Israel Defense Forces - Wikipedia
Israel Defense Forces - Wikipedia
Israel Defense Forces - Wikipedia
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF; Hebrew: שָׂרֵאל ְ ִ ְצָבא ַהֲהָגנָה ְלי Israel Defense Forces
Tsva ha-Hagana le-Yisra'el , lit. 'The Army of Defense for צבא ההגנה לישראל
Israel'), alternatively referred to by the Hebrew-language acronym
Tzahal ()צה״ל, is the national military of the State of Israel. It
consists of three service branches: the Israeli Ground Forces, the
Israeli Air Force, and the Israeli Navy.[3] It is the sole military wing
of the Israeli security apparatus. The IDF is headed by the Chief of
the General Staff, who is subordinate to the Israeli Defense
On the orders of David Ben-Gurion, the IDF was formed on 26 May Emblem
1948 and began to operate as a conscript military, drawing its
initial recruits from the already-existing paramilitaries of the
Yishuv—namely Haganah, the Irgun, and Lehi. It was formed
shortly after the Israeli Declaration of Independence, and has
participated in every armed conflict involving Israel. In the wake of
the 1979 Egypt–Israel peace treaty and the 1994 Israel–Jordan
peace treaty, the IDF underwent a significant strategic
realignment. Previously spread across various fronts—Lebanon and
Syria in the north, Jordan and Iraq in the east, and Egypt in the
south—the IDF redirected its focus towards southern Lebanon and Founded 26 May 1948
the Palestinian territories, including Gaza and the West Bank. In Service Israeli Ground
2000, the IDF withdrew from Southern Lebanon and in 2005 from branches Forces
Gaza. Conflict between Israel and Islamist groups based in Gaza,
notably Hamas, has continued since then. Moreover, notable Israeli Air Force
Israeli–Syrian border incidents have occurred frequently since Israeli Navy
2011, due to regional instability caused by the Syrian civil war.
Website (
Since 1967, the IDF has had a close security relationship with the
United States,[4] including in research and development Leadership
cooperation, with joint efforts on the F-15I, the Tactical High-
Prime Benjamin
Energy Laser, and the Arrow, among others. The IDF is believed to
Minister Netanyahu
have maintained an operational nuclear weapons capability since
1967, possibly possessing between 80 and 400 nuclear Defense Yoav Galant
warheads.[5] Minister
Chief of the Herzi Halevi
Etymology General Staff
The Israeli cabinet ratified the name "Israel Defense Forces"
Military age 17
(Hebrew: שָׂרֵאל
ְ ִ )ְצָבא ַהֲהָגנָה ְלי, Tzva HaHagana LeYisra'el, literally
"army for the defense of Israel," on 26 May 1948. The other main Conscription 24–34 months
contender was Tzva Yisra'el (Hebrew: שָׂרֵאל ְ ִ )ְצָבא י. The name was Available for 1,554,186 males,
chosen because it conveyed the idea that the army's role was military age 17–49 (2016),
defense, and because it incorporated the name Haganah, the pre- service 1,514,063 females,
state defensive organization upon which the new army was
age 17–49 (2016)
based.[6] Among the primary opponents of the name were Minister
Haim-Moshe Shapira and the Hatzohar party, both in favor of Tzva Fit for 1,499,998 males,
Yisra'el.[6] military age 17–49 (2016),
service 1,392,319 females,
History age 17–49 (2016)
Reaching 60,000 males
The IDF traces its roots to Jewish paramilitary organizations in the military (2016),
New Yishuv, starting with the Second Aliyah (1904 to 1914).[7] age annually 60,000 females
There had been several such organizations, of in part even older (2016)
date, such as the "Mahane Yehuda" mounted guards company Active 169,500[1]
founded by Michael Halperin in 1891[8] (see Ness Ziona), HaMagen personnel
(1915-17),[9] HaNoter[9] (1912-13; see Zionism: Pre-state self-
defense), and the much more consequential (but falsely-claimed Reserve 465,000[1]
"first" such organization), Bar-Giora, founded in September 1907. personnel
Bar-Giora was transformed into Hashomer in April 1909, which Expenditures
operated until the British Mandate of Palestine came into being in
Budget US$24.3 billion
1920. Hashomer was an elitist organization with narrow scope, and
(2021)[2] (ranked
was mainly created to protect against criminal gangs seeking to
steal property. The Zion Mule Corps and the Jewish Legion, both
part of the British Army of World War I, further bolstered the Percent of 5.2% (2021)[2]
Yishuv with military experience and manpower, forming the basis GDP
for later paramilitary forces.[10] Industry
After the 1920 Palestine riots against Jews in April 1920, the Domestic
▪ Israel
Yishuv leadership realized the need for a nationwide underground suppliers
defense organization, and the Haganah was founded in June Aerospace
1920.[10] The Haganah became a full-scale defense force after the Industries
1936–1939 Arab revolt in Palestine with an organized structure, ▪ Israel Military
consisting of three main units—the Field Corps, Guard Corps, and Industries
the Palmach. During World War II, the Yishuv participated in the
▪ Israel Weapon
British war effort, culminating in the formation of the Jewish
Brigade. These would eventually form the backbone of the Israel Industries
Defense Forces, and provide it with its initial manpower and ▪ Elbit Systems
▪ Elisra
Following Israel's Declaration of Independence, Prime Minister ▪ Elta
and Defense Minister David Ben-Gurion issued an order for the ▪ Rafael
formation of the Israel Defense Forces on 26 May 1948. Although
Ben-Gurion had no legal authority to issue such an order, the order ▪ Israel Shipyards
was made legal by the cabinet on 31 May. The same order called for Foreign
the disbandment of all other Jewish armed forces.[11] The two other suppliers
▪ United
Jewish underground organizations, Irgun and Lehi, agreed to join States
the IDF if they would be able to form independent units and agreed ▪ Germany
not to make independent arms purchases. This was the background
for the Altalena Affair, a confrontation surrounding weapons ▪ United
purchased by the Irgun resulting in a standoff between Irgun Kingdom
members and the newly created IDF. The affair came to an end Related articles
when Altalena, the ship carrying the arms, was shelled by the IDF.
