Bibliography 2
Bibliography 2
Bibliography 2
It is all about the industrialization These problems threaten the human. So, environmental As we know humans are creating
and increasing population, protection or in a wider meaning nature conservation gardens or some other thing that
pressures on natural resources became a very important duty for the human in this related in soil that's why it is
Inanc S et al. 2018 The impact of have rised, soil, water and air have century. The duty is aspecial action against eradication of important to humans this kind of
forest in climate been polluted. living base for the organism’s forest ecosystems are of problem also we know that
change course economical natural resources. Forests help to slow the rate of
climate change by removing
carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere and storing it.
Special issue of forests with Management strategies often produce very different They are using a vivid
respect to maintenance of types of forests, including protected areas for recreation information about of their topic
Biodiversity biological diversity. Eight papers and/or conservation of biodiversity. Zheng and Ouyang that's why I can say that if you
conservation in comprise this special issue and use a variety of modelling approaches to assess the see or read their work, you can
Fredericksen T. 2021 managed forests span a wide range of topics usefulness of key indicators of biodiversity in forests for understand easily.
including ecological indicators of conservation planning. Also Cote el at. Provide a
biodiversity and naturalness in conceptual model to assess the naturalness of forests in
forests. boreal forests of Qubec, Canada.
Forests regeneration is a key Ensuring regeneration for adequate density and growth of They're have a lot of member
element in achieving sustainable conifers is one of the most challenging issues of boreal that contribute of this research
forest management. Partial harvest forest management. They're studying provides a better just to make it perfect and to see
methods have been used understanding of the regeneration process in black spruce if the results or procedure are
extensively in temperate broadleaf dominated stands. They demonstrated that the check.
Conifer and mixed wood ecosystems to experimental shelter wood and seed-tree systems
regeneration after promote regeneration on poorly followed by scarification are effective treatments for
Girona M et al. 2018 experimental stocked sites and maintain forest promoting regeneration in spruce-moss forest
shelter wood and composition and productivity. ecosystems. Black spruce regeneration was favored over
seed-tree However, their effectiveness in balsam fir regeneration. The highest seedling densities
treatments in promoting conifer established in were observed in the experimental shelter wood and
boreal forests: managed boreal forest, especially seed-tree treatments. Soil disturbances were a key factor
finding those dominated by black spruce in the establishment success of black spruce, and
silvicultural ( Picea mariana (Mill) BSE. insolation did not influence seedling density and growth,
alternatives 10 years after cutting. Shelter wood and seed-tree
systems followed by scarification enable an adequate
regeneration in black spruce stands, confirming these
treatments as viable silvicultural alternatives to clear-
cutting when required by sustainable forest management
It is a system of uneven-aged The study involves an experimental forest (property of This is the time that we need to
forest management consistent with the University of Agriculture in Cracow, Poland) with an tree planting, if we want to
the principles of close-to-nature area of 455.86 ha, located in the Western harvest some of the tree we also
silviculture with treatments Carpathians.Data about stand characteristics and need to replant.
adopted to the requirements of development processes, including regeneration, survival
An Example of individual tree stands, depending and removal, were obtained by measurements conducted
Uneven-Aged on their development phase, at 10-year intervals on 413 permanent sample plots in the
Banás J et al. 2018 Forest growing stock volume, DBH years 1976–2016, resulting in a total of four
Management for distribution and regeneration status measurement periods. In the first period (1976–1986),
Sustainable harvesting intensity was low at 2.16 m3/ha/year but
Timber Harvesting subsequently increased with the development of growing
stock, higher volume increments and improved age and
species structure, to finally reach 10.34 m3/ha/year in
2006–2016. The mean volume of timber harvested over
the entire study period was 6.12 m3/ha/year,
corresponding to 65.2% of the volume increment and
2.8% of the total growing stock. Management by the
close-to-nature silviculture method had a positive impact
on the forest characteristics. The improved species and
age structure and the increased volume increment and
growing stock translated into greater stand productivity
without detriment to the implementation of non-timber
forest functions.
Over the past three decades, there Based on high carbon emissions in recent years (i.e., It is like taiwan is always stricken
has been continuing concern about about 11 metric tons in 2018) per capital in terms of of global warming.
global warming, which is triggered carbon dioxide equivalents, Taiwan has actively
Tsai W. 2020 Article Forest by the emission of greenhouse development greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction action
Resource gases (GHG) from anthropogenic plans. One of the action plans has been to promote
Management and activities, including the energy, afforestation and reforestation in non-forested lands for
Its Climate- industrial processes, agriculture, carbon sequestration.the forest resources in Taiwan by
Change Mitigation and waste management sectors. using the latest national survey, reporting on an
Policies in Taiwan Consequently, the occurrence of interactive analysis of forest carbon sequestration, GHG
extreme climate events has emissions, and climate-change mitigation policies. In this
increased in frequency, intensity, regard,the methodology is based on the official websites
spatial extent, duration, and of forest resources, GHG emissions, and carbon
timing, making weather patterns sequestration from the yearbooks, national statistics, and
unpredictable. According to the regulations relevant to the mitigation policies in the
Kyoto Protocol in 1997, the main forestry sector. It is found that Taiwan’s forest area is
GHG include carbon dioxide estimated to be 2.197 million hectares, which
(CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous corresponds to a total forest stock volume of about 502.0
oxide (N2O), and fluorinated gases million cubic meters.
