Sem 620
Sem 620
Sem 620
Introduction to Algorithms, 4TH Edition, Thomas H Cormen, Charles E Lieserson, RonaldL Rivest
and Clifford Stein, MIT Press/McGraw-Hill.
Fundamentals of Algorithms – E. Horowitz et al.
Algorithm Design, 1ST Edition, Jon Kleinberg and ÉvaTardos, Pearson.
Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis, and Internet Examples, Second Edition,Michael T
Goodrich and Roberto Tamassia, Wiley.
Algorithms -- A Creative Approach, 3RD Edition, UdiManber, Addison-Wesley, Reading,MA
Design & Analysis of Algorithms, Gajendra Sharma, Khanna Publishing House (AICTE
Recommended Textbook – 2018)
Algorithms Design and Analysis, Udit Agarwal, Dhanpat Rai
Course Outcomes
Operating Systems
Code: PCC-CSBS602
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus of B. Tech. in Computer Science and Business Systems
(Applicable from the Academic Session 2020-2021)
Operating System Concepts Essentials, 9th Edition by AviSilberschatz,Peter Galvin, Greg Gagne,
Wiley Asia Student Edition.
Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 5th Edition, WilliamStallings, Prentice Hall of
Operating System Concepts, Ekta Walia, Khanna Publishing House(AICTE Recommended
Textbook – 2018)
Operating System: A Design-oriented Approach, 1st Edition by CharlesCrowley, Irwin Publishing
Operating Systems: A Modern Perspective, 2nd Edition by Gary J. Nutt, Addison-Wesley
Design of the Unix Operating Systems, 8th Edition by Maurice Bach,Prentice-Hall of India
Understanding the Linux Kernel, 3rd Edition, Daniel P. Bovet, MarcoCesati, O'Reilly and Associates
Course Outcomes:
On completion of the course students will be able to
Create processes and threads.
Develop algorithms for process scheduling for a given specification of CPU utilization, Throughput,
Turnaround Time, Waiting Time, Response Time.
For a given specification of memory organization develop the techniquesfor optimally allocating
memory to processes by increasing memory utilization and for improving the access time. Design
and implement filemanagement system.
For a given I/O devices and OS (specify) develop the I/O management functions in OS as part of a
uniform device abstraction by performing operations for synchronization between CPU and I/O
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus of B. Tech. in Computer Science and Business Systems
(Applicable from the Academic Session 2020-2021)
Pattern Recognition
Code: ESC-CSBS601
6 Non-parametric 2
estimation techniques for
Density estimation
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus of B. Tech. in Computer Science and Business Systems
(Applicable from the Academic Session 2020-2021)
Information Security
Code: PEC-CSBS601 A
1. Theodor Richardson, Charles N Thies, Secure Software Design, Jones & Bartlett
2. Kenneth R. van Wyk, Mark G. Graff, Dan S. Peters, Diana L. Burley, Enterprise
Addison Wesley.
Course Outcomes:
Cloud Computing
Code: PEC-CSBS601C
Name of the Course: Cloud Computing
Windows Live services,
Cloud Infrastructure: 7
3 Cloud Management:
An overview of the features of network
management systems and a brief
introduction of related products from large
cloud vendors, Monitoring of an entire
cloud computing deployment stack – an
overview with mention of some products,
Lifecycle management of cloud services (six
stages of lifecycle).
Concepts of Cloud Security:
Cloud security concerns, Security boundary,
Security service boundary Overview of
security mapping Security of data: Brokered
cloud storage access, Storage location and
tenancy, encryption, and auditing and
Identity management (awareness of
Identity protocol standards)
Concepts of Services and Applications : 8
To acquire knowledge of Data mining techniques
At the end of the course, students will be able to
1 Understand the concepts of Data Mining
2 Familiarize with association rule mining
3 Familiarize various classification algorithms
4 Understand the concepts of Cluster analysis
5 Implement the Data mining concepts with various domains
Session Description of Topic hours
UNIT I: Introduction 9
1 Introduction to Data Mining – Kinds of Data 2
2 Data mining Functionalities – Interesting Patterns 2
3 Task Primitives 1
4 Issues in Data Mining 1
5 Data Preprocessing 3
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus of B. Tech. in Computer Science and Business Systems
(Applicable from the Academic Session 2020-2021)
Compiler Design
Code: PEC-CSBS602A
Course Outcomes:
Image Processing
Code: PEC-CSBS602 B
Course outcome
Understand the importance of embedded systems and robotics in our daily life.
