Gavin - Clothing and Thermoregulation During Exercise - 2003
Gavin - Clothing and Thermoregulation During Exercise - 2003
Gavin - Clothing and Thermoregulation During Exercise - 2003
Abstract Exercise increases heat production. During exercise in both warm and cold
conditions, the major dilemma is the dissipation of the heat produced from
muscular activity. The use of clothing generally represents a layer of insulation
and as such imposes a barrier to heat transfer and evaporation from the skin
surface. In warm environments, additional clothing increases thermal insulation
causing more rapid increases in temperature during exercise and imposes a barrier
to sweat evaporation. However, clothing can serve a protective function by
reducing radiant heat gain and thermal stress. Recent research suggests that
neither the inclusion of modest amounts of clothing nor the clothing fabric alter
thermoregulation or thermal comfort during exercise in warm conditions. In the
cold, most reports do not support an effect of clothing fabric on thermoregulation;
however, there are reports demonstrating an effect. Clothing construction does
alter thermoregulation during and following exercise in the cold, where fishnet
construction offers greater heat dissipation. Future research should include condi-
tions that more closely mimic outdoor conditions, where high work rates, large
airflow and high relative humidity can significantly impact thermoregulation.
The purpose of this article is to provide a brief and on the effect of protective clothing on tempera-
overview of the effects of clothing on thermal bal- ture regulation during uncompensable heat.[5,6]
ance during exercise. To ensure a basic understand-
ing of the variables involved in thermoregulation, 1. Thermal Balance
the factors affecting temperature balance will be The maintenance of a stable core temperature is
discussed. The characteristics of clothing will then dependent upon the balance between heat produc-
be discussed followed by the effects of clothing on tion from metabolism and heat gain from the envi-
thermoregulation in warm and cold environments. ronment, and the loss of heat by conduction, convec-
Lastly, recommendations on future research direc- tion, radiation and evaporation. The balance can be
tions will be discussed. There are several topics on represented by the heat exchange equation:
the interaction between clothing and thermoregula-
tion that will not be discussed in this article. The
±S = M − (±W ) − E ± K ± C ± R ( mW )
As is easily observed from the heat exchange Fibres such as wool and cotton absorb moisture
equation, metabolism always acts to increase heat from the skin more effectively than synthetic fibres
storage, and evaporation always acts to decrease and are generally more comfortable. However, the
heat storage. In humans, heat is produced and gained absorption of sweat, which is termed ‘regain’, can
by increases in metabolism and the positive or nega- increase the weight of the garment and can provide
tive work accomplished. Conduction of heat occurs undesirable post-exercise evaporative cooling. In
between molecules of two contacting surfaces. Con- recent years, several new fabrics have been designed
vection refers to the physical exchange of heat be- with improved wicking properties, but with low
tween the body and an adjacent moving medium regain.
such as air or water. Thermal radiation is radiant
energy emitted by a medium that is solely due to the 3. Exercise in Warm to Hot Environments
temperature of the medium. Evaporation occurs
both from the respiratory tract and the skin. Increased muscular activity during exercise
When thermal balance is achieved, the heat causes an increase in heat production in the body
stored is equal to 0. During exercise, heat storage due to the inefficiency of the metabolic reactions
will typically increase. This increase can easily be involved in providing energy for muscle force de-
observed by increases in mean body temperature velopment, which must be dissipated to prevent
(TBODY). deleterious increases in TBODY.[9] During semi-nude
(shorts, socks and shoes) exercise between 10 and
30°C, core temperature is essentially a linear func-
2. Clothing
tion of metabolism and is independent of ambient air
temperature, while skin temperature is essentially a
Several factors must be considered when evaluat- linear function of the ambient air temperature and is
ing clothing properties. The ‘clo’ unit is an index of not significantly dependent on metabolic rate.[10]
clothing thermal resistance. One clo represents the The use of clothing generally represents a layer of
clothing necessary to allow a resting individual to be insulation and as such imposes a barrier to heat
in a comfortable state when the ambient temperature transfer[11] and evaporation from the skin surface.[12]
is 21°C (70°F).[7] Six factors affect the insulation The rate of water evaporation from the wet skin
value of clothing:[8] surface is dependent upon the air velocity and skin-
1. Wind speed – increased speed disturbs the zone of clothing-ambient air vapour pressure gradients.[13]
insulation. When clothing interferes with the evaporation of
2. Body movements – pumping action of arms and sweat from the skin, increases in skin and core
legs disturb the zone of insulation. temperature, as well as a reduction in cooling effi-
3. Chimney effect – loosely hanging clothing venti- ciency are observed.[3,14] Given that evaporation is
lates the trapped air layers from the body. the most important mechanism for heat dissipation
4. Bellows effect – vigorous body movements in- during exercise, clothing that poses the least amount
crease ventilation of air layers for conserving body of resistance to evaporation may prove beneficial.
heat. For a warm to hot environment, this would be rela-
5. Water vapour transfer – clothing resists the pas- tively minimal clothing, which can range from a
sage of water vapour and thus decreases body heat basic swimsuit (and accompanying top for women)
loss by evaporative cooling. to a short-sleeve T-shirt and mid-thigh shorts.
