GEF ICI EoI Full+Package +updated +english+ +26.03.2020
GEF ICI EoI Full+Package +updated +english+ +26.03.2020
GEF ICI EoI Full+Package +updated +english+ +26.03.2020
The Inclusive Conservation Initiative is a pilot initiative of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) with the
goal of enhancing Indigenous Peoples’ and Local Communities’ (IPLCs) efforts to steward high-
biodiversity lands, waters and natural resources to deliver global environmental benefits (GEB).
Candidate Indigenous Peoples and Local Community organizations should meet the following criteria:
- IPLC organization with leadership, presence, partnerships and track record of successful work in the
priority geography (Indigenous territory, landscape/seascape) proposed for inclusion in the project.
- Capacity to take on the large-scale actions and Global Environmental Benefits (GEB) outcomes
required by the ICI project.
- Direct and substantial involvement in the implementation of at least some aspects of the ICI project
for that geography (not a pass-through).
- Capacity to manage funding levels associated with the priority geography project, or to develop this
capacity over the project term (with support from the ICI).
- Potential to bring co-financing and build synergies with the work of related initiatives.
- Organizations must have their own bank account and be authorized under relevant national laws to
receive charitable contributions.
Expressions of interest may be submitted for work in the following candidate geographical regions. Within
these eligible candidate regions, Expressions of Interest should focus on a defined geographical area at
the scale of a Indigenous territory, landscape/seascape.
Expressions of Interest will be selected based on the criteria listed in the Evaluation Criteria section below
and are not anticipated to include work in all of these candidate regions.
Candidate Geographical Regions
Africa East Africa Drylands, Coastal East Africa, Congo Basin
Americas Mesoamerica, Andes/Amazon, Southern Cone, Gran Chaco
Asia South East Asia (mainland), South East Asia (islands), Himalayas
Pacific Melanesia and Polynesia
Impact Strategies will be developed to ensure that investments achieve IPLC-led transformational impact
that generate the global environmental benefits. While strategies will be highly adapted to each context,
several main categories of work have been identified for the project. Expressions of Interest may address
multiple categories and these include:
Enhancing IPLC rights and governance of natural resources.
Improving management of natural and cultural resources in IPLC lands and territories.
Addressing the drivers of environmental degradation affecting IPLC sustainable development.
Supporting the economic and financial sustainability of IPLC-led conservation.
Period of Execution
On the ground project activities are expected between 2021-2025.
The GEF-7 Inclusive Conservation Initiative will invest approximately between $500,000 to $2,000,000 in
each candidate geographical region to implement a set of activities that yield substantial tangible and
transformative impacts. Budgets will be revised and refined to align with each Impact Strategy during the
full project design.
Cofinance will be required as verifiable counterpart resources. The counterpart may be made up of cash
funds, contributions in kind, or a mixture of both, from the organization presenting the proposal, co-
executors, allies or partners in the implementation of the project. Priority will be given to counterpart
resources that come from long-term commitments and are aligned or related to the objectives of the
project being financed.
Approximately 9 weeks after the deadline for the Expressions of Interest, a shortlist of organizations will
be prepared.
Evaluation Criteria
The Expressions of Interest submitted shall be evaluated on the basis of their responsiveness to each
part of the Expression of Interest Template, applying the evaluation criteria, sub-criteria, and point
system specified below. Each responsive expression of interest will be given a technical score. An
expression of interest shall be rejected if it does not respond to the important aspects of the Expression
of Interest Template.
The following criteria shall be used in the evaluation of technical proposals:
I. Experience & strengths relevant to the proposed Indigenous territory, landscape/seascape (30
In the following areas:
a. Importance of the Indigenous territory, landscape/seascape for biodiversity, with
additional consideration to climate benefits.
b. Geographical focus in an area managed by IPLCs under traditional governance systems.
c. Vulnerability of the proposed IPLC lands/waters/natural resources to threats.
d. Opportunities for ICI results – including enabling policy conditions, positive government
support and presence of successful IPLC-led conservation initiatives that could be scaled
e. Cofinance and synergies with existing investments.
f. Long term sustainability of proposed approach.
Note: Consideration will also be given to including a diversity of regions, ecosystems, cultures, and
ways of life across the portfolio as a whole.
II. Quality and ability of the proposed approach and interventions to achieve transformational impact
that generate the global environmental benefits (40 points),
In the following areas:
a. Quality of proposed approach and ability to support traditional structures, knowledge and
community practices in the delivery of global environmental benefits.
b. Potential of the proposed activities to achieve IPLC-led transformational impact that
generate global environmental benefits.
c. IPLC-led conservation that advances national and global environmental priorities.
d. Demonstrated gender mainstreaming in all activities.
e. Innovation and Potential to scale up.
III. Qualifications and experience of the Organization (30 points),
In the following areas:
a. Indigenous Peoples or Local Community organization legally recognized under national
b. Demonstrated on the ground leadership related to Indigenous Peoples and/or Local
Community Conservation.
c. Proven relevant experience in working with IPLC’ networks, alliances and organizations/
strength of partnerships on the ground.
d. Technical expertise and capacity to address environmental problems, root causes and
e. Project Management capacity.
f. Past project performance.
