The Pride of The Main Character Shuya Watanabe in Kanae Minato'S Confessions
The Pride of The Main Character Shuya Watanabe in Kanae Minato'S Confessions
The Pride of The Main Character Shuya Watanabe in Kanae Minato'S Confessions
Miftah Khurrohmah
NIM 16320077
Presented to
Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra (S.S.)
Miftah Khurrohmah
NIM 16320077
Dr. Muzakki Afifuddin, M.Pd.
NIP 19761011 201101 1005
My friends
Miftah Khurrohmah
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 64
Khurrohmah, Miftah. 2020. The Pride of The Main Character Shuya
Watanabe in Kanae Minato’s Confessions. Minor Thesis (Skripsi)
Department of English Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas
Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Advisor : Dr. Muzakki Afifuddin, M.Pd
Keywords : Pride, Praise, Narcissistic, Anti-social
This study aims to describe the form of pride behavior in the main
character Shuya Watanabe in Kanae Minato's Confessions novel. The theory used
in this research is the psychological theory of pride in which this research only
focuses on the hubristic pride behavior described in the main character Shuya
Watanabe. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis to describe the
form of hubristic pride behavior depicted in the main character Shuya Watanabe
in Kanae Minato's Confessions novel. The data obtained in this study were 54 data
through dialogue and behavior described in the novel Confessions which shows
Shuya's hubristic Pride behavior.
The result of this research is to know the form of pride behavior and
mindset shown by the main character Shuya Watanabe in Kanae Minato's
Confessions novel. The hubristic pride behavior shown by Shuya Watanabe,
namely (1) anti-social and narcissistic attitude, (2) when talking to other people
Shuya tends to talk about himself and his achievements, (3) Shuya's character is
easy to insult and humiliate others who make His interpersonal relationships are
bad enough and this is an anti-social attitude and a side of narcissistic pride, (4)
Shuya could not admit that he did anything wrong, and he still believed that what
he did was right, (5) Shuya is going to do something to get praise Shuya wants so
much praise, (6) Shuya has always been focused on success at one‟s standards,
rules and goals where the focus is on the global self, (7) The trait of pride is also
tending to be narcissistic, as seen by the trait of Shuya, who was so proud of
himself in front of Mrs. Moriguchi.
Khurrohmah, Miftah. 2020. The Pride of The Main Character Shuya
Watanabe in Kanae Minato’s Confessions. Minor Thesis (Skripsi)
Department of English Literature, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas
Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang
Advisor : Dr. Muzakki Afifuddin, M.Pd
Keywords : Kesombongan, Pujian, Narsistik, Anti social
المستخلص البحث
خزادَٔ ٍفزبح . 0202 .فخز اىشخظٍخ اىزئٍسٍخ شٌ٘ب ٗاربّبثً فً اعززافبد
مبّبي ٍٍْبر٘ .أطزٗدخ فزعً (ٍع أطزٗدخ) قسٌ األدة اإلّجيٍشي ،ميٍخ اىعيً٘
اإلّسبٍّخ ٍ٘ ،الّب ٍبىل إثزإٌٍ اىذٗىخ اإلسالٍٍخ اىجبٍعخ ٍبالّج املشرف
:مزكي عفيف الدين املاجستري
الكلمات املفتاحية :غرور ،مدح ،نرجسي ،معادي للمجتمع
رٖذف ٕذٓ اىذراسخ إىى ٗطف شنو اىسي٘ك اىَزغطزص فً اىشخظٍخ اىزئٍسٍخ شٌ٘ب ٗاربّبثً فً رٗاٌخ مبّبي ٍٍْبر٘
اعززافبد .اىْظزٌخ اىَسزخذٍخ فً ٕذٓ اىذراسخ ًٕ اىْظزٌخ اىْفسٍخ ىيغطزسخ دٍش ٌزمش ٕذا اىجذش فقظ عيى ٍ٘قف
اىطزٌقخ اىَسزخذٍخ فً ٕذا اىجذش ًٕ اىزذيٍو Shuya Watanabe.اىغطزسخ اىَظ٘ر فً اىشخظٍخ اىزئٍسٍخ
اى٘طفً ٍِ أجو ٗطف شنو اىغطزسخ اىذي رٌ رظٌ٘زٓ فً اىشخظٍخ اىزئٍسٍخ شٌ٘ب ٗاربّبثً فً رٗاٌخ مبّب ٍٍْبر٘
اعززافبد .اىجٍبّبد اىزً رٌ اىذظ٘ه عيٍٖب فً ٕذٓ اىذراسخ ًٕ 45ثٍبّبد ٍِ خاله اىذ٘ار ٗاىسي٘ك اىَ٘ط٘ف فً
مبّذ ّزٍجخ ٕذا اىجذش ٍعزفخ شنو اىسي٘ك ٗاىعقيٍخ اىَزغطزسخ اىزً أظٖزرٖب اىشخظٍخ اىزئٍسٍخ شٌ٘ب
ٗاربّبثً فً رٗاٌخ مبّب ٍٍْبر٘ اعززافبد .سي٘ك اىغطزسخ اىذي أظٖزٓ شٌ٘ب ٗاربّبثً ٕ٘ (ٍ٘ )1قف ٍعب ٍد ىيَجزَع
ّٗزجسً )0( ،عْذ اىزذذس إىى أشخبص آخزٌِ ٍِ ،اىَزجخ أُ ٌزذذس شٌ٘ب عِ ّفسٔ ٗإّجبسارٔ ٍِ )3( ،اىسٖو
إٕبّخ ٗإٕبّخ اَخزٌٌِ ٍِ .جعو عالقبرٔ اىشخظٍخ سٍئخ ىيغبٌخ ٕٗذا ٍ٘قف ٍْبٕض ىيَجزَع ٗجبّت فخز ّزجسً ،
( )5ال ٌَنِ ىشٌ٘ب أُ ٌعززف ثأّٔ فعو شٍئًب خبطئًب ٗ ،ال ٌشاه ٌعزقذ أُ ٍب ٌفعئ طذٍخ )4( ،شٌ٘ب سٍفعو شًء
دائ ًَب عيى اىْجبح فً ٍعبٌٍز ٗق٘اعذ Shuyaاىنثٍز ٍِ اىثْبء ٌ )6( ،زمش Shuyaىيذظ٘ه عيى اىثْبءٌ .زٌذ
ٗإٔذاف شخض ٌزمش عيى اىذاد اىعبىٍَخ ٌٍَ )7( ،و اىغطزسخ أٌضًب إىى أُ ٌنُ٘ ّزجسًٍب ٌَٗ ،نِ رؤٌزٔ ٍِ طجٍعخ
This chapter outlines the research background, research question, research
significance, scope and limitation, definition of key terms, and research method.
accomplished by one‟s own ability. It reflects how you feel about yourself (Tracy
& Robins, 2004a, 2007b). According to Lewis (1993) pride can only be called
pride when there are different types of cognition related factors to the self. People
evaluate or compare their behavior with a standard. Pride, in any case, seems to
arise from the self (Tracy & Robins, 2004a, 2007b Williams, 2009).
appositive way. Therefore the distinction between authentic and hubristic pride is
being made. Authentic pride is caused by internal and controllable causes and
there was a very negative view about pride and was even considered a sin among
this emotion and manifests pro-social outcomes, whereas hubristic pride is the
exact opposite and is linked to narcissism. Authentic pride has been characterized
of these two sorts of pride, and of the differential associations these two sorts of
pride have with aspects of personality. In their view (Tracy & Robins, 2004,
and is often focused on the efforts made towards that goal. Hubristic pride, on the
other hand, is related instead to more global beliefs about abilities and strengths,
talented”(Tracy & Robins, 2004, 2007a). Put differently, in this view authentic
pride arises from a self-evaluation of “doing,” whereas hubristic pride arises from
al., 2005) and neurotic in nature (Gershman, 1947; Tracy & Robins, 2004).
