Electrical Machines For Class Test-2docx

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1. Explain the construction of a DC Machine with neat sketch.

Stator:The stationary parts in the machine called stator parts

 Yoke
 Fieldpole
 Brushes
 Field Winding
Rotor: The rotating parts in the machine called rotor parts

 Shaft
 Armature core
 Armature winding
 Commutator
 It serves the purpose of outer most cover of
the dc machine. Also it gives mechanical
support to the poles.
 For small machine it is made by cast iron and large
machine made by rolled steel, cast steel and silicon
steel material in order to provide low reluctance path.
 Each pole divided into two parts pole and
pole shoe. Pole core carry a field winding
which is necessary to produce the flux.
 Pole shoe enlarges the area of armature core to come across the flux,
Which necessary to produce larger induced e.m.f.
 It is made up of cast iron or cast steel.
Field Winding:
 The winding is made up of copper material and it is former wound the pole
core of a field pole
Armature Core:

 A single circular lamination used for the construction of armature core.

 By cast iron or cast steel it is made up laminated

sheets in order to minimize eddy current loss.
 It provides house for armature winding i.e armature conductors.
Armature Winding:
 The winding wounded on the Armature core is called Armature Winding
 According to the way of connecting the conductors, armature winding has
basically two types,
a)Lap winding b)Wave winding

The basic nature of e.m.f induced in the armature conductors is
alternating. This need rectification in case of dc generator which is
possible by commutator

 Brushes are stationary and resting on the surface of the commutator.
 To avoid wear and tear of commutator, brushes are made up of soft material like
 To collect current from commutator and make it
available to the stationary external circuit.
 Ball-bearings are usually used as they are more
reliable. For heavy duty machines, roller bearings are

2. Explain the working principal of a DC Generator

Generator Principle of operation: It works on the principle of
“Faradays Law of Electromagnetic Induction” Whenever moving coil placed
in magnetic field it induces an E.M.F gets induced in the coil

So a generator action requires following:

i) The conductor of a coil
ii) The flux
iii) The relative motion between conductor and flux.

Consider a single turn loop ABCD rotating clockwise in a uniform magnetic

field with a constant speed as shown in Fig. As the loop rotates, the flux linking
the coil sides AB and CD changes continuously. Hence the
E.M.F. induced in these coil sides also changes but the E.M.F. induced in one
coil side adds to that induced in the other.
(i)When the loop is in position no. 1, the generated E.M.F. is zero because the
coil sides (AB and CD) are cutting no flux but are moving parallel to it.
(ii)When the loop is in position no. 2, the coil sides are moving at an angle to
the flux and, therefore, a low E.M.F. is generated as indicated by point 2.
(iii) When the loop is in position no. 3, the coil sides (AB and CD) are at right angle
to the flux and are, therefore, cutting the flux at a maximum rate. Hence at this
instant, the generated E.M.F. is maximum as indicated by point 3.
(iv) At position 4, the generated E.M.F. is less because the coil sides are cutting
the flux at an angle.
(v) At position 5, no magnetic lines are cut and hence induced E.M.F. is zero as
indicated by point 5 .
(vi) At position 6, the coil sides move under a pole of opposite polarity and
hence the direction of generated
E.M.F. is reversed. The maximum E.M.F. in this direction will be when the
loop is at position 7 and zero when at position 1. This cycle repeats with each
revolution of the coil.

3. Explain the working principal of a DC Motor.

DCMOTOR: It is a machine which converts electrical energy into
mechanical energy.
4. Explain the construction of a Transformer.
Construction of a Transformer
There are two basic parts of a transformer:
1. Magnetic core
2. Winding or coils
MAGNETIC CORE: The core of a transformer is either square or
rectangular in size. It is further divided in two parts. The vertical portion on
which the coils are bound is called limb, while the top and bottom horizontal
portion is called yoke of the core as shown in fig.
Core is made up of laminations. Because of laminated type of construction,
eddy current losses get minimized. Generally high grade silicon steel
laminations (0.3 to 0.5 mm thick) are used. These laminations are insulated
from each other by using insulation like varnish. All laminations are
varnished. Laminations are overlapped so that to avoid the airgap at the

WINDING: There are two windings, which are wound on the two limbs of
the core, which are insulated from each other and from the limbs as shown in
below fig The windings are made up of copper, The winding which is
connected to the load is called secondary winding and the winding which is
connected to the supply is called primary winding. The primary winding has
N1 number of turns and the secondary windings have N2 number of turns.

