Subject Name: Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry-II Time: 02:30pm to 05:30pm Total Marks: 80 Instructions: 1. Attempt any five questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) Give method for isolation and estimation of caffein. 06
(b) Write biological source, family, chemical constituents, uses and marketed 05 formulation of Liquorice. (c) Draw a neat and well labelled diagram of TS of Fennel. 05 Q.2 (a) Write the utilization of radioactive isotopes in the investigation of 06 Biogeneticstudies (b) Write biological source, family, chemical constituents, uses and marketed 05 formulation of Rauwolfia. (c) Describe a suitable method for production and estimation of Taxol. 05 Q.3 (a) Write biological source, isolation and estimation of method of Podophyllotoxin. 06 (b) Write down isolation, identification and analysis of Menthol. 05 (c) Give the source, isolation and identification method of Glycyrrhetinic acid. 05 Q.4 (a) Define extraction. Enlist different modern methods of extraction. Explain any 06 one method in detail. (b) Write application of modern chromatographic techniques in isolation and 05 identification of phytoconstituents. (c) Describe a suitable method for production and estimation of Diosgenin. 05 Q.5 (a) Write a note on production and estimation of Sennosides. 06 (b) Write biological source, family, chemical constituents, uses and marketed 05 formulation of Gentian. (c) Draw a neat and well labelled diagram of TS of Clove. 05 Q. 6 (a) Give the source, isolation and identification method of Atropine. 06 (b) Differentiate between two varieties of Catechu. 05 (c) Write biological source, family, chemical constituents, uses and marketed 05 formulation of Ginger. Q.7 (a) Write in detail about shikimic acid pathway. 06 (b) Write in detail about acetate mevalonate pathway. 05 (c) Explain the biosynthetic pathways used for the biosynthesis of lipids in plant. 05