History 1948 Arab–Israeli
Following the affair, all independent Irgun and Lehi units were
either disbanded or merged into the IDF. The Palmach, a leading War (1948–1949)
component of the Haganah, also joined the IDF with provisions, Reprisal operations
and Ben Gurion responded by disbanding its staff in 1949, after (1951–1956)
which many senior Palmach officers retired, notably its first Sinai War (1956)
commander, Yitzhak Sadeh. Six-Day War (1967)
War of Attrition
The new army organized itself when the 1947–48 Civil War in
Mandatory Palestine escalated into the 1948 Arab–Israeli War,
which saw neighboring Arab states attack. Twelve infantry and Yom Kippur War
armored brigades formed: Golani, Carmeli, Alexandroni, Kiryati, (1973)
Givati, Etzioni, the 7th, and 8th armored brigades, Oded, Harel, Operation Litani
Yiftach, and Negev.[12] After the war, some of the brigades were (1978)
converted to reserve units, and others were disbanded. First Lebanon War
Directorates and corps were created from corps and services in the (1982–1985)
Haganah, and this basic structure in the IDF still exists today. South Lebanon
conflict (1985–2000)
Immediately after the 1948 war, the Israel-Palestinian conflict
First Intifada
shifted to a low intensity conflict between the IDF and Palestinian
fedayeen. In the 1956 Suez Crisis, the IDF's first serious test of
strength after 1949, the new army captured the Sinai Peninsula Second Intifada
from Egypt, which was later returned. In the 1967 Six-Day War, (2000–2005)
Israel conquered the Sinai Peninsula, Gaza Strip, West Bank Second Lebanon
(including East Jerusalem) and Golan Heights from the War (2006)
surrounding Arab states, changing the balance of power in the Operation Cast
region as well as the role of the IDF. In the following years leading
Lead (2008–2009)
up to the Yom Kippur War, the IDF fought in the War of Attrition
Pillar of Defense
against Egypt in the Sinai and a border war against the Palestine
Liberation Organization (PLO) in Jordan, culminating in the Battle
of Karameh. Protective Edge
The surprise of the Yom Kippur War and its aftermath completely 2021 Israel–
changed the IDF's procedures and approach to warfare. Palestine crisis
Organizational changes were made and more time was dedicated to
training for conventional warfare. However, in the following years
2023 Israel–Hamas
the army's role slowly shifted again to low-intensity conflict, urban
warfare and counter-terrorism. An example of the latter was the war (2023)
successful 1976 Operation Entebbe commando raid to free hijacked Others
airline passengers being held captive in Uganda. During this era, Ranks Israel Defense
the IDF also mounted a successful bombing mission in Iraq to Forces ranks
destroy its nuclear reactor. It was involved in the Lebanese Civil
War, initiating Operation Litani and later the 1982 Lebanon War, where
the IDF ousted Palestinian guerrilla organizations from Lebanon.
For twenty-five years the IDF maintained a security zone inside South
Lebanon with their allies the South Lebanon Army. Palestinian militancy
has been the main focus of the IDF ever since, especially during the First
and Second Intifadas, Operation Defensive Shield, the Gaza War,
Operation Pillar of Defense, Operation Protective Edge, and Operation
Guardian of the Walls, causing the IDF to change many of its values and
publish the IDF Code of Ethics. The Lebanese Shia organization Hezbollah
has also been a growing threat,[13] against which the IDF fought an
asymmetric conflict between 1982 and 2000, as well as a full-scale war in
2006. Major-Gen. Ariel Sharon
(left), during the Battle of
The Israel Defense Forces have been accused of committing various war
Abu-Ageila, June 1967
crimes since the founding of Israel in 1948. These have included murder,
intentional targeting of civilians, killing prisoners of war and surrendered
combatants, indiscriminate attacks, collective punishment, starvation, the use of human shields,
torture, pillage, forced transfer, breach of medical neutrality, targeting journalists, attacking civilian
and protected objects, wanton destruction, incitement to genocide, and genocide.
All branches of the IDF answer to a single General Staff. The Chief of the General Staff is the only
serving officer having the rank of Lieutenant General (Rav Aluf). He reports directly to the Defense
Minister and indirectly to the Prime Minister of Israel and the cabinet. Chiefs of Staff are formally
appointed by the cabinet, based on the Defense Minister's recommendation, for three years. The
government can vote to extend their service to four, and on rare occasions even five years. The current
chief of staff is Herzi Halevi.[14]
Ground Forces Air Force
Hebrew English Commander Hebrew English Commander
Mashak Hulya ַטיּ ֶֶסת Air Force
ֻחְלי ָה Fire Team ("Fire Team Leader") Squadron
Captain or Major
Hulya Tayeset
Corporal or Sergeant
Mashak Kita ָכּנָף Air Forces Wing
ִכָּתּה Squad / Section ("Squad / Section Leader") Kanaf Colonel
Kita Staff Sergeant
ַלַהק Air Force
Mefaked Mahlaka ("Platoon Lahak Command
ַמְחָלָקה Platoon Commander")
Mahlaka Lieutenant
Mefaked Pluga ("Company
ְפֻּלָגּה Company Commander")
Pluga Captain
ֻאגְָדּה Division
(1948–1967) Major-General
Ugda (1968–Present) Brigadier-General
Unlike most militaries, the IDF uses the same rank names in all
corps, including the air force and navy. For ground forces' officers,
rank insignia are brass on a red background; for the air force, silver
on a blue background; and for the navy, the standard gold worn on
the sleeve. Officer insignia are worn on epaulets on top of both
shoulders. Insignia distinctive to each service are worn on the cap
(see fig. 15).
All translations here are the official translations of the IDF's website.[15]
Officers (Ktzinim)
Israeli soldiers coming back from the
▪ Second Lieutenant (Segen Mishneh) [1951–Present] Second Lebanon war, armed with
▪ Lieutenant (Segen) the M4 Carbine and the IMI Negev
light machinegun
▪ Captain (Seren)
▪ Major (Rav Seren)
▪ Lieutenant Colonel (Sgan Aluf)
▪ Colonel (Aluf Mishneh) [1950–Present]
▪ Brigadier General (Tat Aluf) [1968–Present]
▪ Major General (Aluf) [1948–Present]
▪ Lieutenant General (Rav Aluf)
The first two resemble each other but the Madei Alef is made of
higher quality materials in a golden-olive while the madei bet is in
olive drab.[17][18] The dress uniforms may also exhibit a surface
IDF uniform colors
▪ Officers / Ceremonial dress ( מדי שרדmadei srad) – worn by
officers, or during special events/ceremonies.
