Effect of Yoga On Hypertension: July 2016
Effect of Yoga On Hypertension: July 2016
Effect of Yoga On Hypertension: July 2016
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6 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Vungarala Satyanand on 14 July 2016.
Yoga is a remedy and highly effective in the treatment of high blood pressure. The present study
aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of yoga in the treatment of high blood pressure. 100 subjects
with complaints of high blood pressure attending the outpatient department of cardiology of
Narayana medical college and hospital, Nellore are recruited into the study and after obtaining
informed consent, yoga session was conducted in Narayana Yoga and Naturopathy Medical College
and Hospital for a period of 12 weeks. The same number of age/sex matched control group with
high blood pressure were also enrolled and kept without yoga techniques. During the period of
treatment the symptom relief in the subjects is assessed periodically by a sphygmomanometer.
Yoga is proved to be a best method to treat high blood pressure.
to uncontrolled Hypertension. [2] Cardiovascular
Now a day’s High blood pressure is one among diseases prevalence is high in Indians, among these
the leading contributors to burden of disease an important modifiable risk factor is hypertension.
globally. [1] Almost 80 million U.S adults are [3]
According to JNC-7, the definition of
suffering with High blood pressure currently. With hypertension is SBP as 140mmHg or higher or
less than half of those are having controlled DBP as 90mmHg or higher or both. Whereas
hypertension, 62% of Cardio vascular diseases <120mm of Hg as SBP and<80mm of Hg as DBP
and 49% of Ischemic heart disease are caused due is considered as normal blood pressure [4].Yoga is
Narayana Medical Journal Volume-5 | Issue-1 | January-June 2016
derived from the Sanskrit word “YUJ”, means to Method and procedure:
attach, to join or to unite. According to Patanjali
The study was conducted with 100
Maharshi “yoga chitha vritti nirodhah”, means
subjects for a period of 3 months. The patients
yoga controls the activities of mind. [5]Yoga is a
were recruited from the Out Patient of cardiology
beneficial multifunctional therapeutic modality in
department and these patients were daily
the treatment of variety of psychological and
subjected to yoga session. The study protocol was
medical conditions such as depression, anxiety,
executed after approval by the Institutional Ethical
post traumatic stress disorder, hypertension,
Committee. Informed consent was obtained from
cardiovascular diseases, bronchial asthma,
study participants. All subjects were screened by
COPD, Diabetes Mellitus, hypercholesterolemia
taking a medical history and clinical examination.
etc. [4,5]In a research study, it states that yoga
modulates the physiological system of the body, The same number of age/sex matched
and effects specifically on the heart rate. This control group with high blood pressure were also
review is significant because yoga presents an enrolled and kept without yoga techniques. Both
effective method of treating hypertension that is groups were advised to continue their regular
non pharmacologic and therefore there are no medicines. Their Blood Pressure recorded at their
adverse effects and there are other valuable health first visit and thereafter before and after the yoga
benefits [6]. Stress is one of the predisposing factors session for every 5 days. The Blood Pressure
for hypertension. Hypertension is a leading risk measurements were recorded by using digital
factor for mortality and ranked 3rd as a cause of Blood Pressure apparatus with the subject seated.
disability adjusted life years. Yoga reduces the
cortisol levels thereby stress is reduced. Yoga Inclusion criteria: Adult patients suffering
promotes the flexibility of the arteries and reduces from obesity, hypertension and dyslipidemia
the rigidity of the arteries and also promotes the either singly or in combination, two or all the
free flow of blood in the arteries thus resulting in three, have been included in this study.
control of hypertension. [7] Meditation and Exclusion criteria: Patients suffering from
relaxation techniques offers a reduction in the
other disorders like liver disease, pulmonary
diastolic and systolic blood pressures during the
diseases, malabsorption, thyrotoxicosis,
mental stress [8].Several clinical trials investigated alcoholism and non-co-operative patients were
the efficacy of non-pharmacological interventions excluded from the study.
and lifestyle modifications to reduce blood
pressure [9]. Yoga has received a considerable Study protocol:
amount of study to date demonstrating significant
The subjects were asked to perform Yoga,
cardio-respiratory benefits [10-14]. The aim is to
which includes pranayama for 30 min and Yogic
investigate the effectiveness of yoga on the blood
Asana’s for another 30 min every day. The study
pressure in hypertensive patients.
Narayana Medical Journal Volume-5 | Issue-1 | January-June 2016
was conducted with 100 subjects for a period of Anuloma Viloma (Alternate nostril
3 months. The Blood Pressure of the patients was breathing): sit in sukhasana. Close the right nostril
recorded in their first visit. They are asked to with the thumb, exhales through left nostril again
practice ardha matsyendrasana (2min), ardha inhale through left nostril. Close the left nostril
pavanmuktasana (2min), bidalasana (2min) and with the ring finger, retain the breath then exhale
uttaanpadasana (2min), Anuloma viloma (2min) through right nostril. Again inhales through right
followed by savasana (5min) every day for 30 nostril retain the breath then exhale through left
min. nostril. This is one round. Repeat for 10 rounds.
Narayana Medical Journal Volume-5 | Issue-1 | January-June 2016
± 9.6mmHg and mean diastolic blood pressure is group. Whereas, in control group, the mean
100.2 ± 8.2mmHg and the mean BMI was observed value of systolic blood pressure is 127.5 ±
as 27.1 ± 2.3 kg/m2. (Table1) 5.9mmHg and diastolic blood pressure is 84.4
After 3 months of yoga, the mean value of ± 4.1mmHg were observed after 3 months.
systolic blood pressure is 122.3 ± 4.3mmHg and (Figure 1)
diastolic blood pressure is 81.7 ± 4.5mmHg in yoga
Table 1. Blood pressure levels at each visit in control and yoga groups.
There was significant difference observed in SBP and DBP levels between first and last visit in
yoga and control group. But, DBP shows complete normal in yoga group than compare with control
group.(Table 2)
Narayana Medical Journal Volume-5 | Issue-1 | January-June 2016
Table 2. Statistical analysis of blood pressure levels at first and last visit in control and yoga groups
Figure 1. Blood pressure levels at first visit and 12th week in control and yoga groups
Discussion: called as ‘silent killer’ because it doesn’t show
any symptoms and signs in earlier stage. When
Hypertension leads to heart attack, stroke, and
the blood pressure is high the feedback system
other cardiovascular events. Which is the
cannot maintain homeostasis because the heart is
condition, the pressure of the blood vessel walls
sending signals to the brain that it needs more
is high. It increases the work load of the heart
oxygen, there for the heart beats faster and harder
and it leads to hardening of the arteries, rupture
to get the extra oxygen needed possibly causing
of the vessel walls, and ailments of heart. Stress
higher blood pressure and this unable the heart’s
is a major reason for hypertension and modern
day life, sedentary life, poor diet, can also induce
HTN individually. Hypertension is commonly
Narayana Medical Journal Volume-5 | Issue-1 | January-June 2016
Narayana Medical Journal Volume-5 | Issue-1 | January-June 2016
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