5. Explain the principle of operation of a transformer with neat Sketch?

A transformer operates on the principle of mutual inductance, between two
(and sometimes more) inductively coupled coils. It consists of two windings
in close proximity as shown in Fig. The two windings are coupled by
magnetic induction. (There is no conductive connection between the
windings). One of the windings called primary is energized by a sinusoidal
voltage. The second winding, called secondary feeds the load. The
alternating current in the primary winding sets up an alternating flux in the
core. The secondary winding is linked by most of this flux and E.M.F’s are
induced in the two windings. The E.M.F. induced in the secondary winding
drives a current through the load connected to the winding. Energy is
transferred from the primary circuit to the secondary circuit through the
medium of the magnetic field.

In brief, a transformer is a device that:

(i) Transfers electric power from one circuit to another ;
(ii) It does so without change of frequency; and
(iii) It accomplishes this by electromagnetic induction (or mutual
6. Explain the construction details of a Salient pole and Non Salient pole
Synchronous machine.
A synchronous generator, also called alternator, is a most widely used
electric generator that produces alternating current supply. It is the main
component of every power generating station.
A Synchronous machine generator has two essential parts namely,
Stator − It is a stationary part of the machine and carries the armature
Rotor −It is the rotating part of the machine. The rotor of a synchronous
machine produces the main field flux.
Stator Construction: The stator of a synchronous machine includes various
parts like frame, stator core, stator windings and cooling mechanisms, etc. The
frame is the outer part of the machine, and made up of cast iron for small-
sized machines, and of welded steel for large-sized machines. The frame
encloses the whole machine assembly and protects it from mechanical and
environmental impacts.

Based on the rotor construction, the synchronous generators are of two types
1) Cylindrical Rotor Synchronous Generator
2) Salient Pole Rotor Synchronous Generator

However, both types of generators are similar in stator construction. The

stator of both types of generators consists of a three-phase winding
distributed over its inner periphery.
Cylindrical Rotor Synchronous Generator:
When the rotor of a synchronous generator has non-salient pole or smooth
cylindrical construction, the generator is called cylindrical rotor synchronous
generator or cylindrical rotor alternator. In the cylindrical rotor alternator,
the rotor has a smooth cylinder made of solid forged steel and has a number
of slots on its outer periphery. The rotor winding is placed in these slots. The
cylindrical rotor has smooth surface because there is no poles projected on it.
Hence, it maintains a uniform air-gap between the stator and rotor in the
alternator. The cylindrical rotor synchronous generators are usually driven
by steam turbines and mostly used in very high speed applications such as
turbo alternators.
Salient Pole Rotor Synchronous Generator:
When the synchronous generator uses a projected pole type rotor, it is
known as salient pole rotor synchronous generator or salient pole alternator.
In a salient pole alternator, the rotor poles are made of steel laminations and
are fixed to the rotor hub. This type of rotor has rotor poles that are
physically separated. Each pole carries a concentrated excitation winding.
The salient pole rotor is usually used in alternators having 4 poles or more.
The salient pole alternators are mainly used in the applications where the
speed of the prime mover is less because at high speeds the centrifugal
forces will be large and may damage the poles of the rotor.

7. Explain the working principle of an alternator with neat sketch.

Working Principle and Operation of Alternator:
The fundamental working principle of an alternator is same as the DC
generator i.e as DC generator an alternator or synchronous generator work
on the principle of Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction.
The Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction states that when conductor
is placed in the rotating magnetic field an electromagnetic force (EMF) is
induced in it. There is lots of similarity between an alternator and DC
generator but there is one difference between them.

