. The worsening of AKI in hospi- Fatty casts: They are typical in patients with heavy pro-
talised patients may be predicted by the presence of renal teinuria associated with lipoprotein excretion into urine. See
tubular cells or casts in urine with a similar overall perfor- Lipids below.
mance to that of modern biomarkers, such as urinary
Pseudocasts (artefacts): These may represent hair, syn-
neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) [45].
thetic fibres or toilet tissue, or technical artefacts during
Renal tubular epithelial cells (RTC) preparation of the sediment under a coverslip. Pseudocasts
Different types of tubular cells line the segments of renal are not reported.
tubuli. As a consequence, several types of detached tubular
Cellular casts: According to the cells contained, cellular
epithelial cells can be found in urine in renal damage. Renal
casts are classified as:
tubular epithelial cells are found in patients with glomeru-
– Erythrocyte casts, always indicating bleeding from the
lonephritides, in nephrotic syndromes [44], and in some
renal parenchyma
metabolic storage diseases, such as Fabry’s disease [46]. In
– Leukocyte casts, usually containing granulocytes,
patients with severe proteinuria, they may appear as “oval
indicating acute pyelonephritis, interstitial nephritis, or
fat bodies” if excessively loaded with lipids [9]. They are also
proliferative glomerulonephritis
found in the urine of patients with acute tubular necrosis,
– Renal tubular epithelial cell, RTC casts, suggesting acute
acute interstitial nephritis, and acute rejection of renal
tubular necrosis, acute interstitial nephritis, acute cellular
allograft [47]. Renal tubular epithelial cells have been shown
rejection of grafted kidney, or glomerular disorders
to aid in the discrimination between upper and lower uri-
nary tract infections [48].
Haemoglobin and myoglobin casts. Frequently, haemoglo-
Casts bin casts derive from erythrocyte casts. Therefore, they also
Casts are formed in distal tubules and collecting ducts from indicate renal parenchymal bleeding. However, haemoglobin
aggregation and gel-transformation of the fibrils of uromo- casts may also be due to haemoglobinuria caused by intra-
dulin, also called Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein [49]. This vascular haemolysis. Myoglobin casts may be seen in the
material is produced by the cells of the ascending limb of urine of patients with renal failure caused by rhabdomyolysis
Henle’s loop and forms the hyaline matrix of casts. A cast is with myoglobinuria.
formed as a precipitate when concentrations of excreted
Bilirubin casts. Urinary bilirubin was used in the differ-
soluble uromodulin fibrils, plasma proteins, or small mo-
entiation of icteric patients when serum measurements
lecular weight components exceed the saturation point of
were lacking. Currently, conjugated bilirubin is measured
the colloidal solution [50]. They are elongated elements with
from blood.
a cylindrical shape with variable bending, wrinkling, and
irregular edges. Partially formed shapes, called “cylin- Bacterial and yeast casts. These indicate an upper urinary
droids” are created in identical conditions. Casts usually tract infection.
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 77

Lipids (fat) phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) enzyme. Their morphology

Lipids are found in urine when plasma lipoproteins leak resembles that of other xanthine (e.g., uric acid) crystals. The
through the damaged basement membranes of glomeruli. As disease is sometimes diagnosed after repeated renal trans-
lipoprotein particles are larger than protein molecules, lip- plantations only [55]. At least one European genetic isolate has
iduria is typical in patients with heavy proteinuria. Lipids been published from Iceland [56].
are most often identified as refractile droplets, but they are
Xanthine: Another very rare xanthine crystalluria occurs in
detected essentially better by using polarised light (seen as
deficiency of xanthine oxidase [57].
“Maltese crosses”). Lipids also appear as cholesterol crystals
or lipid-containing casts (fatty casts). Tyrosine and leucine: Tyrosine and leucine crystals are
associated with severe liver disease, and may indicate inborn
errors of metabolism, such as tyrosinemia or maple syrup Other particles in urine with occasional clinical
urine disease. Measurements of urinary (and plasma) con-
centrations of amino acids, organic acids, and relevant genetic
tests are recommended for confirmation of inborn errors.
In most instances, crystals in urine represent transient su- Cholesterol: These crystals are associated with heavy pro-
persaturation caused, for instance, by food rich in urate or teinuria without specific clinical significance.
oxalate, or by in vitro changes due to refrigerated temper-
Crystals of drugs: Therapeutic drugs possibly crystallising
ature or change in pH of urine during storage. Detailed
in urine include sulphadiazine (appearing as “sheaves of
investigation for crystals in all specimens is unwarranted.
wheat”), triamterene, acyclovir (birefringent and needle-
Detection of crystals has clinical value in recurrent renal
shaped crystals), indinavir (plate or star-like crystals) [58],
stone formers needing urological treatment [51, 52] (see also ciprofloxacin [59]; amoxycillin [60] and phenyltoloxamine
Section 5.5). They may also be significant for some patients [61], and vitamin C [62].
with acute renal failure. In such cases, crystalluria is a marker
of a major disorder and is diagnostically important. Typical RECOMMENDATION 39: Urine particle analysis has a role in
examples include acute uric acid nephropathy, or ethylene the diagnostics of urinary tract infections, haematuria, and
glycol poisoning, which is associated with calcium oxalate kidney diseases. (SoR 1, LoE A)a
monohydrate crystalluria. All the above circumstances are
suggested by the finding of either massive or atypical crys- RECOMMENDATION 40: Urine crystals are NOT
talluria, including crystalline casts. When there is a high recommended to be looked for, nor to be reported for all
clinical suspicion, a specific request should be sent to the specimens. In specific situations, urinary crystals may
laboratory for investigation of crystals from a concentrated indicate an inherited or metabolic disease, or a drug
urine specimen with relevant clinical information. precipitated in the kidneys, causing stone formation or renal
Urine crystals are usually described based on their failure. Most commonly, crystals or amorphous precipitate
shapes [9]. A review with pH dependency of common and interfere with identification of other particles in urine. (SoR 1,
rare crystals has also been published [53]. The tridimen- LoE A)a
sional morphology of crystals is best seen with bright-field as Laboratory modification of the grades is described in the
opposed to phase-contrast optics [6]. Introduction of this guideline. Strengths of
Recommendations (SoR) are rated as: 1=strong, 2=weak
Common crystals
recommendation.Levels of Evidence (LoE) are rated as:
Common crystals with occasional significance in some patients
A=high, B=moderate, C=low quality of evidence,
include uric acid, calcium oxalate dihydrate, calcium oxalate
D=consensus by the experts.
monohydrate, calcium phosphate, and triple phosphate=-
magnesium ammonium phosphate crystals. Amorphous pre-
cipitates in urine usually contain urates or phosphates. 6.1.2 Levels of differentiation
Rare crystals
Differentiation of the above-mentioned particles by micro-
Cystine: Cystinuria can be detected with a prevalence from
scopy can be divided into basic and advanced levels
1:2,500 in Libyan Jews to 1:100,000 in Sweden [54]. Cystinuria
(Table 24). The basic level for routine urine microscopy is a
may be confirmed by urine amino acid analysis.
positive, specific identification of the usual formed elements,
2,8-Dihydroxyadenine (DHA): Rare 2,8-dihydroxyadenine grouping kidney disease-related elements into screening
crystals occur in a genetic deficiency of adenine groups of RBC, non-squamous, or small epithelial cells, and
78 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

casts (left column). The advanced level of urine microscopy When using automated instruments, the defined basic
is intended to provide detailed features of renal damage level allows reproducible differentiation of urine particles and
(right column, requested in nephrological needs). The basic standardised patient reports by multiple users. That is why
level is considered to be satisfactory in screening or emer- clinical laboratories should discuss and decide the practice of
gency needs in most health care environments, while the differentiation of urine particles with their clinicians, also
advanced level needs in-depth training in visual microscopy. considering the performance of the used automated in-
In both cases, a quantitative count is recommended to be struments. An agreed level of differentiation also allows for a
reported for urine cells and casts, whereas microbes (bac- systematic framework for training of laboratory personnel
teria, yeasts) or crystals are difficult to quantitate in visual and a harmonised interpretation of delivered results.
microscopy, and are amenable to ordinal scale categories
only (Table 24). See Section 6.2.4 for details of routine RECOMMENDATION 41: Laboratories are recommended to
quantitative counting (Level 2) procedures. discuss and clearly describe their basic or advanced
differentiation of urinary particles with their clinicians, in order
to harmonise clinical interpretation of their results. (1, B)
Table : Levels of particle differentiation in clinical urinalysis.

Basic level Advanced level in addition

Red blood cells (RBC) Detailed subclasses: dysmorphic RBCs (G-cells), 6.2 Measurement procedures of
isomorphic RBCs
White blood cells Differentiation of WBCs particle counting
Epithelial cells Differentiation of non-squamous epithelial cells 6.2.1 Levels of accuracy of particle counting
Squamous epithelial Renal tubular epithelial cells procedures
cells Transitional epithelial cells (superficial and deep)
Non-squamous Intestinal epithelial cells (usually not clinically sig-
(small) epithelial cells nificant, occurring after bladder surgery) General terms describing accurary levels of measurement
Atypical cells (by experienced cytopathologist) procedures (methods) are provided in the international vo-
Casts Differentiation of non-hyaline casts cabulary of metrology, VIM [63], see Section 4. A primary
Hyaline casts Erythrocyte, granulocyte casts reference measurement procedure for urine microscopy
Non-hyaline (patho- Renal tubular cell casts
does not exist. The different levels of accuracy in urine
logical) casts Hyaline, granular, waxy, fatty casts
Bacteria and yeast-containing casts particle counting may be described as follows:
Haemoglobin, myoglobin and bilirubin casts Level 3: Advanced comparison method for routine
Bacteriaa Bacteriaa
quantitative counting
Yeasta,b Yeastb
(Protozoa)b Trichomonas Level 2: Quantitative visual or automated counting
(Helminths) Schistosoma haematobium (in appropriate (standardised routine procedures)
geographical locations) Level 1: Ordinal scale methods (non-standardized particle
Spermatozoab Spermatozoab counting)
Lipids Lipids, in addition to droplets:
Oval fat bodies (lipid-laden cells), cholesterol Standardisation of the method used is essential to improve
crystals accuracy and limit of detection. In urine particle analysis,
Crystalsa,b Crystals: urate, oxalate (mono- and dihydrate),
special attention should be paid to different sources of error
and phosphate
Additional rare crystals: drugs, cystine, leucine, and training of personnel [64, 65]. In the assessment of urine
tyrosine, ,-dihydroxyadenine, xanthine particles, the centrifugation step with removal of supernatant
Artefacts (if present) Artefact details to be differentiated from casts or is a common procedure to detect rare particles, but also a major
and mucus other rare particles (such as hair, paper and textile source of error. Standardisation also includes an accurate
fibres, starch, glass, and plastics)
urine volume where the particles were originally found.
Particle concentrations are to be reported quantitatively. Ordinal scale is
sufficient for microbial counts or crystals in visual microscopy, e.g., negative
(−), positive: few (+), moderate (++), or abundant (+++). Quantitative 6.2.2 Unit of reporting urine particle
counts for bacteria are possible with automated instruments, to be
reported in patient results as agreed locally, to avoid confusion with colony
counts from urine bacterial cultures. bYeast cells are important to be
differentiated from RBCs. Trichomonas and Helminths are important if Counts of urinary particles shall be related to the original
frequent in local specimens. volume of urine to reach concentrations that are comparable
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 79

Table : IUPAC-IFCC Nomenclature, Properties and Units (NPU) definitions unstained preparations is inadequate for detection of bac-
for number concentrations of erythrocytes and leukocytes in body fluids. teria, red blood cells, and hyaline casts, and therefore not
applicable for advanced differentiation. For this reason,
Body fluid and cell type Standardised unit NPU code
phase-contrast microscopy is necessary in the detection and
for reporting (ratio scale)
discrimination of elements [6]. An optional supravital
Blood – erythrocytesa n × /L NPU
staining may be additionally used to differentiate nucleated
Blood – leukocytesa n × /L NPU
Urine – erythrocytes n × /L NPU
Urine – leukocytes n × /L NPU Detection of microbes by Gram staining is used in the
Cerebrospinal n × /L NPU microbiology laboratories for specific needs only (see Sec-
fluid – erythrocytes tion Urine particle analysis either, focussing on rapid
Cerebrospinal n × /L NPU differentiation of basic and kidney-related particles. Identi-
fluid – leukocytes
fication of specific types of cells may require sophisticated
Note that the format of NPU code includes a long hyphen, when searching procedures such as use of immunochemical markers of
the NPU database. specific proteins, or in situ markers of specific genes. These
are beyond the need in routine diagnostics.
between different procedures, e.g., between a candidate and
Counting with the reference visual microscopy: Counting
the reference procedure, or between routine procedures of
of native urine is required to avoid the error created by
various clinical laboratories [66]. The standardised SI Unit for
centrifugation. Then, a sufficient volume is needed to detect
reporting particle concentrations is defined as number of
rare particles related with renal damage. Particle concen-
particles in a volume of litre (capital “L” is preferred over “l”)
trations close to the low positive range can vary remarkably
that is accepted to be in use with SI [67]. The IUPAC (Inter-
due to pre-analytical variation, including diuresis, collection,
national Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) and IFCC
and preservation of specimen.
(International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Labora-
The reference procedure contains a requirement of
tory Medicine) has a Committee on Nomenclature, Properties
statistically sufficient total counts derived from Poisson
and Units (NPU) [68–71].
distribution: a total of 200 cells for WBC and RBC at high
The recommended NPU units of concentration of parti-
concentrations, and at least 50 cells for rare particles. Details
cles in body fluids are shown with examples of RBC and WBC
of Poisson statistics for urine particle counting are provided
in Table 25, using exponentials with litre volumes. The con-
as supplemental material in a recent verification study [73].
centration of leukocytes in urine, such as WBC 15/µL, is
written 15 × 106/L, or 15 × E6/L. Non-standard units, such as
RECOMMENDATION 43: Phase-contrast optics is strongly
particles/high-power field (HPF), or particles/low-power field
recommended in the detection and discrimination of urine
(in microscopy) are recommended to be (1) converted to litre
particles both in routine and reference microscopy. (1, A)
units based on standardised factors, and (2) harmonised at
national level to avoid confusions in clinical interpretation.

RECOMMENDATION 42: The standard unit for urine particle 6.2.4 Routine identification and
concentrations is particles/litre (L), the SI unit. Unit of routine
quantitation of urine particles (Level 2)
clinical reports is recommended to be harmonised at national
level, to avoid clinical confusions. (1, C)
Routine reports of urine particle counts and differentiation
should follow locally agreed standardised procedures and
reporting formats, to support clinically needed accuracy and
6.2.3 Advanced comparison method for reproducible interpretation of results in clinical units. The
urine particle counting (Level 3) laboratories should select one of the routine visual micro-
scopy procedures as a major operating frame for their
The advanced comparison procedure for urine particle specimen workflow either alone, or as a confirmatory tool
counting has been described [72]. Some principles of that for results of their automated devices (see Section 6.3.3).
document are repeated below. Standardized urine sediment under a coverslip
Identification: Particle identification needs an optical
method to discern formed elements from their background A standardised volume of urine must be centrifuged, a
and a differentiation method to allocate these elements into precise volume of supernatant removed, and the sediment
correct categories (Table 24). Bright-field microscopy of resuspended into an accurate final volume, to define an
80 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

accurate concentration factor. With or without staining, an specimens. Particle concentration under a coverslip remains
aliquot of resuspended urine sediment is investigated under inaccurate despite standardisation efforts due to the centri-
a defined size coverslip that results in a defined height of the fugation step, and to the small and somewhat arbitrary vol-
fluid layer. Then, a known volume of original specimen is ume of original urine counted.
counted when the size of the view field is known (from the
ocular viewfield number). These steps are needed to obtain Urine sediment counted in a chamber after
quantitative urine particle concentrations in counting urine centrifugation
particles under a coverslip on a microscopic slide, with a
possibility to convert the results into particles/L units. Counting concentrated, centrifuged sediments in a chamber
Detailed auditing list for standardised urine sediment is was advocated by some investigators to improve accuracy of
given in Table 26. Without these steps, the urine particle counts [74, 75], because counting a concentrated sample in a
counts remain inaccurate corresponding to Level 1 only. precise chamber volume, such as 3.2 µL of Fuchs-Rosenthal
The concentrated, standardised sediment is the tradi- chamber, is more accurate than counting viewfields under a
tional visual procedure of examination for kidney-related coverslip. A standardised procedure of both centrifugation
urine particles, because detection of renal particles (casts and chamber counting needs careful training to reach the
and renal tubular epithelial cells) suffers from their low assumed benefits [76]. Otherwise, chamber counting of
concentrations in urine. When using uncentrifuged speci- concentrated samples leads to higher mean counts than
mens, the investigator may miss rare elements if a small those obtained from uncentrifuged samples, and an impre-
volume is investigated. This is overcome by concentrating the cision that is similar to the coverslip procedure after more
specimen at a low-speed of 400×g for 5 min. To confirm even tedious work.
distribution of particles under a coverslip and to see all
existing particles, a low-power magnification (usually ×100) is Chamber counting of uncentrifuged specimens
used before counting at a high-power magnification (usually
×400). Converting to particles/L unit is done as nationally A quantitative count for urine particles is more reliably ob-
agreed. The standardised operating procedure may be tained by direct counting of uncentrifuged specimens in a
adapted to review of flagged specimens, or all urine speci- chamber than after centrifugation. The centrifugation pro-
mens depending on the workflow and daily amount of cedure is prone to uncertainty of particle counts, because

Table : Details of standardized urinary sediment examination.

Item Standard Method of checking

Delay Use of preservatives, described in Documented times of collection

Annex I., I-
Original volume of urine – mL ( mL for paediatric specimens) Line marked on the tube
Centrifugation  g for  min, preferably Check with the supplier of the centrifuge
at + °C ±  °C if delays occur
Removal of supernatant Suction to a defined final concentration Calibrate the final volume by weighing pooled urine
factor, e.g., concentration × (buffer solutions have a different surface tension)
Method of staining and Phase-contrast microscopy, or Consult local supplier
microscopy staining + bright-field microscopy;
polarized optics when needed;
low (×) and high-power
(×) magnification
Volume of original urine Define and calculate Microscopic slide with a metric scale
investigated under
microscopic field
List of reported Define the report format These guidelines
Units of reporting Particles/L (SI unit), or as nationally Calculate the equivalence
Reproducible process Written operating procedures Training of personnel, blind peer reviews
Internal quality control Training courses and peer reviews organised locally Two independent investigations for the same specimen
External quality control Participation in an EQA scheme Documents of results available
Calibration Traceability of measured quantities Evaluation against uncentrifuged specimens
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 81

centrifugal forces, removal of non-sedimented particles with Background measurements: Investigation of urine without
the supernatant, and resuspension of the sediment create centrifugation is preferred to avoid losses of RBC in the
variable 20–80 % losses of RBC and WBC [64], and even frag- specimen, since percentage of dysmorphic RBC may not
mentation of casts. The identification of acute patients with remain unchanged during centrifugation. As a background
suspected UTI particularly needs an accurate count of leuko- assessment, basic counts of the other particles in the spec-
cytes [77]. Bacteria do not concentrate during centrifugation at imen and a test strip analysis are needed.
400×g, but they are clearly visible by using phase-contrast
Validity check: Specimens with RBC<20 × 106/L in uncen-
optics in a chamber. The chamber counting of uncentrifuged
trifuged urine are not diagnostic, since physiological hae-
specimens is easiest for counting WBC, RBC, and bacteria in
maturia may be dysmorphic [2]. Increased concentrations of
urine, but different epithelial cells and casts can be identified
WBC (>30 × 106/L), or presence of bacteria or yeast, crystals
with high probability after appropriate training.
or amorphous precipitate may obscure RBC differentiation.
As a part of the automated workstation process, con-
A new specimen should be requested after treating the
version of results from visual chamber counting to the same
infection, or should be transported into the laboratory fresh
metric units as used in automated counting is recommended
after voiding in case of precipitates. Test strip results support
when applied to primary review of specimens flagged by an
assessment of RBC results, in particular density of urine, pH,
automated device due to its accuracy and speed [73]. In
RBC (pseudoperoxidase reaction), or presence of albumin-
addition, centrifugation, supravital staining, or counting of
uria (also related to kidney disease).
several chamber volumes of a flagged specimen is occa-
sionally needed to confirm detection or identification of low- Counting procedure: Direct chamber counting without
count particles, as decided in the local workflow. centrifugation is preferred, using phase contrast optics to
Routine counting is usually performed in a 1-µL cham- discern different shapes. No staining is recommended to avoid
ber volume, such as in a Bürker chamber or an equivalent extra background. During centrifugation, RBC may be lost with
commercial disposable chamber, with a height of 100 µm, the supernatant – dysmorphic RBC more easily than isomor-
and grids both for 0.10 µL (A) and 0.00625 µL (B) squares, phic RBC – because their internal density may be equal to that
when a 1 A square is divided into 16 B squares. Other of the urine matrix. (Laboratories may wish to centrifuge their
chambers, such as Fuchs-Rosenthal or Goryaev chambers urine samples to reach higher concentrations for counting; in
with a 3.2-µL volume and a height of 200 µm, may be used that case they need to confirm RBC yields after centrifugation
even in routine to improve precision of counts. against the original RBC counts of their specimens.)
Counting of a minimum of 100 RBC is required to classify
RECOMMENDATION 44: Laboratories should verify one of the morphology of the majority of RBC with a 10 % uncer-
the (Level 2) procedures of visual microscopy for their routine tainty: with 50 % of the RBCs in the specimen being dys-
analysis to ensure accuracy of their results. (1, B) morphic, the 95 % binomial confidence interval is 40–60 %.
The binomial standard deviation is s(n)=√(n*p*q),
where n=number of counted RBC, p=probability of dysmor- Procedure of counting dysmorphic erythrocytes
phic RBC, and q=1 − p, probability of isomorphic RBC. Coef-
in urine
ficient of variation CV=s/n.
Write down the total volume (1–10 µL) counted to
Dysmorphic erythrocytes (RBC) suggest glomerular bleeding
compare the result with the total RBC concentration. Note
(kidney disease), while isomorphic erythrocytes (RBCs with
also additional particles from the specimen if influencing
regular size or shape) indicate bleeding originating from the
interpretation of results.
tubuli or a lower site in the urinary tract, a general bleeding
Detection and classification of dysmorphic RBC needs
tendency, or contamination from vaginal bleeding (see Sec-
practicing, using peer review to reduce inter-observer vari-
ability. Dysmorphic shapes include most specifically acantho-
Specimen: Mid-stream urine (MSU) collection from the cytes=G1 cells: doughnut-shaped or ring-formed RBC with
second morning urine within 2 h from the previous voiding remarkable protrusions or blebs [9, 20] that should be reported
is the preferred specimen. A minimum drinking is recom- as a separate subcategory. A total of nine abnormal shapes of
mended in the morning to increase urine density. A random RBCs in urine have been described [20]. Ring-shaped cells with
single-voided MSU collection is the second best option. a hole in the middle, or “target cells” with a dark centre piece,
Analysis should be performed on a fresh collected specimen, but without external blebs (called together codocytes) are fairly
preferably within 2 h after collection if the used preservative easy to identify in addition to acanthocytes. Also, broken or
is not separately verified. distorted RBC fragments (schizocytes) may be learned to
82 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