▪ Dress uniform and mess dress – worn only abroad. There are several dress uniforms depending on
the season and the branch.
The service uniform for all ground forces personnel is olive green; navy and air force uniforms are
beige/tan (also once worn by the ground forces). The uniforms consist of a two-pocket shirt, combat
trousers, sweater, jacket or blouse, and shoes or boots. The navy also has an all white dress uniform.
The green fatigues are the same for winter and summer and heavy winter gear is issued as needed.
Women's dress parallels the men's but may substitute a skirt for the
trousers and a blouse for the shirt.
Other beret colors are: black for armored corps, turquoise for
artillery personnel; olive drab for infantry; gray for combat
engineers. For all other army personnel, except combat units, the
beret for men was green and for women, black. Women in the navy
wear a black beret with gold insignia. Males in the navy once wore a
blue/black beret but replaced it with the US Navy's sailor cap.
Some corps or units have small variations in their uniforms – for instance, military police wear a white
belt and police hat, Naval personnel have dress whites for parades, paratroopers are issued a four
pocket tunic (yarkit/yerkit) worn untucked with a pistol belt cinched tight around the waist over the
shirt.[23] The IDF Air Corps has a dress uniform consisting of a pale blue shirt with dark blue trousers.
Most IDF soldiers are issued black leather combat boots, certain units issue reddish-brown leather
boots for historical reasons — the paratroopers,[23] combat medics, Nahal and Kfir Brigades, as well as
some Special Forces units (Sayeret Matkal, Oketz, Duvdevan, Maglan, and the Counter-Terror School).
Women were also formerly issued sandals, but this practice has ceased.
IDF soldiers have three types of insignia (other than rank insignia)
which identify their corps, specific unit, and position.
Individual units are identified by a shoulder tag attached to the left shoulder strap. Most units in the
IDF have their own tags. Those that do not, generally use tags identical to their command's tag (corps,
directorate, or regional command).
While one cannot always identify the position/job of a soldier, two optional factors help make this
identification: an aiguillette attached to the left shoulder strap and shirt pocket, and a pin indicating
the soldier's work type, usually given by a professional course. Other pins may indicate the corps or
additional courses taken. An optional battle pin indicates a war that a soldier has fought in.
Sometimes the IDF would also hold pre-military courses ( קורס קדם צבאיor )קד"צfor soon-to-be regular
service soldiers.
The Israeli Manpower Directorate (Hebrew: )אגף משאבי אנושat the Israeli General Staff is the body which
coordinates and assembles activities related to the control over human resources and its placement.
Regular service
National military service is mandatory for all Israeli citizens over the age of 18, although Arab (but not
Druze) citizens are exempted if they so please, and other exceptions may be made on religious, physical
or psychological grounds (see Profile 21). The Tal law, which exempts ultra-Orthodox Jews from
service, has been the subject of several court cases as well as considerable legislative controversy.
Until the draft of July 2015, men served three years in the IDF. Men
drafted since July 2015 serve two years and eight months (32
months), with some roles requiring an additional four months of
Permanent service. Women serve two years. The IDF women who
volunteer for several combat positions often serve for three years,
due to the longer period of training. Women in other positions,
such as programmers, who also require lengthy training time, may
also serve three years.
IDF recruits trying on uniforms for
Many Religious Zionist men (and many Modern Orthodox who
the first time
make Aliyah) elect to do Hesder, a five-year program envisioned by
Rabbi Yehuda Amital which combines Torah learning and military
Career soldiers are paid on average NIS 23,000 a month, fifty times
the NIS 460 paid to conscripts.[25]
Permanent service
In exchange for the Permanent service, the Permanent service soldiers receive full wages. When serving
for a long period as a permanent service soldier, they are entitled to a pension from the army. This right
is given to the Permanent service soldiers in a relatively early stage of their life in comparison to the
rest of the Israeli retirees.
Reserve service
After personnel complete their regular service, they are either granted permanent exemption from
military service, or assigned a position in the reserve forces. No distinction is made between the
assignment of men or women to reserve service.
▪ reserve service of up to one month every three years, until the age of 40 (enlisted) or 45 (officers).
Reservists may volunteer after this age, with approval of the Manpower Directorate.
▪ immediate active duty in wartime.
All Israelis who served in the IDF and are under the age of 40,
unless otherwise exempt, are eligible for reserve duty. Only those
who completed at least 20 days of reserve duty within the past three
years are considered active reservists.[27]
In most cases, the reserve duty is carried out in the same unit for
years, in many cases the same unit as the active service and by the IDF Reservists train in the Golan
same people. Many soldiers who have served together in active Heights
service continue to meet in reserve duty for years after their
discharge, causing reserve duty to become a strong male bonding
experience in Israeli society.
Although still available for call-up in times of crisis, most Israeli men, and virtually all women, do not
actually perform reserve service in any given year. In 2015, only 26% of the population eligible for
reserve duty held an active reserve status. The IDF has reduced the number of reserve soldiers called
up to improve efficiency and cut costs. Units do not always call up all of their reservists every year, and
a variety of exemptions are available if called for regular reserve service. Virtually no exemptions exist
for reservists called up in a time of crisis, but experience has shown that in such cases (most recently,
the 2014 Operation Protective Edge) exemptions are rarely requested or exercised; units generally
achieve recruitment rates above those considered fully manned.
Non-IDF service
Non-combat services include the Mandatrory Police Service (Shaham, )שח"מprogram, where youth
serve in the Israeli Police, Israel Prison Service, or other wings of the Israeli Security Forces instead of
the regular army service.