Today, it has been reported by the More than half of the total world’s population lives in Some urban peoples are doing
UN that more than half of the urban areas, and it is expected that 66% of all them will illegal logging just to feed their
population in the world lives in live in urban areas by 2050. The population growth and families. That's why the
Towards Green urban areas (United Nations, continuing urbanization in the world cause many social, population is always increasing.
Smart Cities: 2015). The overall growth of the economic, technical, and organizational problems related That the government need more
Ucar Z. et al 2020 Importance of world’s population and continuing to transportation, businesses, communication networks, transportation and communication
Urban Forestry urbanization increase complexity services, and utilities that can risk the cities’ economic because of the doing of the
and Urban in cities, including a huge number and environmental sustainability. Recently, a smart city humans.
Vegetation of interrelated citizens, businesses, concept has been developed to provide a solution to
different forms of transports, improve citizens’ quality of life in urban areas with the
communication networks, adoption of smart and digital technologies and
services, and utilities (Neirotti et infrastructure for energy, water, mobility, buildings, and
al., 2013). Although urbanization government. The smart city concept considers “zero
has become attractive by providing vision” that refers to the use of smart city technologies,
many opportunities including Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs)
employment, education and and Internet of Things (IoT) tools, to minimize negative
cultural and social amenities, it impacts (i.e., zero traffic accident, zero CO2 emission,
also brings along the increased zero waste, zero crime) in the cities.
need for infrastructure such as
educational facilities, health
services, transportation services,
demand for housing and roads, and
cultural amenities (United Nations,
2015; Mundoli et al., 2017; Okai
et al., 2018).
Forests cover nearly 40% of The number of forestry holdings, size of landholding, It is a survey that they're doing in
European land, with different and ownership types influence and drive forest europe to see the result of forest
Maesano M et al. 2018 Forest certification country percentage and patchy management, governance and various other socio- map
map of Europe distribution and are characterized economic linked issues. Moreover, forest owners
by various management practices determine management objectives and policies which
for different forest types and influence the application of Sustainable Forest
ownership categories. Generally, Management (SFM) practices. Several tools were
the current situation of forest developed to promote SFM, including forest
management in Europe reflects the certification.Numerous forest certification schemes are
large variety of environmental, present across the world but the Forest Stewardship
economic and societal conditions Council (FSC) and the Programme for the Endorsement
that has developed throughout the of Forest Certification (PEFC) are those prevalent.
history (Sands 2005).
Non-timber forest products A total of 811 species have been screened that has
( NTFPs) are important resources significant potential for the state, the categorized in 18
Richness of non- for sustenance of rural groups as per their use. The family use value was highest
timber forest communities; a systematic of Asteraceae (FUV=76.75). Among plants part used,
products in planning to manage diverse whole plants, roots ( including rhizomes and tubers
Masoodi H et al. 2020 communities- NTFPs may immensely contribute
diversity, to food and livelihood security of
distribution, use forest dwellers, considering this,
pattern and the present study has been
conservation undertaken in the himachal
status pradesh state in north india. It aims
to provide detailed information on
diversity, distribution, use pattern
and conservation status of selected
The sumatran orangutan is Rehabilitation and reintroduction of ex-captive or The sumatran and other
currently listed by the IUCN as displaced individuals; and protection of their forest endangered species are needed
Conservation critically endangered and the habitat to abate threats like deforestation and hunting is welfare to care for them. Because
strategies for bornean species as endangered. the main strategies are being pursued to conserve they're like a gold to the eyes of
orangutans: Unless effective conservation are orangutan.These strategies are often mirrored in similar some animal hunter.
Wilson H et al. 2014 reintroduction enacted quickly, most orangutan programs to save other valued and endangered mega-
versus habitat populations without adequate fauna.Also habitat protection involves addressing
preservation and protection face a dire future. complex conservation issues and conflicting needs at the
the benefits of landscapelevel
sustainably logged
Governance This paper analyses the occurrence Based on european-wide online survey, public and It's all about the type of
innovations for of governance innovations for private forest owners and managers representing governance that engage in
forest ecosystem forest ecosystem service ( FES) different property sizes indicate what type of governance investigate the forest innovation
Mann C et al. 2022 service provision- provision in the forest sector in innovation activities they engage in and why. To system.
insights from the europe and the factors that investigate forestry innovations as systems, the analysis
EU- wide survey influence innovation development. focuses on biophysical, social and technical factors
influencing innovation development.
Western Mindanao State University
College of Forestry and Environmental Studies
San Ramon, Zamboanga City
In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Subject of Technical Writing (TP 101)
Annotated Bibliography
Submitted by:
Ruthie Rhea P. Maglangit
BS F -2
Submitted to:
Juf-Relan D. Labacanacruz