Table : Diagnostic limits for dysmorphic erythrocytes in urine. visual microscopy based on local clinical needs [5]. With tech-
nical evolution, new measurands have become available [81].
Category Cut-off Sensitivity % Specificity % Probability of
limit glomerular
6.3.1 Flow cytometry
Dysmorphic RBC  % –  Possible
 % –  Probable
Automated urinary flow cytometry (UFC) analysers use flow
Acanthocytes % –  Possible
% –  Probable cytometry along with staining to count and classify urine
particles. The first UFC analysers, introduced in the 1990s,
used argon laser (at 488 nm) and could quantify RBCs, WBCs,
squamous epithelial cells, and partially casts and bacteria
identify. Ghost cells and echinocytes are definitely not dys- [82–85].
morphic cells. The other shapes tend to create variability due to Since 2005, classical argon lasers in UFC have been
mild abnormality or reversibility with osmotic changes while replaced by semi-conductor lasers (operating at 630 nm)
standing, thus reducing specificity of findings. with longer lifetime and hence better economy [86]. Also, a
Report format: In the report, indicate the total RBC con- dedicated channel for bacteria specific staining was made
centration (×106/L, recommended unit or a nationally agreed available, thereby allowing sensitive bacteria detection. The
unit), and differentiation as Dysmorphic RBC (including latest generation of UFC employs fluorescence technology by
acanthocytes as a subgroup), % out of total RBC, and Acan- using a new blue semi-conductor laser at 488 nm.
thocytic RBC, % out of total RBC, as well as presence and Before particles are sent through a laser beam, they are
concentration of RBC casts if detected. stained by specific fluorochromes for nucleic acids and for
surface structures. Hydrodynamic focussing is then used to
Interpretation: Presence of dysmorphic haematuria is sug- improve detection and quantification performance. The
gested by the presence of dysmorphic RBC≥40 %, or presence of recognition, counting, and classification of urinary particles
acanthocytes ≥2 %, or presence of RBC casts. The probability of is based on signals of forward and side scatter, side fluo-
dysmorphic haematuria is increased with the presence of dys- rescent and depolarized side scattered light. Analytical and
morphic RBC≥80 % or presence of acanthocytes ≥5 %. Table 27 diagnostic performance evaluations of later generations of
shows an arbitrary performance at different cut-off limits. The UFCs have been published since the primary studies,
incidence of glomerular haematuria varies initially in different including counting of different types of casts and small
kidney diseases and in their follow-up, among different patient epithelial cells [87, 48]. Despite continuous efforts, perfor-
groups, and due to differences in laboratory examination. Thus, mance of automated UFC is not sufficient to replace visual
published estimates of diagnostic performance (sensitivity and microscopy in detection of dysmorphic RBC [88–90].
specificity) have a wide uncertainty [18, 23, 78]. The investigation
seems to be valuable for paediatric patients with isolated hae-
maturia [79], and for urological consultations to exclude neph- 6.3.2 Automated imaging technologies
rological diseases [26]. Diagnostic performance should be
confirmed with local clinicians and patient groups after Flow cell morphology
confirmation of local examination procedure.
Automated imaging analysers are equipped with a micro-
scopic camera along with a software system to classify the
6.3 Automated particle analysis different urinary particles. The first principle of digital urine
microscopy takes images of urine particles in a flow cell
Automation has made urinalysis more standardized, quicker, (“Digital Flow Morphology”). A strobe lamp and video cam-
and less observer dependent. The purpose is to provide Level 2 era capture images of the particles, continued with auto-
quantitative counts on clinically significant urine particles. mated recognition software. The original instrument was
Automated instruments have improved precision because of published 40 years ago [91]. A later generation of the in-
increased number of particles in counting as compared to strument uses charged coupled device cameras [92].
visual microscopy [80]. Identification software classifies and quantifies cells
Simplification of particle differentiation improves the ef- and particles in native, uncentrifuged urine using a single,
ficiency of the laboratory process if the nonspecific categories laminar flow of the specimen through the lens of a charged-
or ambiguous findings can be flagged and confirmed by proper coupled device (CCD) camera. Hundreds of digital camera
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 83

captures are evaluated by identification software, and each bacteria/L). Automated particle counting is most appealing
particle is classified based on characteristics, such as shape, to mid-stream urine and other routine collections that
contrast, and texture. After classification by the instrument, constitute the majority of urine specimens sent for bacte-
the operator has the ability to reclassify or correct the ob- rial culture.
tained images in the correct categories if needed. Some A sensitivity of 99 % with a specificity of 80 % has been
studies also exist on counting with a similar analyser achieved with UFC against bacterial culture at >108 CFB/L
FUS-2000 against visual counts of RBCs, WBCS, and epithelial (>105 CFU/mL) in a mixed patient population [102]. A sensi-
cells [93, 94]. tivity of 99 % with a specificity of 51 % against >108 CFB/L
(>105 CFU/mL) in bacterial culture, or a sensitivity of 97 % Digital cuvette counting with a specificity of 47 % at >107 CFB/L (>104 CFU/mL) has
been shown among elderly patients at the emergency
In the digital cuvette instruments, whole field digital images department [103]. Initial detection of Gram-negative bacteria
are taken from prepared monolayers in a specific cuvette. has been suggested by using the UF-5000, still needing
Magnifications and images of particles on computer screen further development and studies [104, 105].
resemble those observed by visual microscopy, allowing A sensitivity of 98 % and specificity of 48 % has been
reclassifications if needed [95]. The whole field images allow described for >108 CFB/L (>105 CFU/mL) identified species in
the user to see numerous particles at the same time, which bacterial culture, or a sensitivity of 87 % and specificity of
facilitates classification of urinary particles, and form com- 54 % against >107 CFB/L (>104 CFU/mL) in culture – including
bined clinical profiles. Automated particle classification is mixed growth – by using automated digital counting in
performed by a neural network based artificial intelligence, cuvette with phase-contrast optics and samples from a
and confirmed on screen by the operator if needed. mixed patient population [31].
Bright-field optics have been supplemented with phase- Novel technologies improve rapid diagnosis of UTI at the
contrast optics in the most recent versions of these auto- emergency department, and may help in organising work-
mated image analysers. Phase-contrast optics enable a better flow in large clinical laboratories if the process can be
identification of particles with a low refractive index, most designed to improve efficiency of analytics and to create
importantly hyaline casts, RBC that have lost their haemo- economic benefits. Performance specifications for rapid UTI
globin called “ghost RBC”, and bacteria. Phase-contrast also diagnostics against urine bacterial culture are suggested in
allows visualisation of intracellular details, improving Section 7.8.3.
evaluation of RBC morphology [73, 96]. Kidney diseases

6.3.3 Applications of automated particle Kidney damage is detected by identifying different types of
counting for specific clinical purposes pathological casts, renal tubular epithelial cells or dysmor-
phic (often small) erythrocytes in urine. Detection of kidney
New technologies are now capable of carrying out more than damage is developing along with improvements in detection
the basic level of urine particle analysis, being adapted in and classification of kidney-related particles, i.e., casts and
large laboratories. Specific clinical needs have focused on RTC, by the automated instruments (see Sections 6.3.1 and
detection of findings related to UTI (bacteriuria and pyuria), 6.3.2 for details). Sensitivity to detect and classify dysmor-
or on kidney disease with automated instruments. phic RBC is particularly not sufficient by automated in-
struments at the moment. Bacteriuria detection

Detection of bacteriuria (with a sensitivity higher than 90– 6.4 Reference and diagnostic limits
95 %) is made possible by automated counting techniques,
allowing the ruling out of urine samples that probably of urine particles
remain negative in bacterial culture [97–101]. The speci-
ficity to detect uropathogens may remain low (about 40– 6.4.1 Health-associated upper reference
50 %) with current instruments if the sensitivity is kept limits of urine particles
high (>95 %) and significant growth includes lower colony
counts of 103–104 CFU/mL (colony-forming units/mL) in Health-associated reference intervals depend heavily on pre-
culture, corresponding to 106–107 CFB/L (colony-forming analytical procedures as well as analytical standardisation
84 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

and delay of examination. Some visual microscopy-based as obtained from catheterised specimens [77]. A WBC count
98 % or 95 % upper reference limits (URL) have been pub- >10 × 106/L had a sensitivity of 91 % with a specificity of 97 % in
lished earlier [64, 106–108]. Adjustment to diuresis was not detecting bacteriuria at 5 × 104 CFU/mL or higher in symp-
reported in those studies. Since the detection and counting of tomatic, acutely ill infants. In a regional study, a median of
WBC and RBC in urine has become reliable with several about 200 WBC × 106/L was reported to be associated with a
automated instruments, the experimentally produced URL positive bacterial culture ≥103 CFU/mL considering also symp-
estimates for WBC and RBC in urine are analytically reliable toms for UTI [97]. The diagnostic grey zone in leukocyturia is
[109]. Preanalytical standardisation is of key importance approximately a 10-fold range from health-associated to dis-
when preparing reference individuals for mid-stream urine ease-associated concentrations (Table 28).
collection in the morning [85, 110]. Specimen collection may Isolated microscopic haematuria has been found in 4–
create a problem in newborns and older children, resulting in 13 % of population, mostly due to UTI or calculi of the urinary
higher counts than those from older individuals without a tract, and often at concentrations below 30 × 106/L in
disease in the kidneys or the urinary tract [111]. uncentrifuged urine [25]. Stratification of 15,779 patients
with haematuria was studied using the American Urology
RECOMMENDATION 45: A rough estimate for health- Association guideline with a cut-off of 3 RBC/HPF in sediment
associated 95 % Upper Reference Limit both for leukocytes microscopy (about 30 RBC × 106/L, assuming that 1 HPF
and erythrocytes is 10 (to 20) × 106/L from a mid-stream urine equals 0.1 µL volume of centrifuged particles), resulting in a
collection of uncentrifuged morning urine. The uncertainty total risk of 5.4 % for urothelial cancer [112]. A multi-factorial
contains both preanalytical and analytical factors. (1, A) risk stratification subdivided the patients to a risk of 0.4 % in
the low, 1.0 % in the medium, and 6.3 % in the high risk group
An estimate to the URL of squamous epithelial cells (SEC) for this cancer. One of the risk factors for the high risk was
has been published by using standard approaches [109]. RBC>25/HPF (about 200–250 × 106/L) or gross haematuria
Counting of bacteria is also reproducible because of high
numbers, but the results are method-dependent due to
Table : Examples of clinical cut-off concentrations (×/L) of urine
different principles and specificity of detection. A challenge of
imprecision of counting is obvious when particle concentra-
tions in health are markedly below 10 × 106/L, such as those for Particle type URLa LoCa Notes
casts, or small epithelial cells (RTC and TEC) in urine.
Leukocytes, WBC – – Preanalyticalb
Both in visual microscopy (with 1–3 µL volume of orig- Erythrocytes, RBC   Preanalytical, analyticalc
inal urine counted) and in automated counting (with 2–10 µL Squamous epithelial   Preanalytical, diagnosticd
volume), uncertainty of the low counts needs extra efforts to cells, SEC
get an estimate for URL below the limit of quantitation (LoQ). Transitional epithelial   Diagnostic
If the URL remains statistically uncertain in standard (visual cells, TEC
Casts – – Preanalytical, analytical,
or automated) procedure, URL should be expressed by using
the expression “below LoQ” (see Section Renal tubular epithelial – – Preanalytical, analytical,
The actual 95 % URL at low counts may be obtained by cells, RTC diagnostic
increasing counting volume with repeated measurements a
Abbreviations used: URL,  % upper reference limit in health; LoC, limit of
until at least a total of 50 particles has been counted in each confirmation, estimated significant or reproducible presence of a particle
of the specimens within the 90th to 100th percentiles (the (– × URL). bPreanalytical uncertainty: Increase: Concentration of WBC
highest concentrations) of the particle type measured. The increases in asymptomatic bacteriuria, that of RBC during a menstrual
obtained median concentration of the specimens represents period or strenuous exercise. Concentrations of these and SEC also increase
in inadequate mid-stream collections. Decrease: Concentrations of WBC
then the 95 % URL [72].
and RBC decrease after extended storage in dilute urine. Concentrations of
kidney-related particles (casts and RTC) may decrease while transferring the
specimen from the primary collection container to secondary tubes by
6.4.2 Diagnostic cut-off limits between vacuum aspiration. cAnalytical uncertainty: Losses of particles may result
health and disease from removing supernatant after centrifugation, or by heavy resuspension
of the specimen before analysis. Kidney-related particles are prone to
deficient detection and excessive imprecision at the low concentrations
Distributions of particle concentrations in urine both in health
representing URL. dDiagnostic uncertainty: Lack of evidence for diagnostic
and in diseases are needed to define discriminatory cut-offs for or prognostic significance between low or high concentrations of kidney-
diagnostics of diseases. For infants, cut-off concentrations of related particles. Diagnostic significance of quantitative SEC or TEC
WBC in urine were investigated in the diagnostics of acute UTI, concentrations is lacking.
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 85

[112]. A diagnostic differentiation of RBC may be approxi- needed, as available from the Clinical Laboratory Stan-
mated with a 10-fold concentration range between 20 and dards Institute (CLSI) [113–115], International Committee
200 RBC × 106/L in isolated haematuria in the association for Standardization in Hematology (ICSH) [66], Joint Com-
with urothelial cancer. mittee for Guides in Metrology (JCGM) [116], and similar
In established kidney disease, haematuria was shown to organisations.
be present in 98 % of patients with proliferative glomer- Method comparison should be performed by linear
ulopathies (GN) and 67 % of those with non-proliferative GN regression analysis using non-parametric Passing–Bablok
at about 10 × 106/L or more (>1 RBC/HPF), with a median of procedure [117], and Spearman’s ordinal scale coefficient
about 400 × 106/L (38 RBC/HPF) in proliferative GN and a of correlation. Difference plots according to Bland and
median of about 50 × 106/L (5 RBC/HPF) in non-proliferative Altman [118] are applicable for urine particles as well.
GN [44]. Renal tubular cells, granular casts, and RBC casts Logarithmic transformation helps in assessing exponen-
were present at concentrations ≥1 × 106/L (>1/20 HPF) in 83 % , tial changes.
52 % and 85 % in proliferative GN, and 65 % , 50 % and 40 % in If comparing in ordinal scale categories, inter-rater
non-proliferative GN, respectively. For kidney-related urine agreement with kappa statistics can be applied for com-
particles, i.e., casts and RTC, evidence of diagnostic or prog- parisons (see Section 5.2.3 for examples of performance
nostic significance between low or high positive concentra- specifications for urinary test strips). Advice to estimate
tions is lacking. A concentration of about 5× health-associated carry-over is available from the ICSH guideline for verifi-
URL is suggested to indicate significant presence of kidney- cation of instruments counting body fluids [66].
related particles in urine, with uncertainties both in pre-
analytical and analytical phases (Table 28). Imprecision of counting
Presence of squamous epithelial cells (SEC) in urine may
be associated with improper mid-stream collections, and Low particle concentrations (less than 200 × 106/L) in clinical
that of TEC with any disease of the urinary tract with no data urine specimens need additional consideration of statistical
on significant concentrations in routine particle counting. A imprecision based on the Poisson distribution, with standard
fivefold concentration is suggested to represent significant deviation s(n)=√n, where n=total number of counted parti-
presence of these, similar to kidney-related particles. No cles [72]. Correspondingly, the minimum coefficient of vari-
quantitative cut-offs of significant concentration can be ation, CV, equals s(n)/n=√n/n. In addition, technology of
given to crystals, or other microbes than bacteria if present instruments and variable morphology of particles increase
in routine particle analysis. the imprecision of counts.
The analytical CV of imprecision is obtained by 20
replicate countings of low positive specimens (in a range of
6.5 Verification of particle counting 1–15 particles × 106/L) according to the standard protocol
[115]. After confirmation of the zero level (Limit of blank,
procedures LoB) by measuring supernatant solution of centrifuged
urine, the limit of detection (LoD) is obtained by replicate
6.5.1 Performance evaluation of counting after dilution of stable particles, such as those in
instrumental particle counting quality control specimens, into the prepared supernatant
urine, to obtain LoD=LoB + 2s (two standard deviations of
The advanced comparison procedure in urine particle the observed imprecision) [96]. Due to the Poisson distri-
counting for the manufacturer’s validation, and for the bution of low counts, the limit of quantitation (LoQ) ob-
verification of primary (index) instrument at the end-user’s tained with natural particles is more critical. It may
laboratory is a Level 3 procedure (see Section 6.2.3). In estimated with patient specimens positive for the assessed
addition to comparing quantitative counts with scatter plots, particle. A LoQ is a concentration where the observed CV is
the correct detection and differentiation of particles is at 30 %, to obtain 3 × LoQ that is above LoB (different from
important, expressed as sensitivity and specificity against zero). It may appear that the estimated 95 % upper refer-
the reference procedure. Comparisons using receiver- ence limit (URL) is below the LoQ when obtained from
operating characteristic curves may be informative. repeated counting (Figure 6). In that case, LoQ should be
For a standard evaluation of analytical performance, given in clinical reports instead of the exact URL, e.g., 95 %
such as imprecision, linearity, and limits of blank, detec- URL <n × 106/L, where n=LoQ.
tion, and quantitation by automated urine particle in- Since the impression is directly dependent on particle
struments, international guidelines should be consulted as concentration, it is suggested to estimate the LoQ by
86 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 Regulations
95% URL (
LoB LoD LoQ Any medical device intended for in vitro diagnostics should
LoD = LoB +2s be compatible with the EU Regulation 2017/746 on in vitro
LoQ: +1s = 30%
diagnostic medical devices [120].

1s = 30%
RECOMMENDATION 46: Automated particle analysers need
to be verified before being implemented into routine, based
on the published performance specifications (against Level 3
procedure), as repeated in these guidelines. Performances in
detecting urinary tract infections or kidney diseases need a
3s special attention. (1, A)
0.1 1 10 Arbitrary concentra on

Figure 6: Schematic order of analytical limits in urine particle counting. A

6.5.2 Suggested analytical performance
typical distribution of health-associated concentrations of urine particles specifications
is shown with a dashed line, with a 95 % upper reference limit, URL
(Health). The baseline=Limit of Blank (LoB) needs to be confirmed in the Quantitative counting
method. Limit of Detection (LoD) is 2 standard deviations above LoB. Limit
of Quantitation (LoQ) is at the concentration where the CV of analytical
imprecision is 30 %. Imprecision
The imprecision of particle counts theoretically follows Pois-
son distribution (see Section
duplicate counting of a range of positive specimens (e.g., 1–
A recommended optimum specification for the relative
100 particles × 106/L depending on the type of particles in
imprecision is R(CV) ≤1.5, and for a desirable specification is
question), out of which an estimate to the actual imprecision
R(CV) ≤2.
is obtained from defined subgroups of concentrations by
using Dahlberg’s equation [119]: R(CV ) = CVobserved /CVtheoretical
s=√[∑(xi1 – xi2)2/(2n)], where xi1 and xi2 are the dupli-
where R(CV)=relative imprecision, CVobserved=observed
cates of the specimen i=1…n.
imprecision, and
The imprecision of counting, CVobserved should also be
CVtheoretical=statistical Poisson imprecision of counts.
related to the mathematical Poisson imprecision CVPoisson.
The relative imprecision R(CV) is equal to CVobserved/CVPoisson.
Limits of detection, at least
The increment of R(CV) above 1 is caused both by technology
and biology of urinary particles, and may be up to 1.5–2 with  × /L for WBC, RBC and squamous epithelial cells (SEC)
available instruments, while CVPoisson may be decreased by – × /L For casts and other epithelial cells (RTC and TEC)
increasing counting volumes only [73]. > % Sensitivity to detect uropathogenic bacteria in defined patient
population, against colony counts in culture at  CFU/mL
In addition to quantitative results, some qualitative as-
( CFB/L) or  CFU/mL ( CFB/L) if applicable)
pects are recommended to be reviewed in the evaluation of
urine particle analysers (Table 29).
Trueness, correlation to advanced comparison counting
Table : Qualitative features in the assessment of a urine particle Spearman’s correlation coefficient rS >0.9 (for WBC and
RBC), rS >0.8 for other particles.
– Sufficient number of pathological patient specimens both qualitatively Allowable analytical variation
and quantitatively The specification for performance of urine particle counting
– Ease of use and robustness
(including bias and imprecision) has not yet been harmon-
– Ability to self-check and recognise faulty performance, flagging
– Instrument throughput
ised. It may be derived clinically from differentiation be-
– Data transmission with laboratory computers, preferably bi-directional tween health and disease-related concentrations. Clinically
– Cost/benefit assessment including all costs (reagents, manpower, acceptable analytical performance specification (CAAPS)
maintenance, and indirect costs) for particle counting, expressed as maximum allowable
– Impact on patient care (impact on outcomes if changing specimen or analytical variation (CVA), or measurement uncertainty, is
patient processes)
derived from the equation of reference change value, RCV,
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 87

considering also intra-individual biological variation (CVI) of fractions of specimens positive for each particle to be
the counts [121, 122]. compared, and to avoid comparison of specimens with
Analytical performance specifications derived from negative counts. If the assessed patient material does not
clinically significant difference, CD, are based on the allow comparison of precise counts, an ordinal scale cross-
following two equations: table helps to assess agreement, i.e., sensitivity and speci-
(1) CD=z * √2 * CVD, converted into CVD=CD/(z * √2) ficity against the comparative procedure. Ordinal scale
where z is the Gaussian statistic, using z=3 to reach a statistics still require a sufficient number of positive cases
85 % sensitivity of detection, CVD=coefficient of diag- to allow balanced distribution of results along ordinal scale
nostic variation, and √2 models two identical distri- categories. A logarithmic grouping of particle counts is
butions in the compared measurements. recommended.
(2) CVD2=CVI2 + CVPRE2 + CVA2
Specification of ordinal scale categories
where CVI=intra-individual biological variation,
An example of ordinal scale statistics is shown in Section
CVPRE=preanalytical technical variation, and CVA=-
5.2.3. If using Cohen’s kappa coefficient to eliminate random
maximum allowable analytical variation, or allowable
agreement, the following specification is recommended: a
measurement uncertainty.
weighted kappa ≥0.9 as an optimum, and ≥0.7 (as a minimum
performance with 4 or more ordinal categories).
Analytical performance specification (APS)
Maximum allowable analytical variation (calculated as a Qualitative assessment, detection and differentiation
CAAPS) is recommended to be 30 % (optimum) or 50 % Identification and differentiation of clinically significant
(desirable), to detect 3 to 10-fold differences related to pyuria urine particles should be internally reviewed (peer review
or haematuria, assuming an intra-individual biological between staff members) and externally evaluated (EQA
variation (CVI) within 30–200 % (Table 30) [122]. schemes), in addition to initial verification of the routine
procedure. Each site should document training of its labo-
ratory technicians. Visual microscopy and ordinal scale
specifications of low-count particles
RECOMMENDATION 47: It is recommended to adopt
relevant statistical procedures when presenting verification
The standardised visual microscopy (Level 2) should be re-
data for urine particles. (1, B)
ported with quantitative counts that can be compared to
ISLH reference procedure (Level 3). Both automated in-
struments and visual microscopy suffer imprecision of low
counts and rare particles. Centrifugation improves detection 6.5.3 Microscopic review after automated
of rare particles, but reduces accuracy due to losses during particle analysis
centrifugation. Laboratories are recommended to select
relevant procedures from those described in Section 6.2.4 for The combination of automated routine urine particle anal-
their routine visual microscopy. They should also verify that ysis and microscopic re-analysis is employed to screen for
their procedure satisfies clinical needs in urine particle otherwise undetectable or doubtful urine samples [123]. Due
detection and quantitation, applying details from Section to the differences in analytical performance, each analyser
6.2.3 as necessary. should have its own review flags [124–126], based on cross-
In evaluation studies, a positive selection of specimens checks between automated urinary test strip and visual
with rare particles should be attempted, to maximise microscopy results, or on unreliable particle counts. Those

Table : Analytical performance specifications from clinical differences in concentrations of urine particles.