2000), which has been labeled the deadliest of the Seven Deadly Sins (Dante,
Baumeister, 1998; Campbell, 1999; Kernberg, 1975; Kohut, 1976; Morf &
research indicates that shame and guilt are distinct, negative self-conscious
emotions with divergent elicitors and outcomes (see Tangney & Dearing, 2002,
for a review), and it might make sense to conceptualize pride in a similar manner
(M. Lewis, 2000; Tangney, Wagner, & Gramzow, 1989). Specifically, the pride
from pride in one‟s global self. This distinction parallels the conceptualization of
guilt as derived from a focus on negative aspects of one‟s behavior the thing that
was done or not done and shame as derived from a focus on negative aspects of
one‟s self the self who did or did not do it (H.B. Lewis, 1971; M. Lewis, 2000;
emotions (pride, shame, guilt, and embarrassment) are elicited when individuals
then must make a series of casual attributions. Psychologists have long noted that
pride occurs in response to internal attributions that is, when the self is credited as
the cause of the event (Ellsworth & Smith, 1988; M. Lewis, 2000; Roseman, 1991;
C. A. Smith & Lazarus, 1993; Weiner, 1985). Two facets of pride can be
(I’m proud of what I did) might result from attributions to internal, unstable,
controllable causes (I won because I practiced), whereas pride in the global self
(I’m proud of who I am), referred to as hubristic, or alpha, pride (M. Lewis, 2000;
In this research, the researcher takes some cases of hubristic pride from
novel Confessions. This novel is a modern literary work that was written by
Kanae Minato which known as the Japanese writer of crime fiction and thriller.
Kanae Minato is the member of the Mystery Writers of Japan and the Honkaku
Mystery Writers Club of Japan. Kanae Minato started writing in her age around
thirties. Her first novel is Kokuhaku or in English version called Confession, her
first novel became bestseller and won the Japanese Bookseller Award. In youth
Kanae Minato was an avid fans of mystery novel Edogawa Ranpo, Maurice
Leblanc, Agatha Christie, Keigo Higashino, Miyuki Miyabe, and Yukito Ayatsuji.
She has been described in japan as “the queen of iyamisu” iyamisu (eww mystery)
is a subgenre of mystery fiction which deals with grisly episodes and the dark side
of human nature. Readers blurt out “eww” when they reading iyamisu novel. The
term was created in 2006 by the mystery critic Aoi Simotsuki. The novel
Confessions which is the object of this research also categorized in iyamisu genre.
Through the novel Confessions, Kanae Minato obtain some award those are:
2015- Nominee for Strand Critics Award for Best Novel, 4. 2015- Nominee for
Watanabe is a high school student who is smart in the field of science and always
tries to show his ability to get praise or recognition for his prowess. There are
new novel, so the researcher who analyzed this novel is not that much. These are
The results of this thesis state about the motivation that drives the act of killing by
Watanabe Shuya character is his efforts to fulfill the needs of appreciation and the
need of self-actualization, with the hope that he gets appreciation and recognition
Utama Yuko Moriguchi Dalam Film Confession Karya Kanae Minato (Mental
Confessions. The analysis began when Yuko Moriguchi lost part of her personal
identity to suffer from psychiatric disorder melancholia with its destructive drive
researcher analyzed about the meaning of exercised power in the novel. The
researcher using Foucault‟s theory of power to analysis the literary work, this
supplement and develop this research study. The three studies above have in
common with this research that is using the approach of literary sociology and
literary psychology with the same novel. Meanwhile, this research analysis
focusing on the psychological hubristic pride theory by Tracy and Robins will be
Based on the background that has been described, the problem of the study
is how does the intrinsic aspect support the topic of hubristic pride of the main
Based on the research statement, this particular study aimed at finding out
the intrinsic aspect support the topic of hubristic pride of the main character Shuya
intrinsic aspect support the topic pride in novel. It is also hoped to open the new
insight of intrinsic aspect support the topic hubristic pride helped by Shuya
especially the students of literature who are interested study about intrinsic aspect
support the topic hubristic pride. Hopefully, the research will be worth enough to
be reference for those who research about intrinsic aspect support the topic of
hubristic pride. Furthermore, this research is hopefully also being useful for
study about intrinsic aspect support the topic of hubristic pride. Finally, this
research can give more information for the next researchers who are interested in
important to determine the limitation of the study about the topic. Researcher
specifically hubristic pride using intrinsic aspect analysis. And in order to keep the
study broad, the researcher focuses on the intrinsic aspect of the topic of pride in
Shuya Watanabe‟s character specifically hubristic pride. It means that the study
will not discuss deeply about the worldview or the social condition of the literary
research, the researcher defines the key terms which are used in this research as
1. Pride
accomplished by one‟s own ability. It reflects how you feel about yourself
(Tracy & Robins, 2004a, 2007b). According to Lewis (1993) pride can
only be called pride when there are different types of cognition related
standard. Pride, in any case, seems to arise from the self (Tracy & Robins,
2. Praise
3. Narcissistic
4. Anti-social
G. Previous Study
research, because this is very important to avoid the similarity with the previous
research. Therefore, the researcher needs to find differences from the previous
most of the researchers do the research based on the film object where the novel
Confessions have been filmed. There are several topics that the previous
researchers have been analyzed about Kanae Minato‟s Confessions or even the
The first example of the previous research is a theses done by Alifia Nur
research focus on the motivation that drives the main character to kills Manami,
the daughter of Moriguchi Yuko. In this previous research, Alifia Nur Halizah
used Abraham Maslow‟s hierarchy of needs theory to analyze. The results of this
thesis state about the motivation that drives the act of killing by Watanabe
Shuya‟s character is his effort to fulfill the needs of appreciation and the need of
self-actualization, with the hope that he gets appreciation and recognition from his
The second research was done by Eva Riski Amalia (2017) titled
Confessions Film). Based on the title, Eva Riski Amalia analyzed about Sigmund
began when Yuko Moriguchi lost part of her personal identity to suffer from
psychiatric disorder melancholia with its destructive drive and what factors are
the novel, Ninna using Foucault‟s theory of power relations to analysis the literary
Muflichatus Suaibah (2013) titled Perilaku Agresi Pada Tokoh Utama Moriguchi
study discuss about the aggression behavior of Moriguchi Yuko character, the
theory used to analyze the film Kokuhaku is Buss theory of aggression behavior.
Another research was one by Muhammad Yusdwindra (2018) with his journal
instinct theory and psychoanalysis theory that discusses the structure of the human
by the main character that is Yuko Moriguchi‟s id tended to be stronger than the
superego in influencing the ego on the Confessions film as well as how the ego
supplement and develop this research study. The previous studies above have in
common with this research that is using the approach of literary sociology and
literary psychology with the same novel or film of the novel. Meanwhile, this
research analysis focusing on the intrinsic aspect support the topic of pride will be
H. Research Method
relates to the research design, data source, research instrument, data collection,
1. Research Design
what does the intrinsic aspect of pride in Shuya Watanabe‟s character of novel
Confessions. This research includes literary criticism because the data is in the
form of narrative texts in the novel. The purpose of this research is to understand
and obtain in-depth information about Shuya Watanabe‟s character in the theme
of hubristic pride.
2. Data Source
The data source of this research is the character‟s dialogues, actions, and
symbol of pride in the novel. The data source taken from the literary work novel
3. Data Collection
In this research, the researcher has some ways to collect the data. Data
collection techniques used in this research is by viewing, reading and taking notes.
There are several steps that researcher does during analyzing the novel. First, the
researcher repeatedly read the data from Confessions novel by Kanae Minato,
of the data. Second, researcher identify through character dialogue data, ways of
thinking, and characters actions that show the intrinsic aspect support the topic of
pride of the main character Shuya Watanabe in the novel, the researcher analyze
the intrinsic aspect from four character those are Yuko Moriguchi as Shuya
Shimamura as Shuya Watanabe‟s friend and the last point of view is from Shuya
Watanabe‟s point of view. The last step the researcher classifies the structure with
the personality of the main character that shows about the topic pride. The data
collection base on the point of view data from four characters described above.
4. Data Analysis
conduct the data. The first step is reviewing the collected data which is related to
the topic. Through intrinsic aspect support the topic of pride analysis, the
researcher could infer the intrinsic aspect support the topic of pride in the main
character. In order to make easier, the researcher makes a list of the collected data.
The purpose is to select the necessary data which can be analyzed in this research.
