Biology Assignment 2 Class X

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Structure of the Human Brain

1. The brain is protected by the cranium or brain box and the

meninges. The meninges are three
layers-dura mater, arachnoid and pia mater. The brain has three main parts-cerebrum, cerebellum
and medulla oblongata.
2. The cerebrum is the largest portion of the brain. It is divided into the right and left hemispheres called
the cerebral hemispheres.
3. The outer surface of the hemispheres is convoluted.
4. The outer portion of the cerebrum contains cell bodies of neurons and since they are greyisn,
called the grey matter.
5. The inner portion of the cerebrum consists of white matter which mainly, contains the axons
6. The two cerebral hemispheres are joined by a band of nerve fibres called corpus callosum.
7. The cerebrum is a very important part of the brain. It helps in thinking. reasoning, memorising,t
controls our voluntary actions. The sense organs are also linked to the cerebrum.
below the large cerebrum.
8. The cerebellum is present just
9It also has an outer cortex made of grey matter and white matter in the middle. It mainly helps in
maintaining balance and coordinates muscular activity.
10. The medulla oblongata is the lowest portion ofthe brain. It continues as the spinal cord. It controls
activities like beating of the heart, breathing rate and many other internal organs.

Cerebral hemisphere

Corpus callosum

Forebrain Thalamus-

Pituitary gland
Medulla oblongata-
Spinal cord

Fig. Parts of the human brain (Sagital Section)

Cerebral hemisphere

Corpus callosum

Forebrain Thaiamus

Pituitary gland-
Hindbrain Cerebellum
Medulla oblongata-
Spinal cord

Fig. Major functions of the human
Ihe brain is divided into three regions: (i) Forebrain, (i) Midbrain and (iii) Hindbrain.
forebrain consists of cerebrum (which has been described), thalamus and hypothalamus (lies
the base of the thalamus). The thalamus coordinates sensory and motor signals and the hypothalamus
controls body temperature and secretes hormones.
he midbrain is present between the thalamus/hypothalamus and the pons. It contains centres which

regulate the movement of the eyes.

he hindbrain consists of pons, cerebellum and medulla. The medulla and cerebellum have been
described in the structure of the brain. The pons consists of fibres that interconnect different regions
of the brain.
It connects the cerebellum and medulla with the cerebrum through the midbrain.
Structure of the Human Heart
1. The human heart is a muscular organ protected by a membrane called the pericardium. It is a double
walled membrane which has pericardial fluid.
2 It has four chambers. The upper two chambers are called atria or auricles and the two lower chambers
which are larger are called ventricles. They have muscular walls. The walls of the ventricles are thicker
than the auricles.
3 There is a septum present between the atria and the ventricles which separates them. It is called atrio-
ventricular septum.

Vena cava
Pulmonary artery
Pulmonary vein
Sinoatrial node . Left atrium

Right atrium
Atrio-ventricular node
Bundle of HIS

Left ventricle
Right ventricle Interventricular septum


Fig. Section of a human heart

Ths auricle and ventricle of the same side are connected and the openings are guarded by valves. The
valve between the right auricle and right ventricle is called the tricuspid valve and the valve between
the left auricle and lett ventricle is called the bicuspid valve.
sVarious blood vessels bring blood towards the heart and also carry blood away from the heart.
There is a band of muscles in the corner of the right auricle called the sino-atrial node (SAN) near
the opening of the venacava.
There is a band of muscular tissue present in the lower side of the right atrium called as the atrio-
ventricular node (AVN).
atrio-ventricular septum called bundle of HIS. This
88. There is a bundle of fibres which is present in the
called Purkinje fibres.
divides into branches which spread over the ventricles. These are

Functioning of the Human Heart

to the contraction and relaxation
The human heart beats 72 times per minute. The heartbeats correspond
because of this and the rhythmic
of the auricles and the ventricles. The blood circulates within the heart
the blood from the heart
contraction and relaxation of the chambers is also responsible for pumping
to various parts of the body. The heart beat is initiated at
the SA node.
There is a complete separation of the oxygenated and deoxygenated
blood in the human heart.
and it is poured into the
The vena cava brings the deoxygenated blood from various parts of the body
ventricle. The blood from the right
right auricle. From the right auricle the blood goes into the right
arteries. The oxygenated
ventricle goes to the lungs for oxygenation with the help of the pulmonary
From the left auricle it goes to
blood is brought to the left auricle with the help of pulmonary veins.
blood throughout the
the left ventricle and then into the dorsal aorta which distributes the oxygenated
valves. The valves in the heart prevent the
body. The aorta and pulmonary arteries are provided with
back flow of blood. This system of circulation in the human heart is called double
Structure of the Human Urinary System
The urinary systenm consists of the following parts
) Kidneys
(i) Ureters
(ii) Urinary bladder
(iv) Urethra

() Kidneys are reddish brown coloured, bean-shaped structures present on either side of the vertebral

column, in the abdominal cavity.

(ii) Each kidney weighs about 120-170g and measures about 10-13 cm in length.
(in) It has an outer convex surface and inner concave surface. Towards the middle of the concave surface
there is a depression called hilum from which ureter, blood vessels and nerves enter into the kidnev.
(iv) The kidney is enclosed in a tough layer called capsule.
()The kidney internally shows the presence ofan outer cortex and an inner medulla.
(vi) Each kidney has millions of microscopic tubular structures called nephrons.

Renal cortex

Column of Bertini

Renal Pelvis
Renal artery
Renal sinus
Renal vein

Renal Papilla
Renal Pyramid

Fig. L.S. of kidney

These are a pair of ducts each of which arises from a kidney and ends in the urinary biadder.

Urinary bladder
This is a muscular bag-like structure in which the urine collects and it gets stretched. The urine is
thrown out of the body from time to time.
The urinary bladder leads into the urethra which is a narrow tube. At the end of the urethra
is present through which the urine is
an opening
expelled out.
Functioning of the Human Urinary System
Each kidney has millions of nephrons which are tubular
structures and act like filters. The arterial
blood laden with nitrogenous waste reaches the
kidneys. The blood is filtered in the nephron, and the
useful materials are reabsorbed. The waste is retained in the
kidneys to be passed to the ureters and
then the urinary bladder. The blood without the waste then
goes back into circulation.

Renal artery
Renal vein

Inferior vena cava

Dorsal aorta



Fig. Human urinary system

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