Estimated Example difference Decision Maximum allowable Biological Preanalytical CAAPS based on
difference from in counts (LL -> UL) interval variation for intra-individual technical variation, decision limit, %
the lower limit (LL) (UL-LL)/LL, % diagnostics, z= variation, estimate, % estimate, %

 × LL  ->  × /L  %  %  %  %  %

 × LL  ->  × /L  %  %  %  %  %
 × LL  ->  × /L  %  %  %  %  %

CAAPS, clinically acceptable analytical performance specification; LL, lower limit; UL, upper limit.
88 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

criteria must be validated and confirmed to meet local (continued)

clinical and laboratory needs.
No. Recommendations SoR (–), Section
and discussed
RECOMMENDATION 48: Based on the verification,
LoE (A–D)a
appropriate review rules need to be defined and
implemented to support reliability of all results. (1, B) infections or kidney diseases need special
 It is recommended to adopt relevant statis- , B ..
6.6 Recommendations for particle tical procedures when presenting verifica-
tion data for urine particles.
analysis  Based on the verification, appropriate re- , B ..
view rules need to be defined and imple-
mented to support reliability of all results.
No. Recommendations SoR (–), Section a
Strengths of Recommendations (SoR) are: =strong, =weak
and discussed
recommendation. Levels of Evidence (LoE) are: A=high, B=moderate, C=low
LoE (A–D)a
quality of evidence, D=consensus by the experts. Laboratory modification of
 Urine particle analysis has a role in the di- , A .. the GRADE rating is described in the Introduction.
agnostics of urinary tract infections, hae-
maturia, and kidney diseases.
 Urine crystals are not recommended to be , A .. Acknowledgments: For Acknowledgements, Ethical decla-
looked for, nor be reported, for all speci- rations and Research funding, see the Executive Summary of
mens. In specific situations, urinary crystals the Guideline.
may indicate an inherited or metabolic dis-
ease, or a drug precipitated in the kidneys,
causing stone formation or renal failure.
Most commonly, crystals or amorphous 6.7 References, Particles
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EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 93

Martine Pestel-Caron, Sören Schubert, Audrey Merens, Jan Berg Gertsen and Timo Kouri*

7 Bacteriology
List of abbreviations, Bacteriology 7.1 Medical indications for
ACSS, acute cystitis symptoms score; AST, antimicrobial
bacteriology investigation of
susceptibility testing; ATCC, American type culture collec- urine
tion; BIPM, Bureau International des Poids et Mesures; CFB,
The aims of urine bacterial culture are
colony-forming bacteria; CFU, colony-forming unit; CV,
– to identify aetiological agents of urinary tract infection,
coefficient of variation (relative standard deviation); dAST,
i.e., relevant pathogens, but also mixed flora (>2 species)
direct AST; EAU, European Association of Urology; EFLM,
as a sign of contamination,
European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory
– to estimate the concentration of bacteria,
Medicine; EQA, External Quality Assessment; ESCMID, Eu-
– to offer susceptibility testing for antimicrobial treat-
ropean Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious
ment, and
Diseases; EUCAST, European Committee on Antimicrobial
– to look for a relapse or re-infection in patients not
Susceptibility Testing; ICSH, International Committee
responding to antimicrobial treatment.
for Standardization in Hematology; ID, identification (of
species); IDSA, Infectious Diseases Society of America; ISO,
In clinical practice, it is not necessary to perform all exam-
International Organisation for Standardization; IVD, in vi-
inations for every patient suspected of having urinary tract
tro diagnostic medical device; IVDR, In vitro Diagnostic
infection (UTI) (see Section 1.2). A simple division of the
Medical Device Regulation; JCGM, Joint Committee for
patients into common cases suspected of lower uncompli-
Guides in Metrology; MALDI-TOF, matrix-assisted laser
cated UTI, and other more demanding cases will improve the
desorption ionisation time-of-flight (mass spectrometry);
efficiency of clinical laboratory practice.
MDR, Medical Device Regulation; MIC, Minimum inhibitory
concentration; MS, mass spectrometry; MSU, mid-stream
urine; SI, International System of Units; SPA, suprapubic 7.1.1 Indications for rapid urine
aspiration (specimen); TAT, turn-around time; TLA, total examinations in diagnostics of urinary
laboratory automation; UTI, urinary tract infection; VIM,
tract infections
International Vocabulary of Metrological Terms
Clinical questionnaires, such as ACSS (Acute Cystitis Symp-
toms Score), may be used to support in diagnosing uncom-
plicated lower UTI in non-pregnant women, as validated
already for several languages [1, 2], see Section 1.2.1. Rapid
examinations are recommended in situations described in
Table 31. In the context of UTI diagnostics, test strips and
particle analysis are both rapid or emergency tests
*Corresponding author: Timo Kouri, Department of Clinical Chemistry, compared to bacterial cultures. Usually, rapid tests mean
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland; and HUSLAB, HUS Diagnostic Center, point-of-care tests with robust methods and devices (see
Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa, 00014 Helsinki, Finland, Section 4).
In sporadic uncomplicated lower urinary tract infection
Martine Pestel-Caron, Department of Microbiology, CHU Rouen,
from otherwise healthy non-pregnant women (item 1), no
University of Rouen Normandie, INSERM, DYNAMICURE UMR 1311, 76000
Rouen, France. laboratory examinations are usually necessary when the
Sören Schubert, Max von Pettenkofer Institute of Hygiene and Medical symptoms are clear-cut [1, 3–8]. If symptoms remain unclear,
Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, LMU Munich, 81377 Munich, Germany. rapid methods to detect bacteriuria and leukocyturia help in the differential diagnosis of patients with medical emer-
Audrey Merens, Service de Biologie Médicale, Hôpital d’Instruction des
gencies (Figure 2). Before classifying otherwise healthy
Armées Bégin, 94160 Saint-Mandé, France
Jan Berg Gertsen, Department of Clinical Microbiology, Aarhus University
women into this group, anatomic abnormalities in the uri-
Hospital, Skejby, 8200 Aarhus N, Denmark. nary tract and pregnancy should be considered (Table 32).
8103-6790 The topic of recurrent UTI is covered in Section 7.1.2.
94 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

Table : Suggested indications for use of rapid tests in UTI diagnostics.
Laboratory modification of the grades is described in the
() Classical frequency/dysuria syndrome in young, low-risk women if Introduction of this guideline. Strengths of
clinically needed Recommendations (SoR) are rated as: 1=strong, 2=weak
() Emergency medical services, as a first rapid diagnostic examination recommendation. Levels of Evidence (LoE) are rated as:
() Screening for selected asymptomatic individuals (Section ..) A=high, B=moderate, C=low quality of evidence,
() Selecting specimens for extended investigation in the laboratory
D=consensus by the experts.
(Sections . and .)

Table : Medical indications for urine culture. 7.1.2 Indications for urine bacterial culture
and identification of species
() Suspicion of acute pyelonephritis or febrile urinary tract infection
() Suspicion of hospital-acquired urinary tract infections (possibility of
reduced antibiotic sensitivity) Strategies to reduce the number of non-significant bacterial
() Suspicion of urinary tract infection in patients with a predisposing cultures are highly encouraged, to improve the quality of
disease, such as diabetes [], anomaly of the urinary tract, recurrent those cultures that are clearly indicated. An advisory flow-
stone disease, or immunocompromised state chart for test requisition in suspicions of UTI is shown in
() Patients failing first line antimicrobial chemotherapy
Figure 2. Urine specimens from other symptomatic patients
() Clinical suspicion of urinary tract infection in febrile patients with
indwelling catheters than non-pregnant otherwise healthy women suffering from
() Clinical suspicion of urinary tract infection in men (symptomatic) [] sporadic uncomplicated lower UTI should be sent to the
() Clinical suspicion of urinary tract infection in pregnant women bacteriology laboratory for quantitative culture and sus-
(symptomatic) ceptibility testing (Section 1.2). A representative list of these
() Suspicion of urinary tract infection in children and adolescents
patients with UTI symptoms is in Table 32. Special cases and
() Recurrent UTI
specimens needing special urine cultures are pointed out in
Section and Figure 2.
Detailed backgrounds of item () and () are in the quoted references []
Consider also national guidelines for diagnostics and
and [], respectively.
treatment of urinary tract infections, or other reviews on
management of urine cultures, as shown with the listed
Usually, asymptomatic bacteriuria represents colonisa- – European Association of Urology Guideline [9]
tion with or without leukocyturia, and should not be sought – Public Health England Quick reference guide [8]
nor treated, to avoid enrichment of multi-resistant bacterial – Spanish guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of
strains, particularly in patients with indwelling catheters UTI [4]
[4, 9, 10]. Screening of selected clinical populations, such as – American Urology Association Guidelines for recurrent
pregnant women and patients before urological operations UTI [13]
that penetrate the mucosal membrane is, however, war- – IDSA Guideline for catheter-associated UTI in adults [14]
ranted (see Section 1.2.2), as specified by international – Belgian BILULU consensus guideline [15]
guidelines [4–6, 9]. – German multidisciplinary clinical guideline on ambu-
latory UTI of adults [10, 16]
RECOMMENDATION 49: Commensal urogenital microbiota – Updated EAU/ESPU guidelines on urinary tract in-
are not recommended to be sought nor treated from fections in children [17]
asymptomatic individuals (Asymptomatic Bacteriuria). (SoR 1, – Reviews on urine culture management [5, 18]
LoE A)a
RECOMMENDATION 51: Urine specimens from most routine
RECOMMENDATION 50: Suspicions of sporadic patients suspected for UTI are recommended to be sent to
uncomplicated lower urinary tract infections in otherwise quantitative urine culture and possible antimicrobial
healthy women are recommended to be screened for the susceptibility testing. Sensitive screening procedures are
presence of infection by using a validated questionnaire, to encouraged to reduce the number of specimens from the
reduce routine workflow in bacteriology laboratory. Rapid routine workflow. Special cultures of specimens from special
tests for leukocytes and bacteria are recommended into patient groups are recommended to be organised as
diagnostics of unclear and other cases (1, A).a nationally or locally defined. (1, A)
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 95

7.1.3 Indications for urine bacterial culture The microbiome obtained in the urinary bladder
after completed treatment (collected with methods that avoid contamination by other
anatomically close microbiota) is estimated to encompass
When the patient become asymptomatic after treatment for 102–105 CFU/mL (105 to 108 CFB/L). Its size is smaller than
acute cystitis, no control urine culture is needed [4, 9, 19]. those of other human microbiomes, consisting both
There is insufficient evidence to guide management after cultivable and non-cultivable bacteria. In both genders,
acute cystitis treatment in pregnancy. The Committee on Firmicutes is the major phylum identified, followed by
Clinical Consensus-Obstetrics of the American College of Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Proteobacteria (8 % in
Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has written a male, 3 % in female for this last phylum). Many genera are
recommendation allowing clinicians to consider either frequently identified: in healthy women Lactobacillus,
repeating the urine culture 1–2 weeks after treatment for Gardnerella, Atopobium, Prevotella, Staphylococcus are
acute cystitis for pregnant individuals, or requesting a urine found, whereas in males Corynebacterium and Strepto-
culture only if symptoms recur [20]. No recommendation is coccus are more prevalent. Escherichia and Enterococcus
given to control cultures for pregnant women after antimi- genera are also described as members of urinary micro-
crobial treatment. biota in healthy individuals [28].
The composition of bladder microbiota differs from that
RECOMMENDATION 52: No control cultures are needed of periurethral and genital tract and that of gut microbiota,
from patients with lower UTI if becoming asymptomatic after but shares a wide range of species with both of them. Given a
an antimicrobial treatment. (1, A) great similarity between strains isolated from vaginal and
bladder microbiota, some authors even propose existence of
a single urogenital microbiota in both niches. Most authors
prefer to consider an interconnection [27, 29, 30].
The urinary microbiota could play a major role in
7.2 Microbes of the urinary tract maintenance of homeostasis and preventing UTI. The di-
versity and the proportion of bacterial species identified in
Specific bacteria, e.g., those causing tuberculosis, leptospi- the urobiome are modified in many urinary diseases or
rosis, salmonellosis, or sexually transmitted diseases, such disorders, including urgency incontinence. The relation-
as N. gonorrhoeae, or C. trachomatis, and fungal infections ship between specific urotypes and specific urinary symp-
need special examination methods not discussed in detail in toms is still poorly understood [31, 32]. Interactions within
these guidelines. microbiota probably play a criticial role affecting the ca-
pacity of potential pathogens to successfully establish and
sustain colonization to outcompete the other microorgan-
7.2.1 Urinary microbes in health and disease isms [33]. Urobiome in healthy individuals Uropathogens and urinary tract infection

The presence of organisms in urine per se is not diagnostic of Detection of primary pathogens in urine does not neces-
an infection, since the urogenital tract of asymptomatic in- sarily mean a diagnosis of infection. UTI symptoms depend
dividuals contains numerous and diverse microbiota when on the combination of virulent invasion of uropathogens,
studied with extensive culturomics and gene sequencing inadequate host defences and other predisposing factors.
[21–25]. Indeed, despite that urine was historically consid- Some lineages of Escherichia coli (UPECs, uropathogenic
ered sterile in healthy individuals, many recent studies with E. coli) and Staphylococcus saprophyticus are more
genomic technologies and expanded urine cultures describe commonly associated with urinary tract infections than
a variable resident bacterial community in the bladder of other species because of their virulence gene repertoire.
healthy individuals. They are therefore regarded as primary pathogens [34–38]
The term urobiome refers in this guideline to (see Table 33).
microbiome of the urinary tract (group of microbial ge- Even primary pathogens can be cultured in urine of
nomes in a specific environment) that encompasses viable women without any symptoms. As an example, E. coli was
urinary microbiota. It is variable between individuals and detected by extended quantitative cultures and 16S RNA
changes over time and in different physiological condi- gene sequencing in the urine collected via transurethral
tions [25–27]. catheter in some continent adult women without UTI
96 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

Table : The pathogenicity and frequency of example microorganisms Contamination of urine specimens during
in urine. collection

Pathogenicity in the urinary tract Frequency

A major variable that cannot be accurately controlled is the
(percent of isolates)
technique of mid-stream (MS) urine collection. Despite patient
uUTIa cUTI HA-UTI CA-UTI instructions, a fraction of specimens contain commensal
I. Primary E. coli – –   urogenital contaminants in high enough quantities to make
pathogens S. saprophyticusb – – – – interpretation difficult. For the recommended efforts, see
II. Secondary Enterobacter spp.    
Section 3.2. Diagnostic rules therefore depend on whether
pathogens Enterococcus spp.e – –  
bacterial growth is pure or polymicrobial. This underscores
Klebsiella spp. – –  
Proteus spp. – –   the importance of clinical and preanalytical detail for each
P. aeruginosa – –   laboratory specimen, as well as infection-related test results
S. aureus – –   such as leukocyturia. Effective patient management requires
Citrobacter spp.   .  inclusion of these concomitant data in the interpretation of
M. morganii <  < 
results of urine bacterial cultures.
Serratia spp. <  < <
Aerococcus spp.e   – –
Actinotignum <. <. – –
schaaliie 7.2.2 Classification based on
C. urealyticum – – – – uropathogenicity
III. Doubtful Streptococcus – – < <
pathogens agalactiaec
Uropathogens were classified into 16 categories based on
Yeastd  –  
Acinetobacter spp. <    four degrees of pathogenicity (I–IV) and four frequencies in
IV. Contaminants Coagulase negative staphylococci, CNSd (except different clinical populations [3, 7, 15, 35, 39–44]. The exam-
S. saprophyticus) ples shown in Table 33 for each category must be adjusted
Corynebacterium spp. (except C. urealyticum) locally to cover most relevant clinical uropathogens.
Gardnerella vaginalis
Pathogenicity was classified as follows:
Lactobacillus spp.
I. Primary pathogenic species: Species that can cause
Abbreviations used: uUTI, uncomplicated urinary tract infection; cUTI, urinary tract infection in individuals with normal uri-
complicated urinary tract infection; HA-UTI, healthcare-associated urinary
nary tract.
tract infection; CA-UTI, catheter-associated urinary tract infection; -, data not
available. bMore important in sexually active young women []. II. Secondary pathogenic species: Species that rarely
Streptococcus agalactiae (Group B streptococci) []. GBS are pathogenic to cause primary infection in patients with normal urinary
the babies of pregnant women at childbirth and a few weeks before, and tract.
should always be reported []. dYeast [] and CNS [] are members of III. Doubtful pathogenic species: These microorganisms
urobiome. Probability that they cause a true infection must be evaluated
sometimes colonise urinary tract, and occasionally
case-by-case to avoid unnecessary antimicrobial treatment. eClassification as
cause mostly hospital-acquired urinary tract infections.
class II pathogen only in case of monomicrobial culture, otherwise considered
as a class III pathogen with an AST carried out based on local decision. IV. Contaminants: Microorganisms that are found in urine
culture due to contamination of the specimen with skin,
symptoms [26]. In routine laboratory practice, primary urethral or genital microbiota. These may be considered
pathogens can be cultured even at significant colony counts to cause UTI only after assessing the details of the
from urine of individuals without symptoms of UTI, defined specimen and the specific clinical request. A control
clinically as asymptomatic bacteriuria (see Section 1.2.2) with a new specimen is encouraged.
[6]. Thus, urobiome and/or host-related factors influence the
development of UTIs by these primary pathogens. Specimen data and clinical background have an impact on
Consequently, several clinical factors affect the speci- pathogenic role of listed pathogenic groups. When the
ficity of detected bacteriuria in the diagnosis of UTI. These specimen is NOT obtained by suprapubic aspiration (SPA) or
include presence of local or general symptoms, bladder in- puncture of renal pelvis, consider the following:
cubation time, way of collection – including catheters, – quality of the actual way of specimen collection
anatomical or functional abnormalities of the urinary tract, – results from urine particle analysis or microscopy
and patient-related factors, such as age and sex, pregnancy, – count and types of species grown in culture
kidney disease, concomitant immunocompromising dis- – host conditions (pregnancy, immunosuppression,
eases, or glycosuria in diabetes. another predisposition to UTI)
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 97

Suggested changes in classification both female and male elderly patients [55], A. schaalii is
Class II is now enriched with Aerococcus spp (Aerococcus more frequently cultured from male patients and can also be
urinae, A. sanguinocola) and Actinotignum schaalii that can isolated from young children [52].
be considered as secondary pathogens when isolated in Implementation of automated systems in microbi-
monomicrobial culture. These have been underreported and ology laboratory has increased the recovery of microor-
underestimated. Being previously considered as contami- ganisms, including fastidious ones (such as Gram-positive
nating microbes and overlooked in routine diagnostics, bacteria) thanks to closed systems allowing stable incu-
accumulating evidence shows that these bacteria are a rare bation atmospheres and high-quality plate images (see
but real cause of UTI (see Section 7.2.3). Their role when Section 7.4.3) [59, 60]. However, the clinical relevance of
detected with an other uropathogen remains to be explored. some of these emerging species, e.g., Actinomyces spp,
Corynebacterium urealyticum also belongs to class II Lactobacillus spp, Gardnerella vaginalis, and A. omnicolens
uropathogens. Due to its urease enzyme, it is associated with needs to be confirmed as they have also been described as
alkaline incrusted cystitis and pyelitis, particularly in pa- members of the bacterial communities colonising the uri-
tients with underlying urologic disease, such as renal nary tract [61–63] and are often found in low numbers
transplant patients [49]. (102–103 CFU/mL; corresponding to 105–106 CFB/L) [59].
Coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) were moved to Midstream urine specimens are also prone to contami-
contaminants, being members of urobiome [48]. nants of commensal species during collection, in addition
to members of bladder urobiome, see Section 7.2.1 for
RECOMMENDATION 53: Classification of uropathogens has detailed discussion.
been slightly updated. In addition to uropathogenicity,
predisposing host conditions, quality of specimen collection, RECOMMENDATION 54: New species Aerococcus spp,
results from particle analysis (leukocytes and bacteria), and Actinotignum schaalii and Corynebacterium urealyticum are
quantity and types of species grown in culture have an effect proposed into the list of class II uropathogens if detected in
on the diagnostic value of detected bacteriuria. (1, A) monomicrobial culture. (2, B)

7.2.3 Emerging pathogens

7.3 Bacterial detection by non-
Improvement of traditional culture techniques, introduction
of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight
culture methods
(MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry (MS) (see Section 7.6.2) and
There is a need for high performance rapid methods for the
molecular techniques, and finally development of labora-
detection of bacteria in urine.
tory automation (see Section 7.4.3) have considerably
This applies for the routine laboratory handling of large
improved the efficacy and accuracy of microbial detection
numbers of specimens, for emergency diagnostics, and for
and identification from urine specimens. Indeed, imple-
detection of asymptomatic bacteriuria in selected patient
mentation of MALDI-TOF MS, prolonged incubation up to
groups, such as pregnant women. Development of analyti-
48 h, use of anaerobic or 5–10 % CO2 atmosphere have
cally sensitive and specific rapid procedures for detection of
enlarged the number of identifiable bacteria from urine
bacteria is encouraged for both adults and children (see
samples. Examples of organisms with fastidious growth re-
quirements include Aerococcus spp, A. schaalii, and Allo-
scardovia omnicolens [50–55]. Sensitivity view: A high performance high-throughput
The role of Aerococcus spp. (especially A. urinae) and screening procedure with low false negative rate would
A. schaalii in urinary tract infections is nowadays well identify true negative specimens (most often, with WBC and
established, being considered as class II secondary patho- bacteria detection) and allow significant reduction in un-
gens (see Table 33). These species are more commonly iso- necessary urine cultures. Besides sensitivity, health care
lated in elderly patients with underlying urological diseases, savings are dependent on the obtained specificity or false-
e.g., urgency urinary incontinence, over-active bladder, positive rate. The validation of method performance for
prostate or bladder cancer, or benign prostatic hyperplasia detection of bacteria at low counts, i.e., less than 105 CFU/mL
[56–58]. However, while A. urinae has been isolated from (less than 108 CFB/L) becomes very important.
98 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