The next step is classifying the data based on the research problem. After
classifying the data, the researcher describes and analyzes the data based on the
intrinsic aspect support the topic of pride. The intrinsic aspect must be related to
the problem of the research. In this step, the researcher does the analysis in the
intrinsic aspect of the novel especially in the topic of pride. Finally, the researcher
This chapter reviews several relevant to the issue being investigated in this
research used to analysis the data. The discussion covers the intrinsic aspect
A. Literature
Literature is one creative art that they argue, cannot be “studied” at all. We
can only read, enjoy, appreciate it. For the rest, we can only accumulate all kinds
in the form of novel, prose, or poetry. Not only expressing feelings, some writers
make literary work as a means to express ideas, or even critics of life phenomena
that are happening. An example is the object of this research, the novel
Confessions (Kokuhaku) written by Kanae Minato. The novel tells about an adult
named Shuya Watanabe who wants to get recognition from other people that he is
genius. He did anything to get the recognition from other about the machine he
made. He always feels proud of his genius, and he try anything to show the world
B. Intrinsic Elements
themselves” (1977:139). Prose as one of literary works also has these kind of
intrinsic elements to building the story, which includes: story, event, plot,
characterization, theme, setting, point of view, language and language style and so
A character is a person that told as the main in the fictional story such
novel, novella, and short story. Character is the part of intrinsic elements in a hole
drama they explain that characters are divided into two types, namely major
separated from their character. Character is the quality of character, reason, and
characterization means the way the writer tells the reader about the physical and
Characterization has four levels which are useful for us to see the very
a. Physical: Physical is explains about the basic facts such as sex, age, and
size. Like black or white, handsome or beautiful, fat or slim etc. this is the basic
profession, religion, family, and social relations that place the character in their
attitudes, desires, motivation, the way how the characters face the problem,
what he wants. How the character will go, kill, steal, lie, cheat, etc. Moral level
the quality of the character, reason, and soul that distinguishes it from another
2. Theme
According to Cynthia (2013: page 2), the theme of a literary work is its
work, such as poetry, short story, and novel. The idea of writer is expressed
through those literary work and theme help the literary work built beautifully. The
theme that was initiated could be the main theme or it could be a side theme that
3. Setting
107) setting is where the certain part of the story takes place. It might be detailed
in describing the exact place and the exact time. According to Klarer (1999; 25),
Abrams (1981) explained that, setting is the foundation of the story, suggesting
the understanding of the place, the relationship, the time, and the social
environment in which the events are told. This will happen if the setting is able to
lift the local atmosphere complete with its features into the story.
a. Setting of Place
Setting of place direct to the location of the event that happen in fiction,
b. Setting of Time
Setting of time means when the time of the story happened. The problem
of when usually connected with factual time for example day, month, year,
b. Setting of Society
c. Plot
Plot is the way events are structured in a piece of literature. Plot includes
4. Point of View
opinion, the way you think about a subject. Point of view is defined as the angel
from how the way that the story is told. Point of view basically a question through
whose eyes we seen the fictional world and whose voice tells us the story. Point of
view is the description of narrator‟s position in a story. Point of view have the
varieties in the use of narrative viewpoint on the story, there are first person point
of view, second person point of view, third person point of view limited, and third
First person point of view is when the story is told by “I”. The character is
in the story, relating his or her experiences directly. Second person point of view
is when the story told by “You”. This POV is not common in fiction, but it is
common in nonfiction. Third person point of view limited, the story is told about
“He” or “She”. This is the most common point of view in the fiction story. The
narrator is outside of the story and relating the experiences of a character. Third
person point of view omniscient, the story is also about “He” or “She”, but the
narrator has full access to the thoughts and experiences of all characters in the
C. Self-Conscious Emotions
makes the point that to understand the ontogenesis of these emotions in children,
give rise to them. Indeed, using the evaluation of the cognitive capacity to
represent the self, he has suggested that the emergence, both phylogenetically and
provides the capacities most necessary for the emergence of these self-conscious
along with other emerging cognitive capacities that provides the basis for these
emotions starting at the end of the second year of life. Thus, while primary
emotions such as fear, anger and joy emerge in the first year of life, some even in
half of the second year of life that we see the earliest of the self-conscious
The self has a role in pride. Pride is being divided into self-conscious
emotion (Lewis, 1993; Silvia, 2009; Tracy & Robin, 2004b, 2007a). The self
plays a big role in many different motivational and decision making processes.
conscious emotions with the following five features: First, self-awareness and
emotions (basic emotions: joy, fear and anger). Third, self-conscious emotions are
primarily developed for the realization of social goals. Fourth, the self-conscious
emotions do not have a distinct, recognizable facial expression, though there are
distinct other body movements, postures that are recognizable. Fifth, self-
Pride is an emotion that needs all kind of cognition related factors to the
comparing one‟s own behavior with a Standard, a Rule or a Goal (SRG). If one
believes he or she has succeeded it is called pride. It can be seen as taking pride in
one‟s own achievements. When one thinks he or she failed it is called shame or
guilt. These emotions are also categorized in the self-conscious emotions. Other
self-conscious emotions are for example jealousy, empathy and envy. Cognitive
processes are the cause of these self-conscious emotions. The cause of self-
conscious emotions is a cognitive event (Lewis, 1993). The SRG plays a big role
in the theory Lewis has about the self-conscious emotions. These standards, rules
or goals have to do with culture and are automatically taught to children from a
young age. Because it is culture specific it differs in every society, but time
1. Pride
Matsuba, in press; Weiner, 1985). The loss of pride is part of what provokes
aggression and other antisocial behaviors in response to ego threats (Bushman &
increase one‟s feeling of pride. In fact, pride is the primary emotion (along with
shame) that gives self-esteem its affective kick (J.D. Brown & Marshall, 2001),
Despite its centrality to social behavior, pride has received little attention
been viewed as belonging to a secondary class of emotions, separate from the so-
called basic emotions that are thought to be biologically based and universal.
adults (Tracy & Robins, 2004b, 2006; Tracy, Robins, & Lagattuta, 2005) suggests
that pride might meet the requisite criteria to be considered a basic emotion.
accomplished by one‟s own ability. It reflects how you feel about yourself (Tracy
& Robins, 2004a, 2007b). According to Lewis (1993) pride can only be called
pride when there are different types of cognition related factors to the self. People
evaluate or compare their behavior with a standard. Pride, in any case, seems to
arise from the self (Tracy & Robins, 2004a, 2007b Williams, 2009).
appositive way. Therefore the distinction between authentic and hubristic pride is
being made. Authentic pride is caused by internal and controllable causes and
there was a very negative view about pride and was even considered a sin among
this emotion and manifests pro-social outcomes, whereas hubristic pride is the
The self of a person is the reason why people are able to experience,
emotions. Self-conscious emotions are different from basic emotions like joy,
anger, and fear. It has a more complex underlying cognitive structure. Self-
conscious emotions occur as a response to an event that has consequences for the
judgment others have about the individual (Leary, 2007). Pride is caused by
internal events that are relevant to someone‟s identity (Tracy, Shariff & Cheng,
and “confident,” whereas hubristic pride has been characterized by words such as
towards that goal. Hubristic pride, on the other hand, is related instead to more
related to mastery (Pekrunet al., 2006, 2009; Williams & DeSteno, 2008, 2009)
and competence (Dweck & Leggett, 1988). Hubristic pride has been linked to a
(Cheng, Tracy, & Henrich, 2010); that dominance orientation, in turn, has been
2007). Hubristic pride will also relate to the tendency to set unrealistically
overgeneralize from both successes and failures. Success will be taken to mean
“the sky is the limit,” particularly with regard to social standing; failure will be
taken to mean disaster. Such a pattern would be consistent with the connection
between hubristic pride and the tendency to make global attributions for success
towards certain kinds of negative affect. To the extent that a driving mechanism in
failure should generate anger, hostility, and aggressive behavior among those
prone to hubristic pride (Tracy & Robins, 2004, 2007b). Hubristic pride with
tendencies to set unrealistically high goals (as suggested earlier) would exacerbate
such negative mood states. Indeed, recent findings indicate that hubristic pride
2. Hubristic Pride
caused by internal but uncontrollable causes (Tracy & Robins, 2007a, 2007c). It is
to be seen as a virtue that disliked. Hubristic comes from hubris, which means
excessive pride. Hubristic pride caused negative social outcomes, which are
responsible for the negative view of this emotion. It has no specific goal and it is
the view of a positive self-worth of oneself (Williams & DeSteno, 2008). With
this it categorizes itself on the negative side of pride. Hubristic pride is associated
with words like “arrogant”, “pompous” and “egoistical” (Tracy & Robins, n.d.).
rules and goals where the focus is on the global self. In this emotion, the
with narcissism.
own hubris is likely to interfere with the wishes, needs and desires of others, in
nature of the actions of the person having this emotion. The three problems
associated with the prideful person are (1) it is a transient but addictive emotion;
(2) it is not related to a specific action and, therefore, requires altering patterns of
goal setting or evaluation around what constitutes success; and (3) it interferes
A character that known as one of the deadly sins in western culture and
Christianity. It is studied from the point of view that defines these people as mere
selfish beings who think of themselves as superior and more valuable than others.
According to psychology, the cause of hubristic pride lies in great insecurity and
low self-esteem. While that may seem contradictory, when a person fears being
hurt and feels inferior to others he can develop an image to show himself to the
world safely. Proud people often express their qualities and strengths, this is done
because they are afraid to show their weaknesses and get hurt.
The need for approval is also present as one of the causes of hubristic
pride. It is possible that during childhood these people have not received the
attention and care necessary to develop proper self-esteem and therefore need to
constantly assert themselves first. On the other hand, pride and arrogance are
selfish, vain, lack of empathy, and an inability to take into account those around
well. That he makes the best decisions and that he never makes mistakes.
