Tendernotice 1-52

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1't Floor, Room no.-l lsAlipurduar Court,
PO- Alipurduar court, Dist. Alipurduar, Pin- 736122
(Ph. No, 03564-255308, Email ld: - podwoapd2014@hgmail.com)


{vrrNo- w88€wDlsSlPa-APfi/2023-2ti Dated.14.A6.2$24

For and on behalf of the Project Officer cum District Welfare Officer, Backward Classes Welfare& Tribal Development,
Alipurduar invites sealed percentage rate tenders for each of the following works in two cover system. Pre-
qualification documents in a separate cover and Bid document with schedule rate in another cover are to be submitted
by the qualified contactors who satisfy the terms and conditions set out in pre- qualification document.
Amount Pricefor
sl Put to Time each set of
Name of the Work CallNo. Money Fund
No. Tender Allowed Tender
( in Rs)
(in Rs.) Document
Repair and Maintanence of
Santalpur Mission Hostel at
7 Kadampur, Samuktala GP 1't call 241865 4837 30 Days NIL

Construction of Community toilet

at Ananda Asram at Taleswarguri,
2 Tatpara- I GP 1tt call 410373 B2OB 30 Days NIL

lnstallation of Rig Bore Tube Well

125 mmx80 mm by using ODEX-
125 Rig Machine near Sri Sukumar
Barman house s/o Chanbhala
3 1" call 297957 5959 30 Days NIL
Barman at Paschim Khairbari
masterpara under Madarihat-
Birpara Block

Installation of Rig Bore Tube Well

L25 mmx80 mm by using ODEX-
125 Rig Machine near Nitai RAY
s/o Boom Ray at Paschim Khairbari
masterpara under Madarihat-
4 1tt call 293092 5862 30 Days NIL
Birpara Block

lnstallation of Rig Bore Tube well

5 with Submersible pump near the 1tt call
379497 7590
30 Days NIL
huse of Karan ThaPa Part No:80
under Chuapara GP
lnstallation of Rig Bore Tube well
with Submersible pump at Uttar 30 Days NIL
6 1" call 43161 1 8632 PM AJAY-
Mendabari Village Uttar Mendabari

Construction of CommunitY toilet

near the land of Gajendra Dhoni
Bhakti Kuthir Dakshin Nararthali NIL
7 1" call 495799 991 6 30 Days
mouza part no 10/158 in
Kamakhyaguri No I GP within
Kumargram Development Block
Construction of Community toilet
near Madhya Kamakhyaguri Yuva
Sangha Play Ground at MadhYa 30 Days NIL
8 1't call 495799 991 6
Kamakhyagurimouza in
Kamakhyaguri No ll GP within
Kumargram Development Block

Construction of CommunitY toilet

at Marakhata Jetmal High School
Premisses in Khoardanga No IGP 1't call 495799 991 6 30 Days NIL
within Kumargram DeveloPment

lnstalation of Rigbore Tube well at

Madhya NararthaliGram
1" call 347644 6953 60 days NIL
10 Than(NearSSK) in Khoardanga No
ll GP within Kumargram PanchYat
Construction of Bituminious Road
from PMGSY Road towards Milan
1" call 777452 5550 30 Days NIL
L1 SSK and high bridge, Deogaon GP 1

under Falakata Block within

AliPurduar District
Construction of Bituminous Road
from H/o Taleb MiYa towards N. 344653 6894 30 Days NIL
t2 1tt call
Sarkar at part 73/L28, Mairadanga
GP under Falakat Block

lntending bidders may download tender documents fromState government

portalshttps://wtrtenders.eov.infrom. t 8' O0 Hours-on 1 -2A24 b 1.8"4*Hours. 25-A6-2 .The

through e-portal before
pre-qualification and bid documents duly filled in all respect should be submitted on-line
lg.00Hours (as per server clock) on 25-06-2024. Backward classes welfare office&Tribal Development,
of lnternet connection or traffic
Alipurduar does not take any responsibility for the delay caused due to non-availability
cum District welfare
jam etc. for on-line bids. The pre-qualification documents will be opened by the Project officer
officer L&"&* \tr* on 2*10612O24 in Backward classes welfare&Tribal Developmentoffice ,
Alipurduar in

presence of available bidders present'

