Subject Name: Pharmacognosy Time: 10:30 AM TO 01:30 PM Total Marks: 80 Instructions: 1. Attempt any five questions. 2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary. 3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.
Q.1 (a) Define Pharmacognosy. Write a brief note on scope of Pharmacognosy. 06
(b) Describe in detail Pharmacological classification of crude drugs. 05 (c) Define Crude drugs. Differentiate between Organised drugs and Unorganised 05 drugs. Q.2 (a) Give pharmacognostical account on Senna leaf. 06 (b) Define Carminatives. Write a note on general characters of Umbelliferous 05 fruits. (c) Draw and describe morphology and microscopy of Ginger rhizome. 05 Q.3 (a) Give B.S., family, chemical constituents and uses of following drugs. 06 i) Gymnema ii) Vinca iii) Tulsi iv) Myrrh v) Rauwolfia vi) Amla (b) Define Evaluation. Write a short note on physical evaluation of crude drugs. 05 (c) Describe in detail Adulterants of Clove bud. 05 Q.4 Give the differences between: (a) Ceylon cinnamon bark and Chinese cinnamon bark 06 (b) Volatile oils and Fixed oils 05 (c) Pale Catechu and Black Catechu 05 Q.5 (a) Define Antidysenterics. Give the pharmacognostical account of drug used as 06 antidysenteric. (b) Give B.S., family, chemical constituents and uses of following drugs. 05 i) Garlic ii) Liquorice iii) Picrorrhiza iv) Shatavari v) Pyrethrum (c) Write source, family, chemical constituents, identification tests and uses of 05 Honey and Gelatin. Q. 6 (a) Define Glycosides. Describe Sill’s classification of glycosides. 06 (b) What are surgical dressings? Write a short note on Absorbent cotton. 05 (c) Give specific identification test of following drugs. 05 i) Asafoetida ii) Digitalis iii) Datura iv) Linseed v) Nuxvomica Q.7 (a) Explain in brief cultivation, collection and preparation of Opium. 06 (b) Enlist methods of Adulteration of crude drugs. Explain any four methods 05 giving suitable examples. (c) Write a note on Antirheumatic drugs from natural sources. 05