Pride people have the irrational belief that they are always right, that their
ideas are the only valid ones and if someone goes against them, they are wrong. It
seems they don‟t listen to others and find it difficult to integrate new ideas into
If they can‟t admit they made a mistake and always believe they were right,
it will be difficult to ask for forgiveness at some point. Asking for forgiveness
implies that they have done something wrong and that, besides, they must admit it
to others.
Even if they don‟t say it outright, pride people need praise and praise to
keep afloat on their safety and dignity. Therefore, they will seek external approval
for everything they do, in a constant but subtle manner, nor do they want to admit
If we point out something they have done or something they are thinking
about, they are more likely to feel attacked and respond with verbal abuse. This
type of person is usually very reactive and does not tolerate criticism from others
even if they are constructive. They can do a lot of damage with their words to
which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for
for others.
Anti-social person consistently show no regard for right and wrong and
ignores the rights and feelings of others. People with antisocial personality tend to
This chapter contains the data finding of data analysis from the data source.
The data will be in the form of sentence or dialogues mentioned in the novel. The
A. Character
This analysis will be in the form of dialogue or narrative from the point of
view of the other characters focusing of the topic pride of the main character
Shuya Watanabe and also analyzes the point of view of the main character Shuya
who focusses of the topic pride that depicted through behavior and though
In this chapter, the researcher will analyze Shuya Watanabe‟s character from
Someone who has a tendency for the pride characteristic, they always
believe that they are right. As shown by Shuya who kept trying to convince Yuko
Moriguchi that the purpose of making an electric purse was for a good cause and
In this quote, it can be seen that Shuya‟s pride character is depicted in the
Shuya character through his behavior and though pattern. In the story fragment
above, Shuya shows pride attitude towards his teacher Mrs. Yuko Moriguchi,
when Mrs. Yuko Moriguchi does not appreciate his device in the form of a purse
which has an electric shock that is passed through the zipper of the purse.
also post his machines in website that he named professor Genius through this
“I know you didn’t really help me with it,” A said, after I’d had a quick look at the
application. “But I have to have someone sign it, and you’re my homeroom teacher and
you teach science. Please?” When I hesitated, looking down at the entry form, he went on.
“I made it for all the right reasons. I just want to protect kids’ stuff. But you say it’s
dangerous. Why don’t we let the experts decide who’s right?” It sounded like challenge,
almost a declaration of war. In the end, he won and I lost. The Theft-Prevention Shocking
Coin Purse received the Governor’s Award at the prefectural level and went on to the
national competition. There it was lavishly praised and look honorable mention in the
middle school division, the equivalent of third place in the whole country. (p. 25)
Shuya who did not get appreciation from Ms. Moriguchi over his shocking
coin purse was annoyed and wanted to prove his abilities through a science
recognition from people around him that he was a genius. In this research,
Shuya„s character shows an arrogant attitude that feels he is the most capable and
feels what he is doing is right. In the quote above, it shows Shuya trying to get a
sign from Ms. Moriguchi to participate in the science competition. Someone who
has hubristic pride character will tend to feel what he is doing is right and it is
very difficult for people like this to accept rejection or criticism from others.
Apart from creating a shocking coin purse, Shuya has also created several
mistreat animals to show his ability in creating execution machine, Shuya posted
his tools and the animals he persecuted on a website that he named as “Professor
Shuya claims that what he makes is useful, and according to Shuya, the
purse will help to take care of children's belongings. The pattern demonstrated by
pride is that they still assume that what they do is right and that it is difficult for
them to accept criticism from others. The sentence above is a rising action in
which Shuya, the main character, starts to encounter uncomfortable things for him,
When he realized why I had called him, he began telling the whole tale in a tone that
was almost triumphant, as though he had been waiting for this day all along. The coin
purse that he’d taken to the science fair was, as I’d suspected, the prototype of his
Execution Machine.
When he’d finished the first model, he had tried it out on his video game friends.
They’d been impressed but not enough to satisfy A. He wasn’t showing them a jack-in-
the-box. They were in capable of understanding what he’d accomplished, so he decided to
show it to someone who could appreciate it. That’s when he brought it to me. My reaction
did satisfy him, but that was a misunderstanding on his part. It wasn’t the purse that had
frightened me but A himself, his whole way of looking of the world. But he was convinced
the purse had scared me, and intentionally provoked me before he left, thinking I would
spread the word about his dangerous invention to the other teachers and his classmates.
He was mistaken again. I did report the incident, as I’ve said, but no one else seemed the
least bit interested. It occurred to A, of course, that he could present his invention on his
website, but he was afraid no one would understand it, so he decided to take it to people
who could properly appreciate it. (p. 26)
Shuya was so proud of the coin purse he had created that he had succeeded
Shuya was so proud of his art that Ms. Moriguchi called him and asked him about
the shocking coin purse he had made to destroy Ms. Moriguchi's daughter. He was
proud that by the end, there was someone who understood the greatness of his tool
The need for praise and respect makes Shuya do his hardest to produce
something that could astound many people and give him credit for his ability. As
he did in the above sentence, Shuya tried to demonstrate the different machines he
had created. Basically, pride is something people ought to praise in order to keep
their protection and integrity afloat. Therefore they will seek the acceptance of all
they do in a relentless yet discreet way, nor will they want to accept that they need
That’s how it came to be entered in the Science Fair. The judges were mostly
professors with impressive titles from technical universities, and A fully expected these
experts to be appalled by his lethal entry and to label it-and him-a menace. In this way he
would have attracted the attention he so desperately wanted. But he hadn’t wanted his
project to be rejected on these grounds in the local, preliminary rounds, so he had crafted
the accompanying materials to suggest that a childish-that is, age-appropriate-sense of
justice motivated the booby-trapped purse. But he had apparently done his job too well,
and both he and his invention were seen as perfectly wholesome right through to the
national finals. (p. 26)
Before participating in the competition, Shuya had several times shows his
machine to his friends and to his teacher Yuko Moriguchi, but Shuya did not get a
satisfactory response to his machine which he thought was a genius thing that
generally cannot be done by children at his age. Through this competition which
was judged by expert professors from one of the campuses in Japan, Shuya
wanted to show that what he created was an extraordinary thing and it would
show people that he was a genius child and thus he would get recognition and
But A misunderstanding again. He thought he was being praised for his technical
skills, an understandable misapprehension for a child to have. He still wasn’t being
recognized for the dangerous villain he wanted to be, but he took some satisfaction in
being interviewed by the local newspapers. When I saw his picture and read about his
success, I was somewhat relieved myself. I felt that he had only wanted a little recognition
and attention, and that now that he’d gotten it, he might develop in a more positive
direction. I decided that I had been unnecessarily concerned and that everything had
worked out in the end. (p. 27)
Shuya thinks that he has earned praise from Professor Seguci for his Shocking
coin purse. The need for praise is endless, making Shuya do everything he can to
What did A care that they had said good things about him? No one had even noticed.
And what was so great about the Lunacy thing? Potassium cyanide? It wasn’t as though
she had discovered it-who couldn’t use a deadly poison to kill people? A had invented his
own murder weapon. Shouldn’t that get a lot more attention? But the more the media
made a fuss over Lunacy, the more jealous A became, and the more he threw himself into
developing his Execution Machine. (p. 27)
Shuya felt proud when one of the professors he idolized praised his
creative tool which named the anti-theft purse. With his victory in this
competition he is very sure that the news about his genius will become the main
topic in the newspaper soon, but Shuya is not the main topic in the newspaper that
day. A murder case committed by a student his age using cyanide poison to kill
her family members this case is called Lunacy case, and this case is the main topic
in the newspaper rather than Shuya‟s genius machine. Lunacy case became more
At the instant her hand touched the zipper, Manami collapsed to the ground and
lay motionless. A satisfied smile spread over A’s face. B was in a state of shock, unable to
believe what he’d just seen. “Gotcha!” he heard A whisper.
“What happened?” he said. His voice was breaking as he grabbed A’s shoulder.
“What have you done? She’s not moving!”
“Then go and tell someone-tell everyone!” A said. He brushed B’s hand aside and
walked away with a satisfied look on his face. (p. 30-31)
Shuya feels satisfied when he finds out that Manami‟s body is laying
unconsciously on earth he feels that his mission has been successful (making his
victim die because of the coin purse he made then announcing it to people so they
will know about Shuya‟s genius). Shuya told Naoki to tell the incident to
everybody it wasn‟t meant to help Manami but this was meant so that people
would witness and know. This is what Shuya does to get people‟s attention.
