Tendernotice 1-52
Tendernotice 1-52
Tendernotice 1-52
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1't Floor, Room no.-l lsAlipurduar Court,
PO- Alipurduar court, Dist. Alipurduar, Pin- 736122
(Ph. No, 03564-255308, Email ld: - podwoapd2014@hgmail.com)
For and on behalf of the Project Officer cum District Welfare Officer, Backward Classes Welfare& Tribal Development,
Alipurduar invites sealed percentage rate tenders for each of the following works in two cover system. Pre-
qualification documents in a separate cover and Bid document with schedule rate in another cover are to be submitted
by the qualified contactors who satisfy the terms and conditions set out in pre- qualification document.
Amount Pricefor
sl Put to Time each set of
Name of the Work CallNo. Money Fund
No. Tender Allowed Tender
( in Rs)
(in Rs.) Document
Repair and Maintanence of
Santalpur Mission Hostel at
7 Kadampur, Samuktala GP 1't call 241865 4837 30 Days NIL
for Bidd
of Similar Nature of work of at
t. The intending bidders should have successfully completed at least one contract
least 40% value of the proposed contract within last 5 years from the date
of publication of the notice' such
work executed should be in the Government sector, Zilla Parishad, Panchayat samiti,
Public sector
15. DEFECT LlABltlTY PERlOD;-The Security Deposit Money for Successful Bidders will be released after one year
of completion of works for Road & Bridge Project & 6(Six) month for Building Projects & Repair Works.
16. Any Typographical mistake in case of unit, Rate, Quantity, Amount, any type of nomenclature in items of
works/items itself including description etc. whatsoever as stated in BOQ That can't be claimed during
agreement or so. I that case sanctioned estimate will be binding criteria.
17. ln case Road Construction/Repairing Works/Building Works/Culvert & Bridge Works/Drainage scheme etc
,The machineries like VibratoryRoller/Static Roller(8_lO T)/Rotovator/Spot Mix Plant/Tar Boiler /Mixer
Machine/Vibrator etc if required must be provided by the Executive Agency.
Mema tuo -GJ{tt zt/Po cuM Duz/BCWA ffisre{i:_q/olfg"+
Copy Farwarddd far informotion ta:
1,. The Additional District Magistrate (Dev), Alipurduar.
2. The DlO, NlC, Alipurduar with a request to publish the NIT in the Website.
3. The Assistant Engineer, BCW&TD, Alipurduar (All)
4. The Sub Assistant Engineer, BCW&TD, Alipurduar.
5. CA to District Magistrate , Alipurduar. l
6. office File. (l
7 ' orrice Notice Board'
Project Officer cum Oistrict Welfare Officer
Backward Classes Welfare & Tribal Development
4 Awarded cost
Np!e: In case of completion of multiple natures of works in a single tender, then the oalue of work as
specified in the NIT shall only be taken for the eligibility of the bidder.
I hereby declare that all the statements made above are true to my knowledge. I also understand that
any discrepancy found in the above statement will render me liable for cancellation of my tender.
1. Completion Certificate for fully (100%) completed works will only be considered.
Form ll
1,Sri................ ....,5/oSri...........................aged.........years, Residing
of..................,do hereby solemnly affirm and declare in connection
with work name............
under NIT NO
Sl No is as follows :
1' That l' the undersigned do certify that all the information furnished & statements made in the
bid documents are
true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
2' That the undersigned also hereby verifies that neither
any near relations of po DWo, BCW&TDIAE/sAE of the
department nor any retired gazetted officers are in our emproyment.
3' The undersigned would authorize and request any
bank, person, firm or corporation to furnish pertinent
information as deemed necessary and or as requested
by the department to verify this statement.
4' The undersigned understands and agrees that the bid
shall remain open for Acceptance 90 days from the date of
opening of financial bid.
5' The undersigned agrees to invest 30% of the contract price of works by cash during the implementation
of the
6' Theundersignedagreestoauthorizetheauthoritytoseekreferencesfromthebankersoftheundersigned.
7' lf the contract is awarded to us, we will deploy
at site all necessary T&p and equipments immediately on receipt
the work order' we would commence the work only on
deployment of machineries at site to the full satisfaction of
the Engineer-in-Charge' we would be duty bound to use those
equipments at site to achieve the best result as per
requirement of the contract' we would upkeep and maintain
those equipments in running condition till completion
of the Project' Any breakdown of any equipment will
be replaced immediately. No part of equipment will be shifted
to another site without the written permission of the E.l.C.
8' we would establish a site laboratory with minimum testing equipments/
apparatus to conduct the various tests on
soil' aggregates and cement, concrete to maintain the quality
at site. we will upkeep the laboratory set-up in good
condition of the project.
9' we would deploy at site all necessary technical personnel for
efficient contract management and supervision of
works with a view to achieving best quality of works
at site.
10' we would carry out all necessary tests of all major items
at frequency spelled out in the contract document to
achieve the best quality work at site. we will be contract
bound to bring to the notice of the Elc any non-
compliance of test results along with the action taken report.