The financial bid document of the technically qualified bidders will be opened
at (Dote & Time will be communicdted later
on)for evaluation and selection of qualified bidders and the other bid documents
will not be opened. lf the dates are
given in website and office notice board. No individual
changed due to un-avoidable circumstances intimation will be
intimation will be issued in this connection.

for Bidd
of Similar Nature of work of at
t. The intending bidders should have successfully completed at least one contract
least 40% value of the proposed contract within last 5 years from the date
of publication of the notice' such
work executed should be in the Government sector, Zilla Parishad, Panchayat samiti,
Public sector

undertaking. The completion certificate and payment certificate issued

by competent authority will be
issued by competent authority not
considered as credential in this respect.Dully signed credential/Payment
below the rank of Block Development Officer'
2. The Bidders should submitlncome Tax Return/acknowledgment receipt
of last three Financial year, Pan
Card, GSTIN, professional ClearanceCertificatemust be uploaded in appropriate folder. During scrutiny
is incorrect the technical bid/tender
Technical Bid/Tender document if it is found that any information
The Tender committee of Backward classes
documents will be rejected without assigning any reason thereof.
of the contractors on the basis of
welfareoffice , Alipurduar will have sole disiretion to decide the eligibility
his submitted documents and reserves the right to rejectthe Bidder
without assigning any reason thereof and
respect. All papers will be verified
the decision of theBackward Classes Welfare Authority will be final in this
with original papers as and when required'
job card holders as unskilled
3. The contractor shall have to ensure for the engagement onty MGNREGA
of unskilled workers will be under terms and conditions as per schedule rate of
workers. Engagement
work. Norms of MGNREGA are not applicable in execution of scheme.

4. Date and Time Schedule

tWnAlZ*XrA Ti^tn* L*.**Hawxs
1. Frr+a nf Dr rhliretinn
Period and Time for downloadof Bidding Documents'
FromLfil*el%*Ze Tim* L8-*6 Haars
To25tO6l 2*24 TIm'* l&"$**lawtx
Last Date &Time of Submission of Bid.
From X6l {36/2024 Ti.t*e L8"6& Haars
To 251C,61 2*24 'titzze Lf&.$*Wawts
4. n-+o P, Timo nf oncnins of Technical Bid
Date & Time will be communicated later on.
1 Date of Publication of Technically Qualified Bidders'
n.+^ p, Tima nf onening of Financial Bid Date & Time will be communicated later on.
proj".t Officer cum District Welfare Officer,
7. Place of Opening of Bids.

:,J \r^li.li+r 120 Days.

p.i"ct Officer cum District Welfare Officer,
9. Officer inviting Bids

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iaiaenti'mode, aoo,iiiiirii'[ii.iitii;iida';iy.q71y;"iiryjy;!#!1!11:!:::,:::::'o'"1:,i!"
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;;; srii;w & the o.p.tioi ol RrGS/NEFI throush.B.an* As qudtilicailon
*irii," pry^"i, got"ioy of ictgt.?rrr by !l: e-pr:.cur?me:nt.portal throush web seruices. A/c mointiined
documents, the EMD paid by.the.bidder wil get u1dlted to the i"tpriiiu"
o*iuni pooting

