Q.2 (a) Define Adulteration. Write any five methods of adulteration with example. 06
(b) Enlist methods of Evaluation of crude drugs. Explain Ash value & Extractive 05
value for assessment of crude drugs.
(c) Explain Stomatal number and Stomatal index in detail. 05
Q.3 (a) Enlist factors affecting Cultivation of medicinal plants. Write note on types of 06
Pest and methods of Pest control.
(b) Write importance of Plant Growth regulators/ Plant Hormones. 05
(c) Write application of Mutation and Hybridization. 05
Q.4 (a) Define Plant Tissue Culture. Explain different types of Culture in Plant tissue 06
(b) Write composition of Nutritional media in Plant tissue culture. 05
(c) Write note on Edible vaccine. 05
Q.7 (a) Write different sources, properties, chemistry and application of Starch. 06
(b) Write biological source, family, chemical composition and use of Acacia and 05
Guar gum.
(c) Differentiate followings: 05
(i) Volatile Oil & Fixed Oil
(ii) Organized Drugs & Unorganized Drugs
Q.2 (a) Explain Polyploidy and its role in cultivation of medicinal plants. 06
(b) Define adulteration. Describe various types of adulteration for crude drugs. 05
(c) Define & classify Glycosides in detail with suitable examples. 05
Q.3 (a) Write a note on nutritional requirements for Plant tissue culture. 06
(b) Define Plant tissue culture. Write a note on Cell Suspension culture. 05
(c) Enlist various extrinsic factors affecting to the cultivation of medicinal plants. 05
Explain any two in detail.
Q.4 (a) Give following chemical tests: (i) Goldbeater’s skin test 06
(ii) Modified Borntrager’s test
(iii) Keller Kiliani test
(b) Define Alkaloids. Give physical & chemical properties of Alkaloids. 05
(c) Write a note on Ayurvedic system of Medicine in detail. 05
Q. 6 (a) Write biological source, family, chemical constituents & uses of Bees wax & 06
Chaulmoogra oil.
(b) Write the biological source, family, method of preparation and uses of Honey. 05
(c) Differentiate followings: (i) Fixed Oils & Volatile Oils 05
(ii) Organized crude drugs & Unorganized crude drugs
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