Relevant updates related to the selection process and the timeline will be posted on
Questions related to this call for Expressions of Interest as well as the responses will be posted on a
general discussion forum for the benefit of all applicants.
For general enquiries please email:
General Information
Name of organization:
Type of organization:
Country(ies): Territory(ies):
Phone: Fax:
2. How is the proposed Indigenous territory, landscape/seascape held under traditional IPLC governance?
What is its cultural importance? (1 page)
3. What main threats are affecting the area proposed (e.g. habitat loss and fragmentation, overexploitation,
exotic invasive species, climate change, and environmental pollution)? (1 page)
4. What are the existing successful IPLC led conservation initiatives in the proposed area that provide a
foundation for proposed project activities? (1 page)
5. How do national policies and government supported strategies support and create opportunities for the
proposed activities? (1 page)
6. What complementary activities and existing projects on the ground could bring co-finance to the Inclusive
Conservation Initiative (fill in table below)?
Name of
Description of Complementary Name of partner
existing Donor
activities organization
7. What is the potential for other types of co-finance that include in-kind, community contributions and
potential funding opportunities (½ page)
8. What specific activities and outcomes are proposed for support under this project? (1 page)
9. How will the project support the long-terms goals of the IPLC community/ies? What results are expected at
the end of project execution? (½ page)
10. How will the proposed activities relate to the main themes of the ICI project? (Rank boxes below):
11. What is the potential to support IPLC governance in underserved areas? (½ page)
12. To the best of your knowledge, what is the potential for the work proposed in this Expressions of Interest to
contribute to the GEF Core indicators for the Inclusive Conservation Initiative? Please add information to
the table below.
Potential of proposed
GEF 7 Core Indicators
13. What additional indicators, such as cultural or livelihoods indicators, are proposed for the project? (½ page)
14. What is the consistency of proposed activities with National Priorities such as the National Biodiversity
Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)? (½ page)
15. How will the proposed activities be gender inclusive? How will they increase gender equality and promote
women’s empowerment? (½ page)
16. As funding is available for a limited amount of time, how will the project’s activities continue to have impact
after the project finishes? (½ page)
17. Are the activities proposed achievable within a $500,000 to $2,000,000 USD budget range in a period of 5
years of project execution?
☐ Yes
☐ No
18. Please provide budget examples of similar projects implemented in the past.
19. Is the lead organization authorized under relevant national laws to receive charitable contributions?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If No, please describe
20. What are the main areas of expertise and capacity of staff /members of your organization and/or
community in relation to the activities proposed in this Expressions of Interest ?(1 page)
21. What IPLC partners and other organizations would be part of the project? (fill in table below)
23. Scale of on-going projects: What is the largest annual budget of any project that the organisation is
currently implementing? (select one):
☐ Less than US$1,000 per year
☐ US$1,000 to US$10,000 per year
☐ US$10,000 to US$100,000 per year
☐ US$100,000 to US$1 million per year
☐ More than US$1 million per year
24. Geographical reach: Which statement best describes the geographical reach of the organization (select all
that apply)?
☐ The organization has one or more IPLC-led projects but these are directed from its base in an urban
☐ The organization has one or more IPLC-led projects directed from local field offices.
☐ The organisation coordinates at least one network of local IPLC organizations, community-based
organizations or other civil society groups, which is active in one or more regions of the country.
☐ The organization coordinates at least one network of local IPLC organizations, community-based
organizations or other civil society groups, which is active nationwide.
☐ The organization coordinates at least one network of local IPLC organizations, community-based
organizations or other civil society groups, which is active in one or more countries.
☐ Other:
25. Diversity of Funding Sources: Which statement best reflects the situation within the organisation?
☐ All of the organisation's funding comes from a single source.
☐ The organisation's funding comes from at least two sources but a single source accounts for more than
☐ The organisation's funding comes from at least three sources, with no one source providing more than
☐ The organisation's funding comes from at least five sources, with no one source providing more than
☐ The organisation's funding comes from at least 10 sources, with no one source providing more than 20%
☐ Other:
26. Financial Reporting: Which statement best reflects the situation within the organisation?
☐ The organisation has no system for preparing financial reports and statements.
☐ The organisation has a system in place to produce financial reports and statements but these are
produced sporadically, in response to donor demand. No external audits are conducted.
☐ The organisation regularly produces financial reports and statements, which it makes available to the
board and management, but these are often incomplete or delivered late. External audits are conducted
on a periodic basis.
☐ The organisation regularly produces financial reports and statements, which it makes available to the
board and management, and which are usually complete and delivered on time. External audits are
conducted on an annual basis, and recommendations are implemented.
☐ The organisation regularly produces financial reports and statements, which it makes available to the
board and management, and which are always complete and delivered on time. External audits are
conducted on an annual basis, recommendations are implemented, and an annual financial report is
published and made publicly available.