The indenting bidders sr,ouiJ tnow ttre rait 'ir,at

it''e r"ui"r in the goQs are inclusive all duties, taxes, royalties'
6. at
cess,Deduction of lncome tax,GST, construction
workers' welfare cess, P'Tax etc' Deductions will be made
from the running billsin accordance with the existing rules/orders. No separate claim in any
circumstances will be allowed'
7. ln this tender no arbitration will be allowed'
g. rN oRTGTNAL to this office as and when asked for'
Ail the rerated documents are to be produced
g, No Mobilization/Secured advance will be allowed' per norms
agency as per availability of fund and as
10. Running payment for work will be made to the
11. The bidders at their own responsibility and risk is encouraged to visit and examine the site of works and its
surrounding and obtain all information that may be necessary for preparation of the bid and entering into
contract for the work mentioned in the Notice. The Cost of visiting the site shall be at bidder own expense.
12. Backward Classes Welfare authority reserves the right to reject any or tender without assigning any reason
Documents to be enclosed along with the Tender :
i. Work order of the Submitted Credential
ii. Credentialdetails in Form I (Annexed).
iii. Credential lssued by competent authority of similar nature of work
iv. lncome Tax Return/acknowledgment receipt of last three financial year.
v. Pan Card.
vi. Trade license (uptodate).
vii. Upto Date ProfessionalTax Clearance Certificates.
viii. Provident Fund, ESI Certificate (Uptodate with last three month Challan)
ix. Valid 15 digit Goods & Services Taxpayer identification Number (GSTIN) under GST Act. 2017 with last month
return challan
x. Payment Certificate/credential certifate of the work which the tenderer intended to furnish as support of
proof of experience/ Certificate from the employer under whom the work has been executed.
xi. ln case of Partnership Firm / Registered Company, the intending Tenderers are requested to submit the copy
of the DEED of Partnership / relevant document in support of proof of so.
xii. Self declaration of the bidder of all machineries, tools, plants and other work related machineries
xiii. Agency have to submit Affidavit as enclosed format mentioning work name and NIT no & Sl No clearly.
Terms and Conditions..-
1. All the lntending Tenderers are requested to visit the sites of works prior to the submission of Tender at their
own effort and interest.
2. This Notice lnviting Tender will be treated as part of the Tender Document.
3. ln case of any day" meant for this tender, appears to be an unscheduled holiday, the next working day will be
treated as scheduled / prescribed day for the same purpose
4. No material, Tools & Plants etc. will be issued by Backward Classes Welfare Authority.
5. No preconditioned tender will be accepted.
6. All the rates of works are inclusive of all taxes, cess, levy, octroi, royalties, transportation, etc including all
other incidental charges therein.
7. The Successful Tenderer, herein after called the Contractor, will have to execute an agreement on a Non
Judicial Stamp worth Rs. 100/- only.
8. Time & Cost over-run will not be permitted. ln case of any work not being completed by the contractor within
the stipulated time-frame, necessary Penal Measure, in the tune of deduction of an amount, as decided by
theProject Of1lcer cum District Welfare Officer, Backward Classes Welfare&Tribal Development. Alipurduarwill be
9. Necessary deduction towards, lncome Tax and Welfare Cess,GSTlN etc. will be made as per GoW. norms, and
Security Deposit @ 8% of the value of work will be deducted from each progressive Bill. The Earnest Money
will form the Security Deposit. The Earnest Money deposited by the unsuccessful bidders will be returned in
due course.
L0. Additional Performance security should be submitted @ LO % of amount put to tender by the successful bidder
if the accepted bid is 80 % or less of the tendered amount. The Additional Performance Security shall be
submitted by in form of Bank Guarantee. This will be valid upto end of the contact period and will be renewed
accordingly if required.
11. Sub-allotment of work under any circumstances will not be permitted.
12. Running payment for work will be made to the agency as per availability of fund and as per norms.
13. The successful contractor shall have to submit 3 (three) copies of application in the prescribed form for license
(Form No Vl) duly filled and signed by the contractor along with the tender. The license fee in terms of Rule -
26(2) and the Security Deposit of Labour in terms of Rule - 24 of West Bengal Contract & Labour (Regulation &
Abolition) Acl,1-9T2shouldbeseparatelydepositedtotheLocalTreasuryundertheHeadof Account-:843
Civil Deposit - Deposit under various central and State Acts deposit under the contract Labour (Regulation and
Abolition) Act, 1970.
1,4. Price Escalation claimed by the Agency will not be entertained by the Authority.

15. DEFECT LlABltlTY PERlOD;-The Security Deposit Money for Successful Bidders will be released after one year
of completion of works for Road & Bridge Project & 6(Six) month for Building Projects & Repair Works.
16. Any Typographical mistake in case of unit, Rate, Quantity, Amount, any type of nomenclature in items of
works/items itself including description etc. whatsoever as stated in BOQ That can't be claimed during
agreement or so. I that case sanctioned estimate will be binding criteria.
17. ln case Road Construction/Repairing Works/Building Works/Culvert & Bridge Works/Drainage scheme etc
,The machineries like VibratoryRoller/Static Roller(8_lO T)/Rotovator/Spot Mix Plant/Tar Boiler /Mixer
Machine/Vibrator etc if required must be provided by the Executive Agency.