Shuya, who feels he is smarter than a teenager at his age, has a strong
A wondered about this; in fact, when he’d finished his confession, with that almost
ecstatic look on his face, he’d asked me as much. Why hadn’t I reported my suspicions to
the authorities? But I told him that nothing had changed, that it would still be regarded as
an accident, and I had no intention of turning it into the kind of sensational murder he
had wanted it to be. (p. 32)
In this incident, the police believed that Manami's death was caused by an
accident because Manami's body was found floating in the pool. Manami‟s death
which the police declared as an accident was actually a murder case planned by
However, Mrs. Moriguchi knows the reality that Manami died because she was
murdered by using Shuya's shocking coin purse because Mrs. Moriguchi found
Bunny's pocket, which is already fitted with an electrical shock system inside.
Shuya‟s aim in doing this is to get people‟s attention because he feels he hasn‟t
In order to gain praise and appreciation for his genius, Shuya did
everything he could, including trying to kill Manami, who was Mrs. Moriguchi.
Shuya‟s tendency to want a lot of praise made him dare to do everything he could
to show his skills. Including making Manami as a victim in order to show how
much voltage can be generated by his shocking coin purse. Shuya kills Manami
using his creative tool, which is a shocking coin purse with a higher voltage,
Mrs. Moriguchi did not report the case to the police or anyone else and this
made Shuya angry that his attempt to demonstrate his abilities had failed. Failure
should generate anger, hostility, and aggressive behavior among those prone to
Mizuki Kitahara is Shuya‟s classmate and also the leader of the class. Mizuki
Kitahara is a quiet and introverted student who rarely interacts with her peers.
Mizuki, on the other hand, develops close to Shuya and even falls in love with
him. Shuya, who is frequently bullied by his classmates, makes Mizuki feel
We haven’t seen Naoki since that day you left, when you told us what you’d done to him
and Shūya. But he was the only one absent in B Class on the first day of the new school
year. Everybody else was there, even Shūya. I guess that was actually more surprising—
that he was there. Nobody said anything to him, we just stood around whispering about
him. And he didn’t seem to care at all. He sat down at his desk and started reading some
book, but there was a cover on it so I couldn’t tell what it was. Not that he was acting
tough or anything—that’s what he’s done every day since we started middle school. But
that’s what was so weird: Nothing seemed to have changed.(p.36)
of the Manami murder, still dares to go to school, while Naoki, who was also
After committing the murder of Manami and all his classmates who knew
about the murder, Shuya always dared to attend school as though nothing had
he does is always right, like making Manami a guinea pig for his shocking coin
purse so that people can trust and admire his abilities. Shuya doesn't have any
friends at school because they are just a bunch of idiots who don't understand his
After committing the murder of Manami and all his classmates who knew
about the murder, Shuya always dared to attend school as though nothing had
what he does is always right, like making Manami a guinea pig for his surprising
coin purse so that people can trust and admire his skills.
Shuya doesn't have any friends at school because they are just a bunch of
fools who don't understand his genius and the things he makes.
“That’s all I really wanted,” he said. “Just somebody to notice me.” (p.54)
After his parent divorce, Shuya lived with his father while his mother left
him and his father to achieve her dream of becoming a scientist. Since his mother
left, Shuya felt that no one could appreciate his genius, because all this time his
mother had always given him appreciation for his genius in creating machines that
weren‟t generally made by children his age. In the dialogue above, show about his
“You know how little kids try to coax you along to get what they want?” Shūya said.
“Well, maybe I should have done that to get their attention. Someone could have said, I
found a dead cat in a field. Really?…well, actually I’m the one who killed it. No!…But it’s
true! Sometimes I kill cats and dogs. No!…you really do? But I don’t just kill them. What
do you mean? I use the Execution Machine I invented. You’re kidding! That’s
fantastic!…Open it. There’s a surprise inside…Mizuki, do you think I’m a murderer?
Mizuki? What am I supposed to do now…?” (p. 54)
Shuya‟s ambition to show his genius is very visible through the dialogue
above, were Shuya proudly tells Mizuki about how he killed an animal using a
tool he created that he called as “Execution Machine” and then uploads it on his
website in order to get various comments and responses from people who visit his
website. Shuya proudly tells Mizuki what remarkable things Shuya has done, such
as making a weapon that he calls an execution machine that he uses to destroy and
torture animals in his environment, such as cats and dogs, which he then shares on
his website which is aimed at having praise or even just a response on the
comment. And Shuya was so proud to tell Mizuki about himself and his skills,
Shuya doesn't have many friends in class, this is partly due to Shuya's
arrogant attitude and thinks other people are idiots not as smart as himself, but
one day Shuya approached Naoki Shimamura with the aim of carrying out an
in his plans.
It wasn’t that he didn’t have any friends—he avoided people because he didn’t want
to be with them. Like he couldn’t be bothered hanging out with a bunch of idiots. (p. 87)
Shuya thinks that his friends are stupid and no one is smart enough like
him to be his friends. Shuya has no friends not because they don‟t want to be
friends with Shuya but for Shuya they are a bunch of stupid and idiots who don‟t
Shuya has no friends at school, but this isn't because no one wants to be
friends with Shuya, because she doesn't want to be friends with someone else.
According to Shuya, none of the students in his school were smart enough to be
friends with him. Shuya, who has intellect above average students of his age, is
proud and arrogant, he still sees other people as a bunch of fools, and what's
worse, Shuya doesn't hesitate to make the people around him like guinea pigs out
which is clear from the quotation that the overbearing pride is the anti-social and
But it wasn’t because he was smarter than they were—that doesn’t get you much respect
in middle school—it was because he’d used his smarts to figure out how to almost
completely eliminate the blurring the censors put on porn videos and get a clear image.
That’s what they said, anyway. (p. 87)
Being the smartest student in school doesn't make Shuya have a lot of
friends. In different ways, Shuya is often trying to show off his genius as in the
how well they are doing and bragging about their successes. And that's what he's
“You bet I would. But who are you going to use it on?”
“That’s the point. I’ve been so busy inventing this thing and getting good grades, I
can’t tell people apart—you know, I hate all of them. That’s why I was hoping you’d
choose.” (p. 89)
Shuya showed off his shocking coin purse that won city and national
science fairs. Shuya has no friends at school, but this isn't because no one wants to
be friends with Shuya, because he doesn't want to be friends with someone else.
According to Shuya, none of the students in his school were smart enough to be
friends with him. Shuya, who has intellect above average students of his age, is
proud and arrogant, he still sees other people as a bunch of fools, and what's
worse, Shuya doesn't hesitate to make the people around him like guinea pigs out
which is clear from the quotation that the overbearing pride is the anti-social and
selfish side of pride. Shuya is still proud of what he's been able to make. This
Watanabe got this weird smile on his face and then he bent down so he could look in her
eyes. (p. 94)
The weird smile of Watanabe is indicated pride, the smile is come up from
the feeling success of his plan to show his genius through snuggle bunny purse
Manami with his new execution machine. After Manami kept the zipper from
Shuya's bunny pouch, Manami's body unexpectedly dropped to the ground due to
a relatively strong electrical current from Shuya's bunny pouch. Knowing this,
Naoki, who at that time also took part in this preparation, felt panicked and
frightened when Manami died, but it was different with Shuya, where he
genuinely looked relieved and pleased to see Manami lying helpless. This is
because the strategy has succeeded in demonstrating the surprising prowess of the
For Shuya, the success of his desire to be admired and respected is the
most important thing, and he will try to get it regardless of how it is, even by
sacrificing Manami as an example of his guinea pig. To the degree that the driving
“That’s right. There’s chocolate inside. Open it and see.” This was the clincher, and
it was supposed to be my line, but Watanabe went ahead and said it himself, which made
me a little mad. (p. 94)
His attitude that tends to be selfish and wants himself to be the most
prominent person makes Shuya take part in the dialogue that should be part of
Shuya who suddenly picked up Naoki‟s dialogue that they have plan and it
is one of the hubristic pride attitudes as described in the previous chapter, when
someone feels the most capable among others, the fragment narrative above
Watanabe didn’t answer, but when I looked up at him he was smiling. As though
everything he’d ever wished had just come true. It was the most natural smile in the world.
He looked at me.
“Go ahead, tell everybody all about it,” he said. (p. 94)
help the person who got injured. But in this case Shuya is smiling naturally like he
is so happy this is unusual condition. He didn‟t feel sorry to the little body layed
on the ground.
For Shuya, the success of his desire to be admired and respected is the
most important thing, and he will try to get it regardless of how it is, even by
sacrificing Manami as an example of his guinea pig. To the degree that the driving
Before I had time to say anything, he brushed me off like a piece of dirt. “See you
later,” he said, and then he turned around and walked away. (p. 94-95)
Shuya has no friends at school, but this isn't because no one wants to be
friends with Shuya, because he doesn't want to be friends with someone else.