Specificity view: Patients at emergency rooms need a rapid 7.3.2 Screening procedures for detecting
examination with high specificity to suggest presence of bacteria in urine
uropathogenic bacteria, in particular when the focus of
infection is not obvious. At higher diagnostic cut-off of Multiple test strips are discussed in detail in Section 5.2,
UTI-related urine particles (high concentrations of WBC and including diagnostic performance (Section 5.2.1). Analytical
bacteria), a rapid test supports immediate treatment deci- performance of strip test measurands is discussed in Section
sion while cases with borderline counts of particles need to 5.2.2, including possibilities for false negative and false
wait results from urine bacterial cultures. positive results.
Urine particle analysis (of both living and non-revivable
bacteria) by visual microscopy or automated instruments is
7.3.1 Microscopy methods in bacteriology: discussed in detail in Section 6, including performance of
Gram staining (Level 2) WBC and bacteria counting by automated instruments
against bacterial culture (Section Detection of leu-
Gram staining of urine is traditional, but it has rather low kocyturia and bacteriuria may be used in several ways for
sensitivity (≥104 bacteria/mL) and low discriminatory po- diagnostics of UTI:
wer as only Gram positive vs. Gram negative, and cocci – Diagnostic specificity >90 % against clinical UTI, to be
vs. rods can be detected. It is no more a mandatory pro- used to support decisions on emergency patients,
cedure for urine specimens because it is tedious, time- although the sensitivity may remain less optimal
consuming and strongly dependent of interfering factors – Analytical sensitivity >95 % against culture at ≥105 CFU/
(see below) [41]. mL (108 CFB/L), or >80 % at ≥103 CFU/mL (106 CFB/L), to
Gram staining is, however, important to be available be used to rule out unnecessary specimens from cul-
for special requests or patient groups, e.g., young children, tures at a specificity of at least 50 % (see also Section
severe infections, or atypical clinical forms [64–68]. Gram 7.8.3)
staining may occasionally be used for presumptive etio- – Presence of increased WBC concentrations in urine
logic diagnosis – leading for example to addition of extra specimens to focus workflow of routine cultures in
culture media, to guide empirical antimicrobial treatment bacteriology laboratories (see Section 7.5.2)
[69], or to detect polymicrobial contamination of a spec-
imen [70]. Bacterial cultures have been modified for emergency di-
Preliminary results on Gram staining of urine bacteria agnostics by automated rapid culturing devices using
with flow cytometric particle counting are reviewed in specific technologies and media [73, 74]. Despite clinical
Section need, these instruments have not been widely applied into
When Gram stain is performed on fresh uncentrifuged routine.
urine, the sensivity of microscopy is 105 bacteria/mL
(104 bacteria/mL when centrifuged) [41, 70, 71]. When
compared to culture results, major errors of Gram stain re-
sults are related to inappropriate staining processing, ex- 7.3.3 Matrix-assisted laser desorption
amination of a limited number of fields or characteristics of ionization time-of-flight mass
some organisms, e.g., Gram positive species that stain Gram spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS)
negative naturally or because of antimicrobial therapy. This
can be improved by training and maintenance of proficiency Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight
in microbiology [70]. mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) has been implemented
Discordant results with culture (false Gram stain re- in many clinical microbiology laboratories for more than a
sults) may also be due to fastidious or non-viable micro- decade now [75]. This technique has changed the way to
organisms (like anaerobic bacteria) that failed to grow identify bacteria, but also yeast and even some fungi.
under the culture conditions used, or due to presence of The detection of species-specific MALDI-TOF spectra
antibiotics in the sample [41, 70]. Thus, to be accurate and from essentially ribosomal polypeptides provides a robust
helpful, Gram stain requires a careful follow-up of the identification of bacteria and fungi. For this, microorgan-
technical procedures [41] and interpretation criteria. The isms or their respective protein extractions are placed
sensitivity of Gram staining may vary from 82 to 98 %, and together with an organic matrix solution (e.g., alpha-cyano-
the specificity from 66 to 95 % compared to >104 CFU/mL in 4-hydroxycinnamic acid) on a metal target plate. After
culture [72]. inserting the target plate into the MALDI device, a laser beam
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 99

transfers energy to the bacteria-matrix mixture. The energy diagnostic performance (see Section 4 for general definitions
causes disruption of the bacteria, and subsequently release based on accuracy): qualified comparison methods (Level 3),
and ionization of highly prevalent ribosomal proteins from quantitative field methods (Level 2), and ordinal scale or
the cracked bacteria. By applying a high voltage, the ionized rapid methods (Level 1).
polypeptides and their fragments are accelerated and trans- Individual laboratories and their customer clinicians
ferred to a flight tube in a high vacuum. At its end, a detector must decide – based on local patient populations and
measures the impacting ions. Time to the detector depends on resource – the way in which urine cultures should be
the charge and mass of the ionized polypeptides. The result is organised locally. Common sense is needed in a clinical
a specific mass spectrum, which is compared to a database of bacteriological laboratory to ensure both high clinical
reference mass spectra within seconds. This comparison sensitivity and high specificity of routine reports. This may
provides a reliable identification of the respective bacteria or be influenced by the microbiology tradition and costs of
fungus in a monomicrobial sample within minutes. health care in different countries. The ideal analytical pro-
For direct identification of bacteria in clinical urine cess may not be attainable.
specimens by MALDI-TOF MS, different preparation steps
have to be performed before the method can be applied.
Human cells, mucus and salt need to be removed [72, 76, 77]. 7.4.1 Choice of culture conditions
If more than one species is present, direct identification
provides usually no meaningful results. Moreover, the ac- Culture media
curacy of the results obtained by means of a direct
MALDI-TOF MS-based identification of bacteria from urine No single culture medium allows growth of all uropath-
specimen is by far inferior to that from bacteria grown on ogens. Chromogenic medium is strongly recommended as
agar plate: bacteria concentrations of 104 CFU/mL (107 CFB/L) the primary routine agar. As compared to other media such
or higher are necessary to obtain reliable results directly as Cystine-Lactose Electrolyte Deficient (CLED) agar, it al-
from a specimen. This results in false negative reports in lows rapid identification of the most frequent microorgan-
specimens with low uropathogen counts [78, 79]. Application isms causing urinary tract infections (particularly E. coli). It
of the MALDI-TOF MS to urine specimens without a pre- also supports detection of polymicrobial growth thanks to
culture SHALL NOT be used for routine detection of bacteria the hydrolysis of different chromogenic substances by
in clinical laboratories. species-specific enzymes [80–82]. Thus, using chromogenic
agar allows to reduce workload of the laboratory techni-
RECOMMENDATION 55: Bacterial identification using cians, material required for bacterial identification (no need
Matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight for large supplementary tests to identify E. coli), and to
mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) is strongly improve turn-around time for patient results with lower
recommended into medium-sized and large laboratories costs [83–85].
(>100 specimens/day), to improve patient prognosis with
accuracy and reliability of identification to the species level, Special urine cultures
and shortened delay of reporting. (1, A)
Clinical microbiologists should additionally consider neces-
RECOMMENDATION 56: Limitations of the MALDI-TOF MS in sity of special procedures (Figure 2), such as culturing urine
detecting bacteriuria at low colony counts (less than 104 CFU/ specimens on blood agar under 5 % CO2 atmosphere for 48 h.
mL, or 107 CFB/L) must be understood in organising laboratory These clinical cases may include patients with defined uro-
processes for urine specimens with a possibility of significant logical diseases [9], or cases of positive leukocyturia with
low bacteria counts. MALDI-TOF MS shall NOT be applied negative culture results [42], and needs to detect emerging
directly to urine specimens in routine laboratories without fastidious Gram-positive pathogens [15, 50]. For urine spec-
preculturing the specimen. (1, A) imens collected during urological procedures (e.g., cystos-
copy, nephrostomy) or from prostatic secretions, a chocolate
agar is suggested as an optimum approach [41]. Columbia
colistin-nalidix acid agar could be seeded and incubated
7.4 Bacterial cultures under 5 % CO2 atmosphere, or even in anaerobic atmosphere
in specific clinical needs.
The bacterial culture procedures are structured into three Urine samples showing the presence of yeast on mi-
performance levels based on the hierarchy of their croscopy can be inoculated on chromogenic yeast culture
100 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

medium. This may allow a direct presumptive identification plate corresponds to 104 CFU/mL (107 CFB/L) using a 1-µL
of clinically important Candida albicans, C. tropicalis and inoculum, but at 103 CFU/mL (106 CFB/L) a 10-µL inoculum is
C. krusei. needed for 10 colonies/plate. If a reproducible colony count
at 102 CFU/mL (105 CFB/L) is needed, a volume of 100 µL must
RECOMMENDATION 57: Chromogenic agar is strongly be inoculated [15, 16, 41, 42]. Specific microbiology advice is
recommended as the primary agar medium to identify necessary in locations with minimal resource for the prac-
Escherichia coli (most frequent uropathogen) easily, quickly, tical inoculation volumes. External quality assessment has
and inexpensively (no need for a panel of tests to define the shown that there is a great variation in the methodology of
species). A second agar (such as blood agar) is performing conventional urine cultures despite attempts at
recommended in clinically defined cases and for fastidious standardisation.
organisms. (1, B)
Inoculation procedure: After mixing the urine gently, the
end of a sterile 10 µL calibrated loop is dipped in the urine
just below the surface and removed vertically without car-
7.4.2 Manual routine culture (Level 2) rying urine on the shank. This is then inoculated on the agar
medium and spread by using one of the recommended Statistics of colony counting in bacteriology methods described in Figure 7A, B. For urine samples
collected by invasive procedures (e.g. SPA), 100 µL must be
In the interpretation of bacterial counts, understanding the
uncertainty of obtained colonies on plate is important. Col-
onies are statistically discrete variables that follow Poisson
distribution like other particles. Poisson distribution has the
following parameters:

Standard deviation, s s=√n, where n=number of counts

Coefficient of variation, CV CV=s/n=√n/n

The limit of 10 colonies/plate for a reproducible detection of

growth is derived from Poisson distribution of counting,
where standard deviation s=√n (see above). Three stan-
dard deviations typically define the analytical sensitivi-
ty=limit of detection (LoD). At the total count n=10,
1s=√10=3.1, and 3s=9.3. The limit of detection is then above
the range 0–9, i.e., 10 is the first count detectable above a
negative result.
Imprecision of colony counts in clinical specimens is
larger than that of the theoretical Poisson distribution, since
it is influenced by the variability of bladder incubation time
(urgency), diuresis, homogeneity of urine suspension, tech-
nical fluid volume catched into the inoculum, and culture
conditions. Because of these additional factors, a colony
count of 103 CFU/mL (106 CFB/L) remains a borderline
quantity, and first 104 CFU/mL (107 CFB/L) is diagnostically
reproducible even with a 10-µL inoculum. Procedures Figure 7: Inoculation of a culture plate. The images were modified from
[41]. Both method (A) or (B) of streaking urine for colony count using a
Volume of inoculum: The volume of urine that is inoculated 10-µL calibrated loop are recommended. These include dragging the loop
over the radius (A) or the diameter (B) of the agar plate and streaking
onto a culture medium affects the limit of detection of
perpendicularly from top to bottom. For inoculation of a 100 µL volume,
bacteriuria (see Section 7.5 for diagnostic significance). the spreader method (C) is recommended because of large urine volume.
At least 10 colonies/plate are needed for a statistically Spread the inoculum over the entire medium surface back and forth while
reproducible detection of growth. A minimum of 10 colonies/ rotating the plate.
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 101

inoculated over the entire surface of the plate using a sterile 7.4.3 Automated urine cultures
spreader as described in Figure 7C. Total laboratory automation in bacteriology
Cultures: Quantitative culture should be performed on a
relatively non-selective agar plate as a minimum process Automated systems have been introduced for culturing
(see Section 7.4.1). Incubation for 16–24 h is sufficient for clinical blood specimens, identification of pathogens and
primary uropathogens. Aerobic incubation at 35 ± 2 °C is antimicrobial susceptibility testing around 30 years ago, but
recommended [15, 41, 42]. total laboratory automation (TLA) appeared only recently in
The routine culture procedure is generally less reliable microbiology laboratories. For large microbiology labora-
for inpatients with a larger variety of uropathogens in their tories, automated urine culture is now an available option.
specimens, for invasively collected specimens, and for in- TLA in clinical microbiology laboratories is defined as
fections caused by fastidious organisms. Agar plates from instrumentation that mechanises the steps from specimen
these urine specimens without bacterial growth after 24 h, processing to discarding plates when results are final, and
but with leukocyturia and clinical signs indicating a UTI, delivery of plates to workbenches [88, 89]. Two automation
might benefit from longer incubations. An additional 24 h systems are currently available: BD Kiestra Work Cell
may confirm either sterility, or find out a possible fastidious Automation (WCA) or TLA (Becton Dickinson, B. V.,
uropathogen [15, 41, 42]. An increase of 8–10 % in the fre- Drachten, The Netherlands), and Copan WASPLab (Copan
quency of isolations has been documented in 2-day cultures Diagnostics Inc., Italy). The systems are modular and cus-
as compared to one-day culture [86, 87]. Local practice for tomizable to the space and needs of a diagnosis laboratory,
special cultures shall be decided together with clinical cus- e.g., according to the specimen types and their numbers.
tomers based on specific cases and specimens arriving in the Besides the preanalytical steps (opening of specimen
laboratory. containers, sample preparation, and microbial streaking),
To improve growth of fastidious organisms, e.g., some the system may include automated aerobic and CO2 in-
Gram-positive species, blood agar media need to be incu- cubators with plate readers, as well as conveyors for trans-
bated under a 5 % CO2 atmosphere for 48 h, in addition to ferring plates between these instruments. Furthermore,
aerobic conditions. automated colony pickers coupled to automated antimicro-
The uncertainties of the routine process should be bial susceptibility testing (AST) and preparation for
controlled by the advanced comparison method (see Section MALDI-TOF MS-based identification (ID) system are avail-
7.4.4) when the procedure is established, as well as with able. According to the number of samples received in a given
regular internal comparison focusing on critical steps as laboratory, partial or full configurations are offered. The
needed (Section 7.8.1). Depending on the success of these advantages of automation and the impact on the laboratory
adjustments, the routine process is considered to represent workflow vary according to the level of automation. In all
a quantitative procedure (Level 2) or a ordinal scale pro- cases, automation helps in elimination of repetitive manual
cedure only (Level 1). tasks, reduces patient identification errors, and improves
standardisation and reproducibility of culture [90, 91].
RECOMMENDATION 58: Reproducible detection of low
colony counts at 103 CFU/mL (106 CFB/L) requires an inoculum Improving urine bacterial culturing with
of at least 10 µL, adopting one of the recommended methods automated processes
of inoculation. (1, A)
Automation of urine cultures has several technical benefits
RECOMMENDATION 59: Aerobic incubation at 35 + 2 °C for
as compared to manual culturing [89]. Automated in-
16–24 h is sufficient for primary uropathogens. For special
struments improve isolation of colonies, even from mixed
urine specimens, blood agar plates are recommended to
growth, reducing the need of subcultures [92, 93]. The cul-
be incubated under 5 % CO2 atmosphere for 48 h in
ture plates are reviewed at regular intervals on high-
addition to aerobic conditions, to detect possible fastidious
resolution monitors with different illumination technologies
organisms. (1, A)
and multiple angles, to allow earlier detection, identification,
102 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

and thus earlier reporting of growth [90, 94, 95]. Additionally, outcome. However, this needs to be further evaluated as this
incubation in a standardised temperature and atmosphere of benefit is strongly linked to the local antibiotic stewardship
the automated incubators increases sensitivity to detect bac- programme.
terial growth already after 18 h [59, 60].
Several studies have described a significant reduction of
the turn-around time (TAT) down to 5 h from arrival of urine
specimens to the final report of negative urine cultures [90, 7.4.4 Advanced reference procedure for
94, 96]. However, since a shorter incubation time reduces the bacterial culture (Level 3)
recovery of slow growing-species, it is necessary to find a
trade-off between TAT reduction and sensitivity of early Purpose and scope of a reference measurement
readings [96, 97]. procedure for bacterial cultures
The TAT reduction in dependent on organisation of
preanalytical, analytical (screening and confirmatory tests) Levels of accuracy of the measurement procedures used in
and postanalytical phases. Shortening of TAT is not as sig- this guideline is described in Section 4. An advanced
nificant with positive urine specimens as in negative speci- comparison method (Level 3), called officially a reference
mens in the automated culturing process. The outcome measurement procedure, is a well characterised pro-
depends more on the level of automation and organisation of cedure with a small measurement uncertainty to pro-
the workflow including post-analytical steps, and finally vide measurement results fit for their intended use
adaptation of working shifts of the personnel in the labo- [103]. This guideline uses the term “measurement” occa-
ratory to support a 24/7 service, or service at least in two sionally also for qualitative (nominal scale) examinations,
shifts [89, 98, 99]. Digital imaging with quantitative algo- such as identification of bacterial species, together with
rithms allows both quantitative detection of growth and the compared measurements in Chemistry or Particle
identification of bacterial species grown on chromogenic counting.
agar plates [100–102]. A decreased TAT of 14 h from sample The VIM term 2.26 Measurement uncertainty is a key
arrival to reporting was achieved by using tailored rules in concept of quantitative measurements, expressed as a
detecting growth of E. coli [95, 97]. Identification and classi- quantitative result=a measurement quantity value with its
fication of other micro-organisms still needs to be improved uncertainty (x + u). It is applicable both for actual quantitative
[100]. Software algorithms may help in distinguishing nega- values (ratio scale) and for ordinal scale quantities. It is
tive from non-negative urine specimens [95]. The perfor- explicitly said that it is not applicable to qualitative (nominal
mance of these algorithms depends on microbial load, type of scale) examinations, such as nomination of grown species that
species, image contrast of the colonies and related technical encompasses qualitative variability, i.e., uncertainty of
factors, and interpretation criteria of primary cultures [100]. nomination (=classification) without a quantity. In bacterial
The future expectation of automated systems is an autor- cultures, quantitation of colony counts represents an official
elease of negative routine and chromogenic culture results “measurement”.
with a fully automated urine workflow between all in- An advanced reference procedure (Level 3) is princi-
struments connected, challenging organisation for additional pally required for bacterial culture
cultures to slowly growing species. (1) To verify initial performance of routine quantitative
In implementing bacteriology automation, several fac- bacterial culture (at Level 2) in local clinical epidemi-
tors need to be assessed in addition to expected improve- ology (in the existing facility and variety of specimens),
ment of efficiency, accuracy, and reduced TAT [89, 98, 99] or to confirm the acceptable performance after essential
Some of these are summarised in Table 34. Shortening the changes in the modified procedure, e.g., by new re-
TAT can positively improve patient management and agents, materials, or equipment.
(2) To assess any (automated) instruments in bacteriology
intended to detect, quantify, or identify bacterial species
Table : Important factors in adapting urine bacteriology automation. for clinical diagnostics, when verifying the device(s)
according to manufacturer’s instructions. Comparison is
– Number of tests (annually and daily) preferably carried out three-way, by comparing results
– Prevalence of positive urine specimens from automated instruments to the current culture
– Expected sample throughput and turn-around times
procedure (at Level 2). See Section 7.8.1 for detailed
– Worflows and staff working hours
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 103

In both cases, the verification by the end-user laboratory itself is dependent on the number of used ordinal
needs a focused plan for analytical verification, including scale quantities (categories) of growth, and coverage
specimens, procedures, materials and equipment, personnel of sufficient variety of bacterial species.
and assessment of results that provide evidence needed to c) Preanalytics
substantiate reliability of the laboratory’s routine cultures. Specimen collection and preservation shall be adapted
Rapid examinations (Level 1 or Level 2) used to screen from local practice, considering requirements in Section
for the presence of clinically significant bacteriuria need to 3 of this guideline. Both non-preservative and preser-
be compared against routine bacterial cultures at Level 2. A vative containers should be investigated, as used in local
Level 3 procedure may occasionally be chosen for studying practice, and confirmed to comply with the European
specimens of individual patients or patient groups based on Union IVDR regulation 2017/746 (specimen receptacles
specific clinical needs, e.g., to confirm detection or identifi- and containers) and the EU MDR regulation 2017/745
cation of fastidious species. (devices for invasive urine collection). A verification of
preanalytical procedures or devices is usually separate Normative references from the verification of an analytical examination pro-
cedure, but the analytical verification needs to collect a
BIPM, IEC, IFCC, ILAC, ISO, IUPAC, IUPAP and OIML. Inter- representative sample of clinically relevant specimens
national Vocabulary of Metrology – Basic and general con- from its customer units (see Chapter 7.3.2 of the ISO
cepts and associated terms (VIM 3rd ed, 2012) [103]. 15189:2022).
International Organization for Standardization (ISO). d) Required equipment and reagents
ISO standard 15189:2022 [104]. Calibrated pipettes (10 µL and primarily 100 µL volume)
European Union. Regulation (EU) 2017/746 on in vitro minimise inaccuracy related to inoculation. Inoculation
diagnostic medical devices [105]. with a loop does not provide precise volumes.
Culture media and used equipment shall comply with Principles of a reference examination procedure the EU IVDR regulation 2017/746. High-quality culture
in urine bacterial culture media and their storage method shall be verified to
guarantee sterility before use, recovery, detection, and
The contents of Chapter 7.3 Examination processes in the isolation of uropathogenic bacteria.
ISO15189:2022 standard were used to create a structure to e) Process of inoculation, incubation and reading of
this proposed reference procedure for urine bacterial cul- cultures
ture. At least the following features are important for a In addition to accurate inoculation, streaking practice
bacteriology reference procedure: shall be standardised in a laboratory. Stability of tem-
a) Principles of the procedure perature and designed atmosphere of incubators should
The principle of an advanced procedure for urine bac- be measured and followed. An additional 24-h incuba-
terial culture is a culture-based procedure with a tion time is required after the routine incubation for 18–
maximum sensitivity to detect clinically significant 24 h in aerobic atmosphere, and an incubation in 5 % CO2
uropathogenic species at sufficient reproducibility even atmosphere for 48 h for detection of all clinically rele-
at low colony counts, and with a maximum specificity to vant organisms. Standardised reading of quantities is
isolate and identify them correctly. MALDI-TOF MS is a recommended for reproducibility of categories. Both
tool for species identification of cultured colonies. quality and quantity of isolated colonies shall be
b) Specimens considered.
(i) Standard American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) f) Performance specifications and analysis of errors
or equivalent other control strains of representative The summary of performance and error analysis should
uropathogens are needed to confirm commutability provide an estimate on uncertainty of the derived
of the obtained results between laboratories, and to reference procedure. See the description of the details
verify theoretical performance of the procedure. below.
(ii) Clinical urine specimens obtained from routine di-
agnostics from mixed patient populations shall be
tested, considering needs of the served clinical units, Detailed characteristics of a reference procedure
and different ways of urine collection and preser-
vation. The total number of clinical specimens suf- The features of the procedure were developed from [91, 93,
ficient for validation of the reference procedure 106], by using expert consensus.
104 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

Table : Control strains for urine bacterial culture. with a highest precision of visual counting of 100 colonies/
plate at 103 CFU/mL (106 CFB/L).
Agar Species ATCC Incubation Expected A 10 µL inoculation provides detection of growth up to
medium nr atmosphere reactiona
105 CFU/mL (108 CFB/L), with a highest precision at
Chromogenic E. coli   °C ±  °C, Growth and 104 CFU/mL if needed. After inoculation with a calibrated
aerobic colour
pipette, streaking pattern (A) or (B) must be chosen and
Chromogenic E. faecalis   °C ±  °C, Growth and
standardised, as shown in Section 7.4.2.
aerobic, and  % colour
CO-enriched Repeatability of colony counts is measured by duplicate
Chromogenic P. aeruginosa   °C ±  °C, Growth inoculations from serial 1:10 dilutions of ATCC or equivalent
aerobic strains, or duplicate inoculations of clinical urine specimens
Blood agar S. pneumoniae   °C ±  °C, Growth, without dilutions. Mix the specimens upside down at least
aerobic, and  % α-haemolysis
10 times to create an even suspension before inoculation.
Growth is assessed after incubation for – h. For fastidious organisms, Culture media
assess additionally after a -h incubation. Primary agar of the reference procedure is recommended to
be a chromogenic agar. The French Society of Microbiology
and the ESCMID recommend blood agar as a secondary
medium [107, 108].
(1) At least four standard ATCC or equivalent control
Defective culture media may lead to false results. At
strains of uropathogens from other sources are needed
least the following defects should be excluded:
to verify quantitation of colony counts (Table 35). These
(i) Deterioration of the chromogenic compound due to
may include, e.g., E. coli, E. faecalis and P. aeruginosa
inferior storage conditions before use, or inside the
that represent aerobic growth, while S. pneumoniae
automated incubator. This possibility is detected by
and E. faecalis grow in 5 % CO2 atmosphere. S. pneu-
comparing the colours of colonies of standard ATCC or
moniae also represents fastidious species despite not
equivalent strains grown on chromogenic agar with the
being a uropathogen. Moreover, E. coli and E. faecalis
expected colours of those colonies.
also serve assessment of colour of colonies on chro-
(ii) Loss of growth-promoting capacity: the capacity of the
mogenic agar.
used agar to promote growth of all major uropathogenic
Prepare 0.5 McFarland suspensions of the strains and
species is confirmed from frequencies of isolated spe-
dilute into 106 CFU/mL (109 CFB/L) with physiological
cies over time, to ensure detection of full epidemiology
0.9 % NaCl (saline). Finally, monomicrobial 1:10 dilu-
of uropathogens requested from the laboratory.
tion series at 102–105 CFU/mL (corresponding to 105–
(iii) Contamination: a random contamination of a given
108 CFB/L in SI units) shall be prepared, as well as at
batch is rare but possible. Examine each media batch
least four representative polymicrobial combinations.
visually upon receipt and before use.
The reference procedure should be validated using
containers both without and with preservatives if
Culture conditions
fastidious organisms need to be tested.
Laboratory grade incubators should be maintained both in
(2) 50–100 clinical urine specimens from mixed patient
aerobic atmosphere, and in 5 % CO2 atmosphere for fastid-
populations should be selected after routine di-
ious species growing on blood agar.
agnostics, reflecting the variety of specimens received
Specimens on primary chromogenic agar are to be
from the clinical customers of the laboratory. These
cultivated in aerobic conditions. Specimens on secondary
should include different ways of urine collection,
agar should be cultivated both in aerobic conditions and in
representative variety of isolated groups of species and
5 % CO2 atmosphere. Detection of growth is carried out after
polymicrobial specimens, and locally used pre-
incubation at 35 ± 2 °C for 18–24 h. In addition, fastidious
servatives, the extent depending on the type of the
organisms shall be detected after a 48-h incubation.
actual verification in question.
Reading of growth
Inoculum procedure The bacterial growth is classified into negative and 3 or 4
For the reference procedure, 100 µL pipetted volume is used positive ordinal scale quantities (ranks) with approximate
to detect 10–1000 bacterial colonies/plate at 102–104 CFU/mL colony counts according to Table 36. Since enumeration of
(corresponding to a range of 105–107 CFB/L), respectively, dense colonies is inaccurate due to their merging, locally
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 105

Table : Quantitative interpretation of growth. reference procedure should be compared in a cross-table,
using negative and usually three or four positive ordinal scale
Volume of Number of Colony count, Colony count, quantities, i.e., 102–105 CFU/mL (corresponding to 105–108 CFB/
inoculum colonies on plate CFU/mL CFB/L
L, respectively). Less than 30 % of specimens should yield a
 µL    negative result in culture. Relevant statistics shall be applied
  
in addition to clinical judgment of results. A possibility of
  
Cohen’s kappa statistics is described in Section for
 µL    ordinal scale results with urine test strips [110, 111].
  