6. Permeation efficiency factor – how well clothing Outdoor activities such as running and cycling
absorbs liquid sweat by capillary action (‘wicking’); incorporate a significant airflow. This airflow would
wicking sweat away from the body surface reduces increase convective heat dissipation and promote
the cooling effect of evaporation, thus improving evaporation by reducing the water vapour pressure
clothing’s effectiveness for conserving body heat. surrounding an individual. For example, running at
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Exercise, Clothing and Thermoregulation 943
Cotton/wool blend
10 km/h represents a convective airflow of ~2.8 m/ 37.9 100% cotton
sec, while cycling at 30 km/h represents a convec- 100% polyester
3.1 Additional Clothing Increases
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944 Gavin
colour of clothing can affect radiative heat gain, moregulation during intermittent exercise at 40% of
where white clothing reduces radiative heat gain and maximal oxygen consumption (V̇O2max) with and
physiological strain during exercise compared with without 1.5 m/sec wind in 30°C.[24] All clothing
black clothing.[23] ensembles consisted of long sleeve shirts and full
trousers. During rest and exercise with no wind,
3.4 Effect of Clothing Fabrics there were no differences in TRECTAL, mean skin
temperature (TSK), or TBODY (figure 1). However,
Do differences in clothing fabric alter thermoreg-
with the application of 1.5 m/sec wind, TSK was
ulatory responses to exercise? Kwon et al. investi-
lower in all ensembles. Interestingly, during exer-
gated the effect of three clothing fabric ensembles
cise with wind, the wool/cotton blend demonstrated
(wool and cotton blend with high moisture regain,
a significantly lower TRECTAL, while the 100%
100% cotton with average moisture regain, and
100% polyester with low moisture regain) on ther- polyester ensemble resulted in higher TSK and
TBODY. The 100% polyester ensemble was asso-
S-N ciated with higher heart rates independent of wind
Mean body temperature (˚C)
38 SYN
velocity. The 100% polyester ensemble caused
greater sweat production, but retained less sweat.
37 This study demonstrates that clothing fabric can
influence thermoregulation; however, most exercis-
ers would not wear full-length garments during ex-
ercise in 30ºC.
In an attempt to determine if clothing fabric can
35 affect thermoregulation in the heat when worn in
39 more common, warm weather ensembles, Gavin et
al. evaluated the effect of clothing fabric during
Rectal temperature (˚C)
thetic fabric claimed by the manufacturer to promote
sweat evaporation. Both the synthetic material and
33 cotton ensembles consisted of a crew neck, short
sleeve T-shirt, form-fitting cycling shorts (which
* extended to mid-thigh), anklet socks and running
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Exercise, Clothing and Thermoregulation 945
7 S-N
fabric that promotes sweat evaporation. However, SYN
neither the addition of clothing nor the clothing 6 COT
Temperature sensation
fabric used altered exercise thermoregulation (figure 5
2) or thermal/comfort sensations (figure 3). 4
4. Exercise in Cool to Cold Environments
In conditions of 0°C and no wind, humans can 1
exercise at sufficient levels to adequately maintain
core temperature while wearing 1 clo of thermal
insulation.[8] As the ambient temperature decreases,
significantly greater levels of clothing are required
to maintain core temperature. In contrast to the small
Sweating sensation
amount of clothing commonly worn during exercise 3
in warm to hot environments, exercise in cool to
cold environments requires that selections be made 2
on the appropriate levels of clothing insulation.
Clothing for outdoor winter activities is a complicat- 1
© Adis Data Information BV 2003. All rights reserved. Sports Med 2003; 33 (13)
946 Gavin
fabrics was due to differences in Itot between the First, the effects of increased airflow to more closely
ensembles. Ha et al. demonstrated that during mild mimic outdoor conditions of exercise should be
exercise at 0°C, a single-layer of polypropylene investigated. Increases in airflow will reduce the
underwear in a three-layer ensemble keeps TSK and boundary layer of insulation and will increase evap-
TBODY warmer than a single layer of cotton during oration. Makinen et al. demonstrated that during
exercise and recovery, although these differences walking in a –10°C environment, a wind velocity of
are not apparent while wearing two layers of cotton 5 m/sec significantly lowers mean skin temperature
or polypropylene underwear.[32] (TSK) compared with conditions of 0 and 1 m/sec.[34]
Secondly, greater exercise intensities should be
4.2 Effect of Clothing Construction investigated. In general, most studies use only mild
to moderate exercise intensities. Future work should
Underwear knit structure can alter TSK, non- focus on higher exercise intensities, which would
evaporated, and evaporated sweat during intermit- result in higher sweat rates. The higher sweat rates
tent exercise in 5°C.[33] Comparing underwear made would lead to greater sweat accumulation. In the
from 1-by-1 rib, fleece, fishnet, interlock and doub- cold, this could produce significant post-exercise
le-layer rib, the fishnet construction allowed more chilling that may be affected by differences in cloth-
air to sweep over the skin, resulting in more effec- ing fabric or construction. Professional athletes in
tive ventilation and evaporation from the skin, re- sports such as cycling often experience a combina-
sulting in a lower TSK (figure 4). During intermittent tion of these conditions where significant terrain
exercise, evaporation rates are higher in underwear changes can produce significant changes in environ-
of fishnet construction compared with 1-by-1 rib mental conditions including dramatic changes in
knit.[29] It is clear that clothing construction can temperature and significant airflow.
affect thermoregulation. Thirdly, given that skin wettedness is associated
with discomfort, significant differences in clothing
5. Future Research Considerations regain may affect clothing comfort in warm environ-
The effects of clothing on thermoregulation ments. The use of a higher relative humidity would
would benefit from future research in three areas. reduce evaporative potential and increase regain of
clothing, especially cotton and wool garments.
Therefore, synthetic fibres with lower regain may
1-by-1 rib prove beneficial during high humidity conditions.
Double-layer rib
6. Conclusions
Mean skin temperature (˚C)
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Exercise, Clothing and Thermoregulation 947
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