☐ Other:
28. Does the organization have experience with GEF or other bilater/multilateral fiduciary and safeguard
☐ Yes
☐ No
To what extent?
Reference # 1
Project name: Approximate value of the contract (US$ or Euro):
Reference # 2
Project name: Approximate value of the contract (US$ or Euro):
Reference # 3
Project name: Approximate value of the contract (US$ or Euro):
1 This has been broadly assessed with reference to global level spatial data on High Biodiversity Hotspots, High Biodiversity Wilderness Areas,
global marine species richness (using data available for fish species), and global carbon storage (see PIF, including Maps 1-3 in Annex 1).
2 Regions with large (terrestrial and marine) areas under traditional IPLC governance have been broadly identified drawing on e xisting global
and regional data sources (such as Garnet et al. 2018 – see PIF Map 4 in Annex I) and expert inputs from the IPAG and the Project Agencies.
3 Candidate Geographic Regions were identified for Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Pacific, and reviewed to check that they span multiple
ecosystem types.
more refined criteria and broader consultations. Criteria included in the PIF for narrowing the initial list of
Candidate Geographic Regions and defining specific project geographies within them are:
Clear delivery potential of Global Environmental Benefits (with priority to biodiversity benefits in line
with the GEF biodiversity strategy, and additional consideration to climate benefits);
Significant (terrestrial and marine) areas held by IPLCs under traditional governance systems –
more detailed analysis drawing on regional data sources and consultations;
Vulnerability of these IPLC lands/waters to threats – in keeping with the GEF-7 strategy for
Inclusive Conservation;
Presence of IPLC organization(s) with interest and sufficient capacity to take on leadership and
management of IC work in that geography;
Opportunities for ICI results – including the presence of enabling policy conditions for IPLC-led
conservation, existence of successful IPLC-led conservation initiatives that could be scaled up with
project support, and positive government support for IPLC-led conservation;
Diversity of regions, ecosystems, cultures, and ways of life (e.g., forest, coastal/marine, pastoralist
livelihoods) across the portfolio;
Potential for co-financing and complementary activities to build synergies and magnify project
results, including from existing initiatives of the Implementing Agencies and GEF; and,
Consideration to avoiding duplication of effort and supporting underserved areas, in keeping with
project goals.
Related to this, the PiF also drafted a set of criteria for the selection of the IPLC Executing Agencies who
will lead design and implementation of the work in each priority geography. These are:
IPLC organization with leadership, presence, partnerships and track record of successful work in
the identified priority geography or geographies.
Capacity to take on the large-scale actions and GEB outcomes required by the ICI project.
Direct and substantial involvement in the implementation of at least some aspects of the ICI
project for that geography (not a pass-through).
Capacity to manage funding levels associated with the priority geography project, or to develop
this capacity over the project term (with support from the ICI).
Potential to bring co-financing and build synergies with the work of related initiatives.
1. Outreach and call for Expressions of Interest to IPLC organizations – March to May 2020
The project will develop and issue a call to IPLC organizations in the identified Candidate Regions for
Expressions of Interest to include specific geographies and initiatives in the development of the ICI full
proposal. The call will be based on the criteria for selection of the project geographies and will request
information sufficient to assess each expression of interest against those criteria. It will also request
information on proposed Executing Agencies and other partners, in relation to the criteria for EAs, as well
as on key proposed strategies and the Global Biodiversity Benefits these have potential to generate in
relation to the IC project targets. It is anticipated that, following the ISC meeting in late January, the call
for Expressions of Interest would be developed and issued in February, with responses requested by the
end of May.
2. Engagement with IPLC organizations and other stakeholders – January to May 2020
In addition to issuing a call, Implementing Agency representatives will participate in regional and global
meetings of IPLC organizations in the period January-April/May 2020 to share information about the
project and the call for Expressions of Interest, respond to questions, and gather wider inputs and
interests of IPLC organizations in relation to the ICI. Information about the project will also be shared
with other IPLC experts, Implementing Agency (IA) regional programs and other NGOs and donors,
including to enable these wider stakeholders to share information on points relevant to the selection
criteria. While IPLC and stakeholder engagement activities in the January-April/May period will focus on
the selection of geographies and related aspects of Component 1, engagement will continue throughout
the PPG in relation to all aspects of project development.
3. Analysis of information on the selection criteria for geographies – March to June 2020
The project will commission a consultant or consultants to distill available global and regional data on the
project criteria for selection of geographies for each Candidate Region. In addition to written resources,
the project will tap the expertise and experience of indigenous experts and regional and global programs
of IUCN and CI for information and analysis in relation to the ICI project criteria. The project will also
reach out to other global and regional organizations working on or supporting indigenous-led
conservation for data, analysis and information on related initiatives that create a baseline and/or offer
potential for co-financing with ICI work.
The information gathered will be distilled into a concise format that can be used to inform the review of
proposed project geographies received as Expressions of Interest. The consultant will also summarize
information received through the Expressions of Interest and present it in a format that allows for
comparison and prioritization in relation to the selection criteria.