   Precision of quantitation: The repeatability coefficient of
   variation (CV) of colony counts is obtained from 10 replicate
cultures from standard ATCC or equivalent reference
strains, using mean and standard deviation of results. Note
designed enumeration grids are recommended for repro- that colony counts have inherent variability usually
ducibility [106]. Both polymicrobial and monomicrobial modelled by Poisson distribution (Section 7.4.2). An example
growth shall be reported as colony counts in the reference for interpretation is as follows:
procedure. The repeatability CV should approach theoretical
At least three similar discrete colonies (to avoid excep- imprecision derived from Poisson distribution, CVtheoretical.
tional variants) need to be present for additional working Since the standard deviation of Poisson distribution 1 s=√n,
steps, as a definition of successful isolation of species [109]. where n=number of colonies on a plate, the 95 % confidence
interval may be approximated with ± 2s limits. For a colony
Identification of species
count of 10/plate, 1s=√10=3.1. Then, a 95 % confidence in-
Some species, such as E. coli may be identified directly on
terval is ± 6 colonies/plate (4–16 colonies/plate). The
chromogenic agar with a rapid test. MALDI-TOF MS analysis
observed CV with patient specimens is desirably <2 × Poisson
is required for a reference identification of species.
Operator training
Analysis of sources of variation
Laboratory professionals performing the reference proced-
Colony counts in culture follow imprecision of Poisson sta-
ure in practice shall be familiarised and trained in advance
tistics. Both systematic errors (bias) and extra random
to learn the key principles of a reliable and standardised
variation (increased imprecision) increase the variability of
operation procedure. Inter-observer variability shall be
obtained colony counts in culture, thus increasing mea-
compared in advance to assess the levels of human uncer-
surement uncertainty (MU).
tainty in manual work and interpretation.
The observed uncertainty should be reviewed in the
summary of the validation of the derived reference pro- Performance specifications for a reference cedure for bacterial culture. The VIM term 2.33 Uncertainty
bacterial culture budget is “a statement of a measurement uncertainty”
applicable to quantities only. For nominal examinations,
Trueness of identification (nomination): The reference such as identification of species in bacterial culture, an es-
procedure is recommended to identify desirably all inocu- timate of combined misclassification rate of grown species
lated colonies in the mixed ATCC or equivalent reference should be attempted from clinical specimens, including at
strain suspensions. It should also identify at least 95 % least the following possible sources of uncertainty:
of the uropathogenic species from clinical specimens at – specimens (such as types of reference strains, or bacte-
103 CFU/mL (106 CFB/L), and at least 90 % of them at rial species in clinical specimens, way of collection with
102 CFU/mL (105 CFB/L). polymicrobial background, and storage conditions),
– tools and methods of inoculation,
Quality of isolation: At least three similar discrete colonies
– properties and preservation of used culture media,
shall be grown on plates to allow additional tests, such as
– instruments and conditions used in incubation of plates,
– ways of reading, isolating colonies and identifying the
Trueness of quantitation (counting): Agreement of quan- grown species, and
titative colony counts between two parallel inoculations from – human operator-related differences (shown with inter-
100 µL (and 10 µL in addition) clinical specimens using the observer comparisons after training).
106 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

RECOMMENDATION 60: A qualified reference examination RECOMMENDATION 61: No recommendation is given to

(Level 3 procedure) is recommended to be used for bacterial the unit for reporting urine bacterial cultures. A national
cultures harmonisation is recommended to avoid confusion among
(1) to verify a required performance of routine bacterial professionals and patient risks.
culture (at Level 2), or
(2) to assess any instruments in bacteriology intended to
detect, quantify, or identify bacterial species for clinical
diagnostics against the suggested performance specifi- Significance of low bacterial concentrations and
cations as needed. (1, A) leukocyturia

The classical concept of significant bacteriuria is based on

the finding that uropathogen counts of ≥105 CFU/mL
(≥108 CFB/L) are associated with the presence of a urinary
7.5 Bacteriuria quantitation tract infection (UTI) at a significantly higher probability
than lower bacteria counts [117, 118]. However, this “Kass
7.5.1 Background for limits of clinically number” was based on studies on exclusively premeno-
significant bacteriuria pausal women with pyelonephritis. Despite this fact, the
“Kass number” has been used widely even for diagnosing Unit recommended for expressing bacterial symptomatic lower urinary tract infections. However,
concentrations increasing clinical evidence has shown that colony counts
far below the limit of 105 CFU/mL (108 CFB/L), down to
Automated counting of different particles in urine speci- 102 CFU/mL (105 CFB/L) are associated with urinary tract
mens [112, 113] recalls the international standardisation of infections, too. This is particularly true for premenopausal
quantities and units [114]. The SI unit for volume in particle women with symptomatic lower urinary tract infections
concentrations is particles/litre (L), e.g., a leukocyte count in [119–121].
urine and other body fluids is expressed as WBC 80 × 106/L Low thresholds for significant bacteriuria reduce the
[115, 116] (see Section 6.2.2). specificity of UTI diagnostics if the low bacteria numbers are
Bacteria concentrations counted directly in body fluids considered to indicate UTI independently of urinary tract
differ from those obtained as colonies after bacterial culture. symptoms. In fact, the presence of bacteria in low count
The traditional unit of reporting bacterial concentrations often represents contamination or colonisation. Thus, a non-
after culture has been colony-forming unit/millilitre selective additional processing of all urine samples with low
(CFU/mL). The SI unit with a litre volume is CFU/L (colony- bacterial concentrations creates unjustified workload for
forming unit/litre), as adopted by the UK Standard for the microbiology laboratory, followed by a large number of
Microbiology Investigations [42]. The primary ECLM Euro- unnecessary antimicrobial therapies. A practical solution to
pean Urinalysis Guidelines suggested to replace U with B, the workload is explained in Section 7.5.2, discussing
proposing a litre-based unit, CFB/L (colony forming bacte- laboratory-related decision limits for significant bacteriuria
ria/L), to avoid confusion between exponentials if only mL (Figure 8).
volumes were changed to L volumes [39]. The term “bacte- Lower bacterial counts may be significant in paediatric
ria” also refers to visible discrete objects. The adoption of the UTI as well [17, 122–124]. However, bacterial contamination
SI units has remained optional for urine, mostly in scientific with the faecal microbiota occurs in infants frequently.
writing on particle concentrations. Therefore, other laboratory findings, such as leukocyturia,
Clinical microbiology laboratories mostly express cul- and clinical picture need to be considered, to minimize false-
ture results in CFU/mL units similar to other body fluid positive, solely culture-based diagnoses of urinary tract in-
specimens, e.g., sputum, broncho-alveolar lavage, or cath- fections in childhood.
eter specimens with quantitative Brun-Buisson technique. Detection of leukocyturia in obtained urine specimens
Changing the unit for different cultures to SI units (per litre) guides evaluation and further diagnostic procedures in the
must be decided and standardised at national level of laboratory in general, as an increased concentration of WBC
healthcare, to avoid confusions for clinicians, and risks to indicates an active inflammatory response. Thus, concen-
patient safety. In this guideline, conventional units (CFU/mL) trations of 103–104 CFU/mL (106–107 CFB/L) of uropathogens
and previously adopted SI units (CFB/L) appear in parallel tend to be clinically relevant when associated with corre-
for clarity. sponding clinical symptoms OR leukocyturia [125–128].
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 107

GROWTH Finding: no growth
Leukocyturia a 103 CFU/mL b ≥104 CFU/mL

1 - 2 species Interpreta on d Interpreta on

+ ID + AST c 2
Class I ID + AST 2
uropathogens - ID 1 ID + AST 1

Class II + ID + AST 2 ID + AST 2

uropathogens - ID 0 ID 1

Class III, doub ul + ID + AST 1 ID + AST 1

uropathogens - ID 0 ID 0

Contaminants, + ID 3 ID 3
no uropathogens - ID 0 ID 0

≥ 3 species No No
(Interpreta on: contamina on)

Figure 8: General workflow of primary bacterial cultures from routine urine specimens. The Figure provides an outlook how to organise routine
workflow of most urine cultures. Local adaptations or additional details may be considered as needed. Explanations to the footnotes: aPresence of
leukocyturia at WBC>30 × 106/L, with a grey zone at 10–30 WBC × 106/L (measured with particle counting or test strip, depending on health care setting).
Limiting colony counts divide the process, expressed using the conventional colony-forming unit CFU/mL. Alternative SI units are colony-forming unit/L
(UK recommendation), or colony-forming bacteria, CFB/L, that may be adopted after national decisions. 103 CFU/mL (equal to 106 CFB/L) represents a
borderline quantity of significant growth in routine cultures. cID=identification to species level; AST, antimicrobial susceptibility test. dClinical interpre-
tation codes 0–3 are explained further in the text below. Level of significant bacteriuria depending on way removing the old catheter and taking the sample through the
of collection new one.
Regarding mid-stream urine (MSU), the threshold is
The threshold for significant bacteriuria depends on the way defined according to uropathogenic group, monomicrobial
of urine collection and on the detailed procedure of collec- or polymicrobial growth in culture, and clinical presenta-
tion (see Section 3.2). tion. Clinical data are often difficult to obtain accurately for
For urine cultures from suprapubic aspiration (SPA) microbiologial laboratories. A threshold of 103 CFU/mL
specimens, any number of uropathogens is considered (106 CFB/L) from MSU collection is suggested to be significant
clinically significant. Therefore, urine cultures from SPA in women presenting corresponding symptoms related to
should be prepared in such a way that even very low path- UTI and low-count bacteriuria with a class I uropathogen,
ogen concentrations, e.g. 102 CFU/mL (105 CFB/L) can be E. coli [121] or S. saprophyticus. The same applies to patients
detected with certainty. The same applies to urine specimens with severe renal insufficiency or dialysis treatment, as well
obtained from punctures of kidney pelvis or pyelostoma as many urological patients [9].
openings, or those for the diagnosis of chronic bacterial In addition to clinical diagnosis, several other reasons
prostatitis obtained after a prostate massage (Meares & may result in low bacterial counts in urine culture (Table 37).
Stamey procedure, see Section 3.2.9).
In the case of single in-and-out catheterisation, bac-
Table : Causes of low bacterial concentrations in mid-stream urine.
terial counts from 103 CFU/mL (106 CFB/L) are considered to
be infectious when symptoms indicate a urinary tract
– Early stage of infection
infection [14]. – High volume rate (diuresis)
Specimens for urine bacterial culture are NOT recom- – Urgency symptoms (short bladder incubation time)
mended to be taken from indwelling catheters due to rapid – Presence of antibiotics in urine
development of bacterial biofilm in urine catheters, creating – Low pH in urine
– Contaminated specimen
difficulty in assessing significance of observed species
– Presence of resident bacteria in the bladder (urobiome)
(Section 3.2.4). Instead, a specimen is to be collected after
108 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 Polymicrobial growth (i) Species: Uropathogens (typical and potential), with
colony counts starting from 102 to 103 CFU/mL (105 to
Composition of detected bacteria is informative for eval- 106 CFB/L), see Table 33.
uating significance of the quantitative culture result. Pure (ii) Leukocyturia
culture of a single typical uropathogen indicates a causative (iii) Way of specimen collection
role. The detection of more than one organism from a urine (iv) Symptoms or signs of localised or general infection, or
specimen needs to be interpreted in the light of medical history in specific cases, as transferred with
– presence of one dominant organism, (electronic) requests
– way of collection, and success in collecting the specimen, (v) Asymptomatic bacteriuria, see Section 1.2.2.
– presence of features indicating a true infection (pres-
ence of WBC), and Based on the listed factors, a general flowchart is suggested
– clinical signs, symptoms, and patient’s clinical history. for bacteriology process of routine urine specimens
(Figure 8) [7, 15, 41]. The main purpose of this chart is to
True infections with two species may occur. When two advise planning of routine workload, and to allow reducing
uropathogens are identified, the colony count must be re- turn-around times with mostly mid-stream specimens,
ported for each species. In most cases, the presence of more allowing then extra time for specific specimens and those
than two species in a urine sample is interpreted as from high-risk patients (see Section 1.2).
contamination with no diagnostic value. The patient should Purposely, details concerning intermediate categories,
provide a new specimen after detailed advice how to mini- such as specimens from single in-and-out catheters (Section
mise the risk of contamination. Colonisation of the urinary 3.2.3) or those from indwelling catheters (Section 3.2.4) are
tract is also frequently found. It may result in mixed growth not included in Figure 8 to keep clarity. An adaptation to
even after successful collection. local patient populations, all ways of collection, and pre-
If a polymicrobial culture is dominated by one pathogen analytical and analytical processes is recommended, leading
(i.e., with colony counts at least two exponentials higher than into more detailed operating procedures. For specific spec-
those of the other species), this pathogen is considered as the imens, such as that obtained by punctures of urinary bladder
infectious agent more likely than the other species. In pol- (suprapubic aspiration), kidney pelvis, or urine voided after
ymicrobial cultures with smaller differences in counts of prostatic massage (Meares and Stamey procedure, Section
grown species, none of the detected species is likely a caus- 3.2.9), a full assessment with ID and AST is advisable, starting
ative agent. This “leading pathogen concept” has been sub- from colony counts ≥102 CFU/mL (≥105 CFB/L) (see also Sec-
stantiated only by a few molecular biological studies [129]. tion Identification (ID) of bacterial species has to be
However, it has pragmatically become commonplace in performed in all cases, except when 3 or more species are
many laboratories. A prerequisite for the leading pathogen seen in culture (contamination). The suggestion also in-
concept is a strict compliance with the given pre-analytical cludes criteria for antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST)
procedures: inadequate conditions may lead to secondary of the isolated species.
growth of different bacteria in the specimen subverting Presence of leukocyturia should be assessed at a cut-off
detection of a leading pathogen. See Section 3.2 and Annex I.1 of about 30 WBC × 106/L, with a grey zone 10–30 WBC × 106/L
for collection details of single-voided urine specimens. [130], keeping in mind that leukocyturia can be absent in
patients with neutropenia (see Section 6.5.1 for analytical
variation of leukocyte counts). A test strip measurement
(using esterase and nitrite test, see Section 5.2.2) is also
7.5.2 Laboratory workflow-related decision
possible, depending on the verified sensitivity and specificity
limits for significant bacteriuria
among the served patients in local practice. The laboratory
flowchart shown in Figure 8 supports interpretation of re-
The bacteriological diagnostics of urine specimens from
sults from primary urine cultures and guides further ex-
patients with suspected UTI include detection of uropath-
amination procedures.
ogens, determination of their quantity, and performance of
additional tests needed for exact identification of the path- Step 1: Contamination
ogen (usually at species level), and evaluation of its antimi- After an incubation for 16–24 h, the workflow is divided
crobial susceptibility, based on locally agreed criteria. into cases with no growth and those with growth on agar
Laboratory assessment of significance of bacteriuria plates. In the latter, it is further differentiated into two
includes the following factors: possibilities:
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 109

– Growth of three or more distinguishable bacterial iso- 1= Detected microorganisms possibly cause UTI in selected
lates. In practice, this situation usually suggests clinical presentations (immunocompromised patients,
contamination during the collection process with hand early infection…) with appropriate clinical picture.
skin microbiota, periurethral or genital tract, and 2= Detected microorganisms with significant colony counts.
sometimes gut microbiota. To distinguish between a UTI is probable with appropriate clinical picture.
contamination of the specimen by the periurethral or 3= No microorganisms detected with the used culture pro-
genital microbiota and a genuine bladder urobiome is a cedure. Antibiotic treatment? In presence of appro-
not easy for the microbiologist since some species are priate clinical picture, consider tests specific for other
shared by both communities. Commonly, a recollection microbes, e.g., Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma,
is required. Reporting “a polymicrobial culture poten- M. tuberculosis, N. gonorrhoeae.
tially corresponding to a contamination” is intended to
raise awareness, and empower patients and the clinical The value of routinely reporting of statement 3 in case of no
team to improve preanalytical step. An example report growth needs to be considered locally.
is: “More than two detected species suggesting contam-
ination of specimen. If a UTI is suspected, a careful RECOMMENDATION 62: A flowchart for routine urine
collection of a new specimen is recommended.” The specimens is recommended as a practical advice to
leading pathogen concept is discussed in Section bacteriology laboratories to organise their workflows,
– The presence of 1 or 2 distinguishable isolates. Go to step 2. starting from mid-stream urine specimens. It is open for
modifications based on specific specimens or patient
Step 2: Uropathogenic group populations, as well as local epidemiology of uropathogenic
Identify the bacterial isolate(s) to species level. Assign the species in the laboratory. (1, B)
identified species to one of the four groups of Table 33.
Process workflow within Class III is recommended, except
for yeast.

Step 3: Leukocyturia 7.6 Identification of bacterial

After assignment to a uropathogenic group, the presence of species
leukocyturia (≥30 WBC × 106/L) is considered, because it in-
creases the probability of a UTI. At the borderline WBC 10– Bacteria and yeast from urine specimens of patients
30 × 106/L, a statement “consider density of urine and clinical suffering UTI need to be identified to the species level.
picture related to dysuria” is possible. The exact species identification is important to affiliate the
isolated bacteria to one of the different groups of uropa-
If information on leukocyturia cannot be arranged in the labora-
tory, it is necessary to decide locally, whether to assume presence thogenicity, and need to be included in the released micro-
of leukocyturia and to carry out further investigations (AST) biology report (see Section 7.5.2). In addition, this is
accordingly. The report should then be supplemented with a particularly necessary in order to perform correct AST
statement, e.g.: “Consider clinical picture and leukocyturia in the standardised by the European Committee on Antimicrobial
interpretation of the result of urine culture”.
Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST). EUCAST provides break-
points and technical aspects of phenotypic in vitro anti-
Step 4: Colony count
microbial susceptibility testing, and functions as the
The subsequent workflow is divided in the samples with a
breakpoint committee of the European Medicines Agency
borderline colony count of 103 CFU/mL (106 CFB/L), and those
(EMA) and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and
with higher colony counts ≥104 CFU/mL (107 CFB/L).
Control (ECDC). EUCAST also publishes widely used micro-
Step 5: Antimicrobial susceptibility test biology standards, such as the annually updated clinical
Examinations may include continuation to an AST, as sug- breakpoints for AST [131].
gested in Figure 8. Interpretative texts of examinations are The EUCAST-conformed AST of different antibiotics for
recommended to be harmonised in clinical reports by using UTI requires identification of the uropathogen to the species
coded statements. An example list of statements is given level, e.g., within the order Enterobacterales. For instance,
below: some suggested AST breakpoints are only applicable to
0= Detected microorganisms probably do not cause a UTI certain species within the Enterobacterales, e.g., E. coli,
(even with corresponding symptoms). Klebsiella spp. (except Klebsiella aerogenes), Raoultella spp.,
110 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