Israel is one of only a few nations that conscript women or deploy them in combat roles, although in
practice, women can avoid conscription through a religious exemption and over a third of Israeli
women do so.[29] As of 2010, 88% of all roles in the IDF are open to
female candidates, and women could be found in 69% of all IDF
According to the IDF, 535 female Israeli soldiers were killed during
service in the period 1962–2016,[31] and dozens before then. The
IDF says that fewer than 4 percent of women are in combat
positions. Rather, they are concentrated in "combat-support"
positions which command a lower compensation and status than The unisex Caracal Battalion, which
combat positions.[32] serves in routine security missions
In 2013, the IDF announced they would, for the first time, allow a (MTF) transgender woman to serve
in the army as a female soldier.[38]
Elana Sztokman notes it would be "difficult to claim that women are equals in the IDF". "And tellingly,
there is only one female general in the entire IDF," she adds.[32] In 2012, religious soldiers claimed they
were promised they would not have to listen to women sing or lecture, but IAF Chief Rabbi Moshe
Raved resigned because male religious soldiers were being required to do so.[39] In January 2015, three
women IDF singers performed in one of the IDF's units. The performance was first disrupted by fifteen
religious soldiers, who left in protest and then the Master Sergeant forced the women to end the
performance because it was disturbing the religious soldiers. An IDF spokesperson announced an
investigation of the incident: "We are aware of the incident and already began examining it. The
exclusion of woman is not consistent with the values of the IDF."[40]
Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon has also arranged for women to be excluded from recruitment centers
catering to religious males.[41] As the IDF recruits more religious soldiers, the rights of male religious
soldiers and of women in the IDF come into conflict. Brig. Gen. Zeev Lehrer, who served on the chief of
staff's panel of the integration of women, noted "There is a clear process of 'religionization' in the army,
and the story of the women is a central piece of it. There are very strong pressures at work to halt the
process of integrating women into the army, and they are coming from the direction of religion."[42]
Sex segregation is allowed in the IDF, which reached what it considers a "new milestone" in 2006,
creating the first company of soldiers segregated in an all female unit, the Nachshol (Hebrew for "giant
wave") Reconnaissance Company. "We are the only unit in the world made up entirely of female
combat soldiers," said Nachshol Company Commander Cpt. Dana Ben-Ezra. "Our effectiveness and the
dividends we earn are the factors by which we are measured, not our gender."[43]
With the rise of social media platforms such as TikTok and Twitter, some critics claim that women in
the IDF are frequently used as tools of propaganda, with official military accounts frequently posting
attractive young women create a sympathetic social media presence.[44]
In 2015, Rav Aluf Gadi Eizenkot ordered the unit's closure in order to assimilate the Druze soldiers no
differently than Jewish soldiers, as part of an ongoing reorganization of the army. Several Druze
officers reached ranks as high as Major General, and many received commendations for distinguished
service. In proportion to their numbers, the Druze people achieve much higher—documented—levels in
the Israeli army than other soldiers. Nevertheless, some Druze still charge that discrimination
continues, such as exclusion from the Air Force, although the official low security classification for
Druze has been abolished for some time. The first Druze aircraft navigator completed his training
course in 2005. Like all air force pilots, his identity is not disclosed. During the 1948 Arab–Israeli War,
many Druze who had initially sided with the Arabs deserted their ranks to either return to their villages
or side with Israel in various capacities.[47]
Since the late 1970s, the Druze Initiative Committee, centered at the village of Beit Jan and linked to
Maki, has campaigned to abolish Druze conscription.
Military service is a tradition among some of the Druze population, with most opposition in Druze
communities of the Golan Heights. 83 percent of Druze boys serve in the army, according to the IDF's
statistics.[48] According to the Israeli army in 2010, 369 Druze soldiers had been killed in combat
operations since 1948.[49]
Although Arabs are not obliged to serve in IDF, any Arab can
volunteer. In 2008, a Muslim Arab woman was serving as a medic with unit 669.[54]
Cpl. Elinor Joseph from Haifa became the first female Arab combat soldier for IDF.[55]
Other Arab-Muslim officers who have served in the IDF are Second Lieutenant Hisham Abu Varia[56]
and Major Ala Wahib, the highest ranking Muslim officer in the IDF in 2013.[57]
In October 2012, the IDF promoted Mona Abdo to become the first female Christian Arab to the rank of
combat commander. Abdo had voluntarily enlisted in the IDF, which her family had encouraged, and
transferred from the Ordnance Corps to the Caracal Battalion, a mixed-gender unit with both Jewish
and Arab soldiers.[58]
In 2014, an increase of Israeli Christian Arabs joining the army was reported.[59]
Muslim Arabs have also been drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in
increasing numbers in recent years. In 2020, 606 Muslim Arabs were drafted,
compared to 489 in 2019 and 436 in 2018. More than half of those who have
drafted have gone into combat roles.[60][61][62]
Ethiopian Jews
The IDF carried out extended missions in Ethiopia and neighboring states,
whose purpose was to protect Ethiopian Jews (Beta Israel) and to help their
immigration to Israel.[63] The IDF adopted policies and special activities for
absorption and integration of Ethiopian immigrant soldiers, reported to have An Ethiopian-Jewish
much improved the achievements and integration of those soldiers in the soldier
army, and Israeli society in general.[64][65] Statistical research showed that
the Ethiopian soldiers are esteemed as excellent soldiers and many aspire to
be recruited to combat units.[66]
The IDF has identified a gap of hundreds of soldiers in their technical units that might be filled by the
Haredi. The IAF is currently using defense contractors to fill in the gaps and continue operations.[67]
Although the IDF claims it will not discriminate against women, it is offering Haredim "women free
and secular free" recruitment centers. Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon expressed his willingness to
relax regulations to meet the demands of ultra-Orthodox rabbis. Regulations regarding gender equality
had already been relaxed so that Haredim could be assured that men would not receive physical exams
from female medical staff.[68]
LGBT people
Israel is one of 24 nations that allow openly gay individuals to serve in the military. Since the early
1990s, sexual identity presents no formal barrier in terms of soldiers' military specialization or
eligibility for promotion.[69][70]
Until the 1980s, the IDF tended to discharge soldiers who were openly gay. In 1983, the IDF permitted
homosexuals to serve, but banned them from intelligence and top-secret positions. A decade later,
professor Uzi Even,[71] an IDF reserves officer and chairman of Tel Aviv University's Chemistry
Department, revealed that his rank had been revoked and that he had been barred from researching
sensitive topics in military intelligence, solely because of his sexual orientation. His testimony to the
Knesset in 1993 raised a political storm, forcing the IDF to remove such restrictions against gays.[69]