According to Shuya, none of the students in his school were smart enough to be
friends with him. Shuya, who has intellect above average students of his age, is
proud and arrogant, he still sees other people as a bunch of fools, and what's
worse, Shuya doesn't hesitate to make the people around him like guinea pigs out
which is clear from the quotation that the overbearing pride is the anti-social and
“Oh, I almost forgot. Don’t worry about them thinking you had anything to do with
this. We’ve never been friends. I can’t stand kids like you anyway— worthless but full of
yourself. Compared to a genius like me, you’re pretty much a complete failure.” (p. 95)
Shuya chooses not to have friends, because he feels that no one is smart
enough like him. In order to gain praise and appreciation for his genius, Shuya did
everything he could, including trying to kill Manami, who was Mrs. Moriguchi.
Shuya‟s tendency want a lot of praise made him dare to do everything he could to
show his skills. Including making Manami as a victim in order to show how much
voltage can be generated by his shocking coin purse. Shuya kills Manami using
his creative tool, which is a shocking coin purse with a higher voltage, causing
find out that Manami died because of the shocking coin purse hanging around her
neck, people will instantly realize that the guilty party is Shuya, and the thing
Shuya hopes most is that the news of this murder can become a news issue that
many Japanese people are talking about, so that the genius of Shuya can be
related to a need for extrinsic recognition of successes, even if they don‟t say it
outright, pride people need praise and praise to keep afloat on their safety and
dignity. Therefore, they will seek external approval for everything they do, in a
constant but subtle manner, nor do they want to admit that they need other
people‟s opinions.
Watanabe never had to struggle no matter how tough the question was, and when
the teacher praised him, he pretended he didn’t care. But now I could laugh at him when
he acted all big like that. (p. 98)
In different ways, shuya is often trying to show off his genius as in the
how well they are doing and bragging about their successes. And that's what he's
The point of view in this subsection is from the point of view of the main
character Shuya Watanabe, which describes the attitude of pride in their behavior
and mindset.
I’ll go up on the stage to receive a certificate, and then I’ll go to the podium and
read the essay. But they’re in for a surprise. Instead of the essay, I’m going to give them
some parting words and then detonate the bomb.…
I’ll be blown to tiny bits, and I’ll take all those worthless idiots with me.
There’s never been a child crime like this before, and I bet the TV and the
newspapers will eat it up. I wonder what they’ll say about me? I suppose they’ll talk
about my “inner demons” and use all the usual clichés; but even if the descriptions in the
media are totally unrealistic, I hope this website, what I’m writing here, gets out just as it
is. My one regret is that the newspapers won’t use my real name because I’m a minor.
Shuya's attempt to make him known through the Manami murder case has
failed, as the police say that Manami's death was accidental. So that Shuya returns
to preparing another thing that will make him look even more smart, namely by
making a bomb he will detonate at his school during Shuya's welcome ceremony
for his victory at the science competition in which he participates. Even though
Shuya's talent was known to the entire school, it wasn't enough to satisfy him. So
that he planned this bombing, Shuya hoped that he would succeed in his mission
this time and make headlines across the world. Before carrying out his bombing,
Shuya had made a confession video of the suicide bombing that he had organized
and posted a video recording to his "Professor Genius" website. So people will
know that Shuya, the school genius student, is the perpetrator of the bombing.
The arrogance of Shuya made him dare to do everything, even kill himself with
his homemade bomb, to get people's praise for his brilliance. To the extent that a
recognition of successes, Shuya does not hesitate to do anything for the success he
aims for.
When I was at the blackboard solving some arithmetic problem that was too hard for the
other kids, she took my picture with her phone, and then she showed it to my father when
we got home—but I didn’t mind. To be honest, it made me kind of happy. (p. 120)
After Shuya's parents divorced, Shuya's father remarried a year later, but
Shuya didn't really like his stepmother because according to Shuya, his
stepmother wasn't smart enough. Until one day when Shuya was working on
difficult problems, his stepmother took a picture of him and showed the photo to
Shuya's father. Shuya is very pleased to hear someone talk about his brilliance.
One of the most noticeable trends in someone who's proud of himself is that
he wants and actively asks for recognition. Even if they don't say it clearly, proud
people need recognition and praise to keep their protection and integrity afloat.
Because of the genius he has, Shuya also thinks that what average people
want to spend time on holiday or have fun is dumb and is done only by people
Pride people have the irrational conviction that they are always right, that
their opinions or views are the only true ones, and that if anyone is against them, it
My poor clock, my first invention, went completely unappreciated. But what would
my mother say if I showed it to her? She alone would be able to see its genius and praise
my achievement. I could barely contain my excitement at the thought. (p. 122)
Shuya's first tool-making job was a clock in which the hands rotated
counterclockwise in general. But at that time, sadly, nobody appreciated his work.
Shuya's goal in killing Manami was to get people's attention. If people find out
that Manami died because of the shocking coin purse hanging around her neck,
people will instantly realize that the guilty party is Shuya, and the thing Shuya
hopes most is that the news of this murder can become a news issue that many
Japanese people are talking about, so that the genius of Shuya can be recognized
related to a need for extrinsic recognition of successes, even if they don‟t say it
outright, pride people need praise and praise to keep afloat on their safety and
dignity. Therefore, they will seek external approval for everything they do, in a
constant but subtle manner, nor do they want to admit that they need other
people‟s opinions.
But no matter how long I waited after that, there were never any comments that
looked as though they might have been from my mother. The only visitors to the site were
my idiot classmates, and when they mentioned that I could override the mosaic effect and
uncensor porn, the number of hits from obvious perverts began to go up. Within three
months, Genius Professor’s Laboratory was nothing more than a hangout for twisted
idiots. I tried posting some pictures of a dead dog I’d found down by the river, with the
idea of scaring them off, but they seemed to love that even more, and the comments got
weirder and weirder. Still, I never wanted to shut the site down, since that would have
been cutting off my one chance of contacting my mother. (p. 122)
to destroy animals, to attract recognition and praise for his ability to create an
execution machine.
I took her one of my new inventions, of which I was quite proud—my Shocking Coin
Purse. How would she react? I was really anxious to see—but what I got was the
hysterics of an old hag. (p. 122)
creating, the tool shocking coin purse to Ms. Moriguchi. Ms. Moriguchi is both a
school teacher and a teacher who teaches science subjects. Shuya hopes that by
Shuya is still proud of what he's been able to make. This reveals one of the
She must have been influenced by what she’d seen on my website, because she
seemed shocked when I went to ask her to sign the form, but I had my line ready: “I can
assure you I made this with the purest of motives, but you seem to think it’s too dangerous.
Why don’t we let the experts decide which one of us is right?” In the end, she signed. (p.
shocking coin purse, and Mrs. Moriguchi figures out that Shuya is actually
Ms. Moriguchi and found what he had developed to be a really useful tool and
This reflects the mentality of a shuya who doesn't want to admit that what
he actually makes is something that shouldn't be done. And he knows that what
he's doing is right. Pride people have the irrational belief that they are always right,
that their ideas are the only valid ones and if someone goes against them, they are
wrong. It seems they don‟t listen to others and find it difficult to integrate new
After that, everything went according to plan. Over summer break, the Shocking
Coin Purse was entered in the local science fair in Nagoya and then went on to the
national contest, where it was given honorable mention, the equivalent of third prize. I
was a little disappointed at first, but in terms of my desired effect, third turned out to be
even better than first: Judges were assigned to comment individually on each of the
winning projects, and the judge for third place was none other than Professor Seguchi,
the man from my mother’s university. (p. 123-124)
For Shuya, the success of his desire to be admired and respected is the
most important thing, and he will try to get it regardless of how it is, even by
sacrificing Manami as an example of his guinea pig. To the degree that the driving
No, I had to get them to blame my mother. That was the only way to be sure she’d
come to see me. When I’d done my deed, I needed to find a way to get the eyes of the
world to turn toward her. But what did we have in common? Our genius, of course. So my
crime had to somehow demonstrate the intelligence and ability I inherited from
her…which meant it had to involve one of my inventions. (p. 125)
from people around him that he was a genius. In this research, Shuya„s character
shows an arrogant attitude that feels he is the most capable and feels what he is
doing is right. In the quote above, it shows Shuya trying to get a sign from Ms.
pride character will tend to feel what he is doing is right and it is very difficult for
Apart from creating a shocking coin purse, Shuya has also created several
mistreat animals to show his ability in creating execution machine, Shuya posted
his tools and the animals he persecuted on a website that he named as “Professor
Shuya claims that what he makes is useful, and according to Shuya, the
purse will help to take care of children's belongings. The pattern demonstrated by
pride is that they still assume that what they do is right and that it is difficult for
them to accept criticism from others. The sentence above is a rising action in
which Shuya, the main character, starts to encounter uncomfortable things for him,
When a murder is committed, some of the attention naturally goes to the murder
weapon. Knives or bats are boring. Even the Lunacy girl’s potassium cyanide could be
ordered online or stolen from school. In other words, the crime had relied on these tools
without leaving room to demonstrate the murderer’s own ability.