Identify different embedded devices.
Co-related embedded systems with their university courses.
Identify different components of embedded systems and robotics.
Know about different features of a microcontroller.
Write embedded C/C++ programs in different embedded systems programming
Interfaced different input/output devices with a microcontroller.
Design mechanical structure of a robot.
Understand the robot configuration and sub-systems
Interface different components of robot with microcontroller.
Understand principle of robot programming.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus of B. Tech. in Computer Science and Business Systems
(Applicable from the Academic Session 2020-2021)
Embedded C/C++
2 Introduction to C/C++, Use of Loops, Array, Function, 10
etc in C/C++, Introduction to Embedded C/C++
platform like; Atmel Studio and Proteus, Introduction
to port operation registers programming,
Programming to
interface LED with ATmega16, etc.
Robotics – Interfacing of Sensors, Motors, Display
3 devices, etc : 8
Introduction concept and mechanism of Robotics,
Applications of Robotics, Introductions to Robotics
components like; Motors, Sensors, Display devices, etc,
Programming and interfacing of DC Motors, Stepper
Motor, Servo Motors, Sensors (Analog & Digital),
LCD, Communications modules
like; Bluetooth, Xbee, etc.
Application: 8
Digital notice board, Object counter, Digital
temperature monitoring system, Range finder, Project
using external interrupts, Stopwatch, Velocity control
of DC Motor, Line follower Robot, Object avoider Robot,
Intelligent home automation system, Solar seeker
Robot, Robot communication using
Bluetooth, RF Module, Xbee module, etc.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus of B. Tech. in Computer Science and Business Systems
(Applicable from the Academic Session 2020-2021)
Course outcome
4 8
GRASP-Designing objects with responsibilities –
Applying GoF design patterns – Creational Patterns,
Structural Patterns , Behavioral Patterns, Design
Elements: Architectural design elements - Interface
design elements - Component level diagram elements -
Deployment level design elements, Mapping design to
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus of B. Tech. in Computer Science and Business Systems
(Applicable from the Academic Session 2020-2021)
Code: OEC-CSBS601A
Contacts: 3L
Unit 4:
MapReduce workflows, unit tests with MRUnit, test data and local tests,
anatomy of MapReduce job run, classic Map-reduce, YARN, failures in classic 10
Map-reduce and YARN, job scheduling, shuffle and sort, task execution,
MapReduce types, input formats, output formats
Unit 5: 7
Hbase, data model and implementations, Hbase clients, Hbase
examples, praxis.Cassandra, Cassandradata model, Cassandra
examples,Cassandra clients,
Hadoop integration.
Unit 6:
Pig, Grunt, pig data model, Pig Latin, developing and testing Pig Latin scripts. 6
Hive, data types and file formats, HiveQL data definition, HiveQL
datamanipulation, HiveQL queries.
1. Michael Minelli, Michelle Chambers, and AmbigaDhiraj, "Big Data, Big Analytics: Emerging
2. V.K. Jain, Big Data and Hadoop, Khanna Publishing House, New Delhi (2017).
3. V.K. Jain, Data Analysis, Khanna Publishing House, New Delhi (2019).
4. Business Intelligence and Analytic Trends for Today's Businesses", Wiley, 2013.
5. P. J. Sadalage and M. Fowler, "NoSQL Distilled: A Brief Guide to the EmergingWorld of
Polyglot Persistence", Addison-Wesley Professional, 2012.