The chief of staff's policy states that it is strictly forbidden to harm or hurt anyone's dignity or feeling
based on their gender or sexual orientation in any way, including signs, slogans, pictures, poems,
lectures, any means of guidance, propaganda, publishing, voicing, and utterance. Moreover, gays in the
IDF have additional rights, such as the right to take a shower alone if they want to. According to a
University of California, Santa Barbara study,[71] a brigadier general stated that Israelis show a "great
tolerance" for gay soldiers. Consul David Saranga at the Israeli Consulate in New York, who was
interviewed by the St. Petersburg Times, said, "It's a non-issue. You can be a very good officer, a
creative one, a brave one, and be gay at the same time."[69]
A study published by the Israel Gay Youth (IGY) Movement in January 2012 found that half of the
homosexual soldiers who serve in the IDF suffer from violence and homophobia, although the head of
the group said that "I am happy to say that the intention among the top brass is to change that."[72]
Israel is the only country in the world that requires deaf and hard-of-hearing people to serve in the
military.[73] Sign language interpreters are provided during training, and many of them serve in non-
combat capacities such as mapping and office work. The major language spoken by the deaf and hard-
of-hearing in Israel is Israeli Sign Language (also called Shassi)–a language related to German Sign
Language but not Hebrew or any other local language–though Israel and Palestine are home to
numerous sign languages spoken by various populations like Bedouins' Al-Sayyid Bedouin Sign
According to a Care2 report, vegans in the IDF may refuse vaccination if they oppose animal testing.[74]
They are given artificial leather boots and a black fleece beret.[75] Until 2014, vegan soldiers in the IDF
received special allowances to buy their own food, when this policy was replaced with vegan food being
provided in all bases, as well as vegan combat rations being offered to vegan combat soldiers.[76]
In cases when a citizen cannot be normally drafted by the law (old age, served as a soldier in a different
country, severe health problems, handicaps, autism, etc.), the person could enroll as a volunteer in
places where his knowledge can be used or in cases where there is a base that accepts volunteer service
from one day per week up to full-time service based upon a volunteer's abilities and wishes.
Overseas volunteers
Non-immigrating foreign volunteers typically serve with the IDF in one of five ways:
▪ The Mahal program targets young non-Israeli Jews or Israeli citizens who grew up abroad (men
younger than 24 and women younger than 21). The program consists typically of 18 months of IDF
service, including a lengthy training for those in combat units or (for 18 months) one month of non-
combat training and additional two months of learning Hebrew after enlisting, if necessary. There
are two additional subcategories of Mahal, both geared solely for religious men: Mahal Nahal
Haredi (18 months), and Mahal Hesder, which combines yeshiva study of 5 months with IDF
service of 16 months, for a total of 21 months. Similar IDF programs exist for Israeli overseas
residents. To be accepted as a Mahal Volunteer, one must be of Jewish descent (at least one
Jewish grandparent).
▪ Sar-El, an organization subordinate to the Israeli Logistics Corps, provides a volunteer program for
non-Israeli citizens who are 17 years or older (or 15 if accompanied by a parent). The program is
also aimed at Israeli citizens, aged 30 years or older, living abroad who did not serve in the Israeli
Army and who now wish to finalize their status with the military. The program usually consists of
three weeks of volunteer service on different rear army bases, doing non-combative work.
▪ Garin Tzabar offers a program mainly for Israelis who emigrated with their parents to the United
States at a young age. Although a basic knowledge of the Hebrew language is not mandatory, it is
helpful. Of all the programs listed, only Garin Tzabar requires full-length service in the IDF. The
program is set up in stages: first the participants go through five seminars in their country of origin,
then have an absorption period in Israel at a kibbutz. Each delegation is adopted by a kibbutz in
Israel and has living quarters designated for it. The delegation shares responsibilities in the kibbutz
when on military leave. Participants start the program three months before being enlisted in the
army at the beginning of August.
▪ Marva is short-term basic training for two months.
▪ Lev LaChayal is a program based at Yeshivat Lev Hatorah which takes a holistic approach to
preparation for service. Being as ready as possible for integrating into Israeli culture, handling the
physical challenges of the military, and maintaining religious values require a multi-pronged
approach. The beit midrash learning, classes, physical training, and even the recreational activities
are designed to allow for maximum readiness.
The IDF's mission is to "defend the existence, territorial integrity
and sovereignty of the state of Israel. To protect the inhabitants of
Israel and to combat all forms of terrorism which threaten the daily
In 1992, the IDF drafted a Code of Conduct that combines international law, Israeli law, Jewish
heritage and the IDF's own traditional ethical code—the IDF Spirit (Hebrew: רוח צה"ל, Ru'ah
The document defines four core values for all IDF soldiers to follow, including "defense of the state, its
citizens and its residents", "love of the homeland and loyalty to the country", "human dignity" and
"stateliness, as well as ten secondary values.[80][81][82][83]
As of today "The Spirit of the IDF" (cf. supra) is still considered the only binding moral code that
formally applies to the IDF troops. In 2009, Amos Yadlin (then head of Military Intelligence) suggested
that the article he co-authored with Asa Kasher be ratified as a formal binding code, arguing that "the
current code ['The Spirit of the IDF'] does not sufficiently address one of the army's most pressing
challenges: asymmetric warfare against terrorist organizations that operate amid a civilian
Military ethics
Targeted killing
Targeted killing, targeted prevention[86][87] or assassination[88] is a tactic that has been repeatedly
used by the IDF and other Israeli organisations in the course of the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, the
Iran–Israel proxy conflict or other conflicts.[88]
In 2005, Asa Kasher and Amos Yadlin co-authored a noticed article published in the Journal of
Military Ethics under the title: "Military Ethics of Fighting Terror: An Israeli Perspective". The article
was meant as an "extension of the classical Just War Theory", and as a "[needed] third model" or
missing paradigm besides which of "classical war (army) and law enforcement (police).", resulting in a
"doctrine (...) on the background of the IDF fight against acts and activities of terror performed by
Palestinian individuals and organizations."[89]
In this article, Kasher and Yadlin came to the conclusion that targeted killings of terrorists were
justifiable, even at the cost of hitting nearby civilians. In a 2009 interview to Haaretz, Asa Kasher later
confirmed, pointing to the fact that in an area in which the IDF does not have effective security control
(e.g., Gaza, vs. East-Jerusalem), soldiers' lives protection takes priority over avoiding injury to enemy
civilians.[90] Some, along with Avishai Margalit and Michael Walzer, have disputed this argument,
arguing that such a position was "contrary to centuries of theorizing about the morality of war as well