What would they say when they found out my weapon was something I’d invented
myself? Not to mention that it had won a prize at the National Middle School Science
Fair, the most wholesome place imaginable. (p. 126)
If people find out that Manami died because of the shocking coin
purse hanging around her neck, people will instantly realize that the guilty party is
Shuya, and the thing Shuya hopes most is that the news of this murder can
become a news issue that many Japanese people are talking about, so that the
related to a need for extrinsic recognition of successes, even if they don‟t say it
outright, pride people need praise and praise to keep afloat on their safety and
dignity. Therefore, they will seek external approval for everything they do, in a
constant but subtle manner, nor do they want to admit that they need other
people‟s opinions.
So now that I’d decided on the weapon, I just needed a victim. As a middle school
student in a dead-end town, I didn’t get around much. My spheres of activity were limited
to: 1) home; 2) my laboratory; and 3) school. As I’ve said before, if I committed the
murder at home or at my father’s shop, the blame would fall on him rather than on my
mother, even if it were committed with one of my inventions. I suppose I might have
chosen one of the kids who played by the river near the lab, but in fact the place had a
bad reputation and kids didn’t come all that often, so it wouldn’t be possible to plan
things as carefully as I’d like. That left school. Which was fine, since murders at school
always seem to get a lot of coverage in the media. (p. 126)
The goal to achieve success is the most important thing that must be
make him known through the Manami murder case has failed, as the police say
that Manami's death was accidental. So that Shuya returns to preparing another
thing that will make him look even more smart, namely by making a bomb he will
detonate at his school during Shuya's welcome ceremony for his victory at the
known to the entire school, it wasn't enough to satisfy him. So that he planned this
bombing, Shuya hoped that he would succeed in his mission this time and make
headlines across the world. Before carrying out his bombing, Shuya had made a
confession video of the suicide bombing that he had organized and posted a video
recording to his "Professor Genius" website. So people will know that Shuya, the
The arrogance of Shuya made him dare to do everything, even kill himself
with his homemade bomb, to get people's praise for his brilliance. To the extent
extrinsic recognition of successes, Shuya does not hesitate to do anything for the
So, who should it be? The truth is, I didn’t really care. I wasn’t interested in the
idiots and bumpkins in my class—I hardly knew their names—and I didn’t think the media
coverage would be much different whether I chose a student or a teacher. They’d go
crazy for either one.
Middle school student kills teacher!
Middle school student kills classmate!
They both sounded pretty good…but also a little boring at the same time. (p.
If people find out that Manami died because of the shocking coin
purse hanging around her neck, people will instantly realize that the guilty party is
Shuya, and the thing Shuya hopes most is that the news of this murder can
become a news issue that many Japanese people are talking about, so that the
related to a need for extrinsic recognition of successes, even if they don‟t say it
outright, pride people need praise and praise to keep afloat on their safety and
dignity. Therefore, they will seek external approval for everything they do, in a
constant but subtle manner, nor do they want to admit that they need other
people‟s opinions.
On the other hand, that wasn’t the only reason I ended up talking to him in the first
place. There was another element missing in my plan: a witness. What good was the
murder if no one realized I’d done it? And yet, it would look too foolish to turn myself in.
I needed someone who could follow me through the plan from beginning to end and then
give a full account to the police or the media. (p. 127)
eventually resulted in making Naoki the sole witness to the murder case. Where
Shuya takes advantage of Naoki's innocence, and makes Naoki believe that the
scheme they're planning is just a fun detective game for Naoki. From the start,
shuya never wanted to be friends with Naoki, he approached him only as the
person he needed as a witness and who would report the murder he committed
The above quote shows the attitude of a shuya who is willing to obtain
attention and clearly shows his skills. In the study of pride, this mentality can be
attitudes. Where Shuya's desire to be the main focus of the police and all mass
I had to avoid the complete idiots and the hangers-on seeking reflected glory. (p.
Shuya always thought he was the best, and everyone else was a bunch of
worthless idiots. His nature is very indifferent to others and his anti-social attitude
is one aspect of pride. He is more likely to like himself, and is more likely to be
Hubristic pride caused negative social outcomes, which are responsible for
the negative view of this emotion. It has no specific goal and it is the view of a
categorizes itself on the negative side of pride. Hubristic pride is associated with
words like “arrogant”, “pompous” and “egoistical” (Tracy & Robins, n.d.).
Then there were the idiots who had watched me decrypt their porn tapes but then went
around acting like they could do it themselves. (p. 127)
from people around him that he was a genius. In this research, Shuya„s character
shows an arrogant attitude that feels he is the most capable and feels what he is
doing is right. In the quote above, it shows Shuya trying to get a sign from Ms.
pride character will tend to feel what he is doing is right and it is very difficult for
Apart from creating a shocking coin purse, Shuya has also created several
mistreat animals to show his ability in creating execution machine, Shuya posted
his tools and the animals he persecuted on a website that he named as “Professor
Shuya claims that what he makes is useful, and according to Shuya, the
purse will help to take care of children's belongings. The pattern demonstrated by
pride is that they still assume that what they do is right and that it is difficult for
them to accept criticism from others. The sentence above is a rising action in
which Shuya, the main character, starts to encounter uncomfortable things for him,
Enjoy yourself while you can. You won’t be grinning when you see her dead on the
ground in front of you. He’d go running straight home, scared out of his mind, and tell his
mother. That would be perfect. Especially since I remembered having heard that she was
always complaining to someone about something. Apparently she wrote to the principal
at the drop of a hat about any little slight to her boy. Well, I was going to give her
something much bigger to worry about. (p. 129)
Someone who has a tendency for the pride characteristic, they always
believe that they are right. As shown by Shuya who kept trying to convince Yuko
Moriguchi that the purpose of making an electric purse was for a good cause and
In this quote, it can be seen that Shuya‟s pride character is depicted in the
Shuya character through his behavior and though pattern. In the story fragment
above, Shuya shows pride attitude towards his teacher Mrs. Yuko Moriguchi,
when Mrs. Yuko Moriguchi does not appreciate his device in the form of a purse
which has an electric shock that is passed through the zipper of the purse.
also post his machines in website that he named professor Genius through this
“Go ahead, tell everybody all about it.” Once I’d told him the most important thing,
I shook him off and turned to leave. (p. 130)
Shuya, who has intellect above average students of his age, is proud and arrogant,
he still sees other people as a bunch of fools, and what's worse, Shuya doesn't
hesitate to make the people around him like guinea pigs out of the machines he's
managed to build.
which is clear from the quotation that the overbearing pride is the anti-social and
I have nothing more to say to you, but your part begins now. This is the only reason
I spoke to an idiot like you in the first place, why I took you to my laboratory and let you
leave your nasty cookie crumbs all over. (p. 131)
Shuya proudly tells Mizuki what remarkable things Shuya has done, such
as making a weapon that he calls an execution machine that he uses to destroy and
torture animals in his environment, such as cats and dogs, which he then shares on
his website, which is aimed at having praise or even just a response on the
And Shuya was so proud to tell Mizuki about himself and his skills,
“Oh, I almost forgot. Don’t worry about them thinking you had anything to do with
this. We’ve never been friends. I can’t stand kids like you anyway— completely worthless
but full of yourself. Compared to a genius like me, you’re pretty much a complete failure.”
