Significance of Load Flow Analysis

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Power system studies:

The planning, design, and operation of industrial and

commercial power systems require engineering studies to evaluate
existing and proposed system performance, reliability, safety, and
economics. Studies, properly conceived and conducted, are a cost-
effective way to prevent surprises and to optimize equipment
selection. In the design stage, the studies identify and avoid
potential deficiencies in the system before it goes into operation. In
existing systems, the studies help locate the cause of equipment
failure and mis-operation, and determine corrective measures for
improving system performance.
Power system is the most dynamic system in the world since
the demand changes each and every instant (from 150GW to
200GW). The rate at which converting any form of energy to
electrical energy and converting electrical energy to some other
form of energy has to match each and every instant. If the
conversion rate does not match, then the natural characteristics of
the power system (i.e., frequency) will deviate.

Types of buses:
Bus known quantity unknown quantity
Load or PQ bus Pg, Pd, Qg, Qd |V|, δ
Generator or PV bus Pg, Pd, Qd, |V| Qg , δ
Slack or swing bus Pd, Qd, |V|, δ Pg , Qg
Pg – real power generation, Qd – reactive power demand,
Pd – real power demand, |V| – voltage magnitude and
Qg – reactive power δ – voltage angle from the
generation, reference.
Load bus:
If there is no source available to regulate the voltage of the
bus, then it is said to be a load bus. We perform load flow to find
the bus voltage magnitude and angle. If the generators are
operating in MVAr mode and power factor controlling mode
(injects constant reactive power), then it is said to be a PQ or load
bus since does not regulate the bus voltage.
Generator bus:
If there is reactive power control source like generator, SVC
or STATCOM in the system is known as PV or Voltage Controlled
or Generator Bus. The bus voltage is fixed due to the presence of
voltage regulatory devices which injects reactive power to the bus
by means of various controls. eg : generator operating in a voltage
control mode.
Swing bus:
In practical, there is no physical existence of swing or slack
or reference bus. This is just a mathematical concept which may
not be true for large interconnected systems. In general, we assume
one or more PV buses to be a swing or slack bus. In swing source,
voltage magnitude and the voltage angle are provided. It doesn’t
mean that the generator maintains the voltage angle as zero. This
bus voltage angle is taken as the reference angle and all other bus
voltage angles are determined with respect to the reference bus. We
are also assume that swing bus has a infinite real and reactive
power capability both at positive as well as negative end which
means to regulate the bus voltage the swing source injects infinite
reactive power or it consumes infinite reactive power. It not the
practical case. In order to validate this case, after the convergence
of load flow it is inevitable to check whether the swing source has
generated real and reactive power that are well within its Pmax Pmin
and Qmax Qmin range.
Power System Analysis

Steady State Analysis Transient Analysis

• Load flow analysis 1. RMS (Root Mean Square) studies
• Short circuit analysis • Angular stability
• Grid islanding
• Static motor starting
• Load shedding
• Low-Voltage Ride-through studies
• Relay co-ordination
2. EMT (Electro-magnetic transients)
• Arc flash
• SFO – Slow front overvoltage
• Harmonic analysis
• FFO – Fast front overvoltage
• VFFO – Very Fast Front
Popular Software’s
• TRV – Transient Recovery Voltage
ETAP • Ferro Resonance
Digsilent powerfactory
Steady state analysis:
Steady-state analysis in power systems refers to the analysis
of the system's behaviour under balanced and stable operating
conditions, where the voltages, currents, and power remain
relatively constant over time. This type of analysis is essential for
understanding the normal and continuous operation of a power
system, without considering transient or dynamic effects.

Why Steady state analysis? (the reason for performing steady

state analysis.)
Steady state analysis lies as a foundation for the other studies.
➢ initialize the transient study
➢ to check the steady state stability of the system
➢ equipment rating suitable for normal operating condition
➢ equipment rating suitable for abnormal operating condition
for specified time period.
The most important need is to study the system behaviour in
a steady state condition and when at the steady state system if any
fault or contingencies or any abnormalities hits the system, the
system behaviour has to studied as a part of transient stability. Even
if the fault occurs with the same severity whether the system may
be stable or not also depends on the steady state stability.
Load Flow Analysis
Load flow is also referred to as power flow. This is the name
given to a network solution that predicts steady-state currents,
voltages, and real and reactive power flows through every branch
and bus in the system. Load-flow studies simulate operating
conditions that cannot practically be experienced on the actual
system because the system has not yet been built, because of the
practical constraints of time, or because it would be unwise to
expose the actual physical system to conditions that are potentially
damaging. The end objective of the load-flow study is not always
to arrive at hard, numerical performance parameters. Often the
objective is to gain insight into how the system performs over a
range of operating conditions. Power flows are an important part
of power system operation and planning.
Given the load power consumption at all buses of a known
electric power system configuration and the power production at
each generator, find the power flow in each line and transformer of
the interconnecting network and the voltage magnitude and phase
angle at each bus.


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