as international humanitarian law",[91] since drawing "a sharp line between combatants and
noncombatants" would be "the only morally relevant distinction that all those involved in a war can
agree on."[92]
Hannibal Directive
The Hannibal Directive is a controversial procedure that the IDF has used to prevent the capture of
Israeli soldiers by enemy forces. It was introduced in 1986, after a number of abductions of IDF
soldiers in Lebanon and the subsequent controversial prisoner exchanges. The full text of directive has
never been published and until 2003 Israeli military censorship even forbade any discussion of the
subject in the press. The directive has been changed several times. At one time the formulation was that
"the kidnapping must be stopped by all means, even at the price of striking and harming our own
The Hannibal directive has, at times, apparently existed in two different versions, one top-secret
written version, accessible only to the upper echelon of the IDF, and one "oral law" version for division
commanders and lower levels. In the latter versions, "by all means" was often interpreted literally, as in
"an IDF soldier was "better dead than abducted". In 2011, IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz stated the
directive does not permit killing IDF soldiers.[94]
Dahiya doctrine
The Dahiya doctrine[95] is a military strategy of asymmetric warfare, outlined by former IDF Chief of
General Staff Gadi Eizenkot, which encompasses the destruction of the civilian infrastructure of
regimes deemed to be hostile as a measure calculated to deny combatants the use of that
infrastructure[96] and endorses the employment of "disproportionate power" to secure that end.[97][98]
The doctrine is named after the Dahieh neighborhood of Beirut, where Hezbollah was headquartered
during the 2006 Lebanon War, which were heavily damaged by the IDF.[96]
During 1950–66, Israel spent an average of 9% of its GDP on defense. Defense expenditures increased
dramatically after both the 1967 and 1973 wars. They reached a high of about 30% of GDP in 1975, but
have since come down significantly, following the signing of peace agreements with Jordan and
In September 2009, Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Finance Minister Yuval Steinitz and Prime Minister
Benjamin Netanyahu endorsed an additional NIS 1.5 billion for the defense budget to help Israel
address problems regarding Iran. The budget changes came two
months after Israel had approved its two-year budget. The defense
budget in 2009 stood at NIS 48.6 billion and NIS 53.2 billion for
2010 – the highest amount in Israel's history. The figure
constituted 6.3% of expected gross domestic product and 15.1% of
the overall budget, even before the planned NIS 1.5 billion
Field rations
Field rations, called manot krav, usually consist of canned tuna, sardines, beans, stuffed vine leaves,
maize and fruit cocktail and bars of halva. Packets of fruit flavored drink powder are provided along
with condiments like ketchup, mustard, chocolate spread and jam. Around 2010, the IDF announced
that certain freeze dried MREs served in water activated disposable heaters like goulash, turkey
schwarma and meatballs would be introduced as field rations.[104]
One staple of these rations was loof, a type of Kosher spam made from chicken or beef that was phased
out around 2008.[105] Food historian Gil Marks has written that: "Many Israeli soldiers insist that Loof
uses all the parts of the cow that the hot dog manufacturers will not accept, but no one outside of the
manufacturer and the kosher supervisors actually know what is inside."[106]
Military equipment
The IDF has several large internal research and development departments, and it purchases many
technologies produced by the Israeli security industries including IAI, IMI, Elbit Systems, Rafael, and
dozens of smaller firms. Many of these developments have been battle-tested in Israel's numerous
military engagements, making the relationship mutually beneficial, the IDF getting tailor-made
solutions and the industries a good reputation.
In response to the price overruns on the US Littoral Combat Ship program, Israel is considering
producing their own warships, which would take a decade[110] and depend on diverting US financing to
the project.[111]
Main developments
Israel Military Industries (IMI) is known for its firearms. The IMI
Galil, the Uzi, the IMI Negev light machine gun and the new Tavor
TAR-21 Bullpup assault rifle are used by the IDF. The Rafael
Advanced Defense Systems Spike missile is one of the most widely
exported ATGMs in the world.[113]
Israel is the only country in the world with an operational anti- IDF's current (2017) armored
ballistic missile defense system on the national level – the Arrow fighting vehicles, clockwise: IDF
system, jointly funded and produced by Israel and the United Namer, IDF Caterpillar D9, M270
States. The Iron Dome system against short-range rockets is MLRS and Merkava Mk 4M
operational and proved to be successful, intercepting hundreds of
Qassam, 122 mm Grad and Fajr-5 artillery rockets fire by
Palestinian militants from the Gaza Strip.[114][115] David's Sling, an anti-missile system designed to
counter medium range rockets, became operational in 2017. Israel has also worked with the US on
development of a tactical high energy laser system against medium range rockets (called Nautilus or
Israel has the independent capability of launching reconnaissance satellites into orbit, a capability
shared with Russia, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, South Korea, Italy, Germany, the
People's Republic of China, India, Japan, Brazil and Ukraine. Israeli security industries developed both
the satellites (Ofeq) and the launchers (Shavit).[116][117]
Israel is known to have developed nuclear weapons.[118] Israel does not officially acknowledge its
nuclear weapons program. It is thought Israel possesses between one hundred and four hundred
nuclear warheads.[118][119] It is believed that Jericho intercontinental ballistic missiles are capable of
delivering nuclear warheads with a superior degree of accuracy and a range of 11,500 km.[120] Israeli
F-15I and F-16 fighter-bomber aircraft also have been cited as possible nuclear delivery systems (these
aircraft types are nuclear capable in the US Air Force).[121][122][123] The U.S. Air Force F-15E has
tactical nuclear weapon (B61 and B83 bombs) capability.[124] It has been asserted that Dolphin-class
submarines have been adapted to carry Popeye Turbo Submarine-launched cruise missiles with nuclear
warheads, so as to give Israel a second strike capacity.[125][126]
From 2006, Israel deployed the Wolf Armoured Vehicle APC for use in urban warfare and to protect
Sa'ar 4.5-class Hermes 900 UAV Soldier armed with Spike ATGM
missile boat the IWI Tavor assault
IDF Caterpillar D9 Iron Dome anti-rocket Typhoon Weapon The Python missile
armored bulldozer system launcher Station armed with 25 series
mm gun
IAI Harop The LITENING David's Sling Merkava Mk 4m with
targeting pod, which Weapons System Trophy active
is today used by Stunner Missile protection system,
more than 20 the first operationally
international air- tested Active
forces[127] Protection System for
M2 Browning on
Catlanit RCWS
The main museum for Israel's armored corps is the Yad La-Shiryon
in Latrun, which houses one of the largest tank museums in the
world. Other significant military museums are the Israel Defense
Forces History Museum (Batei Ha-Osef) in Tel Aviv, the Palmach
Museum, and the Beit HaTotchan of artillery in Zikhron Ya'akov. An IDF ceremony for Yom Hazikaron
The Israeli Air Force Museum is located at Hatzerim Airbase in the
Negev Desert, and the Israeli Clandestine Immigration and Naval
Museum, is in Haifa.