Citrobacter spp., Enterobacter spp. or P. mirabilis. This identify more than 2000 species, including clinically signif-
regards for instance commonly used antibiotics such as the icant uropathogens within minutes [75, 132]. In practical
orally applied cefuroxim, mecillinam and temocillin as well work, the laboratories need to keep their MS libraries
as orally applied fosfomycin, nitrofurantoin and nitroxolin. updated to be able to identify the established uropathogens.
Identification of bacteria by MALDI-TOF MS requires
biomass that is less than a single bacteria colony on an agar
7.6.1 Biochemical identification of cultured plate. Therefore, the incubation time on agar plates can be
bacteria and yeast reduced to a few hours, still retaining reliable identification
[133]. The identification of MALDI-TOF MS is limited only
The traditional way to identify bacteria and yeast cultured with availability of suitable reference spectra. The current
from urine samples is by means of biochemical tests that rely databases of the commercial MALDI-TOF MS systems allow
on the ability or failure of the isolated species to metabolise identification of almost all uropathogenic bacteria at the
each single substrate tested. These metabolic reactions take species level [132]. Even the earlier incomplete databases of
place in individual reaction chambers of a diagnostic device. the MALDI-TOF MS correctly identified 93 and 82 % of Gram-
Colour indicators enable detection of the outcome of each negative bacilli to the genus and species levels, whereas the
test. The series of yes-no results provides a biochemical code biochemical system correctly identified 83 and 75 %,
that identifies each species. Clinical laboratories typically respectively [134]. Currently, only MALDI-TOF MS is able to
use semi-automated or fully automated instruments to identify reliably emerging uropathogens such as Aerococcus
identify bacteria and yeast from urine specimens, spp., A. schaalii and C. urealyticum in clinical laboratories
comparing obtained results to the database of biochemical with reasonable cost, since the available molecular methods
codes provided by the instrument. are not suited for diagnostic laboratory with high
If laboratories decide to use manual biochemical tests, throughput. To avoid misidentification between E. coli and
commercial kits are available. In addition, single Shigella spp. that may occur with MALDI-TOF MS, E. coli can
biochemical tests, e.g., in connection with chromogenic easily be differentiated from Shigella using a biochemical
agar, may enable species identification of some uropatho- test [132].
genic bacteria on plate. An international manual is rec- Several factors influence the quality of the spectra in the
ommended to confirm current practice, e.g., an update of MALDI-TOF MS measurements. Poor spectra lead to insuf-
the Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook of the ficient identification of the bacteria in the specimen. Most
American Society for Microbiology, in addition to possible important factors include inproper protein extraction
national guidelines. The laboratories that solely carry out before MALDI-TOF MS analysis, and mixed microorganisms
biochemical tests, need to ensure that they are able to in the sample applied to the MALDI-TOF MS [135]. In case of
identify not only common uropathogens to the bacteria uncertain identification on species level, e.g., low level of
species level, but also to identify novel uropathogens, such agreement with reference library, users should consider
as A. urinae, A. schaalii and C. urealyticum, or to arrange possible interfering factors and ensure proper protein
identification of novel uropathogens in another laboratory extraction. For some closely related species of a certain
(see Section 7.2.3). genus, specific identification of the respecitive species may
be difficult by MALDI-TOF. This holds also true for the
identification by biochemical tests or by sequencing of ri-
7.6.2 MALDI-TOF MS for identification of bosomal DNA. Thus, in those cases the reporting of a species
cultured bacteria and yeast group or species complex is suggested (e.g., Enterobacter
cloacae complex).
MALDI-TOF MS-based systems have replaced traditional
biochemical methods for identifying microorganisms in RECOMMENDATION 63: Bacteria and yeast detected from
many microbiology laboratories. They have several advan- urine specimens need to be identified to the species level to
tages over traditional biochemical identification: ease of use, satisfy proper clinical diagnostics, and to be able to assess their
reliability, accuracy, low unit cost, and – above all – the antimicrobial susceptibility. Limitations of different
speed, which all together can help to improve patient prog- identification methods are recommended to be considered to
nosis. The current MALDI-TOF MS has the capability to avoid deficient identifications or misclassifications. (1, A)
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 111

7.7 Antimicrobial susceptibility 7.7.2 Choice of procedure

testing Automated or semi-automated broth dilution procedures
are widely used in addition to standardised disk diffusion
The goal of AST is to allow the clinician to choose the correct procedures [137]. Commercial broth dilution and diffusion
antibiotic for individual urinary tract infections, and to help methods have shown good correlation with broth micro-
in investigating the reason for treatment failure. The anti- dilution methods used to define minimum inhibitory con-
biotic sensitivity of pathogenic organisms is important if centrations (MIC) [138–141]. All AST results can be influenced
they cause urinary tract infections with high probability. To by many factors such as pH, and variation in quality of disk
reduce the workload in laboratories and to avoid unnec- and agar media [142, 143].
essary or harmful antimicrobial treatments, limited The advantages of the standardised disk diffusion
continuation with AST after specimen identification (ID) is method include the following [144]:
recommended based on uropathogenic groups and colony – it is cheap with no need for special equipment,
counts as shown in Figure 8. The antibiotic sensitivity pat- – it is suitable for a vast majority of bacterial species, even
terns of individual species vary considerably according to for slowly growing or fastidious ones,
geographic location, patient populations, and background – the panel of tested antibiotics can be easily adapted to
antibiotic usage. epidemiological needs,
The laboratories should consult the annually revised – the presence of polymicrobial cultures can be recog-
and updated documents of the European Committee on nised, and
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) in selection of – in case of polymicrobial culture, individual pathogens
their practices [136]. National recommendations, including can be identified and isolated more quickly than with
minimum selection of antibiotics based on EUCAST recom- automated methods.
mendations are encouraged to increase clinical effectiveness
of AST and to direct clinicians to the use of inexpensive and The major disadvantages of the disk diffusion procedure are,
effective antibiotics least likely to generate resistance in however, that it lasts for 16–20 h, and it does not provide
regional health care. minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values [145]. Those
are very important in prescribing antibiotic treatments to
severe infections, or infections caused by multidrug resis-
7.7.1 Procedures available
tant bacteria. For urgent purposes, broth microdilution is
the reference method for MIC determination [146].
The antibiotic susceptibility may be assessed by using
Automated dilution procedures have the advantages to
phenotypic or genotypic procedures. Phenotypic methods,
simplify workflow, reduce turn-around time [147, 148], and
e.g., disk-diffusion method, or broth dilution assays, provide
yield quantitative AST results (MIC). Their limitations
a direct information on the susceptibility of a given micro-
include restricted panels, and inability to test some fastid-
organism to antimicrobial agents at defined concentrations.
ious bacteria, e.g., Gram-positive emerging pathogens. There
One of the limitations of phenotypic culture-based methods
are uncertainties associated both with MIC determination
is the speed as they may require 48 h to complete, depending
and disk diffusion methods [149]. Both AST methods are
on growth and resistance mechanisms of the bacteria tested.
deficient for certain pairs of microorganisms and antimi-
Genotypic methods, e.g., polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-
crobials [150–153]. Some of the problems may be solved by
based methods or genome sequencing, are sometimes used
using additional tests or alternative methods [151].
to detect known genomic markers that predict antimicrobial
resistance. Rapid antibiotic susceptibility testing
With increasing bacterial antibiotic resistance, there is a A rapid phenotypic AST (RAST) based on disk diffusion has
need for reliable and timely AST reports. These reports recently been developed, which provides results yet after
should ideally be available to antimicrobial stewardship in 4–8 h using specific breakpoints [154, 155]. However, RAST
less than 8 h to optimize treatment reducing empirical has been established only for positive blood cultures and the
antibiotic prescriptions. This will help to prevent the spread test performance requires adherence to a strict protocol
of resistant bacterial infections, which are associated with [156]. Currently, no rapid AST can be recommended for
high morbidity, mortality and healthcare costs. routine workflow with urine bacterial cultures. The text
112 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

below is intended to describe the present limitations to – lack of MIC reporting,

substantiate this statement. – exclusive detection of genes that are already known to
A non-standardized disk diffusion method, so called be associated with resistance, but lack of sensitivity
“direct AST” (dAST) has been applied to positive urine when the genetic mechanism for resistance of the spe-
specimens, combining bacterial information from urine cies has not yet been defined [147, 148, 164–166],
flow cytometry [157, 158] or microscopy examination – comprehensive development of genotypic assays is very
[159–161], or direct AST from primary urine specimen com- expensive – or impossible – due to the wide variety of
bined with identification of uropathogens with MALDI-TOF antimicrobial resistance genes, and
MS [162]. A beneficial impact on the selection and the use of – common molecular tests identifying solely bacterial
narrow-spectrum antimicrobial agents has been demon- DNA sequence do not identify the resistance mechanism
strated [159, 161]. Several major drawbacks with dAST at all if it is based on the level of expression of a
remain still to be solved: lack of standardization and commonly present gene, such as enhanced expression of
reproducibility, and no correlation established to reference export pumps in the cell membrane in case of resistance
methods. Sensitivity of detection is not yet sufficient for a to β-lactam antibiotics.
large portion of specimens in clinical UTI diagnostics, the
type of inoculum cannot be properly controlled, mixed Results from AST must be interpreted in a wider perspective,
growth leads to useless results, urine characteristics (e.g., as knowledge of an underlying resistance mechanism in
antimicrobial agents in urine or variable pH) may reduce each bacterial isolate may allow prediction of resistances to
reliability of the inhibition zones, and the lack of early other antibiotic agents not tested so far. It is crucial to un-
detection of resistant mutant isolates [163]. Furthermore, derstand detected resistance mechanisms, as well as to
urine specimens with Gram positive species have not been validate the expected phenotypes by using expert rules
suitable for dAST [157]. It is also important to emphasize that published by national or international committees such as
there are no breakpoints for determining resistance directly the EUCAST [167], when adapting AST reports to clinical
from urine as the EUCAST (and CLSI) breakpoints are conditions. To prevent antibiotic misuse and to promote
applicable only to defined pathogen concentrations, e.g., prescription of narrow-spectrum antimicrobial agents, the
McFarland 0.5. As a conclusion, current dAST is not recom- European microbiology laboratories are recommended to
mended in clinical routine. report selective antimicrobial susceptibility panels only,
considering patient’s sex and age as well as the resistance
Rapid immunochromatic (ICT) or chromogenic testing
profile of the uropathogen isolated [168, 169].
Commercially rapid tests are available to detect specific
Whichever method is chosen, the AST procedure must
antimicrobial mechanisms, such as methicillin resistance
be standardized according to the procedure recommended
due to PLP2a production in Staphylococcus aureus, resis-
by the EUCAST [145, 146, 167, 170–173], applying the ISO
tance to 3rd generation cephalosporins in Enterobacterales,
20776-1:2019 standard [174]. The critical technical points
production of extended spectrum betalactamases, and pro-
include the following: preparation and storage of media,
duction of carbapenemases. A few of them have been eval-
storage of different reagents – particularly disks and AST
uated on urine specimens. These tests cannot replace AST. In
cards, preparation of a pure and standardized inoculum, and
order to warrant performances of the test, medical rele-
incubation conditions [145, 146]. The performance of AST
vance and efficient laboratory workflow, the indications of
depends on tested strains or species, antimicrobials, and the
these tests should be limited to certain situations where pre-
actual procedure used. It must be periodically evaluated
test probability is high and after consultation with the
with different methods and quality control strains used in
clinician of the impact of a result on antibiotic strategy.
the laboratory, also following performance in external
Genotypic procedures quality assessment programmes.
Genotypic procedures, e.g., PCR-based or isothermal ampli-
fication methods, provide detection of antimicrobial resis-
tance genes. These are more rapid and specific than 7.7.3 New technologies for AST
phenotypic methods. However, they mainly remain auxil-
iary procedures, due to major drawbacks such as Many new technologies address limitations of current
– absence of complete correlation of genotype with methods such as slow speed, need of precultivation or
phenotype, identification of species before AST, low sensitivity, lack of
– detection of non-expressed genes leading to false posi- portability, absence of distinction between living and dead
tive resistance results, cells, and difficulty to detect heterogeneous populations
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 113

within a given isolate. The main objective of these new guidance for verification and validation of measurement
technologies is to develop platforms for rapid and reliable procedures for medical laboratories. Implementation of new
detection of antimicrobial resistance, in order to support equipment and consumables (devices) is regulated by the EU
antimicrobial stewardship programs in their fight against Regulation on In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices IVDR
the resistance. 2017/746 (in vitro equipment) [105] and the EU Regulation on
In addition to genome sequencing and metagenomics, Medical Devices MDR 2017/745 (medical devices include
the emerging methods for AST are based on spectroscopy, or some tools and containers used for specimen collection)
miniaturisation, such as microfluidics. Microfluidics plat- [179].
forms are capable of single-cell growth rate measurements
of bacteria exposed to antibiotics in microchambers or
channels within a chip. Depending on the type of optical 7.8.1 Analytical performance of urine
sensor coupled to the microfluidic device, AST report can be bacterial culture
obtained from within 5 h to less than 45 min – even from
urine specimens with low colony counts if using integrated Any new manual or automated procedure for urine bacterial
pre-treatment steps [147, 148, 175–178]. culture is recommended to be validated against the
Multicenter evaluations or several single site evalua- described Level 3 reference method (Section 7.4.4). In specific
tions should address numerous technical details, such as adaptations or in the verification by the end-user labora-
calibration to reference MIC methods, treatment of non- tories, the investigators must describe their focus and extent
culturable pathogens, standardised operating procedures, of their verification or in-house validation, and the corre-
and software issues, before these technologies reach a sponding comparison method in detail, including calcula-
level of procedures recommended in routine laboratory tions of analytical performance and traceability according to
guidelines. the ISO 15189:2022 standard. Existing national standards or
similar requirements need to be followed when new manual
RECOMMENDATION 64: This guideline recommends or automated procedures to urine bacterial culture are
documents of the European Committee on Antimicrobial adopted, e.g., the MiQ 30 Quality Management in Germany
Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) for procedures of [180], the UK Standards for Microbiology Investigations [181],
antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST), including the Qualité en microbiologie médicale (QUAMIC) in France
reminders of limitations of each method. No rapid or direct [182–184], or American Society of Microbiology guidance to
AST can be recommended for routine workflow at the the ISO 15189 [185].
moment. The microbiology laboratories shall adhere to In addition to the cited standards and guidance, some
national antimicrobial stewardship in their AST reports. practical remarks to the verification studies of routine pro-
(1, A) cedures for urine bacterial culture are given below.
Purposes: The intended clinical use or specific needs
guide application of the reference procedure for urine bac-
terial culture in the end-user laboratories. The scope may
7.8 Performance evaluation in include an instrumental analysis against the described
reference procedure, and an assessment of clinically
urine bacteriology with required variety of patient specimens and specific important
performance specifications species to confirm the diagnostic performance in a local end-
user environment. A comparison against a reference pro-
Improvements in laboratory technology aim finally to cedure may be needed to verify another essentially different
improve control of diseases. Point-of-care units are encour- manual examination procedure as well.
aged to consult their serving laboratory units when verifying A reference procedure for urine culture may applied for
their rapid tests. Small laboratories need support from a limited scope as well, to evaluate individual steps of the
larger national laboratories to proceed with verification of examination process in preanalytical, analytical or post-
intended new instruments. Risk assessment of clinically analytical phase. It may consist of performance evaluation
inadequate results is a key feature when assessing the with different sources of urine specimens, alternate equip-
needed extend of verification in each clinical or laboratory ment used for urine collection or storage, alternate ways of
environment. inoculation of homogenised specimens, comparison of 2–3
Accreditation according to the ISO 15189:2022 standard culture media, incubation equipment, atmosphere or time,
[104] provides extensive technical and administrative or reading of the culture plates only. A limited application of
114 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

the reference procedure of urine culture may be needed if inoculations are possible from the same urine specimen,
the routine bacterial culture is not considered sufficiently allowing direct comparisons of instruments and procedures
accurate for the intended use, or the validation material using patient specimens, while that is not easily possible
provided by the manufacturer does not satisfy local use. with specimens collected for blood culture. In addition to
The chosen critical steps of verification should have a reference examinations with patient specimens, key per-
clear impact on patient treatment, to avoid use of excessive formance indicators should be established for the follow-up
resource. Regional cooperation is highly recommended to of the found critical steps in urine cultures, similar to those
share the tasks. for blood cultures [186].
A reference procedure is needed to define and confirm Total laboratory workflow analysis, alternative pro-
the performance of special cultures for detection of fastid- cedures and verification steps, turn-around times, and risk
ious uropathogens from clinical specimens by using management need to be described. Moreover, required hu-
extended incubation time (48 h) and 5 % CO2 atmosphere, as man resource and training shall be estimated, as described
described in Section 7.4.4. Verification assessment may in the ISO 15189:2022 standard.
include different levels of identification of species in the
laboratory, or assessment of auxiliary tests, such as urine Specimens
particle counting (both bacteria and WBC), when planning
them to be parts of the routine workflow (Section 7.8.3). If a routine (Level 2) manual or automated procedure is to be
compared against the reference (Level 3) procedure, about Evaluation protocol and planning 100–1000 selected clinical specimens may be practically
required, including Gram positive species. Primarily, it is
Detailed written protocol (operating procedure) and resource important to cover clinically essential critical points with
should be created both for analytical testing, for training of acceptable uncertainty in the evaluation of analytical per-
the personnel, and storage of the experimental data. formance, rather than collect a defined total number of
Analytical performance evaluation should consider all specimens.
key features described for the reference procedure of urine The selected groups of specimens shall reflect local
bacterial culture in Section 7.4.4. In case of limited adapta- prevalence of species (see Table 33), aims of the intended
tion, selection of used features of the reference procedure analytical comparison, and needed accuracy of the results
shall be mentioned. If the verification is intended to confirm [90, 187]. Less than 30 % of specimens should remain nega-
diagnostic reliability of the candidate measurement pro- tive in culture, to leave >70 % of specimens to 3 (or optionally
cedure, a special attention shall be paid on sufficient clinical 4) positive ordinal scale categories of polymicrobial and
variability of specimens from different patient populations, monomicrobial growth, to be compared between the
ways of urine collection, as well as clinically important candidate and reference procedure in 4 × 4 (or 5 × 5) cross-
species in patient care. Differences between an optimised tables. Species with different growth requirements need
routine (candidate) procedure and the reference procedure different comparisons when clinically important.
create systematic errors that must be considered in the final Laboratories shall verify applicability of their devices to
assessment of performance. different types of urine specimens and transportation pro-
On the other hand, the major scope is not a preanalytical cedures, as necessary. ATCC or equivalent control strains
verification of different ways of specimen collection, devices, should be recovered and tested, as modified from the
transportation or storage, which is practical to assess sepa- reference culture procedure (Section 7.4.4), depending on
rately (see also Section the purpose of the verification.
Analytical and diagnostic performances are supported
from data on internal quality control, results from external Equipment, consumables, and environment
quality assessment, personnel training, and description of
local computerised interfaces and data transfer between The used products shall comply with the MDR 2017/745
laboratory and hospital information systems. regulation (specimen collection with invasive devices) or
A verification study of urine bacterial culture may be IVDR 2017/746 regulation (instruments, other equipment,
compared to the verification required for clinical blood and consumables such as primary collection containers and
culture, where a practical advise is to start with analysis of test tubes), as proven or assessed in separate studies
the diagnostic process, focussing on critical impact of the together with the manufacturer. An example citation is
different workflow steps to patient outcome [186]. The dif- related to an imaging device, to be validated by the manu-
ference between blood and urine cultures is that parallel facturer [188].
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 115

Calibration and metrological traceability of measurements through 105 CFU/mL, or 106 through 108 CFB/L). Application of
should follow the principles given in Chapter 6.5 of the enumeration grids minimises variability in estimation of
ISO15189:2022 for equipment, as needed, to support consis- observed counts [106]. Reproducibility of counts can also be
tency of reported results. For analytical environment, used to train technical staff and to confirm its competency.
i.e., incubators, traceability and follow-up of temperatures The obtained estimates of reproducibility must be discussed
and specific atmospheres must be documented. In Chapter in the summary of the verification study.
6.6 of the ISO 15189:2022, principles of acceptance testing of
Trueness of identification (nomination)
reagents and consumables, including pipettes, are described.
The candidate procedure must be compared to the reference
Quality of used culture media is to be verified in sepa-
procedure to obtain an estimate of accuracy of bacterial
rate inspections or experiments, as needed, despite the cer-
identification (misclassification rate). Training of technical
tificate of the manufacturer. Growth-promoting capacity of
staff to use mass spectrometer must be documented.
the media used for routine and reference cultures may need a
Identification to the genus or species level shall be
confirmation, comparing the ability of different media to
evaluated using ATCC or equivalent reference strains or
isolate the same organism, using ATCC or equivalent control
clinical strains identified by reference molecular proced-
strains representative of the uropathogens. Stability of media
ures. Analytical specificity of identification procedure is
under environmental conditions needs an assessment as well.
defined as the ability to not affiliate a strain to a taxon to
Process data should not only be collected from analytical which it does not belong. Analytical sensitivity is the ability
outcomes, but also from provision of enough material for to affiliate a strain to the taxon to which it belongs to. The
identification of species and AST. Service data include definitions apply both for manual and automated proced-
turnaround times in the facility, including pre- and post- ures against the reference procedure.
analytical steps. Specificity can be affected by quality of the colony
picking for identification, and by the cleanliness of the
MALDI target plate. Inaccurate identification results from a Practical remarks to verification of a routine
mix of colonies, and from a poor-quality deposit on the
procedure for urine bacterial culture
MALDI target plate. Contamination is due to handling errors
of the operator only. Both interferences and contaminations
are resolved by staff training.
The analytical sensitivity (limit of detected colony counts) is
Sensitivity is affected by the presence or absence of the
directly dependent on volume inoculated onto the media
genus/species in the database and by the number and ac-
(Section A laboratory must decide the volumes
curacy of reference mass spectra for each species in the
(1–100 µL) and types of inoculation in routine, depending
MALDI TOF MS library. Specificity and sensitivity tests for
on applied equipment and clinical specimens. A manual
rare species can be supplemented by a bibliographical
inoculation procedure is less vulnerable to cross-
contamination than an automated serial inoculation since
The laboratories that solely carry out biochemical tests
specimens are processed one by one (under a safety cabi-
need to ensure that they are also able to identify novel uro-
net). Automated inoculation devices need be assessed with
pathogens, such as A. urinae, A. schaalii and C. urealyticum,
respect to frequency of cross-contamination they produce.
e.g., to organise their detection from another laboratory (see
Streaking patterns must be experimentally determined to
Section 7.2.3).
guarantee the highest number and reproducibility of
discrete colonies from the inoculation of pure and mixed Robustness of performance
bacterial suspensions. Robustness of performance shall be tested if automated
identification is applied in conditions not recommended by
Uncertainty of colony counts
the manufacturer, concerning sample preparation, age of
Multiple variables affect the obtained colony counts in
obtained colonies, culture media, or stability of reagents.
addition to statistical imprecision (Section, such as
way of specimen collection, specimen preparation, trans- Follow-up
portation time, culture media, inoculation process, incuba- Periodic reviews of results from the routine culture pro-
tion temperature and plate reading, and differences cedure are needed to maintain the performance in isolation
between human operators. It is important to verify the and quantitation of diagnostic findings [59, 60]. Reviews
candidate procedure using specimens with colony counts also support problem solving of established routine
close to the defined diagnostic range of quantification (103 workflows.
116 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 Performance specifications for routine bacterial (iv) freezing of the specimen during transportation
culture (Level 2) (v) non-standard conditions in the atmosphere, tem-
perature, or time of incubation
Performance specifications for routine urine bacterial cul- (vi) antibacterial substances (inhibitors of growth) in
ture (Level 2) are compared against the reference procedure patient’s urine that may not be detected easily on
(Level 3; Section 7.4.4) as applicable. agar culture, or
(vii) improper classification of detected isolates due to
Trueness of identification: After a 10 µL inoculation, a
technical or human errors.
described Level 2 culture identifies desirably all species in
the mixed ATCC or other reference strain suspensions, and at
least 95 % of the uropathogenic species from clinical speci- Quality of isolation: At least three discrete colonies shall be
mens against the Level 3 reference procedure at 104 CFU/mL grown on plates to allow additional tests, such as MALDI-TOF
(107 CFB/L). A sensitivity >90 % at 103 CFU/mL (106 CFB/L) is or AST. The fraction of low-quality isolations in studied
required for routine specimens against the reference pro- clinical specimens shall be documented.
cedure. A separate assessment is needed for specific speci- Precision of quantitation (counting): Repeatability CV of
mens, requiring a sensitivity >90 % at 102 CFU/mL (105 CFB/L). colony counts from 10 replicate cultures may be tested
Specificity to detect uropathogenic bacteria is evaluated with chosen standard ATCC or equivalent reference
by using polymicrobial specimens, and quality of isolated strains, counting at least about 10 and 100 colonies/plate
colonies as compared to the reference procedure. Analytical equal to 103 and 104 CFU/mL (106 and 107 CFB/L), respec-
specificity is desirably >95 % and minimum >90 % at any tively (after a 10 µL inoculum), both with the candidate
positive category 103–105 CFU/mL (106–108 CFB/L). procedure and the reference procedure. Mean counts of
Causes of misclassification in practice: Frequencies of both procedures and their coefficients of variation (CV)
misclassification of identified species (false positive and should be reported.
negative results, or erroneous nominations of species) need If needed in the assessment, there is a possibility for an
to be described, as compared against the reference proced- average imprecision of colony counts from patient speci-
ure. Their significance shall be assessed based to annual mens by using from duplicate inoculations of 20–30 speci-
prevalence of specimens and different isolated species in the mens and the following equation to calculate the standard
laboratory. deviation s [189]:

Examples of misclassification against the reference s = √[∑(xi1 − xi2 )2 /(2n)],

The examples below intend to provide some practical where n=number of duplicate pairs, and xi1 and xi2 are paired
reasons to false positive or false negative results, to be observations from specimens i = 1 to n. Then CV = s/x(mean).
considered during verification of a routine culture procedure: Theoretical imprecision, CVtheoretical, is derived from Poisson
– False positive results may derive from contaminants of distribution (see Section 7.4.2).
perineal or external genital microbiota (transient or
Trueness of quantitation: Agreement of ordinal scale
resident urogenital mucosal microbiota) in common
quantities of colonies in clinical specimens between the
urine specimens, including mid-stream, indwelling
candidate and the reference procedure should be compared
catheter, and single-catheter urine, defective preserva-
with a crosstable, using 10 µL inoculations, or 100 µL in-
tion during transportation, or in obscure analytical
oculations to reach 102 CFU/mL (corresponding to 105 CFB/L).
steps with untrained technical staff.
Disagreement between observations needs to be evaluated,
– False negative results may derive from
using applicable statistics.
(i) fastidious pathogens not growing on routine me-
dia, e.g., Aerococcus spp. or A. schaalii, or in Operator-related uncertainty: After primary training and
routine aerobic atmosphere familiarisation with both the verified and reference proced-
(ii) technical problems in the collection, transport, or ure, an agreement between human operators shall be docu-
culturing process, such as improper manufacturing mented using cross-tabulation of agreement, or classification
or storage of culture plates of identified/misidentified species, as appropriate. Interpre-
(iii) too high concentration of preservative in a low tation of significant disagreement may be carried out statis-
specimen volume tically, but at least clinically, based on the collected data.
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 117

Individual performance is usually followed in internal quality (i) Quality of colony separation on agar plates from pure
control (IQC) reviews or in EQA schemes of the laboratory. cultures and mixed bacterial suspensions, covering a
range of clinically important colony counts from 102 to Analysis of sources of variation 105 CFU/mL (105 to 108 CFB/L)
(ii) Repeatability of specific robotic procedures, as
Systematic errors (biases) and random variability (increased applicable
imprecision) exceeding Poisson imprecision should be (iii) Correctness of digital plate imaging and reading,
described as components of measurement uncertainty including ability to detect polymicrobial growth
(MU) of counts. (iv) Triggering of interpretation rules, e.g., accuracy of
The considered extra uncertainties include those segregation of plates
described already for the reference procedure (Section (v) Proper triggering of picking assignments of colonies
7.4.4). Some practical examples are given below: for identification and AST
– Variability between the human employees is more (vi) Measurement uncertainty around decision limits for
important in clinical practice than in limited technical significant bacteriuria, and uncertainty related to
verifications. Describe both internal comparisons and digital images and software algorithms
results from external quality assessment schemes. (vii) Cross-contamination during automated inoculation,
– Causes of increased imprecision in clinical urine speci- using specimens at high bacterial concentrations
mens include leukocytes or other particles if appearing against water (saline)
as clumps, amorphous precipitate or mucus that create (viii) Non-conforming samples, ability of equipment to
uneven distribution of bacteria in urine. identify them
– Testing environment includes variability at least with (ix) Robustness, stability and reliability of reagents and
respect to employees, processes of specimen collection media (storage conditions outside and inside the
and transportation, reagents, materials, and analytical instrument)
processes. (x) Software and middleware performance in process
control, user interface, and details of interface to lab-
oratory information system, including bi-directional
7.8.2 Assessment of bacteriology connections
workstations, process management, (xi) Management of pre- and post-analytics: equipment
and economics and procedures of specimen collection and delivery to
the automated laboratory, storage after analysis and
Implementation of automation into bacteriology working recall to further analysis
environment has several other features than analytical
performance to be considered. Automated processes are Process management
generally better standardised, traced, and secured than
manual processes, but some risks of manual processes are Risk management of an automated system is more critical
increased, and some new risks are encountered. Frequency, than that of manual procedures. At least the following views
severity, detection and correction of errors in automated need to be addressed:
procedures differ from those observed with manual pro- (i) Management of most frequent error flags and mal-
cedures. Furthermore, risks with automation depend on the functions by laboratory operators
applied systems [89], and degree of automation. Thus, a (ii) Supplier’s service (24/7), procedures of contacting,
candidate equipment must be assessed thoroughly to service agreement with ability and delays to intervene
confirm that it meets the expected specifications with min- on-site and remotely; availability of spare parts.
imum downtime periods. (iii) Definition of a back-up procedure, including alterna-
tive plates or other consumables when facing shortage Specific targets of verification in bacteriology in the vendor’s stock
workstations (iv) Increased risks based on the level of automation
(major risks of human error if the laboratory has in-
The following features of an automated bacterial culture cubators, but not an automated inoculation system)
system with several instruments and conveyors are given (v) Triggering alarms for technical errors, including ro-
as a provisional checklist. Other features may also be botics, outcomes of automated plate reading, error
important as judged by the professionals of the laboratory. flags of the instruments and analysing software
118 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

(vi) Warning flags of false results due to features of bac- bacterial cultures are available. They may also improve
terial species and patient specimens workflows within bacteriology laboratories.
(vii) Environmental conditions, such as temperature of A combination of automated particle counting with
laboratory, electricity and pneumatic air supply, po- bacterial cultures has become popular in microbiological
wer and heat from computers, and air conditioning diagnostics of UTI [190–195]. It is then important to define the
(viii) Computer hardware and interfaces to analytical in- performance specifications needed in such a rapid di-
struments and robotics, connections to automatic agnostics (see outcomes in Section
conveyor, LIS and hospital information system In general, a diagnostic sensitivity of 80–90 % in the
(ix) Reliability, measured as % downtime (service breaks) selected patient population is considered adequate, while a
from total working hours specificity of 90–95 % should be maintained in diagnostic
reports. However, when the rapid examination is used for
Human resource planning diagnostic screening (ruling out negative specimens)
Thorough staff training is a key factor for successful before a confirmatory test as a part of laboratory workflow,
implementation of automation, including planning of new a sensitivity >95 % with a specificity of at least 50 % should
workflows and employee organisation, and training of new be the target against >103 or >104 CFU/mL in culture (>106 or
skills to available professionals. Shared planning with the >107 CFB/L, respectively) based on local practice, as
personnel supports motivation and well-being in the mid- improved with clinical and preanalytical information. In
dle of change. Increased availability of staff is needed addition, application must be economically viable for the
during the verification and training periods despite finally diagnostic workflow, or for the clinical patient manage-
needed human resource. ment [196].
Desirable specifications for rapid ruling out of bacte-
riuria at >105 CFU/mL (108 CFB/L) and >103 CFU/mL (106 CFB/ Clinical and economic impact of new workflow in
L) in the laboratory workflow are suggested for common
urine bacterial culture
specimens in Table 38. A higher than 50 % specificity pro-
vides better rapid diagnostics in emergency cases, indi-
Cost/benefit assessment is a requirement for laboratory
cating that other, high-specificity limits with lower
leadership, including all costs, already described in the
sensitivity should be applied for emergency services addi-
purchase tender of the instruments and reagents, mainte-
tionally [190].
nance and service, data management, and estimated human
Comparisons are recommended to be organised into
resource. Often, verification and full-scale implementation
crosstables that compare results from rapid procedures to
of new system creates transitional costs, despite reduced
those with quantitative bacterial culture of the same speci-
costs of the new process. Indirect costs, e.g., related to
mens, using ordinal scale statistics. Assessment of diagnostic
obligatory changes in the working space, power supplies, or
significance should be included in the interpretation of those
air conditioning, may become as surprise. Customer co-
operation also takes time from the responsible personnel.
It is to be reminded that the chosen patient populations,
Impact of reduced turn-around times and new labora-
symptoms of patients, interpretation of leukocyturia and
tory reports may change outcomes in clinical units, which
criteria used to define significant growth greatly affect the
may be a major driver towards automation. Changes in the
performance characteristics of rapid tests. Given this vari-
requisition of urine bacterial culture must be discussed with
ability, results from rapid tests can be used in all laboratories
clinical units and hospital leadership, to maximise benefits
to target diagnostic work on clinically more significant
and minimise costs with optimised workflows.
specimens based on results from rapid tests, in particular
leukocyturia (see Section 7.5.2). Modern particle counting is

7.8.3 Analytical performance specifications

for rapid tests in detecting bacteriuria Table : Analytical performance specifications for laboratory screening
of uropathogens in ruling out negative cultures.

Non-culture determination of bacterial concentration with

Uropathogens in culture Sensitivity Specificity at the
rapid tests, e.g., with particle counting (Level 2 methods), and
given sensitivity
test strips (Level 1 methods) are being used in point-of-care
≥ CFU/mL (≥ CFB/L) > % > %
and other diagnostics of symptomatic bacteriuria by means
≥ CFU/mL (≥ CFB/L) > % > %
of leukocyte or bacteria detection, before the results from
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 119

more sensitive and specific than a chemical test strip mea- (continued)
surement (Section No. Recommendations SoR (–), Section
and discussed
RECOMMENDATION 65: The suggested practical LoE (A–D)a
procedures or tools for verification of routine bacterial
 New species Aerococcus spp and Actinotignum , B ..
examinations aim to help in the assessment of various schaalii and Corynebacterium urealyticum are
changes in routine workflows. The level of satisfactory proposed into the list of class II uropathogens
assessment is case-dependent. It needs to focus on critical if detected in monomicrobial culture.
diagnostic steps, and must be judged against relevant  Bacterial identification using Matrix-assisted , A ..
laser desorption ionization time-of-flight
references, including the ISO 15189:2022 standard.
mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) is
(1, B)
strongly recommended into medium-sized
and large laboratories (> specimens/day),
to improve patient prognosis with accuracy
and reliability of identification to the species
7.9 Recommendations for level, and shortened delay of reporting.
 Limitations of the MALDI-TOF MS in detect- , A ..
bacteriology ing bacteriuria at low colony counts (less
than  CFU/mL, or  CFB/L) must be
understood in organising laboratory pro-
cesses for urine specimens with a possibility
No. Recommendations SoR (–), Section
of significant low bacteria counts.
and discussed
MALDI-TOF MS shall not be applied directly
LoE (A–D)a
to urine specimens in routine laboratories
 Commensal urogenital microbiota are not , A .. without preculturing the specimen.
recommended to be sought nor treated  Chromogenic agar is strongly recom- , B ..
from asymptomatic individuals (Asymptom- mended as primary agar medium to identify
atic bacteriuria). Escherichia coli (most frequent uropathogen)
 Suspicions of sporadic uncomplicated lower , A .. easily, quickly, and inexpensively (no need
urinary tract infections in otherwise healthy for a panel of tests to define the species). A
women are recommended to be screened second agar (such as blood agar) is recom-
for the presence of infection by using a mended in clinical defined cases and for
validated questionnaire, to reduce routine fastidious organisms.
workflow in bacteriology laboratory. Rapid  Reproducible detection of low colony counts , A ..
tests for leukocytes and bacteria are rec- at  CFU/mL ( CFB/L) requires an inoc-
ommended into diagnostics of unclear and ulum of at least  µL, adopting one of the
other cases. recommended methods of inoculation.
 Urine specimens from most routine patients , A ..  Aerobic incubation at  ±  °C for – h is , A ..
suspected for UTI are recommended to be sufficient for primary uropathogens. For
sent to quantitative urine culture and special urine specimens, blood agar plates
possible antimicrobial susceptibility testing. are recommended to be incubated under
Sensitive screening procedures are encour-  % CO atmosphere for  h in addition to
aged to reduce the number of specimens aerobic conditions, to detect possible
from the routine workflow. Special cultures fastidious organisms.
of specimens from special patient groups  A qualified reference examination (Level  , A ..
are recommended to be organised as na- procedure) is recommended to be used for
tionally or locally defined. bacterial cultures
 No control cultures are recommended from , A .. () to verify a required performance of
patients with lower UTI if becoming asymp- routine bacterial culture (at Level ), or
tomatic after an antimicrobial treatment. () to assess any instruments in bacteriology
 Classification of uropathogens has been , A .. intended to detect, quantify, or identify
slightly updated. In addition to uropatho- bacterial species for clinical diagnostics
genicity, predisposing host conditions, against the suggested performance specifi-
quality of specimen collection, results from cations as needed.
particle analysis (leukocytes and bacteria),  No recommendation is given to the unit for Not given ..
and quantity and types of species grown in reporting urine bacterial cultures. A national
culture are recommended to be considered harmonisation is recommended to avoid
when assessing the diagnostic value of confusion among professionals and patient
detected bacteriuria. risks.
120 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

(continued) scientific contents of this guideline. Neither the organization

No. Recommendations SoR (–), Section
of the EFLM, that of the ESCMID, reviewers, nor the
and discussed educational support by the diagnostic companies had a
LoE (A–D)a commercial influence on this document.
 A flowchart for routine urine specimens is , B .. Research funding: Eight in vitro diagnostic (IVD) companies
recommended as a practical advice to shared the financial support of travel and subsistence of the
bacteriology laboratories to organise their members of the EFLM Task and Finish Group Urinalysis
workflows, starting from mid-stream urine (TFG-U) to make meetings in presence possible. The money
specimens. It is open for modifications
transfers followed the rules of the EFLM, as organized by
based on specific specimens or patient
the EFLM Office and the Treasurer. The following IVD
populations, as well as local epidemiology of
uropathogenic species in the laboratory. companies were included: 77 Elektronika Kft, A. Menarini
 Bacteria and yeast detected from urine , A . Diagnostics, BD Life Sciences, Beckman Coulter, ROCHE
specimens need to be identified to the spe- Diagnostics GmbH, GREINER Bio-One, Sarstedt AG & Co, and
cies level to satisfy proper clinical di- Sysmex Europe SE. No personal honoraria were received by
agnostics, and to be able to assess their
the TFG-U members from the sponsors. The funding is also
antimicrobial susceptibility. Limitations of
different identification methods are recom- repeated in the Introduction of the Guideline text.
mended to be considered to avoid deficient
identifications or misclassifications.
 This guideline recommends documents of , A . 7.10 References, Bacteriology
the European Committee on Antimicrobial
Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) for proced-
1. Alidjanov JF, Abdufattaev UA, Makhsudov SA, Pilatz A, Akilov FA,
ures of antimicrobial susceptibility testing
Naber KG, et al. New self-reporting questionnaire to assess urinary
(AST), including reminders of limitations of
tract infections and differential diagnosis: acute cystitis symptom
each method. No rapid or direct AST can be
score. Urol Int 2014;92:230–6.
recommended for routine workflow at the
2. Acute Cystitis Symptom Score, ACSS 2017. Self-reporting
moment. The microbiology laboratories
questionnaire for self-diagnosis of acute cystitis by women. ACSS
shall adhere to national antimicrobial stew-
questionnaire is available from:
ardship in their AST reports.
html [Accessed 10 Nov 2023].
 The suggested practical procedures or tools , B .
3. Clarridge JE, Johnson JR, Pezzlo MT. Cumitech 2B, Laboratory diagnosis
for verification of routine bacterial exami-
of urinary tract infections (Weissfeld AS, coordinating editor).
nations aim to help in the assessment of
Washington DC: American Society for Microbiology; 1998.
various changes in routine workflows. The
4. de Cueto M, Aliaga L, Alós JI, Canut A, Los-Arcos I, Martínez JA, et al.
level of satisfactory assessment is case-
Executive summary of the diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract
dependent. It needs to focus on critical
infection: guidelines of the Spanish Society of clinical microbiology
diagnostic steps, and must be judged
and infectious diseases (SEIMC) [English, Spanish]. Enferm Infecc
against relevant references, including the
ISO : standard. Microbiol Clín 2017;35:314–20.
5. Garcia R, Spitzer ED. Promoting appropriate urine culture
Strengths of Recommendations (SoR) are: =strong, =weak management to improve health care outcomes and the accuracy of
recommendation. Levels of Evidence (LoE) are: A=high, B=moderate, C=low catheter-associated urinary tract infections. Am J Infect Control 2017;
quality of evidence, D=consensus by the experts. Laboratory modification of 45:1143–53.
the GRADE rating is described in the Introduction. 6. Nicolle LE, Gupta K, Bradley SF, Colgan R, DeMuri GP, Drekonja D, et al.
Clinical practice guideline for the management of asymptomatic
Acknowledgments: The EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline bacteriuria: 2019 update by the infectious diseases Society of America.
Clin Infect Dis 2019;68:1611–5.
2023 was designed and written by the EFLM Task and Finish
7. Schubert S, Podschun R, Gatermann S, Fünfstück R, Naber KG,
Group Urinalysis (TFG-U) under supervision of the Committee Schimanski S, et al. MiQ 02: Harnwegsinfektionen, 3rd ed. Deutsche
of Science of the European Federation of Clinical Chemistry Gesellschaft für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie (DGHM):
and Laboratory Medicine (EFLM). Qualitätsstandards in der mikrobiologisch-infektiologischen Diagnostik
The contents of Sections 1, 3 and 7 of this Guideline have (MiQ) [German]. Munich: Urban & Fischer, Elsevier; 2020:92 p.
been endorsed by the European Society of Clinical Microbi- 8. Public Health England (PHE). Diagnosis of urinary tract infections:
Quick reference guide for primary care for consultation and local
ology and Infectious Diseases (ESCMID).
adaptation; 2020. PHE publications gateway number: GW-1263.
For other Acknowledgements and Ethical declarations,
see the Executive Summary of the Guideline. infection-diagnosis [Accessed 9 Nov 2023].
Competing interests: None of the members of the group 9. Bonkat G, Bartoletti R, Bruyère F, Cai T, Geerlings SE, Köves B, et al.
declares a conflict of interest that would interfere with the EAU guidelines: urological infections [The Full Text Online]. Arnhem,
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 121

The Netherlands: EAU Guidelines Office; 2023. 26. Price TK, Wolff B, Halverson T, Limeira R, Brubaker L, Dong Q, et al.
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Annex I: Detailed instructions for specimen

collection and preservation
individuals unfamiliar with the native language. Use of
I.1 Instructions for collection of training videos is also encouraged. Professional “hands
urine specimens on” assistance is often needed for small children and eld-
erly people.
Nurses and laboratory personnel usually instruct patients
how to obtain an adequate urine specimen. Health care
personnel should first understand the requirements of I.1.1 Collection of Mid-Stream Urine (MSU)
standardised specimen collection, and then empower specimens
patients to take care of their own diagnostics. Since the
compliance of the patient or his/her parents is usually Models for patient instructions
needed to obtain an adequate specimen, both oral and
written guidance, often with illustrations or videos, is The illustrations of this section are provided for mid-stream
necessary. Each institution is encouraged to modify the specimens (Figures 9, 10, 11). These illustrations may be
texts given below to make their local practice as good as translated for local clinical practice as a public resource
possible. Pictures showing the basic procedures for from non-profit Finnish healthcare (originally drawn at
females, males, and children should be used. The enclosed Tampere University Hospital (TAUH), Tampere, Finland).
illustrations on specimen collection can be freely copied. Collection of MSU specimens is still suggested after cleansing
They may be the only means of understanding by for both sexes, see Section

Figure 9: Collection of mid-stream urine specimen, females. (A) Shower. (B) Towelette.
128 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

Figure 10: Collection of mid-stream urine specimen, males. (A) Shower. (B) Towelette.

Figure 11: Collection of mid-stream urine

specimen, children using potty chair.

Females the toilet wash your outer genital organs including the
opening where the urine comes out with a hand shower
Wash your hands with soap and water or a towelette. Dry- (option A) or with lukewarm water and wet paper towels (or
wipe them. Take the clean collection container with you. sterile towelettes; option B) without using any disinfectants
Avoid touching the inside with your fingers. While sitting on that would inhibit bacterial growth.
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 129

Dry-wipe. When urinating, let the first portion pass into If any problems occur, please consult the clinical
the toilet (bedpan). Collect the mid-portion into the container. attendant….
Allow any excess urine to pass again into the toilet.
After urination, dry-wipe the outer surface of the con-
tainer, secure the lid or transfer the urine to the tube(s) pro-
I.1.2 Collection of sequential urine specimens
vided, and write or check your name and the date and time (Meares and Stamey procedure)
when you produced the specimen on the label on the container.
Then proceed as advised (local explanation) … For diagnosis of prostatitis, sequential collection of first and
If there are any problems, please consult your local middle portions of a single-voided specimen is of diagnostic
clinical attendant at… value, as well as drops expressed with prostate massage, and
urine after prostatic massage. A modified procedure with
two specimens has also been described (see Section 3.2.9).
Males The results are better if the patient has not ejaculated at least
for 3 days before the collection of the specimen, since ejac-
Wash your hands with soap and water or a towelette. Dry- ulate microbes are not representative for diagnosis of
wipe them. Take the clean collection container with you. prostatitis. The given instructions are to be followed with the
Avoid touching the inside with your fingers. Uncover the assistance of the physician performing the examination.
urethral opening by withdrawing the foreskin if necessary.
Wash the end of your penis, to include the opening where the Patient instructions
urine comes out, with a hand shower (option A) or with
lukewarm water and paper towels (or sterile towelette; (1) Half an hour before specimen collection, drink 400 mL
option B) without using any disinfectants. of water (or juice). When you want to void, the
Dry-wipe. When urinating (either standing or sitting), examination starts.
let the first portion pass into the toilet (bedpan). Collect the (2) Label four sterile collection vessels (A–D) and remove
mid-portion into the container. Allow any excess urine to the closures from them. Avoid touching the inside of
pass again into the toilet. the vessels or closures.
After urination, dry-wipe the outer surface of the con- (3) Wash your hands with soap and water or a towelette.
tainer, secure the lid or transfer the urine to the tube(s) Dry-wipe them.
provided, and write or check your name and the date and (4) Take the clean collection container with you. Uncover
time when you produced the specimen on the container label. the urethral opening by withdrawing the foreskin.
Then proceed as advised (local explanation)…. Wash the end of your penis, to include the opening
If any problems occur, please consult the clinical where the urine comes out, with a hand shower or with
attendant at… lukewarm water and paper towels (or sterile towelette)
without using any disinfectants. Dry-wipe.
(5) Urinate 10–15 mL into the first container (A) in a
Children (capable of controlled micturition)
standing position.
(6) Urinate 100–200 mL into the toilet (bedpan). Without
From infants and toddlers being able to control their uri-
interrupting the stream, urinate 10–15 mL into the
nation, a container inserted into a potty chair helps in get-
second container (B). Allow any excess urine to pass
ting a mid-stream specimen. See Figure 11.
again into the toilet.
After appropriate explanation, reasonably adequate
(7) Bend forward and hold the sterile specimen container
mid-stream specimens can be collected from children old
(C) to catch the prostate secretion while the physician
enough to sit on a potty chair. This can be achieved by
massages the prostate. Several drops are needed.
inserting the collection container into the potty chair.
(8) If no secretion is visible during massage, the physician
Older children may follow the same advice as given to
collects a specimen with a 10 µL loop from urethral
orifice for direct culture.
After producing the sample, dry-wipe the outer surface
(9) After prostatic massage, try to urinate additionally
of the container, secure the lid or transfer the urine to the
10–15 mL into the container (D).
tube(s) provided, and write or check the child’s name and the
date and time when the specimen was produced on the The containers A–D should be sent for bacterial culture.
container label. If possible, particle analysis is also of diagnostic value
Then proceed as advised (local explanation)… after inoculation of the plates.
130 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

I.1.3 Collection of Suprapubic Aspiration distant from the symphyseal region) and intestinal con-
(SPA) specimen tamination. Aliquots of urine to different laboratory tests
need a local agreement. For bacterial culture, 0.5–2 mL is
A container inserted into a potty chair helps in getting a mid- usually sufficient for inoculation, and another 1 mL for vis-
stream specimen from infants and toddlers being able to ual microscopy.
control their urination, See Figure 11.
For incontinent infants, suprapubic aspiration should
be attempted when the diagnosis or exclusion of urinary I.1.4 Timed collection of urine
tract infection is crucial, and a spontaneous urine, bag or pad
specimen do not apply (Figure 12). This is because SPA A 24-h urine is the most common example of a timed col-
specimens result in remarkably lower occurrence of mixed lection. Instructions must be provided for each patient or
growth than those obtained with bags, pads or spontaneous guardian to support the collection, and modified for local
specimens, and even those obtained by in-and-out cathe- use. An example for patient instructions is given below.
terisation, see Section 3.2.5. Different preservatives to be used in timed urine collections
Aseptic measures should be taken to avoid skin con- have been listed in Table 40 (in Annex I.2). The table was
tamination. Specimen collection and washing tools should be compiled for analytes requested from outpatients.
prepared ahead, including a 5 (−10) mL syringe used for
aspiration. It is possible to wait up to 2 h for the bladder to Patient instructions: 24-h collection of urine
fill, possibly using ultrasound imaging. However, the
urgency symptoms may lead to loss of the specimen by READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU START
spontaneous voiding if not followed carefully. Dehydrated THE COLLECTION.
febrile children should take in fluid to the extent needed to You have been asked to collect a timed urine because the
start diuresis. Anaesthetic skin cream containing lidocaine doctor wants to know the exact amount of (the examined
or prilocaine is recommended before the puncture. substance) excreted into your urine as a part of your medical
The bladder is punctured by simultaneous aspiration. examination. You have been asked to collect for a 24-h
The site is chosen to avoid both periosteal damage (1 cm period.