Both DC generator and alternator consist of the Armature winding and
Field winding
In case of DC generator the armature winding is placed on the rotor and
field winding is placed on the stator i.e armature rotates. But in case of the
alternators the armature winding is placed on the stator part and field
winding is placed on the rotor and it is connected to the DC supply.
The direction of the generated EMF can be determined by the Fleming’s
right rule and the frequency of it is given by,

Ns is the synchronous speed in RPM
P is the number of rotor poles.
The magnitude of the generated voltage depends upon the speed of rotation
of the rotor and the DC field excitation current. For the balanced condition,
the generated voltage in each phase of the winding is the same but differ in
phase by 120° electrical.

8. Explain the Construction details of a three phase induction motor.

A 3-phase induction motor has two main parts:
1. Stator
2. Rotor
The rotor and stator are separated by a small air gap ranges from 0.5 mm to
4 mm depending on the power rating of the motor.
Stator of Three Phase Induction Motor:
The stator is the stationary part of the motor. It consists of a steel frame
which encloses a hollow cylindrical core. The core of the three phase
induction motor is made up of thin laminations of silicon steel to reduce the
eddy current and hysteresis losses.

A number of equally spaced slots are provided on the inner periphery of the
laminated core as shown in the figure. The insulated conductors are placed
in these stator slots and are connected in a suitable manner to form a
balanced 3-phase star or delta connected stator winding.

When a balanced 3-phase supply is fed to the stator winding a rotating

magnetic field (RMF) of constant magnitude is produced and this RMF
induces currents in the rotor circuit by electromagnetic induction.

Rotor of Three Phase Induction Motor:

The rotor of an induction motor is a hollow cylindrical laminated core,
having slots on its outer periphery. The rotor windings are placed in these
rotor slots.

Depending upon the winding arrangement, the rotor of a 3-phase induction

motor is of two types –
1. Squirrel Cage Type Rotor
2. Wound Type or Slip-Ring Type Rotor
Squirrel Cage Type Rotor

Squirrel Cage Type Rotor:

The squirrel cage rotor consists of a cylindrical laminated core having
slots on its outer periphery which are nearly parallel to the shaft axis or
skewed. An insulated copper or aluminium bar (rotor conductor) is
placed in each slot.
At each end of the rotor, the rotor bar conductors are short-circuited by
heavy end rings of the same material (see the figure). This forms a
permanently short circuited winding which is indestructible. This entire
arrangement resembles a cage which was once commonly used for
keeping squirrels and hence the name.
Those 3-phase induction motors which employed squirrel cage rotor are
known as squirrel cage induction motors.

Those 3-phase induction motors which employed squirrel cage rotor are
known as squirrel cage induction motors.
Wound Rotor or Slip Ring Rotor
The slip ring rotor consists of a laminated cylindrical armature core. The
slots are provided on the outer periphery and insulated conductors are put
in the slots. The rotor conductors are connected to form a 3-phase
winding similar to the stator winding. The rotor windings are connected
in star fashion (see the figure).
The open ends of the star circuit are taken outside the rotor and
connected to three insulated slip rings. The slip rings are mounted on the
rotor shaft with brushes resting on them. Here, the slip rings and brushes
are used to provide a mean for connecting external resistors in the rotor

9. Explain the principle of operation of a Three phase induction motor.

When a three phase supply is given to the three phase stator winding, a rotating
magnetic field of constant magnitude is produced. The speed of this rotating
magnetic field is synchronous speed, Ns rpm. The R.M.F. gets cut by rotor
conductors as R.M.F. sweeps over rotor conductors. Whenever conductor cuts the
flux, E.M.F. gets induced in it according to Faraday’s Law of electro-magnetic
induction. As rotor forms closed circuit, induced E.M.F. circulates current through
rotor called rotor current whose direction is given by Lenz’s law. According to
Lenz’s law the direction of induced current in the rotor is so as oppose the cause
producing it. The cause of rotor current is the induced e.m.f. which is induced
because of relative motion present between the rotating magnetic field and the
rotor conductors. Hence to oppose the relative motion i.e. to reduce the relative
speed, the rotor experiences a torque in the same direction as that of R.M.F. and
tries to catch up the speed of rotating magnetic field.

Ns = Speed of rotating magnetic field in r.p.m.
N = Speed of rotor i.e. motor in r.p.m.
Ns - N = Relative speed between the two, rotating magnetic field and the
rotor conductors. Thus rotor always rotates in same direction as that of

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