Israeli female soldiers on parade,
Jerusalem, 1968
Israel Defense Forces parades took place on Independence Day,
during the first 25 years of the State of Israel's existence. They were
canceled after 1973 due to financial and security concerns. The Israel Defense Forces still has weapon
exhibitions country-wide on Independence Day, but they are stationary.
Foreign military relations
Starting on 14 May 1948 (5 Iyar 5708), when Israel became a sovereign state, a strong military,
commercial and political relationship was established between France and Israel, which lasted until
1969. Between 1956 and 1966, the two countries had the highest level of military collaboration.[128]
During this period, France provided almost all the aircraft, tanks and military ships that Israel had. In
1969, the French president Charles de Gaulle limited the export of weapons to Israel. This was the end
of the 20-years "golden age" of relations between Israel and France.
United States
In October 2012, United States and Israel began their biggest joint
air and missile defense exercise, known as Austere Challenge 12,
involving around 3,500 U.S. troops in the region along with 1,000
IDF personnel.[130] Germany and Britain also participated.[131]
India and Israel enjoy strong military and strategic ties.[133] Israeli authorities consider Indian citizens
to be the most pro-Israel people in the world.[134][135][136][137][138] Apart from being Israel's second-
largest economic partner in Asia,[139] India is also the largest customer of Israeli arms in the world.[140]
In 2006, annual military sales between India and Israel stood at US$900 million.[141] Israeli defense
firms had the largest exhibition at the 2009 Aero India show, during which Israel offered several state-
of-the art weapons to India.[142]
The first major military deal between the two countries was the sale of Israeli Phalcon airborne warning
and control system (AWACS) radars to the Indian Air Force in 2004.[143][144] In March 2009, India
and Israel signed a US$1.4 billion deal under which Israel would sell India an advanced air-defense
system.[145] India and Israel have also embarked on extensive space cooperation. In 2008, India's ISRO
launched Israel's most technologically advanced spy satellite TecSAR.[146] In 2009, India reportedly
developed a high-tech spy satellite RISAT-2 with significant assistance from Israel.[147] The satellite
was successfully launched by India in April 2009.[148]
According to a Los Angeles Times news story the 2008 Mumbai attacks were an attack on the growing
India-Israel partnership. It quotes retired Indian Vice Admiral Premvir S. Das thus "Their aim was to...
tell the Indians clearly that your growing linkage with Israel is not what you should be doing..."[149] In
the past, India and Israel have held numerous joint anti-terror training exercises[150]
United Kingdom
United Kingdom has supplied equipment and spare parts for Sa'ar
4.5-class missile boats and F-4 Phantom fighter-bombers,
components for small-caliber artillery ammunition and air-to-
surface missiles, and engines for Elbit Hermes 450 Unmanned
aerial vehicles. British arms sales to Israel mainly consist of light
weaponry, and ammunition and components for helicopters, tanks,
armored personnel carriers, and combat aircraft.[157][158] Sailors of the Israeli Navy
On 19 October 1999, Defense Minister of China, General Chi Haotian, after meeting with Syrian
Defense Minister Mustafa Tlass in Damascus, Syria, to discuss expanding military ties between Syria
and China, then flew directly to Israel and met with Ehud Barak, the then Prime Minister and Defense
Minister of Israel where they discussed military relations. Among the military arrangements was a
$1 billion Israeli–Russian sale of military aircraft to China, which were to be jointly produced by Russia
and Israel.[159]
Israel is the second-largest foreign supplier of arms to the People's Republic of China, only after the
Russian Federation. China has purchased a wide array of military hardware from Israel, including
Unmanned aerial vehicles and communications satellites. China has become an extensive market for
Israel's military industries and arms manufacturers, and trade with Israel has allowed it to obtain
"dual-use" technology which the United States and European Union were reluctant to provide.[165] In
2010 Yair Golan, head of IDF Home Front Command visited China to strengthen military ties.[166] In
2012, IDF Chief of Staff Benny Gantz visited China for high-level talks with the Chinese defense
As closely neighboring countries, Israel and Cyprus have enjoyed greatly improving diplomatic
relations since 2010. During the Mount Carmel Forest Fire, Cyprus dispatched two aviation assets to
assist fire-fighting operations in Israel – the first time Cypriot Government aircraft were permitted to
operate from Israeli airfields in a non-civil capacity.[168] Israel and Cyprus have closely cooperated in
maritime activities relating to Gaza, since 2010, and have reportedly begun an extensive sharing
program of regional intelligence to support mutual security concerns. In May 2012, it was widely
reported that the Israeli Air Force had been granted unrestricted access to the Nicosia Flight
Information Region of Cyprus, and that Israeli aviation assets may have operated over the island
However, relations have been strained in recent times. In the last two years, the Turkish military has
declined to participate in the annual joint naval exercise with Israel and the United States. The exercise,
known as "Reliant Mermaid" was started in 1998 and included the Israeli, Turkish and American
navies. The objective of the exercise is to practice search-and-rescue operations and to familiarize each
navy with international partners who also operate in the Mediterranean Sea.[173]
Azerbaijan and Israel have engaged in intense cooperation since 1992.[174] Israeli military have been a
major provider of battlefield aviation, artillery, antitank, and anti-infantry weaponry to Azerbaijan.