(p. 131)
Shuya claims that what he makes is useful, and according to Shuya, the
purse will help to take care of children's belongings. The pattern demonstrated by
pride is that they still assume that what they do is right and that it is difficult for
them to accept criticism from others. The sentence above is a rising action in
which Shuya, the main character, starts to encounter uncomfortable things for him,
behavior and though pattern. In the story fragment above, Shuya shows pride
attitude towards his teacher Mrs. Yuko Moriguchi, when Mrs. Yuko Moriguchi
does not appreciate his device in the form of a purse which has an electric shock
But it wasn’t. The victim’s mother, Moriguchi, found out the truth. About a month later,
she called me to the science room and showed me the rabbit pouch, which was now dirty
but intact. My wonderful invention, my murder weapon! I had succeeded after all! I
wanted to shout for joy! (p.133)
Someone who has a tendency for the pride characteristic, they always
believe that they are right. As shown by Shuya who kept trying to convince Yuko
Moriguchi that the purpose of making an electric purse was for a good cause and
Shuya claims that what he makes is useful, and according to Shuya, the
purse will help to take care of children's belongings. The pattern demonstrated by
pride is that they still assume that what they do is right and that it is difficult for
them to accept criticism from others. The sentence above is a rising action in
which Shuya, the main character, starts to encounter uncomfortable things for him,
Hubristic pride caused negative social outcomes, which are responsible for
the negative view of this emotion. It has no specific goal and it is the view of a
categorizes itself on the negative side of pride. Hubristic pride is associated with
words like “arrogant”, “pompous” and “egoistical” (Tracy & Robins, n.d.).
In this quote, it can be seen that Shuya‟s pride character is depicted in the
Shuya character through his behavior and though pattern. In the story fragment
above, Shuya shows pride attitude towards his teacher Mrs. Yuko Moriguchi,
when Mrs. Yuko Moriguchi does not appreciate his device in the form of a purse
which has an electric shock that is passed through the zipper of the purse.
also post his machines in website that he named professor Genius through this
But why? Why? Why did all these idiots insist on getting in my way? Why all the
recalcitrant pieces and parts? (p. 133)
Shuya always considered himself the smartest and everyone else was a
bunch of useless idiots. His attitude is very indifferent to others and anti-social is
one part of the attitude of pride. He is more likely to like himself which is more
demonstration of his skills. In the study of pride, this mentality can be defined as
Where Shuya's desire to become the main focus of the police and all mass media
I wasn’t sure why she was telling all those idiots when she hadn’t said anything to the
police, but at the very least it wasn’t a boring good-bye. (p. 133)
The goal of achievement is the most important thing that must be done, no
Mrs. Moriguchi tells us about the specifics of Manami's death and the real
reality that Manami's death was not an accident, but a murder committed by one
of the students of the class. When Mrs. Moriguchi discusses how the murderer did
the real murder, and all the eyes in the class are staring at Shuya, where the
weapon he uses to kill Manami is a bunny wallet that has an electrical shock
When all the focus of the class is on him, he doesn't feel guilty or scared
he's discovered to be a killer, but he's happy because what he needs most is
Shitamura didn’t show up for class, and the rest of the idiots left me alone for fear of
catching the virus, so all in all it was actually quite pleasant. (p. 134)
to destroy animals, to attract recognition and praise for his ability to create a
For Shuya, the success of his desire to be admired and respected is the
most important thing, and he will strive to get it whatever it is, even sacrificing
Manami as an example of her guinea pig. To the degree that the driving force of
Gradually, however, the idiots began their little campaign of stupid pranks. (p. 134)
In different ways, shuya is often trying to show off his genius as in the
how well they do everything and talking about their successes. In this case, the
from the quote that hubristic pride is the anti-social and narcissistic side of pride.
They’re idiots, but even idiots can be dangerous in a group. (p. 135)
Shuya doesn't have any friends at school because he's just a bunch of fools
who don't understand his genius and the things he makes. Hubristic pride caused
negative social outcomes, which are responsible for the negative view of this
oneself (Williams & DeSteno, 2008). With this it categorizes itself on the negative
side of pride. Hubristic pride is associated with words like “arrogant”, “pompous”
and “egoistical” (Tracy & Robins, n.d.). Hubristic pride is the anti-social and
I had spent the walk home after this encounter wondering how there could be so
many stupid human beings in the world, (p. 135)
Shuya doesn't have any friends at school because to him they are just a
bunch of idiots who don't understand his genius and the things he creates. In order
to win respect and recognition for his creativity, Shuya did all he could, including
attempting to destroy Manami, who was Mrs. Moriguchi. Shuya kills Manami
with his innovative weapon, which is a surprising coin bag with a higher voltage,
Maybe I should find a way to pay back all those idiots at school. (p. 137)
In a number of ways, shuya often tries to show off his genius as in the
adult video mostly watched by his classmates. Pride people often reinforce their
own self-image by constantly expressing how well they do everything and talking
For Shuya the success of his desire to be praised and appreciated is the
most important thing and he will try to get it regardless of how it is, including
sacrificing Manami as an example of her guinea pig. To the extent that a driving
recognition of successes.
anger, hostility, and aggressive behavior among those prone to hubristic pride
(Tracy & Robins, 2004, 2007b). Hubristic pride with tendencies to set
unrealistically high goals (as suggested earlier) would exacerbate such negative
mood states. Indeed, recent findings indicate that hubristic pride relates to higher
levels of aggression.
Shuya has no friends at school, but this isn't because no one wants to be
friends with Shuya, because he doesn't want to be friends with someone else.
According to Shuya, none of the students in his school were smart enough to be
friends with him. Shuya, who has intellect above average students of his age, is
proud and arrogant, he still sees other people as just a bunch of fools.
“egoistical” (Tracy & Robins, n.d.). Hubristic pride is the anti-social and
She was putting me on the same level as Shitamura. Could anything be more
humiliating? (p. 139)
The need for praise and appreciation makes Shuya try his best to be able to
create something that can amaze many people and give him credit for his abilities.
As he did in the sentence above, where Shuya tried to show the various machines
he had successfully created. Pride people are need praise to keep afloat on their
safety and dignity. Therefore they will seek approval for everything they do, in a
constant but subtle manner, nor do they want to admit that they need other
people‟s opinions.
Shuya thinks that he has won praise from Professor Seguci for his Shocking coin
purse. The need for praise is endless, making Shuya do everything he can to get
I had brought the Shocking Purse and the Backward Clock and my Lie Detector to
show my mother. Professor Seguchi smiled and led me off toward his lab, which was at
the eastern end of the building on the third floor—and right under Mother’s.
Once I had shown him the inventions, I could tell him I had actually come to see her.
He would say, You’re Jun Yasaka’s boy? No wonder you’re so smart! (p.140 - 141)
actions and pattern. In the story fragment above, Shuya shows pride in his teacher
Mrs. Yuko Moriguchi, when Mrs. Yuko Moriguchi does not appreciate his
machine in the form of a purse that has an electrical shock that passes through the
own hubris is likely to interfere with the wishes, needs and desires of others, in
nature of the actions of the person having this emotion. The three problems
associated with the prideful person are (1) it is a transient but addictive emotion;
(2) it is not related to a specific action and, therefore, requires altering patterns of
goal setting or evaluation around what constitutes success; and (3) it interferes
In this chapter, the researcher will provide conclusion from the analysis of
Kanae Minato‟s Confessions. All the analysis result will be highlighted and
mentioned as well. The researcher will give a suggestion for further study to this
A. Conclusion
Based on problem of the study, the result of the study, and the discussion
that has been done, the researcher could draw some conclusions as follows. The
named Shuya Watanabe, He's a genius student, but he doesn't have any friends,
Shuya likes to enjoy his own time, preferring to spend his time with the books and
objects he makes. Because of his intellect, Shuya was able to create a shocking
coin purse that won both city and national science competitions. Shuya did not
but he really wanted the praise and recognition of Professor Seguci, who is a
professor in science at one of the most famous campuses in the city. Shuya wanted
to show his genius and get a lot of praise for his abilities. In this case the
researcher conducted research on Shuya figures who focused on the topic of pride,
Based on the results of research on the Shuya character who focuses on the
according to Mrs. Moriguchi Yuko who is Shuya's class teacher. The hubristic
pride trait shown by Shuya is: (1) Shuya could not admit that he did anything
wrong, and he still believed that what he did was right., (2) Shuya is going to do
something to get praise Shuya wants so much praise, (3) Shuya has always been
focused on success at one‟s standards, rules and goals where the focus is on the
global self, (4) The trait of pride is also tending to be narcissistic, as seen by the
The results of further research were found based on the point of view of
the character Mizuki Kitahara who is the class leader. In this research, it was
found: (1) Shuya doesn't have any friends, this is because he is anti-social, he
doesn't want to be friends with anyone for Shuya, none of them are smart enough
and can be friends with Shuya. (2) When talking to other people, Shuya was more
Other research results were found from the point of view of the character
Naoki Shimamura, who Shuya made a witness in the Shocking coin purse
experiment against Manami. Through Naoki's point of view the researchers found:
(1) Shuya's trait is easy to insult and humiliate other people which makes his
B. Suggestion
illustration of how a character pride especially hubristic pride that can happen to
the people around us. In this novel, we will learn how the trait of someone who
really prides himself on his genius. Besides containing about Pride, this novel also
containing about the education system and how to characterize the social life of
high school students. For this reason, readers can make this novel as research
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