6. Tom White, "Hadoop: The Definitive Guide", Third Edition, O'Reilley, 2012.
7. Eric Sammer, "Hadoop Operations", O'Reilley, 2012.
8. E. Capriolo, D. Wampler, and J. Rutherglen, "Programming Hive", O'Reilley, 2012.
9. Lars George, "HBase: The Definitive Guide", O'Reilley, 2011.
10. Eben Hewitt, "Cassandra: The Definitive Guide", O'Reilley, 2010.
11. Alan Gates, "Programming Pig", O'Reilley, 2011.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus of B. Tech. in Computer Science and Business Systems
(Applicable from the Academic Session 2020-2021)
1. Cyber security by Nina Gobole & Sunit Belapune; Pub: Wiley India.
2. Information Security & Cyber laws, Gupta & Gupta, Khanna Publishing House
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus of B. Tech. in Computer Science and Business Systems
(Applicable from the Academic Session 2020-2021)
Mobile Computing
Code: OEC-CSBS601C
Contacts: 3L
Bio Informatics
Code: OEC-CSBS601D
Contacts: 3L
Numerical Methods
Code: OEC-CSBS601E
Contact: 3L
Interpolation: Newton 8
2 forward/backward
interpolation, Lagrange’s and Newton’s
divideddifference Interpolation.
Numerical integration: Trapezoidal rule, 3
3 Simpson’s1/3 rule, Expression for corresponding
error terms.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus of B. Tech. in Computer Science and Business Systems
(Applicable from the Academic Session 2020-2021)
3 Materials Management: 6
Material management-definition,
functions, importance, relationship
withother departments.
Purchase - objectives, purchasing
systems, purchase procedure, terms
andforms used in purchase
Storekeeping- functions,
classification of stores as centralized
and decentralized with their
advantages, disadvantages and
application in actual practice.
Functions of store, types of
records maintained by store, various
types and applications of storage
equipment, needand general
methods for codification ofstores.
Inventory control:
i. Definition.
ii. Objectives.
iii. Derivation for expression for
Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) and
numeric examples. iv. ABC analysis
andother modern methods of
v. Various types of inventory models
such as Wilson’s inventory model,
replenishment model and two bin
model.(Only sketch and
understanding, no derivation.).
3.6 Material Requirement Planning
(MRP)- concept, applications and brief
details about software packages
availablein market.
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus of B. Tech. in Computer Science and Business Systems
(Applicable from the Academic Session 2020-2021)
4 6
Production planning and
Course Outcomes:
Laboratory Experiments:
Divide and Conquer:
1 Implement Binary Search using Divide and Conquer approach
Implement Merge Sort using Divide and Conquer approach
2 Implement Quick Sort using Divide and Conquer approach
Find Maximum and Minimum element from a array of integer using Divide
and Conquer approach
3 Find the minimum number of scalar multiplication needed for chain of
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal
(Formerly West Bengal University of Technology)
Syllabus of B. Tech. in Computer Science and Business Systems
(Applicable from the Academic Session 2020-2021)
4 Implement all pair of Shortest path for a graph (Floyed- Warshall Algorithm)
Implement Traveling Salesman Problem
5 Implement Single Source shortest Path for a graph ( Dijkstra , Bellman Ford
commands). Partitions, Swap space, Device files, Raw and Block files, Formatting
disks,Making file systems, Superblock, I-nodes, File system checker, Mounting file
Logical Volumes, Network File systems, Backup schedules and
methods Kernel loading, init and the inittab file, Run-levels, Run level scripts.
Passwordfile management, Password
security, Shadow file, Groups and the group file, Shells, restricted shells, user-
managementcommands, homes and
permissions, default files, profiles, locking accounts, setting passwords, Switching
user,Switching group, Removing users &user groups.
2. Process [4P]: starting new process, replacing a process image, duplicating a
processimage, waiting for a process,
zombie process.
3. Signal [4P]: signal handling, sending signals, signal interface, signal sets.
4. Semaphore [6P]: programming with semaphores (use functions semctl, semget,
semop,set_semvalue, del_semvalue, semaphore_p, semaphore_v).
5. POSIX Threads [6P]: programming with pthread functions (viz.
pthread_create,pthread_join, pthread_exit,
pthread_attr_init, pthread_cancel)
6. Inter-process communication [6P]: pipes(use functions pipe, popen, pclose),
namedpipes(FIFOs, accessing FIFO),
message passing & shared memory(IPC version V).