[175][176] In 2009, Israeli President Shimon Peres made a visit to Azerbaijan where military relations
were expanded further, with the Israeli company Aeronautics Defense Systems Ltd announcing it was
going to build a factory in Baku.[177]
In 2012, Israel and Azerbaijan signed an agreement according to which state-run Israel Aerospace
Industries would sell $1.6 billion in drones and anti-aircraft and missile defense systems to
Azerbaijan.[178] In March 2012, the magazine Foreign Policy reported that the Israeli Air Force may be
preparing to use the Sitalchay Military Airbase, located 500 km (310 mi) from the Iranian border, for
air strikes against the nuclear program of Iran,[179] later backed up by other media.[180]
Other countries
Israel has also sold to or received supplies of military equipment from the Czech Republic, Argentina,
Portugal, Spain, Slovakia, Italy, South Africa, Canada, Australia, Poland, Slovenia, Romania, Hungary,
Belgium, Austria, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina,[181] Georgia,[182] Vietnam and
Colombia,[183] among others.
The IDF is planning a number of technological upgrades and
structural reforms for the future for its land, air, and sea branches.
Training has been increased, including in cooperation between
ground, air, and naval units.[184]
The Israeli Army is phasing out the M-16 rifle from all ground units
in favor of the IMI Tavor variants, most recently the IWI Tavor X95
flat-top ("Micro-Tavor Dor Gimel").[185] The IDF is replacing its
outdated M113 armored personnel carriers in favor of new Namer IDF infantry with the IWI X95 "Micro-
APCs, with 200 ordered in 2014, the Eitan AFV, and is upgrading Tavor"
its IDF Achzarit APCs.[186][187] The IDF announced plans to
streamline its military bureaucracy so as to better maintain its
reserve force, which a 2014 State Comptroller report noted was
under-trained and may not be able to fulfill wartime missions. As
part of the plans, 100,000 reservists and will be discharged, and
training for the remainder will be improved. The officer corps will
be slashed by 5,000. Infantry and light artillery brigades will be
reduced to increase training standards among the rest.[188]
The backbone of the IDF Artillery Corps, the M109 howitzer, will be
phased out in favor of a still-undecided replacement, with the A profile of a Merkava Mk 4M tank,
ATMOS 2000 and Artillery Gun Module under primary armed with an IMI 120 mm gun, a
consideration. The IDF is planning a future tank to replace the M2 Browning .50-cal, a 7.62x51 mm
Merkava. The new tank will be able to fire lasers and NATO commander's FN MAG, and
electromagnetic pulses, run on a hybrid engine, run with a crew as equipped with the Trophy active
protection system.
small as two, will be faster, and will be better-protected, with
emphasis on protection systems such as the Trophy over armor.
[189][190] The Combat Engineering Corps assimilated new
technologies, mainly in tunnel detection and unmanned ground
vehicles and military robots, such as remote-controlled IDF
Caterpillar D9T "Panda" armored bulldozers, Sahar engineering
scout robot and improved Remotec ANDROS robots.
The Israeli Air Force will purchase as many as 100 F-35 Lightning
II fighter jets from the United States. The aircraft will be modified
and designated F-35I. They will use Israeli-built electronic warfare
systems, outer-wings, guided bombs, and air-to-air missiles. Israeli Air Force F-35I Adir.
[191][192][193] As part of a 2013 arms deal, the IAF will purchase
KC-135 Stratotanker aerial refueling aircraft and V-22 Osprey
multi-mission aircraft from the United States, as well as advanced radars for warplanes and missiles
designed to take out radars.[194] In April 2013, an Israeli official stated that within 40–50 years, piloted
aircraft would be phased out of service by unmanned aerial vehicles capable of executing nearly any
operation that can be performed by piloted combat aircraft. Israel's military industries are reportedly
on the path to developing such technology in a few decades. Israel will also manufacture tactical
satellites for military use.[195]
The Israeli Navy is currently expanding its submarine fleet, with a planned total of six Dolphin class
submarines. Currently, five have been delivered, with the sixth, INS Drakon, expected to be delivered in
2020.[196] It is also upgrading and expanding its surface fleet. It is planning to upgrade the electronic
warfare systems of its Sa'ar 5-class corvettes and Sa'ar 4.5 class missile boats,[197] and has ordered two
new classes of warship: the Sa'ar 6-class corvette (a variant of the Braunschweig-class corvette) and the
Sa'ar 72-class corvette, an improved and enlarged version of the Sa'ar 4.5-class. It plans to acquire four
Saar 6-class corvettes and three Sa'ar 72-class corvettes. Israel is also developing marine artillery,
including a gun capable of firing satellite-guided 155mm rounds between 75 and 120 kilometers.[198]
See also
Further reading
▪ Marcus, Raphael D. Israel's Long War with Hezbollah: Military Innovation and Adaptation under
Fire (Georgetown UP, 2018). Online review (
▪ Rosenthal, Donna (2003). The Israelis ( Free
Press. ISBN 978-0-7432-7035-9.
▪ Ostfeld, Zehava (1994). Shiftel, Shoshana (ed.). שלבים עיקריים בבניית הצבא בהנהגתו של דוד: צבא נולד
בן־גוריון/ Tsava nolad : shelavim ʻiḳariyim bi-veniyat ha-tsava be-hanhagato shel Daṿid Ben-Guryon
[An Army Is Born] (in Hebrew). Israel Ministry of Defense. ISBN 978-965-05-0695-7.
▪ Gelber, Yoav (1986). Nucleus for a Standing Army (in Hebrew). Yad Ben Tzvi.
▪ Yehuda Shif, ed. (1982). IDF in Its Corps: Army and Security Encyclopedia. 18 volumes (in
Hebrew). Revivim Publishing.
▪ Ron Tira, ed. (2009). The Nature of War: Conflicting Paradigms and Israeli Military Effectiveness.
Sussex Academic Press. ISBN 978-1-84519-378-2.
▪ Roislien, Hanne Eggen (2013). "Religion and Military Conscription: The Case of the Israeli Defense
Forces (IDF)" (, Armed Forces & Society 39, No.
3, pp. 213–232.
▪ "Country Briefing: Israel", Jane's Defence Weekly, 19 June 1996
External links
▪ Official website (