Backward Classes Welfare&T ribal Development

Mema tuo -GJ{tt zt/Po cuM Duz/BCWA ffisre{i:_q/olfg"+
Copy Farwarddd far informotion ta:
1,. The Additional District Magistrate (Dev), Alipurduar.
2. The DlO, NlC, Alipurduar with a request to publish the NIT in the Website.
3. The Assistant Engineer, BCW&TD, Alipurduar (All)
4. The Sub Assistant Engineer, BCW&TD, Alipurduar.
5. CA to District Magistrate , Alipurduar. l
6. office File. (l
7 ' orrice Notice Board'
Project Officer cum Oistrict Welfare Officer
Backward Classes Welfare & Tribal Development




7 Name of the work

2 Name of the client

J Amount put to tender

4 Awarded cost

5 Date of commencement of work

6 Date of completion as per work order

7 Actual date of completion

B Final gross value of the bill

Np!e: In case of completion of multiple natures of works in a single tender, then the oalue of work as

specified in the NIT shall only be taken for the eligibility of the bidder.

I hereby declare that all the statements made above are true to my knowledge. I also understand that

any discrepancy found in the above statement will render me liable for cancellation of my tender.

(Signature of the Bidder)


1. Completion Certificate for fully (100%) completed works will only be considered.
Form ll
1,Sri................ ....,5/oSri...........................aged.........years, Residing
of..................,do hereby solemnly affirm and declare in connection
with work name............
under NIT NO
Sl No is as follows :

1' That l' the undersigned do certify that all the information furnished & statements made in the
bid documents are
true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
2' That the undersigned also hereby verifies that neither
any near relations of po DWo, BCW&TDIAE/sAE of the
department nor any retired gazetted officers are in our emproyment.
3' The undersigned would authorize and request any
bank, person, firm or corporation to furnish pertinent
information as deemed necessary and or as requested
by the department to verify this statement.
4' The undersigned understands and agrees that the bid
shall remain open for Acceptance 90 days from the date of
opening of financial bid.

5' The undersigned agrees to invest 30% of the contract price of works by cash during the implementation
of the

6' Theundersignedagreestoauthorizetheauthoritytoseekreferencesfromthebankersoftheundersigned.
7' lf the contract is awarded to us, we will deploy
at site all necessary T&p and equipments immediately on receipt
the work order' we would commence the work only on
deployment of machineries at site to the full satisfaction of
the Engineer-in-Charge' we would be duty bound to use those
equipments at site to achieve the best result as per
requirement of the contract' we would upkeep and maintain
those equipments in running condition till completion
of the Project' Any breakdown of any equipment will
be replaced immediately. No part of equipment will be shifted
to another site without the written permission of the E.l.C.
8' we would establish a site laboratory with minimum testing equipments/
apparatus to conduct the various tests on
soil' aggregates and cement, concrete to maintain the quality
at site. we will upkeep the laboratory set-up in good
condition of the project.
9' we would deploy at site all necessary technical personnel for
efficient contract management and supervision of
works with a view to achieving best quality of works
at site.
10' we would carry out all necessary tests of all major items
at frequency spelled out in the contract document to
achieve the best quality work at site. we will be contract
bound to bring to the notice of the Elc any non-
compliance of test results along with the action taken report.

11' Any departure whatsoever in any form will be considered as

breach of contract. In such situation the department
at his liberty may with hold our payment till we rectifythe defects
orfulfil our contractual obligation. ln this
connection, Departmental decision will be final and binding.
12' The undersigned also certifies that neither we have abandoned any
work awarded to us, nor any penal action was
taken against us by any department. The undersigned also declares
that we do not have any running litigation
with any department.
Signature Not Verified
Digitally signed
(Signature of the by SONAM
Bidder with DOMA
Date: 2024.06.15 00:29:24 IST
Location: West Bengal-WB

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