Figure 12: Illustrations for suprapubic

aspiration specimen. (A) Holding the infant.
A good way to hold the baby during the
bladder puncture keeps both arms and legs
under control. (B) Anatomy of bladder
puncture. Urinary bladder is punctured at 1
cm distance from symphyseal region using 90°
angle against abdominal wall.
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 131

(1) Preparation: If you are not in hospital, select a peaceful (8) Check or write your name, personal identification
day when you expect to be able to use the toilet where number and detailed collection date and times on the
you keep the collection container throughout the con- label. Place the label provided on to the small con-
tinuous collection period. tainer. Store and transport the small container only, or
(2) Preservative: Your collection may need preservatives both containers to the laboratory as advised.
for reliable analysis. Your local advisor will tell you
how to deal with these. Preservatives are usually added If any questions arise, please contact your clinical attendant
to the collection container before the start or imme- at….
diately after the first voided portion.
(3) Write down the date and time when you start the col-
lection (you can choose when to start). Empty your
I.2 Preservatives for urine
bladder and discard that sample. All voided urine after collections
this start is to be collected into the container. Keep the
container refrigerated during the collection if no pres- Criteria of preservation are discussed in Section 3.3. Strin-
ervatives were advised, and you have that possibility. gent experiments show statistically significant changes in
(4) Exactly 24 h after starting the collection empty your some measured components already within the first 2 h
bladder and add this to the collection container. after voiding at room temperature. Some flexibility to
(5) Close the container tightly, dry wipe and place the label allowable time frames is obtained by using the criteria in
provided on the container. Write or check the details of Section 3.3.1, understanding the speed and type of diag-
your collection times and your personal identification nostic changes.
data. There is a clear need for preservation of urine speci-
(6) Store and transport the container to the laboratory as mens intended for chemical measurements and particle anal-
advised, ysis at room temperature for at least 1–3 days. For bacterial
culture, preservation at room temperature for 1–2 days after
OR (instead of items 5–6). collection is available for centralised laboratory services
(7) If a portion of the 24-h specimen only was requested, (Table 39). Week-end and holiday service must be organised
close the container tightly, mix the complete collection accordingly.
thoroughly before pouring a small sample into the Another table was created for preservation of quanti-
small container you have been given. Dry-wipe the tative chemical measurands (Table 40). These tables also
small container. provide data on preservation by refrigeration.

Table : Preservatives for test strips, particle analysis, and urine bacterial culture. The figures express maximum documented stable time, when known,
with the following abbreviations: h=hours, d=days, w=weeks, mo=months, y=years. The Table assumes non-infected urine (bacteriuria may dramatically
affect the preservation of some analytes). Usually, about  % final concentration of boric acid is used.

Analyte Room temp (+ °C ±  °C) Refrigerated (+ °C ±  °C) Boric acid, alone or mixed Referencesa

Multiple test strip

WBC, esterase/RBC, Pseudo-peroxidase – h (optimum, maximum)  h– d (false negatives) c h [–]b
Nitrite < h – h (false positives) c < h [, , ]
Albumin (protein) d  h– d (false positives) c d [, ]
Glucose and ketone bodies < h < h/ d h [, ]
Relative density (RD, SG) d d d []
Particle analysis
RBC and WBC – h (optimum, maximum) h – dd [, , , ]b
Squamous epithelial cells (SEC) d  h/– d [, ]
Renal & transitional epithelial cells – d (optimum, maximum) – d []
Casts – d []
Bacteria counts – h (optimum, maximum) – d – dd [, ]b
Bacterial culture
Bacterial culture No d d [–]
References are listed in Annex I.. bThe BD Life Sciences has not validated the use of C&S tube (boric acid mixture) for particle counting, as applied by Kouri
et al. in their local studies [, ]. cA tendency of change (false positives or false negatives) in extended storage is given in brackets. dThere is no good
evidence of preservation of WBC with boric acid alone for particle counting, buffered mixtures with supported osmolality are recommended. For bacteria
preservation, a maximum of  days has usually been documented by manufacturers for boric acid-containing preservatives at room temperature.
132 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

Table : Preservatives for -h collection of quantitative chemical measurandsa. The urine specimens should not be infected or contaminated, since
bacteriuria may dramatically effect preservation of some analytes.

Analyte Room temp Refrigerated Frozen HClb Boric acid NaCO Links and referencesc
 mol/L
stock solution
(+ °C ±  °C) (+ °C ±  °C) (≤− °C)  mL to  L – %  g/L
final conc

Albumin  da  mo  mod Noa d Concentration decreased by nephelometry

up to − %, by HPLC up to − % [, ]d
Alpha- microglobulin d  mo  mod Depends on the procedure, similar to
(protein HC) albumind
Alpha- macroglobulin d d
Amino acids Yesa
Calcium – d e
d w d
No HCl generally not needed [–]d;
Suspected precipitation in patient
specimens is prevented by HCl when
receiving the collectione
Citrate d  wd Yes If pH<. [, ]d
Creatinine d d  mo Yes [, ]
Cystine  mod  yd  dd Add HCld
Glucose < h h h No Yes Azide []d
Human chorionic Yes
(pregnancy test)
Immunoglobulin, kappa d  mo  mo
& lambda, quantitative
Immunoglobulins, d  mo Nod Cryoproteins may not redissolved
intact, quantitative
Magnesium d d y d
HCl not needed [–]d
Novel kidney
(IL-, KIM-, L-FABP, IL- labile d Final storage at − °C []
Osmolality h d  mo
Oxalate d  mod Yes EDTA addition in the laboratory helpful; If
acidified [, ]d
Phosphate (inorganic) d > dd If acidified; HCl is not needed if analysed
within  d []d
Protein, immunofix- d  mo  mo
ation and
Protein, total d d  mo No Yes Depends on the procedure
Urate d No No > dd pH> with NaCO;d not needed if ana-
lysed ≤ d []
Abbreviations: “Yes” is used for a probably successful preservation, “No” suggests lack of preservation; both of these to be confirmed if applied. Data on
the details are not available. The figures express maximum stable time: h=hours, d=days, w=weeks, mo=months, y=years. bAddition of HCl in the laboratory
after reception of the collected specimen is often acceptable [–], depending on the delay after collection. cLink to details on the same line (measurand)
is shown with an superscript d or a superscript e sign. References are listed in Annex I..

3. Eksioglu MK, Madenci OC, Yucel N, Elci A, Turhan B, Orhan G, et al. The
I.3 References, Annex I
effectiveness of BD Vacutainer Plus Urinalysis Preservative Tubes in
preservation of urine for chemical strip analysis and particle counting.
1. Kouri T, Malminiemi O, Penders J, Pelkonen V, Vuotari L, Delanghe J. Biochem Med 2016;26:224–32.
Limits of preservation of samples for urine strip tests and particle 4. Froom P, Bieganiec B, Ehrenrich Z, Barak M. Stability of common
counting. Clin Chem Lab Med 2008;46:703–13. analytes in urine refrigerated for 24 h before automated analysis by test
2. Dolscheid-Pommerich RC, Klarmann-Schulz U, Conrad R, Stoffel-Wagner B, strips. Clin Chem 2000;46:1384–6.
Zur B. Evaluation of the appropriate time period between sampling and 5. Ercan M, Akbulut ED, Abusoglu S, Yilmaz FM, Oguz EF, Topcuoglu C,
analyzing for automated urinalysis. Biochem Med 2016;26:82–9. et al. Stability of urine specimens stored with and without preservatives
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 133

at room temperature and on ice prior to urinalysis. Clin Biochem 2015; on urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2016;11:
48:919–22. 1794–801.
7. Kouri T, Vuotari L, Pohjavaara S, Laippala P. Preservation of urine for 13. Petit M, Beaudeux JL, Majoux S, Hennequin C. Is a pre-analytical
flow cytometric and visual microscopic testing. Clin Chem 2002;48: process for urinalysis required? Ann Biol Clin (Paris) 2017;75:
900–5. 519–24.
8. Eriksson I, Lindman R, Thore M. Microbiological evaluation of a 14. Pratumvinit B, Reesukumal K, Wongkrajang P, Khejonnit V, Klinbua C,
commercial transport system for urine samples. Scand J Clin Lab Invest Dangneawnoi W. Should acidification of urine be performed before the
2002;62:325–35. analysis of calcium, phosphate and magnesium in the presence of
9. Eisinger SW, Schwartz M, Dam L, Riedel S. Evaluation of the BD crystals? Clin Chim Acta 2013;426:46–50.
Vacutainer Plus Urine C&S Preservative Tubes compared with 15. Cadamuro J, Decco C, Frans G, Auer S, von Meyer A, Kniewallner KM,
nonpreservative urine samples stored at 4 °C and room temperature. et al. On behalf of the European Federation of clinical Chemistry and
Am J Clin Pathol 2013;140:306–13. laboratory medicine (EFLM) Working Group “Preanalytical Phase”
10. Daley P, Gill Y, Midodzi W. Comparison of clinical performance of (WG-PRE). Acidification of 24-hour urine in urolithiasis risk testing: an
commercial urine growth stabilization products. Diagn Microbiol Infect obsolete relic? Clin Chim Acta 2022;532:1–9.
Dis 2018;92:179–82. 16. Feres MC, Bini R, De Martino MC, Biagini SP, de Sousa AL, Campana PG,
11. Brinkman JW, de Zeeuw D, Lambers Heerspink HJ, Gansevoort RT, et al. Implications for the use of acid preservatives in 24-hour urine for
Kema IP, de Jong PE, et al. Apparent loss of urinary albumin during measurements of high demand biochemical analytes in clinical
long-term frozen storage: HPLC vs immunonephelometry. Clin Chem laboratories. Clin Chim Acta 2011;412:2322–5.
2007;53:1520–6. 17. Parikh CR, Butrymowicz I, Yu A, Chinchilli VM, Park M, Hsu CY, et al.
12. Herrington W, Illingworth N, Staplin N, Kumar A, Storey B, Urine stability studies for novel biomarkers of acute kidney injury. Am J
Hrusecka R, et al. Effect of processing delay and storage conditions Kidney Dis 2014;63:567–72.
134 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

Annex II: Morphological details of urine particles

The differentiation is based on visual microscopy guideline. Morphological features of urine particles are
(magnification ×400), using phase contrast optics. The described in Table 41 by using phase contrast microscopy
details are derived from the handbook by Dr. G.B. strongly recommended by these guidelines. Polarised
Fogazzi if not otherwise stated [1]. Occasional modifica- light is needed to see birefringence. Additional differen-
tions are based on Core Curriculum 2019 for American tiation by Sternheimer supravital staining is shown in
nephrologists [2], or additions by the authors of this Table 42.

Table : Morphology of urine particles by phase contrast microscopy.

Blood cells in urine

Nucleus Cytoplasm Other features

Red blood cells (RBC)

Absent Biconcave discs with a diameter Small RBC appear in hypertonic urine, while RBC swell in hypotonic urine.
of about – µm. The diameter “Ghost cells” are grey shadows with sharp margins in phase contrast optics due to
of RBC may range from micro- hemoglobin leakage.
cytes to macrocytes, within an Small RBC with abnormal shapes (dysmorphism) result from glomerular bleeding and
interval of – µm due to the interaction of renal tubular cells with RBC leakage into the kidneys. Acanthocytes or G
osmotic variability of urine. cells (ring-shaped RBC with blebs), are a specific subgroup of dysmorphic cells.
White blood cells (WBC)/
Multi-lobular or rod-shaped – µm in diameter. Morphology varies due to degeneration, activation by inflammation, and density of
nucleus Granulocytes contain cyto- urine: when high, the nucleus may not be clearly visible, and when low, the cytoplasm
plasmic granules. becomes swollen, and the nuclei are easily seen, until cells are lysed [].
Pseudopod extensions of the cytoplasm are rarely formed in activated granulocytes,
creating a possible confusion with fungi. Granulocytes occur often in clumps.
More than a single nucleus or The cytoplasm contains vesi- Round cells with a diameter of – µm.
fragments located either cen- cles, granules, or ingested ma- “Oval fat bodies” are formed when the macrophages ingest a large number of lipid
trally or peripherally in the terial, e.g., pieces of RBC. droplets []. “Oval fat bodies” may also originate from lipid absorption by renal tubular
cytoplasm. Vesicles may mask the nucleus. epithelial cells.
The nucleus is smooth, round, Cytoplasm is scarce and Differentiation of lymphocytes from granulocytes and small epithelial cells may be
mononuclear (without lobuli), without granules []. improved by staining procedures (Table ). Degeneration of nucleated cells may make
and occupies most of the the differentiation difficult or impossible.
cytoplasm. Activated lymphocytes have an increased cytoplasmic volume. Rarely, the major
leukocyte population in urine.

Epithelial cells in urine

Nucleus Cytoplasm Other features

Squamous epithelial cells

Central nucleus Their shape is polygonal and the average May detach in clumps of cells, creating confusion with casts because of the
diameter is about  µm. Nucleus-to- total size or folded shape of the particle. Free nuclei in urine are possible.
cytoplasm ratio is relatively small.
Transitional epithelial (urothelial) cells (TEC)
Transititional epithelium forms the multi-cellular surface of the urinary tract from the renal pelvis to the bladder in the female, and to the proximal urethra
in the male.
TEC/superficial urothelial
Single nucleus, nucleoli are Usually round to oval with a mean diameter Occasionally, cells may have two or more nuclei. The uppermost multinu-
not always seen of about  µm. cleated cells are called facet or umbrella cells, as they maintain the surface
They have pale halo around the nucleus. integrity of uroepithelium [].
EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023 135

Table : (continued)

Epithelial cells in urine

Nucleus Cytoplasm Other features

TEC/deep urothelial cells

Central or peripheral nucleus, Smaller than superficial cells (mean diam- Atypical shapes of urothelial cells may be caused by infection or urothelial
with – nucleoli eter about  µm). cancer. Low-grade urothelial cancers are not detected by cytology. High-
They exhibit club-like, polygonal or spindle- grade cancer cells typically exhibit aberrant nuclei and exceptional nuclei.
like shapes, and a thin granular cytoplasm. Atypical cells may appear in clumps caused by catheters, stones, or tumours.
Atypical nuclei and nucleoli are possible. Systematic detection of atypical cells
is a responsibility of cytopathology laboratories.
Renal tubular epithelial cells (RTC)
RTC derive from the single-layered columnar epithelium of proximal or distal tubuli in the kidneys, showing different morphological features when intact.
May appear in fragments in tubular necrosis. Tubular damage creates apoptosis and degeneration of RTC, making their identification sometimes
impossible without immunochemical staining (as performed in research laboratories).
RTC, proximal tubular cells
Round to ovoid nuclei with – The average diameter is about  µm Proximal RTC originate from proximal tubules of kidneys. They occasionally
nucleoli if intact (range – µm, up to  µm). They are detach in clumps resembling honeycombs.
larger than granulocytes. Their cytoplasm
is most often granular.
RTC, distal tubular cells
Central or basal nuclei Rectangular, polygonal or even columnar Distal RTC originate either from distal tubules or collecting ducts. Rarely, they
cells with a granular cytoplasm. detach in clumps that resemble casts, but without a typical matrix.

Casts in urine

Type of cast Key features

Hyaline cast Composed of a matrix with low refractive index. They are best identified by phase-contrast microscopy.
Granular cast Contain either fine or coarse granules, accentuated by phase-contrast optics.
Waxy cast Usually large, with clear-cut edges and refractile. Waxy casts have a homogeneous appearance, resembling wax.
Fatty cast Contain translucent or birefringent lipid particles.
Cellular casts Classified according to the cells contained in: erythrocyte, leukocyte, and renal tubular epithelial cell casts.
Hemoglobin cast, and Both brownish in colour with a granular surface. They cannot be differentiated from each other by morphology.
Myoglobin cast
Bilirubin cast Yellow-brown due to water-soluble (conjugated) bilirubin excreted into urine.
Bacterial cast, and Yeast cast Contain bacteria or yeast. They are seen in patients with bacterial or fungal infection affecting the kidneys.
Artefacts Artefacts may resemble casts (then called “pseudocasts”). Artefacts may be pieces of toilet tissue with indented borders,
pieces of hair, aggregated crystals, various synthetic fibres, or artefactual lining of any urine particles when preparing the
specimen for microscopy.

Crystals in urine

Type of crystal Key features

Uric acid Rhomboids, barrels, needles, rosettes or other variable shapes, with a typical amber colour and birefringence under
polarized light. They precipitate in acidic urine only (pH<.).
Calcium oxalate dihydrate Typically bipyramidal. They can appear also in aggregates. Only large crystals show birefringency.
Calcium oxalate monohydrate Ovoid, dumb-bell or biconcave discs, always brightly birefringent.
They may be confused with RBC especially by automated instruments if appearing ovoid and close in size to RBC. The hard,
broken structures of crystals as compared to RBC often distinguish the two.
Calcium phosphate Prisms, needles or rosettes that polarize light. When occurring in plates, calcium phosphate is not birefringent.
Triple phosphate (magnesium Transparent birefringent prisms, usually with a “coffin lid” appearance.
ammonium phosphate)
Amorphous urates and Granular particles, often in clumps. Urates are found in acid urine, phosphates in alkaline urine. Urates polarise light, while
phosphates phosphates do not.
Cystine Thin, hexagonal, non-polychromatic birefringent plates with irregular sides. May appear isolated, heaped upon one another,
or in clumps and rosettes. Their precipitation is increased at low pH (<) and after an overnight incubation at + °C.
,-Dihydroxyadenine (DHA) Resemble urate, like other xanthine crystals. Birefringent like urate crystals.
Xanthine Easily confused with urate [].
Leucine Forms oily-looking spheres with concentric striations like annual rings of trees.
Tyrosine Thin needles, often aggregated in bundles or rosettes.
Cholesterol Transparent thin plates with sharp edges and corners.
136 EFLM European Urinalysis Guideline 2023

Table : (continued)

Microbes in urine

Type of microbe Key features

Bacteria Rods or cocci. Seen on visual bright-field microscopy, but particularly visible with phase-contrast microscopy. Rods are typically
identifiable, but cocci may be confused with amorphous precipitates if they are not motile.
Some uropathogenic rods, e.g., K. pneumoniae and E. coli, may form atypical round shapes called spheroblasts if suboptimal
concentrations of β-lactam antibiotics are given to a patient. These may be confused with RBC or yeast cells in urine particle analysis [].
Fungi Cells of Candida spp. appear as ovoid or roundish elements not absorbing stain. They also appear as hyphae. Budding is the most typical feature.
Protozoa Trichomonas vaginalis is easily identified due to the motility of the flagella and the rapid and irregular movements of the body, when
alive. These become difficult to distinguish from leukocytes when dead.
Helminths The eggs of Schistosoma haematobium measure about  ×  µm. They are spindle-shaped with a round anterior and a conical
posterior end tapering into a delicate terminal spine. They may be seen to hatch if the urine is dilute enough. The eggs of Enterobius
vermicularis measure about – µm if found as contaminant or parasite in bladder.

Table : Differentiation of nucleated cells in urine with Sternheimer staining. Staining of urine particles supravitally, i.e., directly without fixation may
help in identification of various nucleated cells. Simple stains such as toluidine blue may be used. The table below describes details of Sternheimer
staining, showing nuclei as blue and cytoplasms as red in most cells []. It has been in clinical use in European countries participating in Labquality’s
external quality assessment scheme for urine particle identification since ’s [].

Cell type Nucleus Cytoplasm

Granulocyte Bright blue if takes the stain (often unstained). Reddish or pink if stains.
Multilobular or rod-shaped. Granular and round cytoplasms. Degenerates and breaks easily.
Macrophage Bluish, dark chromatin, broken in fragments in Bluish or pink. Granular, containing vacuoles, RBC pieces (red) or lipid droplets.
degenerated cells. “Thin” fragile structure that breaks easily.
Lymphocyte (Dark) blue nucleus fills the cell almost entirely. Bluish, smooth, and thin rim around the nucleus.
Chromatin usually not seen. Easily broken cell membrane.
Squamous epithelial cell Stains blue or remains unstained. Often Stains pink if taking the colour at all. Polygonal shape resembling “fried
(SEC) degenerated and small. Central. eggs”. Pale, large, slightly granular.
Transitional epithelial cell Stains blue if taking the stain. Round, finely granular Finely granular, staining pink. Degenerated forms may not stain at all.
(TEC), superficial chromatin. Usually, visible – nucleoli. Large, round with clear perinuclear halo.
Transitional epithelial cell Stains blue usually. Well defined borders with Many marked granules, often stains darker red and are smaller than
(TEC), deep evident – nucleoli. Variable location in the cell. those of superficial TEC. Remain unstained if degenerated.
Renal tubular epithelial cell Stains blue or purple. Homogenous, occasionally Granular, often dark red cytoplasm that appears “thick” with clear
(RTC), proximal and distal visible – nucleoli, chromatin usually clear. cytoplasmic borders. Ingested granules or vacuoles filled with lipids
Often degenerated. (“oval fat bodies”). Degenerated forms common.

The intensity of staining is dependent on the length of exposure to the stain as well as unknown factors related to the specimen. With the Sternheimer stain
the nuclei are usually blue and cytoplasms red. The tint (hue) varies due to both specimen and batch-related factors.

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